A Complete List of Trump’s Attempts to Play Down Coronavirus

Mar 15, 2020 · 520 comments
ChristineMcM (Massachusetts)
"The Trump administration could have begun to use a functioning test from the World Health Organization, but didn’t. It could have removed regulations that prevented private hospitals and labs from quickly developing their own tests, but didn’t." Trump's failure to ramp up testing is the prime reason this virus has gotten a huge leg up on this country. I knew everything that David lists here, but it's horrifying to reread it all strung together, Trump gave himself away when he expressed dismay over having the cruise ship with infected passengers off California dock on American shores. "I don't want my numbers to go up because of that ship," he selfishly proclaimed to the shock of any sentient person who instantly realized: "I could have been on that ship." Trump cared more about keeping cases low because of how it "looked" for him, rather than people's health. How crass.
Jim Brokaw (California)
@ChristineMcM -- elsewhere we have Trump supporters commenting that "the number stayed the same". Perhaps that is the reason for the 'difficulty' the US has had getting widespread testing rolled out. We have not a clue even just how big a problem we actually have - we haven't tested enough people to know the distribution, the geographic reach, the rate of spread... we have NO data. In the absence of data, we have clueless policy decisions, and confused people reacting in greedy, hasty, foolish or ineffective ways, as shown by the gyrations of the stock market, the empty shelves in stores, and the price-gouging for sanitizers and disinfectants. We need, as soon as possible, widespread testing. Then we need to USE that data to make intelligent, informed, focused decisions to allocate resources where needed. We needed all that weeks ago, and it didn't happen. Why not is an interesting question, worthy of as many investigations as Benghazi, I hope.
Reva Cooper (Nyc)
@Jim Brokaw Worthy of a lot more investigation than Benghazi, which was settled a long time ago but which Republicans keep trying to use for political benefit.
Paul (NY and SF)
@ChristineMcM The U.S. had the incredible advantage of learning from the experience of other countries about this virus, and what worked and didn't work to fight it...and we squandered it. Because everything, to Trump, is all about Trump. No surprise there, but when 40+ percent of the population agree with everything he says and think he's doing a good job...that terrifies me as much as the virus.
Gino G (Palm Desert, CA)
Someday, we will cycle through this virus and I sincerely believe will have learned very valuable lessons about the importance of putting aside our differences and coming together as a society to reach a common goal. But I doubt that any day soon will we cycle through our uncontrollable urge to blame, divide, and refusal set aside our differences and instead work together in our political lives. This article proves my point. What has the author of this article accomplished by using this preciously valuable space just to blame and criticize ? So many of us are tired of this. We want to see our politicians, encouraged and supported by the media, to work for our common good, and to abandon, at least for a while, the temptation to point fingers and score political points. This article contributes nothing, absolutely nothing, towards that goal.
ZT (Brooklyn NY)
@Gino G The President of the United States is the highest voice of authority in the country; his statements and actions have a unique ability to keep the populace informed and influence their behavior. In the present crisis, the behavior of the populace, and their degree of understanding of the situation, is going to be the foremost deciding factor in determining how many people die. When the President's words, actions and policies have consistently misled the populace and made things WORSE, and can be expected to continue to do so, it is vitally important to publicize that information. The fact that Donald Trump is not a remotely responsible authority, the fact that his statements on essential matters of public health are willfully false, the fact that his actions have been self-serving and not taken in the genuine interests of the people: awareness of these facts is vital to the common good. Publicizing them is not petty political point-scoring; it's part of fighting the spread of the virus. This article struck me as not political in any way, in fact. Getting fewer people to listen to Donald Trump at this juncture is, simply, a public service. Lives are at stake.
Tateez (La Jolla, CA)
@Gino G Sorry, but we are dealing with such an unmitigated disaster of a president with hourly depictions of his insanity, incompetence and malevolence that he needs to be removed from office as soon as possible before he destroys the country completely. The TRUMP virus is only the beginning of the final destruction. If the man is not shoved aside immediately so that more skilled and intelligent people who have a better grasp of what needs to be done to prevent obliteration of all we hold dear and are able to do it, we will see the end of our country. Putin’s purpose in helping his election will pay off immensely.
Dan (Indiana)
@Gino G Without this author and other authors many people would not be aware of Trumps lies and misleading statements. Trump is the person who is dividing this country and has been doing so since he became president and even before.
Aaron of London (London UK)
This editorial will be the playbook for the presidential election. I want to see video collages of Trump’s lies chronicled in this piece with a trailing comment “Do you want to entrust the safety of you and your family for another 4 years? Are more tax cuts worth the risk?”
David Sanger (San Francisco Bay Area)
Deadly incompetence. The country will not forget.
After seeing pictures of the cramped conditions afforded the incoming air travelers from Europe as they waited for screening, I'm actually surprised he hasn't tweeted "Many people are saying that I draw the largest crowds!" Still watching you, Mitch & GOP. What will it take for you to finally off-ramp this clown?
Robert L. (RI)
meanwhile....it has been reported that the stable genius is seriously considering pardoning michael flynn... trumps got his priorities... so sad...
EmmaZunz (Indiana)
Check out how people commenting on Fox News articles are responding: a lot of people are being told by right-wing propagandists not to take the virus seriously, and will therefore spread it around. Misinformation this week will be deadly next week.
christina r garcia (miwaukee, Wis)
Here is Trump , in my humble opinion. He only cares about himself and his wealth and family. That is it. What got him to the presidency was promising low taxes and no more abortions. Also, white supremacy. It is that simple. He does not care about the country.
S Hunt (Austin)
Trumps responses are similar to those of an eminent philosopher of the 60’s “What, me worry.”
Dieter Pilger (US)
Hmmmmmmmmm, as an above the fold opinionater working for the leading anti-Trump media in the country why didn't you opine and enumerate, in December or January, a list of actions needed to stanch US spread the virus? It appears you've come face to face with the notion that hindsight often is 20/20, Mr. Leonhardt, and your partisan attack on the president is reprehensible. Ideas are dime a dozen. Execution is the true test. Perhaps you should convert your Opinion talent to production of concrete plans to aid the country in this time of need.
Liz (Tx)
The man who declarwd bankrupcy 2 months before running for president, promotednhimself as a rich super businesman and has demonstrated ZERO concern for anything other than himself Need I ay more?
genegnome (Port Townsend)
In late 2016 and early 2017, many here and elsewhere ended their comments with "This will not end well." Well ...
Vietnam Veteran (NYC)
When someone (the “president”) says “I am smarter than all the Generals” .... it is not surprising he says things similar concerning the Coronavirus that this country is ill prepared to address a major event like this. It was a short time ago that Trump said the virus “was a hoax “. A big thank you to Dr. Fauci for telling the truth to the American people versus the spin from Trump.
pat (Brooklyn)
I didn't vote for him.
N (Texas)
Four days ago, my mother-in-law, 79, with asthma, developed a cough productive of phlegm, fever, sore throat. She presented to the ER per her doctor's instructions and still did not qualify for a COVID19 test because she had no KNOWN exposures to anyone with the disease. Trump, with no symptoms gets a test. Absurd. This lack of preparedness WILL cost lives. Trump, it's on you.
Alan (Montreal)
Just one word: Unforgivable.
Jack Mahoney (Brunswick, Maine)
Will any of their acolytes see a parallel between Trump's denial of the severity of the Coronavirus outbreak and the entire GOP's denial of the severity of climate change? Oh, wait. Their news source will minimize the virus until the coroner turns off the TV.
Bob Parker (Easton, MD)
Trump revels in magical thinking as do all 5-6 yr olds. He claims that "we have this [COVID-19] well controlled" but w/o a functioning test and the results of broad screening, we have no way of knowing how many Americans have been exposed, are actively infected and are actively shedding the virus even if asymptomatic. In all of his insecurity, Trump knows he is over his head but is unable to admit this and do what is right for our country. To quote Burt Lancaster to Frederick March in Seven Days in May: "You're not a weak sister, Mr. President. You're a criminally weak sister."
ibivi (Toronto)
He is an absolute fabulist. Unable to summon appropriate words to deal with pandemic. Makes me wonder about his mental capacity to process what this means and the harm it is causing. He is incapable of summoning any leadership or empathy for Americans who are in fear and suffering.
Ambrose Bierce’s Ghost (Hades)
It’s time for 25th Amendment action. Or do we sit by and let Trump inflict death, illness and financial ruin on tens of millions of Americans? We won’t last until November.
Steve Acho (Austin)
He cares more about his image than protecting the American people, or doing what's right. He's the worst possible person to be in this job, at this time. He's at east belching out lie after lie in front of an adoring crowd, but looks like he's about to throw up when trying to read a prepared speech about a serious topic on camera. If all living people on earth could be measured by their emotional intelligence, he would be near the bottom.
Angelsea (MD)
For those of you who believes Trump's cries of politicization of this emergency, remember even in your dreams, viruses don't vote, they simply sicken and kill regardless of politics, race, religion, or wealth (though the wealthy can just move to a different mansion).
s.chubin (Geneva)
For some time it has been obvious that only major calamity exposing the idiocy in the White House in an undeniable way, could shake the 'base' from its fits of anger and self-delusion.That crisis has now come and the reaction to it, predictably, had made it into a disaster. Before it is over the US population will have been very seriously diminished.There are many reasons for this: structural, federal, monetary, a lack of social solidarity and community. But above all a lack of intelligent leadership by government and corresponding trust deficit. Trump will be remembered as simply the most incompetent president (among a list of Republican contenders) and historians will try and fathom what the American people were thinking when they elected him and what on earth they were doing in keeping him in office. Not a day goes by when his inane comments and acts do not inspire further contempt and bewilderment. Trump derangement syndrome started with the man himself.
Katalina (Austin, TX)
Who but a fool would say the things Trump does in public, w/o any shame or irony. He should have been a scientist, himself says to himself, the great stable genius in a recent talk with scientists when discussing the coronavirus. He's like WC Fields, or the Marx Bros. and he doesn't know it. His role is not to be the head scientist, nor the prophet, but simply to stand in front of all for the county and say he and his team are working hard to contain the virus. And do it. Mean it. Own it. He cannot accomplish that.
Charles Dodgson (In Absentia)
Donald Trump is a serial liar, and a serial fraud. But he is where he is because some 45% of this country still loves him. While Trump was claiming this pandemic was a hoax, this publication urged him to declare a national emergency, not quite thinking through the concept of handing this would-be dictator essentially unlimited power. And yet here we are. Referring to the Stafford Act, Trump said "I have the right to do a lot of things that people don't even know about." Coming on the heels of three years of his increasingly dictatorial behavior, this remark ought to terrify us. And so we do not need to imagine how Trump will abuse his powers under the Stafford Act. He has done so under other legislation twice, and had a toadying Supreme Court rubber stamp his acts. A president's Constitutional power to declare martial law exists, but it is far from well-defined. And this Supreme Court has bent over backwards to provide the expansive definitions of "executive powers" Trump seeks. The Roberts court granted him "emergency powers" for his Wall and the Muslim ban on a claim wholly devoid of any facts. Trump simply said he needed to take those actions and this Court took him at his word. Expect a replay from this Court when he cancels the election. They will rubber stamp any action he takes. But here we are. A dangerous, mentally disturbed fraud has the power to declare martial law. We all should be afraid, and of much more than this coronavirus.
Sgt Schulz (Oz)
Not so much a bully pulpit as a fouled nest. The ratio of untruths to truths doesn't have to get very high before all trust is lost.
s.chubin (Geneva)
For some time it has been obvious that only major calamity exposing the idiocy in the White House in an undeniable way, could shake the 'base' from its fits of anger and self-delusion.That crisis has now come and the reaction to it, predictably, had made it into a disaster. Before it is over the US population will have been very seriously diminished.There are many reasons for this: structural, federal, monetary, a lack of social solidarity and community. But above all a lack of intelligent leadership by government and corresponding trust deficit. Trump will be remembered as simply the most incompetent president (among a list of Republican contenders) and historians will try and fathom what the American people were thinking when they elected him and what on earth they were doing in keeping him in office. Not a day goes by when his inane comments and acts do not inspire further contempt and bewilderment. Trump derangement syndrome started with the man himself.
Ray (Western Massachusetts)
"false statements." "untruths." "falsely claimed." "made statements that were outright wrong." These are lies. Call them what they are. Dancing around truth obscures it. Throughout this national (and international) emergency, the president has consistently lied.
David A. Lynch, MD (Bellingham, WA)
A scathing article. Truth. He also dawdled for over a month, refusing to let Washington State use their own testing, which found the first case, test older samples from prior flu research to learn that the virus was already circulating! Politics aside, the management of this problem has been awful. Preening, lying and self congratulation will not work against this virus.
LT (Chicago)
Trump's lies about the pandemic, amplified by his shills on Fox News and talk radio, will cost American lives.  Thank you Mr. Leonhardt for documenting the scope of Trump's betrayal. A betrayal should never be forgiven or forgotten.  After 16,000+ previous lies and misleading statements, Trump's dishonesty is expected and in many ways normalized even in the responsible media: side bar analysis of the lies in his latest speech, fact checkers counting and categorizing them for history, late night hosts joking about them. Repeat daily.  This time it must be different. His lies are deadly as there are many who believe him.  No forgetting, no normalization. Accountability on November 3 for Trump and the party of sycophants that enable his lies.
Fishkill (Washington, DC)
Trump is our "duly" elected president and there is nothing to be done about him at this time when we need (especially) a competent leader in place of him. He gets to pardon whomever he wants. He gets off scot-free after being impeached because he frightens cowardly Republicans in the U.S. Senate. He is clearly ill mentally and physically. But the 25th Amendment empowers only his lackeys to decide whether to keep him or toss him out. Lackeys choose to keep him. If The American People survive Trump they can elect replacement officials who will sense what can go wrong and has gone wrong with Trump and make sure there are effective mechanisms in place for removal of the ill and incompetent long before a next scheduled election. A recall election perhaps? Mandatory deep dives into a candidate's behavior in advance of election? Let's see those tax returns. Let's see those corporate documents. Let's examine those lawsuits. Any criminal behavior that somehow escaped the notice of law enforcement? Does the candidate have leadership potential? Or does he or she just playact?
Watchman (Washington DC)
It would be appropriate that when this administration’s term is over there should be an extraordinary effort in congress to unearth all the crimes, incompetence and malfeasance. From enabling a catastrophe to corruption that infiltrated international relations. This investigation should extend to members of Congress and their aids.
SD (London)
Let me put this in a manner that is easily understood: - In Jan 2020 it was clear the virus was a threat. - The Chinese released the genome of the virus - Germany etc got to work and made test kits available. - The US also got to work. But since the CDC is the only agency that can do this they were handed the job. - The CDC bungled. Their tests were flawed. - The private sector and the universities were shut out due to laws in place. - Trump had no control of the above points. - Trump then stepped in and changed the law using executive orders since the CDC had failed. - Trump put together a world class team of public/private partners and got cracking. - He gor scientists and medical experts behind him. - Things are now on track. The future from here is unknown expect to perhaps somewith a working crystal ball. The UK were I am in has far less draconian measures than Italy or the US and they have their scientific reasons too. Hence blaming Trump for everything is: 1. Indecent and sickening in these times. 2. His job is also to soothe things while his team works behind the scene to solve big problems. Picking on his words and claiming he doesnt grasp the seriousness is stupid. 3. He said a vaccine/cure can be found in months. It can. It will mean redirecting billions into research which is what he is clearly trying to do. There are new approaches (mRNA, repurposing older vaccines etc, shortening test cycles etc) to make this happen.
Bicoastaleer on the Wabash (West Lafayette, IN)
Trump's sychophantic financial major domo, Mnuchin, wants Dodd-Frank erased so that the fat financial foxes can gorge themselves on the financial bones of the terrified/paranoid American public. Any politician standing up to the corrupt ideas of Trump's henchmen will be vilified as hurting the attempt to get America moving again.
JR80304 (California)
Donald Trump, perhaps still reeling from his recent impeachment and given his failing health, may have done all that he could. Being obsessed with own image doesn't allow him the energy to focus on real problems. People, give the crooked old narcissist a break. He just can't concentrate.
David Keller (Petaluma CA 94952)
Trump and his coterie of sycophants have hit a wall of not only credibility but also of the consequences of their collusion to prevent the public - our citizens, families, friends - from understanding the real and growing threat of CoVid-19. Their willingness to engage in deception that leads to death, disease and economic disaster seems to me to be involuntary manslaughter. Not out of place for a man who's made a life's work of lying, cons and hubris.
Teresa (Chicago)
Is Trump's new example of his persistent ineptitude, a sign of him failing to uphold the Constitution? And is there double jeopardy attached to Impeachment???
George (Atlanta)
How many rounds of golf has he played since this all began?
Jordan (Royal Oak)
Trump's presidency is one blooper reel. Only, none of it is funny.
Robert (Seattle)
It's criminal--this dishonesty, incompetence, ignorance and selfishness, in a president and administration. Good lord. Who needs a Fed rate decrease? Lives should always come before profits and politics. Who knows how many Americans will needlessly die directly because of their inaction?
Bridget (Copenhagen, Denmark)
I really cannot stress how serious this pandemic must be taken. Health care facilities will break down if too many get sick with symptoms so severe that they will need medical care. Tell everyone to self isolate for the next two weeks, tell them to wash their hands and sanitize (if there is anything left), stay home if you are sick, even though I do realize that most Americans usually go to work sick so that they won’t lose their jobs. And for heaven’s sake - listen to the CDC and the doctors. They actually know what they are talking about. Go to European news outlets if you really want to know what is going on. Your self professed genius of a president is not doing anybody any favors by not letting the population know the truth.
Tldr (Whoville)
Even if it were revealed that Trump directed the manufacture of this virus to destroy the Chinese (the only nationality he despises more than Mexicans), & inadvertently unleashed it in the USA, he'd not lose a single hardened follower. Why is this? These same people stood by Dubya year after long year, way beyond the irreparable implosion of his 'cakewalk' in Iraq. Yet all Bush & his obsessed devotees suffered for his folly was their living war-god being forgotten. The crimes of Trump, far less devastating & permanently destructive than Bush's, will likely be even less remarkable in retrospect. In the realm of Republican folly, everybody always gets pardoned, nobody is punished, & everyone forgets. But invented scandals about Democrats are repeated & etched in minds of hateful minions forever. We still hear about HRC's emails yet Dubya's 'loss' of 22 million emails never registered. Why is this? None of this, no matter how grave, criminal, irresponsible or deadly ever sticks to republicans & the vitriolic flock that backs them to the bitter end. Yet everything, no matter how inconsequential, innocuous or made-up, always sticks to Democrats. Why is this? The most virulent, destructive disease in the USA is the rabid disinformation & fabricated hate of the redstate propaganda machine, backed by whatever is so structurally fundamental to the American psyche that makes Redstatism so incurable & cloaked in such permanent impunity, regardless of the disasters & damage.
Randy (SF, NM)
I have never, ever heard one of Trump's supporters criticize anything he's said or done. They defend him the same way a doting mother protects a delinquent child. Even devout Catholics occasionally cast a side-eye at their infallible pope. The comments here from his defenders, who like the rest of us have been steeped in his lies and incompetence from the beginning, boggle the mind. I have lost all faith in the willingness of republican voters to do what's best for themselves, let alone the country.
Mixilplix (Alabama)
We would like to hope Trump gets the virus. He will not. Many will sadly die. He will gloat. The stars appear aligned. A con man will destroy the nation and world. Even Putin is now worried.
Scott Franklin (Arizona State University)
We saw this callous behavior before he was not really elected. Now he's impeached and people still listen to him? People still look to him for answers? On what basis? His knowledge? Of what? He's a failure at life and I don't pay any mind to failures. We will be fine...with proper leadership..."It's a hoax" he claimed...He who announced a national prayer day...surely the way to cure what ails us! Pray the virus away! That's it! He accepts no responsibility...he told us so. Just like his followers. The alternate universe they live in must be really exciting. I don't know what it's like to see my god.
George (Plano, TX)
Trump would rather climb a tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth. Knowing that helps me understand the depths to which he'll descend in order to spin his tales deceit.
operacoach (San Francisco)
Donald Trump has NEVER, in ANY WAY. whatsoever, been qualified to be President!
Henry Crawford (Silver Spring, Md)
Trump was unfit for office from day one. You had to be blind not to see it. But his "supporters" dug in preferring to believe in the fantasy world created by FOX and Limbaugh. It had to happen. At some point a national emergency would arise that could not be handled by propaganda. So here we are with Trump and his supporters with blood on their hands and a country made dramatically worse by the incompetence of Trump.
ronwagn (Decatur, IL)
Critics of Presicent Trump are self deluded on this subject. America has a tiny fraction of the infections that Europe has. That is primarily because he stopped all flights from China, then Europe, then Britain and Ireland. R. Wagner RN, MA retired.
mkc (florida)
Deus ex machina. Many, too many, will lose their jobs, their savings, their lives, but this is the beginning of the end of our American tragedy.
