For Trump, Impeachment Is a Show

Nov 24, 2019 · 543 comments
Dan Shiells (Natchez, MS)
One correction needs to be made: Trump was not really calling for an investigation of the Bidens. He merely wanted an ANNOUNCEMENT by the Ukraine that they were doing it. All credible evidence suggests an actual investigation would exonerate Biden and implicate Russia and, likely, snare some Trump associates in a web of corruption. Trump's "favor" was simply a script for a made-for-TV smear job, by a made-for-TV bully. Since it was to be a "favor "of no real consequence to the Ukraine, it's no wonder Trump still considers it a "perfect" call.
Paul (Trantor)
Our democracy is in the hands of the Fourth Estate. Nothing will move Republicans to see the truth other than the media doing their jobs, daily showing the corruption in the Trump Administration and the rot at the top. They need to counter the 24/7 propaganda spewing forth from Fox and Sinclair. Absent millions of us in the streets (not likely), the media needs to get on the stick and display the facts in Technicolor. Don't let Rush and Hannity define the narrative.
arthur (Milford)
true but it is the media's fault for talking about it all the time. Fiona Hill actually pointed out that she was embarrassed about the insults that were said privately about Trump in meetings and it certainly is evident in public discourse. I don't love him, did not vote for him, but his kind of jerk nature is made to retaliate insult for insult
William Aiken (Schenectady)
I wish Mr. Blow would do a column explaining today's two polls(Emerson & Rasmussen) that both show a 34% approval rating from African-Americans. If this support remains steady, it is a death blow for Democrats in 2020. 45's ten point plan; the New Deal for Black Americans has been the doctrine guiding his domestic policies that have continued record low black unemployment, the creation of 9,000 opportunity zone in our inner cities, increased wages for low-income workers and record funding for HBCs. Mr. Blow would better serve his readers if he looked into the reasons why Trump's support is rising in the AA community. Despite Blow's narrative that 45 is a white supremacist racist, a lot of African-Americans simply aren't buying it.
Peter Stone (Nashville)
The great Hannah Arendt has described how Fascism rose in Germany not because the ideology was popular but because truth had been eroded. Today a war on the truth is being perpetrated by the clueless puppet in the White House, the republican party and right wing media who shower us with lies and deceptions on a daily basis. They depend on confusing the American people in order to maintain what they think is power but will learn is only the illusion of power.
nzierler (New Hartford NY)
I would love to have the power to look into the souls of Republican legislators. I bet I would discover that all of them think Trump is monumentally corrupt and unfit for office, yet they stand by him. And I would bet the mortgage that Senate Republicans will acquit him no matter how much more damning evidence is presented. Astounding!
Florence (London)
15 days before Presidential Election 2016, Hilary Clinton was ahead in the polls !2% plus. 24 October 2016 Daily Mail, London 'Donald Trump's daughter in law Lara Trumo, married to middles son Eric, hinted on 'Fox and Friends' this morning that the Republican nominee may be holding an October surprise to drop on Hilary Clinton. "Well, there's still a couple of days left in October, said Lara Trump, " we've got some stuff up our sleeve". Next thing , the email accusations drop into the news. Hilary's lead plummets. Issue legally dropped - pretty sure it was night before election. Damage done and dusted. I've always wondered who 'we' were. We are three years down the line. Trump to Russians: Comey is mad. Trump to world : Schiff is excrement. Trump to Press: Treat me with due respect as I hold the office of the Divine Presidency. Call Rudy. Some finagling required, Meatballs provided.
Frunobulax (Chicago)
Events thus far have perfectly followed the canned script that was written before the impeachment inquiry even began. And will continue to do so through to Trump's eventual acquittal in the Senate. Anyone following along the last few years, including the financial and betting markets, has been saying this would occur. The wager was always a political one. The only remaining question of interest is which side will benefit come November 2020.
DO5 (Minneapolis)
I was watching the “fantasy”, “The Man in the High Castle”, in which Germany and Japan won WW II and occupied the United States. The most horrific aspect of the series is that many Americans quickly changed sides and worked hand in hand with the brutal occupation. Considering current Russian efforts promoting the fiction that Ukraine was behind election meddling and that Republicans adopted the Russian game plan, “High Castle” seems more like a prediction.
Keith Ferlin (B.C. Canada)
Some progress has been made. There are fewer comments exhorting Democrats to "listen" to the complaints of those in thrall to Individual 1 to his false narrative since it has been made abundantly clear that the personality cult that voted for him have no intention of listening. that makes the required response crystal clear. The American voter must rebuke the treachery of the GOP and vote them out to wander in the wilderness and see whether there are loyal patriotic voices on the right that will emerge.
Peggy Datz (Berkeley, CA)
So here we are again, after an excellent article, talking to ourselves (mostly) again about how evil and dangerous Trump and his followers are. We are not helping in the most necessary task: getting the impeachable reality out there to Fox Viewers. Are there any alternate pathways? What can we do to create them? Who's tried any? Is our task not clear?
Derek Blackshire (Jacksonville)
What honorable Republicans where are they they could have and should have held the Conman in check long ago. We would not have been at this point now. Any Senator that does not vote for what is the right thing to do should be voted out of office and sent home-packing in disgrace. They have failed to up hold the law and abd their oaths of office.
Steve (Seattle)
Yes but all shows get old eventually especially ones as poorly written as trumps and with such bad actors.
I agree with Charles for once but the real issue is not Donald alone the real issue is that practically all politicians (particularly those in powerful WDC positions) are "on the take". They are and were diminished in character and integrity over the years and maybe we held them too high in the first place. Donald was right about draining the swamp and its too bad he decided to swim laps instead of drain. He's in "his element" and the reason is that he's surrounded with like minded people (although most are more sophisticated). The truth is that nearly all of the politicians deserve impeachment from their positions. Furthermore as I look at the Democrats lining up for the 2020 elections- I couldn't support any of them.
G (California)
I wish with all my heart that there were one word I could disagree with in this piece. One word. But there isn't.
Wilson (San Francisco)
If he cares about ratings, his resignation speech would have the highest television ratings ever!
Deja Vu (Escondido, CA)
Facts don't matter. The NARRATIVE matters. Any facts that don't support the NARRATIVE are lies propagated by dishonest and disloyal people. Any lack of facts to support the NARRATIVE is remedied by pure fictions from the imaginations of people at the pinnacles of power. What's happening is a progressive erosion of the norms of rule of law and political discourse, brought to you by Fox News and Sinclair Broadcasting. This has gone on for decades. We are reaping the consequences, and they are nothing less than terrifying.
IGUANA (Pennington NJ)
Donald Trump is the single source of truth. It's a lot simpler that way.
Pancho (oregon)
Super depressing that for Republicans that facts don't matter. The truth doesn't matter. Only retaining power matters and that's corrosive to the fabric of our democracy. One can only conclude that the majority of Republican officeholders are corrupt and willingly so. Otherwise Trump would have been forced to resign by now. He has no honor and it would seem neither do his supporters.
rich (hutchinson isl. fl)
The CIA has proved Putin's game, is to foist the blame on Ukraine, So Putin's puppets are peddling his story on meddling, to relieve Russia from their sanctions pain.
Opinionated Pedant (Stratford, CT)
"He has succeeded in commandeering conservatism and twisting it into something nearly unrecognizable.He has succeeded in commandeering conservatism and twisting it into something nearly unrecognizable." Yes and no, Mr. Blow. Hostility toward immigrants, recessive taxes, the hobbling of regulations and social welfare programs, the cynical ignoring of climate science, the protection of more and more lethal firearms, the valorizing of the majority's "culture," and the blurring of the line between church and state--these are very recognizable pillars of modern conservatism, and Donald Trump, for all his ugly, self-serving iconoclasm, recognizes that, and has done more than his predecessors to enshrine these goals, even in the midst of a chaotic administration.
Charles Becker (Perplexed)
"It’s simply another version of Hollywood, where great tales are packaged and sold, where great actors teach people to believe in ephemera." The government will rise to the occasion when a matter of such import and character arises that calls for a government solution. It's not hard to look back at history and identify those inflection points. The last in my lifetime was the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Since then all that has been needed has been maintenance and custodial services. Idle hands are the Devil's workshop.
DVargas (Brooklyn)
"trump will reduce this country to rubble before he will submit to correction" He is well on his way to doing just that.
GariRae (California)
The trumpers don't care what he did, or will do, as long as he initiates white nationalist policies. No matter how the GOP support is analyzed, it boiks to white fear and white nationalism.
Pres Trump is overtly corrupt and lies..unlike our long history of politicians who do it covertly and take more care with their PR...why are you so bent our of shape over this fact ? Trump is a showman and loves the spectacle of needling his opposition and raising there ( and your) blood pressure. He takes great glee in all this and you-and other side-line experts- just give him more fuel to run own. Beat him at the ballot box with viable candidates or just adjust your temperament to the democratic processes that brought him to us. Grow up and work to create the change you seek.
Vesuviano (Altadena, California)
It's instructive that the Republicans have chosen theater over substance starting with Reagan, and that the only GOP president who emphasized reality over theater was G.H.W. (Poppy) Bush, who wound up as a one-termer. The Trump Show's plotline is evolving in a way Trump never foresaw, and the Democrats would be wise to keep their impeachment hearings going. As long as they do so, they, not Trump, control the news cycle. They need to start looking into the ten cases of obstruction outlined in the Mueller Report.
slb (Richmond, VA)
"[Trump] has succeeded in commandeering conservatism and twisting it into something nearly unrecognizable." He has commandeered conservatism and twisted it into reactionism. But that's not new. Republican "conservatism" has been trending this way for some time. It was pretty much there already when the Tea Party arose on the political scene. And even before that, it had left the bounds of facts and logic. It was an anonymous official in the George W. Bush administration (later identified as Karl Rove, though Rove denied being the source) who scoffed derisively at what he called "the reality-based community" in 2004, saying that judicious, reality-based decision-making wasn't the way the world worked any more. "We are an empire now," he said. "and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." And that is exactly what Trump and Fox News are doing, creating their own "reality," acting on it, and daring those of us committed to truth to do anything about it.
Bucketomeat (The Zone)
This cult is a willing accomplice in its own deception. Come 2021, we will have an army of these dead souls shambling their way among us, aflame with aggrieved entitlement and armed. They will need to be de-programmed or they will continue to pose a threat to civilized society.
MavilaO (Bay Area)
“The derisive cliché, “Washington is Hollywood for ugly people,” coined by Democratic strategist Paul Begala, has lasted so long because there is a grain of truth in it,” writes Mr. Blow This is Catch 22. You, journalists and newspapers, also profit from this clown, from this circus, from this show. Who does not remember Leslie Moonves, “ It May Not Be Good for America, but It's Damn Good for CBS”? ( 02/29/2016) The worst is that this is free publicity for T2020. Remember the NYT report ack in March 2016: “$2 Billion Worth of Free Media for Donald Trump.” A conundrum. Catch 22.
ACR (Pacific Northwest)
Let's concede, for the sake of argument, that Ukraine did interfere in the 2016 election on Hillary's behalf. Well, Hillary lost. The Ukranians failed. "No harm, no foul". If that rule is good enough for the Republicans with respect to Trump's pressuring Zelensky, then there is nothing for them to investigate about Ukraine's supposed meddling in 2016.
GCM (Laguna Niguel, CA)
Exactly right. It's a a circus to him, and he gets the center ring. A bizarre and dangerous combination of PT Barnum, Machiavelli and Ponzi. Our founding fathers would be turning in their graves.
Stephen Gelman (Ellijay Ga)
There is no doubt that Trump has committed impeachable deeds and deserves impeachment. But a prosecutor would never take a case to trial where key witnesses (Giuliani,Mulvaney, etc.) could not be compelled to testify and where there was such prejudice by the jury. There is no change of venue provision. Democrats should not give Trump the chance to say he was exonerated. Instead they should make the case of the obstruction and prejudice and the damage this has done to our country.
I keep thinking about that scene from Mean Girls in which Lindsay Lohan's character is too busy working on her mean girl self that she topples headfirst into a garbage can. In the version we're watching play out, Lindsey Graham is the one who's tumbled into the garbage can and can't seem to get himself out. It's getting tight in there. He's got to share that dark, narrow space with Jordan, Nunes, Stefanik, Barr, Mulvaney...
David Wolpe (Dublin, NH)
There are two huge differences between now and the Watergate era. One, as Adam Schiff pointed out, is the Congress. The other, every bit as culpable, is Fox News -- the biggest mainstream media outlet, which somehow gets away with referring to the rest of the press as 'the mainstream media.' One can say with virtually 100% certainty that a Trump supporter is a Fox News watcher. About a week ago Fox ran a story on homelessness in the U.S. but like this: Homelessness out of control in cities run by liberal mayors. I don't know what the answer is, but this is just a huge, huge part of the problem. Rupert Murdoch was meeting with Trump more than weekly (according to the detailed Times report of some months ago. Is he still? I'd bet he is. When you have state-sponsored media masquerading as a news station, owned by someone with a history of dismantling democracies.... Michael Bloomberg, the best thing you could possibly do is to buy Fox News.
Susanna (United States)
It’s very curious that NYT commenters are more outraged by Trump’s request for an investigation into the Bidens’ Ukrainian self-enrichment scheme than they are by the Bidens’ nefarious operations themselves. In case you weren’t aware...the United States government has a Clinton-era treaty with Ukraine that specifically allows for mutual cooperation vis a vis criminal investigations. As President, Trump has the authority to initiate such a request. When has US foreign aid NOT been predicated upon the recipient doing what our government wants done? I’ll tell you when...Never!
Manda Hegardt (New York)
Of course there’s a quid pro quo, but it’s to advance our policy not to benefit oneself.
Marie (Boston)
@Susanna Curious though that Trump waited till now, not as soon as he got into office, to "investigate this corruption" of someone who just happens to be running against him. I mean if it was so important, why wait? Why have to use the appropriations of Congress when he simply could have called on the treaty. Nope - this is just more back peddling covering his butt with after-the-fact cover ups
Susanna (United States)
@Manda Hegardt Oh, please. There’s never been a politician in DC who’s NOT acted to benefit themselves in one way or another. It’s what they do... On second thought, there’s maybe one. Abe Lincoln. The exception to the rule.
TM (Philadelphia)
Trump, as the heir to his father’s family business, was unfit to do anything other than what his father, and Roy Cohn, taught him to do: run the family business, which Donald proceeded to drag through 6 bankruptcies, before he (apparently?) righted the ship. Like Fred Trump and Roy Cohn, Donald possesses a binary world view. Like them, he has no real friends, and sees only two types of people in the world: (1) Those who can be useful to him, in his relentless pursuit of purely personal gain, and with whom he therefore trades favors, unequally (i.e., always to his own advantage), and... (2) Everybody else, all of whom - EXCEPT FOR HIS ENEMIES - he ignores, because they can’t be useful to him. He stops at nothing (like Cohn) to destroy his enemies. Donald’s ever-changing Cabinet members, and Pence, Cohen, Manafort, Gates, Stone, Mulvaney, Sondland, Pompeo, and Giuliani are people who either occupy/ied the first group and stay/ed there, or they do something that lands them in the second group, like Sondland did (and Bolton may do...) and migrate from the first group into the second one. Donald, who remains ‘the family-business guy’, is becoming unhinged as he watches the second group grow, and grow, and grow. After he finally leaves the White House and faces old age, he’ll end up where he started, with only his family members remaining in the first group. But the destruction he has wrought, in debasing the Presidency and ruining America’s image in the world, will endure...
Michael (California)
Please let me share what my ONE sincere Trump loving friend (I know a few other Trump tolerators) says about this show: "Trump is right about cutting taxes on the rich, like Reagan did. Watch the economy soar. Trump is right to appoint conservative "originalists" to the courts--enough of Congressional activism. Trump is right the put "America First" by doing whatever he thinks is in the best interest of the United States in Syria, Israel, Hong Kong, etc.. Trump is right that the federal bureaucracies are bloated, lazy, and full of unnecessary red-tape. Trump is right that China unfairly benefits from the Paris Climate Accord. Trump is right to "take on" China. As to the Ukraine impeachment hearings? A distraction from the real work and what really matters." "Have you read the Mueller report, or watched the impeachment inquiry, friend," I ask. "Nope. I know what I bought on Nov. 8, 2016, and I like the product and I want to stay out of his way while he gets the job done."
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@Michael: Trumpism is a celebration of bullying. The wise have only contempt for bullies and their troupes of adulators, and will just stand them off until they are digested by their own gut biota.
@Michael I'd echo everything your friend told you (and several more points) and add that I have read the Mueller report and did watch the impeachment hearings -- and they confirm "what I bought on Nov. 8, 2016".
Michael (California)
@RLS Although I thoroughly agree with you, I'm glad that you are reading "the opposition" (most of these comments in the NY Times), reading the facts, and engaging in discourse. I'm guessing that you don't believe the impeachment hearings have established that the President was running an extortion racket out of the Oval Office. My question is: if such a fact had been established, would you have supported impeachment and Senate conviction?
MLE53 (NJ)
From my perspective, trump has never lived in reality. His family propped him up and certain women fawned over a wealthy man. He came to the 2016 election with no idea of the world’s reality. His idea of being president is from a five year old’s view of the world. trump appears to have no sense of morality or fair play. The world is here for his bemusement (uh oh someone please make a picture book for, mr. trump). I watched just about every last word of the Intelligence Committee hearings. I came away with a very strong sense that trump is the least qualified to be president or anything else in our government. It was also apparent that republicans no longer exist in our government. Just sycophants who have chosen an empty shell to follow. And as a result they are now shells just as empty as trump. Shame on all who support trump. Vote Blue. Save America.
Dennis (China)
Be patient Charles. The reckoning will come on election day 2020. We obviously need more witnesses to testify about the legality of the hold on the military aid passed by Congress. We have new documents coming out all the time. The longer the Impeachment Inquiry runs the better. In the Senate Trial the Chief Justice may be able to bring in Mulvaney, Bolton, Pence, Pompeo, or Giuliani for testimony. The longer the Senate trial runs, the better. Trump has taught us how to do it--to monopolize the media and focus attention on the wrongdoing and stupidity of the other side. And if, after a long trial and many new facts come out, the Senate still acquits, that will insure that Dems, Independents, and many Republicans will come out of the woodwork on election day 2020 to finally give Trump his due.
Stanley Stern (Prairie Village, KS)
Trump did do damage with his lying and deceit in Atlantic City - building wildly and then closing abruptly cost jobs and tax dollars. His lying is also covering for his affairs and sexual assaults, which caused damage to those women and his family as well. And his Art of the Deal - a total fabrication - was a step onto the national platform and helped propel him into his reality show and then into the Presidency. The lying he did as a private businessperson led to where he and we are today.
Jazzie (Canada)
I truly fear that if Trump is allowed to continue to rampage through and devastate all that Americans hold dear unchecked, and the GOP continues its inexplicable support, the US will soon be well along the path to dictatorship. He has signalled his intent all along but was not taken seriously; no previous POTUS has taken the liberties and been as deceptive as he has. Now prominent members of the GOP are openly calling him “..the Chosen One”; we already have ample broadcast evidence of the obeisance his cabinet members and others in the GOP render him. Despite what has been revealed in the impeachment hearings, he still has an overall 43% approval rating and, among Republicans, 90% !!!! Does all of this not awaken memories of other supposedly ‘charismatic leaders’ and their modus operandi? How much longer before Trump’s rallies open with torchlight parades?
Alan J. Shaw (Bayside, NY)
One of the ways Trump won the election is that enough of the electorate was fooled into believing that as a private "businessman," he was above political partisanship. Politics in the sense of a democratic polis or the body politic can have no meaning for this "loud liar," Praise due to Charles Blow for a most succinctly alliterative desciption of him.
Anne W. (Maryland)
@Lance Jencks Yeah, do that: register and vote, unlike my niece and nephew, who who took their kids to Pizza Hut instead because the lines were too long at the polls, or another nephew who voted third-party while pouting about Bernie Sanders.
Art Hudson (Orlando)
For a Republican what are the alternatives to Trump? Bernie and Liz and their democratic Bolshevism? Biden who is showing alarming signs of signs of losing mental acuity? How about Mayor Pete of the fourth largest city in Indiana. The other 15 or so also rans aren’t worth bothering to mention. The field is so weak you have a 78 year old Billionaire and a retired Govenor from Massachusetts jumping in at the last minute. When the Democrats stop talking about free everything, the green New Deal, socialized medicine, Wealth taxes and other bilk the rich schemes then maybe I won’t vote for Trump. Until then, spare me the self righteous blather about finding honorable Republicans.
CF (California)
I couldn't agree more about The Show and its destructive effects. And I worry about the opposition's ability to win under these circumstances, despite the well-established misbehavior of Trump and his supporters. None of the democratic candidates are equipped to beat him at his own game, so they must devise a brilliant alternative. I hope this is happening offstage 24/7 while the candidates debate healthcare onstage.
avrds (montana)
Again, and I don't think this can be said enough, the so-called honorable Republicans have chosen Russian talking points over calling out a president who has solicited foreign help in the 2020 elections. We all need to do our duty as citizens and call out our elected officials if they insist they "see nothing wrong" with that. Moreover, if they think it's okay for the president to solicit foreign assistance in an election, then the assumption must be that they think it will be okay for them, too. As for the "Trump brand," it's clear that it stands for one thing and one thing only: cheating. Good luck with that, Republicans.
Gnirol (Tokyo, Japan)
@avrds I know the "good luck" is meant sarcastically. If only it was a matter of good or bad luck. They don't need good luck. They cheat, and, they have gotten used to cheating because there are decades of proof, most recently in the congressional elections of 2018, that they cannot win on bread and butter issues. The problem in politics is that too many candidates want to win for the sake of winning (whatever it is they say about serving the people). Right now, the Republican Party is in the thrall of someone who has believed his whole life that the only thing that counts is defeating someone else, everyone else. He cannot stand to share winning or anything else...except with Vladimir Putin. Finding out the reason why that is the case will still be the central task of historians after both he and Putin are dead...and I fear it is going to take that long. If only we knew now.
H Pearle (Rochester, NY)
@avrds Yes, it seems like Trump can trump democracy, endlessly. Democrats need a more effective anti-Trump campaign. I suggest Democrats warn that Trump is destroying democracy. They might try the "Democracy" song of Leonard Cohen (1992). "Democracy is coming to the USA" I hope the Times can write about the "Democracy" song. "Democracy is coming to the USA"
Politics Are Dirty (Switzerland)
But as the article points out, the majority of Republican voters and all of the Republican senators and congress have bought into this. They simply don’t care as long as they remain in power. Trump’s lie at any cost strategy has worked. Add this to gerrymandering and other democratic distortions committed by Republicans and they have won.
Rob K. (NYC)
America has long had the conman, the snake oil salesman, the PT Barnum huckster claiming there's a sucker born every minute, and this character is often seen in our literature and film as a wink wink sort of fellow, not unappealing but certainly not to be trusted. Now we have one as President and it's not so funny, but at least it's understandable. What remains incomprehensible is the Republican Party, the enablers, and their shame will resonate throughout history, assuming we survive all this and that we have a history. Obviously, great empires have preceded us, and none lasts forever, invariably falling from within. But who knows, maybe something good will come of it. But we sure haven't seen it yet; no profiles in courage from the Republicans, long known for their patriotism, now emerging as the enemy within.
Albert (NE Pennsylvania)
Well Charles , Trump does not have to work that hard to convert non-believers-- far less believers. This country's entrenched bigotry does most the work for him. and, I fear, dooms it.
wihikr (Wisconsin)
We all know the obvious. Why are so many still in denial?
Richard Plantagenet (Minnesota)
I can't help remembering when Jim Jordan screeched "Liar!" at President Obama these many years ago...considering that Trump has lied at least 14,000+ times since taking the "oath of office" (meaningless, since it was Trump taking it), Jim Jordan would have to constantly screech "Liar!" for 7.77 hours if he had called out Trump each time HE lied. (Two seconds to say "Liar!" x 14,000 = 28,000 seconds divided by 60, divided again by 60.) What we are seeing unfold every dang day is so traitorous that we are all sick and sleepless. But I look forward to seeing Jordan with a very sore throat, if only in my imagination.
rls (Chicago)
As always, Charles Blow gives too much credit to Trump; conservatism was already a con game long before Trump showed up.
