7 Questions With Jazz Jennings of TLC’s ‘I Am Jazz’

Jan 30, 2020 · 11 comments
Mike (Pelham NY)
What happen to the Hippocratic oath .... do no harm? The center for suicide prevention states "the decision to medically transition to the gender with which one identifies can be stressful and may place someone more at risk for suicide." In addition, he (please respect my use of pronouns which are based on biology) had his body mutilated. We would all be shocked if a doctor removed a transable person's arm because they felt that they were "stuck in the wrong body," yet there is a tone of celebration in this article. The last sentence is interesting, "We’re all beautiful and unique and we just have to learn to embrace that."
Catherine (NYC)
This child has never been given a chance to lead a normal life. Jazz' mother has put her in front of cameras in exchange for cash for several years now. Jazz should cancel the TV show and take a year off far from the family who think she's a cash cow. Jazz needs to figure out what real life is about.
mesfromusa (mid-hudson valley)
I struggle with wanting to be on the "right" side of this issue, trying to see it in the same way as society's necessary acceptance of those among us choosing same-sex lovers, partners, and spouses. But I can't. Puberty blocking drugs and extreme surgical procedures - especially when it comes to children - are simply abhorrent to me. I don't know what the answer is for those experiencing this condition, and what they do as adults is their own business. But I can envision a time when people who were supported in their desire to undergo drug treatment and surgical re-assignment by their parents when they were under age turn around and seek financial relief via the judicial system for not stopping them from make a terrible, life-altering mistake.
KMR (Minneapolis)
This is so important for everyone to see! I’m so glad that Jazz is out there as a role model for trans kids everywhere!
S.L. (Briarcliff Manor, NY)
What kind of nuts are her parents to make money from flaunting their child's psychological problems? If their son felt that he was a girl, certainly it was something to be addressed in private. It is also possible that Jazz may have wanted to pursue a different course as he got older, but was pressured into the hormones and surgery. Why is it not malpractice to castrate and mutilate a child's body?
DM (Philadelphia)
Amen. And I would add that this television show is incomplete because it paints a very rosy picture of only one possible outcome. The other possible outcome of treating teens who identify as transgender is that they come to regret the decision one, five, or 10 years later. These poor souls, known as detransitioners, are left wondering why society affirmed and celebrated their identity so unquestioningly that they were encouraged to irreversibly change their bodies. In the case that teen treatment does not alleviate gender dysphoria, but rather makes it worse, how do we feel about the TV show jazz?
William (Solebury)
Love. Jazz and her family are full of love. What a gift that they have shared that love with us.
Dana (Queens, NY)
Thank you, Jazz, for sharing. Your experiences are surely empowering for many other persons who are gender non conforming and are transitioning or considering transitioning. One thing that is clear from your experience is the fact that it is never too early to begin transitioning once a person is confident that transitioning is the right thing. Completing puberty in the wrong body only complicates the process of acquiring a body consonant with one's identity. It is also clear that nothing is more important than the support of family and friends. I wish you the very best.
X (NY)
I taught a college course on culture and sexuality for many years. Being able to show video clips of Jazz growing up was a gift. I had so many students who were initially skeptical about the concept and reality of trans. Once they "met" Jazz, most of them seem to develop an understanding and appreciation of the issues and difficulties that trans people face even when they have an accepting and supportive family. Jazz, you are amazing! Thank you for having the courage to educate us.
Cousy (New England)
Good for her. She has done all of us a favor. I hope the reality show has not come at too much of a cost for her. Her parents should be very proud.
Michael T (New York)
Yay for Jazz! She is a fearless woman warrior blazing an incredible path and will have a profound impact for Trans youth in years to come. Kudos!