How Amy Klobuchar Pulled Off the Big Surprise of the New Hampshire Primary

Feb 12, 2020 · 317 comments
JB (San Tan Valley, AZ)
A friend of mine here in Arizona, who is from South Bend, Ind., and has been a big fan of Pete Buttigieg all along just told me yesterday that she is switching her support to Amy. I did not ever expect that.
Howard Winet (Berkeley, CA)
Slowly, begrudgingly, traditional Eastern establishment columnists are beginning to recognize Amy Klobuchar's potential to perform as our president. She has the core beliefs of a real midwesterner, plus the worldliness of an Angela Merkel. Voters would can think beyond the provincialities of their tribe to the greater good of the country will recognize that their tribe will be treated justly under her guidance.
Rip (La Pointe)
The Susan Collins of the Democrats.
Pat Boice (Idaho Falls, ID)
Pretty amazing how the media tries to overlook and minimize Buttigieg. Now that Klobuchar has risen out of the doldrums she is the one the media seems to be promoting. Not much mention that Buttigieg is neck and neck with Sanders and has 1 more delegate than Bernie. Perhaps Buttigieg won't do well from here on out - we will see - but he's certainly done extremely well so far.
jer (tiverton, ri)
Oh great. She got the old people’s vote; just what we (don’t) need (and I am 71). She strikes me as milquetoast. She is a losing proposition against Trump.
William Park (LA)
No, the big surprise of NH was Mayor Pete winning the same number of delegates as Bernie.
steven (from Barrytown, NY, currently overseas)
Bernie Sanders won New Hampshire in a record turnout. He has a coalition of working class voters that he can win back from Trump, students, young African Americans and Latinos, more money donated by more individuals- with an average contribution of 18 dollars- than any candidate except the Republican Oligarch Bloomberg. That is the story. Klobuchar came in third, she has no ability to get votes from people of color and there is nothing inspiring about her candidacy. Stop with this obvious propaganda push to build up her and Buttigieg and to ignore Sander's successes!
Harry Thorn (Philadelphia, PA)
How do we know that Klobuhar didn't get a lot of votes from Trump supporters? The primary voter turnout on Tuesday was larger than expected. Trump held a large rally in the state and told his followers to pick one of the weaker Democratic candidates to vote for, to keep the race muddled. In SC and Nev we will see how much she is really surging.
Peter Rosenwald (San Paulo, Brazil)
Klobuchar is an attractive candidate but it is unlikely she can win against Trump in the election. But Amy Klobuchar as a Vice President to Mike Bloomberg would both get her into the White House for a future run and greatly strengthen Bloomberg's ticket.
TomF (Chicago)
The only votes that count in the general are 300,000 or 400,000 swing centrists in PA, OH, MI, WI, and MN, and Klobuchar can get enough of them to win. The hard-core progressive candidates may run up the vote in Berkeley, Cambridge, and Queens, but that's immaterial in Electoral College calculus.
Richard (Palm City)
So Liz will pay your student loans, and Bernie will give you Medicare and now Amy will pay your rent. Something for everyone in the Democratic Party.
Outside of Echo Chamber (Blue State)
How Klobuchar pull off the big surprise? Not grit. She did it "By twisting the words of her opponent" -- William Saletan, Slate, 2/12/2020
Abraham (DC)
"With Ms. Klobuchar running just three percentage points behind former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the Iowa caucus results [...]" This made me chuckle. I suspect Amy is already struggling enough without "help" like this from the NYT.
Outside of Echo Chamber (Blue State)
Klobuchar has not been vetted. Her reluctance to bring charge against controversial police killings, and her aggressive prosecution of a black teenager based on questionable evidence are now just surfacing and come to the attention of the public. These incidences place direct and heavier weight on her than that on someone as one of the legislators supporting a bad crime bill. As such, her records will prevent her from getting broad support in a diverse democratic party. We are not talking about being "woke" here. Her records, at best, are questionable.
just Robert (North Carolina)
@Outside of Echo Chamber I do not know about these allegations, but if i were cynical I would think that being tough of crime would be a benefit to a campaigner in this atmosphere where Trump glories in acting outside of the law. If you look into the past of anyone you will find questions, but if you listen to Amy's interviews she knows how to use those questions for her own advantage.
Chuck (CA)
@Outside of Echo Chamber Agree. And, what vetting there has been of her... indicates pretty clearly that she is abusive to her staff. That troubles me greatly.. because it tells me there is an angry explosive personality under neath all that "as shucks... I'm an effective politician" persona she portrays in front of the camera.
Susan (Omaha)
@Outside of Echo Chamber She has requested reviews of those cases.
Mary Ann (Pennsylvania)
What I like is that the majority of delegates went to moderates.
Shamrock (Westfield)
A surprise? According to who? The polls? The polls told me Clinton was going to be President. Who would believe the polls now?
Joseph B (Stanford)
Why isn't the headline story how Mayor Pete won Iowa and came a very close second in New Hampshire? Instead it is how Klobucher finished a distant 3rd suggesting the media is pushing her because she is a female candidate.
RU Confused (Flyover Country)
Because, she has congredsional experience and Pete is a former mayor of a small city....quite a difference if you look at their comparative records and accomplishments
Derek Muller (Carlsbad, CA)
I love how there's a new flavor of the week with the Democrats. Man, seemed like Warren was a lock a few months ago. Then it was Mayor Pete. Please, the GOP fears none of these has has been's and never will's. It's over. Get prepared for 5 more years.
White, centrist, elite solipsism never ceases to amaze me. Both Klobuchar and Buttigieg are a testament to how white, elite privilege buttresses and propels white, elite mediocrity, to the detriment of working class and minority communities. These two milquetoast, insincere, mediocre candidates, generic versions of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, respectively, will not appeal to black and Latino voters, nor to the white working class. Furthermore, Klobuchar's abuse and vengeance against staff, a questionable prosecutorial record, and "high marks" from Senate Republicans for her "pragmatic approach," indicts her integrity. I can only imagine how much her bipartisanship is based on compromising and actively selling out Democratic interests. Given Republican congressional malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance, their approval of her is the kiss of death and the nail in the coffin. Just as grievously, she has the audacity and mendacity to compare herself to FDR, but would have considered his New Deal "a pipe dream." Her lack of vision and courage is a desecration of his legacy, which along with everything else, should disqualify her from the monumental and historic role of being the first woman president.
jim (boston)
Primary Colors all over again
Dan (NJ)
To those who argue that Klobuchar or Buttigeig would maintain the status quo: Have you seen the status quo? Right now the country is being run by a second rate mobster/ first rate propagandist and his head cult members. The party in charge is actively destroying the federal government to scratch some idiosyncratic itch about freedom while gifting the corporatocracy trillions of dollars. They will not maintain the status quo, not even close.
DSM14 (Westfield NJ)
I wish the media would explain why black and Hispanic voters are, according to the 2016 results and the 2020 polls, even more reluctant than white males to support white female or gay candidates. Hillary, Amy, Liz and Pete all have faced this issue.
Cooper Hyldahl (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
We've seen a similar situation occur throughout this primary multiple times. A candidate does well, whether it be a strong poll or a good primary or caucus, and then immediately, usually at the next debate, they are aggressively cut down by their opponents. It happened to Kamala, it happened to Mayor Pete, it happened to Warren. Amy's next. The next debate in Las Vegas will be a bloodbath for Amy who now has a target on her back. Her opponents see her now, and they will tear her down. The map does not favor Amy Klobuchar in this primary. She needs one more solid win to solidify her place as a front runner and coming up, she does not have many opportunities. Depending on the electorate that comes out in Nevada, she could do marginally okay, but South Carolina will be a disaster for her newly energized campaign. If there was just one more northern, white state with moderate values, like Maine or Pennsylvania, before the other early states, she may have a shot to build her momentum up and come out in a good place for Super Tuesday, but this is not the case. The demographics of the next two states will stunt Amy Klobuchar's campaign, if her opponents don't do it first on the debate stage.
American Abroad (Iceland)
Actually Klobuchar coming in just behind Biden in Iowa was a great finish and what propelled the attention and voted she received in New Hampshire. And, contrary to what many are saying, including Bernie, I'm betting many would like to finally see a woman president.
Dennis (Oregon)
I like to think the campaign is a trial demonstration for candidates to show their ability to assess the needs of voters, communicate, finance, manage and lead. If they are successful in doing many of the same things they must do as president, they rise to the top. Amy Klobuchar has grown the most since announcing her candidacy. She has also learned the fastest, and traveled the furthest from her iffy kick-off in a blizzard. And now I am heartened by how she, out of all the others, sees most clearly the way to beat Trump, crusade for a decent America, flip the Senate and put mobster politics behind us. And if she asked Corey Booker to run with her as VP, appointed Buttigieg to be Secretary of Defense, Kamala Harris AG, Andrew Yang as Secretary of Commerce, Susan Rice as Secretary of State, Julian Castro at Homeland Security and others at the convention before the Fall campaign, she would have the team together that could win big, bury Trump, and flip the Senate. She seems to have the idea to engage many Democratic stars and current candidates to campaign with her, especially in areas where those people have strong influence with minority or other targeted voters to move the campaign to another level. This is going to take a lot of coordinating on the fly in a short time. I think what Amy has done so far with fewer resources and less money is exceptional. She may be the one to make this next election the one that buries Trump forever.
Cooper Hyldahl (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
We've seen a similar situation occur throughout this primary multiple times. A candidate does well, whether it be a strong poll or a good primary or caucus, and then immediately, usually at the next debate, they are aggressively cut down by their opponents. It happened to Kamala, it happened to Mayor Pete, it happened to Warren. Amy's next. The next debate in Las Vegas will be a bloodbath for Amy who now has a target on her back. Her opponents see her now, and they will tear her down. The map does not favor Amy Klobuchar in this primary. She needs one more solid win to solidify her place as a front runner and coming up, she does not have many opportunities. Depending on the electorate that comes out in Nevada, she could do marginally okay, but South Carolina will be a disaster for her newly energized campaign. If there was just one more northern, white state with moderate values, like Maine or Pennsylvania, before the other early states, she may have a shot to build her momentum up and come out in a good place for Super Tuesday, but this is not the case. The demographics of the next two states will stunt Amy Klobuchar's campaign, if her opponents don't do it first on the debate stage.
Judy Hochberg (Scarsdale, NY)
Amy Klobuchar is the "Goldilocks" candidate. She is not too young or too old, too left or too right. She is "just right!" I have been supporting her for more than a year and am thrilled to see her candidacy catch fire at last.
D in (NC)
The Dems missed their opportunity for someone that could win over independents and some republicans by ignoring and downplaying Andrew Yangs candidacy. As an independent registered voter I know. I agree with another poster on this comment board. Where are the articles and analysis focused on the ideas and policy proposals from each candidate?Instead it’s focused on personality and popularity instead of critically thinking how the policies would impact the USA.
Steven McCain (New York)
Run a non diverse ticket in 2020 Trump wins.Hillary blew it in 2020 by thinking just because she wasn’t Trump people would vote for her. The fact that she won the popular vote means nothing when the deciders are The Electoral College.
Klobuchar seems like a winner to me. I like her rhetoric as it much more convincing than Bernies and she is electable.
Sean (Atlanta)
Fiscally moderate at a time when half of Americans live in poverty or near poverty. Sounds like the last thing we need.