JL22 (Georgia)
Trump's first response was "It's a hoax" then it occurred to him that he could use the situation politically with "The Democrats and the media are perpetrating the hoax and causing the hysteria". But you know, there is only one true thing that man has ever uttered and it was "I could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes." Who is propping up this human demon we have as POTUS? His ability to get away with *anything* can't be as simple as the enjoyment of hatred and lack of critical thinking skills of his base, combined with the fear McConnell and Republicans have of losing elections. This success he has isn't just a game show or reality TV. There is something else going on. We just don't know what it is yet.
Nima (Toronto)
We’re going to have the best virus, the most beautiful virus. We’ll have such great a virus that you won’t believe it. Under Obama we were not winning with viruses. But I promise you I’ll do all I can to make America number one with viruses again.
Susan Fitzwater (Ambler, PA)
I am remembering the election of 2016. Betcha dollars to donuts a lot of other people do too. Gosh, what a year that was. (What a NIGHT that was, if it comes to that.) And I remember some reporter interviewing a Trump supporter during that election. Some unemployed guy out in the mid-west--and I know lots of people were suffering out there back then. They still are. "Okay, I know it," he said. "I know the guy is basically a narcissist. But I trust him to do the right thing. For now. Make things better. "And if he doesn't come throw-- "--why, in four years, we'll just throw him out." A narcissist? You voted for a narcissist? You entrusted your own fortunes and the fortunes of this country to a narcissist? You get what you paid for. I think our President (on some level) lives in his own Hall of Mirrors. No surprise here. We've all known it. We've seen this dreadful mindset amply evidenced over three some years. But boy, are we seeing it now! It really IS--all about Mr. Donald J. Trump. I know the cries, laments, objurgations of our fair land ARE (in some measure) getting through to Mr. Trump. Those distant troublesome sounds OUTSIDE his own Hall of Mirrors. The trouble is: they're so FAR outside. Only DIMLY do they penetrate-- --make it PAST those endlessly repeated images-- --of Mr. Donald J. Trump. And here we are.
Welcome Canada (Canada)
M. Bloomberg, with all his wealth, could flood the red states with adds that accuse the Grifter of being a full fledged Liar with facts to prove it. Make it a message that is personal to each and every one of trump’s lovers and voters. It may work. Since they love life, would not be hard to convine(high hopes!).
Rob C (Oregon)
“It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” We can only hope the same awaits for the President.
Bs (Seattle, WA)
This will be a handy outline for debate prep this fall. Or Bloomberg-financed TV spots.
steven (Fremont CA)
At 75 years of age , I remember President Truman and “The buck stops here.” and now trump , “I am not responsible.” trump has officially “drained the swamp” of ethics, integrity and honesty.
Kirk Land (WA)
Wow! so it took inaction by all of ONE man to bring us to our knees. Of course the Dems are absolutely above blame on this. Oh wait, I forgot, the nation (and the Dems) was so busy with the shampeachment proceedings through mid-Feb that we completely ignored the goings on in China.
Dawn (Virginia)
Great journalism, thank you NYT. You're trustworthy.
David W (Philadelphia)
What’s preventing our law enforcement system from arresting Trump like the mass murderer he is?
Grant (Boston)
Now in hiding or excuse me social distancing, David Leonhardt attempts to hurl more salvos of shame on President Trump. Accusing the President of washing his hands of the coronavirus contagion and minimizing the risk seems a more responsible tact than the current climate of losing the freedom of assembly and shutting down commerce. The President seemed to merely comply with dictates from some unknown source now succumbing the entire western world in this less than compelling but quickly compliant release from all work and responsibility. Blaming the President, the consistent refrain from the left, when this now draconian landscape is in their playbook seems a bit disingenuous. Perhaps Mr. Leonhardt embraces the army brigade on every corner erecting tents for triage as Biden suggests, perhaps even imposing martial law in this brave new world of a chaotic and contrived atmosphere of contagion. Please maintain your social distance David Leonhardt as you are just a carrier of leftist societal disease.
Kathleen (Honolulu)
And in conclusion, he and his co conspirators in this cover up should be shamed, jailed and tried for murder.
Sara (Oakland)
Trump gloated happily for fed rate @0.25%...but the DOW is crashing now because monetary policy doesn't stem the pandemic!
Disturbingly, there will be additional lies yet to come.
David St. Hubbins (Philly)
In time I wonder whether Trump's--and Xi's--fatal deceits won't constitute crimes against humanity.
Hawkins (Northern NJ)
This list should have started with the day in 2018 when he fired the pandemic czar calling it unnecessary.
Detachment Is Possible (NYC - SF)
After this is over while it had never reached nowhere the level of significance predicted of past events such as the Swine Flu people will start asking who caused all this extreme scaremongering and losses to their finances and there will be a price to pay.
SO as he has tried to play this Virus and its consequences down, he has tried to pay Germany to develop a vaccine in the US. What nonsense. And now the Germans overreact saying it is "a national security issue" which is even more despicable than Trump's behavior. Glad they slammed the door in his face, but disgusted that they think they should profit from this (like the Tennessee creep who wanted to gouge people on hand sanitizer). What we need is to do what we have done before Trump became President, we need to develop it ourselves and then share it.
Patrick alexander (Oregon)
I’d like to read some comments from members of Trump”s base. What do all of you think about your boy now? Are you able yet to admit that perhaps you made a mistake? Or, are you so much like him that you can’t admit a mistake? Sorry if this reads as a divisive post at a time when we should be banding together...but, I continue to hear/ read things from Trump supporters that are simply breathtaking . I never realized just how many people like this we have in this country.
Ia Rd Hog (The Heartland)
It's the end of the Trump presidency. Quit listening to him.
AA (Louisiana)
I hope his base can wake up and see what this president is about.
R. Stuart (NYC)
Is this piece necessary at this time? Is there an urgency to publish this “list” ? Could it not have waited till the crisis abated and we all could consider this without fear dominating our judgement? Surprising and disturbing.
kirk (kentucky)
Malcom Gladwell in his book "Outlires" puts forth a theory about mastering a skill and the time and diligence it requires. The time required is about 10,000 hours which can be achieved by practicing the skill 20 hours a week for 10 years.Our President appears to be the exception. He has been lying for much longer than 10,000 hours since he's been in office, and it's easy to think he may have been practicing not telling the truth much,much longer than that. And he hasn't mastered the skill.He's like someone who can't tell a joke but can't stop trying .He can't make people believe what he says,even if it happens to be the truth... unless it's "You're Fired!"
George (NYC)
Can we also get a list of the media hype?
Virginia (Cape Cod, MA)
Trump could not have ever taken action. He's been a fraudulent president from Day One, has no clue what he's doing, he's intellectually and physically lazy and relies heavily on lying, demagoguery, and threats and intimidation to maintain a false front of being in charge. He's not. Trump doesn't like things he can't manipulate and control, like germs, animals, viruses, and Nancy Pelosi.
not (represented)
Stormy Daniels? Never heard of that name...
Leonard Wood (Boston)
This is what happens when politics gets in the way of science. Next up ... climate change.
Dave Clemens (West Chester, PA)
This misbegotten caricature of a man is killing us. And I don't mean figuratively.
Intrepiddoc (Atlanta)
When does a case become provable beyond all attempts to bring more proofs? Is there any more information we need on this topic?
Sumac (The Great Northwest)
The 25th Amendment should be utilized. To start the process: A journalist should stand up to ask a question, then point a finger at the present president and loudly say, "Stop lying and start leading, and if not that, then resign." One of the sycophantic cadre surrounding the self-idolator-in-chief, when taking the microphone, should say, "The American people should know that what is going on in the White House is a national disgrace." And then a cabinet member should take to a microphone and openly declare, "The president does not understand or recognize what is happening and what is at stake. The 25th Amendment should be considered - immediately." Will none of these people make an effort to initiate the deployment of the rectifying remedy of the 25th Amendment? Steps need to be taken. Yes, there will be those who will say such acts of speaking out at this time will undermine...undermine what? Undermine the well-being of the nation? Disturb the American people at this time of crisis? Merely be counter-productive to advancing the means needs to address the problem? Really? The present president is at the heart of the problem. He has, is and will continue to only make it worse. He cares not for the American people. He has failed to appreciate the situation. He bullies the Fed in action that only leaves it with no further capacity to act. He has not foresight. He is incapable of empathy and compassion. The 25th Amendment needs to be used! Now!
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Dear GOP, Do you take responsibility, for Him ? NOVEMBER.
Ignatius J. Reilly (N.C.)
You forgot "It goes away by doing nothing."
I feel like I am writing the same comment I wrote last Tuesday, which was approved by the NYT. He needs to resign for the sake of the country. Mr. Leonhardt spells it out in chronological order which shows his denial and the dysfunction of his administration. i posted this on my refrigerator last month, a quote in my AARP Feb/Mar magazine by the musician David Crosby "You've got nothing more valuable than time. Time is the final currency. Not money, not power". Well, that spells out the wrongs of this president. He wasted time with this world crisis, because he wanted to protect HIS power and his money. The debate last night showed two men who understand the issues at hand, are life long politicians who would have handled this differently from the get go. Yes go is the operative word here, he needs to go now for the sake of the HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF ALL AMERICANS.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
You left out the best (worst) part, David Leonhardt. The Trump administration, with John Bolton leading the White House National Security Council, dismantled the White House team of pandemic response experts, firing its leadership and staff in spring 2018...and then Trump denied it at his pandemic response press conference. That lack of attention to preparedness explains why the Trump administration has completely botched its response to the coronavirus pandemic. “Well, I just think it’s a nasty question,” Trump replied when asked about cutting the pandemic staff in 2018. “And when you say me — I didn’t do it. We have a group of people I could–” “It’s your administration,” the reporter interjected. “I could ask perhaps,” Trump continued. “It’s my administration, but I could perhaps ask Tony about that, because I don’t know anything about it,” the president said, gesturing towards Dr. Fauci, who was not involved in disbanding the team, but had expressed regret that it was no longer there. “I mean, you say we did that. I don’t know anything about it,” Trump added. “You don’t know about the reorganization that happened at the National Security Council?” the reporter asked. “It’s the administration. Perhaps they did that,” Trump said about his own Administration. “You know, people let people go. You used to be with a different newspaper than you are now. You know, things like that happen.” Who needs public health when the rich can have another tax cut ? November 3 2020
Virginia (Cape Cod, MA)
No one should have ever been listening to this con man and fool, but anyone who still is is ...well, I was going to say a bigger fool than Trump, but that's always been the case since he got them to vote for a con man to be US President, and he said of them that HE knows they are such fools and so depraved that he could murder someone and not lose their support...so what are they for still listening to him and defending him? All that continues to come to my mind is that it's a cult, this cult of millions is being run out of the Oval Office in the White House in the United States. Who but a cult leader could say of his followers that they would stick with him even if he shot someone in broad daylight? Cult of stupidity.
MIMA (heartsny)
Donald Trump is a cruel man who lacks intelligence. What could be worse for a leader of a nation?
Colonel Belvedere (San Francisco)
Trump handicapped his bully pulpit a long time ago with his non-stop barrage of lies about EVERYTHING. He is incapable of being straight with the American people and now the chickens have come home to roost. It would be better for everyone if he was kept away from the lectern. Release him on the links where the only thing he can damage is the green.
Andy (seattle)
And yet even today - today! - the top thing on Trump's mind is evidently pardoning Micheal Flynn. He's completely incapable of taking this seriously.
T. Rivers (Seattle)
When all this disappears “like a miracle”, time for criminal proceedings against Hannity, Murdoch, and Fox News for disseminating lies during a period of National Emergency (two very big words I still have trouble pronouncing).
Itsmoi (The West)
The President has failed to protect us from this killer virus. He did not act fast enough and has downplayed the severity of the situation! We need a capable leader willing to act in our best interests. Hmm, this is going to cost him. Too little too late!!
RC Theologian (Australia)
The Australian stock exchange dumped around 7%, today. More movements may flush out the problem. What is losing today, $140 billion Au between friends! The Australian Government will allocate Defence $38.7 billion in 2019-20 according to the Australian Department of Defence and planned to spend an $175.8 billion to 2022-23 Largely on US kit. The stable genius is the emperor naked of business acumen. How does this incompetent cover his incorrigible ineptitude? The Australian media sans Murdoch reports local sheriffs dealing with local issues. Trump is wireless static when state governors speak. Trump has by default devolved trust state governors. In the future the President may avoid the mitre of supreme monarch. State Governors have collective common sense. Your Constitution is American resilience writ large when there is more demand for toilet paper than US bonds. Andy Griffiths is a beloved American sheriff. Trump cannot understand the quality of paper. To lose a casino is a mistake, to crash the value of an allies stocks and currency and to create demand for toilet paper is not what Sheriff would do. I don't count spending a penny when required.
Anthony Monaghan (Narrabeen)
For Americans, can there be more serious circumstance than a President who is careless of Americans' lives?
Steve Kennedy (Deer Park, Texas)
My brother-in-law told me about his teenage stepsons who would lie, knowing they'd get caught in an hour or so. But that was an hour without getting caught. Who would believe the POTUS is like that?
Lawrence (Colorado)
Thank you David Leonhardt for laying out the record and thank you Susan Beachy and Ian Prasad Philbrick for your contributions to this summary. Getting this timeline out there is really important. I also recommend a video on youtube that can be found by searching on: corona virus honest government ad flatten the curve
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
Hey, Trump did the best he knows how to do: He gave the job to Jared. Kushner has flunked all of the jobs his father-in-law has given him (Middle East peace, anyone?). Kushner managed to overpay for a white elephant (666 Fifth Avenue) visible from Trump Tower (725 Fifth Avenue) that nearly bankrupted his family business (you know, a tradition in the Trump family). So of course, Donnie "went to Jared." Unfortunately, it was a Jared that is not in the diamond business.
Robert D. Horvath (Troy, MI)
Very good summary, but it omits his claim at a rally in North Carolina on February 28th that the virus was a new political "hoax" which he blamed on the democrats.
P.C.Chapman (Atlanta, GA)
Mr.Leonhardt, I can't find the worst quote. It was along the line of .." I don't take responsibility for that all". When a General stays in his tent while the enemy approaches, he should be relieved of command.
Carl (Atlanta)
Trump is incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, impaired, and somehow WE are not holding him accountable.
David Bosak (Michigan)
Taiwan shut their borders the day after China announced they had discovered a new virus. There were only 40 cases in Wuhan at that time. As a result, Taiwan is totally under control. Only 50 cases and no community spreading.
Misterbianco (Pennsylvania)
Each coronavirus update from Trump and Pence plays out like the old “Who’s on first?” comedy routine. Lacking any credibility whatsoever, the Trump administration needs to step aside and let the medical experts do the talking.
Charles Murphy (Durham, NC)
Even a child could see that this "emperor" is naked. Having a know-nothing administration when things are going relatively smoothly is one thing, having one in times of national stress is suicidal.
history buff (TX)
There is public, factual proof of years of cuts to CDC. Fiscal Year 2019 CDC docs: https://cdc.gov/budget/fy2019/congressional-justification.html Please read the 2-page summary chart includes cuts from 2017 to 2019. If COV-19 isn't your concern, look at cuts to diabetes, cancer prevention, antibacterial research. There is a lengthy doc at that same link where CDC says (page 177) that based on the cuts, they will only be able to "Provide limited surge capacity during public health emergencies."
Gerard Freriks (the Netherlands)
For how many days is President Trump to be allowed to function as President? Can we come to the conclusion (finally) that he is: - dysfunctional - continuously creating chaos inside the USA and abroad - causing avoidable risks and deaths - ranting, lying, confabulating, in all public appearances - a total dangerous disaster that society must be protected from. And that the most serious fact is that all his sycophants support him, keep him in power in this bloody, serious, process known as: The Emperors Cloths? These Trump-addicts are most to blame.
jrgolden (Memphis,TN)
"You knew who he was when you voted for him." -Sara Huckabee-Sanders former WH press secretary That pretty much nails it.
NYChap (Chappaqua)
So don't vote for him in November if you think he is doing a poor job.
It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see that a narcissistic grifter who favors mob style rule and shuns science and expertise would fail to adequately address a pandemic. I marvel when watching Governor Lamont, Governor Cuomo, and other governors and leaders speak to us never once boasting about what a good job they are doing. (I try to listen to Pence but his sycophancy is nauseating.) Trump needs to be watched carefully because his grievances against the media, Democrats, never-trumpers, the foreign born, impartial justices, and President Obama, to name a few, will explode. He will also count on the pandemic “distraction”, for he cares nothing about the suffering of others, to pardon criminals and grift away.
Coots (Earth)
Well isn't the benefit of hindsight a wonderful thing? Maybe Mr. Leonhardt with his prescience and wisdom can tell us all what stocks to invest in in the coming weeks? Trump was right not to overreact. This whole thing has been a massive overreaction. People with no scientific training hear the word "pandemic" and they start thinking it's the Black Death. A lot of people out there are near panic and it's entirely needless. Most of the blame lay squarely with the media and it's, as usual, pushing of Fear/Uncertainty/Death as a way to make money. And you have the gall to chastise Trump? Six months from now people are going to look back and wonder what all the fuss was about. This is an influenza C type virus. Nothing to lose sleep over. There have already been over 30 million flu - A & B - cases in the US so far this year - as it is every year with the same mortality rate - and no one seems the least bit concerned about that, do they? 100 people die in the US every single day from vehicles - and thousands more crippled and killed. Where's the call to take vehicles off the road? They're infinitely more dangerous than C19 after all. I'm not a Trump supporter but laying this at his feet is the worst kind of political opportunism and yellow journalism.
ecamp (Montclair, NJ)
Can anyone explain why we did not take the test kits from the WHO?
Marianne (California)
This string of Trump's misinformation and outright lies on Covid 19 are no different than EVERYTHING what comes from him on: Climate change and global warming, Obama Healthcare USA budget deficit Manufacturing, imports-exports and jobs …. and the list can go on.
Seymour (Kailua-Kona, Hawaii)
Trump lied to the American people about the virus. He enlisted right wing media (Fox, Hannity, Limbaugh To promote the lie. My group hear that 3 U S Secret Services Agents Tested positive for the virus some time in November and Trump might have also been tested at the same hospital. Trump lied and to cover up classified all the information. This is not just lies but criminal acts. Our country is sitting on a leaking time bomb. I urge the press to dig deeper.
Sophistia (FL)
In his inaugural address, Donald Trump declared, “This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.” Ever the dilettante and armchair critic of his predecessors, Trump claimed he alone could “fix it.” Yet, he abdicated all responsibility this week. He hasn’t stopped gun violence or solved any issue relevant to the majority of Americans. Instead, his cavalier negligence has exposed us all to national security threats - disease and domestic terrorism, as well as nuclear, cyber, and economic attacks. Our union is being stretched to the breaking point. We’re just starting to see what American carnage really looks like. The priorities for this election are clear. In November, we must relegate this quisling irrelevant.
Red (Stevens)
Of course, this is a well written and researched piece. No surprises for anyone following the news. The problem is that most of the people who voted for — and continue to support— Trump don’t read newspapers of record like the NY Times. They’re content as long as POTUS supports judges who favor extreme gun rights and disfavor abortion.
MaryKayKlassen (Mountain Lake, Minnesota)
I worked in New York at the age of 20 for a financial institution, before the age of computers. I learned about Wall Street, and those who managed the money of the rich. Sadly, it is the rich, whether the faux ones, like DT, left in place when he owed the banks in New York a lot of money back in the nineties, as real estate wasn't worth a lot, or the real rich, as they have all been given a lot of their money, by deductions, and credits, in legislation, voted in by Congress. You can't have all of the big real estate entities not paying little, if anything in taxes, like the Trump Organization, Kushner Holdings, or the others, along with the Amazons of the world, and not expect the average person not see the glitz of their lives, and not believe a trickster when he comes along. Sadly, our country has been on a downward slide with leadership, since George W. Bush, his deadly, and costly, lives in the millions, refugees in the millions, and trillions of borrowed money because of his false adventure into Iraq. Barack Obama continued down the same ignorant path helping to destabilize both Egypt, and Libya, let ISIS take hold, and left Assad to continue to kill millions in Syria. Almost 63 million voted for DT because of all of the above. I have been over DT for about 29 years now, because he had no character whatsoever, he was born miswired, and he is not now, or ever going to be able to pivot to a good leader, or kind human being. That is a given!
joemcph (12803)
Trump could have helped curb potential pandemic, but in 2018 cut pandemic response teams, & all 3 of his budget proposals had ~$750 million in cuts to CDC research & preparedness. Now Trump lies when asked. Trump (February 26, 2020) on cutting the pandemic response team: "I'm a business person. I don't like having thousands of people around when you don't need them... If we ever need them, we can get them very quickly.” https://twitter.com/rulajebreal/status/1238791379893043200?s=20 Trump lies when asked claiming he knows nothing about the firing, & accuses the journalist of asking “a nasty question.”
