In Impeachment Case, Schiff Accuses Trump of Trying ‘to Cheat’ in Election

Jan 22, 2020 · 546 comments
Truthbeknown (Texas)
“scathing case”. are you serious? Do the country some service and relax the slobbering love of the Democrat position, no matter how baseless.
Samuel Owen (Athens, GA)
Let’s not forget that if it was not for The Whistleblower. Trump’s other previous and ongoing transgressions weren’t enough for majority House members to Impeach him even though a handful of Dems thought there was. That to me is the scariest aspect of this our most current government dysfunction. How did we get to this point? Weren’t there other potential whistleblowers and public gov. lawyers that witnessed other ongoing suspicious activities in the Trump Administration? We’ve known that Trump since the beginning of his presidency was a live “hand grenade”. If ‘good’ Public servants or Common citizens are successful in removing him or voting him out of Office. What’s the lesson or safeguards to prevent new Public Officials from acting unethically, immortal & unlawfully in plain official sight of other public officials. ‘Good’ & righteous Media also bares responsibility for our governmental welfare. Hope a new chance for US is possible but it’s sorta like Charter Schools better K-12 public education environment for the lucky students while for the rests may your parent’s neighborhoods shelter you. Gang governance!
Margaret Jay (Sacramento)
By their decision to present a “meticulous and scathing case” against Trump, the Democrats have completely justified the decision to proceed with impeachment. The hearings were, of necessity, all over the place as numerous witnesses told their intersecting stories. Schiff and his fellow impeachment managers have put these stories together in a careful and complete narrative which is nothing if not compelling. What is also striking about this trial is the diversity among the Democratic Representatives, all of whom have been thoroughly prepared, focussed, and pitch-perfect in their presentations. Contrast that with the sleepy “jury” with its preponderance of rich white Republican males who have no intention of sitting still to listen to the damning facts in this national embarrassment.
Molly (Ca)
Impeachment is limited by the constitution to treason bribery high crimes or misdemeanors so this impeachment is unconstitutional. Trump withheld aid to over 20 countries for valid reasons and he is legally allowed to do so . Trump has an obligation to investigate corruption even when maybe especially when it involves a candidate for president. The house didnt allow the republicans to call witnesses , cross examine the democrats witeneses or present evidence and and Schiff only released a tiny fraction of the proceedings so a person in traffic court has more due process rights than Trump If Schiff wanted to call witnesses he could have done so in the house proceedings. The only election meddling done in 2016 was done by Hillary, Fusion GPS, Mc Cabe Misfud, Clapper, Brennan and other US government officials who told lies about Trump to prevent his election and to try to remove him. Read Greg Jarrett's books . Also read Andrew C Mc Cartheys National Review article Steele's Dirty Dossier in National Review June 24 2017 pg 27. Read Al Perrotta's article in on Aug 20, 2019.
dutchiris (Berkeley, CA)
It is maddening that the defense keeps saying Giuliani and Trump were using coercion to force the Ukrainians to get dirt on the Bidens, instead of saying TRYING to get dirt on the Bidens. There had already been an investigation into possible wrongdoing by Joe Biden with regard to Burisma, and as had already been proven, there wasn't any dirt to get.
Dave C (NJ)
I think I have a man-crush. Just to add a bit of levity; Remember those 'Adorable Deplorable' t-shirts? How about some re: Adam Schiff? - 'Sexy, Smart Schiff' - 'I'm too Sexy For The Senate' (Plus face of Adam Schiff) - Schiff playing in a rockband with other case managers 'Adam & The Schiff's'
Terrence Zehrer (Las Vegas, NV)
This impeachment thing borders on treason. I'm 72 and have never seen such a long robust and economy in my whole life. Thanks Donald.
Dave C (NJ)
@Terrence Zehrer 1.) Terrence, your photo shows with your name - you're a rather spry looking 72 yr old! Just saying. 2.) Economy and impeachable offenses have nothing to do with each other. If you can connect them, please, we're all ears. (I mean that, happy to have that conversation, otherwise is just another 'whataboutism'.)
Two Americas (South Salem)
If we know nothing else we can be assured that our president pays Jay Sekulow on time.
Molly (Ca)
The election cheaters are the democrats. Read Greg Jarrett's books
J. Marti (North Carolina)
The Dems new that the Senate will acquit. Their true objective is to convince enough swing voters to torpedo Trump's chances of reelection. That is why we have this circus with all the pomp and circumstance.
Tom (Des Moines, IA)
While Dems can usually ignore the rantings of our disgrace of a president, I think Chuck Schumer can call his bluff about sitting in the Senate chamber by formally asking for Trump to testify at the trial. What better witness for evidence--evidence that his case is a complete fraud, since he will be revealed for the liar he is after the first question of substance. It would be a "for show" move, but it would add to the coverup angle and serve even more notice that the side with the most confidence in the facts is willing to call even hostile witnesses. I for one, would love to see his cowardly face in the Senate. As for Nadler's accusations of a coverup, save them for when the Senate finally and formally caves by acquitting "the Great Divider". Dem promises that the Ukraine scandal was easier to prosecute than what the Mueller Report laid out for them haven't come true. While they have ostensibly made a clear case for conviction on both impeachment charges, the American people on the conservative side can't see any blatant corruption--partly because the case is complicated--so that see-no-evil Senators have an easier task.
novoad (USA)
At the end, the vote will be simple. The senators will be told that the Democrats want witnesses. So that the senators would stay on water, milk and Hershey candies till end April, listening to the very same things for 600 hours. Instead of the current 24+24+36+36 = 120 hours. Who is for say Aye!
Quilp (White Plains, NY)
Why so surprised by the extent of Republican chutzpah? That is their play book: Run up deficits under Reagan/Bush, while falsely thundering on about welfare queens. Camouflage Corporate welfare, so that trickle down economics can trickle. Threaten social security, pressure the tawdry Bill Clinton to institute budgetary cuts and balance the budget, so that George W Bush can institute tax cuts for the rich, expend a trillion dollars on a trumped up war, collapse the economy ( ably supported by Cheney, Rumsfeld and Condoleeza Rice's matching incompetence) Surrender that unholy mess to Obama, so that he can right the ship, which he did well. But scream Benghazi for three years anyway. Trumpet that the economy is a mess after eight years of recovery from the Bush-Cheney fiasco. Relentlessly beat the gas light drum to misguided voters, convince them that America needs to be made great again, even with unemployment at an historical low. Replace Obama with a pseudo Republican con man who cow tows to every southern resistance Tea Party/Freedom Caucus excess (Notably Pompeo Mulvaney and Cotton). Rapidly tea party the courts, a new round of tax cuts to the rich, run up the deficits once more, freeze that infrastructure bill, destabilize the free world, elevate Russian oligarchs and Putin, deem Kim Jung Un a kindly man, weaken allies like Ukraine and elevate thugs in the Middle East. Now, we have lots of time to wait for that hard rain to fall, because it will, again.
Eric (Virginia)
Why did over 50 million people, including many college educated, successful members of the pre-boomer generation, vote for Trump? It certainly wasn't because of his character. My guess it was because they have been watching and reflecting for nearly 80 years.
Tim (New York NY)
Their stupid. Remember we are like 27th in the world education and the Red States have made sure they under fund education so they con people easily.
Dave C (NJ)
@Eric I beg to disagree. What do 80 yr olds have time to do? Watch TV during the day. Fox news replaced Sally Jessie Raphael, Soap Operas and the like. They watch the drama on Fox and are enthralled by the Drama. The throwdowns, the emotions, the's just the next generation of Soap Operas dressed up as Politics. Know who also falls for most phishing scams? Folks over 80. It's not reflection...they were conned. Pure and simple.
Eric (Virginia)
@Tim They're not at all stupid. Graduates of Columbia, MIT, Berkeley, Vassar . . . . Try again.
william phillips (louisville)
If a house manager can’t tell a story and can’t inspire why choose them to speak for hour after hour? All this fuss and bother, myself included, over why Trump is dangerous to our country, and I hear someone just drone on...bad voice, bad, phrasing, bad body language. How does this happen? Awful,awful,awful.
Dave C (NJ)
@william phillips Couldn't disagree more. Schiff is like political chicken soup for the soul. I could listen to him all day long.
william phillips (louisville)
@Dave C Schiff is all I would want any politician to be. The rep from Texas, and perhaps others, just not a good fit. No one should be in line to do,the,honors. I would rather have staff.
NR (Denver)
The true outcome will be in November: the final "verdict" will be how voters choose among Senate, Congressional, and the Presidential candidates.
just Robert (North Carolina)
I am very impressed with the presentation of the House prosecutors so far. They do not get angry, but present the case with dignity, clearly and with brevity though there is much to say. Their very reasonableness is in sharp contrast to the anger displayed by Republicans as they refuse to listen. Will the Republican presenters actually address these points or will they choose to brush them aside for the sake of a president who would bee king? At least the case is in the record for all to see though as Republicans seem intent on a quital without debate the King will soon be back at his tricks of subverting our government for his own persoal power.
Tom W (New Haven, CT)
I read the source document, the Mueller Report. I watched the Ukraine testimony on CSpan. The information was unbiased. I cannot possibly see how the Republican Senate can not see that Trump and his administration were using the power of the president to obtain a sound bite that would be used to taint Biden downstream in all types of media using this little factoid IF Zelensky had made the CNN statement. This obvious attempt at election rigging supports the findings of the Mueller Report that Trump did know the Russians were interfering and rigging the election in 2016 and may have been a participant. A few votes here and there made the difference. It appears the this new Republican - Libertarian party supports Election Rigging when it suits them. I cannot see myself voting for any Republican not just at the federal level, but at state and local levels also. There is something dangerously wrong with this party.
novoad (USA)
@Tom W "Trump did know the Russians were interfering and rigging the election in 2016 and may have been a participant" Read it again. It said they found no evidence of any American colluding with the Russians. The 2016 elections happened under Obama's watch. Blaming it on Trump would be like blaming 2020 interference on Amy Klobuchar. Obama was indeed Putin's man, let the Russians interfere with no attempt at stopping them. Obama also gave no defensive weapons to the Ukrainians so they could be better butchered by Putin. That is why it important not to vote someone feckless like Obama in office ever again.
GregP (27405)
@Tom W Why should the President want to taint Biden when he isn't now the Nominee and as it stands at the moment has very little chance of becoming the Nominee? You act like there aren't a dozen other people in the race right now that might just end up being the one who faces Trump besides Biden.
alan brown (manhattan)
In this article the issue of trading Hunter Biden for Bolton was raised and Schumer insists he's not making that trade. Let's get real. The issue will come about if there are sufficient votes for witnesses in this way: A resolution will be introduced by Republicans to ask for subpoenaing Bolten and Biden. Vote Aye or No. If the four vulnerable Republicans vote yes( Aye) they are off the hook. If the Democrats vote No they are on the hook along with Biden or Bidens. If the Democrats vote Aye then there will be testimony by both and this is opening a Pandora's box for both sides. One thing is for sure: Senator Schumer cannot control this by saying he's not trading. He doesn't have the votes.
DWM30831 (melbourne)
@alan brown You need to remember it's the actions of the President that are the problem here. It has nothing to do with anything the Biden's might have done. Trump only wanted to implicate Joe Biden to virtually put him out of the race to become president.
Kim (New England)
The problem with the possible GOP Senators idea that the American people can decide this issue by voting Trump out of office is a false choice. Not many, if any, GOP supporters are going to either vote for the Democrat candidate or choose not to vote at all as a way of "convicting" Trump.
Jordan (Melbourne Fl.)
My God, NYT reporters and commenters alike are doing everything but cross toes and eyes evidently believing that this is not going to end in the President's acquittal. Boy do they have a surprise coming. Not so surprising will be the radical left rioting and destroying OTHER people's property at the conclusion of this farce.
Dave C (NJ)
@Jordan Jordan, please, for your pulse-rate, calm down. Now, slowly describe what the heck you're talking about. Radical left rioting and destroying other people's property? Since when? Are you referring to The Revolutionary War in the 1700's, when the radical left decided they didn't want a monarchy and fought for their freedom?
LM (New York)
This is our country, our elected President. Impeachment is a BIG DEAL! This should be treated with the utmost respect and seriousness. This is all that should be playing on all the TV Networks including Cable and the Radio. For now it is just playing on 2 cable networks that you have to pay for to see. That is insane. People do not care because apparently only people who can afford cable can have the privileged of watching it. This affects the whole country and everyone should be watching it as a country and have the same message. Instead the media is acting like this is just a side show that is normal everyday foolery. The talking heads are just giving their opinion, which is simply that and therefore the truth and the seriousness of everything is lost. Then you have the nerve to wonder what is wrong with Americans, don't they care? The majority of us know more about the Kardashians then we do our own government... It's because the Kardashians are playing the same time as the Impeachment Hearing. Something is very wrong with that! There is so much to say and wrong with this, I really do not even know where to begin. All I can say is our society is going backwards, maybe we already peaked.
Eric (Virginia)
@LM 'People do not care ' The people have never been credited with the ability to reason, to collect and analyze data and turn it into information. They are driven by emotion and belief, and by now (with all the hysteria, the Russian investigation, etc., are bored. Why do you think they elected the politicians, since the time that the memory of man runneth no to the contrary, who disserve the ordinary people and instead serve their masters. PJ O'Rourke nailed it.
Jordan (Melbourne Fl.)
@LM (and Eric) 'People do not care ' Yeah lots of people don't care since the stated mission of the Dems since day one (Maxine Waters, Rashida Tlaib etc.) was to impeach Trump and now its come true, yawn.
DWM30831 (melbourne)
@Jordan Please advise where this so called mission was stated. The Dems did not want to impeach until there became a point when the actions of the President got to a point when the he put the security of the nation at risk.
winchestereast (usa)
"In the impeachment trial, Schiff describes, using transcripts and video testimony, evidence outlining how Trump co-opted foreign aid to cheat in the election." "In the impeachment trial, GOP senators snooze and doodle while Schiff, and House Democrats, describe Trump's efforts to carry out extortion and obtain foreign election assistance in 2020 campaign."
winchestereast (usa)
"In the impeachment trial, Schiff describes, using transcripts and video testimony, evidence outlining how Trump co-opted foreign aid to cheat in the election." "In the impeachment trial, GOP senators snooze and doodle while Schiff, and House Democrats, describe Trump's efforts to carry out extortion and obtain foreign election assistance in 2020 campaign."
Eric (Virginia)
The failed Russian interference investigation didn't create a favorable foundation for further pursuit of impeachment. It did the opposite.
michjas (Phoenix)
Hypotheticals are used by lawyers to educate and persuade. I pose an impeachment hypothetical in order to persuade. Suppose Obama was convinced that Mitt Romney had trophy-hunted in Kenya along with his daughter -- the present head of the RNC. And suppose he believed there was a monumentally offensive picture of the daughter standing by the majestic elephant she had just shot in Kenya. (Note that Romney is a life-long hunter and his daughter has directed a fortune in political contributions to candidates aligned with the NRA.) Obama, of course, has sway in Kenya. So assume he calls the Kenyan President and tells him he'd love a copy of the picture. At the same time, he speaks out against trophy hunting. Further assume that, after the call, Obama enacts a regulation imposing huge fines on American trophy hunters in Kenya, which would deprive Kenya of vital revenues. Now assume that a whistleblower exposes this scheme and Obama retracts the regulation. With this information, you've got choices -- support sanction legislation in Congress, expose Obama's scheme and insist on a public retraction, or conduct multiple impeachment investigations, impeach and take him to trial after two years of less than stellar investigations. In the hypothetical, Obama pressures Kenya for a perceived advantage by smear in the 2012 election. The analogy is apparent. And common sense says that a Presidential sanction will do and that two years of investigations is out there.
Marc M (New York, NY)
@michjas - I believe the present head of the RNC, Ronna McDaniel Romney, is Mitt Romney's niece, not his daughter.
abigail49 (georgia)
The witness I want to hear is the one with ALL the "first-hand knowledge." Donald John Trump. I want him to swear an oath and answer specific questions about all the sworn testimony and documentary evidence the House collected. If (when) he lies on the stand, he has committed the crime of perjury, which meets the standard for impeachment and conviction Republicans used for Bill Clinton. In a "fair" trial, doesn't the defendant have the right to testify in his own defense? And why wouldn't he?
Steve Kennedy (Deer Park, Texas)
“ 'What Chairman Nadler said and how he conducted himself was outrageous and an insult to the Senate,' said Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas. 'We don’t need to continue the clown circus that started over in the House.' ” Does Mr. Cornyn even listen to himself? Complaining about insults by insulting them? The so called "insults" are essentially just re-stating what Mr. McConnell and Mr. Graham have openly stated, that they have no intention of being impartial, and will coordinate closely with Mr. Trump. The faux outrage by the Republicans is the height of chutzpah, reminiscent of their reactions during the Kavanaugh hearings.
Robert M. Koretsky (Portland, OR)
As Bernie so truthfully says, Trump is a pathological liar, a racist, and a fraud, who would expect that he wouldn’t cheat? And Republicans support him. America, your Constitution has been abolished by the Commanders, you all now live in the Republic of Gilead!
Diane B (Wilmington, DE.)
Mr shear, It is interesting and odd that out of the many hours of testimony, presentation of facts, and the building of a clear narrative of our president's abuse of power, your headline was the best you could come up with: "Schiff accuses Trump of trying to cheat in election". I thought the title of an article was supposed to capture the essence of the article's content.
abigail49 (georgia)
@Diane B I found that strange too. It's almost like the headline writer didn't even hear the Democrats' arguments. There was so much more "quotable" material in the hours of the prosecution's case, "Cheating" reduces the very, very serious allegations to a level of cheating at checkers. I guess that's what wrong with our politics now. It's all just a game and cheaters can win if nobody care about the rules.
Camp Ogre (West Grove, PA)
Schiff is an American Cicero, intelligent, perceptive, informed, thorough – revealing. He is a bright light in the midst of so much darkness. Beside him, Republicans seem silly, small-minded, stubborn and dangerous -- all of which is in keeping with the behavior of their boss.
Darko Begonia (New York)
"The Republican Party is the most dangerous organization in human history" — Noam Chomsky Please VOTE, November 2020.
John Gilday (Nevada)
Just saw an interesting observation from a Republican Senator. The impeachment sham against President Trump is actually a political ploy to weaken the reelection prospects for Republican Senators in states where they may be vulnerable. This makes a lot of sense. The Democrats know that there is no way President Trump will be found guilty in the Senate and will be re-elected but his acquittal might bolster the chances for some vulnerable Senators to be defeated. What could be better for Democrats than to control both houses of Congress with a lame duck President Trump. Republicans should start spreading this info as this impeachment hoax plays out. Important for Americans to know they are being played by the Democrats. Maybe Pelosi’s not that dumb?
abigail49 (georgia)
@John Gilday There's always the possibility that the elected representatives in one party actually cares about preserving our democracy and preventing the rise of an autocrat who believes "Article Two says I can do anything I want." American patriots believe otherwise.
Eric (Virginia)
@abigail49 Or neither party cares about preserving our democracy. Perhaps all they care about is getting re-elected, and that takes money and an emotion driven public open to emotional persuasion.
CM (Toronto, Canada)
Republicans under Trump have learned that having no shame is a powerful political strategy. There is not one GOP Senator in that chamber who thought Trump had a chance to become President. They knew he was a crass, obnoxious blowhard, a "businessman" with a sketchy record. And yet, he won. And boy oh boy, they've learned from that. They've learned that admitting no fault and having no shame is a virtually impregnable position when you are a lawmaker. So don't expect them to rediscover their consciences any time soon. The'll only rediscover their principles when they have their claws pulled from the levers of power. Here's hoping.
Richard Geller (Portland, Oregon)
I seem to recall during the Clinton impeachment, republicans self-righteously preaching about the importance of character in a President. Where is that same sentiment now that a republican is up on the chopping block? President Trump is everything we tell our children not to be. He lies, he cheats, he skims off his own charity, and he cheats on his wife. Perhaps the republican party is more interested in perpetuating their own hold on power than on standing up for what is right. What hypocrites!
rich (hutchinson isl. fl)
Motive pf the importance of Trump's insistence that Ukraine take the blame for Russia's 2016 election meddling needs to be front and center. It is as obvious to the former GOP Russia fighters as it is to everyone else, that when Donald Trump advocates the Russian GRU propaganda that Ukraine hacked our 2016 election instead of Russia, he proves himself to be a Russian asset and Putin's puppet. The Russian kleptocracy desperately need sanctions relief; That can only happen if the blame for the 2016 election meddling is placed elsewhere. And Trump can keep Putin from revealing his years of money laundering, and have Russia help him again in 2020, only by continuing to do Putin's work.
abigail49 (georgia)
@rich All roads lead to Putin. This Ukraine affair is only a part of the Trump-Putin story. I hope journalists will tell the rest. They're all we've got now that Republicans are complicit in the cover-up and hold control of the Senate. Voters can change that, however.
Ted (Minnesota)
All I see is a lot of smoke and noise about "cheating" by Trump and the "smearing" of Biden, without any focus on the substance of those assertions. "Smearing" implies spreading false information about someone, but the way that word is used by politicians and PR flacks just means the information is damaging (and probably "unfair" in the view of the victim), even if true. "Cheating" seems to be similarly defined by Schiff as the "unfair" tactics of Republicans seeking to disseminate information about Democrats that is damaging, whether or not it's true. The problem is that voters love to hear dirt about politicians, and they don't think Adam Schiff has the right to cover it up.
Doctor B (White Plains, NY)
@Ted The only cover up going on is being waged by Trump and his GOP lackeys. Democrats demand witnesses and documents, while Trump tells everyone in his circle to refuse to cooperate with any requests for information and GOP Senators ignore the facts being presented. So, who is covering up the truth? Clearly, it's Republicans.
Ted (Minnesota)
@Doctor B I agree that Trump is trying to cover up damaging information, as do most accused public figures with the assistance of counsel. But if you watched Schiff in the House hearings, he ruled out of order tons of information (and witnesses) that Republicans tried to introduce to provide context, some of which supported the assertion that the Biden family's interests in Ukraine were corrupt. Voters who are looking for a reason to maintain the status quo (i.e. most people in a strong economy) will see Schiff's actions and speechifying as simply partisan.
William Perrigo (Germany (U.S. Citizen))
Mr.Schiff commented that court proceedings are not a place for football-like trades of witnesses. But this kind of training in a similar way goes on all the time! For the testimony of some, deals are often made to reduce sentences or even to provide immunity. Who draws the line? Him? Trump? Eye-roll.
Dr. Sam Rosenblum (Palestine)
Bad conduct - yes. Criminal behavior - doubtful but maybe. Conviction - no a chance.
abigail49 (georgia)
@Dr. Sam Rosenblum No conviction -- What worse will he do next?
KB (Southern USA)
This is how democracy dies. There are no longer any checks or balances or separation of powers. DJT will henceforth be known as the transitioner from President to Monarch. Mitch and his chamber have just written the senate chamber into irrelevance.