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@ Sean Your argument doesn’t fly. We need a fiscally moderate president. We need to preserve the safety net, create a fairer tax system, improve health care options, improve immigration policy. We need sanity in the White House. We need to get the corrupt dictator out of the White House.
mg (PDX)
Reading tea leaves and mere speculation which is all that anyone at this early point can say about any of the candidates. I prefer to look at the results in the following way, combining the top three moderates and the top two left leaning candidates. Moderates: Delegates-15, total votes-156,174. Left of Center: Delegates-9, total votes-103,711
KC (West Coast)
I think Amy is awesome! She's intelligent, has good and reasonable positions, and exudes a kind of down home warmth that I really find appealing. I think a lot of other people do too. And she listens to people, instead of nonstop shouting and bloviating. It's refreshing. Amy's also tough as nails. It would be a privilege to watch her wipe the floor with Trump at a debate. If we get lucky enough to have her and Bloomberg on a ticket, (in whatever order), I think Democrats have a really good chance of winning. Go Amy!!
gbdoc (Vienna)
I’m so pleased that Amy Klobuchar is finally - possibly - seriously in the running, seriously being taken seriously. She’s a welcome contrast to the rest of the Democratic field - amiable, reasonable, down-to-earth, with none of the extreme policies of the others, able and willing to listen to her constituents and speak to them and to everyone else directly, in a straightforward fashion. FDR was famous and popular for his “fireside chats”. Ms. Klobuchar gives the impression that she could offer sincere (not just sincere-sounding) “over-the-kitchen-table” chats not only with the nation, but also with both sides of the aisle in Congress, and probably internationally, as well. She seems to be honest, has no ghosts in the closet nor any political debts she’d have to repay. She’s experienced enough, old enough, but also young enough. I believe she’s not only the best the Democrats have to offer, she’s really good, and she’d have the best chance of winning over whatever open-minded voters still exist. And finally, as President, her manner could go a long way to reunite the US, which is currently so destructively polarized.
JePense (Atlanta)
Since when is 3rd place to be celebrated!?
tom harrison (seattle)
@JePense - Since the New York Times endorsed her/Warren. But Amy assures the Times that she will do better in the future.
Babs (Richmond, VA)
Does anyone else find the angry rhetoric amongst Democratic commenters alarming?
Jan (Delft)
There seems to be a popular narrative that the media are trying to undermine Mr. Sanders' campaign one way or another. I find it both preposterous and alarming.
Tom Palmer (Berkeley, CA)
The NYT is so predictable! Bernie wins a primary, and the headlines are about his opponents or his corporate critics. Not a word about the popular enthusiasm for his programs. You did the same thing repeatedly in 2015/6. "Is Hillary Clinton Really in Danger of Losing the Primary?" If you can't do better than this, you are no more a new organization than Fox News is!
Ezra (Austin, Tx)
I look forward to destroying the candidacy of this prosecutor who zeolously locks up innocent black children.
Joseph B (Stanford)
Amy has no charisma and was accused by her staff of being a bully. The NY Times is pushing her because she is a woman. Her pitch is vote for me because because I am a moderate woman from the midwest who has been in the senate doesn't work for me. I am voting for Mayor Pete because he is highly intelligent, pragmatic, young with fresh ideas, and not divisive.
Jolton (Ohio)
@Joseph B Agreed. Why the focus on a distant third place finisher? Where’s the Buttigieg coverage? He has done an incredible job and has strong achievable progressive plans. He has my vote.
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@jolten He can’t beat trump.
August West (Midwest)
Why was this a surprise? Because the NYT and other pundits didn't expect it? It shouldn't have been a surprise at all. She's made no mistakes in her campaign, she's stayed on message and she beat everyone's tail in a debate in the midst of an election with a middling field. That's why she did as well as she did. She's a natural choice for moderates--Biden can't win and voters know that, so it's a race between her, Bloomberg and Mayor Pete for the middle. NYT and other pundits should quit treating elections as having surprising or expected results. If nothing else, 2016 proved that the usual suspects, including NYT, have no clue. Brokered convention? Wouldn't be at all surprised.
ms (ca)
I don't like her - what troubles me are the reports about her interactions with her staffers. And she was voted the worst Senator to work for. If she is abusive to them, that says a lot. The saying about how you can tell a person's true character by how they treat their subordinates or weaker people still stands. She also seems to have a smug, sarcastic way about her that comes across in her debates so that only adds to the stories from her staffers.
Pat (NYC)
I can't wait for her to take down dump. She can do what Hillary could not; she can mock him. It will derail him. I'd like to hear lines/questions with phrases can Cadet Bone Spurs, a draft dodger, understand how to lead our military? Or, how about, I guess a celebrity thinks he can grab anyone, anytime. Trying grabbing me Donny and you'll regret it. And, for good measure. I'll be working early in the morning to do the people's business, afterall, it only takes ME 10 minutes to fix my hair and BTW no hairspray to ruin the environment.
manta666 (new york, ny)
Go Amy! (We need to put Bernie's campaign to bed. Historically, young voters - Bernie's base - don't show up when you need 'em most.) Also, Mike - keep it up with the ads. Killing it out there.
tom harrison (seattle)
@manta666 - Uh, Bernie's base seems to be showing up when needed the most. But if you want a third-runner up in a single primary to be your choice, okay.
Sendero Caribe (Stateline)
Wow, third place finish with less than 20 percent of the vote now constitutes a "Big Surprise." Of course the big winner score only 26 percent of the vote. There were fewer than 300,000 votes cast in a tiny state. All the runners were losers
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@ Sendero Caribe That is an interesting way to look at it. I see four decent candidates, making their case to the voters. And we, the voters, are just sorting it out. Seems very rational. The corrupt, criminal lunatic in the WH needs to be gone. He is a danger to our democracy, destroying our country.
Dissatisfied (St. Paul MN)
She is the one Dem candidate I will not vote for, Trump or no Trump. She is not merely moderate; she is positively mediocre. She reminds me of the farm girl whose cow won third prize at the state fair.
Abby (Boston, MA)
Have you even looked at Amy’s proposal for what she would do in her first 100 days in office ? You would be surprised that the midwestern and more conservative democrat appeal she exudes belies honestly progressive positions, way to the left of Hillary in 2016, and very much in line with many of the proposals championed by Warren and Sanders but with viable implementation strategies to back them up. Ever heard of don’t judge a book by its cover. Look her positions up and do your due diligence. Tell me if after doing research and recognizing her status as one of the most productive senators in the senate whether you can still sincerely label her mediocre. You want to know who will beat Trump? Someone the republicans will have a hard time vilifying even with their arsenal of lies and Fox News propaganda. I certainly respect senator Sanders but having him as a nominee would do so much to energize the opposition. It would be so easy for him to be demonized in republican media that the general election would be a bloodbath. Many republicans are uneasy with re-electing Trump. All democrats have to do is give those many republicans no good reason to come to the polls and have them stay home while having strong turnout on the democratic side. Trumps reverent core is not enough on its own to win him a general election. If we peel off enough independents or moderate republicans to either vote for us or not vote at all we can win the general.
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@ Dissatisfied Stop with the purity test! Amy Klobuchar has a sound record and sound ideas to right the ship. And I think Klobuchar is a candidate who can beat trump.
Peter H. (Chicago, IL)
The New York Times editorial board should be ashamed. The day after Senator Sanders wins (as expected) the most primary votes in the second consecutive contest, these are your top three headlines: 1. For Joe Biden, Two Bad Losses and a Precarious Path Forward 2. How Amy Klobuchar Pulled Off the Big Surprise of the New Hampshire Primary 3. Bernie Sanders Would ‘Ruin Our Economy,’ Says Ex-Goldman Sachs Boss So the man wins the most votes in the two most important primaries, and you are conducting an early autopsy on Biden’s campaign, touting the “big surprise” of Klobuchar’s “strong [third-place] finish,” and you bookend those stories with a smear from some probable billionaire about what a Sanders presidency would do to the economy? I don’t buy most conspiracies, but this is either that or just uncharacteristically biased and awful editorial decision-making. No one reading this should wonder why Donald Trump’s accusations of “fake news” resonate with so many Americans.
Sendero Caribe (Stateline)
@Peter H. That is funny. Bernie finished second in Iowa and won with less than 26 percent of the vote in New Hampshire. Wasn't there an article that decided that Bernie now has the title of frontrunner. A divided and mediocre field.
Vicki (Queens, NY)
@Peter H. Pete is leading by two in the delegate count so far in the first two state races. Seems like the story could have been why Sanders didn’t run away with the vote in NH.
tom harrison (seattle)
@Peter H. - The Times endorsed Warren and Klobuchar so they will get positive press while the others get less than fair and balanced. Its pretty obvious. The real story should be how on earth is Mayor Pete doing so well? He started this campaign with a husband, a name no one could pronounce, and a resume that consisted of tiny-town-mayor-who-fired-a-black-police-chief. Meanwhile, a guy who was the vice-president for 8 years and is on his third attempt to be president is struggling.
Jolton (Ohio)
Why are we conducting our primaries like popularity contests? Where are the articles about candidates’ actual policies? The Editorial Board’s interviews were short on substance and long on snark and questions better suited for dating profiles. Is that all the vetting we get? There are good reasons why Klobuchar was polling so low before the last debate and only because of this pundit-driven style over substance popularity contest coverage did “Amy” rise in the polls. It’s ridiculous and a huge part of why our bar is so low even an unstable non-genius can be President.
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@ Jokton I have watched the debates and I heard all of the candidates multiple times, in fairly length interviews on TV. I feel I know their “platforms.” You need to do your homework.
Mathias (USA)
Republicans can vote in this one right?
Anthony (usa)
No this is a Democratic primary. In some states independents can vote also , like NH
Mystery Lits (somewhere)
A year ago (almost to the day) the NYT wrote an article that should have been a lot bigger about how this woman throws binders at her staffers and verbally assaults her interns.... how someone treats their subordinates is a clear indicator about how she will treat the people she is supposed to represent.
Merlin Pfannkuch (Ames, IA)
Senator Klobuchar was gaining support rather quickly in Iowa since the first of the year, perhaps in part because a few candidates dropped out in December. She would have passed Biden had the caucuses been a week or two later.
Kyle (Portland, OR)
She's a very good & obviously sincere candidate but the New Hampshire results are indicative that the vote is too divided between her and Pete Buttigieg. The latter happens to be getting more votes & Bernie Sanders would guarantee 4 more years of Mr. Trump if he's the nominee.
Muffin (Hawaii)
I think either she or Mayor Pete have a good shot. I don’t see much light between Trump and Sanders. Both seem disgusted by the political process in the U.S. Trump seems to attract Boomers and Gen X, who wanted the swamp drained. Sanders attracts Millennials and Gen Z, who want a revolution. Trump and Sanders are the same. They can’t get along with anyone. Boomers and Gen X are hard wired Cold War people. Who equate communism with socialism. Heck, growing up they concluded each Mass with a prayerful intercession, “Savior of the world, save Russia.” They’re not voting for a socialist. Millennials and Gen Z live in a extremely stable, safe, prosperous democratic country where people all over the world are literally knocking down the borders to get in. And they want a revolution, by a socialist Trump.
fionatimes (Mojave)
@Muffin No way on the Mass conclusion. When was that? 1954? I spent several years in Catholic school and never once heard Russia mentioned. Hungry people in Africa and China, yes.
