Photos of Trump’s Trip to India

Feb 24, 2020 · 100 comments
IndianAmerican (CA)
Although most assume they are similar they are actually very different personalities: 1. Similarities: Nationalist. Anti-Immigrants / Anti-Muslim. 2. Differences: a. Personal Wealth: Modi grew up poor, and is still poor in relative terms. Modest and Non-corrupt. His family is still poor, and no one in politics or biz. Doesn't believe in Nepotism. Trump grew up in 1%, became richer, is corrupt and involves entire family in business & politics. b. Speakers: Modi is an admirable orator, that speaks multiple languages with rich vocabulary and high communication skills. Noone jokes about his delivery of speech. Trump's vocabulary and tweets border stupidity. c. Media/Celebrities/Biz: In Americas, most hate Trump. In India, most love Modi. d. Election: Trump lost popularity vote, and barely won Electoral. Modi won with largest majority in history of India. Modi is far more popular than Trump being divisive. e. Indian Americans: Majority love Modi but hate Trump. And many more...
RichS (Chicago, IL)
My, my...when Pres. Obama paraded through Western Europe (1/7th the population of India) to adoring fans, the lovefest couldn't be contained. Now these same people spew invective over another Pres doing the same in a different part of the World. Some good old Indian meditation might help you through this!
Fread (Melbourne)
One was an inclusive gathering. The other is motivated by now intolerance. I don’t think you can simply compete the two. I think any mildly reasonable person would say there’s a difference there!
Ami (Jammu, India)
@Fread nothing in speech said about intolerance. It might be popping out of your mind though.
J. Huang (Tennessee)
Love to see him settle there in India for good. This would be a win-win for everyone!
Michael (NJ)
Well India the show worked. You just got a 3 billion dollar arms deal outta the guy. The legacy of the United States will be bombs, bombs, and more bombs. You wouldn't need to worry about global warming. At the rate we are going the sky will be lit with thermal nuclear mushrooms. Trump,what a great man? Isn't Modi the same guy who like Trump is anti-Muslim? Well, in any case since Trump Jr. visited India last year to sell expensive living quarters to the ultra-rich Indians maybe the deal also involves more luxury living amongst the poor. Is this the same supposed Christian President?
Ami (Jammu, India)
@Michael So you are suggesting easier immigration rules for Indians or moving manufucting there. Else talk is cheap. You can keep your charity money with you.
deborah wilson (kentucky)
I love the shoes. They tell so much about a human.
Judy Funk (Wayzata, Minnesota)
I think India would be a lovely place for this president to live. I hear there’s a tower bearing his name with vacancies.
Jagdeer Haleed (New York)
India is deeply strategic in its foreign affairs. They believe in keeping the opposite party happy while pursuing their own agendas. Till today, India hasn’t fully recovered from the US’s unilateral move to curb its oil imports from Iran. Inspite of assurances you the US, India is seriously considering the S-300 system from Russia. India knows that US is desperate to control China and it needs India to do that. India while pandering to Trump’s ego will pursue its own interests
IdoltrousInfidel (Texas)
Don't blame India. In fact, 84% of Indian Americans voted against Trump in 2016. Mr Trump is your baby. India is doing what it thinks best in it's interests by flattering and eulogizing Trump as it's the easiest route to good relations with USA under Trump regime.
Still Waiting... (SL, UT)
Lots of pageantry with no substance...seems perfect for Trump.
charles almon (brooklyn NYC)
I read the crowd was there for a later cricket match and Trump essentially crashed it. Has that been verified?
Bronx Jon (NYC)
Thank you India for keeping him out of our hair for a few days.
kirk (kentucky)
Trump's embrace of so many religions ,save Islam, is remarkable. Would it be too much to suggest that the majority of his Supreme Court is a coven protecting and promoting his political agenda,ergo religion?
Quizical (NY)
I wonder about Melania's statements through fashion. Why is she wearing the white of a widow in India?
Jeff King (California)
@Quizical Everyone was given white hats also. Do you think they were all widows? White is also widely accepted as the color of peace and purity and is diametrically opposite to red, the color of violence and disruption in the southern half of India.
Mary (San Diego)
The Hugest crowds ever! --- perhaps Trump might consider moving to India!?