Chris F (Brooklyn, NY)
I have read that during this Impeachment trial some Senators were unaccounted for. If this is true, why are they allowed to continue as "jurors"? If I were an empaneled juror and decided to skip the trial, a representative of the court would arrive at my residence and haul me in front of the judge! Chief Justice Roberts, are you paying attention?
Doctor B (White Plains, NY)
Of course Trump is trying to cheat in the 2020 election, just like he cheated in 2016. He's never been able to accomplish anything in life without cheating, so why should we expect anything different now? Craven, spineless GOP Senators who ignore Trump's abuse of power are in effect saying that cheating is perfectly fine with them as long as it's done by a Republican, rather than standing up for the truth & the integrity of our elections at the risk of facing a primary challenger endorsed by Trump. The refusal of GOP Senators to even listen to the presentation by the House's impeachment managers shows that they are not serious about protecting our democracy from Trump's efforts to turn our government into a dictatorship. The voters must decisively reject each & every one of these GOP traitors.
abigail49 (georgia)
"Cheat" is a weak word to describe what Donald Trump and his gangsters on our public payroll (plus Rudy and Lev) have done, but I guess it's a word all Americans can understand.You don't have to be a lawyer or even a college graduate to understand. It's especially appropriate in our tax filing season. We understand "tax cheats" and are reminded that this is the only president who has not revealed his tax returns while claiming full credit for being a very smart and very wealthy businessman. What is he hiding?
An independent in (Texas)
A golf cheat, tax cheat, unfaithful husband and fraud, he takes his lifelong methods into the presidency and threatens our national security with impunity and the very basis of our system of government. Clearly, Trump is desperate to be re-elected -- or be indicted. His removal from office is the only way out or he'll keep it up and do worse.
Edward (Honolulu)
Enough of this charade. The Democrats are just using impeachment as a campaign tactic. The longer it goes on, the more we have to look at Adam Schiff engaging in his obscene bid for higher office. Time to give him the hook.
DWM30831 (melbourne)
@Edward When did Mr Schiff indicate that he is looking for higher office. This matter is about Mr Trump who has high office and will go to any lengths, fair of foul (mostly foul) to stay there. Trump has cheated his whole life and is very unlikely to change now.
manoflamancha (San Antonio)
Most humans are plagued with the same capricious, brutal, homicidal, warring, selfish, self serving, pompous, egotistical behavior which will always remain untouched and unchanged. Man should stop making war in the name of liberty, justice, peace and in the name of God (all religions in the world). The true God is good and would not be blessing soldiers nor war itself. Humans will eventually self destruct due to their inability to control their inborn dichotomies of love vs. hate, good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, and moral vs. immoral.
Easy Goer (Louisiana)
The most sickening part of these hearings is the lack of broadcast network TV coverage. On Wednesday, out of the "Big 4" (ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX), only CBS broadcast Adam Schiff's entire "speech" in it's entirety. The other 3 networks had Dr. Phil, The Young and the Restless, etc. with sporadic "Special Reports". What a world...
Chuck (Portland oregon)
Fake howls of indignation: that is how the Republicans respond to Jerry Nadler's harsh but true denunciation of GOP complicity in the coverup of President Trump's abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Nadler hit a very sore point with them because he called them "liars" before hitting them with complicity in a coverup. He explained why and he wasn't employing hyperbole or ad hominem attacks. What was shocking was his audacity to speak truth to power. GOP Senators have also vented spleen over the fact that Schiff masterfully wove the tale of Russian influence into the story of Trump's malfeasance. I was afraid the House Managers would be silent on the Russian element of the story, but they have effectively shown how Trump and his people picked up on Mr. Putin's talking point that the 2016 computer hacking of the DNC and Mr. Podesta originated in Ukraine. Implicit in this is that the shakedown of Ukraine serves Russian national interest and not American national interest. I hope some GOP members are tracking all of this because when the House Managers are done, Republican Senators will have good cause to abandon Mr. McConnell's lock step marching order to provide cover for a corrupt President.
Harley Leiber (Portland OR)
Schiff's tone and presentation were professorial. He was "teaching" the Senate and the American public about a tragic chain of events in our recent that has lead us to this point. He was educating. And, in so doing trying to defeat the tendency towards tribalism which is easy to revert to when we feel our institutions or values are challenged or under attack. Diana Mutz, a professor of political science and communication at the University of Pennsylvania, has stated, “The one sense in which there is evidence that we do ‘overcome’ our tendencies toward tribalism is through education.” So, Schiff had to start from the very beginning. Each and every presentation will need to build on what Schiff has presented, until the prosecution side rests it's case. Then Trump's lawyers will need to do as comprehensive a job in their attempt to educate. Given the evidence I woudn't want to be on their team .
This is awesome. Schiff et al are detailing, for the entire country, how thin and ridiculous these articles of impeachment are. But then again, the Dems know this. In these "impeachment proceedings", the House could have used the courts to have desired Trump administration officials be compelled to testify (because, as is our President's right, he evoked executive privilege with these officials) and always had the opportunity to to include more evidence to support their case to impeach. But the House Dems knew this would make their quest into a long hard fight, (and they might not succeed) which would probably last past the 2020 election. So - due to these reasons - the Dems were now desperate to impeach because they claimed it was "imperative" to move quickly. The House Dems strongly believed in the strength and validity of these article of impeachment - so much so, they passed them in their vote. So now, if these "articles of impeachment" were strong enough for the House to pass, why should the Senate have additional witnesses or evidence? Basically, the Senate shouldn't have to clean up the House's mess. The Dems can claim "cover up" etc and scream at the top of their lungs at the "unfairness" of the trial in the Senate (yeah, like the House rules were so "fair" - such Dem nonsense) What else have they got? Nothing but failure. Which will all secure the reelection of our President And you know it to be true
Richard (Seattle)
@DB: please answer a simple question. Why are you so afraid of the evidence?
Miche (California)
Can someone please ask the Chief Justice to enforce the Senate rule for ALL Senators to stay in the chamber during arguments? It's really the least they can do.
Chris F (Brooklyn, NY)
@Miche Yes, I commented on this issue earlier. On what jury would you ever be permitted to step out during arguments?
JGC (Washington DC)
The parallel between the current Senate impeachment and Weinstein trials is striking. Two powerful men who clearly abused their power solely for their own benefit and whose actions have been protected by their cronies. My fear is that in both cases, justice will not be delivered.
j24 (CT)
Both sides are fully aware the Trump has committed impeachable offenses. One side wants him accountable, the other side simply wants him off the hook. One side is conceived of fact, the other side is exhorting legal loopholes. One side has abandoned the Constitution and is hence forth devoid of integrity. Voters take note. What kind of world do we want for our children, what prescient are we setting for the future?
RD (Los Angeles)
With every day that Republican senators continue to support Donald Trump, they contribute as accomplices to the fact who have been enabling a corrupt, criminal, and pathologically dishonest president. Not only will history judge the senators harshly but in their very own lifetimes they will feel the backlash of their actions for the rest of their natural lives. Their betrayal of everything that they have sworn to protect will be seen and heard by all Americans. It is my hope that a few of these Republican senators will at least have the courage of their inner convictions, and have access to their conscience to be able to stand up for what is right regardless of the backlash that they may sustain by this deranged occupant of the Oval Office. Keep in mind that there are two trials going on; Donald Trump is on trial in the Senate but he is also on trial with the American people. The American people have significantly more fortitude and clarity than these Republican senators in Congress do.
Ann Heymann (Minnesota)
I'm disappointed with the times for publishing this article—in a prime location, nonetheless. Consider the bold header "In Impeachment Case, Schiff Accuses Trump of Trying 'to Cheat' in Election"; "to Cheat" implies a mere breaking of the rules of some game—and this IS NO GAME. Schiff eloquently presented a clear explanation of why Trump must be Impeached, the Constitutional Crises that we now face, that Senator's oath of duty is to the Constitution and this country. Schiff 's main points were clearly NOT about the election and partisan politics. Where oh where is the substance?
Joe Arena (Stamford, CT)
By defending Trump's actions and the likely acquittal to come, Republicans are effectively saying that Trump is free to demand foreign interference in our 2020 election, and by extension any sitting president can demand foreign interference into any US election, and can do so by withholding congressionally appropriated money, or extorting them through other means/deals. That is disgusting. It was a nice democracy we had once.
JoeBlaustein (luckyblack666)
Reading about many comments by GOP senators "there's nothing new here", (Cornyn), the dichotomy of -at the same -time denying new witnesses is obvious. And another point I have to get off my chest. The heinous and childish insults of Trump calling Adam Schiff, pencil neck, shifty, etc----to a man who happens also to have a brown belt in Karate, is a triathlete, and has written a screen play==and who yesterday gave a dazzling performance that was also inspirational--not only for its clarity but for what the promise of America has meant, including a perfect quote for Alexander Hamilton--- and more---should disgust all of us.
Kathy Shields (CA)
The GOP are treating this like a game played on a school yard. "You can't have do-overs!" "No fair!" "I know you are, but what am I?". Now I understand why Congress historically has an approval rating under 40%. This is NOT a game. This is not the time to cross your arms and put on a pouty face. This is not the time to scream into the wind. If only they took it as seriously as some of us regular folks do. I am afraid for our future.
Eric (Virginia)
@Kathy Shields According to Gallup. the current approval rating of congress is 27%. "Congress and the Public - Gallup"
Rob Merrill (Camden, mE)
I hear Democrats present facts with measured and precise language and Republicans respond with bluster and hyperbole. What are they so afraid of that they need to create storms of words to disguise? And really, from their perspective, wouldn’t a President Pence serve their goals? And remove a belittling, uncouth, unpredictable hand grenade of a President from their party? We might actually be able to get back to business.
Objectivist (Mass.)
Schiff rose to the occasion yesterday, just as he has done many times in the past when as prosecutor he had nothing, and eloquently danced around that simple fact to instead paint a picture colored with hearsay and opinion rather than substantive evidence of illegal behavior. His description of Trump's obstruction of Congress conveniently omitted one small but important fact: When a president declines to provide information to Congress that is not required by regulation or constitutional authority, it's called executive privilege, not obstruction. There is no such thing, as obstruction of Congress. Similarly, his description of abuse of power also omits that there is no crime named abuse of power, and that in fact this is simply a policy disagreement presented speciously as a crime. Schiff is a master of presenting cattle droppings on a dinner platter, and he has proved it yet again, waiting patiently for that "...and it tastes good, too...", like the line from the old John Henry Faulk story.
Jack (Montana)
When a person speaks intelligently, not all members of the audience will understand. Many people either cannot think critically or intelligently or refuse to see the truth because they do not like it. Such people are an impediment to fairness and justice and the reason for the dismal state of U.S. politics. I don't have confidence that these people can or will change, but the success of a government of the people, by the people, and fort the people depends on respecting truth.
Peeking Through The Fence (Vancouver)
The Democrats lost the moral high ground once they failed to allege a criminal offense. I side with those who argue that, in principle, a president could be impeached for conduct that is not strictly criminal, but impeachment on those grounds is a purely political judgment about how the nation should be governed and when the norms of government have been violated. I believe that Trump's conduct did violate the norms of government in a mature democracy, but I have to acknowledge that that is an ethical and political judgment, not a legal one. If the articles of impeachment contained an allegation of a criminal offense, any senator who chose not to analyze the facts in light of the legal test could properly be criticized as failing in his or her duty. But when there is no definitive and decisive test for guilt, all one can do is agree or disagree with a senator's choice. Impeachment was a risky strategy from the outset, but the Democrats bungled it when they failed to find evidence of criminality, and failed to make an allegation of criminal conduct in the articles.
John in WI (Wisconsin)
I would certainly like the names of the senators who left the hearing. If a citizen juror left the room during a trial, they should expect severe admonishment. Who left the room? If Justice Roberts does not admonish them, please allow their constituents to do that for him.
RSB (New Hampshire)
What a dystopian sight it is to see two groups of people believing completely opposite narratives. If there is any truth here, it's probably somewhere in between and likely damaging to both sides. Yet here we are rooting for our favorite actors upon the grand stage. Same team, merely different masks. "Consider that everything is opinion, and opinion is in your own power. Take away then, whenever you choose, your own opinion, and like a mariner who has doubled the promontory, you will find calm, everything stable and a waveless bay." ~Marcus Aurelius
DP (Kennebunk, ME)
@RSB The information age that we live in now will likely drive a continuation of the heightened conflict between opposing narratives. A spirited debate can make for good sport and entertainment. But Aurelius' advice is solid. Commenters who report their anxiety and loathing would do well to consider it. Fear and other negative emotions benefit no one on either side of any disagreement. Dystopia is an accurate term, as it implies a misery which is self-imposed.
vilisinde (Marfa, TX)
It is sad that the Republican Senator's take on the House Managers presentation is that it fails to meet the highest standards of polite rhetoric. They do not accept statements that the Senate is on trial in this hearing and that they, through certain votes, will become part of Trump's cover-up. (How offensive - even if true!) A failure to convict will mean that no president can be held accountable for his/her actions. The Senate will make this decision. Meanwhile the President slings mud - but that's okay - he's the King.
Susan (Minneapolis)
Frustrating that this choice of language for this headline is such that it fans the flames of division. Out of all that the House Managers have presented thus far, the quote chosen for the headline is "Cheat." Disappointing as this promotes and engenders the "us" vs. "them" dialogue versus prompting a less partisan reflection on the content presented thus far. Such a choice, minor as it might seem, devalues the otherwise reflective reporting being provided and contributes to the media's role in prompting our receipt of news as a partisan act - either something to agree or disagree with - versus as an objective act.
Michele (Seattle)
Whatever the final vote, Adam Schiff has done the country a great and lasting service by creating an indelible record of Trump’s impeachable and illegal behavior. He was brilliant, riveting in his delivery, clear, passionate without histrionics, and compelling in logic and narrative. An exhausted and demoralized nation thanks you, Mr. Schiff, for standing up for our democracy.
John (Hartford, CT)
I've listened to Republican comments and it seems this trial is a total waste of time.
Maureen (philadelphia)
It's a prosecution not a student government briefing. Did certain senators mistake the two while ordering their milk and munching chocolate so they can't speak up. i am so tired of trump reality tv governing that I would impeach him for wasting the government's time.
Derek Martin (Pittsburgh, PA)
On the topic of witnesses appearing during the impeachment trial, Mitch McConnell has stated,“Pursing those witnesses could indefinitely delay the Senate trial and draw our body into a protracted and complex legal fight over presidential privilege." It seems to me that this is exactly the topic the Senate needs to take up with this president, regardless of whether or not it ends with Trump's removal. Do your jobs.
Mkm (Nyc)
@Derek Martin - nope, that was the House's job during the investigative phase. They blew it.
DWM30831 (melbourne)
@Mkm The House did it's job. Now it's time for the Senate to hear from the witnesses first hand before the Republicans start claiming the evidence is all "hearsay". Any excuse to bluster their way through to their "not guilty" verdict is the way of the Republicans.
Ronald B. Duke (Oakbrook Terrace, Il.)
It's worth remembering that, especially in politics, the same word can have different meanings to different people. When Democrats say Mr. Trump 'cheated' in the 2016 election they mean he beat them; to them it comes to the same thing. To Democrats the only fair outcome would have been for them to win, if they lost their opponent must have cheated.
No, they are referring to his attempted extortion of a nation that depends on us for military support against Russia. He was trying to cheat the 2020 election.
William (Chicago)
Few things make Trump voters more indignant than suggesting Trump won by cheating. The clear implication is that our voters have no value. We and they are meaningless. It’s just another way that liberal elites like Schiff can explain away our existence and our ability to elect Trump. The fact, however, is that Trump did not cheat. The Russians did not brainwash people to vote for Trump. His election was legitimate and the forces that lead to his election are still alive and well. There is absolutely no reason to believe he will not be re-elected. And that, my friends, is why we are in the midst of this ludicrous impeachment effort.
Lean More to the Left (NJ)
@William He LOST by 3 million votes. He serves only because of an outdated quirk in the constitution.
No, it is because Trump and his cronies attempted to extort a vulnerable country that depends on us for military support by demanding blackmail to smear his political opponent. That is cheating.
HoodooVoodooBlood (San Francisco, CA)
I gave Trump a chance after he got elected. After about a month in office he made it clear to me he was not intellectually, or, psychologically capable of serving our country as a leader. Everything that has followed to date has reinforced that conclusion. The one thing that he has accomplished is to bring to everyone's attention the fundamental danger in a democratic republic, The Demagogue. Trump is a demagogue, a popular leader, a leader of a mob, or, rabble-rouser who gains popularity in a democracy by exploiting emotions, prejudice, and ignorance to arouse an audience, whipping up the passions of the crowd and shutting down reasoned deliberation. Demagogues overturn established norms of political conduct, or promise or threaten to do so. He is a politician appealing to the passions rather than the reason of the public; and arousing racial, religious, and class prejudices—a man whose lust for power without recourse to principle leads him to seek to become a master of the masses. Demagogues have appeared in democracies since ancient Athens. They exploit a fundamental weakness in democracy: because ultimate power is held by the people, it is possible for the people to give that power to someone who appeals to the lowest common denominator of a large segment of the population. Demagogues usually advocate immediate, forceful action to address a crisis while accusing moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness or disloyalty. Courtesy of Wikipedia
Eric (Virginia)
@HoodooVoodooBlood In 4 years, has he mismanaged a foreign war and gotten 40,934 American boys killed? Has he promoted housing policies that will lead to another financial crisis? Has he promoted welfare policies that will insure continuing poverty and dependence on the state? Has he promoted university funding policies (student loans) that will enable universities to escalate tuition increases and ensnare millions in student debt that they cannot discharge in bankruptcy? Has he promoted policies that will end with 2,977 deaths from an attack on American soil? No. None of those, or anything close.
Feldman (Portland)
Schiff has done a beautiful job flawlessly. It is not his fault we are no longer a single nation but two nations, with extremely different perceptions about our national bearing. Half of us are liberal people who value the environment, truth, honesty, and fairness and decency. True freedom of the individual. The other half of us promotes aggressive defensiveness, tolerates dishonesty and seems to be attracted to meanness as some sort of virtue. And accepts using up all this planet has to offer no matter what future people might need. I think the best we can do is divide geographically, because humpty dumpty isn't going back any time soon. No one [on 1/2 of us] is going to accept being dishonest, mean, cheating, greedy, and selfish. But we want you to see how well your philosophy works in the long run w/o us. There is absolutely nothing we need from you.
Max (California)
At this point only a Divine intervention can save us from our-self.
Nana (PNW)
This has proved to be a losing strategy, yet democrats insist on wielding it like a rubber sword at a lethal enemy.
Marie (Boston)
Cheating? That's like accusing a Republican of breathing or cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations. Cheating is as part of being a Republican as is enjoying seeing others be hurt by what you do. But course it isn't called cheating when republicans do it, its just business.
Paul (Sonora, California)
Schiff’s opening arguments speech was the greatest speech I ever saw. Masterful, & also chilling, as he drove home the case of Trump’s abuse of power, & coverup. I think he should be “Man of the Year”, or even President would be nice too. Wow!
Rick W (Los Altos)
Yes. I’m very impressed with Schiff and his speeches. Even those who disagree with his conclusions should be in awe of his delivery abilities.
LockHimUp2021 (State College, PA)
'Mr. Trump said that John R. Bolton, the former White House national security adviser, could not be allowed to testify because he “knows my thoughts on certain people and other governments, war and peace and different things — that’s a national security problem.”' The senate should hold non-public, secure closed door sessions of the impeachment trial to interview witnesses (like Bolton) and to review documents that have were blocked due to so-called executive priveledge. The testimony can be classified to prevent unwanted disclosures. In this way the senators gain a more complete record of the facts. We need to verify that what the president blocks using executive privilege is in fact Constitutionally allowed, and is not just a misuse of executive power to protect the president himself from prosecution or removal due to his misdeeds. This impeachment trial, based on valid evidence-based charges is a process to verify whether or not our president is actually putting America first and fulfilling his promise to protect the Constitution. Even though I think he should pay restitution, I really do not care if he goes to jail or is subjected to punishment. I just want him removed from office because he is a corrupt CEO attempting a business takeover of the United States of America. For any other person in the U.S., he would be removed from his job because of his illegal actions. For any other person in America, he would not be able to block the truth from We the People.
Mike Clarke (Madison NJ)
The democrats are already making excuses for 2020. BTW, where is the evidence of collusion that Mr. Schiff swore he had seen?
Rick W (Los Altos)
Maybe you should read Article 1 of the Impeachment (asking a foreign country to announce an investigation into someone who might be the Democratic nominee).
KLS (Long Island, NY)
Ask your senator to get the witnesses and docs.
GregP (27405)
@Rick W Creep Joe Biden has no chance of being the Nominee. AOC will make sure of that without Trump doing anything at all.
Peter (Houston,TX)
Republicans need to remember they won't always hold the presidency. If Trump is acquitted, it means that, in the future, a Democrat president can also solicit foreign power to help their reelection. It really is that simple. Removing the President seems extreme, but we're backed into a corner here, it's the only way.
The Bitter Hoard (USA)
From Constitutional Law Professor Lawrence Tribe, fully experienced in matters of impeachment: "It is the highest crime against the Constitution,” said Tribe. “And in this case the impeachment articles are carefully written to show the aggregating circumstances.” “This isn’t just using the president’s power to benefit himself,” Tribe added. “But it’s doing that in a way that endangers our national security and that corrupts the electoral process by inviting foreign involvement.” Tribe advised the House Judiciary Committee on how to draft the articles of impeachment, and has explained why the articles were “the classic high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Kibi (New York)
I love to see Mitch whining about “fairness”. I hope the Democrats follow the Golden Rule, And treat him with the same fairness he has shown them over the years. Mitch is so biased he could not even passed voir dire in any other juror selection process. He should recuse himself.
Lean More to the Left (NJ)
@Kibi Especially since his "co-ordination" with the White House constitutes aiding and abetting jury tampering.
Tom W (Cambridge Springs, PA)
142 Trump tweets yesterday. A single day presidential tweeting record. Wowwie! Unlike other presidents, Mr. Trump cannot withstand the scrutiny of press conferences. He cannot provide valid reasons for his abrupt actions and deceitful declarations. So we are kept informed of the president’s reactions to events by his tweets. How undignified! How distinctly unpresidential. We are a nation of junior high school students being passed notes while the teacher’s back is turned, notes written by the erratic verbally-challenged class bully. As the impeachment trial proceeds, in addition to the two articles of impeachment, I am reminded of scores of ways in which Donald Trump and his administration have diminished and shamed our country. Please, Reublican senators! Put fairness, justice and country before party. Consider well the prosecution’s arguments. Allow witnesses to be called. Vote to demand that formerly-denied documentation be introduced into this trial. Consider ALL the evidence. And then, please, please, rid our nation of its most unpresidential president.