Ken McBride (Lynchburg, VA)
"How is a democracy supposed to survive when this many people deny a basic common set of facts?" Yes, that is exactly the danger. American democratic institutional governance is slipping through our fingers like sand at the beach! All the norms of government have been abolished, now government by Tweets of dysfunctional incompetence and ignorance. Listen carefully, you can hear the downward spiral of decline!
Yeah, like these public hearings aren't a "show" for Schiff et al. Please. It's amazing how delusional the Left is. Going into this "impeachment nonsense", the Dems knew it would be DOA in the Senate. But really, this "show" is not about impeachment. The Dems do not care about impeachment or "abuse of power" or "bribery" (yeah, now it's "bribery" - Pelosi found out that the Constitution does not mention "quid pro quo" which, for many, is a "hard to understand latin term" but it does include "bribery" as a cause for impeachment so, Poof! it's now "bribery"...pure sign of desperation for the Dems) These hearings are just a tool for the Dems desperate quest for a win in 2020....THAT is what these hearings are all about. But it won't work. Our President will not be impeached, will not be removed from office and will beat the Dems once again in 2020. And the Dems know ALL of this.
Pa Mae (Los Angeles)
Donnie is a crook. Donnie is a liar. Donnie is a power hungry jerk. (Other more appropo terms are not allowed on this forum). Donnie is a loser. Donnie will lose in 2020, the party of dishonest republicans will lose as well.
@Pa Mae Ah I said, the delusion of the Left. You already know our President will not be impeached, will not be removed from office. He is a loser? Hmmnnn - he beat the Dems in 2016 (which he has to pay for, right??) so no loser there - only the Dems. And the Dems will lose again in 2020 - accept it. It will help offset your anger.
bkane8 (Altadena, CA)
Mr. Blow, I agree with almost every word of your opinion piece, except the next-to-last line. You imply that Trump will submit to correction. You are simply wrong. He never will.
Bob Hedges (Ames, Iowa)
Trump is the TV and Twitter president. He can express his thoughts with one or two sentences in his Twitter account and his speeches are written by a team of spin doctors. Trump has been a liar and thief for many years, and his behavior will continue for the rest of his life. The GOP members of Congress have been brainwashed and they will do nothing to correct Trump’s abuses.
Lennerd (Seattle)
Um, Mr. Blow, why is this a parenthetical, conditional remark? "(Some people around him may also have committed prosecutable crimes.)" May?!!! May have?!!! Can we even count them? Starting with Paul Manafort, and going all the way down the line to Mr. Stone and Mr. Epstein, the quote in parentheses above seems to be a bit of an understatement. Maybe you mean, "Some people around him may have committed prosecutable crimes but haven't yet met up with justice."?
SN (New York)
I am in Paris. As a retired flight attendant I have benefits that allow me to travel. Do you think President Macron would give me asylum because I am living in a country run by a dictator and desport? Just asking. Yes, eveywhere has problems but the US now? Crazy!
Frank F (Santa Monica, CA)
"Eroding truth," "bending reality" and "commandeering conservatism and twisting it into something nearly unrecognizable" are not things that Donald J. Trump invented. Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, the Kochs and the Murdochs and their foamy-mouthed minions have been at this for decades. This is why we can't have nice things.
Campion (CA)
Even the dreams of psychotics are logical. Two syllogisms for the day: 1. Rick Perry claims that Trump (flawed vessel that he is) was chosen by God to perform his will. ERGO, it is morally wrong to oppose Trump in any way. 2. As a whole, the GOP does not want to govern effectively--in fact the worse government runs the more goodies for the "private sector." ERGO if it ain't broke, break it.
Trump only knows one way to live. Wide open as he did as a corrupt businessman. His narcissism commands the field. His ego will destroy his presidency for him.
george (Iowa)
The donald j trump show, brought to you by donald j trump, starring donald j trump directed by donald j trump, produced by donald j trump with todays guests the lawyer for donald j trump, the House's lead sycophant and supporter of donald j trump and the Senate's only live turtle and protector of donald j trump. And Now Heresss donnie Maybe we should just tell him this isn't an impeachment but a celebrity roast.
mrc (nc)
The impeachment inquiry has pulled together a clear and cogent case. The House will vote to impeach based on evidence, the Senate will vote to acquit despite evidence. But the fact that the electorate will give Trump 4 more years is the bit I can't fathom. I guess you really can't fix stupid.
Tom Carney (Manhattan Beach California)
"Trump cares about Trump. Trump cares about the Trump brand and the Trump show. Trump will reduce this country to rubble before he will submit to correction. And, he’ll portray our destruction as his greatest show." Whoa! Hold up there Charles. These things are for sure a major part of Trump's psychotic vision of trump. Buy they are simply psychotic visions. As the massive shows (for every sister or brother who marches, it is estimated that there are about 7 who think that way but are not big on marching.) our sisters and brothers of all ages (Greta Thunberg is doing a pretty good job of organizer the 9 to 18 year olds) indicate, the very vast majority of the people who live in the U.S. are not into these delusions. Fear and doubt are the very nasty energies that drive these psychotic individuals. Filling the space, the emotional and mental energy fields in which we live with these, literally, viruses results in those who are not sufficiently inoculated with courage and love for the the planet and its people are easily infected. Depression is not your friend. This stuff is not new. Ever hear o f Alford Hitler and the Nazi plague? Remember the way out he choose? History is full of similar examples. Would not be surprised if trump joined them.
Keir Shakespeare (Shawinigan,)
Well said, Mr. Blow! Trump is just a show. And quite frankly, I am extremely discouraged by it During the 2016 election campaign, Trump bragged that his supporters would stick with him even if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue: It is now clear after the last two weeks of the impeachment inquiry that Republicans in both the House and the Senate will similarly stick with the president for virtually any crime. Is there any kind of testimony that could shake Trump's support? At least twice during the inquiry, Devin Nunes, in trying to deflect from the damning evidence, claimed Democrats were trying to get nude photos of Trump. Yes, nude photos of Trump. Nunes never said why nude photos of Trump might be of use to Democrats; it was all just for show. Like the quest to replace Russia's interference with the 2016 election with Ukraine, the accusation of wanting nude photos was just a wild deflection: There is nothing the Republicans won't claim in defending the president. It is all sickening and frightening. How can this end well? As David Frum predicted not long ago, "If Trump goes down and he will eventually go down, he will take everything and everyone with him."
For *Trump*, impeachment is a show?!?! "It’s rather simple: Donald Trump abused his power as president to extort a foreign country into investigating a political rival." Charles! Focus group says "bribe" is a more affecting word than "extort"! So it's "Trump abused his power as president to BRIBE a foreign country"! C'mon, Charles -- don't flub your line again!
Meredith (New York)
" It's rather simple: Donald Trump abused his power as president to.....etc" Yeah, not complicated! It's simple: I've reached my limit in reading about him, seeing him on TV, or in photos in NYT.... it's now unbearable. I am psychologically nauseated, disgusted, repelled---what other words? Bring the Thesaurus! So Charles, and other NYT columnists and TV hosts--tell me about the issues of the 2020 campaign! Just 15 minutes every hour on TV. One columnists devoted to this! Stop just making your living out of the worst president ever to reign in America. Thanks.
Bob (Portland)
Curtain, please!
Jim Prevatt (Greensboro, NC)
Jill (Princeton, NJ)
Excellent column! However, one very important point was omitted. And that is the influence of Fox News. After being glued to the impeachment hearings on TV, when even Fox people seemed embarrassed, at night I would occasionally turn to Fox, only to hear someone like Laura Ingraham trashing the finest, most upstanding witnesses in the foulest way. So even those Trump supporters, who may have had the decency to wonder about the integrity of the man at the top, were quickly forced back into line. Just as the Washington Post has called out over 3,500 lies by this president, someone should start calling out Fox. As Fiona Hill so rightfully said, "Our nation is being torn apart."
Bill (Illinois)
Please, Mr. Blow, words matter. There are no "versions of truth" nor are there "versions of reality". Trump's supporters are devoted to Trump's falsehoods and his fantasies. They are not devoted to either truth or reality.
Leslie374 (St. Paul, MN)
The People of the United States and the World deserve to hear the FACTS... ALL of THEM. For some reason, the lyrics of the James Taylor song... SHED A LITTLE LIGHT... keep rattling around in my head and heart as I review the testimony of many the brave women and men who testified at the Impeachment Hearings. Let us turn our thoughts today to Martin Luther King and recognize that there are ties between us, all men and women living on the Earth. Ties of hope and love, sister and brotherhood, that we are bound together in our desire to see the world become a place in which our children can grow free and strong. We are bound together by the task that stands before us and the road that lies ahead.We are bound and we are bound. There is a feeling like the clenching of a fist There is a hunger in the center of the chest There is a passage through the darkness and the mist And though the body sleeps the heart will never rest Shed a little light, oh Lord, so that we can see, just a little light, oh Lord. Our Country and the World wants a show? May the House Impeach President Trump and the Trial in the Senate BEGIN!
freyda (ny)
Trump's ability to keep lies in play and have no inconvenient truth stick to him couldn't continue without his Republican enablers. Their logic of self preservation seems to be that getting whatever they want justifies the means--including the end of our democracy. Whether Trump, the convenient mask for their bottomless greed, is only a conman/showman or worse, someone who is already endangering the world, is not the Republicans' concern. They will exonerate him, he will laugh about it, and the electoral college will hand him another undemocratic win. As all avenues of redress seem to fail us, we might wonder who our enablers are. Are we, the people, going to save ourselves at the voting booth or have our votes already been stolen in advance? Could a particular democratic candidate save us if only he/she/they would learn to speak and act in a certain way that there seems to be no one to advise them to do? Could billionaires, such as Steyer or Bloomberg, save us if only they would have the sense to fund their party and not their own self-involved candidacies?
Ted (Spokane)
I suspect that only the hard core Trumpistas (30-35% of the country) actually believe the utterly nonsensical lies about Ukrainegate perpetrated by Trump, his Republican spokespersons on the Intelligence Committee, and Fox News. (Query: are these three sources really one?) The rest of the country (65-70%) know baloney when they see it, and find Trump's actions to be wrong. But sadly, a significant portion of that 65-70% do not seem to be bothered by Trump's conduct. As such, they are willing to let him remain in office and keep on doing what he is doing. Is that apathy? Is that support for his policies, generally? Is that due to a belief that the economy is doing well? I suspect it includes all these reasons and more. In any event, their acquiescence is apalling. The only thing more apalling is Trump himself.
Red Tree Hill (NYland)
"It is still remarkable to see just how many fellow citizens have bought into deception." Well, it is to most of us. But that fact, truth, and reality has become malleable to so many is even more remarkable in my opinion. There was a time when the people could be shown the facts, as they have been with Donald Trump, and would have arrived at the conclusion that a reasonable person would arrive at, perhaps begrudgingly. But despite what transgression they're shown, no matter what his words or actions may be, Trump gets a pass with his supporters and enablers. From the brazenly ignorant to the unprofessional to the incendiary to the impeachable, choose your own reality has become one of the most dominant features of America's right. It's cult like.
Rebecca (Michigan)
For Mr. Trump, his presidency is a show, so why not his impeachment? He thrives on the adulation he encounters at his rallies. He loves photo ops. This is more of the same.
Dennis (Minnesota)
The impeachment inquiry must continue to expose the truth behind the presidents efforts to destroy our democracy. There is no time limit and the corruption will continue until the election takes place in 2020.
Cassandra (Arizona)
The Republican defense is that it was Ukraine that hacked the DNC and publicized material damaging to Clinton in an effort to help Trump! Do they really believe this?
Michael (New York)
Who will prosecute the prosecutable offenses? Certainly not Barr's DOJ.
AACNY (New York)
Think about it. Democrats put Schiff, the person who repeatedly lied about having evidence of Russian collusion, in charge of impeachment. Clearly, they wanted someone who would say anything, say it often and with as straight a face as possible. Democrats wanted a show. They got it. They just couldn't control the audience.
Kate Seley (Madrid, Spain)
Agree with all your observations, Mr. Blow, and would like to add 3 more. 1. Trump (I can’t call him President) has been lucky in that his intended crimes and misdemeanors are so extreme that a objective observer, like the whistle blower, feels morally obliged to out him and even supporters like Lewandowski or McGahn can feel obliged to ignore his orders in favor of common sense. So his crimes then become only “intended” crimes, which can seem iffier, to even to moderate GOP lawmakers, even if not due to minute qualms on his part. 2. I agree with Bill Maher that, at least in some cases, Trump is undoubtedly blackmailing some GOP lawmakers who have pulled a 180 after Trump assumed power, using sexual or financial “compromat”. Do unto others as Vlademir Putin has done to you.” 3. The myth of American exceptionalism is so embedded in the psyche of most white Americans that that on a personal level it’s extremely hard for them to admit that they could have been wrong in 2016, so they actually double down. Fortunately, some ‘16 Trump voters are overcoming this hurdle, as illustrated in a recent and very effective Democrat ad. So people are our hope
Impeachment is a show. Endlessly hyped on cable outlets. Schiff moralizing after virtually every witness. Pressers during every impeachment break . . . . CNN's media reporter addressing whether the impeachment hearings are "good TV" or not.
Bill (Terrace, BC)
For Trump supporters, in the words of Rudy Giuliani, "truth isn't truth".The facts don't matter. Only their beliefs matter.
SLS (Rochester, NY)
Here's a thought -- how about real reporters stop giving air time to the gaslighters? Case in point -- Sen. Kennedy tells Chris Wallace (and everyone watching) that it's perfectly plausible that the Ukranians also interfered in the 2016 election. Then Kennedy has the gall to say with a straight face that Trump is being denied the opportunity to present his evidence. That of course implies that there IS evidence of this particular conspiracy theory, which gives credibility to all the other crazy conspiracy theories, in the minds of GRE (Gaslighted Republican Electorate). Wallace should have called Kennedy out right then and there to show one piece of evidence that contradicts the hardened conclusion of the entire U.S. intelligence services. When we get to the trial in the senate, Trump and Kennedy will have ample opportunity to show their "proof". It's utterly predictable that there won't be any, of this or any other conspiracy theory, and utterly predictable that it won't make any difference to the senate republicans.
Leslie374 (St. Paul, MN)
Charles, once again your observations are direct. All American people aligned with every political party need to be asking themselves the following questions. WHY are key members of the White House Staff and ranking American Republican Members of the U.S. Senate and House tirelessly working to support a President who has acted irresponsibly, dishonestly and immorally? BUT... There is an even more pressing question that EVERY American Citizen needs to be asking themselves... WHY is our current President acting as Vladimir Putin's Puppet? WHY? This is no laughing matter, it is NOT a hoax... or FAKE NEWS. I am profoundly thankful to the State Department officials and journalists who have shown true courage and patriotism is refusing to back down to Trump's bullying and bravado. WAKE UP AMERICA! The sanctity of the American Democracy is being seriously threatened by Mr. Trump who is not serving the American People...He is serving Russia.
Evelyn Goodell (Hills, B.C.)
Once again, Mr. Blow perfectly describes the scene.
Radha (BC, Canada)
The Trump show is reality TV in real time - a nightmare in real-time. The ultimate “Survivor”, except this isn’t for entertainment, it is the real deal. The GOP, the corrupt cabinet, and the mafioso Don himself are the “bad” guys in this TV show. They do whatever it takes to bring down the democracy to hold onto power. They are gutting every institution of the Democracy, while the “good guys” who speak truth to power are being villainized with the blessings of Putin. They naysayers are being replaced by sycophantic “yes” men. America, your democracy is at stake. The whole world is watching.
Michael Gilbert (Charleston, SC)
If only it was a TV show, and not reality, then it could be canceled and forgotten, like "The Apprentice".
Raymond Stevens (Denver)
So, the final chapter becomes the impending failure of the longest-running democratic republic, through the abandonment of its well-intentioned checks and balances, extinguished by the medium that overtook it in every sense of the word: television. Politics snuffed out by entertainment. We need a reality check.
Helen (SFL)
Mr. Blow, you are spot on when you state that Trump "has realized that there is a section of America hungry for a show, willing to believe anything the carnival barker says and be thoroughly entertained by it." In 2016 I attended a Tump rally in Miami for then candidate Trump in an effort to understand the audience who came in the thousands to watch the show. I felt viscerally sickened by the raucous reality of what I was experiencing. The reaction of his supporters to his every word elicited the mob-like chants now so familiar to us from "lock her up" to "fake news." The audience in your words was "thoroughly entertained" by the star. What most astounded me, however was that before the show, it was announced that we should bow our heads in prayer for the next president of the United States. As I watched thousands of heads go down, I was aghast that Trump was not only their idol but their "chosen one" as he has since professed to be. He came to the stage theatrically standing under a pillar of white light slowly clapping along with his adoring fans. This was not just an episode in the Trump reality show. It was reality. To me the show was more like a horror movie which we continue to watch every day of his presidency. It sickens me today as it did in 2016 and I wonder when and how we will ever be able to throw down the curtain on this national nightmare. Hopefully impeachment will at least begin the process of lowering it.
Anne (Bethesda, Maryland)
It amazes me to see how many US citizens are content to sit by quietly while Trump dismantles our alliances around the world, paving the way for Putin to take over. Our Legislative Branch of government is clearly broken when the only job taken seriously by our elected officials is getting re-elected.
Chikkipop (Ma)
Among the many false assumptions Trump followers have is that it is just as easy to suspect our take on things as it is for us to be astonished at theirs. A rabid partisan, subjected to endless propaganda, comes to believe numerous falsehoods, chief among them the notion that the "other side" cannot, under any circumstances, be trusted. Many bemoan the partisan times we live in, but there is simply no equivalence between the left and right in this case. We have our oddballs & extremists, to be sure, but they're a relatively small segment on the left, as is somewhat reflected in the range of our candidates for president, and our kids on college campuses, still wet behind the ears. The right on the other hand seems to be in lockstep, with their extremists fully in charge & holding the highest offices in the land. When watching the hearings or interviews, it's clear to me that only one party's representatives function as the adults in the room, while Republicans act like petulant children.
Roberto (Sarasota, FL)
I'm afraid that Charles and Reader Picks below are correct in their observations regarding Mr. Trump. In the end we must rely on a majority of the American public to see Trump's follies and how dangerous these are to our country's welfare and security. I'm sadden by his behavior and will work against his reelection. Others must do the same...PLEASE, PLEASE!
pstack (Ottawa)
I completely agree with your succinct summary Charles, and the main conclusion that Trump lives his life as a show. It all made sense to me when I saw a video about his involvement in the "reality TV" world that is the basis for his style of showman - the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) business. The name calling, the fake entertainment that the crowds love to participate in, the cheating that everyone sees that allows a fighter to win with everyone's consent, the respect for strong men, the focus on being seen by TV audiences and in arena style events, on tweeting constantly to advertise the show, it's all there, and it's all about entertainment and pleasing the "in-house" crowd. It's just fun, and lots of yuge attention for the main man who has a deep need for constant applause. Unfortunately, being the most powerful man in the world, POTUS, is not about entertainment, but about real reality and real world consequences. He has to be fired, for the sake of the whole world.
Susanna (United States)
Here’s the problem. Democrats have been stridently attempting to undo the 2016 election by any means necessary (including deceit) since the day Trump took office. Consequently, it’s proving rather difficult for them to now state their case...if they even have a believable terms. They have an agenda and everybody knows it. Even life-long Democrats (like members of my family) are jumping ship.
@Susanna Extremely well put mini-essay! "They have an agenda and everybody knows it." Yup.
Raz (Montana)
@Susanna Right on, and not just Democrats. The ONLY motivation the NY Times has had for the past three years, since President Trump got elected, is to undermine a presidency. They are angry because they didn't have the influence they thought they had, and they couldn't get their candidate elected. They want that imaginary power back, but they are going to fail again. After all this is said and done, the President will probably be elected to a second term. Pathetic how the Times will work to undermine their own country, just to get their way. Well, in a democracy you don't always get your way, and they can't live with that.
Bill (upstate Ny)
@Raz the NYT is laughing all the way to the bank. It was a business on the edge of failure when DJT got elected President. They have USED the resistance movement for great financial gain. Negativity about America has become the NYT business model.
will nelson (texas)
The idea that the Constitution needs to be honored and respected is true. The coming 2020 presidential election will be a test of the viability of that idea. When Trump is re elected the nation will see whether the left will allow the democratic constitutionally mandated process to be" honored and respected". .
This episode (Impeachment) of The Trump Show is terrific. New cast members (Schiff, Hill, Nunes, and Jimmy Jordan) have made this must see TV. I can't wait for the final episode - November 2020.
Arbitrot (Paris)
I agree totally with the premise. Trump has made these United States his personal sandbox. And he's having great time so far bullying his way around. The Senate should stand up to this bully. But it won't, because of the cravenness of the Republicans, none of whom is really ready to take on the bully. So, it will come down to the last person who can effectively stand up to this bully. Given his past history, I am not optimistic this person will show up. But he just might if he sees his future on the Georgetown A-list threatened. That would be Chief Justice John Roberts. As presiding judge at the impeachment trial, Roberts will have absolute power to make all the judicial decisions. For example, if he thinks that for the sake of getting at the truth it is necessary to call Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, Giuliani, and even Vice President Pence to testify, and not call, as the Republicans would attempt to do, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, because he correctly judges that to be a bad faith distraction from the main issue, he can do that. And there is no Constitutional way for either the Republicans or the Democrats to overturn his judgment on appeal. Judicial interpretation of what the law allows and requires will stop at his bench. The witnesses can take the fifth amendment, of course. But imagine how that plays out in contested Senatorial races in 2020. So, will Justice Roberts turn out to be a Profile in Courage, or a Perfect Picture of Partisan Pusillanimity?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@Arbitrot: The credibility of the US Supreme Court is almost entirely spent, due to its incapacity to resolve what a prohibited "establishment of religion" is and what bodies this prohibition applies to.
Arbitrot (Paris)
@Steve Bolger I don't disagree. But if Sydney Carton could rise to the occasion, maybe John Roberts, the individual, can as well. As he did, as a matter of fact, in the two SCOTUS cases on PPACA, and was demonized by the jackals on the right for so doing. I am not optimistic that he will do this as the impeachment judge. But he will be thinking between now and then about how history will treat him if it is viewed that he closed the door on getting at least some Re4publican Senators to have to face their pusillanimity full frontal. And I do take some mild comfort from the fact (my opinion, of course) that Roberts is at least not as craven as Lindsey Graham.
Ron Adam (Nerja, Andalusia, Spain)
The corrupt stink and sleaze of Guliani, Nunes, Trump and his whole administration is sickening. Impeach! Try to push for a secret ballot in the Senate. If the Senate insists on an open ballot, the results should forever follow each and every enabling Senator who refuses to stand up for our democracy.
Ralph Averill (New Preston, Ct)
"The only remaining question is whether some honorable Republicans..." That is the only question. Trump is Trump; he will never be anything else. The Republican Party is being swept along by a mob led by a psychopath and characterized by willful ignorance and prideful stupidity. Honorable Republicans? We're past that question. At this point are there any sane Republicans?
Joshua (California)
Maybe the Dems should have thought this through more carefully? If Trump testifies during a Senate trial, he is going to get Superbowl ratings for a de facto campaign kickoff. Dems are making a huge in kind contribution to a reality TV star whose 2020 campaign motto will be: "It's the ratings, stupid."
WesternMass (Western Massachusetts)
That’s my fear as well. Giving him a national platform to further gaslight his supporters could backfire. He’ll never admit he did anything wrong and he’s incapable of telling the truth unless he thinks it benefits him, so having Trump “testify” is probably a fool’s errand.
Doug (Carlsbad)
Voting for Trump 2020.
JBC (Indianapolis)
Tell us something we don't already know. This column is a retread of points already made so often, including by yourself. Use your voice to illuminate new information and insight, not regurgitate existing understanding.
