‘The View’ Has a Meghan McCain Problem

Jan 16, 2020 · 564 comments
Didi (USA)
Gee, shocking that an opinion piece in the NYT blames the conservative for the lack of civility.
j. Clark (98113)
Petulant, a victim, boorish, humorless. Megan McCain in a nutshell.
Dave (H)
As usual The NYT's gets it all wrong. This staged schtick is from the Springer playbook. It is all about the ratings and dollars. Nothing more.
The show is trash.
Richard (Easton, PA)
Jerry Springer is smiling.
Benni (N.Y.C)
I agree with the journalist and the photo is exactly how I think of Meghan McCain since that is her pose for most of the show. Like a child in school trying to get attention with her finger up in the air saying "My turn, my turn". And Whoopi, the exasperated teacher telling the kid to shut up already! More like a sitcom – but weary.
DLS (Bloomington, IN)
Obviously, the writer has a "Meghan McCain Problem." Not sure the network and producers do. In fact they probably love the controversy and are likely high-fiving themselves over this unpaid promo and endorsement from the NYT.
jason carey (new york)
We have a problem with the children of the ruling class getting hired because of their last names.. Also Jenna Bush, Chris Cuomo, Billy Bush, and more.
John Keno (Oregon)
blah blah blah blather, It amazes me that people watch a show like that. I saw it ONCE while on the elliptical at the gym, 20 minutes of my life I will never get back, at least I got some exercise.
Passion for Peaches (Left Coast)
I just listened to the linked clip of Meghan accusing Sunny of supporting infanticide. Ay caramba. Talking over your the person you disagree with is not discussion (someone please inform Don Lemon of that). It’s just noise. But what made my jaw from is when meghan said, “I think A.O.C is the head of the (Democratic) party.” What? Since when? Maybe she meant cabal. The woman is trippy. Amazing.
Kira (Kathez)
Linda (NYC)
She is awful.
freepress (nv)
Another conservative with a chip on his/her shoulder. Who could have guessed?
Dave (BC)
Meghan McCain is humorless...full stop.
Guidomele (Minneapolis)
When listening to all their comments and watching their gestures, they “all” seem a little bit immature, narrow minded and way to to all important to themselves - with an incredible inability to understand each other’s point of “VIEW” - sadly all of them represent a sign of the times.
Gus (Southern CA)
McCain is a negative, unpleasant, angry, miserable person who capitalizes off of her father's success. She was hired because she was John McCain's daughter and has no notable accomplishments of her own. How many viewers and co-hosts are going to leave before someone at ABC wakes up and replaces McCain with a professional, rational, conservative with a personality?
Thomas (Philadelphia)
Whoopi that show is not doing you any favors. (except a fat paycheck) please go back to doing standup full-time you are so funny. This way the stage is entirely yours and you can get your opinions and the state of the nation off the ground in a hilarious way without all that yelling around you. Or even your own podcast? "Comedy is acting out optimism." ~ Robin Williams
RickKelley (Texas)
Oh my! The audacity to present (try to present) an opposing view! Better get a gag on Ms. McCain before heads explode around the table - - - obviously in need of a session or two with the thought police.
“I wasn’t born yet, so I don’t know.” MM “I wasn’t born during the French Revolution but I know about it.” Frank Begala
Carol Olsen (Staten Island)
Don’t watch daytime tv
GeorgeX (Philadelphia)
An infantile program run primarily the visual equivalent of click-bait.
Daphne (East Coast)
No split at the Yang interview. Unanimous praise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xlfTVUqSRY
T (Manhattan)
Meg McCain seems to constantly have problems with others
mrfreeze6 (Seattle, WA)
A simple question: Why does anyone waste her/his valuable time watching this nonsense? Are you the wiser for watching? Does it make you more well-informed? Is your knowledge expanded? I'd be willing to bet the answer is no on all counts.
CS (Florida)
I find her theatrics revolting.
Gill (Toronto)
Here is what I have learned about Meghan from intermittently watching the view. She is the daughter of John McCain. Did you know that?? She likes to shoot guns a lot (they will have to be taken from her dead cold hands) She likes to drink... a lot. She pretends to be 'uncomfortable' when the panel discusses sexually related topics. She is the daughter of John McCain. She worked for Fox. Not a good thing. She is not articulate on pretty much any subject. She interrupts a lot. She projects a 'victim' mentally when the panel is 'mean' to her. She is very much RIGHT to LIFE - there is no grey there. She has a lot of opinions - few of them backed up by actual facts The world is viewed through her very tight myopic privileged lens She has her current job because she is the daughter of John McCain. Did you know she is John McCain's daughter?
Renee (Eugene, Oregon)
My biggest complaint about Meghan McCain is she's always using her father as an excuse. So what? Her father was John McCain and he served in Vietnam. My dad was a nobody and he served in WWII, and I don't hide behind his service or him to define me. My dad did teach me, that extreme conservatism was what lead to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy; maybe Meghan should have been talking to her grandfather. She also seems to revel in stirring up the masses and not so much in reaching out. She's proud her Twitter feed is "dumpster fire." What does that say for her?
Giskander (Grosse Pointe, Mich.)
Meghan's a sorry and pathetic substitute for her father. Sad.
Margo Channing (NY)
Nepotism at work again, if her last name wan't McCain she'd be working in retail.
If you don’t like it why don’t you just change the channel?
Mike Murray MD (Olney, Illinois)
My wife has stopped watching the show because it is no longer enjoyable due to Ms McCain's comments.
Maria (Los Angeles)
Turn off the tv.
Sophia (chicago)
Why do we need these so-called "conservative voices?" They are not conservative. They are aggressive, nasty, vindictive flame throwers who are deliberately attempting to splinter this nation. Enough already.
arp (Ann Arbor, MI)
Meghan McCain is a spoiled, immature child. She can't seem to be able to handle conservatism or any other "-ism".
Frank Jay (Palm Springs, CA.)
McCain has "milked" her daddy's reputation at our expense having to watch her waddling fashion runway appearances. I'm a uTube segment viewer and find her obnoxious and arrogant privileged chair too heavy to bear both her and me. The show itself insults women in general terms by assembling stereotypical female caractures of themselves. Why would Warren disrespect herself in such company? Ugh.
Sofedup (San Francisco, CA)
Chaos, extreme opinions, rudeness etc sells and gets ratings - after all that kind of garbage got our president elected.
Lisa Rice (Brooklyn)
Such a toxic show. I wish they’d just cancel it already. A bunch of women slamming each other. So original.
Jay T. (California)
Infotainment masquerading as “debate.” Yet so many are still trying to put lipstick on a pig. Give it up. Please.
Henry (Minnesota)
It is not surprising to see this publication offer up the opinion that the author is not a huge fan of the only conservative voice on a predominantly liberal talk radio show.
mary bardmess (camas wa)
What a wasteland.
Patricia Waters (Athens, Tennessee)
It's really difficult to put this analysis into a structure that will not perceived to be as reductive but here goes: I'm going to pretend that the View is a classroom, a seminar discussion (forgive me, over 30 years in the classroom inform this opinion). Ms. McCain is reactive, very reactive, and personalizes. She rarely lets her interlocutor know that she hears what they are saying. She rarely validates the other person. This debacle is not really about conservative or liberal or whatever: it's about someone who cannot communicate effectively, meaning in a reciprocal way. She's a very broken person; unfortunately she has been given a platform of some extent. She has neither the habit of introspection nor the imagination to permit leaps of empathetic identity. While she may deserve our compassion, she in no way deserves the platform she has been provided to be so disruptive and so uncivil.
Preston Copeland (New York)
@Patricia Waters I wish this were a NYT Pick. You say perhaps "reductive;" I say, no, you have astutely captured the essence of the problem; namely, performative interpersonal incompetence is only entertaining when it's played for laughs. And "The View" is not a comedy.
I’ve watched a few clips, and Ms. McCain is unwatchable. She comes across as a self-pitying, whiny, it’s-never-my-fault-and-everyone-is-piling-up-on-me little princess. Not to mention extremely rude as she keeps cutting the others off constantly. I’d rather listen to chalk scraping on board. And to be clear: she would be a nobody if she wasn’t the progeny of her famous father.
Cest la Blague (Earth)
Having faith in nepotism is this country's last true religion.
Steve (Los Angeles)
Her father turned out to be a bum and his support of George W. Bush lead us into Iraq. Yes, as a member the Senate, he could have, should have tried to slow down the train lead to the war in Iraq. I think Trump label John McCain as a bum and he got it right. Maybe not a bum, but a loser.
Walter Ingram (Western MD)
McCain has a personality problem. She is genuinely annoying. But then again, so is Joy Behar. It's one of those change the channel things.
Greg (Atlanta)
Would Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin be any better? Either one of them could devour the rest of the cast in under five minutes.
Skinner Olsen (Virginia)
I can say with ubridled pride, I've never watched a single episode of "The View."
Kimberly S (Los Angeles)
I don't watch very often, but when I do get a chance to see The View, I get tired of watching Ms. McCain and her schtick... Host Goldberg telling her "Girl, stop talking" is not an insult, just a chastening.... If I had a nickle for every time my parents told me that, I'd be as wealthy as the ladies of The View.........
justthefactsmam (NV)
Recently, I posted on a Youtube clip that I'm done with The View because none of the hosts knew anything about the subject they were discussing, and that's just plain insulting to viewers (and lazy on their part). Ms McCain was away that day (as was Ms Goldberg, who knew a great deal about it, btw). I kept hoping Meghan would grow into the position, but weighing in on treaties, legislation, and other important current events without actually reading anything is my line in the sand. The two youngest (conservative) hosts gained their posts simply because their daddies were politicians, and have taken The View down the path of ignorant, whiney millenials who have no real life experience. I can only assume they were selected for the "reality TV" demographic, as Ms Hasslbeck was. I'd have more respect for them if they backpacked across America sans trust funds. But the problems don't lie solely with them. Ms Hostin's constant refrain "I don't understand" is just as insulting. She does understand, and lacks the courage to say so. The other two are classic "broads" who speak their minds unapologetically. But Joy Behar was my limit, introducing a subject she knew nothing about (for shame, teacher). I assume BW is rolling her eyes with the rest of us. I can't bring myself to believe she would have signed off on this dumpster-fire. By all means, give us all the views - just make them informed ones. We live in times that ask us to show we aren't this stupid.
Ad (Harrisburg, PA)
Well, when you get your own talk show you can’t dictate who is on it
S Norris (London)
I like the comments by Paul in San Mateo....I think he gives a template for what a REAL discussion could be about, to get into the real facts and situations around a given topic. The trouble with The View, is that it is all surface stuff...nothing is really looked at indepth. I guess to expect these panellists to do any research would be asking too much...or for the show to have researchers to look up the facts (I use this word with some trepidation...as the term has almost become perjorative these days!!!) or history of the given topics. The show would actually be genuinely informative, and the different positions on each topic would also then be informative. But I guess that is really asking too much, isnt it?
Dave Fedoroff (Brooklyn, NY)
I guarantee you she'd be a lot easier on trump if he didn't say horrible things about her dad
NoFussCons (Midwest)
The only time I enjoyed the View and the only time I’ve seen it was during the 2016 Election night YouTube video. Delightful to see the bunch of snubs, petulant progressives in full fury mode. Oh what a night, specially when Florida was called! As for the McCain lady, I’m surprised that she is even there. Wokes are in full cancel-culture mode and the rest of us are responsible for it. We should’ve stopped this stupidity before it even flourished. Mc Cain should move to Fox NES, the only news source that isn’t infested by wokness (not yet).
Unhappy JD (Flyover Country)
Maybe the others should be less venomous.....
Susan S. (Chicago, IL)
Meghan McCain is the one who is unable to make her points without acting like a spoiled brat. She reminds me of a child having a tantrum because she is not getting her way. She is tiresome. Meghan should be leaving not Abby Huntsman.
Joe M. (Portland, OR)
A [only remotely conservative voice among four very liberal hosts] Problem? Even if you split hairs over percentages, a pretty good percentage of the country agrees with her, including MILLIONS who did NOT vote for Trump. The continued insistence that that's not true, or worse, doesn't Matter? Is disgusting. Anybody who grew up in Minneapolis, Portland, Los Angeles, (or any heart of so-called 'progressivism') knows what it's like to TRY to remain civil amongst routine vitriol aimed in your general direction. You want to officially silence every published symbol of that? Cool. This is a front-page article on the New York Times? You're proud of yourself for the seeds you're laying, Shamira?
Theo D (Tucson, AZ)
MM’s problem is that she isn’t very smart and so her glaring ignorance frustrates her ability to contribute anything of importance. Whining self-pity is not informed debate. She is just a rich kid with a name.
Julia (NY,NY)
Does anyone in America really care what Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar think say. They are very rich women who never met a democrat they didn't like or a republican they did like.
Joe Miksis (San Francisco)
The view is still an interesting program, if you learn to "mute" the far right wing hysteria of Meghan when she obnoxiously lashes out, but "unmute" to listen carefully to the participants' replies.
Markymark (San Francisco)
This is what happens when media companies pander to the Fox 'news' right. The Washington Post and NYT should both take note.
Sam C. (NJ)
Whoppi Goldberg has supported predators such as Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Roman Polanski, etc. I cannot watch this woman since she sided with the predators against their victims.
CJ Strongbow (Crooklyn)
I have an easy solution to this "dilemma." I never watch this godawful, inane nonsense. Give it a try - works for me!
DMurphy (Worcester MA)
Ms. McCain and her spouse are a match made in conservative heaven.
Pj (New York)
This is a most undialectual view from a writer who has an inability to find truth on each side. She’s tired of McCain because she doesn’t agree with her. Plain and simple.
ArtOuzel (California)
This show has never been civil! Civil was the PBS hour led by the late Gwen Ifill.
brian wegner (mishicot, wi)
I didn't ever consider reading this piece. The problem is that The Times even considered publishing it. "The View" and other mindless entertainment is not newsworthy. That The Times gives The View and its hosts any press time at all diminishes and cheapens actual, useful news. The opinions of the hosts on The View are no more important, useful, or educated than anyone's personal opinions. It's time for The Times to address and educate its readers on the issues, with in depth analysis and facts. America's problems start with an ignorant and under-educated citizenry. Until we fix that, our democracy will continue to deteriorate. Shows like The View only contribute to lowering the bar.
Jenny (NYC)
I think she should not be on the show because of her intellect, not her party affiliation. Her comments and observations are often shallow, incorrect and, frankly, boring.
Kimberly (Denver)
Due primarily to the presence of Meghan McCain, I don't watch this show, not even recaps available online at the end of the day. Her victimization is sickening.
L osservatore (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene)
For those who would NEVER see this in the NY Times, WaPo, CNN, or their partners: Seventy-seven percent of American women support restricting abortion to the first 12 weeks of a baby’s gestation, a higher percentage than the 74 percent of all supporting Americans. Fifty-nine percent of American women believe abortion is morally wrong. Sixty-one percent of American women oppose using tax dollars to pay for abortions. Forty percent of American women own a gun or live with someone who does. Forty-five percent of American women who don’t own guns say they could see themselves doing so in the future. Those two groups thus comprise two-thirds of American women. Thanks to Joy Pullman at The Federalist for these apparently revolutionary stats. The East Coast media would have you thinking seven percent of woman oppose early abortions, NOT 77%. Now you know better.
Silly (Rabbit)
Just you wait until she claims her inheritance and takes her rightful place in the US senate as their heir to Baron John McCain, lord of failed naval pilots and retirement communities, descendant of admirals! It will be just like Murkowski. Daddy's girl takes her rightful place in the Senate.
Chelle (USA)
What is Megan McCain's claim to fame other than being John McCain's daughter? What has she done? Does she have any formal education beyond high school? Has she ever held any kind of a job? Has she worked for any charity? Has she written anything?
Oliver (Key West)
What annoys me most about Ms. McCain is how she turns everything back to herself. Yes, the death of her father was very sad. However, as adults we all lose beloved parents, but we don’t constantly remind people of the fact. And most egregiously, her unwavering defense of Lindsay Graham, just because he’s always been nice to her, is beyond the pale. That she continues to defend this Trump sycophantic golf caddy says it all. Perhaps she’s forgotten what Lindsay’s latest crush said about her father. Lets face it, she was born on third base and is the perfect embodiment of nepotism run amok.
mfiori (Boston, MA)
I no longer watch The View. One can have a different opinion without being obnoxious about it. Hate to see Abby Huntsman leave as she is thoroughly conservative without being ugly about it. This is something Meghan McCain never learned. I pity her husband. Living with her cannot be easy.
Foxyloxy (Nc)
It’s not her views it’s her petulance and know it all attitude.
Lindsey Everhart Reese (Taylorville IL.)
It's best that these type of "progressive" shows stick to only one side of an argument. People that watch these types of talk shows don't want to hear both sides of an issue. They want affirmation of their own beliefs. Any opinion that doesn't affirm their own is annoying to them..The show took a gamble to enlarge their audience to be more inclusive..It will likely fail..The NYT is always here for those liberal progressives who seek only affirmation of their beliefs. Comparative reasoning can be annoying to those that are set in their ways.
smart fox (Canada)
sorry, one easy and obvious reaction: switch to another channel, or better yet, don't watch TV, read a novel or the NYT and let the channel know: a lot of quality time saved, and maybe, at long last, some changes to come
Chris (Colorado)
Get rid of her. Who needs opposing viewpoints. The progressive democrat view is the right view. I'm so tired of these conservative republicans. They have no place in society.
Peg Manning (WA)
Meghan McCain is no “conservative.” It’s a political philosophy. Please stop pretending.
D Edward (Babylon NY)
I assume “harmful rhetoric” is the PC excuse all progressives use to shut down speech they don’t like. I hope Ms. McCain continues to push back against stupid ideas like banning so called “assault weapons” instead of locking up violent criminals who use firearms to victimize society.
Observer (Boston)
Seriously Joy Behar is twice as annoying as Meghan McCain. In the spirit of bipartisanship, get rid of both of them!
John (St. Paul)
Unfortunately, the constant bickering on The View serves to reinforce negative stereotypes of women being catty, shrill, and prone to backbiting. No one ever talks about The View unless there is a feud among women. It's not a serious program and shouldn't be treated as such.
Baba (NYC)
Ms. McCain plays a role that she was hired to play. I am surprised the article suggests that she is responsible for another colleague who left the show. Is she or isn't she? There are five members on the View.
robert (new york. n.y.)
When a panelist on any talk show becomes, over time, consistently irritating, irksome, annoying and unbearably shrill ( here's looking at you, Ms. McCain), then it is time for that individual to leave. It's one thing to have a balanced debate about whatever issues you present, but when the overall conversation--from day to day-- is turned into a verbal shipwreck, then there is something really wrong, and the civil balance needs to be restored. Perhaps, an entire new team is what this show really needs. And, by the way, if this show had an all male panel, it would certainly be much more civilized, instead of having to watch these shrews screaming and being condescending to each other every day. There is one element sadly missing in this show which it always had when Barbara Walters was the head moderator; that word is CLASS.
Lisa (Auckland, NZ)
They're all as bad as each other. "Have you seen The View?", I asked a friend when we were discussing interesting American talk shows that upload clips on to YouTube. "You mean that show where they all yell at each other?", she said, shaking her head in disbelief. "It's weird."
Pat (vermont)
Ms. McCain is angry: her father did not become President, he died, he was belittled by Trump, she is going to carry the fighting McCain spirit onward, etc... I find her less than sympathetic, her arguments and views one dimensional and her desire to be the leading conservative woman in the country rather sad. This show needs to deal with issues in a productive intelligent manner not acerbic one-liners.
JeVaisPlusHaut (Ly'b'g. Virginia)
Some human bipeds are tall, some short, some smart, some dumb, some hateful, some loving, some negative , some positive all living together in this jungle called civilization -- and it's not going to change to be much different in our lifetime -- the most successful human bipeds are those who understand that we all are hybrid beings, and expose our individual wholenesses through many facets, as such, in unconsciously acknowledging our varied and brilliant prismatic lives in all we do -- some people don't. Ms McCain is one of those people who, educated beyond her intelligence, exudes a 'singularity' of person even when she (unknowingly) turns against her own self; the rest follows, and it is sad to watch/listen to her... so, I no longer do.
ehillesum (michigan)
Ms. McCain uses reason to put her emotion-based leftist cohosts to shame. And the lefties are smart enough to know they are being intellectually bested. This makes them very angry. It also makes for good television, which is why the view always reserves a space for an independent thinker like McCain.
kglen (Philadelphia)
Meghan likes to talk but seems to have difficulty listening.
McM (PA)
the only people i know who watch that show are little old ladies and people stuck in a waiting room...
BothSides (New York)
I always hated The View. It's always been a toxic slug-fest that, in all honesty, gives women a bad name. By exploiting the stereotypical tropes about women, ABC has contributed to the polarization of the country as a money-making scheme, the same as Fox News. The producers know that stoking outrage and conflict is the only way they stay relevant and generate buzz and revenues. That said, however, Meghan McCain is not the first entitled, self-righteous co-host to bully her way to stardom. No, that distinction goes to the entitled, self-righteous, bullying Elizabeth Hasselbeck - who did, in fact, move over to Fox News after many, many headline grabbing conflicts with her colleagues. In short, The View is one chromosome away from Morton Downey Jr and Jerry Springer - but with better lash strips. It's not only garbage TV, it's boring.
Enough of her riding the coat-tails of her respected father. She wants empathy when it servers her but is not capable of offering it to others. THATS EXHAUSTING. The extreme hypocrisy of "conservatives" is even MORE EXHAUSTING.
Martin (Budapest)
I am exhausted by "conservative" victims. While they shout snowflake at progressives daily, all I hear is whining. From Trump, from McCain, from "persecuted" christians, from the anti Burger King moms. All the while they are bullying immigrants, gays, Muslims, and anyone else that gets in their way. The Bully-in-Chief says "unfairly" daily, all the while using his trust fund millions for years to bury anyone in lawsuits that disagrees with him. Enough already. The sky is blue, up is up, and conservatives have to face the fact that everyone doesn't have to be like them in this world, no matter how rude and bullying they treat them.