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@Muffin I don’t understand your last paragraph. You think Millennials snd Gen Z’s will vote for trump? I think that is oreposteyoys. The ones I know despise trump.
joey8 (ny)
Never has a third place finish been so over hyped. That every establishment media outlet keeps doing gymnastics to find a Sanders alternative is quite frankly getting a bit embarrassing.
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@joey8 It is early. Two small primaries. We are sorting it all out. Vote Blue, No Matter Who.
PaulB67 (South Of North Carolina)
Reading these comments, I discern a troubling pattern: anonymous posters have become increasingly aggressive, if not downright excessive, in criticizing any candidate who is not their favorite, as if the other candidates were somehow worse than Trump. Can we not do better? Has commentary and dialogue become so coarsened that hardly anyone can discuss politics without coming unglued? (By the way, the Times comment section is a model of decorum compared to The Washington Post comment section). And while I'm venting, I think it is really counter-productive for people to insist on nothing but a perfect candidate. In the case of Klobuchar, any County Prosecutor will become embroiled in controversy. But her record is there for all to see, and she has been elected three times statewide so, presumably, the voters of Minnesota probably have taken those controversies into account, and still voted her into office. Running for President is a grueling haul, and standing up to withering attacks is part and parcel of the process. But in today's environment, with social media attacks, fake Internet stories and a President who lies as much as he breathes, can the rest of us refrain from piling on? Klobuchar may not be your candidate, but compared to Trump, she would be a calming, empathetic presence in the White House, which is something everyone could use.
Mystery Lits (somewhere)
@PaulB67 Let me put it this way... as a life long Dem voter... if the choice is Klobuchar or Trump... I'm voting Trump.
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@Mystery Lits Well, that is just not rational. Crazy deserves crazy, I guess.
michjas (Phoenix)
Klobuchar promises to cross party lines and get things done. It sounds great but nobody has crossed party lines and gotten things done for almost 10 years. Klobuchar apparently has a magic potion that will sway all those Republicans to adopt a cooperative mode. Who does she think she's kidding?
Meg (AZ)
Klobuchar's policy proposals are actually very progressive. To steal a line from Pete Buttigeig, where he essentially says...If elected I will have the most progressive agenda of any president in the last 50 years... Well, her proposals are pretty much the same as Buttigieg's - but she simply has a lot more experience. I feel that the article paints the wrong picture and it is easy to get away with that since, as usual, articles on Klobuchar never highlight what it is that she intends to do. Free community college Increased Pell Grants (double) - this is money students do not have to pay back that can be used towards 4 year tuition as well - but it is means tested. Adding a public option, like Pete and like Biden. Increasing subsidies and adding coverage for mental health and drug addiction. Addition treatment - instead of jail. Allowing those who have served their time to vote. In addition, she has an A+ rating with the League of Conservation Voters, was for the Green New Deal,is for a carbon tax and will begin addressing climate change day 1. She seems an excellent choice and is similar to Buttigieg. However, the article seems to intentionally paint her as fiscally moderate - only - as if this is at the expense of a progressive agenda "As a fiscally moderate Democrat who opposes the “Medicare for all” and free four-year college plans of her liberal rivals, Ms. Klobuchar was in sync with the smaller-government tilt of plenty of Democrats in the state. "
Vicki (Queens, NY)
There are many paths to beating Trump. Amy is willing to reach out to all Democrats, Independents and yes, Republicans who don’t want Trump. That would be a better way to have a decisive win, and would be better for the entire country. That approach is absolutely a viable path to the White House. And one that would be helpful down the ticket to House and Senate races.
Yvette (NYC)
I’d never vote for this woman. One of the primary reasons is because of the way she’s reported to have treated her staff. The NYT did an article about this some time ago. It stuck with me. There’s also a lot of controversy about how she handled or mishandled cases while a prosecutor. I won’t support her.
Patrick (Mount Prospect, IL)
In the end I just hope all sides come together. I'm afraid we'll see party purity nonsense again to potentially Sanders alienating a notable amount of moderates that could cost him the election. I feel like Amy might be the most electable come this November, but only if the divisions amend by November.
John (Virginia)
The media is pretty amazing in its attempt to bury Bernie Sanders. Klobuchar finishes third in New Hampshire, and that's the big story? Klobuchar is apparently one of the most abusive members of Congress towards their staff. It's documented - she has one of the highest staff turnover rates on the Hill. It's only a matter of time before the "tell-alls" come out. Before the media establishment starts looking to her as its savior, some additional vetting is required.
historyRepeated (Massachusetts)
Good for Senator Klobuchar! I like her a great deal. That “ making the rent” comment strikes at the core of swing voters that waffled between Clinton and Trump. There’s the key. Interesting that the moderates took more overall votes than the “socialists”. I think when Biden nails and Bloomberg enters, that’ll start an even bigger shift towards moderate candidates. Bernie is ok, but nearly everyone else in the race has actually done something other than campaign.
Markus (Tucson)
At the moment, Sen. Kobluchar seems to offer the best combination of qualifications, political views, and electability among the remaining candidates. Maybe they're just not taking her seriously, but I've yet to see any compelling slurs from Trump and associates that would suggest how they might attack her in ways that would cause her to lose the electoral college vote. She seems more likely to be defeated from within, by not satisfying one or more of the many "what-about-us" groups within the Democratic party that seem to increase in number on a weekly basis. Democrats are truly their own worst enemy. The question is whether Klobuchar could minimize the party's damage to itself enough to defeat Trump.
Babs (Richmond, VA)
I will TOTALLY vote for any of the current candidates...even though I am pretty darn confident that Sanders (and probably Warren) will turn Virginia back to red and nullify my vote. Will the angry Sanders/Buttigieg/et al commit to the same??
Marc (Colorado)
This obsession over the first few states has to stop. I'm tuning out in protest, and will not take anything seriously until Super Tuesday.
Rachel Quesnel (ontario,canada)
which of us in any position both of power and subordinate does not have something that can be brought to light, I am tired of hearing Democrats and worse Republicans who by the way, if your senate other than Mitt Romney had had a sliver of courage, morals would have thought that you the Republican deserved a better voice, but obviously not or the debacle of the past week with this "timebomb " of a President as well as a "spineless" Attorney General he is getting too much credit for being a "mastermind" whose puppet other than Trump's is Barr and why is Barr's record not scrutinized as much as Ms.Klobuchar, to all Republicans what a shock you would have, the Democrats need to stop apologizing, as many Republicans whose comments below vaguely say, you don't hear Trump apologizing even when people see the criminality aspect of his dealings, this is what they like, a wolf pack as opposed to puppies, however, with every species comes confrontation for the Alpha position and Ms. Klobuchar is just that, the dark horse on the rise, how far can she run this race even though she will be bruised and battered, that is up to the electorate, slow and steady,
Rob-In-Brevard (North Carolina)
Klobuchar and fellow moderate Mayor Pete could pull off an even bigger series of upsets with a simple, mutual pledge: whichever one of them prevails after Super Tuesday, he or she will promise to tap the other as running mate. With such a pledge in place, a vote for either Amy or Pete in an upcoming primary would, in effect, be seen as a vote for both of them.
Jim Smith (Martinez, California)
@Rob-In-Brevard interesting. I don't think I've ever seen two Presidential primary candidates do this?
Steven McCain (New York)
You run two white people in 2020 and we got Trump for four more years. Lessons were not learned in 2020?
Rob-In-Brevard (North Carolina)
@Jim Smith - No, I don't think so. But as far as I can tell, there is nothing to stop them except precedent. Meanwhile, there is a lot to gain in terms of strong strategy and lots of headlines headlines.
Lala (Santa Clara, CA)
I prefer Senator Warren and Senator Sanders by a fairly sizable margin, but the only moderate I would very happily vote for is Senator Klobuchar. I have zero interest in a midwestern Mayor with very a McKinsey and co resume. I'll be holding my nose if it comes to that.
Joe (California)
What this describes is demonstrated leadership and capability to execute under pressure, important qualities for a presidential candidate.
Gary (Fort Lauderdale)
Thanks to the fiasco in Iowa Amy was given a get out of town free card while the pundits tripped over themselves praising her Friday night debate. I admit she had a good night. I'm not feeling that experience edge she keeps touting about. So far the Mayor has out performed and out experienced her campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire. Can we not acknowledge what a great night it was for Pete? And for Bloomberg?
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@ Gary Yes, we can. But we all must be open to the possibilities. This will get sorted out. I will vote for any democratic candidate.
Chris (Atlanta)
It’s simple. Excessive and overwhelmingly positive media coverage. Her treatment of her employees and her prosecutorial record should disqualify her. Anybody who’s been called on to drop out by Black Lives Matter and NAACP from her own state has no business being the Democratic nominee.
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@ Chris I will be repeating this statement ad nauseum: NONE of the candidates are saints. And neither are we, the voters. If you think the Republicans will not be spewing dirt, made up or real, about ANY and ALL of the candidates, you are deluding yourself. We all need to remember: We have a corrupt conman vulgarian in the WH now, who is destroying our country.
Robert Martin (Austin, TX)
This candidate is bright, thoughtful, energetic and presidential. She is my first choice. I believe she would beat Trump like a drum. I would love to see him try to intimidate her in a debate. In a match of wits with her, Trump would be unarmed.
Blair (Los Angeles)
Bloomberg/Klobuchar is the ticket the GOP fears most.
Peter Silverman (Portland, OR)
I think the independent voters will pick the next president, and I think there’s nobody they will like than her.
If you abuse your staff, you aren't a good leader. Period. Why are we not talking about this more?
ms (ca)
@CP I think that story will come up to the forefront again if she continues to be a viable candidate. This is the main reason why I don't want her as the D Presidential or VP candidate. Do people seriously believe she will help them or pay attention to the average American if she abuses the people closest to her -- her staffers? Americans are funny that way: they don't want money controlling politics yet they'll vote for billionaires (Bloomberg) or billionaire-funded candidates (Buttgieg, 40 times over). They don't want to be abused yet they'll happily support and vote for a candidate that abuses her own staff.
Having high standards and expectations and a strong work ethic is not abuse. Having staff turn over because they are such high achievers they got hired by the Obama Administration is an honor. Men with high standards and strong work ethics that groom high achievers are hailed as leaders, but women who do the same are not. Why is that? Misogyny plain and simple.
Jim Smith (Martinez, California)
@CP Because that one journalistic hit piece has been countered by former staff members that love Amy?
Kevin (Boston)
Bernie can thank Klobuchar for his win last night. If it weren't for the outsized influence of Friday's New Hampshire debate, which caused her staggering surge, Pete would have won by tens of thousands of votes. An embarrassing loss for a candidate who's the senator of a neighboring state and won by 60 percentage points in 2016. If Klobuchar didn't siphon upwards of 30,000 votes from Buttigieg, we would have seen a recalibration of this primary, and the Sanders campaign coming down to Earth. If Bernie wins, I personally will never forgive her for this.
Why can only Pete humble Bernie? Hmm? You don’t think Bernie will be worried about both Pete and Amy surging, given that their delegates will never go to him in a brokered convention, but band together to beat him?
historyRepeated (Massachusetts)
@Kevin Maybe it was Former Mayor Pete that stole votes from Klobuchar?
