With Trump, All Roads Lead to Moscow

Dec 09, 2019 · 374 comments
Jennifer Francois (Holland, Michigan)
I’m waiting for Trump’s financial info to be released. There’s something in there he doesn’t even want his base to know . I think the logical conclusion is that whatever financials DJT has hidden do indeed lead to Moscow. Actually, all of this is very, very alarming. Does Putin have a political asset planted here? Y or N I wish the answer was no and that we had a different President. Can we as a nation hold things together when our leader wants to tear us apart?
Bella M (Columbia, SC)
Actually what the tax returns will show is that tRUmp paid practically no income taxes.,
Scott (Seattle)
@Jennifer Francois If Trump is terrified of his financial records and background, and the prospect that if they were revealed they could cause him serious harm, why would he run for president? In what scenario is it logical to place oneself at greater risk? It's never made sense to me. I think he's a terrible president who is actively hastening climate change, is dangerously fond of authoritarian regimes, and is fomenting division, but I've never understood the Russia narrative.
DKM (NE Ohio)
@Scott But why are you presuming Trump operates by traditional, sane logic and reason? Therein may be the flaw.
David Ohman (Durango, Colorado)
Cutting to the chase in Ukraine, Putin's hand is on the levers of power and war-mongering in the country. Taking Crimea was a test run. When journalists questioned Russian troops near the eastern border of Ukraine about whether they were Russians or Ukrainian rebels, those uniformed, unmarked soldiers laughed at those journalist while avoiding answering the question. That's when we knew Putin was using Crimea, and Ukraine, as a beta war zone. Meanwhile, Trump has continued his embrace of the president of our most-feared nation state, Russia. Withholding congressionally approved military funds for Ukraine while strong-arming their president, Zekensky, was a bow to Putin's plans to retake Ukraine as a Russian state. So what happened to the Russia-hating Republicans over the past 4 years? What happened to their fondest of memories when the Berlin Wall fell? The only thing that can explain the wholesale reversal of Republican hate for Russia is: Trump and the conservative media gasbags who carry Trump's water. So my question of the moment is: Are Republicans more afraid of Trump or, the state propagandist Fox News and their blind loyalty to Trump? The other night, I caught a PBS special on the rise of facsism in 1930s Europe and how Mussolini and Hitler cajoled their millions of citizens to accept their own subjugation in the name of all-out nationalism. Hitler and Mussolini. Trump and Putin. The parallels to Trump's rise to power are more than terrifying.
Longestaffe (Pickering)
"Good morning, Don. This is the Ghost of Christmas Past. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to shield Russian interference in US elections." "Good morning, Don. This is the Ghost of Christmas Past again. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to wreck NATO." "Good morning, Don. This is the Ghost of Christmas Past again. Your mission -- but let's drop the pretense of choice. You wear the chains you forged in private life, do you not? Well, then, your mission is...."
Shim (Midwest)
Thank you.
TDurk (Rochester, NY)
Well written. Watching the republican antics yesterday left me awestruck. The sheer brazenness of their obfuscations, distortions, distractions and attack dog comments is awesome, in the sense of a daunting insight into the abyss of our political honesty. The intellectual dishonesty of republican politicians is as much a story as the contempt Donald Trump demonstrates for our Constitution. Realistically, Trump probably had no idea that Rudy and the boys were way out there, far from the shores of reality, when he likely bought into their schemes. Being Trump, he saw an oppty, on the heels of the Mueller scalding and brimming with thoughts of political vengeance, directed his guys to go for it; he could cover it, just look at Article 2. Probably thought it would help him with Putin as well. So everybody understands Trump. Even his apologists. What is so damning is that republican politicians will continue to deny the reality of Trump. They have struck a Faustian bargain with Trump and his base core of supporters to hold onto their personal positions. Just look at people like Ted Cruz. Trump trashed his father, his wife among others. Today, Cruz sucks up to Trump. This is the reality of republican politicians writ small. This is Trump's world. Trump's impeachment is necessary. SCOTUS must support or compel testimony of Giuliani, Bolton, Mulvaney et al. in the Senate trial. The truth will come out eventually, so all involved in the process will be judged.
A.K.G. (Michigan)
How long will it be now before Trump fires Christopher Wray for defending his agency against Trump's lies and smears? How long before Trump has appointed such a toadying and amoral government that there will be no room left for people who serve the country first, with integrity? How long before our system of government is entirely lost, with the knowing assistance of Republicans in the House and Senate? We keep hearing that Trump maintains a high popularity in the Republican Party, but how many people still identify as Republican?
David (Cincinnati)
".. and it’s why lawmakers who care about the Republic and its survival must use it." If only there were people like this in the GOP.
Quoth The Raven (Northern Michigan)
Dictionary.com defines a Manchurian Candidate as "...a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional." We are saddled with a president who fits the aforementioned description, and who actually admits it. Unfortunately, we are also burdened with a U. S. Senate controlled by Republicans who are, apparently, more interested in the security of their jobs than in national security. All presidents have their biases. They are entitled to have them. What they are not entitled to is biases that tip the scales of policy away from American interests and in favor of petty dictators and anti-democratic autocrats who would gleefully destroy our country. That is precisely why the framers of the American form of government embedded within it the mechanism of Congressional oversight of the executive branch, along with the corollary concept of checks and balances. Policy differences between parties will always exist. That is also a hallmark of our system of government. What should not and cannot be tolerated is when one political party turns a blind eye toward an occupant of the Oval Office who routinely and with malicious self-interest turns his back on American interests while enabling its enemies. Unfortunately, it appears that Republicans are doing just that. Ask yourselves, why?
Wood Odysseus (NC)
Amen. Trump has crossed the line more than once. This president cannot control himself.
Debra (Chicago)
Let's not forget the timing of all this. The Senate is getting the impeachment in the middle of the democratic primary races. If the GOP views Biden as their most formidable challenger, the Senate will amplify Trump's attempt at election interference in the middle of the primary season. The goal would be to throw Biden off-track and remove him as a contender. The Senate impeachment trial will be extensively covered by media. Every day, strategically placed slander on Hunter Biden and DNC conspiracy theory will be highlighted, and the press will report, in many cases uncritically. I would urge the NY Times to strongly consider a strategy for how to cover an onslaught of misinformation presented in an official setting, where the public is accustomed to give credibility.
Citizen 0809 (Kapulena, HI)
So assuming the House impeaches, what is the chance the Senate convicts? Most say zero. My belief is that more than enough factual evidence has been presented to convince a widening swath of voters in the Mid West to vote Trump out. We all know trump and his enablers will crow until the end of time that he was exonerated not once but twice via Mueller and then the Senate. Democrats must do two things. !. Present and campaign on a strong platform (and I've posted my pillars here and other places in the past) and 2. Remind voters that trump actually wasn't exonerated by any evidence. In fact Mueller proved beyond doubt obstruction and conspiracy and the Impeachment proved it continued. Should the Democrats fail to do this then trump will get a 2nd term. If what we've seen so far in this first term where he's been under fire for most of it is an indication, trump unfettered would be a disaster for the long term. So all Democrats running for House or Senate must preach the same message because the fallback must be to gain control of both Houses so that if trump were to get a 2nd term he could be kept in check. Patriots, if you're listening... Finally has anyone yet debunked theassetpodcast.org? I ask because it has so much depth and factual reporting that it seems to me to be irrefutable. Of course no one in trumpland would listen anyways...
Engineer (Salem, MA)
"But he has fooled Republicans in Congress, who have degraded themselves and their offices by faithfully parroting Mr. Putin’s propaganda in the mainstream press." Actually, I don't think the Republicans have been fooled into anything. They fully understand that the Russians are working to undermine American democratic institutions and have been, and continue, to support Donald Trump. But they view the Russian interference as serving their purposes so they turn a blind eye to it. Which, in my view, makes them traitors, plain and simple. Trump and his Republican supporters have done more damage to American interests and influence around the world than anyone else in history.
Robert Strobel (Indiana)
No mention here of Trump's debts to Deutsche Bank and the possibility that they have been paid by Putin or the oligarchs. If Trump has succumbed to blackmail his behavior may be treasonous.
betty durso (philly area)
You have to think Trump is personally beholden to Putin and his oligarch money when he is trying to throw the blame for 2016 election interference off on Ukraine. And the republican yes men make themselves beholden to Putin too when they go along with Trump and Giuliani's machinations.
Avenue B (NYC)
Question for Republicans (and Trump supporters in general): Are you Republican or American? That's the choice. No matter how often or how loudly "Rudy Jewels" claims "truth is not the truth" or Kelly Conway claims that "educated people hate people who work for a living." Then register to vote and VOTE.
Terry Lowman (Ames, Iowa)
Republicans have never been shy about corruption. Reagan traded military hardware (plane parts, if I remember right) for our American Embassy workers in Iran. Reagan talked tough if the Democrats were misbehaving, but had no problem running a drug smuggling program to fund his Latin American war against socialism. And Reagan is the paragon of Republican virtue! Corruption, greed and lust for power infect both parties, but Republicans will protect their own no matter how blatant their corruption. Democrats eat their own when they misbehave--Al Franken is the perfect example.
Thank you for re-explaining the obvious to those of us who have been paying attention. In short, Republicans lie. It is their current way of doing business and it is killing our country. What I want to read is what we can do about it that will be effective, not just via legislation, but also by changing the minds of those who have bought into Republicans' lies. As there were two classes of those who subscribe to these lies, there must be two roads to recovery. For the genuinely ignorant, perhaps education might suffice. (Good luck getting that curriculum past Betsy DeVos.) But for the duplicitous who know that they are lying and choose to deny the truth, I don't know what the process is. I just hope that someone does and can effectively apply a solution before we no longer have anything to salvage.
Christy (WA)
I still think full exposure of Trump's finances will explain the hold Putin has on him, unless there's also a tape of what happened in that Moscow hotel room. What I cannot understand is why the NRA allowed itself to become a Kremlin asset, and why Republican senators like Kennedy and Graham have also become disinformation-spewing Russian stooges. Do we now have Moscow on the Potomac?
Mark (NM)
The ethic-bereft Republicans are even more willing to deny truth and reality than the GOP were during the Nixon impeachment. The truly ludicrous element of conservative objections to impeachment is their willingness to deny as valid a crime actually enumerated in the Constitution as impeachable- while still clinging to the "you don't even have to commit a crime" Clinton impeachment justification. It is really brazen to ignore their past thinking in favor of today's permissive enabling of this lawless president*.
Jeremy Kaplan (Brooklyn)
And, some evidence about what Trump's financial ties to Russia are. Isn't there evidence of Russian mafia money-laundering at Trump's properties? Loans?
Michael (So. CA)
Trump is still trying to appease Putin in hopes of building Trump Tower Moscow and making millions off this tower. All the rest is just irrelevant. Follow the money from Russian oligarchs to Deutsch Bank to Trump. Money laundering and foreign help in 2016 and 2020. Trump is treasonous, for money. End of story.
rp (Maine)
I gotta a Quid Pro Quo for you right here - Dems agree to abandon impeachment in exchange for Trumps tax return!!
Harry (New York, NY)
Putin is Trump. That is all that needs to be said
Vesuviano (Altadena, California)
I differ with the author of this excellent piece. He says that Putin "has fooled Republicans in Congress" into believing that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election to benefit the Democrats. I don't believe for a minute that they are fooled. That would just make them stupid, and I think they are far worse. It's been evident for decades that elected Republicans are loyal to party over country, and while they will talk about the sanctity of the Constitution until they are blue in the face, they couldn't care less about it when it inconveniences them. In my view, todays Congressional Republicans are a knowing and willing fifth column for Putin and Russia. They should be dealt with accordingly some time in the future.
Rpasea (Hong Kong)
Putin has not fooled the Republicans as this article alleges. Putin bought the Republican party.
Mark (DC)
Donald Trump is how Russia has regained global power. Well played, Vladimir.
Eero (Somewhere in America)
If there is anyone left who is able to publish the truth after these dreadful times are over, they will say that Trump, Barr and Pompeo were traitors who were in Putin's back pocket. I am not optimistic that truth will be publishable in the cowardly new world.
george (Iowa)
Putin has not fooled Republicans. You don't need to fool people who are on your side to begin with. The republicans are willing co-conspirators with Putin in his world wide plan to discredit democracy. If not then, again, please tell me what 8 lawmakers were doing in Russia on a July 4th holiday trip, buying christmas presents, sight seeing or kissing a ring?
Jerry Schulz (Milwaukee)
Mr. Wegman's article is great, and very timely. Oldsters like me were brought up to believe that Russia is our #1 adversary, and with the evil Putin at the helm I see no reason to view our current world differently. Yet now we have a president who seems to be the Russian's puppet. Could this be any more insane? But I had problem with something Mr. Wegman said: "But he has fooled Republicans in Congress, who have degraded themselves and their offices by faithfully parroting Mr. Putin’s propaganda in the mainstream press." Sorry, but I just can't believe this whole gang is all so stupid that they buy the goofy "the Ukrainians did it" conspiracy theory. The problem is not that they are foolish; the roblem is that they are evil. They know the truth, but AS A GROUP they lie to the American people to protect their fuhrer Trump (and in turn his master, Putin) and to avoid losing their little jobs. We've had evil congressmen in our history, but never in these kinds of numbers. And although we will get rid of Trump one way or another by January of 2021 many of these guys will still be in office. Can our once-great country sink any lower?
"But he has fooled Republicans in Congress" - really? They are willing and fanatical accomplices to trump-Putin's scheme! "How dare you speak the truth about our dear leader?" Indeed, telling the truth can be deadly in Putin's Russia. And that is where we are headed under a trumplican system. It starts with locking up adversaries without trial. "They are trying to ensure that the 2020 election,… is not corrupted by the president of the United States, acting in league with a foreign power." Too late for that. It is and is being corrupted by, so surprise here, the trump AND Republicans, headed by Putin. Indeed, Ukraine's new anti-corruption leader would not have been vulnerable to a trump shakedown in such a corrupt scheme if it were not for Putin's ongoing military land grab of Crimea and military aggression. Zelensky knows trump is merely a Putin puppet looking to subjugate his country to Russia. The shakedown not only benefits the trump, it massively benefits Putin to have trump dismantling America and NATO for another four years. It's revealing how trump gives many meetings of legitimacy in the Oval Office to Russians to laugh about their success in conning the American people out of their government, repeated visits from the Turkish leader who's thugs viciously assaults peaceful protesters on American soil, and even multiple meetings overseas with the North Korean thug - he gives them all the legitimacy he won't give an ally that doesn't do trump-Putin's bidding.
Dundeemundee (Eaglewood)
I had this weird dream a couple of nights back where I was in a room with President Donald Trump and Senator Lindsay Graham and they were laughing because "They still think this is about Russia, nice misdirect, they are completely missing the big picture" So much for nightmares in the era of Trump
Paul Eric Toensing (Hong Kong)
Wherever and whenever possible Trump will seek to invoke ECP. (Executive Criminal Privilege).
Em Ind (NY)
When reading all that is transpiring in this country the line ‘...things fall apart, the center cannot hold..” is constantly with me. How can all thatoccurs be? A country that destroyed so many lives with McCarthyism and terror of the ‘Red Menace’ total embraces Russia. The embracers believe they can get rich there but the following of the MAGA people is astounding. Then we have Trump’s excusing Saudi Arabia —they’re so sorry about that Pensacola incident’—-the country whose native sons destroyed lower Manhattan. “....turning and turning in the widening gyre...” I fear we’re heading for the bottom of the crater.
Citizen-of-the-World (Atlanta)
Trump said the other day that if he were impeached, it would be so bad for future presidents, who might go to the refrigerator to get an orange, and Congress would say, oh, we don’t like that orange you got, we’re going to impeach you. (Sounds more like an imorangement to me, but joking aside....) This statement shows how little regard Trump has for our Constitution or the rule of law, like he did absolutely nothing worthy of concern. Republicans are acting the same way. But like Macron said to Trump, Let’s be serious.
Eatoin Shrdlu (Somewhere On Long Island)
No one could have put it better - Thanks, EB, for a dose of truth
Eatoin Shrdlu (Somewhere On Long Island)
No one could have put it better - Thanks, EB, for a dose of truth
Sumand (Houston.)
Why is it so difficult for people to understand that Mr. Trump is in Putin’s pocket. Trump owes ridiculous amount of money to Putin or Putin has horrible damaging information about this president ! Putin is holding Trump by strings Is this not obvious?
Endangered (Earth)
Why does Trump love Russia more than he loves America? How did we get here?
Edgar (NM)
I always thought our nation could withstand anything after Watergate and 9/11. I was wrong. "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself." Marcus Tullius Cicero Reminds me so much of the GOP.