Dr John A Olsen (SpokaneWa)
When"Princess" comes on I turn the Chanel
Yes, McCain got her job because of her last name and yes, I disagree with almost all of her positions. Nevertheless, I was supportive of her being on the show when her tenure began: the show is what it is because it's a forum of contrasting ideas. We all have our ideology. However, continuing to adhere to positions that are only defined by our ideology is both unwise and in these fraught times, dangerous. If someone just sees things through one lens, it confirms that that person is close-minded and unwilling to listen and learn. It also limits one's receptivity to good ideas that may not receive oxygen in the bubble of one's ideology. In addition, if all of us continue to stick to our party line, our political divide will only widen. McCain insists that she is a "tough chick" who speaks for Red America. No, she's not: she is a rich, pampered, cloistered white woman of great privilege. When this tough chick was challenged by Seth Meyers to defend some of her positions, she crumbled and her husband coarsely attacked Meyers for merely doing his job. In the face of mounting evidence that easy accessibility to assault weapons causes so much bloodshed, McCain insists there will be bloodshed if the government tries to take away AK15s. She is not a journalist; she is nurtured on junk TV, she is rude and unwilling to see something other than her perspective. Props to Senator Warren, for finishing her thought before McCain could lamely challenge her. Replace her.
Kris (Bloomfield)
Meghan McCain is the principal founder of the “but brigade”. The type of republican who every day bemoans Donald Trump yet slyly defends his policies. “ nobody dislikes Donald Trump more than me, but”. Had Donald not insulted her father, I have no doubt that she would be front and center at a MAGA rally. For me personally, I loathe the way she has co-opted her fathers military service to appoint herself the arbitrator of patriotism and what can be said about the military or people serving in uniform. She has served nothing and comes from an extraordinary privileged background and yet has the nerve to sit there and lecture these other women, and sometimes men, on the merit of pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and how “free college and Medicare for all” is going to destroy America.
Doug Troxel (Kona Hawai’i)
Every time Meghan grabs the microphone, regardless if someone else holds the floor, she lets everyone know how conservative her bona fides are. In particular, any discussion surrounding abortion gets her so excited to protect the unborn, and she couldn’t care less about what the future mother needs or feels. At these points in watching “The View” I have to mute the sound, fast forward or stop watching. Ms. McCain is a drag on the show. Like most conservatives, she has a warped sense of humor squeezed between right leaning stances on emotional issues. Whoopi and Joy keep the conversation light hearted and Meghan is a “KillJoy.”
Ted George (Paris)
Meghan is "predictable" but Joyce and Whoopee are not?? Give me a break. As far as "polarizing" that just means the writer disagrees with her and wants the hosts to be 100% left-wing rather than merely 75%.
Gordon Alderink (Grand Rapids, MI)
....that's because with "conservatives" like McCain it's all rhetoric and NO substance.
Christian (Newburgh)
Politics, coffee and estrogen. Seems like a winning combo for ratings as intended.
nlitinme (san diego)
We have been circling the drain for a while. There is a big difference between inteligent commentary and whatever sells to the viewer
Richard (Palm City)
I agree, cancel McCain and only have liberals on the show. Warren as a Native American will provide the diversity.
William (Chicago)
The View needs to simply jettison McCain and embrace the left wing partisan liberal socialist agenda driven show that it yearns to be. This tortured effort to be perceived as mainstream is painful to watch. Just acknowledge that your audience (and ratings) will plummet and your advertising revenue will dry up and get it over with.
Emily Frank (In Transit)
Really? A New York Times op-ed saying Meghan McCain should be fired? It almost gives credence to conservatives' persecution complex.. But beyond that, to be honest the only times I've even heard about 'The View' in recent years is when McCain says or does something over the top
Al (Cortland)
This is a New York Times problem, they don't like Meghan , just like other publications , that don't like her. If she wasn't on the view, I wouldn't watch it.
Two Americas (South Salem)
Who knows? I would have never thought I’d be longing to have her father back representing republicans.
TK (Southern NJ)
Don't blame McCain for the on-air strife. Blame the attack dogs of the left that refuse to even listen to opposing positions. If they don't like it they try to silence all opposition and attack McCain to shut her up. Talk of having her fired is all the proof you need of their mentality.
Erika Shriner (Bainbridge Island)
Miss McCain is an ill-informed parrot of some of the most outlandish fabricated ridiculousness. Listening to her describe the Green New Deal was like listening to a 5-year-old describe particle physics - just a bunch of nonsensical rhetoric. She should be off the show simply because she is not worth listening to - she spouts not conservatism but gibberish.
Martha (Seattle)
I love The View and all the co-hosts, Meghan included. I'm sorry to see Abby go. The View is what it is, don't expect it to be anything else. It's funny that so many commenting here have such a negative reaction and yet they obviously still watch the show. Also, I'm amused by those commenting who claim they don't watch the show yet have such strong negative opinions about it.
Debby (Louisiana)
This is short and sweet. If The Vew fires Megan then it is only fair to fire Joy. JOY IS JUST AS opinionated as Megan just on the other side. Everyone has an opinion and the freedom to express it. It's called freedom of speech.. We can agree or not..our choice.
Dennis (East Coast)
This show could go away and never be missed. The article should say rich people blabbing about nothing while the poor sit at home and watch. None of them would be on TV if they were not part of the problem.
Ed L NYC (New York)
I love this sentence: "It’s a deflecting refrain that has been employed by standup comedians and political commentators alike — anyone bemoaning the rise of so-called cancel culture when facing pushback for harmful rhetoric."
Alexis (Florida)
I'm sorry to say Meghan has lost my support. I happily watched her mature after she first joined the show, and thought the brand new Abby Huntsman could not be "calmed". Well, Abby quickly polished her presentation, and while I know Meghan has gone through a great deal of personal distress the last couple of years, she started on an emotional downhill and is is now out of control. I wish her well in the future. Whoopi is fantastic. I've been hoping for Ana Navarro for a long time. The program is important. My best to them all.
The View is a debate “roller coaster” as it should be. The diversity of show is sometimes frustrating and at other times, a welcome relief. Meghan is not always the “problem child.” She has a right to her opinions, just as everyone. Yes, sometimes the conversation at that table gets quite stressful, but the show is called “The View” for a reason! Sometimes it turns into a heated debate, other times (for the most part), they all get along fine. They’ve had a diversive group of guests, which makes it interesting also. I’ve seen episodes where they’ve all come together as one to talk about different issues. The problem “today” is, there is such a divide in our government itself, that it had trickled down into the population. The episode with Elizabeth Warren, IMO, was basically a “campaign” ad for her. I personally feel Warren is a bit too far left. She also showed she wasn’t willing or possibly ABLE to hear anything from someone from the other side of the aisle, basically, she didn’t want to hear from Meghan. Her comments can be frustrating at times, but that’s her opinion, and that’s the purpose of this show!
Mr. Buck (Yardley, PA)
There was a time when public discourse was dialectic. Some would say it has been about 2500 years. I don't believe the View's problem is one or any of its participants. The participants behavior is a symptom. Since discourse now takes place on a battlefield rather than a dinner table, the minority view always believes itself to be under attack rather than just its opinion. The gloves come off and defenses go up. Consequently, our society is ruled by a "Hobbesian mob of godless Cartesians". That is our only choices are the one choice provided by the powerful and there are no eternal truths to which citizens can hold both themselves and the powerful accountable. Whether it is politics or personal relationships it is the will to power that governs our collective actions. To say otherwise is to deny things like the lack of freedom of expression in our universities and the rise of Trump on a political level and breakdown of familial relationships and the rise of the materialistic individual on the personal level. But hey, I am an optimist. As our collective society goes further south people will be forced to open their eyes and change will come and sacrifice for the common good will once again occur as it did at the founding of our nation and people will have real heroes to emulate and follow. (It would help if people stayed away from the VR goggles of Fox News and MSNBC and hang out in the library but I know that is asking an awful lot ).
albert iggi (beaverton, OR)
Regardless how abrasive, Megan's presence on The View serves a purpose. Her outrageous ultra-conservative rhetoric stands in stark contrast to the usually reasonable and moderate view of the other co-hosts. Uninformed and independent voters need continuous exposure to the insane path that conservatives have taken since the emergence of the Tea Party a generation ago.
Joanne (Colorado)
When this television program is a “requirement” for presidential candidates, I have to presume there is a large viewership. But for the life of me I cannot fathom who watches it, or why.
Conor (UK)
Well you've already hit on the fix. Get Jon Stewart to put in an appearance, tell them how much this nonsense sucks and have the show canceled and replaced with a new show led by and for women that actually has some sort of sensible reasoned debate rather than these silly shouting matches. Perhaps by hiring someone with real qualifications rather than a family name.
Sandy (Florida)
Meghan McCain was born on third base and thinks she hit a triple. Her father worked hard, fought in a war and, while I disagreed with him on almost everything, at least had some substance behind his opinions. Meghan seems to be under the impression that having inherited her father's genes and looking just like him somehow has imbued her with a probing intelligence and a strong character. It has not.
Peter Nighswander (Bethesda)
I probably have very little in common with Meghan though I like her and I do not think silencing her will advance civil discourse. Problem with debate these days is it’s not debate, it’s clamoring for applause lines and we find ourselves fully embedded in our tribes with no understanding of the others opinion. I remember Crossfire from the old days and I seldom missed it because you had two totally contrarian views on opposite sides making the argument with both sides at least listening and not talking past each other. Did they wind up agreeing on anything? Rarely, but that’s not the point. They were able to inform people of their views without distortion and the viewing public was better off. Now sometimes the views heard are completely batty but that’s fine. We cannot be afraid of it. What I would give for 30 minutes with Rachel Maddox and Sean Hannity. I think if they listened to each other, you never know- maybe there would be common ground on some issues. Not likely but worth a shot
JM (East Coast)
I used to watch The View and Morning Joe occasionally. In this polarized climate, however, I now prefer to read the NYT articles and their comments sections. At least people share their true views in a civilized manner.
Ben (San Antonio)
@JM Your comment put a smile on my face. I tell all my friends that reading and posting comments to the NYT is the most meaningful way for me to stay informed and participate in public debate.
B. Moschner (San Antonio, TX)
@JM I also enjoy the comment section. The writers are intelligent and civilized most of the time. I get to understand the emotional status of Americans and international commenters living in this difficult age. I also get to share my thoughts. I have noticed that other media outlets accept more snarky comments that I do not appreciate. I do not comment on their sites as a result.
Steve Beck (Middlebury, VT)
@JM, I used to watch five hours of MSNBC, including Rachael Maddow at nine and then again at midnight! I stopped, canceled several digital newspaper subscriptions, and like you look only at the NYT and mostly the comments - sometimes I click on an article and go directly to the comments. It annoys me though that articles that I would like to see comments to do not allow them. I have found myself swimming laps more aggressively, talking longer walks with the dog which she enjoys, putting together jigsaw puzzles in the evening and last year I read 65 books, mostly fiction as an escape. TV-watching is an addiction. I have no real comment on McCain, she does need a better hairstyle though, nor the Bush twin who is on TV. Like I said TV is an addiction akin to taking opioids.
PB (northern UT)
What is passing for conservatism in this country now isn't really conservative at all. Somehow, the political right abandoned traditional conservative values and arguments based on intelligence and civility in favor of pop culture media celebrity to popularize a new, but not improved, political brand of anti-liberal, right-wing, anger and outrage. Meghan McCain's belligerent, domineering, tabloid style reflects this shift. The media loves it and has normalized this new brash, cash, and trash Republicanism. Why? The commercial media in this country thrives on controversy and conflict in the drive for audience ratings/viewers/readers. This media business model generates advertisers and network revenue, with programming and topics geared to Americans' increasingly shortening attention spans and desire for entertainment, novelty, and shock value. Epitomized and pushed by Murdoch, Rush, Brietbart, Hannity...and, of course, its rock star Trump! In every phase of our lives, these commercialized cultural-political values appear to operate against empathy, concern for others, consideration, civility, decency, responsibility, and good taste and judgment--remember good taste and judgment? Will it last, or will it pass? I say "pass." It is junk-food politics, vacuous, and exhausting. Meghan McCain will pass with it. Prediction: We will soon rediscover civility and seek tranquility from the right-wing assault. Of course, "soon" could be a long time. Hope not.
@PB I couldn't agree more! Basically, all this trash public discourse can be traced to the early 1990s, with the advent & proliferation of hundreds of 24-hr cable channels & the internet. It was the birth of "Reality" programming, Court TV, moment-by-moment breathless opining on the Clinton White House, OJ, Menendez Bros, spawning Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones, Geraldo, Sally Jesse, spawning Fear Factor, Survivor, Big Brother, Vapid Wealth Wives of Whatever County, Limbaugh, Fox, yada yada yada, Apprentice, Trump. As this poster (@PB) states, this has been the driving economic force of the media & political parties for the last 30 years and they profit from its boundless growth. I stopped watching The View when I couldn't take Hasselbeck any more, not because of her politics but because of her progressively nasty, self-righteous, imperious attitude. The few times I've seen Ms. McCain, she's Hasselbeck on steroids. Rude, condescending, non-empathetic, can never admit when she's proven wrong or apologize, much like those currently in control of her party, which is why I left....
Elizabeth (Houston)
Ms. McCain may be "hyper hyper conservative" but she's also hyper unwilling and or hyper incapable of explaining or presenting her views in any kind of articulate, cohesive or persuasive manner. Instead, McCain just huffs and puffs and huffs and puffs in reaction to anyone who calls her out or disagrees with her. It's very frustrating to viewers interested in hearing a real discussion. McCain's constant and tedious refrain is that she's "a conservative". And she always retreats behind a "It's political" defense because she doesn't know what else to say or how to say it! She may be "a conservative" but she comes off as one who's very thin skinned and entitled.
Alex (USA)
I wince each time Meghan name-drops her father into conversations, using him like a weapon to silence dissent. Senator McCain himself would never, ever behave that way — in fact, it's literally what made him a hero in my eyes. When John McCain was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, the North Vietnamese offered to release him because his father was the commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam. McCain refused to leave unless every man held captive was also released. He stayed in prison. That's a genuine hero. Meghan does not take after him.
MavilaO (Bay Area)
Unfortunately The View feuds are not reminiscent of those of William Buckley v. Gore Vidal.
Mary Ann (Pennsylvania)
It seems that although the show wants to promote their acceptance of all views the far right folks they choose to be on the show are so far right they are almost off the map. A while back Candace Cameron Bure literally left the show after taping it to return to California and did not want to return. I've seen the show enough that I've seen how rude Megan McCain has been to guests who are liberal. I believe the show may be coming to it's natural end of its life as it's more than difficult to watch anymore.
BobMeinetz (Los Angeles)
Absolutists on either side of the political spectrum are boring. They recite the playbook, without bothering to expend a moment contemplating the positions they're taking, or why their opponents disagree. It's a shame McCain hasn't learned from her Dad, who in his career had remarkable moments of bipartisanship, and occasionally even borderline-liberal positions. Such is the current reactionary, tribal atmosphere in American politics. Will it take a national disaster to pull us back together? History suggests it might.
GGram (Newberg, Oregon)
I’ve always regarded Ms. McCain as being very tightly wound. It’s rather hard to imagine having a calm conversation anywhere in her vicinity.
John Charles (Greenwood IN)
In my "view," there are far too many talk shows with panelists that have no demonstrable expertise about anything they are discussing. They express opinions without having to show any basis for those opinions. My first reaction to any of these panel discussions is, "who cares what you thinks?"
Barbara Elovic (Brooklyn, NY)
Meghan McCain uses conservative talking points prepared by others. Or she says that her father's career makes her a preeminent authority on politics. That's the problem in a nutshell. It was her father's career, not hers. Plus, she cannot listen. Whoopi Goldberg told her to stop talking because the talks over people. Particularly when she's bragging about how much she likes to shoot rifles. She's turning a lot of people's stomachs, but doesn't seem to realize it. The producers can easily replace her with another conservative voice who doesn't think she's delivering the message of God. Enough already.
BR (Bay Area)
The problem is American TV tries to present entertainment (fiery talking heads etc). And it sells because people can’t avoid looking at a crash. The educational aspect of news is lost - except on PBS. And even there they try to get ‘experts’ and senators from both sides. Having said that, I find Ms McCain unwatchable.
Susan Hatfield (Los Angeles)
Ms. McCain comes across as coarse and ill-informed on most issues. That said, she got the job because of her name and not any particular talent. I like "The View" and I am tired of the scream fest. Let's try to educate some people and bring everyone into the conversation
Tom W (Illinois)
On like fox the view does have a genuine conflict of liberal and conservative witch i would think has a mixed audience. So it is a least a true setting where people hear both sides and can decide for themselves who to believe.
Miguel Miguel (Biddeford, Maine)
Any daughter of John McCain deserves, at the very least, to be respectfully heard. I may not agree with her politics but let’s be clear, her father singlehandedly saved the ACA by bucking his party and millions of Americans should be grateful.
Penny (Denver)
Never watched the show and never will. Seems like a waste of time.
Lobowords (New York)
The success of the show depends on multiply points of view. It is not Ms.McCain being ultra ultra conservative, it is her lack of discussion skills. The pitch of her voice goes to shrieking, as she talks over others. Abby is also a conservative that voices a different opinion, but it is presented calmly with logic as why she thinks as she does. No shouting anyone down. Listen, talk listen talk.
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
My daughter in law being a liberal watches Hannily in FOX just to know what they are upto. I simply can`t. But I think McCain could be annoying at times so is Sonny . But because of Meghan and the annoyance of others and the controversies the show gets a rating and is talked in othere sites. As for today for example I`ll try to tune in. Meghan McCain needs to stay, otherwise The view will be a boring with too much civility .
ARL (Texas)
She has yet to make a constructive contribution to the program or outside of it. If it were not for her name she would not be on the program, she really has nothing to say other than repeat the same old talking points.
David Gregory (Sunbelt)
Ms. McCain is building her "brand" while destroying the show. Years ago in appearances on MSNBC as a guest, she portrayed herself very differently- ask Comcast to send you a truckload of her many appearances as a guest. Over in the conservative bubble, the attempt to be the most extreme Luddite is a badge of honor. It appears she is following that unfortunate path. When she is fired by Disney/ABC expect her to appear on Fox as a newly christened martyr for the conservative cause.
Steve (Chicago)
Ms. McCain seems to come into every show with an attitude of "I'm gonna get kicked around today so I better strike first". She never comes in willing to listen to other's opinions or even allows herself to remotely understand how someone could feel the opposite of her. But there are times she does bring up strong points and I think that does benefit the show. She would do well to stop playing the victim so often. The bigger problem is Joy Behar. Her flippant, dismissive comments and attempted jokes add nothing to the discussions. I would welcome keeping Meghan and replacing Joy with Anna Navarro.
Sage (California)
I never watch the View. That said, I have seen segments on U-Tube with McCain's rants. Megyn McCain is a shrill voice who wouldn't have been chosen were it not for her last name. The Trump-era has sadly encouraged emotional rants, with no facts, to become debate. It is tiresome, and I don't want to participate by being a viewer. No thanks!
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
I've only seen a few of these clips but Meghan McCain seems humorless - a sense of humor was one of her father's best qualities.
David DiRoma (Baldwinsville NY)
I refuse to watch or listen to any program where “debating an issue” is nothing more than a yelling match. That includes programs like “The View” and the current steam of so-called “debates” between the Democrats running for President. If the goals of these efforts are supposed to inform and persuade, they do a darn poor job of it.
Gary (Upper West Side)
She reinforces the stereotype that “hyper, hyper conservative” means void of reason, empathy, and civility.
scythians (parthia)
"The problem is, with Ms. McCain still on the show, there’s not much to enjoy." Komrade, of course the problem is always the conservative point of view. What we need is THE view which the LEFTIST view.
HadesBabe (Daytona Beach, FL)
I would watch the show because of thoughtful and inquisitive Sunny Hostin. I don’t watch the show because of commandeering and attention-seeking Meghan McCain.
Brother Shuyun (Vermont)
She has no qualifications other than who her father was. Time for her to go. No one wants to watch her re-enact the "angry conservative at Thanksgiving" routine.
Sue Thompson (Camden Nc)
I have no reason to watch this show. What qualifications does Ms. McCain have to be on the show other than her famous father?
Steve Haskins (Dixon, CA)
It's been said that the worst sin in show biz is to be boring. Sad to say, "The View" could use some good, old fashioned boredom--because the show's greatest sin is now even worse than boring: It's predictable. Ms McCain has her conservative optics down to a science--she's against almost everything. And snarky about it. It would seem that some kindness might kill her. Worse yet. It's killing the audience. And "The View." Oh. But did you know? She's the daughter of the late Sen. John McCain; and don't EVER forget that....
Cassandra (Virginia)
The thought I have and its not limited to Megan McCain is: how, when and why did network and major cable TV become an employment factory for the children of famous people? We've got Megan who, as far as I know, is prior to getting this gig on the View famed for being Sen McCain's Daughter. Abby Huntsman who is famed for being Gov Huntsman's daughter. We have Chris Cuomo on CNN, previously famous for being Gov Mario Cuomo's son and the Gov Andrew Cuomo's brother. We had one of the Bush daughters. Egregiously we had Chelsea Clinton hired as a special host/ interviewer (that seemed to fizzle fast) even though she had zero journalistic background. And those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Seriously people--how about hiring folks, especially young women, who've graduated Journalism School or worked their way up at some minor rural newspaper or TV station? Why this pseudo-journalism of celebrity children. Granted some have learned to do a pretty good job. But overall it is not a good look. Unfortunately this seems to be all of one piece with the oligarchic trends in the USA.
Steve (Sarchi, Costa Rica)
She tries to straddle the fence, pretends she doesn’t support DJT but supports 90% of the things he does. Loves guns, war, anti-abortion etc. she’s riding on her Dads coattails. She thinks that she is the only expert on the panel. In my opinion she should go back to Fox News. I had no problem with Abbey and wish we could exchange McCain for her staying. Whatever.
maya (detroit,mi)
MM's self image is out of whack with the reality of who she is. She likes to talk about her guns, her drinking and her extreme conservatism. In reality she derives her fame from being the daughter of well known senator, she's wealthy, completely lacking a sense of humor and has no empathy for others. She thinks she's Annie Oakley when really she's an insecure, obnoxious,entitled woman of great means who has accomplished very little. I used to watch the show regularly but seldom tune in now. I'd gladly sign that petition.
