Hunger Is on the Rise. Food Donors Are Getting Creative.

Mar 13, 2020 · 14 comments
Irene leHerissier (Catania, Italy)
What about able bodied people on SNAP living in places where there are no 20 hour a week jobs?
KC (Bridgeport)
How can we scale this? Vote Democratic Party in November and we won't have to.
Abz (Ca)
@KC If Sanders or Warren was the nominee, then I would have agreed. But Biden, a republican, will get the nomination and income inequality will continue. This registered democrat will be voting for Trump, because nothing will change under Biden.
Irene leHerissier (Catania, Italy)
@Abz No, this is bad thinking. Biden and Trump are not equivalent. Trump has already done much to gut the safety net for our poor citizens. The same can not be said for Joe Biden.
Nycdweller (Nyc)
Nothing wrong with able bodied adults with no children to work for their benefits!
KarenAnne (NE)
@Nycdweller That assumes jobs are available. In many places they aren't.
Ernesto Portillo (Tucson)
@Nycdweller yes in a perfect world but as you very well know our world is imperfect. Please keep in mind that the "able bodied" adult may look able bodied but that person may have issues that make holding down a job difficult if not impossible.
PrairieFlax (Grand Island, NE)
@Nycdweller And where are these jobs?
GBR (New England)
My perspective on claims of food insecurity here in the USA: When I worked in Sierra Leone during the Ebola crisis in 2014/5, I saw folks living in corrugated tin huts with no electricity or running water.... but they fed their kids. Same in Haiti when I was there 20 years ago. Same in India when I was there in the late 90s. Same in rural Kenya 15 years ago. The parents were borderline skinny in many cases ( BMI probably 18-20), but the kids were fed.....Yet here, we have normal weight/overweight/obese parents who are apparently incapable of giving their kids breakfast and lunch, and their kids are left to rely on the school and/or donors to supply it? I truly do not understand this phenomenon.
Yaj (NYC)
But I thought the economy, the NYC economy, especially were booming? That's what the NY Times claims daily, okay not today since Broadway and museums have shut down because of the coronavirus. What's with all these people in need of food in a booming economy?
Robbady (Brooklyn)
The garbage bin at my local grocery store was filled with just over the sell-by date - lettuce and other things that looked okay.
JenD (NJ)
With so many firms encouraging video meetings during the coronavirus outbreak, and more people working from home, I wonder if there will be less food for these organizations to pick up. We donate to a local food pantry, and this month, we made an even bigger effort to bring lots of high-quality food with us. (They specifically ask for food and not monetary donations.) The frustrating thing is that hunger and food insecurity are problems we can solve, but have not yet.
Annie (United States, USA)
Would think with COVID-19, it may be wise to stop the April 1 change to SNAP benefits. We need everyone as physically strong as possible, and cutting food aid at this time makes no sense.
Yaj (NYC)
@Annie: SNAP was cut under Obama, and Trump is trying to cut SNAP more.