Lean More to the Left (NJ)
@Tom W Never going to happen. The GOP cares more about power than country. We are doomed.
Trevor Diaz (NYC)
Trump already did once. His personal attorney Michael Cohen is in jail for Campaign Finance Violation of 2016 Presidential Election. Donald Trump was co-conspirator in that case. Trump was not in jail because he is POTUS. If you don't check him, he will do it again. Time is short. Only 9 months to next election.
Karn Griffen (Riverside, CA)
Isn't it the role of the presiding judge to maintain order and preserve the integrity of the court? It would appear Republican senators, at least 12, are not complying with the proper procedures. Can't Roberts simply dismiss them as non complying jurors?
Tom (Pennsylvania)
This is a farce. The only thing the defense needs to do is build a foundation for the conservative propaganda machine to leverage, which will give conservative senators cover for voting to acquit. Facts don't matter for this to happen. All that matters is whether the story will play well enough with the conservative base.
Mike Clarke (Madison NJ)
@Tom The only thing farcical, is there is no evidence of a crime, just conjecture.
Tom W (Cambridge Springs, PA)
@Mike Clarke Mike. Denial is more than just a river in Africa. For two hours yesterday, Congressman Adam Schiff addressed the full U.S. Senate. What Mr. Schiff presented was not “conjecture.” It was evidence gathered by the house intelligence and judiciary committees. 17 sworn witnesses. Mr. Schiff’s condensed presentation of the evidence gathered was compelling and eloquently stated. An attempt to wave off the case being presented to the senate with a blanket dismissal, “Scratch out, ‘evidence’. Insert, ‘conjecture’. There. That’s done!” is a terrible idea. It would do great harm to both major political partites and to ALL of the American people. To permanently damage our system of justice in order to achieve some short term victory is folly of the highest order. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Mark McIntyre (Los Angeles)
Making the rounds on tv, Alan Dershowitz raised an interesting point, saying asking for witnesses is risky for Democrats. Suppose they settle on Bolton, Mulvaney, Hunter and Joe Biden. Trump will claim executive privilege and "national security" issues for not allowing his people to testify. Then it ends up in court until probably after the election. However, the Bidens could still be compelled to testify because they can't claim immunity. Lo and behold, Trump and Republicans achieve their goal of putting the Bidens on trial.
Jack Shultz (Canada)
National security would not be an effective argument against them not testifying to the Senate, albeit, behind closed doors. However it would not prevent the Senators from hearing the testimony and then deciding whether or not its classification is justified by national security concerns or not.
Lean More to the Left (NJ)
@Mark McIntyre Schumer has already given a resounding NO to that schoolyard tactic. He will not be distracted by the GOP's waving of shiny objects.
Dan (NJ)
A round of applause to Nadler for having the fortitude to just lay it out there and risk offending all these wilting lilies. Keep saying it. Tester is wrong. Don't sugar coat it for these melodramatic schemers. Preventing the release of public information is a whitewash. The Republicans have so little respect for their constituents' ability to process information that they're doubling down on even more blatant obstruction. The truth hurts the most when you know you're in the wrong.
Johnny (Canada)
@Dan yes, it is sad that they take offence to a comment but not abuse of power
Tom Q (Minneapolis, MN)
We've become a nation with a growing list of cheaters; those who believe the rules no longer apply to them. We have parents cheating to get their children into the best schools. We have professional sports team (players, coaches and even general managers) cheating to win games and titles. Perhaps cheating is endemic to our culture. I suspect almost all Americans feel justice is done when cheating parents head to jail and when coaches and managers are fired. Yet, the Republicans in Washington appear tone deaf when it comes to the president. From him, they can accept cheating. We're sick of cheating. Why aren't they?
Hal (Oregon)
Can a sitting President be impeached......multiple times? If Trump is found not guilty by the Senate. Can new charges of obstruction from the Government Accountability Office, which found Trump guilty of withholding government money for Ukraine.
Mike Clarke (Madison NJ)
@Hal The democrats know the only way to prevent Trump from being re-elected is to impeach him, over and over and over again.
GregP (27405)
@Hal Sure can. Just have to Hold the House in 2020 and you can Impeach him all over again after he is Re-Elected. Probably should run on a promise to do exactly that. Promise the Voters if they return you to power in the House you will Impeach Trump all over again.
PE (Seattle)
Acting like a politician IS impeachable when it uses tax payer monies allocated by congress for military aid as a bribe to force another country to announce -- just announce, mind you -- an investigation into a political rival's son. If Trump wanted to act like a politician, he could have used his own campaign monies to conduct opposition research on Biden and Burisma. Or, if he wanted to play political hardball, ask his Attorney General to announce an investigation. Those options would have been acting like a politician, a dirty politician at that. Instead, Trump chose back channels and bribery with congressional aid. He chose to abuse his power. He chose a high crime. That should not be a norm, a precedent, politics as usual; It should be called out, rebuked, impeached.
Getreal (Colorado)
By withholding aid to Ukraine. The Trump gave aid and comfort to our enemy, Russia.
Mike Clarke (Madison NJ)
@Getreal By sending just blankets to Ukraine, Obama gave aid and comfort to Russia. Trump gave Ukraine Tomahawk missiles.
Getreal (Colorado)
@Mike Clarke By March 2015, the US had committed more than $120 million in security assistance for Ukraine and had pledged an additional $75 million worth of equipment including UAVs, counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency. That assistance also included some 230 armored Humvee vehicles.
Pedro G. (Arlington VA)
The George Orwell Party needs to be dismantled in November. Ignorance is not strength. Lies are not truth. Guilt is not innocence.
Peter (Siemes)
The Germans thought the system would hold in 1933. Ironically on Jan 30th.
Max (Brooklyn)
The fact that Trump, like Nixon, was rigging the election, is for Trump a compliment for owning his pledge to MAGA. Nixon's was to withdraw [from Vietnam] with honor, which he did by resigning before he could be removed from office, which he certainly would have been. Trump is betting on a different outcome. But Trump is as right as Nixon was, for American greatness owes itself, to a very large degree, on cheating. Cheating Native Americans and Mexicans of their land and cheating enslaved people out of their lives and citizenship. The righteous indignation that Trump's naysayers express is a bigger lie and shows greater evidence of cheating the truth of it's honest speech than that little bit of dirt prospecting Trump did in a country that is less bridled and hypocritical of its corruption. I suggest we look carefully at our own hands before we start stoning Trump.
Opinioned! (NYC)
As this trial is happening, Trump is becoming even more unhinged over in Europe, spouting lies upon lies, retweeting random things, and picking a fight with a girl. Might be the heartache that his boss Putin didn’t invite him to Israel. Or it could be the polls showing that 70 percent of Americans want to hear witnesses and read documentary evidence about his crime and its cover up. The love of his life — Ivanka — needs to step up and cheer up her Daddy-O.
Peter (Siemes)
After this you guys will need a new constitution.
Question Everything (Highland NY)
OJ's lawyers (including Dershowitz) called 3 witnesses. Charles Manson's lawyers called 14 witnesses. Oddly, the Senate has called no witnesses to prove Trump is innocent because they've decided that beforehand. They are oath breakers of epic dishonesty.
Michael Thompkins PsyD (Seattle)
I am a psychologist in my 70s and have voted for Repubs and Dems throughout my life. Trump, however, has turned the Repub party into "ditto heads." More importantly this is the first time I have ever had a POTUS who I am completely uncertain of who he is serving, He simply cares about his own "ditto heads" and foreign countries who are run by autocrats. He exudes anger and hate for any one else who doesn't spout his ditto's. I am very afraid of where this country is going.
Mossy (Washington State)
@ Michael Thompson’s PsyD Be sure to vote Democrat this time.
Justin (Atlanta)
Republicans "bristle" at the tone used by the House Manager? Have they ever heard their cult leader talk / tweet?
Monkytrane (Astoria)
The republicans are defending trump because one very important person is not likely to serve out her term over the next 5 years: Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We will all recover from this finasco, however the Judicial may be tipped for a very, very long time if we don't remove trump from office one way or another.
stanley (sacramento)
@Monkytrane "Removing Trump from office one way or another" pretty much sums up the motive behind this impeachment sham and the Mueller investigation before it. Your disdain for the democratic process is truely frightening...
Anne (CA)
@Monkytrane Thank you for that reminder. I am guessing that Republicans are clinging to and defending Trump for now, but if he is reelected will gladly see him removed. They simply want a Republican executive branch. Poor Trump meanwhile thinks they like him. RBG is a national treasure. An actual true genius. As Trump said, "We have to protect our geniuses". _________ "And I was worried about him, [Elon Musk], because he’s one of our great geniuses, and we have to protect our geniuses. You know, we have to protect Thomas Edison, and we have to protect all of these people that, uh, came up with, originally, the light bulb and the wheel, and all of these things.” Trump said.
William McCain (Denver)
Are you really claiming that a younger justice may view the legal system differently than Ginsburg who of course, is in her eighties? My guess is that you also don’t like any Democrat candidates running for President who are not yet able to sign up for Medicare.
Bruce Zeller (Bethel, CT)
House Manager Adam Schiff has done a great job laying out the case. When he delivers his summary I wish he would implore the senators to vote the way they would vote if it were President Obama on trial and being charged with the same two articles of impeachment and not President Trump. For the senators to do anything less would be a betrayal to themselves and the country.
observer (Ca)
The US senate is a classic rigged jury. The prosecution has provided plenty of evidence that the defendant is guilty as charged. The jury however, following the politically and financially powerful defendant’s bidding and orders has blocked all the key witnesses from testifying. Calling hunter biden to testify makes a mockery of the trial and the world is watching. This is how banana republics and dictatorships work. It reflects the sorry state of US democracy. When the next economic slump hits it is all over for america. America is losing it’s lead in science and technology to China, slowly and surely.
Question Everything (Highland NY)
@observer Senate Republicans facing re-election concerns: Tillis (NC) Collins (ME) Ernst (IA) Gardner (CO) Senate Republicans not running for re-election who theoretically have nothing to lose: Romney (UT) Murkowski (AK) Alexander (TN)
Underdog (Virginia Beach, VA)
I tried to listen attentively to 12 hours of opening statements and came away with about one-tenth of it. Our brains, like sponges, can absorb only so much at one time. Schiff was spectacular. He has done his homework and articulated the case with precision, though many of the senators seemed inattentive in numerous ways. So let's let's cut to the chase now. Subpoena the president so we can hear it straight from the horse's mouth. Let him make or break his defense. In the impeachments of Presidents Johnson and Clinton, both testified in their defense. Whereas, Nixon declined to testify and just resigned. In the Mueller investigation, Trump dodged taking testimony under oath. Of course, he said many times on Twitter that he wanted to testify. He answered written questions with the help of his attorneys. But he would not answer any questions on obstruction of justice. Oddly enough, the obstruction of justice allegation could not be determined by Mueller because of his obstruction. And we know that AG Barr put himself in the place of Trump and answered it for him. Subpoena Trump now and let's see if he will defend himself or squirm out of giving under-oath testimony like he has in the past. The public can make their assumptions from that.
Jack Shultz (Canada)
I find it hard to understand why neither Republicans or Democrats are not calling for Rudy Giuliani’s testimony. If anyone is at the centre of this web of corruption with Trump, it’s Rudy Giuliani.
Question Everything (Highland NY)
@Jack Shultz Bolton and Mulvaney would be credible witnesses. Same for the OMB and DoD staffers. Rudy has a few too many screws lose. America has seen him on his personal crazy train for the past few months. He could claim insanity at any point now.
Sherry (Washington)
@Jack Shultz I'm guessing because Rudy Giuliani was Trump's personal lawyer they would have to surmount attorney-client privilege.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
@Question Everything Well it is pertinent that Trump chose his lawyer to run a side-bar state department - he should be called up to testify. Rudy IS the "deep state"- accountable to no one but Trump.
Frank Ocean (Los Angeles)
Democrats are kind of in a win win situation. In one scenario, Trump will be impeached. In the second scenario, they will have a strong talking point that they can drag out until the election- that the GOP is part of coverup. They can continue to push for new evidence to emerge, for witnesses to do interviews with press, and continue to put a weight on both trump and other GOP senators as well.
Ronald (NYC)
@Frank Ocean Trump has been impeached. That fact will not disappear regardless of the outcome of the Senate “trial”.
Jack Shultz (Canada)
Inevitably, new evidence will continue to trickle out, and the Democrats will be able to claim that the Republicans were actively suppressing the evidence which they could have and should have demanded during the trial.
JFMACC (Lafayette)
The democratic managers made their case elegantly, eloquently and convincingly despite the president's complete blockade of documents and witnesses. Anyone who heard the entire thing, which we did here and could not stop watching, can see that the Democrats have by far more talented and intelligent congressional members than the "hear no evil" GOP does. Some Republicans have now admitted that they learned new things from the House managers presentations because they hadn't bothered to follow the impeachment inquiry in the House. Again demonstrating how willfully ignorant they are.
Sheldon Bunin (Jackson Heights)
IF what we the the people of this nation who still believe in democracy and the rule of law and, who are entitled to a real trial ( and everyone knows what that looks like ) get a now you see it and now you don't con job of a rigged trial, then the sole remaining party believing in the rule of law, should deem this president as illegitimate as should those people. Democrats should boycott the State of the Union address and let the people see what will result which will be a Trump rally that people will turn off. Let those watching see what their government looks like and people get a good look at those who are traitors to our constitution, the rule of law, democracy and their oaths, For the sake of reality, Putin should be present as an honored guest, adviser and benefactor.
Becca Helen (Gulf of Mexico)
@Sheldon Bunin Absolutely brilliant comment, Sheldon. A domestic enemy teamed up with foreign enemies, and the dismantling of the Constitution of the United States and our beloved country has begun. For the love of God something has to be done before it's too late.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Seems like you either think this is about Donald Trump- like the GOP does- or you think this is about America- like the rest of us do. The GOP is NOT addressing the destruction of our checks and balances system. They are buying Trump's baloney that this and everything else in the world is about HIM. Not so. Trump is a life-long martyr in his own head. Rules, law and the rule of law are reasons for a pity party- why can't he break them? why are you so mean when you hold him responsible? Was it really THAT bad? This is a character flaw and the GOP should not be feeding it. Especially for a POTUS.
BNewt (Denver)
The Republicans deserve to go down with the ship given they are covering for this corrupt President. It is amazing they are complaining the trial offered nothing new while they were simultaneously blocking the new evidence. The impeachment managers did a masterful job of presenting the evidence and narrative yesterday and I can only hope the support for impeachment and removal rises and if the GOP Senators ignore their constituents, they will be voted out.
EM (Tempe,AZ)
Schiff is magnificent. GOP Senators should be run out of office for not doing their jobs. As for WH Counsel--let's just say you are defending without witnesses and without evidence. ..defending your pocketbooks I guess...
NYmom (Los Angeles)
A message to republican senators colluding in obstructing witnesses and evidence: This will ALLLL come out after trump is out of office. And then, you will all go down in history as protecting a "man" who was confirmed as the most corrupt president in the history of our country. Your choice. You are either with America, or you are with trump.
Michael Case (Elkhart, Indiana)
At some point, Trump sycophants will need to make a decision. Will they cease this petulant, sophomoric temper tantrum meant punish “the libs” for daring to elect a black man as president, or will they willingly and deliberately burn the republic to the ground for petty revenge. This farce cannot continue. The National Edifice is on fire. Every man who can carry a brick or a bucket of water is needed. Apologies to Mr. Douglas.
Laurence Hauben (California)
The Republican senators remind me of the proverbial three monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Don't show me the evidence, don't tell me what happened, and I won't have to say that what Trump did was wrong. The hypocrisy is glaring.
larry (Miami)
why not trade hunter Biden for Bolton? Like trading a legless tight end for the league's best quarterback. It's a no-brainer.
Ronald (NYC)
@larry Tell me, what evidence can Hunter Biden provide that can speak to the issues of Trump’s abuse of power and obstruction of Congress?
GregP (27405)
@Ronald Really? Trump's defense is it was rooting out corruption, not a political advantage, as the reason for his request. You can't see how that 'speaks' to the issue of these charges no one I know could ever hope to explain it to you.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
Dear Fellow Americans, Contact your two Senators and tell them you need witnesses and documents. Especially do this if you have a Republican Senator. I did it in Georgia. Email and phone numbers:
Mike Clarke (Madison NJ)
@MidtownATL It's funny that you didn't ask for actual evidence.
Mitch (Seattle)
The most effective action at this point is for voters objecting to lockstep obstruction by Senators representing 'swing votes'-- Collins et al) should make it clear the political consequences for disappointing their home state constituency.
Paul (Sonora, California)
Hi Mitch up in the Pacific NW. Susan Collins will just make a show of seeming to be open minded, like when she voted “no” on one of the amendments to be tabled, that did not really matter because she was the only one. And she will fo a few things more like that, but in the end, she will vote “not guilty” in the end. It is typical political showmanship to make her seem middle of the road, to placate her critics in her upcoming election. She is even worse than a hardened Republican that always votes the party line. So deceitful. Hopefully the voters in Maine will see through it in November. Paul in the California Sierra’s
KLS (Long Island, NY)
Lucy and her foot ball again!
Sleepless (Seattle)
With the right to a fair trial taking such a prominent place in our system, the Senate is also holding itself out as above the law by insisting its ok to make up one’s mind before one even hears the evidence. I don’t understand why no one is talking about this.
Max (California)
@Sleepless Exactly, if one has any preconceived idea about the case at hand she/he is dismissed as a potential juror in any court. Unless a senator is a superior human being.
Mike Clarke (Madison NJ)
@Sleepless That's exactly what the house did for weeks, behind closed doors.
DWM30831 (melbourne)
@Mike Clarke Senators were not part of the behind closed doors bit but Republican House members on the different committees were present. Now it is time for the Senators to hear the witnesses first hand accounts of the affair.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
People have commented that many Republicans who watch only Trump TV may have heard the charges in full for the first time in the well of the Senate. Curious, I tuned to Fox. They muted the Senate video while their moderators talked over the House managers. No wonder their viewers don't know what's happening.
Independent (Michigan)
To the Republican Senators: Acquitting Trump will make him believe he has license to do whatever he wants. In years to come how are you going to explain whatever happens because of your vote to your grandchildren? I don’t think “I wanted to get re-elected” will be a good answer.
Westcoast Texan (Bogota Colombia)
I agree that this is political theater, but it is necessary. We need to shine a spotlight on the moral bankruptcy of the republican party. Everyone knows trump is guilty of many crimes and everyone knows this is a cover up. Republicans have been losing very badly since trump took office including 40 seats in the House, 9 governorships, 400 state legislative seats, and a Senate seat in deep red Arkansas. 2018 was a blue wave election and 2020 will be a blue tidal wave election.
Richard (Ohio)
Mr. Schiff’s eloquent statement of the facts and rationale for conviction should have been sufficient to coax at least one drop of patriotism from GOP senators. It didn’t, and won’t. Why? Permanent one-Party rule can only occur when the separation of powers between the three branches of government have been usurped. And THAT can only occur when at least ONE of the bodies of Congress AND the duly elected Executive are sufficiently committed and corrupted to de-legitimize together the Constitution and the Rule of Law. To have an autocracy, one must first have an autocrat, and a legislative body willing - even determined - to protect him. In Donald Trump, the Republican Party found their best chance to achieve permanent one-Party rule. Fueled by FOX and supported by Russia, the goals of the GOP could bring the “American Experiment” to an end. That is why our democracy shall be in jeopardy until Trump and his extremist GOP enablers are voted from office.
Mr. Adams (Texas)
The prosecution has spoken. Even stripped of the right to call witnesses by uber-partisan lapdog McConnell, they made a good case, and they aren't even done yet. If, as I expect, the Senate votes along party lines to protect Trump, I see no reason why the House should not take the case up again. They declined to fight through the courts to force witnesses to show up previously, but since the Senate refuses to call anyone, I see no reason why the House shouldn't reconsider. By every law and precedent of the land, those witnesses will have to testify sooner or later. Such a resolution would also make it clear to the Republican leadership that brushing this all under the rug in the Senate is not going to make it go away.
Dom M (New York area)
What we see is democracy in action. While much of the rhetoric may be found as offensive by Republicans, the title of this article is on point. This impeachment is about the president using his office to ask for foreign intervention in the upcoming 2020 elections- in short, trying to cheat in the upcoming elections. Mr. Trump has been recorded asking Russia, if it was listening, and it was (Russia acted within hours to hack into the DNC servers) to find the Clinton emails. And Russia did find them. Trump has now been caught asking a foreign power to investigate an American citizen for an advantage in the future election. He is cheating again. Despite the niceties of the Senate rules, that is the story, and while it may offend some Republican Senate lawmakers, Trump cheated and is now being held accountable for trying to cheat again. If those Senators find the charges offensible, they should read some of the president's tweets. Those are truly offensive and will shock the conscience of any right thinking individual.
e.s. (cleveland, OH)
This impeachment action seems like the Anti-Trumpers trying their best to make something out of almost nothing. And this is from someone who would never vote for Trump. Where were Impeachment efforts against those who misled us into the Iraq war? Now wouldn’t that have been serious enough so we could all get behind and support?
magicisnotreal (earth)
The title gives the false impression that the allegation of cheating is a new thing when the fact is the whole Ukrainian affair exists because of the fact that Trump was (and still is) trying to cheat in the next election.
Dave (Rochester, NY)
*SPOILER ALERT* The Democrats will present their evidence, which their supporters will find convincing. The Republicans will vote not guilty, Trump will remain in office, and Trump supporters will be more convinced than ever that Democrats simply want to get Trump out of office without putting it to the voters in November. Most Americans will collectively yawn.
magicisnotreal (earth)
@Dave The yawners are a big part of the problem.
observer (Ca)
The US senate is a rigged jury that already decided even before the trial and with disregard for the evidence and facts, that the defendant is innocent. The gop senators are scared trump will throw up challenges in their races. Trump wants to ban laws that allow US companies to bribe in foreign countries. He has never been interested in fighting corruption anywhere. He does not care about ukraine, only in winning the next election by cheating, election fraud, disinformation and any and all means.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
It is appalling that Republican Senators are taking long breaks from hearing the facts of the case. Their contempt for the truth is staggering. Their willingness to join Trump in cheating, lying, and promoting dissension, along with looting our country of value, both human and material, is bad for children and other living things. This is dangerous. Republicans' refusal to acknowledge that there is any crime worse than being a Democrat or support Democrats ignores the majority in this country. Their grip on power is toxic. Chief Justice Roberts should impose discipline on the absentees, who as Justin Amash remarked, are in many cases hearing the facts of the case for the first time. Our country's survival is not a team sport. The planet itself only acknowledges reality. Schiff's presentation was clear and a clarion call to open up to the plain dangerous truth that Trump is a threat to us all in his buildup to complete autocracy. Trump's support for dictators and undermining of allies paint a terrifying picture. His lies and vanity need to be stopped, not toadied. As for their "Christianity" - Jesus would have a few pointed things to say about hypocrites, haters, greedsters, moneychangers in the temple, casters of first stones, whited sepulchers, and all.