MJG (Valley Stream)
Daytime TV is made for the unemployed, housewives, and the retired. The most successful daytime shows are geared toward people with middle school sensibilities. The View skews toward the more mature end of that range, often keeping bright 8th graders and their adult counterparts engaged. McCain adds a little too much friction, and takes the audience a little too far out of their snowflake comfort zone. That's ok. The sheeple will tsk tsk, but a little conflict will keep them tuning in and buying the sponsors products.
Bring Back Barry (Philadlephia)
That 9000 people took the time to sign a petition about McCain is a sad commentary. Better they take the time to write their representatives about real concerns. No one takes anyone on The View seriously. It's dime store entertainment. Case in point: Sharri Sheppard not knowing the world is round and seriously debating that it is , in fact, flat. Now that's entertainment!
Susan Kaplan (Los Angeles)
I find it ironic that the show’s creator, Barbara Walter’s willing posed as Roy Cohen date for years. He was Trump’s mentor in playing loud, shady and dirty. And now - the ladies correctly call out the president’s appalling behavior while paying homage to his enabler.
Fritz (Michigan)
Why wouldn't we just say exactly the same thing about the liberal panelists, who both outnumber her and are no less tedious? You've got one person up there trying to express the views of some 60,000,000 Americans; surely red-state voters are entitled to some sort of ideological representative on mass media. And if you think Whoopi Goldberg or Joy Behar is more qualified than McCain to be up there, that's just ludicrous.
Scott Franklin (Arizona State University)
Who is Meghan McCain? Nobody without her famous father. But it's America, where 15 minutes of fame come in all shapes and sizes. Will we remember her when she's finally off the air? Probably not.
Mark (West Texas)
I don’t watch this show, but I’m trying to understand from this article exactly why Ms. McCain is the problem. As though it was wrong to feel disrespected, because it was a black American who told her to shut up in so many words. It sounds to me like her feelings are constantly being dismissed by the show's predominantly liberal audience. No wonder she feels like she might be fired at any moment. I wonder why she's sticking around.
Turn your TV off and read the news from several sources. I know I'm much happier since I pulled the plug 2 years ago. I still keep up with world events; it's not difficult. I'm tired of angry conservatives who just want to bully everyone who doesn't subscribe to their views. I know too many of them in real life, I don't need to see them on TV or listen to them on the radio.
PhillyBurbs (Suburbs of Philadelphia)
I can't watch it anymore. That girl makes 900k a year & has done what exactly? Give me a conservative who has had a full life. I believe she goes on with the intention to fight with anyone who isn't in her tribe. Not discuss. Not explain or even debate an issue. Her intention is to get attention.
Lois (Minnesota)
I am so disappointed with Ms. McCain. I had not followed her career prior to her work on the View, but I was open to her because of her father. However, she seems unable to understand the difference between one's ideas and one's manners. She is a rude bully who reminds me of the concept that harsh and bitter words indicate a weak cause. I seldom watch the show because of her.
T K (Cincinnati)
Why are the conservative hosts labelled "conservative" but the progressive hosts get no such label?
Lost In A Red State (Somewhere)
In the case of ms McCain, it’s probably because she prefaces every one of her comments: “I’m a hyper conservative.”
Roman (PA)
The surprisingly relevant world of political discussion hosted on YouTube is even worse. Just try watching any interview conducted by Dave Rubin, a conservative commentator who will allow anything to be said and unchallenged on his show no matter how outlandish, non-factual, or offensive it may be. As long as they say it nicely, Rubin is in awe of the “civility” even when it’s coming from a white nationalist like Stefan Molyneux. Even someone like Joe Rogan, who I honestly find to be fun and well intentioned person, still has massive issues with the way he conducts interviews with extremely important people. For example, his background research is limited essentially to what he happens to know at the time. As much as I love the promise of YouTube as a platform where anybody can make it, there are some things about YouTube’s completely libertarian approach to content that worry me when it comes to journalism or political discussion. There is no obligation to fact check and no tradition of a high journalistic standard or name to uphold for YouTuber content creators. This is a major part of what encourages media outlets like PBS, The New York Times or NPR to produce trustworthy and well-done content. It isn’t present on YouTube.
Laurie Brooks (Colorado)
I’m pretty sure the producers of “ The View” knew what they were getting when they hired Ms McCain. She is feisty and high spirited and I have thought that was fine. She is a true Conservative Republican as opposed to a Trump Republican. But the tone seems to be more strident these days. Ms McCain seems frustrated and defensive. Perhaps there really is tension among the cohosts. That would be a shame. I hope they can find common ground.
Kevin (Freeport, NY)
Only in the NYT can there be a problem with the View for having ONE too many conservatives. This has nothing about hyper partisanship. If it were, Ms. Ibrahim would have been calling for Joy Behar’s replacement years ago. But because Ms. Behar’s incendiary views are leftist ones, she gets a pass. In fact, Elitists and other media types don’t like Ms. McCain‘s views because her love of country, personal liberties, and a culture that celebrates pro-life views, faith and personal responsibility represent a larger part of the American electorate than this author cares to admit. These views no longer align with the New Democratic Party. That is why there is a desire to replace Ms. McCain with a non-conservative like Anna Navarro because Ms. Navarro holds the correct liberal views on pre-approved topics. So girl, please stop complaining. If Joy Behar’s decades long list of incendiary comments don’t bother you, then don’t bother us.
AmyF (Phoenix, AZ)
The reason it’s hard to watch Megan McCain is because she is so outclassed by the other hosts. It feels like being at dinner table with 5 adults and one kids. The conversation gets going and everyone has to stop to acknowledge the opinion of the 10 year old. Then the grown ups have to rebuild the momentum. I’ve been at those dinners and I’ve been that kid but doing it everyday would get tedious. The other reason she brings the show down is because she is unable to comment on an issue without referring to herself. The next time you watch, I dare anyone to find a comment she’s made that doesn’t include, “As someone who” or “I know how that feels” or “That offends me as the daughter/sister/wife of”. As if the only way you can feel empathy is if it directly affects you. Obviously the only reason she is on the show is because she’s John McCain’s daughter and after she says that the rest is not worth watching.
Ben (New York)
So, basically, you think that mainstream TV show hosts should all have the same liberal opinions on everything. Not buying it.
DapperDanMan (PDX)
People watch this. There's half your problem right there.
NinaMargo (Scottsdale)
I would watch The View if it was indeed “civil disagreement” or civil discussion. When what should be thoughtful and intelligent conversations escalate into vitriolic shouting matches, I retreat to reruns of “The Great British Baking Show”. My guess is that’s not what drives viewship, which drives ratings, which drives advertisers, which drives $$$. Long live PBS. My oasis of civility.
preston radford (salt lake city)
Megan's voice is one that resonates with millions of conservative women. Asking to have her removed is ridiculous, and just more of the same cancel culture impacting everyone in media. Call me old school, but my freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and expression, will only be maintained if I tolerate the expression of others - in every case - and only ask that it be limited when known to directly encourage violence toward others. I disagree with Megan's politics, but disagree even more solidly with those requesting her job be taken away (thereby silencing her), because that's not what we do in America. Safe spaces should be eradicated everywhere, in favor of radical self expression and speech. I won't try to silence anyone's speech, and neither should you.
BothSides (New York)
@preston radford There's a difference between difference of opinion and outright toxic unprofessionalism. Also, there's a huge difference between thoughtful discussion and a complete breakdown of social norms and the use of intentionally inflammatory language. That's not "safe space," that's called a civil society.
CivilianMD (Columbia MO)
@preston radford I agree with you that we need more not less dialogue and open communication in this polarized society. However, just as a Republic was chosen for us if we could keep it, I fear many if not most Americans on all sides can no longer hold an intelligent debate about complex issues. They're too used to rapid fire news and Twitter/Facebook feeds. I fear if this doesn't change we Americans will be far too easily influenced by media of all colors because we cannot think for ourselves. Then we begin losing our Republic. History shows us what comes next...and neither political party has a monopoly on that vision.
Ian (Dallas, Tx)
Freedom of expression only applies to the US government. It does not apply to private individuals or businesses. Holding people accountable for what they say in the public square does not effect freedom of expression. It is my freedom of expression to call for someone to be removed from their job. You are trying to create a ‘safe space’ for Meghan Mccain on the view where she can say whatever she wants and not be held accountable by her viewers.
mack (Ottawa ON)
Am a long time watcher of the view, watching Ms McCain with her up and down moods is becoming unbearable. She'll go a few days being happy, engaging, and tolerable and then she'll have a long spell where she is angry, she pouts, eye rolls, is immature, acts like a spoiled child and has absolutely no sense of humour. She also has difficulty bringing anything to the table about anything that is not about her or about politics. To me she is clearly a passionate, strong, beautiful, intelligent young woman but maybe better suited for a different job.
DM Williams (New York)
I don’t watch the show a lot so I don’t have much of a personal stake in it. What I will say, however, is the confluence of “entertainment” and “news” presaged by Paddy Chayefsky’s “Network” is in full flower in the mud fight called The View. It is not serious discourse because one really wants serious discourse, least of all network (there’s that word again) executives. They want ratings. Because ratings mean dollars. And if they thought they could get away with putting a live execution on TV, they would try to sell it. This show is indicative of not only our society, but the world at large: contentious, not open to any agreement, incapable of seeing or hearing anyone’s point of view (no pun intended) but their own.
Catherine Korten (Highland Park, NJ)
I've been watching The View since it first aired. I think Megan is a fine addition. It's good to hear both sides of arguments and she's, at least, a sensible conservative. My main complaint about the show is THEY OFTEN TALK AT THE SAME TIME! That's what they need to stop doing. No one can hear anything when they resort to that. Leave Megan alone. She's young, smart and I disagree with most of what she says, but she has every right to say it and, every once in a while--I agree with her.
Robert F (Seattle)
The only problem with the View is that people take it seriously. Why don't they have shows with the hundreds if not thousands of scholars who have interesting and intelligent things to say about politics and culture? Instead, we get silly celebrities. They aren't any more, or less, interesting than a group of random people gathered from a supermarket.
Doris (NY)
@Robert F Amen! The views of people who are famous for being famous should be of zero interest, yet they are lionized by both the right and the left. As in the case of Ms. McCain, some of these celebrity "pundits" have the sole qualification of parentage. Although I more often disagreed rather than agreed with John McCain, I cared what he had to say because of his service to our country in war and in the Senate. But his daughter? Not so much. Why would I? What has she ever done but be John McCain's daughter?
Joe Gagen (Albany, ny)
@Robert F Perfect! The final line of this hypercritical article says it all about this so-called “cultural writer and reporter” whom we are supposed to consider neutral in her reporting.
Julie (Houston)
Not liking and criticizing but still watching? I am long gone with playing among barbie dolls. politics is dramatic fare...historically it makes facinating reading and somewhat reassuring in emphasizing that people haven't changed much since Washington took office. Social media and our phone cameras have altered connecting and access. The View is naturally edited and the hosts seem to be heavily monitored. Its a TV show with huge ratings with careful guardianship over its content....no surprise. Meghan is a star. Any coverage with the esteemed NYT has just furthered her career. She is still on the job...something many of the female employees from Fox during the sexual harassment debacle are not.
Rick (New York)
Megan McCain was hired by The View only because she was John McCain's daughter. And she has not let us forget that, for at least once a week she invokes her father's name. I am indeed weary of her predictable, trite, conservative tropes. The show will be improved with her departure.
njn_Eagle_Scout (Lakewood CO)
Ms. McCain has a Ms. McCain problem. The inherent hubris of the present members of the republican party feeds her over rated ego.
Rebecca Hogan (Whitewater, WI)
I have a solution. I don't watch any TV and I don't watch the View. We can vote with our on buttons.
Darlene Moak (Charleston)
I would never watch a show that featured Meghan McCain in any way, shape or form. She has NOTHING to say that I would be interested in hearing. Maybe falling ratings would be the best message to The View that Meghan needs to go to her next chapter.
Ann Marie (Lowell, MA)
I think you miss the genesis of Ms. McCain's disruption. It's not her opinions that turn viewers off; it's her delivery of those opinions. She's incredibly self-centered and visually pouts after Ms. Goldberg effectively shuts her down when she refuses to limit her comments and give others at the table their time to talk. She interrupts others almost constantly. Though much improved, she also overplayed her grief over the loss of her Dad for far too long. As a former Republican, I often understand (not to be confused with agree with) her opinions, but her imperious delivery of those opinions is off-putting. She takes the "friendly" out of "friendly disagreement".
Anne Collins (Westbrook, Maine)
Though I often disagree with Meghan McCain and often find her infuriating I certainly would not ever sign the petition to have her removed. She is speaking her truth and that is what the show is supposed to be. Certainly we must expect strong disagreements to occur in this particular moment in American history. This table is not a place for the shrinking violet, nor is it a place for an audience or viewership who only want easy entertainment. These issues are often very difficult, and things can get hot, fiery and uncomfortable. I think if one chooses to “view” or to sit at the table one must come prepared for a wild ride. I do agree that Meghan McCain has grown up a very privileged girl and many of her opinions (especially on what she refers to as “gun culture”) reflect that. I think that she is immature in some ways. However, that said, I think that she belongs at the table. Abby Huntsman is a smart, lovely woman but she seemed to really suffer when those around her were not “nice” enough. Nice is overrated. I wish her all the best. Bottom line, if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, or at least away from the table.
The View needs to get someone like Ana Navarro-Cardenas as a permanent host. She is a Republican who talks sense and does not look at issues through the bias lenses of political ideology.
mark (East coast)
It’s all encouraged/manufactured by the producers to increase ratings. Period.
Karena (Gramercy)
I am more liberal than Ms. McCain but welcomed her addition to the View as a balancing conservative voice. And I am sorry to see Ms. Huntsman leave the show. The issue for me is the constant over-talking each other and the rude interrupting in general. If you have a group with opposite views, let them speak and finish their thought before being deluged with comment. Ms. Behar is a major culprit in this regard. I want to hear intelligent women arguing the major issues of the day but not while they are screaming at each other.
Phytoist (USA)
Media outlets need to change a bit too. Why they prioritize famous families siblings and not kids from mainstream American citizens! For quickly fast bucks through more ads? Instead paying same opinionated figures,go bring new ones from schools/colleges and help them/their institutions to advance on economic fronts.
cz (michigan)
I am a liberal, and I want to hear conservative views, and appreciate that while they are not my views, I need to see and understand how others think. However, my objection to Meghan McCain and why I stopped watching the view is that she, above all the others, hogs time, cannot be succinct in her comments, and truly never says, once, "I see your point," "you may have a valid point, but how about this..." In other words, she is not television materiel on that type of show. She was admirable in her eulogy of her father, and was incredible. But when unscripted, this is a woman who gets flustered too easily and cannot listen and respond easily or succinctly.
dog lover (boston)
Watched this show once, expecting intelligent, civil discussion from people of varying backgrounds and political viewpoints. McCain started up with her“hyper, hyper conservative” viewpoint , delivered on the attack, and I walked away. Really? Who needs this? Who does she represent besides herself? Never watched the show again.
Michael (Holliston, Ma)
Maybe one reason "civil discourse" is in rapid decline is: what do people hope to achieve from it? Maybe people realize that if the goal of "civil discourse" is to bring another person around to your point of view, that's not going to happen, and so there is no point. Rather: indulge the adrenaline that propels an argument. Just fight it out because it feels exhilarating (if also frustrating, and slightly nauseous). At this point, there is little point in civil disagreement, and there is more to be gained from outright verbal combat. Maybe the only remaining justification for civil disagreement (like in the Democratic debates) is virtue signaling - that some still "believe in" it, even if there's little point or benefit.
Jay T. (California)
This comment should be quoted in the bestselling book “How Democracies Die.”
Sajwert (NH)
To have a proper discussion, one has to be quiet while someone else is speaking and to wait their turn to either rebut or add to. The View has become annoying (at least to me) because it seems more disjointed and lacking in civility. And that is a sad thing, because discussions such as The View presents could (and often does) offer views that the audience might have not considered before and that is all to the good. Ms. McCain has a right to her opinions and perhaps would be less vociferous and defensive if she was listened to without interruption and was answered with less volume and more civility.
Samylu (Pittsburg, ca)
I have watched The View since day one. Over the years there have been hosts I like and other's who drove me crazy. With regards to Meghan. While I consider myself a liberal Democrat, and I do not agree with most of Meghan's views, I do want to hear them. Unfortunately, IMO, the biggest detriment to hearing ANYONE'S view is Joy. Commenters here have mentioned Meghan interrupting people. The biggest interrupter by far is Joy. She interrupts both hosts and guests alike. I often wonder if she is paid by the word. Yes, Meghan can be annoying, but so can all the others. Any more I tend to watch when they have a guest I want to see. But with all the over talking and constant interruptions, primarily by Joy (watch closely, you'll see) it's not as enjoyable to watch as it used to be. I find myself muting the TV or giving up watching. I will miss Abby. I have really enjoy watching her host.
A Dot (Universe)
@Samylu - PLEASE don’t diss my Joy! I love everything about her: her NY accent (like mine); her liberalism and skepticism; her humor; her longevity on the show; and other qualities I can’t think of now. You wanna pick on someone there, please go to...actually, I like them all.
Susan Kaplan (Los Angeles)
Thank you!! Joy and Meghan like to continue speaking and/or start speaking whenever they want. It’s pathetic to have a serious discussion going on and Joy finishes her point, another person starts speaking and Joy likes to interrupt and drop a marginal joke over the speaker, then look at the camera like a proud puppy, interrupting the discussion for a second time. Exactly what demographic would the show lose if this was Joy’s last year of poor engagement? Joy has a grasp of knowledge equal to an uninterested 8th grader. (Or someone on the late night tv clips of everyday people that can’t tell you the name of the VP) If I wanted to hear her opinion and voice, I could watch old episodes of Rosanne. Is there one woman on earth that has a little more of an intellectual bend and can remember the details of a story she’s presenting? Ugh. Meghan has a mean streak. She is truly a chronic victim, deaf to other’s POV and she regularly drops her conservative credibility lines like a bad actor. Wyoming, cigars, military support, ‘my father’ shooting guns.... Consider this a vote for Ana Navarro!!
Linda Oliver (Nashville, TN)
McCain is the main reason I watch the show. Being a liberal, I already know what liberals think, and I want to hear thoughts from a conservative, and not delusional, point of view. Part of the problem with our country now is everybody wants to stay sealed in their own echo chambers so they are spared the distress of hearing something with which they disagree. I wish others, especially Joy Behar, would stop interrupting and talking over McCain, and that she would more forcefully try to restate what she was trying to say. I don’t just want to hear my own views.
Dennis (Detroit)
Every “Host” on The View is totally predictable, not just Ms McCain’s! Most folks are bashing and blaming her because she is a Conservative Voice. Ms Behar says even more boorish hateful comments especially when it comes to Trump, but you won’t see any negative articles about her obnoxious behavior!
Koreen (New Jersey)
As a female conservative I believe the show would turn into a partisan mess without Meghan. At least Ms McCain represents the conservatives with her ideas. Maybe getting rid of Joy Behar who is so crude with her comments that i struggle to watch the show would be better. Ms McCain may come off entitled, but she has a right to, she has been handling the “bullies” - yes that is what they are - across the table for years. I am one person but if she is forced off the air then i will be forced to change what i listen to at 11am.
Lillies (WA)
@Koreen Your comment is a good reminder of why I am not a female conservative: the confusion between leadership and justified entitlement b/c of bullying only perpetuates the victimized femme fatale, which is what Ms. McCain is.
Dan88 (Long Island NY)
I have not seen McCain on The View, but I have seen her a couple of times doing commentary/punditry on the Sunday news shows. It is clear that she is not interested in an "honest political debate" or "civility." She has an agenda to proffer her shopworn Republican right talking points, and she is determined to put on the blinders and offer them. It also is clear that she approaches these settings as "hostile territory," mostly insisting on her shopworn political points in a strident manner, talking over others and not debating, and often having to contrive a way to inject her points into a unrelated topic.
Ryan Bingham (Up there...)
@Dan88, I have never watched the show yet feel the need to comment . . .
Rabbi McNeil (Shamong, NJ)
The next time I sit in a dentist chair I will ask the staff if I can watch the View. It will numb the pain of drilling.
Barbara (416)
The fallback line 'I am from a political family' is disqualifying. It is meaningless and she should drop it. Novarro would be a terrific counter balance for her. The age difference shows a conservative range of perspective on either side of the age gap.
Raven (Earth)
I thought about watching this show...ONCE. But then I noticed some paint drying in another room and I so watched that instead. It was far more edifying.
s.chubin (Geneva)
What exactly is/are Ms.McCain's qualification(s) to be on this show? If the producers want controversy to promote the show, they can hardly complain about the lack of civility that follows.
Kiki35 (Washington, DC)
Exhausting, exactly. McCain is not on the show to discuss issues with other people, but rather to promote herself. Her constant self-references are so predictable. And McCain could have learned a lot from the open-minded, humble Abby Huntsman. The wrong co-host just left the show.
jeanne maiden (pa)
@Kiki35 Totally agree.
Rachel (New England)
Huntsman is intelligent and thoughtful. Sad that she is leaving. Hostin is smart and generally well informed, but her ego is huge and she reminds everyone at least once a show that she is a lawyer and former prosecutor. Whoopi can be eloquent, but sometimes sounds ignorant. And joy, remains a joy. As to McCain. The reason she is there is because of her father. She sits in the wrong side of history on multiple issues and simply refuses to listen to another point of view, which is so emblematic of today’s conservatives. From abortion to guns her attitude is my way or the highway and she cannot admit that others do not agree with her. Further, she sits quietly and then expects the panel to listen to her lecture and gets angry when they don’t. She is not a princess. Warren handled her as she should be handled. Frankly, I hope Anna Navarro replaces Abby. Any is funny, smart and wise.
Sasha (CA)
There was a time when The View was must see TV. Then Hasselback arrived. I briefly watched again until McCain arrived. Might consider again if Navarro was the conservative voice. At least she behaves like and intelligent, compassionate, adult.