John L (Portland)
This piece should not be listed under "Opinion" as it gathers facts about what President Trump said, did, and didn't do as this crisis continued to get worse. How is that "Opinion" when it's regurgitating facts & simply pointing them out? I appreciate the NY Times being careful not to be called out a subjective news source, but this seems like one of those cases where this is pure journalism.
Milton Lewis (Hamilton Ontario)
Sadly Trump comes across as totally Incapable of being a leader and managing this potentially devastating health crisis. He is still caught up in the flu comparison. In his mind this virus does not compare to the annual death toll from the flu. He comes across as ignorant on the basic science and light hearted in this national disaster. How could any American have any confidence in their “What me worry?” President. Bring back Mad Magazine.
Emily Levine (Lincoln, NE)
What I posted on Facebook on FEBRUARY 1st: "Out of all the things I worried about when trump was elected, his possible mishandling of a disease epidemic was one of the biggest." I t was not so hard to see what was coming. I take no pleasure in having been right. His incompetence, indifference, and ignorance will lead to many more deaths.
jon (idaho)
At what point does lying and incompetence cross the line into criminal incompetence? How many lives lost or altered? Trump and Pence, his wooden sidekick, should pay a price.
piet hein (Rowayton CT)
" Those who know don't talk, those who talk dont know" It is high time for Trump to keep his mouth shut and for those who do know other than Dr Fauci to talk more, much more. I must say that Pence sounded Presidential and was able to talk coherently in full sentences without looking at a piece of paper or at the same time congratulating himself. Mr Trump, SAD!
Sari (NY)
Just how much longer will he keep playing down this extremely serious crisis? I guess until someone can try to make him understand the severity. By now everyone is on to his lying, but that doesn't help. How is that he was able to get tested, his health/life isn't any more important than any other American. His failure in standing up to the reality of this issue wasn't a surprise. He keeps saying we have tremendous control of this virus. Wrong. Public health experts tell it as it is. His lack of honest leadership is a disgrace. All he cares about are his ratings. His days are numbered as he watches his ratings fall into his famous swamp.
Anthony Malivanek (Australia)
Talk about dumb and dumber. How can the American people even contemplate electing this fool again. He is an extreme danger to all. He is so out of his depth its embarrassing to watch. He actually said that it will just go away when it gets warmer!!! Mind boggling.
Pia (Las Cruces NM)
He will self destruct incrementally with each confirmed case.
Jeff (Illinois)
What is even more contagious and life-threatening than Covid19 is the gullibility and willful ignorance that comes with being in a cult. The cult of Trump, with Sean Hannity as the director of worship and misinformation.
Delph (Sydney, Australia)
I think this is an excellent piece but I wonder if the statement, "He could have taken action" is actually true. Last October 2019, a professor of psychology at the University of Washington described trump's behaviour in response to the impeachment inquiry as "increasingly bizarre: in psychiatric terms, he has been decompensating". (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/peace-and-war/201910/the-danger-crazy-leaders) In 2016 50 Republican national security officials signed a letter in which they wrote, "He is unable or unwilling to separate truth from falsehood. He does not encourage conflicting views. He lacks self-control and acts impetuously. He cannot tolerate personal criticism. He has alarmed our closest allies with his erratic behavior." Trump may never have had the capacity to act appropriately but Republican senators could have taken action and didn't. Shame on them all.
Martha B. (Boston, MA)
As far as I'm concerned, this bungling of the coronavirus crisis, alone, is enough to ensure he'll be a one-term president.
Dan (Rockville)
One could argue that his inaction here was his most impeachable (of many) offense.
Marty (Jacksonville)
This is a campaign advertisement that writes itself. Just show Trump saying these things, in the sequence he said them, and put up the number of Coronavirus cases on the screen as he says them. Devastating.
You left out the round of golf in the middle of the crisis and glad-handing (literally) birthday party at Mar-A-Lago and other overt actions of serial obtuseness (e.g. handshaking, touching the microphone, etc).
HG Wells (NYC)
No surprise here. Trump has spent most of his adult life masquerading as a successfull businessman and he has spent the last 3 1/2 years masquerading as a functioning POTUS. He has been exposed now and this is what happens when you have a "reality" president more concerned with looking good than actually doing good
Agent 99 (SC)
It’s time to dispel trump’s claim that he stopped flights from China. The airlines did it on their own. From USA Today “White House officials said Tuesday they were considering a China travel ban but said then they had not contacted the airlines. Friday's decision by all three domestic carriers to suspend their service all but rendered White House action moot, though the administration did declare the coronavirus to be a public health emergency in the United States late Friday.”
Deutschmann (Midwest)
Thank you for your compilation, but I’m afraid it won’t change many, if any, hearts and minds. Those who live in Trump’s fact-free universe won’t renounce their allegiance to their deadly Dear Leader, and those of us who live in the real world will keep wondering if the coronavirus will do what Republican senators would not.
MR (Jersey city)
The biggest problem this country is facing now is the huge gap between us “never Trumpets” who see him now as a fundamental threat to our safety in addition to being a con man, a cheat and a lier and the other side of the country who see him as God sent. No matter what outcome of the coming election, we are going to see this gap evolving into open animosity and God knows what else.
Heidi Ralston (California)
Fantastic and TRUE reporting. Great story - this should be Dem Presidential candidate talking points. It truly show selfishness of POTUS and Trumps UNAMERICAN stance. VOTE in NOV - NEVER TRUMP
Drusilla Hawke (Kennesaw, Georgia)
Allegedly, trump was recently tested for COVID-19, and the results were negative, though he had been in a coronavirus hotspot all last weekend. What concerns me most about the test results is that they may confirm his conviction that the virus is no big deal. And we all know what happens when trump gets a foolish notion in his head.
Important (Romania)
I’m sorry, but I don’t care about Trump right now. Not about any tentative to use the virus spread for taking him down.
Grove (California)
So, you’re telling me that grifters might not make the best leaders. Reagan got the grifting started 40 years ago. Republicans haven’t been sending the best people.
Cynthia Adams (Central Illinois)
It looks like the Republicans will finally get to cut Social Security after the coronavirus kills off most of the old people. But all that hunkering down at home may produce a new crop of babies by Christmas. So there may be a silver lining to this nightmare. One wonders if he just doesn't care that old people are dying.
MIMA (heartsny)
Not only has Donald Trump lied about this situation, ignored this situation, bragged up the people on the stage with him about this situation, but he is so closed minded - he has not even thanked healthcare providers for their work in this situation - the people who are literally saving lives! He’s no leader.....
Frank Roseavelt (New Jersey)
February 28, rally in South Carolina --- Trump calls coronavirus the "Democrats' new hoax". That's right folks, just 16 days ago, Trump was telling the nation it was a hoax. To this day, his avid followers are still denying the severity of the crisis. The man could not be more clueless, more unqualified, or more dangerous. Defeat TRUMPutin in 2020.
bill (NYC)
"Testing is coming next week". "Testing is coming Monday". "By Wednesday we'll have 50 million test kits". Blah blah blah. It will come out later that the reason testing was such a disaster is because trump ordered that there be no testing. Hopefully, he and the Republican party will be eradicated in November.
Margie Moore (San Francisco)
Trump's way of handling bad news- by denying, obfuscating, reassuring - is the way he's always controlled situations. But finally the chickens have come home to roost. He has revealed to the world that when push comes to shove, he still thinks like a teenager. A pretty sad performance for an American President.
vincentgaglione (NYC)
At least one third of the nation regards this article as "fake" news. The frightening aspect of it is that they don't believe that the epidemic is real and behave in a way that exposes themselves to infection. All because they get their news from their president!
David (Rochester)
There is nothing Trump could do to stop the spread or get it under control. What he could have done was be honest about it. Unfortunately, honesty is not one of his policies. As of yesterday he continued to say he had it all very well under control and it will go away very soon. "Relax and have a nice dinner." As he was saying this, governors, businesses, schools and individuals were taking action and speaking frankly. The stock market continues its fall. Infections rise, deaths rise. Trump continues to lie. The time for cheerleading investors is over. The time to save lives is upon him and was 2 months ago. He is not leading. He is a cornered little coward.
Guitar M (New York, NY)
The president responded: “No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” Do we now all understand that our vote on 11/3/20 really and truly is a matter of life and death? 11/3/20. VOTE.
Adam (Connecticut)
After Dr. Fauci appeared on many channels including Fox this morning to spread the grave gospel of social distancing, there was our president sowing confusion during the afternoon task force update. With nary a word about Dr. Fauci’s central message, Trump gushed self congratulation and self victimization; he made digs at the media, crooned about the Fed, and told us to just get out and shop for our weekly groceries, relax and enjoy a nice dinner. But nothing from our genius to reinforce Dr. Fauci’s gravity. The dead and grieving will surely be comforted by Trump’s arrogant delivery and his absurd, irrational and childish messaging. From “only I can fix it” to “I don’t take responsibility,” get ready for “This American carnage.”
Megan Terry (Texas)
Can you publish a complete list of all the ways you used your public platform to encourage people to take the Coronavirus seriously? I’m sure you were ahead of the curve about warning everyone.
Matt Stevens (Ohio)
Horrific. No other words other than horrific. We are in a leadership vacuum. When my elderly mother with a compromised immune system gets sick, I hope to not hear another word about this president from any Trump supporting loved ones. I will disrespect them and pity them for the rest of my life.
Independent Citizen (Washington)
I think the $11 billion trump confiscated from public coffers for his wall could be put to better use....
Nob Turner (San Francisco)
I don't know what's more depressing - facing the facts of the spreading coronavirus epidemic in the US and abroad, or reading that the President of the United States is still busy tweeting about Benghazi and the Swine Flu. Doesn't he have some actual responsibilities at the moment?
Usok (Houston)
Maybe Trump thinks the Covid-19 is the same as Influenza Flu especially it is more affected to seniors. A death is a death, why bothers?
Lynne (Usa)
Trump is so dangerous. I also want to stress that this disease is not just a threat to the elderly. It seems that has been the community that continues to be highlighted. That is dangerous for two reasons... 1. Our country, as opposed to many others, does not value old people. We sort of shrugged that it was concentrated in a nursing home as if these people were on the verge of death anyway. I know many vibrant seniors who are in nursing homes. 2. People are overlooking the huge majority of people who are also in danger but are not old. This includes cancer/chemo patients, transplant patients, asthmatics, people who have chronic bronchitis, and a myriad of reasons that a person’s immune system is weakened. Maybe people of all ages would change their behavior. This isn’t about whether most people can beat it. This is truly about putting other’s health, who are your weakest neighbors and friends, above being inconvenienced.
MT (Orinda)
Brilliant piece. Facts do matter...life and death matter.
Gregg (Three Lower Counties Of Pennsylvania)
Dear Mr. Leonhardt, This is a “complete list” through mid-March... Seems easy to predict that this situation will get much worse before getting any better, despite warmer weather, functioning tests kits, and the passing of a pseudo, drunken holiday/frat party... Please keep adding to your list. We, meaning every American, need to be kept up-to-date on the failings and, hopefully, eventual successes of this president and this government... Too many lives depend on such information, now more than ever.
John G (Torrance, CA)
Why do you not include Trump saying at a rally that the coronavirus is a "democratic hoax"?
Perle Besserman (Honolulu)
Never fear! Trump is pardoning General Flynn in time to put him in charge of a “tremendous,” military-grade response to COVID-19, the likes of which haven’t been seen since last week, when Philippines dictator Duderte unleashed the military for no purpose other than to further terrorize a population already panicked at the spreading epidemic.
LIChef (East Coast)
Somewhere on Facebook, someone has posted a simple list of dates and the contradictory daily quotes from the President. It is even more disconcerting than this column.
Glen (Texas)
Ignore-ance is to ignorance as nitrogen is to the growth of plants. Trump ignores any and everything that does not put his favorite subject -Trump- first and foremost. This is why Trump is addicted to Fox News. At Fox, Trump can do no wrong. More, everything Trump does is announced to the world his own word salad style of superlatives. This is why the Times, the Washington Post and CNN are paid no attention during what passes for a Trump news conference. Trump is actively ignorant. He works hard at remaining so. To do otherwise would necessitate that Trump "self-examinate," (I know, no such word; perhaps it should be) a much more difficult process than to self-quarantine. It is impossible to soul search a non-existent soul.
Walter (California)
Why are we as a society even LISTENING to Sean Hannity's opinion? Think long and hard Americans. Do you think someone who was a roofing contractor before he became a loudmouth commentater has anything we as a people should take as scientifically or humanely important?
J (The Great Flyover)
He doesn’t have a clue, he listens to nobody, there’s no profit in it...and he doesn’t care.
Lynn Russell (Los Angeles, Ca.)
Is someone able to name one person in the Trump administration that you would trust with your health, your finances or your life? How about someone with integrity or compassion? How about someone that has consciousness beyond his or her own sphere? How about someone that reads and can comprehend what they read? If so, please alert 911 so that the folks in this country individually and collectively can get straight answers.
Michael Green (Brooklyn)
Trump was attacked for doing too much and now for not doing enough. Governor Cuomo and Mayor DiBlasio urged pretty much identical messages but are not being attacked. As a lifetime Democrat and reader of the NY Times, I am shocked by the unfair bias.
J. von Hettlingen (Switzerland)
Trump has tested negative for the coronavirus, according to the White House physician, Dr. Conley. Was Trump ever tested at all? I’m reluctant to believe the result, given Trump’s chronic dishonesty, his refusal to release medical records, his stringent demand for loyalty and devotion from those working for him. Besides he doesn’t seem to surround himself with the best people, putting obedience before merits. If multiple people around him at Mar-a-Lago have tested positive, it would be a miracle that Trump has been spared. Given his affinity for chips, beef and fizzy drinks, that would have added pressure on his organs, it's doubtful that his immune system is robust - according to medical science!!! Whatever Trump said and did behind closed doors, Conley had no choice but to follow orders.
That's What She Said (The West)
Clearly Trump cannot handle multiple variables or he never would've declared bankruptcy 6, countem SIX Times. He was deemed "eligible" for American Presidency. Did he force it? No. He was allowed. What exists is a control freak and control freaks don't want variable change they cannot control so they deny it. Every citizen must now work overtime to compensate for federal leadership and PLEASE remember in November how difficult this was....
Oldcontinenter (Paris)
Why, it almost sounds like you expect him to be a president rather than play one on TV.
Midwest Mama (St. Louis, MO)
This is a national disgrace. But the phrase "I don't take any responsibility at all" said by DJT at his press conference sums it up. He washed his hands in more ways than one.
Sue Ellen (NYC)
There is no national leadership at all and it’s scary. I listen to my Governor and Mayor of NY. They tell the truth,
DebI Wong (Anacortes Washington State)
Is this why the. CDC turned away the WHO test kits? A company’s CEO who stood behind front and centers and behind the president during his disastrous press conference???? I think Congress has a duty to investigate an impeached president who apparently puts nothing between him and his personal interests! This must be pursued even after he is booted out of office as the most egregious crime against humanity. He owns this.
Jay Orchard (Miami Beach)
Trump continues to play down coronavirus, claiming just today that the government has "tremendous control" over the virus. The only "tremendous control" I'm aware of with respect to the virus is the one I excercised by not throwing my remote threw the TV screen when I saw that ridiculous comment.
Robert Bergan (Auburn NY)
This is the article I have been searching for. Thank you.
John (LINY)
My biggest worry is that with the superlative factory’s are already running at full speed, what happens when he runs out of nouns?
DJ (Long Beach)
You omitted the quote that may define his presidency, “I take no responsibility.” Very similar to Nixon’s infamous line...
gb (Oregon)
This is a good timeline and analysis of Trump's public actions regarding the coronavirus. However, there is still a critical lack of transparency in the information provided by our government to the public. I would like more information about these government activities: What was discussed, and agreed upon, at the dozen or so interagency meetings held to discuss the virus since mid-January in the high security meeting rooms at the Dept. of Health & Human Services? These top level classified meetings reportedly excluded experts with critical info due to their lack of top-level security clearances. I understand the need to hold private meetings; however, this level of secrecy has more the hallmarks of a series of backroom deals stamped secret for news control. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-secrecy-exclusive/exclusive-white-house-told-federal-health-agency-to-classify-coronavirus-deliberations-sources-idUSKBN20Y2LM What did the President discuss on March 10th when he met privately with Congressional Republicans only regarding the virus and why wasn't this meeting open and bipartisan? Exactly how many coronavirus test kits have been manufactured and distributed in the US, how many test kits went where, and to whom were the test kits distributed? Our government and its agencies need to stop playing politics with the health of our country and inform the public with honest plans of action based on facts and science to regain public trust.
S.Mitchell (Mich.)
The buck stops here . Harry Truman
Ganesh (Waterloo, Canada)
Allies would have lost the Second World War if not for the tremendous amount of industrial output from US at that time to help Britain and Russia to fight Hitler's ambition to conquer the whole of Europe. Almost every adult including women were involved in production activities to make arms, tanks, ships and transport vehicles. In the same way Americans can be mobilized to fight Corona virus. Virus, is of course sneaky but there are ways to win the battle. There are no shortages of capable people or the appropriate lab facilities in the country. What the country lacks now is the sane leadership. In the 1940's America had a capable president. But the current incumbent, marred by certain mental slippage, is still refusing to accept that there is serious problem. He uses his power as the president to overrule the experts in the field. I get scared to see the amount of people crowding in all the major airports waiting to be tested for the Corona virus. Most of them returned from Europe where Corona virus already had a cataclysmic impact. In the crowded atmosphere at the airports,there is a good chance for more people to get infected. The way it is going, I fear a total shut down of the country at some point.
Carl Ian Schwartz (Paterson, NJ)
Most of the words I apply to Trump and his collaborating "conservatives" are blunt and obscene to the point of unprintability. Since he never denied his first ex-wife's account years ago in Vanity Fair that his bedtime reading was a book of Hitler's speeches, how about Cheap Hitler? They use diseases to do the the work of costly roundups and transportation of victim groups (the elderly, the poor, people of color, LGBTQ people, Muslims, "illegal" immigrants, and anyone else the GOP can blame for their own bad economic policies) to specially constructed remote murder facilities. (Many readers need not be reminded of what and where the predecessors such facilities were some 80 years ago.) An example of this appeared in yesterday's Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/14/business/trump-administration-nursing-homes.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage Trump Administration Is Relaxing Oversight of Nursing Homes By Jesse Drucker and Jessica Silver-GreenbergMarch 14, 2020 "A proposal would loosen federal rules meant to control infections, just as the coronavirus rips through nursing homes." In other words, "Let them die!" as the "conservative" activists yelled at a presidential debate several cycles ago about people with chronic conditions. Or, "AIDS is God's judgment on gays," a typical GOP rallying cry for extermination of fellow Americans through malign neglect. Yes, THIS is the level of evil we have here.
Joseph Cavage (PA)
I am so glad for The NY Times.
Elizabeth Connor (Arlington, VA)
We're supposed to trust medical information from a White House staff that says the president is 6'3" tall and weighs 239 pounds? God help us.
Lonnie (New York)
What happens now part 4 Hopefully the New York Times will move away from blaming people and get into the bit where it just gets back to reporting the news from every aspect of this crises. That it moves away from political columns and has doctors and scientists giving advice. People will be reading these columns a year from now , and they will remember those who tried to sow divisiveness in a time of national emergency, its akin to criticizing FDR in early 1942, or writing columns that we can’t beat the Nazis so we might as well surrender. With proper strategy Corona virus can be defeated, and from all areas you see great signs, the last to come into the fold is American business, Business leaders are different now, and few seem to be rising to the challenge, one will step up, and lead the way, what a great advertisement it will be for them if they show leadership and innovation in a time of crises. Everything should be delivered now, put all the people laid off, to work delivering, they use their own cars, hundreds of thousands of delivery people. And put in no hording rules, you won’t need them when people will see they can still get food. Two more weeks of really bad news, then I am sure the Corona rules, rules that limit person to person contact changes things for the better.
Moe, Larry, And Joe Besser (USA)
Dear John (Trump), Couldn’t you have gifted your nephew with more from your gene pool, thus safeguarding the stability of his genius, and equipping him for tasks the average Republican is uneasy with...like reading, thinking, reasoning, discerning truth from lies...and if not...couldn’t you have given him some obvious tell...a wooden nose that grows when he offers an alternate fact?