Unconventional Liberal (San Diego, CA)
I am no Trump supporter, but this op-ed represents biased and misleading accusations against the President. I was watching the debate where Trump flippantly said of the Russians that maybe they could find the missing 30,000 emails of Hillary Clinton, since our own governmentt couldn't. This joke hardly qualifies as seeking foreign assistance. In fact, it's less disturbing than the Fusion GPS story, where Hillary's supporters truly did seek overseas help. And if it was the Russians who hacked the DNC servers, then more power to them. The information showed that the DNC had unfairly promoted Hillary and suppressed Bernie. As a result, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was forced to resign as DNC leader. Since Bernie could have beaten Trump while Hillary could not, one could reasonably conclude that the DNC is responsible for Donald Trump's election. This unfortunate op-ed is one reason I am disappointed in the NY Times and feel the paper has become too biased towards Dems and against Republicans, who are routinely branded "white supremacists" in these pages. Which is a racist, sexist trope and has no place in any respectable news outlet.
bill b (new york)
He is still PUtin's puppet and HRC was right. Jeb Bush said he would create chaos andhe was rght too. too bad no one listened
Ivan (Memphis, TN)
Those are not roads they are strings. Little strings that Putin use to control his most valuable little puppet.
michjas (Phoenix)
Don't suffer fools lightly. This editorial is beyond foolish. Trump is and has always been a guy who looks out for No. 1. He consistently goes to the most extreme ends to pump himself up. And this did not stop when he ran for and became President. The notion that Trump decided along the way to partner with the Russians is patently absurd. Trump Tower and everything else Trump has touched screams out that he is a sole enterprise kind of guy who disdains partnerships. When Trump held hands with the Russians it was in order to help him get elected. When he butted heads with the Ukrainians, it was in order to get him elected. Repeat after me class: Trump does whatever he thinks it takes. He is not in league with the Russians, with his wife or with Ivanka. Trump goes it alone. Always has, always will. And it's by necessity. He doesn't play well with others.
Bobby (Seattle)
Americans are naive about Putin's deeds and plans to damage this country. He would just as soon see the USA go down in flames as he would destroy an average Russian's life, which he certainly does daily. Trump is his puppet; you just have to put the right lenses on to see the strings.
Lee (Southwest)
Putin does not have the same flair for the mass media that Trump does, so for him Trump is a gift of synergy. Now Putin has a Mob sub boss exactly where he wants him. Now I begin to wonder whether John McCain’s cancer had the kind of suspicious cause that Yasir Arafat’s fatal disease did. Nothing is beyond Putin, and thus of his henchman Trump.
Richard (Madison)
Where’s Joe McCarthy when we really need him?
John Corr (Gainesville, Florida)
Are we ever going to get the Ukraine story straight by looking at the record? Online dispatches from the The Guardian of Feb. 20 and 21, 2014 from Kiev show that paramilitary rightist extremists broke a truce, surprised off-guard police and set in motion a process that drove an elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, from East Ukraine, from office. The German and Polish (Radek Sikorski, husband of career-Russia-critic Anne Applebaum) Foreign Ministers were in Kiev negotiating with the government on behalf of the governmental opposition (Imagine!!) just before the elected government fell. The EU's foreign policy chief, Lady Catherine Ashton, had already encouraged opposition demonstrators in the Maidan, as did the State Department’s Victoria Nuland and the then German foreign minister. (Some of the strongest opposition to the elected Government came from the city of Lviv, a part of Poland (Lwów) before Hitler and Stalin partitioned Poland in 1939. Earlier, Lviv was called Lemberg when it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.) Who funded and trained the paramilitary rightists? Joao Soares, president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, said Ukraine’s 2010 presidential election, won narrowly by Yanukovych, was an "impressive display of democracy" and called on politicians to honor the outcome. The "annexation" of pro-Russia Crimea -- arbitrarily attached to Ukraine by Khrushchev -- occurred after the Kiev 2014 putsch.
Trump is Putin’s puppet. It’s the only explanation that makes sense.
Republicans make me sick. How can these people look at themselves in the mirrors in the morning?
Svirchev (Route 66)
Reduce all the chatter to fundamentals: the president opens doors to the Russian Federation, encouraging its expansionism. He got caught with his pants down as he subversively tried to deny Ukraine the arms promised by Congress. The flip side is that he has designated China as the principal adversary of the US with his trade war, all the while distancing himself from traditional European friends. The faster he and his opportunist friends get dumped, the better.
WR (Viet Nam)
It's a sad and aggravating sight to see republicans so willing to grovel before a handful of Russian oligarchs just because trump calls himself a republican. This is the end of the United States of America as the world has known her. Nothing but tinpot dictatorial sleaze from here on out.
Foreigner in NZ (New Zealand)
Trump and the Republic party remind me of the story of the Naked King. The Republic party simply turns blind and deaf to their corrupt, tainted king, who is also a ticking bomb. Republicans need the child figure who shouted the truth as in the book.
Wherever Hugo (There, UR)
I just not understanding why the Press Corps is so convinced that the Russians are the enemy. The Press Corps blatantly ignores the obvious facts from 2016......the Clinton Campaign was indeed actively engaging so-called "russians" to dig up dirt on Trump. Who Cares? Seriously. Then the same Press Corps is in a tizzy over Trump's engagemnt with so-called "russians" or "ukranians" or "star-bellied sneeches"/"plain bellied sneeches"....whatever....for exactly the same purpose. Busted. Seriously. Political Partisanship and to heck with Serious Government Business. The world has changed a lot since 1949, when we enacted the National Defense Act.....but you couldnt tell that from the tone of the DNC political operatives...and their Bureaucrat allies. "AllRoads lead to Moscow".....lame propaganda. Who cares?
Mr. Jones (Tampa Bay, FL)
Thoughts and prayers for the GOP and if they lose in 2020 someone alert hospice because Trump is an IED on their road forward.
Michael Perron (St. Thomas, Virgin Islands)
The only thing left for Trump to do now is change the USA to the USSA (United Soviet States of America).
Hasmukh Parekh (CA)
"When it comes to Donald Trump and Russia, everything is connected."...reminded of some Freudian analysis by someone! Strange!
Lee Eils (California)
He looks like a criminal who works for the Russians. His GOP defenders look like criminally negligent Russian assets. He hypes an America that looks anything but “great again."
Al M (Norfolk Va)
In spite of the democratic push to renew the cold war, trump's strings are more firly attached to Saudi Arabia, Israel the UAE and a cabal of American billionaires.
Alexander (Boston)
Trump is a Russian asset, possibly a traitor. The Repubs are colluding with his betrayal by cravenly supporting him.
Paul (Brooklyn)
Well written, Trump is the closest we ever had to a traitor in the WH. He is basically owned in mind, body and soul by Putin, since he is and will be Trump's principle financial backer when Trump gets out of office. Fox News is Pravda and Putin is head of the RNC.
TD (Indy)
Only Democrats think that the crack about Russia doing what the FBI could have been handling well with HRC's email was in any way serious. So, snarky sarcasm is impeachable. It is also a threat to our way of life. Got it.
Bronx Jon (NYC)
Since he’s always up for a deal, how about offering to drop impeachment and all other investigations if he agrees moves to Russia to be amongst all of his comrades and admirers and to never come back.
Frank McNeil (Boca Raton, Florida)
The President insists the investigation into Russian meddling into the 2016 elections constituted a coup attempt. He doth protest too much, projecting his own intention to carry out a rolling auto-golpe (self-coup) post 2020 elections, if not sooner. The auto-golpe is familar to students of banana republic dictators. Marcos is a splendid model. He won one, perhaps two elections honestly and proceeded to dismantle all checks on his power, including elections themselves. If you have any doubt, consider that Rudy Giuliani reportedly has tried to establish a Trump link to Venezuela's Maduro, a beneficiary of an auto-golpe and, not surprisingly, a Kremlin favorite. It is no surprise the President does the Kremlin's bidding but why AG Barr, who wears his catholicism on his sleeve? In tonight's statement Barr did not go as far as Trump, but he went awfully far, intimating that the FBI should not have investigated Russia's meddling. Look for the Durham investigation to do what Haldeman could not do, place the blame on the CIA, a ploy which was unsuccessful in the Nixon administration because Acting CIA Director General Vernon "Dick"Walters stiffed the Wnite House. I hope today's CIA leadership will not fold.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
I am reminded of the Trump supporters who wear T-shirts that say, "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat." They are traitors to the United States of America.
Gordon (Miami)
What a strange headline, caption and image considering the article isn't about Russia. Have liberals become so warped by Russia/Putin science-fiction that all criticism of the President or GOP must have a Russian thesis? Would not be such a big deal if the author was a run of the mill op-ed writer, the fact he is a member of the papers editorial board is seriously unnerving.
Daniel (Florida)
Unfortunately, we voters can only watch these sad spectacles unfolding before our eyes. A disgraceful lout won the Republican nomination and was aided by Russia to win the Presidency. He and his cronies have tried everything they can to obstruct that investigation and then, not content, went on to come up with the ludicrous Ukrainian affair. Lost in all of this the lout and his new Sec Def ask us to excuse the murder of 3 young US sailors on their own naval base by a Saudi trainee using a recently purchased hand gun because the King of Saudi Arabia is sorry. Jamal Kashoggi was just prelude to the capitulation to wealth that the lout and his cronies have accepted. Where is the outrage from elected Republicans about this state of affairs? It is being channeled into spouting Putin derived fake news. Where is the people’s anger? They are not in the streets, I hope they go to the polls in 2020.
Judith MacLaury (Lawrenceville, NJ)
Lincoln told us that the demise of the US will come from within. We can now clearly see what he meant with a government bent on creating dominance at all cost and to hell with any thought of truth or Constitution. Our politics and neglect of democracy learning have brought us here, they are our only path to sanity.
dbw75 (Los angeles)
Hopefully one day, just like with McCarthyism, and just like what this esteria in the news media that got everything wrong leading up to the Iraq War, one day we're going to wake up and realize that Donald Trump is no Mastermind. Donald Trump has not orchestrated Russia to do his bidding. Sure they tried to hack our election but nowhere is there any evidence of them ever succeeding anywhere to do anything that affected this election. One day America is going to wake up from this insane crazy Russian hysteria and realize he's just another terrible horrible president and no he's not a mastermind along with Russia. It's really true that the progressives and liberals went crazy when Trump won and they have never taken responsibility for how badly Hillary Clinton was as a candidate and why she lost. No Russia did not cause all of and no Trump is no Mastermind. He's just a very unuseful idiot
William Menke (Swarthmore, PA)
While this is an excellent summary, this article will hopefully be expanded in the future as to what will happen if the Trump Administration prevails in the 2020 election. Let's surmise that the president is presumably impeached in the House and maybe not in the Senate, and that the Supreme Court must force the opening of the Trump finances (if only to assure Americans that no foreign influences are in play), and then there are the numerous lawsuits in NY and and elsewhere following evidence uncovered in the Mueller Report. All damning. And of course all aided and abetted by Twitter allowing our leader to lie even when he knows better. How is this a world in which we would choose to live?
Michael Gilbert (Charleston, SC)
I would not be at all surprised if it comes to light in the future that the consortium of Putin, Erdogan, and bin Salman got together and concluded that Trump could be bought off for, say, 10 billion, as his only motivations are himself and money. Why worry about diplomacy, or deference to America, when all it takes to prevail is a President too ignorant to know better, who thinks he's a "stable genius", and one completely in thrall to money. Toppling, or simply controlling, a world power for 10 billion, or whatever amount it is, is so much easier than fighting a war. Especially when you have a useful idiot in the White House.
sophiademas (Philadelphia)
I have to wonder what was said between Trump and Putin privately for two hours, after which the translator’s notes were confiscated. A sharp ex-KGB strongman, Putin read Trump up and down. What did he convince Trump of? That Ukraine is corrupt and interfered with 2016 elections, not Russia? That Putin will help Trump win again if sanctions are lifted? The translator’s notes have all the answers and we will never know them.
James Peri (Colorado)
All this and yet around 40% of Americans still support Trump. This is the gravest problem that we face as a nation. It is a gulf that cannot be papered over.
poodlefree (Seattle)
Trump has allowed us to see the Big American Mistakes. One of the Big Mistakes is Privacy. Why are Trump's tax returns not available for public viewing? The whole point of Privacy at Trump's level is the hide money crimes.
Ken Golden (Oneonta, NY)
Its not really a mystery why the Republicans fight so hard for their fearless leader and will say and do anything to defend him; Trump has been making it possible for them to accomplish their true agenda. They have gotten their massive corporate tax cut and have disemboweled the regulatory structures put in place since the 1950s. If they get another four years, they will complete their destruction of the SEC, EPA, FTC, FCC, FDA, the departments of Education, Energy and HUD. Four more years and they can privatize social security, gut medicare and medicaid and cut all the social programs they have railed against since FDR. Republicans figured out how to win at the state and local levels with cash and gerrymandering but Trump is the guy who showed them how to win the presidency. The formula of fear mongering about immigration (race), blaming China's trade practices as the cause of all our job losses in manufacturing, blustering how all of our allies have taken advantage of the poor old USA, and demonizing any and all political opposition, has been amazingly effective. Using an army of straw men and a total commitment to the "big lie" Trump has managed to convince his base to follow him no matter what. And the party of Lincoln has determined that this is the only way to hold on to the power of the presidency. If they can get all their impassioned base to the polls on Election Day and the Dems have issues with turnout, they can WIN.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
I just want one Flight Plan to lead to Moscow. Defect, Donald. Take your ill-gotten gains to the frozen Tundra. You will be celebrated as a very Stable Genius, a friend of all Russians, a Master of all you survey. You and Putin can be comrades in arms, with no pesky Journalists or Congress to rain on your parade. Literal Parades, every single day, the BEST Parades. Seriously.
Clearwater (Oregon)
Boy, he must owe those Russian Oligarchs (all personal friends of Vlad hisself) tons of money. Show us your taxes, Mr. Trump. Show us your taxes and anything else that passes for a financial statement that's been in your's or your lackey's hands. Until then, you're just another criminal who acts like a criminal, both guilty and yet too cocky, and you're just now getting the scrutiny you deserve.
Donald (Yonkers)
I’m a lefty. I despise Trump. I think he should be impeached. But liberals are irrational on the subject of Putin. This is both stupid and dangerous. I don’t agree with every single example in the list contained in this article I link below but most of them are fair points. People who claim Trump does everything Putin wants are not telling the truth. https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2019/11/18/25-times-trump-has-been-dangerously-hawkish-on-russia/
Alix Hoquet (NY)
What actually motivates the Republicans to defend Trump? Could it be that RNC candidates received Russian money, via PACS and the NRA, for down-ballot elections? Maria Butina and Alexander Torshin were colleagues and welcome guests of the NRA. The full extent of their activities was never revealed to the public. Focusing emotional attention to Trump’s impeachment, the Republicans seem to be limiting Democratic strategy to Trump and not widespread malevolence— but the House could it’s subpoena power to investigate campaign finance entanglements related to election interference without triggering claims of executive privilege.
Granny (Colorado)
Could John LeCarre write a better story? Lavrav at the White House, no press, when impeachment is announced? Get it together GOP! Country before party!
John (Irvine CA)
When POTUS meets the Russian ambassador later today, his annual performance review is a likely topic. Seems like a bonus for this year?
louis v. lombardo (Bethesda, MD)
Follow the money. Think Oiligarchy (not a misspelling).
Gramercy (New York)
Putin hasn't "fooled Republicans" about anything. They're willing dupes. They know full well what happened, what Trump did and why, and they fully support it, because it means holding onto power, democracy and the Constitution be damned.
Rick Morris (Montreal)
All Roads Lead to Moscow? They most certainly do. Could you imagine if a President Obama had a cozy meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Ambassador Kislyak at the White House, joking about how happy the President was in firing his FBI director the day before, how the President wasn't concerned about the Russians interfering with the 2016 elections, and revealing intelligence secrets to them? The Republicans in Congress would have gone ballistic, apoplectic. Howls to the heavens - and with reason.They would have proceeded with impeachment hearings then and there - stating that the President was a national security risk. Republicans know exactly what Trump is, especially after Trump's knee bending to Putin in Helsinki - they just whisper it amongst themselves.
Arshavir (Boston)
The writer here makes a good point. That Republicans have ceased caring about what is right and fair. They are consciously not seeking the truth because the realists among them have made a calculation, that with the inevitable growing Democratic base it is only a matter of time before subversion and suppression of elections will not work anymore. Anyone looking with open eyes knows the diversity in our country is overwhelming and inevitable. Republicans thanks to Putin and the empty vessel in the oval office got a reprieve and are fighting desperately to keep the old guard(mostly white) in charge. They are doing a good job of it but the savvier ones know it will fail. The others the dogged white nationalist base still believe in the Confederacy and will go down particularly hard causing a Charlottesville implosion that will have to be overcome.
Edward B. Blau (Wisconsin)
These are all things that any informed person knows. Trump favors Russia so the members of the Trump cult favor Russia also. The cult includes members of what used to be called the Republican Party. But tell us something we do not know for example why Putin favored Trump. That should be easy. But harder and more important why since the day he was President has Trump always favored Putin? What hold does Putin have over Trump? It is merely financial with Trump owing oligarchs money he cannot repay? Or is something even more dangerous our national security? That is what we really need to know. And that is what Steele was trying to find out.
Carlo (Maryland)
Of course. The President does everything to advance the interests of Russia over the interests of the USA. He weakened NATO, withdrew troops from Syria so that Russia could move in. He weakens Ukraine to benefit Russia. He reduces environmental protections in the USA that can only benefit foreign adversaries, especially Russia. The President may be under Putin’s thumb. How else to explain everything he does to benefit Russia?
Katalina (Austin, TX)
Good column by Mr. Wegman and while I'm not as sanguine about what was described therein as ho-hum news, I agree with Atkinson, a reader who wants to know how so many are kept in Trump's cult of personality EVEN NOW. The Democrats must represent all that is reprehensible to these folk with ideas about fairness to all regardless of race, gender, etc., in an attempt to broaden the franchise for being citizens. Too many seem to approve of Trump regardless of all the smell and smoke that surrounds him and his actions. He represents some semblance of the anger felt by those along with the impotence and the two collide and collude against the Democrats and their positions.