Sherry (Washington)
It bothers me that Senate Republicans are controlling media access to the chamber. After Schiff ended his remarks yesterday you could hear in a brief moment that the chamber burst out in applause. We deserve better than this blindered view of these proceedings. Are Senators sleeping? Listening and taking notes? Isn't that part of the impeachment proceeding as well? Shame on Senator McConnell or whoever it was that ordered Americans be in the dark about what all is going on in there. That's our Senate, not theirs.
miller (Illinois)
The Republican are accomplices, not Senators here. They are on trial as much as Trump and we voters are the jurors. Guilty.
John (California)
I am simply disgusted by the Republicans. There is no other way to say it. Trump is going to get away with it. I can only hope that each Republican senator’s name will be recorded in infamy.
jerome stoll (Newport Beach)
The Republican party has not been able to win an honest election since Bush, Sr. Remember Bush vs Gore? H0w about, "Russia if you have the 30,000 e-mails" is the same strategy. The country has left these criminals in the dust and I think 2020 will bring ashes to ashes for the party.
Victor Mark (Birmingham)
Imagine--if Mr Trump will be exonerated (which appears likely), think of it. Every subsequent President can also openly induce, bribe, encourage or coerce foreign leaders to be central in our elections with immunity. "Executive privilege" means you can do anything you want. You just have to click your heels three times, say it, and it will be yours. Hey boys and girls, the bar is open! Be careful what you wish for.
Oliver (New York)
What is the argument for not hearing first hand witnesses from within the White House?
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
It’s a cocktail of executive privilege and national security, the same old dodge Republicans always fall back on. That, and the Nixon doctrine: if the President does it, it’s not a crime.
MrDeepState (DC)
The disgrace and shame of the Republicans is bottomless, and it will continue descending when Trump's team starts their presentations filled with lies, as they did on the opening day. For all those Republican senators, are you at least ashamed for your families? You will be recorded in history books and articles forever as example number one of how weak, cowardly people can diminish an entire country. All the previous rules no longer apply. I cannot wait for a Democratic president get elected in November, because that person will get to do anything they wish to achieve their policy goals. There will be no oversight by Republicans - they've given that up.
Mari (Left Coast)
Adam Schiff made a brilliant case! There’s one party if oaths of office, preserving and protecting our Constitution and democracy: Democrats! They are showing America that one must stand up against all odds and defend our democracy! To the Republicans: “No one prevents a witness from testifying who can exonerate them.” - Joyce Vance, former U.S. Attorney northern district of Alabama IF Trump is innocent then bring on the witnesses, let We, the People SEE the evidence!
B. T. (Oregon)
Oh, my! He tried to cheat! He should be sent to the cloak room or sit on a stool with a dunce cap on. What a childish accusation. Why didn't Schiff say he broke the law? Well, maybe because there is no law against abuse of power. Probably because at one time or another every politician abuses their power so they aren't going to pass a law against it. On one hand I feel sympathy for Schiff having such a weak case to support. On the other hand he made it seem even weaker.
Peter (CO)
Republican corollary to Lincoln-you can fool enough of the people (majority not necessary) enough of the time.
Gregory West (Brandenburg, Ky.)
The Walter Cronkite Republican observes that if the Republican Senate acquits Mr. Trump after being presented and hearing his own admissions of his criminality, they become co-conspirators in his schemes. Extortion and bribery, and the attempt of such are well established crimes in law abiding nations.
Pilot (Denton, Texas)
Why are we supplementing theses clowns with our hard work?
Eddie B. (Toronto)
Mr. Schiff's presentation was undoubtedly historical. I am certain he will be remembered as the meticulous, eloquent, impeachment lawyer who used words succinctly, with economy and great impact. In his presentation, he systematically went over all key points, while maintaining a calm, resolute, disposition. I have not heard too many individuals with such a mastery of the English language in my lifetime. He was the lawyer that Ernest Hemingway would be happy to have on his side.
Deirdre (New Jersey)
Dear John Roberts: Do your job.
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
Nobody I know of really understands what the Chief Justice’s job is in “presiding” over the President’s trial in the Senate. I would hope it’s something like the role of the numerous judges - every one of them wise and fair - that I have observed when on jury duty. Just being a moderator and facilitator keeping the proceedings rolling is not enough.
Trini (NJ)
This is puzzling. Apart from necessary bathroom breaks, what judge allows jurors to just leave the courtroom, in this case the senate chamber, whenever they want? Is this part of the role of a senator acting as juror. Is this written down somewhere in the impeachment trial rules? Or, is this a new rule for jurors everywhere?
JimmySerious (NDG)
Polls show about 70% of Americans believe witnesses should be called. If Republicans refuse to conduct a proper Senate trial, and assume the people aren't smart enough to realize what they're doing, the GOP will suffer the wrath of the American public. And it will be like nothing Republicans have ever suffered before.
Eddie B. (Toronto)
@JimmySerious - "... it will be like nothing Republicans have ever suffered before" Come November 2020, that 70% will vote for a Democrat president. The rout is coming!
MJS (Portland, Or)
Extremely impressed with Adam Schiff's work during the impeachment process, and particularly moved by his suggestion during his Wednesday night closing that Senators should have the courage to risk their jobs in the interest of impartial justice. An extension of that idea occurred to me, just crazy enough for our times, one that might break the trial impasse and gain broad public support. I would ask Schiff to consider making the following promise: If the Senate will allow the fair trial that he requests, i.e., serious consideration of the requested witnesses and documents, then he will not again run for public office. If he genuinely believes Trump is an existential threat to our democracy, he should be willing to make this sacrifice. If his opponents genuinely believe there has been no wrong-doing, there is nothing to hide, and that the threat to our democracy is Adam Schiff and his hatred of the President, they should jump at the deal. My bet is that Schiff might do it, that fair-minded citizens on both sides would support it, but that Trump and those in the administration who know the truth would never let it happen. Unless the Republican Senate suddenly grows a conscience, does anyone have a better idea of how to make the nation believe agree that a fair trial has at least been offered?
NYChap (Chappaqua)
@MJS The House did their investigation and from that investigation produced 2 articles of impeachment. The Senate will evaluate the work they did to see if the charges rise to the level of an impeachable offense based on the charge itself, and then see if the evidence they used as the underlying proof or evidence to support those charges. If the House did an incomplete investigation that is their problem. They can't expect the Senate to do their work for them. If the House has more evidence and witness testimony they wish to hear or enter into evidence they can reconvene the House impeachment inquiry committee and gather their new evidence and witnesses and submit their findings to the Senate.
MJS (Portland, Or)
@NYChap Very familiar with your argument, and it may be sound if the goal is to defeat the other side in a court challenge or a talking-head debate. At this point, I'm not interested in either side winning or losing, and certainly not interested in the political fates of those in the spotlight, but am profoundly interested in finding an approach that will make both sides of the citizenry feel that the proceedings were in good faith and fair, win or lose. In the light of the President's resistance to all meaningful cooperation with their investigation, it's pretty disingenuous and definitely non-unifying to trot out the tired argument that the House did a poor job so the Senate doesn't need to do anything. Particularly with the jury in your pocket, if there is nothing to hide, given the democracy-threatening effect of two sides in their bunkers, there is simply no constructive value to prohibiting additional witnesses and documents. My suggested Schiff-sacrifice is merely a provocative idea of how the left might show that they are sincere, even if they turn out to be wrong, and make it happen.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
I keep thinking if Hillary Clinton (or any Democrat) was president and did the same thing Trump did, the Republicans would be screaming for her removal from office. And if any Democrat were president and did the same thing Trump did, I would be screaming for his or her removal from office as well. I wish the politics could be cast aside and for ALL Senators to look at the charges of "abuse of power and obstruction of Congress." How is preventing and banning key individuals from testifying and withholding key documentation NOT obstruction of Congress? I wish all Senators would think with their heads rather than be guided by emotion and rancor.
Sherry (Washington)
@Marge Keller Great point. If Hillary Clinton were President Republicans would have impeached and removed her already based on the Mueller report.
John (Ann Arbor, MI)
@Marge Keller They screamed at Obama for wearing a tan suit.
Nomad (FL)
For people who have nothing to hide, Trump and the GOP are sure hiding a lot of evidence. What are they scared of?
BWCA (Northern Border)
It’s shameful that all three major over the air network TV preferred to show regular TV programming than perhaps what could be the most consequential event in most Americans lives. I guess a real courtroom with fake criminals and lawyers brings more audience than a fake Senate courtroom with a real criminal (presumed innocent) President and real lawyers.
What is a “Liberal Hack”? (Wisconsin)
“He who rides on the back of the tiger, will soon find himself inside.”
Cat (California)
Like never before, we need congressional term limits before we slip further into an autocracy. Congress is’s now a haven for career politicians who are motivated solely by retaining their perks and privilege and avoiding blistering tweets from the King.
Tracy Rupp (Brookings, Oregon)
@Cat Sorry, my message was intended for Saint Ann of Geddes Not you, whom I rather agree with.
trader (NC)
@Cat Politico had a story 2 days ago about the Senators there when Clinton was tried! And the Representatives that have moved up to the Senate since then - its disgraceful how long they been in office, some of them have been in Congress over 40 years! More than the lifespan when the Constitution was framed. Term limits are so far past necessary its the second biggest disgrace in our history.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
@Cat Term limits are equal opportunity. Removing expertise does not help. Remember you would also remove Sanders, Warren, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and many other stalwarts for the truth. Instead we could get a lot of budding Trumpistas!
Harley Leiber (Portland OR)
I felt a sense of relief as Mr. Schiff laid out the chronology of events, actions, phone calls, and conversations that lead up to and followed Trump's demand that President Zelensky of Ukraine, initiate ( or merely announce) an investigation into the roundly debunked claims that the Biden's had engaged in corrupt activity. Schiff's presentation was clear, concise, damning and told a story of abuse of office, corruption, coverup and obstruction that the insecure Trump and his loyal sycophantic minions engaged in. What was particularly poignant was Schiff's repeated references to the career and personal risks career diplomats and officials were taking by coming forward to tell the truth. He did them a great and deserved honor. If there are any role models or heroes in this mess it is those people. True patriots...willing to risk it all to expose the corrupt, illegal and ultimately dangerous behavior of Donald Trump.
Tim C (Chicago)
As this 'trial' is also for the viewing public there's something you should all check out. While watching MSNBC and CNN's live coverage of every minute of the Democratic presentation, I decided to periodically switch over to Fox News to see what they were doing. Sure enough they were not covering it verbatim, often doing commentary with guests while showing Schiff or other member managers on a split screen with no sound. So, what do you think the chances are that they will cover the 'trial' the same way when it's the Republicans' turn?
Sherry (Washington)
@Tim C That Fox News is not covering the trial and talking over the Democrats' case is par for the course. The day the FBI cleared Hillary Clinton of a crime they spent the whole day in the news division speculating about how the FBI was corrupt, which conspiracy theory ended up with an investigation of the FBI. Fox News is probably why Trump and Guiliani were obsessed with investigations into Biden in the first place, and Fox News is why no Republicans will vote to remove Trump even though he's a threat to national security and would strong-arm a foreign country to win elections. Fox News is a blight on our society.
Mr. Adams (Texas)
@Tim C A recent survey showed that Fox viewers are on average less informed than those who watched no news at all. It's not difficult to see why if you ever take a look at it. 80% of their airtime is devoted to utter nonsense and the parts that are factual are crammed into short segments during non-prime viewing hours. Fox 'News' is a misnomer. It's propaganda, plain and simple, designed to affirm the beliefs of its viewers.
Raul Boggio (Tampa)
It is foregone conclusion: As long as the republicans are in the majority Trump is safe. Yes, they put party before Country. Eventually we will have a democratic president. As Trump says: will see what happens". George Carlin was right: an honest politician is an oxymoron.
Tom Feigelson (Brooklyn, NY)
And to the specific, wholly specious argument that "Abuse of Power" is not an impeachable crime because it is not specifically named in Constitution's impeachment article, it should be pointed out that the abuse, alleged Trump et al got caught doing was in fact bribery ($ paid for illicit acts) for foreign meddling in our democracy - aka treason. These are the two "high crimes" actually named. The drafters of the impeachment articles should have mentioned this, although of course the bad faith apologists, deprived of a legal "argument" would still simply cry "He did nothing wrong!", and the Republican Senate would shamefully vote that way.
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
If the President acted to extort (or bribe) the Ukrainian government into announcing an investigation into the Bidens, would it even matter if somehow they were guilty of something? Trump is on trial for what he did, not what someone else may or may not have done. If Trump’s motive was so pure, why did he not pursue this strategy for “fighting Ukrainian corruption” in the years prior to VP Biden announcing his run for the presidency, and the subsequent polling showing him in a leading position? And why did Trump also condition aid to Ukraine and an invitation to the White House for their New President on their agreeing to announce an inquiry into a phony Ukrainian involvement in the 16 election, moving the story away from Russian meddling? Let’s put this in simple terms the even the president can understand: we are the American people, this is our country, and we want him EVICTED.
Jenny (Setauket, NY)
One thing that is absolutely driving me nuts is that Trump has now created this false narrative that when Schiff paraphrased the "transcript" during the House hearings it was before Trump released the transcript. And then he released the transcript and Schiff was supposedly caught lying. But he transcript had been public well before Schiff paraphrased it. He couldn't have paraphrased it if it hadn't been available! And the transcript didn't catch the Democrats in a lie; it confirmed everything we already knew.
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
It was not even an actual transcript but a summary put out by the defendant and his staff to cast the presidential phone call in what they hoped would be a positive light. The actual transcript and associated evidence is under the tightest security and kept by the defendant from being even requested as evidence.
Mitchell Turner (As bury Park)
When trump cheats, it's not cheating-- it's a genius shortcut he discovered.
Jasphil (New Jersey)
When I hear Democrats try to defend the values of the Constitution or rail against Trump that he was using our tax dollars to bribe Ukraine, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the irony and absurdity of that. Each side invokes the Constitution when it suits them to do so, and ignores it at all other times.
Girish Kotwal (Louisville, KY)
Wild accusations without evidence will fall flat.
Nomad (FL)
@Girish Kotwal It's a good thing there's plenty of evidence then, isn't it?
Mitchell Turner (As bury Park)
@Girish Kotwal Yes! Good point. Thankfully there are mountains of evidence.
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
The defendant controls the evidence by concealment.
True Observer (USA)
Trump asking Zelensky for "a favor, though" contravened USC 52 30121 (a)(2) - It shall be unlawful for a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national. USC 52 means there are 51 before that one. If each of them has 30121 sections, that makes it a total of one and a half millions sections. There are (a,b,c) and (1,2,3) subsections. Assuming 10 for each section, Trump had to worry about 15 million possible sections of the law that he might break. Next time, be careful not to jay walk.
Max Deitenbeck (Shreveport)
@True Observer At least you finally admit Trump broke the law.
faivel1 (NY)
Trump was cheating working people all his life, and only our corrupt and messed up system made it possible that he is still free. Honest Lawyer... What we witnessed yesterday is: The Death of an Honorable Profession When one after another member of his legal defense team blatantly lied and misinformed the Congress, and most importantly the american people! I don't know about you, but I always thought that an Honest Lawyer is an oxymoron. They proved me right. Not surprising, especially when you serving this particular client who by WAPO last count (Jan. 20, 2020) told 16,241 false or misleading statements... Trump's lying is "off the charts" But his lawyer Pat Cipollone told us "President Trump is a man of his word," said the White House counsel. Trump Impeachment Lawyer Utters ‘Biggest Lie Ever’ Told On Senate Floor in a presence of Chief Justice John Roberts. In my opinion they should be put under oath... it's clear perjury, if this would a serious trial, instead of a complete sham where democrats have to fight tooth and nail to bring witnesses and proper documentation, that are concealed and denied by the WH corrupt team of Goodfellas, who prefer to have a blinders on. Well, nothing new when the rot starts from the top! Hey, can we see WhatsApp messages you have been hiding!!! McConnell is just as deplorable as his boss!
BostonStrong (Boston MA)
The praise for Schiff in the comments section is puzzling. The relevant truths in the impeachment are losing gravity and clarity due to his hyperbolic and hypocritical histrionics. 1) The Russians will invade the US mainland unless we stop them in the Ukraine! - sounds similar to Bush and Iraq 2) The 2020 election has already been rigged! - sounds like Trump in 2016 3) The Senate trial is a completely partisan effort - like the House impeachment wasn't? Such statements serve only to obscure the truth of the underlying facts and decrease the credibility of the individual making the claims. I'd agree he's doing a great job of theater for the anti-Trump crowd, but he's hardly winning the hearts and minds of fence-sitters.
Sandra (Richmond, VA)
John Roberts has chosen to be that of an ineffective hall monitor. He looks small, inconsequential, and over his head. The Senators who fail this simple task of "sitting and attending" to listen as part their duty as juror/judge should be ashamed. It is all pretense.
sob (boston)
Show me the man and I'll show you the crime. They wanted to get rid of Trump from day one. Obviously, this is a death match, the deep state vs the people of America. Schiff is just repeating the some old made up garbage, you can't get rid of the President just because you don't like him. What a farce.
Harold Porter (Spring Lake, MI)
@sob The President has brought all this on himself for simply bad behavior. Yes, from the very beginning he has been unable to tell the truth, from the very beginning he has demeaned any one that does not bow down to him. He is a shame to our country's values imbeded in Our Declaration of Independence and Our Constitution. He has betrayed the oath of his office.
eric (nj)
@sob "Made up garbage"? Have you been reading and watching? Everything has been corroborated ----except for all the witnesses and documents that Trump is blocking. And why, pray tell, would he do that if he's innocent? And by the way, the reason people wanted to get rid of him from day one is because he's ALWAYs been a criminal, grifter, liar, etc. The majority of voters saw that from day one and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's totally incompetent to hold the office. What planet are you from?
DP (Kennebunk, ME)
@Bryce What if the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee used the power of his office to obtain on the phone records of his colleagues from the opposing party? Would that be OK? What if the DNC paid for a work of fiction that was fed to a court to be used to spy on their opponents campaign? Would that be OK? What if the President of the U.S. knew that his administration was using criminal acts to defeat the opposition candidate? Would that be OK?
Stuart (New York, NY)
The evidence is unchallenged. Why can't the writer say that? He concludes that "there is little doubt about the outcome of the trial" which is a prediction, an opinion, a perspective, but some ridiculous journalistic faux ethic stops him from analyzing the evidence and seeing that the president isn't just accused of something. It's already been proven that he did something. There's a bending over backwards here to be fair to a lifetime criminal. It's the most disturbing thing that's happening in the country right now--the press's complete and utter failure to inform the American people of the truth.
fbraconi (NY, NY)
@Stuart I agree completely. If you had been out of the country for a few months and came back and read this article, you would get no sense that the Democrats laid out a meticulous case fully supported by documents and testimony. Nor would you get any sense that the basic dynamic of this "trial" is the overwhelming evidence of guilt and the Republicans' attempts to obfuscate that. The establishment media still hasn't figured out how to present "objective" news in an environment where side offers demonstrable facts and the other fabrications.
Saint Leslie Ann of Geddes (Deep State)
Schiff’s presentation was ineffective because it was political hyperbole with speculation and rhetoric. Maybe Trump abused his power, but Schiff was the wrong person to make the case.
MK (New York City)
@Saint Leslie Ann of Geddes Did you actually watch the House managers' presentation yesterday? It was packed with documentary evidence, testimony excerpts and excerpts of statements from Trump himself. Why are you ignoring that?
Tim C (Chicago)
@Saint Leslie Ann of Geddes Speculation and rhetoric? Seriously? And when the Republicans get their shot and start spewing the talking point that Trump only cared about general corruption in Ukraine, that's not speculation? The scales of evidence to support that are not even close to being in your favor.
Leonard (Chicago)
@Saint Leslie Ann of Geddes, perhaps there would be less speculation if we were allowed to see all of the relevant documents and hear all of the relevant testimony? You know, to demonstrate that Trump didn't abuse his power as so clearly seems the case at this point.
jackinnj (short hills)
Remind me, there are two charges proffered against Trump. Shouldn't Schiff be arguing the merits of these charges, and making the case that they rise to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors"? This isn't a trial, it's theatre.
@jackinnj That part comes in the House managers' presentation today. Keep watching.
Mitchell Turner (As bury Park)
@jackinnj-- I don't see your point. Schiff can't go up there and say "high crimes and misdemeanors" over and over. There are other words that can be said around that to put those words in meaningful sentences and create context. "Cheating" can qualify as a "high crime and misdemeanor." Also, a trial is a form of theater-- in the sense that "theater" is a form of exposition, or demonstration. But the trial here (and other trials) are not "theater" in that "theater" is pretend, and this is real.
Tony (New York City)
@jackinnj I guess in short hills NJ since you voted for Chris Christie who was nothing but theater. I should think you would know theater vs documentation and reality since the people in jersey lived in the theater of the absurd. As New Yorkers struggled thru the tunnels because the king of stupidity had packed the Port Authority with his childhood friends. You know theater and dont know reality . Trump would say So Sad.
The Observer (Pennsylvania)
Adam Schiff's presentation was powerful, convincing and he brilliantly made his case about the systematic abuse of power. His passionate appeal to the better angels of our nature was truly touching. Yet, it was reported that some of the Republican senators were not paying attention or not even in their seats. I hope the voting public were listening and taking notes of this.
Mari (Left Coast)
Well said!
tj (georgia)
@The Observer Adam Schiff insisting upon fairness is laughable.
Moree Spinaro (Portland)
@tj why?
Bobbi Oh (Brooklyn)
such intellectual dishonesty how does asking Ukraine to investigate actual corruption compare to Hillary Clinton giving the sketchy Steele dossier to friends to sic agents on the Trump campaign? seriously, this is all a charade and a shame
Fascist-Fighter (Texas)
“Actual corruption”? Your premise is based on a falsehood.
Charles (Atlanta)
Boo yeah! Steele Dossier proved mostly true. And, remember, Putin Puppet, the dossier was started by the Republicans. Read Crime In Progess and learn the facts instead of whining about Hillary - who is a neither president nor THIS lying president.
Rudi (NYC)
Just one question: Is Hillary Clinton president?
JLT (New Fairfield)
I want to hear from witnesses. I want to see relevant documents. I want Republican Senators to act with integrity and honor. Otherwise, this is all irrelevant and amounts to a McConnell cover-up. Machiavellian and without morals, it would spiral into the downfall of our Republic.
tj (georgia)
@JLT The House heard witnesses. The House reviewed relevant documents. Based upon such, the House voted to impeach. Asking for ANY member of the House or Senate to act with integrity and honor is, unfortunately, wishful thinking.
gratis (Colorado)
@JLT : It is not irrelevant. Not now. Now we see the character of each of the GOP senators. Now we see the Rule of Law upheld or discarded. Some people think it is hyperbole, but I see precedent, the POTUS is above the Law.