USNA73 (CV 67)
You can thank media moguls who have exploited the gullible masses patrolling the annals of cable TV for the past 30 years. Remember, Trump is a symptom and not a cause. His status of "idiot-in-chief" is secure among the audience he commands.
barbara (nyc)
Seriously pathological. Thank you.
Quoth The Raven (Northern Michigan)
Yes, it is an insidious show, in the all Trump all the time administration, aided and abetted by Twitter, which has been and is being abused by the president. Why doesn't Twitter do something about it? It is not the purpose for which Twitter was created, and it's being used as a virtually official propaganda tool to sway public opinion, and elections to boot. Complicit Twitter, motivated by advertising revenue, is only too happy to be supported by the truth-bending president. I live in fear of political silly season, when Trump advertisements rule the waves more effectively than Britania ever did, and suspect I will duck and cover every time I hear the words "And now a word from our sponsor."
Tim Dowd (Sicily.)
Good column. Trump is the beneficiary of decades of media one sided leftist coverage. Decades where any conservative, Republican or old line Democrat, was stunned by the permanent media slant. Why do you think Fox is so successful? In any event, now most of those people will support Trump no matter what. All news is fake news. 😉
Lynn Young (CO)
Remember the Kennedy Nixon televised debate? What power the look of the candidate on TV had that our nation had never experienced? Remember the power of the Rodney King video to expose truth? All this, now smartly harnessed by Trump in real time. We ain’t seen nothing yet. So let’s not be surprised. And get about our own harnessing of the way human nature works—-in service of preservation of our democratic republic. Never has the “show” mattered more. We all know the revelation in “The Wizard of Oz”—-the exposing of the small man behind the curtain. That’s a show that endures to this day. There’s no place like home. Our American Home. I call all the writers (thanks Charles), the musicians, the playwrights, actors and directors, the CEOs, the children——to write and compose and speak and lead us home. Harness the power of your craft, your voice and help freedom ring!
Stephen Merritt (Gainesville)
Donald Trump's distortion of reality is part of an old tradition. For many people, the obvious back reference is McCarthyism (and isn't interesting how both Democrats and Republicans have used claims of McCarthyism as rallying points). But the most relevant examples from the past are the conspiracies (and it's fair to call them that) among white people to portray black people and Native American Indians as incapable of being normal, civilized human beings, and to keep them in states of subordination and dependency based on this utterly false narrative, killing them when white people have seen it necessary. Donald Trump is the successor of people like John C. Calhoun and Andrew Jackson (for all that they opposed each other in other areas, they were allies in racism).
Nyira Gitana (Santa Fe, NM)
Charles M. Blow, you are the man. For years now, you have brought to citizens' attention the failures and the successes of our Democracy. Your words today are a clarion call to our participation in the extraction of The Lost Boys.
Lefthalfbach (Philadelphia)
Pelosi should put everything “...on hold...” while the Bolton litigation moves along. Eventually, the Supremes will hold that of course Bolton can testify and that nobody can just ignore a Congressional subpoena. In like 6 months. We can see then if public open has changed or if anything Bolton says changes it. FWIW, a point that need emphasizing is that Trump did not even want the investigations DONE. He wanted them announced. Had they actually been done, then of course Ukraine would say “....we Don’t have the server and we did not interfere in 2016. It doesn’t look like Biden’s kid did anything that other guy’s kids don’t do...”
Hugh Massengill (Eugene Oregon)
If the President is above the law, then there’s nothing to stop him from telling a nation they had to give his family a loan with great terms or they might get invaded or be blockaded. Oh right... Hugh
J c (Ma)
This entire column (and many others) can be summed up with: Trump supporters hate you and want to hurt you. They hate you so much they would hurt themselves to hurt you. They hate you so much they would hurt their own children to hurt you. Trump is just a way to express their hatred of you. They hate you, and they want to hurt you. AND THAT'S IT.
Raz (Montana)
@J c Many working people don't just vote FOR Donald Trump, they're voting AGAINST the Democrats. Something that Democrats, liberals, and progressives need to understand is the fact that a lot of working people, not just Republicans, vote for conservative candidates because: 1) They resent the fact that so many people have their hand out to the government, and it obliges them by giving them an easier financial existence than WORKING people...enough with the handouts, get to work! 2) We need to regain manufacturing capability and capacity. There will come a day when we regret being dependent on foreign manufacturing...It makes us weak. 3) They want our government to control our borders, helping us to control our population. Overpopulation is at the core of so many of our problems, including poverty and climate change. 4) We need fair trade deals, even if it means paying a short-term cost. Is it fair to have a 28% import tax on American vehicles going to Germany, but only 1.4% on German vehicles coming to the U.S.? We have been subsidizing the world economy since WWII...time for that to end. There’re more…retaining gun rights, NATO partners contributing their fair share to funding, over-emphasis on LGBTQN rights (there are logical reasons to be against homosexuality) … The Democrats address none of these issues, in a satisfactory way.
J c (Ma)
@Raz "they're voting AGAINST the Democrats." "They resent " "It makes us weak" On and on. The Trump voter is full of fear and hatred, and they use their vote to attack and hurt those they fear and hate. The conservative mind is conservative because it is more sensitive to new things. That is: they are more fearful than liberals *biologically*. Of course that's no excuse. Courage is facing your fear and demonstrating compassion and strength despite it, not capitulating to it as they do.
wildwest (Philadelphia)
While activists in Hong Kong put their lives on the line to protect their freedoms, we in America are content to just give ours away for ringside seats to Trump's corrupt circus. Americans, even Trump supporters living in red states, will live to regret that choice. Our freedoms will be much harder to win back than they were to thoughtlessly toss aside. We Americans do not understand the value of what we have in this country. We are allowing our freedoms to be stolen right out from under noses. Doubtless, those who currently support this strong man/dictator will only wake up to that reality when they realize they are in the same boat with the rest of us, and their precious freedoms are irrevocably gone for good. Unfortunately, by then it will be too late.
c harris (Candler, NC)
The NYTs editorial this am claiming that the diplomatic neo cons of the Clinton clique have to no axe to grind is laughable. That's all they did was grind their axes. The NYTs is sooner or later going to have to admit that that the 2014 illegal coup in Ukraine was a neo con plot from the start. Seize the center of power in Kiev and watch as the rest of the country seamlessly fall into their laps. Poroshenko was willing to play the corrupt game Victoria Nuland set in motion. Zelensky is another matter. He won election on the platform of ending the ethic blood shed in Ukraine. The neo cons shuttered in horror. Especially since the Russians did not allow the Ukrainian coup plotters to extend out into Russian ethnic areas. Then Crimea, the chief failure of the plot, the Russians quickly bolted to the Russian side. Now firmly placed in Russia. One thing is for certain the last thing the neo cons want is peace in Ukraine. Don't expect the US to be invited to the peace negotiations.
ttrumbo (Fayetteville, Ark.)
You know, it shouldn't matter what this one madman thinks. We the People are a democracy of over 300 million. The problem lies within our lack of really taking citizenship seriously. We are so bad at being good citizens. The one-issue folks, whether it's guns or abortion or sexual orientation rights; I mean really, there's thousands of issues. Let's start with the big two: climate catastrophe and destructive concentration of wealth/inequality. Where's the citizens? We're watching sports or tv or internet games or thinking about shopping for Christmas. We're the worst at helping create a 'more perfect Union'. Grow up America. Just, grow up.
Jeff (Evanston, IL)
The Democrats must select a candidate who can put Trump in his place on the stage. Get people to laugh at him in a debate. Hold campaign events that make his MAGA rallies look puny and boring. AGAM. American gores a monster.
G. O. (NM)
"[Human beings] and fascism cannot co-exist. If fascism conquers, [human beings] will cease to exist..." Vassily Grossman, Life and Fate. Is it fanciful to write in the Times of a rebirth of fascism? If truth doesn't matter, if the Leader takes command of the military, if a Party aligns itself, not with the people or with their country but with their Leader, and if the Leader has loyalty only to himself; and if the population, exhausted by spectacle, is too exhausted to commit itself to democratic ideals, if there is an unholy alliance between an autocratic leader and a compliant business community--what is that but fascism?
Jace Levinson (Oakland, CA)
Well, we shouln’t ascribe too much credit to him. He is a mentally imbalanced person. His behavior is that of a sociopathic paranoid narcissist. Sure, many republicans seem to have lost all sense of proportion and propriety, but we have also seen a good many noble heroes.
C.L.S. (MA)
It may well be his final "show." The man is such a complete blast of hot air.
Stephen (Austin, Texas)
I am in utter disbelief that Republicans in Congress can have come under this wheeler-dealer's sway. To listen to anyone who recently spoke about how 'disgusting, bigoted, and immoral' Trump is to then today fall on their knees to him is a sign of something frightening and bad for our sovereignty.
John McLaughlin (Bernardsville, NJ)
Donald J. Trump has exposed himself and his family as corrupt. A price will be paid for that corruption.
Susanna (United States)
If you’d like another fascinating perspective on this convoluted mess, hop-skip on over to James Howard Kuntler’s Clusterbleep blog. His assessment of the situation, published this morning, examines the facts...providing some much-needed balance. You’re welcome...
Sidito (South Austin)
It is hard to believe how deranged the GOP and right wing media have become. Off the charts. Pathological. And they are not invited to my home for Thanksgiving. Ever.
michjas (Phoenix)
One of the basic tenets of parenting is not to reward a misbehaving child with attention because then he’ll keep misbehaving. Some of you know where I’m going here. As for the rest it isn’t worth the bother to spell it for you.
FilmMD (New York)
“Trump cares about Trump. Trump cares about the Trump brand and the Trump show. Trump will reduce this country to rubble before he will submit to correction. And, he’ll portray our destruction as his greatest show.” All of this is true, but the bigger problem is you Americans really don’t seem to care. While the people of Hong Kong, Bolivia, and Chile are marching in the streets, you Americansseem lazy and indifferent, and you are doing basically, well, nothing. It’s sad. The land of the free should really be called some sort of land.
Richard Calon (Canada)
If Trump manages to survive this the blame is not his. Trump is demonstrably mentally ill so the credit for his occupation of centre stage belongs to the people who put and keep him there. The American ideal is leagues better than this but has fallen victim to a minority for whom the outrages of this presidency are not a flaw but a bonus. They are at worst racists, misogynists and intellectually lazy. Trump says the things they secretly believe but can not articulate. For them it doesn't matter if he is lying because the saying makes it "true". I despair for the US as it seems truth along with education, knowledge, sympathy and concern for other human beings are now artifacts of a long dead and discredited past. Terrifying.
Raz (Montana)
This is a joke, as President Trump has said from the beginning. Your idea of corruption is a personal construct, not real. The ONLY motivation the NY Times has had for the past three years, since President Trump got elected, is to undermine a presidency. They are angry because they didn't have the influence they thought they had, and they couldn't get their candidate elected. They want that imaginary power back, but they are going to fail again. After all this is said and done, the President will probably be elected to a second term. Pathetic how the Times will work to undermine their own country, just to get their way. Well, in a democracy you don't always get your way, and they can't live with that.
Plennie Wingo (Switzerland)
The cult-like devotion to this horrid man is truly frightening. How much more evidence do we need that trump occupies his office the same way he did as a developer - as a cheap con-artist who listens to nobody about anything. And they all sign on to this thug willingly. Historians and sociologists will have their work cut out for them in years to come trying to understand this dreadful time.
kitty (Illinois)
Trump is in office because the “base” thinks he’s a funny, tough, tell it like it is, kind of guy. The truth is, he’s nothing like his base. He wouldn’t give one of his voters the time of day before 2016. This wizard of oz is a ugly, soulless human who lacks any shred of empathy. He doesn’t care for the little guy, he cares about his fragile ego and how he can stay in the spotlight, regardless of consequences.
Wiley Cousins (Finland)
Trump is nothing more than a Newt Gingrich balloon, but without the tethering string. Newt was the test run. Trump was the launch. Who's next in line?
Larry Roth (Ravena, NY)
"This is one of the great successes (if that word can be used in this way) of the Trump presidency: He has succeeded in eroding truth and bending reality among those who support him. He has succeeded in commandeering conservatism and twisting it into something nearly unrecognizable." Sorry, but you are wrong here Mr. Blow. Conservatism has been like this for years. Donald Trump is just rubbing our noses in it. They're not trying to hide it any more - they're proud of it. And if you don't like it, they're the victims.
Diane (Michigan)
Charles makes a good point about the people who are supporting Trump. I waver between compassion for them for being so gullible and disgust at their selfish stupidity. Some are probably really bored with their life and get some entertainment from watching fellow humans suffer. I’ve taken to really looking at the middle aged, always overweight white men wearing trump clothing. I am curious how their brains can manage to live in the trump cult and still manage gravity.
Jordan Davies (Huntington Vermont)
I would strongly suggest that readers of this column read the 2 volume biography of Adolf Hitler by Ian Kershaw. There are striking similarities between the German regime of Hitler and the current American dilemma.
Markymark (San Francisco)
After three years of Trump's criminality, everyone knows who he is and what he is. The entire republican party is now complicit in this criminal enterprise lock, stock, and barrel. They shall be held to account.
Pjlit (Southampton)
The only impeachable offense Trump has committed, in Mr. Blow’s world, was getting elected. He going to do again in 2020!
Edward (Wichita, KS)
"He has succeeded in commandeering conservatism and twisting it into something nearly unrecognizable." Mr. Blow, it is indeed recognizable. It is nascent fascism and it was disastrous to the entire world the last time around.
ChesBay (Maryland)
Everything's a show for the Criminal-in-Chief, and his "supporters" are the fans who watch junk TV, never read anything, and love to hate, together, while teaching their kids to do the same. This show is about to be cancelled. What will the deplorables watch, after that? Let's make sure they have no other such choices.
Gangulee (Philadelphia)
I have heard ordinary people saying So what, he was trying to make a deal with the president of Ukraine? Politicians do that all the time: Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Have heard some others saying this is just the Democrats trying to replace "Lock her up, lock her up" with "Lock him up, lock him up". The Republicans are relying on this vox populi, vox dei. Roy Cohn is smiling.
Paul Wortman (Providence)
Truer and more terrifying words about the incredibly high stakes of the Trump impeachment inquiry have yet been uttered when you say, "This is a both confounding and frightening [situation?]. How is a democracy supposed to survive when this many people deny a basic common set of facts?" Our Constitution and its rule of law are in grave jeopardy of being overthrown by Trump, the Republican Party and his backers and enablers. Not since 1860 when racism in the form of slavery was also the issue has our nation been so imperiled. The same forces of white male supremacy from many of the same states are once again at work to replace our democracy with autocracy and the rule of Trump. This is a true national emergency especially for people of color, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, Jews (remember the chants of the neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville that "Jews will not replace us" and the massacres in Pittsburgh and Poway), Muslims, and women. If the Republicans continue to disavow their oath to the Constitution for servitude to Trump then it will be up to us, the American people, to impeach them all in November, 2020.
Jason (Seattle)
Has the author written a single op ed since 2016 which didn’t have to do with Trump or some type of victimization he feels on behalf of the evil Republicans? Perhaps he has other interests or opinions on the many millions of other important things which happen daily.
Magan (Fort Lauderdale)
"Trump cares about Trump. Trump cares about the Trump brand and the Trump show. Trump will reduce this country to rubble before he will submit to correction. And, he’ll portray our destruction as his greatest show." This makes perfect sense given Trump's past. What does it say about the rest of the Republican party? What kind of representatives hide behind this disgusting tragedy so that they can remain in office? My father told me many years ago too watch your back around cowards because they will do anything to protect themselves. He said they would stoop to the lowest of lows to cover their behinds even if you thought they were your friend. The Republican party has been the home of bigotry and racism since Reagan so we shouldn't be surprised when they end up standing with this vile piece of human trash. For decades, Republicans hid their foul beliefs in closed door meetings and constructed Southern strategies hoping most people wouldn't figure out what they were really getting at. Today, it's all upfront for everyone to see, and they have little to hide because they finally have someone willing to tell the's okay...I'm going to tell the public what the party is really about and if the rest of the country doesn't like it...they can shove it where the sun don't shine. In closing, Trump dares those who disagree with him to try and hold him accountable while he laughs in their faces.
Claudia (Palm Coast)
Charles Blow hits the nail on the head again - how can we get our country back?
Dave (Atlanta)
His show is about to get cancelled.
MEM (Los Angeles)
And like JR Ewing on "Dallas" he remains popular because of not in spite of his dastardly deeds.
David Macauley (Philadelphia)
The "stable genius" who throws temper tantrums when he is fact-checked and proven wrong.The "man who loves America" but only says bad things about Americans.The "least bigoted man in the world" whose father was a clansman. The "civil rights pioneer" who pursues discriminatory legislation against minorities.The “shrewd businessman” who has filed for bankruptcy six times and lost over $1B in 10 years.The “billionaire” who's always borrows money, dodges taxes and refuses to show his tax returns.The “Christian” who doesn’t attend church.The "military expert" who has never served.The “genius” who hides his college grades.The "honest businessman" who is a compulsive liar.The "methodical perfectionist" who wings it.The "organizational genius" who doesn't do background checks and hires incompetents.The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.The “patriot” who dodged the draft.The "diplomat" who insults our allies while kowtowing to despots.The "strong ally" who seeks the help of despots to undermine our allies democracy.The "lover of democracy" who wants to be named leader for life.The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.The "responsible man" who blames everyone.The "thoughtful man" who's impulsive.The "empathetic man" who believes he's a victim.The "generous man" who cheats his employees, investors, and creditors.
Bruce Shigeura (Berkeley, CA)
Trump, his base, the Republican Party, and Fox News don’t care about the truth of the Ukraine deal—they want Trump in power. When Trump declared the Mueller Report exonerated him, he felt empowered to do break the law at will, leading to his Ukraine deal-making. When the Senate fails to convict Trump on the articles of impeachment, he will see the House Democratic majority as impotent and violate the Constitution with impunity. Impeachment should force Trump and his staff to follow the law. He’s not only committed impeachable offenses like abuse of power, he’s violated federal criminal law—bribery, extortion, obstruction of justice, contempt of Congress, and criminal conspiracy. The House can bring criminal charges against Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo, and all White House staff involved in the Ukraine deal to a federal prosecutor and grand jury to threaten them with prison time. Name Trump as an unindicted co-conspirator. Someone is going to break and testify, possibly causing a domino effect. Minimum, staff will demand written orders when ordered to break the law, shattering the personal loyalty Trump uses to control them. This is the way the Special Prosecutors broke open the Watergate case and forced Nixon’s resignation. Why are Pelosi and Schiff not using their power to use the criminal justice system to chip away and possibly shatter Trump’s hold over his minions?
just Robert (North Carolina)
Trump likes to present himself as a martyr and the more people call for his impeachment or any action against him, the more he plays the martyr role. But Trump is not an innocent martyr and is only something he pretends to be to get his enablers to protect him and feet sorry for his persecution. That Trump may be as guilty as sin never crosses his enabler's minds and if such a thought should enter their thoughts it would be the possible end of his deception. Do I hate Trump? I hate what he is doing to our country as he twists lies into truth and rips my country apart. He is a sick puppy, a sociopath or perhaps psycopath as he does not feel for anyone but his own self interest or care for this country at all. That we have come to this point is beyond sad. It is tragic that we have lost our dignity and any sense of a moral compass after struggling so hard to keep our democracy whole. It took not only trump to do this, but a coalition of willing dupes.
Thomas Zaslavsky (Binghamton, N.Y.)
Mr. Blow as usual gets to the heart of the matter in several ways. Thank you.
Paul Wortman (Providence)
Truer and more terrifying words about the incredibly high stakes of the Trump impeachment inquiry have yet been uttered when you say, "This is a both confounding and frightening [situation?]. How is a democracy supposed to survive when this many people deny a basic common set of facts?" Our Constitution and its rule of law are in grave jeopardy of being overthrown by Trump, the Republican Party and his backers and enablers.  Not since 1860 when racism in the form of slavery was also the issue has our nation been so imperiled. The same forces of white male supremacy from many of the same states are once again at work to replace our democracy with autocracy and the rule of Trump. This is a true national emergency especially for people of color, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, Jews (remember the chants of the neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville that "Jews will not replace us" and the massacres in Pittsburgh and Poway), Muslims, and women.  If the Republicans continue to disavow their oath to the Constitution for servitude to Trump then it will be up to us, the American people, to impeach them all in November, 2020.
Nicholas Rush (SGC)
Mr. Blow is exactly right - this is all a show to Trump. But we must consider how this plays out. Like most narcissistic actors, Trump will not leave the stage voluntarily. He loves the adulation. He loves the fawning support from his cult-like crowds. So this means that he needs to keep feeding the beast. Tell them that the KKK and neo-Nazis are some very fine people? Check. Shove Hispanic infants and children into internment camps? Check. Tell our national representatives whose ancestry is outside of Europe that they "should go back to where they came from?" Check. But Trump understands something else. He understands how quickly the shock value of his acts wears off. He understands that he must continue to feed the beast. He understands that his base will never tire of the red meat he throws them. And so he will become even more bigoted and racist in his screeds. His "campaign events" will be nothing more than occasions for inciting his base to violence against any of us brown-skinned Americans. These threats and vicious slurs will escalate, as Trump becomes more desperate. He knows his base cares nothing about the myriad of impeachable offenses he's committed. But they absolutely love his theater of racism. And they keep screaming for encores. And this is a synergistic relationship - the more Trump plays the racist demagogue to his base, the stronger their support for him remains. And because of them, he will get off this stage only at a time of his choosing.
Moe-Larry-Cheese (Washington DC)
The partisans are following their leaders, President Murdoch and Vice President Hannity. They are the keepers of Republicon perception.
Robert Shanbaum (Florida)
For Trump, EVERYTHING is a show.
Enough (Mississippi)
Long before Ukrainegate Trump had already committed high crimes and misdemeanors. He has committed high crimes and misdemeanors all of his life. Like most Americans I saw some hope during the Special Counsel investigation. An honest, upright American hero, Robert Mueller, was heading it and, coincidentally, he was a Republican. And in one lonely act of patriotism the slimy Jeff Sessions had recused himself. I was and am sure there was a Russian conspiracy. What we were allowed to see of that investigation was like getting a lump of coal for Christmas. Under pressure Mueller testified and afterwards we still had only a small piece of the truth instead of the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Mueller played by the rules with a bunch of traitors who know no rules. There is still time for Mueller to help rid us of this evil. He could tell the truth like Hill and Vindman and Taylor and the others. You must be a patriot and hero one more time.
c (ct)
It's all true what you say Mr. Blow.... Only one thing left to do... EVERYONE must get to the polls and vote. Absent a large voter turnout... this country is toast.
John in Laramie (Laramie Wyoming)
Fascism was defined by Gaetano Mosca in his 1895 book, "The Ruling Class." America is a fascist, bankrupted and socially collapsing global military empire; with both political parties fighting to kill the other's ability to be in charge (and destroy the loser with advantage). Fortunately, the separation of powers and the 2 year , 4 year and 6 year re-election cycles allow Americans to exert control of the elites and keep them in check... or maybe not.
Michael (Chapel Hill NC)
Debate? Since when have you cared about debate?
JABarry (Maryland)
"For Trump, Impeachment Is a Show" Well at least part of the show. The really big show is "The Donald Trump Show". Impeachment is another act in his show. It is like his business bankruptcies, nothing more nothing less than an opportunity to deceive, demean, dismiss the bit players in HIS show like investors, subcontractors, Republicans in Congress, MAGAts, the world audience. In "The Donald Trump Show," Trump is competing for notoriety (not acclaim). He's competing against a long list of former contestants (all recorded history: Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, etc.) and some contemporary contestants (Kim, Putin, Duterte, Erdoğan, etc.), in the category of "INFAMY." Don't be confused. Trump hasn't committed mass murder (yet), nor thrown people into forced labor camps (yet), his notoriety is aimed at bringing down America, democracy, the US Constitution. And it looks like he is succeeding in that effort. "Impeachment is important because our system of democracy is being tested. The Constitution is being tested." And if Republicans play their assigned part, democracy and the Constitution will fail. Trump "has succeeded in eroding truth and bending reality among those who support him. He has succeeded in commandeering conservatism and twisting it into something nearly unrecognizable" - full blown corruption. If that is not worthy of placing him among the world's most notorious villains...then following his acquittal in the Senate, his next performance will electrify us.