Kev dog (Sundiego)
Analysis: The Democrats are pursuing the impeachment for two reasons, First, their current candidates are not doing well and they have realized the importance of impeaching Trump for 2020. Second, being that they aren’t fairing well in 2020, they seek to preemptively delegitimization the 2020 election by blaming Russia before the election even happens. They have done such a great job telling their base that 2016 was not legit, they are already saying 2020 is not legit before it even happens. Read this article between the lines and tell me that is not true. If you believe that Trump is being impeached for the two reasons in the articles drafted, you have been fooled and need to become woke to the actual situation.
“If you read between the lines...” As in not the facts and analysis actually presented but rather what you want them to be. It’s a common rhetorical device to impugn the motives of the message as opposed to the substance. This goes a long way in showing how delusional Trump supporters can be in defense of their infallible leader. What if president Hillary Clinton had used the powers of her office to pressure a war torn Ukrainian government to announce an investigation of candidate and rival Trump?
Alexis Adler (NYC)
Sadly Kev dog, you have been fooled by this brash NYer who has never played by the rules. He is more about the mob then presidential and his taxes will be proof. That is why trump guards those like Fort Knox. Anyone who has seen a mob movie knows, that once you get a favor from the mob, they “own” you, Putin and the Saudis are the mob here and now all the trump supporting republicans also have played into trumps (tiny) hands and find themselves in a corner, having been trumped.
Richard (New York)
It's very convenient to have a big bad boogyman, Putin, to blame our ills on. We do just fine messing ourselves up, and unless we stop blaming others and take responsibility for our own problems, we are truly in trouble.
Grindelwald (Boston Mass)
Vladimir Putin and his Russian disinformation apparatus have become very important in both the US and Europe over the past few years. It is imperative that we understand Putin's true motives. I don't claim to know what really drives him, but frankly I just don't think that Putin is totally consumed by fear of being found to have successfully altered US politics. In fact, I suspect that he WANTS to be known as being powerful enough to do that. So, what else drives Putin these days? I can't help but notice that this very week there are two major political events in Europe. First, the UK votes on Thursday about whether to leave the EU next month. Second, the first summit meeting in years between the leaders of Russia and Ukraine was just held in Paris, with Macron and Merkel presiding. It wasn't the Russian romp that some had feared, but Ukraine has agreed to modify its Constitution to at least partially normalize the current state of partial occupation by Russia. Ukraine has also agreed to hold off on further efforts to cooperate with the EU. I can't believe this is all a coincidence. I don't know what Putin's next plans are, but with NATO so badly weakened by Brexit and Trump, I am not optimistic.
John Dietsch (West Palm Beach FL)
@Grindelwald Two likely results of a Trump reelection - 1) the US withdraws from NATO; 2) Putin moves on the Baltic states with little consequence.
Bob K. (Fairport, NY)
Of course, Trump did not ask Russia to hack into Hillary's computer. It was widely speculated at the time that Russia had already obtained her emails from her private server, especially because she had used her cell phone to send/receive from Moscow. That was the context of his "Russia, if you have them..." taunt.
Aerys (Long Island)
The FBI's own findings in the Mueller Report specifically explain how Russian hackers attacked Democrats' email server less than 24 hours after trump publicly made the request. This is a fact no one has disputed. But you know more than the FBI knows, I guess? Comrade Putin thanks you for your service.
Jeff Atkinson (Gainesville, GA)
Another pundit on the left wastes his column inches describing, for readers like me who have known for years, what Trump is and what Republican politicians are. It's predictable and boring and the marginal insight imparted is nil. What would be interesting and perhaps even a little useful would be to help us understand what it is which keeps many people in his cult of personality even now. Those folks are the source of his power and of the absolute control he has over Republican politicians.
Mark (Idaho)
@Jeff Atkinson What you're saying, in large part, is like stating that instead of dismissing "Flat-Earthers" as people who completely disregard science and, therefore, reasonable, logical thought, that we should spend our time trying to understand them more. Let's be clear, there is a large segment of Trumpists that will never leave Trump and would rather burn the country down than vote for someone else. Cognative Disonance. Should we really chase that unicorn?
Bill (Santa Monica, CA)
@jeffAtkinson. Two words answer question. Fox News. Aka State TV.
B Colorado (Denver)
@Jeff Atkinson, I would venture that there is more Trump "has over" certain Republican politicians; I believe it's cash and I believe it's from Russia, however it streams.
Chanzo (UK)
I doubt that Mr. Putin has fooled Republicans in Congress. I think they know perfectly well that Russia interfered and is interfering to help Trump, and they accept it because that's what it takes.
Drspock (New York)
Fear NYTimes Readers, Today we are treated with one more sample of the ideological direction of this paper. "All roads lead to Moscow." But why? The often repeated claim is that Russia interfered with our election in 2016. Assuming that to be true, the nature of the interference is a handful of FB ads and more critically, the hacking of the DNC emails. We are reminded of the numerous indictments from the Mueller investigation. But most are straw man charges against Russian nationals that will never have to be proven in court. But one defendant is challenging their indictment, yet no mention of that case in the Times. There are other 'inconvenient facts' that are not discussed and several falsehoods that are carefully repeated. For example, the Times has reported that 17 intelligence agencies agree on the Russian interference claim. Actually it's only 3 and even their "assessment" includes the disclaimer that assessment may not be accurate. Why isn't that fact in any of these stories? Then there's the debate sponsored by the Nation magazine where highly trained technical personal examined whether the download speed of the "hack" supported the allegation that it was a hack. Their conclusion? One side said it was inconclusive. The other said that based on the download speed of the data removal it was in internal theft, not an internet hack. If we are to support policies that move us to the brink of confrontation with Russia why not share the truth?
Randy (Idaho)
The Times has a fair summary of information. 17 agencies signed on to three independent analyses which reported a high degree of confidence, while containing standard disclaimers. The Nation wrote one weak article which has been widely dissected by experts as incoherent. I encourage anyone to Google it, but it falls apart on a cursory reading. The convictions relate to failure to provide information relevant to the investigation. There is a pattern with Trump of withholding information, then using the gaps in information to sow confusion and declare exoneration. In sum, you are demanding the Times credit disinformation. You have plenty of media outlets who will spread nonsense, but it won't get much traction here.
logic (new jersey)
The very day Trump called on Russia to locate Hilary's emails I knew he was a traitor and beholden to Putin. For what nefarious reason is still to be discovered, but it is sure to be about his vulnerability and putting self over our nation.
John (San Jose, CA)
Are there Russian links in Trumps taxes? Deutschebank won't say, until forced to.
JD (Portland, Me)
When I see such clear and compelling evidence so well laid out, and watch the Republicans simply shout at witnesses as though their obviously phony indignation is a legitimate defense; I have to hit the mute button. I want to hear all sides with an open mind. But the Republicans are not providing an argument, just yelling and spouting conspiratorial nonsense, and worse, repeating outright Russian propaganda. The party of Trump has made me give up hope for a sizable chunk of our population. You MAGA hats really can somehow swallow the Trump/Putin talking points without gagging? We're one bad election away from a outright dictatorship. And Trump is close to cheating his way in... again.
Mark (New Jersey)
Two things come to mind that people need to remember. Trump is a cheater. He cheated on all of his wives. We will hopefully confirm that he cheated on his taxes when his records are released. But since he could prove his innocence with transparency, logic says he cheated on his taxes. He cheated with Russia to get elected which makes him both a cheater and a traitor. The motive was money and maybe extortion on Russia's part, but there is no way his decisions and actions would be 100% consistently beneficial to Russian interests if he wasn't an asset. He has cheated America because he has done immense damage too many of our institutions by appointing the corrupted seeking to corrupt our society even more than it already is. Trump is largely untalented but mostly immoral. The second thing that really bothers me are the actions of Republicans who enable him but know better. Have they no decency? no integrity? We could disagree about the degree government should be involved in our lives, disagree on tax rates, disagree on policy, but on the fundamental respect for truth, facts and the rule of law? Enabling a traitor says what about them? Throwing our allies under the bus for what? for Trump? for the money donors give them to deny climate change? Republicans could collectively show some integrity and save this country and their souls in the process. Choices. As a Democrat, I would rather save my country than win an election. Our children, deserve a lot better. Remember in November
Chris (Charlotte)
So we are back to Russia? Nothing shows the failure to connect better than going back to the golden oldies, and doing so after the IG report is willful blindness.
Randy (Idaho)
The Mueller report details extensive contacts with Russia that fell short of criminal coordination. This is deeply troubling conduct. The IG report bolsters the idea that there is more than adequate basis for suspicion and investigation. The IG report doesn't exonerate any more than Mueller. Quite the opposite.
James (Georgia)
We are not “back to Russia.” Russia never left. Trump continues to act a a Russian stooge and repeat Russian disinformation.
Captain Nemo (On the Nautilus)
Trump knows that he is safe. After fooling so many voters for so long, he knows that they cannot admit having been wrong all along without losing all self-respect. He knows they have no other option now but stay on the rotten sinking ship with him. Putin knows how to play his assets! And Trump is easy to handle.
James Siegel (Maine)
I heard a notion that #45 will not give up his unsecured phone because it is easier for Putin's people to tap into for their communications. Sounds nuts doesn't it? Doesn't it? Of course #45 is an agent of Moscow; it's the tie that binds all of the unexplainable nonsense and all of the explainable unconstitutionality.
Rob (London)
Republicans are behaving like they have swallowed whole the years of hysterical propaganda which has been spewed forth by Fox and other right wing media outlets. That is to believe that all Democrats are fundamentally a threat to the American way of life; that there exists a ‘deep state’ within the US intent on promoting liberalism; that there is a conspiracy to thwart the will of those on the right; that the fate of the union depends on countering the left. In this worldview, suddenly nothing is out of bounds so long as the left doesn’t win and any effort to reason with those holding these beliefs is met with sheer derision. Truly sad.
LVG (Atlanta)
Why is this impeachment process not focused on Trump's favoring of Russia , Turkey and Saudi Arabia over US interests? When has a foreign terrorist killed American soldiers on US soil and the President says the remedy is for the Saudis to compensate the families of the dead soldiers?How many attacks by Saudi nationals on US soldiers and civilians is enough? If this was President Obama's reaction, we would have had articles of impeachment and removal in a week. Same for the daily regurgitating by Trump and GOP enablers of Russian disinformation about Ukraine meddling. Now Barr and Trump are trying desperately to prove Russia never meddled in 2016 . Both are clearly now Russian assets. Enough! Impeach for breach of oath to protect the Constitution and outright treason.
poslug (Cambridge)
Bloomberg, Steyer, and the other big bucks Dems (or anti Trump) factions would do more by making a financial play to take over Fox News. Between Faux News and AG Barr the attack on our democracy with Putin fiddling the Internet will be hard to turn around.
Beth (Union,nj)
President Trump's relationship to russia is very dangerous and it sickens me to think he is chummy with Putin who was the head of the KGB in the past.
MIke (Charlotte)
All roads lead to Moscow. Not just the Trump/United States. Similar stories - Look at Brexit. Look at Ukraine. Look at France. Look at NATO. Look at ...
JUHallCLU (San Francisco Bay Area, CA)
Nancy Pelosi voiced it. Trump is the equivalent of the Manchurian Candidate.
joemcph (12803)
Trumpublicans respond to the overwhelming evidence: How dare you speak the truth about our dear leader? Trump has given Republicans another chance to break away. Time to stand up to the corruption or be called out for Trumpublican complicity.
james (california)
trump washes oligarchy money through his building projects.
Aaron (Orange County, CA)
The truth shall set you free.. Evidently so does lying... All those years of Sunday school for nothing! I told my mom it was a waste of time, but never listened to me!
Asante' (Eugene, OR)
Many white Americans are afraid of social changes so they subscribe to trumps racism, sexism, homophobia, and etc. Many Christian Americans believe in biblical prophecy and “last days” narratives that suggests that trump is going to usher in the new kingdom. Many rich and selfish Americans believe that money trumps democracy and will sell you their children and grandmothers. This is trumps base who will chain themselves to trump and Putin or anyone else who sells them the ideas that support their particular beliefs. trump is a reality tv show producers who is frantically delivering fictions and lies daily to his base. Fox News is the drug dealers packaging and delivering the daily doses his obtuse followers need. Democracy? What is that? Constitution? Who needs it? Money, racial superiority, power and white Jesus coming is plenty enough.
Tennis player (Canada)
Putin runs the US, or tries to, through Trump, only the nominal president.
TommyTuna (Milky Way)
It is crystal clear that he is a puppet of Vladimir Putin. That much is evident. I don't understand how his supporters are OK with that.
TLMischler (Muskegon, MI)
Mueller's report stated emphatically that it did not exonerate the president; Trump publicly and emphatically stated exactly the opposite. The IG report states that there was unbiased justification for the FBI investigation; Trump states exactly the opposite. One thing is abundantly clear: if the Republicans haven't made up their minds by now that Trump is a lying, unethical con man who will do anything possible to obtain and increase power & influence - and they clearly haven't - then we just may be stuck with this abomination for another 5 years. The lesson here is clear: if you want power, the way to get it is to lie, cheat, steal, obfuscate, withhold evidence, publicly trash anyone who dares question you, and of course don't forget to sweet talk the evangelicals so they are convinced you've been sent by God to do His will, and they will convince all of their followers to do everything possible to get and keep you in power. Growing up in the US, I remember what we were told about the Soviets: they were dishonest, ungodly, cruel, and in violation of everything that was good and decent. America was the shining light on the hill - we were the beacon of morality, of human rights, of justice, of truth, and of fair play. Today, my country has become the spitting image of everything we were told was evil about the Soviets - and the Republicans are all in unison saying, "This is great!! We need more of it!!"
Mike Westfall (Cincinnati, Ohio)
I keep asking anyone who will listen, "What is it with Russia?" No one seems to know the answer. Any takers?
Al M (Norfolk Va)
@Mike Westfall A nation whose economy is based on war needs an enemy. The truth is that the democratic/neocon obsession with Russia is all about the need to fund our arms industry with proxy wars. We are far more their enemy than vice-versa.
American (Portland, OR)
Liz (Ohio)
You had me until you wrote: But he has fooled Republicans in Congress, who have degraded themselves and their offices by faithfully parroting Mr. Putin’s propaganda in the mainstream press. No way Republicans are being misled by Putin. They, like Trump, are willing to sacrifice our nation and its laws to be re-elected. They are his enablers by choice not ignorance.
sonya (Washington)
Sad today to watch Republicans shouting and making a mockery of their Constitutional duties. They (see: Jim Jordan) think that if they can shout loudly enough, and bring up baseless points of order, they can forestall the obvious: this President has sold out our country for his own benefit, is a danger every day, not to mention a laughing stock throughout the world. But really...this is no laughing matter. He is a ruthless and unhinged would- be autocrat, and the sooner he is out of office, the sooner we can reclaim this once great nation. The Republicans are shameless, and have forfeited any claim of patriotism or love of country.
David Macauley (Philadelphia)
The Enemy is less Russia (even if it is one) and more the Republicans. The Enemy inhabits the White House, controls the Senate and lies with its propaganda through FOX and other forums. They must be exposed and resisted.
GS (Dallas, TX)
I appreciate the author’s views, with which I agree. But by focusing only on isolated instances, we understate Trump’s perfidy. Trump is owned by Russia, likely through a combination of extortion and bribery. Every decision he makes that affects Russia does so positively. Journalists understate the problem by incorrectly attributing these decisions to Trump being stupid or undisciplined. He’s both, but not as to Russia’s interests. Because Putin tutors him. Trump doesn’t have the intellect to appreciate NATO’s importance to the free world? Just the opposite; he denigrates NATO because of its importance. Trump doesn’t understand the need to protect the Kurds? No, again, just the opposite. Let’s be more astute in appreciating the magnitude of the problem. We’re dealing with intentional treachery.
Seattle (Seattle)
Republicans in congress aren't fooled. They want a dictator that will punish their domestic opponents, locking themselves in power (and profit) for the foreseeable future. They see Trump as offering them a 'once in a lifetime opportunity' to do so. The American Experiment means nothing to them. Trump and the GOP sicken me.
Carter Nicholas (Charlottesville)
Worse than excusing Trump, the Party’s never going to be eligible for forgiveness, for insisting that its own constituents accept unspeakable lies and treason against their own values.
Tracy (Washington DC)
I have a feeling his tax returns lead to Russia, too.
rp (Maine)
Roads to Moscow or anywhere else for that matter, are built for very particular reasons. While anyone with half a brain and an ounce of honesty has known our POTUS is obsessed with Russia, since before the election. What we don't know is why does POTUS wants a road to Moscow? Is it just that POTUS likes strongmen or does PUTIN have something "on" POTUS that is so bad even the POTUS is worried? Is this mysterious loyalty, allegiance, and obedience to Moscow a thank you for helping POTUS in 2016 and locking in similar help for 2020? And why rip up a perfectly good and important road to Kiev and leave the bodies of patriotic Americans dead along the road to Moscow? In the end, only POTUS can explain this bizarre mystery. It will get great ratings for our unreal reality POTUS.
P. Sherwood (Seattle WA)
"...But he has fooled Republicans in Congress..." Nah, they're not fooled; they know what they're doing. Republicans in Congress are bought and paid for.  "You can't make somebody understand something when their salary depends on their not understanding it." (Upton Sinclair)
Evangelos (Brooklyn)
And — what timing! — President Trump is set to welcome Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov to the Oval Office today. Again. That’s an honor he STILL hasn’t extended to President Zelensky of besieged ally Ukraine. Sometimes the corrupt and compromised are well hidden; sometimes they’re right in front of our faces.
