Trump, in Davos to Talk Trade, Lashes Out at Enemies Back Home

Jan 22, 2020 · 422 comments
hil (Los Angeles, CA)
The impeachment managers should submit a motion that would take up Trump's offer to sit in the front row, so he can stare into their "corrupt" faces - and force a vote of the Senate on that motion. In the unlikely event the motion passes, and Trump deigns to appear in front of his accusers (as he so often claims he should be able to do), the motion should also include that McConnell's restrictions on camera coverage be revised so that the public can see both presenters and Trump throughout the proceedings. Does anyone doubt what a 'show' that would be?
susan (nyc)
Once again Trump shows his maturity level with his infantile and inane remarks to be that of a second grader. Insults and bloviating are all he has. And Adam Schiff demonstrates he is Trump's polar opposite with his articulate, measured and intelligent opening statement. Adam Schiff said it best when he was asked about Trump's insults - "I am proud to be insulted by a person (Trump) of his character."
Carl (Arlington, Va)
Early in my career, I wound up in the middle of a finger-pointing exercise in front of an executive of a client group. Afterward, my boss, who was wise and had intervened during the finger-pointing, told me that it just made us look like losers to the clients that we couldn't solve the problems in our own organization. That's all Trump is accomplishing. As my wife keeps reminding me, he's just playing to their own crowd. But his own crowd seems to think he's helping us in the world. All he's doing is deepening the impression we're a rudderless, floundering, backbiting, unreliable country. Which we are as long as he's in the White House.
Lola (Santa Barbara,CA)
On climate change: “our water numbers, our numbers on air, are tremendous.” On the first amendment and freedom of the press: “If we could straighten out the press in our country, we would have a place that would be so incredible,” I rest my case.
Lowly Pheasant (United Kingdom)
Everything that Trump says is diametrically opposed to the truth. 'he would prefer a long impeachment trial with witnesses' means he would prefer it to be over tomorrow and no witnesses to be called, especially John Bolton. "I'm honest", and "I make great deals", means he is pathologically dishonest and he makes terrible deals. I hope that one day, the Times will feel emboldened sufficiently to point this out.
Victor (Albany, NY)
While it's nice that the economy is doing well, we might ask, who are the main beneficiaries? Those at the top of the food chain feeding off the wages of those below them or those at the bottom making minimum wages? Where are the so-called manufacturing and high-tech jobs? They continue to bleed to the South or Far East, and Trump hasn't staunched the flow. The US economy doesn't make what the US is. The US Constitution does. We have survived recessions. We may not survive as a free republic the continued trampling underfoot of the values codified by the Founders. I for one would prefer a recession to continued disdain and flouting of law, especially the core tenets of the Constitution--separation of powers and checks and balances.
Denis Pelletier (Montreal)
Trump: "“If we could straighten out the press in our country, we would have a place that would be so incredible," Incredible: One of DT's favorite adjective. It means essentially nothing used the way he does, but takes on its full basic meaning when applied to him — "not worthy of credibiity". The current president in indeed "incredible".
caljn (los angeles)
So dignified our president. He makes me proud.
Mark McIntyre (Los Angeles)
Lest we forget, Trump is a "very stable genius." Can't you tell? No one can lash out like that and play victim at the same time. Boffo performance!
As per usual, Trump’s attacks against his perceived antagonists are overwhelmed with a conspicuous lack of facts. In other words, the blowhard is bloviating to pass the buck without any foundation.
J Oberst (Oregon)
Everybody remember that kid in middle school who we all couldn’t stand because whenever he didn’t get his way, he would whine, “it’s not faaair.” He is president. Most of us still can’t stand him.
Tony (New York City)
Trump should call a press conference and no one appears. They should of all gone and listen to another world leader who was normal. This was all about being so important in his own mind that he had something to say. Greta should of held a press conference calling Trump out for trying to demean her. there is no respect from Trump to anyone so the title doesn't automatically give you respect when you are just a monster to democracy.
That's What She Said (The West)
We start the day watching Adam Schiff quote Hamilton ... that it may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.” And end with Trump retweeting a Looney Tunes version of Schiff as Wile E Coyote Saturday Morning seems to be only Briefing Trump Needs.
Margot LeRoy (Seattle Washington)
It is hard to watch a group of Senators sit in their chairs and essentially sell out their country to an unfit, mouthy, crude and sociopathic man who merely wants to keep his job to avoid going to jail after he can be indicted. We have lowered our standards to a point that we have gone from a Shakespearean tragedy to a dog fight with lap doggies. Utterly pathetic the picture we give to the world.
MO Girl (St. Louis , MO)
Please recommend a stronger word than shame. As an American, shame just doesn’t cut it any longer.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
"President Trump said on Wednesday that he would prefer a long impeachment trial with witness testimony before the Senate, but that national security concerns made that impossible, and added that he would like to attend the trial." Such tough talk from a guy who is visiting a neutral country. But he continues to tell the same lies like he wanted to meet with Robert Mueller last summer, or that in his 2016 campaign, he said he would “Save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cuts" but today, he yapped that he "is considering cuts to programs like Medicare to reduce the federal deficit if he wins a second term." So, he can boast all he wants about what he is willing to do but in the final rinse cycle of his watered down "truths", he continues to come up empty with nothing but faded and empty words.
Ken (Lausanne)
I’d like to share my tax returns. They’re great returns. But I’m being audited. They are very impressive returns.
Craig Millett (Kokee, Hawaii)
It is time for our country to recognize that Trump is not an embarrassment to us. He and his Party are an out and out humiliation to the citizens of this once-great nation.
Doug Lowenthal (Nevada)
“Lashing out” against his enemies is Trump’s foreign and domestic policy. He’s the consummate Lasher.
loisa (new york)
How could he possibly be more phony and fake. He has no idea what's going on anywhere, except where his self esteem is concerned. An embarrassment to democracy and to our country.
Steve (Sonora, CA)
Trump might as well talk about his legal problems. No one at the Davos conference were paying a mite of attention to his babblings on the economy and international affairs.
how bad can it be (ne)
Trump shouldn't worry since McConnell is his Mitch.
Angelus Ravenscroft (Los Angeles)
The other way around but yeah.
Muddlerminnow (Chicago)
I won't feel any sense of relief until that insult to humanity named Donald Trump is in prison.
Jane (Canada)
Please all Americans do not vote this depraved man back in to power. The world cannot afford his arrogance or his ignorance for another 4 years.
UScentral (Chicago)
In the US, we generally ignore Trump. Or at the very least turn off the TV to avoid hearing him speak. Problem is, most of the world actually hears him speak. It is shown on the news programs. He is the face of the United States. The result is a mix of disgust, embarrassment, and comic relief around the globe. Maybe the nationalists that don’t own a passport don’t care, but it is having an impact on our position in the world.
Shane Lynch (New Zealand)
@UScentral I have to admit that I do watch Trump on our news over here in New Zealand, only to find myself having to remind myself I'm not watch SNL with Alec Baldwin. Some of the things Trump says are just way off base, totally out there, and any real sane POUTS wouldn't say them. The flushing toilets / running water rant was the best of them all - and that was in a cabinet meeting. The rest of the world sympathizes in your predicament, and waits for the day when America has a real leader again, and not the rambling fool that should have been 25thed long ago. But then Pence may be even more dangerous.
PV (Brooklyn)
Characteristically cringe-worthy on a global stage. I challenge the media community to deny him any coverage for a week — take the high road instead of participating in this awkward and embarrassing dance that merely makes it harder to engage in news. This man is not going to change, nor are his acolytes. Deny him his favorite weapon. Paraphrasing Einstein: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is a sign of madness.
KdKulper (Morristown NJ)
trump’s rants are insufferable. Totally incorrect and absurd. His time as president is ending soon ...thank goodness. We need to turn our attention soon to making sure that every democrat who runs will be part of the great turnaround that will happen for our country next November. In the meantime we will observe real patriots making the very fair and honest case against trump.
Nomi Silverman (CT)
Please don’t get complacent that Trump will be out of office anytime soon. At best he may seriously have 4 more years. And my big fear is that he will manipulate the system and end up in office for an indeterminate number of years. Anyone who doesn’t recognize that possibility has their head in the sand. He has manipulated the system so far to do what he likes and ignoring both the law and precedence. And no one with power has challenged him on that. (Outside of the screaming public). A “vindicated” trump will be unearthed. An “empowered” senate will be unearthed. He has “joked” about being owed years in office for what he has gone through and “joked” about his jealousy of dictators omnipotence. He does not joke. All it takes is for the senate to do nothing. If he loses in 2020 and declares the election a fraud and he does not go what will happen? Will the senate follow suit? If McConnell loses as well will he leave? Half the country thinks he is a god and would, I believe, (despite their weak protestations to the contrary) welcome his presidency forever. Do not think that 2020 solves anything.
IN (New York)
I think Trump should look straight in the mirror at his own face and then only then will he see unfathomable corruption and sleaze. His smears of the House Managers are a form of primitive projection and actually perfectly describe his own character and real self. I pray everyday that he will be convicted and know that the day he leaves the political stage he will not be missed!
David Macauley (Philadelphia)
Trump lies as often as the rest of us breathe. Not a single word of this "man" can be trusted.
Ferdie14 (metro ny)
Want this to go away? Let's have your exvulpatory evidence. If everything is as perfect as you claim, this should not be a problem.
Nostradamus Said So (Midwest)
When trump vents at foreign conferences & meetings, he just looks more foolish & unstable to other foreign leaders. They do not come to these meetings to hear trump whine & complain about how unfairly he is treated by HIS country. He sounds like a paranoid dictator. "They won't let me do what I want. They are so unfair." He even asked some of the members at Mar A Lago "why are they doing this to me (meaning impeaching)?" Really he doesn't know what is wrong with him. Kellyanne & Lindsey need to sit him down & explain that you can't run a country like your personal business. My advice if anyone cares, is he should resign before he disgraces himself any further. Claim illness, personal health, or other personal reasons. Save face while you can.
MDCooks8 (West of the Hudson)
So Adam Schiff says this (President Trump remaining in the White House) should not be decided at the ballot box and Nancy Pelosi says this is not political motivated! Know wonder why her district is a tale of two cities. (the high and mighty and the homeless)…
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@MDcooks8 If only we could be certain that the 2020 election won’t be influenced by Russian trolls and malware, by voter suppression, and other cheating by trump and the Republicans. Than maybe we could just wait until November.
Country Girl (Show Me State)
@MDcooks So disingenuous. There is a homeless problem in every city in America! Every city! Open your eyes. Look around. Measuring the economic status of our country should be done by other means than just how well rich people are doing. For instance: How many people are homeless? How many people are working minimum wage jobs that do not provide a livable income? How many people cannot afford health insurance? How many people have food insecurity? Get real, bud.
Bruno (Italy)
Mr. Trump has the merit to see details others cannot see or avoid to speak of. In that he can be associated to Greta Thunberg. Here stops the comparison, unless he has got a mirror variant of Greta’s Asperger Syndrome. Just think about it: the President of the most innovative society in the World does not believe to scientists; that IMO would deserve a new article of impeachment: how many people are dying – because of floods, fires, drought and so on - out of this strutting stubborn ignorance? But what are the details seen by Mr. Trump? To answer I have to mention LIMES (Borders), a full-bodied monthly Italian geo-politics magazine with many coloured maps, founded and edited by a sedate Mr. Lucio Caracciolo. Number 12/2019 is titled “America against all”: Summing up: USA is an Empire currently splitted in two sides: the first made up of farmers and the inside population of the Plains (Conservatives) and the latter, the Liberal parts of the society in the farthest East and West parts of the country, still curious to have contacts with abroad. All recent Presidents have tried to disengage, but cannot, for many reasons. Mr. Trump has understood that the USA is an Empire (word banned in a Republic), so he feels, and acts as an Emperor: “Article 2 gives me the right to do whatever I want'” declared in 2019, with a whiny childish voice. Although sometimes he weirdly acts as the Roman Emperor Caligola.
Claes (Rochester)
Bruno, Bravo!
Steve Mason (Ramsey NJ)
How anybody even likes this man is beyond me. I think what he’s done to the presidency is beyond repair. He bloviates constantly and some people actually buy it . That’s the sick part.
Tony (New York City)
I just arrived home listening to the Senator from Colorado talk about the soldiers fighting in Ukraine in sneakers and how the aid was held up and why. What a monster this draft dodger is . Justice Roberts should tell the con man that he better watch his mouth. The democrats last night told the truth to these career politicians who are the GOP and how they think they are better than the American people. GOP Senators who vote the party line remember you will be gone from your precious do nothing jobs sooner than later.
LEFisher (USA)
Trump also said during today's Davos meeting: '"I heard that they [the 14+ U.S. military @ Iraqi bombing by Iran] had headaches and a couple of other things, but I would say and I can report that it's not very serious," the president told the press in Davos, Switzerland. "I don't consider them very serious injuries relative to other injuries that I've seen."'
LEFisher (USA)
@LEFisher : "I don't consider them very serious injuries relative to other injuries that I've seen." Well, certainly not as serious AS BONE SPURS… .
micha (Germany)
The problem about a prospering economy, it's only positive if every participant gets a fair share, and one of it's components is that companies that make more profit will pay more taxes. This money should be used to support people in need, e.g. because they got sick or lost their job. Nobody should be in a position where he has to chose between food and drugs That has nothing to do with socialism, only about caring for each other. It's illogical to be proud of the country you live in if you don't really like its people.
