How Trump Wins Again

Feb 06, 2020 · 526 comments
Paul (Hong Kong, China)
Interesting how this article isn't about what's best for the people of the USA, rather how to get "our people" i.e. Democrats, elected almost regardless of what policies they support. More evidence that the divide in the USA is less about differences of opinion in how to run the country but more about "are you one of us or one of them?" Very sad and potentially very dangerous. Not as dissimilar from a Sunni/Shia or a Catholic/Protestant divide as people might think.
wildwest (Philadelphia)
The problem with "anyone but Bernie," columns like this, is that they ignore many obvious facts and replace them with unproven suppositions. First, you assume that what the GOP is offering is a reasonable and acceptable alternative. If that makes sense to you, it means you are one of the millions of Americans who have decided it's okay to flush our democratic republic down the toilet, as long your 401k remains intact. It also implies that this current economic boom will continue unabated for eternity, that Obama had nothing to do with it, and that it's all happening because Trump is a very stable genius. You make the assumption that we can continue stripping away even the most basic environmental protections and be perfectly okay, as the waters rise to flood our cities and towns. You make horrific moral compromises, like saying it's okay for our government to put children in cages and greatly expand the private prison system in order to do so. You make the assumption that America can survive while abandoning our most deeply held principles, intentionally promoting lies, and abandoning even the semblance of fairness in our society. You make the assumption that everyone out there has a nice, fat 401k. You assume there are other promising candidates like Bernie, who can bring massive followings to the race when there aren't. You assume Biden is a solid candidate when he's just weak. You assume there's a solid, moderate candidate to replace Bernie with when there isn't.
Michael McAllister (NYC)
Brooks is correct in assessing the formidable strengths of Trump and his party and the inconsequential impeachment farce. However this piece continues the familiar Establishment cheer-leading for late-stage capitalism despite the evidence of its savage, rigged effects. Quoting the obscure fantasist Benjamin Friedman is more of Brooks's cherry picking facts and opinions from shaky or shady sources. If prosperity raises moral largess how come the plutocracy squeals like pigs when there is mention of a "wealth tax"? The needed tax correction is not a new tax, but simply a winding back of the enormous tax reductions going back to Reagan and his successors. And Brooks is silent on the opioid epidemic, the war on Medicaid, reduced longevity, student debt, failing infrastructure and endless war. Our best hope is transformation. Go Bernie.
Jim Barnes (Alex., VA)
The Gallup Poll data Mr. Brooks cites doesn't not back up his statement that more Americans identify as Republicans than Democrats. An editor may want to check that link in the story to that Gallup data.
Chas (A)
Brooks needs to provide a source before I cry fake news: median wages aren’t rising.
Mary (Maine)
Why do the democrats have to clean up the mess of a giant deficit and restore morality? The shooting in El Paso was just designated a hate crime. White supremacy disguised as nationalist on the rise and fomenting race hatred. Stop looking at the stock market as the ultimate gauge in where are. We've sold out our values that were once worth something, for tax cuts for the rich and corporations that pay none. The party of Lincoln is now an empty corrupt party who worships a cult leader and is scared of a tweet.
Carl (Philadelphia)
Trump comparison to Hitler: Violates or arbitrarily withdraws from international agreements - Hitler’s unilateral withdrawal from Treaty of Versailles Propaganda on social media - Hitler propaganda movie Triumph of the Will Fascination with military parades - Hitler had military parades at every opportunity Racists white tendencies (fake Jewish support) - Hitler had The Final Solution and Aryan fascination Make America Great Again - Hitler: make Germany great again Race baiting rallies, blaming immigrants for all of America’s woes - Hitler had rallies at every opportunity claiming Aryan superiority and promoting racism Obsessed with loyalty and adulation (fires people who are disloyal) - Hitler assassinated disloyal members of his party (Sippenhaft) Supports Neo-Nazis - Hitler: the first Nazi Surrounds himself and supports thugs - Hitler created the SS Writes “The Art of the Deal” - Hitler: Mein Kampf on the “Jewish Peril” Both lied without any consequences. If you don’t learn from history, you are destined to repeat it!
Inner face (Los Angeles)
David Brooks here wisely appraises the current mood of Americans. The Trump team united confronts with a pugilistic stance the opposing Democratic coalitions, who as a team don't seem ready for prime time. Unfortunately, the Trump team has worked the economy well, even if to do so it runs huge deficits and dangerously deregulates. The Democrats may aptly criticize, but nothing seems to succeed like success. America has arrived at prosperity. Trump bets that principle will be overlooked in exchange for the goods on the table today. Brooks suggest that to effectively counter the Trump team united, a counter aim must be advanced by the Democrats. To run against the unethical, corrupt, morally opportunistic, divisive and re-polarizing, arrogant behavior of Trump: it might be enough. But compared to the economy, such issues might appear as merely rearranging the frosting. The cake, it's baked by Trump. Michael Bloomberg, however, might more effectively take the Democratic case to the public. A good bet is that he can talk business to the American voter better than Trump. His bright demeanor alone will contest Trump the boor and philistine, the slick reality-tv guy. Plus his can-do charm might appeal to Americans taken with Trump, the heavy-handed champion of twentieth-century America. Bloomberg might usher in a genuine American renaissance, one even many Trump supporters would prefer.
Jack Smith (New York)
@Inner face do you really believe 2.1% GDP growth is good? That is what Trump delivered in 2019. Take a look at historic GDP growth rates and then tell me Trumps has done “great” with the economy. A wake up call awaits you. If you feel his jobs performance and unemployment record are ”great” then go look at Obama. Unemployment went from neatly 11% in his first year to 4.5 when he left. Trump took it down 1% further and us doing victory laps. Obama also produced a higher average number of job growth than Trump. So what’s so “great” about the Trump economy?
Jack Smith (New York)
@Inner face Do you really believe 2.1% GDP growth is great? That is what Trump delivered in 2019. Take a look at historic GDP growth rates and then tell me Trump has done “great” with the economy. A wake up call awaits you. If you feel his jobs performance and unemployment record are ”great” then go look at Obama. Unemployment went from nearly 11% in his first year to 4.5 when he left. Trump took it down 1% further and us doing victory laps. Obama also produced a higher average number of job growth than Trump. So what’s so “great” about the Trump economy?
koki (Cambridge, MA)
@Jack Smith I agree, but there is some agreement that we should get used to lower GDP rates. It's more sustainable for both the economy and the planet. Brooks is spot on here. It is essential for the Democratic Party to take credit for cleaning up the economic mess made by the GOP, as they also cleaned up much of the mess left by Reagan. "Democrats should acknowledge that the economy has done well since the Obama recovery in 2009. They should argue that this is the time to take advantage of prosperity to begin a moral and social revival. This is the year to run a values campaign, one that champions policies to make America more socially mobile, caring and interdependent." We have a 'booming' economy that is uncaring and not the least bit forward looking. Even many people who voted for Tr dislike him, but like the economy. So run on it, and say we are economically stable enough to promote policies that bring political stability an more equitable distribution of the tremendous wealth that has been accumulated in this economy.
hhhman (NJ)
Trump will finally implode in the next several months. He is almost drunk on bitterness, vindictiveness, and feelings of self-righteousness. His compulsion for self justification will lead him to do and say things that will be indefensible. And everyone carries a phone these days with a recording function. It is only a matter of time till he sinks himself. At least that is what I keep telling myself, as I refuse to believe he will not ever face accountability.
Dave (California)
Here is the great irony: In 2008, the economy was a garbage fire and we voted in Obama to reshape American society to help 'Main St instead of Wall St' through infrastructure and stimulus and whatever other plans Obama used to talk about. But then the Republicans started obsessing over the 'deficit.' "Oh, we can't do anything to help the American people because we need austerity in the face of widespread suffering, we need to - in the middle of economic collapse - focus on fixing the deficit." Now - due to some fairly risky and mostly artificial economic moves by the Fed (QE, low interest, tax cuts, environmental destruction) - we have a strong economy. We also have a ballooning deficit, which just shows that the Republicans rhetoric was completely hollow. Well, what better time to focus on reshaping American society than now? When we have the resources to actually do it? So we tax the rich, we tax corporations, we provide people with no-cost healthcare, we let people get educated for free so they aren't saddled with debt, and pass a sweeping green new deal. Or we wait until the next economic collapse and then start the cycle all over again.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
Representative democracy didn’t used to scare Democrats. Please don’t worry. Just because Sanders is president, you can still be rich, while we save the environment and give everyone healthcare.
curious (Niagara Falls)
I don't know? It seems to me that the case for Trump -- at least as Mr. Brooks sees the situation -- is the same one made for Mussollini. Trump argues that he makes the trains run on time, and in the end that's all that matters. The corruption, the human rights abuses, the dismissal of the rule of law, the nods to the White Supremacist movement along with his consistent and obvious use of the Big Lie technique; all of that bows to the economy. And if an American election can truly be won on that basis, then the fight for American democracy is already lost.
Dan (Massachusetts)
Afraid he is right. And perhaps Democrats should relax. The next president is going to face an economic crises for certain amid a crises on national indebtedness and an aging population. Let Trump take the dump. Despite his nastiness to so many vulnerable people, he is not doing that much harm, at least not too much that can't be undone four years from now. His international policy, chaotic and selfserving, is not undoing much that shouldn't be. We no longer need the cold war hegemony in a world of minor fractionalism. Let him succeed at ending our longest wars. On that there is a unity, mostly based in indifference, that will soon fall apart once it is done. Undoing his supreme court and reversing his nationalist sins will require a much stronger party than can emerge in a 2020 hair splitter. Sometimes people have to smell their armpits before they see the need for a change of clothes.
David (Boston)
I disagree with Mr. Brooks often, and here is no different. But in an attempt to be productive, I will merely state that the SOTU was not anything like "Morning in America." Instead, it seemed more like numerous lies, distortions and manipulated statistics, framed within an Oprah-style giveaway show. Reality TV yet again!
Robb Moretti (Portland, OR)
Your last two paragraphs confirm why Buttigieg should be the nominee. His smarts, eloquence, and practical solutions, let alone is demeanor, would be an amazing contrast to Trump on the debate stage. One for the ages which would clearly show all that is wrong with Trump and the damage he's done.
Sparky Dog (Orange County)
I think Democrats will focus on the absolute worse item because either some app told them to do it, or some incompetent campaign director told them it's the right course to follow. It's going to be a path of self destruction. I see Trump for another 4 years. People vote with their pocket books. Sorry.
Citizen (USA)
Trump was NOT politically successful this week. His debased self and the spineless republicans were exposed to voters. Democrats managed to show reality of what Trump is to the electorate. The voters will reveal in November who was politically successful.
rjon (Mahomet, Ilinois)
This column convinces me that Bloomberg is not only the best candidate to defeat Trump, but the candidate with the best message—he understands capitalism. But let’s stop calling it capitalism. The form of economics where the US (and the world) has flourished is best described, following Deirdre McCloskey, as commercially tested innovation. Bloomberg knows this well. Economic history has not been about the accumulation of capital. We’ve always had “the rich,” nor are the rich the enemy of the non-rich. Envy is envy, disguising it as class warfare doesn’t change that. Sorry, Mr. Sanders (and even Ms. warren, if less so), but there is no democratic socialist utopia. It’s a bad dream—based on bad history. Both the left and the right are wrong. Bloomberg is the only candidate, right or left, who appears to know that. But, gee, maybe he’s too short for a TV think the political strategists, condescending as they are to all us ordinary folk.
Bob Woolcock (California)
"The unemployment rate is the lowest in decades. Wages are rising. The typical family income is higher than it has ever been." Hmm. Pretty cynical. I'll leave it to someonelse to summarize all the awful things's he's said and done since elected - Charlottesville remarks being the most egregious which were followed by antisemetic murders. As a Commander in Chief who often ignores the advice of the military and his own intelligence agencies he has the potential to make a serious mistake that could take many lives. Of course he'll win again. His supporters love him no matter what he does or says. And Republican pols are in his pocket. How can he not win?
Asher Fried (Croton-on-Hudson NY)
The a Democrats should run on the following slogan: “We can sustain our strong economy and make it fair for all Americans today and the future without Donald Trump......but we can’t keep our Democracy with him.
Give Us A Break (New York City, NY)
Just a reminder that Mr. Brooks is worth nearly 16 MILLION dollars and should inform his readers that he has an inherent conflict of interest in his endless railing against Bernie Sanders, as Mr. Brooks has millions tied up in the stock market
Marie (Boston)
In 2016, Trump ran on Middle America identity politics. Identity Politics Political Correctness Pro-life These are all marketing terms from the right wing branding machine. They have a way of sticking a simple label on complex issues and then having that label be used in the general language. Don't play their game. When you use their marketing they win even when you disagree. Equal before the law. Civility and respect. Control of women.
John♻️Brews (Santa Fe, NM)
David claims: “Democrats, by contrast, have congregated around the message that capitalism is fundamentally broken and that the economy is bad.” Talk about missing the point! Democrats very definitely do neither. In terms of Capitalism, the Dem position is summarized by the title of Robert Reich’s book “Saving Capitalism for the many, not the few”. The argument, of course, is that greed is not good. In terms of the economy, Dems do not take the view that it is bad, but that it is not well structured. David finds Bernie and Warren too much on point, and he is squirming.
Julie M (Jersey shore)
I am no Bernie fan — but no matter who the Democratic nominee is — I will make calls, knock on doors and get out every vote I can .... Honestly, if Bernie supporters are unwilling to support Bloomberg/Buttigieg/or Biden should they win the nomination, then as a country I am afraid we do deserve four more years of Trump.
Steve (Sonora, CA)
" ... it looks like the Democratic primary battle is going to go on for a while." David, it was always going to go on until Super Tuesday. How the party fares depends on how quickly the left-behind bow out and how quickly those in the lead coalesce around common issues.
MC (Charlotte)
Unfortunately the pain of the economy is seen at the local level in terms of housing costs. Democrats are often SQUARELY responsible for the fact that in most places with jobs, you can't afford a house, because they are the champions of development restrictions. So yeah, people are employed, wages are going up, stocks are up. None of this is courtesy of Trump or any politician. But your rent just went up 10% or buying a home is a distant dream. Or your kids daycare charges what Harvard does. A whole lot of that is because of your local dems. I think we'd be better off with conservative local leadership and liberal national leadership. But honestly, at this point, I can't say any democratic candidate is inspiring me to bother to vote. They have some good ideas, but lack the will to figure out how to pay for it without charging the middle class. If they mess up things nationally like their cohorts have locally, count me out. Also, Trump is terrible. I've never seen a man and his followers so full of hate and anger. So I have two terrible choices, fiscal irresponsibility or a leadership tinged with hate.
danny70000 (Mandeville, LA)
Establishment Democrats and the #NeverTrumpers on the Left and right will not listen to Mr Brooks. They hate President Trump and no appeal to reality is going to change that. Speaker Pelosi tearing up his speech was a perfect illustration of that attitude.
Cara (Halfmoon Bay)
"Confidence in the economy is higher now than at any moment since the Clinton administration." And that is the tragedy of america. All you can think about is money. There are terrible, damaging things being done to citizens, to the environment, to the rule of law, to relationships with other countries, but as long as you have money, you're OK? If that is true you deserve 4 more years.
Susan (Cincinnati, OH)
Mr. Brooks, Where is your lecture to the Republican Party who actually did vote for Trump when he unwittingly won the primary with his platform of prejudice, division, lies, and misogyny? Where is your condemnation for the "suburban" voter you seem to believe would again vote for Trump, even though he has proven to be far more dangerous than ever anticipated? Your contempt for Senator Sanders and his supporters, repeatedly misrepresenting a large, diverse, committed coalition with the smear of "bernie bros", then blaming that group for Trump's election and feared re-election entirely misses the point. If Trump is re-elected it will be that with clear view of his reactionary foreign policy, outrageous camaraderie with authoritarian despots, insane deregulation, punitive nature towards anyone who dare notice the emporer has no clothes (nor any sense of truth, right or wrong) (and I could go on and on), that in clear light of this many Americans would prefer THAT. PERIOD. It is obscene to handwring about Bernie and his supporters who want to provide a stronger safety net so the poor suffer less, the sick suffer less, our children suffer less- not out of selfishness but out of compassion. We are not what is wrong with this country. We could easily be mistaken as weavers.
B. Rothman (NYC)
For all those who have pondered the question of how it is that nations fall under the “spell” of dictators you have your answer unfolding before your eyes: the disarray of the opposition and (here) the cowardice of the members of the party in power — aided and abetted by the monied classes.
Daphne (Petaluma, CA)
Most of us don't need or want a revolution, and that's what's wrong with the Progressive movement. It's time for the group to change their name, join the Socialist Party and leave the Democrats to work things out. Let's fix what's broken and save what's working. United, we stand; divided, we'll fall. It will be just like the last election.
Tim Lynch (Philadelphia, PA)
Why is it the "people" always,and the media, talk about the extremes of the left but never ,ever the extremes of the right-wing-nuts? Why does the conversation never call tax cuts extreme? Why are destructive policies concerning labor,environment, ,wages,corporate influence never ever called extreme? Why isn't the general apathy and ignorance of citizens ever called extreme? We have a studious and nuanced slate of people in the Democratic mix and they are being labeled extreme.
Peter Hornbein (Colorado)
History would agree, I suppose, that now is the time to "run a values campaign, one that champions policies to make America more socially mobile, caring and interdependent;" however, those who control the government (Republicans) and their supporters do not believe in socially mobile, caring and interdependent values because that empowers Black, Brown, Queer, Asian populations, and women. These groups are antithetical to the Republican, white, male, evangelical minority.
Tuesdays Child (Bloomington, Il)
I have just one thought since yesterday. After forcing myself to listen to Trump's vindictive speech Thursday, I wouldn't put it past him to be plotting (yes, "plotting") with Bill Barr to find some reason to lock up Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. Now Trump is unleashed to seek retribution on anyone he feels have wronged him.
VJR (North America)
This is what is on the homepage of the digital New York Times as I type: 1. "U.S. Added 225,000 Jobs in January; Unemployment at 3.6%" 2. "Black Workers’ Wages Are Finally Rising" >>>>That's all he needs. This is what anyone whose been an adult in the USA for at least 20 years thinks: 1. Is there corruption and dirtiness in politics? Of course. 2. Is there lying in politics? Of course. 3. Do I really care about civility? No, not really. It's a nice-to-have, but the world is filled with conflict and nastiness and sometimes that's necessary to survive. 4. Can I feed my family and put a roof over our heads? It's that last question that is most important because it's the one with direct impact on survival. To any experienced adult, that's all that really really matters - gun rights, abortion, civil rights, climate change, and even health care to the healthy - these are abstractions and compromisable policy positions. Having a job so you can live and eat are not compromisable. And that leads to an essential political truism: If a sitting president is seeking re-election in a good economy, the only person who can unseat him/her is themselves. So, can Trump be beaten? Yes, but it will not be easy when what really matters to people is their ability to survive and that is going well for the most part for many people. The people who are having a difficult time, such as Gen Z, they need to vote in droves to defeat him.
Gary Schnakenberg (East Lansing, MI)
One small point: Ronald Reagan was not a "generous person" to all Americans.
Jack (Asheville)
Still waiting for an actual Democratic candidate to enter the race.
Elizabeth Cooper (Birmingham,Alabama)
I don’t understand why more isn’t being said about our outrageous debt! I’m no economic guru but I know enough to realize if you have a huge debt outstanding, ( say like trillions of dollars) you are not in good shape economically. Hello!
Sara (Oakland)
Yes- it is appalling that Bernie Bros would make a Nader, HRC redux and keep this malignant man in office. But No- it is not really an election turn out fizz to speak of a moral renewal. We need to cite true pragmatism, different self-interest than the Dow. We must be better educated, infrastructure must be upgraded or we sink into the sludge of other banana republics or Putin's Russia- a failed shabby remnant of a successful nation. Paranoid xenophobia, evangelical dismantling of democracy and the privatization of public interests and decimation of competence in the agencies that protect our civilized society (national resources, federal oversights, FDA, EPA, et al) - this is a threat to most Americans. Sell competence and our shared interests that depend on a rational, science/expertise based governance. Safety, security, sanity.
Jasmine12 (Maryland)
What??? “Keep his ideology anodyne”? His ideology, statements, and behavior have been designed to provoke and outrage those who disagree with him from day 1. This somehow is a special sauce for him. I simply cannot understand this statement at any level.
Mike (Winnipeg)
How Trump Wins Again; "One has to remark that men ought either to be well treated or crushed, because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries, of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that is to be done to a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge." - Niccolò Machiavelli “One of the things you should do in terms of success: If somebody hits you, you've got to hit 'em back five times harder than they ever thought possible. You've got to get even. Get even … you have to do it; you have to leave a telltale sign that they just can't take advantage of you. It's not so much for the person, which does make you feel good, to be honest with you, I've done it many times”. – Donald Trump
teachmetoread (jersey shore)
If Trump receives every vote he received in 2016, where are his new votes coming from? Clinton voters who switch? Doubtful. There are fewer old white folks than there was in 2016. Newer voters are younger, more multi-racial, open to new ideas. Where are Trump's new votes coming from? Please advise.
Tom Cuddihy (Williamsville, NY)
Can't argue with a single word in David Brooks' column today. He nails the Democrats' apparent death wish, to my dismay as well as the dismay of millions of other Americans. At the heart of the problem is Bernie Sanders. If Sanders would only put his ego aside long enough to realize that the majority of Americans are frightened away by anything they perceive as Socialism--that is, if Bernie would only shut his big mouth and go away, the Democratic party might have a chance at recovery.
Christy (WA)
Fact checkers say Trump told 31 lies in his state of the union speech -- everything from health care to job creation to U.S. energy dominance -- and the list of lies he has told since taking office now exceeds 16,000. Why so many Americans continue to believe this blowhard is not only mystifying but a constant source of mirth overseas.
Caryn (Massachusetts)
Your scare techniques about the voters who were Bernie Sanders supporters neglects one big factor: we have all seen the horror this president has created and will NEVER vote for him even if some of us, who know Bernie was robbed last time, voted for him. Also, Hilary is almost gone, if she would just do that. She is a two time loser who has nothing to say. For the record, I held my nose and voted for her but I understand those of us who love Bernie, who didn’t. Fear not, Trump is not going to get four more years to wreck this country. We have all learned the hard way not to ever vote for him.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
How can anyone attack wanting healthcare, a living wage and addressing climate change as radical? Bernie2020
Henry Martinez (Atwater, CA)
Will the Biden/Bloomberg/Buttigieg Bros support a Sanders-led party? That's well on the way to becoming the real question. Thanks for inspiring me to send Bernie another contribution!
Mr.Brooks you are right in your assessment and it made me cry. I do not see any light at end of the tunnel. None of the Democratic candidates has charisma and they are destroying each other for no good reason. They have failed to convince the voters that they have better agenda, policies and programs. Frankly speaking, a socialist, an extreme left and a gay can not defeat Trump. I urge my fellow Democrats to be realistic and think with your brain not by heart means make intelligent but not emotional decision.
Andrea W (Brooklyn,. NY)
It’s time for all of us as individuals and as journalists to stop trying to predict the future. These predictions are reflections of individual bias, cause anxiety in others and are usually dead wrong. Look at 2016 and the impact of all the prognosticating that took place. Voters stayed home in large numbers because they thought they knew the outcome. Why bother? An opinion about what is occurring now is welcome. Turning the now into great certainty about tomorrow is a fools errand and a disservice to the electorate.
John (Woodlands TX)
Good advice. They won't take it, but nice try anyway.
Mixilplix (Alabama)
Let's calm down. The election is a long while away and much can happen and will.