John D. (Raleigh, NC)
This is like the Murder on the Orient Express. The Truth has been murdered on the constitution train. Trump was the first one to strike a knife at the heart of the Truth. All the republicans came afterwards and have been striking over and over. Everyone on the train is complicit in it. Pompeo is complicit in it; Pence is complicit in it; Mulvaney is complicit in it; Barr is complicit in it; Perry is complicit in it; Giuliani is complicit in it; Devin Nunes is complicit in it; Lindsey Graham is complicit in it; All the Republicans are complicit in it. Mr. Hercule Poirot, you have got your work cut out for you. (I am looking at you Democrats). Get your little grey cells working again. You can't let the murderer get away with it.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Ugly is also in the heart, and soul. The greatest problem and tragedy in our Society is willful ignorance. The so-called professional politicians, the lobbyists, the Moochers and hanger-ons have an excuse: Money, as they are merely prostitutes. As for Trump Fans, it’s the trifecta of Racism, Spite and impotence. Deep down, they realize even Trump calls them “ Losers “ in private, but He sure courts their Votes. Flattery WILL get you everywhere, when you preach a daily dose of Hate. Thanks, GOP/NRA Party. 2020. Maybe Sooner.
Jean (Cleary)
It is not only Trump who is a liar and a cheat who should be charged with Bribery, Treason and High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Nunes, Mulvaney, Barr, Pompeo and Giuliani should be prosecuted as well. No one is above the law. No one,
JCX (Reality, USA)
"He has succeeded in eroding truth and bending reality among those who support him." In summary, he's the textbook definition of a demagogue, with a band of delusional, self-righteous followers who believe everything that spews from his pie hole and twitter thumbs. As H.L. Mencken or Sinclair Lewis presciently warned, ""When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
Bud Ryan (Off-Grid Solar Community Santa Fe NM)
Well Mr. Blow ALMOST put his finger on the Real Culprit of this Calamity that has befallen OUR Democracy. Everything he said about trump (I stopped capitalizing his name because of his lack of respect he shows to Women) is true, except this is a chicken & the egg story & Fox-Faux News came first & is the true Domestic Enemy of OUR Democracy. Roger Ailes vision for Fox came about because of the shabby way he thought Nixon was treated in the media. But of course Mr. Ailes got it Totally Wrong, Nixon was a Crook who perpetrated crimes against the Constitution & hence against We the People as well & he got off lightly. There is nothing wrong with there being a Conservative News channel as long as they report The Truth, clearly label opinion as such & don't denigrate people who have different ideas than they do.Roger Ailes believed in none of that & his worped ideas were fed to a relatively unsuspecting public that became an army who didn't realize that their adversary was Their Own Democracy! Fox News has Unfortunately been brainwashing their public to the point where they can't even tell that their "hero" is one of the Biggest Charlatans in the history of the World. And the big winners in all of this, as Ms. Hill revealed, was Russia & Putin as well as China. Nancy Pelosi told trump to his face that with him All roads lead to Putin & then told the American people that we should Pray for him. We should also Pray for OUR Democracy & do ALL we can to Save It!
Jay Terry (Fulton NY)
Love me, hate me, beseech me, impeach me, you're never going to beat me... DJ Trump. Somebody answer this question for me, why would a Ukraine gas company want VP Joe Biden's son and Secretary of State John Kerry's step-son on their board, when they didn't speak the language and knew nothing about the gas business? Maybe that answer could be found by now knowing the Clinton Foundation monies coincidentally stop flowing after Hillary lost the election...but the Dems keep burying their heads in the sand and blame Trump.
Blackmamba (Il)
Thankfully the two films about the Trump Presidency have already been made aka 'Idiotcracy' and 'Being There'. The delusional idea that what is happening in our divided limited different power constitutional republic of united states is the fault of Trump is a comforting denial of historical reality. Trump didn't run a covert stealthy subtle campaign. Trump ran against Mexicans, Mexico, Muslims, immigration, Obama, McCain, Bush, Romney, war, Arabs, African Americans, Obamacare, income taxes, climate change, science, logic and reason. Every American knew who Donald Trump was and was not and voted accordingly. And the 63 million Americans including 58% of the white voting majority made-up of 62% of white men and 54% of white women have their man. The man who has built 'The Wall' that Mexico has paid for. The man who has replaced Obamacare with something really beautiful and wonderful. The man who beat ISIS, al Qaeda, Boko Haram and the Taliban. The man who got North Korea to end it's nuclear weapons program and brought peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Impeachment is just another act in the Trump reality TV Presidency. A President who spends a third of his time vacationing and playing golf on Trump Organization properties. A President who spends the other two-thirds of his time tweeting and speaking nicknames and slurs while watching Fox News.
Billy Hirschen (Wilmington NC)
God help us all.
HP (Miami)
Trump has been in the news every single day since he descended the golden elevator to announce his candidacy for president since June 16, 2015. Yes, every single day. The media plays a supporting role in serving as a corporate sponsor of the Trump reality show. It has given him the star power he so craves where he can manipulate the message and change the script to fit the audience. He and only he plays the leading role in the drama. Trump relishes the attention he is afforded by the press and cable news. It has given him the ultimate fee-free mouthpiece along with Twitter to spout his dangerous propaganda to the masses. Were the advertising dollars and ratings of the press and television really worth their quest for profit in the end? They too share some culpability in where we find ourselves today through their unending coverage of the Trumpian spectacle which has truly become a reality show for the nation to watch in horror.
CarolSon (Richmond VA)
I'm so fed up with the lies and the corruption, I can barely read about it anymore. If not one Republican has an iota of honor or decency or respect for the Constitution, then fine: let them completely debase themselves for a liar that they all know is a liar, for the entire world to see. Let them revel in their utter cravenness. Everyone knows the truth - even the ones who pretend they don't.
Blue Moon (Old Pueblo)
@CarolSon "Everyone knows the truth - even the ones who pretend they don't." Maybe the ones who need to find courage in their hearts will come to realize that it's never too late to do the right thing. And doing the right thing is all any of us really have in this world.
Alexander Harrison (Wilton Manors, Fla.)
@Blue Moon : It's hard to find anything new in the vast majority of comments and in many cases EB has had to lower its standards for publication in order not to discourage the participation of its subscribers, but a good English teacher would find fault with anyone who speaks about the truth w/o defining what the truth is, or write about the' "right thing" w/o defining what the right thing is.If 1 cannot be specific, define his terms, what's the point? That is why if u were in my English class at the "zone school"where I taught French, Spanish, social studies. English and was also the dean:Brandeis High on UWS,I would ask you to rewrite. Last comment I approved of was one in which commenter mentioned VINDMAN,"Oh say can you see?"left UKRAINE at the age of 3, that his facility in the language was shaky. Now that is something new, and worth commendation.
Montreal Moe (Twixt Gog and Magog)
@CarolSon It was 2400 years ago that Diogenes the Cynic and his father were convicted of currency fraud and corruption. Diogenes knew the only cure was a relentless devotion to truth. Diogenes spent his life eating table scraps and living in a barrel. The truth is painful and America has a large segment of its population dedicated to its myths and superstitions. The peoples of this world are infinitely better off than they have ever been. Here in Quebec we are under attack because dedicated to secular humanism we have legislated against public officials overtly wearing any kind of religious identification. We cannot get rid of the lies and corruption but we have legislated against one justification of the unjustifiable.
David Paterson (Vancouver)
It is probably true that some people believe Trump's lies, but it is very unlikely that 67% of Republicans do. The point of lies from an authoritarian is not to persuade people of their truth, but to morally compromise them by inducing them to defend statements they know to be untrue - signalling their loyalty to the authoritarian. Trump is following a well-trodden path. And Republicans are singing his tune.
Susan Fitzwater (Ambler, PA)
All your points are valid, Mr. Blow--and indeed the GOP and the country as a whole-- --are in a sad state. Those percentages you quote--horrifying! People who make a point of shunning reality--turning away from disagreeable facts-- --gosh, Mr. Blow. They end up in jail. Or insane asylums. One last point though. Reading your piece, I was reminded of--sorry, you diehard Republicans out there!-- --of the Emperor Nero. No no, guys! Mr. Trump (for all his manifold delinquencies) is nowhere near the pure criminality achieved by this Roman emperor. BUT--- --it has been alleged: the guy was his own perpetual star of his own perpetual reality show. AND-- --(at the end) the show was falling apart. A show it remained--my gosh, yes!--but Mr. Nero was no longer directing it. "This is unbecoming to Nero!" he muttered-- --as the nets closed in. I do think, Mr. Blow, our President feels something of the same way. The show is getting out of hand. No sir--Mr. Trump is no Nero. Thank the Lord. But I DO hope he ends up out of office. Soon. Very soon. Our democracy depends on it.
Howard Eddy (Quebec)
This is not a show, although it is what the great psychiatrist Eric Berne called a game. It is now a second order game; serious but non-lethal. But the GOP is noty content with that. As they screw down the safety valves on the boiler provided by the Founding Fathers -- coequal branches of government, checking each other; impeachment of a corrupt executive -- they are raising the ante. They are pushing towards a third order, or lethal game. God help America if Trump survives a Senate trial, claims exoneration and is re-elected. Because there will then be no lawful method of removing from office a man whom 70% of the population believe to be criminal, unfit for his post and a danger to national security. A man who has convinced people that lies self-serving are truth and you can commit murder in plain sight on Fifth Avenue, and get away with it. Forgive me for thinking the 'stable geniuses' of the GOP have lost their minds.
Serban (Miller Place NY 11764)
Analogies between Hitler and Trump are overwrought, but they ring true in one respect. Hitler was willing to see Germany reduced to ashes if it did not follow his will. Trump is ready to destroy American Democracy to stay in power for another 4 years and even beyond. He is an insidious cancer on the body politic, aided and abetted by a virulent cult that if not contained will overcome the Federal governments immune system, best represented by the witnesses at the impeachment hearings.
JL (Studio city)
Trump knows full well the meaning of impeachment, the Scarlett letter of public life. I think his fellow rats will eventually jump ship as the House vote nears.
DrBigMike (Toronto Area)
Trump has relied on the "Big Lie" technique for so long it has become second nature - "a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously." Does this sound familiar? It's what Trump does on a daily basis, not to mention what Adolph Hitler said in "Mein Kampf". Why don't his supporters get what he is up to? Well as A.H. went on to say, of the masses, "in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods". Of course, if someone has no shame, like you know who, it's as easy as pie. Is it any wonder why Trump "loves the poorly educated." However, as A.H.'s chief propagandist added " truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State” - and it is also the greatest enemy of Trump. So keep on speaking the truth and let's not forget that "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
ellen luborsky (NY, NY)
That Trump has turned governing into a farce is unfortunately true. That he has a cadre of followers, including those in the Senate, who have turned off their brains to fawn over him is also true. Someone needs to steal the show. Someone with a brain and a conscience needs to boom out a message that drowns his garbage.
Nancy Rathke (Madison WI)
“...have turned off their brains to fawn over him”... Do those words remind you of lovestruck teenagers, or captives of a huckster selling riches on Wall Street, or Rasputin and other mystics who weave a web of hypnotic words around people whose insecurity make them feel un-whole? They need to fill a blank place with adoration of an idol and reassurance of happiness to come. Surely senators and wealthy people know Trump is not the answer to their prayers. Like drug addicts (because these promises are drug-like in their power), they tell themselves “I can quit any time”. When will “any time” be, for Ron Johnson, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and the others who know this is wrong but can’t find the nerve to be cured?
Sterling (Brooklyn, NY)
Most Republicans believe that humans rode dinosaurs. That’s all you need to know about the level of ignorance among the bloated Red State Christian bigots that make up the base of the GOP.
Mary (Oklahoma)
RMW (Phoenix, AZ)
The degree to which a demagogue can gain power by means of electoral politics is nothing new. The Nazi Party had a plurality, but not a majority, in the Reichstag when Hiddenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor in 1933. It was then that Hitler seized power with a majority vote after the Reichstag building was burned down by the Nazi Party which, however, was blamed on Communists, Jews and others. With majority control, the Enabling Act was passed giving Hitler dictatorial powers including, later, a personal loyalty oath to him - not the German Constitution. It doesn't matter what Trump says or does because we, the majority, are enemies of the people; i.e., "real" Americans.
Able Nommer (Bluefin Texas)
Nailed it, Mr. Blow. Stages and props, stand-in's and extras, producers and grips, publicists and fans, scripts and covfefe (coverage), a star was born. Come one, come all! Celebrate.. Participate.. in kitsch, in camp, in horror, in science fiction policies. A governing party that makes very little logical sense, but being on top is a ton of fun! Cheer the contemporary Dr. Frank N. Furter. Join-in with his adoring audience who spoof as MAGA Mad Brad, as Red Planet Janet. Witness.. "Ok, Boomers", the nascent conservatives who immensely enjoy making the newest GOP Media Legend. Behold.. cult politics live-streaming.
He was sent to blow up Washington. Mission accomplished.
n1789 (savannah)
The GOP may stick with Trump now, but with every outrageous lie they adopt to save Trump they dig their own graves -- unless the American people are more stupid and ignorant than we thought -- AND THEY MAY WELL BE!
Yankee Doodle (Fort Lauderdale)
Dear blow me thinks Bloomberg will win the nomination and ultimately the presidentship because ultimately what the naked truth is that Americans want a strong leader and in this great country strong means wealthy. All the posing posturing and wishful thinking will not change this simple equation. Fear equals strong leader equals billionaire.
John (Bangkok, Thailand)
Mr. Blow...a legend in his own mind.
R Kling (Illinois)
If the Constitution is being tested, it has failed miserably. The framework it set up is fatally flawed. Time to dump it for the slavery loving undemocratic piece of trash it has always been.
itsmecraig (sacramento, calif)
I guess I have always enjoyed stories about villains who have no idea that they are the villain... even as their well-earned comeuppance is finally falling down upon them ______ "I'M the bad guy? How did that happen?" – Michael Douglas as William Foster, from the film, "Falling Down"
Kathryn (NY, NY)
If you examine Trump’s long history, he has always LOVED living on the edge. He gets himself into fixes - in business, with his finances, with women - and then manages to extricate himself with minimal consequences. It’s a game to him. It amuses him. He thrives on stress and danger. It’s fun and exciting to him and he equates the adrenaline with vital life force. He goes from one chaotic event to another with no chance to catch his breath. Along the way, he ruins and discards people like Kleenex without ever stopping to care. He is a destroyer. He likes feeling powerful and being the center. Unfortunately, the American people have been sucked into his vortex. He does not care one bit about us. His followers cannot/will not believe that, but hurting people is the least of his worries. It’s all about Trump and what will enrich him or elevate him. Whatever game he has to play, whatever lie he has to tell, he’ll do it. He searches out a feeling of winning and being superior. He’s addicted to that feeling. As long as he has sycophants he’s going to continue to get away with this behavior again and again. He’s the Energizer Bunny of mayhem. The Republicans are still in lock step and have many more batteries with which to enable him. This makes 2020 the most important year of our lives. We must rid ourselves of this monstrous man. Otherwise, we as a country and a people are lost.
Mixilplix (Alabama)
We no longer go to school. We go to church. We don't want education and understanding. We only want to be preached to. Trump is a stupid, silly cartoon who gets that.
Michael H. (Illinois)
Trump's only hope ( I address this primarily to his "Christian" supporters) is that there is no Final Judgment. He may do his Houdini routine for the remainder of his life, escaping any criminal conviction or being cast from office. But as a student of the Bible (I am a Catholic youth minister for over 45 years) Mr. Trump is a poster child of a soul "lost to perdition". Among the many passages of both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures that would best indict him to a place of final damnation are the words of Jesus in John's Gospel, calling Satan "the father of lies". Need more be said? Of course all would could be well if he "repented" for his reprobate life. Good luck with that one. He has not even come close to acknowledging any sorrow or repentance for any of his crimes or sins. And the "Christian" ministers who surround him, shall we say, "false prophets" are equally complicit in his refusal to turn around his life. Yes Mr. Trump, pray that you do not stand before God when you die--unless you change, you will have Hell to pay.
Meredith (New York)
The media is neglects explaining all the issues we the people need to understand, that affect our lives, so we can vote intelligently. It neglects explaining how to finance health care for all, and affordable education, for example, and the crucial comparisons we need on tax rates. It could devote at least 1 hour a day to this. Or 15 min out of every hour. Instead the media magnifies and amplifies the tiniest daily/hourly detail related to Trump and the impeachment hearings and the various factions. And op ed columnists are obsessed and fixated on Trump. It's staged as a 24/7 drama. Our worst president in history, and worst party, are actually a gift to the media.
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
I read in the Times that Giuliani is going through a messy divorce and his wife is trying to take him to the cleaners. This pleases me no end. A former Mayor of New York gets involved in a harebrained scheme to take over the natural gas industry of Ukraine and lay the blame on George Soros and Joe Biden because he needs the money to get rid of hie wife. Who soon will be going to jail waiting for a pardon from a similar crook who is about to be impeached. I wish him luck. You can’t make this stuff up.
Harold R Berk (Port St Lucie, FL)
Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Napoleon, Czar Nicholas II, Mao, Marcos, and Trump all put on shows, distorting facts and working their audience to a frenzy to captivate them to the will of the leader-emperor, dictator, king, and unfortunately now a president. The Germans fell for the show. The Italians fell for the show. The Russians fell for the show. The Chinese fell for the show. Until they didn't anymore. When factual reality tore at the audience they realized they had been had, but it was often too late and they found their societies bombed, destroyed, and incinerated. So will the Republican co-conspirators with Trump wake up before the cataclysm happens or will they remain committed to the Trump cult no matter what path of destruction it leads us to. People need to call this charade of Republican denial of facts what it is: 1984 speak designed to cement the Republicans in power no matter how they can achieve their goal of power uber alles.
RjW (Chicago)
Until we stop blaming Trump and start blaming Putin, too many Americans will stick with the fool in The White House. Focus on Putin, Trump’s savior, best buddy, and controller to unite Americans against Trump. All roads leading to Moscow must be mined.
Helen Toman (Ft myers, FL)
I am 69 yo and scared for the future because of this wrecking ball in the WH.
Jeanie LoVetri (New York)
Charles, you cannot write a word about Trump without also, in the same piece, writing about how significant FOX is in all this. Without FOX, where would he be? If there was no Trump propaganda machine, who would believe him? Where are the attacks on FOX??????? On SINCLAIR? Seriously, if those networks actually cared about the truth, none of this would have been perpetuated. Thank the Koch Brothers, the so-called "christian" right, the white supremacists, the anti-abortion crowd, the anti-science crowd and the science hating people. Even if he "shoots someone in Times Square" Barr and Pompeo would claim a sitting Pres can't be challenged. It can only also be true that all the GOP members of Congress took money from Russia for their campaigns. Let this be known. Let the NYT send reporters to publish the facts on that. Keep writing, sir, we need you.
Wilder (USA)
"...he’ll portray our destruction as his greatest show." So true, Mr. Blow. Yet you are too kind. He has not only abused our country and its principles, he has violated them to the extent that, in my eyes, borders on treason. He needs to expelled, driven out of our White House in chains.
John Graybeard (NYC)
Trumpism in three words - cult of personality. The Great Leader can do no wrong. He is infallible. And he gives his supporters Federalist Society judges and tax cuts. Facts and logic do not have any effect on true believers. At least not until they cannot be denied, like the Red Army hoisting the hammer and sickle over the ruins of the Reichstag.
Anyoneoutthere? (Earth)
A recent study has indicated that the highest concentration of psychopaths in the USA exists in Washington DC. Distorting the facts without concern for others is a characteristic. Sound like someone we know?
Mark (Zurich)
Again, Charles M. Blow provides a most appreciated voice of reason and sees right through the clown car that is the WH and the former GOP.
Joe doaks (South jersey)
We’ve are forced to see the shining city for what it is. A trash heap.
Jennifer Sharples, Psy.D. (Pleasanton, CA)
Watch the webinar for free at Asheville Jung Institute website on Narcissism in the Era of Donald Trump.
crystalbay (mpls MN)
It is terrifying how far he's set back our country in terms of the environment and relations with our allies since 1946. It appears that he's hell bent to destroy anything and everything he lays eyes on. Now lifting a ban on killing bear and wolf cubs in their winter dens - who does that??? Eliminating carbon emissions on cars. Lifting the ban on asbestos. Who does that????? Tearing thousands of children, toddlers, and babies from their parents arms. Who does that? Undermining every agency established to safeguard our national security. Defending our worst enemies. Undoing the rights of LTC patients to sue for neglect and abuse. Breaking America's word to fight carbon emissions with 200 other countries. Pulling out the Iran deal which guaranteed 10-15 years of no nuclear development. Firing 63 top officials after it was discovered that they were grifting. Who does that? The damage he's done in just three years will take a generation to undo. Telling over 14,000 provable lies. Profiting tens of millions by using his own properties for state and foreign functions. Who does that??? For Trump, the Constitution, our laws, and democracy itself are mere obstacles he wants to get out of his way on his goal to be king of the world. No enemy in history has been a greater danger to our country. Ever. We are, just as in Nazi Germany, witnessing how vulnerable and fragile our democracy is.
Jbugko (Pittsburgh, pa)
Like the other show he had, it's vapid, disgusting, and a failure.
Mark (Columbus)
See any non whites in the audience photo? Me either.
Limbo Saliana (Idaho, USA)
Pretty harsh, Mr. Blow. And all true.
CathyK (Oregon)
Stupid is as stupid does, once a crook always a crook, there was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile, superiority is always insolent because it is accidental, and my favorite you take the high road and I take the low road. Never the argument if it was right or wrong, never as a partisan party lets fix this, no it’s business as usually and nothing gets done in Washington DC. We gentlemen and ladies are allowing this to happen and the future for our children is where we all should be concerned for without rules and laws there is nothing but chaos
Sandra Garratt (Palm Springs, California)
"Brand"....I work in the fashion business where branding is. areal thing but I am sick of all this personal branding nonsense....people are not products and corporations are not about some personal responsibility and let's all remember that Putin is thrilled w/ all this chaos & confusion, his stock in trade.....Putins brand: outrageous greed & sinister control of others, Trumps brand: a sick pathetic fool driven by personal greed ....this is real life with real people and these men and their criminal cohorts are not leaders, they are real life killers and monsters.
NativeSon (Austin, TX)
“For Trump, Impeachment Is a Show” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yet another episode of trumps House Of Frauds...
Marty (Indianapolis IN)
I wish once in a while Charles Blow would tell us something that wasn't obvious to all. Not that I disagree with what he says but I need to learn something new from NYT opinion writers. Just saying.
Luisa (Peru)
..I am afraid I must insist that, in my very humble opinion, racism of every description and the primal fear unleashed by the loss of the unspoken qualification of the premise in the American Constitution (all WASP males are created equal) is a major force driving Mr. Trump’s constituency. There is much more than a show here. There is projection and identification. This is a Hitler-like phenomenon. On the other hand, Hollywood tales have always been much more than a show, too.. That is why “all members of the human race are peers” should be a rallying cry in this election, and the world over, for that matter.
Carl Ian Schwartz (Paterson, NJ)
Trump's idea of a show is a snuff film in which the victim is the Constitution.
Bob Laughlin (Denver)
60 Minutes devoted its entire show last night to an anti t rump essay without really naming him at all. One segment on the Intelligence communities findings on Russian interference in the election; one heart breaking segment on the reality of the refugee crisis on our border; and one segment on science, the other word (besides fair) that republicans shun. 60 Minutes is really about the only common news show that many different people still watch. Which gives me hope that some fence sitters had their minds made up for them while watching. t rump's basic support is among about 30% of voters. t rump was elected in 2016 more by those who didn't vote. If We the People get out the vote like happened in 2018, and just a month ago in Virginia, Kentucky, and Louisiana, there is no way he can win reelection. This is not up to the Democratic Party. It is up to We the People. If we don't show up for the next election this Nation will not hold. Vote like your life and lives of your children depend on it. They do.!