P2 (NE)
Trump is supposed to be POTUS; but clearly he is not. He is the President of the GOP and Trump family. Everyone else is his enemy unless they do their bidding. Trump belongs in jail.
Jacquie (Iowa)
@P2 He definitely belongs in jail. Today he said he plans to cut SS and Medicare because the economy is doing so great, there is no need.
Country Girl (Show Me State)
@ Jacquie Hopefully the citizens of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan, West Virginia, and all of the mid-west heard this as well.
Mathias (USA)
Should t such actions during a trial be considered obstruction and intimidation? What would happen if the defendant was threatening the prosecutors?
Muleman (Colorado)
Can we please have a person serving as our president who maintains the basic tenants of civility and decency?
Javaforce (California)
Trump apparently bragged about cheating in the Impeachment trial. He said: “President Trump said he’s happy with the way the impeachment trial is going thus far because his administration has not released “materials” that would hurt his cause.”
Fred (Chicago)
The usual nonsense. Love to hear John Bolton testify, but of course national security prevents it, etc, etc, etc. “Our water and air are fantastic.” Does anybody even really care what this sociopath says anymore? It should make a difference, but unfortunately seems not to.
Preston N (Westfield MA)
President Trump, “sit right in the front row (in the Senate) and stare into their (House managers) corrupt faces.” Does anyone in the Congress believe this is a true statement? Does anyone in America believe this is a true statement? Does anyone in the world believe this is a true statement? The man lies as a default response. Republicans seem to think he can’t help it, just “what’s the big deal, just Trump being Trump. Good enough me, good enough for America “. Sad.
Steven McCain (New York)
In a foreign country and calling American Congressmen sleazebags is a new low.Can the tarnish Trump is putting on the office ever be removed? This is bigger than Trump and if allowed to continue it can be devastating.
citybumpkin (Earth)
Gee. Surely, a man who so openly disdains rules and norms could never have broken rules and norms for his own benefit...
micha (Germany)
The title of a major german news site was in regard to Trump's speech 'A disaster for the conference', since he only praised himself but remaind silent about the main subject, the climate change. Après nous, le déluge. But since most of us have children, this motto is an offense to anyone who tries to be better then the average 'I-don't-care citizen'.
Zobar (West Coast)
Trumps delusion knows no bounds. In reference to Greta Thunberg: "She beat me out on Time magazine." How in the world could he possibly think there was some kind of close race or difficult choice to make between him and that girl? What makes him think he was ever in consideration?
Kathryn Aguilar (Houston, Tx)
It's just like the tax returns that he would love to reveal. Sure. Of course.
old lady cook (New York)
Guilty Guilty Guilty- this is pure politics 53 to 47 for the benefit of 45!! What a disgrace- Trump leaves Davos after calling members of the US Congress sleazy- OMG how does that look on the world stage. Nothing has been presented by Trumpers that would establish his innocence. If there is no cover up and Trump is above board then the Oval Office should be an open book with reasonable exceptions for genuine security issues. It is very difficult to watch this and have any faith in basic integrity.
Artur (Nowhere)
This senate farce of a trial is the icing on the cake of decades long work to demoralize the United States of America, done by Republicans. By now Trump has committed so many crimes and got away, that he came to the point of bragging about his corruption on open mics. It's a stunning display of submission of a nation to such a lesser, lazily lying, blatantly arrogant and imperial being. It's a historical lesson on how democracies crash and authoritarian men raise to power.
Ted (Rural New York State)
Dear Mr. Trump, Please calm down. Be quiet. Just this once. There is much more important news happening - hard as it is for you to imagine - far, far removed from your physical presence. And possibly, for once - hard as it is to imagine for a majority of this country's voters - at least partially removed from your ridiculously predictable, constantly consistent mendacity. You've had so many chances to right these many wrongs you have perpetrated. Yet just as predictably, you've blown every chance. So again, just this one time, please close your mouth, and stop embarrassing our country.
kate j (Salt lake City)
They hoped? They should know better by now
Carol (Chicago)
"Sleaze" is so far afield in describing these men. Trump's sixth-grade vocabulary alone is a national embarrassment.
Tomás (CDMX)
‘Mr. Trump called Representative Jerry Nadler of New York a “sleaze bag” and referred to Representative Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, as a “con job” and a “corrupt politician.”’ It truly is amazing how this guy projects on others his faults. It suggests that at some level this “very stable genius” actually catches glimpses of his own true nature and plays his revulsion forward. Oh, I hope I live long enough to see how history records him. And yet I don’t.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@Tomás: My wife and I chatted with Representative Nadler for about an hour in the Parlour Bar on 86th Street one evening. We don't think he's a sleazy guy.
Baruch (Bend OR)
As usual, Trump is more focused on Trump then on his job. Narcissistic and venal to the end.
Jamie Carothers (Lake Havasu City, AZ USA)
Good People of the World, Most Americans find our President a daily embarrassment so I apologize for unleashing this boorish liar on your countries. We are working on removing him however we have to deal with the obstruction of #MoscowMitch McConnell. Please bear with us, we expect to have to rebuild our international relationships when we elect a Democrat to replace this disgrace occupying our White House. If we do not replace him, please open your borders to US citizens as our country is done.
petey tonei (Ma)
Fact remains: President Trump was impeached by the House. The entire world watched it and made their own conclusions. That Trump is a corrupt businessman who should never ever be allowed to do public service. Period. He is not worthy if the office which he has corrupted by misconduct followed by cover ups. The entire world knows. Only a bunch of republicans don’t. They have wool in their eyes.
Semper Fi (Pennsylvania)
@ peyey tonei You are too kind to say that they have wool in their eyes. No. They are corrupt, immoral, unethical, and self-serving, just like trump.
Name calling is Trump’s stock in trade. A sign of his limited understanding in the use of our english language and lack of imagination.
Susan (Paris)
Whenever Trump goes abroad he spends more time slagging off his fellow Americans to our friends and allies than any of our enemies ever could. His behavior is grotesque and his only loyalty is to himself.
Bunnit (Seabrook Island, SC)
Every day, every hour, brings a new embarrassment.
M (US)
While everyone watches Democrats defend the Constitution and the rule of law today in the senate, voters will never forget the trillions of dollars of taxes, debt, and deficit Republicans added to shoulders of poor and middle class. Today, as we watch the Trump impeachment process, many wonder, why do Republicans appear to condone cheating to 'win' the 2020 election?
John Kominitsky (Los Osos, CA)
Trump tells the world he obstructed Congress because he wanted to preserve America's National Security. Fact: he blocked Congress to protect his security. I have never witnessed such a deplorable living human being in my long life! Yuk!
MDCooks8 (West of the Hudson)
"We know that if we want women to succeed in business, if we want to increase the level of participation of women at the CEO level or the C-suite level, it's incredibly important for women to be able to control their reproductive health, because we know that access to controlling and planning when … you will be pregnant, also impacts your ability to to engage in the economy," Johnson said. My comment for the above: So freeze your eggs for later and hopefully the plumbing still works after several abortions. And by the way the government (tax payers) should pay for all of this....
Steven (Sacramento)
Those who do not agree with Trump's policies of behavior are not his enemies. We are all Americans in this together.
J. von Hettlingen (Switzerland)
While House Democrats have clamoured for testimony from Trump’s current and former advisers and documents from the White House, evidence that Republicans have blocked, Trump, some 4.000 miles away in Davos, lashed out at his opponents in Washington. He then gloated over Democrats’ haplessness and frustration. “I got to watch enough. I thought our team did a very good job,” he said. “But honestly, we have all the material. They don’t have the material.” There's no word to describe this loathsome behaviour. I hope it will come back to haunt him.
Becky (Boston)
"Enemies" should be in quotation marks. Trump's idea of his "enemies" are ordinary American people and congresspeople doing their jobs.
Wallace Berman (Chapel Hill, NC)
I am quite certain that the world economic leaders care about what Trump has to say about his rivals and his impeachment. Give me a break
Country Girl (Missouri)
@ Walkace Betman Just want to be sure - this is sarcasm, right?
Victor Mark (Birmingham)
In a couple of weeks from now, we will understand that the USA is no longer a democracy, at least until November, and perhaps long afterward. Any Republican-inclined voter must understand this.
Twg (NV)
"If only we could straighten out the press we'd have a beautiful country." What ominous words from a president who routinely refers to a pillar of our democracy – the free press – as the "enemy of the people." "... the money was released ahead of schedule." No, the Ukraine aid was with- held, illegally, according to the GAO, until a whistler-blower came forward (whose complaint was also illegally withheld from the Congressional intelligence committees) exposing Trump and his administration's national security misconduct. To try and counter this exposure, Trump finally relented and released the funding: no harm no foul right?! That's the argument in a nutshell Trump and his loyalists want you to believe about his "perfect" phone call. Except that this incident illuminates a pattern of continued abuse and malfeasance: from sexual misconduct, to tax evasion, to emoluments violations, to fraud (Trump's charity and Trump University), to using the office of the U.S. presidency for personal political benefit and self-enrichment. Trump stood in front of the national press and lied. The United States: its national security and stature, is being compromised by a man who has no concept of right from wrong. Trump is a very unstable "genius." A sad man desperate for attention and a danger to the free world.
IminKona (Aloha State)
Hmm, it is definitely demoralizing to see the senate ("the most deliberative body in the world") deliberate for less than a minute to vote down subpoenas of first hand witnesses. Perhaps the republicans feel secure in their status and states, to display any sense of commitment to the country. Hopefully for those republicans up for reelection will be voted out this year. Since senate races are statewide, they can be defeated by a majority of voters, unlike gerrymandered congressional districts. Just vote, and bring a friend or two.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@IminKona: The Republicans put "State's Rights" above equal protection of the law nationally.
A Mandalorian (Wherever Baby Yoda is...)
My only hope is that it's not too late to repair the damage he has wrought on this fair land, its people, it's reputation, and its institutions.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@A Mandalorian: The Electoral College and Senate apportionment lost their justifications when slavery fell out of favor after the Civil War.
D.j.j.k. (south Delaware)
When the young girl got up and begged the world leaders to please stop using coal and fossil fuels that was a touching moment. Please leave the planet in good shape for my generation. Pope Francis said recently to oil men you harm the environment you harm humanity. Trump needs to be brought up on crimes against humanity and now.
M. W. (Minnesota)
The institution may be sufficient. However when populated with the current individuals who have no boundaries regarding their corrupt practices. It may be best to burn it all down and start anew. Just look at the collection of corrupt people in the Senate and White House and half of the House. Throw in the Supreme Court hacks and you have what we are now watching live on the TV. Citizens would not be faulted for wanting to start all over. If given the choice, I bet it would win easily against what we are now living through.
Janice Howard (Canada)
The enemies are the people who have introduced dangerous, ignorant and / or ugly rhetoric into the public discourse, whatever their motivations for having done so. (After trump won, we nearly ended up with our own trump when Kevin O'Leary thought he could win the Conservative leadership. Fortunately, he deciding to drop out of the leadership race.) What has been frightening, watching what is happening south of the border, is that our own politics in Canada are more and more demonstrating the same dangerous split that allowed trump to win the presidency in the States. We are in a similar place to what the States was at 10 years ago with people identifying with parties, and groups getting behind pro-life vrs abortion, anti-immigration, and so on, rather that trying to figure out solutions for divisions that are only deepened by partisan rhetoric. Here, as in the States, I find the conservative rhetoric more provocative than the liberal. I want to see trump removed or at least not re-elected because, although I think it's naive of me, I'll take anything that might shock us in Canada and in the States, into turning this stuff around and getting back to trying to make ethical choices and decisions, to working together for the sake of all of us, to understanding that vile, gas-lighting rhetoric that has been introduced into politics is harmful, immobilizing, and dangerous.
Bill Wilson (Dartmouth MA)
Trump supporters and the 53 Republican Senators all feel threatened in one way or another. They will never stop supporting Trump. The plutocrats financing the GOP, Heritage Foundation and The Federalist Society etc. are very happy with this administration. They are getting what they want. On MLK Day gun advocates had ~25k people on the streets in Richmond VA protesting moderate gun control legislation. (The Woman's March only had 45k on the streets nationwide a week earlier.) This man stands up in front of the world at Davos and belittles a 17 year old climate change activist and senior members of our House of Representatives, (by proxy demeaning we the people.) Meanwhile we have Hilary fighting last decades battles and the Obama's off making movies !!! Until all parties - at least 60% of our population - who understand that their futures and those of our children are being existentially threatened by this administration stand up strongly we will get four more years of Trump and his minions and masters. If we do not elect a Democrat for President in 2020, keep the House and get to 51 in the Senate we are doomed. We will have the government we deserve. We all need to campaign for and support Democratic candidates at every level. And once we win hold them to the promises made to restore decency and sanity to our occasionally great nation.
Lee (NoVa)
I have a pretty good imagination, but can't fathom how humiliating it must be for a U.S. senator to choose to kowtow to this coarse simpleton. His speech patterns are akin to a poorly raised 11-year old, the type of kid who shoves around his classmates and insults his teachers. I know no adults who talk like this. And that includes plenty who lacked the opportunity or interest to be educated beyond high school. They may not speak like Oxford dons, but they possess dignity and make sense. For the sake of our nation, I hope with all my heart that any senators who countenance this run-away train any longer are made to pay for it with their reputations, their elected seats, and their peace of mind.
