You Can’t Say Trump Didn’t Warn Us

Dec 18, 2019 · 43 comments
Robert L Smalser (Seabeck, WA)
Vulgar works both ways. Hard to believe how cavalier the self-righteous critics are about the fate of trafficked children with brown skin as byproducts of a system they abet with promises of sanctuary and benefits. A full THIRD are trafficked, often to be sold into sexual slavery. Separation is required for vetting.
Robert (Atlanta)
The problem is those that realize and despise him, do so from the same realization as many of those that support him. Some are disgusted by who he is and some love him for the same qualities. The lizard brain dominates some of us and some not.
Dan (California)
"Anyone paying close attention knew the kind of president he would be." Exactly. So how is it that such a huge number of people are not paying intention out ignorance and gullibility or are willfully ignoring the reality of the deeply corrupt Donald Trump? It's an astounding failure of education or culture or both.
seattle expat (seattle)
The Aesop fable most like the story told in the poem is "The Farmer and the Viper". However, in Trump's case, we have large teams of supporters and enablers helping him; the snake does its evil on its own. So we have a much broader problem than the one of having one evil person. I would just like to remind the Republican Senators that if they get rid of Trump, he can't do anything to them and they will still have a conservative Republican as our president.
Leigh (Qc)
Wonderfully blunt. This reader, who couldn't bear to listen to so much Trump, only feels sympathy and gratitude for the film makers who had to listen over and over in the course of editing this powerful work. Thankfully the subtitles were perfect in conveying its frightening sense. Bravo!
Lynn Russell (Los Angeles, Ca.)
@Leigh Exactly. I believe Maya Angelou once said, "when someone shown you who they are, believe them." In this era of fakery and illusion, folks would rather believe the illusion. Mike Bloomberg also said "I know a con when I see one." This video should inspire a campaign of itself as a public service announcement
Ben (Florida)
The snake is a poem? It’s based on the Scorpion and the Frog by Aesop. A very old story.
tom (USA)
I think he chips away at his base daily. For example, I have friends who voted for Trump who have kids with disabilities and autism. When he, for no apparent reason, makes fun of a climate change activist with autism, he hits a parent's sore spot. He defends, for no apparent reason, a guy taking a selfie with a dead enemy. In the process, undermines military protocols and seems to imply most soldiers support that type activity. I can only hope these unforced errors will catch up with him.
Nathan Adams (Arlington Texas)
I remember watching the results of the Presidential Race when it was announced that Donald Trump was announced the to be the next President of the United States. My blood pressure went up and then prayed for this country that we will find in our heart to keep an open mind and learn from the decision and future presented to the US and the world. My gut was telling me it was going to be a rough time coming for the next four years. I served my country in the military for sixteen years and I am proud of my service and thank the government to provide the guidance and leadership for my future. That said, I could not believe that we as a country voted for a man like Trump. As we all processed during the election year who would become the next President I never thought he had a chance with his history and no experience within government. He has proven to be a person that only cares about himself with no respect of others. This country was built on hope and aspirations of a better life. As we are all immigrants from other countries and this is what makes this country so special. As a person whom served the government with a top secret clearance. Military that have a TS/SCI clearance are vetted by high standards such as financial and psychological evaluations. No history of bankruptcy and identified as a person of sound judgement and character. Why do we not have the same standards set forth for the Commander and Chief??
Lynn Russell (Los Angeles, Ca.)
@Nathan Adams I myself wonder about this not only in regard to the presidency but political office. Beyond differences of opinion on a wide range of subjects what stunned me once again in the brief statements of many house representatives was their seeming absence of credibility. My education began in a private school that heralded Skill, Service and Honor three pillars with Honor the most important attribute. These qualities were echoed throughout my successive educational experiences and through the lives and endeavors of my family. Honor is one of those tricky denominators, hard to locate in others but eternally rewarding when found while navigating rough seas. We witnessed glimpses during recent testimony. It would be brilliant if advocates were as accessible as opportunists.
JS (Portland, OR)
Fair warning to those who hold him to their bosoms: the biting hasn't stopped, it never will.
Ronald (NYC)
The first time I heard Trump reciting his snake “poem”, I knew full well he was talking about himself. His little evil chuckle each time he repeated it showed that he knew too. We’ll see what comes now.