Ed Hutchison (Midland MI)
This makes me puke. Especially when reading of Trump's visit to an Ashram. Our president has no more sense of sacred or holy or even simple decency than the melting snow on my front yard. People of India: Donald Trump is not a good or decent person and speaking for millions of voting Americans, I hope he will soon be gone.
Deirdre (New Jersey)
Did they chant “Lock Her Up”?
Mike (Tuscons)
Oh, are those size 12 Bruno Magli's?
Shanda (Portland, OR)
Whoa! Somebody's makeup artist got a little carried away with the spray tanner & it's not Melania...
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
Praise Trump and he’ll do anything for you and excuse your worst behaviors. All you have to do is lie like a rug and give up your personal integrity.
Kodali (VA)
The best US has are the institutes of higher education. India should invest Billions of Dollars in their national institutes to transition from research to reality with the help of US institutes, instead of spending Billions of Dollars on weapons. Then, they can make their own weapons and not depend on other nations to defend itself.
Randeep Chauhan (Bellingham, Washington)
As a country becomes less democratic, is it expected to boast of how "democratic" they are?
North (NY)
Little odd to see such a warm reception when Trump has done everything possible to block H1-B visas and other immigration pathways popular with Indians.
Mohammad Azeemullah (Libya)
‘Namste Trump’ event is organized at a time when the world is skeptical about India’s pluralistic ethos and secular values. Modi is re-writing history with his own brand of militant Hinduism. How could President of America ignore this face of Modi?
Lonnie (New York)
As somebody that meets and works with many immigrants from many different countries, i am always surprised about how many of them simply love Trump. Russians love him, Bangladeshi love him, people from India love him. In particular they love his anti-Muslim policies. I know as New York Time readers you are shocked by this but it is the truth.
Hedonikos (Washington)
110,000 seat stadium because this awful human being visited a caste society nation. Big Deal. Want to see 11,000,000 people party? Trust me on this. When trump is gone, there will be celebrations in every city in the country.
Alex R (USA)
@Hedonikos I suspect most parts of the world will also rejoice when trump is done with his first and only term.
Foosinando (New Jersey)
100,00 in attendance, out of 1.4 billion population? Trump inauguration crowd size is still "yuge".
Robert M. Koretsky (Portland, OR)
They can’t even get fresh, clean water to large swatches of their population, but they worship Trump’s $$$. 110,000 wannabes. This was a business trip for Trump, and we paid for it with our taxes! How many $millions did we foot the bill for? Did he stay at Trump Tower in Mumbai?
Jeffrey (California)
Whatever his blind spots, Modi has a deep sense of values. I wonder how he reconciles those with Donald Trump?
John M (Minneapolis)
Could he just stay in India for the remainder of his only term?
adi (ca)
Not a good time for a big party when the world is fighting a possible pandemic, which is also likely the only force that could derail Trump's re-election ambitions.
IdoltrousInfidel (Texas)
For India, decision is simple. Mr Modi knows Mr Trump is in politics for himself and his personal ego and wealth. That he is a narcicist is known around the world, including Indian leaders. It's not about US interests. However for India, it's important to have smooth and good relations with USA. So Mr Modi is serving Indian interests by appealing to Mr Trump's ego and personal interests. That Mr Trump is president of USA is not India's problem, as seen from an Indian perspective.
Cindy Mackie (ME)
I believe some of those people were told to show up and applaud. Doesn’t matter anyway. Faux News will be claiming 10 million people and the cultists will swallow it whole. Truth is dead and I think our democracy may be too. Is India sophisticated enough to hack our elections? I’m sure Trump will ask for a favor. It’s probably the real reason for his visit.
HistoryRhymes (NJ)
Seems only China and India has the right stratagem to manage DJT - unbridled praise, yes him to death, but in the end, pursue their own agendas. Now that's call smart diplomacy.
Steve (California)
What a photo can tell us. My mom taught me to always place my shoes neatly together after taking them off. It was likely her way of ingraining a sense of order and societal cohesion into me. Examine the final photo in this article. Note the rigid, Frank Lloyd Wright symmetry of the chairs. Observe the methodically and symmetrically positioned towels on the tables and chair-arms. Now observe the shoes belonging to Mr. Trump, scattered and separated, a metaphor for, or perhaps an insight into, the disarray in his head.