John Komlos (Chapel Hill)
I find it strange that you cite just one poll. This poll finds Trump's approval rating at just 44% and his disapproval at 52% or 8% above.
craig80st (Columbus, Ohio)
This column needed to say more about the necessity for a moral and social revival. The Republican led Senate just sacrificed its Constitutional right to Executive Oversight. By Executive Order, all Federal Prosecutors have to get permission from the AG to begin any investigation. Truth and justice have become meaningless as the media is labeled as "fake news" and the FBI is now a legion of "dirty cops". How does this square with 75% of the American electorate wanting witnesses and documents in the Senate Impeachment Trial? Many in the Senate said 45's actions were inappropriate and wrong, but not impeachable offences. Huh? Breaking the law by arbitrarily withholding Congressionally approved funds for a country at war is just inappropriate! As one journalist wondered, "How do Republican Senators walk upright when they have no backbone?" Republicans in the East Room laughed and applauded at 45's Revenge Rant. Not good. This column seems to suggest Americans, like Nero's Rome, just want bread and circuses, and do not care about corruption in Washington. Really!? And I haven't mentioned 45's praise for the "good men" in the White Supremacist's parade in Charlottesville, nor the kidnapped children put in cages and basic hygiene not provided, nor the threats to end the ACA by Texas courts.
dave (Mich)
So it's a good economy and a criminal Trump or a Democrat who is very progressive or moderately progressive. Mayor Pete would have a good chance of he was 7 years older and not gay. I personally liked the governor of Colorado but he couldn't get traction.
Emile Farge (Atlanta)
David expresses the fear that many of us share, that Democrats can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory! Yes they (we) can, and for sure we can't afford it again. Brooks posits (correctly, BTW) that the boom began with Obama (going from 10% to 4% unemployment is beyond remarkable!) and that Trump had a huge tail wind == correct and helpful. Also seeing Trump's transparency for what it is: his words & ideas continuously reflect what he KNOWS is the opposite of correct and true: so when he says "deep state" we all know that it means "honesty, transparency and competence." He hates competence (so you fire smart, dedicated people and you hire criminals and unqualified. He's gotten fat on that for 50 years -- probably has paid zero taxes for the past 20+ years. When he accused Biden of this or that, we know that he himself and his minions are in fact guilty of that same crime. So I toast his transparency! Flip what he says and you see what he fears and what he is admitting in his own life!! Read his tweets this way and you'll see it is true.
Joebusify (Bozeman, MT)
DJT is going to win because the democrats appear to be disorganized, unfocused, and, frankly, unaware. The president gives people the show that they want to watch and his buddies the deals to keep them in extreme wealth. A candidate has to appear that is willing to make Trump look like the Trump that we all know. Get the president to react in a way that makes him act the fool on broadcast media. He is not a good business person - look at all of the failed businesses and bankruptcies. Go to the contractors and people that he has stiffed over the years. I think the solution to a win is a close study of Trump of what he portrays himself as and whom he is in private. It’s all there. Anyway, who’s going to do that? Any of us democrats got a spine?
George Dietz (California)
Yes, this was the most successful week of the trump reign. Let us count the ways: He wasn't convicted because he holds a meat cleaver over the heads of the scrawny chickens in the GOP senate. Being not convicted of his crimes rates as a success in trumpneyland, and I guess that's where Brooks must be. Brooks thinks 49% approval on the handling of the economy is great! A magnificent victory the likes of which the world has never seen! But wait, that means that 51% hate, loathe, detest, and despise trump's ample guts. But in trumpneyland, that's winning, of which I am so tired.
Laura Weinberg (Northern New Jersey)
I’m sick of “moderate Republicans” making excuses for their own impotence, blaming the “other tribe” for it. When you get a bully who takes over the playground, blame the other kids? Or roist out the bully by removing him bodily. You fail to stand up to a bully by writing columns and become part of the problem. We need campaign finance reform. Else we risk our democracy and union. A president and Congress united to reform campaign finance wouldn’t be enough at this point. The longer the judiciary is populated by conservative judicial appointments, the less likely it is that any congressional attempts at campaign finance reform will be allowed to stand.
Cloud 9 (Pawling, NY)
By my rough count there are 250 plus days before the election. At the comparable time 4 years ago, Jeb Bush was the likely Republican nominee and the DNC was stacking the deck for Hillary. As we say after bogeying the first hole, “there’s still a lot of golf to be played.” My only prediction is that you can’t predict. Oh, and there will be huge surprises. Scandals, health issues, international crises, etc. So, on the one hand, take a breath, and on the other, get ready for a wild ride.
Frances (San Rafael, CA)
What is it with Americans and Socialism? Can't they tell the differences in political systems? Do we only understand pure Socialism, pure Capitalism, pure Communism, pure Democracy etc. The most successful countries today are a mix between Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. NO Democrat is asking for pure Socialism. America please educate yourself and stop saying Socialism and get a grip on your fears. A Social Democracy whereby the basics for the people are Social Programs like Healthcare and Education and Social Security actually works, the rest is Capitalism governed by a Democracy. Not Democracy governed by Capitalism which is what we have now. That balance works better than pure anything. If you took the time to check out how this balance is successfully working in other countries, like my husband's country Switzerland, for example, these stupid fears would go away and we can get off our political constipation and actually make much needed improvements for our citizens.
Keith W (Maine)
Mr. Brooks, as such an astute observer of American society and the cultural influences on our political situation, I would like to see you your turn your attention to the deeply troubling question of why Trump becomes more popular as his corruption, flaunting of the Constitution, and ethical norms are exposed for all to see. What has happened to American society when we begin to support without questioning and applaud (loudly) his despotic behavior, hatred, and bigotry? Why are so many putting the blame on those who tried to bring these dangerous acts to light and seek constitutionally prescribed remedy? How many of us are pumping our fists in the shadow of our enormous national bully, embolden to act out pent up rage and frustration on scapegoats instead of seeking justice and equality?
Sharon Renzulli (Long Beach, NY)
I'm weary from all your gloom and doom lately and your urging Dems to come up with all sorts of bills--which, by the way, they have been writing for the past year--fated to sit on McConnell's desk.
Rich (Boston)
The underlying problems that got Trump elected still exist today, which is why a significant % of Americans are now willing to give the Socialist a shot after giving Trump a shot. The real problem is that both of our major parties are run by extremists and are also corrupt and incompetent. Neither party is going to “save” us. We need new political parties. The first one that forms a consensus among the majority of Americans who reject both wings of extremists will win for the next 50 years
Christine (Utah)
“... it looks like the Democratic primary battle is going to go on for a while.” No kidding David. Exactly ONE state has voted. Please reign in your impatience. It is not a coronation. We Democrats are also unlikely to choose a candidate that meets all of your Republican conservative expectations. Get over it.
Dave Oedel (Macon, Georgia)
Hello, David Brooks. Coming back home? Of course the economy is strong and good for people. What were you thinking? Of course impeachment was a self-inflicted wound on the NYT and your never-Trumper crowd. What were you thinking? Of course Trump is surging. Did you not read the tea leaves? The betting markets have Trump at the moment as a 59 percent-plus favorite to win. That number is rising. You can have your haughty principles, Mr. Brooks, and, yes, Trump is something of a crass boor, flaunting convention (to the extent there is a Twitter convention for presidents). But has it not occurred to you, Mr. Brooks, that certain peoples have been ostracized for similar supposed characteristics?
Pjlit (Southampton)
Let me see—the economy is great because of Trump’s policies—sooo let’s hope the economy falters, so Trump will look bad? That’s really sick and hateful. DOW 30,000–Trump 2020!
A. jubatus (New York City)
America, in general, is a violent, racist country populated by many, many not very bright people. The kind of people our founding fathers didn't want near an election. Our excuse for a president embodies these traits in spades. That is why he won in 2016 (along with Electoral College help and voter suppression) and that's why he may win again. It's really that simple. We're No. 1? God bless America. Please.
Neil (Colorado)
Not to fret, the serial criminal in the White House will keep on giving us reasons to expel him from office and maybe one day even his sycophant enablers will be unable to look away. Until then keep the seatbelts on and try not to move around the cabin.
JM (Purple America)
Trump has already won in 2020. Nothing can stop it now. Brace yourself.
Helix (Manorville, NY)
Yet again another pundit equating rising economic trends as the only issue that we should care about. Our national myopia is stunning. Sure the market is soaring; while at the same time the Rainforests are burning, the Justice Dept. morphs into the Gestapo, our National Landmarks are exploited for oil/gas/coal, the EPA abets air & water polluters and the casino dealers on Wall Street celebrate the dismantling of the guardrails created after the 2008 fiasco. This Administration's scorched Earth policy is taking us on a one-way road to Perdition. Every decision, every policy, every fiat this reckless, grifting, amoral, draft-dodging coward makes, not only defies logic, they hasten the destruction of our Democracy. More troubling than Agent Orange’s psychotic behavior, is the Republican Party's wholesale attack on the Constitution. They cheer their Useful Idiot even as they revile and fear him. Their conduct during the State of the Union mirrored Kim Jung Un’s political assemblies as each tried to outdo their neighbor’s fervor. Sadly, the Democrats can’t get out of their own way. Iowa’s debacle only highlights our perennial penchant for snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory. We seem destined to bringing a butter knife to a gun fight against a foe who has captured the base emotions of the willfully ignorant. I’m not sure our Country can take another 4 years of this “carnage”.
Amy M. (SF Bay Area)
And to really put a cherry on top of the week, giving Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom??
Chicago Guy (Chicago, Il)
How Trump wins again? That's obvious. Gerrymandering. Corruption. Hacking. Misinformation. Blackmail. Obstruction. Collusion. Treason. Treachery. Fear. Hatred. Scapegoating. Racism. Threats. Duplicity. Hypocrisy. Bribery. Lying. Incitement. Tampering. Payoffs. Malfeasance. Chicanery. Fabrications. Disenfranchisement. Victimization. Appeasement. Pandering. Rigging. Conspiracy. Fraud. Spitefulness. Misdirection. Pontification. Demagoguery. Bating. Intimidation. Dog-whistles. Bluster. Coercion. Distortions. Bullying. Influence Peddling. Extortion. Foreign Interference. Foreign Intervention. And, last but not least, with the help of the Electoral College. You know... the exact same way he "won" last time.
Ed (Bend, OR)
Trump did not win, he was impeached. Don't waste too much angst about the fact that the Republican Senate choose politics over duty - it's what they are. Old men and a few women, more interested in power than the public good. Remind the public - 6 bankruptcies, 3 wives and an untold number of mistresses. 'Congratulations to the great state of Kansas for the Superbowl win', thats a sure way to attract support from Missouri. Trump is, by far the lowest IQ president elected in my 60 year lifetime - and probably yours too. Vote in the 2020 election and make America proud. Dump Trump! Dump Trump! Dump Trump!
Mitch is Putin's (B_t_h)
disagree. Sanders people... having watched Trump over the last 3 years are disgusted with his policies and his morals. push comes to shove in the booth they vote big D this time around. Trump is too objectionable for this not to occur. the hated of don the con wins the day.
Marty Rolnick (Scarsdale, NY)
Dear Mr. Brooks, You present yourself as an independent expert observer! Really? This column continues to spread the lie that the economy is good! Why are you repeating the lies of gov't statistics that are meaningless? The choice is metaphorically clear! Barabas or Jesus! You're column maybe unconsciously suggests you're promoting Barabas! Thanks for your part in preventing us from getting out of the vicious black hole we find ourselves in.
Daniel Solomon (MN)
Just wondering, David, what would have made Trump's speech not upbeat? If he had talked about eating cooked colored infants for breakfast? Try to be a black person like I am, and watch Trump's pornography. You might see his speech differently.
logic (new jersey)
He will lose.
Michael killion (Bainbrige Island, WA)
Just remember: The seeds of destruction are sown in the good times! When we are ‘fat, dumb, and happy’ we ignore the signs of impending doom.
Daug (Oregon)
The Democrats have completely thrown a wrench in their campaign this week. It’s hard to stomach it all, but the political outcomes from the impeachment, SOTU, and the horribly led IOWA caucus are just awful. I certainly won’t be surprised if DJT does something ridiculous and say something stupid over the coming months, but will it be enough to lower his approval from the many states that still support his reality TV show of his presidency? Who knows, this childish man always has a distraction and a new headline up his sleeve.
Rick Gunter (Crewe,VA)
Mr. Brooks, You sound more like a Republican partisan than the thoughtful scribe I have come to respect. Mr. Trump ruins every soul and institution that gets close to him. Please don't let that happen to you. Your raiders, and I have read you for years, deserve better than this column today.
Jeff Ayre (Vancouver BC)
Only a fool celebrates before the game is over. Oh and this is not about Democrats. This is about Republicans and their shame. Democrats ‘lose’ when the honor of Republicans is sullied by their pathetic acquiescence and the Senate votes it down. Or up, as the case may be. Remember, at the moment, the false equivalency creates a warped playing field. Not titlted but warped. That cannot sustain itself. Also remember the tales of the Branch Dividian and Jonestown when thinking about what it will take to bust the Republican Trumpcult.
Geoman (NY)
This is a snapshot when a film is needed. Trump is a narcissistic masochist; he revels in--and creates--his own constant defeat and victimization despite his victories and triumphs. He'll self-destruct, with a little help from all those enemies.
sheikyerbouti (California)
What do you mean, 'Are Democrats going to give this election away?'. They already have. From the Mueller fiasco, To Warren;s mega-trillion dollar madness, to the impeachment foolishness, to the Iowa disaster, the Democrats have managed to look like a bunch of fools. I'd sooner vote for Trump. And I hate the guy. Not that it matters anyway. As I live in California, my vote is absolutely meaningless.
Dissatisfied (St. Paul MN)
The smugness with which Brooks continues to sniff at progressives is really quite at odds with his alter-ego that encourages us all to hold hands in community and sing kumbaya. He just can’t bring himself to admit that progressives actually possess the moral values that the Repubs pretend to have but in fact trash daily.
woody3691 (new york, ny)
As much as people vote affirmatively, I believe fear, hate and distrust is a more motivating factor. The Trump vote by Sanders’ supporters was provoked by dislike of Hillary, rather like of Trump. Those who hate Liberals, will vote for Trump. Liberals are ruining America, the song goes, and I’ll take the clown with the big red tie instead. They don’t concern themselves with the damage Trump does to the foundation of the country. They can’t see cracks in the foundation. What they can see is a bad paint job, dirty windows, and overgrown lawns. Especially when all that is pointed out to them by the clown with the big red tie. Which leaves me with TDS. I see a pompous, lying, inept, sadistic man-child, with no ethical or moral compass. A narcissist who’s insecurities have disabled him beyond hope. And I can’t understand why this portrait of him, so clearly illustrated to me, isn’t apparent to all. It’s useless to attempt to discuss this with anyone not offering the secret handshake first to assure mutual safety. This sensitive subject is rending this country apart, let alone families.
Sari (NY)
This person is going to win over and over again because of all the attention he gets. Each time he's on TV it's a freak show and his antics belong on SNL. He has no conception of how to be presidential and those who laugh at him will cry one day. He thrives on what he presumes is admiration when all his twitters appear on TV with his bad spelling and poor grammar. No, it is impossible to admire a crude, vulgar, wanna-a-be dictator, a self-serving narcissist, a bully, a despot, etc. Climate Change is most certainly not a Chinese Hoax and windmills absolutely do not cause cancer. This is how he thinks and we deserve far better than this. He is very dangerous.
Alexis Assadi (Vancouver, Canada)
I respect Republicans for one reason: they take no prisoners. They fight dirty and are shameless. Democrats, unfortunately, need to learn to do the same.
Diane B (Wilmington, DE.)
Just one question,Mr Brooks, did you hear Trump's speech today during which he spewed hate and ugliness ranging from Comey to Biden, Questioning the faith of Pelosi. Calling Democrats evil.He is an ugly unstable man - too bad the economy is what keeps him in office. Stop suggesting he is anything but a terrible stain on this country.
George (Fla)
Yes it was a great week politically for trump but you left out how many families he separated and how many innocents he had locked up in the dog cages!
Gus (West Linn, Oregon)
A little coastal elite advice from someone I used to admire as a journalist. Add in the op-ed piece in todays NYT by Bloomberg, which is basically his stump speech and it appears NYT is becoming the Centrists version of Fox News trying to save us from Democratic Socialism.
Nancy Dendaas (Rochester MN)
After a 40 year career as a nurse, Trump’s latest rants, whines, and threats convince me more than ever that he is a malignant narcissist with dementia. I would love to see him undergo neuropsych testing.
Robert (Seattle)
If it's true that "in prosperous times voters are more tolerant of diversity, more committed to fairness and expanding opportunity," and IF people are really prospering, why the following? * Intolerance of diversity * Low commitment to fairness and ethical behavior (?what impeachment? ?what self-dealing?) * Shrinking opportunity, with the failing "majority white" population fearful and holding on What you're really saying, David, is that "It's the economy, stupid!," and that pretty much any and all egalitarian and sharing attitudes just rise and fall with the Dow. That's a pathetic "take" on the average American citizen's view of the good political life, but I think it's true. Our culture is enjoying the largest and longest "Bread and Circuses" spectacle of all time. Even the lowest of the low in America have their smartphones, their internet access, their nonstop TV smorgasbord of sports, talk shows, reality shows, tailored entertainment, and (to top it all!) World Wrestling and Martial Arts. All of the above divert us from less cheery thoughts like our Forever War, the theft and lies of the Chief Executive, and the ethical bankruptcy of the U.S. Senate. THAT'S why Trump is looking fairly likely to repeat. Not BECAUSE of his cuddly personality, generous spirit, and depth of commitment to principled behavior, but DESPITE it. And the entire mediascape works day and night, 24/7, to keep the public from thinking too much about it.
So skewed (San Francisco)
Sanders voters did not help elect Trump. CLINTON and the DNC rigging the primary helped elect Trump. Sanders would have beat Trump.... This article is so skewed it’s laughable
Anne Ominous (San Francisco)
I’m sick of the Bernie supporters who would (again) burn the country down if their candidate does not win the primary. They are every bit as despicable as the “Christians” who support Trump. Clearly, requiring that one is older than 18 in order to vote, does nothing to ensure adult behavior in the exercise of that right.
Daniel (DENVER, CO)
“With Trump, the Republicans are giving away the election.” —every professional pundit in 2016
Rpasea (Hong Kong)
Bloomberg needs to win the nomination and then go toe to toe with trump attacking all of trumps lies and failed policies. No more going to a gun fight with a butter knife. It's going to be what? The important goal is to destroy trump and his republican enablers.
EBro (Stillwater, MN)
Wow, so many depressing reasons to just up. David, you've got to give us some hope or we'll all stay home this November.
Jack Lemay (Upstate NY)
So, David, your bottom line seems to be you're voting for Trump in November.
pat (oregon)
That awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. Anyone else?
Richard Nichols (London, ON)
I think America deserves 4 more years of reap what you sow.
Mary Bowman (Westfield, Nj)
You've been writing for years about social isolation. This is hands down the most divisive president ever -- and you're all in because the stock market.
mg (PDX)
Amy Klobuchar with Cory Booker as VP
Janice Richardson (Bellingham, Wa, USA)
Bernie is our only chance
Armo (San Francisco)
The nation is weary. The nation is very weary of republican lite opinion columnists trying to qualify and even magnify the scurrilous man standing as our president. The republicans including the author of this article have fallen into a moral and ethical collapse of gigantic proportions.
John B (St. Paul, MN)
I am already prepared for the inevitable Trump victory in November. I have zero trust in the American electorate, who cannot remember what they had for dinner last night, much less piece together Russia, Ukraine, Emoluments, Article 2 and oh yeah - Trump was impeached! Get a grip on what we should all be doing right now: Get off your phone! Talk to your neighbor; your mom; your cousin in Chicago; your daughter's soccer coach; your checkout clerk at every store you shop; and absolutely every person you run into between now and November 3, 2020. Tell them to SAVE AMERICA! Vote Democrat!
Gery Katona (San Diego)
Little matters more than getting out the vote and here, the GOP has always had an advantage because they are easily rattled, thus vote more readily. So, can the presence of someone like Trump rattle Democrats enough to simply vote? I would be surprised as the weak turnout in Iowa shows. It is really pathetic.
michael h (new mexico)
Dear Mr. Brooks, If Benjamin Friedman is correct in his assertion that “in prosperous times voters are more tolerant of diversity and committed to fairness”, we must be a the beginning of a new “golden age”, devoid of racist, xenophobic, Trumpist nonsense. Trumpism is doomed.! The November elections will rid us all of the cancer!
Martin G Sorenson (The Arkansas Ozarks)
How can this be? Are Americans mostly "the ugly sort"? Trump is ruining our international relations, destroying our environment, killing us with huge deficits, lying profusely everyday, acting like a fat little spoiled child in public, using religion to sow discord, in fact using anything he can to sow discord, and in short is just a god-awful person. And Americans are going for that? What happened to the "Liberal Democracy"? What!
617to416 (Ontario via Massachusetts)
Trump will win. But it's not because of anything the Democrats did or didn't do. It's because America and Americans are degenerate. Blame the Republicans for that.
JB (New York NY)
How can a Sanders supporter go and vote for Trump? Isn't it like committing suicide because you didn't get your wish? Are these people that infantile? I don't understand!
Theo Baker (Los Angeles)
Reactionary nonsense. If trump is re-elected it will be the fault of those who voted for him, and those in his party that did not root out this cancer.
Thomas Aquinas (Ether)
The Social Democrats have no shot. Their candidates are horrible and this whole impeachment charade exposed them for what they are, power hungry, craven, elitists that want to control every aspect of our lives. Mr. Trump will win big in November.
P2 (NE)
Mr GOP crook-coverup leader; You and your GOP leadership are working to subvert democracy and will work hard to cheat.. don't blame others.. that's a Trump doctrine.. Work to better your party.. look inside please.
Alan J. Shaw (Bayside, NY)
"Morning in America," Mr. Brooks? More like the "Darkness at Noon."
Michael (New York State)
Brooks wants to blame Democrats for Trump. Of course he does. How else to combat the self-loathing that lies just below the surface for Conservative elites? It is their inaction, their failure to ward off the sickness that grew inside the GOP for 40 years, that gave us Trump. Buchanan, Gingrich, Palin, they were all avatars of the not-so-crypto-Fascist wing of the Party, and as long as the Bushes or Romney or McCain could hold them off, establishment Republicans could pretend the sickness didn’t exist, or wasn’t so bad. Note well the severity of the denial in Brooks’s phrase “Middle America identity politics”; they use denial because it’s the only way to cope. (See also: the GOP Senate’s sweaty, short-of-breath vote not to hear from witnesses in the impeachment trial.) They are desperate to avoid the truth. In a week like this, when Rush Limbaugh won the Medal of Freedom, we need all right-minded Americans, from whatever Party— and there are even a few left in the Party of Lincoln, as Mitt Romney proved, and Brooks could even be among them— to join the fight to restore the laws of political gravity rather than deny them. Let Brooks start with an authentic appraisal of how his party got here, instead of saying, “the buck stops.... over there!”
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood, NM)
If Trump wins again it's on your head David Brooks. You and Republicans like you have failed in your responsibility. You sit back and pontificate instead of going after Trump hammer and Tong. People who know that difference between right and wrong, people who have been given a forum to speak, they have a responsibility to act; and act as if our government and our democracy depends on their ferocity....because it does. We desperately need you to stand up. Where are you?
GoldenPhoenixPublish (Oregon)
The ultimate question regarding Trump's re-election reduces as to whether yesteryears poly-sci remains in effect during the 2020 compaign. Consider the possibility that the injunction "It's the economy, stupid!" no longer maps against the socioeconomic realities of the present. Trump's got a lot going for him -- including the tactic of "divide and conquer" -- yet...
Pamela L. (Burbank, CA)
I don't think he's winning. I think he's "bullying" his party and our country. You can't really govern through intimidation. There has to be something behind all the bombast and in his case, he's hot air, an empty suit and sheer stupidity. He doesn't have any idea of what he's doing. It's all about settling perceived scores and haranguing innocent people. This is why his State of the Union speech lost 20% viewership. No one wants to hear a word this inarticulate fool tries to utter, or mispronounces on his way to another lie.
Brian Noonan (New Haven CT)
"impeachment never became a topic of conversation among rank-and-file Democrats"? When we get together with friends, we put a "T-word" jar on the table. Anyone who ruins the good mood by saying "Trump" has to put a quarter in to increase the tip. Otherwise, we'd talk about nothing but the Republicans' slow-moving fascist coup.
Mary Elizabeth Lease (Eastern Oregon)
This column confirms what most who have read his columns for the past six months have come to know—David Brooks is an out and proud Trump acolyte.
Jbugko (Pittsburgh, pa)
I've noticed that David Brooks never mentions our need for paper ballots and getting rid of voter i.d. I have to wonder if he's FOR suppressing votes? I mean, after all, if we the people were at least given our right to vote and not have that suppressed, this self-gratuitous and willfully ignorant article of his would sure look foolish.