DCN (Illinois)
One wonders why there has not been well publicized investigative reporting on financial ties tRump has to Russia and various oligarchs. The jr. Trump admitted much of their financing comes from Russia and various oligarchs purchase trump condos. There is also a Russian connection to Florida trump properties. All of this would seem to ripe territory for an enterprising reporter to write an interesting book or series of articles. It is very likely all tRump roads lead to Russia because Russians have their financial hooks deeply imbedded in the trump organization.
Fred (SF)
What is our current definition of a “traitor”? I’d guess it will be trumps photograph that we will see next to that word in the dictionary- for generations to come.
Mister Whippy (Brighton)
It’s over for the US. Has been for a while. He’ll be acquitted by the Senate, win 2020 on a wave. FOUR MORE YEARS! And so the dynasty was founded. Sent from 30 years in the future during the reign of Lord President For Life Barron Trump.
Stevie (Barrington, NJ)
The problem with bullying reliance on power is that, sooner or later, you run into someone with as much or more power as you have, and they give you a bloody nose. Trump is a little rich kid that never had to grow up. Everything was there for him to use. Everyone was there for him to intimidate or abuse. And so, he is trying to use China, Russia, and the Presidency itself as he’s used everything else his entire life. If he were capable of studying history, instead of just claiming he’s already received an A in it, he might worry about that bloody nose. Fred Trump: Donald! If you keep taunting the doggie, someone’s going to get bit. Donald Trump: The doggie would probably bite someone else, so who cares?
Fran Cisco (Assissi)
Except there are roads that lead to China (Macau casino permits, Ivanka patents and trademarks), Saudi Arabia, the Emirates (shakedown of Qatar, Kushner Co. refinancing 666 Broadway), Israel, Big Oil, Turkey, etc. etc. too. https://www.citizensforethics.org/2000-trump-conflicts-of-interest-counting/
Tracy (Washington DC)
The Russians infested the NRA, which funds a heckuva lot of GOP politicians. They hacked (and held) RNC emails. The question is how extensive is Putin’s control over the entire party?
Sara (Oakland)
Worse than a sleazy self-promoting ‘scheme’ to get re elected, Trump’s maneuvers in Ukraine also reflect his service to Putin’s interests and the whispered talking points of his FSB. All brilliant disinformation, deflection and zeroing in on small flaws that can be blown up to distract from gigantic sabotage come from Russia. Adding insult to infamy, Trump brazenly meets with Lazov amidst the cloud of his betrayal of America.
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
Some Trumpistas have totally abandoned solidarity with American interests. "a photo of two men at a Trump rally in Ohio on Saturday night wearing shirts that say “I’d rather be a Russian than a Democrat.” Source: Vox - not Fox. Not last Saturday night- it was earlier Is this alarming or not or am I missing something?
Randé (Portland, OR)
@Bob Guthrie : We have millions more enemies than we thought.
William Hamer (Madrid, Spain)
There are several things that Republicans seem to ignore when defending Trump: 1. Trump cares only about about himself. He will not hesitate to throw anyone, even ardent supporters, under the bus if he thinks it will benefit himself. This is established behavior. 2. In supporting the actions of Trump, Republicans will have no legitimacy in attacking non-Republican presidents for the same actions. 3. To completely ignore the facts, the unconstitutional behavior of the president, and their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, will only erode and destroy our democracy even further than has already been done.
William (Minnesota)
Being repelled by the current political tactics of Republican officials, from the tyrant at the head of our government to all his underlings, reminds me of Casablanca's Captain Renault saying I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here. We've seen this movie before: the Whitewater investigation leading nowhere but to an Oval office indiscretion; the hounding of Hillary over Benghazi and her emails; and the packing of the Supreme Court with like-minded judicial radicals. Yes, turning Mr. Putin into an honorary member of the Republican Party hits a more dangerous low. But using unscrupulous tactics to increase their political power is standard operating procedure for the Republican Party.
B Nguyen (USA)
The Republican party shows that it has rocketed itself as far away from patriotism as it is possible. They are in outer space. Americans need to tell them that they are not patriotic.
Miriam (Anywheresville)
“...”made it appear that the information supporting probable cause was stronger than was actually the case.”” I wish I understood exactly what is meant by this statement.
Guido Malsh (Cincinnati)
If a president and those who support him also support the destruction of a democracy through the erasure of its established laws, truths and principles of its founders, then that entity can no longer be rightfully called a democracy. That's where we are. Brought down by our most formidable sworn enemies through their corruption of those occupying the highest positions in our land. Through ballots instead of bullets we've become a banana republic.
Jack (Missouri)
The problem is William Barr seems like a serious and respectable person. If the AG was someone like Sean Spicer. This thing would have been fine and dusted years ago.
Whole Grains (USA)
The sad part is that most Republican members of Congress, in private, abhor Trump's behavior and think he is a monster - but in front of the TV cameras, they feign righteous indignation over impeachment charges. They're not very good actors. In fact, most of them come off as hammy political hacks. Instead of standing up and defending Congress, the Constitution and the rule of law, they are engaging in charades - all for selfish political reasons. Sadly, the courage of Howard Baker is a thing of the past.
Hugo Ordonez (Germany)
It is part of the political genius of Wladimir Putin not only to have recruited Donald Trump as an agent of the Kremlin, but the entire GOP. Putin recognized the most ominous characteristics of American capitalism: the insatiable greed of Republicans and their absence of principles and values. He also recognized the gigantic ignorance and sensitivity to propaganda of Trump supporters. After all, it is the same method that he uses in Russia to maintain his power: to distribute money among the Russian oligarchs and to keep the population deceived with his propaganda apparatus. In this way Putin has accelerated the process of degradation of the United States, without fighting a war and without risking his position. Trump will not be dismissed by the Senate. It remains only to be seen, if most American voters are able to recognize the reality of the situation and vote against Trump in 2020.
Luis M. (Stockton, CA)
All credible news papers and other news media should have headlines reporting on the clear and present danger to this nations imposed by the Republican Party. There needs to be emergency warnings indicating that Republicans are ignoring the facts of Trump's corruption and his alignment with Putin in attacking our nation for his political gain. Our nation is under attack from within. The Republicans main defense of Trump is the yelling of ongoing denials and transferring the corruption coming out of the White House on everyone else. Our nation can not survive if we have a large number of dishonest politicians spinning falsehoods to protect an overtly corrupt president. If this continues, I would hate to see the condition of our democratic systems in ten or twenty years. We may not be any better than Putin's Russia.
aek (New England)
The GOP party members and organization apparatus are wholly owned Russian assets promulgating its propaganda and disinformation and perpetrating it on the American citizenry. There isn't a single Republican in the federal government - elected, appointed or contracted, who will put country and Constitution over Russian and Trump fealty. That party must be immediately dissolved, and its power destroyed if our country is to survive in any way as a form of democracy.
KK (Seattle)
By refusing to stand up for the rule of law, and the constitution, It appears the the Republicans are destroying America. I could not be more disheartened. No one, NO ONE is above the law. That includes Trump.
Robert Henry Eller (Portland, Oregon)
Republicans wouldn't care if the evidence demonstrated decisively and incontrovertibly that Trump is literally a Russian spy. And frankly, there has been no evidence yet presented by anyone that Trump is not a Russian spy. And plenty of evidence that should lead our intelligence, defense and justice officials to seriously investigate whether Trump is a Russian spy. But Republicans in Congress might as well be members of Putin's rubber-stamp Russian Parliament, for all they are making a mockery of their oaths of office. The Republican Party is doing nothing less than committing mass treason.
Aurace Rengifo (Miami Beach, Fl.)
Putin told Trump he did not interfere in the 2016 elections and Trump told the world that he believed Putin. Over our own intelligence. In that infamous day when our president was played like a puppet in a world forum and we watched on TV. That same day, before the press conference, in the unprecedented private meeting Putin-Trump, was probably when Putin fed Trump about the Ukranian conspiracy theory. I understand that insecurity and paranoia made Trump gullable. But what makes seasoned GOP politicians (not leaders anymore) repeat KGB propaganda?
Concerned MD (Pennsylvania)
At risk of sounding like a broken record .... Where are Trump’s tax returns? One is left to only imagine what financial ties (or handcuffs) to Kremlin would be revealed.
Lawrence Reichard (Belfast, Maine)
Two hours essentially alone in a room with Putin in Helsinki - only translators present. This for a man, Trump, who by all accounts has an attention span that tops out at all of 10 minutes. That's all one needs to know about Donald Trump and why he again and again makes decisions that are antithetical to the interests of the country he purports to lead. There is only one plausible explanation for all of this: Putin has the goods on Trump. If it's not sex tapes, then it's evidence of decades of money laundering for Russian mobsters.
PC (Aurora, CO.)
@Lawrence, you bet! Oligarch money, the Presidency in exchange for sanctions, and the Hotel. Trump and Pompeo are meeting with Russia today, under cover. You can be sure, no notes. I hope history paints Republicans as traitors to this country. Their lasting legacy. But Republicans cheat. And so does Putin. Fingers crossed.
PC (Aurora, CO.)
Thank you for an accurate and spot-on article Mr. Wegman!
NY Times Fan (Saratoga Springs, NY)
Mueller gave Trump and his campaign a pass with regard to conspiracy with the Russians. Failing to deal with a bully forcefully is interpreted by the bully as a green light. So the very next day after Mueller's testimony, Trump bribed Zelensky in an attempt to have him damage Joe Biden's reputation and interfere in the 2020 election. Trump is a clear and present danger all right, just as Chairman Nadler has said. And if Trump keeps getting a pass, he'll just keep getting worse, until there's nothing left but Trump in total control. We're almost there and it hasn't even been 3 years yet.
nzierler (New Hartford NY)
I have no doubt that Trump's absolute refusal to criticize Putin is a function of his being beholden to Putin financially. Money and power drive Trump, and he is consumed by protecting his investments in Russia at the expense of placing our nation vulnerable to interference by Russia. What should enrage us is the complete about face the Republican party has made in supporting Trump's cozy relationship with Putin. Before Trump assumed the presidency, the Republicans to a person railed against Russia as much of a threat to us as North Korea. Now, they all have their heads in the sand. Astonishing.
s.chubin (Geneva)
TheFBI may be incompetent at times and inefficient but that is surely true of every part of government and bureaucracy. So what is new? There were/ are people who dislike, and some who like, Trump: is that news? The report is another rebuff of Trump and Barr's efforts to muddy the clear evidence of Russian tampering with he political system. And their base surely eats this up.
Julee (Vero Beach, FL)
This is one of the best descriptions of the events that transpired today, I have read.
J J Davies (San Ramon California)
Parades of 'made for television' pep rallies and juvenile tough talk can only hide fundamental incompetence for only so long. And contrary to attention getting, fringe brained sound bites, Republicans are not innately stupid. I think sooner than later , Trump's continued and inextricable relationships with the worst of Russia (and the world), will be seen for what it actually is. The voters that fooled the 2016 polls--yes, those remarkable ghosts that came to elect Trump, but never admitted support outside of a voting booth, can and will turn invisible again. This time only leaving behind sage utterances of "Oh, I never supported him..."I knew he was a scam all along, spending debt and calling it great economic policy". And then, Trump will appear over the television, he will appear on the talk shows, and at the tweets ..."My work is done! I have saved America! I am the greatest !" And off to his penthouse he will retreat and lock, granting few addoring interviews , and denying that he collects his fingernail clippings and loose toupee hair in jars as was falsely reported by fake, failing, Fox news.
ADN (New York)
“But he has fooled Republicans in Congress, who have degraded themselves and their offices by faithfully parroting Mr. Putin’s propaganda in the mainstream press.” No, it’s one or the other. Either he fooled them or they know they’re parroting propaganda. It’s the latter. They know what they’re doing. They’re selling out their country for money and power. In the conventional use of the term, they’re traitors. They’re serving a foreign power. But they’ve been selling out their country for years to the oligarchy, so this is nothing new. But the question remains: why go this far? Shouldn’t we assume that Putin has the goods on all of them and has been building dossiers for years? Kevin McCarthy once said Trump was on Putin’s payroll. But the way things look now, so are McCarthy and every other Republican in Congress. Either that, or they listened to the tapes and saw the dirty pictures and have no choice but to go along with the charade that will keep Trump in office. Because he won’t be reelected. But he will be kept in office. Let’s say our final goodbyes to the United States of America.
Dr. Dan (Miami)
So why do republicans knowingly keep playing into the treason and fountain of lies? Because their own constituents are loyal to Trump - not to them (thanks Fox "News", facebook and twitter). Couple this with an insatiable thirst for power and they will do ANYTHING that Donald tells them to do. Term limits for congress would solve this problem - full stop.
Alan R Brock (Richmond VA)
It is difficult for a rational thinker to examine the observable recent history of Donald Trump without concluding that he has been kept afloat by dirty Russian and former Soviet oligarch money. Beyond his pathetic public support of Putin, there is the refusal to disclose previously promised tax returns which might make more transparent the sources of his cash flow. There are the mysterious loans funneled through Deutsche Bank whose ultimate sources Trump's attorneys battle to obscure. There are properties, such as the golf resort in Scotland, where only a quick and dirty analysis is required to see that it can't be making money and repaying investors in a timely manner. Closely related is Trump's behavior as regards Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have boatloads of money, and Trump practically bows down to them. Go figure.
Gui (New Orleans)
There is an old Russian saying: "Сила есть, ума не надо," which roughly translates "With power, thinking is unnecessary." We are seeing a version of Moscow on the Potomac through these perniciously jejune counter offensives against Mr. Horowitz's clear and even-handed assessment of the FBI's performance in the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election. It seems that the rapacious need for power is the only thing that the Republican Party feels is worth protecting today while demonstrating a regrettable adherence to both sides of this cynical slavic proverb. Whether impeachment leads to conviction or not, what can they possibly think will be their path back to integrity after this drama concludes?
Dave H (Boston)
@Gui Thanks for the thoughtful comment. As for the Republicans, they pride themselves on their adaptability and apparently their distance from any real morals. They have been putting on a show for some time only now the script is written by a 3rd rate hack who was in the right place at the right time (for him - not for us). So, they will all be stained by this - but the question remains how will they depart power? It will undoubtedly be messy and I hope our American essence shines through and they relinquish their roles without too much stupidity.
Jacquie (Iowa)
@Gui The Republicans don't need integrity as long as the Russian Oligarchs keep money flowing into their re-election campaigns and they stay in power. https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2018/05/08/how-putin-s-oligarchs-funneled-millions-into-gop-campaigns/
Marilyn Burbank (France)
@Gui Clearly, they're not interested in integrity. They want total republican control of the US - nothing else matters to them.
Luke (Rochester, NY)
Trump is more of a puppet of the plutocracy. The oligarchs play the president like a violin, goading his ego, and filling the coffers of all his fellow citizens united. All roads lead to wealth, weapons, and power. Transnational corporations, big banks, hedge funds, oil and gas energy producers see national borders, taxes, environmental laws, workers rights, human rights, and fair elections as merely an inconvenience to be managed. The Hapsburg's who also found national borders to be bothersome seem quaint by comparison, only having to intermarry to maintain power. They did not have to deal with democracies and manipulate the proletariat through propaganda.
ItsANewDay (SF)
It is one's hope beyond measure that when this president is impeached, it will be an act so unambiguous in its intent that this president, who so abuses the powers of the office, disrespects the institutions of our judicial, legislative, and executive branches, unlawfully disregards the international treaties to which the United States is duly obligated, disparages the very basis upon which we define our common humanity, and seemingly delights in threatening the continuity of life as we know it on this planet, will at long last recognize he has no sense of decency and will do the only honorable act, resign.
JRM (Melbourne)
@ItsANewDay Yes, I fantasize that when the Senate takes up the impeachment case, that the Senators will wake up and realize their loyalty belongs to this Nation, our Constitution, the people of the country who count on them to maintain our Democracy. I fantasize they will take their oath of office seriously.
just Robert (North Carolina)
@ItsANewDay The problem is that the presentation by Congressional Democrats may be unambiguous and clear, but of course republicans as good puppets will create a smoke screen to hide the truth. Lies have become such a habit tto their party that the truth no longer means anything.
J&L (Utah)
@JRM Only a fantasy, unfortunately. Nor will he be inclined to leave if and when he loses the election: "I am the greatest and most popular president in history. Millions of illegals voted for the Democrat. I is impossible for me to lose. FAKE NEWS!"
rhdelp (Monroe GA)
Listening to the hearings on the radio,the Republican outrage, disruption, blind loyalty despite corruption was sickening. Where were these sanctimonious Patriots outrage when Trump took the stage in Helsinski and made the statement he believed, with Putin beside him, Russia did not interfere in our election despite every US National Security Agency proving Russia did indeed interfere? Any information Barr or Guiliani intend to submit in the Senate lacks credibility, we all know money will do their talking points.
JM (San Francisco)
@rhdelp It has become very evident that the Republican party has been bought, lock, stock and barrel by the new TrumPutin Party. Even Ted Cruz, who was the object of Trump's outrageous conspiracy theories and vile attacks on his wife during the 2016 campaign, is now spewing Russian talking points. Chuck Todd: “Do you believe Ukraine meddled in the American election in 2016?” Ted Cruz: “I do, and I think there’s considerable evidence of that."
Al M (Norfolk Va)
The ill-founded conspiracy thinking and focus on Russia is damaging to us as a country at home and in the world, as experts note. https://consortiumnews.com/2019/12/08/a-determined-effort-to-undermine-russia/ We, as a nation who meddle in every other country on the planet, are ultimately responsible for the security of our elections. The Executive has continued to gain power for decade. Much of that power needs to return to Congress. The continued focus on demonizing russia for our own mistakes will not help democrats win an election. That will require a focus on issues like climate, health care and economic policy.