MrKettle7 (Portland, OR)
Typical narcissistic behavior to obsessively accuse others--enemies--of doing what they themselves do. I don't know if they can ever realize this. It is a very unhealthy and monstrous group of personalities to which our president belongs. He runs his shadow Trump organization like a gangster.
jiminy (Va)
Have thought of this many times. He was projecting as he always does.
Truthy Times (Mass.)
Kudos to the very talented Taige Jensen. This video should be posted in local websites around the country in hopes there are some open minded Republicans and independents. Thoughtful media like this and the What is he hiding? Times Square sign are important to counter the media that write stories about what Americans believe based on less than a thousand people in a poll. Trump says the polls are through the roof, and that gets spread around immediately. You knew I was a snake and What's he hiding? messages need to be repeated early and often. How can we make facts count?? I refuse to accept that is just the way things are in this "Trump Era."
Old patriot (California)
Where is Michael Josephson to call attention to What Will Matter and Character Counts???
Alan R Brock (Richmond VA)
Snakes everywhere are now justified in feeling insulted.
Robert (Helena)
Snake News? Snake and Friends? Spewing venom their evil never ends.
Bronx Jon (NYC)
Please apologize. That’s such an insult to snakes the world over!
Truthy Times (Mass.)
The last thing the abusive bullyman said that was not a lie was “you knew I was a snake.”
Tim (Berlin)
This analysis is precisely right. What carries the story of the snake still further is that its being true about the president gives it the feeling of truth to an audience. He has a gift for being truly false, or perhaps the reverse, this dark, lying man... So many card tricks, so many cheap rhymes. When will it end?
Sandra Garratt (Palm Springs, California)
His "favorite poem", what a joke from such an illiterate and uncultured vulgarian. The audience behind him worries me...look at their faces....scary.....Q are they paid to attend? These are actual American citizens?
ChristineMcM (Massachusetts)
"You damned well I was a snake before you took me in." Amazing video complilation of Trump's greatest hits to our democracy. Thank you Taige Jensen for putting this together. Painful to watch, even more painful to realize that the country is hanging by the thinnest thread. With certain acquittal in the Senate, we face an election bound to be rigged again by a cheating president and his corrupt party. Will the people take the snake in again at the polls in 2020, yes or no? I hate to contemplate the former answer.
Tom (Pa)
We let a snake in the house is right, and it is Trump.
Anne (Nice)
Yes - "You knew darn well I was a snake before you took me in". What exactly do his supporters expect? Bankruptcy from medical bills? Paying a much higher percentage in taxes than the very wealthy? Where are their cognitive skills??!!
esp (ILL)
Apologies to the snake. Snakes don't seek greed or power, they only seek to live and do its part in the ecosystem. Now trump on the other hand only seeks power, greed and to torture others. I supports his delusion of himself that he is all powerful and can bully people.
Bruce Northwood (Salem, Oregon)
Who knew that Trump had the brains to recite a poem. I am truly amazed.
Michael (Sydney)
A better reference point would be Seinfeld. You've now seen President Costanza living one of his truisms, "A lie is not a lie, if you believe it".
John (NYC)
What this tells me is there are any number of snakes out there in and among fellow American's. But we know this don't we? In our bones we know this. We know them for what they are. Monster. Devil. Evil incarnate. The Imp. They're always out there, sprinkled in among the human herd. Those with little regard or care for others, only for themselves and the mischief they can wrought. And from long association we know there's but one recourse in dealing with them. It's one known since the days we first came down out of the trees, picked an apple then got the hair-brained idea to sharpen a stick and start foolishly hunting lions. If the snake doesn't slither away quick you can do but one thing, squash them flat. And do it fast, before it shows us another apple or bites again. John~ American Net'Zen
Paul-A (St. Lawrence, NY)
There are so many connotations of the work snake, ranging from evil to lurid. They all apply to Trump.
Michael (California)
Mitt Romney was right. Where is his courage now?