HoodooVoodooBlood (San Francisco, CA)
The Dems need to go for the jugular and rid America of the worst President it has ever had. The Trump Ego Construct is very dangerous and it remains unchecked. Real Patriots know this and Trump loyalists have put that monster, that demagogue first over country and duty.
Paul Raffeld (Austin Texas)
Trump has always considered his presidency a joke. But he realized quickly the opportunity to make a fortune while in office and afterward. His bullying tactics, lies, narcissism and aggression are the foundation of dictators and mob bosses. Why not use them? They have worked in his past. For Trump. there is no love lost for our country, it's Constitution and laws. Before it's over, he will begin re-writing our Constitution, creating his own laws and running roughshod over our neighbors and friends. He is a mean spirited and vengeful man with no social value except to his sycophants. They all benefit from his behavior, or they believe they do. It has been said that Trump is a cancer on the USA and he is. Unfortunately there may be no effective treatment for this.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
Of course the Trump administration is a show. Most of the people there, like Mick Mulvaney, are in acting roles.
rhdelp (Monroe GA)
I will never forget the treason Trump committed in Helsinski discreditng every US National Security Agency and stating to the world he believed Putin's denial of Russian interference. No man or woman died on a battlefield defending this country with the thought a President of the United States would believe a foreign power over career officials who have proven otherwise. Their deaths were all for naught. The conspiracy theories this administration, a personal lawyer to the President, the Attorney General and Republicans in Congress are the coup and a gift that keeps on giving to Putin. It was credible to think they have remained silent through the past 3 years in fear of public humiliation from their Republican President. At this point, with obvious corruption committed by this Administration which aided Putin, the Republicans have misplaced loyalty and are violating their oaths of office. They too are not acting as American elected officials but marionettes of the 21st puppeteer Putin along with Trump.
Sha (Redwood City)
What the government did in Orwell's 1984 using the ministry of information and though police, Trump and Co. have achieved with Fox News: presenting lies as truth to brainwash masses of people.
Shiloh 2012 (New York NY)
Trump is peddling political porn. His followers get to see their deepest, darkest most excitable fantasies lived out loud, and they can't get enough of it. Appeals to reason, higher thinking, and less base emotions are pointless. The only way to undo the rapture is for something terrible to happen - individual states vote to secede, Russia invades the US and Trump orders the military to stand down, the US defaults on its debt after the treasury is looted - or for those not in the enthrall to rise up and vote out the cultists. The next election matters a lot, but more important is the long, slow battle for hearts and minds. The white, Christian, male-lead hegemony of the last 260 years is under attack, and the benefits of that system will fight with existential will.
Matt (NH)
This morning I saw a car with the following three stickers: I (heart) physical removal. Radical Agenda (with photo of white person) It's okay to be white. We are here because of Trump and Miller and the normalization of attitudes that are repugnant. I have to believe that a Democrat will be elected next November, but I fear that it will not be possible to return this metaphorical genie to its lamp.
Mark Nuckols (Moscow)
Now, now, let's not get carried away with righteous hyperventilation. I have supported impeachment since Day One, and I have argued that ignorance and incompetence are sufficient grounds. And I believe the Ukraine campaign is solid grounds enough for impeachment. But: I can see the other side's view, and in fact in may be that Trump's intent was not so dishonorable, he's so ignorant and dumb he probably does believe the Bidens are corrupt. And lookit, yes Trump is the worst president in American history. But on the other hand, he's better than almost any national leader in Africa or Latin America, so let's keep things in perspective. Trump won't and can't "reduce America to rubble," even if he's re-elected. He just will degrade the dignity of his office and make some dumb decisions, most of which will be relatively inconsequential. The Republic will survive just fine.
Brenda Pizzo (Boston, MA)
Trump won’t reduce the Republic to rubble. The Republicans are doing that for him.
Sha (Redwood City)
What the government did in Orwell's 1984 using the ministry of information and though police, Trump and Co. have achieved with Fox News: presenting lies as truth to brainwash masses of people.
Sha (Redwood City)
What the government did in Orwell's 1984 using the ministry of information and though police, Trump and Co. have achieved with Fox News: presenting lies as truth to brainwash masses of people.
rford (michigan)
In the Big Top...let's hope Congress can come up with a spectacular closing act that will shut this despicable show down as a warning to future grifters who gain access to the White House.
Nana (PNW)
You are just now figuring this out? Impeachment plays right into the hands of Trump.
BMEL47 (Heidelberg)
Explaining Trump's foolishness and irrational behavior as misconduct is not enough. Trump's foolishness can only be explain as a personality disorder, namely profound arrogance and a sense of immunity, stemming from past success in getting away with criminal conduct.
Bailey (Washington State)
If only there were a way to proceed in a way that denies him the attention he covets.
Todd (San Fran)
Look, we know exactly why a third of our country is impervious to facts and reality: they're not hearing the facts, and they're being trained in unreality by Fox News. Fox doesn't just keep them ignorant, it doesn't just pump them full of lies and venom--it actively trains its viewers to become upset and angry when presented with facts. An angry person shuts their mind, which is to say that Fox has cleverly trained its viewers to shut down and freak out if they're presented with the truth. The GOP has spent at least the last 40 years willfully undercutting public education. They want to keep their constituents ignorant. Then they bomb them with the most sophisticated propaganda machine ever constructed (with help from the Russians on Twitter and Facebook, of course). The movie "They Live" was not too far off. A third of our country has been bamboozled, they're under Fox News' spell. And if we shut it off, if we cancelled Fox, they would come out of their homes rubbing their eyes, seeing the sunlight for the first time in years. As long as Fox is on the air, as long as the GOP is allowed to prey on their voters in this disgustingly effective way, America will continue to decline.
AC (San Francisco)
By far, the most corrupt president in our nation's history. He is an embarrassment to the office and our country. My hope is that the 2020 election will rid this stain from the oval office.
DG (Idaho)
Trump will not reduce this country to rubble as it will be done so by the Kingdom of God. Gods purposes will be carried out for mankind and no one can stop Him not even the supposed "almighty Trump".
Des (Stanthorpe)
A Great Show! Not unlike another episode of ROADRUNNER, where Schift E Coyote, tip toes around with this Acme TNT, and it ends up blowing up in his face... While Trumpy zooms on down the road. Beep Beep! And Trump comes out on top, propelling him to a good win in 2020, as the Independents inexorably drift into the Trump camp. The Dems are simply out of their league. No street smarts.
Maxi (Johnstown NY)
“They are devoted to Trump’s version of the truth and his version of reality. “ NO! The is no “version of the truth” - the truth is a binary thing. There is the truth, everything else isn’t the truth. Trump is lying. Period! He LIES. Republicans in Congress know he lies, they know the truth. They are dangerous to our country and our future. Vote them ALL OUT.
AACNY (New York)
Welcome the real world. In it Bill Clinton is supported after sexually assaulting women. His wife, who sought to destroy his victims' reputations, wins the popular vote. Anyone who doesn't realize republicans are behaving no different from democrats is the one missing the point.
Bill Prange (Californiia)
Even the passionate Charles Blow is running out of steam. Trump is exhausting. All that can be said, has been said. All that can be written, has been written. Nothing new here. Once upon a time in America, there was a line to cross. Senator McCarthy crossed it, and was called out with 'At long last, have you no decency, sir?' Trump crossed the line of months ago. Nothing happened. Nothing will happen. I'm going to sit under the stars tonight and contemplate light coming from thousands of light years away - a universe where Trump is nothing, and nobody. I am weary of this man. I am weary of what he has done. I am weary of all of it.
David Kesler (San Francisco)
Washington, for goodness sake, is not Hollywood. No. The Republican Party has collapsed fully into the White Nationalist Fascist Party. That is what Trump has been spearheading. Fascism seethes into a country like a ghost. It invades like the fog. It captures the uninformed, aided and abetted by some of the very rich, some corporations, and is, in effect, backed by the military, though often reluctantly. My entire life - and I am old enough to have been 10 years old during the Nixon Impeachment - I have witnessed the slow descent of the Republican Party into the Fascist embarrassment exemplified by Jordan, McConnell, and Nunes. With Trump, undoubtedly a criminal on the order of Al Capone, we now see the Republican Party in living color. A Fascist daydream, headed by a nightmare criminal President. No other explanations are necessary. Impeachment is, of course, essential here. Who knows if any honorable Republicans exist anymore. But Impeachment is successfully educating the American Public. That may be all we can hope for. Trumps acolytes are redeemable. Fascism as an ideology, is not. We are in a grave battle for Planet Earth now. Hopefully we will survive the collapse of America. Hopefully we may see a Democratic President in 2020 or perhaps at least a Democratic Senate and House. Then, even if Trump wins in 2020 he may yet be the first President to be impeached twice. Once for Bribery and one for tax evasion or crimes related to such.
Peter (Syracuse)
Every single Republican in Congress needs to be asked every single day if they would have impeached and removed Clinton, Obama, Biden, etc. for the same thing. We know they answer. We also know they will either lie or dodge.
sharong (CA)
What I don't understand yet is why all of these Republicans support him. I don't believe it's only about getting re-elected or appointing judges. There's something more going on here. I don't believe all of the Republicans in Congress are ignorant to his lies and overall ignorance, so what is the upside for them as human beings?
Joe C (Bethel CT)
Just imagine if everything that took place the last 3+ years was against Obama. If Obama refused to release his tax returns, refused to give up his business interests, abused twitter and continuously attacked and smeared anyone and everyone - everyday! How long do you think it would take to impeach and remove Obama from office?
Thanna (Richmond, CA)
The “real consequences for the country” of his lying and cheating ways prior to assuming the presidency include defrauding the U.S. Treasury, and therefore our country, of at least half a billion dollars, in the form of unpaid taxes, as extensively reported on in this publication.
ABaron (USVI)
And that is why the Democrats will not win. No Democrat is as shameless, no Democrat will be as nasty and eviscerate Trump out loud, in person, in speeches or print. Democrats are still playing by the rules of the elementary school playground - play nice or be sent to the principal’s office. Trump isn’t using “colorful language”, he is using obscenities. He isn’t “prevaricating”, he tells lies. Until anti-Trump op ed pieces and rhetoric speaks the truth and quits using ‘nice’ language the Democrats are going nowhere.
JTM (Roxbury NY) Charles Blow’s comments on Trump’s baseless claim that Joe Biden tried to influence Ukrainian officials of behalf of his son is astounding in light of Biden bragging to CFR in 2018 that he threatened to withhold $1 billion in American aid. His additional comments, indicting the Republican Party for not supporting Democrats on Trump’s impeachable offenses, also ring shallow in light of his own denial of Biden’s bragging comments to CFR. As they say on TV , watch the Biden tape and decide for yourself.
Joe C (Bethel CT)
@JTM Very skewed logic and typical "fact twisting" from Trumps playbook. A Roy Cohn move. Biden's attempt here was to end Ukranian corruption. What Trump did here was for his "OWN POLITICAL" gain to win an election. Huge difference buddy.
Mike (Western MA)
There is really nothing new in this column. With Trump everything is spectacle, everything and everybody needs to be exploited( including our democracy). Got it Mr. Blow.
Paul Young (Los Angeles)
"How does one engage in political debate with someone lost in a world of lies?" This is the main challenge and the deeply concerning problem for the democrats now that will be magnified substantially once the standard bearer has been decided. How, indeed, does Trump's challenger engage in substantive policy debates on crime, wealth inequality, welfare, healthcare - let me repeat: Healthcare!, housing, infrastructure, veteran's affairs, military objectives, the Wall, food insecurity, the severe illicit drugs that kill many of us, vaping, jobs and underemployment, college and student loan costs - debt forgiveness, climate change. Fair justice for all. The loss of Main Street, basic income proposals, rapid transit and federal priorities for same, education and needed Head Start-type programs, Native American discrimination, African-American discrimation, Hispanic discrimination, gender equality, elder abuse (which is real). Aid for natural disaster real relief for victims in states, Puerto Rico + foreign countries. Foreign affairs matters: Cuba policy, North Korea, South Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, the EU, the African continent, Brazil - South, Central America. Americans yearn for engagement. For American "meaning", if you will. For hearing of how do we properly and fairly use our democracy for the betterment of our ppl and foreign friends. Lying candidates for prez and Congree is something we cannot abide. The times are too serious.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
The entire Presidency is just a show for Trump....the Worldwide Wrestling Federation Presidency Show where all you do is keep hitting Democrats over the head with chairs and telling tall tales about how tough you are while you cash your WWF paychecks as your WWF fan club cheers on the idiocy. There isn't a decent public policy in sight from this fake Presidency; it's a Robber Baron Reverse Robin Hood extravaganza with $22 trillion dollars in deficit ribbons regaling the WWF performance art ring starring Donald and his tag team partners Devin 'The Conspiracy' Nunes, Rudy 'Kiev' Giuliani, Mike 'I Know Nothing' Pompeo, and Sean 'Freedom' Hannity whipping up the duped masses into a patriotic frenzy as the GOP robs the nation blind of its treasury, its environment, its institutions, its votes and its future. Trumpistan has slipped the surly bonds of reason and descended into the Trumpian-GOP whirlpool of fiction, fraud and fantasy. They think a cheap draft-dodging, tax-dodging, debt-shirking city slicker telling them their skin is beautiful will solve their 21st problems. The United States of America will be Trump's next successful bankruptcy filing if the majority of decent Americans don't wake up, register to vote and VOTE is historic numbers. Fake professional wrestling performance is no way to run a $20 trillion economy and ecosystem for 330 million Americans. This show's over, America. November 3 2020.
Edgar Allen Poe (Chicago, IL)
The tone of despair in many of the comments is justified. But there's some hope everyone. Time. There's plenty of time for Trump to make true Pelosi's prediction that Trump would impeach himself even if Ukraine-gate will not move any Republican Senators to convict. Trump has time to force the hand of 20 Republicans. Just give Trump a chance and he will deliver. The secretary of the Navy just resigned because he refused to obey our dear leader's idiotic order without question. It may be only a matter of time before our dear leader incites his cult to violence against political opponents or worse. Will this force the hand of 20? Time will tell...
Judy (Canada)
I wondered how Americans could reach so low when Trump was elected. I watched as time passed and the list of his ethical lapses, misjudgments, lies and worse accumulated. Immigrants were demonized and their children heartlessly caged. He flirted with neo-Nazis and white supremacists calling them very fine people. He undermined the gravitas of his office with constant vulgar and self-serving tweets. He ignored rules, norms, customs and even the rule of law by not maintaining a distance from his businesses and enriching himself. Nepotism ruled with family in the WH and they too enriched themselves. He basked in the adulation of crowds at his rallies while threatening journalists to their applause. He created a Wonderland world where up is down and truth is fake news. Lies are alternate facts. Now we understand that he and many close to him were withholding desperately needed aid for Ukraine to have the Bidens investigated, a purely domestic political issue built on lies. There is not a conspiracy theory he does not promote, no matter it has been completely debunked. Anything to further himself, his delusions of grandeur and ensure his reelection. All the while, he has alienated long term allies, undermined international institutions and kowtowed to the despots he so admires, especially Putin. America has lost its way. Brave people have now testified to his corruption only to be threatened. It will take generations to repair the damage DJT has done. Wake up America.
Sinki (Nigeria)
DJT never wanted impeachment, they started this show and he is just better at it than them like he has been better than them (democrats) at everything they throw at him.
Paul C. McGlasson (Athens, GA)
You are right. Trump will even turn going to prison—if and when it comes to that—into another episode of the “Trump Show.”
gshart (Los Angeles)
"You Lie, You Die" – Dishonesty Derails Discrimination Case 2.29.16 It’s an expression you hear often among police officers and other sworn employees: “You Lie, You Die.” That is, if you are caught being deceptive about any work-related subject, you will be terminated and your career will be over. This concept was endorsed in a recent appeals court case that can teach lessons to all employers about the importance of honesty in the workplace. IF ONLY.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Yeah, the show is called “ No Truth OR No Consequences “. But it’s not a game, and real lives are at stake or ended. Thanks, GOP/NRA Party. 2020.
Steve Itkin (New Haven)
When he descended down the escalator I turned to my wife and said, “this clown can win”...PT Barnum incarnate, without the need to sell tickets. 63,000,000 are getting in for “free”.
Uncle Jetski (Moorestown, NJ)
If you want to stop Trump: vote Democratic, and boycott Fox News’s advertisers.
Tom Hayden (Minnesota)
I’m convinced this miasma began with professional wrestling.
nf (New York, NY)
If Trump won't be impeached it will prove more than ever a decline of a nation by allowing him to commit further damage to this country n by GOP who were made his hostages.
Kimbo (NJ)
Check the latest polls... almost half of America thinks it’s a show.
Helmut Wallenfels (Washington State)
Just as Bashar al Assad reduced his country to rubble, claiming to do the right thing.
Michael Livingston’s (Cheltenham PA)
The smugness of this column—we're right, you're wrong, nothing to talk about—captures perfectly why Trump is so successful and why he has a good chance to be reelected
sjs (Bridgeport, CT)
When you look at the history of cults in America, Jonestown, Heaven's Gate, Branch Davidians, etc. etc., you will see how completely and easily trump and his followers fit into that group. The cult of the great leader, the worshiping true believers. It is terrifying.
Knute (Pennsylvania)
You do know that Biden is on film demanding the firing of the prosecutor? How much more proof do you need?
Mojoman49 (Sarasota)
The 2020 Season of the Trump Show will feature his losing the White House to “Corrupt Joe” Biden. Despite a margin of 6 million votes nationwide and winning the Electoral College by a significant 34 Elector margin, Trump will declare the entire election rigged by a coalition of illegal Mexicans given false identities by the Deep State and meddling by Ukrainian operatives. Trump will declare a national state of emergency and invoke the Patriot Act. All registered Democrats will come under immediate surveillance by the newly formed and empowered Citizen’s Protection League. Anyone denounced for anti-administration activity will be sent to greatly expanded detention centers along boarder where they will be forced to help build the fully funded wall... I wish I was joking about this scenario.
Sage (California)
Charles Blow, I love you! Your informed indignation makes me feel normal! It is so hard to believe how Mafia-Don's Cult of followers refuse to see anything that resembles fact or truth. America in decline is what's happening. So be it.
M (CA)
The show has been going on since Trump was elected, and the curtain is coming down once again on the Democrat’s foolishness.
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
If you ever watched Jerry Springer, "Survivor," "The Apprentice" wrestling or "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," this Bud's for you!
mjbarr (Burdett, NY)
Trump Unbound, it will be the worst reality show ever.
JD Ripper (In the Square States)
Every day I wake up stunned that my country elected a man like Donald Trump to be President and that my wonderful country is being brought down by the likes of such a poor excuse of a human being.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
True enough. Trump is a farcical clown, whose noxious abilities to him are unlimited, even at the cost of self-destruction...while trying to take the rest of us with him. Classic "Reality TV", you may say, as it seems effective in entertaining his troops, desperate to escape the daily routine of unrelieved stress, plus their limited access to the facts...when the only News they expose themselves to is Fox Noise, Trump's, and republican's, propaganda arm...and where fact and fiction are mixed freely, to accommodate the needs of their liar in-chief, a shrewd demagogue that, for lack of reason, has his base emotionally trapped into loyal obedience. This cannot last indefinitely, as Trump's erosion (his rabid dog biting on the rise) attests.
Raj Sinha (Princeton)
My 2 cents: Trump is essentially a “Shock Jock” provocateur masquerading as our President. He is a despicable and despotic demagogue who is determined to deconstruct our democracy into a dysfunctional dystopia.
tom harrison (seattle)
Leading man? Trump has such lousy acting chops that he only plays himself in film and television. And Alec Baldwin does a better Trump than Trump does.
rpe123 (Jacksonville, Fl)
The false Russia collusion story was a big show for the media for two and a half years...hysterical, WWII level coverage for a bunch of speculations and lies. Makes Trump's theatrics seem like child's play. Calling the kettle black.
Len (Pennsylvania)
We can call Trump Teflon Don because nothing sticks to him. He has paid exactly zero consequences for his lies, his womanizing, his stiffing contractors who work for him, his racism, his misogyny. He is the luckiest man on the earth. Can anyone blame him for feeling like he can shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it? While I agree with Charles Blow and look forward to reading his column, it is becoming the same old refrain, railing against Trump and hoping for a comeuppance.
John Grillo (Edgewater, MD)
At this grotesque historical point with gutless Republican Senators still in lockstep with their Il Duce, it appears that the only national event standing between America’s quickened plunge into fascism or the opportunity to begin the return to democratic values, principles, and normalcy is the 2020 election. Aside from the possibility that there may emerge between now and then some deeply injurious Trump revelations, we must hope that a clear majority of the voters are and remain appalled, sickened, exhausted by the “reality show” which is Trump. Anyone who willingly accepts, even enjoys, what this degenerate has done to our national fabric should decamp to Moscow.
MIMA (heartsny)
We have to ask, knowing Trump is a fraud - what’s in it for his puppets, like Jim Jordan, Nunes, McConnell and the rest? What hold does Trump have over them when it’s obvious of the man’s immorality?
Charlie (NH)
Is Trump show theatre or a circus? Nothing against clowns, however, do we want a clown running the country?
AutumnLeaf (Manhattan)
Yes it is, a show. He's the puppeteer, and the Democrats are the puppets. Too bad no one is amused by the Punch and Judy show.
joe (Rhode Island)
The Biden situation,separate and apart from Trumps behavior,merits investigation. His son,and some other members of elite families weekre in that rotten gas company up to their ears Was the approach Trump used an excess of power,or did it fall within the foreign policy purview of his office? Obama shipping billions of dollars in cash to Iran in the middle of the night stank out loud,but he was never taken to task for it in any formal manner. Mr.Blow is consumed with hate for this Preslident. He is aligned with the consortium that started the move to undo the election from day one.
Coy (Switzerland)
Thank God for Aaron Rodgers
Time - Space (Wisconsin)
The Republicans deserve Trump. May they and theirs consume the fruit that he sows.
Elin Minkoff (Florida)
Unfortunately for the vulgarian-criminal trump, and his deceitful gop minions, this is NOT Hollywood. If it were, it would definitely be time for Academy Awards all around, as no one could have ever imagined a USA "story" and actors so vile, so sickening, and so full of horrors and atrocities. While we all know that there is some self-serving behavior amongst politicians, (that goes for anybody) this foul crew takes "self-serving" to a whole new level of repulsion. If we were dealing with normal people, who had normal, human emotions, intelligent brains instead of cunning brains, and decent moral compasses, we might say: "Listen trump, and gop, come back to earth. This is not about you and your greed, or you and your racism, and you and your cruelty...You have to GOVERN this nation, and do what is right for ALL of the people." But it is far too late in the game for anything like this, and, frankly, they don't care one bit about this country or its citizens. There is no one who can talk any sense of decency into them. They have taken their corruption so far that there is no turning back. They care ONLY about money, power, and furthering hatred, and their sadistic, hate-and-greed-fueled policies. As for the lying, the obfuscating, and the obstruction of justice, and obstruction of is to such a stunning level of criminality and insanity that most days I find it hard to believe. This entire pestilent trump era is certainly "one for the books." Lock them up!
Amy (Brooklyn)
For Schiff, Impeachment is a Show.
Terence (Canada)
The existential threat to the United States from Trump is equal to the threat to Hong Kong from China; yet millions protest daily in Hong Kong; in the United States, a few write to the New York Times. Good work!
William Case (United States)
Sen. Ron Johnson has posted a copy of a letter he sent to Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee to his Senate webpage. The letter has been entered into evidence and will become a cornerstone of the president’s defense. It details Johnson participation in meetings with President Trump and President Zelensky.' 