Pat (NYC)
His lying has finally caught up to him. It was funny to his base when he yelled lock her up and said police should use more force on any hecklers. It was funny to his base when he mocked the disabled. It was funny to his base when he laughed about sexually assaulting women. It was funny to his base when he talked about his "hand size'" It was so funny that he claimed the first african american President was not an American, right. It was funny to his base when the neo-nazis stoked fear and death in Charlottesville. Well folks as you lose your job or your retirement; as granny waits for a ventilator or your granddaughter has permanent lung damage is it funny now?
Marlene (Canada)
trump's only concern. his public persona. and his debts. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-puts-his-own-financial-interests-first-when-he-badgers-the-fed-to-cut-interest-rates-2019-09-12 oh, and a pardon flynn, who lied to the fbi and congress.
Brunella (Brooklyn)
Irresponsible Unaccountable Narcissistic Incurious Vindictive Incapable The absolute worst combination of character traits one requires in a POTUS, making us ever more vulnerable during a pandemic. People will die due to Trump's inaction and chaotic response, but it probably won’t even penetrate his sociopathic core. He endangers us all. VOTE.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
However much you try to develop a list of Trump's stupid big-mouth lies, it can never be complete...until he is removed from an office too big for his little brain. This, not to belabor your observations; just the need to recognize that this 'poor chap' cannot behave otherwise, as he suffers from a mental condition called "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" (inflated sense of his own importance, a constant need for attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy). As to his cruelty gratis, an added "gift" to his awful bullying, it seems second nature; otherwise, how to explain his rabid- dog- style obsessive attacks to even the most constructive criticism, and inventing scapegoats to hide his own incompetence. Insofar his corruptness, it is an old familial habit impossible to break. As I said, 'poor' chap, lost in his own labyrinth...while we, the people, are left holding the bag.
worst performance in a time of crisis by an American president since Jeffrerson Davis. The man is totally incompetent as his corrupt and morally bankrupt administration.
Jack Lerner (Westfield, NJ)
Thank you Dave.
Frank Verweijen (The Netherlands)
Corona Crisis Management: China 1 USA 0
Rigoletto (Zurich)
I do love the fact that Mr. Trump stated clearly Tthat he does not take the responsablity" for the handling of the Corona-Virus. Let us all see if the USA people will act accordingly and take the necessary and overdue action, i.e. thow him out of the WH.
sophia (bangor, maine)
Trump lies to get through each interview, each news cycle, each minute. His lies and incompetence have already caused people to die. Many more will. He has been forced to change his tune because of a free press - which needs to press even harder and make sure his lies are well-known by all Americans and that his lies have killed. He is a criminal. I weep for all of us who love our country and want him gone.
Richard Blaine (Not NYC)
Every Republican senator who voted against impeachment should have been ashamed. . They should now be even more ashamed. . People are going to die because of this foolishness.
Confused (Atlanta)
Why didn’t you publish your scathing attack on the President while you had your crystal ball on January 22? If any president has ever had a crystal ball I’m not aware of it; however, I am crystal clear on one thing: the NYT will attack this president at every turn, regardless of what he does.
Enrique Puertos (Cleveland, Georgia)
Great chronology of events. This is exactly what happens when you have an incompetent President who lacks the mental capacity to understand the gravity of the situation. The only thing President Trump has learned from this crisis is not to get off track with the teleprompter and to quickly exit avoiding any questions. His stupidity and arrogant disregard of the facts is playing out with deadly consequences.
Steve Mills (Oregon)
Rule 1: Ignore Donald Trump.
Mary M (Brooklyn)
This trump is an utter failure as a president. His lack of ability as a leader is on display for all to see
PJASWFLA (Florida)
Trump should be dragged out of the White House and locked up, incommunicado, in a criminal mental asylum, He and he alone is the biggest threat to the United States since the day ot was founded.
Normand Perry (Near Montréal, Québec)
A crook is crook, and this one is the worst monster living on Earth. He must face international justice after this presidency for crime against humanity.
ttrumbo (Fayetteville, Ark.)
We all know who he is: the boy that cried wolf. We haven't cared much; I mean, the Republicans, right-wing, evangelicals, conservatives haven't really cared much. He's a liar, so, get over it. Now we're all getting to deal with the real problem of following a liar. We're all cursed by this plague of a fake man, fake patriot, fake Christian. He's said fake alot; and we all know why.
Jody B (Petropavlovsk)
Not sure why this is labeled an opinion piece, it's a report of facts.
JG (Cupertino Ca)
It really seems that Trump believes exactly what he says- -it’s not a big deal and will magically disappear -his knowledge of the situation is second to none -his response to the situation has been perfect -anyone who wants a test can get one You could tell him that any one of these things is false and he wouldn’t hear it (you must be a Democrat). This man is living in a total fantasy world! He interprets past, present and future in terms of how blessed the world is to have him here! He is completely out of touch with reality! And he is at the center of a major pandemic! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Illuminati Reptilian Overlord #14 (Space marauders hiding under polar ice)
Give it a rest for a while?
cloudsandsea (France)
Thank you for the article. So many of us have been reading about this 'slow car wreck of a Presidency' in the pages of the New York Times for threes years now but this pandemic heightens the tragedy of our nation. It now feels like we are watching the sinking of the Titanic from lifeboats. That event too, involved hubris. The Republican-held senate will have to pay for this with lost re-elections because these senators allowed our country to sink when they voted against impeachment. They had every reason, and excuse, to rid us of this incompetent and immoral man. How long will it take for America to regain the trust from our allies? This event has the power to bring a radical shift in our whole way of being 'in this world' and, on this planet. This pandemic could force the change upon us which we have been too hesitant to initiate, out of greed or fear. Americans need to remember that the lotus flower grows from cow dung.
JJ Gross (Jerusalem)
David Leonhardt continues to spread the virus of Trump Derangement Syndrome by repeatedly playing his broken record of blaming Trump for the Coronavirus in America. In this he is in lockstep wit his Times colleagues Maureen Dowd, Paul Krugman and Brett Stephens whose mendacious columns are motivated not by any desire to enlighten the reader or to reveal some truth, but rather by their compulsive need to bludgeon the President. The fact is Covid-19 is a brand new phenomenon which caught the entire planet off guard, and about which we are all learning as we go. Trump continues to do significant things to combat the virus. Along the way he may have had some missteps, as would have anyone in his position, simply because we were all so ignorant. is anyone in Canada blaming Justin Trudeau for allowing his wife to catch the disease? Is anyone accusing Tom Hanks and his wife of being idiots because they allowed themselves to be exposed to the virus? Of course not. They, like Trump, like Dowd, Krugman, and Leonhardt - indeed all of us - were all in the dark. To blame someone by way of 20/20 hindsight when there was absolutely no way to know better is inexcusable.
Dan (NY)
It's interesting. Take a look at the current virus mapping for the world. Why is it that Russia supposedly after all this time has only 63 cases? Look at the geography, VAST! If a country wanted to take over another landmass how would they do it without weapons and still preserve the infrastructure? You guessed it, germ warfare. Who would help the monster Putin do this? Yup his very own best buddy, Trump! Think he's not capable of this. Guess again. Why the slow response? How do we know Trump has been tested. Why is he still shaking hands? Is he vaccinated? You people have no idea what's behind all of this. Who benefits if the national election is delayed or put off? The playbook for Trump is already written. Remember Lev Parnas? All the pics with Trump. Remember Jeffery Epstein, all the pics with Trump. His response: "I don't know these people- I take lots of pictures with people!" And you trust this guy? He did his best with Ukraine. That didn't work because he got caught. Wake up, folks. There are so many evil plans in these meetings we dont know about and never will. Who wants to be just like Putin and be automatically re-elected? Who sided with Putin at the Helsinki summit against the FBI recommendations? Why did the notes about this meeting disappear? Remember the interview on Air Force One over a year ago? The porn president's response; "I don't know anything about that, ask my lawyer", or how about? " I have no business in Russia. I have nothing to do with Russia."
flaind (Fort Lauderdale)
You missed Trump's most ridiculous claim on February 29th: "The coronavirus is nothing more than a democratic hoax...their latest hoax!"
nurseJacki (Ct.usa)
Twitte verse has banned me for suggesting trumps political demise should be the same as Mussolini’s. I may have mentioned castration. If this is journalism and free speech does only trump get to suggest murdering people and cage suffering families to die from his hateful spiteful ID?!!!! Articulate boomers is a rarity appreciated these days. All media all time! Btw Emergency Management should always be instituted and funded at the community level. The governors are much more suited to no. Partisan emergency management. Cuomo should stop desiring. More fed on the ground boots management. We need the funds and the Army Corp to build field hospital units and we need stocked up military supplies. For hospitals. Restock Tribal hospital as well rotate staff at two week intervals with 4 teams. Quarantine and self distance by them as well.
James (St Pete, FL)
I am surprised you did not mention his extensive comments calling corona a Democratic hoax https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/28/trump-says-the-coronavirus-is-the-democrats-new-hoax.html
Ed (Oklahoma City)
Meanwhile, his Russian and Saudi despot buddies rocked an already unsteady stock market and he says NOTHING!
Cody (British Columbia)
Vote this appalling narcissist out! Your lives depend on it. Vote for someone who supports healthcare and paid sick leave for all of the people all of the time.
laolaohu (oregon)
I never thought I'd see the day when the NBA, a money-grubbing outfit if ever there was one, would take the lead in steering us through a health crisis, while our office of the Presidency was bumbling hopelessy in the dark. Strange times.
Ambient Kestrel (So Cal)
Yes, and let me tell you, all these false talking points are still actively circulating in the conservative, religious-right world view. You'd think that, for people supposedly more prone to fear and need for cleanliness, conservatives would be MORE sensitive to the possibility of an infection in their midst. No, they aren't. My Evangelical Fox watching neighbor assured me just a little while ago that this is all an overblown issue at least verging on a hoax, and she was still going out and hugging people. I said, but there are thousands of people dead in some other countries, that's not a hoax. And she said... Guess What? (beat, beat) "But Obama with the swine flu..." at which point I briefly called her bias and obvious source for what it was, wished her good health and turned away. As I agreed with, she said, "well we shouldn't talk politics, it's all politics." It sure is. I’m glad it was an across-the-street conversation. And it strikes me as entirely possible that people in the Fox-Limbaugh-Thump world will be harder hit by this than others taking it more seriously. That will be an answerable epidemiological question in due time. Meanwhile, do NOT assume everyone is taking this emergency rationally. Safer to assume that too many of your neighbors are biased, possibly brainwashed idiots willingly taking part in a huge natural experiment, and keep yourselves and your kids away from them for the time being. Nothing personal. "It's all politics."
John (Upstate NY)
Thanks David. I am printing this article and waving it in the face of every knucklehead Trump supporter I encounter. Not that it will do any good.
Chris (Colorado)
The buck stops over there, with Obama.
Ambient Kestrel (So Cal)
Yes, and let me tell you, all these things are still actively circulating in the conservative, religious-right world view. You'd think that, for people supposedly more prone to fear and need for cleanliness, conservatives would be MORE sensitive to the possibility of an infection in their midst. No, they aren't. My Evangelical Fox watching neighbor assured me just a little while ago that this is all an overblown issue at least verging on a hoax, and she was still going out and hugging people. I said, but there are thousands of people dead in some other countries, that's not a hoax. And she said... Guess What. (beat, beat) "But Obama with the swine flu..." at which point I briefly called her bias and obvious source for what it was, wished her good health and turned away. As I agreed with, she said, "well we shouldn't talk politics, it's all politics." It sure is. I’m glad it was an across-the-street conversation. And it strikes me as entirely possible that people in the Fox-Limbaugh-Thump world will be harder hit by this than others taking it more seriously. That will be an answerable epidemiological question in due time. Meanwhile, assume that too many of your neighbors are biased, possibly brainwashed idiots willingly taking part in a huge natural experiment, and keep yourselves and your kids away from them for the time being. Nothing personal. "It's all politics."
William Case (United States)
The CDC estimates that in the United States so far this season there have been at least 36 million flu illnesses, 370,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths from flu. As of March 13, the CDC there had been 1,629 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 41 deaths. The World Health Organization this morning is reporting there have been 153,517 confirmed COVID cases and 5.735 COVID deaths worldwide. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm#ILIActivityMap https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200315-sitrep-55-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=33daa5cb_8
David Kane (Florida)
Exactly what is Trump supposed to do? Scream and yell that we are all doomed? I know the NYTimes writers and readers hate Trump, but what do you think Obama or Clinton would have done differently?
buskat (columbia, mo)
a complete and lengthy article on the lying of trump, for 7 weeks, while the virus took hold, and yet not one word of the lying........... words like misinformation, exaggerations, blaming others, mistruths. this president lies more than he blinks. what are the writers and the media afraid of? is that the definition of slander, the word "lying", hence no use of the word? i'll say it.......this is the most lying president the country has ever had. there, trump, sue me.
DUMBO-Brooklyn (Brooklyn New York)
Excellent summary. Please allow me to add one more mistake. But, this is an action the President took. In 2018, he disbanded the NSC Pandemic Unit. https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/03/14/us/politics/ap-us-virus-outbreak-preparing-for-pandemics.html
JM (New York)
Trump had many other vital matters to pursue: Hillary's emails. Obama-bashing. Golf.
Deirdre (New Jersey)
Every day elected republicans allow this president to lie, demean, and insult loyal public servants while dismantling our agencies is another day they fail the American people.
BSargent (Berlin, NH)
Today the shelves at the local supermarkets are completely empty of whole categories of necessities. We were just informed that all the local schools will be closed. We have no guidance from our Federal government about what is going on. Why? Trump lies. He is a liar. Trump only cares about himself. He has expressed no concern or empathy towards those infected or those whose family members have died. He appears most concerned with the already wealthy losing some of their investments. He's badly damaged or eliminated the government agencies and programs set up to properly and agressively manage pandemics. Some polls out today say that in spite of his lies and incompetence, his supporters are still 110% with him. This in spite of all the suffering and the death his lies, egotism, and ineptitude are causing. Beyond the coronavirus: America is a deeply sick if not broken country. But Trump will get to build a new hotel in Moscow and Jared will get Saudi financing by making sure we turn a blind eye to torture and dismemberment. And Trump's supporters will get to poke their fingers into the eyes of liberals. What else matters?
snm (bangor, maine)
The country is in trouble and we need strong leadership. But, we have Trump, a feckless president surrounded by a large group of incompetents.
Ian (Adelaide)
"Mr. President, Mr. President the sky is falling!!" Trump: "Nahh, it's just a little bump. Fake news." (did you catch my best side for that sound bite??)
ZOPK55 (Sunnyvale)
He was elected to stick a thumb in the eyes of the liberals.. He's doing a great job.
Mike (California)
The footage of that guy suggesting the CDC doctors were so impressed with his knowledge of medicine is perhaps the greatest singular example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. He can't help but show off that he's too stupid to be convinced of his own stupidity. McConnell and Nunes and Jordan all deserve to go down with him; his administration has been criminally negligent on the greatest scale the country has seen, and his party has embraced such blatant incompetence with bombast. They all deserve removal.
Montreal Moe (Twixt Gog and Magog)
Woodrow Wilson's Committee on Public Information took place during the Spanish Flu and I was just wondering. https://archive.org/details/howweadvertameri00creerich/page/n10/mode/2up
John (PA)
“Every one of these doctors said” He’s lying. Pathetically lying.
John barron (Washington DC)
I’m so sick of this president and republicans in general. They are a menace to America and western democracy full stop. Why are people voting for a party that hates government and science. It’s insane. Vote this November full democratic ticket if you want to really make America sane again.
David (Victoria, Australia)
Everytime he uses one of his monotonous superlatives ( tremendous, fantastic, amazing etc etc) it's just an excuse for the emptiness and the incompetence.His acolytes are so pathetic. The last thing any person with dignity and integrity needs for their reputation is to be herded on to the stage to stand behind him in a rent a crowd capacity.
Andy ex FSO (Omaha)
Mr. Leonhardt, an excellent compilation of The Leader's lies and misrepresentations all through the run-up to the coronavirus crisis. But left unsaid -- and maybe because it's such fresh materials -- is his egregious summary of his entire time occupying the Oval Office: "I accept no responsibility...." That summarizes perfectly the disaster of this presidency-- in The Leader's own words. Time to unify the country and throw the crook and his cabal of nepotists and felons OUT in November. Here's the link to the story: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/trump-coronavirus-testing-128971
Ed Mahala (New York)
What did you expect from donald tRump and his loyal minions?
Bertrand (Paris)
In others times in others countries the behavior of your president on this issue was/would be considered as high treason....
Ed (San Diego)
This is pretty good. Most people tune-out Trump idiocy and forget it immediately. A reminder is useful. Trump's negligence may lead to thousands and thousands of deaths. Of course this may not be simple idiocy. Maybe it is part of a deal he did with Putin to launder Russian wealth that Putin stole through manipulation of the stock market. Even a small cut for Trump would make him richer than Bloomberg. Very tempting, perhaps irresistible to Trump.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
“It’s going to be just fine.” "The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum." "The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H L Mencken, 1920 A minority of Americans demanded a simpleton as President...and boy do they have one.
Michelle Neumann (long island)
this man is a public danger and should be treated as such: he needs to quarantine himself .....until January
James Devlin (Montana)
Trump is one of those classic ignorant people who don't know what they don't know - either in the past, now, or ever will in the future - and think themselves geniuses under the inauspicious notion that, to them, ignorance is bliss. The world already knows otherwise and America is about to understand that those equally ignorant fawning sycophants who have collectively enabled this incompetent bungling buffoon have further aggravated a serious global pandemic with dire consequences for everyone. Anyone with half a brain could have foreseen the eventuality that if something awful did ever happen, Trump would be utterly incapable of managing it, let alone contemplating the repercussions of it. And yet here we are, because self-serving greedy people value their careers over country, people, and health. This event and the White House's inept response was never a mystery. It was always a certainty.
Ann (Arizona)
This poll says it all. The more trump downplays the seriousness of the virus the more republicans downplay it, too, putting the rest of us in danger. https://www.vox.com/2020/3/15/21180506/coronavirus-poll-democrats-republicans-trump
Bart Manierka (Toronto)
Better call, Bernie.
Marlea (NYC)
I will NEVER understand how some people can show such blind loyalty to this person. He's the greatest "ist" on the planet: Narcissist, Misogynist, Egotist, Fantasist, Nihilist . . . . .
Mark Sheldon (Evanston, IL)
The Wednesday evening Oval Office address, with its egregious errors, was written by Jared Kushner and Steven Miller. That tells you everything about this incompetent (Kushner) and paranoid (Miller) administration.
Grove (California)
This will be chapter 24 in the “Anthology of Crimes of Donald Trump”.
Aaron Walton (Geelong, Australia)
I’m an American-born infectious diseases physician and medical microbiologist living in Australia. I am actively engaged in our hospital’s response to COVID-19. Australia’s national public health response is not above criticism, but from all I can glean from press reports and communication with colleagues back home, Australia looks like the very model of efficiency, honesty and active engagement compared to my native USA. All my family, including my aged but otherwise healthy mother, still live in America. I read Mr Leonhardt’s damning bill of particulars, and I could barely keep from shouting out loud I feel so enraged that my loved-ones’ lives could seriously effected or even lost because of Donald Trump’s psychopathic myopia and criminal negligence.
Rob (Chicago)
We need to come together now as this type of opinion writing serves no value as this pandemic is not interested in political ideologies.
Jeremy (Vermont)
Not to mention his mocking reference to the Democratic 'hoax' that is Covid 19, a ploy to steal the election.
Tom (United States)
Please, let’s not leave out Trump's claim at a rally that the Coronavirus is a “hoax” by Democrats akin to the Mueller investigation and Ukraine scandal
Charisse (DMV)
What happened to the war is there one any more the new war is killing people with coronavirus to get rid of the population .The crook that doesn't care about nobody
Winston Smith (USA)
Trump's border emergency declaration allowed him to break upwards of 22 federal laws as he sent bulldozers to desecrate Native American graveyards, and scraped off swathes of our pristine southwestern National Monuments for The Wall. And he claims a non-existent Obama 'regulation' prevented early virus tests?
Mike C. (Florida)
Our Trumper brother in law, who is fast earning the status of "crazy uncle" with the family, was completely "who cares" today. He may still believe this is all a hoax. We all pity him; he has a serious date with reality, when his Faux News reality bubble finally pops.
William O. Beeman (San José, CA)
The true test of a leader is how to handle a crisis. Trump has failed miserably. He has proven definitively to the world that he cares more about himself than the welfare of the people he was elected to serve. The most sickening behavior Trump exhibits is his pathetic attempt to seize on any tiny action and blow it up to be some kind of heroic decision on his part. He creates a football field of straw men who in his personal mythological hagiography "opposed him." How stupid does he think the public is? He is the only opposer--keeping every authoritative expert from doing their job for fear He will "Look bad." And when He is caught out He is like a deranged windmill pointing and shouting blame in all directions but his own: the press, Democrats, Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary! It would be merely pathetic if he weren't so deeply dangerous He is incompetent to the nth degree, and a proven inveterate liar to boot. Who would trust him in any way?