Leah (Pennsylvania)
@Steve My thoughts exactly as I saw the last photo. I went to one of the others to double check whose shoes are which ones to make sure my assumptions were correct.
Bohemian Sarah (Footloose In Eastern Europe)
I wish they filmed him putting them back on. I suspect he cannot, without help. I consider that a metaphor for his competence overall. I agree that the disarray of both pairs speaks to an odd lack of presence in both Trump and trophy wife.
Heysus (Mt. Vernon)
@Steve Melanoma also left her shoes in disarray. Inconsiderate visitors.
amalendu chatterjee (north carolina)
where do we (Indians and Americans) go from here? There are many bilateral important issues to be agreed upon - trades/tariff, terrorism, Pakistan's containment on Afghanistan, American support for Modi's nationalism (CAA), etc. Trump may be least interested in Indian's well being unless he gets what he wants - his private business deal. common people in India may raise the question what is the payoff of such huge expenses to welcome the most unpopular world's leader in India?
IdoltrousInfidel (Texas)
84% of Americans of Indian origin, voted against Trump in 2016 elections. That would be repeated again, with larger margin. There are about 4 million American Indians in USA.
IllWind (India)
It is strange that in a country where it takes decades to finalise a weapons deal, POTUS can just announce the sale worth three billion dollars from a public stage!
West of Here (Bay Area)
@IllWind Maybe he’s lying. He lies at all his rallies. It’s really impossible to believe him.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
What a circus, and two clownish egomaniacs, entertaining the 'masses'. While the status quo is celebrated, inequities and all, where social justice was sent packing...again.
Dena Tanner (Bay Area)
Always follow the money. Trump Inc has made large investments in India using Trump's presidency. Americans need to know how much trumps businesses have flourished through pandering by global political and business interests.
Chickpea (California)
Political leaders everywhere know the key to getting “good deals” from the United States is to play to Trump’s oversized and fragile ego, with flattery and adoration. Human rights, freedom of the press, the environment? Not even on the table. The actual security and welfare of our country? They don’t matter, either. The only thing that matters is Trump’s ego and the money that will find its way back into his pockets. Our country is not great. Our country is corrupt and the world knows it.
wryawry (the foothills of the headlands)
Gotta run that tiny mushroom ... if it can be found.
Ben K (Miami, Fl)
Tread with care, India, as any agreement he signs is not worth the ink and paper it is made of. He honors no commitments, and we here in the US are stuck in the back seat while this jellyfish in a suit drives. Almost everything he says is opposite of truth, and he has no qualms about demanding renegotiation, or outright cancellation, of any "deals" he makes. Anything he does will somehow benefit him personally. Did he promise you a penthouse in tRump tower Mumbai? We will get back to you for real negotiations when this nightmare ends.
Daveindiego (San Diego)
Dear India, (and every other country that Kow-Tows to this disgrace of a human being) Trump will not be president forever, and the rest of us normal Americans will remember your pandering displays. They will not be forgotten.
Greg (Indiana)
@Daveindiego We’re not going to somehow punish India for our mistake in electing Trump.
Samuel Shuman (Arizona)
@Daveindiego India will pander to whichever country benefits them at the moment. Trump is not "India's fault". To threaten India with punishment is simply denying a painful situation that is facing us -- that America's democratic institutions are on life-support. The vilest moment of this whole disgusting display is having Trump walk in the ashram that Mahatma built. He has no idea what Gandhi did, or said or how he did what he did. Zero. I'm sure he has never read a single word of any history of India or any other country.
Jagdeer Haleed (New York)
A country kowtows (if it does) to the head of a state not the individual. It’s the US citizens who elected him. If anything, they should be called out for letting this happen. Very strange that you try to nail another country. I still remember all the articles that came out of media outlets here wondering how Indians could elect conservative hawks like Modi and how Indian democracy had started to lose its place. Well, a few years later, the same happened in the US and the media outlets started looking outwards towards countries like Russia for interference instead of looking inward. Demonizing other countries will not do any good. British organized a state banquet for Trump. Did you feel that was an affront?
Ramesh G (Northern California)
Folks in my childhood hometown of Ahmedabad were not too big in their sense of irony -Trump , real estate con man , serial liar, Racist demagogue is being led through the ashram where Gandhi , spinning weaving his his own meager cloth, led Satyagraha - realization of Truth - to show , like a modern day Christ, the weakness of power money and empire before strength of individual human dignity Marx claimed that History Repeats - first as tragedy then as farce. Now, I think, History first tries irony and then meekly accepts, even celebrates , the absurd.