Johnson, wrote that he “winched” when Ambassador Sondland described “an arrangement where, if Ukraine did something to demonstrate its serious intention to fight corruption and possibly help determine what involvement operatives in Ukraine might have had during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, then Trump would release the hold on military support.” But Johnson wrote President Trump was furious when he asked the president if Sondland’s remark was true: “It was only after he reiterated his reasons for not giving me the authority to tell Zelensky the support would be released that I asked him about whether there was some kind of arrangement where Ukraine would take some action and the hold would be lifted.  Without hesitation, President Trump immediately denied such an arrangement existed. As reported in the Wall Street Journal, I quoted the president as saying, “(Expletive deleted) — No way.  I would never do that.  Who told you that?”  The letter also explains why Trump imposed the hold and why he lifted it.
Desert Rat (Palm Springs)
Worse than Trump and his lies and transgressions and possible crimes, is the Republican Party choosing — yes, choosing — to side with our adversary, Russia. It’s that stark. It’s that wrong. It’s that frightening.
Tres Leches (Sacramento)
For Trump, Impeachment is a Show and we're all willing watchers. Donald is featured as the leading man everywhere you look today because we all click on links, memes and social media posts and watch tv shows and reports featuring him. I for one am sick of seeing this human stain's face everywhere I turn. Even if he's still around for the 2020 election and is voted out of office, we'll still have to put up with seeing his mug and nasty tweets daily. Maybe we can all just get rid of him by consistently and pointedly ignoring him and what he says, which isn't all that substantive anyway.
Joel Geier (Oregon)
Let's give him an Emmy for "Best Departing Actor" and hope he accepts it -- and leaves.
SGK (Austin Area)
Along with "There's a sucker born every minute," P.T. Barnum also said, "“Nobody ever lost a dollar by underestimating the taste of the American public.” ....Trump had to have been at his side, along with his own father and that of Roy Cohn's -- conning, conniving, cajoling. What too many Democrats underestimate is just how successful Trump is at being the ringmaster as well as tamer of defanged lions. The spotlight energizes him -- which CNN and MSN as well as Fox shine until left and right both are blinded. Much as truth and facts are hurled at him, he hurls them right back repackaged as simple(minded) messages his supporters receive as love notes. We have learned the clown parade of Republicans simply do not operate without the ringmaster's orders -- again, facts are beside the point. Perhaps someday we'll learn what other forces are operating on Trump. Putin, dark money forces in the U.S., global interests we can't imagine now, etc. Trump is powerful, but he doesn't own the show; he's the ringmaster. Still, he's the one closing it down right on top of us. We have to drive him out into the dark of night, otherwise we're doomed to be the suckers who failed to understand how to defeat him.
LaPine (Pacific Northwest)
"They are devoted to Trump’s version of the truth and his version of reality." Any 'version' Trump relates has no commonality with "truth" as I know it. Mr Blow, be careful when using the word 'truth' please. There is only one truth. There is no hope to change the believers of Trump's constant lies just as there was no hope to change the beliefs of German people in 1933, or the Spaniards when Franco aired his lies. We need to get voters to the polls in 2020 and hope there are enough decent people who still care about this country, the Constitution, and democratic principles it was founded upon.
LaPine (Pacific Northwest)
"They are devoted to Trump’s version of the truth and his version of reality." Any 'version' Trump relates has no commonality with "truth" as I know it. Mr Blow, be careful when using the word 'truth' please. There is only one truth. There is no hope to change the believers of Trump's constant lies just as there was no hope to change the beliefs of German people in 1933, or the Spaniards when Franco aired his lies. We need to get voters to the polls in 2020 and hope there are enough decent people who still care about this country, the Constitution, and democratic principles it was founded upon.
Paul O (NYC)
I'm wondering how or if this would all play out if instead of Trump wanting dirt on the BIdens, he wanted money - part of that $400 million – in his own pocket. And so I'm also wondering, if the impeachment fails to oust him, if he'll then be free to make such demands of whomever Congress appropriates money to.
If this column appeared in a Republican paper, the opening line would be: "The point is proven. The corruption has not been established, and even if it had, it's not impeachable. Nothing to see here, move along." And the closing line would be: "Making Emperor Donald great makes America great. What part of that don't you understand?" So, Charles, no matter how much truth you speak to power, or how much we agree with you, power is not listening and doesn't care. I don't know how this sickness ends, and I also fear that it won't in our lifetimes.
Bill (upstate Ny)
The alternate view, held by a majority according to polls, is that there is no there there which might justify impeachment. Democrat leaders are a smart bunch of politicians. They have known from the beginning the political math- The House can impeach but the Senate will not convict on what they have. It has been only a show trial from the start. This kabuki was begun by Democrats as an attempt to damage the President with centrist voters and ensure that registered Democrats will vote for whoever is the nominee. Lots of Democrats stayed home in 2016 b/c of the nominee and it cost the party dearly.
John Ryan Horse (Boston)
The polls show Trump's approval has been rising since the public testimony of 12 credible witnesses before Congress. This is indeed (still) shocking. Yet the soil for this decadence has been around us for decades, and led to Trump. First we have the decline of a secure middle and working class, consequently a grotesque wealth disparity that fuels anger and cynicism. Secondly, related, is a decline of liberal arts education that values reason, nuanced analysis, and perspective. I can only hope for a "political revolution" in 2020, for everyone's sakem
Steve (Seattle)
Charles there are no "honorable" Republicans so they will vote "no" on impeachment. As to conservatives having been twisted into something unrecognizable by trump it is the other way around. Conservatives spawned, supported and encouraged trump. They are one and the same. They share the same values.
Katalina (Austin, TX)
This is a tough time for the country. We are not facing war, per se, nor a financial depression (yet), neither floods nor rising waters nor hurricanes or tornadoes are sweeping the land, but we appear to be at the mercy of many who do not remember that a democracy--in order to sustain itself--must have a public that can be educated in the necessity of choosing leaders who have the interests of the nation and its citizens as primary goals. In spite of evidence that reveals Trump to be a renegade and liar in business dealings and to the American public, he has managed to bamboozle of all things, the GOP and enough of a base to continue with him. Farmers? You're still w/him after the Chinese tariffs? US Taxpayers? After the tax cut that hurts most of us, benefits the very tiny 0.1% of them, climate change worriers, and election fraud watchers? Yes, Ukraine got the aid, but Russia is behind the scenes. Look at the subtext. Hunter Biden is the problem of 2015, not 2019, unless Trump succeeds in white-washing the actions of Manafort, Cohen, Gates, Flynn, now Gulilani, the two stooges--who'd I leave out? Wake up and smell the odor, citizens!
Hj (Florida)
@Katalina Good points. You must read "Anonymous". It is worth the time. Whomever wrote it makes his/her case as best as can under the circumstances. Me and mine are as average as anyone in the country. Both veterans, just hoping for justice to prevail.
Bruce (Virginia)
@Katalina a Our whole democratic system needs to be revamped from the bottom up. Trump is no better than the right wing. If, and when he is gone we still have major problems with politics, internet, news, education, tax, and etc.
Frank F (Santa Monica, CA)
@Katalina Great comment, with one small quibble: Floods, rising waters, and hurricanes ARE sweeping the land! Fires too.
RLW (Chicago)
The Democrats should never play Trump's game the way he thinks they will. They should continue to hold public displays of Trump's corrupt, unconstitutional, self-serving behavior. When we keep seeing (like last week's public hearings) just how corrupt Trump really has been, even his most ardent base supporters will see him for what he is and is not. Let the House Judiciary committee continue to expose Trump's behavior. But, the full House should never vote to send "Articles of Impeachment" to Mitch McConnell's Republican Senate where Trump will be exonerated. Smear him publicly with all of his corruption. Play it over and over again. But never vote to send it to the Senate. Let the voters decide in November 2020 the fate of Trump. The continued exposure of his Republican supporters in Congress will besmirch their re-election campaigns and help elect a Democratic majority in both Congressional Houses.
John Leonard (Massachusetts)
"There is no remaining doubt that this happened." Absolutely. And when people say "It doesn't rise to the level where impeachment is needed." I always ask them just how they figure. It's a fair question, after all, to Republicans, lying about a consensual sex act between two adults rises to the level of impeachment, but they never seem to be able to field it.
John Burke (NYC)
It is true that Trump is putting on a big show, just like his reality TV show, whereby looking, speaking and acting "strong" and "tough" is the major theme. Everything he does is crafted to project the "character" he is playing. No sign of being "weak" can be permitted. But the question is, what is he being "tough" about? Much as it pains me to say, he's the ostensible Tough Guy tens of millions of white Americans feel they need to protect them from a kind of cultural decline and eventual oblivion as they feel increasingly surrounded by legions of non-white peoples. In short, Trumpism is the embattled resistende of a dying White Ascendancy. This does not mean that every pro-Trump American is a racist, but it does mean that millions of whites -- especially older whites -- are affected by anxiety and resentment over the rapid change around them. The election of the first African-American deepened these fears. Consider as an example West Virginia. That overwhelmingly white state voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore, both liberals but also white southerners, twice, in 1992 and 1996. Twelve years later, the state went solidly against Obama and is now among the most strongly loyal to Trump. I'm sorry, but that change is not about trade policy, coal mining, or even abortion.
Judith MacLaury (Lawrenceville, NJ)
Trumps unreality show works because of a blatant neglect to develop and promote the skills and appreciation of democracy. Instead we teach civics, the nuts and bolts of how our republic works. We need to realize the most of democracy depends on belief and emotional involvement. There is nothing right now that supports this, yet everyone needs it to be part of a concerted effort to create government of, by, and for the people.
alprufrock (Portland, Oregon)
People are not in the streets. Indivisible and are hopefully filling up living rooms and office building meeting rooms with activists prepared to motivate others. But, unlike the citizens of Hong Kong who see the dark specter of authoritarian rule before them and take to the streets at great risk, Americans remain in their living rooms stupefied but oddly entertained while such an obvious monster bends an entire political party to his corrupt will. Trained to suspend disbelief, trained to embrace fairy tales, America sits and watches a chainsaw massacre believing no one really gets hurt. Maybe we should ask Jamal Kashoggi or farmers in Iowa who voted him in.
George (Orlando, Florida)
@alprufrock While in Europe a couple of years ago, two Germans wondered to us how this could happen in a country where protests stopped a war? We had no explanation. Why are we not protesting every day instead of being sick after reading the news and just being depressed? I don't have an answer. It is so hard to find a way to deal with this.
Jaime McBrady (Milwaukee)
Wow. We’re right back to the naked emperor. I don’t really believe the republicans care so deeply about Trump. I think they think they’re trying to save the party. But, lacking the courage to break ranks, they’ve been complicit in a far more nefarious crime.
Marie (Canada)
Trump is still where he is - and happy to be there - because he has become the epitome of power by virtue of his position and by his actions, and power - however heinous and ill-used - has always been admired. The man has never flinched and has honed his skill as a consummate liar to shore himself up no matter how serious the situation. He diverts and maneuvers and somehow comes out in the clear every time. To Trump and to his cohort and his base impeachment is no more serious than the bankruptcy of a business. It appears nearly impossible for a constitutional and representative government to remove a person like this from the highest office in the land, and it may be difficult to oust him by vote. What next?
Fran B. (Kent, CT)
God forbid (because the Republicans certainly won't) that Trump should survive impeachment and be renominated to run again in 2020. I have a t-shirt that calls for 2020 Vision on November 3, 2020. The history of this terrible travesty of a Presidency will be difficult to write because "original" sources are recorded in often vulgar Twitter messages. We know that many of the archives--documents, letters, electronic messages, etc. of administrative officials are stashed in some secret closet. Think of it as family garbage - we're supposed to sort out and separate recyclable materials--cans, glass containers and durable plastics in one lot-- papers and cardboard in another;, used Pampers, tissues and "burnable" trash in another; food waste and compostables in another. But Trump official government materials go into a single stream to be hidden away or destroyed. Corruption is contagious. Impeachment won't cure it all or make a happy Hollywood ending, but the Constitution is the script we have; and a few good men and women are ready to play their parts. Let's see it through.
William (Atlanta)
It's more than just the conservative media. It's the entire media universe. During Watergate people were outraged and eventually took to the streets. And that outrage started with young people. Young people were exposed to a different popular culture back then. Bob Dylan, Marvin Gaye, and Joni Mitchell do not equate to to Cardi B, Fetty wap, Drake and Bieber. The idealistic love, peace and understanding culture of that era seems quaint now that we literally have people who are famous only for being famous. Crass materialism and cynicism rules the pop culture universe now. Trump started as a reality TV personality. His whole shtick is his tackiness and his bling, bling. He is the kind of person previous generations would loath but in today's vapid plastic culture he is celebrated.
pixilated (New York, NY)
This column is spot on, but if there is a ray of daylight in the tunnel of obfuscation and lies, it is the part of the pattern that Trump has successfully hidden in tales of his history, the ratios of his ultimate failures to his wins, albeit at the great expense of many. In the end, Trump is his own worst enemy, which in lieu of the incredible amount of damage he has wrought is less comforting than it might be were he just a con artist in the private sector. If the Republican party leaders are still capable of sentient thought, they may want to read a few of the biographies he tried to sue off the shelves and failed miserably because they contained the truth. In trumpland, nobody wins but Trump and often that means he wins by cutting his losses and moving on to the next set of marks, which explains why he and his family are the number one security risks to our republic. When we are finally rid of this tumor on our democracy, the Republicans will be left holding the bag of debts and wholesale wreckage. They will be the equivalent of the people who put their life savings into Trump University, but without the compensation and they will deserve it.
JD (Santa Fe)
It has come to this. Trump supporters treat and view the presidency as entertainment. Look at the ridiculous boost-his-delicate-ego Trump rallies. They might as well be watching Jeopardy! (Alas, I belittle Jeopardy! Their contestants AND viewers are literate.) If this governance-as-entertainment continues, our democracy will not endure.
Astute Commentary (Queens NY)
What if a billionaire were to flood the Fox News outlets across the country with a very effective media campaign exposing the Trump lies and debunking his conspiracy theories? What if such a campaign would save the country from undergoing the charade he plans for the Senate trial? You must never ever assume Trump cannot be beat at his own game.
VH (Toronto, Ontario)
Mostly, other than those who would be doomed to going down with the ship, Republicans who continue to support Trump likely couldn't cope with the shattering of the cult's brainwashing miasma. Imagine the psychological trauma of realizing the damage that they've done to the country by sticking with a corrupt regime. The humiliation. The fear of shame in a machismo culture. Germany still deals with post WW2 trauma that way.
Sunny Day (Highland Lakes NJ)
The Trump did something like this a few years ago with the Marla Maples affair - bad press - ugly stuff - all over the papers. He figured any publicity was good publicity. In that case it worked. This is a different situation though - this time it may backfire on him. But yes this is part of his show or presentation of himself. He has few restraints in what he can or will do.
Doug McNeill (Chesapeake, VA)
Our president has repackaged the tag line from Louis XV, "apres moi, le deluge" ("after me, the flood"). He will gladly arouse a compliant public to believe anything which enriches himself first regardless of its effect on representative democracy. He uses the tools of spectacle to distract us--"but what about her e-mails?". I am gobsmacked about his base willing to accept him as the sole arbiter of Truth when his history is replete with lies from his history of financial success, his philandering, his obsession with autocracy--particularly Russia and his shameless self-dealing. He is P.T. Barnum incarnate and like that showman leads us and democracy "to the egress".
mother of two (IL)
Lest we forget Trump's approach to government as he first entered the WH: Every day will be an episode of a reality show in which he (Trump) vanquishes his enemies by the end of the episode. I'm paraphrasing but he actually told his staff this maxim. Every day a new episode. Any lie or corruption will be deployed to ensure his victory at the end of the day's news cycle. And the GOP have bought it hook, line, and sinker. To listen to Sen. Kennedy on Fox, he has disgraced himself. Senators over the past few weeks have been briefed by the IC, reiterating their conclusion that Russia--not Ukraine--interfered w/ our 2016 election. Despite that Dr. Hill implored the House GOP not to play Putin's game by perpetuating these "false narratives" regarding Ukraine, the entirety of the Republican party in Congress spouts Trump's lies. This is complicity with Russia, nothing less. We will lose our democracy and it will be because people like Lindsay Graham, Devin Nunes, John Kennedy, and Mitch McConnell will no longer risk their political careers by standing for facts, truth, and the Constitution. You, sirs, will be reviled by the future for what you are doing to us at this moment. We know your names; we will make sure your names will never be forgotten as they join the ranks of Benedict Arnold and other traitors. Gen. Arnold at least led an important victory at the Battle of Saratoga; these current traitors have NO redeeming features.
Consiglieri (NYC)
Mr. Blow's warning: "Trump will reduce this country to rubble before he will submit to correction", the USA has survived a revolution, a bloody civil war, two world wars, Korea, Vietnam, 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq and we are still standing. Patriotic Americans will hit the streets and do whatever is necessary to replace the corruption that is affecting our well being as a nation.
Tired of Complacency (Missouri)
I often wonder how the average citizen felt or thought as the Roman empire was crumbling... did they see or experience first hand the corruption, facades of lies and deceit and simply go about their business? Did a fair percent buy into the cult of disillusion while intoxicating themselves with the remnants of wealth? I wonder aloud simply because I have come to believe that the toxic combination of a persistent, generation-long RW media operation foisting and giving air to conspiracies with a narcissistic, malevolent dictator-wannabe is leading us toward the same path as the Roman Empire. Trump leads a cult. A cult of personality that millions of Americans have bought into. For what benefit? The reality show. The perception of greatness. The "sticking it to liberals". Anti-immigration. Friendly judicial rulings. It's obvious that Trump's leanings (aligning with GOP policies) of enriching the already wealthy, so I can see their allegiance. But the rest of the masses? While the Roman Empire crumbled over many generations, our crumbling (occurring in real time) is taking place in a matter of less than a generation... I guess our Constitution, laws and principles are only as good as those that must protect them. One there is a shortage of those of honorable, ethical and moral men and women, anarchy is a short trip.
Bob in NM (Los Alamos, NM)
Don't we see a parallel to what happened across both Ponds nearly a century ago? And that it took catastrophe to reboot the world. Tell me why this won't be any different? Does history repeat itself? Is the sky blue?
Tournachonadar (Illiana)
Correction: Trump is staging his political version of the Jerry Springer Show. Complete with its bottomless contempt for the audience and its participants.
Victor (Pennsylvania)
"Trump realized something that few people are willing to acknowledge: That politics is theater first. It is about appearance and performance to a disturbing degree." To some extent this has always been so. George Washington sitting tall upon his steed commanding the Continental army. Abe Lincoln trodding the blood soaked fields of Gettysburg to proclaim his hope that our government shall not perish. FDR rising before Congress to declare a date which will live in infamy. Reagan at the Berlin Wall issuing his demand to Mr. Gorbachov. G. W. Bush standing with a soot stained firefighter after 9/11, shouting, "I hear you." Presidential theater has a vaunted history. Every instance cited, though, fronts a momentous backdrop: the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War II, the worst attack on US soil. In Trumpworld, the drama is reduced to the cheapest soap opera with the most sordid of causes. A wall to stave off forces that would challenge white supremacy, a parade to show the world we have a lot of tanks, rallies to magnify invective against all forms of dissent however peaceful. It is a traveling show boasting a tattered conestoga pulled by a bony nag and featuring a snake oil salesman screeching over a spluttering helicopter or spluttering over a screeching helicopter. It makes no difference. The play's the thing, isn't it?
JABarry (Maryland)
@Victor You bring truth of past historical American political theater to light and contrast that inspiring, unifying theater to Trump's very dark, dividing, meaningless Theatre of the Absurd. Well done!
Uofcenglish (wilmette)
Well, Charles, I can't help bu think you don't understand politics. Bloomberg is the only guy who can beat Trump and you have written him off. Time for you to rethink. In this political world today it is going to take millions and some genius to beat Trump, don't kid yourself. And it is essential that he loose, and loose big. I am convinced Bloomberg will send Trump where he needs to go. So put aside your negativity on Bloomberg and get on board. No other candidate has a chance. I wanted Warren, Harris, or any of the above, but the reality is they can't win. Let's get real.
JABarry (Maryland)
"For Trump, Impeachment Is a Show" Well at least part of the show. The really big show is "The Donald Trump Show". Impeachment is an act in his penny-dreadful show. It is like his business bankruptcies, nothing more or less than an opportunity to deceive, demean, dismiss the bit players in his show like investors, subcontractors, Republicans in Congress, MAGAts, a world audience. In "The Donald Trump Show" Trump is competing for notoriety (not acclaim). He's competing against a long list of former contestants (all notorious villains in recorded history) and contemporary contestants (Kim, Putin, Duterte, Erdoğan, etc.), in the category of "Infamy." Don't get it wrong. Trump hasn't committed mass murders (yet) nor thrown people into forced labor camps (yet), his notoriety is aimed at ending American values, democracy, the US Constitution. And it looks like he is succeeding in that effort. "Impeachment is important because our system of democracy is being tested. The Constitution is being tested." And if Republicans play the part they signed up for, democracy and the Constitution will fail. Trump "has succeeded in eroding truth and bending reality among those who support him. He has succeeded in commandeering conservatism and twisting it into" amoral corruption. If that is not worthy of placing him head to head among the world's most notorious villains...then following his acquittal in the Senate, his next act may just electrify us. Possibly literally.
Kurt Pickard (Murfreesboro, TN)
So when was sleepy Joe ever considered a political rival of Trump? It was always crooked Hillary, Charlie you know that as well as anyone. And just because Biden says he and his son didn't do anything illegal, you're going to take their word for that just because their of your party? Wrong is wrong no matter who it is where or when it was committed. However, if you're partisan, which you definitely are, then what your team does is unequivacably right, end of discussion. I do hope that the Trump impeachment moves to trial in the Senate where Joe and Hunter Biden will be called to testify along with Adam Schiff. Then on December 9 the FISA report will be made public and the Dems will have yet another can of worms to deal with. Brace for impact Charles.
LW (Vermont)
Trump did not invent this process of destroying truth and replacing it with alternate facts. That was Murdoch and Ailes, using Faux News in an effort from the very beginning to brainwash Americans into believing that everyone else was lying, that all other media was deliberately carrying water for forces aligned against it's viewers. This effort to destroy our democracy, by destroying our faith in the press and in government, at any cost, seems to be coming to fruition, embodied by the biggest liar of them all -- our fearless Leader himself. But he sure wasn't the first. These folks are all the direct descendants of earlier proponents of The Big Lie. Our country is in deep trouble.
mcap (wausau)
Kazan's "A Face in the Crowd"is an eerie preview of the Trump era only with the main character transplanted to Manhattan and the crowd unwilling to break with him no matter how often and brazenly he reveals himself. So, how will this story end?
qed (manila)
For all who are moping or moaning, there is some upside. At least the Ukraine conspiracy has been exposed and stopped. That may not be enough but at least it is something.
John Paul Esposito (Brooklyn, NY)
Oh, "so sad". America has become 1930's Germany. An egomaniac "leader", and a populace of lemmings willing to follow him to total destruction of their own country. The donald has been a "loozer" since he came on the scene in the 1970's, and only became a well-know figure in middle America from the Apprentice TV show. it wasn't even his (Trump's) project. Mark Burnett, the show's creator, was the one who made that show successful. He CAST the donald as an obnoxious "boss" who bullied the contestants and got to spout "you're fired" at the end of each episode. He was type cast.
Hortencia (Charlottesville)
I second the advice from H.G. in Detroit. We cannot sit by and let the Republicans run over us. Get busy and support Democratic candidates .... including those who are outside your jurisdiction or State. Drink cheaper coffee and give 5 bucks if that’s all you can. Those 5 bucks add up. Just look what they did for Obama.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
All I want for Christmas is one Resignation. Or Death. And I’m NOT ashamed to say I have NO preference. Seriously.
Andrew Shin (Toronto)
Charles, the Constitution is the leading man. Trump is a sideshow, the Court Jester. A star is born. Fiona Hill. Trump's audience consists of two principal constituents. The wealthy, who support Trump because he enables their wealth. Working-class whites for whom Trump's verbal license enables their whiteness and nationalism. Look what the youth of Hong Kong achieved.