KiKi (Miami, FL)
Give us a break. Trump is empowered. in place from start, and becoming a dangerous dictator b/c of the republicans. Republicans now condone an American president to use a prayer breakfast for self pity and spewing hate. None of you have any courage or morals really - except one, Romney as of late, at long last. Not one republican spoke out after the disgusting display of this sick, narcissistic sinner today. The repubs have rigged the system and now elevates a crook and his family of cheats to destroy America. At least dems have our hearts, morality, dignity, and honor in tact. God save America from the evil republicans, I pray. But pls stop with the Dem bashing - it is really getting old.
She (Miami,FL)
Sorry to jump on the case of the usually elegant prose of Mr. Brooks but maybe the typo is a distraction from the message: "Only 53 percent say they will certainly support whomever..." should be subjective case, of course---"whoever."
Richard Schumacher (The Benighted States of America)
Mike Bloomberg - Stacey Abrams It's Now Or Never
Steven Dunn (Milwaukee, WI)
I fear divisiveness among Democrats will facilitate the reelection of Trump. Democrats need to keep their eye on the ball and stop the infighting. The division between so-called "progressive" and "moderate" Democrats, and the animosity between the groups--often seen in these comment forums--is ridiculous. All the current candidates share broad policy goals with some differences on how to attain them--but you wouldn't know that by some of the divisive commentary between Democrats. The reality is that Trump is benefitting from the Obama economic recovery. However, is preaching a "revolution" the best message when the public at large is optimistic about the economy? In another time, the public would be outraged at Trump's behavior. I thought the Mueller report was damning. I was sure the impeachment evidence was the smoking gun and last straw. Nothing sticks. His behavior is unconscionable, as attested in his rejection of loving your enemies (Jesus' teaching) at today's prayer breakfast. The Democrats need to get their act together soon.
Mellifluous (Sonora)
I'm tired of political wonks writing articles like this pontificating about Democrats and Republican strategies and potential outcomes. Are you not paying any attention to the fact that if the climate changes and the bees die, WE die? Is anybody listening?
anniec3 (Chicago IL)
I just 'celebrated' 33 years in the US. I am European, and will remain that for the rest of my life. The reason I haven't bothered with changing my permanent status is because I don't feel American. I don't like that you have to reassert your Americanness every day. It feels as if you are insecure about it all the time. I probably sang the Dutch national anthem about 20 times in my more than half century life, but I know and appreciate its history. The Dutch don't brag about their war of independence against Spain. You do. You were lucky with yours, you almost didn't make it. All minorities in this country are very aware of it, and they also know very well that you are too insecure and arrogant to acknowledge that. One of the reason why you are in such a mess is that you don't acknowledge the dark sides of your history. Instead of hiding start looking at it critically and accept that you haven't worked it out. You might want to learn from the Germans, the South-Africans and the Rwandans. They know how to work on healing from the core, not some superficial "yes, it wasn't so great then." The critiques on the 1619 project is indicative for this country's whites to ostrich makes me want to grab my bucket in disgust. It is why you are in such a mess and a fascistoid, racist, mob boss will be president for another 4 years.
bdk6973 (Arizona)
Mr. Brooks, Radnor High School students must be so proud of you. You have almost as many "mis-truths" about the economy as our President. Congratulations.
Aaron (New York, NY)
Trump’s most politically successful week? Only if your definition of “successful” means being a traitorous, duplicitous, compassionless, self-serving egomaniac. If so, then agreed, Trump is the success of the century!
Killoran (Lancaster)
Brooks forget to mention that black voter turnout tanked in 2016. Clinton was an awful candidate. Stop blaming Bernie.
SteveH (Zionsville PA)
Wages are rising because progressive states have abandoned the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. $2.13 per hour if you are directly tipped. Can we not expect some context when these "accomplishments" are stated? I expect better from the NYT.
linda14059 (berlin)
We focus on “It’s the economy, stupid”. But it’s not *just* the economy, Citizen! - Just because people are feeling more secure financially, they are willing to ignore the deterioration of our democracy, the weakness of our checks and balances when faced with a brazen and amoral president, the corruption of this administration, the packing of courts with unqualified judges?!? And that’s just to name a few. Look at us after three years of Trump and how low we have sunk. What would four more years do? We must vote for ANY Democratic candidate! I held my nose and voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. I can do it again, whoever the candidate is.- And as to Sanders: so fascism is preferable to socialism? (And he really isn’t bringing socialism to the US, but that’s another story.)
Gruntilda (Gruntilda's Lair)
"Bernie voters r gonna stay home and get Trump reelected." Why y'all think this? Love Bernie but would vote for any Dem if it came down to't. Looks like people are projecting to me...subconciously they know they'll need to vote for Bernie. Why so serious? Prospects of revolution got them delirious. Incremental change is a hoax. Next thing you know, the planet'll go up in smoke. Which I'm sure'll be GREAT for some species - of bacteria, ya feel me?
Ben H (Jackson Hole)
The Democrats have tried everything to undo the results of the last election and get Trump out of office. Everything that is except find a candidate who can beat him. This field is a clown show and an embarrassment to the party.
Caroline (Los Angeles)
Bernie Sanders and his supporters are going to ensure that Trump wins again, just as they did in 2016. He is not electable, and the Sanders people are too bloody minded to care. It's lamentable.
S. Hope (Providence, Ri)
Et tu David? You have been outraged and vocal about the immorality, hatefulness and ignorance of this President. Now that your entire party is under his thumb, are we to expect columns such as these praising his success?Are you are as weak as the rest of fellow republicans who refuse to stand for civility, honesty and good governance? The truth is that perhaps white people are sitting better in this time of hatred and increasing violence but what about the rest of our population and the world.....where Trump causes massive suffering, injustice and sows hate? How convenient that you only consider the situations of white, middle and upper class folk. Step up David....I’ve admired you but perhaps you’re going to cave under Party pressure.
M. C. Major (Southeast Asia)
I think this election will be good
Newell McCarty (Oklahoma)
Oh, let me NOT read this and guess, that Mr. Brooks along with the 1% Republicans, will blame Senator Sanders and throw all the mud they can.
Barbara (Los Angeles)
Sorry Mr. Brooks - Trump did not win - the result was a forgone conclusion orchestrated by Mitch McConnell. Are Democrats disillusioned? Absolutely not. We’ve developed an immunity to Trump’s limited vocabulary, his snide remarks, his childish pranks. His script is not even original - it’s plagiarized from Rush Limbaugh. Can the First Lady really present the award? She has no official role. The whole show is a pantomime- a real farce. Time to get a real man in the WH!!
Mikhail23 (Warren, Ohio)
I will hold my nose and vote for Mike. He is the only adult int he room.
Laurence (Albuquerque)
mr brooks, i sure wish you cited where you got your data and polling from?
Bob Albo (SF Bay Area)
You're missing the biggest point. What happens if the House goes Republican on the coat tails of Trump. I can live with another Trump win but not if the House flips to Republicans. Democrats, watch out.
JGaltTX (Texas)
Trumps wins again because he kept his promises and put Americans first. Which part of this do liberals not understand?
William Hamer (Madrid, Spain)
It seems Mr. Brooks is saying, “Trump is here to stay. Get over it!”
Steve (Seattle)
Maybe Hillary lost because she didn't do enough to win over voters. Her approach certainly didn't win over any "deplorables".
arish sahani (USA Ny)
Every nation need leader who makes them proud of their heritage and works to uplift their life first . Democrats have no plan to make life of locals safe and better , They have more programs to punish locals by taxes and help invaders who can not be trusted .
Lindy Lentz (Bloomsburg, PA)
Mr. Brooks, "The most effective speech of the Trump presidency?" I am flummoxed. Did we watch the same SOTU? His speech was replete with lies, mistruths and taking credit for accomplishments that were not his to take. Upbeat speech? How can a speech proclaim to be upbeat when it is based on fundamental hatred for anyone who is not part of his cabal? Upbeat message? Giving Rush Limbaugh the Medal of Freedom, a man so steeped in hateful rhetoric for most of his working career. As for the great economy. Yes for some but a successful stock market for most does not put food on the table for the majority of folks who are drowning under the high cost of living. The deficit will be a noose around our children and grandchildren's necks for decades. Trump knows how to work a room into a blather with reality tv antics and I am afraid that you have fallen under his spell.
Rose (Washington, DC)
Really? Disagree with this article on many levels. That fiasco victory lap yesterday showed we have a president with incapacitated mental facilities - which the media needs to report.
Gonewiththewind (Madison Cty, NC)
1. I saw something (likely on TRMS or Melber but I'm not sure) that the IOWA lines for collecting data were flooded by ump supporters. This meant results couldn't be called in. It was messier than this but it's the gist. This clog the lines gimmick started in 2002 in NH. Once again, the only way the party of traitors can win is by killing truth (of elections in this case). 2. What almost every pundit / journalist fails to mention is we have not only the "republicans" doing voter suppression but ump will only really win (like in 2016) with foreign adversaries coming in. THIS MEANS we no longer live in a democacy and it's beyond obvious. Go to the polls in November like your life depended on it because it does. The other side doesn't care about brutal dictatorships because they've been conditioned to love dictators and ignore truth.
Sheela Todd (Orlando)
Those 2016 Sanders Trump voters have barely recovered from shooting themselves in the foot with that vote. If they feel pain from that vote I doubt Trump can count on their support this time. It might be just as bad though if they simply stay home and not vote.
Maureen Saliba (New York City)
This country simply cannot afford 4 more years of this man. It will take years to recover from his madness. Little by little, our democracy erodes away, while people applaud. Gone is decency, honor and integrity. We have forgotten who they are. Sad times indeed.
Kevin Greene (Spokane, WA)
The appalling lack of preparedness and miserable execution of the Iowa caucus dovetails nicely with allowing the opposition to always set the narrative. The Democratic Party better wake up and cozy up to Bloomberg, fast - if only to learn how to get things done.
thebigmancat (New York, NY)
Brooks continues to perpetuate the myth that Bernie supporters stayed home in 2016. This has been disproven in virtually every post-election autopsy. Clinton lost because African American voters - who put her over the top in the primaries - were less than inspired by her lackluster campaign AND put off by her husband's thinly-veiled racism. The same scenario could play out this year: African American voters put Biden over the top in the primaries but general election turnout is depressed due to his lackluster campaign and thinly-veiled racism. Brooks should get his facts straight every now and then.
larkspur (dubuque)
The election depends on turn out, not character or which actors in play or how they say their lines. If the election house is empty, anything goes. If people get off their doldrums and show up to vote, then democracy will carry the day. There's not enough toilet paper to cover the embarrassment of Trump's base. There are enough decent clean people in the country to clean up afterwards.
cheddarcheese (Oregon)
As I see it, it all boils down to four or five fears Republicans Will Never Let Die. Abortion, gay marriage, religious liberty, immigration, and decaying Blue Collar jobs. This seems to be most of what I hear from my Republican friends. Facts and Common Sense simply don't count. They are afraid that immigrants are taking their jobs, That their invisible friend is under attack, And that poor people are lazy. We really are in a cultural War,And our politics reflect it.
Kajsa (Annapolis, MD)
Trump and his gang currently control our government. But we can continue to reveal to the world how decadent Trump truly is. Bolton should be subpoenaed by the house and add his take into historical. Exposing every detail of who Trump is should be a priority for non-Trump Americans. It might not do much within our country but it will warn the rest of the world and make it safer.
William L. Valenti (Bend, Oregon)
Like the legendary monster of Dr. Frankenstein’s creation, the monster that the GOP created, and which they just freed, will inevitably destroy them. We’ve all read the book.
rambler (karachi)
The main issue in the US presidential election is economy which is flourishing under Trump administration. The Democrats have messed up their strategy for this years election of a president. To go for impeachment of the president when there was no revolt in the rank and file of Republicans was a blunder and it boomeranged at them. It is foremost for Democrats if they want to win 2020 election to come out with a fool proof plan to dislodge cunning and clever Trump otherwise wait for 2024.
Max Shapiro (Brooklyn)
The Senate voted to let Trump violate our laws. Those laws became laws after the president didn't veto them and had been passed by both House and Senate. Trump was required to release funds that had been legally directed by the Congress and he didn't do that. He broke the law. So, what about other laws? Can we break them too? Did Trump, by eschewing removal emancipate us all from the tyranny of law? Are we now emancipated, free, no longer slaves to white man's laws? Is that what Trump did? Yay!
Lynn (New York)
"Democrats, by contrast, have congregated around the message that capitalism is fundamentally broken " Could you reporters please cover the legislation that the Democrats, unified in the House under Pelosi, have passed to address a wide range of real problems, instead of babbling about "messages". Slogans work when the press, which is needed in a democracy to "inform voters' consent" ignores substance and chases shiny objects
Andy (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Trump won because Democrats forced an unlikable candidate with unbelievable baggage, no message, and a poorly run campaign. You're in the height of the #MeToo movement and Democrats insist on nominating the one candidate who can't attack Trump on "Access Hollywood." On top of that, Clinton's campaign completely ignores the Midwest while telling everyone the economy is great. Unbelievable. Fortunately, Trump is likely doomed for similar reasons. The economy is not great and when have polls ever been wrong? Trump's speech was a cherry-picked series of nonsense and lies. What Mr. Brooks fails to realize about the current economic outlook is even in good times everyone is still worse off. The Great Recession knocked 4 years off economic independence for young people. A similar thing happened at the opposite end of the spectrum. Older working adults getting prematurely retired. What would you say if I told you you had stop working at 60 rather than 65? 5 years lost income and reduced retirement benefits. The economic repercussions are never going away. Why do you think young people are having fewer kids than they say they want? Trump is spinning fantasy. If you're drinking the Kool-Aid, that's your problem. Not mine. For every economic metric cited, I can produce two which contradict Trump's narrative. Confidence is not a measure of reality. As we know, the Trump administration has a tenuous relationship with reality in the first place.
David (Seattle, WA)
To re-elect the most corrupt president by far who's ever breathed American air would confirm the fact that our country has abandoned morality and self-respect. Economics alone must not determine our character. Is America dying as a moral example for the world? We'll find out in November.
Subhash Reddy (BR, USA)
Mr. Brooks, why don't you get your party, The Republican Party, to nominate the right candidate instead of telling us the Democrats how to conduct our primaries and whom to nominate, etc. You will be doing a heck of a service to your party that you have supported so long. We really don't care what the polls say every day/week/month. And neither do the Republican voters and that's how they elected Trump. If our Nation's voters elect Trump a second time then they deserve what they get.
Ken B. (New York, NY)
Yes, the unemployment rate is at an all-time low, however, if you work for America's largest employer Walmart your average yearly salary is approx. 29K.(That wouldn't cover the private school tuition of one of your kids.) So in your estimation, the American worker can today feel fat and happy and move on to the loftier debate over American values. Give us a break. When you write to tell us the economy is good, good for who? We know it's been good for you.
Newshourjunkie (Chicago)
Dear David, I love your columns. In this case I would have expected you to say something to Republicans to stand up like Mr Romney for moral reasons. Especially, if Mr Trump wins, he's a lame duck to start with and those Senators not standing for election 21-24 will have fewer reasons not to buck Mr Trump. Lets give them a morality lesson too and as well right the chaos without resurrecting the tea-party ethos, a new and rejuvenated Republican party that rescues democracy. Regards
Peter (Newmarket, ON)
The Democrats have tried centrist candidates before: Al Gore in 2000, John Kerry in 2004, Hillary Clinton in 2016. Give Bernie a chance.
Chris (DC)
I am concerned that Trump will win again. But as a Democrat/progressive, the last guy I'm taking any sort of advice from is David Brooks. The guy who managed to brain fart this thought into Tweet form: "Instead of spending the past 3 years on Mueller and impeachment suppose Trump opponents had spent the time on an infrastructure bill or early childhood education? More good would have been done." How far do you have to have your head in the sand to think this, much less put it out there, Mr. Brooks?
Mobe Haderas (Vancouver, CANADA)
Who in the US cares what other countries think? But here goes, anyway. Why won't Madame Secretary run for President? If you can't have Tea Leoni, could you at least have her husband, or former President Conrad Dalton?
Benjamin Greco (Belleville, NJ)
The problem with all the Russian conspiracy theories that the left and its media partners, MSNBC, the WP and the NYT have been pushing for 3 years is that it is only a part of the story of Trump's election, a very small part. There was Russian interference and false propaganda on Facebook but Democrats themselves and liberals did more to get Trump elected than anyone else, especially liberals who push nonsense like identity politics, intersectionality and political correctness. They just can't admit it. If they could we would have a competent opposition and maybe some real progressive change in this country. Let me repeat that plainly, Trump is President and this country is on the verge of fascism because the Left is imbecilic.
Birdygirl (CA)
Oh come on David Brooks, you are imagining a Trump that doesn't exist. Quit making excuses for this disaster in the White House. As the old saying goes, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
john fiva (switzerland)
What can this man win? Nothing that will be of any importance a couple of years from now. His soul is a loser and Trump knows that every time he looks in a mirror, something I suspect happens quite often.
Jerome (USA)
Truth is this - Trump just keeps winning, winning, winning and beating the most Senior Democrats who have played the game in 40 years. He was a TV Game Show Host who went to Washington and shamed the Democrats for the last 3+ years. Iowa proves DNC can't Lead the USA. The failed Impeachment shows they can't unite and are powerless. Nancy Pelosi = she is too old and out of touch with DNC voter base. Every tactic she has used blew up in her face. Pick newer DNC candidates in touch with Americans or lose the next elections. We don't want 70+ year olds in office. We want 40 to 60 year olds who are in touch with us. Targeting Trump is just dumb. He thrives on that type of competition and hate. DNC is tossing the 2020 election to Trump the way this is going. DNC get your act together and dump Pelosi. She is 80 years old and should not be in charge and is not relevant to young people. DNC if you keep doing dumb things and losing looking stupid. I won't vote in 2020 for you and just stay home instead. Where is the support for minority Democrats? Yang? Kamala? Patrick? Hispanic? Are old white people the only thing DNC will offer as choices? If so, I am not voting for you.
Jak Siemasz (Houston)
"The theme of this week’s speech was mostly upbeat “Morning in America.”" To which speech did you listen???!!!!!
biff murphy (pembroke ma.)
"It was the most effective speech of the Trump presidency" That you constantly support and prop up this petty and vindictive man is truly a wonder... I guess you missed his white house press briefing, maybe you could explain that deliriously demented speech in glorious detail as a republican cheerleader next. That you support one speech and ignore the other is mind bending, but what I've come to expect from the media who kowtows to a lunatic. While I'm on the subject when a reporter is kicked off a flight and singled out for doing their jobs or barred from a luncheon with anyone in this administration it should be the duty of all you to turn around and walk. Gutless wonders most of you...
Infinite Wisdom (NJ)
How can the Dems argue for moral and social revivals when they are immoral crooks? Actually, Trump is stealing the Dems slaves from their plantation as more and more Blacks understand the virtue of Republican Capitalism and running towards freedom.
MJA (Earth)
Democracy's broken, long live the King! =
rb (ca)
David, Trump wins the election when pundits like you come out on the NewsHour claiming that you don't believe his actions in Ukraine rise to the level of an impeachable offense.
Scotty (New Hampshire)
Trump will obviously be re-elected. What I like about Trump. - Low taxes - Pro-life - Iran strategy - Strong borders - China trade war (more fair trade) - NAFTA - Economy What I dislike about Trump. - Divisive - Rape allegations - Somewhat corrupt - Somewhat racist - Environmental pollution
Alan (Queens)
Bolton needs to share his story VERY LOUDLY, one way or another and ASAP.
db2 (Phila)
Let us all praise Rush Limbaugh. Now, Step In Line!
Daniel M (Moscow)
Dear Mr. Brooks, I find it utterly baffling that, after the vitriol that poured out of the mouth of the man in the WH yesterday, the so-called leader of the free world, this is the column you choose to write today. I have been reading and following your commentary on PBS for years, and I cannot fathom for the life of me why people as bright as you are still don't understand that what you continue to do will only re-elect Trump. You are deliberately re-enforcing the points he made to justify his desired reelection, just like you did by constantly harping on the point that Hillary was somehow evil because she used a private email server as secretary of state. I am convinced beyond any doubt that had it been Obama that gave the speech we all heard yesterday, you would NEVER have written a column like this one. I have been reading a lot lately about America, from its revolution to the many obstacles that have littered its path to where it is today and have come to the conclusion that the country you have today (at least that you used to be before Trump come on the scene) was far from inevitable---on the contrary---not withstanding the wisdom of the founding fathers. I have lived in Russia/USSR for 30 yrs now and can see what America will look like after a Trump second term. Not at all a pretty picture. You are deeply deluded if you think that's an exaggeration. My hope (a fading one) is that a miracle is still possible, althought I am not optimistic. What a waste it would be!!!
Amelia (Northern California)
Republican David Brooks has concerns about the Democrats. Noted.
Bowden (NY)
Dems have already given the election away...
Trump wins again only if voters let him. He frames the impeachment proceedings as a witch hunt by evil people. Yet even a number of Republicans at least admit that what he did was wrong. Just another drop in the bucket of his lies. But if too many voters can’t see that, or don’t care, then that’s on them.
Gary Olsen (Denver)
The bigger question is whether or not Republicans are going to allow their party to continue to be controlled by this megalomaniac, sociopathic liar. Then we wouldn’t have to concern ourselves with the existential dilemma of what the Democrats are going to do about it, would we?
Derac (Chicago, IL)
Brooks is correct and the Dems have to get their act together if they want to beat him in Nov. Right now its not looking good. His base is a delusional as ever but that means that they will be 100% behind him. He's done nothing of consequence for the middle class and even less for those less fortunate but his base [which is comprised by a lot of middle class folks] will just vote against their best interests while the Dems continue to play identity politics. Bernie has to go away. Forever. He's sucking primary voters from real candidates because Trump voters will vote for him in the primary. See PA results from 2016. That isn't an accident.. those votes were intentional. But he won't and it will continue to be a mess and we'll get 4 more years of an impulsive, ill informed, revengeful egomaniac. Ugh.
Lake. woebegoner (MN)
David, your sub-headline says it all: "Are Democrats going to give this election away....?" It's a legitimate question, but clearly the wrong tense. It should read: "How did the Democrats give the election away....?" Answer: A phony waste of legislative time that has led nowhere....a temper tantrum on SOTU by the House Speaker....a caucus so bad that even the counter gave up. Well, at least the market is happy, and so is a slight majority of the voters. The Dems have no one to blame but Pelosi and themselves.
mrc (nc)
For readers seeking a balanced objective view, read Krugman's column.
Judith MacLaury (Lawrenceville, NJ)
The year to advance to the cause of democracy,which is quickly receding in the rear view mirror of history.
Ted (FL)
What a dishonest and misleading column! The Gallup poll is an outlier and only receives a B rating from FiveThirtyEight. There are other, more recent polls where Trump gets a lower approval rating. Overall, it's 43.9 approve and 51.8 disapprove.
cr (San Diego, CA)
OK, Mr. Brooks, If it's the economy, stupid,then yes, Mr. Trump will be re-elected. And the average voter votes his/her pocketbook. Got it. So when the economy sobers up, after the drunken interest-rate and tax-cut fueled orgy, what then? There's no cushion, no strategy other than printing money and bullying the Fed into negative rate territory. Oh yes, and Trump promised to renogotiate the debt ($23 Trillion and counting) of which $17 Trillion is held by Social Security and Medicare. Facts. We don't want no stinkin' facts. Come let us drink, for reality has no hold on us. We're Trump's America now.
Righty (America)
Trump is, if anything, predictable, especially his fragile ego. I believe the Dems should wage an all out war on his narcissism in order to have him so easily trip up and embarrass himself with irrational tweeting and statements. Keep him off his game. Be on the offensive all the time. Keep up unrelenting attacks on his childish ego. Question his wealth, success, college grades, bankruptcies, draft dodging, mental health... everything.
Sam (NYC)
“Class warfare, denouncing capitalism “, some of us can see through your disingenuous posturing. If the car doesn’t work, it needs to be fixed ... not, “I’m against cars.” Honesty is so lost. Try it sometime.
Z (Nyc)
Trump wins when Republicans like you don’t enthusiastically back the Democrat.
Dra (Md)
brooks claims capitalism is great because a few more crumbs than usual are falling off the hogs’ big dinner table.