You know the stories of abusers? After the allegations come out, you have people lined up on one side saying, “No way. He couldn’t have done that!” On the other side, you have people come forward who quietly start to tell the truth of what they had seen, the cruelty and manipulation they witnessed or experienced. We are an abused population under this President. Some refuse to see what’s in front of them because they don’t want to imagine they have been duped. Worse, some like the personal outcome for themselves so much that they don’t care that others are burdened with the weight of the effect of all the lies (a few kids in cages—who cares—the parents shouldn’t have brought them here—my 401K looks great right now—I won’t be re-elected if I speak up—my business has benefitted from this Administration). Some are still too shocked and too scared to come forward. And some brave people are standing up to bring the truth of the abuse to light. We have been abused as a nation. Let’s hope the healing begins with a fair Senate trial that includes witnesses.
Jacquie (Iowa)
Who knew selling real estate wasn't the same as being President of the United States of America?
Linda (OK)
Why did the White House hope Trump's trip to Davos would go smoothly? Trump is unpredictable, out-of-control, angry and confused, and acting more bizarre by the day. Note: Today he said traumatic brain injury wasn't serious. The best the White House can ever hope for is that Trump won't be too embarrassing or go to far off the rails or insult too many of our former allies.
Lee (NoVa)
@Linda TBI isn't serious for him since it only affects others. This is a president who wouldn't so much as venture out in the rain to pay his respects to the nation's war dead. Of course he's not going to be bothered by a little thing like lifelong disability.
JH (Philadelphia)
More snake oil from Trump, whose absurd pronouncements literally make one wonder if he knows anything at all. He wants a free and open trial but cannot due to security concerns? Our numbers on air and water are great? Such a sham, words cannot even describe the absurdity of having a president who literally cannot make a single, true, informed statement. Impossible - and worthless - to fact check the man, you could spend a lifetime and not clear the record.
Mikeyz (Boston)
His schtick was much more comical (albeit low brow) before he was President. Now it just seems terrifying. Let's get a 90% turnout for the 2020 election. Vote as if your life depends on it..because it probably does.
Rob Watt (Colorado Springs)
I disagreed heartily with Bill Clinton’s impeachment ( he did lie, but because he was forced to talk about things that were no one’s business, no matter how sleazy). But Mr. Clinton was able to govern and act in a manner that did not disgrace the Presidency. Mr. Trump whines constantly and resorts to adolescent taunts.
Tanist (Staten Island, NY)
Never a Margaret Thatcher fan, I must agree with her, “Give them - in this instance, him - no oxygen.” This will drive him up, and over his ‘wall’ for sure.
CJ (Canada)
Trump is happiest when telling his lies to an appreciative audience. What if all the Davos attendees just fell off the face of the Earth… net loss or a huge boon to mankind?
Riley C (Vermont)
The President of the United States of America insults Americans who believe in transparent and accountable government. This is not news, it happens every day. I am disappointed that this article offers no fact-checking or reprimand of our President's name-calling. All this does is spread vitriolic propaganda.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
As far as I understand what was taught to me about the federal government in public schools, the powers of its officials are limited to only those enumerated in the Constitution, as further restricted by the Bill of Rights. Trump's lawyers need to show me where the Constitution provides for sitting presidents to extort personal benefits from foreign governments.
Dunca (Hines)
@Steve Bolger - Trump's answer to this type of concern would be to tweet READ THE TRANSCRIPTS knowing that his voters will repeat this canned line & they will never read the transcript, er, I mean memorandum. Then he will hire tons of lawyers & threaten GOP senators that he'll ruin their careers as well as send Bill Barr to unearth some unseemly dirt on them.
MDCooks8 (West of the Hudson)
@Steve Bolger What exactly is a personal benefit being extorted are you referencing? A telephone conversation with the Ukrainian President? Really, meanwhile hundreds of thousands of US families are being destroyed because of the illicit drugs, such as Meth, fentanyl, etc.. which President Trump is fighting for in the Phase 2 talks with China. But the Democratic Congress may not want to renew the ban the Senate passed recently:
Steve B (East Coast)
The administration already admitted there will never be a phase 2. And phase one was smoke and mirrors.
HANK (Newark, DE)
Even dictators-in-training tend to develop enemies. Anyone who claims Article Two of the Constitution imbues unlimited power, frankly, has finished training.
BTBurr (New Zealand)
How low will you go America? I'm figuring by Nov 2020 there won't be much left of your reputation or standing in the world. But how low?
cb (NY)
The impeachment trial is a rigged joke. So we have to VOTE HIM OUT!
Andrew Macdonald (Alexandria, VA)
He may in fact think he is being honest. Delusional, psychotic people often do. He needs to be removed from office and sent to an institution where he can't harm anyone else.
Tom Q (Minneapolis, MN)
"I'm honest." Please add that to the list of over 16,000+ other lies. And now he's carrying a grudge against Greta Thunberg? Please. What next? Does he go after Pikachu? And if Nadler is a "sleaze bad, why did Trump give him a campaign donation not that long ago? Please take pity on our Swiss friends today.
Robert (Seattle)
Snowy Davos. Where the rich and the famous are warming to he who shall not be named. Have they lost their minds? Were they always so indifferent toward democracy, corruption, ethics, morals, stupidity? The leader of Google is fawning over him? The leader of Bank of America can't get enough of him? It's like a reunion for the alumni of an Epstein mansion party. Trump is our greatest national security risk, and the enemy of democracy and freedom everywhere. They didn't find a regular crime. They're not allowed to look for a crime cause he's president. It's a hoax and a witch hunt. He didn't do it. If he had done it, it wouldn't be wrong. He did it, so what, get over it. I want everybody to testify. I want to be there. Nobody can testify because of national security. I'm planning to cut Medicare and other entitlements during my second term. Very well, says McConnell. We'll end this sham impeachment now.
Susan (NYC)
Lashing out, doubling down, tweet storms, raging tirades and insults. Trump enjoys exhausting the nation with his tantrums and is proud of his hatred. But none of this matters to the Senators who have sold the country to the .01% and live in fear of the national bully. They need to be voted out along with Trump.
A Boston (Maine)
Trump and Greta Thunberg at Davos. One petulant child, one thoughtful adult.
Loredana (Nyc)
Now this, what Trump said is very scary “If we could straighten out the press in our country, we would have a place that would be so incredible,” does he means that we should have FOX news in all channels ? So he could be the untouchable dear leader of the USA?
Walking Fan (NC)
That’s exactly what he wants! He spoke with Putin who told him to look at the perfect Russian press as an example!
Pat (Maplewood)
So, by insulting our allies like Germany, our President expects them to pay more?
CTBlue (USA)
This man does not hesitate to put America down anywhere for his own selfish reasons. Is it perfectly okay with Republican Party ...... a self proclaimed patriotic party?
Milton Lewis (Hamilton Ontario)
No Mr.President. You are not honest and you do not make good deals.
Surfrank (Los Angeles)
The man has so much as declared; "The facts are what I say they are." The Senate Republicans enabling him are JUST AS GUILTY OF TREASON as he is. November 2020; the United States, all our history and traditions, not to mention the very form of government that has brought us this far; vs. Donald Trump, game show host, liar, tyrant. The choice should be easy.
Am2 (Kent)
I thought Trump (man o’ the people) was too good to go to Davos?!
Les (SW Florida)
@Am2 He is, but Ivanka and Jared wanted to work the room. They also wanted to see the Alps aboard Marine One and he obliged.
Margo (Atlanta)
@Am2 He went to the conference in 2018. Why shouldn't he? I do have concerns about Pelosi attending, but she's in Israel instead so I suppose she won't be in Davos this year.
hschmelz (hamburg)
When all is said and done, it is redundant to share the same thoughts at nauseam. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you can keep the republic.
Patrick (LI,NY)
This spoiled man-child needs to be removed from office by whichever means is most expedient. He is now speaking to a room full of people, many of whom know exactly what a buffoon he truly is. An innocent person would not block witnesses or withhold documents that would exonerate them. There is nothing about the bribery and obstruction that was committed by this president that in anyway endangers our national security. This president himself is the greatest threat to our national security and to our way of life.
HKHoward (Hong Kong)
The movie about this period in American history will be so fascinating. Wait - it's already been done. I believe it was called "The Manchurian Candidate".
Getreal (Colorado)
The folks at Davos should ask Trump What are you doing here? You don't represent the American People. They rejected you by three million ballots.
Robert (Out west)
I’m terribly sorry that we pay attention to his actual statements, behavior and actions, but we do. It’s kind of a lib’rul intellectual Enlightenment thingy, and we can’t seem to stop. I’m curious about one thing: where are you getting these gatherings from? The lumineferous aether?
Is_the_audit_over_yet (MD)
Update: DJT can appear before the senate impeachment hearings anytime he wants! If he wants to clear his name he can do it anytime he wants. I’m certain the Dems will wait for him. I mean at least Hillary had the guts to stand up to her accusers in the Senate - for over 10 hours of questioning. DJT, you’re up!!!
NorthStar (Minnesota)
If he is so powerful and persuasive, why can’t he convince the Republican senators to allow witness testimony? Is Trump such a feckless and weak president that he can’t even control his own party?
Tom Jacobsen (Oregon)
I'll bet the attendants at Davos are well aware of what a buffoon Trump really is! As far as wanting a real trial, well, that's just another lie among many. Isn't it. Sad!
Irene (Brooklyn, NY)
It's always about him. "Boo hoo, mommy, they're mean to me and the whole world should know how badly I'm treated!" Boo hoo, boo hoo.
Patrick alexander (Oregon)
Another day, another “Trump lashes out...”. Folks, this just isn’t normal behavior.
Lester B (Toronto)
I knew the verb would be "lashes out." It's one of the go-to anti-Trump media verbs.
K. Martini (Echo Park)
Well, the truth is anti-Trump. Can’t blame the media for that.
Rudy Hopkins (Austin Texas)
@Lester B What is your preferred descriptor for repeated use of claims of "sleeze bags" during a global press conference? Would you describe it as statesman-like befitting the President of the United States? It seems "lashes out" is spot on.
Carol (NJ)
Is that a defense of his use of words about others ?
richard conner (Bay Area, CA)
Honesty is something Trump would not know if it bit him. Someday we will know what he promised all his GOP boot lickers to fall into line with him. Trump cannot have that many condos to give away. The GOP may never recover from what it is now doing for Trump.
Walking Fan (NC)
Unfortunately they’ll recover, the really bad always prevail! We’re in the middle of it right now!
Skeptic (USA)
The whole speech, given out at an international conference, was purely for domestic consumption, full of non facts, self-serving antics and hyperbole. What an embarrassment.
Mary (Colorado)
@Skeptic Actually it was a great and very pertinent speech. If you have such important numbers to show, as USA objectively have in regard to the economics, you have of course to explain the policy which made such results possible. And this in order to help other countries to follow the example of the United States. Don't forget that at Davos there is an economic forum.
Rudy Hopkins (Austin Texas)
@Mary While our unemployment rate is low, Trump still has a way to go to catch Obama who brought us from 10% unemployment to 5% and salvaged the global economy. Also, please note that while the rate is low, the total employment percentage still lags much of Europe. Additionally, if language like "sleeze bags" qualifies as "great and very pertinent speech" in your world, well then reconsider your standards and join your neighbors who want better.
Jim Steinberg (Fresno, Calif.)
Classy guy.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
"President Trump said on Wednesday that he would prefer a long impeachment trial with witness testimony before the Senate, but that national security concerns made that impossible, and added that he would like to attend the trial." TRANSLATION: Trump continued to lie through his teeth from morning until night today.....keeping his pathological Presidential lying streak alive at 1097 days and counting. What a disgrace. November 3 2020
john dolan (long beach ca)
ah, the ever so humble, Donald j. trump. my condolences to the citizens of the state of New York, who have had the burden of inhabiting your lovely state with this incessantly preening, arrogant, coarse individual. perhaps he'll move to Moscow if he's voted out of office in November. Dare to dream....
Nick Schleppend (Vorsehung)
I don't think The Onion could have done a better job of writing parody comments from Trump. "Our water numbers, our numbers on air are tremendous".?? Does he even really know anything about Greta Thunberg platform?
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
Who said Davos would suggest moderation to Trump's aggressive attempt to disengage from his stupidity, intolerance and deep ignorance, and playing the victim...while the evidence of his criminality is all out in the open...for those willing to see? Can't he feel that he is the 'laughingstock' of the world; and worse but in private, by his own party?
Fred (Up North)
What a class act. Doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. I wouldn't surprise to learn that most of the attendees consider Trump a pariah and a whiney one at that.
Deb (Blue Ridge Mtns.)
The only thing he is actually good at is lying and projecting. He is the sleaze bag. He is the corrupt politician. He is the national security problem. He is dishonest. He does not make great deals. Our country needs straightening out alright, but it's not the press's fault. It was never perfect but it wasn't broken either - until he fixed it.
Mark (Tennessee)
America's greatest enemy is Other America.
Renardo (Netherlands)
That are the Words of a dictator. Lying to its teeth.
Curry (Sandy Oregon)
Let's face it. We have reached the point where being a Republican is just another way of saying "traitor".
Steve Griffith (Oakland, CA)
To add insult to injury, Trump just boasted about his stonewalling, covering up and hiding of evidence, saying, “We have all the evidence. They don’t have the evidence.” Trump is so clueless, stupid and lacking in self-awareness that he fails to recognize his inane utterance as the very heart of the matter. It is that evidence that the Senate and American people deserve to see, and that will demonstrate and prove Trump’s total and complete unfitness for office. Once again, by his very own statement, he is admitting to obstructing Congress, which is one of the articles of impeachment. Trump thereby admits that he should be impeached and removed from office. QED
Rudy Hopkins (Austin Texas)
@Steve Griffith Seriously Steve, you make a terrific point! He confirms obstruction hiding in plain sight which republicans will pretend to not see while they don't do their job.
tombo (new york state)
What a national embarrassment Trump is.