Diana (Centennial)
Trump (with the help of Fox News) has very effectively used Goebbels propaganda techniques to mislead and spread lies, as well as to instill adoration of himself in his base. His base believes whatever he says is the truth, and will not be dissuaded by facts. Goebbels stated: " A lie told often enough becomes accepted truth". I am uncertain as to how we overcome this, it is as if some horrible infection has spread throughout our country with little to stop it. Truth has been the casualty in all this. Trump along with his fellow Republicans is using the impeachment proceedings to portray himself as a victim. His base has never cared that he was amoral or corrupt. They are now invigorated by what they deem an assault on their esteemed leader. Impeachment was a moral imperative, but I am so afraid that we will win the battle and lose the war.
ThinkingCdn (CAN)
At a time like this, we can find guidance in the fictional dystopias of the past. Certainly Orwell's 1984 but also the hilarious Woody Allen film Sleeper, set in 2073 and showing America in the thrall of a dead dictator. Funny, yes. Eerily like the present? Absolutely.
Leigh (Qc)
Speaker Pelosi is fond of the Benjamin Franklin comment when he was asked what sort of government the Continental Congress had adopted with the new constitution - a republic if you can keep it, said Franklin. Every generation of Americans since, in one way or another, has determined to hang onto the republic that was their inheritance, and their trust. Will this generation throw all of it away to satisfy to ego of one preening nincompoop glommed onto by an opportunistic passel of oligarchs and plutocrats?
Acajohn (Chicago)
It couldn’t be stated more eloquently, succinctly, or precisely. Bravo Mr. Blow. My only question, will even one of his powerful Congressional sycophants actually defend the Constitution over his/her cultish brainwashing?
Hortencia (Charlottesville)
This column so clearly affirms that Trump is the embodiment of malignant narcissism on full display. His pestilent ego would rather see destruction than admit any kind of defeat. I fear his proven taste for cruelty and chaos. Thank you Charles.
Speakin4Myself (OxfordPA)
Lest we forget, after the Senate declined to convict Clinton for lying about infidelity (something Trump has repeatedly done), Republicans used both his conduct and Democratic senators' refusal to vote to convict as campaign issues in 1999 and 2000. [6 Republican senators voted Not Guilty including Spectre.] That campaign issue probably kept Gore from winning Florida and may have made a difference in MI, OH, NV, or TN. TV Trump, like a mafia don just acquitted, may extend a technical 'Not Guilty' bragging "Hey, I ain't done nothing wrong and they can't prove I did!" DJT will keep campaigning on Fake News, Witch-hunt, Hoax, and even Coup! [Impeachment, in removing any duly elected president from office, is done by duly elected senators and representatives!] As a campaign issue it has and will fire up Trump's base, but Every Time They Bring It Up, Republicans remind wavering voters about whatever they may have heard in these months that makes them doubt Trump. This is the double-edged campaign issue that can be turned on every Republican that voted to support him. 35 senators and the entire House run in 2020. This is The unifying issue the Democrats need not only to beat Trump and win the Senate, but to win seats all down the ticket. Look at the 2019 results!
Samuel Owen (Athens, GA)
Mr. Blow its worse then the truth of your piece. The Republicans have been engaging ruthlessly in the deconstruction of our Federal & State governments for decades now. And their brazenness in that regard is increasing not declining Why did he find it necessary to intervene in the Seal’s case. To show our rank & file military that as Commander & Chief he’s more loyal to their welfare than their direct commanders. So be loyal to me before them. The Dem leaders and media think their actions are just political in nature not nefarious. In Trumps first year, a few House Members wanted articles against him. No other Dems were in support of that most wanted a Mueller report. The House as a group took no action! Then once a Whistleblower brought charges they got busy???? Now the Dems say time is short. Whether Trump is re-elected next Nov. or not! News flash he’ll be President until the following Inauguration Day. The current House must publicly expose every corrupt US Official in every Branch using all The USC power at their disposal not politics. We don’t even have a functioning Federal Election Commission? But The Republicans have their hacks overseeing every agency! As one of the witnesses stated they’ve hollowed out the government. That’s not idealogical deviousness that’s criminal malfeasance and Constitutional Frauds! And members of Congress are the top police & judges over all US Officials! Start acting like it!
John Dunkle (Reading, PA)
Hey, I thought Charlie was finally going to write a good column, about how much the Donald and we enjoy the silly anti-Trump charade, but no, the usual blather.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
Donald is an extension of Republican dirty tricks. He -- like the party that suppresses votes, gerrymanders dems out of office and presses county clerks to disenfranchise minority communities -- cheats to win. In the long tradition of Republican presidents -- every one since Eisenhower -- he runs a criminal enterprise out of the White House, with the support of GOP congressional leaders. Does anyone believe there is even one Republican senator who will stand up against dirty politics?
Drusilla Hawke (Kennesaw, Georgia)
trump has gotten away with lying, cheating, and bullying his entire life. Regardless of whether the craven Republicans in the Senate vote to convict, impeachment by the House may be the closest he will ever come to being held accountable for his actions. He needs to feel that sting at least, assuming he is capable of feeling.
Go to any supermarket checkout and you'll see enquiring minds are starving for absolute nonsense. People have to pay for the National Enquirer, but Trump gives it away for free.
Andrew Shin (Toronto)
The leading man is the Constitution. Trump is a sideshow, a rabble-rousing Court Jester. An orange buffoon sits in the White House, while the white whale resides in Moscow. A star is born. Fiona Hill. Trump has two main constituents. The wealthy, who support Trump because he enables them to safeguard their wealth. Working-class whites, who support Trump because he enables their simmering resentments and deceives them into thinking that he enables their whiteness and some eccentric notion of nationalism. Witness Hong Kong. The youth are doing it. Pro-democracy forces won a decisive victory, flipping more than half of the pro-Beijing seats.
Bronx Jon (NYC)
It’s always been one big game for him to win and he’s found the most willing players as his accomplices in the GOP which is pathetic and in all of their supporters. He’s probably won this game already and the only thing we can do is make sure in 2020 he doesn’t win again.
Susanna (United States)
If there was a viable third party candidate, it’s very possible that Trump would lose the election in 2020. But against the faction formerly known as the Democratic Party, he’s a likely shoo-in. Even loyal Democrats aren’t blind to what has become of cities, like San Francisco, under Democratic leadership. What a disgrace.
KB (London)
Well put Mr. Blow, the whole thing is sad and pathetic. I would only point out that the lying started long before Trump. He is simply the zenith of lying, or perhaps nadir would be more apt. Remember Karl "we make our own reality" Rove? The right-wing and their media/disinformation complex have been up to this for a long time. Rove, Gingrich, Fox "News", hate radio, all the lying and hypocrisy. Now it seems they have subsumed the entire Republican party and a large swathe of voters. Our democracy is in deep trouble.
Frank Joyce (Detroit, MI)
All true. But Mr. Blow ignores the core delusion that has been practiced from the very beginning of what came to be called the United States. From the creation myths of white supremacy and the first ever white nationalist nation-state flow many tributaries. Some are deeper and wider than others. Trumpism is one of them.
cheryl (yorktown)
Trump's showmanship is all about exhibitionism and indecent exposure, for applause. Burlesque. But it isn't all about those 'small hands' ( except perhaps to himself) -- it's the revealing of his mind and motivations which - well, which WAS shocking, but is now appalling.
Christopher Ross (Durham, North Carolina)
The man is insolvent. Not only does he have less money than he claims to have, but more importantly, he is insolvent spiritually and morally, a criminally insane monster completely lacking in humanity, the very definition of a zombie. Every empire eventually crumbles and falls and apparently it is now our turn. And we have followed the pattern. While we were out running the world and bossing every other country around, installing military bases in sovereign nations as if it were our divine right, the rot at home was left to spread of its own accord. We could not have come up with a better symbol of that rot to preside at the end than Donald Trump.
kirk (montana)
Generally agree with this but I think there are a number of things that should be a part of most Impeachment coverage: 1) the FBI mirrored the drives of 140 Democratic servers and took those with them. There was not one server 2) Crowdstrike is a publicly traded US co. based in CA 3) No Ukrainians are involved with Crowdstike, a Russian immigrant helped found it 4) There is no such thing as djt's 'version of the truth'. These are paranoid delusions that are totally false 5) The US republican cult has more in common with the United Russian party and its leader putin (not a communist) than they do anything represented by the US Constitution
Milton Lewis (Hamilton Ontario)
Trump has successfully portrayed himself as a transactional president. All that counts is winning. No matter how much you cheat or lie to achieve your objective. The end justifies the means whether fair or foul.Bribe or lie or cheat. It does not matter as long as you won. That was Trump building his real estate empire. That is Trump in the White House. And his loyal supporters say you expect Trump to cheat a little. The behaviour in the Ukraine is vintage Trump.You do not impeach a guy for acting in character.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
Donald Trump's father was a real estate developer. His mother was an actress. He takes after his mother. He is not a businessman. He just played one on TV.
Partha Neogy (California)
"But now he has brought his “lie loudly” tactic to the White House, and he has realized that there is a section of America hungry for a show, willing to believe anything the carnival barker says and be thoroughly entertained by it." Specifically, Sondheim's Comedy Tonight. Something familiar (Trump cheating) Something peculiar (Putin blaming Ukraine) Something for everybody: It's treachery tonight.
Mark Andrew (Houston)
There is no high crime . Tell me exactly what Federal statue is being violated ? You cannot. Did the President commit political sins . Maybe. Our framers never intended impeachment for political sins or because Charles Blow does not like Donald Trump. Read the Federalist papers especially those written by Hamilton .
Siegfried (Canada,Montreal)
Eleven months to go, hold on dear neighbors the light will shine again.
Michael McCann (Saint Paul, MN)
A truly excellent column! Thank you.
CJ37 (NYC)
Having been a teacher for 35 years, it is particularly painful for me to say that 9-12 education has failed on a spectacular level and the country is where it is because of that fact. We have espoused memory as the highest skill above the ability to evaluate and think rationally.....This is what you get. If it were only about policy differences we might have a chance, but it is not. It is about personality worship. The choice of this particular personality as the receiver of this worship is mind numbing in the extreme. Do they know WHAT they want from and for America.....or is it only just WHO they want for America............the latter surely requires no ability to rationalize or to evaluate...or ultimately even see to the fulfillment of their own needs. it is pure slavish submission......Democracy doesn't sustain itself with a lazy citizenry.
Songsfrown (Fennario)
There seems to me a straightforward and relatively simple act that the often reviled main stream media, led by the NY Times can and must engage in to help at a minimum educate the audience (think hand out playbills to explain the show!). To wit, assume the obvious prima facie evidence, that which we see or hear with our own eyes and ears is real. Then the question should follow, "why are you acting only in our enemies interests?" " Why would you repeat Putin talking points that damage our national security?" "Why do you support Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia in ways that put at risk our soldiers in the field and all Americans?" And always with the follow up rejoinder, "but, why are you repeating lies and deflecting from the obvious that you are defending abhorrent and dangerous attacks on the American people rather than address the substance and facts of my questions?"
Hank (Cupertino, CA)
You disavow one of the most extraordinarily qualified individuals, Mayor Bloomberg, to replace Trump, on a parochial, admittedly heartfelt issue of police surveillance and random checks, and then resort to a sure bet, to the usual cookbook Trump bashing, the kind of stuff I have long-avoided because of the stomach-churning nausea factor over Trump. Any positive ideas for change Mr. Blow?
Richard Head (Mill Valley Ca)
Once we accept this behavior as a "new normal"we are lost. Remember,Trump lost by 3.5 million votes, he is a minority President,he knows this and its what drives him to keep the power by voter supression and all the sneaky things that Repubs do, Will we become a minority government trying to limit our democracy or not?
SC (Boston)
Great piece as usual, Mr. Blow. But I take exception with one point: “It was one thing when he did it as a private citizen, to puff up his chest and inflate his wealth. There were no real consequences for the country in the telling of those lies.” He actually harmed quite a few people as a private citizen and wasn’t held accountable. There are many small companies that he put out of business by not paying them for work provided, there were people he hoodwinked into parting with their money for fraudulent claims. His “charitable” foundation was committing fraud. There were white collar crimes like inflating cost of management materials to evade taxes, which hurts people indirectly. The list could go on. He could have and should have been stopped along the way. The bankers who bailed him out for pennies on the dollar just before his would-be epic fail and the failure of judicial entities to prosecute him for any one of the above, allowed his candidacy to become the reality show you describe.
Emory (Seattle)
"It's all entertainment." The Senate impeachment hearings will be revolting hysteria. There are signs that American voters, thinking of their future and their children,have had enough of the wicked fun rallies and the hysteria. The Trump rallies are like wicked fun hippie gatherings of old. This time the "moral majority" will rise up and give us a Democratic president, house and senate.
David (The Loo)
A guest on the Terri Gross show, I do not recall his name right now, I think said it best about the rallies: there like pride parades without the glitter. Only in this case they are enabling people to say and do things they know they shouldn’t be saying and doing.
Emory (Seattle)
@David As an ex-hippie and a pride parade vet, I have to admit that both enabled the deplorables. But now it's as if Abbie Hoffman were president. The con man and his entire party will go down to total defeat.
Billfer (Lafayette LA)
Yes, there is a large segment of “Republican” Trump supporters absolutely unwilling to accept facts contrary to their beliefs. More disturbing to me is the not inconsequential subset of “Republicans” who know the facts, acknowledge the criminal conduct, agree that it is destructive to social norms, and turn a blind eye. Their goal is not to preserve the Eisenhower/Rockefeller GOP; it is to secure their position at the top of the social architecture of whatever emerges from the maelstrom. In that strategy, publicly acknowledging the facts is dangerous. Note the political future for Representative Amash. Consider the number of Republican members of the House and Senate declining to seek re-election yet unwilling to speak to the demonstrated facts.
romac (Verona. NJ)
Not unlike 1932 we will be at a crossroad in 2020. Fascism or democracy? Given the number of Trump supporters, the pusillanimous nature of Republican leadership, and the self-dealing of the monied backers of the Republican party, the outcome is uncertain. But, for sure those who oppose these people should not just sit at home wringing their hands on election day 2020. Fight back using any legal means necessary now !
Kathleen880 (Ohio)
I find this absolutely amazing. The first 4 paragraphs of this piece state as fact those things which were identified in the hearings as "presumptions." I am no Donald Trump fan, but this insistence on impeachment without clear, unassailable proof makes the Democrats look like people who care only about their party and their power. I won't be voting for any of them any time soon.
Caryl (PA)
@Kathleen880 Read the WH released partial transcript (more accurately a partial readout). He mentions Biden and investigating Biden in it. He wants a favor. He admits the plan in his own words, then went on TV and did it again, throwing in China for good measure. This is different from most hearings. The confession came first, then the corroboration with the mostly career professionals. Also, Sondland, who bought his ambassadorship with a donation to Trump's inauguration, admitted that the "everyone was in the loop."
Gus (West Linn, Oregon)
Enough chicken little talk, the sky is not falling. Beyond Trump’s eroding circle of influence, people are finding their voice. Within his eroding circle of influence, individuals are planning their Escape. Pay attention, listen and trust yourself to sift through the noise and VOTE.
Longfellow Lives (Portland, ME)
Susan Collins, who hasn’t held a town hall meeting to hear her constituents’ concerns in more than a decade, has consistently refused to let us know whether she will vote to impeach. She justifies this by telling us that she is a juror and must remain impartial until she hears testimony. But Susan, ever ready to hear Trump’s concerns over those of her fellow Mainers, this past week had lunch with Donald Trump at the White House. So much for impartial jurors in the Senate; soft-core corruption.
mancuroc (rochester)
trump dominates the media just as other dictators dominate have through history, but with one crucial difference. In the typical dictatorship, Government has physical control of the media. This is unnecessary in the United States; in the era of Citizens United, money equals speech, and the lapse or non-enforcement of anti-monopoly laws, Capital, having bought and paid for so many lawmakers, does the job very effectively, thank you; trump is the ultimate beneficiary. 10:30 EST, 11/25
C Lee (TX)
I find the focus on the president and his supporters thoughts and behaviors to be a soap opera, which I abhor. Democrats swept and took the house based on day to day issues. We took the Kentucky and Louisiana governorships and turned Virginia True Blue. The issues backed by our votes is where the focus and energy should be. We need to embody Democracy and move the country forward.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@C Lee: Democracy does not abide an overlay of entirely random and extreme variation in the weight of votes run through a system that effectively discards a large fraction of those cast.
Boweezo (San Jose, CA)
I agree with the assumption that the Senate will acquit. And the day after, Trump will lift the phone and commit another illegal act. He will continue to re-offend, until he does something that really derails the Republicans too. Kicking the Kurds out of N. Syria was nearly one of those, and maybe picking fights with the Pentagon is another, or worse threaten or actually try to use N-weapons against Iran or N. Korea. We're going to be in constant impeachment mode for at least another year.
jck (nj)
For all, the "Impeachment" inquiry is a "Partisan Show". Hunter Biden sold political influence to Burismo while Joe Biden was Vice President. He is a central figure in any Ukraine corruption inquiry but nevertheless, Schiff and House Democrats chose to suppress his testimony for partisan benefit. "The point is proven. The corruption has been established".
rjon (Mahomet, Ilinois)
There is a further truth in this op-ed not emphasized. All politics, including good politics, is dramatic—and like all drama, it is symbolic. We would do well to compare Trump’s political drama with Truman’s. Truman was seen, both before and after his very much surprise election, as a fool—but he was a “fighting fool.” His dramatic presidency, and even after he left office, was spent pointing out what and who was bad and what and who was good. The symbolic role of Truman was to dramatically explain, in the conditions created by war and mobilization, what was good and bad. Trump can be seen, as reprehensible as it may at first seem, in the same light. The comparison has severe limits—but, yes, Trump understands this dramatic and symbolic function of the presidency. The more obvious observation, though, is he’s bad at it—his bad acting is, paradoxically, hidden by the sound bite character of television news, and the confusion he sows through other media. But, yes, he sees the presidency as a show—as a Hollywood-like show. And the Democrats need to acknowledge the same, regarding the presidency. They will oust this bad actor if their dramatic acts are better—perhaps more Broadway than Hollywood—nay, downright Shakespearean, with a contemporary vernacular. There is truth in good, as distinct from bad, drama. To refuse to see the presidency as other than a show is not the alternative.
will nelson (texas)
It is obvious that the impeachment inquiry is an attempt by democrats to "dig up dirt" on Mr. Trump. An attempt paid for by the taxpayers who fork over the funds to pay the House to spend their time on this issue rather than govern the country and deal with matters that need governance. It is a forgone conclusion that Trump will not be impeached by the Senate.The inquiry is then clearly merely a political ad , a genius idea, since the media does not charge the DMC for advertising time on TV and in the print media. The advertising is aimed directly at Trump who definitely will be the Republican candidate in 2020, unlike Biden who is only one of many possible Democratic candidates. The democrats are not unified on an attractive vision for the country other than deposing Trump . That excuse for a vision is no vision at all.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
@will nelson: Trump has always worn his sleaze on his sleeve.
Want2know (MI)
A show it may be, but it would not be successful if it had no audience. No matter how good his performance, Trump remains the symptom more than the cause. And it is the cause that we need to better understand.
Miki (Boca Raton)
I agee, as Mr Blow indicates,that the worst thing we could do is impeach and have a Senate Show Trial. The foregone conclusion is he will be exonerated and will spend the next year crowing about his "innocence". This can only improve his chances of winning the election next November. I hope the House holds off on Articles of Impeachment, and continues adding to them as Trump will most assuredly do more that rises to the level of high crimes. I'd rather keep this Sword of Damocles hanging over his head through this election year. It can only serve to keep him unnerved and unsettled, and perhaps give citizens the chance to finally see him, and his republican enablers, in their true light.
East End (East Hampton, NY)
Assertions that trump will be re-elected are as erroneous as the mistaken belief that Hillary Clinton's win in 2016 was a forgone conclusion. There are too many moving parts to make any sound forecasts about what will happen in 2020. All the pundits are spinning their analyses but no one has a monopoly on the future. What is clear is that the American experiment is about to come crashing to an end, or it will demonstrate once again that it has the capacity to right itself no matter the crisis. Vladamir Putin, donald trump and his republican supplicants have pushed in their chips on us losing the wager. Those of us who still believe in the rule of law have got to be all in that we will come to our senses. Stay tuned.
Kalidan (NY)
I am seeing some evidence to suggest that impeachment is helping Trump; he is likely to win with a wider margin this time around. He is winning the grudging respect that thugs get for flagrantly violating the law, and then showing off about it.
Mike S. (Eugene, OR)
@Kalidan I see that evidence, too. But impeachment now was necessary, and if it causes Trump to be re-elected, then the country is probably beyond repair, and that is the proof. Then I drive north 5 hours. I do think, however, that the impeachment and trial will be over with before the primary season, and voters do have a short memory. Always remember that things happen that we don't expect: a big economic slowdown, Trump dies in office, a major-no-question-this-is-climate-change moment, a Democratic candidate catches fire with the public, Who, for example, would have guessed a year ago that Ukraine would be a factor in impeachment? It's often not the things that we imagine that change the land, but the things we can't even imagine.
DRTmunich (Long Island)
@Kalidan It is time to to forego the establishment middle of the road candidates such as Biden, Klobuchar and now the Republican Bloomberg. The youth of our country would overwhelmingly favor Democrats according to polls. Now is the time to present candidates and policies that would excite them, encourage them to turn out. More Clinton, Biden white bread is not going to do it. Those voting for Trump wanted change. I don't believe all of them are happy about the results. Offering voters a chance to go back to what was before Trump is not going to do it. We need to move through and beyond Trump. Address income inequality, healthcare education, climate change, gun laws, our infrastructure, get out of wars, reduce the bloated military, reinstate the draft/social service(it need not be military service) to make our youth learn what service to country is, perhaps in exchange for an education. Trump is stuck with the 40% who buy into his lies and racism. They maybe rabidly enthusiastic, we just need to encourage the same degree of enthusiasm and voter turnout.
Mary Feral (NH)
@DRTmunich --------We've seen this before and seen the world change. Shortly before Rome died people began to trickle away, quietly. One group moved to the Middle East. (Alas, that doesn't look like a good idea, this time. I'm reminded of an American father who moved his family out of the USA to what he felt the family would be safe in a hardly known island in the Pacific. He innocently moved his family to Guam, shortly before WW2)
Brooke Batchelor (Toronto, Canada)
The large percentage of Republican voters who *go along* or outright agree with Trump has always pointed to a few things, not the least is the endemic racism which is still within the hearts and minds of many Americans, but also to the lack of good, exoteric education. It's long been a joke that Americans have a disinterest in the rest of the world, but the casual ignorance regarding their own country is really the problem. Less than 25% can actually identify, by name, the Vice President. Only the same percentage have any education past high school. Dogma and *American exceptionalism* is drummed into every child, and yet the populace is largely ignorant of some basic things - critical thinking being one. Trump "loves" his poorly educated, and he has exploited their deficit to great success.
KarenE (NJ)
I agree with Mr. Blow that Trump is just behaving like a showman but I would add one thing to the mix; that he does it with depraved indifference to our country. It’s ok to be a celebrity type as President as long as that person encompasses the moral integrity to actually lead from the premise that he is there for the greater good of the country, not himself . This is the travesty and the tragedy of what we suffer under Trump. On the contrary , look at Ukraine . They just elected a comedian turned TV star , but unlike Trump , he is takes the oath to his country and principled leading seriously. Yes , Trump is an entertainer but he’s also a liar, a grifter, a fraud and a CHEAT . He uses his entertaining skills to obfuscate from the true malice he shows towards the very country he was elected to represent in good faith . There is no such thing as “ good faith” for this cynical individual. I only hope that Democrats can be strategic and can get people to the polls to defeat him roundly in 2020.
Mary (Paso Robles, California)
Republicans in Congress are still supporting Trump despite all the evidence of Trump’s crimes because they themselves are crooks. They are not going to hold Trump to account for his crimes lest they, the Republicans, are also held to account.