Alison (Ohio)
Watching Ms McCain is like listening to chalk on a blackboard. Her eternal posture as a victim has worn me out. The show could be a model for how to discuss difficult topics but it fails in that, in large part because of her. She has no empathy and doesn't try to see anyone else's point of view. I no longer "enjoy the view".
tom harrison (seattle)
@Alison - I could say the same thing about Whoopi.
glaudeave (Biddeford, Maine)
I'm semi-retired and, though active in a lot of community organizations, I'm sometimes home at the time of day to watch "The View." I find Ms. McCain highly insensitive to those who don't share her perspective and generally an offensive woman who's out to prove her "rightness" rather than to participate in genuine discourse about matters that, well, matter. That's not all I dislike about the show. All of the women rudely talk over one another. There's very little actual listening going on. I see little value in exchanging viewpoints, whether those agree or challenge another's, if no one is actually listening to anyone else. When I want a show where intelligent, compassionate, mature women discuss issues that matter, I turn to Jada Pinkett Smith and "The Red Table." Now THAT'S a conversation worthy of my attention.
Joey Green (New York)
People need to turn off their TV's and rediscover print journalism again. It served this Republic well for over two Centuries. Why should citizens look to celebrities or children of celebrities to become informed politically? The mere notion is absurd--as are the results. Case in point the current "Constitutional malaise" affecting at lease two of our Government's branches. And although at times Politics is entertaining, it was never intended to be. Reading, reflection, informed discussion leading to informed decision-making. The current system has failed us miserably just as we have failed our Republic.
emilyL (Milwaukee)
@Joey Green I turned my television off over 18 months ago. It's the best thing I've done in a long time.
tom harrison (seattle)
@Joey Green - I read papers for the comments and to keep up on what is going on with the Royal Family. But other than that, I don't have any reason to believe a newspaper. The newspapers of my youth, along with journalists like Cronkite, have long disappeared. Now, we have corporations who tell us what to think and how to process the news.
Maureen (philadelphia)
the View needs a panelist with the heft of Barbara Walters to keep the conversation on track. The panelists too often drown out their more interesting guests and lose the narrative. Maria Shriver or Diane Sawyer.
Tsumomi (Portland, OR)
I watch the show from time to time, enjoy discussions of current political issues, and generally don't appreciate Ms. McCain. If there was a way to have a civil conversation with such a gulf between my beliefs and theirs, that would be great. Unfortunately, the nation, like the show, is experiencing the worst division we have ever had, and I attribute it to Trump's Presidency. I can only hope that we all vote him and other Republicans out, and maybe someday we'll have a return to civil conversation on political topics. Still love the show.
DS (Montreal)
Although I didn't agree with her politics, Abby was an elegant and eloquent addition, too bad she is going; as far as Meghan McCain is concerned, while I agree that she is not witty or funny, she is far far better and more intelligent than Elizabeth Hasselback, faint praise yes, but the show was unwatchable with Hasselback. Ana Navarro is great but the show needs the clash of ideas and personalities to make it interesting and valuable and McCain provides that, annoying as she may be.
arjay (Wisconsin)
The clatter and cacophony of The View participants is maddening; an aural assault my ears and psyche cannot abide. I enjoyed the show, somewhat, when it first surfaced - how LONG ago? - but what appears to be a determined take on how the panel presents itself.....well, I run out of adjectives to describe how much I dislike it. What is even worse is what appears to be spillover - every morning network TV show appears to have adopted the shrill, talk-over-one-another style. Talk about a 'turn-off.' That is exactly what I do.
tom harrison (seattle)
@arjay - Rarely does anyone in this country let me finish a sentence before they want to jump right in.
David (Tokyo)
There are so many wonderful things to say about all the women on the view. It is somewhat odd to be asked what's wrong with Ms. McCain. Would it really be a better show if everyone agreed with Whoopi? You have go a set of strong women, most from entertainment backgrounds. Joy has some real stories to tell about doing stand-up in NY. She has been around. It would be helpful to have a conservative on who had accomplished something, a professional, a retired teacher, instead of a kind of daughter of the revolution, if you will. Still, many want to silence the opposition.
A Dot (Universe)
@David, Tokyo - I agree! I am very liberal, but I don’t mind hearing what Meghan McCain has to say. I disagree strongly with her on abortion and on other topics, but at least she dislikes Trump (maybe because of how he treats her father, but it seems she is against many of Trump’s other actions and words). I love Joy and Whoopi and like Sunny and Abby (I’ll miss her). I don’t watch it in the daytime but at night on YouTube. And the way they talk with and over each other is how I and my friends, mostly native New York women, talk.
Sue Abrams (Oregon)
I am very liberal but I appreciate McCain's willingness to put herself out there with an audience that she knows for the most part disagrees with her. I often find that I agree with her on the end result but not on the way to get to that ends. For example, she is opposed to abortion. I also would like to see fewer women needing to have an abortion. But instead of making it illegal, I would make birth control easily and widely available, teach age appropriate reproductive health to all children, work toward ending poverty and expand social supports to all families. I do get annoyed when the women start talking all at the same time. That's when someone needs to step in and get some control over the conversation.
CarpeDiem64 (Atlantic)
I don't watch this show much and am certainly not a conservative. And I do find Ms McCain a little grating. But this article seems to be more about the fact she is a conservative than anythign else. I don't remember any articles about The view having a Rosie or Joy problem and they were and are equally forthright about their liberal political views. I am a little surprised at the Times for running this piece - is this the most interesting thing in the world right now?
Joe (Brooklyn)
@CarpeDiem64 Very well stated. It's not surprising that the majority of NYT readers oppose McCain's conservative views. As you say , NYT is guilty of picking on McCain while ignoring Rosie or Joy or even Whoopie. Besies, this is just a silly TV show. Why even bother with an op-ed column?
Alex (Wisconsin)
Meghan appears to align with the political opinions of the most important man in her life. Now that her dad has passed away she has become “hyper, hyper conservative,” like her husband. When one acquires others’ viewpoints, one does not accomplish the difficult internal work of growth. Meghan shows no empathy, in fact, she shows little complex understanding of any type of social problem. She is stubborn and fights everyone who disagrees with her and acts entitled to speak in the louder voice. She is exhausting. The View has become exhausting. Enough! Hire for wisdom and you will find a number of potential hosts who have come to their positions by listening to and reading others’ ideas and reflecting and integrating their life experiences with newly learned ideas. They would naturally listen to others and likely offer ideas that have the potential to enlighten debate. It’s a good sign that we are tiring of bickering and fighting. Perhaps our society is growing up. Meghan should be given time to do so, too.
M.F. (Los Angeles, Ca)
It’s sad, but Megan McCain adds no value to The View. Unfortunately, she represents an indignant segment of the country that feels that context and facts don’t matter when discussing complex matters. They feel if they shout and stomp their feet long enough, what they say will come true. As a longtime View Watcher, this is troubling. Moreover, for someone who purports know so much about politics and campaigning she fails to demonstrate any knowledge- relevant at least- beyond the Obama McCain election of 2008. Her on air tantrums are legendary - including walking off the stage before a commercial break when fellow Conservative - Anna Navarro presented a different point of view on a topic. There are many disingenuous aspects of her behavior and demeanor that degrade the gravitas of The View that should give ABC News pause over her contract- the kissing of her ring in the name of her father, her duplicitous relationship of the LGBTQ Community, and the blatant ignorance of US Civics on a panel show that currently deals with politics. Make no mistake- as an American she is entitled to her opinion as we all are, but it seems like there is a better person (Anna Navarro) to disseminate the message.
Jackie (Missouri)
I think that, since Meghan clearly does not work and play well with others, she should have her own one-hour political opinion show. Give her a nice backdrop, a band, a desk and either two comfortable chairs or an executive chair and a sofa. She can do a twenty-minute monologue on any current event she desires, and then spend the next forty minutes interviewing conservative authors, fellow gun-enthusiasts, climate deniers, flat-earthers, and Republican liberals, moderates and conservatives. It might actually be a very good show, and might take the edge off of her paranoia.
Jackie (Missouri)
@emilyL Meghan doesn't like Trump, so yeah, there is that. But many thinking conservative Republicans don't like or approve of Trump, and if she had her own show, she could still find an ever-expanding audience in them.
emilyL (Milwaukee)
@Jackie I think she would be great at that and more interesting than this role of a woman with arrested development. But, I suspect that Trump's base doesn't like her. And I think she would need that audience.
dave (Brooklyn)
When people say they things like I'm hyper, ultra, super, or really, really conservative (choose your adjective) I often hear what they aren't saying but really mean, which is "I want people to do things my way and I don't care what they want or feel".
Joe (Brooklyn)
@dave Change the word "conservative" to "liberal" and your comment would be right on target.
The Augustan (Augusta, Ga)
The idea of The View is good. I mean, differing opinions exploring the topics of the day. I get it. I wish the hosts were, perhaps, more comfortable listening. I often catch them yelling over each other, and it is cringe-worthy.
L. Colorado (Colorado)
I have watched part of the view 2 times. I hated the yelling over each other. The other thing I don't understand is why there's only one conservative person at the table with a different view. Do they only want one person with a different opinion. Or, did they ask other conservatives and they didn't want to be on the show. Even though I agree more with the liberals, I have to hand it to someone like Meghan McCain who expresses her views only to get yelled at by others at the table who have a different view. Why doesn't the show have the same number of conservatives as liberals. They also need to watch Shields and Brooks on the PBS newshour and sign a contract saying they will all act civil like them. Even the guests hosts on Shields and Brooks act civil. I'm not condoning Meghan McCain's actions, but maybe it will be more of a discussion if the playing field was leveled. Also like Shields and Brooks, know the subject before the show so you can study it and talk more knowledgeable and civil about it.
Linda Oliver (Nashville, TN)
McCain is the main reason I watch the show. Being a liberal, I already know what liberals think, and I want to hear thoughts from a conservative, and not delusional, point of view. Part of the problem with our country now is everybody wants to stay sealed in their own echo chambers so they are spared the distress of hearing something with which they disagree. I wish others, especially Joy Behar, would stop interrupting and talking over McCain, and that she would more forcefully try to restate what she was trying to say. I don’t just want to hear my own views.
P Harris (Huntley)
I liked Meghan at first but her incessant attack dog approach is too much. I appreciate she is so called conservative but maybe she could educate more on a position she takes vs shrieking. It's almost like she lies in wait to disagree. Maybe she thinks she's a reporter which she definitely isn't, and has to uncover things. I thought they were all supposed to be conversationalists. This is not to say Behar should do more listening too but her role is also to add some humor. Meghan comes across as self-important as if she's the only one who lost a father or who feels certain ways. Maybe if she found common ground instead of divisiveness-it would work better. I think she she needs to learn not all the homes in America come from families of 300 million dollars.
P Harris (Huntley)
P Harris -I should have added that while she likes to be in the public arena whether it's the View or something else, I think she should consider getting off all media- social and any network tv- I think its affecting her health and her attitude.
Judy (Brooklyn)
Maybe it's my background, but I don't find the arguments annoying. that's how people argue. They sometimes talk over each other. They sometimes raise their voices. That's sort of what dinner conversation in my family was like. I think Megan McCain has the arrogance of youth which can be annoying, but she adds a point of view that no one else on the show has and many Americans do have. I love this show. I find the discussions invigorating. There's enough emotionless pontificating on television .
CRS, DrPH (Chicago, IL SPH)
My wife and I are frequent viewers, and we have come to the same conclusion = Meghan is a drag to watch. I wish her mother, Cindy McCain, were the co-host instead....she is a conservative Republican but an elegant lady who would fit into the program. There are many other female Republicans they could try to engage, including Christine Todd Whitman, Mona Chavez and others. Meghan, uh, not so much.
Heather (St Pete, Florida)
McCain is an art history major with a scary right wing spouse. She is becoming more extreme as the days pass.
Bridget Jones (NYC)
I really couldn't care less if the entire show disappeared altogether. It's not fun to watch like when it first began airing back in 1996 or so. It's devolved into nothing but daily devotions solely to politics and talking about "that guy in the White House." I don't care for Megan, either, but she's literally the only panelist who sometimes has a different opinion than the other ladies. Whether or not the women have genuine affection or respect for each other, dunno, don't care. The View is a one-note bore that should have been canceled way back when Rosie O'Donnell held the "host" chair.
Pat Baker (Boston)
Getting tired of former Presidents' daughters and their careers. I wish my parent was a politician, then I would not have needed years of college, and loans, to land a job. And we laugh at the British royal family, we have one here too.
Mercedes Sandberg (Atlanta)
Megan is not a president’s daughter.
Wayne (Buffalo NY)
The primary driver for just about anything on TV is ratings. If its good for ratings its good for the show, whether its Survivor, The Bachelor, The Apprentice, Fox News, CNN, ESPN, Comedy central, The Pet Network, Nickelodeon or the View. When will Ms McCain leave the show? When she is bad for ratings.
X (Yonder)
All television is theater. She is doing exactly what they hired her to do.
Liah (Alberta, Canada)
Very accurate take on what is going on at The View right now in my opinion. Ms. Ibrahim really hits the nail on the head throughout the article, from describing Meghan's behaviour as "just exhausting" to highlighting how she constantly claims she is a victim because she is a conservative/Republican woman. I feel like they have kept her for ~two years because of the name/family recognition factor and also because much of her behaviour and arguments may bolster ratings. However, as Ibrahim says, it has gotten so exhausting and more and more people seem to be frustrated by the direction the show has taken, I wonder how long it will be until they replace McCain with someone who can engage in more fruitful and productive dialogue. Meghan can be more progressive than the other co-hosts on certain issues (often those pertaining to sex/sexuality and gender) and I feel that The View has had co-hosts more or at least as conservative as Meghan. To me, this points to the real problem: Meghan's behaviour.
pramatodd (Minneapolis)
How dare the view allow opinions not shared by liberals!
Lillies (WA)
@pramatodd It's not the "what" it's the "how". Differing views could be expressed with more finesse. Being the princess of political royalty, Ms. McCain has simply not earned her stripes. That's the problem w. all children of privilege, left or right: they think they should be respected for who they descend from rather than earning it for who they are and what they are capable of bringing to the conversation.
LauraF (Great White North)
@pramatodd That's not what the article is about. Did you even read it? It's about the lack of civil discourse on the show because of Ms. McCain's wall of noise.
Pani Korunova (South Carolina)
It’s not her viewpoint but how she expresses them in an immature and rude manner every doggoned day.
George (Copake, NY)
I wouldn't watch such a TV show even if paid to do so. But I do find this article a bit odd. Seems to me the producers of this show should only care whether it's selling well. If Ms. McCain or any other figure of controversy can drive up the ratings -- what's to complain about? It's competitive out there in TV. Is she good for ratings or hurting them? That's really the only issue. A polarizing figure like Ms. McCain attracts an "alternative audience" that otherwise wouldn't tune in. To a media producer that's golden.
Mercedes Sandberg (Atlanta)
Maybe if you watched the show you would understand the article.
Walter Ingram (Western MD)
@George Rupert?
Chad (California)
They sell soap. Don't be a sucker. Turn off your tv.
Sue (Illinois)
I am a regular viewer and have always enjoyed the spirited discussions about topical issues. I’m liberal but enjoy hearing from smart conservatives who can share their views with civility. I really liked Nichole Wallace when she was a co-host and watch her current show daily. Meghan, though, seems to think she carries her dad’s status. She is extremely thin-skinned and pounces in a sharp, snarky way because she thinks everything is directed at her. She thinks she must carry the conservative mantle as if she is a leader; co-hosts have to explain they’re talking about elected leaders when she takes general political criticism personally. The day that she sharply told Joy that she was being paid to listen to Meghan, it stopped being entertaining and became tedious. It’s too bad. I wanted to like her but the girl could learn some humility and respect for other people’s viewpoints.
Suzy (US)
@Sue I wish people would stop classifying people as liberals or conservatives. There is a smart approach to an issue and an ignorant one wrapped up in a party affiliation. Stupidly doesn’t need euphemism. A person that lives off the legacy of her father, keeps reminding the world she is a conservative and whines constantly is just a spoiled teenager. Enough with my “club” is better than yours. We are all individuals thinking independently and not robots or kids with “mine”.
Paul (San Mateo)
Why can't conservatives like Ms. McCain be empathetic? A little understanding goes a long way. For example: Why do women have abortions? How is the availability of sex and reproductive education, prophylactics, or even abortions when they are illegal different between the poor and the well off? What impact does a child have on a woman's long term quality of life? What is a child born into poverty or to a single mother's life like? What is an adopted child's life like? What is the life of an unwanted child in a developing country like, after we cut off aid related to reproduction in developing nations? Discussion around these topics are at least one path to finding common ground, to coming up with real solutions to the problem, and an understanding that people who decide to have abortions are not bad, just human. With empathy and compassion present, there is little room for vitriol.
Jo (Missoula, MT)
@Paul , excellent points - this would go a long way in making this a much more engaging and interesting show to watch.
Sean in NJ (NJ)
@Paul But if conservatives had empathy or the ability to critically think, they wouldn't be Republicans, and that is the truth.
Erik (Indianapolis)
@Paul Because if she was empathetic, then she would be a liberal. Her position is dependent on not understanding other's points of view.
Terry (Kingwood)
Sounds terrible. The next time I am at home and not working, I'll make sure to skip it. Is General Hospital still on during the day?
Elizabeth (Vancouver)
I’ve never understood why Ms. McCain is on The View anyway. Hope she moves on and Ms. Navarro returns. She is intelligent and interesting.
stu freeman (brooklyn)
I'm a progressive and a devoted fan of "The View" and I absolutely disagree with the premise of this op/ed piece, let alone the conclusion reached by its author. Whereas Ms. McCain does spend too much of her time complaining about her besieged status as the show's designated conservative, she is, in fact, far more intelligent and a good deal more articulate than most of the talking heads on Fox and elsewhere. Furthermore, she clearly loathes and despises her party's elected leader at least as much as most Democrats do. Yes, she's John McCain's daughter, and her affection and admiration for her late dad are sincere and entirely natural. Some of her views (most especially on reproductive choice) can strike one as objectionable but it seems to me that the other ladies on the stage have been eminently capable of countering them, whether individually or in unison (for my money Sunny Hostin is just about the best such panelist on any network show). Those who find Ms. McCain's presence on the show to be problematic should imagine what the program might look like were she to be replaced by, say, the execrable Liz Cheney, an altogether more toxic example of right-wing nepotism. And, by the way, "The View" was never less enjoyable than it was during the apolitical "Year of Barbara" when Joy Behar had been shut down and Ms. Goldberg was visibly miserable listening to Ms. McCarthy and Sherri Shepherd sing Ms. Walters' praises on a daily basis.
D (Illinois)
The View could be a model for how people with all views could talk more productively with each other. We need to see how to be able to do that. This feels like a low emotional intelligence show.
Elizabeth (Houston)
@D It's not always that way. Frankly, I think the producers like a cat fight because they think it boosts ratings. Is Andy Cohen the REAL power behind this show?
Connie (Seattle)
@D I can’t watch the view anymore. The constant interrupting and talking over each other ruined it for me.
ARL (Texas)
@D The program is just a waste of time.
Think (Wisconsin)
I've only seen a few episodes of this show, dating back to when Barbara Walters was still on it. I stopped watching because I got sick and tired of seeing a group of women talking at the same time, trying to talk over one another, which only plays into the stereotype misogynists like to perpetrate against women. ABC, and the producers of The View knew what they were getting when they hired on Ms. McCain. She's exactly what they wanted - apparently any attention is better than none, and she's giving them what they wanted - lots of attention. Rude and nasty behavior is the norm nowadays for entertainment that pretends to be a news show, or a show purporting to be a venue for open discussion about current events. The View and its panelists are poor representations of what real, intelligent women are like. What's even worse is that the lot of them are making tons of money at this.
Lisa (Bay Area, CA)
I think it's valuable to have a conservative or two on the View, and I really liked Abby Huntsman, but Meghan McCain's personality makes it almost unbearable to watch. She must always announce that she's the only conservative, name drops constantly, and talks over everyone else in the nastiest way. She's rude and a hot head.
Andy (NYC)
There is a montage video online of McCain saying ‘my father’ hundreds of times on this show and other times on camera as the preface of defense of whatever point she is about to argue. She is no self-made woman and her qualifications are purely that she is the progeny of John McCain. No one would listen to a word she says if she was not and I have never heard of any real accomplishments she has earned herself. Sad.
J.Amos Monk (Galts Gulch)
Meghan McCain is nowhere near a conservative nor a Republican. Except if you count her voter registration possibly. Her views align most closely with a 1990s Democrat. The Democrat party has moved so far to the extreme left that Ms McCain appears to be conservative against her view co hosts.
Lural (Atlanta)
The View would be more interesting if the women were more intelligent. They tend to mouth the conventional wisdom of their respective political sides. Only Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin make occasionally thoughtful or revealing comments. Can’t they bring on sharper hosts so the fights would stretch our understanding of multi-faceted issues?
angel98 (nyc)
“For some viewers, Ms. McCain is the privileged product of conservative nepotism, capitalism and the American military-industrial complex.” If she had any intelligent, interesting comment to make I may disagree with the above, some children of the rich, powerful, famous, well-connected are gifted and do deserve their jobs. However, her puerile, aggressive me, me, me, nasty, entitled behavior, lack of awareness and intelligence proves the point about the many who do not. She has nothing to commend her but her daddy's name and that alone cannot do her job for her.
Lillies (WA)
@angel98 This is the problem with children of famous parents, liberal or conservative. It will take a long time for Ms. McCain to figure out who she is and what SHE has to contribute. Then perhaps she'll come down off her stilettos and be able to convert her ideas coherently.
Lillies (WA)
@angel98 This is the problem with children of famous parents, liberal or conservative. It will take a long time for Ms. McCain to figure out who she is and what SHE has to contribute. Then perhaps she'll come down off her stilettos and be able to convert her ideas coherently.
Steven McCain (New York)
Shades of Hunter Biden. When Hunter Biden name is thrown around for the life of me I can't see why there is no counter. Would Ms McCain or Abby Huntsman be on The View if not for their connections? Would Liz Chaney be a power in the House if not for her connections? The few times I have watched The View I saw few reasons to watch it again.
Ben Anders (Key West)
If Hillary weren't running for president this year, she would have time to replace Meghan as The View's "conservative" voice.