I'e the B'y (Canada)
The Donald,"a wild and crazy guy." Ukraine elects a comedian as president, Zelensky, the USA elects a clown as president, Trump, they should team up, oops, they already did.
Carol (NJ)
If reading this doesn’t make you feel a bit of shame in our leader abroad, you must be asleep. “Sleaze bags”. That doesn’t bother you?
Jean (Little Rock)
Every word he utters is a lie.
Rich (California)
The US National embarrassment of Trump is again spewing his hatred and foul-mouthed babblings for the world to see and hear. He does not realize this makes him look petty and small, which he is. It also reflects how the US looks around the world. Trump airing his dirty laundry that the rest of the world is not interested in. His biggest problem is running his mouth constantly and saying nothing. What Americans will endure so they can say "he gave US our tax cut"......Sad. He is well beneath the dignity of the office he was selected for.
Tom (Maine)
How Putinesque.
Angelsea (MD)
Just another embarrassment to America to have this immoral cretin speak in Davos. The whole world knows he lies. He takes credit for the recovery (economical and jobs-wise) created by President Obama. He denies he is bringing the entire nation, and world, to its knees with his tariffs. The list of his lies cannot be contained in the limit of 1500 characters. Yet the "Christian" Republicans in the Senate (even Mitt Romney) are standing by him as the second coming of our Christ Almighty. Fire them all in 2020.
greeneyedlady (Annapolis, MD)
Hopefully our European allies realize Trump for what he is ... a malignant clown! He is being impeached for abuse of power ... no matter what he says! His "perfect call" was nothing but extortion of a weak ally looking for US support in a hot war against Russia, and Trump tried to leverage it for his own political benefit. Trump claims he's fighting corruption ... NO, he's EXPORTING CORRUPTION to a country trying to tamp down the same thing Trump is doing! DESPICABLE!
Adam (Arizona)
If our Projectionist-in-Chief wants to “stare into their corrupt faces”, then he should be staring into a mirror, preferably with McConnell staring right into it with him.
David (Columbus, OH)
After these many years of trash talking, isn’t it time to ask the bully to define “sleazy,” “corrupt politician,” “crazy,” etc. It does take one to know one!
A Mandalorian (Wherever Baby Yoda is...)
Yawn. He's much better cheating at golf, sexual battery, and being a racist than he is at speaking, governing, reading, strategizing, sympathizing, empathizing, being honest, knowing his job, knowing the constitution, knowing history, admitting he's wrong, losing, not holding grudges, comprehending, deal making, accepting people of color, accepting facts, being faithful to his wife, being a financial wizard, being 'roasted', running a university, being a role model, dressing, dieting....and being (intentionally) humorous.
James (St. Paul, MN.)
Every spoken word from Donald Trump demonstrates that he is a narcissistic sociopath, and profoundly unfit for any public office.
MC (California)
I am sure the rest of the world is interested in hearing the whining of our president.
Joe Miksis (San Francisco)
Trump is a combination of pathological liar and shameless con man He constantly plays the innocent victim while spouting inanities and right wing conspiracies. Profoundly ignorant, and with no acquisitiveness, Trump has no sense of history, geography or political statesmanship. Being totally amoral, with Trump, every day is TV ratings, tweets and buffoonery. I am so embarrassed to talk to my foreign friends and acquaintances, with this fool as our President. They, in turn, roll their eyes and say little to me. Time must pass.
Harold Dorkis (Moscow, Maine)
'Mr. Trump called Representative Jerry Nadler of New York a “sleaze bag” and referred to Representative Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, as a “con job” and a “corrupt politician.”' (NYT 1/22/2020) This is too funny. See what happens when Trump looks in the mirror?
Troy (Gilpatrick)
Let me fix that headline for you - "Wild and Unhinged, Trump Rants On About Perceived Enemies in DC"
M L (Montreal)
It’s difficult from someone outside the US to understand how a good part of the US population supports this president. Do you really want 4 more years of this succession of embarrassing speeches full of deception, childish bravados and complete lack of insight?
Ed L (Belgrade, ME)
So it's hiding out in Switzerland? Maybe they can keep it there and spare this country the humiliation its treason.
Kjensen (Burley Idaho)
Trump is a liar. Every reputable newspaper which publishes an article about Trump's statements, should include some variation of the word "lie" when dealing with Donald Trump. He lies about anything and everything.
Patrick Stevens (MN)
All our bilious President does is lash out and blame. If it is not Hillary or Obama, it is the Democrats or the Mexicans, or Iranians, or French or Canadians. All of them are at fault all of the time. It is only his people; his golfing buddies, and those Saudi's and Russians he seems to love so well, that are on his side. Trump is all hot air spewing hatred and scorn on everyone, everywhere to whomever will listen. He's like last call at the VFW on a bad Saturday night.
Technic Ally (Toronto)
trump lashes out ... What a tiresome petty petty petty little man.
bu (DC)
Trump is a shameless self-emulator in front of the world, a deranged narcissistic whiner who loves to demean people and gets panicky and virulently offensive when held accountable. He is the meanest immoral major verbalizer-politician that has poisoned public/political discourse at home and in the world with his "fake" moves to be the grand dealmaker failing at it time and again. Let him sit in the senate and listen to his impeachment trial and come to grips with the truth of the charges that he thinks are a joke and hoax. What a blind man this faux-president of the USA. Let him wince when his men, former and present office holders are testifying and grilled to reveal one guy truth after the other. Trump deserves to be humiliated as he does to others all the time.
Ronn (Seoul)
Is there no one who will rid us of this turbulent chiseler?
Larry (Long Island NY)
Trump reminds me of the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz. He puts on a good show of blustering fierceness urging the Tin Man and the Scarecrow to "Put 'em up,,, Put 'em up. I'll fight you both together at once. I'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back..." Until Dorothy swats him on the nose and he collapses into a pathetic quivering mass of cowardice. That's our spineless president. All talk until someone stands up to him. Go ahead Mr. Trump. Go sit in the front row and stare down your accusers. You don't have the nerve, you cowardly lion.
Curry (Sandy Oregon)
"Compassion". Hilarious.
meloop (NYC)
AS long as the Press asnmd media report the wordds and insults of the President verbatim with little or no censorship , as so much of what he says is of no news value, he will say ever more outrageous nonsense and make more insults. Why should he bother to correct or to take care what he and how he says if he is sure the professioanl media will report it regardless? Were I undermining the Constitution, as Hitler did in Germany before he ended democracy there, I would find my best friends in the media and press, as long as they are doing my job for me by reporting my words as slavishly as the US media does for Trump, and did both for Bush and for Obama (Obama let events take their own course-so he let slip any advantage he might have had from the Bully Pulpit-preferring, instead to divvy up his staff and go play pickup basketball.) We got the "dog's breakfast" of a President we allowed by mocking Trump and his party-only to awaken to his maddening victory-that increibly dumb Democrats aided, by voting hard left-for Communists, for Greens and even people not on the ballot, like Sanders! This paper kept up the idea that Trump couldn't win until the day after he won. I hope the NYTimes shuts publication or covers Australian bushfires 24/7, beginning in June of 2020- anything to keep them from spoiling the next election.
Ari (Chicago)
What the heck is he doing there? Nobody wants him there and he absolutely adds no value. Rather, he destroys Davos' value.
Dan Shiells (Natchez, MS)
Why have reporters not asked the key question "Mr. Trump, if the Senate votes to remove you from office, will you leave? A normal person would answer that "It won't happen" or lie and say he would "abide by will of the Senate." But Trump is not normal and he'll say something like, "If they treat me fairly" or "This is a coup but I command the military and the military loves me." The American people deserve to hear that their president would consider using military force to remain in office.
Mhmllr (San Francisco)
Donald Trump can say whatever comes to his addled mind, because none of it matters because he has Mitch McConnell to protect him from himself. Watching the opening day of his impeachment trial, I was floored by the evidence against him, and just as floored to watch McConnell play his procedural games, and Trump's lawyers obfuscate, spin, and lie outright. We no longer appear to have a functioning system of checks and balances, and Trump's Republican protectors obviously care nothing for the dreadful precedents relating to the separation of powers between the branches of government and executive privilege they're effectively advocating. Political and legal scholars will be sorting through this for another generation.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@Mhmllr: Psychologists need to ponder the implications of basing self esteem on belief in divine creation too. The Trump coup is religiously motivated.
Nora (The United States)
In HS I loved American History. We will be OK, we had FDR.
Mary Elizabeth Lease (Eastern Oregon)
@Nora Indeed we had FDR and thanks to him and the Democratic Party we survived the Great Depression as a constitutional democratic republic as the founders intended and we defeated the global threat of fascism thanks to FDR and the Democratic Party. Trump on the other hand along with his Republican collaborators are an existential threat to the rule of law, the Constitution and our democratic republic.
winchestereast (usa)
One trillion tree pledge from the Impeached president who eliminated Obama's Federal Flood Risk Standard for new-construction in flood prone areas, like Miama Beach, Mar a Lago. According to FEMA, floods led to $260 billion in damages between 1980 and 2013. Trump's preferred deregulation allows taxpayers to fund projects with little to no resiliance while they wait for those trees to become mature enough to capture carbon. Well, the .01% receiving tax breaks won't be wasting their own money re-building infrastructure or mitigating climate disasters. Maybe that's why they were clapping.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@winchestereast: Where the trees are planted and how they are sustained through growth to maturity and ultimate carbon-sequestration can be nailed down later by Trump's lawyers.
rlmullaney (memphis tn)
Franz Kafka wrote of this 100 years ago. We have a giant insect pretending to be a human. What Kafka did not foresee was that our insect has many humans who also pretend along with him.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@rlmullaney: Bureaucracy tends to be dehumanizing. It often boils down to figuring out what laws, if any, are applicable to something, according to established procedures.
Johnny Comelately (San Diego)
Trump and McConnell need to have the impeachment question wrapped up in a bow before the State of the Union on February 4. It's beyond unacceptable that the leader of the formerly free world continues to act like a baby on the world stage. It's unacceptable that we let 2 thousand people own more wealth than over half of theworld's population, and that they gather at Davos to publicize how the rest of us should live, while making their deals to leverage their wealth against the rest of us. Greta is right, and Trump's handlers were very careful to keep her away from him. An accidental meeting would have been very difficult to manage for Trump and his ....
MDCooks8 (West of the Hudson)
Adam Schiff and company are basing their Articles of Impeachment on assumptions; and the most glaring one is that Joe Biden is going to be President Trump's opponent in November. Is Schiff a fortune teller to know that Biden is going to be elected as the Democratic candidate? Or is the "fix" in that Schiff is a participant to once again "rig" the DNC's nomination process? Schiff's brand of Democracy by repetitively rambling on for hours is not an effective means to present his case, but perhaps he has gone stir crazy after weeks in the basement...
Susi (connecticut)
@MDCooks8 No, not relevant who the candidate turns out to be, who on Fox told you that?
Kiska (Alaska)
@MDCooks8 If it's such a bogus assumption that Biden was to be his opponent, then why did Trump go into paranoid overdrive and seek to damage him?
Ray Sipe (Florida)
@MDCooks8 Schiff laid out fact after fact; Trump's lawyers cried conspiracy theories. Did you listen at all? Any of it? Until 2 AM today?
Mark In PS (Palm Springs)
Mr. Trump claims he would love to "face them in the Senate". Like any garden variety bully, he says so in the knowledge that it is unlikely that he will have to face anyone because of his confidence in the fealty of his party to ignore his behavior and protect him. Mandating witness testimony and evidence should be a part of rules for all impeachment hearings. If necessary, it needs to be written into the Constitution. It seems hardly realistic that an argument can be made for less transparency in such weighty matters.
Bill Weber (Basking Ridge, NJ)
Well, it’s hard to argue President Trump’s descriptions of Nadler, Schiff and the House Impeachment Managers. My sentiments, exactly!
Ray Sipe (Florida)
@Bill Weber So; hate and Mud is more important than facts? In Trumpmerica; yes. Win is the only goal
Susan (Oregon)
@Bill Weber it's hard to swallow that an American President- who is supposed to represent America and her citizens on the world stage- refers to elected lawmakers in our Congress as 'major sleazebags' in front of the whole world. What happened to 'Statecraft'? This man makes a mockery of our whole system, and it's beyond shameful. I am so embarrassed.
Brian Kenney (Cold Spring Ny)
@Ray Sipe these are alternate facts and baseless. Plus, he’s right- they are horrible individuals who have been trying to get rid of Trump ever since the election in 2016- and they told us that!
AW (Maryland)
When Obama was perceived to have said disparaging things about the US while abroad he was excoriated! But, of course, Trump supporters give a pass to the current president.
Kathy Shields (CA)
Always turn his statements around - like these two - "I'm honest" and "I make great deals". Both statements are HUGELY wrong!
Diane (Arlington Heights)
Lashing out is what Trump does best. He doesn't realize how it further diminishes him.
Laura (Anniston, Alabama)
“Honestly, we have the material. They don’t have the material.” A confession to obstruction.
Practical Realities (North of LA)
This is how we are represented abroad?? By a man who tells lies and calls names like a school child?? All the while, he is endangering our national security, our right to vote. The state of our nation could not be worse.
jerry lee (rochester ny)
Reality Check the answer to republicans problems is simple What would Abraham Lincoln done in case like this .History is greatest lesson all we have to do is look to past
CJT (Niagara Falls)
As a fervent Trump supporter let me say that we the great silent majority are with you Mr. President. We will be with you in November. We are with you if you decide to end the republic and be President for life.