Chris (Nantucket)
@Al M Another false equivalency, a hallmark of conservative rebuttal these days: because we do it, it's okay he does it? We meddle to get a business advantage and an inside track to natural resources, Putin meddles by annexing Crimea. Maybe he can follow Trump's lead just once, and refer to the free press as enemies of the people rather than murdering them? A focus on the issues will be undermined by a disinformation blitz in online media by Russian agents, as it was in 2016. Speaking of issues, if Republicans actually had policy ideas that would win hearts and minds, they wouldn't have to lie about voter fraud and suppress the vote. Trickle down economics until the planet is destroyed seems to be the overarching Republican "issue". Oh, and the star-spangled freedom to do it.
TD (Indy)
@Al M You are right, of course. But obsession is obsession. We have politicians who only care about principle when they see others violate it. We now know Obama and Bush, in the tradition of McNamara and LBJ, lied and people died in Afghanistan. But Trump playing hardball is what the obsessed care about. Why be upset about asking about a VP who threatened to withhold a billion dollars until he got what he wanted? We are to remove Trump for meddling in Ukraine, but then run Biden? Why?
Mark McIntyre (Los Angeles)
Kudos to Jesse Wegman for this op-ed. It expresses my sentiments exactly. Trump is an authoritarian who worships other authoritarians like Putin, Duterte and Kim Jong-un--the "love" of his life. Trump attacks our allies, yet always carries water for Vladimir Putin. Something is seriously wrong not only Trump, but compliant Republicans prostrating themselves on his alter of lies and conspiracy theories.
Horseshoe Crab (South Orleans, MA)
Trump has and always will be only concerned about himself. He has no loyalty to this country and has been pushed onto center stage by a cadre of American oligarchs led by the likes of the Koch brothers and their immensely wealthy brethren. His greed and insatiable desire for recognition and power has propelled him to conduct the impeachable acts he has performed and his continued courting of Putin and the Saudi family are grim testimony to where he places his loyalties. Trump is but a pawn, albeit a dangerous one, as his backroom brethren including many GOP stalwarts will resort to corrupt and devious heavily funded resources to keep this regime in power.
Brannon Perkison (Dallas, TX)
Trump's not fooled his most ardent GOP supporters in the Senate and House at all. He's corrupted them to his way of exploiting us all. I refuse to believe that all of the huge amounts of money pouring into their campaign accounts (Devin Nunes', for example, went up by $10 Million in 2018) is legal. As we saw with Parnas' "Fraud Guarantee" company that dumped hundreds of thousands into the account of Pete Sessions, these guys have many dirty ways now to route money to politicians illegally. And when you have organizations like the NRA also under FBI investigation for laundering Russian money into campaign accounts, just imagine what other plots are going on. Money, money, money, by any means is the only thing that explains the Republicans outright betrayal of truth, the Constitution, and their oaths of office. Trump has corrupted them utterly.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Vlad Putin has put it to the US: What legitimizes secession of socialist republics or other semi-autonomous states from empires? To Russia, Ukraine is a renegade province, to the US it is a liberated nation. Trump's miraculous victory via the Electoral College, and the Senate's malapportioned determination to do nothing about his blatantly conflicted interests, give incentive to representationally disadvantaged states to secede from the US. Something has to give.
Dart (Asia)
Bad Day in the USA! ... Note that Justice Department people are speaking before their reports come out, as Comey did ... and now they are now clearly showing a possibly stark partisan divide Bad Barr proves almost continually he is a Trump shill. Dems rushing cuts corners. Repubs Will Continue -- as they have done for Two-Plus Years -- to not honor Very Many facts. Bye-bye democracy.
DKM (NE Ohio)
Imagine to what Trumps financials and tax returns might point. Granted, it may just be a frantic try to avoid the embarrassment of the Public knowing he is really not a billionaire...which we pretty much already know. But more likely, it is the paper trail that will be rooted out... ...and Moscow may just be the tip of the iceberg. Where are those hackers when you really need them?
FredO (Prescott, AZ)
I disagree with one small thing you wrote: "Mr. Putin ... has fooled Republicans in Congress, who have degraded themselves and their offices by faithfully parroting Mr. Putin’s propaganda in the mainstream press." Putin has not "Fooled" Republicans in Congress. They know he helped elect Trump. They are just being cynical. They just don't care about their country, only themselves and their party.
just Robert (North Carolina)
Is it possible for Republicans to actually address the impeachment issues directly without giving constant excuses and blaming others, something they have learned from their mentor Donald Trump? No they can not and will not as to do so would reveal how they have been duped by Trump and have sold their souls to the duel devils Trump and Putin. So they wiggle and squirm like fish caught on a line. After all this is Trump's 'Apprentice' show and who wants to be fired by the likes of Donald Trump.
northeastsoccermum (northeast)
The truth is out there, but Republicans refuse to see, accept and acknowledge it.
Knute (Pennsylvania)
So if Horowitz says there was no evidence of political bias-must be he never read the texts from Strozk and Page- but then said that there were “many basic and fundamental errors” it made during the investigation, including mistakes or omissions in important paperwork that “made it appear that the information supporting probable cause was stronger than was actually the case.” Like lying on the FISA warrants that never should have been approved. Mr. Durham will flush out the criminality.
Liam Jumper (Cheyenne, Wyoming)
The Ukrainians do not and did not have the technical and human resources to even come close to doing what Russia did to interfere in our 2016 elections. The only reason this blatant lie and Russian-Trump propaganda lives is because most Americans have zero idea what it takes and how to do what Russia did. Trump has played into the myth that this could be the work on one person – his remark about a 400 pound person sitting on a bed. That played into the fantasy American movie image of socially withdrawn 14 year old boys spewing genius-level code at some adversary as fast as their nimble fingers could fly across the keyboard. What would have been Ukraine’s motive? We, the leadership in the West, were the ones who’d at least help them keep at bay from further Russian encroachment and theft of their territory. Trump's ties and sympathies for Russia were known. Ukrainians wouldn't expect him to turn against Russia. Putin stole the Crimea from Ukraine. Then Putin, faced with the billion-dollar a year expense of maintaining Crimea, invaded and took over the part of Ukraine that could provide the billion dollar annual income Putin needed as well as a land route toward the Crimea. “Ukraine did it,” is as ridiculous as the local mobster claiming the people who hacked the police station were the ones from whom he’d just stolen a third of their real estate.
pkbormes (Brookline, MA)
I cry for my country. Republicans continue to protect our criminal president, and the base believes everything they say. Nobody's opinion has changed. Almost half the country believes the Administration's lies. So tragic. We are in deep, deep trouble.
Ken Solin (Berkeley, California)
Sadly 50% of Americans are in denial about Trump's guilt and whether impeachment is warranted. This points to an ugly truth about America in 2019. We've become a nation of poorly educated, ignorant sheep who will follow their leader over the cliff like willing lemmings. That 40% of Republicans believe Trump shouldn't have any restraints from Congress is astounding from a party that used to be all about law and order. And that these same people are okay with Russian interference is equally astonishing. The only conclusion that can be drawn from all of this is that the Republic is dying a rapid death from which it won't recover. America has become a shadow of its former self in so many ways and Trump has caused this solely to enrich himself while President.
SDW (Maine)
All the evidence points to Moscow, Putin and the corruption of this president. The more Republicans harp on the illegitimacy of the impeachment proceedings, the more they become irrelevant to the future of this country. Some Republicans ( e.g Senators Romney of Utah, Collins of my state of Maine, Murkowski of Alaska) could step forward and put country over party. But the stranglehold this president has on the GOP is dumfounding, incomprehensible. Is it going to bring the Republican down a precipice of no return? For the sake of this country, it should. We, the People need to vote them out, put this president out of commission and bring colors back in the cheeks of America.
Underdog (Virginia Beach, VA)
Leave out the obstruction as found in Mueller's report and you lose. You also let Barr off the hook for changing Mueller's findings of obstruction. Don't let the Republicans get by with calling Mueller's investigation a witch hunt.
mrc (nc)
The GOP supports Trump unequivocally because he delivered them the White House when it was clear that no other GOP presidential candidate could come even close to defeating Hilary Clinton. Hillary should have been a shoe in, but was in reality the only person unable to beat Trump. Trump now owns the GOP. How long before Trump rebrands the GOP as the Trump Party? He brands all his enterprises - this is no different. The GOP is dead. The Tea Party is dead. The Neocons are dead. the GOP is now just the party of deplorables, governed by deplorables for the deplorables. None of the 2016 GOP candidates will be able to run again. They have been rendered extinctdecimated by Trump. Little Marco, Lying Ted, Low Energy Jeb, etc. They are all spent forces. Even Mitt. Trump will be relected in 2020 - the electoral college, the gerrymandered districts, and the kamikaze base will see to that. Worst case the SCOTUS will adjudicate the tie break. Trump has trashed the GOP beyond all recognition. It has been primaried and purged or has converted voluntarily. So who will follow Him? Ivanka is my guess. She will inherit the "base"
B (Minneapolis)
The real question in this impeachment is what did the Republicans know and when did they know it?
jim auster (colorado)
yes, Russia, not Ukraine, is the issue Impeach Trump for high crime treason helping Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with indisputable factual evidence of withholding aid, not misdemeanor of asking for political favor, regardless if or when Ukraine knew aid was withheld and regardless of quid pro quo
JB (San Francisco)
All roads for Trump lead to money. Putin is obscenely rich, having embezzled his country’s assets for himself and his criminal network. Also ultra rich are the princes of Saudi Arabia. Putin and MBS reward those who serve them and murder those who get in their way. Trump and his GOP cohort might be dazzled by these ruthless tyrants, or afraid of them, or both, but clearly they are choosing personal interests over our country’s interests. The scope of treason in the GOP ranks is stunning.
Cassandra (Arizona)
I never thought we could truthfully say that the president and the republican party are "soft on Russia".
Marlene (Canada)
we all know trump is desperate to stay out of prison. he needs the next four years to avoid accountability. and the republicans will ensure this happens.
Jess Darby (NH)
Well said. Thank you. It all leads back to Russia. It leads back to the G7. Trump has no soul (no understanding of the Constitution, history, oaths, etc) and Trump sold America out to Russia for his own personal benefit.
JFR (Yardley)
It's is disturbingly true that for Trump all roads lead to Moscow. The overriding question then is, why? With all of these threads leading to Putin's lair, why is it so hard to find some, any steel cables that unquestionably tie Trump to Putin and his criminal oligarchs? The world needs something so unassailable that even Fox News editors, opinionators, and listeners will announce and believe.
James (Georgia)
Tax returns are the key.
RLJ (Manhattan)
As Gary Kasparov said (paraphrased): If Trump isn't a Russian agent then what more could he do to help Putin and the Russians?
Susan Anderson (Boston)
Republicans want to stay in office, and they don't care how much they cheat to get there. That goes double for Trump, who once he is a private citizen again, is in for a world of shame and harm.
Opinioned! (NYC)
The thing to understand is that the Republican Party is not just okay with Russian interference but is very proud to be of service to Putin. Look at Tucker Carlson who declared live on air his fealty and allegiance to Putin. Look at Ted Cruz who declared live on air that the Republican Party is now Putin’s propaganda arm in the heartland of the USA. Look at Devin Nuñes who parroted Russian talking points verbatim during the impeachment hearings and subsequent TV interviews. That with the Republican Party all roads lead Putin is not earth shattering news. The real news is the Why of this story. Looking at the political timeline last 2016 will help. A quick internet search of news stories about and social media feeds by key Republicans will reveal that before Putin hacked the DNC server, they all have some choice words to say about Trump. For example: “If we nominate Trump to the presidency, that would be the end of the Republican Party and we will totally deserve it.” — Lindsey Graham. Then Putin hacked the DNC server as Trump begged him to and then, viola!, every single Republican fell in line. Could it be that Putin is keeping a kompromat on the Republican Party?
BB (Washington State)
The GOP members that continue to support him , the Attorney General, Mike Pence , Giuliani , etc. are all complicit with Trump in his treasonous acts and his attack on our Democracy. Shame on them for being tools of Putnin's undermining of our Country through his manipulation of Trump and his Family.
ghsalb (Albany NY)
Why Russia, exactly? Check out Craig Unger's 7/13/17 New Republic piece "Trump’s Russian Laundromat: How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House." (expanded into a book in 2018, "House of Trump House of Putin") I hope the Democrats raise this point in the 2020 debates, because there's really no good response. If Trump's as smart as he always brags, he can't just claim ignorance of the massive wrong-doing that was going on directly below his own headquarters for years.
WDP (Long Island)
Trump believes Russia has some very embarrassing and incriminating information on him. What is it? Well, Trump knows what he’s done, and so he at least knows what it could possibly be. Embarrassing sex tapes? Proof of money laundering or illegal financial dealings? It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Trump fears Russia could bring him down, and this fear defines his whole approach to foreign policy.
Tom Rosseter (California)
I beg to differ. Mr. Putin has not fooled the Republicans. Through Trump and his base, Mr. Putin owns them.
R.P. (Bridgewater, NJ)
"Whether Trump played footsie with Russians to win in 2016." Well, Mueller found no evidence of any coordination between the Russians and any American, let alone anyone in the Trump administration. And the author's description of the Horowitz report as simply reporting "errors" in "paperwork" is astounding. One of the FBI lawyers altered a document in support of a FISA warrant. I guess the Dems care very little for the rights of people like Carter Page, and don't mind that a "dossier" was put together (with the help of Russian sources) that make false statements against Trump, which the FBI then used in its FISA applications.
Marlene (Canada)
@R.P. trump was warned by several people about russia and he sat there smug and indifferent. therefore, he let it happen. as for the horowitz report, the investigation into trump's abuse the election process proved to be accurate.
Knute (Pennsylvania)
@R.P. You'd think that at least one reporter from this "distinguished" paper would look into what happend with the FISA warrants. I guess we will have to wait for Durham.
downeast60 (Maine)
@R.P. "Mueller found no evidence of any coordination between the Russians and any American, let alone anyone in the Trump administration." This is a lie. The Mueller Report lists over 60 Russian contacts with the Trump Campaign BY NAME. However, because the Trump campaign destroyed emails & used encrypted communications, Mueller couldn't prove enough of a co-ordinated effort between the campaign & the Russians for an indictment. BTW, Mueller did indict 12 Russian intelligence officers BY NAME for interferring in the 2016 election. You can read his 29 page indictment here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/context/read-mueller-probe-indictment-of-12-russians-for-hacking-democrats/d72bca11-93cf-40e2-87ec-ea6ab02f1dcf/
Susan (Paris)
Even with the entire Republican Party in thrall to him, as well as the head of our Justice Department, Trump wakes up everyday with a bad case of “Putin envy.” Trump can call the free press “enemies of the people” call all his political foes “traitors,” and play fast and loose with the Constitution, but (for the moment) he is unable, like Putin, to arrest and imprison en masse political dissenters or send agents with Plutonium and Novichok to Western capitals like London, in order to silence critics on foreign soil. Trump dreams of having Putin’s unfettered grip on power and is willing to sell this country down the river to emulate him.
Michael (North Carolina)
As for Trump, there can be little doubt that, after serial bankruptcies left him without an American lender (and real estate developers are DOA without financing), he was financed by Russian oligarchs seeking to launder their filthy lucre (the classic laundering vehicle is real estate). His fragile and towering ego could not withstand the failure of his empire, so he went all in with the Russians. And now they own him. That much is clear. But what confounds me is why the entire Republican party has allowed itself to become corrupted by Trump. Surely there are at least a few left with integrity? Why this? Your nation desperately needs you. Surely your reputation, indeed your very soul, is worth more to you than yet another tax cut. Or is every last one of you now as corrupt as is Trump? Mark 8:36.
The biggest irony of this sordid story is - does anyone really think Putin really RESPECTS trump? Putin must not believe his luck at having such us useful ... well, you know, as his stooge in the Oval Office doing his bidding perfectly. The KGB recruiting book is out the window - all Putin needs to do is mess with the America's election process by installing the most compromised American in office who would in turn wipe out America's counter intelligence at the FBI - for starters. No doubt Lavrov will be laughing with the trump in the Russian Oval Office tomorrow at the Democratic impeachment of him that will accomplish nothing, as his accomplices in the Senate keep him in power to continue corrupting and stealing a second election in a row.
hschmelz (hamburg)
When Nixon went, so did the GOP of yore leave.
dave (Mich)
It's all about power. If Trump isn't elected the republicans have no power. Russia helped give Trump power and Russia will be helped if Trump stays in power. Russia has already won gaining influence in the middle East and gaining influence over the Ukraine.
Michael (Toledo, Ohio, USA)
All roads indeed lead to Moscow, and to Russia's president. The most charitable interpretation is that President Trump welcomed Russian assistance in 2016, and wants it again in 2020. Although we lack evidence of a more sinister connection, we can ask ourselves what Mr. Trump might do differently if he were under President Putin's sway. The answer is: not much. In 2016, Trump influenced the Republican party platform to be more friendly to Russia. During the transition and just after Mr. Trump's inauguration, his National Security Adviser communicated with Russian officials about reducing or eliminating sanctions. President Trump has repeatedly held private -- and still secret -- conversations with his Russian counterpart. More than once, the two of them have joked about Russian interference in 2016. President Trump embraces the Russian-authored, debunked, conspiracy theories about Ukraine. Perhaps we would learn whether there are flames behind all this smoke, if Congress could gain access to Mr. Trump's tax returns and company financial records. He certainly seems determined to keep them hidden.