PoliticalGenius (Houston)
@tj Adam Schiff acted with integrity and honor.
Kingsley Arthur Rowe (Jackson Heights, NY)
It seems to me that the GOP want a dictator and strongman to run our government. They are practically on their knees begging for it. For the GOP if they can’t retain power lawfully, to hell with the Constitution and the rule of law. This is how Nazis Germany started. The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing!
Fastcat (Phoenix, AZ)
@Kingsley Arthur Rowe - Not just the GOP, but the ~40% of the country (his base). They claim to be American "patriots", yet want to have a dictator rule, which goes against everything the Founding Fathers believed in.
Sherry (Washington)
Republicans in Congress are cowards. Trump's not on trial here, truth is, and they won't even stand up for truth. For example, after all the evidence that "Crowdstrike" was a debunked piece of Russian propaganda, Republicans still stick to their conspiracy theory. In the House impeachment hearings Republican legislators went on and on about Crowdstrike. Callers to C-Span yesterday were raging, what about Crowdstrike? No doubt, Trump's lawyers will also complain about Crowdstrike because Republicans were fed that conspiracy theory on Fox News and they're sticking to it. Even though Democrats' proof that Crowdstrike was Russian propaganda was well-documented -- in some cases that proof came right out of witness's mouths -- Republicans said it was all lies. They have no defenses, they have only propaganda, and no Republican in Congress has the courage to say, folks, not everything you hear on Fox News is the truth, and we are a country that should not be run on Russian-contrived conspiracy theories.
etg (warwick, ny)
My Mom often told me when I was young that you are known by the friends you have and when you lie, truth cannot follow. So much for Trump for his lies and his kept company. So much for Giuliani for his lies and his kept company.
mark (Pismo)
Schiff attempts to make a compelling case for removing the president; he does this in good faith. The president calls him a pencil neck; says he buys shirts with the smallest neck size. In Wyoming they love this president. We must have been very bad in a previous life?
Tim (NYC)
Adam Schiff was just flawless in his presentation of the facts on this whole Ukrainian 'drug deal'. He is so eloquent. When you put him speaking side by side with Trump, it is just shambolic who we have as president. Trump was speaking from Davos yesterday with the world watching, and he is still using his juvenile vocabulary with terms like 'Shifty Schiff'. Absolutely pathetic. I would take Schiff as my president any day of the week ahead of 'Cheating Don' !!
Edgar Numrich (Portland, Oregon)
Given the inbred contradictions, the House and Senate are 5th Avenue made-to-order for someone like Trump.
Jim Anderson (Bethesda, MD)
I lost hope in america long ago.
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
@Jim Anderson Then why stick around? America can get along quite well without harboring people who neither like nor believe in the country...
Baddy Khan (San Francisco)
Trying to cheat for competitive advantage is normal. He cheats more than most, but what's new? He cheated with a foreign country, but isn't that normal as well? Consider Israel, which interferes constantly. If Israel, then why not Russia or Ukraine?
ron (mass)
just a question or two: I believe there are 3? US Senators running for president ... COULD Trump and/or the SC ..block those 3 from voting due to a conflict of interest? All it takes is one email from one Dem operative saying that they can't beat Trump in a general election ...and the best way to win is to impeach him ... OR ... could they be impeached ...after Trump is not convicted in the Senate ...for politically trying to influence the US elections ... ...there is a possibility of the GOP winning back the House after 2020 ... so it's not impossible. Also ... Trump HAS read the Art of War ... he probably has something up his sleeve ...
Juvenal (USA)
Republicans: 1. This trial is a sham because there is no evidence of a crime 2. I refuse to allow incriminating evidence into this trial because it is a sham
RKM (Somewhere in the west)
I lived in Utah for many years. Mormons--Senators Lee & Romney--have a reputation for being strange, gullible (but other than Utah County...AKA Ponzi County), wholesome and honest. The Mormon 13th Article of Faith begins with the following: "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men." Both Senators Lee & Romney have essentially buried their heads in the sand rather than showing integrity and honesty throughout Trumps reign of lying and cheating. What is it that makes doing the obvious right thing so hard for these two? Where are their Mormon values?
Josh G (Somewhere Out West)
Chairman Schiff's closing speech last night will go down in the annals of history as one of the greatest speeches in our country's history. Not that it will persuade any Republican Senators to actually do the right thing for the country. But every American should watch it. Powerful stuff.
Charles Sager (Ottawa, Canada)
I viewed Mr. Schiff’s presentation yesterday and thought it masterful. It’s too bad that upwards of 12 GOP senators apparently played hockey on the show having evidently found better things to do. Having been a teacher, I can tell I would be expected to corral wayward students and have them return to class. Although I rather suspect Chief Justice Roberts was otherwise preoccupied, I also feel that it should have fallen to him to halt proceedings until the lost senators could be found and suitably admonished when returned to the fold. If Justice Roberts is this slack regarding attendance, what other transgressions might he be overlooking?
brupic (nara/greensville)
@Charles Sager hockey is very popular in canada, but i think the repubs were playing hooky.
Francis Walsingham (Tucson)
@Charles Sager I taught also, and I also allowed my students bathroom breaks. I never repeated myself ad nauseam, so my students never got bored. I did occasionally have three hour class times, and I knew how difficult it is to keep people's attention for such long periods. Mr Schiff had no such experience, and I wouldn't judge his students so harshly for his self-inflicted difficulties. Unless us, he wasn't forced to speak for three hours. Sometimes brevity is also a virtue and just as convincing. As for being a masterful presentation, it was certainly that. Convincing would be a different matter. For example, he alleged that Trump must be removed or he would steal the 2020 election, but offered no reason for such an assertion. I was waiting breathlessly for him to reveal how the Donald would do that. My students would have caught me up before I could blink. Yours, too, I would guess.
AhBrightWings (Cleveland)
@Charles Sager Those who left should have forfeited the right to vote. How can they vote if they have not heard the evidence? The Sgt.-at-arms should have been called and they should have been frogmarched back in, but also lost the right to vote. I also think we deserve the names so that they can be publically excoriated. I'd call them contemptible but currently that remains an aspirational state.
Larry (Bay Shore, NY)
Adam Schiff for 2024.
If career diplomats like Taylor, Hill , Vindman risked their jobs and were unafraid to speak out, what are these GOP Senators so afraid of? Do they not represent the people of this country on both sides? Did they not take an oath to at least conduct a fair trail ? What is a fair trail if you are going to vote against calling the witnesses?
Bryce (Bozeman, MT)
No, they only represent Greed, Oligarchy & Power
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@ALN Mitch McConnell publicly promised to be partial, then put this hand on the Bible and swore to be impartial. No Republican Senator complained about that That is level of integrity that the Republican Is has sunk to.
Michael C (Chicago)
@ALN And they fear losing their GOP senatorial jobs and then having to drive their own big, black, gas-guzzling SUVs.
Jim (California)
NYT - A rather poor title for the article "Schiff accuses Trump. . ." A more precise title would be "Schiff reviews evidence of Trump's cheating . . ." Facts of the matter remain this: Trump, did cheat and this has been demonstrated by the trove of documents of Trump's illegal and highly unethical actions, all of which show Trump to be materially in violation of his oath of office AND that alone is a criminal act!
Dennis (Minnesota)
What we are witnessing is the complete destruction of the Republican party.
Lynn (Los Angeles)
I am filled with rage as well as despair as I watch elected American representatives do every thing in their power to demonstrate “loyalty” to a President who would betray each and every one of them if the mood strikes him.
TheraP (Midwest)
@Lynn Me too! It is AGONIZING to go through this. It is like TORTURE. Hard to maintain a mindset of “keep calm and carry on.”
Michael C (Chicago)
@Lynn As is this family, as well. But not so much at the depravity and corruption of this administration which comes as no surprise. Their conspiracy has been planned for 30+ years. We are outraged that our candle-in-the-wind democracy is in danger of being extinguished right before our eyes, on our watch, supported by the ignorant and on full display to the world. Heartbreaking.
Amy (U.S.)
@Lynn My hope is that the Media does its job, and the American people see it for what it is.
EGD (California)
Does anyone actually believe anything out of Adam Schiff’s mouth? You know, besides people still wearing an “It’s Mueller Time!’ t-shirt...
James c (Oregon)
yes. hundreds of millions of us.
Michael (North Carolina)
He cheats on his wives. He cheats his contractors and lenders. I assume he cheats on his taxes, or he would let us see them. And he cheats at golf! Why would anyone believe that he would not cheat to win an election?
L (Minneapolis)
@Michael I certainly am seeing a common denominator, here, can't for the life of me figure out what his base is missing....
@Michael "Why would anyone believe that he would not cheat to win an election?" Because not everyone is a Dem who is scarred and embarrassed by their loss in 2016 and of their real, deep fear, in what will be, their loss once again in 2020.
Robert Burns (Oregon)
I believe Schiff in stating we're entering a new age of the decline of democracy in our country. 53 Republican senators are complicit in a total coverup and the protection of a president who cares not a thing about the country over which he presides and who hasn't an honest leg to stand on. The facts are the facts. Denial of them—and the corruption they showed—by members of the United States Senate will not ever erase them from history. Decades and centuries from now, this extraordinary time will stand for humanity to see. If the 20th century is known as the American Century, the 21st will mark the point at which the American Rubicon was crossed and the decline of the United States began. Evidently, there really is "nothing new under the sun."
Okihara (New South Wales, Australia)
Just how low has the Republican party fallen? Has it bottomed out yet? They may win today but history will be merciless upon them. Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell and others will be remembered as hypocrites who sold their political careers to a clown. These folks have no business being senators. Your country deserves better.
Montreal Moe (Twixt Gog and Magog)
In following Davos it is quite obvious that America 's Impeachment trial verdict is in and America is no longer in charge. It did not augur well for the USA's 75 years of leadership when the Chair of the IMF a Trump nominee refused to go to Davos and sent Donald Trump in his stead.Davos belonged to Greta, Charles and the soon to be Green Czar of the UN Mark Carney Governor of the Bank of England. Mnuchin might suggest Greta study economics but Mark Carney is one of the world's most esteemed economists. The Senate trial is for world consumption and the world is studying every microsecond. We have seen countries break apart and are praying for Czechoslovakia not Yugoslavia. Adam Schiff is proving to be one of America's finest trial lawyers and a man who could be making millions in private practice choosing a life of public service. The Impeachment Trial is not about Donald Trump it is about America. It is about two conflicting value systems one Humanist and one Plutocratic. Those of us who studied Shakespeare's Julius Caesar have intimate knowledge of honourable men. Maybe Trump is the new noblest American of them all he sure sets in sharp contrast a mensch like Adam Schiff and an unscrupulous backstabber like He Fearless Leader for whom winning is the only thing.
Paul Wortman (Providence)
“Subvert democracy” sums up what the impeachment trial is all about. That an entire political party is now on record of being “willing accomplices” is truly beyond terrifyingly. An acquittal will establish the Trump autocracy with all that means. It will unleash the virulent rule of Neo-Nazi white nationalism, vicious and perhaps violent attacks against political enemies, and with Trump now “above the law” the rigging of the November 2020 election. Given Trump’s prior behavior no one will be safe from his intolerant vindictiveness.
Inall (Fairness)
The trial may risk Jay Sekulow’s career too.
Michael C (Chicago)
The NYT needs to publish front page photos of the valiant, ill-equipped, but deceased, Ukrainian soldiers who died defending their country while waiting for the U.S. military equipment that wasn’t coming. This was the bottom line, real-world result of Trump’s extortion. Lest we forget.
RSB (New Hampshire)
@Michael C A majority of the Ukrainian soldiers that have died were killed prior to Trump taking office in 2017. Close to 10,000 of the total 12,800 reported casualties to date. You are welcome to look up the figures yourself. While one death is too many, where was the outrage when the previous administration declined to provide any military equipment whatsoever? This type of misinformation and hypocrisy needs to stop. The Ukrainian conflict was likely kicked off by nefarious outside influence. Corrupt corporations were then used to funnel millions in (US taxpayer funded) aid back to politicians on both sides of the aisle. Unfortunately that's how these conflicts work. Innocent people die while political sociopaths, contractors, special interests, corporations and weapons dealers collect their blood money. This is not a Left vs Right issue. Until people understand this, we will continue fighting among ourselves instead of calling out all corruption regardless of political affiliation.
Question Everything (Highland NY)
Trump asking Zelensky for "a favor, though" contravened USC 52 30121 (a)(2) - It shall be unlawful for a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national. see Trump solicited Zelensky according to his own memo of the July 25th phone call. Congress and We The People should have access to, under FOIA, and read the full transcript currently held on a very secret server. Trump has said it was a perfect call and no state secrets were discussed there are no reasonable grounds for hiding the full transcript. Abuse of Power AND Obstruction of Congress are the articles of impeachment. Trump did abuse the power of his position for personal gain by asking for a favor. He also instructed former and current White House staff to ignore House subpoenas, in other words, obstructed Constitutionally authorized oversight actions by Congress. Legally definition of a "political benefit" will be argued for decades, just as Nixon's behavior is debated. That aside, the 2018 ballot box gave majority House control to the Democrats, Congress has been tasked with impeaching a pretend autocrat in the White House. Senate Republicans will try to deny impeachment but their hands are becoming dirty in the process, dooming their chances for winning 2020 elections. As the adage explains, Karma is a B______, and we all know Trump dislikes women.
ss (MD)
Who knows what it would take for the criminal-conspiracy-forgiving, Senate Republicans to turn from their craven stance and obstruction to voting this disgrace out of office? But even then, even then, Trump's base might not agree, and then we'd have a whining, rabid martyr with no moral bearings, sure to incite his aggrieved followers to rebellion. . So, if (a big if) we can survive the last quarter of the man's term, the best possible outcome might be for the Democrats to lay the damning case out for all to see (as Schiff has brilliantly done), lose the "trial", and then have the voters overwhelmingly get rid of all these criminals, Senators included, in November. The fates of the planet, our democracy, our civility hang in the balance.
Rick Spanier (Tucson)
The constitutional issue is not whether Trump attempted to cheat in the election by attempting to "dig up dirt" on a political adversary. Instead, it is Trump's attempts to subvert military aid to an ally fighting an enemy of the US. Full stop. The aid has been approved bilaterally and overwhelmingly in Congress and signed into law by none other than the President of the United States (Mr. Trump). All the I's had been dotted and T's crossed. By interfering in the dispersal of these funds, Trump broke the law and assaulted the Constitution. When Trump is acquitted of the charges next week, the path to a virtual dictatorship will become established in legal precedent. The separation of powers between co-equal branches of government will become relics of history as future presidents will be free to do what they please without fear of impeachment.
mls (nyc)
I wish that Pelosi had authorized a broader inquiry, leading to a broader impeachment. The many violations of the Emoluments Clause come to mind, and surely experts could have found evidence for more articles of impeachment. The Senate would still acquit, but the undecided members of the public might have been convinced of the need to convict, and voters might have punished Republicans up for re-election, thereby demoting McConnell and making for an all Democratic government to begin to reverse the harm of the Tump era. As it is, the two articles seem too technical for many undecideds who may not appreciate the gravity of Trump's transgressions and the virtual criminality of McConnell, Graham. et al. participating in what amounts to a cover-up.
John M (Portland ME)
In the Big Money and entertainment world that is 21st century America, where power is pursued for its own sake, untethered to any moral code, it is jarring to see someone like Adam Schiff stand up and argue that a president is bound by moral, ethical and political norms in the conduct of his office. How strange to our ears this sounds. While the outcome of this so-called "trial" may be preordained, it is good to be reminded periodically that there is more to life than the unbridled pursuit of personal power and money.
Prof. Jai Prakash Sharma (Jaipur, India.)
However convincing Representative Adam B. Schifff's meticulously argued case to impeach Trump on charges of abusing power and obstructing the Congress might be that warrants conviction and removal but, the same could happen only when the constitution holds some meaning for the ruling party and its Senate members who have long ceased to be true to their oath of office or the sanctity of the constitution itself. They seem to be hand in glove with President Trump in all the violations of the law.
William McCain (Denver)
Schiff could easily have prevented all of the controversy about whether a President can ask a foreign country to investigate possible wrongdoing by Americans. Schiff only needed to reveal the secret information that he has, and that he has said many times, proves beyond a doubt that Trump was colluding with the Russians. Either Schiff is lying, or his secret information also reveals illegal activities by high ranking Democrats.
@William McCain "Russian collusion" is not in the articles of impeachment, so that's off the table for now, except to note Trump's affinity for Putin and his bullying of The Ukraine. If Trump wants to prove his innocence in the abuse and obstruction matters, then he merely needs to comply with subpoenas for Bolton, Pence, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Ellis, Blair, McCormack, Perry, Eisenberg. He could take the stand himself, and back up his claims of perfection, genius, etc. Simple.
Kalidan (NY)
These turn of events are clearly demonstrating to Americans that there is no rule of law here now, if there once was such a thing. Republicans win by breaking laws of all kinds, rule by breaking laws of all kind, and consolidate their power using unlawful means with a broad coalition of crooks. The narrative of law and order is dated; not it applies only negatively to the 'out' groups. Here is why I know the bad guys are winning. A hint of trouble for owning of assault rifles, and large number of Americans from across the nation showed up dressed as if they were about to go to battle (not one of them is in the military, all of them live of some form of government hand out). But the defiling of law and order by those in office gets no widespread demonstration nor protest. All is left to Adam Schiff. And to Nancy. What exactly can they do but present evidence that serves only to amuse the republicans because they know they are firmly in charge. Where is the outpouring of protest?
Lost In A Red State (Somewhere)
@Jgarbuz.. I’m curious, have you reviewed any of the evidence or watched the testimony of any of the witnesses from the House impeachment inquiries? I’m not talking about Fox or Rush or Breitbart etc interpretations-but the actual documents and transcripts. I didn’t think so.
Shailendra Vaidya (Bala Cynwyd, Pa)
Mr. Trump thinks he is above the law only because the Republicans in the House / Senate have allowed him to do so. If only our elected politicians were patriotic and to loyal to the oath they took to protect the Constitution, this would never have happened.
JVG (San Rafael)
It's mind boggling that anyone could hear the testimony and evidence in this case and come to any other conclusion than Mr. Trump (again!) sought to benefit politically by the actions of a foreign nation and was wiling to stoop to bribery to get it. I truly am having a hard time wrapping my head around the Republicans standing firm in their denial of reality.
Matt (Montrose, CO)
Break up the Union. Seriously, a commonwealth of two "Red" and "Blue" based cooperative nations is an idea whose time has come. Impeachment and removal isn't going to happen under Leader McConnell, and there's a high likelihood of the 2020 election cycle being as obviously tainted as 2016 - or at least as ridiculous, given the unintended bias of "one acre, one vote" that the Electoral College now skews. The GOP has done a masterful job of manipulating the process for decades, and the Democrats failure to fight just as dirty because of a misguided belief that fair play would win out has landed us here. But there's hope, as evidenced by the states that have been incubators of the two philosophies. So let Red states go the way of Kansas, Mississippi, et al., and Blue states run the West Coast model - and we'll not only have a Damoclean solution, but in a decade or two, an example for the world to marvel at. One portion of the Commonwealth a vibrant, progressive country moving to address the issues, the other a hollow shell, firmly on it's way to second or third world status. The reader (and citizens of each) can decide which is which.
Edgar Numrich (Portland, Oregon)
@Matt Thank you. Been writing the same here for some time. "My country 'tis of thee" is a mockery of the truth.
KLS (Long Island, NY)
If only this was a corporation we are talking about. Then we’d only be losing all our money... instead of our democracy. Call the Senate.
ehillesum (michigan)
It’s all so simple. Obama had several reasons to withhold aid from Ukraine. Trump had all of those and one more: that a candidate in 2020 appeared to have engaged in a potentially corrupt act when he forced Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who might have been interested in why VP Biden’s son was making $50K+ per month for a corrupt Ukrainian company. There is a lot more there there in the Biden issue than in the phony Russian dossier that started the Trump persecution that the Dems are using to influence the 2020 election.
sgillen1036 (chicago, IL)
@ehillesum So if trump was so interested in fighting corruption by the Biden's why didn't he take his info to the FBI ? Answer. He didn't want to get at the truth he wanted a foreign government to announce investigations that he could use against his potential political rival. That's the question that none of trump's supporters can answer. The GOP controlled Congress the DOJ and the White House for 2 years and not once did they seek to investigate the supposed Biden corruption. But as soon a Joe Biden emerges as someone who can beat Trump in 2020 Trump feels a need to force a foreign government (not the FBI or CIA) to open investigations and he sends Rudy G. who's not a government employee to dig up the supposed dirt. All the Hillary mudslinging and whataboutism doesn't change these facts.
Clark Landrum (Near the swamp.)
Putin's plan is working exceptionally well. He knew what he was doing when he helped to elect Trump.
GraceNeeded (Albany, NY)
The president isn’t the only one ‘scornful of constraints’. Sekulow when giving a press briefing seemed annoyed that he had to endure a trial in the Senate. After all, who are these Democrats who are worthy to nip at he and his ilk’s heels? Talk about ‘elitism’. These people think they are so privileged they shouldn’t have to be bothered explaining their actions and words, to anyone- foreign powers or plain old citizens in an Impeachment trial. Justice will be served. The day of reckoning will come.
rslay (Mid west)
There is not a single trump supporter that would not be howling at the moon if the situation were reversed and the President's name was Obama. That is hypocrisy. There is a plethora of Republican Senators who know trump is guilty, but will not vote to convict in the Senate trial. That is treason. There are more than enough Democrats, Independents, African Americans, Latinos, Women, Suburbanites, College Students, Mothers, Fathers, etc., who can make sure trump is a one term aberration...If we just show up and vote in November.
rosa (ca)
I give my full support to Adam and other Dems. Go ahead, take your time. The Republicans aren't going anywhere and I'm certain that they are secretly delighted to be relieved of any sense of duty. It has to have been gnawing at them, all of those 200+ Bills that the Democrat House has passed over the last year or so, that are all sitting there on Mitch's desk. Mitch, of course, has stated point-blank that he's never going to bring any one of them, ever, to vote. Those passed bills will just sit there and rot, So, given that that man is criminally with-holding any action that is in his job description, then, Dems, take all the time you want. You, Dems, have done your duty. You worked hard to pass those 200+ Bills. I truly believe that McConnell is one of the foulest Americans, ever.
Lost In A Red State (Somewhere)
I am so proud to be a Democrat! Adam Schiff is great!
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
Dear Republicans, You ask where is the crime* that Mr. Trump committed? - It is a crime to solicit aid in a U.S. election from a foreign government. - It is a violation of the Impoundment Control Act to block federal funds allocated by Congress by act of law (GAO). --- * Not that an actual statutory crime is even necessary for impeachment.