Bobby (Dallas)
I am just old enough to recall what it was to be a true progressive in the 60's and 70's. When the Kennedy's of the world tried to stop the war, the central bank, fiat currency, protect labor. But we sold everything out for a buck. We have not had a true progressive in over a quarter century. The Clintons were all about the money, just as everyone today is. As a progressive, I am beyond disappointed by the lack of, well, anything progressive about today's party. The speechwriters can't even assemble a coherent paragraph. I am as embarrassed by them as I was at the bumbling, idiotic lies of dubya. Not one politician today deserves any consideration. None of you have mine
Keith (USA)
I'm embarrassed to call myself a Democrat. Pelosi childishly ripping up papers, Iowa, Meuller, impeachment, now saying they will go on investigating, Bernie leading and his supporters threatening to walk again, reparations talk, bitter Liz, crazy AOC, on and on. And they're just getting started. Bloomberg is the last hope to competently swoop in and save them from themselves.
gene (fl)
Tell me again David how the Democrats can win. By voting for a Republican. Your party didn't why should we?
jbrinda1 (NY)
Just what we needed. More free Trump press. Good job.
Jay (Los Angeles)
The Democratic Party’s logo should be, “Decency, and A Fair Shot for All Americans”
Nm (Battle Creek)
Nothing trump says can resonate with sane and moral people. It was truly difficult to watch him try to give an upbeat speech - he labored through it. Every word sounded forced. That’s because those weren’t his words. He’s only passionate when he spews hatred. He's only passionate when he’s projecting hatred of himself toward other people. He’s a liar, a cheat, and a bully. Nothing will change that.
clayton (woodrum)
Read Carl Sagan's writing in 1995-The Demon-Haunted World to understand what is happening today!!
Zip (Big Sky)
This analysis emphasizes the economy, which is important. However, what about the massive elephant in the room.....the environment? We’ve basically lost the Great Barrier Reef; we’re losing the Amazon Rainforest; Icelanders are holding funerals for glaciers; Australia is on fire, etc etc etc. None of this means anything to Trump. Burn that coal baby! Cut back auto fuel efficiency. Frack everything. Wind turbines?....they cause cancer and decrease the value of your house. Solar panels?....too expensive. We’re being led by a profoundly embarrassing egomaniac, with a stock market juiced by his massive tax cut which ballooned the debt. It matters to me to be led by someone with moral sensitivity and basic honesty, decency, and integrity. Donald Trump is the exact opposite of that. Aside from any policy disagreements, Romney’s conviction speech reflected the integrity of choosing what he considered the right thing over the harm it would cause him personally. Trump will never understand that, just as he has zero understanding of real Christianity. The clapping and cheering of the GOP Fear Caucus is just as sad. I want to vote for a candidate I would be proud to call my President, regardless of the economy. Is that too much to ask?
Tim Lynch (Philadelphia, PA)
Greed and fear. Two basic boards of the GOP platform. We get what we deserve. We have a sloth in the White House who truly reflects America.
Kip Leitner (Philadelphia)
More anti-Democratic party propaganda. Polls sources are not cited. No dates given for when the polls were taken. No context for polls given (adjusting for middle of Impeachment Trial). No explanation of exact questions people were polled on, and what there options for answers were. Just a blanket assessment that Democrats are too far left. We can just stop there. Any journalist of OpEd writer would won't reveal poll sources so readers can verify the logic is hiding something. There's no need to bothering considering an analysis like. Unsourced as it is, it's worthless.
Charna (NY)
David did you see Trump’s celebration today on being acquitted? Need I say more ?
Boloz Tiempo (Issaquah, WA)
What is being ignored is The Bradley Effect. Will voters get over their predjudices and vote for a Jew, a Gay man, or a woman? Not to mention their fears of "socialists?" Or their concerns about age -- too young or too old? The polls lied about Hillary in the swing states because of her gender just as much as people's "Clinton exhaustion." Remember Bill Bradley, an excellent mayor who lost the California governor's race in 1982 because he was black but voters would lie to the pollsters. In light of Trump's success with racists and anti-semites, we should beware of polls again, decades later.
Oliver (New York)
Does Bernie Sanders ever smile?
H. G. (Detroit, MI)
Mr. Brooks it would seem you are a sports fan, not a character driven moralist or a patriot. It is fascinating to watch you swing at the Dems during such a lawless week that ended with Rush Limbaugh receiving a Medal of Freedom. I don’t read about patriotism or better angels here - I only see a man Monday morning quarterbacking the “losing” team. At least you show us your greatest value - winning by any means necessary.
RjW (Chicago)
If countermeasures to disinformation are not deployed, Boris and Netasha will remain in the White House indefinitely.
Joseph Huben (Upstate NY)
“It was the most effective speech of the Trump presidency.” David Brooks should read the column by Mr. Israel and confess that he is a rationalizer. “In Michigan, Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton by 10,704 votes, while Stein got 51,463 votes ...Wisconsin, Trump’s margin over Clinton was 22,177, while Stein garnered 31,006 votes....Pennsylvania, meanwhile, Stein’s total of 49,485 votes was just slightly smaller than Trump’s victory margin of 67,416 votes...” (The Hill) It was Stein who defeated Clinton, not Sanders who attended 39 Clinton rallies exhorting his supporters to support Clinton. Sanders and Warren have no intention to “end Capitalism” but to reform it. Those nations that Sanders extols like Denmark have a healthy Capitalist system regulated to benefit the majority (like all democracies are supposed to do) while providing for basic human needs like food, shelter, healthcare, safety and security, which Brooks and Republicans view as profit centers to be exploited. Brooks and Republicans want to continue to devote government spending on free security for the oil industry around the world, subsidizing the oil industry, enriching the very rich, and punishing the poor, sick, elderly and children. Brooks and the Republicans are determined to force the corrupt “Third Way” down the Democratic Party’s mouth again. Brooks knows that if the middle class turns on the Republican Party it will collapse. The “Solid base” is made up of religious bigots who cheered Trump.
Deirdre (New Jersey)
Democrats should let Trump continue his pretend presidency and run hard for house and senate.
Susan (Palm Beach, FL)
The Left has a whole basket of problems, and the Impeachment escapade underscored why they will lose. Really poor choice of options. Dems should have gone for Censure instead of Impeachment the Far Left pushed. Censure would have passed. Impeachment was a fools errand, and I guess there were enough fools to make it happen. Thus, Trump poll numbers rise, coupled with economic prosperity for middle income families.
I voted for Bernie in the NY primaries in 2016 but for Hillary in the general. We accuse Republican members of Congress of putting party over country, but Bernie’s followers’ threaten to put Bernie over country. Consider: the same spitefulness that helped Trump get elected & the willingness to do it again; the zealousness that would sacrifice the nation to a purity test; and the apparent inability to see that #VoteBlueNoMatterWho is the only way Democrats can win, & the only hope we have, the only course we can take, to make America sane again.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
How is wanting health care, a living wage and addressing climate change radical? Bernie2020
Chris (SW PA)
Trump is allowed to cheat. There will be tons of voter suppression. In my state there is no way to check ones vote and know that it was recorded properly. There is no hard paper trail. So I assume I will be voting for Trump here in corrupt Trump country, even if what I put into the voting machine is something different. The criminals have taken over. Brooks loves them.
Kim (VT)
Maybe rather than trying to fight his mad man and his groupies, we should just sit back and let them ruin the is country, this planet. Go ahead and role back regulations and watch people get poisoned or sick; role back environment protections and watch our water supply dwindle and become unclean; role back taxes on the big guys and watch our deficit numbers rise while they ignore the saber toothed tiger in the room; watch them kowtow to our enemies and are enemies of our friends and see who comes to work with us when we need them. I could go on but some people only learn from experience. Maybe we need to let Trump voters learn the hard way.
JF Lanvers (Park City)
A Bloomberg candidacy never looked so good. He'll take votes away from centrist republicans and most independents, making up for Sanders' die-hard supporters and Biden's black voters.
Andrew (Pinehurst NC)
It’s hard to believe, but absent a major upheaval like a pandemic or economic collapse, Donald Trump will win re-election. There are many reasons, but here’s my analysis: 1. “It’s the economy stupid”. Perception is reality and the perception fed by the data we use and Republican truth stretching supports this the streets are lined with gold image. And the fact that the benefits are unevenly distributed doesn’t effectively counter that even with those left behind. 2. The DNC is a mess. The Republicans are a monolithic force united by self interest. The Dems are a squabbling collection of divergent ideologies and desires that are incapable of uniting a force to stop the charging elephant. One wonders whether it is a party any more. 3. I told you so, the impeachment was bound to fail. Yes, I think he deserved to be impeached but we knew from the beginning it would fail and give him another political weapon. So, Nancy with all her self righteousness is left being snubbed at the SOU and ripping up papers. Sad, one of the biggest political blunders ever. So forge on Dems squabbling and wasting money in the primaries. Embroil yourself in endless repetitious debates and trying to figure out how to count votes. For now, I think I’ll get ready for 4 more years by helping protect the Congress and Governorships.
Manu2019 (Germany)
Trump makes the USA sick _______________ Dear David Brooks, the USA was happier under President Obama: "[...] The World Happiness Report, which has been released every year since 2012, surveyed 156 countries using six metrics: GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, the freedom to make life choices, social support, generosity, and perceptions of corruption. And despite a having strong economy and low crime rates, the US dropped in the rankings for the third straight year and is now the 19th happiest nation on Earth. (The happiest? Finland, apparently.) That’s America’s worst showing ever, although it’s never made it into the top 10. Here’s the chart showing the first 52 countries on the list using the criteria. (Note: it’s a big chart, but it’s worth taking a look to see where the US compares to others.)"
Jean (Cleary)
I am hoping that Americans will vote on the one and only value that matters. Character. Something that Trump lacks in spades
kwb (Cumming, GA)
"Approval of the Republican Party is now at 51 percent, its highest since 2005. More Americans now identify as Republicans than as Democrats." What a shock to readers of the NYT or WaPO, and esp. to pundits like Krugman and Bouie who predict the end of the GOP as inevitable. When the left shifts too far the balance always swings back to the center.
Morgan (Cambridge)
"It's hard to defeat a president in good times." Cited as examples, Kennedy, Nixon in 1968 and Trump. None of the three faced an incumbent - no president to defeat, David. Shallow and factually inaccurate as Brooks is here - he really should follow his newspaper more closely to understand the true state of the economy (or leave his Washington office to see how almost half of Americans are living) - the Kennedy, Nixon, Trump arguments sink even this paper-thin column.
Jeffrey (California)
Your prescription could be good, but to characterize these as good times is looking through a very narrow glass. We have a corrupt and vile President, a corrupt Republican Senate, and our environment, health, and world stability are being destroyed willfully. These are horrendous times, and it takes a certain odd upbringing to see it otherwise.
john krueger (louisville)
....these poll numbers are senseless, useless, often wrong, and are quite simply driving everyone nuts. We need our opinion writers to set the plow deeper and stop relying so heavily on these nonsensical percentages.
nancy novice (nyc)
David Brooks. Consider your voice in advocating urgency on trump tax returns. Thank you. Nancy
Michael Irwin (California)
Not exactly, Mr. Brooks. The Democrats are not giving the election away. And no, Trump is not at 49% as per one outlier poll. He's around 45%. Try to deal with facts.
Mary (B)
So imagine (because no one on the NYT op-ed page seems to be able to do this) a scenario where all these 2016 Sanders voters who voted for Trump come back to Sanders in 2020 and erase Trump’s narrow margins in the Midwest, and the more “moderate” wing of the Democratic Party and the sprinkling of Never Trump Republics on top holds its nose and votes for Sanders too, for the sake of the Republic. Sanders wins, right? So if he doesn’t win, whose fault is it? The moderate wing of the Democratic Party, and the sprinkling of Never Trump Republicans on top. At least that’s the way I see it. If you really think you can draw in the hundred thousand votes you need in the Midwest with another bland middle of the road Dem then I’ve got a bridge you might want to look at too.
99.9 (NY)
The real political genius of Ukraine-gate was it achieved the desired outcome of smearing a political opponent. Biden went from leading in the polls to finishing 4th in the Iowa primaries from July to February.
John Mark Evans (Austin)
The Dems need a therapeutic massive drubbing in November in order to bring them back to reality. What the Party is selling , America is not buying.
Immy (Phoenix, AZ)
Who says there will even be an election in 2020? If there is any hint that Trump could lose, he will find a way to "postpone the election until a later date". And the bobble-headed dolls in the Republic party will keep nodding 'yes, master'.
The constant attacks on Sanders supporters by NYT's is exactly how to stoke anger in the progressive ranks against the Democratic establishment and get Trump re-elected. The constant bombardment of attacking your allies in removing Trump will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm already sick of it.
vsr (salt lake city)
Nine months left, and the Democratic Party is running a sophomoric primary. Sis-boom-bah. Save use, Bloomberg. Maybe Citizens United wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Perry Klees (Los Angeles)
Sanders-Trump voters weren't Dems. It's silly to speak of them as such and subtract them from a column they were never in and were never going to be in. Sanders was an independent running as a Dem, with an economic message about the "greed and corruption" destroying prosperity for everyone in this country but themselves. Simple.
Neil (Texas)
Mr. Brooks - welcome back. We miss your criticisms from inside the big tent of our Republican Party. Your litany of observations on shamimpeachment about polls, topic etc - the much reviled Mjaiority Leader had counseled Democrats long before this shamimpeachment. He had said to Democrats : "Learn from us, Republicans. We impeached Clinton. What happened? His poll numbers went up. And we lost Congress." But they did not listen. POTUS on a winning message - he indeed is. Unfortunately, he can't stop tripping himself over any good news. And yesterday's Woody Allen style public hand holding, openly complaining and blaming everyone but himself - is that one example. And Mr. Brooks knows because I have been following him since he used to appear on Lehrer - economy sells. So, despite POTUS - if economy holds - I am confident we will have 4 more years.
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
I read that the 49% is an outlier and that it is closer to 44-45%. Perhaps time is needed for the NO WITNESSES narrative to sink in. After all 75% of all Americans wanted witnesses. Given Donald's penchant for dirty tricks is it possible that the 49% was somehow engineered? I don't know. I am not even American. I thought Bloomberg was a chance until I saw Ari Melber highlight the figures for stop and frisk. I didn't realise it was so bad for African Americans and Latinos. Is Amy a viable alternative? Pete looks good. I figure that anyone prejudiced against his orientation is going to vote for the groper DJT anyway. God bless America and Mitt too, who believes in keeping his oath with integrity.
EW (Glen Cove, NY)
A more productive use of this column would be to focus on getting Republicans to do the right thing.
Chris (Connecticut)
What the commentary shows me here is that the Democrats still don't understand the real threat that Trump is in the upcoming election and are to resistant to realize that their actions in accordance to the actions of the President may cause them to lose. I have no answer for Democrats, for they abandoned me long ago. I have no love for Republicans because frankly they are just the worst. If you want to embrace me back into your "Large Tent", then for crying out loud stop acting like little children and don't muck this up again! And please, Democrats, stop saying Hillary won the election. If Donald Trump knew that winning the presidency required winning the Electoral College, HRC should have planned out better. I don't want to vote Libertarian again.
Jack Smith (New York)
Brooks should tell us where he gets his numbers, such as how many Sanders voters voted for Trump in 2016 because on their face they seem inaccurate and unbelievable. Brooks buys into the old theory that there are a significant number of swing voters, which is being challenged everyday by academics and others. And he wants us to believe that followers of a socialist would vote for a neo-Nazi like Trump. Sorry but I think he’s wrong on both counts. It is more likely voters stayed home in 2020 after Bernie and Hillary ended their contest in hostility towards each other. And there is clear proof in the data that is exactly what happened when you compare turnout in Dem districts that went to Trump in 2016 and Obama in 2012. So it’s more likely Hillary lost because of low turnout rather than high numbers of turncoats. Brooks also ignores all of Trump’s negatives and focuses strictly on rising favorably ratings that may not last. Moreover he ignores the legions of GOP voters who held their nose and voted for Trump in 2016. But I sense they won’t do it again. Today’s NYT article about the former Navy Secretary who is a lifelong conservative Republican and will vote Dem is an example that Trump has turned off many in the GOP. Then there is Romney who represents another never Trumpster faction: moderates. Brooks ignores such trends and instead posits an argument based on positive Trump data only. It’s not believable.
KEF (Lake Oswego, OR)
In 2020 a Democratic candidate should run on Trump's despicable character & his continuing destruction of everything this country stands for. Anyone who watched his whining, vindictive, incoherent stream-of-conscious address at the GOP Victory Celebration in the East Room Thursday morning saw that he is clearly just unhinged. He is simply scary, and the only thing scarier is the devotion of the GOP. Any disaffected Republicans have to be given good reason to vote Democratic - 'Socialism' will not work! Any Sanders followers who would bolt from a moderate Democratic candidate would be cutting off their heads to spite their faces.
Cowboy Marine (Colorado Trails)
Republicans don't care about "right and wrong" anymore, let alone about the teachings of Jesus Christ. Be honest David, the main personal characteristic of Republicans at the top is greed, and for the rest it's hatred of non-whites and of educated whites. They try to cover it all up with flags and crosses. We and their God, however, are not fooled.
Appalled (CT)
Tune in as David Brooks (Iraq war enabler and Republican Pundit masquerading as an Everyman) lectures the left on how they should run their party to his satisfaction. It’s a fascinating if not tiring exercise in extended hubris that isn’t worth a shred of anyone’s time. And that’s being charitable.
tom (oklahoma city)
If moderate Democrats would quit calling Sanders a Communist he could win. We are on a path to erase FDR and LBJ, who were Socialists = Communists.
ttr (Port Townsend, Wa.)
I can't squint that hard, David... The economy is being "resuscitated" at the expense of the health of our future on this planet... perhaps all life. This "dumb it down " and let lfe be a reality tv show for the "bread and circus" contingent... really has little effect on our standing here on this isolated planet... and our children know this. Banging your drum for the economy is more or less futile... when so few of us are working for a sustainable civilized approach to living life. However... until the Democrats can begin to understand and speak to the utter hopelessness that sends intelligent people to Trump... little progress will be made. Your point is crystal clear, Mr. Brooks! The Democrats don't have to wrestle in the mud with Trump... they need to get their heads out of the clouds and come down to earth where the people live, and get real. We the People... need a future that works for us... and prioritizes our lives 'right now' over the impersonal and predatory welfare of financial interests and corporate indifference to real human needs. The GOP has become the most dangerous organization in the history of the world. We must get a handle on this!
Waylon Wall (Austin USA)
In her gut Nancy knew impeachment was a bad idea and resisted it all through Mueller. But when Ukraine came out and Trump ordered the cover-up, she believed she had no choice. Turns out she may have been right the first time.
vsr (salt lake city)
Nine months left, and the Democratic Party is running a sophomoric primary. Sis-boom-bah. Save us, Bloomberg. Maybe Citizens United wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Arkemano (Atlanta)
The Democrats need to back off the angry man (old or young) shtick. Give us something TO VOTE FOR not against. Take Brooks’ advice. (Oh, & to the pols and journalists: tone down the vocabulary so the broad electorate gets what you’re talking about.)
James (Indiana)
You should ask the union hourly workers at FCA ....Chrysler if the economy is working for them. They just seven thousand dollar annual profit sharing checks like last year. And Chrysler is bringing back a thousand jobs from Mexico to Michigan. Democrats have reason to be afraid.
TyroneShoelaces (Hillsboro, Oregon)
The real casualty here is the truth. Once it no longer matters, we're in uncharted territory.
Will Goubert (Portland Oregon)
Everyone just stop with all this hand wringing and every other day week a dark oped / story. Yes Trump has a solid core of supporters (I consider them political zombies or ill informed at this point) Right is right and wrong is simply so bad with this President.... There are more than enough voters out there to defeat Trump and the Republicans - just get out there let's pick a candidate and beat this guy. Enough with the darkness I've had enough for at least 3 yrs! Go get the vote out in Nov. This is very doable.
Jim Paulson (Chicago area)
I hope after this Trump congratulatory piece, David Brooks has the courage to read Waad al Kateab's story on being forced to face death alone. For shame...
Nomad (FL)
538's aggregated polls put him at 43 percent, still many fathoms under water. Clinton's poll numbers hovered around 70 percent after he was impeached.
Daniel Solomon (MN)
So, David says Trump's State of the Union speech had been "upbeat" mostly? Really?! I thought he talked mostly about murders and myhem brough on by immigrants like myself! What is funny is that David is not the only white journalist to claim that Trump's speech was not the pornography I have seen; it's Pelosi, another CBS journalist insisted, who showed lack of self-control. What I am forced to consider as a result is that it seems like some white folks have surprisingly high threshold for tolerance of racism as long as it's somebody else's racism, i.e. they won't be held personally accountable for it. No wonder Trump had won the presidency, and might still win a second term, in spite of his overt racism; because, you know, people can still tolerate his racism and support him as long as Trump is the racist, not them. That's disingenuous. If you voted for Trump and enjoy and benefit from his policies, then, it's only fair to claim him as yours, racism and all.
Julie (Utah)
Mr. Brooks, the Democrats are once again working on it: losing.
Barbara Peterson (Washington)
Mr. Brooks, I agree with you - Trump is beatable but not if we don't rethink the message, and agree that we all support that person that can beat Trump - and it may not be the person that comes through the Iowa caucuses, New Hampshire primaries, etc. And the message will be a variant of "it's the economy, stupid" but I haven't yet heard the rallying cry....and we need to imagine the Democratic voter base to be VERY diverse....c'mon D's!!
Roman (PA)
So we’re characterizing Bernie supporters as closet Trump voters? “Bernie Bros” wasn’t enough of a ridiculous condemnation? The general consensus among Sanders supporters is “vote blue no matter what.” Let’s not make this something it isn’t.
ARL (Texas)
Trump's behavior after the acquittal could not sink any lower. In all his time as president not once did he behave presidentially. Even when he wins he responds vindictive and viciously. His press secretary announces he will get revenge. And all of that to the applause of the Republicans officials and followers. Can this administration sink lower? People like Mr. Brooks maybe subconsciously still glorify his success. what a fantastic politician, conman, he is and the Democrats can't win. No debate about the real issues, his shortcomings, his real character flaws, of his name-calling and vindictive and viscious behavior, and malice and dishonesty, nothing. It took forever to call his lies what they are, lies.
Joe Langford (Austin, TX)
Brooks' figures on the numbers of Sanders' primary voters in 2016 voted for Trump in the general election are alarming, to say the least. Where did these numbers come from? Brooks needs to cite his source. He refers to a survey which finds only 53% of Sanders voters will vote for the Democratic nominee if it is someone besides Sanders. He is obviously using the scariest numbers he can find. I read this column with a lot of skepticism. Yes, there are Bernie fanatics who care only about him being elected. If they are in the huge numbers Brooks asserts, then the future of this country is more hopeless than I realized. These Sanders-Trump voters are equally as ignorant and dangerous to democracy as the most rabid MAGA voters.
robbiecanuck5 (Canada)
What is astounding is whether Americans can be so naive or so downright ignorant of the multitude of moral failings, obvious unfitness and intellectually bankrupt policy decisions of this Pretender that they would actually vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming election. The rest of the World simply shakes it's head in disbelief at the stupefying image of a incompetent buffoon running your country. The recent sham of a Senate "trial," the numerous corrupt efforts to deny voters registration, the corruption of the loaded weighting in some states of electoral college votes, the use of the byzantine Electoral College system to begin with, the denial of the Presidency with the most votes now proves that the USA is far from being a democratic country but rather a 3rd rate oligarchy.
Former Fan (Florida)
Another horrible take from David Brooks. If Trump gets re-elected it will be because the pundits are working overtime to normalize his cheating and lying. Again. Speaker Pelosi ripped up his speech because it was a hideous pack of lies and because he turned the SOTU into a reality TV show, NOT because it was such a great speech. Just when I think David Brooks is starting to be rational, he goes off the deep end again.
Charles Michener (Gates Mills, OH)
David Brooks is right that the capitalism issue is a loser. The subject is too huge, too diffuse and, in any case, America's backbone is comprised of all the small businesses, entrepreneurial projects and, yes, corporate communities that have made us the world's wealthiest country. Opportunity inequality is closer to the bone, with numerous points of approach (NOT including Bernie's tear-down-the-house approach). Another potent issue is the uglification of our public arena under Trump, the divisiveness he sows, his mendacity, his I'm-above-the-law behavior (thank you, Alan Dershowitz). The worst thing the opposition can do right now is play Chicken Little. The sky isn't falling. All Trump despisers (a better word than "haters") need to pull up their socks.