DEBORAH (Washington)
Ms. McCain presents as an entitled intolerant person who has a well know accomplished parent. Not interested in her or The View. I am bone weary of the constant real and contrived meaningless conflict. Look around we have real problems in this country/planet. I am interested in solutions, fairness, compassion, justice.
mj (Somewhere in the Middle)
I watched this when Pete Buttigieg was on. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would bother.
Hal's Friend (Canada)
how did Megham get the job co-hosting on The View The producers obviously were aware of her persona If anything , she discredits the conservative perspective( as well as the memory of her father )
Chris (Seattle)
I don't understand how THIS show has any credibility. Elisabeth Hasselback? A reality TV consultant. What? Whoopi Goldberg? A brilliant comedienne and movie star. But still? Meghan Mccain? I'm sure her dad would like her opinions but not her delivery. That's just biology, not credibility. They are not any more qualified to sway public opinon than I, my neighbors or the people with whom I ride the bus. What have any of them done or studied or experienced to have sway over us? Just because they are on TV? Does that really mean anything anymore?
On a Small Island (British Columbia, Canada)
Have only seen this show once or twice. Considering how Elisabeth Warren interupts, ignores and talks over the other Democratic candidates on the debates, it would appear she would be right at home on The View. I think men are just as bad at this. If you watch CNN, one of the rudest, IMHO, is Anderson Cooper. He appears to seek joy in stepping on other people's sentences, asking a pointed question and then rudely interupting the guest before they have a chance to answer. One may assume he was brought up with manners, but perhaps that is not the case. Many others at CNN also do this, but he comes to mind as one of the worst. Is one asking too much for a return to civil conversation and debate without all this boorish behaviour? There are many issues in the world that deserve civil discussion and debate. Where are the adults in this media playground that are able to provide it?
The Poet McTeagle (California)
A commentator can be conservative yet still be witty, charming, and good mannered. That, however, takes abilities Ms. McCain appears to lack.
Bri (Columbus Ohio)
Why is she on TV? What has she ever done to deserve to be in the spotlight, other than having a famous father?
Iced Tea-party (NY)
The conservative talk show host Meghan McCain is an embarrassment, totally without wisdom, and does not deserve a position of public influence.
Amy (Lancaster,PA)
Meghan McCain for me is the female Trump- she lies, belittles/lashes out at people, pretends to be a political analyst and plays the victim when called out. She shamelessly repeats right wing talking points and adds nothing to the discussion other than playing the both sides card. One disgusting example of this is when, the panel was discussing the vile behavior of the Republicans who entered the SCIF , she dismissed it as political theater and compared it to the sit in that Rep John Lewis led in the House floor for gun reform! She received no push back. She also claimed that Nancy Pelosi was selling T-shirts with the "don't mess with me". She provides cover to vile people like Lindsey Graham ,saying ethics don't matter! There are several decent, intelligent ,thoughtful conservatives who could sit on the panel.Why does The View give her this platform to spew hatred and misinformation.She belongs on one of the Real Housewives and should be laughed out of any decent company.
David (New Jersey)
People need to realize that these talk shows need to make money. And so, the "dialogue" needs to have an audience. Which makes the commentators on all of these shows, not just "The View", sophists. Meghan McCain just so happens to be a particularly persistent and vocal sophist. Personally, I don't know how people can watch this stuff.
John J. (Orlean, Virginia)
Is anyone forced to watch The View? Don't like it, don't watch it. It's that simple. But the author's attempt to cancel Ms. McCain is duly noted.
Liberty Apples (Providence)
`Now it’s just exhausting.' If I may: Don't watch.
ADN (New York)
For the life of me I don’t understand why anybody calls Ms. McCain s “conservative.“ What the heck is she conserving? She’s a reactionary and should be called one. Why are we letting these people claim the English language as their own?
Mark Stevens (New jersey)
Never thought I’d be taking her side but I am...
John J. (Orlean, Virginia)
Is anyone forced to watch The View? Don't like it, don't watch it. It's that simple. But the author's attempt to cancel Ms. McCain is duly noted.
Peg Manning (WA)
“Cancel”? Using hipster language does not mean you don’t have to support your position. WHY do you disagree?
Mike (Texas)
Meagan McCain rose to nobility in her eulogy of her father. But on the view (and on a infamous appearance on Seth Myers) she slips into spoiled brat mode. And self-righteous spoiled brat at that.That said, she will be on the view just as long as her version of the show makes money. As for Jon Stewart, his call out of the folks on Crossfire, seems in retrospect, and even at the time, very misguided and self-serving. Compared to what goes on and was going on on Fox, Crossfire was a”fair and balanced” debate show. Since “Crossfire” Tucker Carlson has emerged as a right wing thought leader/ brainwasher juggernaut, and his liberal cohosts have all but vanished. So, in calling for the end of Meghan’s reign—and I would love to see Anna Navarro, a truly witty person, on TV as often as possible—be careful what you wish for.
Is this opinion piece writer trying to get Ms. McCain kicked off the show because somehow it will make it better? It is low brow entertainment with a veneer of respectability. Let people have their fun and buy the products advertised. It reminds me of the Sean Spicer pseudo-controversy: not to be taken seriously, please!
Jules OA (MA)
What a lame, irrelevant show. It doesn’t deserve the attention or the airtime.
Kb (Ca)
I have never seen the view, but my sister tells me about it and I have seen clips. I really don’t understand McCain’s loyalty to the Republican Party. Trump demeaned her father and no Republican stood up to defend McCain. I would have walked—no run—away from the party. By the way, does she trash Obamacare? That would be awkward!
Gregg (OR)
And how are the ratings? That's what counts, doesn't it? Odd to read an article about a TV show and popularity of its *stars* but nothing about ratings. This is showbiz and $$$ after all. Nothing else.
theresa (new york)
If her father weren't John McCain she would be waiting tables at iHop.
TDW (Chicago, IL)
When watching a show on the electronic TV machine that's geared towards women I prefer The Real.
Jorge (San Diego)
She calls herself "hyper hyper" conservative... emphasis on the hyper. She's got her dad's temper but not his thoughtfulness.
jrd (ny)
Fabulously wealthy aggrieved right-wing trust fund brats (Meghan McCain, Rebekah Mercer, Betsy DeVos, Steve Forbes, Steve Mnuchin, the Trumps, the Waltons, etc.) are even less sympathetic than the usual grifters, like Trump's cabinet officials. Strange, how little every advantage in the world actually buys.
gale (La Jolla)
Ms McCain seems to seek out and enjoy playing the victim, and does it every chance she gets. And I am getting tired of her name dropping (yes, dear, we know Senator Graham and your late father were friends but what do you REALLY think John would think of Lindsey's current bromance with DJT?). Though I confess to watching just to see what inanity she'll come up with next.
Yes, McCain got her job because of her last name and yes, I don’t agree with almost all her positions. Nevertheless, I initially supported her role on the show. We all have our ideology, but if ALL of our positions are shaped solely by our ideology we demonstrate two things: one, we are not open-minded and willing to learn and two, we are contributing to the dangerous polarization that is ruining our country. McCain insists on calling herself a touch chick who speaks for Red America. No, she’s a privileged thin skinned rich kid who had her husband crudely go after Seth Meyers for challenging her. Navarro is willing to listen and she’s a journalist. McCain has worked at Fox News—of course—and still defends them. She has warned of blood shed if AK15s are taken away. She watches junk TV and has no opinions except party lines. Enough. She’s exhausting. Hire someone smart to replace her.
JS (New York)
With all due respect to the author of this article, I feel as though she may be expressing her own opinion - and that Ms. McCain is simply too conservative for her. The 9,000 signatures mean nothing. The author herself clearly resents Ms. McCain's viewpoint - because it threatens the liberal media cocoon in which she currently resides. I'd love to know if anyone agrees with me...
L osservatore (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene)
For all her anti-Trump antics, Medgan McCain is CLEARLY the most honest and transparent person on the show since Barbara Walters left. You can believe whatever she says versus maybe a thirtieth of what the two most hard-core Hollywoodies say for each other down on the Left end of the table/battleground. But our ardent East coast hate-trainees despise all non-progressives to ever appear on any talk show anywhere, so of COURSE Ms. McCain has Shamira Ibrahim and those like her agitating to make her disappear.
There for the grace of A.I. goes I (san diego)
She was brought on for one reason and one reason alone...she was perceived to a Ally in their Trump Hating agenda and then they got a Real View of themselves.....you can walk the Walk but its really all about The Talk-just ask the best of all these shows host Sharon Osbourne!
Jo (Maryland)
I can’t watch that show, mainly because of McCain. She’s just plain obnoxious. She adds unpleasantness to everything. Why subject myself to that?
David (PNW)
I don't care one iota what Meghan McCain thinks about anything. I've never seen much thinking from her in the first place.
jfdenver (Denver)
I don't watch the View. Meghan McCain is not a "thoughtful conservative voice." She is an apologist for a racist amoral administration who got her job based on her connections, not her expertise or credentials.
Lawyermom (Washington DCt)
If you find it exhausting, change the channel. BTW, if someone called Whoopi Goldberg “girl”, it would rightfully be condemned as racist and sexist. I have not allowed anyone to call me girl since I turned 18.
Henry (Chicago)
Can people on the left please stop making strawman arguments and blaming "civility" for their utter failure to put together a winning electoral coalition?
heinryk wüste (nyc)
Terrible show. I heard on TYT that NYT thought it was really the most important popular show to watch and so I‘m glad that someone is finally voicing some criticism here.
Donniebrook (New York)
Thanks to Ms McCain's numerous rude, self-righteously inane and pointlessly combative comments on The View, she has quickly become the poster woman for why we should all vote for the Democratic party.
DG#1 (Dayton OH)
Why anyone watches The View at all is a mystery to me. Who cares what their opinions are. Ugh.
Lost In A Red State (Somewhere)
Ms McCain has always struck me as an angry adolescent screaming “look at me, look at me....”. Besides her gig on The View, what has she ever done or accomplished?
TigerW$ (Cedar Rapids)
Would somebody explain why we should pay attention to her? Her biggest accomplishment in life is that she is John McCain's daughter. On the other hand, she is no more vapid than the other people who appear on this and other such shows.
Audrey (New Jersey, USA)
Although Whoopi went out of her way to embrace Meghan and make her feel welcome, she has worn out that welcome, for me. McCain is like a spoiled brat who takes the air out of the room and has to have her way. She was so rude to Joy Behar.
ann (los angeles)
I don't understand the author. What does she want - Ms. McCain off the show? Or a guest directing spot?
MTS (Kendall Park, NJ)
Oh, to have Jon Stewart back in the public arena . . .
Gary Wood (Asheville, N.C.)
*for the small segment of the American population that watches The View
Paulie (Hunterdon Co. NJ)
This is entertainment meant for ratings , period. If the writer wants to hear completely self congratulatory left wing opinions they can tune into MSNBC or certainly find some podcast out there. Few if any TV or radio talk shows do a neutral , balanced , respectful give and take any more.
judgeroybean (ohio)
Megan McCain is only two steps away from becoming the next Sarah Palin. Once she leaves The View, she will go "full-Sarah." Her husband is "full-Hannity" right now.
SJ (Tejas)
She was always annoying but since marrying Ben Domenech (co-founder and the publisher of The Federalist) she's become insufferable. She makes the show unwatchable. she is bitter, divisive and mean spirited. She spars with everyone on the show, and it's exhausting to see her with her mean girl vitriolic attitude. I'm sure her father would NOT be impressed with her attitude or her husband.
Philboyd (Washington, DC)
So the "problem" is that someone with a public voice might disagree with the progressive orthodoxy embraced by the writer and her fellow travelers on the Elitist Left? If you had looked to parody the intellectual fascism of the political correctness movement that has infected college campuses, much of the media and the left wing of the Democratic party, you couldn't have done it more precisely. Shut down anyone who disagrees with you. Don't listen to any contrary points of view. Call anyone not adhering to your world view a bigot, a racist, a rube, misogynist, homophobic or some combination of the above. That aggressive rigidity of mind is a sad contributor to the state of affairs in America today.
Sue (Illinois)
Ben, it’s not disagreement with her politics. It’s the fact that she’s a self-important mean girl, maybe not at home if you are lucky.
crankyaccountant (walnut creek, ca)
I don't watch it anymore. M McCain is snarky and boring.
Gary (Los Angeles)
McCain isn't being told to stop talking because the others are trying to stifle a conservative from speaking, as she ran and claimed on Twitter. She just never shuts her mouth, and is openly and personally rude to the others. Then there are the times when she pouts. "I'll just sit here and say nothing, I guess." And that's what happens. A tantrum-over-substance approach. And she makes a fat bundle of money for it.
Joni (NYC)
ABC should cancel The View already and put All My Children back on!
Brooklyn T. (New York)
Honestly. Is this news? Why do we care day time shows? We have to go work and make living!!!
Tom Amico (Manhattan)
A whole column on The View and no mention of Rosie??? The only time I watched, and when the show peaked for both vigorous debate and funny entertainment. And a shout-out please to Carlos Greer of the NY Post for his reporting that got this ball rolling, albeit, downhill...
Motherboard (Danbury, Ct)
Do we think they're too strident, rather than passionate, because they are women? Are we tired because we've been socialized to see every argument between women as a catfight? Would we react the same way on a gut level to men having a debate with raised voices? I think not. And just for the record, Warren boxing out McCain is EXACTLY the skill she will need to defeat Trump. The heck with being ladylike and deferential. An election is a crucible. The winning candidate will have to take the heat and slam it right back.
Daniel (Kuwait)
@Motherboard I disagree. My mother was a assertive and direct woman, she tried to be as honest and truth to herself as possible. She taught her children to listen and to be respectful of other people’s opinions and alway to be kind and empathetic. The problem with the view has nothing to do with ladies disagreeing or being feisty. It has to do with the dishonesty and lying of some of the hosts, especially McCain. I can think of at least five conservative women who will make better arguments and be able to communicate them than Ms. McCain. The show wanted a high profile name to boost ratings. The problem is that McCain although a high profile name is not an analyst nor a commentator with original ideas or insights to bring to any conversation and she thrives in this role because that is her brand: a partisan contrarian obsessed with owning the libs and using the “conservative” label as a pandering rallying cry for outrage. Jed was a better co-host than Meghan McCain by a mile and half.
RMW (New York, NY)
@Motherboard The point of the show is to be entertaining while relevant to the issues of the day. This show no longer is either of those. The tone of the show has shifted, and it has done so because of the presence of one, Megan McCain. That's not a good thing. The bickering that goes on is because of McCain's presence on the show. She makes the focal point, Megan McCain, and it's annoying. It's also disturbing to watch and listen as the nasty comments are hurled about, as the bickering becomes more intense, as the fighting intensifies, and as the snarling glares of Megan McCain become uglier. If I wanted all that, I'd be watching Fox "news." While discussing the state of the union, policies that affect the lives of women, and the presidency, especially this presidency, is interesting. relevant, and entertaining (the point of the show), it's no longer any of those. McCain is making it all about politics, herself, and her POV, daily. McCain simply doesn't get the show. So, why is she on it? The show must make a decision about what to do about Megan before the audience leaves it behind. Megan McCain is a distraction. She is disruptive. She is difficult to watch. She should go.
Katherine Cagle (Winston-Salem, NC)
@Daniel, And Meghan McCain is nothing like her father. He embraced immigration reform, voted against repealing Obamacare, was a man of conviction, and was often a softy. I really liked him even when I disagreed with him but his daughter is an angry conservative and it doesn't wear well. I like Abby Huntsman and Ana Navarro even if I don't necessarily agree with them. They are civil in their arguments. I liked "The View" in it's early days but no more. It's not that I dislike the argumentative exchanges because they are women, I change channels if men debate that way too. If they can't be civil I won't watch.
Livefirecook (Chicago)
The only time I watch the view is in the waiting room at the dentist's office. Reading this may make me put off my check up for a few more months.
Crying in the Wilderness (Portland, OR)
Our nation has been at war for a decade, and more than one war. Everything is conflict, from the white house, popular TV, twitter, and local meetings. People are forgetting how we actually change: slowly, by sharing ideas, backing them up with sources, empathy and looking for common ground. We desperately need some common ground! Just the scowling back and forth on the View is fatiguing. Maybe a reboot. Or go back to Judy Woodruff interviewing people on the News Hour!
Californian (San Jose, California)
People who disagree with us are not “annoying.” They are people who disagree with us. We should applaud Meghan McCain for her grit and will to be on a show dominated by liberals. She’s doing the show a great service by providing a counter view point.
Ruby (Kentucky)
@Californian I'm not necessarily annoyed by people who disagree with me. It depends on how they present their views. Meghan McCain, a privileged child of both wealth and power, comes across as having a huge chip on her shoulder. No one who has lost a parent has suffered as much as she has. I can imagine that even her best friends have to walk on eggshells around her. Yes, the show is dominated by liberals but I dare say she's compensated very well for her "service." She's just not likeable in my opinion.
Jackie (Missouri)
@Californian The liberals on the show have only a slight majority. Abby and Meghan are both fairly and very conservative, respectively. Whoopie, Sunny and Joy are the liberals, and when they have a guest hostess, that guest hostess tends to be more conservative. There is a lot of balance there. What Meghan does, which is so irritating, is interrupt, constantly, which is rude, and she seems to think that her opinion is the only opinion that should matter. Her self-absorption and need to dominate would be equally irritating if it came from a man, or a woman, or a liberal, or a conservative. And her "I am being victimized because I am the only conservative on the panel and nobody likes me" is getting a little old.
Lillies (WA)
@Californian Except she has no skill. It's one thing to have a differing point of view, it's another to skillfully convey it. She's too wrapped up in her entitlement to be clear or tolerant.
Susanna (Idaho)
I attempted to watch this show, via youtube, for a couple of months, but found Ms. McCain a real drag. She's not witty and she's not fun. There's nothing wrong with an intelligent opinion artist stating their views, in fact it can be entertaining and even helpful. Ms. McCain comes across only as a disapproving set-up artist, laying in wait to take a shot at her prey.
Elin Minkoff (Florida)
@Susanna : I agree. I think Ms. McCain is very pretty...on the outside. I think she is an entitled elitist, who has no idea that there are people in this country who are not wealthy like she is...and who suffer. Well, she KNOWS that there are unfortunate people, she just doesn't want to think of how unpleasant that might be. I think that she lives in a fantasy of wealth and privilege. She is also mean. I find her quite nasty, and not bright. Her personality is cold and dour. The only time I had kind feelings towards her was when her dad died, and I saw the depth of her love for him. I felt the same about my father, too, but my parents taught me to "love they neighbor as thyself. " I cannot see, in the person that Ms. Mccain presents to the world, that she was taught any such thing. Her dad may have been a war hero, but I don't know about the rest of what went on there.
chris (PA)
@Elin Minkoff While this is a matter of aesthetics, I guess, I do find Ms. McCain at all "pretty." In fact, I think her outside and inside are rather well aligned.
Melinda (Charlotte, NC)
@Susanna I agree - I cannot watch this show, but not only because of McCain! However, in her case, I agree that she doesn't make points very well. She just seems to be sniping (and awaiting an opp to repeat the GOP's talking points). It would serve everyone better to be funny and entertaining and maybe off-brand once in a while. It's a television talk show for crying out loud!
Objectively Subjective (Utopia’s Shadow)
I’m no fan of McCain, but in our current climate, calling an adult woman “girl” is begging for a slap-back, regardless of the rather lame excuse that it’s a “common black American parlance.” How would Ms Goldberg react if Senator McCain had been on the show and referred to her as “girl?” If it’s ok for Ms Goldberg to use then it’s ok for him to use. So... would it have been OK for him to use? I somehow doubt it. Double standards don’t hold up well, Ms Ibrahim. Don’t defend them.
EB (Florida)
@Objectively Subjective As a Southerner, I assure you that "girl" is a term used affectionately between African American women. It is not meant to be derogatory at all within the context of a friendship. I am white and work with many black women. This is a cultural difference, not a political statement.
John Bergstrom (Boston)
@Objectively Subjective In reality, though, "double standards" aren't just about abstract symbols written on a black-board, where the equation will work even if the symbols are moved around. They're about real people interacting with each other, and as such, there are things that friends can say to each other, that would be inappropriate in another context. So, "If it's OK for Goldberg to use it, it would have been OK for Senator McCain to use it" is just plain incorrect, because we are talking about humans with particular histories, not programmable robots. That said, of course there are universal rules that apply, about showing respect, in appropriate ways...
Dr. Rocco Peters (New York, N.Y.)
@EB But I also think both white, black and the rest use 'girl' affectionately all the time. It is more a matter if it would have been questionable if Meghan McCain had called Whoopee 'girl', and the answer is no, of course. This use of Senator McCain to prove that adult women can't joke with the informal 'girl' is absurd, and was the wrong comparison to make. Whoopee wouldn't have cared if it came from almost anybody--she's got a sense of humour, not this smoldering rage that Meghan projects. She was fairly well-behaved when Margaret Hoover interviewed her with her mother, but still tried to hog the spotlight. and we were actually more interested in Cindy.
Ally (California)
Leave Meghan McCain Alone. Have you written pieces on Sean Hannity or other men? I am sick of this deliberate picking on women. I am not a conservative but I think an opinion piece saying "The View" has a Meghan McCain Problem" is hurtful and lacks authority coming from a writer who, looking at their twitter feed, is obviously very progressive. With Abby leaving she is the only conservative on the show - do you want NO conservatives on the show? I think it is better for all viewpoints to be there - even ones we don't agree with. I personally am fine with her on the show even though I am very pro-choice. Better to have all the viewpoints on regular daytime tv (although I do agree re the talking over one another - though she is not the only one) - rather than have them on cable channels etc where things become even more bipartisan and audiences are in their own political bubbles. Let's debate issues from all sides. (even the ones we don't agree on ).