Jean (Cleary)
If anything has convinced me that Term limits are in order it is this last 3+ years under Republicans in the Senate and the House. How do we get term limits on the National Ballot. No politician, Democrat, Republican or Independent should serve more than two terms, same as President.
Andrew Shin (Toronto)
@Jean Excellent idea. Supreme Court Justices too. Probably need to differentiate Senators (6) from Representatives (2). The term for Reps should be lengthened so that they can benefit from experience and do not have to begin campaigning immediately after election.
usa999 (Portland, OR)
While the drama and tension of a Presidential impeachment certainly commands our attention there is an even more momentous issue facing the criminal justice system. Assume for the moment the 2020 election brings the Democrats to power in January, 2021. Vice President Pence then pardons the resigned Donald Trump, or will he be allowed to walk free because the Constitution permits it? Do the Democrats shrug their shoulders and live with the manipulated outcome or simply find a fig leaf to cover efforts to bring him to justice? Second, impeachment focuses investigation and punishment on the President. But it is clear significant figures in the Republican Party have been active accomplices in manipulating protection and favorable treatment for the president. What do we do about Mitch McConnell of Lindsay Graham? Suppose significant evidence appears linking them to Russian finding of elections or, as in the case of McConnell, to efforts to protect the electoral system from penetration by Russian operatives?If there are one or two culprits we might find ourselves dealing with a lamentable untimely health event cutting short political career......a dozen such events would strain our capacity for self-denial. But as James Siegel noted, there will be tremendous pressure to deal with criminal prosecution of a significant cadre of Republican politicians. And could we expect Supreme Court Justices appointed by Trump to recuse themselves or even resign? Will we accept Russian judges?
Sheeba (Brooklyn)
The thought of being beholden to Russia has been frightening for now a long time. To see the Senate fall in line with Trump/Putin is even more scary. The GOP would never have allowed a Democratic official do any of these allegations. And no one on that side has even explained Rudy. The only recourse we have is our vote. Let’s hope it works.
ChristineMcM (Massachusetts)
"Speaking the truth, or accepting it when they hear it, is a skill that has become increasingly foreign to Republicans." The GOP cares more about power and supporting an untenable president than they do about the fate of the republic. Peter Baker today put it best: what's occuring in Washington is a battle for truth itself. But let's get back to Russia, which seems a major player lurking in the background of every Trump move. Today, in another first, he's meeting the Russian foreign minister at the White House. It's unprecedented, because this "adversary" already met once with him, and in the normal course of events, a second meeting raises eyebrows. But one thing nobody can deny: both the president and his party have been pursuing interests that align with the Kremlin's. And that, above all, should worry everyone.
Rosie Cass (Evening Rapids)
You might not be half as worried as the power vacuum facing a Kremlin without a clear successor. It seems a similar predicament to 1989.
Das Ru (Downtown Nonzero)
One road should lead to a brokered deal for DJT to retire to a new television role in Hong Kong.
Das Ru (Downtown Nonzero)
He should be where he belongs... part famous, part notorious, and at a forward position.
James Siegel (Maine)
As you clearly point out, not only is the Presidency beholden to Russia but the Senate must be as well. Perhaps they unconstitutionally see themselves as an extension of the Presidency rather than an independent team member? Perhaps they've been funded by Russia through the NRA for so long they have lost their way. More likely the GOP knows this is their endgame. If they do not cheat, they cannot wield power, and wielding power is all they want to do.
Marie (Boston)
The question is why do they without reservation or regard to facts defend Donald Trump? They could see the facts and agree that he has committed impeachable acts since becoming President. So why are they unwilling to see it? They could have Pence who would continue the efforts to tear down democracy and replace it with a Evangelical Theocracy. It would seem a dream come true. So why? Is it not just Trump but the Republican Party (NRA cash from Russia) that is also lead by Russia?
Ockham9 (Norman, OK)
This weekend, NPR broadcast an interview with a former ambassador to Ukraine, who clearly articulated why the country is so important. Ukraine is merely the current object of Vladimir Putin’s attempts to test Western support of former Soviet territories. By withholding aid over the summer — and had the whistleblower not alerted us to the fact, for much longer — Trump was encouraging and enabling Russian hegemony. The next target will be the Baltic republics which, unlike Ukraine, are members of NATO, and thus bound by treaty to mutual defense. Even though Trump is usually seen as an isolationist, this short-sighted and ill-informed action in Ukraine will get the US in a hot war that will have grave implications for the future of the world. It would not be the first time that an otherwise small and seemingly insignificant country proved to be the charge that ignited a conflagration.
RHR (France)
Long before 'the two big events that played out Monday on Capitol Hill', even a casual observer would have come to the conclusion the Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin were working together at some level or another. Just exactly what the nature of the relationship is between the two remains to be discovered. What is certain is that the behavior of Trump with regard to the Russian leader is completely unacceptable and obviously contrary to the best security interests of the Unites States of America
David (USA)
The fervor for Trump among certain US voters is so high that even if Putin and Trump themselves confirm that Trump is a Russian agent and is acting, whenever possible, in the interests of Russia, it will make but a small dent in his popularity and in GOP support for him. The only way out of this mess is to repeat that immigration is in fact higher under Trump than under Obama and that Democrats will reduce immigration. Similar for taxes.
Daniel F. Solomon (Miami)
@David I present anecdotal evidence that the fake Trump charity breaks the ice.
Rudy Flameng (Brussels, Belgium)
The really important words in this piece are near the end: "...while it is sadly effective", which Mr. Wegman writes about Trump's tactic of lies and misrepresentation. In other words, the question is whether what the Democrats intend to do will render it less effective. Whether Trump's support will be reduced as a result of this initiative. Whether the people who now support or at least accept Trump will be persuaded to change their minds. That is, at the end of the day, the only question. Will a sufficiently substantial number of American voters be swayed to abandon Trump and the Republicans in November 2020? And what is or will be on offer as an alternative? Because that also plays, obviously. If there is no firm, understandable and appealing alternative to go to, chances are voters will stick with the misery they know. So, the Democrats have got an awful lot of work to do and very little time to do it. And the opposition will be unprecedented in its vileness. Better get ready.
Camille Favale (Florida)
From the beginning of Trump's presidency and until the present everything that has become controversial or has shown a wrong doing by Trump has involved Russia. All these incidents, firing Comey, Trump siding with Putin, in Helsinki, that Russia didn't interfere in the election of 2016, the Ukraine story withholding funds for Ukraine which would put them in a vulnerable position benefits Russia, etc. These incidents are not coincidences but facts that Trump has and is doing things that favor Putin. It is difficult not to believe that all roads lead to Russia!
sdavidc9 (Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut)
Republicans are in lawyer mode, advocating for Trump as if he were their client. Lawyers make the best case they can for their clients. It helps if they believe in the case, but it also helps to know the case's weaknesses so they can avoid them. The best lawyers can do both at the same time. Republicans are called on by the Constitution to exit lawyer mode and enter juror mode (which is, or should be, similar to why-did-this-aircraft-crash mode). So far, they are not heeding this call. From all appearances, they are mouthing the words of the Constitution while avoiding or refusing to hear or understand them. They took an oath to support the Constitution, but they are deaf to its call, or have moved to a place beyond understanding it.
Mark Larsen (Cambria, CA)
The issue of whether to impeach was made by the President when he engaged in an abuse of his office for personal gain and then obstructed Congress’ oversight function. We all understand the political downside arising from an acquittal in the Senate but that interest needs to be secondary to doing the right thing. On these facts, the decision representatives must make of whether to impeach really is no decision at all. Just do the right thing.
Twg (NV)
When Senator John McCain died, he scripted his own funeral as a full bore defense against Trumpian Nationalism, and as an admonishment against a GOP too willing to sell the soul of our nation out to a cultist repudiation of objective fact, truth, and Constitutional order. McCain was a controversial maverick –a person I both admired and disliked in equal proportion. But there is one thing I will always admire him for: his final letter to the nation. It was a warning! He blew a golden bugle to sound the alarm against those entities both within and without our nation who wish to do our democratic republic harm. McCain, whether you agreed with the premise of the Vietnam war or not, was an American hero who served his country and his fellow soldiers with incontrovertible valor and love. President Donald Trump has no concept of what that dedication and sacrifice entails – and sadly, neither do many of the GOP members who continue to lie and make excuses for a president who is clearly abusing his office for personal gain. McCain characterized Trump's actions in Helsinki as an unfathomable 'abasement of the U.S. presidency.' All I can say is the GOP sure ain't the party of my father who fought in WWII against fascism and autocracy. It aggrieves me to no end to witness what too many members of Congress have become: tyrants toward the very meaning of American democracy. God save us from our own duplicity.
Jagmont Rousel (Fresburg, Ca.)
@Twg Well said, and though I sometimes did not agree with McCain on matters of policy, I wish he were still with us, hopefully to show his fellow republicans what integrity looks like, and what America is supposed to be about. The Republican party I have known and respected is alas, like Senator McCain, no longer with us.
GrumpyOldePhart (Ontario, Canada)
@Jagmont Rousel McCain was pretty much like every other Republican - when he was running for reelection, he pandered to Trump and the Trumpublican base. He didn't really begin to call out Trump until after he was reelected and knew he was dying. Even then, he was a reliable Republican vote.
Twg (NV)
@Jagmont Rousel Thank you, and I agree. God speed. God save us.
Consiglieri (NYC)
Americans have to realize that the whole world is mocking us, and that doesn't necesarily inspire respect. That cold be dangerous. Many medical professionals have noticed a decay in the mental abilities of the president, and certain abnormalities. It would be wise to suggest to the family that maybe the best way forward, with minimal losses would be to motivate a retirement. That would be face saving for them, and save the country from a bitter impeachment spectacle that would not be positive for the USA.
Abby (NY)
@Consiglieri Many of those in mental decline are unaware of that decline and will resist any suggestion or move to ease them into a state where they have less control.
All roads lead to the highest bidder(s). 21st century America in the era of Citizens United. Market pricing and the government is open for transactional business domestic and international. Alternate realities per GRU/FOX/GOP misinformation. Combine foreign money carefully grooming an in-need Trump, and a party worshipping money and you have a perfect storm removing any sense of civic duty. Hundreds of years to build and unwound in a few decades, the breathtaking and tragic fall of greatness and hope in our lifetime. It's not fiction, and every day I have to check if it's really happening, and shockingly it is.
Abby (NY)
@AL When I was a barely a teen there were sit-ins, college demonstrations, and all kinds of protests from large groups of young people (those who had not yet reached legal age or those who were not yet 30. Musical artists/bands recorded protest songs. There was a collective anger and hope for a better tomorrow. Now there is barely a peep from the same age groups of today. And the horrific evolvement of one political party that is embracing and protecting corruption. Didn't the popular vote mean something at one time?
Geoff (OR)
@AL You've summerized it with chilling clarity.
DO5 (Minneapolis)
There was no Russian meddling, only Ukraine who meddled in 2016 and they are still at it. Listening to the Judiciary Committee hearings, it seems that the Russians have hacked into the Republican Party servers and are sending talking points to Republicans who are defending the indefensible president.
downeast60 (Maine)
@DO5 Great post. It's mind boggling. For over 50 years conservative Republicans have looked for "Russian Commie Pinkos" in every corridor in Washington, in every university classroom, on every Hollywood set and on every Manhattan theater stage. Now - suddenly - Republicans support an American President whose every decision benefits the former KGB agent & Russian President Vladimir Putin! Until we learn the real reason for the Republicans' blind support of Donald Trump & by extension Vladimir Putin, our democracy is in danger.
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
@DO5 Other way around I think. Just an error I believe
We'll always have Paris (Sydney, Australia)
At some point, Republicans have to ask themselves which is better for their party and the country. Slavish devotion to Trump, or losing an election and leaving Democrats a mess to clean up, as in 1932 and 2008?
Mike S. (Eugene, OR)
Block witnesses from testifying, then say that the hearing is incomplete. Romney told America at the Republican Convention in 2012 that Russia was our biggest enemy, DJT wanted them to help Republicans win in 2016, said he believed Putin in 2018, and wants to convince us that it was really the Ukraine in 2019. The House has to impeach, even if politically it may be a bad move, because it is the right thing to do; indeed, the very actions I've seen in the past several weeks has given me glimmers of hope for the country.
Federalist (California)
Trump will be reelected for the reason that the Russian intelligence agencies are still able to hack our election results, because Trump has blocked fixing the weaknesses. That is what happens when a Manchurian candidate is elected and then allowed to obstruct justice. It is not clear the US will survive Trump. One key thing he did was arrange to have the teams at DHS that watch for smuggled nuclear bombs were stood down and disbanded. See the report in the LA Times last July "Trump administration has gutted programs aimed at detecting weapons of mass destruction".
Red Allover (New York, NY)
The Democrats and the Times in particular feel that the answer to the country's problems is a major war with Russia. Trump is, understandably, reluctant to go along, proving that even a broken clock is right twice a day.
brooklyn (nyc)
@Red Allover A major war has been ongoing for quite a while. It's taken form in digital and software combat zones, aircraft carriers are so last century. It's naive to think that we're not trying to do to them as they do to us, and it's naive of our President to believe otherwise, too.
Eric (FL)
Wrong we want Russia to stay out of the west. Russia is the nation waging a constant and massive cyberwar against the US and the rest of the world. Of course Russia would be absolutely crushed and forced to nuke the world in order to not be utterly decimated.
David (Rochester)
I don't suppose a constructed transcript of Trump's meeting with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov tomorrow will be offered up as a token of our leader's transparency.
judy fishman (scottsdale, az)
@David On the basis of what we have learned about how all roads lead to Moscow (which could read Putin), I am very uneasy about the U.S. President meeting with a minister of the foreign power that is working successfully to reduce our strength, and interfere with our elections. It is insanity for this meeting to even take place.
Markymark (San Francisco)
It's clear now that AG William Barr isn't interested in enforcing the rule of law with fellow republicans, and especially the president. How can there be no recourse when an attorney general completely sells out to a criminal president? Can the employees of the Justice Dept hold a vote of no confidence in the AG? Can 10,000 attorneys nationwide express the same? The prospect of Trump and Barr running roughshod over the rule of law for another year is truly frightening.
meanermachine (NZ)
The Congress can impeach Barr (as I understand it), and as time goes by it seems clear that he will need to be.
Aluetian (Contemplation)
65,845,063 voters knew clearly who this man was from the beginning and voted for what would have been a better now and future. It was never any secret. 62,980,160 voters also knew clearly who this man was and voted for him anyway. If the Democrats can ensure that we have a fair election in 2020. I'm confident they will win the majority in the house and senate and retake the White House and the end game for Trump will be jail. The problem is, he might not be the only one who's crimes come to light and I suspect a good lot of the GOP are threatening and blackmailing each other to hold the line. If there's any good men or women left in the GOP, your country and history are calling you.
Donald (Florida)
@Aluetian Many of the GOP belong in jail.
Edwin (a physician, scientist and realist)
It has easy to predict Trump's next move for the last 3 years. Just ask, "What would both benefit Trump, and benefit Putin?" Trump supporters = Putin supporters.
Kevin (CO)
Do you know the American people are fed up with the discourse of all politicians. The republicans are fed up with any decency for the republic. The democrats are fed up with the republicans not facing the common sense of a exec not capable of being the President of the United states. I as a person am fed up with a political system that is not working for all people, just a select few. It's time too have term limits for all positions in gov't. That means all people that serve the people whether it be judges, senators or congressmen/women. It's time to find common sense again in our society as a whole society. We on this earth are all HUMAN.
Eben (Spinoza)
Unfortunately their are serious problems with term limits. Just consider yourself in the role of a Congressional Representative limited to 4 terms. You know that in 8 years, you'll be be back on the job market. You can selflessly work for the public and damage your ability to get a job or tend to people who can hire you after you leave office. You're rational. Which future would you pick?
Trump needs to keep Putin happy lest he unleash with all the damaging info he has collected on Trump and his financial crooked deals with Russians over decades. THe Russian mob reports to Putin as a former KGB agent he knows how to collect compromat on a politician and how to use it to get Trump to break into a giddy smile when he sees Putin his master it's obvious to most keen observers.
Randé (Portland, OR)
@REBCO : Even with all the treachery and putridness of this regime - in the midst of all that swamp, it is quite pleasing and joyful to wonder just how terrified Trump might be of the Russian mob.
M. Barsoum (Philadelphia)
Folks it is simple. Can we hear what Trump and Putin said to each other a few months ago. It is recored and on a server it should not be on. I am not sure why nobody is talking about these transcripts.
Nelly (Half Moon Bay)
Finally! We get someone stating the obvious fact of Trump/Putin. Why are the Dems not talking about this all the time? Why are Congressmen and women not asking the witnesses about this? This is the ONE thing the Republicans are afraid of, so it is the one thing Democrats should do. I have been disappointed that the Russian asset thing hasn't been brought up....It's as if it is purposely bold. Trump is a Russian asset, either witting or unwitting. I doubt if there is one upper Intelligence Official that wouldn't say this. So find the right one and have them sit as a witness for this inquiry. And now the Russian big wig Diplomat and KGb spy, Lavarov, is visiting tomorrow. Good grief! Everyone is thinking this, so get out and say it Dems! Dr. Fiona Hill tried to lead into this direction but still the Dem Committee would take it up and aske her what she thought. Say it: All of Trump's Roads Lead to Russia.