Scott (Puerto Vallarta)
Historians will record the day of acquittal when democracy perished.
Joseph M (Sacramento)
An oligarch spewing campaign funds with no pretense of winning, just spoiling Bernie. "Electable Guy" Biden with all that Iraq war cheerleading footage. Let's dump DLC and stand for something, which also means having something to build on (improve over time).
Tim C (West Hartford)
Americans don't seem to realize that public schools, Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid (among other programs) are each forms of socialization. We don't have a capitalism-vs-socialism choice in America. And those who say they are dyed in the wool capitalists but don't you dare touch my Social Security are the worst of hypocrites.
Chris Anderson (Chicago)
The reason your party can not win is because of progressives and the likes of Pelosi. I would not for a Democrat this year although I am registered as such. As soon as Trump wins I will also change to the Republican Party. Limit the amount of crazies and you might have a chance.
Mark Bee (Oakland, CA)
Again, why are so many conservative columnists writing an awfully lot of articles about the Democrat candidates and how the Democrats should run? They are trying their best to frame the narrative amongst us for their advantage
Carlyle T. (New York City)
They already have unless Mike Bloomberg gets the nomination he knows how to play the media as well as Trump ,Trump cursing today is playing the media.
dbuemi (Maryland)
The republicans are playing to win while the democrats are playing by the rules and laws that have made our democracy high functioning and the envy of the world. Trump and the republicans are lawless and are steamrolling America right into an authoritarian state.
Tricia (California)
Bigotry, hatred, xenophobia, racism all work in this country, in this time period. We are a sad lot. And people don’t seem to care about the debt they are passing on to their children. We are a sad lot.
Rick's Thoughts (USA)
David Brooks you should pay a bit more attention to the thoughts pf political analysts like Rachel Bitecofer. Trump has already lost this election.
Ron Marcus (New Jersey)
David, I am sure it’s fun to live your life in the political aristocracy of the New York Times . I respect your opinion . However, you are totally unaware of the world below your hallowed halls. Bernie Sanders will be the next President of the United States. Period.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
Americans, like Brooks, who have been untouched by the crushing reality that this country has become a third world country for millions, that without a Green New Deal, life on earth is dead, believe we should just smile more and get in line again to vote for more of the same. If you’re standing at the bottom of a well, when neither red rope or blue rope don’t reach down half-way, they are both useless.
LPalmer (Albany, NY)
In 2016 Hillary lost because A. She was a flawed, weak candidate. B. She ran an ineffective, unfocused, wishy washy campaign. C Minorities and Bernie supporters stayed home or voted third party. And, Voila! Trump ascends. Now the Democrats are unsurprisingly finding a way to give Trump the Terrible four more years. Biden is predictably and rapidly passing his expiration date like a piece of day old toast with a bad case of the mumbles. Sanders (aka Jeremy Corbyn redux) says he's a Socialist and definitely loved the Communists in the 1970's. Trump would eat him as a bedtime snack and again Bernie's supporters say they won't show up at the polls for anyone else Buttigieg is an inexperienced, small city mayor who polls near zero with minorities and is gay (unfortunately and unfairly a turnoff for too many voters). Warren tries hard to get to Bernie's left and has a plan that won't work for everything. She can easily bring to mind fingernails on the blackboard and she never recovered from her Medicare for All funding mess. Klobuchar, who apparently likes to bowbeat her own staff, has less chance than a week old lottery ticket found on the convenience store floor. And Bloomberg with his many billions would keep every Bernie supporter home on election day and I'm guessing minority turnout for Bloomberg would trail Hillary given his signature stop and frisk policy in NYC. There are no Obamas in this mix. 20 plus candidates and none of them could win in November. Yuck!
Chris (Rancho Mirage)
Let Trump walk down Fifth Avenue and see how far he goes... bang Majority of good Americans want him gone for good!
Eric (United States)
David Brooks, your cognitive dissonance is showing. Trump is abhorrent, abhorrent I TELL YA, but this economy? Oh, boy this economy! Mr. Brooks would have you believe that we're humming along, and the only change we need is to dump the Annoying Orange, and elect a "respectable" president like Michael Bloomberg. Trump's bigotry has provided Brooks and his ilk with an escape hatch. They can preform their "values", and never address their advocacy for a corporate welfare state. He raises the pom-poms for a predatory capitalism animated by public subsidies of low interest rates and corporate tax breaks. Once gain, Mr. Brooks fails to see how the Trump presidency, and the American social, moral, and spiritual vacuums so often bemoaned, are resultants of the economic class and privilege he seeks to protect.
Vision (Long Island NY)
Yes, like John Gotti, the new "Teflon Don" D.J.Trump has been acquitted again ! Don Trump, with the help of his consigliere Mitch McConnell and numerous captains, enforcers and associates, has again avoided conviction.  He will continue with his verbal assassinations and political "hits" but like John Gotti, Don Trump will eventually pay the consequences under direction of the prosecutors from the Southern district of New York ! Until then, we must have hope that the Constitution, people of courage and the strong resolve of the faithful, will preserve our democracy !
Mel (Louisiana)
I was wrong. Just when I thought that Republicans were acting like tiny, obstinant children the Democrats have outdone them! My granddaughter at 4 years of age decided that her grandfather was POPE FRANCIS. (They do look alike.) Nothing would persuade her that the POPE was not her grandfather! I showed her photos. She claimed the white robes were her grandfather's Easter Dress, and the College of Cardinals was his soccer team. BELIEVING IN SOMETHING DOES NOT MAKE IT SO! Bernie Sanders or his ilk can't win an election against Trump or any other Republican. The votes are not there! Get out of the east/west coast bubble. Wake up Dems! You have the fate of America in your hands! Stop this egocentric behavior and nominate someone who has a fighting chance to dethrone that dysfunctional Baby in the White House.
Mary Carmel Kaczmarek (Winston-Salem, NC)
David Brooks - I know you are suffering in the age of Trump. Anyone with ten brain cells and an iota of moral conscience is suffering - and you have much more than that (in both categories). But my dear man - pull yourself together! Trump will reign for a while longer, and then - like most trends that have run their course - he and his creepy family will fall out of favor. It happened to Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, and the Bushes - just to name a few. Fashion moves on. He will be left in the dustbin of history along with his Adams Family of Trump losers. Of course he may continue to do a lot if damage before he is run out of town on a rail and our country and is people will pay a price. But, in some way shape or form, just like Gloria Gaynor - we will survive.
Matt Semrad (New York)
What's Brooks' plan: Run a campaign that says Trump is a jerk? We know that. Everyone knows that. If the economy is truly good, no one cares. If the economy is truly good for everyone, for the future of this country, Trump should stay in charge. So, Brooks' beliefs are in conflict. He believes only a moral president could possibly bring on prosperity, and he believes tax cuts and deregulation bring shared prosperity. Trump offers the latter but not the former. Bernie Sanders is a moral man. He does not cheat on his wife, he is honest, to a fault. Everyone agrees he is authentic, even if you hate what he says. And yet, Brooks wouldn't give Bernie, the moral man, the time of day in terms of the presidential election.
Wizened (San Francisco, CA)
One of the popular Democrat candidates needs to get behind Bloomberg as a possible VP ASAP.
Steve Beck (Middlebury, VT)
Please recall O.J.Simpson. Acquitted does not mean NOT GUILTY.
Prof (Austin, TX)
So Mr. Brooks, are there Democrat who, if nominated, would lead you to vote for Trump?
sb (WI)
where are you and your I'll, Mr Brooks? if you don't want the Democrats to lose, actively join the fight.
Luciano Oliveira (New York)
As an immigrant, I am a proud supporter of President Donald Trump. It is sad to see so many people trapped in the echo chamber that NYT is. NYT does not report facts. Instead, it tries really hard to shape reality. Russia, impeachment, etc. - all columnists wanting to be the smartest person in the room by devising the newest theory or scheme to demean or oust our elected President. President's Trump got flaws, yes, and they are not few. However, he gets things done and has advanced USA's agenda in a way that no democrat candidate could even dream about. No hope that readers of this newspaper would change their minds and leave the left echo chamber. But, know that President Trump will win big time because he is the president that the People want, MINORITIES INCLUDED.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
Will the Democrats support Sanders? All this, Blue Wave, Blue No Matter Who... Do you want to win or not? Will you all support Sanders, our chance to unite the country to beat Trump?
Michael Trobe (Palo Alto)
Yes- and look what Mike Bloomberg said tonight in his op-ed. Mike’s saying he’s going to fix inequality. No we’re getting somewhere!
Rainne (Venice, Florida)
What will work for the Democrats? Getting the vote out!! Whoever gets the Democratic presidential nomination, a commitment by the Democrats, Independents and anti-Trumper Republicans to vote, will make a huge difference in beating Trump!! There will be many of us, on the ground, working to get the vote out. I can guarantee it!!!
PersimmonJam (US)
What happened in 2016 that allowed Trump to be elected? He won white, blue collar voters over from the Democratic party. The Democratic Party's answer to that is, well, they are racist or sexists or probably both, so they are to be placed in the "deplorable" group, anyhow. A group that they created and started pushing more and more people (IE. voters!) into. This forced these exiled people to vote Republican (the same people that, coincidentally, voted for Obama earlier). Essentially, Democrats will take any mundane policy issue and make into a moral imperative as an method to try and win an argument. Agree with us, or be grouped into the bucket along with all the rest of the "Deplorables". It was an effective weapon for many years, but that weapon is no longer effective. People see how it is being misused and are now immune to it. As an example, reasonable people against late term abortion aren't misogynists trying to control women's place in society. Perhaps, perhaps, that issue is difficult for some people to morally reconcile. But Democrats, said there is no place in the party for them (as did Pete Buttigieg recently) . My sorrowful prediction is that Trump may win over larger than normal percentages from other groups of voters and Democrats will not know what hit them in 2020. They will be dumb founded like they were in 2016. Maybe he could get 20% African Americans, 45% Latino, 45% Asian Americans. A landslide might occur. I sure hope not.
joe (Florida)
Well, upbeat "Morning in America" Trump didn't last very long, did it?
Peter Calahan (Varanasi)
Please stop using stats from 2016 as “proof” of some argument Those voters are seeing things differently now wouldn’t you say ? If Bernie fans - and I am one - want to stew instead of vote should he fail to be nominated that will not be the response he asks of them, and this will not be the election where we roll dice because we didn’t like Hillary. We are in a completely new mind set, incumbency notwithstanding. I am more concerned with the problems addressed by G Soros re: Facebook in last weeks Op-Ed, and the many risks discussed in R Hasen’s new book “Election Meltdown”. It’s much more about spinning, lying & cheating this time - polling (today ? tonight ? next Tue ?) not so much.
Vic Williams (Reno, Nevada)
“Morning in America?” I spit out my coffee. Millions of us are mourning for America.
x (USA)
Since the Times did not post this the first time -- Funny how every New York Times writer seems to think Sanders will lose to Trump -- as far as I can recall, none of them correctly predicted Trump's win over Clinton. Brooks, your motives are painfully obvious, like everyone else saying the same thing you are. You would rather have Trump as president than Bernie Sanders, so you're trying to make it seem like the latter option isn't realistic or viable. But of course it is. Iowa as good as said so.
GermanShepherd (Western NY)
That speech was not upbeat at all. It was a bunch of frontier white man stereotypes trotted out that referred to conquering the environment and manifest destiny, and was simply pathetic delivered by a man so soft and lazy that he could never swing an ax or discover anything. This college educated white suburban mom was repulsed.
Sophia (chicago)
Moral bankruptcy.
Mattbk (NYC)
Mr. Brooks, good column pointing out the obvious, but judging by the reaction here you've just sent NYT readers over the edge. That says a lot about NYT readership, which has skewed even further to the left (just look at the headlines for other opinion columnists). I hope you continue to tell it like it is through the rest of the election cycle.
Brian Turner (Perth, Western Australia)
"Second, impeachment never became a topic of conversation among rank-and-file Democrats, let alone independents and Republicans, so it was easily defeated in the Senate." I'm sorry, please cite evidence for this? And if Bernie Sander's followers vote for Trump then they deserve the outcome...being so spiteful that you cannot bite your tongue and vote for the next-most tolerable candidate is just ridiculous. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho
Sean Daly Ferris (Pittsburgh)
I am sorry for having read this conglomerations of totally unrelated reasons why trumps will be re elected. He will be re-elected the same way he was elected by a minority in the first place. The votes will be stolen by some nonferrous method and the government will be unable to tell it citizens
Don Shipp. (Homestead Florida)
The Democratic party has serious work to do. Donald Trump's popularity is driven by alienation. The alienated support Trump and  his flaunting of political and behavioral norms, because it allows them to vicariously strike a blow against the established elites who they blame  for the changing values, economic insecurity, and growing cultural diversity, that threatens them. When Trump engages in serial lying, spews vulgarities, engages in political thuggery, or abuses of presidential power, it is secondary to the satisfaction the alienated get from knowing how much Donald Trump's behavior outrages those they blame for their own feelings of impotence and disaffection. The existential threat this poses for American society is that empirical facts and evidence are no longer dispositive. The acquittal of Donald Trump is a clear example of this. Exacerbating this situation is the craven morphing of the Mitch McConnell controlled  U.S. Senate, into a den of Trump sycophancy and Republican political cowardice.
John A. Figliozzi (Clifton Park, NY)
The fault for Trump’s presidency lies not with the Democrats but with the electorate and the ridiculous for our times Electoral College which swings every close election in the opposite direction of what the majority of voters want. If, after watching Trump desecrate the presidency for four years, this electorate doesn’t realize that anyone would be a more suitable executive, then that electorate deserves what it gets. Looking for another scapegoat — which is what Brooks is doing here — is just polemical nonsense.
MLE53 (NJ)
trump must be acknowledged as the most dangerous, disgusting, petty man in America. We must acknowledge that he lies and cheats and we cannot have him in our government. We must acknowledge that the democrats proved the impeachable offenses and the republicans have sold their souls at a chance to be re-elected. We must acknowledge that our rights need to be protected and trump does not believe in anyone’s rights except his right to scam, distort and destroy. Companies love de-regulation, they do not care about polluting our air and water and destroying protected lands as long as they make a profit. We must concern ourselves with tomorrow as well as today. trump is not capable of a thought beyond his nose.
Brenda Snow (Tennessee)
We must remember, reading this, that David Brooks is a Republican. He can’t understand what motivates Democrats; it isn’t in him.
osavus (Browerville)
trump and the republicans excel at wedge issues such as Kaepernick kneeling, unisex toilets, God, guns and gays while racking up the largest U.S. deficit in the history of our country. In other words, they work like a pickpocket, divert your attention while they lift your this case containing a trillion dollars.
Eric (Westchester, NY)
Trump won. Russia hoax through Meuller through a partisan impeachment that Pelosi knew at one time was the wrong action. The Democrats deserve to lose as they actively made our national discussion poisonous.
Lauren (Sacramento)
Is Mitt Romney the only Republican with moral courage? I am astounded that you would spin Trump’s State of the Union as an effective, upbeat, Morning in America speech. Don’t Republicans have some responsibility to call out the many lies in his speech and to reject a Republican president giving the Medal of Freedom to a blatant misogynist and racist? You keep calling on Democrats to do something about Trump. What about you? Where are your values? Where is your sense of responsibility? Instead, you ask Progressives to go against their own values so that you will feel comfortable voting for the Democratic choice. I have followed you for years, and I cannot be more disappointed. It’s the opposite of the greatest generation. Moderate Republicans need to take a stand.
Jimal (Connecticut)
Once again, I will vote for whomever the Democrats nominate. Defeating Trump is Job 1, and everything else is a distance second. But based on Iowa alone, Democrats are going to lose this election out of sheer incompetence.
Gennady (Rhinebeck)
Democrats are not giving this election away. In order to give something away, one must have something. The Democrats have nothing. Trump is trying to solve the problem of growth. He is reasonably successful. That's one reason why he is winning. Another reason is that he tries to stay close to his base. He connects with common Americans. Democrats are only capable to do shameful manipulations a la Iowa caucuses and nothing else. Americans are sick of their useless and futile shenanigans.
Bayricker (Washington)
Trump is the leader, the creator of the good times we are now enjoying. There is nothing wrong about re-electing a president who is successful for all the people - even those that profess to hate his guts.
Mark (New Jersey)
Mr. Brooks the question is whether Republicans are going to vote for a cheater? Are they going to vote for a man who cheated on his taxes, cheated his business investors, cheated on his wives and lied about it all for the last 4 years? Are they going to vote for a traitor? Are they going to vote for a man who took aid from the enemy in 2016 and tried to blackmail an ally to do it again in 2020? Are they going to vote for a man who is merely a money launderer? I think Mr. Brooks asks the wrong question. He should be asking Republicans why they vote for this kind of man? Why they vote for someone with his values? Why only Mitt Romney had the guts and the conscious to vote against Trump? I believe its because they are all corrupt and they have no issue taking advantage of uneducated Americans. They fund propaganda via FOX, Salem Media, etc and are getting aid from foreign sources. They have no backbone nor values other than putting their private interests above the public interest. They have no shame. They have installed coal lobbyists to run the EPA. They have left many government positions open creating dysfunctional government. Consumer financial protection has been abandoned. They cut corporate taxes creating massive deficits for our grandchildren so a wealthy few can receive dynastic wealth they will offshore. When America collapses they will just blame somebody else, anybody else for the collapse. That day is coming as financial deregulation is creating another bubble.
Paul D. (Switzerland)
What seriously confounds me is how little manifestion of discontent there is in the streets. If Americans cared half as much about their Constitution as the French do about their pensions, Trump would be having 2nd thoughts about staying in Power. He so desperately wants massive crowds to come out for him so what are you waiting for?
Jane (Boston)
People forget, Trump won by the slimmest of slim margins. It is highly likely that that margin is gone. He’s politically dead man walking. And many fools are following him to that inevitable loss.
Opinionista (NYC)
I am beginning to suspect, Americans don't care. A con like Trump they willl elect if money's there to spare. America is a facade, a wonderful ideal. Behind of it there lives a God who has much less appeal. His first name: Money. A fast buck. His second name is Power. Don't carry them? You're out of luck, unless to them you cower.
John Wilson (Maine)
Democrats are well-intentioned and utterly, disastrously inept. Republicans are heartlessly vicious and clever Metternichians. Employing a poorly chosen but infinitely apt word from the last presidential campaign, both of our major parties are "deplorable". Time is ripe for a fiscally prudent, competent, open-minded, ethical, and compassionate third party for the thinking people of this country... all 73 of them.
Charles (Atlanta)
Everybody take a breath and step back from the edge. Anyone with a lick of sense outside of Iowa and New Hampshire know those two states really no longer count in the scheme of today’s politics. They are a very old and now nonfunctional model. So all you media hounds - chill! Yes send in your stories but don’t make them the “sky is falling.” Please: take a chill pill.
Looks like you pelosi followers might want to ask yourselves, "What is this person doing in Washington D. C.?"
Martha R (Washington)
David Brooks is the good German, who clucks and shuffles and kept his head down and didn't go out on a limb to say anything to convince his own party that it is wrong to back a monster. Brooks feeds the monster, he pets the monster, he flatters the monster - then blames the neighbors for not killing it.
Gesualdo (New York, NY)
"...they will certainly support whomever is the Democratic nominee...." Whoever (not whomever) edits this should realize that the object of the verb support is not a single word but rather a clause. The subject of the clause is nominative, and so the sentence should read they will certainly support whoever is the Democratic nominee...."
Susanna (United States)
I’ve never voted Republican in my life, but I consider the so-called ‘progressive’ faction of the Democratic Party to be a danger to the future of our country... ...their sanctimonious obsession with ‘race and gender’ identity politics...their seditious advocacy, ad nauseam, on behalf of illegal aliens and mass immigration against the best interests of the American citizenry...their whitewashing of Antisemitism and reverse-bigotry within their own ranks...their sketchy economic agenda. The so-called called ‘progressive’ faction has rendered the Democratic Party unrecognizable. I truly fear for the future of this country if they ever gain majority rule.
Al (Ohio)
Capitalism in America has always been coupled with significant socialist regulations that advantaged white men.
Amanda Jones (Chicago)
It's about Trump stupid, not the economy..that should be the democratic mantra---in the next several months Trump will give the Democrats plenty of, as Mr. Brooks states, value issues to feast on. Stop with the capitalism is broke---by the way, it is---and go low. As a footnote, get rid of Tom Perez and bring in Rahm Emanuel.
Darkler (L.I.)
Democrats are acting like self-involved, self-indulgence nitwits. They don't stick together. With zero strategy, they don't know how to win.
Health care, anyone?
Mark (Cheboygan)
Just one more forum in the NYT's for anti-Sanders voters who want to vent that it was Sanders' fault that Hillary lost and for the NYTimes to promote that view. By promoting this insult, the Times is intentionally splitting the party, thus guaranteeing the very thing they profess to be against which is the re-election of DJT.
Susan Zeiger (Irvington, NY)
American corporate news media has taken a definite negative stance towards Bernie Sanders, Socialism, and any attempt at Progressivism. However biased and self-serving American corporate news media is, I believe that they are making a mistake misconstruing Bernie and what he represents. They continue to frantically come up with a neo-liberal substitute candidate they are more comfortable with, rather than take seriously Americans’ desire for radical change. However, If Bernie isn't the democratic candidate, Americans will lose hope and refuse to vote.Trump will win again. If this happens Trump’s “insane” policies, which currently has everyone laughing and shaking their heads, will start to form into a scenario that is horrible but actually makes ominous sense. Trump isn’t a fool for pulling out troops from the Kurdish territories. He is just supporting his “new base” – instead of the Nazi fascists of the US, he is now joining forces with the same forces worldwide: Duarte in the Philippines, Bolcenaro in Brazil, Putin, MBS, Erdogon. By that time, thinking that Bernie Saunders and Elizabeth Warren were ever a threat to democracy and capitalism will seem a sad and bitter joke.
Sterno (Va)
The Berniites demand a Soviet-level standard of ideological purity. In their minds, it's better to sit-out, re-elect (again) a Fascist than sully their membership in Bernie's Politburo.
Doug Tarnopol (Cranston, RI)
Only if they listen to you, Dave. Only if they listen to you.
Thector (Alexandria)
David, what is it going to be 3 or 4 articles from now before you join the Trump bandwagon?
Queen Anne (London)
Your white, privileged “felt reality” bears no similarity to OUR “felt reality,” Brooks.
M. J. Shepley (Sacramento)
Doomed to 4 more (or forever?) years of Caligula, with The Grim Reaper killing bills in the Senate...huh... The country is suddenly more Gop than Dem, and half think extorting fake news against an opponent is PERFECT...huh...(bullbleep, outlier, one poll) Time to ex pat. (how did Gallup do in 16?) Some Dem needs to begin asking: what happens when the bubble bursts this time. GDP up around 40%, DOW is that not a bubble waiting to burst? Who do you want to fix it when it happens, not IF, WHEN? The 2nd big Q to posit: what happens when the GOP Supreme Court declares ACA void? Just take the deal the Ins Industrial Complex will offer- more tax $$$ subsidy, or else? Dems need to know now that MSM will not help them...take a page from Murdock, Rush, et alia...make your own media. Fast (& JFK, Trump did not run against sitting Prez, Trump not against sitting VP even...)
Steve McMahon (Ontario, Canada)
Unfortunately, Americans on the whole, seem to lack critical reading and reasoning skills. This is apparent in their electing reality tv hosts whose catch phrase was, "you're fired." They can't comprehend that their president conspired with a foreign government and why that is bad. (Keeping the words small here). He cheated on his wife while she was pregnant, steals from charities, mocks the appearance of others (despite being a fat tub himself), is clearly a racist and worst of all is a fan of Fox News. If that's not a reason to vote for anyone but Trump I don't know what is. Whenever I hear about or read about anyone supporting Trump my only question is, "Are you stupid or just a clod that doesn't care about the future of your country or the welfare of your children?" Just sayin.