Susan (Oregon)
@CJT I cannot believe that this is a real comment by a real American. Shocking and so so sad.
Steve B (East Coast)
Cjt silent majority? Is projection and delusion a trumplican requirement?
Tim Lynch (Philadelphia, PA)
Australia is burning,icebergs are melting,species are disappearing, Tangier Island is sinking,billionaires are investing in survival bunkers. But hey,the stock market is through the roof. And the puppet masters have us at each other's throats. All is going as planned.
Yvette Bovey (Albany, NY)
Oh, please, please let him sit in on the trial! I'd love to see him try to keep quiet for even 5 minutes. I suspect he wouldn't be able to restrain himself from yelling something vulgar and it would be somewhat satisfying to have him held in contempt by the Chief Justice.
Javaforce (California)
Trump would love to release his tax returns but he always finds an excuse not to. He said he would have loved to talk to Mueller but he found excuses for that. Trump is lying about wanting to appear in the rigged Senate “Trial”. He’s also lying about wanting the witnesses to appear in the Senate “Trial”.
Bert (Rockville)
For some reason he’s not happy, even when he should, because he’s almost certain to be acquitted by the senate, which it is the reality right now, due to the partiality of GOP senators, covering up by others, choosing party over country by the majority, fear of losing their seat by a few, which amount to a total unfair and partisan senate trial, but the real loser is the country as a whole, which clearly they don’t care, but in the end they should have to face the voters for their actions
Steve (Washington)
it never fails that given the opportunity, trump will always make any occasion an all about me episode in self pity and aggrandizement. yet again the world is awash in trumps' crocodile tears.
John Ranta (New Hampshire)
This is a baffling statement, "The White House hoped the president’s trip to the World Economic Forum would shift attention away from impeachment..." Who is the White House? Have they not met Trump?
Rudy Ludeke (Falmouth, MA)
Trump may fool a large minority of Americans, but certainly not any of the Davos attendants and their followers on TV and social media. His statement that the EU's and other economies benefitted from the greatest ever American economy must have rolled many eyes, as his tariff policies produced strong headwinds for the EU, Japan and others as their exports to the US were directly affected (as it did the average American consumer who payed these tariffs). His buffoonery was highlighted by his uttering “I’m honest. I make great deals.” Trump was also dishonest when he implied that he would have liked to hear Greta Thunberg speak, but then added said should first talk to other countries, presumably because they are bigger polluters of air and water. He may fool himself, but the US among all leading economies is by far the greatest per capita emitter of green house gases and our water quality is nothing to brag about, thanks in part due to his foolishness in reversing just about all environmental standards.
Gardengirl (Deep South)
How can this country in which I have lived, paid taxes, raised children, defended to naysayers, and loved for decades have possibly elected such an unqualified, unfit, and unhinged individual? It seems impossible that he is still here, degrading the office of the presidency, day upon day.
Mary Elizabeth Lease (Eastern Oregon)
Trump IS the enemy back home! The problem is not just Donald Trump it Republicans choosing to collaborate with him. The Republican Party, as an institution, is a danger to the rule of law and the integrity of our democracy. The only hope of defending the country from Trump’s Republican collaborators is to vote against Republicans at every opportunity.
don healy (sebring, fl)
Trump would like a long impeachment trial with witnesses like he wanted to put his hand on the Bible during the Mueller investigation and wanted to have his people testify in the House during the impeachment investigation. With Trump, when he says he wants to do something but... it always means he is doing whatever he can to avoid having to do what he is publicly saying he wants to do. As for being present in the Senate, the only way Trump would be present is if he is dragged in kicking and screaming. Trump is unable to sit and listen quietly or respectfully when someone is criticizing him.
Morgan Rauch (Houston, Texas)
PRECARITY is an emerging abandonment that pushes us away from a livable life. In a growing body of scholarship centered on social marginalization, the concept of precarity has come to name “the politically induced condition in which certain populations suffer from failing social and economic networks . . . becoming differentially exposed to injury, violence, and death” (Butler 2009, 25). So for the 50th time ‘those people’ are meeting in Davos, Switzerland in a gathering called the World Economic Forum. Most of the public statements give lip service to world wide economic and social inequality, environmental disruptions and even invite people such as Greta Thunberg to tell them how disingenuous is this gathering. Private conversations among the billionaires is of course congratulating each other on all the money they are making for themselves and their MAJOR stock holders such as Blackrock et al. There is no serious discussion about the pervasive feelings of precarity by millions of people living in ALL countries irregardless of the form of government or economic scheme. We see this precarity manifested by spontaneous disruptions in democracies, theocracies and oligarchs. It is a rightest, it is a leftest attitude. When it seeps into the center woe be to those now gathering at Davos to congratulate themselves on how grand it is to be rulers of the universe.
John (chicago)
Remember when the republicans ran on character?
Susi (connecticut)
@John Not really. I mean, I remember them saying they were the party of family values. But I never saw them act that way in the least.
JP (MorroBay)
The president referred to Mr. Schiff and the other House impeachment managers as “major sleaze bags” and said he would love to attend his own trial in order to “sit right in the front row and stare into their corrupt faces.” But he acknowledged that his lawyers would most likely advise him against doing so. What a coward. And calling people insulting names on Twitter, or at a news conference in Europe, is just the lowest of the low. He doesn't have the guts to say these things to people's faces, unless he has his bodyguards with him maybe. How can anyone with any honor support this thing? I've never seen anything like it in all my 62 years.
H Munro (Western US)
Trump is exactly what Putin wants— with the aim of showing our system of government is no better than Russia's And this is the moment of culmination for the Republicans as well. Do the Republicans ever take responsibility for the choices they make? I don't see it. I'm only ever hearing justification and incessant retaliatory mewling. In the meantime, the wealthiest are flying to California to kiss the Koch ring and lick the Koch boots— I'm sorry, to be included as important participants in the Koch rescue of our Government and Constitution and remind the United States of the important role businessmen play in our Democracy.
Kevin S (ES Merl-lund)
Hey Mr. President, Festivus is over. Enough with the airing of grievances. Can't wait for the Feats of Strength (aka debates) later this year when you're called out for being such a whiner and fraud.
Robert O. (St. Louis)
I’m sure that the very first piece of advice any attorney gives to “honest” Trump is, never never allow yourself to be questioned under penalty of perjury.
Robert (Seattle)
In any case, here we go. He who shall not be named says in the press conference that he will consider cutting Medicare. His published budget says he plans to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. McConnell says, very good. I will kill the impeachment now. Promises made, promises kept. 22,000 pro-Trump gun nuts, thousands of white supremacists among them, in pseudo military garb and face masks, armed with military-grade weapons, marched in Virginia on Martin Luther King Day. And Davos is warming to him? The leader of Google is fawning over him? The leader of Bank of America can't get enough of him? Good heavens. Is the Davos crowd really so indifferent vis-à-vis democracy, freedom, corruption, ethics, morals, basic human decency?
NorthernArbiter (Canada)
An impeachment trial with no witnesses allowed is nothing more than a political game fit for a Banana Republic.
Brian Kenney (Cold Spring Ny)
@NorthernArbiter Excuse us- the Democrats made their own case in the House and sent it over. It should be adjudicated on their claims and no more.
Paul-A (St. Lawrence, NY)
@Brian Kenney You're incorrect. The House inquiry is analogous to a Grand Jury indictment. New evidence and witnesses are commonly presented at trials, going beyond the indictment. So, you need to think more about who needs to excuse whom.
Polemic (Dallas)
Why bother with a trial without witnesses? Either a conviction or an exoneration is open to the results being contested.
Howard Herman (Skokie, Illinois)
Donald Trump is famous for not listening to any advice except his own. If he claims to be completely innocent then he should have the guts to once again not listen to the advice of others, trust his own judgment and attend the senate proceedings and be an enthusiastic participant. But first he will have to give the command to Mitch McConnell and the Republican senators to order this. So Mr. President, what are you waiting for?
SandraH. (California)
I followed one of the links in this article and discovered that Trump’s 2020 budget proposes $2 trillion in cots to Medicare and Medicaid, which would cover the cost of the 2017 GOP tax cut for donors and corporations. It also includes $26 billion in cuts to Social Security. It was always obvious that Trump would try to cut entitlement programs to pay for his tax overhaul. Too bad so many of his supporters still think he’ll protect them. They think he “keeps his promises “. Trump says he’ll plan further cuts if re-elected.
Robert (Seattle)
@SandraH. Yep, here we go. Trump promises to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. McConnell says, very good. I will kill the impeachment now. Promises made, promises kept. Are we happy now, Trumpies?
Steve (Washington)
@SandraH.i may have been distracted for a moment, but somehow i remember him promising that these programs would be protected. shame on us for believing him.
Hddvt (Vermont)
This wretched excuse for a president is full of fake bravado, exclaiming he would like to have a full trial, and that he'd like to sit and watch the proceedings (he'd have to stay silent-HA), except that his lawyers wouldn't allow it. Hey Mr. President, who's in charge here?
Kevin (Albany NY)
@Hddvt He also said he would love to have Mullvaney, Pompeo and Bolton testify. Surprise, it just turned out to be another one of Trump's lies. This another one of them.
Brian Whistler (Forestville CA)
Same with releasing his tax returns, which he’d love to do. But you know, he’s being audited (for the last 3 years!)
Sean Berry (Braselton, Ga)
@Hddvt Trump is a king of media manipulation. He's been doing it his entire life. I wish the Democrats would stay above the nonsense, but they don't. Going to take a special kind of special to get us out of this national embarrassment.
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
Why would this "performance" surprise anyone? Of course Trump belittles and talks trash about political opponents and lies about his behavior while representing our country on foreign soil. It's what he does. It's like breathing. Remember he did this in a partisan interview with FOX NEWS Laura Ingraham sitting next to an American military cemetery after the D-Day commemoration. Trump isn't capable of restraining himself. He's always going to indulge himself by venting about his feuds, persecution, personal obsessions (toilet flushing....) and conspiracies. He's a huckster. Reality tv star was the only job Trump ever had that was suited to his 'abilities.' It only required him to sit around on camera amidst sycophants like his children and minor entertainment celebrities judging other people, praising or belittling them and voicing his opinion about whatever topics interested him that day. It was Trump's version of "The View." The guy doesn't have a presidential bone in his body.
Ed (Colorado)
Let's not overlook how unpatriotic --how near-treasonous --it is for a president or any other government official to attack members of Congress while on foreign soil. Unprecedented, disgusting ,and so, so typical of this small, small man--and a fitting reminder that he feels more at home on foreign soil and with foreign "leaders" than in the US.
Eraven (NJ)
Trump's tantrums are no more news worthy.
Suzanne Victor (Southampton, PA)
Once again showing his true character, Trump downplayed the injuries received by troops injured in the Iran missed attack. To show compassion would go against the truth that everything did not go perfectly. I don’t understand how all these Republicans in the Senate blindly stand behind everything he does. Don’t you get it? He will throw you under the bus the minute you are of no use to him. The man is a malignant narcissist and if it does not concern him he has no interest.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@Suzanne Victor: One concussion from an exploding bomb can do more damage to a human brain than a career in professional football. The pressure wave induces severe cavitation at flesh and bone interfaces.
Muffy McGuffin (Vancouver, WA)
Let’s step into an alternate universe for a moment… “At a press conferences following the World Economic Forum, MR. OBAMA called Jim Jordan of Ohio a ‘sleaze bag’ and referred to Representative Devin Nunes of California, Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, as a ‘con job’ and a ‘corrupt politician.’ The president referred to Mr. Nunes and the other House impeachment managers as ‘major sleaze bags.’” Just imagine, if you will! A mere four years ago we could never have imagined a President of the United States using this kind of language and conducting himself in such a way on the world stage. Republicans who support this man have no shame.
MJUM (Boston)
@Muffy McGuffin If President Obama had done that, the Republicans would have impeached him based only on that.
jerry lee (rochester ny)
@Muffy McGuffin Reality Check dont under estimate the republicans there are many in rank in file who know exactly whats up .History is lesson our first republican presdent free the slaves. History still unwritten for present president .
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@Muffy McGuffin: I don't have a clue what people respect about Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes.
Zobar (West Coast)
Another set of convenient lies: "I'd love to attend the trial & sit in the front row." "I'd love for Bolton & Mulvaney & everyone to testify." He says these things knowing there's no way any of them will happen. Even if his lawyers recommended he go & testify he wouldn't go. If his lawyers recommended that Bolton & everyone testify he would fire them and get new lawyers. It sounds so goood to say those things from halfway around the world. It's plainly empty talk as he still won't release any documents, and no one thinks that even if he was in the country he would attend in person. That's OK, though. He won't be removed, but he knows that he's still impeached. There's satisfaction for the rest of us in knowing that no matter what he says it's just killing him inside.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@Zobar: Trump's fans all vouch that the man is too deep for ordinary mortals to fathom.
Amanda Bonner (New Jersey)
@Zobar The "killing him inside" has to move on to just killing him.
omartraore (Heppner, OR)
'National security concerns.' Does that mean he's no longer spending his mornings watching Fox & Friends? Can twitter attacks on private citizens and so many perceived enemies solve the nation's security problems? Trump seems fixated on this ego horror show of his own making. Except it's sort of like outtakes from the Blair Witch Project. If he were truly serving the country, instead of fighting this losing battle to seem legitimate--which is the opposite of this show 'trial'--he would walk away from the presidency. Which is enough reason for dragging the country down with him--more footholds to climb back out of his swamp. His handlers, what's left anyway (and what self-respecting lawyers will sign up for this train wreck?), know that without Trump, their reality TV show ends badly now, not just later in history books.
