From Friends to Frenemies? Trump’s Relationships With World Leaders

Dec 03, 2019 · 28 comments
FrankM (UpstateSC)
And Putin dances with joy.
Russell Scott Day (Carrboro, NC)
Lawrence O'Donnell early in the Trump reign had said that "Trump was a better man than he." for Trumps cordiality and glad handing of him at some gathering where he had not expected such treatment. It is likely a source of great regret for O'Donnell since. There exists a pattern that is clear. Trump eventually trashes whatever supposedly good relationships he has entered into. Clear to me it comes from a lack of sincerity. Then it comes as his marks sense President Trump asks for too much, and then Trump has revealed that he is a sadist. I had a friend in high school who whenever sensing vulnerability in others went out of his way to confuse and belittle them. It made me uneasy and I questioned my friendship as a bad reflection on myself. So I withdrew from him. It has been the relationship between Putin & Trump that most troubles many leaders of the nation. While this has been the case for a good while I suspect it will not last either.
susan (nyc)
Trump has no friends except the guy that looks back at him when he looks in the mirror.
Lisa F (Providence RI)
The other NATO countries sent sharp, quick-witted, intelligent, and generally well respected leaders. The US sent a buffoon. This was inevitable.
tompe - empty (WA)
Of everyone who is laughing the loudest, Putin, Kim, and MBS come to my mind.... SAD....
Bill Whitehead (Maryland)
As long as Trump is in power, the world will be on edge. Trump is bad for business for everybody.
Monsp (A)
Well the world wasn't laughing before but now, yes, they are laughing at republican-america.
Eddie B. (Toronto)
There is nothing wrong with Mr. Trudeau's comment regarding Mr. Trump being late. He is just stating a fact. What is wrong is Mr. Trump's narcissistic tendencies that do not allow him to let go of an opportunity to be the center of attention. And what is shameless is Mr. Trump's megalomaniac impulses that blind him of the most basic rule of diplomacy, which says you do not insult other world leaders by keeping them waiting for your arrival.
FrankM (UpstateSC)
@Eddie B. Somehow that would lead to a requirement that IQ45 actually had "manners". To date, I have not seen any indication of this. It appears to be a completely foreign concept to this person.
Wolfgang (from Europe)
Building a lasting relationship requires trust, decency and a genuine interest in others. Trump scores 0 in all of these. And other world leaders know. So whatever “charm offensive” one might have observed by Macron et al was no more than the attempt of diplomacy. By now the world has recognized that Trump is too hollow to be trusted, that he is a deeply indecent & immoral creature and has only one interest: his own ego. No one trusts him. And finally we can see the start of a growing unwillingness among other leaders to accommodate his antiques. About time, I’d say.
Jenifer Wolf (New York)
@Wolfgang What antiques? Do you mean antics?
RBR (Santa Cruz, CA)
Trump is the most insecure individual in the entire world. Insecurity brings paranoia, and distrust, jealousy and envy. Trump has on top of his dysfunctional personality, all the previously mentioned attributes.
John David James (Canada)
You appear to have left out his relationship with Mr. Putin. It remains steadfast and strong. Donald has nary a bad word or complaint about Vlad, and vice versa. American foreign policy and Russia’s seldom collide. In fact, there are even those who might timidly suggest that your President is Putin’s puppet. It appears to be an enduring relationship. But then, Donald might be simply playing along in order to gain Russia’s much needed help in America’s struggle against the corrupt and evil Ukrainian empire.
JABarry (Maryland)
"From Friends to Frenemies?" The first thing to say is Corrupt Trump has no friends - NO FRIENDS; not in Europe, not in Asia, not in Australia, certainly not in Africa, not in South America, not even in North America. Corrupt Trump has never had a friend, nor has he ever loved or been loved. Corrupt Trump has transactional relationships. With humans. Everyone he has contact with is expected to assume the role of sycophant and demonstrate what they have to offer him. If it's something he wants (pure adoration, an opportunity to fleece, prestige by association and dominance, sexual outlet) he first charms them then intimidates them until he no longer has a use for them. The humans who enter into these transactional relationships do so hoping they can touch something human in Corrupt Trump, or play him to their advantage. They are all disappointed, end up regretting they ever entered into the relationship, are humiliated and typically lose their reputation. European leaders are tolerating Corrupt Trump because they need America. But the truth is America also needs Europe. European leaders should recognize America cannot go it alone and so they should stop their obsequiousness and give Corrupt Trump the cold shoulder. Mr. Trudeau is embarrassing himself and Canada. He and the Europeans should stand together and tell America it can reenter the Western coalition when it elects a human as president.