Buck (Flemington)
Trump is A problem but he is not THE problem. THE problem is the group of people who tolerate and sustain his bumbling corruption. Not putting much stock in his conviction (which he deserves) but I do hope this spectacle brings out a large part of the electorate in November. If we wake up and vote then Trump can be sent packing along with his enablers. And, his next court appearances will likely not be before a rigged jury.
Mary (austin)
Why is 'to cheat' in quotes? This is a valid (and I believe true) accusation. This is how the media normalizes the destruction of our democracy by Trump and the GOP. Language matters. Stop playing both-sides.
Emily (NJ)
@Mary You are correct. Language does matter, particularly in news stories. The words “to cheat” are quoted because that is what Adam Schiff specifically said. Quotes appear in news stories to indicate that those quoted words were specifically spoken by a particular person. Using quotes “normalizes” nothing. They add credence to the accuracy of what is being reported.
Mary (austin)
@Emily, in that case, the author of the article would have put every reference to what was actually said in quotes.
Bronx Jon (NYC)
One thing that’s odd about the cheating accusation is that it was so early in the Democratic primaries. You would think if Trump would have waited until it was more clear who the front runner was to do something like this to get the biggest bang for his buck. Did he also have some kind of personal vendetta against Biden as part of Team Obama?
Pascale Luse (Charleston, South Carolina)
The main issue now is to get the senators to speak to each other from across the isle, like in the days when no one was scarred of the WRATH of the Commander in Chief. Regardless of the evidences, Republicans are closing their eyes to facts about the thuggish behavior of our president, willfully ignoring his misdemeanors. #45 needs to be removed.
C Merchant (NJ)
Mr Schiff and his team has been outstanding the way they have presented their case. Even the dumbest of people would be able to ascertain from their presentation that Trump did abuse his power to cheat. This is despite that the house intelligence committee and house judiciary committee did not have any key witness and all the White House documents. My issue with the Republican senates is their lack of conscience. They are here to serve the people of the US and not just this president. They should acknowledge the fac that the Democrats are making a reasonable point and allow more witnesses, to get to the bottom of the case. I have been religiously following this impeachment hearing since it started and feel so frustrated by the stance taken by the Republicans. They are behaving like the 3 monkeys which Gandhi suggested once (with some modification of course); hear nothing, see nothing and say nothing. They are acting so stubborn and unreasonable that they sound like Jehadi’s, who don’t seem to understand any rationale or facts but just trust their own false beliefs and fantasies, and follow their leader blindly even if it leads them on a wrong path. I really feel that the Republican senates rise up to the occasion and do right by this nation.
Ichabod Aikem (Cape Cod)
That Trump refuses to allow Bolton to speak because Bolton knows too much of his thinking and would harm national security is heavily ironic. In Davos, in Helsinki, no matter where he sits,Trump is a national security nightmare, giving secrets to the Russians behind closed doors and taking interpreters’ notes, making deals with dictators around the globe, and damaging America’s reputation every time he opens his mouth. If Rudy is Trump’s hand grenade, Trump is the nuclear warhead aimed at our homeland. We must deactivate this clear and present danger to our country. Thank heaven for the voices and of reason of Pelosi, Schumer, and Adam Schiff. May they prevail in returning sanity and safety and sobriety to us all.
REPNAH (Huntsville AL)
To simply conclude, as Rep. Schiff is asking Senators and us to do, that Trump was trying to "cheat" in the next election requires one to ignore or be extremely hypocritical on 3 points. To illustrate I ask all the liberals and democrats on here to answer 3 questions: 1) Did Hillary "cheat" in the last election by paying a British national to work with Russian assets to "dig up dirt" on her opponent, and distribute what was likely Russian disinformation 3 weeks before the election? If she had won the election should she have been impeached for it? 2) Why did Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company whom Ambassadors Taylor and Yavonavitch both testified is run by a corrupt CEO whom the Obama administration suspected of paying millions in political bribes, pay Hunter Biden over $3 million to sit on its Board when he had no experience in Ukraine or energy, while VP Joe Biden was in charge of Ukraine policy for the Obama administration? 3) In the last few days Joe Biden has said he would not testify before the Senate impeachment trial if the Senate subpoenas him. If he doesn't and wins in November should he be impeached for "obstruction of Congress"? To simply conclude that Trump cheated you must ignore the fact that Hillary paid a foreign national and Russians for dirt on Trump and no one said a word, you must ignore the possibility of any valid reason to look into Burisma and Hunter Biden, and you must ignore the fact that every White House refuses Congressional subpoenas.
Lost In A Red State (Somewhere)
@REPNAH — reading too many conspiracy websites, my friend!
Robin Wright (NC)
If you could hear the sound of Adam Schiff's voice (a brilliant 2.5 hours), comprehend the facts he conveyed, hear and see the video of the testimony of Congressional witnesses and yet vote that Trump is innocent, I have a bridge in the middle of the Atlantic ocean that I would like to sell to you.
Sherry (Washington)
Trump cheated to win in 2016 and unless he’s removed he’ll keep on cheating until he wins again. The man has no morals. No concept of right and wrong, and no understanding what it means to abuse his office. He’s not listening and he’s not learning. The day after Mueller said it’s wrong to ask a foreign power to help him win Trump not only asked a foreign power to help him win, he demanded it. Those who say just wait until the election don’t get it. Trump will cheat, lie, extort foreign powers, and sacrifice our national security if it helps him win.
SDH (Portland)
This coverage has a none-too-subtle desperation to it, a yearning to frame the trial in terms of a mythical old world order where virtue is the governing principle and Democratic knights have finally arrived to vanquish their heathen GOP foes. Perhaps that sells papers, but the narrative that either side is “winning” in this trial, or will ever win, is patently false and dangerously out of touch, tacitly promoting a worldview that is equal parts naive and nostalgic. The only people who are winning from this trial are those who use these proceedings as Exhibit A for why we need to blow up the entire system and start again. It’s how Trump got elected in the first place, and may be elected again. And it’s why Bernie, a nicer guy but just as ferociously deconstructionist, is now leading in the polls. The Times is at risk of missing it, again, becoming part of the real decline as it reports on its mythical, more hopeful cousin.
susan (nyc)
Donald Trump cheats on his wives. Donald Trump cheats at golf. Of course Donald Trump is a cheater in this instance too. Adam Schiff is correct.
Paul (Philadelphia)
Adam Schiff is the best this country has to offer!! It makes you wonder about the complicity of the Republican Senators in this shakedown cabal. Thrump keeps playing the little child card, caught with his hands in the cookie jar. John Bolton is all the rage. Why would anyone trust him? Let him publish his book. Bringing a Biden to be questioned is a Republican ploy and fuel for their propaganda!
Opinioned! (NYC)
It will be very beautiful to behold. Donald J. Trump, who cheated on all of his three wives with the latest of whom being the First Lady / Third Wife who was recovering from childbirth while Trump was paying both a Playboy Playmate and a Penthouse Pet to have sex with him (equal opportunity philanderer, that Donald!) rubbing elbows with the “Christian Evangelicals” so that he can win their votes. Just beautiful.
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@Opinioned! It used to be assumed that a president that cheated on his wife would cheat on his country. It may have been a better assumption than I thought.
VisaVixen (Florida)
If the Senate Republican majority is stupid enough to acquit Trump, they will be relegated to the dustbin of history as Trump already is by his failure to govern. They may take the Republic down with them, but they have lost.
Message to the Republican Senators………… How about you, all of you, take a walk through Arlington National Cemetery and look at all those white marble headstones………Those people, those true patriots gave their all, gave their lives to protect the very thing you are today are making a mockery of - our rule of law……..They showed the ultimate in courage while you Republican Senators - including President Trump - are showing nothing but calloused, hypocritical cowardliness……. And yes, in voting for witnesses and documents you may lose your next election by doing the right, the honorable thing……….. And so what if you do - You will still have your exorbitant retirement pension, your lucrative lobbying potential and the knowledge, the satisfaction of knowing that you protected the Constitution from Mitch McConnell's and Donald Trump's onslaughts to weaken it……. Republican Senators, join the true patriots, join all those that went before you and gave so much more than is being asked of you today…….Show some courage before you make a mistake that will forever be a blight on your legacy……… Legitimize this process, this sham " trial" and vote to bring in witnesses and documents to this current proceeding………….
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@RB People that lie to start a war, then refuse to send enough troops to create order, resulting in 45,000 dead or wounded, don't actually care about the troops. They only call for respect for the troops when they want to lie without being questioned. When the troops come back and are homeless, they forget all about them.
JG (Denver)
Adam Schiff has been awesome in his presentation of facts. His cool and temperate demeanor is that of a man with the truth on his side. The republicans are screaming with lies and baseless accusations, a very pathetic bunch of sour losers. It was painful watching them tripping on their own toes. They really think we are that stupid !
Tim (NYC)
@JG Unfortunately the Republicans are not interested in the truth. Lindsey Graham was out of the senate chamber more that he was there. Seems like his mind is made up. Pity McCain is not still around, he would work to right this situation. How immensely disappointed he would be with Lindsey Graham, he is a total turncoat and has aligned his future with our failed reality star president. This is not going to end well for the Republicans. Who them out in November, every last one of them. They have turned theirs backs on the truth and this country.
David (CT)
Schiff was articulate, precise, animated and engaging. Overall, earned my deep respect. I was worried watching the House hearings that it would be flat and monotone with little emotion. His remark at the end, trying to instill courage in some Senators to at least get witnesses and other documents, was very well crafted and delivered.
Steven of the Rockies (Colorado)
History and lots of American Intelligence Officers, are going to side with the Democrats. Mostly because of all the remarkable Russian laundered money that found its way to Kentucky, the N.R.A, and the Trump Family. Crucifying the Biden Family for exposing Hunter to International politics rings hollow, when Jared, Eric, Donald Junior, and Miss Ivanka have acquired staggering funds from enemy treasuries, while openly violating the Emulient Clauses of the American Constitution.
JHCox (NY)
@Steven of the Rockies Emoluments Clause
Brez (Spring Hill, TN)
And so, per today's NYT, more attacks from Trump and the Republicans. Now, we will have more pollution of streams, lakes and rivers, and yet another attack on Medicare. Just another day in the continual destruction of the environment and the citizenry. Regardless of how the impeachment trial turns out, we must rid the country of Trump and the plutocratic oligarchy of Republican fraudulent domination. VOTE!
dba (nyc)
To Trump supporters: how about a thought exercise. Substitute Obama for Trump. Would it be OK for President Obama to withhold your tax-paid congressional funding to Ukraine until Zelensky announced an investigation into Mitt Romney, Obama's opponent? Why doesn't any democrat or journalist pose this question directly to Hannity, Carlson, Ingrahm, McConnell and the republicans sycophants?
ron (mass)
@dba I would be OK with Obama looking into facts ...
dba (nyc)
@ron If you want to look into facts about an American citizen, you call the FBI, and you certainly don't withhold congressional funding for that request. Why didn't Trump want to look into facts prior to Biden's entry into the race?
B. Rothman (NYC)
Don’t we all feel so sad for the Republicans? Those nasty Dems having done the homework are now in front of the class showing how truly nasty this President has been. The Republicans respond not with facts (they won’t allow them!) but with the same empty scorn that Trump hands out with his pitiful limited vocabulary on Twitter. “Oh poor, poor us. The victims of these mean Democrats and whatever facts there are. So, don’t let them get away with hiding us from the truth of Donald Trump and his underhanded ways. . . . We vote them down instead of looking for the truth.” Hey folks in America’s “real America,” can you recognize the carney barkers in front of you or is it all so entertaining you don’t mind the loss of Congressional power to rein in any President now and in the future? It’s up to you. If you want to see the evidence, better call your Republican Senator soon because they respond to voter pressure, especially if they have to run for office this year.
AhBrightWings (Cleveland)
Enough. We need the names of those who got up and left. They should be fined for being AWOL. They should be barred from voting. They should lose their jobs. The left continues to allow the right to run roughshod over norms, rules, and the law. We are where we are, in part, because we NEVER hold them accountable for not just appalling or bad behavior, but often for criminal acts. The nation is watching. The world is watching. Our children are watching. The dozen GOP members too crass, rude, arrogant and derelict in their duty to show up must pay a price. A good starting place is naming them so they can be reviled and then literally called on their behavior. Frankly, Roberts and the Sergeant-at-arms are also derelict in their duty. The next time this happens, Roberts needs halt the proceedings and loudly call out the person attempting to sneak off the job. Shame them on the spot. ----- Naturally, a short bathroom break or true family emergency would be an exception, but then documentation should be required to confirm there really was an emergency because the state of our country is real one.
Fastcat (Phoenix, AZ)
@AhBrightWings - I agree that there should be some type of penalty (e.g., not allowed to vote) for violating the Senate procedures. If they are required to be there, then BE there. Many of the senators just stood up at their desks or at the back of the room, but stayed in the chamber. Marsha Blackburn should be penalized for doing a Fox interview on Tuesday in the middle of the proceedings when they are required to be in the chamber. She obviously wasn't on a bathroom break.
JHCox (NY)
@AhBrightWings I agree! The GOP senators who left the chamber during presentation of evidence for any longer than a quick bathroom break should definitely be Named and Shamed! If citizens, you or I, on a jury in a court of law just decided get up and leave the room while prosecutors were presenting their case, the judge would likely hold us in contempt! We'd be cooling our heels in a jail cell.
RNS (Piedmont Quebec Canada)
Just how does the stable genius' brain process information? The Dems presented a formidible case yesterday but pressed repeatedly for documents from many departments. And when they finished the president chirped in from Europe and boasted he has all the material and the Dems have none. Did it even occur to him that's exactly what the Dems had been saying? It boggles the mind.
RP Smith (Marshfield, Ma)
If you were on a jury and got up and walked out of the room while the prosecution was presenting their case, what do you suppose the Judge would do to you?
JM (San Francisco)
@RP Smith I thought Chief Justice Roberts was there to direct "decorum"? So Roberts just allows people to just leave for extended periods and openly nap during the impeachment trial of the President of the United States? What's wrong with him? How is that maintaining decorum? Anyone leaving without permission should be fined and their names publicized in the news. These people work only 115 days (out of the 365) anyway... and virtually half of those 115 workdays are only 4 hours to accommodate their travel.
Haddock (Iceland)
Adam Schiff rocks!
Fran (Maine)
@Haddock Yes he does and I wish he was running for president on the Democratic ticket.
Fran (Maine)
@Haddock Yes he does and I wish he was running for president on the Democratic ticket.
Fastcat (Phoenix, AZ)
@Haddock - 100%! Even though he hasn't been a prosecutor for over 20 years, he hasn't lost his touch.
Bazaar (Taos)
Until you admit that the effort of the Republicans is being orchestrated by Media moguls Democrats will get nowhere
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@Bazaar Billionaire media Moguls.
KLS (Long Island, NY)
Finally the Dems are acting like the party I hope for. Trump is a bully and I as a citizen don’t like being bullied. This is not his corperation, this is my democracy and I cheer on the articulate and intelligent efforts of the Democrats to check the actions of this wanna be strong man.... Lindsey Graham’s feelings aside. Adam Schiff is eloquent and I am hopeful that the country is watching this clear and correct presentation. If you don’t get the issue folks then I’m sure Lindsey will move over on his fainting couch and hand you a tissue. This is a legal issue, as someone said recently, this issue is not personal... being booed at the opening game... that was personal.
Francis Walsingham (Tucson)
Well, about the Republican senators, who were watching and listening. This is really a no-brainer for such as Senators Collins, McSally, and the other so-called "endangered ones." They are being forced by the Democrats to vote for Trump. They have no choice. Because the Democrats chose 2020 to do this, and not find an occasion in 2019, it is unrolling in the middle of the primaries. While all the news stations are complaining that the Democratic presidential candidates cannot be out campaigning, they are "forgetting"to remind us that, if Trump can't run in 2020 after having been removed, NEITHER CAN ANYONE ELSE. In other words, there would be no Republican candidate unless the 50 states and the Republican Party could find another way to hold later primaries. So, it would be suicide for the "endangered senators" to vote to convict Trump, because their party would then have NO nominee. This is very clever.
Fred (GA)
@Francis Walsingham No, it would not. You already have one good candidate running and that is Bill Weld. And since some states have closed off there primaries that was just plain stupid on there part.
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@Francis Walsingham If Trump is impeached, VP Pence takes over as president, then runs for re-election. It's not that complicated.
Fastcat (Phoenix, AZ)
@Francis Walsingham - That's not necessarily true. If tRump were removed, Pence could announce his candidacy, plus there are already a couple of people (Bill Weld, Joe Walsh) who announced their run. Pence could always be a write-in candidate for those states with early primaries where he could not get on the ballot. Now, for those states (AZ) that canceled their Republican primaries, they'll have to scramble to get them scheduled.
Virginia Bain (Atlanta, Ga)
The impeachment trial in the senate is as much about the senate as it is about Trump. GOP senators refusing to conduct the trial on the merits of the case but rather on politics and power. The genesis for Trumps behavior and his “I’m above the law” attitude can be found in Mitch McConnell’s refusal to allow a vote on Obama’s Supreme Court pick. This was an unprecedented abuse of power. Mitch got away with it then and Trump is getting away with it now
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@Virginia Bain The failure to fight for Obama's Supreme Court Seat was another case of the centrist Democratic Party leadership rolling over and playing dead while being bulldozed by Republicans. Trump should have been Impeached as soon as Democrats took over the House on his myriad pubic High Crimes, like calling for violence against citizens without due process. Democrats are playing softball, while Republicans are driving tanks around the field.
drj (State College,PA)
It appears that the administration is taking full advantage of the attention now focused on the "trial" to modify environmental regulations on water protection that affect all of us.
Jay Orchard (Miami Beach)
Why do we all keep pretending as if the Senators, like millions of voters, were not fully aware before this "trial" began of the accusations against Trump and the evidence which backs those accusations up? The charade of the House Managers "presenting" their claims and evidence to the Senate as if they are hearing it for the first time is not fooling anyone and is tedious for the presenters, their immediate audience and the wider television audience. If Republicans were sincere, they surely would find a way to cut to the chase without then falsely claiming that they haven't been presented with enough evidence to support conviction or to justify the calling of additional witnesses and the submission of additional evidence. But tediousness and boredom may be precisely what Republicans are hoping for - C-span that turns into short attention span.
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
Yes, we Republicans will agree to stipulate that President Trump routinely lies, cheats, and steals; that he is in thrall to foreign powers; that his presidency has been a years-long effort to usurp the powers of the Congress; and that his behavior in office has been destructive for the country for a laundry list of reasons, amended hereunto as a footnote labeled Exhibits A through ZZ, with redactions as deemed necessary by the impartial Mr. Barr. Now that’s out of the way, we move for immediate dismissal of all charges against President Trump, an announcement of full and complete exoneration, and the planning of his inevitable coronation. Let the looting begin!
JM (San Francisco)
@Jay Orchard Oh, you didn't get the memo Jay. This televised impeachment trial is for the American people who will do what the GOP Senate will not...remove Trump from office in November, 2020.
KLS (Long Island, NY)
There are many who are just tuning in to this, most important presentation, attention and interest in the common good is what many senators seem to be lacking. Trump and his henchmen created all these boring details... This is not a tv show, although Mitch is certainly acting like a show runner. This isn’t Sesame Street, if you are having trouble attending try rereading the constitution to fill the time.
Michaeljk (Minnesota)
Even though the Republican Senate will not convict Trump (which is a travesty based on the clear evidence already known), listening to Adam Schiff's presentation last night made it all that much clear that the House was right in bringing this Impeachment to the Senate floor. Forcing the Senate, and anyone in the US who has an interest in being informed about what Trump did, to listen to the numerous and pointed witness testimony of what happened was jarring, even for me, who's been paying relatively close attention to the whole proceedings in the House and Senate. As this article says, the presentation by Representative Schiff was "meticulous and scathing" and fierce and accurate and beyond any reasonable dispute. This will become history, even after the Republican Senators vote to acquit. Nicely done, Mr. Schiff.
Michael C (Chicago)
@Michaeljk Agreed, absolutely. Schiff was masterful. Duty and The Constitution called, and the Democrats answered. We’re so proud of them.
Richard Hahn (Erie, PA)
"Scathing" in the title is what I've been counting on to reach the citizenry in general. Even despite this evidence, the Senate Republicans still do not vote to convict, I'm hoping that the majority of voters who have been "never Trumpers" (referring to the nearly three million majority popular vote for HRC in 2016) will be further energized to vote accordingly in November. "Scathing" evidence when widely broadcast can be a political advertising bonanza for all non-Republican candidates. We may, can and must hold out hope based on these facts.
rich (hutchinson isl. fl)
The fate of the 240 year old democratic experiment known as the United States of America is in the balance. America will hence forth have a ruler, unaccountable to the law, or it will not. It is up to a handful of Senators and whether they have the respect for the rest of us to allow us to see all of the facts, witnesses and documents, or not. I am not optimistic. The criminal at the heart of the matter is in control of a majority of his own jurors. That can only be changed by contacting those Republican Senate jurors in a demonstration of public opinion powerful enough to over come their fear of Donald Trump.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
“If not remedied by his conviction in the Senate, and removal from office, President Trump’s abuse of his office and obstruction of Congress will permanently alter the balance of power among the branches of government,” I keep thinking if the tables were turned and a Democratic president did exactly what Trump had done, what would the reaction be of the Republicans? Would they be as blind and belligerent against his or her impeachment charges like they are towards this president? Would they be as forgiving if this abuse was to "subvert democracy for his or her own personal gain"? If the majority of the Senate votes to acquit this president, then they are allowing this door of deception, abuse and obstruction to not only remain open, but will open even wider. The abuse of power and obstruction of Congress should NEVER be tolerated nor ignored because NO politician is about the law.
Lynn (New York)
It seems that the following 2 central issues are missing from the presentations, due no doubt to the Democrats' careful concern (not shared by the Republicans) to stick to facts well-documented by testimony. 1) Wasn't it Putin, in his secretive meetings with Trump with no American notes, who turned Trump against the Ukrainians? The impeachment managers focused on Giuliani's role in this, but since, as Hill testified, this is pure Russian propaganda, I have no doubt that the skilled ex-KGB agent Putin manipulated his effective asset Trump into believing and acting on this. 2) Wasn't it Giuliani and other Trump friends' goal of corruptly gaining business deals in Russia that led to the removal of the highly regarded anti-corruption ambassador Yovanovitch? While they may have manipulated Trump into removing her by falsely claiming that she bad-mouthed Trump and was blocking a trumped up investigation, the underlying reason for removing her no doubt was to enable lucrative corrupt deals. In other words, there are even bigger abuses of power and even treason enabled by Trump: he is both ignoring Constitutional constraints on his power, and enabling events managed by Putin and other corrupt actors.