Jim Smith (Martinez, California)
@Kevin I was under the impression that Amy and Pete split the former Biden leaning voters?
Sean Casey junior (Greensboro, NC)
Why isn’t this article about Pete’s amazing two primary wins?
Jim Smith (Martinez, California)
@Sean Casey junior Pro-Pete press is out there. Amy's surge is the bigger news. BTW Bernie supporters would take issue with your claim that Pete won the Caucus and one primary.
Because that is another article!
Richard Schumacher (The Benighted States of America)
Aaaand here come the funny-grammar oddball-vocabulary Trump trolls. It's nice work if you can stomach it.
blgreenie (Lawrenceville NJ)
Sen. Amy Klobuchar's candidacy has one major weakness: she's female. Being from the Midwest is also a weakness, particularly among those in the East, but that she's a woman threatens the "business as usual" comfort zones of too many voters. Very unfortunate. Male candidates with far less to offer have a much lower bar to pass.
Jim Smith (Martinez, California)
@blgreenie Still it's 2020 not 1950.
Mystery Lits (somewhere)
@blgreenie Keep running with that women are so oppressed narrative... we all see it for what it is. At this rate it will be a Republican who is our first female president all because the Liberal narrative is about how oppressed women are while the Conservative narrative is about how powerful a person can be aside from their gender.
Richard Schumacher (The Benighted States of America)
I like her but I still lean toward Bloomberg as the one who scares Trump spitless. If they were to announce their running mates before Super Tuesday that would probably seal the deal.
LewisPG (Nebraska)
Klobuchar is the ideal candidate for the upper midwest battleground states. And if anyone doubts her intellectual heft, read the NYT's pre-endorsement interview. She is the real deal. Hope she can maintain the emotional pitch of her debate closing. (And if you can, send her cash.)
AGoldstein (Pdx)
Amy Klobuchar has shown one of the greatest abilities a person can have. She learns from her experiences and modifies her strategies but always staying true to her core values. And I believe her true goal is to address the needs of this country, both its people, its infrastructure and its highly damaged government.
TS (New York)
For me it's either Bloomberg or Klobuchar. They're both very bright and effective and in my opinion represent our best shot against Trump. That's not to say Sanders/Warren/Buttigieg don't have their strong suits and appeal. Just my two cents
VB (SanDiego)
I like Amy Klobuchar--I always have. But, I do not believe she can beat the monstrosity in the White House. And my primary vote is going to the person who can do THAT.
M (Vancouver)
Media darling Amy has been stuck in the low single digits from day one, remains there in-spite of outsize glowing coverage. Can everyone stop pretending she’s a thing?
Babs (Richmond, VA)
I, like so many Democrats, will #votebluenomatterwho ...but my suburban Virginia neighbors will not. A pragmatic progressive like Amy Klobuchar can win in Virginia and elsewhere.
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@Babs And that has been my experience here, too, with Republicans who are looking for a candidate.
LewisPG (Nebraska)
Lefties: Bernie + Liz =35% Moderates: Pete + Amy + Joe =53% And Bernie and Liz are next door Senators. This is a very poor showing for the left. Exposes the hollowness of the Sanders claim that he will inspire such enthusiasm on the left that we need not worry about defections in the center. Go with the Klo.
Vicki (Queens, NY)
@LewisPG “Go with the Klo” That just might be the decision coming out of the brokered convention.
Babs (Richmond, VA)
If you wonder how Klobuchar would do in a debate with the current occupant of the Oval Office, watch her questioning of Brett Kavanaugh...
Mary Elizabeth Lease (Eastern Oregon)
The GOP is loving this thread. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to discover there are more than just a few Roger Stone wannabees at work here.
osavus (Browerville)
Do yourselves a favor and look up Senator Klobuchar on Wikipedia. She is an accomplished women who would make a great #46. When she was a prosecutor in Minneapolis, she was known to be tough on violent felons. That sells across America. She is one of the few Democrats that will actually get the farm vote. That alone could tip the scales in the swing states.
John (Minneapolis)
You have this 21-year-old's vote come Super Tuesday, Sen. Klobuchar. Just keep being yourself and speaking from the heart. An intelligent women with experience, intelligence, class and a message of unity -- truly Trump's worst nightmare.
Pierre LePew (San Francisco)
As a Californian id like to see us get some love for our chart topping 494 Democratic delegates, especially from the likes of Amy Klobuchar. Candidates in general shouldn’t ignore us and our constituency and just focus on the Midwest and other smaller states. When March 3 comes don’t be surprised if some jump up and others wash out, even if they did well in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Rich r (Denver)
It's pretty clear where this is going. Buttigieg had to win New Hampshire in order to get South Carolina and Nevada to "wake up" to his appeal. Instead of him being the story coming out of New Hampshire, she is. Neither one will do that well in Nevada or South Carolina. All these papers - including the NY Times - are endorsing her because she is substantive, has passed a lot of legislation in the Senate, and apparently can work with Republicans. She projects the current, not the past, and her politics aren't too scary. Until this last debate, she's been mediocre on the debate stage; either her nervousness on stage or repetitive "begging" for our vote as her core campaign theme have not resonated with the voters. The trajectory we are on is that the race remains too populated going into Super Tuesday and the fear of Sanders being the 2020 version of Michael Dukakis will scare the middle over to Bloomberg. His most obvious running mate will be Klobuchar, the mid-westerner who will be his point person for working his agenda through the US Senate. The duo immediately becomes Trump's biggest fear in that the centrist Dem ticket will peel off the 16% moderate Republicans who despise Trump but can't tolerate a progressive. I don't think any of us saw this coming six months ago but sixty-days from now it will be conventional wisdom.
Mathias (USA)
A candidate that says she will do nothing for policies we need or one that moderates say won’t be able to get anything passed. The honesty is nice but the vision forward is better. Either way moderates get what they want. You think they would be happy.
oscar jr (sandown nh)
I voted for Amy because I wanted to see more of her. She has a shot, but it is a long one. I like what I witnessed in the debates she dose not get ruffled and presents thoughtful answers. I like Pete also but think the midwest will not be kind to him.
Babs (Richmond, VA)
I would love to vote for Mayor Pete... in eight years. Right now, I’d like very much to vote for Senator Amy Klobuchar.
Pat Boice (Idaho Falls, ID)
@Babs - 8 years it's too late - I'm voting for Buttigieg now.
adinaco (Web)
Still leaning slightly more towards Elizabeth Warren, but I do believe either woman will be stronger against Trump than any of the guys. He'll try to attack them, but it will make him look bad.
Dan Woodard MD (Vero beach)
@adinaco He won three years ago with what on the surface seem ridiculous attacks on Clinton. He knows how to engender hate and push peoples' buttons.
adinaco (Web)
@Dan Woodard MD You're right, and he'll do it to the men too, but I believe both of these women have what it takes to knock down a bully--without dirtying their own hands.
Patrick Moynihan (Haiti)
In a nutshell: Klobuchar appeals. She is actually as good a candidate, maybe even better, than her own ideas. Maybe the DNC should create a platform and select her to present it. Or, is that just too old school.
Babs (Richmond, VA)
I believe Sen. Klobuchar could win in purple states. She espouses progressive plans in a pragmatic way. Despite all the claims that Virginia is “blue,” it is still a relatively conservative state. The mere whiff of socialism will drive folks away from a Democratic ticket here and in other states like Pennsylvania.
Dduellman (Rochester, NY)
I’ve made my choice. I just donated to Amy.
Judith Turpin (Federal Way)
I will be voting for Amy in our March primary. I will never vote for either Trump or Sanders. Amy will make an outstanding president and will be such a good choice to manage the healing process that will be needed after this administration.
Meg Riley (Portland OR)
Well if it’s trump vs sanders in November, Amy would want you to support sanders.
Chris (Berkeley, California)
I was very impressed with Amy Klobuchar's debate performance until she gave the same exact speech on Tuesday, word for word, pause for pause, joke for joke, down to each facial twitch. I started to suspect that she was a pre-programmed robot. It's true that Bernie Sanders has too been giving the same exact speech for over 30 years - but at least he has gotten louder and louder over those years, sure, probably due to necessity, but he seems to at least evolve a little.
irene (fairbanks)
@Chris I'm quite sure she was exhausted and on autopilot by that point. Give these candidates a break, I can't even imagine what kind of energy it would take to campaign !
Herschel78 (MN)
Minnesotans historically have been much more successful as Vice Presidential than Presidential candidates. Humphrey and Mondale.
LewisPG (Nebraska)
@Herschel78 The future is like the past until it isn't. Different political landscape.
Nina RT (Palm Harbor, FL)
It's clear that either Klobuchar or Buttigieg is the moderate Dem's pick for their candidate, which means one of them needs to bow out gracefully, or they will divide the moderates and give the nomination to Bernie Sanders. That would be disastrous.
Chuck (CA)
Flash in the pan.... from the outcome of one debate. Klobuchar lacks the campaign infrastructure and funds to run this across the nation. Here is what happened in New Hampshire --> a half of dozen viable candidates fractured and split the vote with voters, such that none gained a clear majority.. not even close. Further.. Sanders, who in the past dominated New Hampshire, just squeaked by last night... which for him is a dismal performance. But you know what... the fractured results to date give a gap for Bloomberg to run right through on Super Tuesday... a time when he will either break through or bust trying.
Thomas Renner (New York City)
I believe she would be a great president. I believe she could beat Trump which is the number one goal. Sanders has no chance against Trump as the country does not want socialism and he is not even a Dem.
nothin2hide (Dayton OH)
Amy Klobuchar is not only qualified and right on the issues she's just a lovely person, the total opposite of Trump and Pence; she's the perfect VP candidate for my choice for President, Mike Bloomberg.
Rudran (California)
Amy is poorly placed after her surprising third place in NH. She has minimal organization in Nevada and S Carolina; no money to compete on March 3 Super primaries; and faces a moderate billionaire willing to spend big. My bet is on Bloomberg who I hope picks Kamala Harris or Stacy Abrams as his VP to offset his poor judgement on stop and frisk that openly targeted minorities. At least we can be sure Trump cannot outspend Bloomberg. And as a bonus, Bloomberg will attract the votes of "traditional" law and order Republicans. A small minority to be sure but maybe enough to tilt highly contested states like MI, WI, PA and others.
james willis (bloomfield hills mi)
I see very little about Buttigieg within less than 1.5% of Sanders, his second straight great showing as the highest polling 'moderate'. Klobuchar did outperform, but this is the second time for Buttigieg. I would like to see more balanced reporting, not so much gushing.
CaliforniaDoc (California)
I like Amy Klobuchar a lot. She is pragmatic, smart, and empathetic. She is my second choice after Elizabeth Warren, whose policies I find the most visionary of the field. But NYT, I am confused on your coverage. When Warren came in third in Iowa with 20% of the vote, you reported on it as a failure. When Klobuchar came in third in NH with 20% in the vote, you reported on it as a success. Your reporting shapes outcomes. Please do it responsibly.
Nancy (weare, nh)
@CaliforniaDoc it's all about how they performed compared to expectations.
Lenny (Pittsfield, MA)
How about Klobuchar for President, and Bloomberg for Vice President (?) : Or, Bloomberg for President, and Klobuchar for Vice President ? Thereon, the other candidates ought to see if they k=can find the ways to declare that they are willing to seriously consider cabinet positions. We need to get Trump, and his family members, whose behaviors are dangerous, who are mean spirited, who are selfish, who are greedy, who are narrow-minded, out of the presidency, the White House, now ! Our American democracy depends on it.
