In Syria and Libya, Trump Is Torn Over 2 Wars, and 2 Strongmen

Feb 27, 2020 · 18 comments
Eli Beckman (San Francisco, CA)
Sorry, Erdogan; you may be an autocrat after Trump’s own heart, but everyone knows his only true love is the dictatorship that got him elected: Russia.
Jim (Pennsylvania)
Putin has co-opted Trump and is using him as his useful idiot. Both of the Trump boys have made bold pronouncements that Russian money is a significant part of their business. Trump was the perfect patsy, a failed businessman with a huge ego, easily flattered and manipulated, and so greedy and needy for attention it was easy for Russian organized (by Putin) crime to flood him with the funds he needed to stay afloat when no reputable banks would touch him. Those are the facts. Did he actively collude? Maybe. Maybe not. He didn't need to. Putin handled it all himself.
Bob (NY)
As Bernie pointed out we have an unsuccessful history of overthrowing governments. Why do we over want to overthrow Assad?
Okentt (Tucson)
As the United States pulls back from the world stage and our influence fades, Russia and Turkey rush in to fill the void. Another ingenious move by the stable genious in the White House.
Michael F (Dallas)
After thumbing it’s nose at NATO and the US government over its widely condemned purchase of the Russian air defense system, I think this puts Turkey in between a rock and a hard place. This is what Trump is always probing for - leverage. A competent American administration would be squeezing Turkey to distance itself from Russia, release Americans and other political prisoners, accept Syrian refugees once again, and play nice with NATO. But competence has gone missing in the Trump foreign policy establishment. All that remains is delusional thinking.
J. von Hettlingen (Switzerland)
Erdogan and Putin pursue different goals in the proxy wars in Libya and Syria. Trump - who hates losers - doesn’t have to pick sides, because Erdogan would get the shorter end of the stick in rivalry with Putin. Having alienated the West with his purchase of Russia's S-400 missile defence system, Erdogan is isolated. Now he threatens the EU with an influx of refugees if it fails to support him in the Idlib offensive. In Syria Erdogan’s main objective is to prevent the Syrian Kurds from holding onto swathes of land close to the Turkish borders. Hr fights them due to their ties to the secessionist Kurdish PKK in Turkey. In Libya Erodgan enjoys good relations with the UN-backed Islamist Government of National Accord (GNA) - Turkey and Qatar are its only allies. Erdogan had secured a gas-rich patch of the Mediterranean off the Libyan coast from GNA which he wants to explore. But it is also claimed by Egypt, which is backing the rival regime under Gen. Khalifa Hifter – a former CIA asset – in eastern Libya, together with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Russia. Putin is calling the shots in Syria, realising his revanchist dream and restoring Russia’s former influence in the Middle East. In Libya his real goal is said to install Saif al-Islam Qaddafi, the son of the late Muammar el-Qaddafi, hoping to prove a point to the West that helped topple his father. It’s unclear what role Hifter would play if Putin had his way, since he sought to overthrow the Gaddafi regime himself.
carlg (Va)
This is why you don't elect a president compromised by foreign leaders. Erdogan can put pressure, even close Trump properties in Turkey. But Putin has major financial corruption to bring Trump down and kill the dream of Trump Moscow. The Donald could be in a real pickle here. The Deutsch bank branch in Russia has all the details.
Grant (Some_Latitude)
@carlg You hit the nail on the head. His decision will be based on his PERSONAL interests and not U.S. interests. But, if you believe - as do his supporters - that l'etat c'est moi - then it doesn't matter.
KJ (Tennessee)
Regardless of the facts indicated in this article you can count on the usual Trumpus operandi. He will say one thing to one side, the opposite to the other side, then deny he said either one, all the time screaming about 'fake media' and plots by the Democrats. The Russians have deeper pockets and have a tight grip on Trump secrets, but he won't let Turkey go. After all, it's a fascinating tourist destination and there are hotels to be built.
JMT (Mpls)
Trump's dilemma? Russia or Turkey? It's really not a tough problem. Putin has aided Trump in 2016 and will do it again in 2020. Trump owes Putin and his oligarchic friends more than we know and may not want his full dependency to be made public. While Turkey is a member of NATO, its foreign military excursions in Syria and Libya may not require other NATO members to come to Turkey's assistance unless Russian military forces attack Turkey itself. The Trump-Putin or Putin-Trump bromance will continue.
RNS (Piedmont Quebec Canada)
Here's your chance trump. Bring peace between Russia and Turkey and you're back in the running for the Nobel.
mjw (DC)
Turkey is still in NATO, isn't it?
doughboy (Wilkes-Barre, PA)
Syria is a “civil” war between “good” and “evil.” “Evil” won, but the fighting goes on. (Not unlike many Southerns felt in 1865. Remember there were those who urged Lee to not surrender and continue a guerrilla war—which he rejected.) Turkey and NATO’s interference in this war from aiding and abetting rebels to allowing entry, arming, paying jihadists to enter the conflict to al Qaeda and ISIS have only prolonged the conflict. The circumstances of 2020 are not those of 2011. Because we do not like the Syrian government should not translate into prolonging the battle. It is the height of hypocrisy to rationalize meddling under the guise of R2P or concern over chaos on one’s border when you are a major contributing factor to the very problem you claim to abhor. The persistence of referring to Damascus as a “regime” says more about us and our intentions than it does about Asad. Just as we refused to accept Red China (1949) or Vietnam (1975), the legitimate government resides in Damascus. Every sovereign state has a right to reclaim its recognized boundaries whether held by rebellious citizens (US civil war) or by foreign invaders (WW1 and WW2). Russia and Iran are invitees by the Syrian government and therefore hold a legitimate position. Turkey and NATO as well as al Qaeda and foreign jihadists do not. They are illegal participants. If you truly wish to help to bring this war to an end, stop interfering in Syria. Better luck next time.
John (LINY)
Who has more Trump Properties? I think Turkey.
Paul (Brooklyn)
Trump will take the side of the one that best banks his faux financial empire built on a house of cards. Trump is only interested in himself, his money and doesn't care if innocent people get killed in the process or America is harmed in the process. That is the bottom line imo.
Harry B (Michigan)
Let us be very very clear. tRump pulled US forces out of northern Syria under protest from Secretary Mattis. This would not be happening if our limited forces remained there as a buffer. Another example of the traitors buffoonery. Everything tRump touches dies.
Robert O. (St. Louis)
Easy choice. Who benefits Trump most financially. I suspect it’s Russia.
Paul (Brooklyn)
@Robert O. Agreed that is the bottom line.