WestHartfordguy (CT)
Friedman is right: “Why would an innocent man not want all the evidence out and all the witnesses to testify? Wouldn’t you if you were innocent?”
Kevin (Albany NY)
@WestHartfordguy Moscow Mitch and other Republican Senators know he's guilty as sin. That's why they are blocking bringing forward any new additional evidence or testimony.They dont want the American people to see how extensive the corruption really is and have the damning testimony coming directly from key people in his Administration.
Evelyn (Vancouver)
Republican Senators, impeachment is a gift that will allow you to get rid of this total embarrassment of a President. Don't waste this opportunity!
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Trump could hack an Iranian air defense system to shoot down a Unkrainian airliner and the Iranians would never admit it. Likewise the US will never admit that the Republicans hacked the 2016 presidential election with Anthony Weiner's computer.
Sailorgirl (Florida)
I would love to see him attend the trial also but as a deposed witness answering questions under oath. As an American citizen that is what I am constitutionally entitled too. Enough with the “FakeTrail!”
Pablo (Down The Street)
Once again Trump proves that he really only cares about himself.
CathyK (Oregon)
When’s is he going to lash out at George Conway doing his impeachment stump on Trump on CNN
Aj (OR)
He should be at his own trial and made to sit and listen instead of swanning around with the world's richest while we pay for it.
Valerie (Nevada)
The world knows Tump is a liar. To state he would prefer a long trial with witnesses shows just how mentally ill the man truly is. Trump is fighting for a short trial with no witnesses to testify against him. Trump can't tell the truth to save his own life. He's incapable of distinguishing between fact and fiction. We should come together as Americans and demand that Trump have a mental health examination. A President deemed mentally impaired would have to be removed from office, for the well being of our country. Vote Democrat like your life depended upon it. The only message Republicans will understand is "unemployment".
Fromjersey (NJ)
Right up there with his "perfect" call.
Taylor (Augusta, Georgia)
If we could straighten out the press in our country? Are republicans just blind/deaf to comments like this? Terrifying.
Amanda Jones (Chicago)
Nothing but class..that is our President---can't speak in full sentences, insults his guests, and brags about how much he doesn't know.
Daniel Brockman (Washington)
Mr. Trump's comments on the need to protect national security by blocking witnesses, to state the obvious, are self-serving. He is trying to manage the prosecution of himself for high crimes and misdemeanors. He doesn't recognize or he doesn't respond to his own conflict of interest.
btcpdx (portland, OR)
"If we could straighten out the press in our country...." This sends shivers down my spine and is most likely a harbinger of things to come.
richard (Guil)
The Senate shouldn't "ruin" is desire to have lengthy discussion and witness testimony at the trial. No one in the US thinks the Ukraine is a serious security threat to the existence of the USA. So whats the problem?
Steve (Sonora, CA)
It's really tough to play third fiddle to a 17-year-old school girl.
Nancy Barnard Starr (Auckland NZ)
Trump, verbally going after a gifted, eloquent child he's jealous of. Is this prohibited by international law?
Steve (Sonora, CA)
@Nancy Barnard Starr - I'm afraid not. It is the hallmark of America being great again that the head of state should beat the snot out of anyone with greater intelligence, dignity and presence than he possesses. For which I (and most Americans) apologize. But it does explain a lot about his relationships with his wives and daughter.
Lawrence (Washington D.C,)
''Mr. Trump also insisted that his side of the story was the easy one to explain, and that he was simply a target because of his own success. “I’m honest,” he said. “I make great deals.” This was just released by "The Ministry of Truth" He's mastered "Lie hugely or go home''. He and his party are beyond shame.
Skeptic (USA)
Slight correction: "Lie bigly."
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@Lawrence: Trump exploits all who take his baited contracts.
Anne (CA)
I think Donald Trump would be pleased to testify as Witness-1. His lawyers and the Republicans likely want a speedy trial before that could ever happen. He would brag about what a great deal he envisioned extracting from vulnerable young Zelensky and Ukraine.
Packard (Madison)
Viewing President Donald Trump is like watching a Dave Chappelle sketch of his illiterate and indigent street character, “Lil’ Jon.” When Trump is talking to his supporters or bantering with the MSM, he oftentimes projects the crazy, he might do anything persona. However, whenever he is talking to real money people, he comes across as a model of sobriety and prudence. Go figure. Maybe Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi was right. All of these Trump v. MSM staged fights are little more than World Wrestling Entertainment hokum with an emphasis on the entertainment and money making parts.
Mford (ATL)
Why can't the Senate at least fulfill the President's open, public wish for a long trial with witnesses? Give the man what he demands, Mitch!
Consiglieri (NYC)
More bluster and hyperbole from the old tiger with no teeth, as the Chinese describe 45. Rather than fear what he inspires is laughter and mockery, as all world leaders have learned by now. If he is ever challenged in person by a brave individual and confronted, he will cut and run and hide behind his enablers, demonstrating his total absence of courage and convictions.
trudds (sierra madre, CA)
"National security concerns" Is there anyone out there that actually buys that? Seriously?
Girish Kotwal (Louisville, KY)
The impression that has been created by the press and media in Europe among Europeans about Trump is that he is a cruel nasty person who does not care about climate change and the poor huddled sick helpless central American masses. Also, he is considered hostile to people from designated terrorist states. His actions since becoming president have spoken louder than his tweets but the first impressions have stuck. It is only fair that he presents his side of the reality about his partisan impeachment and the prophets of doom. From what gather, Trump's keynote speech in the opening session of business leaders from around the world was well received and he received a warm welcome and a thunderous applause at the end with a loud applause when he committed to the 1 trillion tree initiative. As Trump is in his final year of his first term his state of America address to the world probably made a lot of the world's business leaders possibly wished they had a leader like him in their respective countries. Supposedly the numbers he rattled about the US economy were all true and even his most ardent critics would agree that his policies have been pro business, pro working class and pro free and fair trade.
Adele (Vancouver)
@Girish Kotwal It's not the media that created the impression--it's the President's own tweets and proclamations. He himself called climate change "a hoax" and is now dismantling environmental regulations; he continues to put the children of the sick helpless central American masses in cages; his own campaign promise called for a ban on entry of people from designated terrorist states and now for their immigration). It is the President himself who proclaims his own cruelty and nastiness--not the press.
Tom Jacobsen (Oregon)
@Girish Kotwal Certainly this is sarcasm, no? As far as representing his side. Perhaps he could fly home and testify on his behalf before the Senate?
Bonniwell (Virginia)
@Girish Kotwal Sarcasm?
Bartolo (Central Virginia)
Looks like he was speaking from a corner of the underground parking garage. He had better start thinking about whether to shut down entry for people coming from China. Doesn't want to be responsible for Making America Sick Again.
Kringletown (Racine)
There's our fine president in Europe mis-characterizing the reasons for impeachment. -It's not only about " The Phone Call"! The transcripts don't matter ( because they are incomplete ) -The Europeans need to hear " Now here's the rest of the story ". ( Which the president works so hard to obstruct )
Matt Mesa (Hood River, OR)
What’s funny, and scary—in a sickening, stomach turning sort of way—is that for every anti-Trump comment on here there is another somewhere else expressing just the opposite. And they’re out there by the millions. It’s a tough game to play.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@Matt Mesa: Polishing Trump's apple is purported to speed one's passage through Purgatory after death, or be crucial to survival if Judgment Day happens.
Paul (Florida)
Trump could 'straighten out the press' in America if it didn't have to continually report on his corruption, his false innuendos about all others, his name calling and defamation of character for those that stand up to him including 'the press'. Simple fix is get him and his out of government.
b fagan (chicago)
PLEASE let him sit in the front row. Please call the witnesses he blocked from testifying in the House proceedings. Please bring in all the evidence that would supposedly exonerate him. He keeps telling us he's innocent, yet somehow managed to prevent all his staff from testifying and clearing his name. Now the poor man is hurt by the accusations he could have had cleared up - but for some reason he felt it more important to not have anyone who had first-hand knowledge on the call clear him. Under oath. Wonder why he didn't let that happen?
marty (andover, MA)
@b fagan Of course Trump is just bloviating, per usual, about sitting in at the impeachment trial. The reality is that he would be unable to last more than FIVE minutes, because he has the attention span of a five year old and would be squirming and looking around for a way out soon enough. And of course, he wouldn't have his phone with him either. But the Dems should move to have him attend and let The Kentucky Komrade vote it down with the rest of the Republican cowards.
b fagan (chicago)
@marty -- but it's a wonderful dream, to have Trump actually held to his word about a substantial issue. Of course, Moscow Mitch can't risk that. He's chuckling at the Democrats getting stiffed under his rule, while his rich wife bolsters their retirement account from her Cabinet seat. Democrats should insist he sit up front, in silence, without a phone.
Nostradamus Said So (Midwest)
@marty As in any trial (like his team wants to claim this is) the defendant has to be present during the trial phase to hear all witnesses & evidence against him. Any explosive behavior would have him held in contempt & jailed &/or fined some big amount. Then he can be called to the stand to give his side of the story. His team wouldn't let him do that.
Technic Ally (Toronto)
I should think that Roberts is well placed to decide if given evidence is a security risk to the country or rather to trump's security and then allow or disallow it.
David (Minnesota)
@Technic Ally Roberts can try, but he can be overruled by a simple majority vote of the Senate. You see, the "trial" is rigged by McConnell and the Republicans.
thadeus (thadeus)
To my way of thinking, the very best thing about a successful impeachment is the removal of the perqs of the office. Legal protection, (real or imagined), vulnerability to prosecution, the inability to use the Secret Service to squelch criticism, and being subject to the second most onerous thing in government, the IRS. I want no harm to come to this man, I want him to enjoy the country the rest of us cope with.
rose6 (Marietta GA)
"i'm honest" is right up there with "Do elephants fly"? If he is so honest than why is he hiding behind exceutive privledge on matters that are alreay in the public view?
Eric Sargent (Detroit)
An "ugly American" right from central casting...
Bob (Idaho)
The master of projection rolls out his non-stop lie machine once again embarrassing us on the world stage once again.
JSD (Squaw Valley USA)
The winner is once again Putin, who installed our illegitimate President in office (Putin’s puppet) with the help of Zuckerberg which yielded an illegitimate Judiciary courtesy of Senate “Leader” McConnell (Moscow Mitch) and now a sham “trial” all brought to you by the Republican Party hacks and sycophants known as Senators (Graham, Collins, McSally, Rubio, Cruz, Romney, et al) and Fox “News”. There are no Howard Baker’s in this Republican crowd, no integrity and no spines ... simply clowns that put their own seats and perks ahead of the National interest. They deserve to go the way of the Whigs. I have always voted for individuals (first ever vote for Bob Dole out of high school) rather than parties. No more, an R behind someone’s name is immediately suspect, better to support and fund their opponents even if they’re a dog (see Friedman’s column).
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@JSD: Putin's scheme to break up the US for breaking up the USSR found every crack in the wall.
Canajun guy (Canada)
Trump truly thinks he is living in a TV world . His, "it's me, not you" statement about Bolton? That's Gerorge Costanza's signature break-up line. Plagarism should now be added to the list of impeachable offences.
GUANNA (New England)
Donald Trump the clown at an adults birthday party. He is their as the elected official of all Americans but he only represents Donald J, Trump. Please god deliver us from this evil.
Guy P (Canada)
Good Bless America! You certainly need it. As an external observer I was appalled by patently undemocratic spectacle in the Senate yesterday. GOP supporters should be hanging their heads in shame. I see nothing but spineless sycophants voting for self preservation. Meanwhile Trump is in Davos spouting drivel to the laughter of the rest of the world. American democracy is on a rapid downward spiral as demonstrated yesterday without the required checks and balances. Have a look at the global standing of USA as a democracy that came out today USA's democracy is rated BELOW Uruguay, Mauritius, Costa Rica, and Chile and just above Botswana!! Wake up and stand up Americans! You are the laughing stock of the world! While non-Americans don't have immediate political ramifications of your degrading democracy we all have to worry about war, the economy, pollution, climate change , global stability, and the general welfare of the global population, What I saw from the troop of Trump hacks, who had no hesitation to spin and lie instead of support the constitution and facts leaves me with little faith. My hope that the American voters can unite later this year and re-made the USA as the global Guiding Light it have been during my lifetime.
Carol (NJ)
Thanks Canada. We are in agreement.
joymmoran (san clemente)
@Guy P Guy--- Many, many Americans feel the way you do. Even if a majority of American voters want Trump out, I'm afraid there is still a real chance, given the vulnerabilities in our electronic voting systems and the weird structure of the Electoral College, that Trump may end up 'elected' again. And that would be a terrifying threat to the whole world. God help us.
Larry Yates (New York)
@Guy P You saw a degrading democracy in our Senate yesterday; I saw a democracy never perfect but always struggling. Make no mistake, our Grand Old Party -- the party of Lincoln -- will pay a price as it did in 2018. It sold its soul to stay in power, but not for long. That's what a healthy democracy should do: rid itself of diseased flesh and heal.
Cattiva (NY)
It's always about him. Whines like baby for a "man". Pathetic.
Rob Brown (Keene, NH)
You’re fired next November
@Rob Brown from your mouth to the voters ears...