Reagan Sloman (Belgium)
The media tries to push her after each debate, and it never works. A distant third in New Hampshire ain’t gonna cut it. Still polling around 3% in Super Tuesday states, 0.something % with voters of color. She’ll drop out after Super Tuesday.
Catherine (Chicago)
Y'all need to listen to Preet and John Dickerson's conversation—so many gaffs in the history in DC—but that doesn't necessarily mean that certain politicians haven't evolved—he points out past KKK members who turned away from those beliefs. Klobuchar is a smart politician and she has done a lot for Minnesota. It appears that she has passed more legislation than Senator Saunders. That is not small peanuts in the global economy where farmers are really feeling the hit. To top it off, to push through the gruelling campaign marathon and still be in the Senate for all the shenanigans is a testament to her strength. She may get my vote!
Ivan Goldman (Los Angeles)
Klobuchar may be the right candidate, but she got buried in heartland Iowa while Warren was thumped by her neighbors in New Hampshire. So how come Klobuchar's campaign is a potential winner while Warren's is dead meat?
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@Ivan Goldman It is about expectations. It’s early. This all needs to play out.
Wesley (Virginia)
She's the best hope for unseating Donald Trump as president. Sen. Klobuchar is a proven national leader, unlike the shiny young neophyte Pete Buttigieg. She's a great debater, unlike the aging Vice President Biden. And she can win the midwest and appeal to undecideds and independents unlike the left-leaning Sanders and Warren - either of whom Trump would relish as opponents. She's smart and down-to-earth, and doesn't have the Trumpian-style attitude and baggage of billionaire Bloomberg. Ultimately she's exactly who Trump doesn't want to face - a strong yet down-to-earth female leader, who is extremely likeable for voters.
S North (Europe)
Sure, Klobuchar has experience and comes from the Midwest. But what galvanizes voters is "the vision thing".
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@ S North No, it is about voting for anyone but the corrupt conman, democracy-destroyer in the WH.
John (Sims)
Do your due diligence folks! Amy Klobuchar does not have the character or temperament needed to be in the Oval Office Huffington Post - March, 2019 "At least three people have withdrawn from consideration to lead Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s nascent 2020 presidential campaign . . . in part because of the Minnesota Democrat’s history of mistreating her staff . . . . some former Klobuchar staffers, all of whom spoke to HuffPost on condition of anonymity, describe Klobuchar as habitually demeaning and prone to bursts of cruelty that make it difficult to work in her office for long. It is common for staff to wake up to multiple emails from Klobuchar characterizing one’s work as “the worst” briefing or press release she’d seen in her decades of public service, according to two former aides and emails seen by HuffPost . . . . Adding to the humiliation, Klobuchar often cc’d large groups of staffers who weren’t working on the topic at hand . .."
Nancy (weare, nh)
@John this is old news, and the only negative that's been found. Plus, other male candidates have similar stories told about them, and no one cares. Sexism exists.
Fred (GA)
@Nancy You are correct. If you noticed its always the men who bring this up. The same ones who say if it were a man they were being strong.
TheOtherSide (California)
@Nancy Abuse is abuse, no matter who does it. This is not about sexism.
Tom (Hudson Valley)
Klobuchar is not an "exciting" candidate... but I believe she is "electable." Particularly in the Midwest, which is necessary to win. I think she is our best chance at beating Trump, although I'm intrigued by Buttigieg.
Nancy (weare, nh)
@Tom I was in her Manchester NH headquarters Sat - Tues, and I can assure you that many people do find her exciting. People kept coming by to gush, get signs and buttons, and to help canvass.
TheOtherSide (California)
Mr. Buttigeig acknowledged Mr. Sanders and Ms. Klobuchar, Ms. Warren and Mr. Biden in the opening of his speech after the primary results in NH. Mr. Sanders did the same. Ms. Klobuchar did not mention them, but mentioned Ms. Warren later in the speech. That's "Minnesota nice" for you.
james willis (bloomfield hills mi)
How about a headline about the actual results, such as: " Sanders narrowly wins New Hampshire, with Buttegieg right behind and Klobuchar surging into third place."
Richard Ralph (Birmingham, AL)
Klobuchar has exactly the same problem as Pete Buttigieg... no support with the Democratic Party's most important constituency. Moderates will end up returning to Joe Biden as the flaws of Klobuchar, Buttigieg and Michael Bloomberg become apparent... Joe still has a shot.
Vicki (Queens, NY)
@Richard Ralph I agree Joe still has a shot. He needs to up his game. Wish he had Mayor Mike’s ad agency.
Myles (Rochester)
I love this woman!!!
JG (Denver)
Klobuchar is a little too full of herself. I don't trust anyone who brags about him/her selves. I made up my mind that Sanders is the only choice left. He is the only politician who doesn't lie.
Fred (GA)
@JG Sanders does it also. They all do. That is called politics. Sanders is my very last choice.
Nancy (weare, nh)
@JG , come on, how do you expect people to campaign without talking about themselves?? I think if you read speeches without knowing the genders, you'd find she's about the same as the men. Can you show me what Klobuchar has lied about? And the fact that Sanders doesn't lie doesn't mean you have to like what he says.
Brandon (Denver, CO)
Have you heard of misogyny?
farhorizons (philadelphia)
Bernie and Amy or Liz and Amy.
Ed (Washington DC)
Bernie Sanders - our next President? Sheesh... Give me stability, balance, and a nuts and bolts lawmaker. Bernie doesn't work well with others, and develops unrealistic, unbalanced legislative proposals on a myriad of topics that get little support. In his 29 years as a Representative and Senator, Bernie got seven bills passed for which he was primary sponsor. That's it. Seven bills passed on the following topics: 1) designating “Vermont Bicentennial Day” 2) improving the VFW charter 3) renaming a post office in Vermont 4) renaming another post office in Vermont 5) OK’ng a Vermont-New Hampshire Water Supply agreement 6) veteran cost of living adjustments, and 7) a bill that protects the Taconic Mountains Contrast that with Amy. She's quietly lead in the formation, development, and passing of laws in her twelve years in the Senate. As of 2016, Amy passed more legislation than any other Senator. In her 12 years as a Senator, she's gotten 34 bills that she primarily sponsored signed into law. Examples: 1) America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 2) Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 3) Innovate America Act 4) Veterans to Paramedics Act 5) Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act 6) Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 Reform Act, and 7) Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act Studious, trustworthy, works well with others, focused, sense of humor, and results-oriented - Exactly what America needs.
ferny (Western massachusetts)
Unelectably boring. Americans want charisma and theater, and she wont stand a chance in the general.
Wade (Dc)
The right wing will quickly meme Klobuchar into a Karen.
Ben L. (Washington D.C.)
Klobuchar came in 5th in Iowa and 3rd in NH. The only thing she's "pulled off" is wildly disproportionate support from the New York Times despite repeated, consistent failures and no chance in the primaries let alone the general election.
MauiYankee (Maui)
Sad. Anyone believe that Mr. Trump is concerned about facing a Millionaire Commie, a Q or Lady Whitebread? With the narrowing rainbow of candidates, few carry much weight.
John (Sims)
Why does nobody want to work for Amy Klobuchar? Highest annual staff turnover in the Senate LegiStorm’s data covers the fiscal years of 2001 to 2016 in the Senate, weighting the departure of senior officials higher than lower-level staff. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) 0.36 Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) 0.3 Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) 0.28 Susan Collins (R-Maine) 0.24 Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn
Ian (Brooklyn)
It's not a surprise, if a newspaper (NY Times) endorses someone- and guess what? her poll numbers start surging. She did do decent in the last debate, but her numbers were lower before the endorsement and she didn't do that great in wisconsin. Ask yourselves how many positive articles are written by the Times about her?
RLD (Colorado/Florida)
Amy has been my choice for several months. I'm a moderate democrat but fervent trump hater. It is time for a women. A bright strong one. She has all the right experience. Please though someone tell her she doesn't have to have that smile plastered on her face all the time. She will need a killer look to thwart trumps insults, bullying and childish tantrums.
Tom Q (Minneapolis, MN)
She hasn't promised me everything for free. I'll vote for her.
Bill (New Zealand)
I've been an Amy fan from the beginning and am so happy to see her surging. Frankly, despite the punditry, I think she may be more electable than Bloomberg. While there have been some writings about her time as a prosecutor, what I see so far pales in comparison to stop and frisk. And, Bloomberg has a huge reputation as a purveyor of the nanny state. Whether you think it fair or not, Trump will go after him on this with some line like "fizzy drink Mike". I will of course vote for Bloomberg if he is the nominee, but I think he is more fragile outside NYC than many think.
Matt (Chicago)
Mike is right about those fizzy drinks. I mean, look at Trump’s waistline. Sugar is a real problem, one that contributes to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular issues. Bloomberg looks like Confucius next to Trump. In fairness, anyone does.
Vicki (Queens, NY)
@Bill Bloomberg would be a great Treasury Secretary.
Lynne Shapiro (California)
Klobuchar if she as the younger candidate moderates prefer wins over Sanders losing his supporters' votes would then appeal to disaffected Republicans better than Mayor Pete. Mayor Pete if he wins over Sanders who would lose Sanders supporters and not bring in disaffected Republicans to rid us of Trump.
Chickpea (California)
Senator Klobuchar would not be my first choice, but I would heartily embrace her if she gets the nomination. She has maintained a smart, composed and reasonable performance throughout the campaign; a powerful contrast to the boasting fool in the White House. I differ with her in her approach to healthcare. But not entirely. If we are realistic, if we are ever going to get from where we are now to a single payer system, despite the fervent beliefs of the Bernie camp, this path will necessarily require a transition period. That transition may very well be the plan Klobuchar proposes with its expansion of Medicare and Medicaid as a public option. That option, overtime, would in fact become our single payer system just as the health insurance industry fears. I’m good with Klobuchar, and I suspect a lot of Americans would be.
Lala (Santa Clara, CA)
@Chickpea "I’m good with Klobuchar," accurately sums up my feelings as well. In fact, I far prefer her to the other moderates on the ballot. (Although, my primary vote will go to Warren)
Miss Dovey (Oregon Coast)
“She cares about all the liberal issues that I care about, including campaign finance reform, but her approaches are more practical.” Nailed it. I'm sending her a check.
Chris Hinricher (Oswego NY)
Her constituents love her. She wins the entire Midwest, scooping up the moderates who regret Trumpism. Her approach is smart and practical. She is responsible and governs for everyone, not just specialized supporters. She would stand toe to toe with Trump and beat him in debates. She is what we need. I look forward to voting for her in my primary.
Misplaced Modifier (Former United States of America)
Klobuchar, like Buttigieg, is yet another corporate moderate who will maintain the disastrous status quo. Plus she has zero debate skills against someone like Trump. Stop trying to force her and these other conservative “Democrats” down our throats.
Suzabella (Santa Ynez, CA)
@Misplaced Modifier Actually, I'm not too concerned about a debate with Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if he decided not to debate. He has the love of his cult, but the rest of us aren't very impressed. I think he is relying on stopping the black vote through gerrymandering and voter suppression. This is how he plans to win. He won't need to debate.