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
@Nelly The incontinent hooker meme- whether accurate or not is baked into the cake and did not hurt Trump. Is it possible that Putin is behind that meme and that what Putin really has on Trump is actually much worse? I think it is possible; and that this is what Trump is so terrified of. I don't know of course; but there is something really sinister indicated by Trump's puppy like deference to his Russian boss; He is not scared of the urinating hooker story- that is already out there. So logically in my view, what Putin has is much worse; because Big Don is clearly still afraid of something else, logic tells me it's worse. I share your bewilderment.
Ro Laren (Santa Monica)
Any American adult who has made an effort to educate himself or herself about Mr. Mueller's investigation or these impeachment proceedings understands that yes, with Trump all roads lead to Russia. Now if the poll numbers mean anything, Trump's crimes and Russia's involvement only matter to about 60% of us. As Trump's poll numbers remain steady, some 40% of Americans don't care what lawbreaking he is involved with or whether other nations now control our elections. Stop and think about this for a minute. Trump supporters know but literally do not care that Russia is tampering with our elections (2016 and 2020). Their cult-like support for Trump is why the Republican Senate will not remove him. There is no other reason Trump will remain in office. Trump has mesmerized his supporters like a modern day Rasputin. They will do literally anything for him, and Senate Republicans know this. Trump voters do not mind that Putin controls our nation at the highest levels of decision making. Again - think about this - they know he does, and they do not care. So I ask the rest of us. Is this the America we want to live in? To raise our families in? Where a large, rabid minority is in thrall to a lunatic puppet whose strings are firmly in Putin's hands? Because this is very much the America we live in now. The time will come, though, when we, the majority, will no longer tolerate the Trump/Putin regime. But the longer we wait, the harder it will be oust these tyrants.
Randé (Portland, OR)
@Ro Laren : More than voting may be necessary to oust the traitors and more than voting to deal with that significant albeit minority that have gray matter oozing from their brains by continuing to support the treachery that is TrumPutin and the traitor republicans. And so be it - whatever it takes.
Nelly (Half Moon Bay)
@Ro Laren Excellent! Down with Trumputin! The Dems have to go this way and particularly prior to the Senate.
Tracy (Washington DC)
In 2008, Donald Trump Jr. said Russia was an important source of funding for the Trump businesses. American banks wouldn’t lend him money. Saudi Arabia likely bailed out Jared’s disastrous real estate investment in NYC. Follow. The. Money.
Abby (NY)
@Tracy Where is the collective cry of outrage and the refusal to allow such a delay to see just where Trump monies came from and spread to? The refusal to divest from his business interests, the past bankruptcies of his businesses/need for funding, the refusal to allow even limited access to tax returns, his doing government business within Trump Properties, his/his family member's trips overseas to perhaps do business and his willingness to access attentions from tyrants of enemy countries with impunity is outrageous.
Robert (Out west)
A little more closely, perhaps; the Jared already got $600 mil from the Kuwaitis.
Huge Grizzly (Seattle)
You say that Mr. Putin “has fooled Republicans in Congress, who have degraded themselves and their offices by faithfully parroting Mr. Putin’s propaganda in the mainstream press.” You are correct on all counts, except that the Republicans have not been fooled by Putin. They have gone along, headlong and absolutely willingly, in a complete sellout of personal and national principle and integrity. They should not be forgiven for this conduct, any more than Mr. Trump should be forgiven for his sellout of America.
Look Ahead (WA)
For Republicans who believe so fervently in their counterfactual narrative, there is an immediate remedy. Bring facts and evidence to the Committees and testify under oath. Without witnesses and evidence presented under oath, all of the GOP antics simply look foolish and very much like they are defending the guilty. It is unfortunate that there is no penalty for elected officials who share unfounded conspiracy theories, engage in innuendo and obstruct process in official Committee hearings. It is also regretable that this President is not held accountable for trying to intimidate witnesses in real time during testimony. And it is a sad reality that one of the most corrupt rulers in the world, who rules a hostile power, has managed to entirely win over one of our major parties.
KK (Seattle)
@Look Ahead There is one last resort. The voter. We must throw all Republicans who are refusing to honor their oath of office and stand up for the rule of law, out of office. Wake up and Vote America! Trump and the Republican party is a clear and present danger to your way of life!
Gerard (PA)
The strangest defense advanced today was the idea that the alleged state of the economy was reason not to impeach the President: the Republicans assert that America, the Constitution, the principle of our government are for sale to be bought by the rising stock market and a plethora of low-wage jobs. We are Faust, and the smell of sulphur is nauseating.
richard wiesner (oregon)
If the IG's report on the 2016 Russia investigation had found the only problem was that two of the agents involved had horrible hangnails, Barr and Trump would have condemned it.
Asian Philosopher (Germany)
Whatever Trump is doing, he always care about his main benefactors, Putin and MBS. This is the first time I have witnessed in history that an American president became a Russian puppet with all his Republican followers at the Congress and Senate. American constitutional crisis happening right in front of the world. I heard the cries of James Madison, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin from their graves.
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
@Asian Philosopher All true and as the saying goes: you can't make this stuff up.
trudds (sierra madre, CA)
Sir, do you honestly think that House Republicans have been "fooled" by Mr. Putin? On the contrary, it's pretty obvious they understand and believe the conclusions from our Intel community. These are instead willful lies for political gain. And while some Americans may actually be misled by the theater presented as rebuttal to the impeachment, it's hard to imagine for most it's once again, not conviction but convenience that places such "patriots" solidly in Russia's back pocket.
S Norris (London)
@trudds It would be nice to think it was simply a matter of political gain. It is curious that the DNC server (ONLY??)was hacked....I am wondering what might have been found on the RNC servers??? And what leverage might have been brought to bear....
Jim Muncy (Florida)
@trudds You have a point: Republican senators and representatives know the awful truth, but their constituents in Red states don't; in fact, they believe Trump no matter what. So to keep their jobs, and please their people, Republican officeholders do what must be done to win. They love winning more than truth. It's a blood-sport to them.
R Ho (Plainfield, IN)
@trudds Excellent- and the reason that trump won't be convicted in the Senate. With Trump- all roads lead to Putin. Regarding Trump's guilt- all roads circle back to the GOP. I've seen enough mob movies to know that the kingpin always has a fall guy. Rudy has Pompeo and all those people who were 'in the loop'. Trump has the entire GOP. At every juncture of action in the campaign and since- Republican Party representatives have been in the room. (Nunes, Sessions, Pompeo, Pence, Priebus) At every juncture- they have failed to act to stop the illegal or unethical action, or have been actively involved. Call it the Roy Jones defense. When asked about his dalliances with teenagers- Jones said that he had not 'dated' a teen without having asked their mothers. Trump has not done anything outside of the knowledge of the GOP. It's Trump's most potent defense, and if the GOP Senators show anything like a spine, be ready for him to deploy it.
Michele (Seattle)
The pattern of behavior is clear and compelling: Trump is selling out this country, its national security, its integrity and sovereignty, in order to keep power and avoid his own prosecution, and protect his financial interests. We must get the truth about his relationships and indebtedness to Putin, the Saudis, and Erdogan. Our country has been hijacked and Trump will continue to corrupt the US and turn it into an autocracy if he is not stopped and held accountable under the law.
Jacquie (Iowa)
@Michele The title of this article should have been "With Republicans, All Roads Lead to Russia." Republicans took millions for their campaigns from Russian Oligarchs. https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2018/05/08/how-putin-s-oligarchs-funneled-millions-into-gop-campaigns/
Ann (California)
@Michele - With each revelation, the corruption sickens: Trump's many entanglements with Russians who have funneled money to his failing businesses and Republicans' complicity accepting money too in a winner takes all high-stakes game. https://realcontextnews.com/think-you-know-how-deep-trump-russia-goes-think-again-this-chart-info-will-blow-your-mind https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/12/15/putins-proxies-helped-funnel-millions-gop-campaigns https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a27259438/oleg-deripaska-kentucky-aluminum-mitch-mcconnell-rand-paul
Linus (Internet)
The country voted for this President knowing he is a flawed man in many ways. I don't think anything changes here - the Senate will speedily acquit him and the voters in the swing states will have to decide if they want to give Mr. Trump a second chance while the rest of the country impotently watches.
David (CT)
If one looks at all of his actions as "How could this benefit Russia?" most of it makes sense. Why start a trade war with China and Western allies? Why withdraw from Syria? Why try to polarize the American public? Effectively showing this to the public is critical.
Mark (New York)
Excellent piece. We all know Trump, Inc. turned to Russian oligarchs after '08 for condo sales. It just so happened that those same oligarchs (read as kleptocrats) were laundering money through Deutsche Bank, who was the only bank willing to lend to Trump. Trump's loan officer amazingly was SC Justice Anthony Kennedy's son. Trump was and is a desperate man in need of cash/ Putin is a desperate man who knows that the geyser of oil money that funds his national budget, and has done so since the 1920's, is coming to an end. Russia has no large material economic exports other than oil and gas, but it does still have a large military, hence the military incursions into Moldova, Ossetia, Georgia, Ukraine and Syria. Desperate men do desperate things, and desperately try to project power with weak hands.
turbot (philadelphia)
The Republicans in Congress were not fooled by the Russians. They believe in Trump no matter what the Russians do. The bottom line is - What does Putin have on Trump
JD (Portland, Me)
@turbot Or, what does Trump have on Putin? Either way, two of a kind.
Thinking (Ny)
@turbot The GOP are in cahoots with russia, at least some of them are... they are not fooled, they are willing to accept the help with their own reelections the GOP has been bought and paid for by Putin
stan continople (brooklyn)
I don't understand why there hasn't been more of a pushback by the military. They went heavily for Trump in 20116, with many bases in the South and many recruits from economically devastated areas, but in the interim, they have seen his reckless, lurching foreign policy, worship of Putin, and clear evidence that somehow everything he does benefits Russia. A commander's first obligation is to their troops, so knowing the man in charge considers their lives subject to both Trump's whims, and Putin's whispers should provoke some reaction. No?
Steven (Auckland)
Unfortunately - to put it mildly - impeachment will have no effect on the conduct of the 2020 election. The wheels are already turning, everyone knows their part, and only a massive commitment by an honest intelligence apparatus (if there is one) can stop it. One can only hope that, in 2020, the American people make a statement so overwhelming that there can be no doubt as to their intent, despite whatever meddling there may have been. It is entirely possible that there will never be a truly credible election again as long as there are bad actors who are power hungry or bent on destabilizing democratic governments. And make no mistake, these threats are coming from right wing autocracies, and they are in the ascendancy all over the world. American centrists and liberals are the only force that can change that. Are those stakes big enough for you?
Michael Kittle (Vaison la Romaine, France)
We may finally have the answer as to why Trump is so accommodating to Putin. Trump has so many investments in Russia dependent on Putin’s support. Trump financial reports will reveal this collusion between Trump and Putin. This should not come as a surprise to attentive Americans. Think of the worst an American president can do and that will bring you close to understanding Trump.
William Thomas (California)
@Michael Kittle It's all about the money laundering. Russia has all it needs to blackmail trump going back years.
Ray Haining (Hot Springs, AR)
Nobody's saying how Trump withholding military aid to Ukraine would benefit Putin and Russia in their WAR against Ukraine. It was, indeed, MILITARY aid he was withholding, was it not? I understand that this is not the impeachable offense of attempting to enlist a foreign government to win an election, but I believe this aspect of the situation should be brought out.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
The Republican Party has been officially reduced to a giant miasma of fraud, fiction, fantasy, conspiracy theory, deflection, misdirection and prevarication. After tax cuts for rich people and rich corporations...the GOP has no other public policy ideas (except for bankrupting the government). A civilized country needs little things like infrastructure, education, technology, voting rights, law and order, regulations, fair taxation and facts to move forward. But none of those things are ever mentioned by the Republican Party; conspiracy-mongering and tax cuts are now the official governing planks of the Grand Old Propaganda/Grand One Percent party. This is no way to manage a nation anywhere except into the ground. Americans need to hit the Trump-GOP eject button before these Lord of the Fly Republicans take us over a very steep right-wing cliff of insanity.
DW (Philly)
@Socrates Are you sure we haven't gone over that cliff yet?
M.i. Estner (Wayland, MA)
@Socrates Republicans since shortly after Trump's election have concluded that they face a binary choice: either (1) accept and support Trump fully without question or criticism or (2) allow Democrats to take control of all three branches of government in 2020. Losing power is for them far more important than whatever destruction Trump may effect to the country. Policies and governance have taken a back seat to retention of power, and quite obviously there is no limit to what they will do to retain power. What the GOP fails to recognize is that Trump has already usurped their power, and all they are really trying to do is maintain their incumbencies. They have already ceded power to Trump; if he is re-elected, they will cede total power.
Jim L (Seattle)
@Socrates - they also have a major punitive aim in punishing and distressing non-whites, non-males, and non-Christians which is sorta independent of the whole corpocracy thing.
Bob (Hudson Valley)
The Republican Party is now Trump's party and the Republicans know it and are acting accordingly. You could call them opportunists following the way the political winds are blowing. The Constitution is based on members of Congress caring about the Constitution and searching for the truth. Since this is now not the case when if comes to the Republicans the Constitution has no remedy for this situation. The only remedy is an election and if Trump can manipulate elections to his advantage using foreign powers then there is no remedy and the system of government set up by the founders will be no more. The new system replacing it will be controlled by Trump. Putin figured out how to control Russian elections so he always wins and it is likely that Trump has a goal of imitating Putin. Ultimately this would mean taking over the press as Putin did. Trump cannot declare total victory as long as the there is a free press which he has labeled the enemy of the people.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@Bob: They all look like swordfish caught on a long line to me. They bit on some Trump contingency to clinch a deal that compromised themselves. In other words, they all got Trumped
Paul (Colorado)
@Bob I very much fear that your predictions are correct. We may become one of those countries in which: “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” - (possibly) Joseph Stalin
From an acute perspective ..indeed shocking to say the least of the nature of this peculiar relationship. But looking at the big picture as evidence by all that has occurred in his or during this eye opening period for all the world to see....not so much so...For me, this dynamic is much expected.
James Ricciardi (Panama, Panama)
“The witness has used language which impugns the motives of the president and suggests he’s disloyal to his country, and those words should be stricken from the record and taken down,” Mr. Johnson said. The Johnson rule effectively reads the impeachment power out of the constitution. How can you impeach a president if no one can say anything bad about him/her?
Bruce Rozenblit (Kansas City, MO)
We have yet to plow the most fertile road yet. What does Trump care about over all else? Trump. How does Trump gauge his progress? His money. Where does his money come from? Good question. We all know he has filed for bankruptcy 6 times. We all know that because of those bankruptcies, American banks will not loan him any money. We all know he has significant financial dealings with Deutsche Bank. Now, who put the money in Deutsche Bank that ended up financing Trump's business.? That is the two billion dollar question. We also know that Russian oligarchs deal in billions of dollars. We also know that Trump has close relations with Russian business interests. We also know that Trump kowtows to Putin like Pence kowtows to him. We also know that Trump is doing everything possible to conceal his financial dealings from everyone and everything. So, we know that one billion plus one billion equals two billion. But does it also equal Trump? This money road is one we should take a ride on. Will it also take us to Putin?
Mark (New York)
@Bruce Rozenblit No, but it will take us to those who are surrogates for him. Those whose wealth only continues because of Vova's "good will."
Tom (Pennsylvania)
@Bruce Rozenblit Agreed. There's a rumor, so far unsubstantiated, that one or more Russian oligarchs co-signed Trump's loans from Deutsche Bank. If so, we may hope Trump will be exposed as a traitor and that at least some Republicans will do the right thing. The issue is now before the Supreme Court, where Kavanaugh, Alioto et al are no doubt desperately seeking legal-sounding reasons to keep the evidence buried. At least until after the election.
Tokyo Tea (NH, USA)
@Bruce Rozenblit Yes. The pattern is by now hugely obvious and staggering in its implications. And yet, Republicans protect him and what he's doing.
Gluscabi (Dartmouth, MA)
The first Democratic candidate who labels Trump a "Russian agent" will own the simplest and most effective tag line going into the general election, provided of course that that candidate does his best to channel his inner Trump by never backing down but instead doubling down every chance he or she gets. Is Trump a Russian agent, paid for and accounted for? Not easy to say without some doubt, but that doesn't really matter because he sure as shoottin' acts like one. And when have the facts ever stopped Trump from going on the attack? The more Trump denies the label, the more he'll be digging his own grave. The real crime here is not so much the strong arming of Zelenskyy for a Biden investigation. That's small potatoes compared to Trump's withholding congressionally designated US military aid from a country engaged in a hot war with Russia, the same cast of characters who starved anywhere from one to eleven million Ukrainians during the 1930's. The Russian agent must go.
John P (Pittsburgh)
@Gluscabi Absolutely agree. And when trump complains, simply tell him, "Prove it. Show your tax returns." The future of the USA depends upon it.
Alan (Columbus OH)
I would not say Trump's lying "is effective", I would say it "has been effective". At some point, the public and his party may have had it with the thuggery and we do not know when that breaking point is.
abigail49 (georgia)
For the sake of protecting our 2020 elections from Russian hackers and disinformation, the House is justified in moving forward fast, over the process howls of Republicans, with the compelling evidence they have surrounding Ukraine. But they need to continue investigating his business and financial ties to Russia and any other autocratic governments and their oligarchs, e.g. Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Especially if he is not convicted and removed by the Senate and stands for re-election, Americans need to know what conflicts of interest he has in making foreign policy and military decisions because American soldiers' lives are at stake. The Mueller investigation did not go down that road. Any businessman with global interests is automatically compromised, even more than a vice president whose son sits on a foreign corporation's board of director. Trump's own children continue to do business in foreign countries and we have no idea what Ivanka and Jared, sitting in the White House with top security clearances, are doing. In short, Ukraine should not be the only concern of congressional oversight committees. There's a lot more.
