Why Tonight’s Primary Results Are So Important for Bernie Sanders

Mar 10, 2020 · 17 comments
carl bumba (mo-ozarks)
I wonder if Mr. Cohn and other NYT writers are pleased that their readers seem to think that Bernie can't even get the youth vote this time around, i.e. like he did in 2016 - and that this is sufficient grounds to support a "safe bet" like Biden... in these terrible times of the Donald. And I wonder who'll be the lucky candidate that will get credit for getting the youth vote once baby boomers age out of these comparisons.
Bob Dass (Silicon Valley)
Watching CNN on the early reports is sad as the usual pundits alternate between tearing Sanders down or offering a false sympathy, “poor Bernie”. Given the massive and often falsehood based attack on the progressive agenda by the MSM and the DNC, it’s quite amazing Sanders has done as well as he has. These elites are intent on preserving their own wealth and power at the expense of the masses. It shows the power of the media, not to report the vote as it should, but propagandize and shape the vote toward its own self-serving advantage. The media failure to accurately report Biden’s history on bankruptcy or war or the 60 billionaires who support him is bad enough. But to suppress reporting on Biden’s confusion, disorientation and emotional volatility is practically criminal. He will lose to Trump.
Arthur (UWS)
I doubt that Sen.Sanders might end his campaign before the convention. He has already found others to blame: the biased media, the Democratic establishment and an apathetic youth vote, on which he counted. See: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/10/us/politics/bernie-sanders-michigan-2020.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage Unless Biden overwhelms him in both delegates and in votes, he and his supporters would never accept a Biden victory as legitimate. Rather than being directed by the "Democratic" establishment, voters are making their own choices. His Sunday morning TV appearance, claiming that he was the natural choice for Warren voters was redolent of either arrogance or a lack of understanding of those voters.
Rap (Switzerland)
For the past few weeks Joe Biden has largely escaped scrutiny while other candidates were early front-runners. In turn, Warren, Buttigieg, Bloomberg and then Sanders were the front-runners, were scrutinized and boar the brunt of attacks. Very early on, when Biden was the front runner he did not deal with his opponents attacks very well, was not compelling in his speeches or in the debates and faded. Joe Biden was so underwhelming up until two weeks ago, that he became an after thought. Then just before super Tuesday, Buttitieg and Kobuchar conveniently pulled out. Mainstream media, including many pundits at the NYT, MSNBC, CNN... , had been explaining that Sanders was too radical, that he could never be elected. Joe Biden has benefited from the circular firing squad. No one thought of shooting at him because he has been so underwhelming. The Democrats are heading into the presidential election with a candidate, Joe Biden, who seems to have only two strengths: he's likable and he is not Donald Trump. On the negative side, his record, his sons dealings in Ukraine, his age, his sometimes confused speech... Let us hope that being likable and not being Donald Trump will be enough.
J.C. (Michigan)
I want Sanders to stay in the race long enough to do the debate with Biden next week. I need to see Biden go one-on-one before I can feel even remotely comfortable with him. If he's not up to this, he's not up to 4 years as president and could end up doing more harm than good to the Democratic Party. I really worry about his mental health and need a lot of reassurance about that. Four more years of Trump would be terrible, but not so much if we win the Senate. You've got to be willing to consider the long game. Short term pain for long term gain if it comes to that. I can't give my vote to someone who I don't think can even make it for 4 years.
b fagan (chicago)
I know too many center-right people who hate Trump but would find it nearly impossible to vote for Sanders to feel comfortable with Sanders getting the nomination. The kids aren't turning out out for you like you said they would, Mr. Sanders. And you aren't running against Hillary this time. Please consider those facts as this drags on.
Chris (SW PA)
I do not think it is important to Bernie at all. Bernie has had a good life a fought the good fight, standing on principle and fighting for those less fortunate. He will continue to have a good life for as long as he lives. I think Bernie would say iy is not about him, it's about bringing about a more just system that rewards all contributors to the society and cares for the less fortunate. These are things that republicans and "centrist" democrats can conceive of and they believe are only what Bernie says to get elected, because that is how they think. Americans are given a chance to elect people who can be useful as leaders. Instead they consistently elect people who don't primarily work for them but who favor a few wealthy people and corporations. It is my contention that Americans know that they do this , and it is planned, because Americans would rather suffer themselves than help people they hate. And American have a lot of hate and a lot of people they hate. Bernie Sanders policies would help everyone. That is not acceptable to most Americans. There is someone they hate that they would hate to see get any help from Bernie Sanders. Actually, I liked Warren, but her policies suffer from the same issues, with regard to the majority of Americans as well. She'd like to help everyon, and we just can't have that. So, enjoy your hate America, and Trump or Biden because you won't get any improvement from either. But then, you'll still have your hate.