LouGiglio (Raleigh, NC)
@Misplaced Modifier Debate? trump slashes at opponents with lies and personal smears!
Buddydog (Idaho)
@Misplaced Modifier Who is trying to force anyone down “your” throats ? Thanks to that kind of rhetoric, I’ve been convinced to be a never-Sanders.
Mathias (USA)
Third place is the new first.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
@Mathias Well, it used to be that there was no such thing as a "Second Place Winner". Now it seems everyone's a winner, like everyone gets a trophy for merely playing.
JP (Reno)
@Maggie if you think she’ll be neck and neck with Sanders, let alone supersede him, you’re not looking at any sort of bigger picture. “Gaining” from a 4% national polling position (as hammy as citing “polls” is) to a slightly higher single digit position does not a groundswell make. NYT and other outlets can continue this remarkably pathetic sort of consent-manufacturing as much as they like, the reality still stands. Pete’s a stuffed-shirt austerity candidate with smooth, meaningless platitudes a-plenty and clear support from DNC leadership. Klobuchar’s another austerity candidate, with a record and outlook that doesn’t inspire much more confidence, and a strained, shaky presence, even with 3 debates or so under her belt. Even if Pete’s taking some long overdue flak recently, what makes you think Biden supporters won’t flock to him?
Matt (Chicago)
Core curriculum.
Sarah (NYC)
Klobuchar has it all - intelligence, consistency, humor and experience. She's a moderate and from a state which would hopefully appeal to a key midWestern demographic. She gets it, and would make a great President.
Chuck (CA)
@Sarah She is abusive toward her staff, to the point of shouting at them and even throwing things at them. That should trouble you.. and I don't know why it does not.
Richard Ralph (Birmingham, AL)
@Sarah Let Klobuchar face the heat the way Biden has been facing it for a year... the stories about her abuse of staff are going to be brutal for her. Biden is still the strongest moderate candidate.
Pat Boice (Idaho Falls, ID)
@Richard Ralph - Difficult to see Biden as "the strongest moderate candidate" when he has sorely lost in the 2 states who have voted.
Lena (Minneapolis, MN)
I’m glad Sen. Kobluchar is finally getting the attention she’s deserved. While I will support whomever gets the nomination, Amy really is our best hope. As one of her constituents, I can tell you she’s the real deal. She has the experience, she regularly and successfully works with Republicans to pass bills, she isn’t too old, she isn’t too young, she’s unifies rather than divides, she speaks truth to power in a mature way without stooping to crassly juvenile attacks, she sees the bigger picture and understands what is needed, and she’s practical in how she looks at things. She is the one. I like all the candidates for one reason or another. I believe any of them could be a great president. Personally, I would absolutely love to have a far left, super progressive president—but as a country we are a family in dire crisis. We need therapy to bring us together. We need to understand one another, heal our trauma, be reminded of the impact we have on each other and the world as a whole. Healing must come before drastic change occurs. We can still make positive change as we heal but that cannot happen if we remain in opposite corners, chomping at the bit to swing at one another. I truly believe Amy Kobluchar is the only one who can do this job the way it needs to be done at this moment in time. I am not a native Minnesotan. I grew up in Jersey City. As an adult I’ve lived in seven different states and a European country. I support Sen. Kobluchar because she is the one we need.
Polaris (North Star)
@Lena She does seem like the best choice. Also, no matter who the president is, the Congress will pass the same policies.
Vicki (Queens, NY)
@Lena Well said Lena. As Lou Grant once said: she’s got spunk! I love spunk! Go Amy!
Paul Thomas (Washington D.C.)
@Lena . The other side, however, wants a real fight. The Republicans will fight and fight dirty. They do not want to heal. The Democrats need someone with a bold, clear vision and alternative to go against Trump, and Klobuchar just doesn't have that.
Jay Orchard (Miami Beach)
Sen. Klobuchar's moderate positions are not just a fit with unaffiliated voters and independents in New Hampshire. Right now, she is the best hope for Democrats to win over independents throughout the country. When it comes to having the best chance to beat Donald Trump at this point it's Amy Klobuchar by far.
Gustavo (United States)
@Jay Orchard I have to respectfully disagree with you on this point as Bernie won the independent vote. Source:
Jay Orchard (Miami Beach)
@Outside of Echo Chamber Thank you. I did not know that. I think I like her even more. Someone who doesn’t give in to mob rule.
Sparky (NYC)
@Jay Orchard. Klobuchar and Bloomberg are likely our only shots to win.
Braxton (Honolulu)
My pick in ‘16 was Bernie, who I believe would have won the general. This cycle, my picks have been Pete and Bernie. All that said, I cried and clapped during Amy’s reception speech last night. You simply cannot argue with her authenticity. I have liked her all along and believe she would be highly competent, but she kept getting drowned out at the crowded debates and consistently polled circa 5%. All that has changed now. Amy seemed to be coming into herself during that speech. It was like watching the birth of a viable candidate. I’m excited for Amy and will be donating today yet worry about her lack of minority support. She and Pete have abysmal poll numbers in that crucial demo for Democrats. My recommendation for whoever wins the nomination, including Amy, is to choose Stacey Abrams as running mate. I suppose Booker would also suffice but believe Abrams has the most inspiring oratory. Go, Amy!
Judith Turpin (Federal Way)
Stacy or Cory Booker- her choice. Either works for me but they have to want to do it and get all in to the campaign.
Clyde (Pittsburgh)
The radical messaging that has allowed Sanders and Warren to take most of the air out of the primary room is now seeing its limits. Senator Klobuchar is a younger, more enlightened version of Biden. A moderate who, at the same time, seems connected to the average Democratic voter. Medicare for all and free college tuition are gimmicks that will NEVER pass. They are a cheap sop to the young and older voters, not actual policy positions.
TRF (St Paul)
@Clyde I agree with all you say, except " Medicare for all and free college tuition ... are a cheap sop to the young and older voters..." I doubt older voters are impressed by Medicare for all and free college tuition.
Sasha Love (Austin)
@Clyde Its sad to think you don't think American's deserve or will ever get single payer health insurance. This is the primary reason I am trying to get EU citizenship.
Bobby (Los Angeles)
Go Amy! Love the momentum she is getting. She is my pick 100%. Hope more people start paying attention to her, and more importantly, consider giving her their vote.
LArs (NY)
It would have been informative to tell the NY readers who voted for her Two third of her supporters made up their minds in the last few days. Ms Klobuchar did well with moderates, religious, and college graduates. But she did not well in the 18-29 year old group and non-college educated with low income The former is the future of the Democratic party The latter is the group the Democrats need to peel from Trump
Suzabella (Santa Ynez, CA)
Yeah, Amy!! My husband and I have been rooting for you from the start. While some wish for a complete overhaul of our government, I think we've had enough of that with Trump. We need time to stabilize and regain so much of what Trump has taken away. Amy is the one who can do that with her more moderate stance on issues.
Duane (Los Angeles)
Wow, if it came down to Amy versus Bernie, I'm not yet sure who I would vote for. But two really good options. Either one is going to need a VP that is going to pull in the African American vote. And I think from the current field that could be Tom Steyer or potentially Stacy Abrams. Let's wait and see how this plays out.
Dr. Girl (Midwest)
Klobuchar resonates with white moderates. She does not have a strategy for gaining the confidence of minority blocks. It is getting a little late in the game for any strategy to be affective. I predict that this momentum is temporary. Unless she can pick up more notoriety amongst blacks and Latinos, she is still lagging behind Warren and Biden.
just Robert (North Carolina)
Amy Klobuchar has clawed her way up the recognition ladder tenaciously. She is a gutsy lady, just the sort of person that can take on Donald Trump. But despite her inner strength, she displays an open outer demeanor fed by her mid western roots that gives her an air of pragmatism and a can do spirit. And her humble beginnings are in sharp contrast to the privileged Donald. She is of course not perfect, but her admission of this is also in sharp contrast to the egotistical Trump. That she is not on the top now does not mean we should ignore her as we have done at our own peril.
JEM (West Palm Beach, FL)
Amy impressed many in NH but she must make a BOLD move to get minority support...e.g. within the next few days get support from a good number of minority candidates who have dropped out or figure out who would be the best minority to run with her in November and campaign hard with that person in Nevada and SC.
South Dakota Arab (Sioux Falls)
Another centrist favored by the DNC will have no chance against Trump. The “safe” candidate never wins. You’ll need a candidate with a solid grassroots movement and the only one I see is Bernie.
Sparky (NYC)
I have a feeling that Mayor Pete has peaked and Amy is on the rise. Buttigieg is hyper-articulate, but after a while that fades. His resume is decidedly thin-- his sole political accomplishment is as a small- town mayor where he had mixed results. Amy, in contrast, is a U.S. senator who has won resounding victories in a swing state. Was masterful in the Kavanaugh hearings and has had relatable life experiences like giving birth to a sick child and dealing with an alcoholic father. Her campaign promise to simply have empathy, in contrast to the sadist in the White House, seems masterful. And while I am not a fan of identity politics, I do think it would be nice to finally have a woman as President. If she were the nominee, I believe a lot of suburban women will vote for her instead of the misogynist-in-chief.
Miss Dovey (Oregon Coast)
@Sparky Klobuchar is definitely growing on me. My BF has liked her for a long time. But I wouldn't say that having a female president was "identity politics." All other things being equal (experience, qualifications, policies, temperament, etc.) -- and given the fact that all 45 previous presidents have been men, why isn't it okay to vote for the woman? Isn't it about bloody time?
dennis tinucci (albuquerque)
@Sparky I cannot believe the electorate will ultimately collect around a women for president at this point in time. Its a man's world still, and the mess Trump leaves behind is going to require a man's work to correct.
Philip (Minneapolis)
I am a constituent. She is smart as a whip, balanced, engaging, an over achiever who actually achieves, and at her core a lover of the American values that Donald Trump has so terribly undermined. Her popularity is through the roof in our state because she fights for positive change every step of the way. More often than you expect, she builds the coalitions to get it done. If that sounds good to you, join the Klobucharge!
Ann (Boston)
@Philip In point of fact, Klobuchar fails to lead the Democratic field even in her home state of Minnesota.
If Warren and Biden are going to go down, I’m glad Ms. Klobuchar is on the rise. Go Amy!!!
SteveH (Yakima, WA)
I wish Bernie and Klobuchar would get together and run as a presidential and vice-presidential team. Bernie could pledge to only run for a single term then let Klobuchar take the reins and run on her own. This could pull the Democrats together and energize voters against Trump, as well as stop the stupid fighting between candidates. Trump needs to be defeated; this must be the main drive of the Democrats.
Doug Lowenthal (Nevada)
@SteveH I don’t think tricks like pledges will work, nor are they legitimate.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
"Ms. Klobuchar placed a series of bets on New Hampshire that paid off big on Tuesday night with her surprise third-place finish in the primary." I think it was her "Hot dish" recipe and article that got people's attention. Ms. Klobuchar is on fire right now and I don't see her flame going out any time soon.
Amy would crush Trump on a debate stage. He would avoid that at all costs.
T-Kos (Las Vegas, NV)
@KJR Wjat makes anyone think that the occupant of the White House will show up for a debate?
irene (fairbanks)
@KJR And she would crush him nicely, smiling all the while. Trump is an addict, Amy's dad is an addict, she knows the temperament and how to deal with it. There's no way The Donald would get away with stalking Amy on stage !