Dadof2 (NJ)
I had once hoped Ms. McCain would be part of a movement to reclaim Conservative thought from the radical reactionaries for whom facts are "Fake News". I hoped her prominence, her feistiness and her willingness to confront other conservatives when they were being inane could help forge them a new path. I'm not a Conservative--I'm a Liberal Progressive (and proud of it), and I believe, to the bottom of my being, that without alternative views, questioning and challenging ones views, one is doomed to disaster. Scientists call it "peer review" and without it, bad Science and even cheats don't get filtered. There is a group of such Conservatives, looking rather quixotic, but, if (and hopefully when) Trump/McConnellism collapses, they could be there to pick up the pieces. People I once detested and now respect: Michael Steele, Rick Wilson, Bill Kristol, Justin Amash, Jennifer Rubin, Steve Schmidt, Ana Navarro, William Weld, Larry Hogan, and even Mitt Romney, as well as others, have not abandoned Conservativism. Instead they have re-committed to what their movement SHOULD be. Conservatives believe you don't change until you have a an overwhelming and compelling reason to do so, and are, essentially forced to. Liberals believe that when an change promises an improvement, you should try it. McCain needs to get back to that.
Jane K (Northern California)
@Dadof2, I agree with you, the show is supposed to give different points of view on multiple topics, including a conservative ones. I do not agree with Megan McCain on many issues, but would respect her different perspective if she didn’t undermine herself with her attitude and manner of speaking. Talking over people or interrupting them does not give one credibility. In addition, she needs to be careful how she is perceived when she rolls her eyes and pouts after people call her on her behavior. It is difficult to respect someone who acts like a child when people disagree with them. She says she relates to Trump’s base, but doesn’t like Trump because of how he treated her father. However, if he had chosen someone else to pick on, would she be so quick to dislike him?
robert (manhattan)
The fact that columns are being written about an opinion show that is for entertainment purposes only is exactly why Donald Trump occupies the oval office. Because Megan McCain comes from a political family does not make her a political expert, and the history of the View and the many so called "infotainment" shows is very clear in its purpose. Ratings. When Rosie O'Donnell sparred with Elizabeth Hasselback it was the same dynamic. Good television. Sarah Palin.. Good television. Whoopi seems to be the voice of genuine sanity on a show that must constantly stir the pot of drama to keep it entertaining for viewers. When the public turns off the infotainment TV shows and actually learns how to critically analyze the complicated questions of how government can operate without constantly being "sound bitten" to death, we may actually have a chance to bring sanity , respect, and some level of trust to government.
Mary (Lake Worth FL)
I really liked hearing Megan McCain's opinions when she first came on. I thought her speech at her father's funeral was one of the finest I have ever heard. My problem with her is that she seems to feel her opinion is always the superior one and only one worth talking about. While, yes, playing the part of the poor downtrodden conservative in the room. Pouting is for children, not mature women. I love this show. But sometimes I have to mute it when we hear again: "Can I just say one thing---" and then she again goes on and on with twenty-some things she just has to share, talking over everyone else, in a monologue cutting off others and any real discussion and exchange of ideas. Ms. Navarro and other conservatives are very capable of voicing conservative opinions and yet still holding lively civil discussions with the group. Not at the group, and not talking down to the group. Even in this uncivil present political climate, manners and being considerate of others are the necessities for any real discourse. Whoopie is the wise woman who somehow keeps things from degenerating into just many forceful opinions talking over each other where no one is able to hear or listen. Discourse is a two-way street.
Laura I (New Jersey)
I have watched The View for many years. I have always appreciated the candor of the hosts. Yes, there are differing of opinions and “views”but that is what life is. When we listen and respect another’s point of view, much can be understood and appreciated. I have been an audience guest twice with Meghan McCain as one of the hosts. Both times she interrupted when not necessary and rolled her eyes and even made under breath comments about the other hosts that the audience members could hear. She seemed to be defensive from the very beginning of each show, I no longer tune in because this is not constructive conversation with different points of view.
John Adams (Florida)
I’m going to take McCain’s side in this debate. The View needs a strong conservative voice to balance the liberal bias of the show and the studio audience. I’m a liberal but if I want to another liberal love-in, I can watch MSNBC. I want a balance informed discussion.
Ellie (New York, NY)
@John Adams The View does need a conservative voice. But it can be one that isn't petulant. Meghan McCain does a disservice to those that share her opinions because of her childish and entitled behavior. We're sorry that she's lost her father, and we recognize what a true hero he was. But she should honor him by comporting herself with the dignity he showed throughout his entire life.
Peg Manning (WA)
Then The View should GET a “strong conservative voice.” Ana Navarro?
Magan (Fort Lauderdale)
We need a show where opposing sides are presented with a number of topics and they give their positions. Offstage would be a panel of say 6 expert judges with access to fact check sources. The positions could be presented and then then fact checkers could weigh in with the evidence. This would put the squash on lies and untruths on both sides. I would watch it with glee.
Greg (Atlanta)
@Magan Not every debate can be resolved by looking at the “facts” or consulting “experts.” Most political issues and differences of opinion are the result of value judgments that different people make based on their personal experiences. Over-reliance on so-called experts who refuse to acknowledge their own biases is a big part of the problem today- where people refuse to compromise or try to look at an issue from another point of view.
Magan (Fort Lauderdale)
@Greg I'm talking about factual comments or outright lies vs. truth. I'm not talking about alternate facts or truth stretching beyond the pale. When fact checkers come up with Trump telling a record number of lies that has nothing to do with value judgments or someones personal experience...unless you want your lies to be considered alternate facts.
Richard steele (Los Angeles)
Commercial American television has one motive, and that is to attract the widest possible audience, in order to sell them products, services, etc. The phony outrage-performance art that constitutes much of American TV public affairs shows have no compelling reason to change their formulas. Political pundits and shrill ideologues are hired precisely for their talent for feigning outrage and bombast. Fox television is the master of this sort of thing. Trust me, if ratings tanked all across the vacuous airwaves, Fox and their cohorts would be handed pink slips. If Americans were so genuinely interested in civil discourse, they'd turn their sets off. Ms. McCain will always have a steady gig as long as Americans tune in. McCain doesn't report hysteria, she markets it.
moodygirl (Canada)
Yes, yes and yes to this column. Rarely watch this show now as Ms McCain's constant haranguing and self-aggrandizement is tiresome. While debate among people of differing opinions can be stimulating, this has not been the case on The View for months.
DRR (Michigan)
I rarely watch The View, but they have had presidential candidates as guests, so I have seen bits and pieces of a few episodes. Meghan McCain is there because she is John McCain's daughter. Although I thought Mr. McCain was an honorable man, I largely disagreed with him politically. Ms. McCain has taken conservatism to a higher level and is very hard to listen to. The View would be better off without her, not that I will be watching many episodes, with or without McCain on the show.
Amy McCormac (Los Angeles)
I like to hear Meghan comment, she explains a position that I don't understand, and gives some insight into what is happening in our country right now. She is excessively stubborn and defensive, though. I wish she would get some therapy, because some of her behavior seems immature, or maybe can be explained by her deep grief. I know her idea of therapy is to shoot guns in the woods, so I doubt she would be willing to try talk therapy. I like Anna Navarro too. I think they both help explain the conservative position, and they both also hate Trump, so they are ok with me.
revfred2000 (55407)
I enjoy hearing self-secure women's perspective on different topics. Unfortunately, Ms. McCain seems to be a black hole of need and contributes little constructive dialogue. I no longer watch the program, because of her disruptions.
Artsy (Austin, TX)
I rarely am home to watch The View, but when I am, I can barely watch the first few minutes before I have to change the channel. Not only can I not handle the yelling and arguing over each other, which I always thought was intentional for the "train-wreck" ratings, but I am bothered by the lack of research the co-hosts seem to put into their opinions. I mean, they must know in advance what they are going to discuss; is it too much to ask that they cite some data or sources to support their opinions? I watch Shields and Brooks on PBS, which probably means I am not the same demographic for The View, but it would be nice if The View could emulate them and attempt to lift and educate their audience. For me, Meghan McCain has never illuminated her point of view because of the vitriol injected into it. I'm sure it's difficult when you are outnumbered by opposing views, but still... Lastly, and this is not specific to Meghan McCain, I am quite tired of seeing the well-connected but unaccomplished political sons and daughters proliferating throughout the media. I wish there were higher qualifications for these positions, such as talent, achievement, education, and intelligence, rather than simply who your parents are and whether you have an opinion.
Think_different (San Jose CA)
@Artsy For equal time's sake, Whoopi is a bigger problem. She is long-winded, often takes forever to make a simple point, talks too much, and can't handle those commercial breaks too well. Joy Behar is MUCH better in all these respects, and she is funny. Put her in the lead and make Whoopi just a co-host.
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
@Artsy PBS news hours with Judy Woodruff I never miss particularly Shields and Brooks. The View is totally different, they are not seasoned columnists nor we should expect that from them. I watch bits and pieces if I’m home , sometimes enjoyable and other times annoying when they talk over each other particularly what Ms. McCain does often.
jeanne maiden (pa)
@Think_different I have watched The View off and on since Meredith Viera was the original lead co-host. I don't think Whoopi is a good lead co-host, it's not her strength. I don't think she'll ever be good at it. And I totally agree Joy is better at it. Joy, and Meredith when she was there, has always been my favorite.
Greg (Atlanta)
Unless we can learn to “agree to disagree,” we are on the road to anarchy or totalitarianism. That includes understanding and at least acknowledging that not all of us agree to the same worldview. There may be a small number of irredeemable and irreconcilable people on the far left and the far right. I still believe that enough of us can still come together and call each other “countrymen“ that America can still be land of the free and the home of the brave twenty years from now and beyond.
Rocky (Arizona)
I've listened to her a few times and if she wasn't the daughter of John McCain she'd be working as a bank teller somewhere. I don't know about her formal education, but appears to have so little grey matter that she just misses the point. Glad I don't have to deal with her personality. I'd have a hard time staying civil around her too :--).
ADN (New York)
@Rocky Many reasons come to mind to disparage Ms. McCain. But why are you disparaging bank tellers so contemptuously? It’s offensive and in bad taste. And is, after all, the exact kind of thing she would do. In the end, any bank teller I meet is more valuable to all of us than Ms. McCain. Often they’re the nicest, most helpful people I meet in the course of a day.
Rocky (Arizona)
@ADN No disrespect to bank tellers. They are hard working individuals and I think that's where she would be without daddy's name. She would have to have a "real" job. Not just flapping her lips on a talk show.
ADN (New York)
@Rocky Okeydoke. If you think “a bank teller somewhere“ isn’t disrespectful, peace be with you.
Kate (Athens, GA)
I have been a fan of The View since it started. I was excited when Meghan McCain came on as she seemed to be thoughtful and able to gracefully engage with the other hosts. But I have grown so weary of her. Her constant eye rolling, self-pity and, conversely, self-aggrandizement, and bluster are just plain exhausting. It is good, of course, to have a conservative voice on The View. It is a shame that this one has turned out to be so off-putting.
lynn (New York)
@Kate Thank you.
David Walker (Augusta, Ga)
@Kate Agreed. Even though Joy is known to roll her eyes occasionally, something feels immature about McCain.
Kathy McClure (Indiana)
@Kate well said - personally, I gave up watching at all because of McCain. She is so angry for someone so privileged, and shows no respect for anyone who doesn't bow down and worship her and her opinions. As near as I can tell, she has accomplished nothing herself, and takes credit for all her great father did accomplish. And he had a sense of humor, she seems bitter and angry.
JD Ripper (In the Square States)
"Ms. McCain, for her part, reminded everyone that this is to be expected, as she is “hyper, hyper conservative.”" What does "hyper, hyper conservative" even mean? Mitt Romney once described himself as 'severely conservative.' Again, what does that mean? Is there some upper exponential limit on how "conservative" a human can actually be? I'm just asking.
Francis (bed)
It means they don't care about rights that aren't outlined in the Bible. As far as I am to understand based on all of their actions. Or rather their twisted interpretation of the Bible and all its rules.
Thomas (Rocky Mountains)
@JD Ripper It means if a liberal says something or advocates for something they are automatically opposed to it. Even if it is based on conservative principles and values i.e. Affordable Care Act
Kim (Ohio)
@JD Ripper I’m not sure people even know what they believe when they claim they are this or that. I have a family member who claims to be conservative (I think because that’s what her father said he was), but I don’t think she even knows the issues and the few times I’ve asked about specific ones, she seems to be more centrist. I know someone else who ran as a Republican for her job even though her single daughter with 2 children received incredible benefits from “tax dollars.” I think having the people on the show play their “roles” is not realistic because most people aren’t totally one or the other. If people discussed how they really felt about the issues, they might be surprised about who they really are in terms of political affiliation.
TW (Dayton)
Ms. McCain is the reason I do not watch the show. She constantly interrupts others, just so she can argue. This is not about conservatism, it screams "I want attention", "Look at me", :"Look at me." She is incapable of agreeing with anything someone might say, she simply argues for the sake of arguing. I have a lot of conservative family member with more class than she will ever achieve.
Cathy (Chicago)
When I watch, I watch because I think Whoopee Goldberg is brilliant, funny, and usually a great moderator.
SCZ (Indpls)
I have never watched The View, but I've read about it. And I've seen Meghan McCain on various other shows. It's true: she is exhausting. Actually, I don't think it has that much to do with her being a "hyper, hyper conservative." It has much more to do with a person who needs constant attention. That is what I find so wearisome and annoying about Meghan McCain. Her father was a great fighter and I guess Meghan thinks that she is one as well. But John McCain put his ideals and his moral code first, not himself. I don't see that in Meghan, even if it is there. What comes across is that she is all about herself and being the loudest interrupter in the room. The only time she was not completely exhausting was at her father's funeral.
Pat (Somewhere)
It's not the strain for "civility" that is tiring, it's the standard right-wing media strategy of shouting others down and when challenged immediately claim persecution and victimhood. By now it's just boring and predictable.
Astrid (Canada)
I can't understand why anyone would watch The View. It's nothing more than a coarse, staged reality show. And the boorish discourse can only serve to set feminism back (the last thing women need). If we want men to respect us, we really should act like grown-ups - and I don't see much of that on The View.
Jeanette (Brooklyn, NY)
@Astrid Please...How did you get to "If we want men to respect us..."? While there are many extraordinary men, they hardly set the standard for civility, refinement or mature behavior, nor does their bestowing their respect upon us have any place in this discussion.
Rose (chicago)
@Astrid I don't disagree, but what are the alternatives in daytime TV? Fox?
Dana (Oakland)
@Astrid I totally agree. I would love to see better educated, more articulate women with thoughtful ideas talk through thorny issues and actually listen to one another. This show is unwatchable in my opinion, and embarrassing for women. Ugh when I see a clip I just cringe.
Karengail (Burke, VA)
Meghan has a problem. When promoting her opinion or cause, she talks incessantly; over anyone with an opposite view, over anyone period. This is what finally got Whoopi to exclaim,”Stop talking, girl.” Her pervasive over-talking has turned the view into the kind of political back and forth that ends in blah, blah, blah. Joy is blatantly liberal, but she never shut down The View as badly as Meghan does. Abbie has a hard time getting a word in and Whoopi has to constantly call on people to talk. Viewers tune in to hear all the members of the panel. Meghan has become the loudest voice. I can’t imagine what the ratings of the show are today. Bring on Ana Navarro.
emilyL (Milwaukee)
@Karengail I've often wondered if her meltdowns are timed to impact ratings. Like clockwork, I can almost predict when Meghan will be trending on Twitter.
Gordon Wiggerhaus (Olympia, WA)
Do you watch much television? There must be hundreds of shows on politics, sports, etc., etc. that take the yelling at each other approach to panel discussions. The View is just one of them. Meghan McCain is just one participant in one show. Why single her out? Why not criticize all of these shows? They are one reason Don Trump is President. The producers of these shows know what sells.
Kathleen (Michigan)
@Gordon Wiggerhaus When this trend first took hold, we used to refer to those so-called news info shows as "yelling heads." Of course "talking heads" shows were seen to be boring. Now it's everywhere. We can only wish that those involved end up with strained vocal chords and can only speak a bit above a whisper. . . relief.
David Konerding (San Mateo)
So when a man talks over a woman, it's mansplaining/rude, but when Warren talks over McCain it's "the presidential candidate’s sly and effective tactic while doing so: a deft rebuffing of the co-host Meghan McCain’s multiple attempts to interject". Talking over a co-host is rude, no matter who does it. Also, it's sexist to imply this is OK if men are castigated for it.
Kathryn Thomas (Springfield, Va.)
@David Konerding Elizabeth Warren was talking, not Megan McCain. She would not let McCain talk over her. McCain was interrupting and Warren wasn’t having it. Even the quote you started with shows that, Warren rebuffed Megan McCain’s multiple attempts to INTER jECT.
Errol (Medford OR)
I don't understand how any intelligent person can be a regular viewer of The View. I tried to watch a couple of episodes but it was just too insulting to viewers. These people on both ends of the spectrum are like puppets mouthing the conclusions of others who actually thought about the issues they formed conclusions about. And so, the talk is one conclusion after another based upon no real understanding.
John Woods (Madison, WI)
I do not watch this program much, but to see such vehement arguing and haranguing by Ms. McCain immediately makes me change the channel. It is uncomfortable and, frankly, obnoxious. I think she is playing a role, and I have no idea if the ideas she spouts she believes or not.
vaughan (Florida)
I would love to see a show where Meghan doesn't bring up her father. She completely rides his coattails and doesn't have much to offer from her own experience or expertise. She is a petulant example of prime privilege. Period.
Jo (Missoula, MT)
If i hear Megan McCain say "my father" one more time, I'm done watching this show. She's as bad as Donald Trump Jr with the same insipid line. Isn't it time she stood on her own two feet without the constant reminder of why she is even in the public eye to begin with?
emilyL (Milwaukee)
@Jo Her Dad was an icon. She lost him just a little over a year ago. I think she deserves a break on that.
Jerry Schulz (Milwaukee)
I'm not sure I understand what Ms. Ibrahim's issue is. And I'm not sure she understands what the show is all about, and how it works in a way that's allowed it to be popular for over two decades. The show's dynamic is we have some friends who can shoot the bull in an animated way. But to make it more engaging you have to have some disagreement, and without Meghan you don't get much of that. It seems the main "problem" Ms. Ibrahim has unearthed is that she has some political disagreements with Meghan. I have the exact same disagreements, but so what? These views that I don't like are those of almost half of Americans, and without a Megan on the panel we wouldn't hear these views and it would just be a bunch of "progressives" (of which I am one) going in a circle jumping on the pile. So I guess I disagree—I don't think the show has a problem. And part of the reason is Whoopi, who in contrast to the hosts of the past does a marvelous job of keeping things civil and lively.
Marge (Virginia)
I am totally sick of Ms. McCain. She is rude, petulant, dismissive, condescending-need I go on? I enjoy the show and the other hosts are great but I grit my teeth when she speaks. ANY replacement would be an improvement!
KellyNYC (NYC)
The problem with McCain is not that she's "hyper conservative" (her words), supports cruel policies and lies about Democrats' ideas and beliefs, it is her semi-abusive debate style. She'll interrupt and talk over the other hosts non-stop, but if she is interrupted she becomes a pouting brat and plays the victim. I just can't watch her.
Mike kelly (nyc)
Today on the show all the women said they were over Bernie. Meghan called him a bully but then goes on to defend Mitch. If this is the number one political show as they so continuously hype, no wonder we have Trump and may continue to have.
Sean (Atlanta)
Nepotism at its finest. If she wasnt the daughter of a popular (in my opinion, undeservedly so) Senator, she wouldn't be let anywhere near a microphone except in a karaoke bar.
Jlaw (California)
I think Megan McCain‘s biggest problem is that she acts really rude, and even vulgar at times, when she’s upset or trying to make a point. One things to disagree, but there’s the question of HOW you disagree. I don’t know if she realizes that she’s a poster child for privileged children, so it’s interesting when I hear her talking about Hunter Biden or the Trump children. She just needs to take a course in how to be tactful and present yourself with a little more professionalism. It’s like we get it, you’re hyper conservative, and you love your guns, and that you’re McCain‘s daughter; but can we limit those talking points to once or twice a season? I just think the show could do better by having a panel that doesn’t have members on it who have this desperate need to base their sole public persona on a political ideology. It makes for predictable and boring conversation.
Gunnar (US South)
"It’s a deflecting refrain that has been employed by standup comedians and political commentators alike — anyone bemoaning the rise of so-called cancel culture when facing pushback for harmful rhetoric." "Harmful rhetoric". Seriously? This is EXACTLY why comedians and political commentators despise the humorless, easily offended social justice activists who have hijacked our campuses and so much online media. I am liberal as can be and do not agree with Meghan McCain on just about anything, But she is certainly not "harming" people with her speech. THIS kind of ridiculous hyperbole is exactly why so many people are indeed sick of political correctness.
joyce (santa fe)
Men have in the past turned to fist fights in the Parliament. We could build a colleseum and have lion wars with unfortunate members of one side or the other. Dangerous times ahead.
Often women complain and falsely point out how they are portrayed in the media compared to men, but honestly, they do it to themselves. They want to incite bickering and backstabbing. They want to be noticed for their hair or clothes. They routinely disclose the most intimate parts of their lives, sex included. The second they are questioned or challenged, they play the gender card and claim, "You'd never ask a man that question." No, because men aren't constantly pedaling that nonsense. All the tears and hurt feelings seems beneath the intelligent women in my own life. Men simply don't behave this way. Don't pin it on men. We are not the viewers nor do we like this behavior or even care about it.
Ambroisine (New York)
Meghan McCain is neither astute nor interesting. Like her hero, Donald Trump, she is a blowhard and a bully. She has coasted to fame on the coattails of her father. I agree with the author that the show, which is pretty low-brown to begin with, would benefit from someone who brings a well-reasoned point of view and doesn't merely railroad everyone else. But of course the true purpose of the show is to give us a gladiatorial girl fight. It's not news, it's sports.
R. Anderson (South Carolina)
McCain is much too thin-skinned to be a representative of anything. She is not persuasive. She simply cannot suppress her innate tendency to: play the victim; roll her eyes; talk over others; appear frustrated and angry. Some of it is theater because she appears to be auditioning for some right wing job but some of her immature rants appear to be sincere. She is only 35 and pontificates as though she has superior knowledge. Altogether an unpleasant and unpersuasive person know matter party she might represent. Conversely, Abby is articulate and persuasive.
Steve (Seattle)
That's the problem, far too many "conservatives" today don't want to have a discussion. They want to shout over and ridicule the other person with an opposing view. Meghan McCain does the View and its audience a disservice. Trey should ask for he resignation. She is more suited to a stint on FOX.
emilyL (Milwaukee)
@Steve She would fade out of existence at Fox. A few behavioral changes and she's good to go where she is.