Moehoward (The Final Prophet)
@Ramesh G No he didn't claim that. History does not repeat itself. Marx "claimed" history moves in cycles, a theory borrowed from Hegel.
Susan in NH (NH)
As soon as Trump started speaking, the people started to walk out. I guess they figured that to be there when Modi and the Trumps arrived was all they were paid for!
Neil (Texas)
I am in Mumbai. Not withstanding the comments below– this has been an outstanding success for India and USA. Indians put on a show that even Chinese would not be able to – for one reason – India is such a heterogenous country. All along the route – india showcased it's diverse culture. Sure, POTUS probably had a fleeting glance – but the warmth and enthusiasm was genuine. I think we Americans should be proud that our POTUS was so warmly received. It appears his advisors had crafted his speech tailored specifically for Indians with innumerable references to famous Indians of the past and present. His Taj Mahal visit was exquisitely choreographed where the First Couple was given space to enjoy the beauty of the Taj. Of course, there will be nay sayers – and thinking that POTUS is playing for votes. But let's be clear Indians living in America as a vote bank number only 1.4 million. Most live on the coasts – even if they all voted Republicans – given the margins of Democrats in these stares –it would make no difference. Our Republican candidates will still lose. I think the fact that POTUS came to visit India only and not as just another stop on an international tour – is not lost on India. And they are very appreciative.
CA Simpson (Johns Creek, GA)
Why would they be appreciative? They’ve set a pretty low bar for attracting attention.
RamS (New York)
@Neil Trump loves the adulation, that's all. It's indeed not about the votes - the vast majority of Indians in the US as citizens that I know are pretty liberal and as you note, they're a tiny minority.
Cindy Mackie (ME)
@Neil I think it has more to do with Trumps businesses than with foreign policies. Trump cares about Trump and only Trump.
Varadha (Princeton)
One of the most wasteful and desperate attempts by India's Narendra Modi to get some global leader to endorse his unconstitutional acts, and President Trump is one pliant leader for a variety of reasons - an infatuation with large crowds, and the fact India is the largest market for the Trump Organization, and the joint-venture partners happen to be members of the ruling BJP party. And Modi's obsession with making defense purchases endears him well with supplier countries who lay out the red carpet for him - little strategic thought goes into rationalizing the defence equipment needs. And now the crowds - President Trump needs to understand the operating model of Indian political leaders - for any meeting or rally, thousands are herded from nearby villages with the promise of some money, free food and liquor. I expect less than 1% of this crowd to have really understood what Trump was saying except when he peppered his speech with some Indian names. And even less would know of Trump trampling every democratic institution here in the US. Modi's real intent was not to strike any major trade deal and that too in an election year. He merely wants to show the Indian public Trump is in agreement with every unconstitutional act happening in India. Trump is there to sell US energy, defense equipment, and make Indian companies invest more in the US. India is going to gain nothing - a classic example of autocrats bleeding their exchequers dry for personal gratification.
CA Simpson (Johns Creek, GA)
Thank you fir the explanation. Now I get it.
Robert M. Koretsky (Portland, OR)
@Varadha Trump is also there to oversee his business interests, his most important motivation for doing anything.
Varadha (Princeton)
@Robert M. Koretsky Very true - and his ventures are not doing well, which is why Ivanka is tagging along. I am aware of more Indian builders who did not want anything to do with Trump - some unscrupulous ones in Modi's party decided to exploit the bromance between Trump and Modi
peter bailey (ny)
Calling India, and for that matter, the USA, great democracies is a joke.
Lural (Atlanta)
@peter bailey India has been a great democracy for most of it’s post-colonial history, excepting Indira Gandhi's Emergency and now Modi’s politics of Hindu chauvinism. America’s Electoral College system and historic gerrymandering to exclude minority’s votes makes America a weak democracy. Trump’s flagrantly abuses of the rule of law show us just how weak.
Alex R (USA)
@peter bailey Yes, and it’s particularly ridiculous that Donald, destroyer of our democracy, would say those words.