Buddydog (Idaho)
@KJR Drumph will not debate, no matter who becomes the candidate. He doesn’t have to.
Mick (los angeles)
Not sure an article about winning Third place is really necessary.
john w. (NY)
No to Amy and no to any more DNC and MSM prop candidates.
John (Sims)
I'm surprised that during this new second look for Klobuchar the media has failed to cite what was widely reported when she announced... That behind closed doors she is absolutely awful to her staff and was voted the 'worst boss' on Capitol Hill and has routinely had one of the very highest staff turnovers. Here are just three of the many pieces on her temper that ran when she announced: New York Times - "How Amy Klobuchar Treats Her Staff" - Vanity Fair - "Terrifed Aids Say Klobuchar Is Just Like Trump" - The Atlantic - "Amy Klobuchar's Anger" -
irene (fairbanks)
@John So why all these big hit pieces on an unknown candidate, featuring anonymous disgruntled staffers, right after Amy announced ? Clearly they were in the works for a while. (Some commenters have suggested that the Gillebrand Camp was behind them, as Amy might have been seen as the biggest threat to then-candidate Kirsten). Since then, many former and current Amy staffers have gone on record (rather than remaining anonymous) stating that she is a challenging but fair boss. Clearly her campaign staffers are on board the Amy for America bandwagon. Kudos to them all !
LK (Cleveland, Ohio)
@John These stories are tacky and beneath you. Please stop.
Green26 (Montana)
@John I worked in the same organization as Amy for a number of years and knew her then. Those NYT articles are grossly exaggerated, largely based on anonymous information, and not accurate. Note that the NYT endorsed Amy a month or so ago. Surely, the NYT got over this issue more than enough to endorse her. Some of the posts of the Minnesota posters are an accurate description of Klobuchar, in my view.
That's What She Said (The West)
Klobuchar has major racial issues. This from The Hill 1-29-20 On Wednesday, the Racial Justice Network, Minneapolis NAACP, Black Lives Matter Twin Cities, Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar and Communities United Against Police Brutality all asked Klobuchar to suspend her White House bid. Edwards's father has also said he believes Burrell may have been wrongfully convicted.  NOT Good
Lynne Shapiro (California)
@That's What She Said Senator Klobuchar is not responsible for the this gang member's jail sentence. He was retried and convicted by her successor. It is also amazing that one such long ago incident that is falsely reported can be used to take her out. Who is behind this among her rivals?
Dan Woodard MD (Vero beach)
Klobuchar is personable but she will have to compete with Bloomberg for the moderate vote. If we simply want someone who can win he will be tough to beat.
If we want to beat DJT, we need to vote for Amy Klobuchar. Her centrist position will resonate with most of the moderate democrats, the moderate Republicans that voted for Trump in 2016, the undecided voters and the voters who are afraid of the word "socialism". Americans have given democratic socialism a bad name and any candidate riding on that platform will lose in November.
Patricia (Washington (the State))
The only candidate (other than Bloomberg) who has a chance of winning is Amy. I hope voters who are dreaming of Bernie, Liz, or Pete wake up soon. Moderate independents and Repubblicans, and, frankly, most Democrats, want a more moderate President.
Sasha Love (Austin)
@Patricia I don't want a more moderate president but I know our country is emotionally, politically and intellectually not mature enough to elect a European socialist democratic candidate, like they have in Europe. There are too many whites who believe that lifting the status of minorities and women means they'll lose out.
James Stevens (Hamburg, Germany)
If people were really paying attention, they would know that this wasn’t the surprise it’s played up to be. She performed solidly in the last debate, and her style and messaging resonate with many people. Between her and Sanders, for now, I’m not sure who I’d vote for.
HRaven (NJ)
@James Stevens I've almost finished reading Senator Klobuchar's 2015 biography, and she'll have my vote if she goes up against Trump.
scott (colorado)
Seems to me like we are so early in the process that all the candidates are virtually still neck and neck. It would be disingenuous to argue that any of them may be too far behind to support moving forward, or that we should jump on some bandwagon and support whoever happens to be "ahead" right now. This is a marathon not a sprint. Klobuchar is newsworthy because she beat Warren and Biden.
EC M.D. (Poway, California)
Klobuchar has the gender appeal and experience of Ms Clinton without the baggage. She also has a moderate progressive message appealing to the majority of Americans who are not on board with the socialist democrat message of Bernie. Youth and inexperience are Mr Buttigieg’s biggest negatives and makes him vulnerable to Trump bullying. A woman can win the US presidency and her Midwest roots may be part of the formula.
Dylan (Berkeley)
@EC M.D. She doesn't have the baggage? You're joking, right? The Minneapolis NAACP and Black Lives Matter are calling for Klobuchar to suspend her campaign because she imprisoned a black teenager for life, with no physical evidence and multiple witnesses saying he was not at the scene, and denied him the right to go to his mother's funeral when she died. Saying she has no baggage is a slap in the face to the black community that forms the base of the Democratic Party.
David (New York)
I like Amy, and after last night I contributed $50 to her campaign. However, I think she has a major problem attracting black voters (perhaps I am too cynical, but that one lone African American supporter or staff member positioned to her right during her speech did not seem to me to qualify as support from the black community). She still carries baggage from her earlier time as a Minnesota prosecutor, and coming from a predominantly white upper midwest state does not add to her attraction from southern black voters. It is nearly past the time for her opportunity to appeal with sincerety directly to African Amerians. Beginning now, Amy must alter her approach. Last night she did not mention the specific issues that minority communities long to hear uttered by a candidate they would gladly vote for. She cannot ignore this constituency if she hopes to attract their votes; the votes of on-the-fence Sanders voters; and the votes that, justifably, Boomberg seems to be gaining from Democrats who think that the former mayor is the only candidate with the chops to beat trump. Time will tell. If she can come close to Biden's total in South Carolina, she has a much better chance to create a strong movement toward her nomination. Therefore, she must address, without delay, the concerns of African Americans without appearing disingenuous. These voters know full well when they are simply being used.
Mike (Pensacola)
She conveys honesty, competence and intelligence, all characteristics lacking in Trump. I think she could ring his bell in debates and in the election. A4P - Amy for President!
Andy (San Francisco)
Amy is and has been a solid candidate but in all honesty, I heard and saw nothing new in New Hampshire or before. I heard the same (wonderful) FDR story (which now needs to be retired), I heard her recite how she got things done, made her case for moderates. But I don't understand the sudden surge. I'd like to understand it, or else I will think she's someone voters are willing to settle for, now that Biden's in a fade and after Warren shot herself in the foot with mandated Medicare for All. Is that enough of a reason? It may be.
Daniel B (Granger, IN)
@Andy go to you tube and watch her final statement at the NH debate. That explains the surge.
The Buddy (Astoria, NY)
Good luck, Klobuchar. Alas my endorsee Warren is slipping behind, but I would seriously consider voting for you.
avrds (montana)
Always great to see women candidates do well. All the more reason to stick with Elizabeth Warren, who has a much stronger record and commitment to improving the lives of all Americans, not just maintaining the status quo. Women can win in America politics, but only if we make a commitment to them. And vote.
Jack Toner (Oakland, CA)
@avrds I like Senator Warren a lot but I do have doubts about her chances. You speak of maintaining the status quo. No Democrat will maintain the current status quo. What is the status quo? Low taxes for the ultra rich. Gutting the EPA. Economic war on Iran. Ultra conservative federal judges. Politicization of the Department of Justice and the rest of the Federal government. Support for unilateral Israeli land grabs. Unlimited support for the murderous ruler of Saudi Arabia. Unprecedented corruption as far as the eye can see. I think what you're actually saying is that you don't want to return to the way things were under Obama. You don't think that's good enough. I too would like to do better than that but at the same time just getting back there would be a very good thing indeed. The fact is, all the candidates are proposing to do more than Obama was able to. The party (& hopefully the nation) has moved some to the left for a variety of reasons. One of them being the clear articulation of progressive ideas by Sanders & Warren. I would be delighted to have Elizabeth Warren as our president. I would be quite content to have Amy Klobuchar as our president. I will support the nominee whoever it is. One hundred percent. Meanwhile we'll be discussing who the best candidate is. If we argue about it we must avoid all poisonous rhetoric. That doesn't mean no criticism of any candidate but no polemics, keep it constructive. Think that you may be criticizing the nominee.
Mike (North Bend)
Oh wow Klobuchar is going to “fight for you”. She is so generic and vanilla toast. I just don’t see what her appeal is. In these times we need someone who is willing to turn some things upside down, not another ho hum, go-along-to-get-along, fence riding establishment hero. Eloquent speeches with very little action is not what is needed here.
Clyde (Pittsburgh)
@Mike Actually, I don't think we need things turned "upside down." We first need to right the ship and steer a true course forward. There are big issues at play that need to be dealt with, but the desire to radically alter the nation as we know it is not what most Democrats really want. Medicare for all and free college tuition? Pipe dreams. Give me a smart, solid tested professional who will listen and adapt to the times and I'll be fine. And I think that most moderate Democrats will as well. While the US has always had a a socialist tendency (Social Security, for instance) it is not something that resonates with the average voter.
Descartes (San Antonio)
@Mike "Very little action"? shows a pretty impressive list of authored and passed legislation related to veterans affairs, infrastructure development, congressional accountability, human rights, etc. It's fun to think about blowing up everything but in reality, if you can't legislate, you can't change anything. If she is an "eloquent" speaker in your opinion and someone who can really enact change, that seems like a good starting point. She may not be your choice but it doesn't seem like she's worthy of derision.
Michael Sorensen (New York, NY)
A Democratic Socialist just won Iowa & New Hampshire. No candidate in the modern era has ever won both states & failed to become the nominee. That should probably be the story rather than the person who finished 5th & then 3d!
Glen (Sac)
@Michael Sorensen Agree although a bigger story that could ruin the DNC more than it has itself already is what it does with unpledged delegates. Reality is we don't really know who won NH as they can vote however they want and the DNC aren't exactly Sanders fans!
Daniel B (Granger, IN)
@Michael Sorensen historical comparisons are great for pundits but mean little. They don't usually compare apples to apples. You would have to find an identical , at least similar slate of candidates in the past in addition to the same demographics. The message is that Bernie got more delegates in both states while moderates compiled more when added together. I doubt we can find a historical equivalent
Norman (Menlo Park, CA)
@Michael Sorensen Bernie has peaked out. 31% of the Iowans who voted now voted for Bernie in 2016 yet he got less than that in 2020. In New Hampshire he got 61% of the vote in 2016 and didn't come close to that in 2020. We shouldn't let the enthusiasm of crowds make us believe that there is breadth to his candidacy. He's in his last hurrah.
Lawrence Siegel (Palm Springs, CA)
We all want to like her. She's reasonable, literate, centrist, rational and pragmatic. Then why is it, that every time I watch her vibrate during the debates and try to be clever, I like her less and less? My politico friends in D.C. tell me she's always had a bad front end, abrasive and dismissive, and not well liked or embraced by her Democratic colleagues. But, they all say she's grounded. I'd vote for Daffy Duck before Trump, but, why am I scared she'll alienate the electorate and lose the election? We need to do better than this folks, I'm waiting to see more of Bloomberg's behavior. Four more years of the orange monster is staring us in the face.