Voter (Chicago)
Bernie, bless his old socialist soul, is still trying to re-ignite that old 2016 flame. But something happened along the way - Donald Trump. That makes electing a Democrat (namely Biden) a national emergency, to save the nation. A lot of Obama-Trump voters are saying they favor Biden. We have to stop messing around, or we'll get Trump again.
J (G)
It’s over for Bernie. He and his staff are already blaming young voters and minorities. Hey Bernie - a majority of the American people disagree with you. Get over it.
Java Junkie (Left Coast)
"Turn out the lights the party's over..." Bernie is likely going to get crushed again tonight. If that in fact happens and all indications are that it will he should end his campaign and announce he's supporting Joe Biden... Of course that's what he should do... But - - - Bernie being Bernie...
Pataman (Arizona)
Biden and Sanders are in their upper 70s. I am 84 and was hoping for a much younger Democrat to run for POTUS. There are term limits for presidents, maybe there should also be age limits. 70 would be a good cut-off age. We need some younger people in the white house and congress. They could bring in some fresh ideas on how to run a country. Having said that my vote will be for Biden. I just can't listen to Sander's rantings and ravings. He doesn't speak, he shouts and hollers. I know, Biden has been loudly vocal at times but he can hold a conversation without shouting. Whoever is chosen for the Democrat for the POTUS I will vote for him. We MUST get rid of traitor trump if we are to keep our country free and democratic.
Chris (CA)
I am extremely distressed that this article fails to analyze Tulsi Gabbard's chances at winning enough delegates to secure the nomination. How dare you ignore her, Mr. Cohn!!!! :)
J (The Great Flyover)
The way in which Sanders channels his disappointment if he doesn’t get the nomination will be the single most important factor in giving or denying Trump another term. If he decides to provide limited, token support and doesn’t campaign along side of Biden, he will be complicit in giving us four more years of Trump.
Paul Sutton (Morrison Co)
If Biden loses its sanders fault. Really? That. Is. Ridiculous. A bowl of oatmeal should beat Trump at this point. It’s Biden’s race to lose and if he loses its cause the DNC picked him to do so
EB (San Diego)
As an ardent, almost 80 year old Sanders supporter, I've found the paper's coverage of Senator Sanders disheartening, as in 2016. The fact that all the other Democratic candidates, save Senator Warren, piled on for Biden means one thing to me - more of the same if either Trump wins again, or Biden actually pulls it off. Only Sanders has the policies we need for the future. Climate change is a crisis, the health insurance industry and its lobby prevents us from having some form of healthcare for all, student debt is crushing, income inequality has forced half a million Americans to the streets. If Biden gets the nomination, I see more of the same, based on his record. I hope the debate on Sunday night shows up the stark difference between these two men and their respective positions on these things.
Alan (Columbus OH)
Even this analysis seems to overstate Bernie's chances. With impeachment and illness limiting his rallies, fewer caucus states and a tougher opponent, several big factors are worse for him than in 2016, and he lost badly in 2016. Bloomberg and others have made the race so far look closer than it is by splitting the cenntrist-ish vote. Biden has won states he has not campaigned in, but now he can campaign as much as Bernie if he wants. I would not be surprised if Bernie suspends his campaign by Thursday if he loses badly today, or if Biden calls off the debate if he does not.
hawkdawg (Seattle)
@Alan Bernie can be a stubborn cuss, though, for good or ill. I would not be surprised if he stays in all the way, while trying to damage Biden as much as possible in debates and otherwise to set up some sort of miracle at the convention. Not sure how that tactic would square with his supposed devotion to defeat of Trump in the general election...other than his own devout belief, no longer supported by the evidence so far in the primaries, that he was the right one for that job because of the overwhelming groundswell of his young voters that would propel him to victory in the general election.