Priya S (India)
@Lural Well said. For the most part, India has been a great democracy. Indira Gandhi was voted out after the Emergency was lifted, and so will Modi be voted out at some date. @peter bailey - It amazes me how broken your electoral system is. If there is one thing which you can learn from India, it is how to conduct elections sensibly and fairly. Yes, there are always a few incidents of violence and vote-rigging, but the elections are overwhelmingly well managed.
Raymond (NYC)
Two Patriots who do their best to deliver in an age of paralyzed legislatures, runaway globalization, extreme political correctness, infallible experts, dilettantes, trolls, reactionaries, naysayers and nothing-doers. Fairly elected despite the misleading appearance of this comment section. Democracy hurts?
Charles (New York)
@Raymond Being fairly elected does not necessarily carry with it overwhelming approval of the electorate. That's part of Democracy also.
Grounded (in reality)
@Raymond "who do their best"? surely you jest.
NS (San Francisco)
@Raymond It is easy to lump Modi and Trump together based on a few similarities, but in fact they are very different politicians and leaders (I use that term loosely for Trump). The similarity stops at disdain for media and tolerance for religious bigotry. Modi does not share Trump's ignorance, corruption or complete lack of grasp of public policy. He's in fact a pretty good administrator and I have seen real positive change in India under his leadership. He has made many policy and implementation mistakes as well. Overhaul of the GST and demonetization were very badly done and caused untold hardship to the common man. I also absolutely abhor the right wing Hindu nationalism and feel that it has no place in the politics of a secular nation. Having those credentials actually make it harder for Modi and his party to bring in positive change such as Uniform Civil Code for all citizens. Also as a contrast, in India, it is bankruptcy of ideas on the side of the opposition party (Congress Party) instead of the ruling party that is responsible for the divisiveness in Indian politics. Going back to your comment @Raymond - I don't think anyone here is disputing that both these leaders were elected fairly. I'm not sure how you got that impression?
Tara (MI)
This an all end in a flash if someone tells Trump there's coronavirus in the air. Whoosh, helicopter to an antiseptic tank in the Pacific. Then a golf game.
Horseshoe Crab (South Orleans, MA)
Trump must be in his glory, I'm sure we'll hear about crowds of millions as he sashays about with another suspect world leader. Like Odysseus he should wander about the world dropping in on old pals who will roll out the red carpet - recall the sword dance with the Saudis - and now on to Turkey, North Korea and the piece de resistance, Putin's playground. Let him soak in the faux adulations and revel in the international lovefests and wouldn't it be great if he never came back.
Ms. Pea (Seattle)
What is the point of Jared & Ivanka being there, and why do we taxpayers have to pay for yet another vacation for them? Trump is happy to take welfare & disability benefits away from families who have almost nothing, cut social security benefits from the elderly and eliminate health insurance for millions. But, he feels entitled to let the government pay for his millionaire daughter and son-in-law to tag along on a promotional tour. Disgusting.
CJT (Niagara Falls)
The family of presidents frequently accompany them on trips. It is standard.
John M (Minneapolis)
Perhaps he doesn’t want to leave the home alone.
Nelliepodge (Sonoran Desert)
@CJT Not the adult children in their 30s and 40s.
Just Live Well (Philadelphia, PA)
This morning I had my daily call with my colleagues in West Bengal. Although they were nowhere near the spectacle, their opinions were clear. Too much money was spent on this visit, money that was sorely needed to help people in India. There is an in-your-face, mocking contrast of Trump's towers rising over poor neighborhoods there. The irony of brick walls being built to hide slums from his view was also not lost on my colleagues. I'm sure the people were warm and welcoming toward Trump. But that's just how they are to any guest in their country.
D (Boston, MA)
@Just Live Well It's pretty patronizing to criticize entertaining foreign dignitaries with a "but what about the poor". Almost Kiplingian. Not every rupee needs to be allocated to the poor. The money spent on this would a fraction of a fraction of a percent of India's GDP. If you would like to know where India spends its budget, the budget released a month ago should help
Trump and Modi are of the same ilk: right wing, populist, xenophobic, corrupt. They each rule a society characterized by stark inequalities of wealth. Both leaders apparently appeal to the uneducated class as well as the small upper class. They should look to the holy man Gandhi as their role model instead so they might have a chance to redeem their places in history.