Braxton (Honolulu)
@Lawrence Siegel Please, not Bloomberg. His whole entrance into the race is undemocratic. I hope his enthusiasm for stop and frisk stops and frisks his campaign.
Anna (NY)
@Braxton: Bloomberg's entrance undemocratic? Where does it state so and who would enforce Bloomberg's removal from the primaries? It is my understanding that every American born citizen over 35 years of age has the right to be (and thus run for and be chosen) president of the USA, no matter how he or she enters the race. Besides, Bloomberg runs as a registered Democrat, not just on the Democratic ticket...
ferny (Western massachusetts)
@Braxton As Andrew Yang said, there's nothing wrong with a candidate who puts their own money where there mouth is. At least he doesn't need to bow down to corporate or special interests.
Andrea Hawley (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
Klobuchar is the obvious choice if we want a President who isn't full of hooey, full of themselves, or both.
YFJ (Denver, CO)
Simply put, Amy is my candidate of choice.
paul hartnett (hollister ca)
Amy's the One!
JJ (florida)
Excuse me sir, for I say what surprise? Last I checked she has a ton of proven experience and quite the qualified resume to become the first female President. In Particular a participant in Legislating over 100 bills, and a track record of winning in red states. I look forward to her debates with Trump. She's way over his narcissistic league.
Michael Fredric (Minneapolis)
@JJ Agreed, although I’m reluctant to call Minnesota (my home) a red state. Purple maybe... She does have a track record in MN of winning very red counties, and that’s a very good sign. Go Amy!
JJ (florida)
@Michael Fredric Thanks Michael I meant counties. Go Amy!
TheOtherSide (California)
She came in third place, trailing Mr. Buttigieg by nearly 13000 votes, and she "pulled off a big surprise"? I know NYT endorsed Ms. Klobuchar, but come on.
Glen (Sac)
@TheOtherSide True, but momentum is important and the number of delegates in these small states really means nothing in the big picture. Depending where the unpledged delegates land it could be seen as a 3 way tie. The bigger thing I took from New Hampshire is that the battle for a moderate for a progressive choice is on and if the moderates want to win they need to back 1 horse. Biden isn't dead by any means but if he, Pete and Klobuchar all split the vote and Warren falls Bernie could have it or there is a brokered convention. A brokered convention would likely be bad for democrats.
Michael Fredric (Minneapolis)
At this stage who does better or worse than prior expectations is much more important news than the absolute numbers (hence the importance of Klobuchar doing better than expected and Biden and Warren doing worse). (Some might argue that the winner who got 35% less than he did in the same state in 2016 underperformed as well. But these are two very different elections.) By Super Tuesday absolute numbers will mean much more. Not yet.
Jack Toner (Oakland, CA)
@TheOtherSide She out performed her previous polling. And that is newsworthy. At least a small surprise.
Chuck French (Portland, Oregon)
“There is a complete lack of empathy in this guy in the White House right now, and I will bring that to you,” she said onstage in Manchester. “If you have trouble stretching your paycheck to pay for that rent, I know you, and I will fight for you.” Now that's a hoot, Amy Klobuchar bragging about her "empathy" for working people. As one of the most, if not the most, reviled legislator among the congressional staff members who work for her, one would think she has little reason to tout her empathy for common people. If you can rely on the New York Times article from last February, she is little more than a psychotically punitive authoritarian to those she employs. But don't expect stories like the one below to appear in mainstream media outlets ever again, now that they may have to rely on Klobuchar to defeat Trump.
Jack Toner (Oakland, CA)
@Chuck French So she's a tough boss. Lots of worse things to be. Seems to me we need somebody tough. And not just to beat Trump. The next president will have a lot of work to do. As for your final paragraph, the Times already ran this. Absent any new developments why would they run the same story again? The conspiracy mongering is getting really old. And it reminds me of someone...
99percent (downtown)
Klobuchar took a lot of Joe Biden's would-be voters. Where was Joe? Oh that's right, he ran down to South Carolina, with his tail tucked between his legs, because the big bad word "UKRAINE" has already been whispered for some time in Iowa and New Hampshire. It's just a matter of time his African American contingency learns more about the Ukraine, and decides it wants to support somebody who has a chance at winning - and not an old worn out corrupt loser.
Randy Arnold (Chattanooga, TN)
Senator Klobuchar is the progressive, pragmatic Democrat who could bring in independents and those silent Republicans who are tired of Trump's braggadocio. A fiscal responsible person with empathy towards "the common man" is the type of person needed at the top of the ticket.
James Smith (Baltimore)
Looking ahead to Super Tuesday, states like Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia and Colorado are full of Democrats who share the demographic characteristics of centrist voters who seek a pragmatic uniter with more than a decade of experience in government at the Federal level...and a winner who can put together broad coalitions. When voters see her in the debates, she will seal the deal. After Amy's debate performance last Friday in New Hampshire, I gave the campaign 25 bucks. As a lifelong Democrat, I have found my candidate, who stands for the traditional values of our party, e.g. unionism and pragmatism that supports the common man and woman. Amy has the goods to get it done.
steve (CT)
“Ms. Klobuchar was in sync with the smaller-government tilt of plenty of Democrats in the state. Her emphasis on bipartisanship and pragmatism was a fit with New Hampshire’s large number of unaffiliated voters, or independents, who could participate in the Democratic primary.” She and Pete did well in a mostly white conservative State - surprise. Both Amy and Pete have no path forward since they have close to zero percent support from nonwhites. They are both media creations - turn on cable news it is all positive Pete ond Amy, while bashing Bernie - the “reporters” are all multimillionaires that want to please their bosses - Wall Street, Big Pharma, Military Contractors…. .
TRF (St Paul)
@steve Remember the 2016 campaign when Bernie had zero support from black voters--at one point a black activist wrenched Bernie's microphone out of his hand at one of his rallies. Point being, things have a way of changing quickly in the run up to national elections...
Mike (NYC)
I like Senator Klobuchar. She has what it takes to go all the way. I hope she prevails over Sanders. He's a good guy, but he's old and his health is bad and I don't feel he could win an election.
Mike (North Bend)
His health is just fine
Mark (Stamford, CT)
No surprise to me. She's the most qualified and electable of all candidates. Pete's got a lot going for him, but a 37 year old mayor of small city for US President? Not just yet.
Stephanie Hendricks (Brooklyn)
There’s NO WAY no matter how perfectly he puts his words together that I can vote for a 37 year old and I’m only 46. When the Constitution was created people only had about 10 years to go after the age of 35, so the founders did want elders in the job.
cruiser (NYC)
@Stephanie Hendricks Well, sort of. Life expectancy was around 38 for white men, but if you got past childhood, you had a good chance of making it into your 60s and 70s, as evidenced by most of the Founders.
nancy (California)
@Mark He is 38. Just saying....
JPHEdmonds (Edmonds, WA)
Pete Buttigieg won the same number of delegates in New Hampshire that Sanders won, 9, which for the time places him at the head of the pack with 23 delegates so far. For the record Sanders has 21. Yet here is front page article on a candidate taking third place in new Hampshire after a 5th place showing Iowa, wining a total of 7 delegates so far, less than a third of the delegates Pete has won.
Ann (Boston)
Klobuchar has yet to articulate a platform. Just look at the photo accompanying this piece. "Amy for America". It's all about Klobuchar ... a dangerous and altogether uninspired retread of "Hillary for America". I agree with commenters. Klobuchar's results have less to do with her and more to do with fellow centrists' weaknesses.
Braxton (Honolulu)
@Ann Not so fast. Hillary, the anointed one, ran a nose-in-the-air, no message campaign and against all odds managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Hillary came from money. Amy’s background is much more down to earth and so is she. Amy may not be a progressive but she’s a much better candidate than Hillary ever was. You won’t hear Amy labeling people as “deplorables”. Instead, you’ll hear her winning their votes.
irene (fairbanks)
@Ann Or you could interpret that as being 'all about America'. Far different from "I'm with Her". Amy's surge has to do with her being consistently positive, focused and strong.
Glen (Sac)
I don't think Pete has the staying power in big states and honestly needs experience but does have future potential. I wish Biden and Pete would get out of the way and clear a path for a clear moderate to challenge the progressive side. The moderates actually won New Hampshire, at least the way I define moderate!
Monica (Washington DC)
Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar are both moderates who could bring Democrats back into the White House. Buttigieg is trailing with the minority voters though, and he needs those votes to beat Bernie. With Amy's track record of working across the aisle within the Senate, I think she can not only get moderate and liberal democrats, but some on-the-fence Republicans. At this point in the game we need to think of who can beat Trump, and it isn't Bernie.
Active Germ-line Replicator (Vienna, AT)
@Monica That's false. Buttigieg polls better among POC than Klobuchar. But that doesn't fit the media narrative.
Mark (Decisive State)
I like Senator Klobuchar. Her steady demeanor reflects her moderate policies and Midwestern upbringing, both of which have appeal to the general electorate. I also laud the Senator from Minnesota for never playing the transparently desperate "gender card." In contrast, when Senator Warren, who has double the name recognition of Klobuchar, began to see her poll numbers sink, she went after "male" billionaires, accused Biden of being sexist for purporting she was angry (she is), and even fabricated a story that Bernie had said a woman could never be President. Doubtless, the voters saw through this exploitation of identity politics. More recently, when Warren took a shellacking in Iowa, her surrogates accused Mayor Buttigieg, who because of his sexual orientation could not even marry until a few years ago, of white male privilege. This was disgraceful and it seems, counterproductive. To her benefit, Senator Klobuchar took a cue from Obama, who did not focus incessantly on what made him different, but what makes all Americans alike. Senator Warren failed to heed this message of inclusion and this is why her campaign will inevitably end.
jc (ny)
@Mark "Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) said Sunday that women in politics are held to a higher standard than men, arguing that a female candidate with South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s experience probably would not make it to the presidential debate stage." - WaPo, 11/10/2019
Mark (Decisive State)
@jc I think that is markedly different from saying an opponent has white male privilege (Buttigieg) or concocting a story right before the Iowa primary that a supposed longtime friend (Bernie) said a woman could not win a year earlier.
Leo (Boston)
@Mark how is it different from saying an opponent has white male previlege (Buttigieg)?
John Godfrey (Sonoma, Calif.)
Did I miss something? Amy Klobuchar finished third, quite some distance behind Pete Buttigieg — a man who shares similar policy ideas and hails from a neighboring Midwestern state. Yes, Klobuchar passed two failing candidates in Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren but she is clearly far behind Buttigieg and that salient fact seems buried here.
Lisa Stallings (Oakland CA)
@John Godfrey I have supported her since the Kavavanaugh hearing- knowing she is the one I want debating Trump. In every debate she handles herself with style and grace. Yeas I am tired of a divided nation and see her as a woman who could bring us back together. She is not "Clearly Far Behind" Pete...
Ron (MA)
@John Godfrey This is true and her chances remain remote. That said, she deserves attention like this because she far surpassed expectations. Who would have thought even a few days ago that Klobuchar would have gotten more votes than Biden and Warren put together?
JJ (florida)
@John Godfrey It's New Hampshire and very early. She has arrived. Stay Tuned.
AJ (Long Beach, NY)
She's the one to beat Trump, probably the only one who can. She's from the upper midwest and has all the necessary chops.