Thomas (Vermont)
Brooks’ sugar high from the prayer breakfast hasn’t worn off yet. He’d overlook anything as long as it’s wrapped up in pseudo-Christianity.
Mary Elizabeth Lease (Eastern Oregon)
February 5th 2020 President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 42, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +13 President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 44, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +10
David (Michigan)
Brooks: Get out of your castle of delusion and go see what life is like for people living average American lives - or indeed those living below-average lives. All those Gallup polls etc are demographically skewed. Spend some time in the outskirts of New Orleans or Toledo and you may have a harder time condoning systemic immiseration in these silly Op-Eds.
eb (maine)
Your problem David, is that you still don't understand or realize that Trump is a symbol of racism. That and nothing else. That he only cares about himself is but secondary. The KKK just endorsed him. His anti immigration, his locking up little kids, his ant-Muslim, his hatred of Democrats--he calls Bernie a Communist, while he believes Putin, and so forth--this is what he is and is what his followers want. So rather than call out the Democrats, focus on who Trump is, please.
Zareen (Earth 🌍)
Stop slandering Sanders’ supporters. All you ever do is stoke fear and try to convince people to embrace what you can centrism which is actually fake compassionate conservatism. We all know you’re a morally superior condescending Republican columnist so why are you even pretending to care about the Democratic party’s nominee for president? “Freedom is the one value conservatives place above all others, yet time and again, their ideal of freedom ignores the growing imbalance of power in our society that's eroding the freedoms of most people.” “Centrism is bogus.” — Robert Reich, Economist, Former Labor Secretary & Bernie Sanders Supporter
heyomania (pa)
Impeachment Lessons Pelosi et al, the company store, Didn’t consider what Trump had in store, With no defense, and no factual shield Dershowitz rose with the sword he would wield; Fast talking hammer from Harvard he came Withstanding abuse from libs who’d defame Trumpster’s defense, but the jury was fixed - No way that he’d lose, but the verdict was mixed; Holy Mitt Romney with conscience on fire Wasn’t a pol that whose vote was for hire, So Donald let loose, but what could you expect Mitt would get pummeled right up to his neck; Say your payers, Mitt, ask for heaven’s help now, Trump’s on the warpath and taking a bow.
Rage Haver (Miami, FL)
Why do Democrats let Republicans tell them who to vote for? David Brooks has a sinfully low opinion of normal people.
College Prof (Brooklyn)
Of course this won't be published: I detest this sycophantic self-obsessed standard bearer of schlocky mediocrity and plagiarized statistics. And a hypocrite too.
rhporter (Virginia)
I know David's ideal Dem candidate: Romney
Shirley (Tucson)
David Brooks, Brett Stevens....the Times they are a changin'.
Bryan (Kalamazoo, MI)
If people really are feeling as good as Brooks says they are, the Dems can't respond to them by saying "No you don't actually feel good! Not really". ***But isn't there also a lot of evidence that people DON'T feel that good right now? I'm kind of skeptical of this view that "all is well" suddenly. And this "either you're for capitalism or against it" theme of Trump's is utter nonsense. You don't try to expand health care because you think capitalism doesn't work--you try to expand it because people NEED IT, and aren't getting it. Trying to figure out a way to get them insurance (Obamacare) was never a war against capitalism! Only in our country could lack of health care become an ideological football! At the same time though, think about this: the last three Democratic presidents were each elected when people had a very strong sense that the economy had gone off the rails. And a lot of people in this country don't really think big picture that much, but only something like: "will I be able to make enough money to take care of my family?" And its hard to blame them, but that kind of person probably won't give the other party a try if they feel secure themselves. Too bad they don't understand that we're basically one supreme court vacancy away from minority rule, and path toward the end of democracy. No amount of personal financial success will be able to fix that once it happens! Is a downturn the only thing that can save us now?
Otis Tarnow-Loeffler (Los Angeles)
Our transformation into Soviet Russia is complete. Reading such obvious nonsense from David Brooks is pure Soviet style disinformation.
daniel lathwell (willseyville ny)
Week after week David, your ownership of Trump becomes more solid. I believe the circus is already full up with contortionists. Most already have their mouth full of marbles.
D (Btown)
Trump is annoying, Bernie is a nightmare. What is more annoying than a nightmare is Conservatives like David Brooks who would rather see an avowed Communist in the WH than give Trump 4 more years. Its the arrogance, they will have to admit are wrong, and if they do that they will have to admit they are irrelevant, and if they do that they will lay down and die
Doris Keyes (Washington, DC)
Actually not. He will go down as the worst president ever(though Bush may share that honor). He is a loser and history will judge him as such.
Stacy VB (NYC)
All I would like to know is this: what are YOU going to do about it, David Brooks?
mutineer (Geneva, NY)
An accused rapist, one who brags of sexually assaulting women and calls the biggest danger to the lives and livelihoods of billions of people a hoax, is our leader. Nothing matters anymore. Not Brooks or anyone else writing anything. At the time the world needed us most we showed the world we are a stupid people. We chose this man to lead us. We stink. We failed.
Patty (Florida)
Yes, let the democrats begin their "moral" revival by banning late term abortions instead of lighting up the NYC skyline pink in celebration of this barbaric procedure.
momalle3 (arlington va)
Sure dave, Your party is now a party of authoritarian fascists, but the real problem is the democrats.
Richard Wilson (Boston,MA)
Had Mr. Brooks been a pundit when Pearl Harbor was attacked, one could just imagine his headline, "Good day for the Japanese."
Ed (Oklahoma City)
It's par for the course with Brooks, a lifelong Republican operative, taking stabs at the Democratic Party as being in chaos, while his corrupt president continues to destroy our Democratic institutions and norms every day of the week. Most recently he was promoting Biden and Klobuchar because he views them as middle of the road, or in other words, Republican lite. Now his panties are in a knot over Bernie, Bloomberg and Pete. He doesn't mention Sen. Warren, the smart, energetic and experienced woman. Heavens no, Sen. Warren is a female and the GOP cannot stand them as politicians.
Phil (Upstate NY)
Trumps on a roll baby! Keep it moving. Sick and tired of dems and their doom and gloom racial identity politics. Has anyone heard of the new Dem legislation that may be introduced named "A New Way Forward Act" Prioritizing illegal aliens over US citizens and permitting their release despite felony related crimes. Just google it....complete insanity and disregard for common sense. Trump is the only one who has the audacity to stand up to Dem nonsense. We can only hope, vote and donate for re-election in 2020.
skyfiber (melbourne, australia)
Yep. Vast upsides to the US because of re-negotiated trade deals, a tremendous possible upside by negotiating a fabulous trade deal with a newly free UK, a hot currency, a hot stock market, historically low un-employmnpent, wages up, terrorist leaders dead, a stake-in-the-ground Middle East proposal (that will show Palestinians for what they are....AGAIN)...and we will vote in Bernie? Don’t. Make. Me. laugh!
Jonathan (Philadelphia)
The Dems need a real New Yawker (Bloomberg) to beat the New Yawker currently in the White House.
Sparrow Worthen (Oregon)
Seems as long as the repos are willing to shred our constitution and trumpism accepts crime and mafia tactics to maintain control this cabal will never stop until all supporters are killed. But this is the plan. I e civil war. Divide and destroy the USA for Russia’s gain
Harley Leiber (Portland OR)
Oregon Democrat here. Blue state. No need to send anyone to campaign. We'll send money. Having said that, if Bernie is the nominee we are assured another 4 years of Trump. Bernie will be cast as a 60's lefty socialist who wants to take your money and give it to someone else. And, if he's counting on a huge turnout of youth voters ( impassioned college students who were nowhere to be seen during impeachment? Please!) Forget it. Bernie and Sen Liz Warren want to trash the current healthcare system, eliminate private insurance and replace it with Medicare for all. The problem is all those unionized voters have their healthcare thru their employers..and it is private. So, they'd rather just keep what they've got. The alternative just plain scares them. The only thing that everyone agrees on is keeping coverage for preexisting conditions. The way to beat Trump isn't by arguing policy. It's by framing him as a cruel bully ( caging kids), a liar ( 16K and counting), a tax cheat ( documented), misogynist ( documented) and a vindictive, petty, thin skinned boar. Biden and Klobuchar have the jam to do that....Trump will wither.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
Not every voter is a cheap dollar bill like Donald Trump, Lord Brooks. Sure it's true that many voters will vote simplistically on whether or not the good economic times are rolling or not, but many voters have much more depth than that. People care that this administration has borrowed like drunken sailors (unprecedentedly in an expansion era), has massacred environmental regulations, has stepped on the accelerator of manmade global warming, has lied about and attacked healthcare for millions, rigs the courts, can't stand female sovereignty, rejects voter rights whenever possible, refuses to compromise on anything, and lets the President act like questions asked. People care that this President governs only for 45% of the nation and not one American more because of his spectacularly spiteful, resentful, stunted man of President who seems happiest when hurting others. People care that this President is unPresidential from morning til night and that he has a soft spot for the world's dictators and authoritarians. People care that this President is a lowlife, someone who needs to call people names to express his inner self, and someone who lowers the bar of decency and humanity for an entire nation, especially the youth of this country who see this abomination of a man as our national leader. People care that this guy is national disgrace. And people care that Democratic policies are much more humane than than those of the Reverse Robin Hood caucus.
Lorrie (Anderson, CA)
Mr. Brooks, so misguided, but true to form. Donald Trump has little to nothing to do with the economy. Capitalism dictates the economy. It is an old saw that Presidents take the credit or the blame for the economy. Furthermore, why in 'H' should the Democrats acknowledge anything about Trump? Why, because he is a serial criminal yet to be caught, tried and convicted, and a corrupt thug with a filthy mouth who gets the biggest charge out of insulting and bullying anyone who gets in his way; he is a danger to the Republic. I sometimes wonder Mr. Brooks, goodness knows you are consistent so I expect your latest hair brained notions. Give it up, you are an adoring fan and a Republican loyalist. What do you have to contribute, I know, just your opinion, as I express mine. Am I too harsh?
jimfaye (Ellijay, GA)
The real truth about how corrupt Trump is will come out, and before the election. He is a complete cheat and a liar with no class or intellect whatsoever. He lied repeatedly during his State of the Union speech....that is the only reason Nancy Pelosi tore up his speech on camera. He continues to lie even after everybody knows what he is saying is a lie. The truth will come out eventually and this man might even have to go to prison for his past cheating and crimes against so many people. If tax cuts and conservative judges mean that much to people that they will ignore all his cheating and crime (fake university, fake charity, mob-like friends with the likes of Jeffrey Epstein, lying about his grades in school, assault on many women, paying no taxes, ,many bankrupts, cheating on all his three wives, etc. etc.) then America will just get what she deserves.
Jacob B Graziano (Ambler,PA)
Forget the polls, the economy, socialism, and capitalism; Donald Trump is a serial cheater. He will commit another impeachable offense and his tax information will become public, which will reveal him to be a fraud.We will be saved by Mr Bloomberg from Trumpian Capitalism and King Donald.
Michael Cooke (Bangkok)
How about a middle of the road candidate who just comes across as sane?
IAmANobody (America)
I doubt this comment will get much attention; the NYT won't pick it thus few will read it. But I'm not the person I was in 60s; best I can do now is vote, donate a little money, and sound an alarm and hope someone hears and heeds it. So I write, it's probably futile but at least I'm doing something. First for the truth of the matter re: economy one needs to probe deeper than Trump rhetoric and also recognize that all that glittered is not gold. As a start read Rattner's take here My assessment independent of Rattner and Krugman is this: we are going into debt and mortgaging our future to maintain a sugar high now; we are neglecting or actively amplifying major problems that WILL bite us severely sooner or later; we aren't improving/modernizing educational and social structures and other support systems.
Douglas (Sens, France)
David Brooks, You write "That suggests that 'Democrats should acknowledge' that the economy has done well since the Obama recovery in 2009. 'They should argue that' this is the time to take advantage of prosperity to begin a moral and social revival." This is precisely the language that is getting Trump reelected. "Democrats should acknowledge" to whom??? "They should argue" whom??? What are you spinning, Mr Brooks. The language you are using leads to nowhere and says absolutely nothing. Wendell Berry wrote a groundbreaking book, "Standing By Words", North Point Press. Journalists are throwing us under the bus by not understanding the words they are using. Republican voters are brainwashed and were always going to vote for Trump. Democratic voters are deluded in thinking they have a "choice" in their candidate. There was no choice. They had, by all means, to pick a front runner. They did not and want to fight it out. For this reason, alone, Trump will win. You, Mr Brooks, are contributing to this mess by not doing your job to educate the public on how to vote. This is because you, yourself, do not know how. Journalists are failing us by not understanding the terrain; by not understanding the United States of America they live in. Stand by words, please.
pi (maine)
In 2016, David Brooks knew what Donald Trump was and yet, each time Brooks turned his nose up at Trump, he reflexively trashed Hillary Clinton. Moderate Republicans took this as a nod to vote for Trump or not vote at all, which was the same thing. Now Brooks expects Democrats to clear the wreckage. And to do it his way. I know old habits die hard, but why isn't Brooks decrying the extremism of the Republican party and the excrescences of capitalism as personified by a Pres. Donald Trump? That is what a values based campaign against Trump calls for from trusted GOP insiders like Brooks.
Bernie (Fairfield County)
Just think about it. In a country where the electoral college is dominated by bright red states, the two leading contenders for the democratic nomination is a gay mayor from Indiana who has never won a state wide contest and a self proclaimed socialist who honeymoon in Moscow. TRUMP IS PRETTY MUCH ASSURED A SECOND TERM
Peter (Phoenix)
In response to your subhead: Yes, I believe the Democrats (of which I am one) are going to give this election away.
Mike (Albany, New York)
Please do not forget Mr. Brooks that there was another world leader in the West who reduced unemployment, improved the economy, and made average folks feel proud again. Well, so what if he demonized minorities and told particular religious groups they didn't belong, while dismantling democratic institutions. Americans know the price that Germany paid for Hitler's populism; WWII and the holocaust left permanent scars on humanity. It's unclear, however, that Americans are aware of the slippery slope we're currently on and how fragile our democracy is. Perhaps standing up for moral right and truth is not politically expedient, but it may be the only hope to stop another catastrophe.
Southern Man (Atlanta, GA)
It appears that most of the comments here are intended more for killing the messenger than winning an election. Sad.
Larry (Tucson, AZ)
Democrats can't take the blame, Mr. Brooks. We gave you an excellent and arguably the most qualified candidate to ever seek the office, and you chose the Orange Buffoon over her, knowing full well the depths of his corruption and his authoritarian tendencies. If we could bail you hopelessly unethical cretins out of the authoritarian morass you'd helped create, we actively would. Unlike you we love our country more than our party, and our Constitution above all. The disgusting display in the Senate yesterday was ample evidence of the crater into which the GOP has sunk. We don't want you to take democracy with it, but frankly we've been warning you since before the election exactly how things would go, and we've been proven right on all counts. Don't come to the Democrats and wag a finger at us. Go get your own house in order. You are from a corrupt and toxic party that has become an authoritarian cult. It's long past time for Republicans to continue blaming Democrats for the results of their avarice and continued bad decisions. You leave us to stand up to Trump, and then you whine when you are supine and he is not vanquished. Fix your own house. Not only because you need to. But also because to save democracy we need your help.
Ken (Delaware)
Dave - you ought to give a look to the Poor Peoples Campaign a National Call for Moral Revival - the economy is NOT doing all...for 140 million poor citizens of this country. What the Dems “should” (but won’t) do is give those folks center stage and lead the biggest voters registration campaign in the history of the World. They won’t. Because fundamentally they are okay w the gross division of resources in this country. I believe you are as well.
chris mathison (connecticut)
capitalism = obviously broken.
will segen (san francisco)
sounds like the elitists are running scared o' bernie. at least this week. next week it could be liz. then a few weeks down the road....a hit on michael not too unlikely. Brooks just doing what he is hired to do, and not look sideways come payday.....
unification (DC area)
Actually, Trump lost.
UWSder (UWS)
What a waste of NY Times real estate and eyeballs. "Is capitalism basically working or is it basically broken?" "It’s hard to defeat a president in good times. " "In 2020, running on economic gloom or class war probably won’t work." Everyone but David Brooks seems to know what Joe Biden stated. That many of the middle class feel left out and sidelined in the current economy. That's why they latched on to Trump's angry articulation of victimhood and vengeance. David Brooks, you seem to be the only one who buys into Trump's boasts about the best economy ever, record high, record low etc. etc.
Awake (Here Now)
Trump husky soft voice sounded just like Joan Crawford ‘s In the movie Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? Remember !?
Brown (Southeast)
Here's a novel idea, Mr. Brooks. What is the Dem party got behind Sanders all the way?
LudwellMom (Saratoga Springs, NY)
Go ahead. Blame the Democrats who have sent 400 pieces of legislation forward since the midterms — including one last week dealing with infrastructure — only to have His Highness McConnell ignore virtually all of them. Yup. Those ineffective Democrats. Pile on, Mr. Brooks. And then declare your objectivity. The Democrats have some serious issues to address. They don’t include the hypocritical double standard of the past three years that your wrong-headed criticism tacitly endorses.
Adam Morris (Los Angeles)
The election IS over and Democrats lost, again.
Dr. K. (Minn.)
I used to regard Mr. Brooks as sophisticated. Pretty clear he is just sophistic. The NYT “balanced” opinion policy comes at a great cost to democracy. By any measure Trump’s speech was a deceitful diatribe, only effective in further degrading his office. Whether he retains it depends upon the electorate’s swallowing the pablum Brooks and others are pushing. Speaker Pelosi ripped a copy of his smarmy speech. Bravo. He is shredding the United States Constitution every day.
gene (fl)
You are forgetting that every Republican in the Whitehouse by crime or happenstance drives the economy into recession. Everyone ,everytime.
RVB (Chicago, IL)
Re-elected?That’s only half of it. Get ready for Trump for Life. Sound crazy? He’s already floating the idea. And when this happens you’ll be blaming the Democrats again.
John Terrell (Claremont, CA)
A speech filled with lies, demagoguery, and bigotry was the “most effective speech of his career?” The moment that will burned in memory will be the award of the Medal of Freedom to the liar, demagogue, and bigot Rush Limbaugh as a 100-year old Tuskegee Airman stood right next to him. We have fallen so far so fast, and NOT because of Democrats.
Philip (Atlanta)
"I don’t know if he can keep this tone, because unlike Ronald Reagan, he’s not an optimistic, generous person." That comment is bogus.
umucatta (inthemiddleofeurope)
you have lost me, america, when after this impeachment trial trump’s poll numbers went up (????!!!!) you seem to be not only on a different continent but on a different planet altogether...
Carl Ian Schwartz (Paterson, New Jersey)
It isn't just the Democrats "giving the election away." Read about the Repubs' electronic disinformation campaign in the Atlantic: It makes Goebbels look old-fashioned and quaint.
Mary Elizabeth Lease (Eastern Oregon)
"The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir”—John Bolton
George (NC)
Mr. Trump personifies the ingratitude former Democrats feel toward Mrs. Clinton and other Democratic leaders. Blow, blow, thou winter wind Thou art not so unkind As man's ingratitude; Thy tooth is not so keen, Because thou art not seen, Although thy breath be rude. Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly: Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly: Then heigh-ho, the holly! This life is most jolly. Freeze, freeze thou bitter sky, That does not bite so nigh As benefits forgot: Though thou the waters warp, Thy sting is not so sharp As a friend remembered not. Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly: Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly: Then heigh-ho, the holly! This life is most jolly. The Establishment Democrats in 2016 "instructed" the rank-and-file that it was their "duty" to vote for Mrs. Clinton. Obviously -- and predictably -- they had forgotten their Shakespeare, had they ever known him. Their arrogance cost them dearly.
Eric (Buffalo)
David Brooks is simply being willfully stupid here. He has a column in the NY Times, and he spends it here praising Trump. He knows Trump and the GOP are damaging the country's institutions. Why would he not invest his energy into making that argument? I just don't think Brooks would be unhappy with another four more years of this man.
Mcacho38 (Maine)
Mr brooks - aren’t you a little embarrassed about this op-Ed? Oh, that’s right, Republicans are incapable of feeling embarrassment, shame, or placing country above party
Dave (Arizona)
Wait for it .... Bernie Sanders will be the end for us all!!! Saw that comin. Bernie 2020
Jenny (Virginia)
That thin line dividing a democracy from authoritarianism, tyranny, despotism, monarchy has been rubbed out. If all one follows is the headlines, that is not all that is happening. The little knocks and strips are leaving this country, and its laws, in shreds. When you treat a country as only a business plan, and you leave it in the hands of a person who uses serial bankruptcies to make money, who stiffs workers, who lies and makes the truth whatever will get him what he wants, you get America Now. Democrats. Try another play. This is not the time for the amazing ideas that could be, but deliver what the middle-of-the-road people need. You can't do anything unless you are elected and unless you get a Congress that supports you. This country has decades-old needs that have yet to be addressed. There was a first approach to addressing the infrastructure, and that was struck down by those in Congress who said "too much money". Where was the debate to discuss how to go about it? Big projects require time. Just a "no" and too much money. Let's build a wall and thank the taxpayers who are paying for it. Let's deregulate air and water provisions 'cause who really needs clean air and water. Tariffs are hard, but not as hard as the farmers who have lost against the weather and debt, and the few who have committed suicide. Let's deny the climate crisis and mock the teenage girl who speaks out. This is our brave new America. It's dreck. I can't swallow it.
Ami (California)
Brooks is a Democrat.
chairmanj (left coast)
This is another Jesus and Tater story Hi Mr Jesus. Didn't 'spect to see you 'round here after The Donald told you to go back to where you came from. Oh, Tater, think I'm scared of that? Not even up to Satan's Power. Tho gettin' close. Anyway, I got the Power of The Lord in me. But, I'm not into smitin'. That's Dad's gig.
El Shrinko (Canada)
A gut-wrenching question, that baffled Dems must answer, is: Why are over half of Americans voting for Trump? Remember we live in polarizing times. Remember that in times of war, it reaches a point where BOTH sides see the other as despicable, stupid, blind followers of an evil leader. So if your primary thesis of why people vote for Trump is that they are ignorant dupes, racists, or unintelligent - give your head a shake. Such a stance is so insultingly simplistic, its time to look for deeper answers.
Clyde Platt (Whidbey Island Washington)
Brooks has been angling to support Trump at every opportunity. He’s the Susan Collins of the Trump antagonists. Thanks again for only hiding one of the pompoms.
David L, Jr. (Jackson, MS)
Tomorrow, an article written by a leftist will show up on some online newspaper, in which said leftist will be highlighting this column, pointing out all he believes is wrong with it and ending by expressing his dismay that David Brooks is still employed by The Times. This author will assure us that it’s not that he’s against hearing conservative voices—it’s merely that Brooks is no good. Here, perhaps, he’ll mention some conservative columnist, long dead (whom he really loathed), and pretend to’ve admire his intelligence, insight, and honesty, implying that Brooks lacks all of the above. This article will likely use the words “hack” and “neoliberal” more than once.
Harris Lemberg (Seattle, WA)
If you're so smart why don't you join the Democratic party and start working for the candidate who you think can defeat Trump. When you do that you will have the right to criticize us. Until then please just shut up and go away.
David Parsons (San Francisco)
This title reminds me about Hitler in 1939. Unstable corrupt evil dictators may prevail for a time. We have witnessed this in history. But they do not succeed in the long run. Hitler ended up committing suicide in a bunker with Germany in ruble and flames. Utterly destroyed. Civilization is replete with thugs who have their day in the sun, only to end in the depths of darkness and despair. Donald Trump and Trumpism will fade like McCarthyism, fascism, the Soviet Union, and the mafia. This headline should be framed as a historical laugh, and placed at the ruble of anything so branded Trump in the near future.
Blackmamba (Il)
Beyond income tax neither good nor bad economic times are under the direct control of the President. Trumps tax cuts helped the top 1% and increased the short termdeficits and increased long term debt. America is not a business. America is a nation state. The President of the United States is not a businessman. The President of the United States is the head of government and state. Trump can win again with the hacking, interfering and meddling assistance of Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin on his behalf. Aided and abetted by their useful assets and idiots Mitch McConnell, Mark Zuckerberg, Sean Hannity, Kevin McCarthy, Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Jeff Bezos, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Bill Barr, etc.