Peter (Portland OR)
Trump must believe that Russian help in 2016 did help him to win. He must feel that fake evidence presented by an "independent" investigator such as a foreign government appears to carry more weight that the same fake evidence from a partisan investigator. Otherwise why would he be taking such chances to duplicate via Ukraine what he got from the Russians in 2016. But now that the Russian connection is outed, he can't go back to that well.
NA Wilson (Massachusetts)
I worry it’s all for naught. Dems in the House vote to impeach, GOP in the Senate vote to acquit. Trump remains highly competitive in 2020 election, Russia and other adversaries interfere, Trump stays put. Then what?
Rafael (SC)
@NA Wilson Think of this situation differently. To have all possible scope to defeat him, we must support everything we can to undermine him. Lack of impeachment would have been business as usual. At some point his finances will get out and then all bets are off.
Tracy (Washington DC)
@NA Wilson: It’s all Hands on deck to save the country. Don’t just vote, donate what money you can, work for candidates, knock doors, make calls. It’s the only way out of this nightmare.
Carol (No. Calif.)
@NA Wilson Well, that depends on us, doesn't it? We ALL need to step it up to defend America this election, no fooling. Volunteer, donate, register other voters, vote.
N. Smith (New York City)
The Impeachment hearings weren't really necessary to prove what most everyone who's been paying attention knows. With Trump, all roads lead to Moscow. In fact, he's already acting very Putin-esque in his own way by forbidding anyone in the White House to respond to subpoena, by installing the fear of God in those who do, by punishing anyone who dares to think or act on their own, and then there's the act of holding a foreign country ransom until they agree to do his bidding -- not to mention inviting outside interference in our presidential elections. All the signs are not only there but they are ominous. By holding himself above the U.S. Constitution, Trump has declared war on this country and all the laws that govern it. And while entertainment-starved Americans laugh and cheer at his rallies, he and the Republicans drain our right to vote, and with it our Democracy. Today wasn't an epiphany. It was a warning.
bl (rochester)
There seems to be no discussion of the financial backing trump received after '08-09 from sources inside Russia and how these actors would have expressed their support (or conditions for their silence) to the trump campaign during '15-16. Did the FBI not identify and investigate the funders behind trump and their interactions with the campaign during 2016? Would this not have been reasonable for an investigation to look into when its entire raison d'etre was to detect sources of Russian influence?
Jim (TX)
I wonder if Mr. Wegman believes that this editorial will change anyone's mind or influence how anyone votes in the upcoming presidential election. Basically, this is classic preaching to the choir and sadly mostly a wasted effort. I would like to read articles with proven ideas that worked to change the minds of Republicans and other like them. Such articles might give me some better ideas to convince my pro-Trump friends and neighbors to Vote for America next November.
Teo (São Paulo, Brazil)
There are no such ideas. His base just doubles down at every turn. Also, how do you chamge someone's mind if they always watch the extremely partisan Fox News?
Kingfish52 (Rocky Mountains)
"When it comes to Donald Trump and Russia, everything is connected." This! This is the central fact of all the things Trump has done (so far), and yet, the Democrats have failed to make this the central focus of the case against him. Instead, they've focused on one incident, and not even the most egregious one, to justify impeachment and removal from office. This was a terrible miscalculation. No, there is no doubt that Trump attempted to coerce Ukraine into helping with his re-election by announcing a bogus investigation of the Bidens. Nor any doubt that this constituted "high crimes and misdemeanors". But this was not the highest of crimes he's committed, nor have the Dems been able to convince any Republicans, or many independents, that this deserves Trump's removal. Moreover, they failed to produce the "smoking gun" of one witness or document in Trump's own words directing the quid pro quo. They gave plenty of room for the Republican attack machine to cast enough doubt and confusion that all but ensures Trump's acquittal in the Senate. Instead of focusing only on this one incident, the Democrats should have built their case around the theme that "with Trump, all roads lead to Russia". That is a crime that even the most skeptical doubter can grasp, and when linked together, all of his crimes can be shown to be of a pattern of serving Putin, and not the people of the United States. All roads lead to Putin, but the Democrats chose to follow a dead end.
DW (Philly)
@Kingfish52 I completely agree with you and truly don't understand why the Democrats have not been shouting this from the rooftops. For mercy's sake! The problem is not just that the president solicited help from a foreign power for his own personal gain! That's bad enough, but isn't the point that he did this because he is beholden to Russia? Russia. is. not. our. friend. Why aren't the Democrats explaining this clearly to the American people? Trump is Putin's puppet and it could not be more obvious! Don't people understand that it doesn't just happen to be Ukraine that Trump took a notion to squeeze for his "personal gain"? He doesn't just want to win because it is so nice to win elections. He has to do what Putin tells him. Obviously, every last Republican in Congress understands this clearly. Why can't the Democrats explain it to the American people clearly?
yves rochette (Quebec,Canada)
@Kingfish52 We will see the Articles of Impeachment tomorrow; I hope they add the Mueller's report road map to the bribery done in Ukraine!
woofer (Seattle)
"House Republicans continued to do their best to obfuscate and misdirect, as they have done throughout the impeachment process....But this was not a performance for the history books; it was for the president himself, who registers only who is defending him and with how much fist-pounding rage. "...Republicans, who once claimed to be the party of patriots and national security devotees, are on the record as having no problem with an American president using ...taxpayer dollars...to induce foreign leaders to interfere in an election on his behalf." It is easier to explain Trump's election than the Republicans' subsequent craven submission to his authoritarian impulses. In itself the 2016 election was an anomaly: the GOP establishment had no strong candidate and Trump moved into the vacuum; the Democrats put up a weak candidate chosen on the basis of entitlement more than electoral strength. But if Trump were an anomaly or aberration the GOP elites would now be lining up to depose him, not shrilly defending the indefensible. The problem is not that Trump is unstable and corrupt so much as 40% of the country loves his instability and corruption. It has been enough to paralyze the better instincts of the House Republicans, if such indeed exist, and to call into question the continued viability of our fragile experiment in democratic self-government. Those who oppose Trump are numerous enough to evict him from the White House, but only if they are able to make common cause.
Eben (Spinoza)
One correction. Putin hasn't fooled the Republicans in Congress. It's much simpler. Some 30% of the Republican electorate, having fused their identities with Trump and imagining that their religious/status grievances are being avenged by him, will reliably come out for the primaries. Thus, any Republican who opposes Trump and has an election coming up knows that to add 2+2 and get 4 rather than Trump's 5, forfeits a great job and great perks.
Norm (Medellin, Colombia)
@Eben So to do the right thing, the moral and patriotic thing, means in effect to give up their cushy job and all the money they can make serving the needs of the 1%? What about all the brave and patriotic Americans that gave up more than their jobs? They gave up their very lives to fight for America in wars they didn't start. Trump is a proven liar 3,000 times over yet the 35% of true believers are still in the cult, buying whatever snake oil the conman in the White House is selling. It was telling to watch the roll calls in the Judiciary Committee today. As the camera panned left I saw the real faces of America in a display of diversity. with many women and people of color. Then the camera turned to the GOP and it was nothing but old white men except for one white woman. The Republicans who are still in the party are a disgrace to our country and they must all be voted out of office in every election for every office over the next three election cycles,
Richard Phelps (Flagstaff, AZ)
I can understand the aberration of Donald Trump being elected as our president in 2016. It is much more difficult to understand how every Republican, save one or two, accepts Trump's conduct in office - his disregard for truth, the law, and even common decency and respect for other human beings.
Greg (Portland Maine)
@Richard Phelps - It's pretty easy to understand. Trump took over the base, and so if any elected Republican wants to stay in office, they kiss Trump's rump. Those who opposed him, have been forced out of office. If what you're really saying is you find it hard to understand how it is that Republicans have no integrity or sense of patriotic duty, well, that's been plain to see for the last 30 years.
Brian Z (Fairfield, CT)
@Richard Phelps Seems pretty easy to understand:Republicans are tied to Trumps sordid coattails and have no courage at all ; and/or many have been dipping into foreign finances and have too much money to lose. Trump will be their stooge rather than the other way around.
stan continople (brooklyn)
@Richard Phelps There's an entire world of lucrative, plutocrat-funded employment awaiting these toadies when they leave Congress. Lobbyist, university president, think tank fellow all beckon, if you just remain loyal to Dear Leader and keep the GOP in power. That's why even congresspeople who are retiring can barely bring themselves to wag a finger at Trump; it might affect their bottom line.
J. Waddell (Columbus, OH)
I don't think Mr. Wegman read the inspector general's report. How can he dismiss the egregious errors made in the FISA applications? Why would the FBI change an email to reverse the statement that Carter Page had worked for the CIA and provided credible information? Why would the FBI omit information its own investigators had discovered casting doubt on the Steele dossier when that dossier was used as justification to the FISA court? The Horowitz report found 17 key errors or omissions in the FBI applications to the FISA court. Either the FBI is totally incompetent or or the investigators had already made up their minds about surveillance of the Trump campaign and didn't care about accuracy in FISA applications. At a minimum, you should read the executive summary of the IG's report. It is totally different than what Mr. Wegman reports.
Ivan (Memphis, TN)
@J. Waddell None of those errors very important to justify the initiation of the investigation. Very little is needed to justify looking further into something as big as potential foreign interference in US elections. The FISA approved intrusion into Carter Page came after he had left the campaign (where he presumably was just a coffee boy) - so it had nothing to do with potential misconduct of Trump (it was more about whether Russia had planted a spy in his campaign).
David (New Jersey)
I just so happen to be reading Rachel Maddow's new book, Blowout, a fascinating narrative about the oil industry. Putin the grand kleptocrat is a central character, far more ruthless than I realized. NOW I realize why Rex Tillerson was tapped to be Secretary of State. Carter Page makes an appearance as a keystone cop with a couple of bumbling Russian spies, before he even knew Trump. Amazing how loose ends can form such a tight weave. There is no doubt in my mind that when all the evidence about Trump is finally unearthed it will be a gushing wellhead of investments and special interests with the Kremlin. That's why Trump is desperate to prevent his financial information from being subpoenaed by the House.
Twg (NV)
@David Yes, and it may be too late since a lot of this aspect of Trump's malfeasance – re: his financial entanglements are being tied up in the courts. Dems have won many of the initial complaints regarding release of Trump's finances, but Trump's lawyers – including our AG who ought to recuse himself from any and all of these proceedings – keep requesting reviews to higher courts.
Lisa (NYC)
@David Unfortunately, regardless of the information in his taxes his base and the entire Republican party would turn it all around. But history will mark this dark period.
CRG (NW corner)
@David I believe I am naive, but I dream there are still honest, honorable, and ethical Republicans in the Senate. This is their chance to break free of the the grip Trump has on the party. It would be wonderful to learn there is a group of them behind the scenes planning on stepping forward to protect our country.
kkm (NYC)
Hopefully the Supreme Court places country over politics and rules that Trump must disclose his taxes. And therein lies the crux of Trump's obfuscation on the campaign trail - stating he would disclose his tax returns once "the federal tax audit" was complete. That was a complete, flat-out lie. There is nothing in the Federal tax code which precludes disclosure of taxes while under audit. Trump's adamant refusal to release his tax returns has now morphed into a Supreme Court matter - for absolutely no reason except as a futile, last-ditch attempt to protect himself from having to be legally required to do so. All roads do lead to Russia and Trump's taxes will clearly show the extent to which he is financially tied - if not, perhaps, being blackmailed - by Russia. What other plausible explanation can there be for adamantly refusing to disclose tax returns?
Thomas Zaslavsky (Binghamton, N.Y.)
@kkm What other explanation? Large-scale tax fraud is likely. According to Cohen, Trump inflated and deflated his property values (on paper) in order to increase insurance payouts (if any) and decrease taxes.
kkm (NYC)
@Thomas Zaslavsky : Large scale tax-fraud is also likely and the Southern District of New York will be waiting for Trump on that front, as well. While Cohen was sentenced and is serving time, I do believe he was truthful regarding the inflation/deflation of property values. But there is a financial connection between Trump and Russia as well. Eric Trump in 2014 stated The Trump Organization didn't need money from US banks because they had all the money they needed coming in from Russia. Once it was made public, Eric back-tracked and denied ever making such a statement. Whatever it is, just disclose Trump's taxes so the American public can determine the extent to which Russia has infiltrated into main-stream America - perhaps with a compromised Presdient and certainly in our system of electoral vote casting in the 2016 election.
Thomas Zaslavsky (Binghamton, N.Y.)
@kkm We are in complete agreement on both counts. I don't know what Trump's tax returns will show, but there is a reason he is panicky about letting them be seen.
Scott S (Brooklyn)
For Trump, all roads lead to money. For many reasons, the real estate business he portrayed as thriving was, in truth, struggling. Russia extended a financial helping hand, and Trump is not prepared to bite it.
Mark (Western US)
@Scott S I've come to think this way also. You said it well. I think it has gotten to the point where offers have been made and he cannot refuse.
Thomas Zaslavsky (Binghamton, N.Y.)
@Mark That happened 15 to 20 years ago, after his other lenders stopped lending to him.
Mike Edwards (Providence, RI)
"the founders created the impeachment power." Really? What did the create? What we have today is that: 1) a sitting President cannot be indicted - Mueller / DOJ, and 2) the President being impeached can direct witnesses not to attend the impeachment proceedings. So the President remains in office.
SandraH. (California)
The founders can’t be blamed for modern Justice Department rules that the president can’t be indicted, nor are they responsible for Trump’s obstruction of Congress, an impeachable offense on its own.
Thomas Zaslavsky (Binghamton, N.Y.)
@SandraH. The House Democrats might be blamed for not fighting with everything possible, including subpoenas, court cases, and sending the House marshals to arrest subpoena resisters.
Babel (new Jersey)
"But he (Putin) has fooled Republicans in Congress" Putin has not fooled Republicans in Congress. Rather he has given them a way to defend their boss which will also give them a way to placate people in their districts that worship Trump. This is a falsehood that serves two purposes; it plays into Trump's constant theme of victimhood and it keeps these congress people as viable officeholders or candidates in their own district.
JANET MICHAEL (Silver Springs)
Nancy Pelosi correct-all roads lead to Putin.After a contentious hearing in the House of Representatives involving Ukraine and Russia’s hacking into the 2016 election who is Mr.Trump going to meet with tomorrow.That would be foreign minister of Russia, Sergei Lavrov! He is meeting him here so that indicates that he was invited. Russia has peddled the theory that it was Ukraine who were involved in the 2016 elections to deflect blame from Russia.Who knows what conspiracy Lavrov is here to promote tomorrow.We will soon know.
trader (NC)
@JANET MICHAEL Is anyone going to discuss the details of tRump's trip to Moscow in May? To kiss Putin's ring - yet again! He's getting his orders somehow . . .
Jay Orchard (Miami Beach)
It is not ture that with Trump all of the roads lead to Moscow. As his inappropriate reaction to the shootings at the Pensacola naval base demonstrates, some of Trump's roads lead to Saudi Arabia as well.
Gary Valan (Oakland, CA)
@Jay Orchard or as Yogi Berra would say, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." However for Trump, the fork rejoins the main road of corruption till forks again to the other side. In the last week we have dizzying forks and rejoins...
Leslied1 (Virginia)
@Gary Valan Or as Yogi Berra also said, "This is like deja vu all over again." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-50054546
seanseamour (Mediterranean France)
@Jay Orchard I suppose one can imagine his strategy as "a Trump Tower in each Capital City".
Plato (CT)
Stigmatization and generalizations apart - if an assumption is repeatedly borne true by observed behavior, then one would say that the assumption is more or less a reality. And so it is with Trump being a Russian asset. The lesser known thing seems to be that the attorney general, Bill Barr, himself was on Russian payroll albeit from a private firm called Alfa Bank. Numerous warnings, some from academics in law schools, notwithstanding , Barr was confirmed as AG. As the wise might then conclude - So you got what you asked for.
Gina (austin)
The Democrats need to slow down and get the witness and documentation they need from people like Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney etc. They partially have the power of the purse, so surely they could make life in the Executive Branch uncomfortable. The Democrats need to learn to fight harder using ALL of the means they have available. Why for instance are they not pursuing enforcement of the subpoenas in parallel with other activities. That is just handing a victory to the obstruction strategy. Moral victories at the moment don't solve anything. Shut the government down, do whatever it takes to put the heat on the Executive to stop his obstruction and honor subpoenas. Get them all to perjure themselves, then even if the Senate acquits, the criminal indictments will follow...
Blue Pacific (Noosa, Australia)
@Gina I agree whole-heartedly. Why aren't some of these recalcitrants being arrested and confined for failing to respond to a legal subpoena? They can still be imprisoned while awaiting the outcome of appeals. Moral victories are not enough. Democrats need to get tough if they want to win in 2020.
Jeri P (California)
@Gina, I have been as frustrated by the Dems refusal to deal with the ignored subpoenas as you are. But today we learned that evidently these guys can use the court system to fight their subpoenas for months and months. The example of the subpoena issued for Don McGann was sited as an example. He was subpoenaed several months ago, has more appeals available and if it goes to the Supreme Court could even take years.
JCX (Reality, USA)
Trump's prophecy "I, and I alone, can fix it" is no longer true. Now it's Russia and Trump can fix it. And by fix it, I mean the 2020 election.