Diane Graves (Seattle, WA)
He should be in in jail due to his negligence. GOP? Crickets........
Ms. Pea (Seattle)
At this point, Trump is a nonentity. What does it matter what he did? This virus has now taken hold in the US and Trump is powerless against it. His usual bluster and lying will not make a difference now. Nothing will, except the medical professionals who will care for the sick and dying. Trump is just background noise, impotent and useless.
nzierler (New Hartford NY)
What I love about Leonhardt is that he provides hard facts in an op-ed column, facts that even the most hard core Trumpers cannot dispute.
Susan (Marie)
It doesn't really matter as Biden lost the election last night with his idiotic statements about ending fracking and embracing illegal felons.
Paul (Brooklyn)
Trump is only interested in two things, his money and his ego. He looks so strained when he toadies prop him up with a speech that is presidential. He either flubs it or outright lies. It is a sickness.
AliceInBoulderland (CO)
Re: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” Tuesday November 3, 2020 Vote Blue - No Matter Who
JD (Portland, Me)
There is no fix for stupid. The damage is done and its ongoing. Trump lap dog Republican senators recommend going out to restaurants, because we can get a seat easy enough now, and and get what else easy enough? His base still believe coronavirus is a hoax, because their guy said so. Doesn't matter what experts say now, Mister genius said it was a hoax already, so off they go to a restaurant to get that easy seat, and some of them will get a gift that keeps on giving. This is what we have for leadership now.
JR (Madison, WI)
This isn’t an opinion piece. All facts...
JS from NC (Greensboro,NC)
You told half the story. It started in 2018, when he gutted our global pandemic response apparatus, for the simple and idiotic reason that it was instituted by Obama. The world continues to suffer because Obama made a joke at Trump’s expense at the 2015 White House correspondents’ dinner.
Angela (Santa Monica)
my biggest worry outside of the virus spreading even more, is that the hustler in chief is going to cancel the november elections. i worry about a race riot, looting, poverty (many of us are "freelancers'), and unnecessary death due to this administrations gross incompetencies.
Cathleen (Virginia)
If any president EVER deserved impeachment for incompetence and determined lying then this president does. Americans have become lazy cowards about correcting what is wrong in the Oval Office.
KF (Arizona)
"Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president." Oh if only. He'd have failed at that also and just be a flunkie med student with debt. Instead, we're all carrying the debt of his incompetence.
Michael Chorost (Washington D.C.)
The Republican-controlled Senate has the power to remove this malicious fool from office literally tomorrow. Why haven't they? The words "malicious" and "fool" come once again to mind.
Jo (Seattle, WA)
How is it that anyone can still expect decency, intelligence, or even common sense from this president? He is what he is - incapable of anything beyond self-regard, mendacity, and bluster. His ignorance is militant and corrosive -- breathtaking in face of looming disaster with no margin for more blunders. The Russian phrase, of all things, is "useful idiot". Perhaps for his henchmen, enablers, and Fox News. But not, of course, for the U.S. and all of us about to pay, or already paying, the price.
Sasha (CA)
Our own president doesn't prioritize the health and wellbeing of Americans, and instead covers up the crisis with lies upon lies and shameful inaction. He does this so that the economy and stock market confidence don't decline in time for his 2020 election...It still baffles me how after EVERYTHING this ignorant, selfish, and despicable man is our president?!
Ronni (Chicago)
David, if anything, you underestimate how the Trump Administration has misled Americans on the coronavirus. On March 11, The Mercury News published a fact check on 28 ways that the Trump Administration have lied about coronavirus. I encourage everyone who is concerned about the USA and our health to read it. Here's the link: https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/03/11/fact-check-a-list-of-28-ways-trump-and-his-team-have-been-dishonest-about-the-coronavirus/ Frankly, at this point, I distrust anything coming from the Trump Administration about the coronavirus unless it comes from the mouth of Dr. Fauci. It's a tragedy that Donald J. Trump and his cabal of sycophants have exacerbated an international crisis. We should have done better, we deserve better and we must do better in the future. Remember when you vote in November.
Shim (Midwest)
Trump with the help of his toady enabler finally achieved his goal, bankrupting the US economy by his shear incompetence.
SCrystal (Lexington, MA)
This horrible president and administration are responsible for US deaths due to their stupid denunciation of danger and failures to act. Now during a pandemic they are loosening rules that protect nursing home residents and patients, obviously wanting to kill off the elderly and vulnerable. Plus, now there’s consideration of something more important to Mr. Chaos-in-Chief: his pardon of Flynn, which makes no sense but trumps the rage of a pandemic through our unprepared nation.
Deb (Sydney Australia)
As far as Trump's supporters are concerned, all this is just another DNC/MSM/liberal hoax bu people who can't move on from the election loss. Impeachment didn't work, so Trump's enemies made this up. Nothing will shake their faith in a con artist because it requires admitting you were defrauded. As people investigating fraud will tell you, the victims are too ashamed to come forward, or take the blame as in "He took all my money but I still love him".
joe new england (new england)
I've come to a conclusion about the Trump presidency. It's NOT ACTUALLY the Trump presidency. John Lovitz's SNL character, the one married to Morgan Fairchild, is something of a disguise and make-up genius. It's actually the John Lovitz presidency!
DL (Miami)
Take this article viral through all social media channels. Maybe then, the public will understand that the current president is a dim charlatan with absolutely zero ability to understand the facts or science that may resolve this global pandemic. His flat out inaction, lies and spin will not alter the course of what is now happening both socially and economically; it has opened the floodgates of what is likely to come. COVID-19 or any virus does not play politics.
mj (centralVA)
“I take no responsibility “
Rico Versalles (St Paul)
Trump is the clueless class clown who promised “no homework” and “McDonalds for lunch every day” and got elected. Then, when even just one teacher doesn’t give homework on any given day - or when the school cafeteria has a hamburger option on any given day, he takes credit and his mostly very ignorant student supporters celebrate him. Later, when everyone starts realizing there’s no substance to the clown - and when most students (except for the other clowns and the clueless “D” and “F” students) realize their school’s ranking and their own college and career goals are sinking, he desperately tries to blame teachers and the smart kids for all their problems. Eventually enough catch on and his ineptitude is revealed.
Michele (Somewhere in michigan)
I'm wondering if some people even bothered to read the article or did they just go directly to the comments section with pre-packaged opinions in hand? My goodness, how can one possibly read the litany of lies and lackadaisical missteps by this man, and still think he's fit for office?
Pradeep (New Haven)
Show the clips of all Trump’s statements in chronological and make into a television ad. Add an appropriate chilling statemant in a somber voice. Here’s one: “How many Americans have you killed, Mr. President?” I’m sure Times readers can come up with others. Are you listening, Mayor Bloomberg?
HJ (Washington State)
And the crimes and abuse that this narcissistic madman has perpetrated upon our nation and world just keep on coming. everything he touches ends up with a rotten, vile stink. HE is the great and present danger..much more dangerous than this horrific virus that is threatening our lives and livelihood. I have faith we will survive this virus. I hope and pray every day that we--as a country and world--will be able to outlast his evil, incompetent regime, before it is too late. Blood on his hands--and all who support and bow down to him still. Period.
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
Apparently, according to a story in both The Guardian and Vox, Trump recently offered a huge amount of money to the German company CureVac in exchange for EXLCUSIVE U.S. rights to a vaccine in development. So he can look like a hero and the rest of the world can go without? The president is a psychopath. WHY IS IT NOT 25th AMENDMENT TIME YET?
Venerable Bede (Minneapolis)
Trump is as reckless as a drunk driver. He's administrating while incompetent - operating under a denial of reality. But unlike the drunk driver who endangers a local area, Trump's scope is worldwide. He should be tried - for crimes against humanity.
huiray (IN)
In the meanwhile, trump's supporters and fervent base turn to the source they believe in for news - trump. And, as expected, believe HIM. May the Universe have mercy on the rest of us, who are not as stupid as these folks, who endanger the rest of us by their foolishness. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/14/us/politics/trump-supporters-coronavirus.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/03/14/older-americans-are-more-worried-about-coronavirus-unless-theyre-republican/
pvyates (Vancouver)
Bumbling, inept, arrogant, narcissistic, ignorant, childish, illogical, petulant, insulated, small-thinking, selfish, misinformed, angry, frightened and frightening Trump, the Disaster-in-Chief we all hoped would miss, has hit the target square between the eyes. The target is us. Nicely done GOP, whatever the fine day is in America right now, you should be proud of yourselves for creating the worst leadership and the worst response in what is rapidly becoming the worst crisis to hit America since WW2. And it’s just beginning.
XLER (West Palm)
This is ridiculous. The author would conveniently like to ignore the fact Trump shut down incoming travel to China in January, which saved thousands of lives.
Babs (Richmond,VA)
The effective 2020 Democratic commercial is all within this article. A picture/quote timeline of the misleading statements and outright lies.
Rw (Canada)
On Friday, March 13th MSNBC's Katie Tur interviewed two of your top scientists. Dr. Glen Morris (Emerging Pathogens Institute, UofFlorida) said that..."active efforts to discourage testing elsewhere [outside the CDC]"...."regulations were put in place to make sure only the CDC could test". Dr. Morris' lab has been dealing with corona viruses a long time. I hope somebody is taking his statement, under oath.
bp (neutral onserver interplanetary traveler)
Trump loves it. The more people die the more in the Social Security trust fund. More money for he and his cronies to split when they privatize it (they have wanted to for years and everyone knows it). Anyone denying it is a liar. They steal from the gullible and give to their kids.
DaDa (Chicago)
As Trump said of Obama (the president who put an early warning system in place) can he be impeached for incompetence. Dangerous incompetence.
David (Henan)
I don't know if there is anything more obvious in the history of the world than this: Donald Trump is not the guy you want to leading you in a pandemic of still unknown proportions.
WLA (Southern California)
I'm so shocked that someone that filed for bankruptcy four times and has not one notable business success in his adult life would fail the country so biggly.
Barry Henson (Sydney, Australia)
The problem with understanding the mind of a sociopath, like Trump, is that the things they will do are unthinkable to normal people.
steve (ocala, fl)
America should know that anything Trump says is a lie. He knows nothing about medicine, viruses and disease. He only knows how to grift and con people for his own financial benefit. He's our Nero.
avi (manhattn)
We'd all be safer if Dear Leader were out of commission because he caught COVID 19. If he would just go away for even a little while perhaps some serious people could handle this.
Art Seaman (Kittanning, PA)
It is evident Trump is a pathological liar. He is also a sociopath who has no empathy. His need to be surrounded by sycophants who constantly praise him is a recipe for a failing America. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop him, or make him act responsibly. In the end, the result will not be good.
Harry B (Michigan)
We know he is an idiot and a threat to the entire world, but you are preaching to the choir. The only question is how do we get through to the irrational amongst us. I am weary of beating my head into the proverbial wall. My only wish is that this virus was selective to the cult. I am on the front lines, we already have a positive feet from my work space. I am angry, very very angry. But I will do my job, I always have.
Anne V (Menlo Park, CA)
Trump ought to be impeached for his blatant ineptitude in the face of this global health crisis.
Bob (Albany, NY)
Dear Republicans: How do you like your candidate now?
Mixilplix (Alabama)
May we be honest? Trump is a sociopathic con man who wants to only keep his con going. He also happened to be voted in as President of the United States. This is truly the chickens coming home to roost. Trump cares about himself and image of himself. He now is bluntly terrified and I, a man who had voted for him, now wants to apologize to my nation and the world.
Mauricio (Houston)
Will one of the objective journalists at the debate tonight ask Biden why the Obama/Biden administration waited until 1K Americans had died to declare a national emergency regarding H1N1? Obama/Biden could have taken action earlier but didn't. Why? Why should we trust Biden after he and Obama failed the first time when confronted with a global pandemic.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
“So much winning” November 3 2020
Thomas (Merriam, KS)
But he had his own TV reality show. *Obama* never had his own TV reality show. Way to go, Trump voters.
Tony (Michigan)
This harkens back to the SNL skit where Hillary Clinton, played by the incomparable Kate McKinnon, held up a card a la Love Actually that said "He will kill us all". Looks like it's finally happening.
Tara (MI)
Preachy photo-ops to the contrary, he and his cronies worship only 1 idol: Mammon. We are the victims.
PeterS (Western Canada)
Did we expect anything else? He lies with every breath he takes about everything.
Michael SLC (Utah)
Azar should be fired for his gross incompetence of following the Trump playbook of lying to the American public. His and Pence's obsequiousness is especially off-putting. To see grown men fall all over themselves to praise Trump for his great work in combatting the surge of the coronavirus is vile and cowardly.
Ericsson (Sweden)
I really like your newspaper(even though I live in little Sweden). Amazing quality on your articles and it seems they are correct and not bias. BUT, when I read the comments it looks like the only people that reads the articles are not the ones who should read it. Where are all the Trump fans? Why not go to the Trump defenders and get there comments on the articles?? Like politicians that supports him.
Gigi (Oak Park,IL)
Two rules: Rule #1 - Do not believe a word out of Donald Trump's mouth. Rule # 2 - Do not believe a word out of Mike Pence's mouth. Recommendation: Press the mute button whenever Trump or Pence start to speak. Listen to Tony Faucci.
BS (Sunnyvale, CA)
*Please* make this into a permanent infographic that never comes down. Don't let RNC post-spin change his idiotic history that allowed infections to go up by 6x before supporting the obvious.
Charisse (DMV)
He wanted a wall the wall should have been built for him he doesn't pay his bills and he lies and he's a crook and he doesn't care about your health
Mandarine (Manhattan)
This denial by the short fingered bigoted vulgarian began long before the coronavirus in China. It started when in 2018 donnie single handedly under funded the CDC and reduced the system President Obama had put in place to manage the Ebola crisis to next to nothing. And for what to build his wall or give a tax cut to the wealthy?
Mark (Aspen)
The only surprise here is that people elected this buffoon as president and expected a different outcome. People will die just so his ego can stay intact. And yet he has a serious chance to get re-elected?
JANET MICHAEL (Silver Springs)
Trump hyped Trump University,Trump casinos, steaks and wines-none of which exists today.Who Is foolish enough to listen to this huckster selling what is dearest to him which is the stock market-he thinks his candidacy will live or die by the level of the market so he insists on minimizing the danger of the virus.As usual, he cares more for Trump than he does for the health and well being of the American people-just remember that he has already told more than sixteen thousand lies-everything he has said about the epidemic adds to his list of lies.
Al (Philly)
Thank you for your public service in documenting this criminal incompetence. This will serve as a reference, a historic record for the distant future... after the information has been scrubbed from the NewSpeak Dictionary... later this year during the presidential campaign... when our dear leader denies everything he said and did and blames Joe Biden for causing the pandemic.
JoeBftsplk (Lancaster PA)
The most damning action by the Trump Gang was to deliberately suppress our ability to do testing, to keep the numbers down for PR purposes. Because of this criminal behavior, thousands of Americans will die.
Glenn Ribotsky (Queens)
Nice compilation here on David's part. The people who really need to read it, of course--those who have been zombified by the cult of Orange--will never do so, but it's good to have it here as a summary source document for future historians. (I hope David continues to update it as more Trumpian misdirection and prevarication occurs--and you know there is going to be more.) The sad truth of it all is, we knew what this man was, how he thought and how he acted, but because a large minority of us were angry enough to want to stick a middle finger up the political system--and misogynist and racist besides--we gave him the ultimate position of authority. And now we are all going to suffer for the impulsiveness of the large minority who couldn't exercise just a bit of restraint. It's highly likely that a decent number of those cultists will die with the name of their hero on their lips, just like so many cultists before. But unfortunately they'll infect a lot of the rest of us before they go. I'd like to think we'd take a lesson from this, but it's not like we have before.
faivel1 (NY)
We witness in real time the astounding stupidity of the GOP mentality, contributing to disinformation and brainwashing of almost half of US population. It's a criminal behavior on a part of the whole wing of republican senate. The blood and suffering is on their hands! What do we usually do with criminals, we locked them up!
Sky Pilot (NY)
By the time they realize how many Americans will die because of Trump's incompetence, his supporters will start wishing he'd just shot somebody on Fifth Avenue instead.
There are no words—simply no words at all.
Sharon Phillips (Melbourne Australia)
The dotard has no human skills at all, so it is no surprise he has failed miserably at being able to understand what is going on around him or show any leadership, or listen to health specialists.
Richard Conrad (Orlando)
I hate to say it David but you and the rest of the press are also to blame. You state: “The inconsistent and sometimes ‘outright incorrect’ information coming from the White House”.......By saying “incorrect” you make it sound as if Trump simply made a mistake vs. outright LYING. Why is the press so terrified to call this man a liar given their has been nobody in the history of the world who has lied on this scale? As long as the press refuses to call a spade a spade and minimize Trumps deceit then you are not rightfully informing the public. Please start referring to Trumps lies as LIES instead of “incorrect information” or “not quite true” etc. In other words: DO YOUR JOB!
Beth (Ottawa)
In reading about the goings on in the world yesterday, I fell on a tweeter feed by your President....my god that man does nothing but tweet ....and mean tweets. Not that I was not aware ....but it is a tweet mill and his kids do same....no life, no responsibilities...and one of them is President of the USA!
Desert Rat (Palm Springs)
“Fake news. Democratic hoax.” And these are only two lines about the virus from DJT and his enablers on Fox in February. Mike Bloomberg could serve us well by investing in ads that simply loop these outrageous lies and the litany of Trump’s incompetence Mr Leonhardt puts forth next to the hard facts. It’s time for all Democrats and disgusted Republicans to galvanize and take down the fiend in the White House.
Edward Baker (Seattle and Madrid)
Of course Caliban regards the coronavirus as a public-relations emergency for himself. As a world-class narcissist, he believes that everything is about him and him alone. Public health does not exist for him because it is not about him. The entire country is in grave danger because the imbecile in the Oval Office cannot see beyond his mirror image.
trader (NC)
I read this morning that tRump has approached a German company with some kind of a leg up on a vaccine with huge bundles of cash. And the head of the company, an American quit last week. They have 3 "labs," one in Baltimore, what connection? tRump wants total American use of their knowledge and product. My question: is he dealing with our cash and is he dealing for us or is he trying for control for himself and his trailer park trash family? With tRump the question has to be asked, he only selfdeals, ask Anonymous!
Mark Shyres (Laguna Beach, CA)
He's drowning in his own ego and taking the country down with him. But most of all I blame the Democrats who cannot field a decent candidate. In may ways they have proven more inept and despicable than Trump. Maybe Trump is the best the GOP can do, but are the clowns the Democrats putting forward the best the country can do?
M. Natália Clemente Vieira (South Dartmouth, MA)
Since being in office, stable genius (SG) has cut the budget for the agencies responsible for taking care of our health. In 2018 the SG or whoever he wants to blame abolished the structure that Obama had put into place to deal with health crises. On 12/31 China advised WHO about its CV crisis. The genome for the virus was posted by the Chinese on 1/11. One week later German virologists had made the 1st diagnostic test for CV. On 1/30 WHO declared it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Was anyone in the government paying attention to the situation during January and February? Perhaps the political appointees, like Robert Redfield the CDC director, didn’t pay attention. However, I can’t believe that the scientists in the CDC and other agencies didn’t alert those above them. Were these scientists ignored or muzzled? By late February WHO had a CV test available and sent test kits to 60 countries. We chose not to use this test. When asked why it wasn’t used, even temporarily, no one in the administration will say. I am not surprised that no one accepts responsibility for this decision. They are only following the “I don't take responsibility at all” stable genius. SEE: politico.com/news/2020/03/06/coronavirus-testing-failure-123166 https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/01/31/coronavirus-china-trump-united-states-public-health-emergency-response/
Mua (Transoceanic)
The trump crime family has only ever been in the business defrauding people, laundering money and bankrupting companies, regardless the source of their willing partners whether Mohammed bin Salman, Vladimir Putin or any other murderous despot. What on earth should the trump crime family have to do with supporting the average American? They are in the business of enriching themselves at the expense of all others. As for "Pandemic?" They can't even spell the word!
Jim Pickett (Glenmont NY)
Over the course of American history I remember the concept that we shouldn't change leadership in the middle of a crisis. That to do so would create more problems than it would solve. Anyone who thinks that way now is 100% certifiable. And while you are filled with a sense of panic and dread, running to the store to stock up on enough toilet paper for the next ten years (If that isn't a sign of panic, I don't know what is), Trump is sitting at home drawing up the plans to.......pardon Flynn. Think about that America. The worst crisis in America since WW II. You are terrified of what might happen. It is totally upended your life. And what is the leader of the free world worried about? Pardoning his man , Flynn, while the public is distracted. But his base thinks he is all over this. What can you say other than WOW. Again I ask you. I am pleading with you. If Obama did this what would you be saying now? Firing squad? But Trump does it and you go out and buy another one of his hats. He's off on the lifeboat drifting away and you are going down with the ship. And you see no reason to put on a life vest.