Cheshire Cat (Way Up State New York)
I sincerely believe David, underneath it all - you are a undercover Trump supporter.
99percent (downtown)
Democrats are not "giving this election away." America's accomplishments during the Trump administration have earned another four years. You can hate his hair, you can hate his hands, you can hate his "grabbing by the p" - you can hate everything you want about the man. But America is much much better off now than it was in November 2016.
Joy McCormack (Milford Bay)
What a pathetic nation and becoming more so. Amazing that mr.brooks can not see....sad
Mary Elizabeth Lease (Eastern Oregon)
Brooks modeling a classic conservative passive aggressive persona.
Blue Dog (Hartford)
As Clinton advisor Jim Carville aptly said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Trump knows this. And that’s why he’s gonna win four more years in November.
Andre (Michigan)
The most dangerously naive attitude among numerically advantaged liberals in 2016 set to repeat itself in 2020? "I wont vote for _____ (fill in the nominee) because....blah, blah, blah.." They must like what they created the last time they gave away a victory.
Michael Judge (Washington, DC)
All well and good, very realpolitik. But please, from now on spare us your sanctimonious pieces about spiritual yearnings in America.
Lisa Oakes (Carmel IN)
WOW!! I suppose if you are as deluded as trump you’d not notice all fact checks verified most of what was said during trump’s SOTU speech was in fact lies. You’re applauding a man who extorted an ally in an attempt to force him to interfere in 2020 election! In all this gushing over the corrupt conman in our WH you failed to notice more people in US wanted him removed from office then those who did not. Anyone who supports a man who takes children from parents illegally (before court order stopped him) to put them in concentration Camps, where thousands remain should think long & hard about the trump orphans who will never see their parents again! Trump gave multimillion dollar contracts to huge donor to run for profit hellish camps. Numerous reports of: abuse, neglect, rape, malnutrition etc.. all verified! Trump donor’s only motivation is to hold as many as possible, as long as possible, & spend as little as possible to satisfy his greed. We all remember team trump argued in court they should not have to supply: toothpaste, soap, blankets. Of course the judge set them straight! These are NOT American values! This is not an opinion piece it’s a work of fiction.
Me (Here)
This reads like back in the day when Brooks was spinning for George W. Both ineffective and hard to believe. Whatever sells newspapers, I guess.
Lisa (CT)
David, are you giving up your day job to become a pollster. Maybe you’d be happier, because you act like we don’t read.
omartraore (Heppner, OR)
Murmurs of reducing 'entitlements.' Tens of millions uninsured. A vastly underfunded infrastructure--sacrificed on the billionaires' tax cut altar--slowly crumbling. A self-absorbed lunatic who cuts deals with dictators--presumably private and public deals--who alienates strategic allies, and does not hesitate to use the levers of power for his personal gain and electoral advantage. A staff that heels on command, unqualified but to his credit, not all relatives. A thin-skinned, vengeful 'counterpuncher' who revels in pettiness and bullying of private citizens. A pathological liar--we're over 16,000 of them in 3 years--whose party faithful have decided lying is okay as long as it benefits them. A geopolitical moron who would be hard-pressed to follow a one-page intelligence briefing if it didn't mention his name or include cartoons. A race-baiting misogynist who demands his sycophantic supporters applaud him much like Stalin's did. A global plunderer eager to burn fossil fuels at a record pace if it creates jobs in the short-term, and poison the land, soil and water for his donors, whose heirs will feel and hear the wrath of future generations. An economy still in recovery mode since the last three years of the Obama Administration, which has grown but provided table scraps for 90% of the population, historic windfalls for the 1% investor class. Seems to me there's plenty to run on, Mr. Brooks. Maybe you could help Americans see it instead of creating skewed narratives.
JePense (Atlanta)
Same old blather from Brooks about morality. How about "it is moral that one gets a job and stops taking public welfare." How about "it is moral for people to legally request entry to the US."
Donna V (United States)
Voting for hitler in slightly pre-nazi germany for the same reasons. A weirdly charismatic persona making promises and telling lies. Germany bought it with enough of majority to establish the idiocy. This ended disastrously as we all know. America - we are poised at a similar moment. Rule of law, decency, truth, sanity, intelligence, all appear to be at stake. The ONLY way we can beat this down is to turn out at the ballot box in November. If you stay home we'll be saddled with another four years of this weirdly charismatic persona. Do you want that? If you do, just stay home and don't vote. Vote blue in 2020. If you don't like it, we'll have another round of this four more years down the road. That's how it works. Mainly get off the couch and hit the ballot box in November.
Cynthia VanLandingham (Orlando)
I agree wholeheartedly that we need a values campaign to act as a ballast to the growing culture of victimhood on the left and also now very much mushrooming on the right. This is the one and only thing that both parties now have in common. Why do I say this? Because the only people for whom the truth doesn’t matter are perpetual victims who will never accept responsibility for their actions. And will expend all their energy (and yours) looking for someone or something else to blame. And today we now have a elevated class of political victims supported by the media who by and large act just like the John and Jane Does we’ve all met. (Or Lol been at one time or another.) Those would drain our energy dry by continually sucking us into their perpetual woes. While alternately telling tales and falsehoods to give their egos a fleeting and momentary boost. People who act like such victims they should honestly carry around their own body chalk! YIKES! Only now this destructive political institution of victimhood is draining the entire country of any decent sense of identity it has left. The very core of our Nation’s soul and strength.
mark (NYC)
"It's NOT the economy, stupid, it's our values!"
ES (Portland)
Does anybody else question the veracity of the job report? This administration lies about everything, so why wouldn’t it put out fudged numbers to bolster its image and keep the stock market up. Normally I have no problem believing what the government tells us, but I don’t believe anything promoted by Trump’s administration. When a Dem. administration comes in, whenever that may be, I fully expect there to be a host of corrected numbers in many areas of government. And an ensuing market crash.
JB (San Francisco)
David Brooks lives in a peculiar bubble, where Republicans are excused for almost anything, and Democrats are always wrong. He occasionally makes a sound point on a matter but then goes off course with his consistent blind spots. Sanders is not my choice, but his critique of America’s fault lines is accurate and obviously speaks to what many Americans feel and see in their own lives. As Trump’s demonic rant at the prayer breakfast reminded us, Trump is a more than just a con and fraud who lies and breaches his oath of office like the rest of us breathe - he is toxic with narcissism and obsession to destroy anyone who stands up to him. Speaker Pelosi correctly described his slurry SOTU speech as a “manifesto of mistruths”. He inherited a good economy and then exploded deficits to juice it more - depriving future legislators of tools to deal with the inevitable crash to come. At least on topics like this column, David Brooks needs to revisit his fixed assumptions and biases.
lol wut? (New York, NY)
So - wouldn't all those Sander to Trump supports vote for Sanders in the general election and then - win the election?
Xiao Chuan (Sunset Park, Brooklyn)
What a specious argument. Brooks fails to take into account the way the economy is counted, who it counts, and, frankly, he lacks even anecdotal evidence outside of a vague "middle America." For many, many people, wages have not gone up while working hours have considerably. In addition, workforce additions are focused on younger whites, not middle-age or older people (affecting savings), and not minorities (nevermind that those with money are also those best served by economic growth at the moment). And, for that matter, "middle America" and the working class are multi-ethnic, as anyone who spends time outside of professional white enclaves can see - and are not enamored of Bloomberg (rich guy like Howard Schultz) or Buttigieg (careerist class president who will do whatever it takes to get ahead). Mr Brooks, most of us are struggling to survive out here. We know that an all-or-nothing approach rarely works, yet can't help but feel that we are the first to be sacrificed by the Democratic Party.
ivo skoric (vermont)
Ok, I agree with you that the "class war" should be re-phrased into campaigning to make America more socially mobile, caring and interdependent. But make no mistake: that is the same thing. Capitalism works well fueled by debt and exploitation of the workers. Cut that off and it will fail.
SAR (Boston)
Ronald Reagan may very well have been "an optimistic person" but he sure wasn't generous. Just ask anyone who lived through the AIDS years, or any air traffic controller or, basically, anyone who needed a living wage.
Bill Briggs (Jupiter, Florida)
Wouldn’t Mr. Biden be a less threatening candidate to swing voters who do not want Trump, but are fearful of candidates who are too radical or too far to the left? I would think that Mr. Biden would be seen as a return to sanity by enough swing voters that he could succeed. And, he certainly is qualified for the job. If Mr. Biden is not the nominee, I think the Democrats will be shooting themselves in the foot once again. Democrats need to return to the center so that they can build toward the future. A radical change at this juncture is less likely to appeal to enough swing voters.
Nyu (PA)
Every politician on stage (right or left) supports Trump to a high degree whether public believe it or not. They are all rich people that are out of reach with the general public. This whole impeachment game was just a way to spend some of our precious taxpayers money to get many lawyers on both sides rich. Its time to get out of this so called Republican vs Democratic ideal, neither of them really serve the public interest well.
sam (Irving TX)
Why is Trump seemingly so unbeatable? At times I think that he exhibits no more self-awareness or intelligence than, say, a rooster who has learned from experience that words can affect people's behavior, while having little or no understanding of the words himself. Lately I have had the unsettling thought that perhaps Trump is an Andy Warhol level genius. Where Warhol celebrated the ubiquitous industrially produced cheap images that flood our world, Trump has realized that campaigning for president, and even acting a president (which for him is no different, except now he can use his power to punish anyone who stands in his way) is a reality TV show. Trump has been consistent on a number of talking points - pro-life, pro-gun, reduced taxes for the rich, reduced environmental regulations, anti-immigrant, conservative judges - to maintain a base. This builds his brand. The rest is entertainment. I probably followed the 2016 race more closely than any (I have been following these since the 1960's), because I found myself making a point of watching the news every day to see what crazy or outrageous thing Trump did. Free publicity. Good television. Besides the usual Democratic problem of uniting a highly diverse majority party, are the Dems missing the larger picture? Do they need help form some younger people? Or somebody; anybody? Please.
IGUANA (Pennington NJ)
@sam Free publicity good television ... and a tailor made punching bag who did not demand equal time and allowed Donald Trump to bash her night after night on national TV.
Amanda (New York, NY)
While Trump is many things, he's been able to hold his base together and build their love for him - there's a reason his rallies are packed each and every time (no matter what CNN says about the matter, the lines in the midwest are INSANELY long for a Trump rally). As an independent who tends to lead more democrat, none of the candidates have anything that I like, except for Michael Bloomberg. The current candidates are too far left. While I have student debt, I don't think that completely free college is the answer, I also think socialism would be bad for our country - it doesn't really work well anywhere else. Sadly, unless Bloomberg gets the nomination, it's a lesser of two evils scenario yet again.
D Whitcomb (california)
Why should Democrats acknowledge the economy has done well since Obama when Pew Economy stats show a lower trend line and full employment leaves 44% below $18000 annually? . The Tariff tax will show up this year and really pinch these people. Economists are warning about a worldwide recession soon and this would certainly affect the U.S. The key is whether the Progressives can deploy a movement this year.
music observer (nj)
In one way David Brooks is jumping the gun here, and it is a major fault. The Democratic primaries right now are like the GOP primary in 2016, full of every end of the spectrum from right to left. Ted Cruz won some early primaries, then died, Trump was seen as the clown prince then, then took over. The other thing to keep in mind is that unlike Trump and the GOP, the person who wins the primaries doesn't own the party, and that is huge. I suspect whoever wins the nomination will have had a hard fight, and whether left or centrist is going to have to accomodate the other end, and that is a long way off. Even if Bernie wins, the big deal is going to be the platform, what the Democrats announce formally, and I suspect it will be a lot more moderate than Bernie did, because face it, the Democrats are a lot more diverse than the GOP. The GOP these days is a party relying on the anger of the white, working class, especially in rural and midwest farm belt, feeling like 'their country is no longer theirs' all the while really catering to the uber rich who hold the purse strings, the Koch brothers and the like (who are predominantly responsible for why the white working class is angry). Their whole process relies on this base, and it has left them the party of Trump; the Democrats, on the other hand, won't be the party of Bernie or the party of Mayor Pete or the party of Warren or Bloomberg, it will need to accomodate all to win.
rjon (Mahomet, Ilinois)
This column convinces me that Bloomberg is not only the best candidate to defeat Trump, but the candidate with the best message--he understands capitalism. But let's stop calling it capitalism. The economy where the US (and the world) has flourished is best described, following Deirdre McCloskey, as based on commercially tested innovation. Bloomberg knows this well. Economic history has not been about the accumulation of capital. We've always had "the rich," nor are the rich the enemy of the non-rich. Envy is envy, disguising it as class warfare doesn't change that. Sorry, Mr. Sanders (and even Ms. Warren, if less so), but there is no democratic socialist utopia. It's a bad dream--based on bad history. Both the left and the right are wrong. Bloomberg is the only candidate, right or left, who appears to know that. But, gee, maybe he's too short for a TV think the political strategists, condescending as they always do to us ordinary folk.
yulia (MO)
There may be no socialist Democratic utopia, but there is no, for sure, capitalist Democratic utopia either. Socialist programs as M4A, free colleges, affordable child-care, expanded security net, as Bernie and Warren propose, make capitalism much more bearable. Ask Europe.
Crich (TN)
A socialist candidate in this economy will never be elected. It’s time to accept that reality before it’s too late. Bloomberg has my vote at this point. He knows how Trump ticks and to get under his skin. He is the one candidate that Trump fears the most.
WSF (Ann Arbor)
Ironically, Trump has won really big with his deal signed in August 2019 with Poland and Ukraine to import U.S. LNG, liquid natural gas, which can be stored as natural gas in the vast underground storage capacity in Ukraine. It is just about the largest such capacity in the world. This will have tremendous ramifications for Ukraine to be vital to European energy security if Russia ever attempts to blackmail Europe by suspending natural gas supplies even briefly some future winter. In addition, the Trump sanctions on the Russian second Baltic Sea gas pipeline to Europe has delayed its construction sufficiently so that Putin had to negotiate a 5 year extension its gas contract with Ukraine rather than just the one year contract he wanted. There is no doubt that Putin wants to drop Ukraine from receiving gas from Russia totally. The Trump deal has changed Russia’s natural gas business on its head for years to come. This deal in the making was what a lot of the Ukrainian impeachment trial missed. Trump was obliged to make certain that Ukraine corruption would not interfere with this weapon over Putin in the long term. We will learn much more about what intrigues went on to pull this off over Putin.
yulia (MO)
Yeah, it is very could deal considering that LNG cost much more than Russian gas. I am wondering if the poor country as Ukraine can really afford LNG. Of course, Trump tried to sell LNG to other European countries, but they politely said 'Thank you, but no'. Ukraine is not in the position to do the same.
George Schelling (Orland ME)
Please push Republicans to switch to Dems for this election and vote in the primary. We are all Dems now to save our democracy.
Richard (Newman)
Unfortunately for us, history shows that incumbents generally win when the economy is good. I hate to wish for a recession or even a downturn, but maybe that's what it will take to remind the American people of the cyclic foibles of capitalism that is not properly regulated (as FDR successfully did with the New Deal, for a time)-- what goes up in the economy, by the intrinsic nature of capitalism, must come down at some point. But this requires a crash course in economics, not too sexy a topic for the average voter. So maybe the Democrats need to focus more on the two big existential threats we face, that could truly eliminate out species-- climate change and the threat of a nuclear disaster or war.
jack8254 (knoxville,tn)
Almost everyone is smart enough to know that free health care, free higher education, etc. are far from being free. Health care workers and teachers are not going to work pro bono. Therefor , the money to pay them will come from taxes and the biggest part of these increased taxes will not be paid by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and their ilk, they will fall on the middle class. The rich will find loop-holes and in addition they are not numerous enough to close the gap. So, the most likely effect will be a moderate to sharp downturn in the economy and that wont help many people. The stifled growth for the European economy is a prime example and good intentions and bad results.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
I pay $15,000 directly to the company that calls itself healthcare insurance, and nothing is covered. I would rather pay $1,000 a year for medicare for all and not have to lie to my doctor to avoid a pre-existing condition showing up on my record.
Demian (Sonoma)
Yes. Good point.and that is up to the Candidates not their supporters.
Steve Ell (Burlington, VT)
whenever is see a photo of people at a trump rally, it's obvious that they are from a time gone by - the '50s-through-the '70s and i'm sure they would like the United States to return to those days. it's even more obvious when you look at the makeup of the country, that's not going to happen. a lot has changed. for most people, it's better. for those working on farms or in the traditional industries, it is not better. those jobs - steel, coal, even autos - are not coming back. it's ridiculous to think they are. globalization has brought in new suppliers. technology has advanced. automation has replaced people. regardless of trump's promises, there's nothing he can do about it - except talk. why do they buy in? he hasn't delivered anything to them. they aren't helped by the tax cuts. they are hurt by environmental changes. they are hurt by the rising cost of healthcare. they are hurt by a lot more things. immigration is one of them - but the wall isn't getting built and trump has NO PLAN that makes sense. they don't love America. they can't leave nor do they want to. everybody has to adjust. the democrats have to name a candidate who can sell them on an adjustment. it shouldn't be hard. trump has given the democrats all the ammunition they need the impeachment process. i hate to say it but Bernie isn't the right person nor are several of the other candidates - but someone can rise to the occasion. combining that with getting out the vote should win.
Pour Over (Washington DC)
Democratic politicians are idiots. Trump has aced the “Game of thrones”. I never ever thought that Trump would become a 2-term president when I watched his first campaign announcement speech in 2015. But that looks almost certain now after the impeachment debacle. He knows how to play this game better than any democratic candidate. He has united the Republican Party behind him. Democrats are running around like headless chicken. As a person who identifies himself as a democrat, I feel very depressed at the current state of affairs and the future of the Democratic Party looks bleak.
Mary Elizabeth Lease (Eastern Oregon)
Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman.
CJT (Niagara Falls)
Quasimoto and Princess Leia.
HoodooVoodooBlood (San Francisco, CA)
What hasn't any Democrat stepped into the ring? Trump is lying faster than a dog can trot and those Dems are just taking it. They have no spokesperson to gut slug the fat, stupid, imposter. The media must being frothing at the mouth for someone from the Dems side to stand up and start chopping 'liddle' donny boy down to size. Where are they. All they have to do is hire some writers, step up and blast the great liar day after day after day like a sledge hammer, all the way to the election. Trump's a demagogue, they have to 'out demagogue' the demagogue with humor, the truth and sophisticated wit. Expose Trump for what he is, don't let him rant on unanswered about what he isn't.
Sarah (Bent)
yvaker (SE)
Kingston Cole (San Rafael, CA)
David may be banned from the water cooler for life after this column...Speaking truth to the dysfunctionals.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
How is wanting health care, a living wage and addressing climate change radical? Bernie2020
Brian (Somerville, MA)
Why are my subscription dollars being wasted on this guy's salary?
Lilly (New Hampshire)
Because he helps sell papers and ‘guide’ the narrative nationally. That Brooks happens to strengthen the false narrative that the desire for healthcare and wanting to address climate change are somehow evil is unfortunate collateral damage.
Non-US (Norway)
Two weeks ago, on January 23, David Brooks wrote this in his NYT column: "Almost everybody was bearish on Joe. But now look where we are, weeks from actual voting. If the polls are to be believed, Biden will win Iowa, he’ll come in second in New Hampshire, he will easily win Nevada, he will dominate in South Carolina." That aged well. I understand everybody is entitled to an opinion. But does the NYT not vet its contributors for their actual qualifications? Why would this newspaper of record even consider giving this "pundit" access to its columns? "All the absurdities fit to print" would make a fitting headline for Mr. Brooks' ramblings. And now he's at it again.
Mogwai (CT)
Who cares? This place you call America is rotten and deserves Trump.
Rick Taves (Wheatley, Ontario, Canada)
The NYT should publish this column by a neigbour, the conservative columnist for the Toronto Globe and Mail.
Pat (MA)
When Pelosi tears up the SOTU speech on television, she “stoops to conquer.” Very unstatesperson-like, Ms P. You need a refresher course on manners for public servants. Your father would be disappointed at your display.
Marathonwoman (Surry, maine)
"I don’t know if he can keep this tone..." David surely wrote this before both the Prayer Breakfast and Dump's coarse mid-day profanity-riddled rant.
JeezLouise (Ethereal Plains)
You ask, are the Dems going to give this election away? I ask, was it ever theirs to give? This carnival has been going on since before Hillary was defeated. And Pelosi just paid the organ grinder with her dumb stunt.
Marco (Seattle) had me until: "It was the most effective speech of the Trump presidency" .....utter poppycock was a "speech" full of lies and hate propaganda ....please stay on point David, polls mean NOTHING in today's USA politics (minutes before the election in 2016: Hillary 85% to win / Trump 15% to win per 538) to me about 9 pm on Nov 3rd ....
Linda (Sausalito, CA)
I truly do not understand how David Brooks can be a regular contributor to a paper as fine as The New York Times. He is utterly deplorable.
JW (Oregon)
@Linda Why, because he speaks the truth? Most people acknowledge that Trump is likely to win a second term.
DK In VT (Vermont)
More slander against Bernie supporters. Brooks, your numbers are bogus. Face it, the Dems are unlikely to nominate the candidate of your choice. Get over it. And while you're at it take some responsibility. You are an inveterate right wing fellow traveler. You and your ilk bear grave responsibility for today's ugly Republican Party.
Chris (Berlin)
Politics is always about class struggle. The class war has been conducted by the rich vs the poor my entire lifetime. Class war never went away - and has intensified since 1980. And the rich basically won, but this time they really mean to drive people into destitution, pour encourager les autres. NYTimes columnist really ought to get out and about among the ordinary people a bit more instead of living in up at the cocktail parties of the rich and famous. You only have to look at the number of homeless people, and of foodbanks and charities nowadays to know that Class war is back big time. Out of touch politicians are back. Blatant media propaganda is back (but no need to change the electoral system or reinstate the Fairness Doctrine) Something is brewing. We all know it (except out-of-touch, rich elitist like David Brooks apparently) Equal before the law - what a sick joke. Steal some food you end up in “debtors’ prison”. Steal trillions through banking fraud, start illegal wars, defraud the tax payers, send people abroad to be tortured, murder kids at the border,....and the if you are part of the plutocracy you will never face trial, you'll be protected by the establishment and intelligence services to continue your crimes with complete immunity. The country is run by upper class psychopaths who are creating a new feudalism. To them we are stock. Live stock to be expoited and abused for their profit and amusement. Brooks needs to get a clue. No War except Class War!
Robin C. (Chicago)
I can’t even read this.
Samuel Spade (Huntsville, al)
Trump wins every time the Dem leadership believes the populace is as stupid and devoid of logic and morals as they are. Schiff completely mismanaged the illogical attempt to Impeach the President, yet no Party member has charged him with such as they are all culpable.
JPD (Portland)
Wha a joke! How do you parse that Sanders’ voters voted for Trump? Brooks once more shills for the Republicans. Stop the presses— David Brooks whines that the worst President he supported and still supports might not beat a divided Democratic ticket— well no surprises here— the disinformation doesn’t just come from the White House— it’s smack dab in the middle of the NYT!
Roger Gilroy (Clearwater, Florida)
Jbugko (Pittsburgh, pa)
How insipid, that David Brooks would accuse Democrats after the filth-driven display of depravity by his own party -- ie., at party that suppresses and restricts our ability to vote.
Steve (Idaho)
Spare me your false concern about Democrats. David Brooks is like a weird Bizarro version of Hugh Hewitt. Where Hugh supports Trump by lavishing praise upon him no matter what David supports Trump by knocking Democrats no matter what. He is like the perfect Russian troll, masking his support for Trump by pretending he is against him and opposing every single thing that would actually stop him. It's really getting old.
History Guy (Connecticut)
Brooks, I have no idea how you live with yourself. You are the most disingenuous columnist I have ever read...made more so because you "pretend" to care about removing the leader of YOUR party. Democrats are not talking about getting rid of capitalism, and you know it. They are talking about creating a fairer playing field, something America's corporate world and rich can certainly afford. If your party's candidate wins again then all that says is that white Americans remain deeply bigoted, ignorant, and intolerant. But, go on, ignore what YOUR party's president said at a prayer breakfast today no less and write about bad Democrats.