Ronald (NYC)
The first time I heard Trump recite his “poem”, I knew full well he was talking about himself. His little smirk whenever he finished it said he knew, too. We’ll see what happens next. 191219-0148
RLB (Kentucky)
We knew that the president was a snake when we brought him home, but we wanted a snake - a snake that shared our values when it came to racism. Face it, America is a racist country, and Donald Trump is a racist. America wanted this snake. While praising the intelligence of the American electorate, Trump secretly knows that they can be led around like bulls with nose rings - only instead of bullrings; he uses their beliefs and prejudices to lead them wherever he wants. If DJT doesn't destroy our fragile democracy, he has published the blueprint and playbook for some other demagogue to do it later. If a democracy like America's is going to exist, there will have to be a paradigm shift in human thought throughout the world. In the near future, we will program the human mind in the computer based on a "survival" algorithm, which will provide irrefutable proof as to how we trick the mind with our ridiculous beliefs about what is important and what is supposed to survive - producing minds programmed de facto for dirty tricks and destruction. These minds see the survival of a particular belief as more important than the survival of us all. When we understand this, we will begin the long trek back to reason and sanity. See
rene (laplace, la)
snakes are kinder & sweeter and more honest than 45.
n1789 (savannah)
i am not sure what kind of animal Trump most resembles. But we can agree that he is not the kind of human being we respect. Not an aberration but certainly a shameful example of human vice and viciousness. He just attacked the late Congressman JOHN DINGEL as likely being in Hell. Anyone deciding like God on the fate of a person in the Life to Come is truly evil.
freyda (ny)
Zero at the bone indeed: A narrow Fellow in the Grass By Emily Dickinson A narrow Fellow in the Grass Occasionally rides - You may have met him? Did you not His notice instant is - The Grass divides as with a Comb, A spotted Shaft is seen, And then it closes at your Feet And opens further on - He likes a Boggy Acre - A Floor too cool for Corn - But when a Boy and Barefoot I more than once at Noon Have passed I thought a Whip Lash Unbraiding in the Sun When stooping to secure it It wrinkled And was gone - Several of Nature’s People I know, and they know me I feel for them a transport Of Cordiality But never met this Fellow Attended or alone Without a tighter Breathing And Zero at the Bone.
PAB (Maryland)
The issue isn’t that voters had no idea who he was when they voted for him. It’s that they knew exactly who he was—and voted for him anyway.
Pat Richards (Canada)
@PAB and that is America's great challenge. "To be or not to be?"
Sally McKinney (Santa Clarita, CA)
@PAB They may have known exactly who he was - but they voted for him because of that.
jdp (Atlanta)
The terrible truth is that Trump is very popular in the GOP. I understand conservatism as a political position. But the GOP is no longer conservative, just misanthropic. Wish I knew how they managed to work themselves into a wicked state of mind.
Just Ben (Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico)
Thank you for this reminder--everybody should already know, but many seem to have forgotten, and more are in denial--that Trump showed his true colors BEFORE the 2016 election. Anyone who hides behind the excuse that he didn't really know who he was voting for is just as much to blame--perhaps more so!--for this national calamity as those who voted for him and stand behind him still. Trump is the most uncomplicated, transparent politician in the history of electronic media. Most people complicated. Trump is as simple (and as intelligent) as an amoeba. If you didn't see through him before the election, it says something about you--and what i
Just Ben (Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico)
@Just Ben ...and what it says, ain't good
Charles Dodgson (In Absentia)
This is an evening in which the rule of law prevailed. This is also the evening, as history will look back, when Trump became truly dangerous. House Republicans rejected reality and undisputed facts in this impeachment proceeding. But there is a frightening difference between this proceeding and the Nixon or Clinton impeachments. We will see a "show trial" in the Senate completely "exonerating" Trump - a proceeding that will, by necessity, ignore the massive evidence of Trump's wrongdoing. He will then understand that he is only limited by his imagination and the laws of physics. Actions Trump may take now? He may well cancel the 2020 presidential election. Even if we have one, he will most assuredly not follow its results if he loses. And he will have the support of his base, no matter what he does. Trump voters do not care that he has committed many acts of obstruction of justice and abuse of power. They will do literally anything for him. They have a "president" who tells them that as whites they are the only "real" Americans, and for this they will tolerate anything. This was never true during the Nixon or Clinton eras. Trump voters' continued support of a deranged tyrant has led to our first dictatorship. Expect his threats to escalate into further targeting of minorities, and urging his supporters to exercise their "2nd Amendment solutions". They were certainly cheering him on tonight. We will look back, and know that is the evening when the peace ended.