Leithauser (Washington State)
Samuel Brannen of the Center for Strategic and International Studies and coronavirus pandemic simulation staged in 2019: “Our scenario assumed governments would first turn to short-term measures to try to slow the spread, such as travel bans and border closures. These bans, we found, did little to slow the spread of the virus: By the time those decisions got made, it had already started to spread through international air corridors and further human-to-human transmission. Like the real-world COVID-19 we are battling now, our hypothetical disease was transmissible before carriers show serious symptoms, so authorities—as now—found themselves playing catch-up.” https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/03/07/coronavirus-epidemic-prediction-policy-advice-121172
Canajun guy (Canada)
And to top it off, over the weekend when the number of coronavirus cases and deaths rose, Trump's main course of action is to announce he is considering pardoning his criminal crony Michael Flynn. "You knew I was a snake before you took me in".
Joe Rockbottom (California)
One outcome may be that trumps groupies ignore the problem and so become infected at a much higher rate than normal people. That could mean that more of them die. And if they die they can’t vote for their Dear Leader. In the words of their Dear Leader, “I don’t know. We’ll see what happens.”
Martha White (Jenningsville)
He did nothing but show the world what an absolutely lousy salesman he is. I can’t believe his rah rah supporters are still clinging to the hope that Trump is their savior. Meanwhile the death count is up to 60 at this point. It’s definitely going to get worse before we see a slim hope of light that it will get better. Our first responders are fighting a battle that I hope as hell they win, and that’s our nurses, doctors, EMT, police and fire. And what does he do, no empathy for those lives lost, no empathy for those who lost their loved ones, just selling his message that all is well.
pi (maine)
Trump's inaction and missteps are entirely in keeping with the Republican party he personifies. The belief that government should be flushed down the drain. The true believers who make GOP wedge issues their gospel. The party of god, guns, and greed denying civic responsibility and the golden rule. We'll all be holding our breath and making it up as we go along. However we pull through, it should not be taken as proof that capitalism run amok and a fact denying politics of faith works However much good hearts empty their pockets (and proportionally the poor are more giving than the rich) the institutions and norms of government provide the means and systems of providing aid. Especially emergency preparedness and response. Good thing the Trump administration and Mitch McConnell have not yet done their worst. Good thing they had not gotten around to firing Dr. Fauci and totally defunding his agency. Good thing that we can vote out Trump and his wrecking crew. Better late than never.
Marie S (Portland, OR)
THANK YOU, for this list, Mr. Leonhardt! Americans need to be reminded of the TRUTH about how the Trump administration responded to this crisis, how it was bungled, how he lied (and continues to lie) about it, and how Trump's focus has been pretty much solely on the stock market - not on the health and welfare of average Americans. With reporting like this, we won't allow history to obfuscate the fact that Trump absolutely failed us in our time of need. Remember this, voters, on Nov. 3rd.
Marian (Pine Brook)
There is nothing Trump could have done to stop the virus taking hold in the USA. It is easy to deny foreigners entry, but you have to let our own citizens back in. People coming home from business trips, vacations, students etc. in the tens of thousands. Enough to seed the virus in different localities. Admittedly there was a failure a with testing. Having said that, testing didn’t stop the spread of virus in countries that had enough test kits. Downplaying the extent of spread was to help the stock market avoid panic. This was done for small and big investors equally. Trump worked hard to get the private sector involved in production of goods needed to fight the contagion. I think he deserves praise for all his efforts and successes. He is doing the best under the circumstances
gumnaam (nowhere)
Almost everything you say is untrue. President Trump could have taken early aggressive measures to limit COVID-19 spread. Taiwan and Singapore are examples for what early aggressive measures would have accomplished. He could have authorized use of WHO tests till CDC developed their own. Tests are the only way to limit the spread through targeted quarantines and have worked wonders in South Korea and elsewhere. Lying to stabilize the stock market is a fool's errand. President Trump has not worked hard in the last three years, and has kept true to form during this pandemic crisis. My mind almost exploded when I read that he deserved praise for his "successes". The best under the circumstances would be for him and Vice President Pence to resign and let Speaker Pelosi handle the crisis.
ehillesum (michigan)
You are wrong, plain and simple. So easy for pundits and those who despise Trump to criticize. But note that the very liberal governors that have worked with the Administration have praised Trump, Pence and their team. That is because, unlike journalists, those Governors are doers and they know how tough it is to address a complex problem like this. The best evidence of Trump’s success is the number of deaths—it is spectacularly low and could remain so. That is because he stopped people from China from entering very early on—and even Fauci said that made a huge difference. A Democrat President would have been afraid of a political assault from the left if they had done so and we would be in very serious trouble.
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
@ehillesum Oh to live in bliss. I was one of those thousands returning from Europe that received a piece of paper and a form to fill out concerning exposure. Temperature was take. Whoopee. Then the masses headed for immigration and customs and many endured long lines that only exacerbates the exposure. Then the masses moved into terminals mingling with those who may have not yet been exposed and may have been exposed by one of many repatriated citizens. So, given those conditions in the airports, please convince me the bleating rhetoric concerning closing borders, a grand move you clearly support, is saving is from the virus. Lastly, with the lack of full-scale testing any reporting of deaths is fiction. Plain and simple. So, please, don’t attempt to convince is that Trump and his cronies are doing a good job when the evidence does not support such high praise.
Lynne (Redmond, WA)
@ehillesum So could you get tested and get results in a couple hours if you wanted? Trump has failed. You are wrong, plain and simple.
RR (Poulsbo, WA)
Your use of the perjorative 'Democrat' gives away your right wing bias. You reference to the travel ban suggests that you didn't read the article, since the travel ban was specifically cited as one of the few things President Trump has done right.
Jhs (Richmond)
I am a physician. We are discussing how to keep our patients safe and still serve them. The balance is difficult, and the information and risks change on a daily, and sometimes hourly basis. We will likely have to close all elective services this week and decide how to handle emergencies. The misinformation and blustering of our unfortunate and disturbed President has made it seem less likely that any significant help , and or guidance will be offered from the Executive branch. Leadership depends on integrity and trust to make it credible. This President has earned neither. He merely did a sad version of a campaigning speech tonight. He had Fauci and Bix attending. They should have been the experts doing the talking and taking the lead. Administration should be listening and supporting he efforts. Not minimizing and blaming . The experts present did point out , in the least confrontational way possible , that we are behind the curve on our response. Starting to ramp up testing and procedures..but into it late. At least they tried to correct our disoriented President. . Time for real people with knowledge and credibility to take action...your 10 minutes in the spotlight should be over Mr.T.
KJ (Tennessee)
@Jhs I received a personal call from my doctor Sunday evening, which resulted in a detailed discussion about the coronavirus, how to protect oneself and others, symptoms to watch for and where to call if they arise, and places to avoid. It was reassuring to hear a calm voice giving sensible, honest information and to know they cared enough to do it on their own time. No politics, no baloney, no lies. Thanks to all our dedicated medical professionals.
JSK (Crozet)
@Jhs As a retired physician is is hard not to agree with most (or all) of what you say. Still, it strikes me as unfortunate that so many comments now are focused on the presidential campaign--but understandable--and attacking the other party. If healthcare professionals are too short-handed--would expect that to soon be the case--it is possible to tap the expertise of many retired physicians to help maintain a telemedicine effort. I am sure many of us would be more than willing to help. This would be more helpful than litigating political grudges that will sort out in Nov. It is hard to imagine Mr. T would be re-elected--although enough (not a majority) of the country was willing to vote for him in 2016.
Mike Iker (California)
My wife is a physician and is responsible for medical education at a world class teaching hospital. She is worried sick for her patients and future patients. She is worried sick for the medical students, residents and fellows who are being exposed to the risks of COVID-19 in the hospitals where they have come to learn and serve and for whom she feels great responsibility. She is worried sick about the attending physicians and nurses who are the front line defense for us in this country and around the world and who are increasingly the casualties of this war. I am worried sick for her.
EllyNC (NC)
If Trump controlled his avarice for the financial market and didn’t start off with calling the Coronavirus a hoax and treating it like a nuisance people might have more faith in his handling of it. Yet even as other nations show us what and how they are contending with it, he repeatedly along with his talking heads plays it down, lies about its severity. No wonder citizens are confused and panicked. I have found during current times how to go about. Whatever this administration says, including its leader I put to the side, listen to the legitimate professionals and react accordingly. It’s the only way to feel safe and that I’m doing the proper thing.
Angelsea (MD)
@EllyNC The populous are not confused. Trump fanatics believe his lies and half-truths to a fault. They are not panicking. They expect the virus to miraculously disappear in April, just like the Easter bunny. It's the rest of us who knows he's lying and are listening to the experys. No one, however, should be panicking. Clears eyes are needed to survive this thing, personally and as a nation. Panic does not inspire clear-eyed decisions. Want to verify this, look for toilet paper. Panic buying left none for those of us just doing our regular shopping.
Sports Medicine (Staten Island, NY)
@EllyNC Trump never called the coronavirus a hoax. He was referring to the media's coverage, and the stoking of panic. Obviously it worked, because here you are reciting their narrative. Trump never lied about its severity. For most people, its common cold symptoms. we currently have about 3000 cases. Considering we are a nation of 327 million, thats pretty darn low. What would you had preferred? He screamed its time to panic?
David (California)
This is just plain opportunistic serendipity. After all that has occurred which should have been more than enough to oust Trump from the White House, backside first, a nice election year pandemic that was made worse by his own brand of simpleton incompetence that's roiling the stock market he had no action in building up, is just poetic. Based on talking points in tonight's debate I'm sure all the points enumerated in this op-ed will be cultivated into nice campaign narrative for the Biden effort.
damon walton (clarksville, tn)
@David Indeed, Trump was able to dodge the two bullets of the Mueller Report, and the Impeachment Inquiry. But he won't be able to dodge the third bullet of the Coronavirus. The coronavirus is immune to his bluffs, denials, and lies. It can't be tweeted away, his allies are not defending him on this and the sheer fear is starting to eat through his bulletproof political base. Nothing like the threat of losing your life to finally open your eyes.
Sheila (3103)
@damon walton: Yes, isn't it ironic that the germophobic "president" will be brought down by a tiny little virus he has no control over? No scandal could touch him, but Mother Nature had other plans, and thsntke.
Ashley Madison (Atlanta)
@David Poetic justice would be donald and pence succumbing to the virus and Nancy Pelosi ascending to the presidency.
Ramie (Home)
My workplace discussed contingency plans for maintaining our business right after Christmas break. Then numerous meetings were held to plan these actions. Fast forward to mid-March, I am now working from home for weeks on end while watching my 401k tank and can’t visit my elderly mother at her care facility. What was 45 & his cast of characters doing during this time? Deny, deflect, & destroy our nation. November can’t come soon enough.
Cathy (Hope well Junction Ny)
One thing that would have been valuable is if the government, anticipating disruption since they saw how China worked out, started rolling out instructions, guidance and aid for businesses in January.
Mike (Peterborough, NH)
@Ramie and playing endless rounds of golf!
Sari (NY)
Unemployment will go sky high while we endure the Coronavirus crisis. That's exactly why trump keeps trying to downplay the severity of the virus. He can keep trying to his dying day, it won't work. Intelligent folks are listening to the experts, the doctors and scientists. Try as he may, he's an expert on absolutely nothing.
Amelia (Northern California)
The President's dismissiveness, inability to grasp science and fact and lack of seriousness is reflected in many ordinary Americans' approach now. I'm not talking about Fox News nation; of course, they deny reality. I spoke with a friend yesterday--a bright, educated person, totally nonpolitical, totally non-Fox--and she scoffed at the idea that America could potentially face huge numbers and grave outcomes. She thinks it's crazy for people to work at home, if they can. She thinks people should go out to bars, gather and party. She thinks the cancellations of events and major league sports is an overreaction. She thinks we're just frightening ourselves. Again, this is a total non-Trump person--but she truly doesn't understand why anyone would look at the crowds at spring break and Disneyworld and wonder, why do these people not love their elderly relatives? That's just unkind and judgmental, is what she thinks. The idea made her really angry. Because she doesn't truly think there's any crisis at all.
Keith (Merced)
My wife and I are old, and we have underlying health issues that could cause our demise if we contract the virus. Our kids and grandkids are frightened for us. We are, too. I was never frightened by an emerging pandemic until Trump announced all news related to this tragedy had to go through Pence, a prospect that made me shudder, surprisingly. A son-in-law works for a Chinese company, and I was visiting them and our 4-month old grandson a couple weeks ago when he was on a conference call. He said his Chinese colleagues asked how things were going here because Chinese news media was telling them America is in bad shape. Perhaps, they are onto something about the lies coming from our administration. Most of us didn't know the extent of the outbreak until the virus was firmly planted in our communities, and Trump implied yesterday we should continue shopping because stores will look like Christmas. His sycophants like Nunes whose district is 60 miles south of me said yesterday it's a great time to go out dinning, shopping, and drinking! Fear is a great reminder of who led us astray, get rid of them, and why we must trust public health officials who contradict Trump and his sycophants ever day.
Norn Iron (Belfast)
At the hour of the nation's greatest need, trust in Trump to lie to the occasion.
David Roy (Fort Collins, Colorado)
Pick any topic that is important to people. Trump is not only wrong, he is idiotically wrong. Climate change - wrong Health insurance - wrong Treatment of women - wrong Immigrants - wrong Decency - wrong The environment - wrong Disavowing dictators - wrong Democracy - wrong Trump exists for one reason, and one reason alone: himself. The Republican Party has become the host that allows the parasite, Trump, to kill it, and survive himself, no matter the cost to other people, to decency, or to the judgement of history. And he will be judged.
Drew Emery (Washington State)
This is a searing indictment of Donald Trump, an incompetent, negligent and untrustworthy Commander-in-Chief. Under any government facing even minimal accountability, Trump would have been forced to resign long ago. Frankly, I can't decide whether I should be more ashamed of our nation or fearful for it. We are so far past the point where this administration has any credibility whatsoever. Donald Trump must resign.
Matt Cook (Bisbee)
So, is there testing for COVID-19 going on in the U.S.of A.? Or, are the results not being reported? Or, are test kits being withheld? Or, is the manufacture of test kits being stifled by Government actions? Are the media, and you NYT, not featuring reporting of COVID-19 testing results because there’s been little or nothing to report to date? Or, is something else going on?
Joe Miksis (San Francisco)
Trump is an extreme present hedonist. He lives in the moment. sans history of future. He has no ethics, no scruples, no compassion. As he has stated, he is not responsible for anything. Surrounded by has incompetent sycophants, who have little understanding of what they are supposed to be doing, Trump is a hindrance, not a help. Look to your states and your counties for the assistance during this crisis. Trump is not a man of strategies or tactics He is the pure con man.
Patricia Sprofera (East Elmhurst, NY)
The president is always in the dark - just as the photo, accompanying this article, depicts.
Mtkailas (USA)
"We will be down to zero in two weeks" "I take no responsibility" Quotes that will live in infamy, and should be ground into his face every day until November, and then every day until he shambles out of DC In January.
Maryrose (New York)
people are dying. trump will not escape this one. its too big and too devastating for too many people. he lacks any and all capabilities to deal with any aspect of it and every time he opens his mouth he makes a fool of himself. he was propped up by mike pence yesterday in order to keep his fractured ego and brain glued together. they "handled" him like a mental patient at yesterday's press conference. he's a danger to national security and thats how he's being treated. he just doesn't know it yet.
TheraP (Midwest)
Trump “could have...” - fill in the blank. “He did none of those things.” That is the story of a failed presidency. It is the legacy of Trump’s failures that we must now live with. BUT ONLY UNTIL Inauguration Day next January. So many of us could see - immediately - where this virus was going. We could see it when Trump was in Davos. And on and on... If this series of failures is not impeachable, as Dereliction of Duty, as AWOL, as failure of the Oath of Office, as criminal negligence, then I do not know what is. Trump: T is for Terrible. R is for Reprehensible. U is for UNFIT. M is for Mendacious. P is NOT for “president.”
Astrochimp (Seattle)
Trump is simple: he cares only about himself and how people feel about him. Everything is political. He doesn't understand complex or nuanced issues, not because he is too stupid, but because he can't (even if he tried) bring himself to care. The radical-right propaganda machines, from Fox "News" to Rush Limbaugh, will be whirring furiously to distort, distract, and most of all, blame the Democrats. Trump is nice when talking about China, because he likes brutal dictators like Xi, but he was unnecessarily abusive of the EU during his little desktop speech, as he was insulting about my governor Jay Inslee of Washington. Trump doesn't care about people.
Paul Wertz (Eugene, OR)
It's not just that trump is a failure and a liar, but that he insults Americans' intelligence by engaging in what seem to be recreational lies. By all indications, he pushes his distortions and outright falsehoods further and further as if to test the gullibility of this country's taxpayers. And why shouldn't he? Almost half the country buys in.
jrw (Portland, Oregon)
Dear Leader has the full-support of all right-thinking Americans and will not be distracted by science, knowledge, expertise, or facts from his heroic and decisive plan to gaslight the country.
Rudy Flameng (Brussels, Belgium)
Ah, good old Donald the Magnificent... One of a kind (one hopes!), your President. Reliably unreliable. But remarkably proficient at exploiting the intellectual laziness, the stupidity even, of so many. And supported still by the heartless who see him as an opportunity to advance their agenda, be they caricatures of plutocrats or religious zealots, seeking the End of Days. How did someone like that even win an election? Oh, wait, he didn't. And even now the broken system that elevated him remains firmly in place, unaltered and ready for re-use... Four more years is still a distinct possibility. Are you ready for that?
Kapil (Planet Earth)
Nothing new here. Trump is a conman and I never expected anything better from him. The sad/scary thing is that so many Americans voted for him and still supports him. He is the Jesus and the savior for his supporters. Its better to write about his followers and to try and save them from this false prophet.
AACNY (New York)
Meanwhile democrats were yelling about "qui pro quo".
Lawrence (Washington D.C,)
The sign on the President's desk differs from the one HST had, "The Buck Stops Here". I believe it reads, ''The buck gets pocketed here".
Iamthehousedog (Seattle)
Republican Senators need to be held accountable- and given infection as well.
Stephen (Fishkill, NY)
Is this same Republican Party that held several congressional hearings on Benghazi blaming Clinton and by proxy Obama for the deaths of 4 Americans-an ambassador among them? Where are they now! The President’s incompetence is only surpassed Republican hypocrisy.
Susan L. (New York, NY)
I used to think Nixon was the worst president in my lifetime - and then there was Reagan, and finally there was George W. Bush. However; as horrible as they were, we now have the most horrific president in our nation’s history. Not only am I convinced that Trump is mentally ill and has worsening dementia and a borderline IQ, but he’s also a pathological liar and the most selfish person imaginable. The worsening coronavirus situation is a stark example of just how unqualified and inept he is. If we manage to survive this crisis, it will be *in spite of* having Trump (purportedly) at the helm - and the other frightening aspect is the continual complicity of Trump’s (revolving door) cohorts. This year’s presidential election is absolutely the most critical we’ve ever faced - and we must vote as if our lives depended on it, because that is the stark truth.
r mackinnon (concord, ma)
Bottom line - The POTUS disbanded the Pandemic Response Team. Then he claimed he didn't know it had been disbanded. So - He's either a blatant liar (shock!), or is completely clueless as to the profound gravity of his job (shock!) Either way - he is grossly, alarmingly unfit to serve
Guido Malsh (Cincinnati)
Ignorance, arrogance, greed, corruption, incompetence, high crimes and misdemeanors (to name a few) are not the hallmarks of a president fit to hold office. The actions taken by this illegitimately elected official have dismantled, destroyed and disgraced this democracy. And yet, they seem to be propelling him even further downward, aided and abetted by a kakistocracy of complicit cronies who have put themselves and their politics above their country.
J Brian (Lake Wylie)
As you sit idly by, nitpicking and gossiping, the Coronavirus Task Force is in overdrive to help Americans in every walk of life. Just like the doddering fools at the "debate" last night, both of whom insisted they'd do, well ... exactly what our President is doing now. All the while the moderators ignored that blinding glimpse of the obvious: Neither Biden nor Sanders - haven forbid either becomes our next President - would take office for ten months, and yet they both proposed plans they'd implement now ... that are already done.