Owen McAden (Bluffton, SC)
Honestly, who cares? The View is show biz. It's a forum for arguing, just like so many of the cable "news" shows. For some crazy reason, the people who create and broadcast these shows think the rest of us like to watch people arguing. I don't, and writing at such length about the show is a waste of time.
Kelly (Maryland)
Does The View have so much influence and sway that it calls for an Opinion piece in the NYT? The primary goal of it is ratings first and news or discourse a far far second. It isn't trying to be "Meet the Press". In find Ms. McCain to be ridiculous but that really isn't the point. The show is kinda ridiculous. It is morning TV. It is supposed to be ridiculous.
MAS (New England)
I stopped watching "The View" back when Hasselbeck was constantly going after Joy Behar, and everyone else for that matter. I am neither entertained nor informed by people yelling at each other. On the rare occasions I've seen McCain she turned me off as much as Hasselbeck. I was shocked when I found out she was in her mid-thirties. She behaves like a petulant teenager. She has zero qualifications. Why is she even there?
Michael Blazin (Dallas, TX)
She is there to act a role. Inside story: Anthony Hopkins is not really a killer though he has played one.
Australia is on fire, our own president is out of control, health care is in crisis - so who cares about this silly TV show? (And, let’s all make sure we vote in the primaries and in November.)
Kb (Ca)
@KM Because our brains are exhausted with trump, the impeachment, the election, climate change etc. Sometimes something silly and downright stupid is just what I need. HGTV works well to.
Passion for Peaches (Left Coast)
Why does Meghan McCain get any traction, ever? At least 80 percent of her statements contain the words “my father.” She is just a strident woman, with few accomplishments of her own, riding her papa’s coattails. Senator McCain was a great man, of stellar character. He dedicated his life to serving his country. It’s offensive how his daughter uses that.
A Stor mo Chroi (US)
Meghan McCain is evidence of someone who was born on third base and thinks that she has hit a home run. (I believe this description was first said about George Bush the elder by Jim Hightower).
Susan W. (Wichita, Kansas)
Two thoughts. She always seems to think that the loss of her father was more difficult and heartbreaking than anything the rest of us who've lost fathers could have possibly experienced. I find this notion to be fairly offensive. Her mother says she's John McCain in a dress. She'll need to accomplish something before that comparison is apt.
Kevin (Sun Diego)
Having a privileged, well connected, beneficiary of her fathers success Meghan Mcain as the token conservative is intentional. If The Left View has her representing the right, it’s to say that all people are like her. It’s not true but they want you to think it. It’s embarrassing sometimes how they are treat her so disrespectfully by telling her to be quiet, talking over and her and treating her ideas like they are not worth listening to. The irony of course is that their own leftist ideas are so disagreeable and out of touch with the common person that it makes them look dumb.
Kevin (Freeport, NY)
@Kevin never a criticism to be found of Joy Behar, her ridiculous antics, and out of the mainstream leftist views.
‘Kathy Millard (Toronto)
Meghan is the most intelligent , factually correct member of the show with the others who are mainly emotional. If you want to learn politics, stated in historical and contemporary statistical fashion, listen to her. If you want to nod your head in mutual unhappiness, listen to the others. I could never be a Republican, but the way the cast treats Meghan and Abby is indicative why party divisions are irreparable- with all the talk of Whoppie saying she may not like another point of view, but she will remain respectful, is just talk that sounds good.
bstar (baltimore)
McCain is playing a role. She certainly wasn't "hyper conservative" back in the day. In fact, I remember when she sounded a lot like a Democrat. What changed? She wants to be a viral story at least once a month. Social media dictates. Or, maybe she and Uncle Lindsay got together after her father died and decided that they would try to outdo each other on the "let's see who can act more outraged on a daily basis." It doesn't ring true for either of them. Phony!
Linda (Vermont)
This is what I call a garbage show; it doesn't sound like it helps to make people more thoughtful. It sounds like vicious entertainment that provides a salary for these banal hosts. Perhaps when Donald Trump is out of the White House he can be one of the hosts. Does not speak well of the viewers either. and by the way... I watched the show once for about 1/2 hour that that was enough for me. As the saying goes garbage in...garbage out.
CB Evans (Appalachian Trail)
Just as the vast majority of religious believers arrive at their faith through the faith of their families (look it up), it's always interesting to see how the children of well-known politicians perform in public. But honestly, just because you grew up with some set of beliefs being foisted on you, isn't it better to think, "Well, all right, that's what these folks believe sincerely, but why should I necessarily believe them? I think I'll go out and investigate for myself." So when transparently ambitious buffoons like Donald Trump's sons suddenly show up all over the place parroting Daddy's every utterance, I generally think, "What a poor, pathetic thing you are."
Mallory (San Antonio)
McCain has no credentials for the job except being the daughter of a famous senator who was more egalitarian and open minded than she will ever be. She comes across as insipid, rich woman who has little understanding of politics, economics and societal issues in general except her own narrow views. I doubt her father would be impressed.
Mark Young (California)
Meghan should know better given the treatment of her father by Trump in both life and death. You do not build a more civil society by treating everything as a big-time wrestling event. All these people suffer from any measure of wisdom. You cannot possibly know everything. Try and recognize this fundamental truth. In Trumpland, I guess being loud and obnoxious is a mark of greatness. But people will tire of the act and things will change—-eventually.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Lifelong Democrat here, but I greatly respected Senator McCain, especially due to his Military Service and five horrific years as POW. Even when he ran against Obama, he (mostly ) behaved in an honorable and dignified manner. Except Palin, of course. So, I was willing to give Meghan a Chance. I don’t watch the show, but I’ve seen clips, and have read some of her writings. She has drastically changed. I’m not sure if the loss of her Father, OR her marriage is the reason. Or both. She seems incredibly angry and combative, ALL THE TIME. The epitome of the “ sore winner “. Ms. McCain, try working a minimum wage Job, while paying your own way thru College, as MANY do. I did it, myself. Or, trying being a single Mother, constantly just one Car breakdown or Doctors visit away from absolute disaster. Or try having elderly parents without the resources to get “help “ at Home. This is performance art: poor little rich girl, the perfect victim, and completely oblivious to others. It’s tiresome, unseemly and frankly tacky. Her Father would NOT be proud.
Ambroisine (New York)
@Phyliss Dalmatian I agree with you, but please don't attach her performance to daddy issues or marriage issues. To frame your concern in those terms is to give the men all the power. Meghan McCain is unpleasant on her very own terms.
cfrfc (North Carolina)
Watching McCain and Huntsman and any other folks whose sole credential is a famous parent really undercuts any idea of a meritocracy.
Brooklyn Dog Geek (Brooklyn NY)
Megan McCain has such horrible manners that watching her is so cringeworthy. It’s hard to understand how someone who screams and interrupts—under the guise of “I’m opinionated and deserve to be heard!”—has any job let alone one in front of the camera.
John Brown (Washington D.C.)
If McCain leaves, it's just another news show where we hear either the liberal or conservative talking points du jour. If you don't like her, just tune her out if you must.
Diane (PNW)
I watch the show occasionally and I can hold my breath until she mentions that she is John McCain's daughter. Sometimes she bases withholding judgment on Republicans such as Lyndsay Graham to the close relationship she formed with him since her childhood. Like most Conservatives, she refuses to consider the evidence, and will go off and clamp her jaws on a tangent as proof that Democrats and liberals are hurting the country. I hope she does quit, she is not open-minded.
Vincent Trinka (Virginia)
It’s all about making a buck! That’s what this country has always been...for sale.
Ambroisine (New York)
@Vincent Trinka No Vincent, it's not what the country has always been about. I have to disagree. It's been a country, until recently, that welcomed a plurality of ambitions, and they weren't necessarily monetary. My Puritan ancestors fled England because they were being prosecuted. And I am not endorsing Puritanism, by any means. Look at the Shakers; their's was not a campaign for dollars. Look at the many people who have had to flee their countries and have been, sometimes, the initiators of innovation here, to the benefit of all we citizens. We cannot become so cynical that we rewrite US history in purely capitalistic terms. The cycles of immigration incorporate both horrible crimes and welcome destinies. Please don't reduce the soup to one ingredient.
Sean Casey junior (Greensboro, NC)
Not not did McCain’s bring us plain but also this. He almost rebuilt his reputation but here it goes again
James (Los Angeles)
Nothing like a woke pushback piece to remind these weary, wary liberal eyes of mine just how much trouble we're in. The assumptions, the excuses, the rejection of any form of criticism of "so-called cancel culture" — that is what it's called, among other things. I'm glad I live in America and not Cultural Revolution-era China or I'd be sitting in a reeducation camp writing my spurious confessions and hoping not to be beaten to death by the likes of Ms. Ibrahim.
James (Colorado Springs)
There is the Republican Party, then there is the New Trump Republican Party, McCain needs to decide where her loyalties are. But if she wants a new gig there is always FOX News.
emilyL (Milwaukee)
@James She's definitely new party.
Dan88 (Long Island NY)
Over and over, the MSM fails to appreciate that the Republicans/right do not do "civility." No matter the pedigree, no matter how telegenic the messenger. Civility, reasoned debate and related concepts are purely an academic and thus Democratic concept.
Elena (Mexico)
I don't get the hate Meghan gets. I watch the view from Mexico, and perhaps not being involved in the partisan beliefs of American viewers allows me to see it differently, but I think she gets more hate because of the current situation in the US, and her conservative view. The way I see it, all the ladies interrupt each other, all talk over each other, all tend to raise their voices to establish their points, all of them get passionate about their opinion sometimes, and all make a reference to who they know, who they have worked with and their previous life experiences to validate their points. The difference is, hers are very political because she grew in a political family. The only difference I observe regarding her participation is that usually in the table no one shares her points of view and the other ladies tend to team up about somethings, which is why I imagine she is there in the first place, to offer a different point of view. I actually like that she seems to always be prepared, has done her research and asks very specific questions to ignite conversations... I don't share her opinions in many cases because I am Mexican and a liberal, but I think she does her job very well. Also, would she be criticized so ruthlessly if she was a very opinionated and passionate man with a political background, like so many other Tv personalities? I believe the answer is no.
S (Boston)
Her constant anger is hard to watch. Anger is a projection of fear and inner inertia. It is possible to debate without rancor, but she is not capable.
Michael Blazin (Dallas, TX)
Anger is just another tool for an actor. These shows are performances, not news.
Suzie130 (Texas)
I used to watch this show when Barbara Walters, Meredith Vieira, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and their crew were on the show. They would have their differences of opinion, but the show was always entertaining with interesting guests. I stopped watched when it became a shouting match. Don't miss it at all except for Barbara who was such a classy lady.
Brian (Baltimore)
I am sure Meghan has extra security for exposing her views. I view as brave and a much needed counter balance the the predominately liberal cast. Is this another case of ‘I only want to hear the View of people I agree with’.
Kate (Athens, GA)
@Brian Not true. As a long-time fan of The View myself, it is entertaining AND informative to hear all perspectives. In actuality, it is Meghan who gets angry when the others disagree with her.
Howard G (New York)
This is not a serious political program - it's an entertainment show specifically targeted towards - and designed to attract - a specific audience and demographic - while generating revenue for the station and producers -- I'd be willing to bet that the companies who buy commercial time to advertise their products and services on this show - are also running their ads on the Fox News Channel at the exact same time -- Let me know when is invited to appear as a guest on "Meet the Press" -- I won't hold my breath...
Jeanine (MA)
I think we are all getting tired of partisan fighting on air and online. I am hoping this sickness will soon pass and we rediscover how to talk about ideas without abrasive aggression.
Lisa Aguilar (Denver)
@Jeanine I wish Americans could first identify as Americans rather than party. It would be nice if 2020 was about which candidate can unite us.
Tim Clark (Los Angeles)
@Jeanine As a famous screenwriter once said, "If you don't have conflict, you don't have a movie."
AP (Miami)
@Jeanine Yes.
Bobbie (Miami)
I had stopped watching for a few months because Meghan was too annoying for my enjoyment. Just this week I started watching again (recording) and find myself fast forwarding whenever Meghan talks. It's exhausting.
LisaIsabella (19540)
As a conservative Democrat, I appreciate Megan’s thoughts.
FarmCat (Yakima,WA)
@LisaIsabella What is a "conservative Democrat?" I'm not familiar with the meaning.
FDRriseAgain (Washington, DC)
@LisaIsabella Conservative democrat, what is that? That is about as likely as a liberal republican. perhaps that means you just never changed your voter registration card, when the south jolted the party when L.B.J supported the civil rights movement.
Vsedai (FL)
@LisaIsabella I too am multifaceted.Some things I am conservative about like Gun Laws...Not all gun laws just some. I am also very progressive about who gets to live in America. I always want to hear what Megan says, why not.
JS (Ohio)
I watch The View to hear discourse from a panel of diverse opinions. I am trying very hard to understand why we can't get to common sense gun laws and I can't understand how so many people can support a president without character and morals. So I began watching a few years ago and I immediately was struck by their inability to have such discourse. The constant interrupting and talking over is crazy, and Ms. McCain is the primary, but not only offender. And she needs a coach on how she presents; the eye rolling and scowling are getting worse. Getting angry with the group because she has no children and they talk about children too much (after another co-host had twins!) was really immature. I once had a co-worker ask me why I was always so angry. It was like cold water in the face. But I listened and got coaching. A couple years later I had a wonderful leadership position. I hope they find a way to help her improve because she does have a lot to offer.
Mark W (New York)
@JS Agree with your view...and your position. I’d like to see the show comeback to a place of civility. Behind closed doors are they not saying..how would Barbara Walters handle this moment? We as a country need to get back to civil discourse. I believe Ms Walters would be on the forefront to find a way back for the sake of the country of View. This from a Liberal.
raph101 (sierra madre, california)
@JS Meghan's inability to listen respectfully, to different opinions and to conversations that don't mirror her personal experience, boils down to narcissism. She's not so different from trump: If it's not about her and doesn't doesn't involve people adoring her, she really has a hard time hiding how much she hates it.
NYTheaterGeek (New York)
I mean, it's TV. She's playing her part, isn't she? The View would become unbearable to watch is there wasn't the periodic tussle between the hosts, and nothing gets them more polarized than politics. Gee, isn't that true of many dining tables these days? If The View was really interested in harmony, they would have sacked Ms. McCain a long time ago. But then who'd watch?
carol (denver)
Agree entirely with Jon Stewart.* There is so much noise, so much click bait, we who seek to be informed citizens are just grist for an algorithm mill that somehow works by paying TV "anchors" to tell us what hard-working journalists who earn a tenth of their salaries have reported, primarily in print. But somehow the NYT, WaPo, Reuters, et al are on the same treadmill - careening after us, treating us like click bait. And to add insult - they ALL advertise and promote Facebook - look at the bottom of every article, every byline to be advised how to go to Facebook. I would subscribe in a heartbeat to a new sources that proudly stated at the end of every item "we do not support facebook, twitter... whatever someone wiser can say to summarize the corrosive effects. * performance of bipartisan [i add:PSEUDO] debate only served the politicians and corporations, * as opposed to their audience, who he believed deserved to be informed and assuaged of their palpable anxiety. *“To do a debate would be great,” Mr. Stewart said. “But that’s like saying pro wrestling is a show about athletic competition.”
Glenda Huntly (Canada)
Ill-suited for the job: few people skills; limited ability to articulate clearly; no evidence of much-needed voice training; little impulse control; no real understanding of group dynamics; often immature; sometimes petulant. I’ve watched The View. Of course I have. But at this point I’d say I “know” more about Meghan McCain than I’d like to. And I don’t even know her.
Gregg (OR)
@Glenda Huntly Sounds like the mirror image of the Trump White House -- on a good day.
Susan A (Altamonte Springs FL)
I like Meghan - BUT - her voice drives me crazy, especially when she's trying to make a point. It's high and shrill and I want to mute her. She should take some voice lessons and work on her tone. I like that she is a student of politics and seems to be well informed. I do not like it when she interrupts people to make her point, especially when we already know what her point is going to be. She needs to wait her turn and then tell us something we don't know. I think Meghan is an asset to the show, but she should take more cues from Whoopie and Joy on when to interject. I also think she is a great proponent for women's issues, although she needs to understand that a woman having control over her reproductive health is the number one way she can be empowered to succeed in life. As a rich, entitled white woman, she doesn't seem to understand this. The View is a great show. Keep doing what you're doing. Hopefully, Trump will be voted out of office and the conversation won't be so divisive anymore.
Reuel (Indiana)
“For some viewers, Ms. McCain is the privileged product of conservative nepotism, capitalism and the American military-industrial complex.” That is accurate. What's the counter-argument? If she interrupts all the time, which is demanding, disrupts thought, and is very annoying, that's an objective reason for dismissal.
Richard Phelps (Flagstaff, AZ)
The producers of the show are interested in profits and the conflict between the liberals and the conservatives brings more viewers the more acrimonious the discourse becomes. Ms. McCain's opinions and the ardor with which she represents them is therefore very welcome.
Me (MA)
I like Meghan McCain but I wish that she could appreciate her incredible good fortune and not get so angry all the time. She is the daughter of wealth and privilege, but even if the McCain family had nothing, they still are exceptional people, with values and good deeds that anyone could admire and aspire to be like. Not everyone is so lucky as she is, to have had a father as special as John McCain and a mother as loving as Cindy McCain. She is so intolerant of anyone who doesn’t hold her very hard line, ultra conservative views that she does her message a disservice. She isn’t winning any of the audience over to her point of “view”. Note to Meghan - more gratitude, less attitude.
Marie (Oakland)
I actually only started watching the View, because I came across a few clips and was impressed with McCain’s contributions to the “hot topic” discussions. I vehemently disagree with her on a lot, if not most issues, but she does know politics well, she brings a lot of valuable arguments to the discussion, that go beyond superficial criticism of Trump and she passionately believes in her positions. Just to use an example mentioned in the article, I disagree with her on choice, but we have to admit that a lot of people who are pro life share McCain’s view and characterization of abortion, so I don’t know that replacing her with another conservative voice would make a difference - unless you got with Ana Navarro who brings exactly what McCain doesn’t: mindless Trump bashing, a complete departure from conservative beliefs and a few well-rehearsed lines to keep the crowd entertained; in other words a Republican liberals will accept. I agree that McCain probably should try to interrupt less and not take disagreement with her stances so personally, but I can imagine that it sometimes gets frustrating when everybody’s lines are scripted solely to bash Trump and get a round of applause from the studio audience, while she is actually trying to discuss the matter at hand from a political perspective. Maybe if the other hosts had more to contribute themselves, we’d see not only a more civil but a much more meaningful discussion on the View everyday.
gradyjerome (North Carolina)
Haven't seen the show more than a handful of times, despite thinking the core idea of it is an excellent one. Possibly the problem cited isn't really Meghan McCain herself but rather the utter emptiness of what passes for present-day "conservative" political thought.
Eddie Allen (Trempealeau, Wisconsin.)
@gradyjerome Boom! Direct hit.
Sean (Brooklyn)
Staged, looming TV conflicts produce favorable ratings. This show is a business, which is designed to generate money. This show isn't Socratic dialogue. We live in the reality tv era, in which base entertainment is elevated to celebrity status, and even, the presidency.
Anne (New York City)
I agree. It's hard to know if she's being treated unfairly or just playing the victim. She has incredibly valuable insights, and she's a deeply earnest patriot, which should enrich the conversation, but her attitude ruins her contribution.
Dan Cameron (NYC)
The problem with McCain isn't that she's conservative. It's that she's done absolutely nothing on her own in this world: no career, no accomplishments, no recognition, no awards. She is only where she is because of who her father was. I think that must grate on her 'View' co-hosts, who have mostly come to their opinions (and careers) though life experience and hard work, not by being the shallow, pampered princess of the mega-wealthy GOP elite.
Greg (Atlanta)
That’s a great point. So true. “The View” was started with two of the most interesting and accomplished women of the twentieth century, Barbara Walters and Whoopi Goldberg. What has Meghan done except run her mouth?
jeanne maiden (pa)
@Greg Whoopi was not there at the start of The View. She came on much later. A more accomplished person than Whoopi is Meredith Viera, the original lead co-host. I still miss her.
Michael Blazin (Dallas, TX)
Ms. Viera is a journalist. These other people are performers. She had better things to do with her time.
JimIn (CT)
SNL captured Meghan perfectly in one its many 'View' sketches. Aidy Bryant (as Meghan) starts one of her pointless stem-winders with: "As the only daughter at the table..." Perfection!
Art (An island in the Pacific)
The author may find McCain tiring. But as Trump might ask, "how are the ratings?" A substantial number of people voted for Trump because of--not despite--his boorishness and incivility. As I skim the various media (both traditional and social) this seems like the thing. What's that saying, "the medium is the message?" Well, nowadays the medium is rudeness, boorishness, incivility and controversy (actual or feigned). McCain is just one of an increasing number of otherwise unremarkable exponents.
Vincent (San Francisco)
It is interesting to me that the only candidate that can go on that show and actively win over both extreme sides is Andrew Yang. Curious...
CharleyBuck (Philadelphia PA)
Have not watched the show in a while. I do like Whoopi and of course Joy Behar (bothe very smart and use humor to 'de-escalate"). Keep what's good about the show - Whoopi and Joy and find some humorists or writers or actress who may have political and social views more to the conservative side but are "civil". In the mean time, I continue not to watch. Loved her father because he was a hero and gentleman. Little nice to say about his daughter - who ought to read more books and do some socially enlightening activities and get "woke".
dakotagirl (North Dakota)
Leave Meghan on the view. I'm not watching it anyway. I have a job. I would only DVR it if Barbara was back.
just saying (CT)
Is news suppose to inform or inspire? Entertain or Educate? Would Walter Cronkite consider this manner and style of news reporting to itself be newsworthy? What would he report about such "news" regarding how news is served and digested contemporaneously? Marketplace driven news products are inherently dubious and likely endanger our Union now more than ever.