Priya S (India)
@AAA I am no fan of Modi. His policies are dividing India and have already proven bad for the economy. He talks and condones hate speech. He acts as though he is the best, and that there was nothing and no leader before him. As someone rightly pointed out on social media - all year round they treat Gandhi and Muslims as inferior, then when Trump comes visiting, they roll out the Gandhi ashram and the Taj Mahal ! But I believe that in a few aspects, he is far superior to Trump. 1) No evidence of corruption in all the years he has been in public office, to be fair. 2) He is very intelligent and is very disciplined in his personal life.
R-Star (San Francisco)
Two of the most despicable world leaders, ironically from the two largest democracies, embracing, in an entirely forgettable and pointless pageant. Fitting.
MIMA (heartsny)
One of my best girlfriends always has included Namaste in her salutations. Ouch! I hope never again. No reminders of our American tax dollars paying for another Trump brood travel experience! Why, oh why, are we taxpayers footing the bill for Jared and Ivanka to be in India with dad and step mom? Wake up, America!
Susan Anderson (Boston)
@MIMA Just because Trump/Modi exploited it, as they did Mahatma Gandhi, doesn't change it's meaning. Sad that Trump pollutes everything he touches, and that Modi spent a fortune mounting a disgusting extravaganza. Shameless and shameful.
Alex R (USA)
Dear India, Please keep him. Thank you, Millions of Americans
SK (Philadelphia)
It is striking how similarly dressed people in the stadium are. This is not organic but clearly a well-staged performance to please the ego of a self-absorbed leader. Modi is cut from the same fabric as Trump. So it is no surprise that Modi knows the way to Trump's heart.
Doogie (New Jersey)
@SK Wouldn't be surprised if tee shirts were handed out at the door, similar to what's done during a pro sports home playoff game.
Bohemian Sarah (Footloose In Eastern Europe)
They were probably paid to show up, just as is rumored to happen at Trump rallies. Some in India are so poor that they would show for a free T-shirt. In other reporting, there was a mass exodus of a third of the crowd at precisely 30 minutes, before Trump finished speaking, and a further third at 60 minutes mid Modi speech. Sounds like paid participants to me.
Marty (Pacific Northwest)
@SK Any women among 'em?
CA Reader (California)
Perfectly revolting. A disgraced American President being paraded around in a manufactured environment of adulation by an autocratic Prime Minister who ripping apart India's tradition of unity through his anti-Muslim/pro-Hindu policies. The image of Trump sitting at the charkha is a travesty.
Fred Durst (Burlington, Vermont)
“Tradition of unity” Yes, the partition of India into three different countries followed by PM Ghandi’s dictatorship is such a sterling tradition.
Jake (New York)
Partition was done by the British at the request of Jinnah, a deal done while Gandhi was in jail for peaceful protest. Both Jinnah and the British had their own reasons to divide the country which had nothing to do with what was good for the people.
Fahad Qureshi (Boston, MA (USA))
@Jake Partition was achieved after Jinnah, a lawyer by profession, discovered that the British and Hindus were in cahoots to turn the Muslims of India into a second class of society. Jinnah and other Muslim leaders like Allama Iqbal (a poet, philosopher and politician, as well as an academic, barrister and scholar) galvanized the Muslims of India to demand a separate homeland where they can live their lives in dignity. Please don't twist facts. Salute to Mohammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad!
Carmela Sanford (Niagara Falls, New York)
Ah yes, two wannabe autocrats embracing each other. The political world is in much worse shape than anybody thinks it is. Both men rose to power, and hope to stay in power, on the backs of what they consider “the others,” those citizens deemed unfit to deserve respect and consideration. Meanwhile, corporations loot the middle-class and Earth’s environment crumbles. We are living in sad and dangerous times.
P.C.Chapman (Atlanta, GA)
In the final photo, Tubby's elevator shoes ( left, loafers) are clearly shown. The heel counter is above normal height compared to flat surface they rest on. I sold shoes at Bullocks Walnut Creek. Ah, so many tells with this person.
JB (Nashville, Tennessee)
@P.C.Chapman Excellent observation, except you can see in the photo above it that Trump is wearing the wingtips. But it does show that vanity is common among autocrats.
fearing for (fascist america)
@P.C.Chapman It is clear to me that the shoes on the right belong to Trump, because of the careless, sloppy way they are discarded; as are Melania's. Modi's placement, by contrast show the neatness and order of his culture.