Tim Kane (Mesa, Arizona)
@History Guy Bernie & Yang are just advocating a return to FDR's social contract that existed through 1972. Presumably that's when America was great. But the it means shifting tens of trillions of dollars of resources away from the <1% to the median American worker. See graph 2 at: Brooks is simply an agent coopted by the <1% to represent and protect their trillions of dollars kitty.
Mike Costello (Winona, MN)
Mr. Brooks, I read your columns and enjoy your talks for your curiosity to engage issues at a philosophical level. This column, however, is ripe with what I find infuriating with current American politics. You take no stand. You just call balls and strikes on whether a given party's strategies will play with the masses. I could as well tune in to ESPN and watch the debate whether the Cowboys should roll with Dak Prescott. The only issue that really matters to my kids is climate change, and they bring it up all the time. Have you stepped up on that one? Secondly, if a trillion dollar deficit is your idea of conservatism please declare so, otherwise it's time to plant a flag. The tax rates our largest companies pay is a joke that almost begs a guillotine. 22% is what we are paying, let's see the big 4 pay that. This isn't politics this is real stuff that will effect real people. You have a voice, If you believe your job matters, outside of talk shows and such, swing your sword, plant your flag, man up.
Camilla Blair (Mass)
I am sick and tired of the polls. Did we learn nothing in 2016,when the "polls" guaranteed Hillary winning!!!!! I also agree with another comment which is Democrats and pundits are still stuck playing by the rules. Lets go NEGATIVE and tell these idiots(trumpers)how bad everything is.....billions spent on wall which just blew over,children in cages separated from their families,towns about to go under because of global warming,deficit through the roof,dismantling all our agencies etc. Np point putting in major newspapers trumpers can't read.These messages should be blasted continuously on every reality TV show,Netflix etc that trumpers watch
Charlesbalpha (Atlanta)
As far as I'm concerned, Trump is a foul-mouthed idiot and a sex pervert. His "acquittal" from impeachment is illegitimate, since the Senate did not go through a full trial. If he and his cronies in the Senate are re-elected, the result will be rampant corruption in government. By the way, I'm not a Democrat. And I'm an independent who chooses the lesser of two evils, and at the moment, the Trumpists are more evil.
Timothy (Chicago)
Okay, up front we should reject the premise that this election is the Democrats' to "give away" in the first place. As Brooks notes, it is exceptionally difficult to unseat *any* incumbent president. When it has happened in recent decades (Bush 41 and Carter), it required both a recession and some type of unforced error on the incumbent's part. (In Bush's case, ongoing denial that we were in a recession until it was too late; for Carter, his perceived ineptitude - fair or not - at handling the hostage crisis). We aren't in a recession, and it's unlikely - not impossible - that we'll be in one nine months from now. And Trump also seems keenly aware that avoidance of a major foreign policy crisis is essential to his re-election. I'm not a Bernie guy by any means, but I do think that he brings a moral clarity which the moderate wing - which I'm normally inclined to support - often lacks. Yes, the economy is doing great if you have a 401k, but...why is the min. wage still only $7.25, why is college increasingly unaffordable, why is daycare increasingly unaffordable, why do we still have no guaranteed parental leave, why is health care increasingly unaffordable, why do Amazon, Netflix, et al, pay no income tax? It's not "class warfare" to highlight inequities that are almost entirely unique to our country.
Maggie Huff-Rousselle (Boston)
The article raises good points about how the apparent success of "capitalism" will be used by Republicans in the campaign. Many Americans will buy this argument hook line and sinker. However, I would like to refer more thoughtful readers to a classic article by Henry Mintzberg in the Harvard Business Review 24 years ago, "Managing Government, Governing Management," which predicts what might be amiss in such thinking and began: “Capitalism has triumphed.” That was the pat conclusion reached in the West as, one by one, the communist regimes of Eastern Europe began to fall. It has become such an article of faith that we have become blind to its effects. Those effects are highly negative—indeed, dangerous—because the conclusion itself is wrong. In my view, we have confounded the whole relationship between business and government, and we had best clear it up before we end up no better off than the Eastern Europeans once were.
NIno (Portland, ME)
I think David's opinions are barometric. If a high pressure system rolls in it's sunny and dry, and Americans love the Republican party. If there is low pressure, we should be worried. Part of this editorial suggests the Democratic party already lost. Maybe they have. The building story line for an agonizing Trump reelection is classic American disaster film. No one noticed the red flags, but in this case they did, and climate change will erode civilization, consumer confidence and corporate profit. There will be no reason to worry if America, with a few exceptions, has been a deeply conservative nation built on inequity because quality of life on the planet will be unsustainable with no heroic solution to create a happy ending. The problem is still ignored.
Ryan (Michigan)
If Trump can make the election about the economy and the culture, he wins. Many moderates who voted for him in 2016 did so because they don't like to be lectured to by the left, mainly the elite media. This desire to stick it to the left by voting for Trump will be as strong as ever this November. That's why I believe the only candidate who can beat Trump is a moderate who won't fan the flames of the culture war. Someone like Amy Klobucher. But she doesn't seem to be a serious threat to get the nomination.
K.J. (PA)
So Trump gives the nation a huge tax break. Great! The unfortunate part is, the tax break for the “little guy” runs out. The tax break for “big business” continues on indefinitely. As a nation we have lost trillions of dollars in our national coffers. So how do we get that money back to use on infrastructure, etc? Who will end up footing the bill to make up for the loss? The “little guy” will bear the brunt of this, as Trump seeks to “balance the budget” by cutting dollars or privatizing Medicare and Social Security, and by taking dollars from the Military to build his wall. It’s quite the slight of hand, first he breaks the system, then he “fixes” the system. It will take a Herculean effort to convince folks that the economy now is worth the price of losing government run Medicare and Social Security in the future, but it will be well worth the try. Do Americans want a wall and tax breaks for the rich, or do you want Medicare and Social Security?
Vernon Rail (Maine)
I urge Brooks readers not to get ambushed by Brooks reframing of issues. The next election is all about making sure Trump and Trumpism are not allowed to further destroy our republic. Brooks is a supply side Republican who will try to find a way to make the next election about economics. Brooks opposed both Clinton and Obama candidacies, and yet their administration’s saved our national bacon. Brooks constantly predicted that Obama’s economic policies would lead to runaway inflation, which never happened. Brooks has a political blind spot a mile wide. Anyone who is willing to cast a vote for Trump supports the following policies: nepotism at the highest levels of government; self-dealing by Trump, Kushner, Mnuchin and their enablers; the wholesale corruption of the DOJ by AG Barr; continuing environmental regulatory rollbacks that will trigger additional environmental disasters; continuing executive and judicial threats to Affordable Healthcare and Medicare; a continuing assault on the right to vote; continuing escalation of gun violence; continuing escalation of domestic terrorism; and an increasingly lawless president who will do anything to satisfy his own personal interest. Stay focused, Dems! Any one of the current slate of Democratic candidates is far, far better than Trump. While we’re at it, please support Democratic senatorial candidates running against incumbent Republicans. It will help to give us belt and suspenders protection against a kleptocratic Trump.
Mor (California)
Unfortunately the situation is even direr than Mr. Brooks suggests. If the Democratic nominee is Sanders, there will be a strong moral case for re-electing Trump. How can you vote for the man who praised totalitarian regimes? But if Trump is re-elected in the race against Sanders, will Bernie bros just shrug and go home? A lot has been said about Trump not accepting defeat and claiming that the election was rigged. But it’s certain that Bernie or his followers would do the same, since they see democracy as a tool of the oligarchy. Immediately after the Iowa fiasco, Bernie trolls flooded the internet with conspiracy theories. The future looks grim indeed.
Dobbys sock (Ca.)
@Mor Lol...I had to reread this a couple of times. You do know that Trump has repeatedly praised totalitarian regimes?! Don't you?! Lol...strong moral case for re-electing Trump. Oh dear lord...Lol... your effort to denigrate and get a rise you put a hole in your own foot. Too funny. Thanks for the giggle.
JTG (Aston, PA)
2016's election was as much about the hatred of Hillary Clinton as the embracing of Trump. With that hatred, Trump only wins the Electoral College by less than 80,000 votes, spread over three states. Trump now has a record to be measured against. Trump will not have Hillary and her baggage to run against. He'll try to repeat this technique, but it's questionable it will be as effective with non-base voters. Trump has ten months to do something even more outrageous than his past actions. He could be reelected. I believe this will only happen if voters choose to stay home.
Tim Kane (Mesa, Arizona)
Per, from 1945 to 1972 the median (meaning everyones) wage grew in lock step w/ GNP (100%). Presumably this was when America was great. Since 72 the median wage has been flat despite GNP up 150%. 90% of those gains went to <1% (roughly 5000 families). Since some wages have gone up (tech/health) & some in good unions have floated (7%) we know the vast majority of America's 160 million workers & their families have experienced 48+ years of declining expectations in an econ that has grown 150%. Pre1972 was the era of Demand side econ per FDR. Post 72 is the era of supply side econ per Reagan. Bernie is not radical. Bernie is just a return to FDR's social contract. Since GNP is >$22 trillion whats at stake is 10s of trillions of dollars on an annual basis & hundreds of trillions on a decade basis all on behalf of 5000 uber wealthy families. A 48+ year trend like that is not possible w/out complicity from elites in both parties. Clinton after all rolled back Glass-Steagal. The implication is there's an oligopoly syndicate, either formal or informal, which exist for the purpose of concentrating wealth&power. Kerry's reaction last week made it clear that such a syndicate exist. Money is pervasive. "The Centrist" enjoined by the "Never-Trump GOPers" (Brooks) will work to prevent this. Given the stakes it would be naive to think that a syndicate that exist to concentrate wealth&power would surrender quietly&easily to democratic means. This is just beginning
wildwest (Philadelphia)
Americans are terrified of the word; "socialist." Forget the fact that one our two political parties is now flirting with fascism, and is far to the right of any viable political party in Europe. These folks don't understand that the type of socialism Sanders endorses is not reminiscent of the type practiced by the Soviet Union or Red China during the sixties and seventies, but rather the type of socialism America brought to the Scandinavian countries after World War II. Our socialist ideas are what they are practicing over there right now. We can't practice them here, because our government is in thrall to lobbyists who insist they look after the welfare of corporations over people. And what of Joe Biden? He was supposedly the safe, centrist candidate the DNC chose as their only party-approved option for this upcoming election. Unfortunately, his much lauded "electability" turned out to be a mirage, judging by his performance (or lack thereof) in Iowa and New Hampshire. Turns out re-heating Obama's left overs might not be the answer. As Buttigieg said, most of the achievements of the Obama administration should be attributed to Obama. Joe is a good man, but a terribly weak candidate. So we should rush out to vote for him over Bernie anyway? Because the DNC says so? I prefer Warren, but I will gladly vote for Bernie. Everyone keeps screaming about moving to the center, but I don't think the Clinton, "GOP lite" model is going to work for Democrats in 2020.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
Those in power are afraid of representative democracy, apparently. How can anyone attack wanting health care, a living wage and addressing climate change as radical? Bernie2020
wildwest (Philadelphia)
@Lilly Good luck in New Hampshire! Let's hope it goes more smoothly than Iowa!
JohnBarleycorn (Virgin Islands)
Mssr. David Brooks makes over $2million a year as a Wall Street bank director - should we be surprised he's telling liberal Americans how great the economy is doing? According to Bankrate, roughly 30% of Americans have NO emergency savings whatsoever. How's THAT for a better understanding of how Americans are doing?
Carl D. Birman (Albany NY)
A tepid attempt to lay the ground for an utter fiasco. If correct, sad; if wrong, even more sad. Mr. Brooks does sometimes hit the mark; but when it comes to predictions, only time will tell.
Howard Winet (Berkeley, CA)
The Democratic Party has become the party of utopian idealism. Progressives poke fun at evangelists who defy logic by supporting a politician who surely considers Jesus to be a "loser". Then, in an equally tribal tantrum, they deny their votes to a candidate of their own party because she defeated their god. Thanks for Donald, kids. Now they face a Republican Party that is united (94%) as a tribe, in an economy that has produced low unemployment. But our utopians have their standards. If Bernie doesn't get the nomination, they'll do it again. By the time the Dems wake up to their need for a street fighter (But what if it is a male who is "too affectionate" with women? We can't have that!), climate change will have moved paste the point of no return.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
Policies. Policies that inspire participation in democracy to create change we need are how candidates win votes.
John (Kansas City)
Mr. Brooks makes some strong arguments. I do think Trump will be hard to beat. I think the biggest reason is the lack of good candidates in the Democratic field. Where are the good candidates? Is this current field the best the Dems have to offer. No surprise but Biden is within a week or two of dropping out, Iowa was horrible for him and NH appears to be worse. Sanders has passion and staying power. He is my choice now but I have some concerns about his electability. Mayor Pete might be there someday but this doesn't look like the year. his inexperience and alienation of the African American voters is too much to overcome. M Bloomberg appears to have a real chance and might be best positioned. Then we can have two billionaires running this fall. Have you heard the word plutocracy.
Jeffrey Cosloy (Portland OR)
So ridiculous to mention Trump and Blooomberg in the same breath. One born with a golden spoon the other into poverty. Being a billionaire should not disqualify.
Martha R (Washington)
In what David Brooks describes as the most politically successful week of Trump's presidency, the ratings for Trump's State of the Union speech plummeted over 20%. The Trump Show is on its way to cancellation. Mr. Brooks should be able to come up with a top 10 list of reasons why cancellation will be a good thing for the United States, if he was brave enough to stop enabling Donald Trump. But unfortunately, Mr. Brooks feels most solid and upright when scolding Democrats.
Gabe (USA)
This piece attempts to suggest a strategy for defeating Donald Trump. If you care about human beings in America, as Sanders supporters ostensibly do, you must care about the short-term effects that a second Trump presidency could have on black, Muslim, and Hispanic people in America, to name a few. If you care about those people, you will care about defeating Donald Trump, and you will not dismiss a strategic suggestion with an epithet or shout that the establishment is attempting to repress your voice. You will consider it and respond reasonably. This is serious, y'all.
Alan (Los Angeles)
Actually, you did not give an example of anyone defeating an incumbent during good economic times. Your examples are someone defeating a candidate from the same party as the incumbent during good economic times. It is not the same. I do not know of an instance of an incumbent being defeated during good economic times. So unless there is a big downturn by October, it looks bad for the Democrats. But given the weirdness of the Trump era so far, who knows?
Lilly (New Hampshire)
With Sanders, we imagine a bright future, with true values of respect, inclusion and hope, true democratic values. Come join us! Vote Blue for the beloved, trustworthy, FDR candidate who inspires our best, motivated selves to increase democracy and raise all boats, the way Democrats used to do and can do again.
Rollo Nichols (California)
@Lilly, when Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, he was off my dance card for good, and anyone who thinks that he's any kind of a genuine "progressive" now is sadly deluded. Anyone who condones, much less supports, the disgusting political careers of either of the endlessly self-serving Clintons is just a tool, and nothing more. He should have denounced Hillary rather than endorsing her, and for doing that, in the words of Lt. Worf of Star Trek, "He is without honor." Sanders is as phony as they come, and, like Biden, is also much too old and too ill to be expected to serve even one term as president. He's had a heart attack, Biden has has brain surgery, and they'd both be close to 80 years old when they took office. We HAVE to look to someone younger, or we're guaranteed four more years of President The Donald.
Mor (California)
@Lilly the same future as they built in the USSR and are building in Venezuela - the two countries whose regimes your candidate praised? If you want poverty, repression, strife and collapse, vote socialism. Incidentally, I didn’t notice much respect for opposing views from Sanders or his supporters.
John (PA)
The criticism of Democrats not hitting the "core issues" of the middle class is curious. Democrats are strong advocates of health care, workers rights, environment protection, climate control, equal justice, campaign reform. For good measure they just campaigned against the worst attack on our freedom of speech, corruption, and abuse of power we have ever witnessed. Tell me Mr. Brooks what is more "core" than freedom from the power of corruption?
GulGamish (New York)
It's the economy stupid!
petey tonei (Ma)
We all know it took the entire world to stand up to Hitler and say enough stop. The world can stand up to trump even if Americans are unable to see and recognize the monster within. He may have been acquitted by a star struck senate but the rest of the world will not succumb to the bully. Our youth who have a vision for their future, can be tasked with the responsibility of counterattacking every single lie by a trump troll. They need a job, our youth. This is their chance. Don’t get bullied stand up to Trump and win the messaging war. Where are all the past Presidents of America? Alive ones. Get up and denounce this bully president, don’t be afraid, do it, to preserve our constitution and our democracy.
Rick Tornello (Chantilly VA)
Yeah probably.
Steven (Marfa, TX)
It’s not working! The booga booga Commies! fear mongering is not working! Oh dearie, dearie, what shall we do?! Bernie is winning! Let’s double down on the propaganda machine: economy’s up, unemployment is down, it’s Morning in America again, all the lies are true and all the truths are lies, can’t you see? Everything’s fine, let’s just vote Reagan 1984, so much for politics and columnists.
Bernadette (Walnut Creek, Ca)
I don’t pay attention to the polls anymore and neither should Brooks. All the polls said Hillary would win the election but they somehow forgot to include the state polls where she lost. And, sadly I can feel Brooks leaning back to his long growing Republican roots now that his stint writing about morals is waning. Watch his writing topics change as he jumps on the band wagon.
Both parties are taking a short term view of the economic while the Chinese are looking at the long term. For the moment, the indicators say the economy is good; however, the US is totally underinvesting in the future - pre k-12 education, infrastructure, cyber security, enabling healthier life styles, assessing the efficacy of our health treatments, etc. This economy is being sustained by short changing the future.
DMS (Michigan)
Indeed. Sadly, many American voters can’t think past ‘hey he humiliates people he is angry with. I wish I could do that! Here’s my vote!!!!’
KD (Grantham NH)
Brooks is correct "It’s hard to defeat a president in good times." Agreed, and these are not "normal times." Fox-fed Americans are apparently easily dissuaded from concerns about the death of their democracy. Complex truths of the Enlightenment are replaced by well-coordinated soundbite zings to the amygdala, as pioneered by our recently crowned Rush BagofWind. A moral choice needs to be presented effectively to the American people:do you prefer a corrupting intimidator who is actively undermining Democracy to one who offers a promise of reform and a fairer America.
Mr. Brooks -- Do you read your comments? You should - especially Readers Picks. Please get that log out of your OWN eye. Thank you
Deb Paley (NY, NY)
What planet is David Brooks on?
CMK (Honolulu)
The president is a vile, immoral, illiterate, ignorant, lying punk. I will vote against him as I did in 2016. I expect a better result than the last presidential election. DNC, Perez, you better deliver.
Rollo Nichols (California)
@CMK, considering what they delivered in 2016, it's no wonder that Trump has that constant smirk on his face.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
Democracy is when candidates propose policies that inspire participation. When the DNC forces their anointed from the top down, they lose again. It isn’t Perez or DWS who get to chose the president. The American people do, remember?
tedc (dfw)
He won because the Grand old party is no more and it is now the Garbage old party of the Trumpers consisting of KKK, evangelical Christians, white nationalists, members of John Birch Society, self-righteous farmers, anti-abortionist, NRA, anti-climate changers, Wall street big Donners with sinister self-interest.
Jordan (Portchester)
Gee, wouldn't it be fun if the GOP could out forward a candidate who wasn't a demented fascist.
pb4072 (DC area)
I'm tired of your dark, dark thoughts, Mr. Brooks. You're just another Republican, through and through.
Anthony (Portland, OR)
Lifelong Democrat chiming in here. How can voters who are on the fence about voting for a Democrat trust the party to run the country when they can't even tally votes accurately in their first primary? The party looks foolish, incompetent, and completely rudderless. In an age of misinformation and mistrust, these kinds of screw ups give people all the more reason not to trust the Democrats even with an incompetent buffoon in the Oval Office. I'm hopeful the Democratic party will get its act together, otherwise we're looking at four more years of disastrous Trump policies, and we'll have ourselves to thank for it.
Frank Casa (Durham)
The most unworthy of man has fallen into good economic times. He didn't have to lift a finger and when he did he provoked more confusion, tariff wars and trillions to the rich which fuel the market, giving the illusion that prosperity is everywhere. When Democrats are in power the wails and lamentations of Republicans about the dangerous deficit can be heard all the way to the valley of death. Now that the deficit is going apace, you can hear the fluttering of a butterfly all way up the hill. I was in favor of continuing the impeachment process all through the campaign or of not sending the articles over, period. Knowing that there was no chance in hell of getting a minimum response from the morally brain dead Republicans, let the articles hang like a sword over Trump's head. But even in defeat, the impeachment had to be done to show people, those who are willing to listen, that what went on was not normal, legal or moral. Someone has to to say that you may have your victory, but we know you cheated. And if you want to sell the country's honor for a plate of lentils. Go ahead and enjoy it while it is full. I'll wait until you finished eating.
Winston Smith 2020 (Staten Island, NY)
New York Times, why do you publish this right wing drivel? Enough already. I need at least ONE news outlet where I don’t have to hear “both sides.” Fire Brooks, Douthat and and Bret and hire Michel Eric Dyson and then let him hire two other people. Wake up, you dummies. You’re helping this criminal and his organized crime family win again.
AL (Idaho)
Running on hating trump and anybody but trump never seemed like a good idea to me. The message, “I hate trump and I’m not trump” doesn’t exactly fire anybody up about the future. Then when given a chance democrats basically say Americans suck and we need even more immigration including illegals and oh btw, well give them free health insurance. You Americans? We’re going to force M4A on you. How did it come to this? There are 330 million people in this country. These are the best people and ideas we can come up with? Time for a reset.
Ted (Chicago)
Yawn, another Conservative giving Democrats election advice on NYT. While David is wrong about most points, his insistence that there is no frontrunner people can get behind is the most incorrect. In spite of everything Bernie Sanders has taken a lead and will likely be the nominee. Yes, in mostly white, rural, Iowa it was a tie, but that is a demographic anomaly. If David was right, Biden would be the presumptive nominee because he was seen as the "safe" choice. No David, progressives are mad as hell and we don't want somebody to sooth us. We want somebody with the judgement, policies, and competence to lead us from the hell that we are living under Trump's regime. That man is Bernie Sanders and we dont give a fudge if you don't like that.
Lilly (New Hampshire)
The establishment on both sides is afraid of representative democracy. They shouldn’t worry. Just because Sanders is president, they can still be rich, while we save the environment and give everyone healthcare.
M.S. Shackley (Albuquerque)
I've said it before, I've been voting Democratic since 1970, and time after time Democrats blow it. Trump gave them this election, and they cannot see the forest for the trees - again. Yes, I will vote for whomever is nominated as I did last time and every time before that. Republicans are cruel, heartless, and winners. We need to embrace some of that, because after Trump wins, the cruelty toward the Middle Class and poor will be at levels never seen since perhaps the Civil War. Democrats rarely can say s... when they have a mouthful. If we want democracy to continue in this country we better learn and fast.
adel (Jersey City)
The task falls not just to the Democrats but to us ALL. This is a real crisis and has much more at stake than just the economy. Thomas Paine implored his fellow countrymen at a critical time during the War of Revolution to come together. If you have never read The Crisis, here is a link: Extracted are the introduction and part of the heart of the argument for those without the time to read it in its entirety . "THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. " "Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it. Say not that thousands are gone, turn out your tens of thousands; throw not the burden of the day upon Providence, but "show your faith by your works," that God may bless you. "
Roger (Crazytown.D.C.)
Throw a trillion dollar deficit into any economy and the economy will grow in any country. This has been all about re-election. All along. That's why Trump keeps harping on the economy. It's like saying "to hell with everything as long as I get re-elected. Let future Presidents deal with the fallout as long as I get my 8 years". And sadly most voters don't see through this. They would rather have short term gain and suffer long term pain. This is the biggest con in years: THE TRUMP HUSTLE.
Alan (Los Angeles)
@Roger The House, controlled by Democrats, have to approve of these trillion dollar deficits. It is a bipartisan effort, one of the few.
Arthur (Florida)
" impeachment never became a topic of conversation among rank-and-file Democrats, ... " What the hell are you talking about?
Carol (oregon)
When your bank account is full, that's the time to do the big things. Instead, Trump has squandered an opportunity to accomplish all kinds of social goods because he works from a scarcity model. Even while the banquet table is full, he acts like a starving person snatching every last seed he can get to put in his own mouth instead of planting the seeds that will extend the prosperity to the future. That's what I wish the Dems would say.