Mary Carmel Kaczmarek (Winston-Salem, NC)
It takes one to know one.
JAF (Morganton Ga)
OMG, “I’m honest,” he said. “I make great deals.” what a load - 16,000 + lies since the Inauguration - he would not know the truth if it jumped up a bought a condo from him
Hla3452 (Tulsa)
@JAF I believe he knows the difference between lying and telling the truth. He simply doesn't care. He's amoral and narcissistic. Everything is transactional and the only thing that matters to him is if it affects him and whether it in his own self interests.
Maxy Green (Teslaville)
A delusional genius.
Dave T. (The California Desert)
Always, always, it's all about Donald. He's the whiniest grown man I have ever heard. And his voters think he's an alpha male, anointed by Jesus. Chortle.
Suryasmiles (AK)
Even seeing his face...ugh. Let alone reading any words spilling out of his diminished brain, lies.
Tyler Lones (Suquamish WA)
“I think being totally open and transparent is totally for the best, except anybody who can tell the truth about these events has been categorized by me as a national security risk - sorry, guys, there’s really nothing I can do, I’m only President!”
RDM (Toronto)
So the President of the United States had to defy the expectations he would pick a fight with a 17-year old girl? Fantastic.
Jacquie (Iowa)
@RDM That sums up the level of his intelligence.
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
@RDM Apparently he fantasized about it.
pb (calif)
He should have stayed home and saved America more embarrassment. How did we come to this? Vote the GOP out!
Becky (Boston)
According to Trump, talking on Fox News is just as good as testifying before Congress under oath! "He cited an October appearance by Mr. Mulvaney on “Fox News Sunday” as the reason his testimony under oath was not necessary. “He’s really expressed himself very well when he did a Chris Wallace interview,” Mr. Trump said. “I think there’s not much to add.”"
Mark (Cleveland)
The Trump gang often strike me as marauders caught in the midst of a burglary and call the cops on the homeowner.
Paul (NYC)
“Why would an innocent man not want all the evidence out and all the witnesses to testify? Wouldn’t you if you were innocent?” “Why would an innocent man not want all the evidence out and all the witnesses to testify? Wouldn’t you if you were innocent?” “Why would an innocent man not want all the evidence out and all the witnesses to testify? Wouldn’t you if you were innocent?”
The Game of Plutocrats is playing out in Davos, dividing up the spoils by spoiling our planet amongst themselves. Next there will be cataclysmic battles to decide who will ultimately sit on the golden throne and loo that the trump currently sits on in America, his fiefdom and House of Trump, as the supreme plutocrat and ruler of the planet he uses as his sewer. Whose House will Greta be forced to kneel to? How about the rest of us? Indeed, the wealth is so astronomical and so concentrated that the plutocratic class (0.00001% of the world's population) now own governments and entire nations and ultimately effectively own the entire planet - indeed, they already exploit and pollute the air, water and land as if they owned it all. Parasitic capitalism is our doom.
The Monte Scoop (Ramapo, NY)
" President Trump said on Wednesday that he would prefer a long impeachment trial with witness testimony before the Senate, but that national security concerns made that impossible, and added that he would like to attend the trial." Hahahaha! Mr. Trump (thanks Annie for dropping his fake title in most of your article) - I am so glad you are making these ludicrous remarks in front of the whole world - now we all have something to laugh about! The reason I am crying is that the United States has forever lost any credibility with the rest of the world because we are showing what a pitiful and weak democracy we truly have.
Citizen (AK)
The Chief Justice admonished the House Impeachment Managers and Trumps Attorneys for crossing the line on civil discourse. But the Twitter-In Chief knows no bounds when it comes to that referring to his opponents as “con jobs” and “major sleaze bags”.
Jim (Columbia, MO)
Trump said he'd like a long impeachment trial with witness testimony, ha, ha. He'll be in Davos all week.
PaulM (Ridgecrest Ca)
Perverted American democracy once again on display for world leaders as exemplified by Trump.
Bonnie (Mass.)
"President Trump said on Wednesday that he would prefer a long impeachment trial with witness testimony before the Senate, but that national security concerns made that impossible" Lie # 16,0000 whatever...
sheikyerbouti (California)
'Mr. Trump claimed that he favored a drawn-out process that would allow witnesses like John Bolton, the former national security adviser; Mick Mulvaney, the acting chief of staff; and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, but said that allowing them to testify would create “a national security problem.”' '.....but said that allowing them to testify would EXPOSE “a national security problem.”' There, fixed that for you.
John Wayne (Raleigh NC)
What I find more interesting is that when he was a private citizen he was never invited to attend that conference. At first, the only reason he was invited was that ostensively he is the president of the United States. Now they invite him to be the comic relief. Between the lies and the name-calling, you would think you are listening to a child not an adult, never the less the president of the United States. What a whining little person.
jrgolden (Memphis,TN)
“I’m honest,” he said. “I make great deals.” Chuckle! If you say so.
joyce (pennsylvania)
Trump is such an embarrassment to all of us. I think the world already knows that he holds in contempt anyone who doesn't agree with him or worship him, but he has to keep denigrating other people to make himself feel big. This mockery of a hearing that the Senate is holding is perfect in reflecting this mockery of a man. In a perfect world he never could have gotten his present position, but sadly enough there are too many people afraid to stand up to him. The senate, under McConnell is a disgrace and frankly they should also be held in contempt.
Philip W (Boston)
He is such an embarrassment to our country when on the World Stage. It is no wonder other Leaders laugh behind his back.
Seth (Tampa FL)
@Philip W Unfortunately they just do it behind his back while reaping the rewards of his policies that benefit the ruling class. It's sad that the only one with a "spine" in the room is Greta Thunberg.
Jacquie (Iowa)
World leader look on as a delusional President of the United States displays how truly mentally ill he really is. Embarrassment for a once great nation.
Dave (LA)
This president is doing what he always does, according to his own admissions - whinning - about everything, including the cover off Time.
Frank (San Francisco)
We claim to be the world’s greatest democracy. The world will now get to judge that claim as nations observe a sad and embarrassing spectacle of coverups by Senators who just swore an oath of impartial justice for our President who is a liar and yes, a sleaze bag of a human being.
Jane K (Northern California)
There are so many reasons that it is embarrassing to have this man represent all of us on the world stage. He shows himself to be a simpleton and a bully in almost all his communications, whether it’s on Twitter, a press conference or interview. Worse than that, is that grown, sophisticated men in the Senate are willing to follow him because they don’t have enough pride to say what is blatantly obvious to the rest of the world, he’s an uneducated blowhard who hasn’t got a clue. The Senators that continue to support him and vote to defend him are the ones that look like weak fools.
I would use the word “TRAITORS”. That is exactly what they are. Look it up.
Skeptic (USA)
Sadly, the senators have to act the way their constituents ask them to. Otherwise they will not get reelected. So the problem may not be these supposedly sophisticated (but clearly unprincipled) men in the Senate, but the ones that ask them to be there.
Deb (Blue Ridge Mtns.)
@Jane K - They support him because they're as corrupt as he is. He just gives them cover. While he's acting like the dolt he is, they're lining their pockets and rigging the law to protect themselves.
mt (Portland OR)
Chief justice Roberts should have saved his comments for trump. If trump can get away with far worse, then why should the world’s greatest deliberative body (not anymore) have to follow suit.
RomRed (New York)
Still smarting from not chosen as the Time Person of the year and beaten by a teenager who needs anger management. I love it.
drollere (sebastopol)
meanwhile, the coverage at WaPo is all about the environmental and climate change concerns among the davos attendees. trump is a distraction and always has been. he's a kitty toy, flounced around at the end of a stick to make us pounce and play. oh, the outrage; oh, the indignation; oh, it's trump! meanwhile, the past decade is the warmest on record, and all future decades will be the warmest on record, until we take serious and concerted action against climate change. according to WaPo, the davos attendees already know and acknowledge this. their real fear is wealth distributing candidates like warren and sanders. according to NYT, it's all about trump.
NJlatelifemom (NJRegion)
Paging Democratic Senators: please make a motion to honor Donald’s request and have him appear at his own impeachment trial. It will be solid gold to have 53 Republicans vote it down. Republican Omertà on display will make for beautiful campaign ads in November.
Tony (New York City)
@NJlatelifemom I wonder sometimes how Trump goes to sleep at night and does he have tortured dreams? Trump makes no sense about anything and always whining about something . How in the world can anyone stand being in the same room with him. The constant white noise goes on and on and the lies are non stop. The people in Switzerland must've been so delighted to see him fly away. The remaining people could relax and enjoy themselves without the brilliant Trump family around them
Veester (NYC)
Within the title of the article the "Enemies Back Home" is exactly what's wrong with this president and his corrupt administration. People who don't support him or who didn't vote for him are the enemy. There are no enemies here, just Americans who are trying to live their lives the best they can. They pay their taxes, obey the rules and hope for a decent life with some degree of protection from the government. Just because they vote D instead of R they are not the enemy. Only in a dictatorship are people with an opposite viewed as the enemy and we are heading there if this uninformed, immoral and unethical man is allowed a second term. Dems, take a page from the Republican playbook and stand united no matter what. No time for quibbling about who os the most woke.
@ Veester Exactly! We all, at least in theory, love our country. We may disagree about the best way forward, but that’s where discourse and compromise play a part. I’m tired of being seen as the enemy. I’m an American who loves my country. It’d been nice if the GOP, our friends and family and fellow Americans, saw it that way. Without the truth being aired in the light of day for all to see, they won’t believe the truth. And even then, I fear they can’t handle the truth (to borrow from A Few Good Men).
HMJ (Central PA)
@Veester In addition to choosing this comment as notable, please change your headline NYTimes.
John Howe (Tavernier, FL)
In the headline for this article, the word “enemies” should NOT have been used to refer to 45’s political opponents and/or media critics, unless 45 has specifically referred to them all (lumped them together as such), in which case it should be in quotes. Its use in headline sloppily, irresponsibly, unprofessionally mimics, memes 45’s wannabe fascist lingo and helps him aggravate and divide the rest of us.
Mike Roddy (Alameda, Ca)
Those Davos attendees are not chumps. They must have squirmed and smirked during that speech, embarrassed to be in the same room with that man. Unfortunately, we have to suffer from him every day.
Djt (Norcal)
@Mike Roddy don’t be so sure. He is doing their financial bidding, but unlike previous presidents, he says the quiet part out loud. They love what he is doing for their pocketbooks, they just wish he wasn’t so obvious about it. The people at Davos are not friends of workers.
sheikyerbouti (California)
@Djt ' they just wish he wasn’t so obvious about it.' I'm not so sure about that. These people care about ONE thing. That's money. I'm pretty sure that these people are happy to have a guy like Trump in power. He is going to serve them regardless of the cost to the 'workers' or the environment. And he's going to thumb his nose at everyone else in the process of it.
Rick Gage (Mt Dora)
Time for another "Infrastructure Week". Those White House aides should know by now that a change of location will not change the President's points of interests or point of view. They remain squarely, defiantly, egotistically and idiotically centered around him. You can take the boy out of the country but you can't make him a man. The host countries already know this, time for the American people to get wise.
Yasin (Paris)
I laughed hard reading ur comment..Beautifully put. lol
James Stevens (Hamburg, Germany)
“.... where impeachment overshadowed all else.” The media does know, (as do most people, I hope), that it is that way because they make it that way. Not that it isn’t major, historic news (it is), but there are many other stories in the nation and world that likewise deserve attention. Yes, give the trial with all of its issues and irregularities its fair due, but only its fair due. Rely on We the People to say what is important to us (try using clicks on stories and monitoring how long someone stays on a page, for instance). What’s news and what isn’t is too often decided by what someone wants to be made into news, instead of what We The People really need to be hearing and reading. Enough of this “tail wagging the dog “ way of doing things.
Phil Carson (Denver)
@James Stevens I think you have it exactly backwards.
Joe B. (Center City)
A majority of Americans want to see Trump imprisoned for his crimes. A hopeful sign.
ubique (NY)
“Mr. Trump appeared eager to defy expectations that he would pick a fight with another high-profile guest at the conference, the 17-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, whom he has criticized in the past.” The President of the United States bullies a teenager, and he thinks that it makes him look tough. My how we’ve fallen.
JMWB (Montana)
@ubique , Trump is such a spineless guy isn't he?
Bonnie (Mass.)
@ubique Greta is tougher than Trump
Hy Nabors (Minneapolis)
@Bonnie And much, much smarter.
L. L. Nelson (La Crosse, WI)
Trump's the anti-ambassador who can be counted upon to behave inappropriately and offensively wherever and whenever.
Jay (Maryland)
Too bad the Democrats couldn't switch parties to Republican en masse. That way we could eliminate Trump in the primary. As long as a Republican replacement believes in the rule of law, I don't care. We can worry about policy later. In the meantime, welcome to Berlin, Germany circa 1936.
N8t (Out Wes)
@Jay "As long as a Republican replacement believes in the rule of law......." Alice in Wonderland was an excellent movie but it's fiction. Just like your dream that there is a republican, alive, on earth at this moment, who believes in the rule of law.
Renee Margolin (Oroville california)
With apologies to James Thurber, “The ethical Republican is a mythical beast”.
DMH (nc)
There used to be a rule of conduct: "Politics end at the water's edge." I think it was shameful that reporters at this press conference should have asked about the State of the Union Address and the Impeachment Trial. And it's doubly shameful the way the President responded.