LaLa (Westerly, Rhode Island)
@just saying I miss Walter Cronkite and Andy Rooney.
folkie51 (Kerrville, Tx)
@just saying Who on earth thinks the View is news?
just saying (CT)
@folkie51 ...well I suppose the people who adopt the talking points presented on the View think the View is in fact news. Perhaps the more important story is that the NYT is covering a story about how stories are now "covered." I don't watch the View but here I am...how can news be unbiased if we have to have commentary on how it is portrayed?
Jack (California)
I periodical I watch bits and pieces of the view and I have to say I've never understood what Megan McCain adds to the mix. She basically counters literally anything that's put on the table and she sometimes reminds me of Kellyanne Conway by talking over everyone as they try to speak.
Karen J. Krahl, D.C. (SLO, CA)
@Jack Good point. It’s a real “tell” Kellyanne and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are experts at double-speak, and are both totally disingenuous. There’s no way that they actually believe what they are saying. It’s intentionally a farcical ruse to distract us from reality.
raph101 (sierra madre, california)
@Jack There must be a finishing school for conservative talking head ladies. Their insults and evasions and pouts are pretty similar when you think about it. That would include Sen McSally today when she refused to answer a sensible question about impeachment proceedings by calling CNN's Manu Raju a "liberal hack."
Madison Crum (Washington DC)
After all that T has done to her family, for her to even "pretend" to agree with him is to much for me to stomach. Clearly all about money and fame!
Joan Von Weien (Washington)
I remember longingly the program Firing Line. Host William F Buckley, who listened to others while speaking of Conservative values! I loved his manner and MANNERS!! Great guests made for an illuminating hour! Is there anyone of his caliber?
Bobb (San Fran)
I tune out Meghan Mccain automatically because she always needs to explain herself and the show's format of quick soundbites really doesn't suit her. The producers seems to know, a little catfights pumps up the ratings.
Guidomele (Minneapolis)
The show seems to have a lot of bitter, angry personalities from both sides of the spectrum- none of whom seem to want to understand the other’s point of “View”.
Fran (Maine)
The few times I've watched the show, McCain is angry and Goldberg tries to moderate her, but somehow fails. I'm 80, so this show doesn't appeal to me anymore. I have nothing in common with these women.
julia (USA)
Meghan is nothing like her father in spite of her continual reference to him as a kind of validation of her opinions. She is overly aggressive and angry. It is possible to be conservative and able to present an opposing point of view in a polite and calm manner. The View can and should find a new and pleasant member of their team to represent the conservative voice.
BabsWC (West Chester, PA)
I guess The View is more interested in ratings than facts. as most "talk shows" are. It simply plays as a bunch of women attacking each other; maybe it's time to turn the page - put on something else, even if reruns. I don't watch it because I see enough squabbling among Congress critters.
GregBPortland (Portland, OR)
I like Meghan McCain for her progressive social ideas on equality, feminism, etc. She often says smart and compassionate things, such as a recent talk about men. The ladies chewed over an issue that I can no longer remember, but I remember McCain's response: "Gee, I really hate it when men tell women what to do." She got a big hand. If only she could temper her anger when it comes to gun control, abortion and immigration. She flies up into the red zone on a moment's notice and undercuts any credibility. Anna Navarro, also a conservative with a progressive social side, often clashes with her and I find myself siding with Ms. Navarro. Describing abortion as "murdering babies," is extremely inflammable and won't get her any respect. Abby Huntsman, who is somewhere in the middle politically between McCain and her other co-hosts, is often wishy-washy and I'm not sorry to see her leave. But that leaves McCain by herself, struggling to find her place on the panel. I don't think she can learn to control her impulses and her edgy tone, but I wish she would. Her sass and sense of fun should be a source of camaraderie on the show. But her blunt questions and her demand that people see things her way can often render her ineffective. Elizabeth Hassleback rigidness made her a liability on the show. Shrill doesn't work, and McCain should realize she can attract more flies with honey. Her father understood this a lot better than she does.
Corrie (Alabama)
@GregBPortland it’s the abortion thing I think that makes a lot of progressives who watch the View mad. I would love to hear Meghan’s opinion on the Alabama abortion ban, where the legislators did not even vote to include exemptions for rape or incest. I can’t imagine someone who has McCain’s feminist stances, like you pointed out, could be okay with a girl being raped by a male relative and becoming pregnant, then not being able to get an abortion. Is that kind of abortion ban really in anybody’s interest? It’s just cruel. These are the issues where a voice like hers really needs to be heard so that we can better understand what she believes.
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
@GregBPortland If Abby Huntsman is to leave , sounds like She is ,I wish they replace her with Anna Navarro. And yes Meghan McCain is so much better than Elizabeth Hassleback with a shrill voice. Meghan has some warmth in her and sometimes sounds compassionate.
folkie51 (Kerrville, Tx)
@GregBPortland What progressive social ideas are you referring to?
Charlie (San Francisco)
One could say the same about Juan Williams on The Five. Which has a much higher following!
Vicki Herman (Milwaukee, WI)
Excellent article. Captures what is wrong with Cain’s presence on The View. Replacing Cain with Ana Navarro would create a panel of well informed and well spoken women. Cain yells and contributes nothing. Her voice and empty declarations make me change the channel when she speaks. It will be a loss for the panel when Abby Huntsman leaves the show. Ms. Huntsman showed intelligence and courtesy when sharing her political view points. Yes, I’m a Democrat but enjoy civilized discussions regarding politics.
Michele (USA)
@Vicki Herman Well said..thank you!
doc (New Jersey)
It always amazes me how rich, entitled individuals with limited intellectual power are able to have so many opinions, and are willing to voice them as gospel. Meghan McCain would not be on TV if she needed to demonstrate competence in her interview for the job. She got the job because of her father. She is about as smart as Donald Trump, who would have flunked out of Wharton if his father gave less money.
Wally Wolfd (Texas)
@doc Amen, doc! Thank you! Regarding Trump's years at Wharton, the fact that they will not allow Trump's grades at Wharton to be made public speaks volumes.
BSmith (San Francisco)
@Wally Wolfd Wharton and Trump's other schools will not release his grades because his attorneys have notified them they will sue if this happens. Trump has't released of his financial, academic, or personal legal records (e.g. tax returns).
FerCry'nTears (EVERYWHERE)
@doc Yes I am continually wondering why she is on this show at all. Only because of who her parents are, including Cindy. Seems to me she's always pouting and smarting for a fight. I love a good argument but that's not what we are seeing
William (Minnesota)
The lifeblood of television programs is size of the viewership, and the demographics of that viewership. No doubt the producers of this show have observed that conflict, disagreements, and spirited arguing increase ratings. The fact that this thoughtful article appears in The Times attests to the power of verbal combat to generate publicity. As we move into the late innings of this election season, I expect the heated exchanges cited here to get hotter, more intense and more frequent. as television land reaps a windfall from our four-year cycle of presidential elections, and the eyes and ears of a nation open themselves wider to the inherent drama of politics.
Corrie (Alabama)
I’m no longer affiliated with today’s Republican Party, but I proudly voted for John McCain. I maintain that if McCain had won, the Middle East would not be in the state it’s in today. But unfortunately, Wall Street had to mess up our financial system and we had to turn our attention to domestic issues, and President Obama was the man for the job. The reason Meghan McCain is an important voice in this debate is because she has never wavered in her stance on, and completely understands, the need for a strong national defense, not the crazy Rand Paul isolationist idea that so many Trumpists subscribe to. To say that The View has a Meghan McCain problem is to woefully misunderstand what’s going on in America. I feel like people are taking out their frustrations with Trump on people like Meghan McCain, when the truth is that she’s really nothing like Trump. It’s becoming nearly impossible to profess conservative beliefs without being immediately discounted. I get it— it’s because most people cannot stand Donald Trump, myself included. The Republican Party is at a breaking point because of him. His lack of civility has trickled down into our discourse, and I think that’s why some people say that Meghan McCain lacks civility. But anybody who watches The View and is honest about it knows that every host can at times come across as uncivil or annoying. That’s the nature of the show. So respectfully, I think you need to dig a little deeper here. The problem is not Meghan McCain.
Tony (New York City)
@Corrie I have taped this show since the beginning ,yes there have been disagreeable people who can’t communicate but despite Rosie, and the constant negative interchange with Elizabeth there was a conversation based on facts. Megan is forcing a conservative conversation as if her views are the only one that matters. She interrupts and is just rude. People are exhausted from Trump and she is not far behind. Why can’t she have a concrete conversation that is normal vs. I have to be right. Her father would not be proud. I mute her when she comes on it’s tiring . Barbara save the show again
Corrie (Alabama)
@Tony I see your point and I agree that it seems like she forces a conservative conversation, which is often annoying to progressives. But why does it seem like she’s forcing a conversation? It’s not because she’s uncivil, or demanding to be the center of attention, it’s because she is defending a belief system that has been twisted and tarnished by Trump, and it’s causing a sort of crisis of faith, if you will, among conservatives. Instead of leaving the party, she’s doubling down, and I think that’s why she comes across as annoying because it’s like a fifteen year old kid who refuses to accept that there’s no Santa. The problem is that the Republican Party is not a conservative anymore, and conservatives like McCain are having a hard time coping with it. Progressives are like, how could anybody be in the same party as Trump? To us, it’s crazy for anybody with a conscience to be a Republican today. But to them, it’s like Trump has crashed a party with a bunch of thugs and they’re waiting on him to leave. At least, that’s what’s going on with many conservatives I know.
Patricia (Fairfield, CT)
I'm not sure it's what she says, but how she says it.
Dan Cameron (NYC)
@Patricia A philosophy or political science major she clearly was not.
adrianne (massachusetts)
SNL nailed this kind of television with their 60 minutes skit of 'Point/Counterpoint'. This kind of public discourse has brought us to what passes for presidential behavior today.
Soleil (Montreal)
I've tuned into _The View_ over the years and do so in present day to hear what Whoopi Goldberg may have to say as I find her comments enlightening and thoughtful. I always assumed the various co-hosts were chosen for their divergent views. I enjoy hearing what Ms McCain has to say, perhaps due to my respect for the late Sen McCain, a true 'profile in courage', sorely missed in the Senate today. The only problem with the exchanges on the show today is when they talk over one another, and McCain does not seem to be alone in this regard. Wish Ms Huntsman well in her future endeavors, tho sad to read she is leaving the show.
R. Anderson (South Carolina)
@Soleil Wait a minute. Goldberg is "usually" the adult but often presents as superior and an oracle and she is very biased instead of being balanced - as I am sure her job description tells her to be.
Renee E. (Hudson, WI)
I usually enjoy hearing Ms. McCain's take on things - not that I usually agree with her. I like hearing from the 'other' side and from a younger person. While we will never see this coming from our current Whitehouse we should all be trying to engage each other in a civil manner. Sometimes you see that on The View.
Annie Kaplan (dc)
I watch the view online almost every day. Politically, I am on the other side of almost every issue discussed by Meghan McCain. Nevertheless, I watch the view so I can hear views of others who don't agree with me, amd i watch because of Ms. McCain, not in spite of her. If you are liberal and all you want to hear is an iteration of your own viewpoint, go watch msnbc. But If you want to hear passionate liberals and conservatives fight it out, then watch Ms McCain and Ms. Behar go at it. To those who feel this is unseemly and rude, I suggest you grow up. This is the state of American politics today and it is no worse that it has been many other times in our history. People today hold their points of view with great passion and rarely even debate with someone who disagrees with them, except for the women on the view. I hope they replace Ms. Huntsman with another conservative, so we hear more of the conservative line. I want to learn why so many of my fellow countrymen are so reluctant to permit any gun control or any right to legalized abortion. I hear these issues argued on the View from both sides and I appreciate this.
Montreal Moe (Twixt Gog and Magog)
@Annie Kaplan Jonathan Swift was the greatest debater of his time. However, he would not debate unless he could successfully argue either side. Debates require facts and the only debates in today's America are taking place far above its politics. Words have no meaning, the most conservative regime on the planet is Iran's Ayatollah and his Republican Guard. Our major debate concerns the wearing of religious identifiers by people in authority in our public places. God has no home in our civil state. Our Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and our conservative Provincial Prime Minister Francois Legault are on opposite sides of the debate but here it is our conservative provincial leader who demands there be no room for supernatural belief in the public spaces. There is no real debate in America the arguments are fallacious at best and logic is never a factor. It is about selling product and you are watching Dr Hook and His Medicine Show. It is easy to hate when the argument is about feelings not facts.
Tony (New York City)
@Annie Kaplan When I listen to a conversation I want to learn something. I don’t learn any insights from Meghan it’s the same script, She needs to either up her game or be quiet , this show lives off of ratings and sponsorship. Megan is not her father and is not a star.
arusso (or)
@Annie Kaplan " If you are liberal and all you want to hear is an iteration of your own viewpoint, go watch msnbc. " So much of this friction, this conflict is not about point of view, it is about objective reality (facts), versus fiction. Conservatives, including McCain live in a fantasy world of their own making and I am not interested in a point of view built on a foundation of dreams.
Dee (Out West)
Much of what Ms McCain says seems to swing between invective and petulance, rather than meaningful discourse. She cites her father often but seems to be channeling her husband. John McCain was never a “hyper hyper conservative”, more of a compassionate one. At times her behavior seems an embarrassment to his fine legacy. Having a famous name may give one a leg up in the world, but with that advantage comes responsibility to not dishonor the name.
L osservatore (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene)
@Dee - Regarding her love for argument, Meghan is definitely Daddy's girl. But neither was ever the straight-down-the-line conservative that you'd find out in the Midwest or other places where most people raise crops for a living. A more honest John McCain should have become a Democrat by the time the Bushes were in the White House.
JConway (Philadelphia)
@L osservatore Agreed. Meghan as well as Ana N are not real conservatives. They both contribute to the anti-Trump group think on the View. It would be much more interesting if there was at least one pro-Trump conservative on the show.
jeito (Colorado)
@L osservatore There is no region in the U.S. where most people raise crops for a living. Not even close. "In the 1800s, 90 percent of the population lived on farms; today it is around one percent." source: PBS, A Sustainable Future. https://www.pbs.org/ktca/farmhouses/sustainable_future.html
I don't watch the view everyday but I have watched it more often in the past couple of months. I have never voted Republican in my life and my family would say I'm extremely liberal,(Which I am not on all issues) I don't see a problem with Megan...I don't agree with her but sometimes when watching, i wish she would get to speak more often. Personally, I can't watch when Joy Behar hosts because it's just too much...idk, maybe I've just missed the episodes in question.....but I have watched fairly often and don't see this over the top anger.
whipsnade (campbell, ca)
To quote Judge Judy, "For there to be a show, there must be a show." If The View truly were a thoughtful and serious program that addressed important political and social issues, it would have a very different audience and much lower ratings. Reality TV is generally scripted for dramatic effect and The View does this quite well. The panel includes some of the most affected people on television. If they were guests in your home and acted this way, you would likely not invite them back. Whoopi Goldberg's behavior as a guest on Graham Norton is quite different than on The View. Her behavior on Graham Norton seem genuine and likable, consistent with how we have known her over the past forty years. In contrast, as the moderator on The View, she is the new Barbara Walters. Gloria Graham, the grandmother of women-focused daytime talk shows, was far more genuine but she existed in the early days of television. She was someone you would literally invite back to your home. In summary, The View does not have a Meghan McCain problem because without the show, there would be no show. This is all performance art.
James Morgan (NJ)
Virginia Graham perhaps? Gloria Grahame had coffee thrown in her face by Lee Marvin in The Big Heat. Among other notable roles.
whipsnade (campbell, ca)
@James Morgan: Virginia Graham, yes. I realized the mistake right after I sent. Thanks for the correction. Gloria Grahame was the best.
Montreal Moe (Twixt Gog and Magog)
@whipsnade There is a huge audience thirsting for information. It is easy to believe it is about ratings because it is much easier than knowing it is about Snake Oil. There are millions around the world watching the real debates but it is not an audience hungering for Snake Oil. All around the world there are brilliant young women taking over the reins of government who can inform rather than enrage and mollify. America has great writers, scientists and philosophers who are there on the web and worth listening to. I don't know Ms McCain or Ms Huntsman but I would much rather listen to our Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland who knows what she is talking about and I suspect is far more entertaining. Heck I can spend the hour listening and watching Professor Elizabeth Warren give a lecture called Values and the Economic Crisis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcyrXshiJi0
In the 80's Jesse Helms wanted to decide what we saw in museums and what we heard on TV. The left, my party, protested and fought for freedom of expression. Now, say something someone on the left disagrees with and they want you destroyed, fired, ruined. The party reminds me of the French Revolution, after destroying the opposition, they have now begun to turn on each other. The left is the party of anti-freedom. I'm a Democrat and I'm supremely letdown by what's happened. Time for me to change loyalty. I'm pro McCain even if I disagree with her, simply because she can face an opposing opinion with a person and not want them removed. She's an adult.
Kathleen (Michigan)
@MCS Yes, this trend is disheartening and alarming for long-time Democrats. I always wonder how much Russia has influenced this. It's a way to disrupt the culture and also get Trump re-elected. Russians don't like Democracy and certainly both the Soviet Union and China mandated ideological purity in previous times. Not supposed to happen here, here. It has in the past, with McCarthyism. I, too, like to hear the other side. It helps sharpen my point of view. Sometimes it may inform it. I don't like the attack mode that is promoted by the media. Listening and civility need to come back. That may be happening.
dairyfarmersdaughter (Washinton)
If she wasn't the daughter of John McCain she obviously would not be on this program - I don't watch it (waste of time). However the snippets I have seen on other programs and interviews with her leave me cold. I think trying to be a "maverick" but instead coming across a spoiled child. She is going to run for office in the near future, so is trying to solidify her conservative "creds".
Frunobulax (Chicago)
Really the only question is: How are the ratings? Apparently on the upswing, more or less comparable to Ellen and Kelly but not quite so grand as Dr. Phil.
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
Ms. McCain said just the other day elsewhere that she will never vote for trump. Before that she said how she loves and adores Joe Biden, and can`t be on View if Biden is running for Presidency, yet Meghan is still there. But in diffetent clips she`s seen arguing with Joy Beher, interrupting her co hosts when they are talking when she pleases and what not. Abby Huntsman on the other hand is the epitome of civility just like her Father. I wish her all the best.
Ellie (New York, NY)
@B Sharp Abby Huntsman has class.
lulu roche (ct.)
Just for the record, I don't watch tv in the daytime but for years would put on the View if I had the time. I stopped watching when Ms. McCain started to host. Her bitterness was disturbing. I found her to be angry and looking for a fight. Why watch that?
Mary Ann (Massachusetts)
@lulu roche Agreed. I used to watch the view, but when the “discussion” turned into angry invective and insults, I lost interest. McCain made it just hard to watch, and as it says elsewhere, exhausting. I’m surprised that any of the originals are still there trying to talk to McCain at all.
Amy (Lancaster,PA)
@lulu rocheMe too! I used to catch some parts o the show on YouTube on the train. No longer!
Kim Bealle (Darien, CT)
@lulu roche You don't find the extreme comments on the other side strident in the same way? It's not fun to watch them all line up delightedly reinforcing each other if there's no counter. Why are her extreme comments "bitter" but the others are not? Joy Behar?
MLE53 (NJ)
I watched The View when it first debuted. I found the back and forth among the hosts interesting and entertaining. I stopped watching the show probably a year or so later. Based on the snippets I have seen replayed on various shows and this article, I am glad I walked away when I did.
Allen (Virginia)
The "View" isn't what I would call quality programming IMHO. I am able to watch 5 minutes, then have to change the channel. It's been women over-talking other women and guests for YEARS, since the beginning. Enough.
Jackie (Missouri)
@Allen If men on talk shows can learn (for the most part) to take turns and let other people speak without interrupting them, then certainly women on talk-show panels can, too. Do we need to break out the "talking stick?" and pass it around the table?
Kim (Ohio)
I don’t share her views. Every time I see her, she strikes me as being incredibly angry, as though she were screaming for help. It seems sad, if she actually is, or, that she’s posturing for her job. Her father seemed able to stay above her methods most of the time. I wonder how he would counsel her now.
Charlie (Little Ferry, NJ)
@Kim For me, Meghan's "anger" seems to stem from this position of having to prove herself - which is squarely on her shoulders. While I don't agree with her politically, I too, as others in this comment section have stated, want to hear her point of view on the hot topics. However, the minute she faces a retort while she's explaining her position, or if the audience happens to clap in agreement at said retort, she frankly becomes petulant and either barks back or shuts down. Meghan, you were hired to give the conservative viewpoint on a liberal show -- do it!
CM (Toronto, Canada)
Regardless of their opinions, their observations and their discourse, any show purporting to "tackle the issues" but spends half of its time plugging products as part of their content can't be taken too seriously.
C. Bowling (Atlanta GA)
@CM Maybe, you were just engaging in some hyperbole, but to state that the show spends "half of its time plugging products" is too ridiculous and inaccurate a charge for me to ignore.
Jackie (Missouri)
@CM Nah, ten minutes at the end of the show, tops.
DC (Philadelphia)
"Discourse" is usually used in the context of being tolerant of different views and willingness to engage in civil conversation with those who you disagree with. Warren demonstrated that there is no desire or tolerance to engage with the other side which is what the liberals accuse the conservatives of. Same can be said for those on The View who are liberal leaning. Not better or different. More similarities than any are willing to admit.
G Klepac (Pittsburgh PA)
@DC Accusing Senator Warren of "no desire or tolerance to engage with the other side" is over-the-top outrageous. Senator Warren and the other Democratic presidential candidates daily subject themselves to hostile questioning from reporters, political opponents and potential voters. Conservatives engage in devious attacks like noticing that Senator Warren refused to be cowered by Ms McCain to support their phony persecution complex. Show me an example of where Stephanie Grisham or Melania Trump or even Sarah Sanders has successfully engaged with the types of questioning that Democrats receive daily, if you want us to believe there is any evidence to support your frivolous attack.
Tom (Austin)
@DC The tax reform act along party lines seems like a pretty good example of conservatives having no desire or tolerance to engage with the other side. And the Supreme Court battles - holding a nomination up, then voting in two justices along party lines. And you're comparing that to Warren trying to remain calm while being constantly interrupted by Meghan McCain while she is talking? Okay. got it.
Flossy (Australia)
@DC Megan McCain doesn't 'engage', she screams until someone gives her attention.