Tim C (West Hartford)
Trump's style of diplomacy, which relies entirely on who treats him well, who makes showy displays of affection and obeisance, is shallow. Worse, it's unreliable and dangerous. Bromances inevitably break up. Should U.S. foreign relations turn on who's best at tolerating Trump's idiosyncrasies and stroking his ego?
Dale Irwin (KC Mo)
One grows weary of these stories, looking forward to the day when we are rid of this tiresome pest, replaced on the world stage by someone with insight, intelligence, a heart and a true concern for ordinary people. Warren will bring a much needed breath of fresh air.
There are no requirements for a friendship but deep friendships often share similar values that encourage honesty and respect for one another. Referring to Trump and Macron's initial relationship as a bromance is demeaning to both of them.
Plennie Wingo (Switzerland)
The ghastly trump will cement his standing as the world's most despised pariah with every trip he makes. Hopefully these leaders, meeting for other reasons than to worship at the altar of trump, will give this slob the coldest of shoulders.
Paul C. McGlasson (Athens, GA)
On the world stage, Trump is isolated and alone—with everyone America needs friendship. He is best of buddies—with Strongmen and Tyrants, our natural enemies as a Democracy. Trump has destroyed over two centuries of the legacy of Democratic good-will built by presidents of all parties in American foreign relations. What on earth would he do if given four more years?
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
Trump is completely empty inside as a human being. He has no appreciation of history, culture, human empathy, human struggle, nuance or anything intellectual. His entire personality is predicated on transactional selfishness. There's nothing to bond with except for his arrested development and his fragile ego, something grown adults have little interest or patience with. But Deporistan loves there's that.
cherrylog754 (Atlanta,GA)
As the saying goes, with friends like Trump who needs enemies. Can't understand why any world leader could fall for this carnival side show act, it was pitiful to watch Macron butter up to Trump years back. But at least he now has been enlightened. I can almost understand the right wing zealots here that cling to Trump, but world leaders, yikes. We're in a heap of trouble folks.
Jenifer Wolf (New York)
@cherrylog754 I don't think anyone 'falls' for Trump. I think there are those who think they have him psyched & can use him. They are generally a lot less successful than they's hoped.
Nan Socolow (West Palm Beach, FL)
Trump's personal relationships with leaders of the free and not so free world are nothing to write home about. Wasn't it a kick to see the viral video of three world leaders, Macron of France, Johnson of UK and Trudeau of Canada cackling at Donald Trump's behavior at the NATO Summit in London yesterday? The leaders plus Princess Anne (the Queen's daughter) were oblivious that they were being videographed and hot-miked. What will president Trump, between the hot griddle of Impeachment and his angry tweet rants, do to distract the world from himself today? Who doesn't remember that other viral moment when Trump bragged at the UN that the world leaders were laughing "with him", not at him? What will president Trump do today, while the whole world rolls on the floor laughing fit to bust?
Kount Kookula (Everywhere)
Abe? Never met the man, but I heard he said nice things about me. Trudeau? More like a Canadian Clouseau. Macron? I remember his wife looks pretty good for being so old. Him, I can't really recall. We may have spoken. I speak to a lot of people, great people, the best people. I dunno, you'll have to ask Rudy.
Heather Hale (Tulsa, OK)
@Kount Kookula This actually sounds like something he would say. If this was quoted by the man, I would not be surprised one bit.
Peter Malbin (New York City)
Great article which shows how treacherous it is to have dealings with Trump.
Duckkdownn (Earth)
"Mr. Bolsonaro, a former army captain, had been criticized as an apologist for the military dictatorship that ruled Brazil for decades, and had made demeaning comments about women, minorities and homosexuals. But despite this, Mr. Trump welcomed him with warmth and promises that their personal relationship would help forge closer trade cooperation." "Despite this" or because of this?
Chanzo (UK)
@Duckkdownn Thank you -- that's exactly what I would've said.