Lonnie (New York)
What happens now part 1 From the beginning I have called everything about the Corona virus, if there was a way to go back and look at my comments , you would see warnings to stock up, and exactly what to buy and do. A month ago. The first thing you have to understand is this , just as it is happening had to happen, there was no way to isolate America from the world. Could we have stalled it, sure, but in many ways , March and April are the perfect months, few storms, out of hurricane season, not too hot. The most important thing to slow down the virus was the closing of the schools, it completely changed the trajectory of the virus. Closing in people during an epidemic, would have been like millions of Diamond Princess cruise ships. The next thing that has to happen is all nonessential business close for the next two months. Verizon stores, ATT stores, clothing stores, etc, all shut. The trajectory of the virus changes again. Fast food stores, should only keep the drive-through open, the people who work the drive thru, must wear mask, googles, gloves, this changes the trajectory, any place where there is face to face contact closed such as bars and restaurants, these places stay alive by offering delivery service, once again absolutely no face to face contact at the door, food is left in from of the door. It is time for all businesses to adapt and show American ingenuity End part one
Ken (New York)
Trump needs to resign now. He is the biggest impediment to anything getting done. No one believes anything he says. He created this pandemic.
John D (San Diego)
I am a Hillary Clinton voter who is utterly over the despicable attempts by both sides to politicize this crisis. That includes you, Dave. When the situation settles down, the finger pointing can commence in earnest. No doubt Trump will have either saved the world or destroyed it based on the perfectly predictable columns to come.
Bill L (Connecticut)
This time line, with the confirmed case count and death toll, running under video clips of trump's ignorant and self-serving comments would make a powerful statement about this administration's incompetence and astonishing dishonesty.
Odo Klem (Chicago)
Of course, he's treating it as a public relations emergency. THOSE ARE THE ONLY TOOLS HE HAS. When all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail.
Kathryn (NY, NY)
First of all, Trump is stupid. He doesn’t/can’t read; he doesn’t listen. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. He thinks he’s an expert in everything. His hubris is astonishing. But most importantly, he doesn’t CARE. He isn’t capable of empathizing with families who are going to see their loved ones die from Coronavirus. He cannot understand what will happen to businesses that are taking a huge hit financially. When he went bankrupt, he got rescued by his father or big banks. He cannot comprehend that there are people who live paycheck to paycheck. He doesn’t understand living on tips. He is completely tuned out to the common humanity of the American people. Here’s the take-away. If Trump’s lips are moving, he’s lying. Don’t believe a word he says. This is the crisis which was predicted by everyone who was paying attention. He has been unfit since day one. He cannot lead us. Listen to the experts. Read from reliable sources. You are not being protected by our government. Trump’s “best people” have failed miserably. Vote them OUT in November. Here we are. May God protect The United States Of America.
Kevin (CO)
Everything that trump touches eventually goes dark, just like the people that surround him. DUMP trump in 2020.
Travis ` (NYC)
Can we even protest for his removal anymore? I want him gone and all his I'll fated olicies. King Minus has bankrupted the country and also made it sick to death of him literally. How can anyone think he's good for buisness. Enough!
Des Johnson (Forest Hills NY)
But he bullied the Fed into doing something. Covid-19 is shaking in its boots.
Gene Paletta (Oakland cA)
Trump is the REAL national security threat to the US and all around the world- let's kick him out of office so he can spend the rest of his miserable life fighting the blizzard of lawsuits that awaits him!
Anon (Istanbul)
If the Democratic nominee doesn't use this article as the timeline for a general election ad that has a graph of deaths growing superimposed over Trumps comments in realtime, then they deserve to lose. This is what you get when you elect bluster and incompetence over experience and decency. How we lose elections to the GOP baffles me . Can we get some ad creatives in the DNC!!!!
Horseshoe Crab (South Orleans, MA)
It is pointless to think Trump has any thing substantive, logical or truthful to say. And Pence, as smooth talking and reasonably reassuring he appears in his appearances, needs to stop ascribing what herculean and decisive actions his president has taken to address this crisis. Please make these clowns disappear. Information needs to be delivered by medical and public health officials not political shills and prevaricators.
Max Shapiro (Brooklyn)
Americans are chiming in on national responsibility on matters of health. If Trump is right, Americans are willing to lose a few in order to avoid a healthcare system that would have lowered casualties. Americans are fine with crippling students who want to go to college with debt. Americans are fine with letting weak people get, sick people die, and those with infectious diseases should go to work, else they lose pay. Democracy rules. Trump is not off the mark when it comes to figuring out that stupidity rules democracy.
elzocalo (San Diego)
Under bully in chief, the executive power and related orders are reserved strictly to further enrich the rich, promote bigotry, further weaken the weak and pardon criminals..... did I miss anything?
John (New Zealand)
Touch of Irony. Guatemala has banned U.S citizens from entry.
Fread (Melbourne)
I think the corona crisis is what the country gets when it decides racism is more important than good governance! What you have is an incompetent character in charge, simply because he’s a racist! So the country pays the price for this incompetence! A competent leader would have hunkered down as soon as it hit China and gone to work. A competent leader wouldn’t have disbanded the pandemics team in the WH. This is what the country gets when it prioritizes racism over good governance!
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
It's not too late to impeach him again.
Babs (Richmond,VA)
The complete reliance on expert Dr.Fauci is admirable—yet still amazing; this administration has (thankfully) decided not to call HIM a member of the “deep state.”
Queen Bee (NYC)
No time for pandemic. Time for floating the idea of pardoning Flynn. Will the cult wake up in time to avoid drinking the actual koolaid?
Mr. P (St. Louis)
One more minor infraction to add- in March 13's infotainment presentation, in which the Walmart, Target, etc CEO's amazed the stunned crowds w/ skillful acts of derring-do, our Most Truthful Leader touted that another trusted institution, Google, had "1700 Engineers" diligently working on a website that would virtually shut down the crisis. In fact, this was a total lie. What a surprise. It was merely yet another advertisement, this time to promote son-in-law Kushner's web company that google had acquired. This company had an "idea" for the said website, with the sum total of its work on it so far being the physical poster of the concept being waived around proudly on Friday. Friday the 13th. Not one employee of google had worked for even one minute on this concept or any associated website. The man's utter depravity and stupidity knows no bounds. See the Times report on this from yesterday: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/14/us/politics/trump-google-coronavirus.html
Mike (New York)
You should really include this quote from his 2/26 press conference: "And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done." Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4ujV1FjsIU&t=34m22s Here's the text: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members-coronavirus-task-force-press-conference/ It's also in this press conference where he says "it's the flu. it's just like the flu."
Lmb (Co)
“I take no responsibility for it.”
Avi Houston (Texas)
Trump is unqualified, unfit, not suited for any public office, let alone the highest one in the United States. If there is a negligence crime against Americans, he is guilty of it. Many more Americans will die as a result of his indifference towards lives, incompetence in a crisis, and non-stopping lies.
Lonnie (New York)
What happens now part 3 Congress will change, meeting together as they do needs to become a thing of the past, they all should stay home, and vote by phone. Everything will happen when the time comes, a Senator will get Corona virus and they adapt. The President should have no more face to face meetings, soon even the press conferences will be stopped as the meeting of more than 10 people will be banned. The stock market , will be up and down all through March and April, it really should be halted for two months, you don’t need all those people on the trader floor, so it will probably be stopped in place. By May when things begin to improve you will want to be in on the stock market, you could get rich. In the next two months as people are either off from work or working from home, gives every business the time to change their floor plans, so people are not within ten feet of each other and their is a barrier between every desk. Public bathrooms must also change, everything should be handsfree and motion detected, the water taps, soap dispenser, paper towel dispenser. Even after May, and until a vaccine is perfected business has to stagger shifts, the United States will be open 24 hours, keep people apart as much as possible. The United States as we know it is about to change forever, many changes will be permanent, others temporary but the changes will make us safer from what is happening right now, never happens again.
mcsandberg (Denver, CO)
The Gompertz curve shows just how incredibly over hyped the virus is https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/03/13/the-math-of-epidemics/ . It is now predicted that total deaths in South Korea will be about 101, for example.
Mike a. (Fairfax VA)
Can we please give the Trump bashing a rest for a while? Begging now.
John Mullowney (OHIO)
No action, and he got away with it
Plenny Wingo (Florida)
If you have even a shred of decency left you would resign today, trump.
Barry (Nashville)
You know what he hasn't ever done? Ever? Express an ounce of empathy for those already touched by the disease: the families of the sick and dead. Or those put out of work or on limited hours. Those that are working around the clock to help out or find a vaccine. That alone should trigger the 25th Amendment. The guy is sick. We have a sick child in the White House. MAGA now?
Me (MA)
Trump not only tweeted today about Joe Biden, cryin’ Chuck Schumer and pardoning Michael Flynn - he also retweeted something from judicial watch about - wait for it - Hillary Clinton’s emails and Benghazi! All the greatest hits from our very stable genius! No wonder the markets are tanking again.
P (Boston)
But at least he didn’t have his own private email server!
Agent X (Seattle)
And yet, his zombie-like MAGA followers will simply line up behind him, cheer "Lock It Up!" and March lock step behind the "great leader" into the abyss.
John W (Seattle)
You didn’t include his statements about continuing “big beautiful rallies” nor did you mention the Fox News arm of his administration calling it a Democratic Hoax to bring him down since impeachment didn’t work. A very incomplete timeline.
Natalia (Boston)
It really is a great summary of Trump’s absolutely disastrous response to the crisis. I just wish that this was also published and read on some conservative sites... Imagine, these facts were stated by Fox News, not only by NY times?! But, instead, there will be another barrage of misinformation and turning facts upside down... is there any way to pass the message across?
Olnpvx (Chevy Chase)
The guy knows nothing about running the most power country of the world resides the White House and many guys so afraid of loosing their jobs are together running our country down the drain.
DBR (Los Angeles)
"I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president," said Trump to Pécuchet,
Gordon Gregory (Paradise, ca)
Great work David.
Mikee (Anderson, CA)
And after this is over, Trump and all his syncophant disfunctional yes men in the administration and congress need to be totally deprived of any office they hold and banished forever from political life.
Steve (Northern NY)
Add his lack of leadership regarding this heath emergency to an ever growing list of impeachable offenses.
JD (Tuscaloosa)
Happy talk keep talking happy talk. Talk about things you like to do. You've got to have a dream if you don't have a dream how you gonna have a dream come true? Happy talk keep talking happy talk....
brighteyed (NY)
David Leonhardt will be writing a very similar op-ed in 5 years. A Complete List of Trump’s Attempts to Play Down Global Warming He could have taken action. He didn’t.
B Wright (Vancouver)
A monumental failure on Trump’s part. Of course now he says I will not take any responsibility for any failures. Sorry bucko they are in your lap, there will be blood on your hands, remember in 2020!
Jay Tan (Topeka, KS)
Heard it in the grocery store that the Chinese doctor who invented the Coronavirus conviniently disappeared. People will believe lies, it is easier, it supports their president, the best manager we had in the White House per his supporters. Can't wait for November.
ben (syracuse ny)
I can only wonder if trump supporters have reached the "we've had enough " point and realize they have been duped by an incompetent buffoon. How much more could it possibly take.
ss (Boston)
It is so easy and unfair to write things like this. It only demonstrates that NYT will stop at nothing to savagely attack Trump. This also holds for all the political enemies of Trump, so prevalent on this website. No reasoning with them, unfortunately and sadly. I hope though that there is enough level-headed people in this country who will be able to judge this all reasonably.
K. Kong (Washington)
Does mismanaging the pandemic qualify for impeachment as a high crimes and misdemeanors? Isn’t putting American lives in danger a crime? When will Republican lawmakers snap out of it and tell us what we all know: the president is reckless, incompetent and dangerous?
Mogwai (CT)
It isn't just 45, it is all Republicans. All of them are a cult-mind. And all of them think like 45. Shame on America for ever allowing such a far-right political party.
Sheila (3103)
"But he also seems to view it mostly as a public-relations emergency for himself rather than a public-health emergency for the country." Because it IS always about him, it's called Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). His brain is incapable of insight, therefore he cannot self-reflect, and cannot feel empathy. Throw in the other toxic two: Antisocial PD (con artist) and Paranoid PD (suspicious of/no trust in others), and we have Mr. Malignant Narcissist. And yes, I am mental health professional who has had clients with similar issues. They are impossible to rationalize with and incapable of accepting any feedback as they perceive it as criticism. Criticism is seen by them as "not liking me" therefore they attack the messenger as "bad" "mean" etc. Sound familiar? This nightmare is brought to you by and propped up by the GOP and voters who refuse to see that we have a mentally ill "president" when's completely incapable of handling this crisis and toady (p)sycophants who refuse to tell the emperor that he has no clothes.
Paul (Philadelphia)
Fauci is just a bureaucrat who has served too long. He is an apologist for Donald Trump. If he had any voice, long ago drowned out by his President's lies.
EC (Brooklyn)
Lock him up! The wilful negligence of Trump and his administration is criminal. Many lives will be lost or destroyed.
Matthew (NJ)
WHEN does the press come in UNITED and call him a LIAR? What is it going to take? Strength in numbers. He needs to be called out. We need to shut him down. People are now going to DIE because of his bungling and narcissism. WHEN is it enough? WHEN do people just say UH-UHH, you have to leave NOW. Pack your bags and get the out.
Sara (New York)
Every self-serving tweet he has sent in the past 60 days is criminal. Truly. He was tweeting when he and Ivanka and Jared and every member of his administration knew that people would die because of his obsessions and greed.
Ken Solin (Berkeley, California)
Trump's lack of critical thinking skills has put America at a distinct disadvantage in the Covid 19 crisis compared with South Korea, which has tested more than 250k people while America has tested a few thousand. America has a president with a total lack of ability to lead in a crisis. He has inspired no one and put Americans at risk by ignoring this deadly health issue because he's incapable of comprehending the science behind fighting it. Truly only the most inveterate, albeit ignorant MAGA supporters can still think Trump is doing a good job. The notion that America will be brought down by ignorance and stupidity is beyond my comprehension but it's possible.
kad427 (Asheville, NC)
Donald Trump is constitutionally incapable of real leadership. His profound personality disorder prevents him from seeing anything except the man in the mirror. He is a narcissist of gigantic proportions. The man we elected is really nothing more than a school yard bully facing, for the first time, an opponent he can't scare. And we are paying a steep price for his inadequacies.
Trump and ever faithful sycophants such as Nunez has to be labeled for their responsibility.
Mary (Paso Robles, California)
I don’t believe anything Trump says or anyone in his administration. And I wonder how Trump’s cult worshipers in the red states, who only get their news from Fox, will fare. Most red states did not expand Medicaid under Obamacare and their constituents have suffered and will really suffer from this pandemic.
Glenn (NY)
Trump is a menace to society and nothing makes that clearer than his lack of action to the coronavirus. He should be removed from office immediately.
CW (Left Coast)
And beyond the breathtaking incompetence, I've yet to hear Trump express an ounce of sympathy or concern for people who have contracted or died from the virus or their families. As David Brooks said on the News Hour Friday night, "This is what happens when you elect a sociopath president."
Dan Moerman (Superior Township, MI)
Just what we need: a "miraculous ... miracle." And a question: just how many "former Trump administration officials" are there, out there? Hundreds? Thousands?
P2 (NE)
Trump gave one of Kushner buddies the contract to develop a test, which was already developed and offered at 2% of cost to USA. GOP is here for money, power.. Greed over everything.. GOP needs to go, if not they will sell America and will have no shame on quitting when time gets tough.
Jack the Ex-Patriot (San Miguel de)
It's too little too late. Come November, there will be thousands -perhaps hundreds of thousands- of needless deaths to contemplate. The US and global economy will be shattered, with many respected business and institutions closed- for good. Bankrupt -or bailed out. The old adage, "Ignorance is bliss.", will have been relearned. This is the "big Kahuna", folks. How long did it take society and the economy to re-set after 9-11? This is even worse.
Mountain Dragonfly (NC)
I don't know why anyone would be surprised at Trump's response to the coronavirus. Every person who contracts the virus at this time is a direct victim of his incompetence and the arrogance or Americans who think that nothing bad can happen to us. I am not a religious person, but I pray that all of us recognize and become familiar with our local, state and federal officials who are are actually trying to keep the wheels of our government running. IF he doesn't find a way to postpone elections in November, and IF the virus has abated, and we actually can extend voting days or implement alternate means to vote from visiting polls, I hope that people will vote with their heads instead of their hearts!
David (California)
Please, let's not make this about Trump. There are more important things to deal with.
HKS (Houston)
A sad fact of this situation is that after the pandemic has subsided and the chaos, suffering and tragic consequences brought about by this administration’s indifference, incompetence, and ineptitude becomes fully evident, there is little likelihood that The Donald or his cronies and GOP enablers will pay any price for their actions. People might wake up to reality and vote them out of office, and they will be forever labeled as pariahs. But, as The Donald has shown many times before, the concepts of shame, empathy or personal accountability are foreign to him. Like the Bush/Cheney duo’s avoidance of responsibility for war crimes for perpetuating the Iraq war, Trump will be Nixonian in his avoidance of any kind of personal pain.
John Virgone (Pennsylvania)
After all Trump has gotten away with through lying, denying and the support of his cronies, it appears the "Teflon Don" has finally met his match. Hopefully, come November, we all remember his actions and the suffering we all have and will endure due to his lack of adequate decision making.
Tom Walker (Maine)
Thank you and please continue to create an accurate historical record.
Patrick Flynn (Ridge, NY)
You left out the best part. It was when the guy who "knows so much about this" asked if the flu vaccine would work on Covid-19. Incompetence, ignorance, and hubris are the best recipe for disaster ever devised.
Open Mind (Northern ADKs)
“One day - it’s like a miracle - it will disappear.” The American people have an opportunity perform a true miracle in November and make Trump disappear.
Michael (NC)
So, the President has tried to add some rational caution to the overblown, panic-driven reports in the press. The same press who almost uniformly ignored the consistent tens of thousand of Americans lost every year to normal flu viruses. While Trump tries to tamp down panic-induced hording, the press slams him for not helping to terrify the masses. The President stands with the most respected physicians in the nation as he crafts the county's response to, what is currently, a pretty limited epidemic within the US. I'm surprised that the over-politicized press haven't already tried to shame Dr. Fauci for supporting the president's efforts. Articles like this are just shameful.
Jim (Placitas)
"Trump now seems to understand that coronavirus isn’t going away anytime soon. " Seriously? What has he done or said that would lead us to believe this? At yesterday afternoon's update press conference, no more than 15 minutes after Anthony Fauci told CNN that it's entirely possible we could see a million deaths, Trump took the podium and declared "we have this under total control." At this point Trump is no longer an existential threat to our democracy by virtue of the possibility of a second term as president. He is now an immediate existential threat to the lives of possibly millions of Americans because of his toxic blend of absolute ignorance and absolute narcissism. In no way, shape or form does he understand what is happening.
Max duPont (NYC)
America is always ready to start a war on any weak and poor nation at a moment's notice, but impotent when it comes to protecting its citizens adequately against a virus that has been seen coming for two months. What a great way to spend hundreds of billions of taxpayer money! Isn't America great?
mihusky (mercer island, wa)
This story is a good example of Trump's dependence on praise and his ability to lie or conceal his missteps. His incessant criticism of the Fed for its "failure" to lower interest rates is just another example. Instead of allowing professionals to act responsibly, his tact is always to push something that will make him look good. He thought that additional stimulus from the Fed would boost stock prices. Today we see that his influence has backfired. The investing public sees the lowing of rates to 0% as a panic move. No doubt Trump will blame them for acting too early, too late, or not imposing NEGATIVE rates. I am startled by the few readers who continue to defend this buffoon. No, he did not start the virus, and probably could not have eliminated its spread. But his chances to control the pandemic were lost as his ego controlled his "decisions."
Gina (Denver)
Trump’s latest advice to our country is simply to “Relax” and curtail purchasing supplies in large quantities. Hoarding is never a good thing, but coming from Trump, one of the most conspicuous and ostentatious consumer around, is sheer hypocrisy. And if he says “beautiful” one more time, dictionaries will need to redefine what the word means, cause it ain’t pretty.
Sle (Cleveland)
Here’s something equal to only CoVid-19 in its threat to America: Trump will be re-elected in November. If the contagion follows the patterns of China and South Korea, it will peak and begin to wane by late summer. The financial markets will start turning the corner by early fall, and Trump will be celebrated as a conquering hero. His supports (and his global pandemic sized narcissism) will further deify him. He will claim credit for saving us all with his appetite for power only be matched by his ease of prevaricating; both weaponized by Fox. CoVid 19, followed by November 20. Now I’m terrified.
BlueHaven (Ann Arbor, MI)
Time for the grown-ups to take charge again. And, right now, that means Democrats.
Herman Frank (Santa Fe)
It's going to be just fine - when everyone is dead. Because of incompetence, because of narcissism, because of ego, because of carelessness. "A Greek drama" - in which you can see where this leads, but can only raise your hand in a vain attempt to stop it. "The horror!"