JM (San Francisco)
@Lynn Spot on Lynn. With Trump, all roads lead to Putin. No one ever asks why on earth Ukrainian President, Zalensky would agree to investigate and take the blame for his own government, (NOT Russia) interfering in the 2016 US election.
David H (Washington DC)
As an independent -- and most certainly no fan of Mr. Trump -- I am concerned about the testimony of House managers, no question. But I am *equally* -- if not more -- concerned about the fact that many in the House were talking about impeachment long before the issue of Ukraine even surfaced. Another concern is the vitriol that House democrats have poured onto Mr. Trump, day after day, since his inauguration. And then there is the fact that Speaker Pelosi appears to have been pressured to move ahead with impeachment as a result of splits within her party -- something that, curiously, is not being written about. Finally, I am concerned that Mr. Schiff and Mr. Nadler did not seek relief in the courts to compel the administration to comply with subpoenas. When all is said and done, I will be glad to see Mr. Trump exonerated and the charges against him dismissed. He is a coarse, and often repugnant character. But that is no reason to seek impeachment to sidestep an November 2020 election that the democrats seem ill-prepared for.
Fred (GA)
@David H How long do you think it would have taken to make it through the courts up to the Supreme Court? Sorry I disagree with you. And yes I am one who thought after the Mueller report he should have been impeached but there again I did read most of the report that was over 400 pages. And I disagree with about the democratizing "ill-prepared" for the 2020 election.
ExPatMX (Ajijic, Jalisco Mexico)
@David H There is all the reason in the world if you are truly " most certainly no fan of Mr. Trump ". If he is reelected in November and then impeached and convicted, the White House stays in the hands of the Republicans. Justice Ginsberg will most certainly retire soon and that would leave another extreme right Justice to be appointed. That would be catastrophic for two generations. We already have two sexual predators and one illegitimate Justice in the Court. The Republican majority has given us Citizens United which has allowed the buying of public office by corporations. It has given us gerrymandering to negate legitimate votes (i.e. look at NC where the votes for the government and the actual representatives of the parties are ludicrously misaligned.
Drspock (New York)
From what I've listened to so far the House Managers haven't done a great job of presenting their case. We all know the facts. The question is how is this case being presented to the American people? Trump essentially engaged in oppositional research. That's another way of saying he was digging up dirt on his political opponents. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as it's not done through the office of the president or with funds that were authorized by congress for a completely different purpose. Oppositional research should be done by the separate re-election campaign of any office holder. And it should never be done misusing federally appropriated funds. Trump in his arrogance and imperious nature deiced to do what he pleased, despite the advice from his staff that it was an inappropriate use of the office of the presidency. When evidence of Trump's actions became public, he used the power of his office to obstruct a perfectly valid congressional overate investigation. It doesn't matter whether this effort was "politically motivated." Everything in Washington is politically motivated. The only question is was this a legal inquiry? And it was. And did Trump unlawfully obstruct that inquiry? And he did. This is the basic case for abuse of presidential power and obstruction of justice. It's really as simple as that. But the Dem's seem determined to make it far more complicated than it need be. Trial practice 101, keep it simple and understandable.
JM (San Francisco)
@Drspock Obstruction of Congress is forthcoming. And this imbecile, Trump, is the gift that just keeps on giving...daily offering video clips to prove that he is guilty as sin. Trump's attorneys must be going nuts.
Robert Lwvin (Boston MA)
I try to remember MLK: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
Fastcat (Phoenix, AZ)
@Robert Lwvin - My concern is that I won't live long enough to see it. I thought with the passage of the Voting Rights Act and various other Acts that worked to level the playing field for Americans and ensure we had a healthy environment that we were getting there, but with the actions this administration is taking to reverse all of that, I feel like the bend has sprung.
Anne Sherrod (British Columbia)
Schiff was a prosecutor in his former life and now we are getting to see what a superb one he is. He is the right man in the right place. I have followed all the issues intensely since Trump was elected, but I was not feeling the full, cumulative impact of it all until Schiff laid it out for me in the full force of his moral outrage. But he is right that it will be a tragedy if all those Republican Senators continue to stonewall. These people are apparently determined to stick together to break every corruption barrier in government. Their success would constitute a dark transformation in what will be acceptable as government in the future. Institutionalized bribery and extortion. And so far every one of them is tarred with it.
Michael Roush (North Carolina)
A man known for lying and cheatIng ties to cheat in the campaign for his re-election. Is anybody surprised? What is surprising is how many Americans either don’t understand what constitutes cheating in our system or, if they do, don’t care. Even more surprising is how many people who know better are willing to mount a spirited defense of his cheating.
JM (San Francisco)
@Michael Roush Trump is so classless, he even stole money from his own charitable foundation. The courts discovered he use the money donated to his charity to buy a portrait of himself and illegally pay off some unrelated legal fees. How low can you go? Oh yeah, and then there's cruel Trump's directive to separate immigrant young children from their parents and keep them in cages. That's "Dust-in-the-navel-of-an-earthworm" low.
ExPatMX (Ajijic, Jalisco Mexico)
@Michael Roush More than that, what he did was unconstitutional because he extorted a foreign power to interfere in our elections and then obstructed the investigation. He admitted that he had all the information and the Democrats have none. That is the very definition of obstruction when that information and evidence have been subpoenaed and he refused to allow it to be produced.
Stephen Collingsworth (North Adams MA)
If Republicans put country over party then this would be a no-brainer conviction. Instead they are putting party ideology first, stacking the court with justices that they blocked under Obama. We'll be living, some of us dying, with the ramifications of their partisan policies for generations. Republicans cannot claim the mantle of "Patriots" any longer.
AhBrightWings (Cleveland)
Schiff "accuses" him of cheating because...wait for it...he DID cheat. Imagine that. Someone who uses language accurately. I wish we could get back to the verbal basics where we all called it like it is. Among the innumerable other things he's done to harm this nation, DJT has destroyed the basic meaning of words. Somehow being in the presence of this towering ignoramus has had an impact on everyone around him. The country has slid sideways into language that obfuscates, ameliorates, conceals, downplays and misrepresents reality. And it's not benign; that abuse of language has normalized criminal wrongdoing on a host of fronts and by legions of players. There are those who can no longer state the truth simply; what is so baffling is that they really seem to think the euphemism lessens the impact of the foul act. No. Calling torture "enhanced interrogation" does nothing to lessen the pain. Are parents really to take comfort in knowing their child was killed in "friendly fire"? How does naming it a "blacksite" make it any less kidnapping? A thousand forces, elements, choices, and undercurrents brought us DJT, but one pathway to this crisis is found in language itself. At some point, we became a nation of liars, prevaricators, obfuscators and fudgers (those happy to fudge the facts, data, science and the truth if it confirms their biases). One way we move back to higher ground is by accurately naming what is happening. Can we even do that?
Displaced yankee (Virginia)
Trump dangled the idea that he might go after so called "entitlements" yesterday that he had said he wouldn't touch. This is the holy grail for right wing ideology. Even though this is probably just more of his hot air, just saying it will cement Republicans solidly behind him.
Fred (GA)
@Displaced yankee And many of their base is older citizens who are on SS and Medicare. Do not think many of those voters would stand by and let them do it.
ExPatMX (Ajijic, Jalisco Mexico)
@Displaced yankee Any middle class or poor person who votes to take away their own social security (which is very difficult to live on), their disability, or their welfare deserves what they get. But it isn't fair for them to deprive me and others who have paid into the system to lose theirs or me mine. If the government is short of money, take it back from that obscene welfare check to the wealthy that the Republicans just passed.
Patsy (Arizona)
Why was I surprised when Chuck Schumer told reporters last night that many of the GOP senators hadn't heard about the Ukraine scandal before because they just watch Fox News? I should have known this, but somehow I find this very disturbing. They are in Congress. They need to pay attention to real facts. I sure hope we vote them all out.
JM (San Francisco)
@Patsy Then why is Justice Roberts allowing these Senators to walk out of the hearings when they want?
sebastian (naitsabes)
Pelosi and Schiff made a huge mistake. They went the only way they know: partisanship, not appealing to everyone. The house didn’t procure one single Republican vote for impeaching Trump. They totally blew it. The tactics of guilty until proven innocent will never work with the American psyche.
JM (San Francisco)
@sebastian When will Republicans understand that these hearings and trial presentations are for the American people. Americans are totally disgusted but fully resigned to fact that the Senate Republicans will refuse to remove Trump, no matter what the evidence. Mitch and Lindsey have already publicly stated that they are not impartial jurors (great negative campaign ad). And you know what, we no longer care. Because we, the voters, want the distinct pleasure of giving Trump the landslide of the loss he so richly deserves... along with his Republican accomplices...this coming November.
Tim (NYC)
@sebastian They did not get a Republican vote because the Republicans continue to ignore the facts in front of them. If they don't make this a proper trial with relevant witnesses and the requested documents, then they'll be run out of town in November and hopefully not back in power for a generation. This country is traumatized by this president and they have the power to end it if they embrace the facts.
ExPatMX (Ajijic, Jalisco Mexico)
@sebastian The impeachment is a indictment not a trial. It says that there is reason to believe that Trump did something that was against the Constitution. The Senate conducts the trial based on evidence presented there. (Civics 101 as studied in high school). If The Republicans and Trump refuse to allow the trial to be fair and impartial by presenting the evidence of innocence or guilt, then they have committed perjury to the oath they took. The American people may not look favorably on the people (Senators) who refuse to allow a fair and impartial trial as guaranteed by the Constitution.
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
Is there an echo in here, President Trump? For as long as I can remember (too long to admit), every time Republicans want to pull a fast one on the American people, to skunk out of responsibility for self-serving actions, to heap their supporters with sweetheart contracts, to withhold financial help to Americans in need, or to get out of jail free, they fall back on the magic words NATIONAL SECURITY Just as you did with your cockamamie excuse as to why John Bolton should not be allowed to testify in your Senate trial. There is a grave threat to our national security, to our system of government, and to our future, and it is YOU. We have three coequal branches of government, balancing each other, with the Executive led by the President. You are taking us day by day and hour by hour away from our system and trying to become a king, answerable to no one.
JM (San Francisco)
@Pottree Eloquently stated.
Jeffrey (Norfolk Virginia)
There is no more congress as a co-equal branch of our government after intensely viewing every minute of testimony from the chamber so far. The only thing left to stop this criminal president, just like we did with Nixon, is in the courts. SCOTUS will end up being the only firewall left for the rule of law and the Constitution. The justices had it right in U.S. v Nixon with a unanimous ruling against his stonewalling. Nixon got away with his crimes but his enablers went to prison. Trump's enabler are already in prison. Trump's day of accountability will eventually come. The real problem is the ~40% of Americans who have no critical thinking skills or claim to believe and act on factual evidence. They are woefully ignorant in their sense of civic duty to maintain our liberties and freedoms. Tragic.
JM (San Francisco)
@Jeffrey Just pull up Kimmell's "Lie Witness News" segments on Youtube. Meant to be funny but it's truly shocking. You'll be shaking your head about the rampant ignorance of the american people.
A.A.F. (New York)
The fact is Trump was caught cheating and would have gotten away with it if he had not been caught…. The intent is clearly there for all to see. Trump swore to faithfully execute his duties as the POTUS, to protect and defend the U.S. constitution. However, the oath he took was for his own personal gain and not that of the country which the GOP and millions fail to realized. Yet in the eyes of the GOP, Senate Republicans and supporters, he has done nothing wrong. The sham and circus in these senate impeachment hearings is the GOP.
DWM30831 (melbourne)
@A.A.F. Cheating is Trump' MO. It is something he has always done but has never been answerable to anyone when running his own business. Now he has been caught out in high office and yet it appears he will not pay for his malfeasance by removal from office.
Ron Paris (Madison)
Jason Crow did an excellent job yesterday in presenting the national security implications of Ukraine not receiving military assistance from the United States. I would recommend going down this path further and highlight how many Ukrainian soldiers died during this time period when funding to Ukraine was with held. President Trump is doing the same thing to our military personnel, by diverting Pentagon funds to build a wall along the Mexican border. He is taking money away from our troops so he can better position himself for the next election. I'm an independent voter, and I am just appalled at the direction the Republican party is taking this country. If Republicans are going to continue to act this way, then I will never vote for a Republican again.
David (CT)
@Ron Paris A reasonable person with integrity would want to hear from more witnesses and get documents. Maybe not vote for impeachment, but at least finish the process. That begs the question of who or what has their hands around the necks of all of these Republicans? Where is the source of the power that is driving them against whatever consciences they have? I have to believe that they know what needs to be done. Understanding that source would be huge to combating it. It needs the light of day
Ziggy (PDX)
Nader offends the GOP when he states that the Senate was abetting a cover-up of Trump’s misconduct and preparing to hold a sham trial by rejecting Democrats’ demands for witnesses and documents. What part of that statement is inaccurate?
Laurie (Maryland)
@Ziggy The truth hurts.
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@Ziggy It's all true. And now Republicans, who spend their days hurling insults at everyone including accusing the entire IS Intelligence Community of being "treasonous" with zero evidence for years, is suddenly against accusations. Replicans love insulting their oppenents, but when the truth is aimed at them, suddenly they are "sensitive snowflakes "
Red Tree Hill (NYland)
@Ziggy Agreed. The Republicans are so accustomed to conning the American people that they grow indignant about being reminded that that's what they've been doing.
Kim (New England)
It is one thing to have a President who can't distinguish between his way of conducting his businesses and the way a Presidency should be run, with no respect for law. But these Senators who are acting the same way is so incredibly disturbing to me. It seems they constituents in lock step with Trump are telling them what to do, but with information solely from Fox News and other conservative outlets, they are either not seeing or ignoring the complete picture, stuck on soundbites that work for them. Our judicial system is biased on impartiality and fairness. All possible information, facts, and testimony to aid in deciding a case are the crucial components. And that is all going to hell in a hand basket in this trail. Yes, I know this is not a legal trial but it should be run with those pieces firmly in place and it is not.
Kim (New England)
@Kim **Our judicial system is based not biased...
Guillemot (Maine)
Question: Why are the"jurors" on both sides of the aisle allowed to come and go as they please during the presentations? Soon we'll be hearing claims of no evidence or inadequate argumentation or preparation from those who weren't there to hear it. Are jurors at a trial allowed to choose what they want to hear?
TheraP (Midwest)
@Guillemot If they fail to show up and sit there, I believe they are replaced! Swiftly!
Gianstefano (California)
@Guillemot And some Republican senators have reportedly fallen asleep during the trial. What a sorry lot they are.
FarmCat (Yakima,WA)
@Gianstefano That would be Senator Risch of Idaho. Perhaps his inbox needs reminders of his duties!
Robert O. (St. Louis)
Schiff's presentation was factual, detailed and passionate. It would be extremely persuasive to an impartial jury if only we had one.
Wylie Grace (San Diego Ca)
@Robert O. It's just not Impeachable.
Scientist (Wash DC)
@Robert O. Yes Schiff is a true American patriot big time. Whichever way this impeachment process ends, he will go down in the textbooks as a hero IF the sham artists and tyrants don’t turn us into a dictatorship and remove any mention of Schiff, Obama and all the other Democrat presidents in our history.
DWM30831 (melbourne)
@Wylie Grace Trump has been Impeached. Facts are facts even though the GOP claim otherwise.
Opinioned! (NYC)
The contrast couldn’t any be clearer. The democrats were composed and collected while Trump’s lawyers were doing the full Brett Kavanaugh foaming at the mouth routine. Even the arguments presented were clearly contrasting. Schiff: cheating in the elections is against the US constitution. While — Defense: cheating in the elections is guaranteed by the US constitution Which beggars the Q — When the time comes that McConnell acquits Trump and greenlights his dictatorship, are we storming the streets or just feeding our Instagram? Maybe a Canadian commenter got it right: the US doesn’t care that democracy is being flushed down the toilet by Trump and McConnell.
Kenneth Cowan (Florida)
@Opinioned! Think about real life. When you're lying through your teeth, it's important to be "collected and calm." In contrast, defending the truth often leads people to be passionate.
Edgar Numrich (Portland, Oregon)
Our version of "democracy" provides a chronic-bankrupt may run for and be elected to our highest office ~ and where the power of money feeds a chronic "us vs. them" attitude (that also relies on the oxymoron of "gun rights"). Americans slipped into the Vietnam war; the protests in the street came later but had no effect on the engine of the "military-industrial complex" warned of by President Eisenhower that fuels our foreign policies to this day.
B. Rothman (NYC)
@Kenneth Cowan Really? And on what planet has this ever been argued successfully? Trump is cool and calm even as we have the video tape showing him saying opposite things only 24hours apart. In fact, we have him recorded telling us over 15,000 lies since he’s been in office — all delivered “calmly.” This is the opposite of what men say about women who accuse them of rape: she can’t be telling the truth, she’s hysterical. Time for you all to listen to the factual evidence and stop examining the “presentation style.”
PE (Seattle)
Our nation was formed because we didn't want a monarchy; there was a revolution. If the Trumpian way continues, eventually there will be a backlash, another revolution. But I like the more peaceful approach of impeachment. Stop this now. Back to equal branches. Let us not look the other way, and kick this can down the road for later generations to tackle.
salgal (Santa Cruz)
Trump says, regarding John Bolton, “[he] knows my thoughts on certain people and other governments, war and peace and different things — that’s a national security problem.” We ALL know your thoughts, and so many of them are hateful. Please STOP tweeting.
Bob (NYC)
And still, notwithstanding the treachery of the "do-nothing Democrats," Trump persisted. America having only recently been restored to her former greatness smiled at the thought of becoming greater still.
db2 (Phila)
@Bob It’s winter in America Gil Scott-Heron
Matt (Montrose, CO)
@Bob, there's not a metric in existence that supports your claim that America has "returned" to her former greatness, unless you mean we've degenerated into a factional and mean spirited more openly awful-to-one-another past. And laughed at by the rest of the world.
Bob (NYC)
@Matt Lowest unemployment rate in history.
Robert Levin (Boston MA)
What a marvel! How the forces that make up the universe conspired to deliver to the Resolute Desk one of the most loathsome creatures in the entire Republic. The Electoral college, Vlad, James Comey...coming together to create President Trump. Just the conjunction of those two words is bizarre in extremis
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@Robert Levin Don't forget centrist Democrats, who even now are talking about reaching across the isle, even though they have already lost all their extremities to the GOP.
JGaltTX (Texas)
The Democrats are playing a very dangerous game. They are attempting to invalidate Trump's reelection even before it happens by accusing the President of effectively stealing the 2020 election. This is a serious and completely baseless charge and they know it The lust for power is on full display. The damage to our democracy will be incalculable if Democrats refuse to accept the next election as fair and just. Remember when Hillary accused Trump of not accepting the results?
Andrew (Gunnison, CO)
@JGaltTX Explain in more detail how you believe the democrat's claim is baseless. Trump asked for a quid-pro-quo from new Ukraine leadership, to help benefit his re-election. He held up ~400 million of US aid to Ukraine. He had Marie Yovanovitch removed in the process so that his dirty deal could be done. It's relatively simple, of course if we could hear some of the first hand testimony from the Trump administration, it would be crystal clear. Republicans can't have it both ways. Voters in 2020 will see through this madness, and remove those who empower Trump's corruption.
John (St.louis)
@JGaltTX This time of Trump is revealing the apparently almost limitless ability of human beings to deny facts that don't fit their preferred view of the world or preferred outcomes. No one presents the same danger to this country that Trump presents.
Mark (Green)
brupic (nara/greensville)
schiff was brilliant. facts presented logically and with enough bite to be entertaining. next up will be the trump cult with their lies, personal attacks and gibberish. and whose shameful nonsense is a disgrace.
displaced New Englander (Chicago)
It's important, in the next couple of weeks, as Republicans concoct one lame rationalization after another to explain why the president can't be removed from office, that the American people strongly and repeatedly rebut them at each turn. So when the Senate finally votes to acquit, it will be crystal clear to everyone that their vote is based not on principle, or reason, or evidence, or patriotism, or the law, but only Republican tribalism, individual self-interest, feckless obedience to an authoritarian president, and a cynical contempt for the U.S. Constitution.
Peninsula Pirate (Washington)
@displaced New Englander -- All of this MUST be remembered on election day when both Trump and the 23 obsequious (R) senators running for reelection must be removed.
just Robert (North Carolina)
At the root of this impeachment is the Trump's belief that he is a government to himself. The idea that he needed to return to Congress to get approval to hold up aid to a country just did not cross his mind or that setting up a shadow government to get Ukraine to do his bidding would seem perfectly natural to him. And nothing that the Senate, the Courts or his enabling administration did not tell him it was wrong or if he was told he just assumed he had the power and was above the law and the normal workings of government. Now it is up to his Republican peers to tell him that all his actions can not be tolerated, but in their cowardice it seems that they will only give Trump a green light and thus sacrifice the future of our democracy as all of us who seeit coming look on in horror.
Occasionally Correct (Northeast)
@just Robert Nicely done. Trump knows real-estate deals, including how to stiff unions and work the phones. The content of the Constitution -- and that it means something -- was news to him.
vsr (salt lake city)
Brilliant and dogged, Schiff shone a light in every dark corner, then raised that specter of a question: Don't you want to know who else might have been involved?
HereToday (Seattle)
We are watching another stage of the Trumpist parliamentary coup de'etat to overthrow our democracy. Without Trumps removal for his obvious transgressions they are signaling him to do more of the same to undermine our elections. November may never actually happen.
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
@HereToday I wished we had a real parliamentary system in which not only the leader of a country has to the most votes, but one that can also end his/her tenure by a simple majority non-confidence vote. How on earth can we have an upper house, the Senate, with a majority of Republicans, when Democrats had got millions of more votes in the 2018 election? And why in modern times do 7 states with a low population still have two Senators and only one Representative?
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@HereToday Yes. Trump is attacking the Constitution on TV as often as possible, so that he can end all limits on his power. Trump is trying to usurp We the People's Sovereign Authority over government power to make it his own. The "coup" is Trump's.
BTO (Somerset, MA)
Schiff is right, to ask a foreign power to look into the Bidens in an attempt to find dirt on either the son or the father after the Ukraine had already done so was asking the president of the Ukraine to make something up to effect our elections to Trump's favor. The Bidens aren't the problem, Trump's ego is.
Jsw (Seattle)
Schiff made me proud yesterday.
Hypoteneus (Batman)
The worrying thing is that if Trump is acquitted then he will be emboldened to "cheat" in 2020 now knowing that the Republicans won't do a thing. If so, the Federal Election will be a bloodbath.
LVG (Atlanta)
Great facts and great opening but inadequate charge and no mention of treason as the basis for the removal because not in the articles. The GOP Senators will only dream of campaign money the trial will generate and could care less about House presentation. ""Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court." From the Constitution. Trump has publicly supported Russia in its campaign to interfere and spread Russian disinformation so no further corroboration is necessary. Withholding funds is not a crime per GOP enablers if Obama did it. Obstructing Pelosi and the House- just fine because GOP Senate does it every day. Cheating on an election? That's part of GOP's DNA- so what? The person missing from the charges against Trump is Vladmir Putin. Referencing him in the opening as a bad actor without tying him at the hip to Trump will lead to acquittal and more money poring into GOP coffers.