Ben Lieberman (Acton Massachusetts)
Please stop printing Trump's falsehoods on air and water without listing the many environmental protections he has gutted. His administration has been dedicated to loosening protections for air and water. These will result in more exposure to toxic substances, more destruction or natural resources and more deaths, He likes to talk about air and water to provide a thin veneer of implausible deniability to the small part of his base that feels a little bad about enabling environmental destruction. Please stop enabling him.
He’s been gutting environmental protections since day 1. Regrettably, he says one thing to the nation, and another to his campaign supporters, then does whatever he wants. We don’t find out about what he’s really done, until it’s already done. My question to him and his administration is, what is he doing with all our taxpayer money that has been allotted for those environmental protections on air, water, forestry, and wildlife. All we hear about is HIS economy. There’s a whole other side of HIS economy and unemployment rate that is not being told. Like, job rate has gone up? Really? Does that count for the 2 and 3 jobs that people need to hold down in order to keep a roof over their heads? Or food on the table? Does that count towards people that have to decide to put food on the table or medical insurance? He’s not just gutting environmental protections, he’s gutting the opportunity for people to have medical coverage. He’s cut Medicare, reduced Medicaid, and seniors that live on social security only, really can’t “live” on it. He’s killing more than the environment, he’s killing people.
Bonnie (Mass.)
@LI RES Trump is on a mission to deconstruct the federal government. Let's hope he continues to be deeply incompetent...
A Mandalorian (Wherever Baby Yoda is...)
@Ben Lieberman Amen. Plus his intentional shrinking of national park and wildlife reserve lands. His denial of climate change (guess he'll get it when Mar A Lago sinks beneath the Atlantic waves). His dropping out of the Paris Accord. His allowance of drilling in endangered wildlife refuges like ANWR (see the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017). His easing of federal auto emissions standards. On top of all this he's in love with coal, oil, and gas. Gas...that's one thing he knows a lot about.
ChristineMcM (Massachusetts)
"He said that the White House would be right to assert executive privilege to block Mr. Bolton from testifying, even as he claimed he was open to hearing from his former adviser." The president is just like Susan Collins, trying to have it both ways when we know his ultimate move. His treatment of "enemies" is a sickning example of the incivility in Washington: when the facts are inconvenient, he launches personal attacks. It may sound juvenile, but the man is dangerous: I can only imagine his vindictiveness towards those who don't agree with him if he wins a second term. His statement on the press is even more astonishing than Cipollone's assertion the president honors his word. "If we could straighten out the press in this country" puts chills down my spine. Only FOX-like fealty will do for a president who's already hinted what he plans to do to press freedoms.
mt (Portland OR)
@ChristineMcM You are right to be alarmed. If re-elected trump will spend the next four years exacting revenge that will make the last four years seem extremely civil and peaceful. And he will pick his enemies off one by one, and, we democrats, will be on his list of enemies. The only remedy is to get him defeated and I wish more commenters would focus on this goal instead of restating their angst over and over. Donate to campaigns, canvass, register voters. Work as if your life depended on it. The republican re-election machine is way ahead of us in these endeavors and we have a lot of catching up to do. March as one. Vote blue no matter who, 2020.
Bolton could testify, he doesn’t have to answer “privilege” questions. Trump doesn’t want anyone that was actually a witness, BE a witness. Because he knows he’s guilty!
@mt I agree, especially your statement of revenge. I’ve been saying the same thing since Speaker Pelosi announced they were beginning the Impeachment hearings, but Trump has been on a “revenge” rampage ever since he raised his hand on Jan 20, 2017. He didn’t take an oath to uphold the Constitution, he took an oath to have a partisan government. He wants all democrats out. He’s definitely a problem for our country’s survival, and it’s frightening what he’ll do next.
David Kannas (Seattle, WA)
The men standing behind trump in the photo are all protecting their vital parts in such a way that they are wary of a frontal attack. They should be afraid, very afraid. Each one is going down with trump. If not now, later, but soon. Yes, gentlemen (I give them that title with reluctance), your day is coming when you wished you could turn back the clock and say no to joining this crime family.
Bonnie (Mass.)
@David Kannas One hopes at least some of them will end up like Haldeman and Erlichman, Nixon's henchmen, with prison time.
Randé (Portland, OR)
@David Kannas : I do hope you're right - but so far the human race has been very disappointing - because these vial creatures cum wastes-of-space are still standing before our very eyes.
MM Q. C. (Reality Base, PA)
Does he know that a well-lived life is more than “making good deals”? Good god almighty! Did he have no role models other than his father? Does he know what it means to have a conscience? Winning - deal making- denigrating anyone who has a different opinion than him, aren’t these all signs of a sociopath? Betcha’ “deal making” was on his mind at the Press Conference because that was the only reason he went to Davos in the first place. Not deal making for his country. No-o-o, deal making for himself and his family. I think it was very nice of the American people to pay for him and his family to have a lovely vacation in the Swiss Alps. After all, Ivanka and Jared DO SO love to go skiing. Davos is a joke that pretends to care about Climate Change so lots of billionaires can do their yearly networking. Hail to the thief!
Jane K (Northern California)
@MM Q. C., He does not know a well lived life is more than making deals any more than the Evangelicals know that there is more to life than controlling women they don’t even know.
Bonnie (Mass.)
@MM Q. C. Trump displays the absence of empathy for other living beings that is a hallmark of narcissistic personality disorder. I fear his other role model may be Putin.
cassandra (somewhere)
@MM Q. C. Spot on! The emperors have no clothes.
Phil Hurwitz (Rochester NY)
"The president referred to Mr. Schiff and the other House impeachment managers as “major sleaze bags” said he would love to attend his own trial in order to “sit right in the front row and stare into their corrupt faces.” But he admitted that his lawyers would most likely advise him against doing so." A profile in cowardice.
His attorneys have no defense! Their defense appears to be a continuation of the line of questioning the House republicans were doing. There was nothing but defamation of the House democrats. IMO, that is NOT a defense! There’s apparently no evidence or witnesses to defend trump! The presidents attorneys have absolutely nothing! If they have any credibility as attorneys, they’d walk out to keep some sort of reputation.
Randé (Portland, OR)
@Phil Hurwitz : Classic narcissist - projecting its own faults onto others and denying it has any faults whatsoever. Narcissists are some of the most vial specimens of humankind that exist - and very very dangerous due to there being so many utterly stupid people who fall for a narcissist charade all the time.
cheryl (yorktown)
@Phil Hurwitz . . . and this is one of the few times he has ever listened to counsel . . .
SMB (New York, NY)
There should be a severe penalty for any one who lies and any one who disparages another person. The vile talk personal remarks should be dealt with. This is a shameful mockery of an impeachment trial. Of course we all know who has led to this change in our politics.
This is a shameful display of ANY type of trial! McConnell has made a mockery of 100 senators oath to provide a fair and just trial! He’s making up the rules as he goes along in order to benefit trump and himself! The most pay for the least amount of work! That’s the current congress!
Howard Levine (Middletown Twp., PA)
He hides behind audits. He hides behind national security. For a man with such brazen bravado, he sure does a lot of hiding.
Maxy Green (Teslaville)
If not for those dang bone spurs he’d of gotten them Vietcong.
Jerry Schulz (Milwaukee)
He is also hiding behind what he claims is his lawyers’ advice. Except of course any lawyer would be terrified to turn him loose on the floor of the Senate. It could turn into a combination of a Bizarro “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” and Joe McCarthy’s confrontation by Mr. Welch - “Have you no decency, at long last?”
Patrick alexander (Oregon)
@Howard Levine ....but, but, he has bone spurs.
Jazzie (Canada)
Mr. Schiff, Mr. Nadler, Ms. Pelosi, and the countless other individuals have been insulted by Mr. Trump over and over again. Sadly, in the US, l there is no criminal defamation or insult law on a federal level, whereas on a state level 23 have these laws on the books. Maybe it is time to revisit this oversight. The above mentioned would surely have more than enough evidence of defamation/libel/slander.
Hugh McIsaac (Santa Cruz, CA)
Reading Trump’s comments is painful. How this human being could be elected thanks to to the outdated electoral college President of the United States is unbelievable and tragic. He lost the popular vote by three million votes.
Brian (Phoenix, AZ)
@Hugh McIsaac Agree, but it is still disturbing to note how many Americans thought that him as POTUS was a good idea.
MM Q. C. (Reality Base, PA)
@Brian And what’s even more disturbing is how many still support and defend him. Well, the Bible says that the poor will always be with us but, try as I may, I can’t seem to find the passage that states: “The ignorant will out-number the poor” ( sigh! ).
Randé (Portland, OR)
@Brian Exactly - I've lost respect for those so-called amerikins who fell for this narcissist's act. How stupid can one truly be? Beyond tolerable, really.
marty (andover, MA)
The seven House managers should play a video of Trump's juvenile, incoherent and narcissistic rant from Davos at the impeachment trial he "so wants to attend." Play it in front of those 53 Republican senators and emphasize that this is the man they have pledged their loyalty to, have capitulated to as the US sinks further into the abyss of an Alice in Wonderland world. Let Fox News pick up the Senate feed of this disgraceful man making a complete fool of himself on the international stage. Then play it back in the heartland, the working class areas of Penn., Wis., Mich and Ohio and emphasize that their "champion" was leading the charge to take away their health care and did nothing to bring back those vaunted "industrial" jobs. Maybe for once, the truth will win out.
Barry C (Ashland, OR)
@marty Hard to hear the "truth" when hands are held tightly over ears. Look, how much longer must we endure before everyone understands one basic thing here? Trump's minions don't need no stinking truth.
gcinnamon (Corvallis, OR)
I saw a further quote from the tweet that urged Ms. Thunberg to concentrate "on those dirty places." The White House is now the dirtiest place on Earth, bar none.
The Chop (Wisconsin)
@gcinnamon Drain the White House.
Anne (Phoenix)
His inflated and fragile ego on full display. An embarrassment to our country. Witnessing yet another of Trump's tirades about wanting witnesses to appear and he would like to sit in the front row at the Impeachment trial.......HOW can any Republican in good conscience support this delusional joke of a POTUS.
DJT (Daly City, CA)
There are no Republicans of good conscience. Not a one. They are granting dictatorial power to an ignorant, vindictive, racist, sociopath because that is what their true base – not the Fox viewers, but rather the hyper-wealthy oligarchs swimming in petrodollars – handsomely pay their lackeys to do. This is all way beyond an embarrassing joke...
Skeptic (USA)
Because their constituents tell them to? It's scary to think that's the case.
Surfrank (Los Angeles)
@Anne They are just as guilty of treason as he is. Proving it by doing their best to fix the trail.
j s (oregon)
I'm long been past astonishment of this man-child's public antics. What I am truly amazed about is those who choose him as their standard bearer. From McConnell on down they continue to run interference for this creep. If you want your "ideals" to have any credibility beyond your base, see trump for what he is, expose him, and show the world that you, unlike him, are not a bunch of miscreants.
jjohannson (San Francisco)
@j s Mr. McConnell and the rest of the GOP Congressional leadership are running interference as part of their own coverup for absorbing millions in dark foreign money, much of it laundered, into their party campaign accounts in ‘14, ‘16 and to a lesser extent ‘18. It’s a coverup that extends before Garland, and one that explains their court-packing zealousness. Why else would they cast their fate with a president who hasn’t been above water once during his presidency?
Tom Baroli (California)
The tipping point is approaching. It’s trumps world and soon we’ll all be trumps. It’s the only way to survive.
Kelly (Boston)
Glad he keeps reminding the world what a joke he is.
DP (Idaho)
He exposes his true self in his last sentence. "I'm honest. I make great deals." Actually, Mr. Trump, you are "delusional" and have dishonored our country and its people more than any president in history.
Jerseytime (Montclair, NJ)
@DP ...........and he does not make great deals.
Jacquie (Iowa)
@DP Trump announced today he plans to cut Social Security and Medicare. He said the economy is doing great so no need for them.
Fred (SF)
National security concerns? Hardly. Don trades more secrets than Mata Hari. It’s all about protecting the Don.
Jacquie (Iowa)
@Fred He is so obvious about protecting little Don that the World can see right through the gaslighting.
LHW (Boston)
Ironic and sad that a few hours after Chief Justice Roberts admonished the Senate, telling them to "remember where they are", and remind them that they are "addressing the world's greatest deliberative body", Trump calls House leaders "sleaze bags" and "corrupt".
mtrav (AP)
@LHW It does like to project, doesn't it?
Jared (Grand Rapids, MI)
@LHW @mtrav He likes to project traits that describe himself onto other people, doesn't he? He also likes to ignore the fact that he's the most unpopular president running for reelection since Gerald R. Ford, & he wound up losing to Jimmy Carter in 1976.
Lew Fournier (Kitchener)
@LHW In 2017 a court sentenced a Thai man to 35 years in jail for a Facebook comment deemed insulting to the king. One can imagine Trump lusting for such power.
Anthony (Portland, OR)
Apparently Trump needs to be reminded that he is widely unpopular and disliked by most Americans.
Shan from USA (Atlanta, USA)
@Anthony Could not have said it any better myself...
Steve (Seattle)
@Anthony He is even more unpopular in the rest of the world.
David (Minnesota)
@Anthony Trump doesn't care about being popular with anyone but his base. He may be the first president in American history who doesn't even pretend to try to unify the country. That, and his xenophobia, are what his base loves about him.
Meadowlark Lemmy (In pants, hopefully)
One would think the President of the United States would also be an effective Ambassador for these same United States. But alas, our President is the Ambassador of Don instead.
El Chicano (San Antonio)
@Meadowlark Lemmy Ambassador of Don? More like Ambassador of Con!