RT (New Jersey)
The greatest danger to the United States is not the coronavirus, but rather it is Donald Trump.
Dianna Jackson (Morro Bay, CA)
Blame can be squarely placed at the feet of the GOP Senators. They had a chance to remove Trump from office. Oh, heck. That would have given us Pence, the sycophant science denier. So, I guess the obvious solution is to vote against every Republican because they did nothing to help Americans stay well. They are literally making us sick.
David Witz (Philadelphia)
I think the most damaging move Trump has pulled so far are his own fake “tests”— he’s claimed that he’s taken the test, claimed that he didn’t, claimed that he didn’t care about his test results...we all know the drill by now. So is Trump infected or not? I feel secure in diagnosing Trump as the most inept, most dishonest and most lethal misfit in the US. No matter what he says, he’s lying. He should be incarcerated incommunicado until a clear-eyed Democrat can take over the wheel.
Joe Smith (Chicago Il)
This sums up who Trump is and the consequences: he lies more than anyone can imagine, the economy crashes, and a deadly health crises becomes far worse. Considering Trump’s flagrantly greedy ineptitude, and the corrupt people who work with him, it wouldn’t be surprising to see him start an enormously destructive, unnecessary, war.
Deborah Sundmacher (California)
I wonder if anyone can help me confirm that Jared Kushner operates a company called Oscar Insurance. According to their website, they opened the first test site for Covid 19--on March 13-- and are planning to open 100 more centers. Could Trump have engaged in delay tactics to help his son-in-law profit from this virus?
Donna (Philadelphia, PA)
Hooray for this column. Keep calling out Trump for his incompetence and putting the lives of Americans at risk. All he cares about is the Dow Jones. Very sad.
Mary Elizabeth Lease (Eastern Oregon)
“We need to learn — and fast — about how it spreads.” two months later we still don't know how it spreads.
Native Tarheel (Durham, NC)
We know that Fox News will suddenly make the transition from the “its a Democratic hoax” to “isn’t Trump doing a great job.” This important listing of what has actually happened will be valuable in rebutting that propaganda going forward. Thank you, Mr. Leonhardt!
Elise (Chicago)
Melania had photos on Instagram showing her work on a Tennis pavilion at the White House during the Corona crisis. When criticized, her retort was "go to your own community and do work". Trumps' ploys has always been trot out either Melania or Ivanka first as a distraction. Oh and to act normal, for Trump means lots of photos of him going to Mara Largo. His next ruse is to insult someone like the sincere mayor of Seattle. Then to double down on the insults. Next start lying. This all has worked for him in the past. Suddenly the stock market as crashed and people are scared. As far as I am concerned both Melania and Trump have behaved terribly. The governors of the 50 states and local religious leaders and business people have helped us start to quarantine to avoid mass exposure to the serious corona virus. Trump firing staff and closing needed public health offices was down right dumb. To lie about google having all the answers and than doubling down on that lie as far as I am concerned shows a total disregard to truth. We have been totally abandoned by the federal government. Now we all can understand what rap is all about. The total disenfranchisement of a population. Trumps' leadership will only get worse. Who would ever think that it would be a corona virus that would end his presidency and make socialism look pretty logical. I thought he would be re-elected on his schtick of insults and lies. I think we are all sick of the Trump show. Literally sick.
kirk (montana)
The ignorance of djt, the greed of the republican party and the gullibility of their voters all come to a head with a total breakdown of empathetic, effective governance. After this is all over and the final death counts and corruption involved in this fiasco are known, upper level administrators have to go to prison.
Kingfish52 (Rocky Mountains)
"...they show a president who put almost no priority on public health." Because we have a President who no priority on anything that doesn't benefit himself directly. He is the Grifter-In-Chief, and cares not a whit about anyone else. His supporters are delusional, believing that "he cares about me". Nope. For a brief moment, while you cast your vote for him, he might care, but really that's still only about himself. He is the absolute WORST person we could have in a time of a REAL national emergency - as opposed to a Trumped Up National Emergency that only serves his purpose. On Trump's "ship of state", he was the first one into the lifeboat, and left everyone else to go down with the ship.
Brian (Denver)
Trump is a dangerous mix of having no human empathy and someone who lies, even when he doesn’t need to.
historyRepeated (Massachusetts)
Trump is always about “the numbers”. Well, how about those numbers now Mr. Germaphobe? Frankly, I hope they haunt his narcissistic nightmares for the rest of his days. And he thought avoiding VD was his Vietnam?...
Mark Truslow (Towson Maryland)
Completely inadequate response. This President is unqualified and overwhelmed. Remember this Americans come November. The “so called” Commander In Chief has bungled this terribly.
joe parrott (syracuse, ny)
Lies and fear have the GOP paralyzed like a deer in the headlights. Our Liar-in-chief, Trump, is a nasty micromanager. Instead of putting a top notch healthcare leader in charge he selected a political sycophant, Pence. In a major health crisis people need the unvarnished truth from leadership, not false spin and hype. The right-wing in America has been fed a steady stream of what I call, Limbaugh-isms. Opinions stated as if they are facts and outright lies spun in with a right wing political bias. They have been telling anyone who would listen for many years that our government is evil. They have accomplished that fear, our current administration is truly evil. We see it every day and it is disturbing. Blue wave 2020 !
AG (California)
FDR 1933 - the Great Depression and Nazi's burning books: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" - NYT - would now say "FDR is lying to the public" - Not to excuse Trump for his many deficiencies -but hitting the right mix between panic and denial is not as simple as some might think. There has been a massive increase in gun sales and ammunition sales in California. Nothing that Trump says will ever be calming to those who bitterly hate and fear him. However a little calm - if backed by a plan is not all imbecility
SLF (Massachusetts)
This opinion was quite compelling and really put a sharp focus, in an organized fashion, of the uncaring ineptitude of one Donald Trump. Unfortunately his whole Presidency has been a loop of half truths, outright lies, and misinformation. In general, those things do not work very well in most situations, but they are an anathema when it comes to disease management. Stating the obvious, telling lies in medicine/surgery can have deleterious effects for the patient and the liar. You do not do it. But Trump is a serial liar and he and his sycophants are potentially killing, what he refers to as "thay", his word for patients. A person lacking empathy and a person known for lying, is not the person you want taking care of you.
Hugh Briss (Climax, VA)
Trump's deception and inaction will be excused by the same people who believe a cigar aficionado dying of lung cancer who just got a Presidential Medal of Freedom draped on him by a former catalogue model who got into the country on a genius visa when he says ... “The coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. Yeah, I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”
PS (Palo Alto, CA)
short version: Trump has blood on his hands. His inaction and lying is going to lead to needless deaths.
Trump and his performance under the threats of the coronavirus pandemic is exactly as pundits have predicted. Erratic and uneven, deflection, denial, lies, deceit, and exaggeration.
Miller (Portland OR)
This is why you elect experienced public servants and not real estate grifters to be president. His base needs to wake up hard from this cult of personality and look at the facts. Anyone who cannot decode the daily charade we are seeing regarding this situation is being dishonest with themselves.
rulonb (Minneapolis)
Were we thinking the hostility of the Trump Administration toward the human rights of refugees at our southern border would restrict itself to those hapless folks, a bunch of uninvited foreigners?
Mimi Matossian (SF Bay Area)
Trump’s doctor was obviously lying. Test results don’t come back that fast. He’s probably walking, talking Typhoid Mary, terrified he’ll be found out. It will be interesting to see how this administration handles it when they all get sick.
Wonderdog (Boston)
And yet his base still defends him and say he's doing a heckuva job. How do we fight against such willful ignorance?
Connie Nerby (Wyoming)
My worst fear, next to worrying that an elderly family member will become a victim of the virus, is that Trump will take and get credit for bringing the country through this crisis. His egomaniacal tunnel vision prompts him to rewrite history and play the hero, when his denial and inaction exacerbated the danger. And now, how bizarre is it that his defenders will not only overlook his arrogance and ignorance but actually think he will have earned their votes.
Am I the only one who thinks the extremely-fond-of-Trump visitors from South America who met Trump at Mar a lago staged the whole Covid-9 act with Trump so he could downplay any worries from shaking hands with them? Trump then nonchalantly mouths, "I haven't had a test yet. I'll get around to it.", in his constant quest to seem brave and cavalier. "See? Nothing to worry about...." Had those people really had the virus, Trump being known for his fear of disease and his obsessive-compulsive sanitary behavior, he'd be hiding out in his bunker.
W. Ogilvie (Out West)
Monday morning makes us all brilliant.
CarloRado (Colorado)
The bad news is a lot of Republicans actually believe Dems cooked this virus up to sink the economy. So only 38% Rs say it is not real as said on Joe Pags, Fox, and drug addict Limbaugh. The good news is 68% Democrats are prepared for it and trust Dr. Faucci over Trump. Republicans will die from not being given the Truth from Trump and Fox. Trump is a Security PROBLEM. Fox does not tell the truth only Propaganda, like Russia.
R M (California)
This headline is misleading and should be changed. This is far from a “complete list.” Remember, for example, when he called it a “hoax” perpetuated by Democrats?
Ed (Washington DC)
Unfortunately, we are more than 7 months away from election day. Having trump in office for that stretch of time will cause undue hardship on millions of Americans. But, again, unfortunately, we are stuck with the system we have. We tried to rid ourselves of this menace to the world for his unconstitutional actions, and republicans protected trump without even a moment's concern about what they were doing. Now we are stuck with this blundering fool as our president. Bottom line is: America has caught on that we are being led by a baffoon. By someone more concerned about the stock market and his reelection than American, human lives. Thus, due to complete lack of leadership by trump, American states, counties, school districts, towns, businesses and industries are all taking the bull by the horns and leading themselves through this mess, alone. Their guidance is what we are following and should be following, not any words out of trump's mouth. Keep reading the news folks for what's happening. Stay away from groups, clustered travel situations, and unnecessary contact with anyone, for as long as it takes for a vaccine to be developed and tests to become available. Good luck America.
Realworld (International)
There are so many lies, so much incompetence, so many crises all at once it's important to catalog the catastrophe ahead of the gaslighting which has already begun from the Republicans. Thank you Mr. Leonhardt and NYTimes, you're providing the US public (those who actually seek legitimate news outside of the right wing-nut "bubble") with a valuable service.
KJ (Tennessee)
Here in Trump country, you get used to people consciously ignoring the obvious: Trump is a sociopath. They want him because they think he'll give them the power to foist their personal religious views, especially about abortion, on all Americans. After all, "Every life is precious." But after a couple of decades of seeing the way these people rationalize I can tell you this: What they really believe is, "Every life is precious. Especially mine." And if it comes down to yanking respirators away from those in vegetative states, or anyone else's relatives, or people they deem as 'inferior' due to their beliefs, color or whatever — in order to save themselves — they'll rip those plugs out of the wall with the same frenzy they show at Trump rallies. And they'll find something somewhere in the Bible to justify it.
Cliff (Brooklyn)
This list is not complete. It does not mention how at a rally, Tramp described concern about the virus as "the next hoax." The other hoaxes were Russian investigation and the Ukraine-related impeachment inquiry.
Tony Kane (Bellevue WA)
Between him and Fox News, they succeeded in pulling wool over many. Just three days ago my octogenarian, white, Evangelical Christian, neighbors told me that they were not at all worried about the virus.
Mary Elizabeth Lease (Eastern Oregon)
Imagine Trump responding to a military crisis on the proverbial 3 a.m phone call...then read the following. Inside the Oval Office, a Fierce Fight Over Trump’s Virus Speech "The hastily drafted 10-minute speech [delivered Wednesday night and triggering the largest stock sell off since the Great Depression] had undergone last-minute edits from the president and one of his senior advisers, Stephen Miller, after other aides had left the room, one of the people said. "Among the changes they made: deleting a sentence where Trump said he and Melania were sending their prayers and love to people suffering from the illness. "The final draft that aides loaded into TelePrompter contained two significant factual errors and Trump himself inadvertently added another by mixing up his words. "Trump told Americans that “we will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for the next 30 days.” That wasn’t accurate. "When the details were released later that evening, the rules barred foreigners who had been in Europe in the previous 14 days from entering the U.S. He stumbled over the words when announcing cargo wouldn’t be interrupted, accidentally announcing that trade would be cut off. And he said the nation’s health insurance providers had agreed to pay co-pays for virus testing and treatment, something the industry quickly denied. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-12/inside-the-oval-office-a-fierce-fight-over-trump-s-virus-speech
Eugene (Washington D.C.)
Is it not possible to put politics aside for a second and avoid politicizing every single thing in life? The media spews hatred of Trump 24/7 as it is, do you have to inject it into the coronovirus issue as well? Don't you have anything else to write about? Write about medicine, science, research, and the like. We're tired of the media's endless deranged hatred for the president. If he were to come up with a cure for cancer, the media would vilify him for not curing diabetes.
John (NYC)
It is important to judge the US reaction in context Number of verified Covid-19 infection per 100 000 Italy 35.01 Norway 20.51 S. Korea 15.66 Iran 15. 66 China 5.81 Germany 5.35 Singapore 3.76 US 0.5 At its much lower infection rate, the US has taken more drastic action than any of the above countries did when their case load was 0.5 per 100 000
jlcsarasota (Sarasota FL)
Trump said the virus would go away with warm weather. Here in Florida where it’s 80F, the virus hasn’t gone away.
Phillyshrink (Philadelphia)
Quoting Scott Burns, writer of Contagion: “I know it is against the law to yell fire in a public movie theater if there is no fire, but it should also be against the law to be yelling ‘calm!’ in a movie theater if it is on fire.”
chiaro di luna (bright cave under the hat)
Virology 101: contagion risk, surface contamination & gravity as the president cavalierly tosses his notes to the floor for someone else to clean up Kindergarten 101: #5 Clean Up Your Own Mess Bible 101: James 3:13- Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. Proverbs 25:14- Like clouds and wind without rain is one who boasts of gifts never given.
DJ (Tempe, AZ)
The main purpose of the corona virus task force daily briefings is as an PR stunt to give the false impression that trump has been the most effective President ever at halting a pandemic.
Opinioned! (NYC)
“I alone can fix it.” This is the real hoax.
Don (Honolulu)
On today's TV news, a video was posted of a woman repeated licking an airplane toilet seat "Challenge" to demonstrate her support for Trump's inaction on what he has referred to as a Democrat Hoax", gone when it gets hot (How did that 1 case here in Honolulu pop up?), "just a cold" etc. So the renamed Republican Airplane Toilet Seats Licker's party, is showing its true colors as a 19th Century anachronism of conspiracy theories, where politicians are listened to in long ,staged News Conferences where they fawn on the President and hammer their points home with 10 times as much yakking as required. I predict that the majority of Americans will vote these fools out so we can rejoin the rest of the world in the 21st Century.
Arthur (Texas)
Trump lacks a conscience. This man reveals this again and again and again. If you try to think like Trump, you will not be able to do it. You can only think like him if you have no conscience. He continually manipulates and dupes the American people. It's all he knows how to do. It is an addiction for him. Everyone should brush up on the diagnosis criteria for Cluster B personality disorders (anti-social, histrionic, pyschopathy and narcisisstic personality disorder.) Trump fits most of the criteria for malignant narcissism. Most leaders in history who fit these criteria kill many of their people, either on purpose (Stalin) or by horrendous policy (Mao.) Because they lacked conscience.
Grace (Bronx)
According the statistics of infections and deaths, the US efforts have been outstanding. We have the lowest per capita infection rate of 10 major countries. https://www.cnsnews.com/article/international/patrick-goodenough/us-still-has-lowest-capital-coronavirus-rate-10-countries
Peter Z (Los Angeles)
Much. of the problem lies with Fox News. Sean Hannity and other Fox reality stars have done a horrible service to Americans by giving viewers false information regarding this crisis.
Paul King (USA)
No truer words than these: "Trump lied and people will die."
JABarry (Maryland)
This essay documents that Trump lives in an alternate universe where reality exists only in his head.
Kenell Touryan (Colorado)
The Covid-19 has finally revealed beyond a shadow of doubt the epic narcissism of Trump.He has claimed to be 'chosen by God' to be president, ergo has no need to rely on experts for ANY decisions he makes. When he is proven wrong, he immediately blames others and accepts absolutely no responsibility for his blatant errors. He has single handed-ly brought this country into the brink of financial disaster... A president with the maturity of a 7th grader...what else does one expect?
B. Rothman (NYC)
While we are in the midst of a pandemic and slow off the mark because of Trump’s incompetence, in the business section today is an article about the Administration’s efforts to relax regulations governing nursing homes “including rules meant to curb deadly infections among elderly residents.” Is there anything . . . anything . . . that displays better the blatant idiocy and destructive nature of this President? A famous writer in this country has said that “everything Trump touches dies.” Evidently these two things indicate that the elderly may be the first to go. Does Trump not recognize that at 74 he falls into that category?
jhanzel (Glenview)
The article fails to mention how Trump used this virus to compliment himself on wanting to build the biggest and bestest ever wall.
Tired of Complacency (Missouri)
Never in the history of the world has a person been less qualified for his job than Trump... Reminds me of Flounder from Animal House.
Gennady (Rhinebeck)
I have a question for the author and the paper: What are you doing? Why are you doing it? This is a coordinated attack on America. Who coordinates it? We are all--white, black, women, gay, cross dressers and transgender--against corona. But many of us do not see any reason to fight corona with a nuclear option. Nuclear option kills everything and everyone, including ourselves. Stock market declines. Big speculators, like George Soros, will get rich on this disaster. They will come and buy what is left very cheap. Mom and pop shop will not recover. Yesterday I walked into a Bread Alone shop in route 28 near Woodstock. The place has always been teeming with customers. It was empty, tables removed. There was no bread because there were no customers. The selection of pastry was small and uninviting. The owners were building this business for decades. They built it into a flourishing business. It took few days to kill it. What are you doing? You are closing schools with no prospects of opening soon, you close bars and restaurants, you plan to bring in the National Guard to enforce these closures. Some of you demand that businesses should be taken over by the government to fight corona. Let me make one thing clear: if it is about not shaking hands, wearing a mask, and carrying around sanitizing soap, I am all for it. But please stop killing America and its economy. Stop this hysteria and panic.
Sandy (US)
This is just inexcusable....so blatant.....total disregard for what is best for the country......
MaxCornise (Washington Heights)
To paraphrase Hamlet’s father’s ghost: “Leave him to heaven”.
Iced Tea-party (NY)
It is important to keep track of the number of Trump's failings--and crimes-- in relation to the pandemic. Thank you David Leonhardt. But the motive of the playing down is where the criminality comes in, and that should not go un-noted. Donald Trump has said that he played down the Corona virus because he wanted to keep the numbers down. He didn't want to take the precaution of systematic testing because this would raise the official number of sick people and that would hurt his reelection prospects. That motive is a breach of the public trust and it is impeachable. I know that David is an impeach pansy, who's rather Trump got a slap on the wrist, rather than be held accountable in the manner prescribed by the constitution, but to complete this job of analysis, it is important to call attention to the fact that we have here, not only a massive snow job like "it was a perfect call", but another impeachable offense. He needs to be impeached as many times as he commits high crimes.
Markymark (San Francisco)
"I take no responsibility' said our president. Famous last words.
Michelle (New York)
Donald Trump is more dangerous to the health and safety of people living in America that any virus will ever be.
babka1 (NY)
do you see what happens when Norman Vincent Peale & Roy Cohn mate & give birth to the rough beast of positivity in the time of the plague?
Son Of Liberty (nyc)
The "Fact Obsessed" NYTimes has made a completely unfair assessment of Donald Trump's response to this crisis. David Leonhardt doesn't take into account how Donald Trump prepared America for Covid-19. In 2018 Donald Trump fired the U.S. pandemic response team. In addition, Donald Trump's fiscal year 2021 budget proposal included a 16 percent reduction in CDC funding from the 2020 spending levels. Furthermore, according to Vanity Fair, senior advisor Jarod Kushner is getting Coronavirus advice from Model Karlie Kloss's Father's face book friends. I wish the NYTimes opinion writers would make a more balanced assessment of this administrations achievements.
Bookmark for future use and to remember
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
“ I take full responsibility “- said Trump. NEVER, in his entire Life. NOVEMBER.
R Mandl (Canoga Park CA)
Maybe he should have been a doctor instead of running for president? Priceless. Imagine going to Dr. Trump, M.D. with a fever. He'd blame Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer, and then let you that he's going to be just fine, and congratulate himself on your cure while he steps out to golf. I can't choose which is scarier- POTUS or M.D.
Brian (Denver)
David - how many times has Mr Trump golfed over this time?
Paul King (USA)
Glad you chronicled this David. A record of truth and a reality check for those who can still think clearly and are not taken in by the con man. Wow, does he con them!