Kim (New England)
@LVG Re withholding funds comparisons...You should read up on that as it is not comparing apples to apples as much as Jay Sekulow would like that to be the case.
Jim Sande (Delmar NY)
I admire Representative Schiff's restraint in describing the criminal activity of Donald Trump. Cheat does not come close to my own personal description.
Christy (WA)
Another good reason for removing Trump is a headline in today's NYT: "Trump Removes Pollution Controls on Streams and Wetlands."
Janet Campbell (California)
@Christy as important as the impeachment hearings are what is going on, and has been, each and every day trump has been in office, is the undermining of our government’s administration. I also read, yesterday, the NYT article: “Trump Removes Pollution Controls on Streams and Wetlands." trump has not shown one bit of concern for the environment, our electoral process, our health care and so much more. If not removed, we will certainly be an environmentally damaged country as well as an autocratic one!
Doug Lowenthal (Nevada)
@Janet Campbell Trump has no interest in policy matters. He’s just a rubber stamp for a radical right wing and corporatist agenda.
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@Christy Bad policy is not Impeachable. It is Trump's constant, pubic attacks on the Constitution that are Impeachable. Read your Constitution and compare Trump's behavior to it.
LB (South Hadley, MA)
The term “cheater” conjures schoolyard whining and vastly understates the enormity of he-who-should-not-be-named’s corrupt behavior. An almost anagram of “cheater” is “treache-ry”, a more apt term in this case.
Javaforce (California)
I think the restrictions on evidence and witnesses and the extremely limited press coverage has turned the proceeding into a farce. Adam Schiff and the other managers are doing the best they can under the bizarre restrictions. But from the reports many Republican Senators are acting like kindergarteners on a bad day. If they refuse to listen Adam Schiff and the other managers are speaking in vain. John Roberts should put an end to Senators mocking the proceeding by passing notes and talking and other disrespectful behavior.
Matt (Maryland)
Six years of investing Bill Clinton lead to a perjury charge. No President will ever testify again for fears of mis-speaking and also being charged with the high crime of perjury. This had nothing at all to do with Whitewater; just getting rid of popular Bill. I was glad to see the Independent Council go because it wasn't used for anything but investigating rivals. Some will disagree and think Clinton was a crook because of all of the investigating. Some will think it's the same thing reversed, and some won't feel that way and follow the talking point about overturning an election. I say if the President can do this to his direct opponent, then why not to Mitch McConnell, or Mr Blunt, or anyone else for that matter? Wouldn't have to be very many take downs to be very effective at corralling the Congress.
ABullard (DC)
@Matt don't you think he already has pressured the GOP Congress into unquestioning support via ... kompromat? everyone wants to know: what does trump have on Lindsey Graham?
TheraP (Midwest)
The case may be scathing. But with GOP Senators getting up and leaving the Senate Chamber they are not doing their job as Jurors. Profligate GOP Senators, instead of listening to the Case being laid out so well, are abandoning their posts and going out to speak against the Case - which they aren’t even hearing. John Roberts cannot allow a situation, where Sworn Jurors leave the Trial. (And instead of keeping an “open mind” to learning, they try to influence the public by speaking to the press.”_ Over and over the GOP Senators are preventing a Fair Trial! I try to maintain hope in our system. But it’s getting harder by day. Schiff and his fellow managers are doing a terrific job. But the GOP is not treating their presentation or this Trial with respect.
McGloin (Brooklyn)
The arguments I saw yesterday were very solid. The smoking gun is the "perfect transcript," released by Trump himself. It's not enough to wear a tee-shirt THOUGH. You have to actually "read the transcript." But on top of the "transcript" (actually a memorandum of the call) is layer upon layer of corrupt activity that backs up the worst possible interpretations of that call. These include, Giuliani's announcements, months ahead of time, that Ukraine is the place to watch for dirt on the Bidens, surveiling, removing, and threatening a US Ambassador, repeating Russian propaganda designed to shift responsibility for their attacks on our Elections, and the wholesale obstruction of Congress, with Trump ordering the entire executive branch to refuse to turn over documents or witnesses without actually invoking immunity. I look forward to watching the Trump defense try to dismantle this airtight prosecution, but I suspect they will not even try to create a convincing counter narrative. Most likely, they will just tell Trump's true believers what they want to hear, and assume that Republican Senators well back their corrupt president The media thinks it is a foregone conclusion that Republicans are in lock step to acquit, but history is not smooth. Pressure builds, until everything changes at once. History is shifting. Either Trump will make himself King, the Senate Republicans will abandon him, or the Republican Party will be severely punished at the polls. Do what you can.
FarmCat (Yakima,WA)
@McGloin Yes, pressure builds and all it will take is 5% of the so-called Independents to make it a pressure cooker that will allow witness testimony and documents!
Kate (Philadelphia)
Bravo, Mr. Schiff. We could use a president with your intelligence and clarity of thought, someone prepared to stand up for democracy.
Fran (Maine)
@Kate I've written the DNC, that it would be nice to have someone of Adam Schiff's caliber to be running for president.
Gary McKechnie (Mount Dora, Florida)
As satisfying as it is to watch Republican representatives and senators willingly destroy their party along with their integrity and their personal reputations, it’s tragic and sad they’re willing to destroy their nation in the process. Their fear of Trump is matched only by their lustful desire to appease him which far outweighs their oath to protect America. Yet they stubbornly choose to suppress evidence and deny witnesses, knowing full well the person who benefits from this has no allegiance to America or to them. Not only do they know this, they know he's guilty thanks to the simple fact that he's already admitted to the crime. Even worse, deep down they know his crimes run beyond this scheme and they he has no exculpatory evidence, they know he lied on the day he took office, has lied more than 13,000 times since, has his personal lawyer lie for him each day, and had his impeachment lawyer lie during his opening remarks on the Senate floor. Republicans think that’s OK. It’s not. Like the false prophet they choose to worship, it’s abnormal and it's un-American.
AP (Boston)
Conviction by the senate will never happen but what makes this so unique is that evidence continues to come out and will continue to come out over the next few months. The feeding of the democrat narrative will continue with each new revelation. This will blunt his certain flood of victory tweets intended to bolster the unwarranted and perplexing forgiveness by Republicans. We do not know but we do know it will be the voters who decide...... after all..
Joe Taxpayer (North Carolina)
The problem is they are all POLITICIANS, so one side accusing the other of lying and cheating is like two hyena's accusing one another of trying to steal food. Read one of Mr. Trump's tweets or listen to just one of his speeches or interviews and it's full of inaccuracies, and in some cases outright lies. Dig deep enough into Schiff and you'll likely find something that skirts ethics, same for McConnell, Biden, Pelosi and the rest of the DC cronies. There's no saints in the senate or house or in any party for that matter. However, if Mr. Trump is impeached, which is not likely, we get to finish out 2020 with Mr. Pence....What a joke our system has become.
ABullard (DC)
@Joe Taxpayer no. sure, they are all playing poker. but cheating at the game is another issue. trump was soliciting foreign intervention in the 2020 presidential election. that is cheating. not all dogs are the same breed.
Joe Taxpayer (North Carolina)
@ABullard do you think it's the first time foreign intervention has been solicited by a US official in any office, or cheating at the game for someone's benefit has happened in our government in the last 243 years? I'm sure worse things happen to make america great. My point is this sham of a Senate trial is being presided over by the same stone throwers, they're just wearing different jerseys.
AACNY (New York)
Schiff sounds like he's trying to set the stage for the democrats' impending presidential loss. He is trying to make a potential second term president appear illegitimate. There is no depth of depravity to which democrats will not stoop at this point. I hope Americans "reward" them appropriately in the next election, which cannot come soon enough.
TheraP (Midwest)
@AACNY So wrongly reasoned. Schiff is a masterful speaker. Eloquent! But your party’s Senators are not even remaining in the Senate Chamber to hear the case - which is dreadful for Trump. History will be on the side of Schiff.
Ziggy (PDX)
Says a reader who strongly supports a president caught lying 16,000 times in three years.
David (San Jose)
A fake trial, in which the Republican Senate has banned any presentation of the ample evidence of guilt, for a fake President. There could be no more fitting demonstration of the GOP’s ongoing assault on our democracy. Let’s all remember that on November 4th.
JHCox (NY)
@David I sincerely hope we all remember that on November 3rd! The 4th is the day after Election Day!
Fastcat (Phoenix, AZ)
@David - I think you mean the 3rd. The 4th is a Wednesday.
Kelly Grace Smith (Syracuse, NY)
Republicans are "bristling" at the tone of the Democrats case against the President? Can no one recognize the truth when they hear it anymore? Have we become so absorbed in our media, marketing, technology, customized news outlets that when real words are used to elucidate actual facts...we whine about the tone? I believe it was Newt Gingrich, a Republican, who irrevocably changed the tone of the Republican party. How dare the Republicans talk about tone given the divisive, demeaning, disrespectful way in which President talks and tweets! Every time I hear a Republican leader project their reprehensible behavior and actions back onto Democrats, all I can think of is the childhood phrase, "I know you are, but what am I." We are witnessing the demise of truth and reality in this nation.
ABullard (DC)
@Kelly Grace Smith 100% agree except we have to work with the fundamental knowledge that GOP say & do whatever they want & automatically whatever they do they say is right & good & no matter what Democrats do it is bad & wrong & offensive. Strategy has to start from that premise. My personal preference: ignore what GOP say & stick to the narrative of truth & justice, defending the U.S.Constitution & American national sovereignty. Engaging with GOP nonsense only induces headaches, nausea & nonsense. Like my father taught me: never argue with a two year old, just do what needs to be done.
Joel (Canada)
Best quote ever: [Trump] “[Bolton] knows my thoughts on certain people and other governments, war and peace and different things — that’s a national security problem.” Mr. Trump, YOU ARE THE NATIONAL SECURITY PROBLEM and Bolton knows that. Calling for foreign interference in our election to "cheat" then blackmailing and extorting a foreign president to get such interference is threatening national security by corroding public trust in elections, USA international standing in foreign diplomacy, weakening an ally in an armed conflict with an enemy...
jhanzel (Glenview)
The Democrats present their case with a volume of hard facts, although I wish the President hadn't blocked everything he could ... at least until there was a court decision. A crime unto itself. His defense? "Hah, he didn't do anything wrong, and even if he did, it wasn't a crime, and even if it was a crime, it wasn't bad enough to impeach, and .... well, that's what President Trump and, more importantly, FOX and Rush tell us is true. Facts? They don't need no stinkin' facts.
eddie p (minnesota)
@jhanzel Never forget: “I’m not an impartial juror. This is a political process." --Mitch
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@eddie p Yes, "I'm not an impartial juror," is what McConnell said before he put his hand on the Bible and swore to be an important juror. Republicans said nothing. They don't believe in any of the things they claim to believe in, except tax cuts for the rich and dividing Our Union by identity. They are against equality, which is why they are against the Constitution.
mmb (Texas)
Senator Cornyn, when you use grade school vocabulary to describe this very serious impeachment proceeding, it makes it sound like you have no interest in impartial justice. This is not a "clown circus" and you cannot play it off as if the behavior and the actions of the president are not problematic. There are many Texans watching you and all of the Senators to see if you care about this country or not. I hope you will take this seriously and realize that your job is also on the line. The GOP is in serious need of rescue, as is the entire country.
Percy41 (Alexandria VA)
Mr. Schiff "accused the president of a corrupt scheme to pressure Ukraine for help 'to cheat' in the 2020 presidential election." What does that mean, "cheating" in a presidential election? What constitutes "cheating" in such a context?" And what is "corrupt" about pressuring Ukraine to "help" in enabling the cheating? Traditionally the word "cheat" means "fraudulently deceiving." If facts about conduct by former Vice President Biden or his son were discovered and revealed in a Ukraine investigation, how would doing that be "fraudulently deceiving"? Or does Mr. Schiff have something else in mind? "Corrupt" means morally debased or rotten. What is "corrupt" about seeking such an investigation from the Ukraine government?
Midwest (Boomer)
@Percy41 You're not watching are you? I could never understand how the GOP could continue to ignore the facts and keep repeating the same debunked talking points...but when I learned they aren't even paying attention in the Senate chamber and are hanging out in the cloakroom, passing each other notes, and all made sense. They don't know the facts and worse, they don't care to know the facts. Once more for the cheap seats in the back. The Bidens did nothing illegal in Ukraine. NOTHING.
ABullard (DC)
@Percy41 Percy, your questions are grammatically written, so congratulations on that. But let's start with some basics: 1) foreign involvement in US elections is unlawful 2) it has been amply demonstrated trump had no interest in Ukrainian corruption EXCEPT insofar as the rumor of it could be used to tarnish trump's political opponent. 3) using public office to advance personal gain is CORRUPT and Abuse of Official Office 4) trump operated with the premise that merely announcing an official investigation into the Bidens would be detrimental to Biden's candidacy. 5)Everyone already knows that there is no there there. trump was bribing Ukraine to do a sham investigation.
Margot LeRoy (Seattle Washington)
We are witnessing the enablers of the giant political therapy session the GOP provides to Mr. Trump. They do not govern, they applaud tweets of random subjects and participate in verbal abuse of anyone who does not keep him calm and under the illusion of mental health. His issues with mental acuity must be contagious. I am simply sickened by government of the spineless and greedy.
Gina DeShera (Watsonville)
Mr. Schiff is nothing less than brilliant. I can not wrap my head around how all Republicans could stick their heads in the sand and become part of this grand cover up. I only hope is that history will tell the story about this undemocratic trial manipulated by Republicans willing to put party over country.
August Braun (New York)
"Cheat", like Clinton did when Donna Brazile gave her the debate questions in advance. Is that the type of cheating Schiff is referring to? Or when the DNC torpedoed Bernie Sanders for the primaries in 2016? People in glass houses should not throw stones.
Buck Thorn (Wisconsin)
@August Braun , Apples and oranges. What you refer to are not public matters; they are internal party matters. Regardless of what one might think of specific instances, parties are free to do whatever they want in choosing or rejecting their candidates. Not so with public elections, which are governed by laws.
Lost In A Red State (Somewhere)
@August Braun alright already-2016 is over and the “what about” are tiresome.
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
"Russia, are you listening?" Yes they did, and dumped the first stolen e-mails shortly after the Access Hollywood tapes. First cheat of the election in 2016 with the help of Putin. And now, in order to keep all the mostly lily white Evangelicals to vote for him, their Chosen One is going to take part in the March for Life. The very first one where a president, even former so-called pro-lifers is taking part in. Just another cheat of the election to keep the lily-white Evangelicals in check. Neither he nor the oh-so-pious and cynical people give a darn about the 'life' of a baby born into abysmal poverty once it sees the light of day.
Tom (Pennsylvania)
What are you watching? He talked about Russia collusion for hours. He repeated himself over and over again. He never once mentioned any crime committed by the president. This incredible spin may have worked 20 years ago, but the American people are too smart today to believe it. OR, is it that the democrats are not smart enough to see this for what it is...and so this headline is for democrats...who are easily fooled and can't think for themselves?
RoseInf (NYC)
He talked about Russian collusion for hours, so that he wouldn't be suspected. Despite the 130,000 lies he's spewed since taking office. He hasn't changed. He's the same Trump that did favors under the table, and expected favors back,while building casinos, hotels, beauty pageants & golf courses in the wrong neighborhoods. Always the wanna be, and never the man who stood for truth or courage.
Andrew McDonald (Odessa, mO)
The Democrats are doing a heck of a job. It's too bad the GOP corrupted Senate has already decided how this is going to go and are rigging the game so they win. Let's hope the voting public sees what actually happened here and votes all these ethically bankrupt folks out, including their Glorious Leader. It's the punishment the GOP deserves at this point. Maybe it will give them a wake up call that this isn't how this country is supposed to work.
tom (Montpelier VT)
The Democrats lead by Schiff and Nadler prove once again why this party is unfit to govern. Schiff tells more stories and he is delusional and pathological. Remember he has made up so many stories in the past which have been proved false yet they put this person as one of their lead attackers of the President. The Democrats have made our country an embarrassment. The Democratic party is like a cancer. if you don't kill it it's going to kill you and that is what they are doing to our beloved country because they still cant believe they lost and election and that an outsider could do a much better job than they ever could. Watching the impeachment trial open on Tuesday and Watching our president in Davos shows the big difference of reality. This party has done absolutely nothing to help americans since they have taken over the house. Their only priority is to get rid of Trump at all costs even if it caused a revolution. be careful of what you wish for Democrats you just my get it. I am not a Republican I am a very sad american.
Buck Thorn (Wisconsin)
@tom "Watching our president in Davos shows the big difference of reality. " Sure, hearing Trump ramble incessantly about matters having nothing to do with Davos, and then calling Nadler a "sleaze bag". He sure did us all proud, didn't he?
Sharon (Los Angeles)
@Buck Thorn and making sure the inventor of the wheel is protected....
Steve (EU)
@tom Done nothing? except passing about 400 bills that just sit on McConnell's desk.
Joanne (Media, PA)
Of course DT cheated in the election, just like George W. Bush did and probably many others. Usually, it always seems like the Republicans cheat. I have worked the polls and the republicans that work the polls have been extremely nasty. One time when Clinton was running against George HW Bush, I was working the polls and when I was on break, told the person taking my place they could not post stuff up and they could not show people how to write in, etc., etc. When I got back, I reposted posters up again and did what I need to do. A republican attorney grabbed my arm, squeezing it and yelled at me for doing what I was doing. I told him he better get his hand off of me or I was going to call the police. Of course, he let me go. What was that all about!!?? Intimidation, which does not go well with me. They don't scare me!!! They are so fearful!
babka1 (NY)
why do you & your headline focus on tone rather than on substance of the accusations, truthfulness of the evidence? poor little victimized King Baby - poor little Republican Senators, offended by the suggestion of their lockstep complicity. people" should choose better words" to express the specificity of their concerns, lest these well-bankrolled "leaders" have their feelings hurt by the terrible insinuation that they are enabling the schlonging of America. "if it prosper, none dare call it Treason."
Mexico Mike (Guanajuato)
I thought it would be interesting to watch the Senate impeachment trial. But all I see is America burning.
Mexico Mike (Guanajuato)
@Saints Fan It saddens me that you support such a despicable person undermining everything America stands for. Good luck with that.
Kevin (Vancouver)
@Mexico Mike | Powerful comment. The fire started a long time ago.
MIMA (heartsny)
Regarding Adam Schiff accusing Donald Trump of cheating.... Donald Trump has no self confidence to accomplish anything without cheating, does he?
@MIMA Keep sticking to that false narrative....see you at his reelection party in Nov 2020!
DJ (Tempe, AZ)
@DB Trump Lied about paying off a porn star to keep her quiet before the election. He was found guilty of running a fraudulent "university" He was found guilty of using his "charity" for personal use. He won't release his taxes - amazing how long the audit is taking! He has been a scam artist and grifter his entire life, and now he will get away with rigging the next election.
joseph brent (los angeles)
@MIMA Trump has no self confidence because he knows he is a no talent bum who has to cheat and lie to accomplish anything.
Bobby C (Az)
If the shoe were on the other foot, meaning if this were a Democratic president who did something like this the republicans would have made such a fuss over it that Fox News might have to start a whole new airwave just to whine, bellyache and moan about it. Look, they impeached Clinton on the thinnest of charges, yet, obstruction of Congress what, merits nothing here? Or holding up taxpayer funds towards the Cold War 2.0 against Russia until trump gets his dirty secrets? What? This is how republicans operate. Under the table, gray bribery, quid pro quo’s and anything that works towards the goal of amassing power and money. Yet there they sit and claim trump did nothing wrong. Unbelievable really. To think that a political party could have that many gullible followers.
Kim (New England)
@Bobby C The Republicans are defined more by what they are against than what they are for. Case in point, the ACA. They have had that in their sights from day one. But when they had the opportunity to overhaul or get rid of it, what happened? Nothing! They say they are for less government, lower taxes, etc. but look at our deficit. It's skyrocketing. Is that responsible governing?
Fran (Maine)
@Bobby C I'm not so sure a Democratic president would have done this or pulled all of this hogwash.
Peggy Capone (New Jersey)
Well written Mr. Shear. Mr. Nadler's comments about treacherous behavior is right on point. Will the Republican Senators allow the President to be above the law? They just need to ask themselves "What if Obama had done this?". If they stand witness to this Presidents out in the open crimes, they clearly stand for nothing.
Brooklynite (NYC)
The main problem with asking "what if Obama had done this?" is that Obama was so ethical that it is virtually impossible to imagine, even hypothetically.
Peggy Capone (New Jersey)
@Brooklynite Too true. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I was trying to demonstrate the hypocrisy.
teach (NC)
Mr. Schiff and Mr. Jeffries were eloquent, lucid and clearly grounded in our history and our values. The President's council are a bunch of $40.00 haircuts on ten cent heads, ranting and blustering their way through "arguments" that refuse to come near those pesky facts. Americans can tell the difference, even if senators refuse to.
CP (San Francisco, CA)
@teach More like $400 haircuts. Despite lack of hair.
Tom (Hudson Valley)
Why are the impeachment managers wasting their time trying to persuade Republicans to impeach Trump, when the Republican Senators would not even vote to allow witnesses? We all know this is fruitless. There has got to be a bolder, more strategic use of this time? What the impeachment managers need now is strategic "advice" from top legal minds in this country. Something bold has to be initiated, or McConnell's "strategy" of not allowing witnesses will allow Trump to remain in office.
AACNY (New York)
@Tom Schiff is not trying to convince republicans. He is playing only to Democrats' leftwing base. This entire spectacle is just democrats' "Get Out the Vote" exercise. If they don't placate their angry base this way, it will sit out the next election. This is all about Democrats' political survival and little more.
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@Tom The arguments is not so much aimed at Responds Senators are the American People. Are they listening?
Suzanne Moniz (Providence)
It looks like everything is working according to Putin's plans. And the Republicans think they're in control.
Brooklynite (NYC)
Trump claims Bolton can't testify because he knows Trump's thoughts about foreign leaders and that could make it difficult for Trump to deal with them. But everyone knows Trump's thoughts about foreign leaders -- other than Putin and some other autocrats, he thinks little of any of them and often says it and tweets it. So Bolton wouldn't be revealing anything on that score that could hurt Trump any more than he frequently hurts himself. This is a lame excuse for obstructing testimony.
B (DC area)
Is there a messaging campaign -- from red staters especially -- calling, tweeting, etc., urging their senators to take their oaths and patriotic duties seriously?
McGloin (Brooklyn)
@B Yes, if you have a Republican Senator, but believe in the Constitution, call your Senator's office every day and demand that they put the Constitution above their corrupt president.