Kealoha (Hawaii)
Carnival barkers need megaphones. As long as the press is more transfixed by these idiotic rallies and tweets and GOP toadies than by sensible and sober debate, they willingly provide the mike to this hollow excuse for a human being. SO STOP GIVING TRUMP OXYGEN. Sorry to yell. But it is insanely frustrating to read breathless coverage of the latest indiscretions beside stories of supposed nail-biting worries about democratic candidates' abilities to win in 2020. We're in the throes of PTSD after 2016. So instead of obsessing about the worry about disaster happening again, please write stories that capture the collective excitement about the gifted batch of Democratic candidates we DO have. The media - you - control the narriative. So find the words to report the energy of the resistance, rather than the neurotic angst about losing again. Thank you.
cynicalskeptic (Greater NY)
Yes. politics has become a show but it has been one for some time. Ironically it has taken a narcissistic political outsider to make it obvious. While horrified by Trump's actions, I can't help but think his crimes have been petty in comparison to others we've witnessed over the past 50 years. Where was the outrage over W's Presidential misbehavior? Somehow an illegal and unjustified war, the abuse of prisoners and actual use of torture garnered less outrage than we see now over Trump's behavior. Incidentally, while the Democrats have been pursuing Trump they unanimously extended the Patriot Act in a low profile move attaching the extension to a budget continuance. Will we ever see any real courage - like a new Church Committee to investigate all done under the auspices of 'National Security' in the last 20 years? If we get to an impeachment vote, how much of the surveillance material collected by various agencies will be used to influence votes? Remember all those Republicans vocally protesting the Patriot Act and how it shredded the Bill of Rights? Somehow they all voted for it. Really? An FBI agent working to vet Federal Judge candidates was surprised to see that the squeaky clean ones never got appointed. But even those with some pretty dark secrets were put on the bench. What could possibly be the reasoning there?
steve (CT)
Sure there may be reasons to impeach Trump over the Ukraine, but then you would have also had to of impeached Reagan , The Bushes and Clinton also. Are you really telling me that what Trump did was worse that the lies of GW Bush and the Iraq war where over a million have lost their lives, trillions spent and the area devastated. I remember Nancy Pelosi at the time saying that it would divide the country and insisted impeachment was off the table. Now it seems the Democratic leadership loves GW Bush.
John L. (Cincinnati, OH)
A show, yes. Biden can't really get a crowd, but Trump can always fill a stadium.
Joan (Florida)
I agree with your column. However look at your 4th paragraph where you explain the Ukrainian problem, one ling sentence to explain a complex plot. His base does not believe this. even when simplified. The more complex it is presented the more they believe his version. I want nothing. No quid pro quo. Our side has to do a better job of breaking down a very complex story with strange Ukrainian names. At a 9th grade level.
WRG (Toronto)
I greatly fear that the cult is strong enough to ensure an electoral college win in 2020. People will wake up again one day, but probably it will only happen once the country has been destroyed. Cf Germany, 1945.
Glenn Ribotsky (Queens)
You're quite accurate in all this, Mr. Blow. And taken to its logical conclusion, "the center cannot hold". We will not have one nation anymore. It might well be time for some state legislatures to begin planning for the dissolution of the United States of America, to talk with other legislatures that may want to confederate with them in the smaller nations that it is likely we will fragment into. Of course, this is not likely to happen along state boundary lines, as the splits in viewpoint are far more urban/rural than geopolitical. So the planning and the process will be far from simple. But they need to be considered, in the hope that any such fragmentation can be pursued with a minimum of violent upheaval--no one wants what happened to the Indian Subcontinent in 1947 and to Yugoslavia in the early 90's. (Or, at least, many of us don't want that--I am not so sure about the xenophobic apocalypts.)
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
Does this man trump ever have any sense of shame or remorse ? Never have heard of any man or woman in real time who could be like that. Charles, this could not go on for ever , this President trump a TV entertainer took my attention when he started this birther movement and it went from there. His days will come and it will not be pleasant. For me, most of the Democratic candidates are better than trump and I will vote for the nominee.
Diane Graves (Seattle, WA)
I have zero confidence that even one republican will speak out against Trump. The decline of the United States sure happened fast huh?
dr scott (Kailua Kona)
My hope is that most people will not be fooled by the show. Most have their own expertise and world view. Four years latter very few will be convinced that Trump has really helped their businesses and jobs improve. Certainly farmers and coal miners see the promises are empty. Everyone who understands their own business can see that Trump has brought nothing to the table but bluff, bluster ,bulllying and a tendency to double down. Worse trump doesn't coordinate his battles and coordinate his prospective allies. At the end of the day a lot of people, who might appear to be supporters will not bother to vote for such transparent failure. I have faith that the great majority of voters won't be fooled again.
pb (calif)
It's a show only if he and the trolls will allow it. In private, Trump most likely stays up half the night sweating and eating. His number one concern is he is losing too much money and when defeated, he will be in deep financial trouble along with his entire family. He probably experienced chest pain and was terrified when he went to Walter Reed. Vote the GOP out in 2020!
Mike Roddy (Alameda, Ca)
Maybe the problem with us voters is that we live in fantasy worlds, driven by advertising and bad media companies like Fox and Sinclair. If America had an honest media, and advertisers did not manipulate every idea that shows up, the Republicans would have been ousted a long time ago. I just read that Trump is now leading in Wisconsin, home of Eugene McCarthy. That's enough to make me take a Xanax to get to sleep.
Red Sox, ‘04, ‘07, ‘13, ‘18 (Boston)
I think that the great story here is not the impeachment probability and Senate trial; it's the adamant, stubborn, tooth-and-claw defense of a corrupt president by the Republican Party. Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes lead the charge of the very light brigade as they storm the barriers of the House of Representatives calling upon anyone; anything; with which to attack the Democrats. For it's the Democrats that they are spitting at and keening about. They, the Republicans, are not in search of truth, justice and the American way. They are decidedly anti-democratic, giving breathing life to the adage that, if Republicans had a choice between defending democracy and turning the nation into an oligarchy, they would choose the latter. The obvious non-entity of Ukrainian interference in the '16 election and the even more obvious proof that the president played the role of an enforcer in search of a "street tax" that would buttress his re-election prospects next year cannot be more apparent. And the president, between now and next November, will waste the taxpayers' money by flying around the country to rallies. His calendar is said to often read "no appointments." A president's supposed to work for his (or her) country, not for himself. He's not supposed to watch television all day and tweet and play golf. It is to be hoped that citizens who thought he was a good idea in '16 will come to their senses. If nothing comes of all of this impeachment drama, we are doomed forever.
JP (MorroBay)
I mostly agree with you Charles, but must strenuously disagree about "commandeering conservatism and twisting it into something nearly unrecognizable". Trump has actually allowed conservatism to blossom into what it was always about at it's core: Obtaining power by whatever means necessary and wielding it without regard to the other party (ies). Conservatism as practiced in the USA today is not interested in nor respects the opinions of 'others'. It is win or lose, not compromising and getting only a little of what you want. The 'others' are not worthy of even consideration, much less acknowledging when they turn out to be right. Admitting you are wrong is not acceptable to them, and Trump embodies this ethos. Lie to yourself, lie to everyone but don't admit failure. Of course they're religious, and willing to believe anything and everything to avoid the evidence of wrong doing by their savior of the moment. Murdoch, McConnell and company are banking on it. Democracy never entered into it for them, but patriotism and religion form the basis of their delusion. This is not hyperbole, historical events including Robber Barons, Cattle Barons, Manifest Destiny, slavery, monopolies, union busting, environmental degradation, eradicating the indigenous peoples, and on and on prove my opinion has some merit. Now, how do we deal with people like that? That's what I want to know.
Jaime McBrady (Milwaukee)
Don’t you think, though, that the robber barons, et al, have always been there and always willing to subvert their party, either party? I long for a return to civil dialogue. A time when the two parties actually communicated. I long for a John McCain to break the silence. I long for an Obama to speak from the heart. We can’t become so demoralized we’re unable to act.
RHR (France)
Let's be honest, it is a real mess. It's like a marriage that has broken down so badly that all the arguing and the fights have begun to have a seriously bad effect on the kids; the longer it goes on the worse it gets and the greater the collateral damage. Divorce is the only solution. But the democrats and republicans can not get a divorce. Then they will have to seek help from a marriage counselor. One thing is for sure - trying to govern a country while fighting like cats and dogs is madness.
Alexander Harrison (Wilton Manors, Fla.)
When Will Hurd, moderate Republican whom Schiff was counting on for support, articulated his second thoughts about impeachment over the weekend,you could feel that something was happening,that everything had changed, and that the process to go after the president was coming to a virtual halt.All the testimony from foggy bottom diplomats who used words, "opine", "presume"more than "its a fact"exposed the impeachment process for the sham that it is.Articles of impeachment may have been drawn up months ago, but what Trump has done in terms of high crimes and misdemeanors remain a mystery,even to all the witnesses who came before the House Intel. Committee.Mendacity of liberal media cannot be overstated.Millions spent on Mueller investigation but Schiff's inquiry could have been put to better use fixing up sub standard housing,building housing units for the down and out.Cong.Schiff should be careful what he wishes for. If it did come to a trial in the Senate, he would be asked to explain under oath why he maintained that he did not know the whistleblower even though his staff had interviewed him, and whether Cong. Schiff helped the whistleblower write his complaint,
Jaime McBrady (Milwaukee)
I agree that Schiff had no choice but to investigate, taking whatever risks, for the sake of the whole country. This is NOT about the two parties anymore.
Tammy (Arizona)
Deep sigh. Did you actually watch the hearings?
PeaceLove (Earth)
Yes it is a show to the whole Republican party, brought to us courtesy of Fox news. Before Devin Nunes was done questioning Ambassador Yovanovitch, Fox News had already uploaded a video saying " Nunes hammers Ukraine Ambassador". The whole GOP seems to be auditioning for the apprentice, yes it is a show. Sadly, Adam Schiff is wasting his time with a tone deaf GOP, who are willing to give the whole country away for a complimentary mention in a Trump tweet.
JayK (CT)
If people believe, rightly or wrongly, that the government is a corrupt institution, incompetently managed and/or just not working for them, and that all of the candidates are corrupt themselves, they will by default choose the most entertaining person. As Mr. Begala touched on, Washington "is" Hollywood now, and has been ever since Reagan first impersonated a president while actually in the real White House. Before the 2016 election was held I strongly believed that Trump would win because the prospect of voting for somebody like him would be impossible for many to resist, as it would undoubtedly become the biggest practical joke of all time, and that they would be duly rewarded with 4 years of 24/7 Washington gonzo entertainment. And yes, this came to pass and the joke is now on them and all of us. Trump's election became inevitable, indeed mandated by the general lawlesness and moral rot that courses through the GOP. A man like this could not have been nominated by a party that had any sincere intentions of governing as a reasonable partner within our established two party system. If Trump didn't exist, the GOP would have had to invent him. Luckily for them, Trump was more than happy to oblige.
Rue (Minnesota)
There is no honor among republicans. For them "good of the country" has been buried under "good of the party."
Logan (Ohio)
What's new? Of course it's show. "The Apprentice" brought to D.C. with a constantly changing cast of characters groveling for Trump's approval. Now including US Senators. Navy secretary, Richard V. Spencer, is just the most recent to hear the words ring: "You're Fired!" Thee will be more.
Alex (Canada)
The country has reached an impasse, because it now consists of two factions which are completely incompatible. As Mr. Blow has written, one faction lives in an alternate reality, and in a trance-like state in which they only react to specific stimuli offered by selected actors within that reality. Other stimuli, including the truth, cannot penetrate into their mind. As a result, trump and his closest enablers have managed to render ineffective, with little real opposition, any mechanism which could have acted as a check on his deliberately ruinous an unscrupulous acts. Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, writing in ‘How Democracies Die’, explained how this could happen and how it could happen in small increments. We are witnessing this process unfold now. Elections could, in theory, halt the progress of this cancer (though sadly, I think the likelihood of a second trump term is greater than that of his defeat). But if Levitsky and Ziblatt are correct about what trump is becoming (or has already become), then things will almost certainly become worse before they become better.
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
“...he’ll portray our destruction as his greatest show.”. And his adoring supporters, while attempting to navigate the rubble resulting from Trump’s destructive acts, will continue to cheer loudly when the carnival barker appears and proclaims victory.
paplo (new york)
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages." William
WDG (Madison, Ct)
"How is a democracy supposed to survive when this many people deny a basic common set of facts?" The answer is, of course, that it can't. Americans need to start mulling an amicable divorce between red and blue states. What if one of our national polling outfits asked folks a simple question: "If you had your druthers, would you care if (pick a state) was kicked out of our union?" If the state in question is, say, Kansas, we might find that Californians couldn't care less (a lot of folks say "could care less" when that's not what they mean). An Iowa Hawkeye, on the other hand, might be very upset by this prospect. Ask if it would matter if New Jersey got the boot, Oklahomans might say they don't give a hoot. New Yorkers might have a very different opinion. Americans can talk a good game about national unity. Do they really believe it? Why not find out?
michjas (Phoenix)
I hope someone with sense reads this column. Because the perfect ending to this show is to end it with the final witness. Go out with a bang. Why send this thing on to the Senate where the Republican majority will tear it apart?
EM (Tempe,AZ)
This is a great column. Thanks Mr. Blow. My hope is that Midwestern Republicans and Independents will see through the betrayal and charade and vote out DT. This show, more outrageous than any SNL skit, needs to be canceled.
Ellen (Junction City, Oregon)
The impeachment inquiry does not go far enough. The trump clan needs to be dragged through the mud with every flaw, lie, bribe, and criminal act examined and replayed again and again. Trump's tax records need to be on public display before he is allowed to run for office again. Trump's ties to Putin need to be scrutinized. Subpoenas issued to trump's cronies and underlings need to be acted on: those refusing to testify need to be put in jail til they change their minds. The amount of money taken in by his children needs to be itemized and detailed as do any acts that violate the emolument clause of our Constitution. The trumps are creatures who cannot survive in the light of day: let the sun shine in on all their high crimes and misdemeanors. Make them pay for the destruction they have wrought on our beloved democracy.
cynicalskeptic (Greater NY)
In the context of the past 75 years, Trump's crimes are petty - an attempt to undermine a political opponent. Allegations were made that the Reagan campaign cut a deal with Iran to hold onto American hostages until after the election in 1980 to undermine Carter. Those hostages were released minutes after Reagan's inauguration. You had arms for hostages under Reagan with the proceeds of arms sales to Iran used to fund the CONTRA's - against the wish of Congress, cocaine shipments to the US for the same reason. Yet despite all that occurred in Saint Ronnie's Administration, he was never held responsible for any of it. There are so many other examples of egregious behavior by those in power....... Trump may get away with his behavior by claiming he's been targeted for being an 'outsider' because so many career politicians HAVE gotten away with worse. After a time you become numb to it all. Our Republic died some time ago. The Empire that followed has been a chaotic disaster that is bankrupting us. Are we really surprised to find Nero on the throne?
Plato (CT)
Mr. Blow, Trump is a product of the times and the current culture. We built him and he in turn is simply playing to an audience that adores him. The well known poet, and story teller N. Scott Momaday once said "I sometimes think the contemporary white American is more culturally deprived than the Indian." That sentiment is unfortunately a true observation. We have let inane shows on TV replace books, music and affiliation with a more sober and thoughtful ecosystem. The plethora of sitcoms, things on TV like the Apprentice, Talent shows etc have finally taken their hold. Shamelessly deviant media outlets like Fox News exploit all this to their advantage making it difficult for society to extract itself out of this mess. Our addiction to sound bites and social media sites have not helped either. On their part, the reluctance to become more responsible arbiters and adjudicators of the social conversation is only exacerbating the problem. Its not just for Trump that Impeachment is a show. It has become a show for all of us. As for bigots, bigotry, mockery etc. - it has always existed. Once upon a time, a bigot used to sound like Winston Churchill and Woodrow Wilson. Now it simply sounds shrill like Donald Trump.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
Remember the end of the show, Happy Days? Faced with declining ratings, the writers kept trying more and more outrageous gimmicks. Finally, they had Fonzi literally jump over a shark on water skis. With Trump, the Republican Party has truly jumped the shark.
Anna (Houston)
Bread and circus. It's what the people want when they say the impeachment proceedings are boring. This administration is giving America plenty of circus, but they are not interested in keeping the people full of bread, and what little bread some had, in the form of healthcare, a living wage, clean water and air, or other basic rights, Trump is committed to taking it away, so all we have left is the circus. You can't pay the bills with the circus.
RK (Long Island, NY)
"Trump cares about Trump. Trump cares about the Trump brand and the Trump show." That is completely understandable. What is troublesome is the blind support that the Republican party--both its leadership and a majority of the rank and file--has provided Trump. It wasn't long ago that JFK said, "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country." Our fellow Americans of the Republican party seem to care more about their party than the country. And that is what "will reduce this country to rubble...."
gwr (queens)
The way it's presented, the way it's observed, it is just a show. People follow it on their screens just like a series on Netflix. And many viewers have been watching bad acting on television for so long that they have lost the ability to judge character when that character is a character on the screen. And Donald Trump is a very bad actor — in more ways than one. A c-list celebrity star of a third rate game show somehow convinced enough gullible people that he was on their side to become president. Tragic farce. So, if it is all just a show then mazbe we should, as Ian Maxwell MacKinnon says "Elect Better Actors"!
Michael Kittle (Vaison la Romaine, France)
I agree with most of what Charles says in his columns but I am always left with the feeling of surprise that he puts up with white America as much as he does. As an African American he endures one hundred times the frustrations that I have ever felt as a white American. My disagreements with America are political and ethical having to do with wars, gun control, abortion, and national health planning. Charles has disagreements with white America that are soul and moral based going back to the racist slave owning founding fathers who wrote a constitution that allowed slavery. If I would become an expatriate over principal why would African Americans willingly stay in the United States when the very DNA of the country was based on racism?
Jo Ann (Switzerland)
Americans are all into show business. It seems to be part of the National psyche. It goes with the advertising - the world’s biggest and best- about everything. After Reagan became president it was only a matter of time before an even more outlandish actor hit the main stage.
Lisa (CT)
I’m beginning to think some of these republicans have taken an oath to Putin, in addition to the one they took to the constitution. They figure the PUTIN one is the one that will keep them in power.
RjW (Chicago)
“ Donald Trump abused his power as president to extort a foreign country into investigating a political rival.“ The converse is also true. A foreign country abused it’s power to install it’s choice as our president.
Longestaffe (Pickering)
Many people feel that they're being worldly-wise by believing that all politicians are corrupt. Telling them it's not so is a thankless task, even though the truth is that it's not so. However, it's an absolutely hopeless task to tell them that the Bidens are innocent of wrongdoing in connection with Ukraine, even though that, too, is true. It pains me as a Democrat to see Hunter Biden trading on his father's name and inevitably trailing an air of potential influence about him. It would pain me as a father. If the son, lacking any special qualifications of his own, doesn't deliver access to the people who take him on, he's almost cheating them. Given a child in a truly compromised position, more than a few prominent parents undoubtedly would tamper with justice. Those who didn't would still be suspected of it. The parent of a child who merely smells of wrongdoing is not much better off in the eyes of the world. It's bracing to learn that only 67 percent of people in the Republican camp think Joe Biden probably pressured Ukraine for his son's sake. Caesar's wife, Biden's son. Same thing.
Susan (Delaware, OH)
I am afraid that the answer to how did we get nearly half the people to believe demonstrably proven lies is rather simple: tribalism. Trump drew them in by appealing to white people's sense of grievance that they are not getting their due because brown people and immigrants are getting the stuff they are supposed to have. Trump fans those flames on a daily basis. This creates and maintains the tribe---united in their desire to blame their circumstances on someone else. Trump reminds them that they are victims and he is their champion. Only when Trump fails to deliver relief for a long enough period of time will the tribe begin to question. It may take a very long time to bring these folks to understand that they are complicit in creating their circumstances and their effort is required to dig themselves out.
GraceNeeded (Albany, NY)
‘The show must go on! ‘. My question is what if there is a real national emergency? Clinton couldn’t adequately address the former Yugoslavia, Somalia and Rwanda during his impeachment and he had a great mind and experts around him. How is The Trump Show going to end? When is the base going to have to face the reality of his lies and cover up of crimes? Why does the Republican leadership continue to support this man’s unraveling of our democracy? Heck, this is a far cry from Senators of old, who felt they needed to act in the country’s/public interest whether the public realizes their interest or not. After all, we are supposed to trust they were the more knowledgeable and informed about the issues! Now, senators are caving to their own interests and the populist sell Trump is feeding his base. This scenario we are living is doomed to fail unless we protect our democracy and adhere to the rule of law, even if it’s not popular with Trump’s base. How can our government be taken seriously by anyone, if we are unable to expect our leaders to obey our rule of law? Justice must be served. The day of reckoning will come. Woe to those who call evil, good.
Montreal Moe (Twixt Gog and Magog)
When we were children we learned that bullies were cowards. The whole world watched in horror as America was taken over by cowards totally petrified to be out in the world by themselves. By every measure the average person on this planet is better off than he has ever been and democracy is busting out all over. But this is not true everywhere, but the USA is still the richest, most powerful country on Earth. That is the world we live in and the world's people enjoy longer, healthier, more prosperous lives. We do have problems we see tyrants and dictators continue to survive and without a global plan we will grow ourselves out of existence even as world population is set to start falling. The narrative of an ever freer, happier, and more secure world does not fit the conservative narrative. For conservatives reality does not serve their love of the now. Time continues to march on. I see a war against reality south of my border. After the next dark ages the lights will never go back on. We know the whole story you know the whole story. The Democrats know the whole story.The Russians know the whole story and the Ukrainians know the whole story. The question is no longer who, what, where, why, and how the question is what are Americans going to do about it. We can't help because you refuse to acknowledge that help is needed.
Whole Grains (USA)
Almost everything Trump does is a show. I believe that without TV, he would fade away into oblivion. He never misses a photo op aimed at his base. His latest show is the defense of murderers who wear uniforms. His thinking is that this will appear to his supporters-enablers as taking up for our servicemen. With everything, he has an ulterior motive. He can lie and carry on because he knows his enablers in those MAGA dunce caps will believe and drool over everything he says. Trump was coached on how to use TV for his benefit by Roger Ailes before his death - and he hasn't missed an opportunity.
BillC (Chicago)
Yes it is a show but it is a show of raw Republican power and the ability and willingness to project that power. The Republican project to dominate and subvert US political and judicial power, democractic power, is being realized through Trump. Trump did not take over the Party. The Republican Party took over Trump. How does Fox News so skillfully subvert democracy? Who pays for that and who makes it happen. What is most disturbing to all Republicans in the impeachment inquiry and why they fight against it so strongly is that they are all involved. Impeachment and conviction would bring down the entire Party. If the law mattered they would all be in prison. This is the Party of birtherism and Benghazi investigations. This is how this Party rolls. They have built this corrupt and criminal infrastructure over decades. They were never brought to account, from Reagan to the Bushes, and this is the not too surprising result. These are very dangerous people who embrace a dangerous ideology. America democracy is dying before our eyes.
rjkrawf (Nyack, NY)
If Trump gets away with this, it could well signal the death of our institutions as we had trusted them to function. Based as they are on the presumption that truth matters, Trump will have transformed American politics into those of his master, Putin's disinformation regime. At a minimum, we appear to be entering a very dark period.
GF (Roseville, CA)
Charles, I know, I know... I just don't know what we can do any more. Do Democrats understand all of this, I mean really understand? Here we have honorable people like Elizabeth Warren develop policies and plan after plan. We see a brilliant Adam Schiff who frames the impeachment issues the way I would if I were as smart as he is. But the majority of people don't even look at any of this. Instead Pavlov's dog wags its tail and shouts "socialism, socialism, socialism." We could say the same thing about other Democratic presidential contenders and rational legislators. But they are all toast unless some of them can also put on a show and frame the issues like a carnival barker. Since I don't see that happening, Trump is already as good as re-elected. What a shame! What an indictment of the democratic system that relies on informed citizens and a shared set of facts! The system outlined in the Constitution does not work in a post truth society. I have no clue where to go from here.
Aaron Adams (Carrollton Illinois)
Trump apparently has committed impeachable offences but, to the average person, those offences just don't seem that serious. After all, what lasting harm was done? Considering all the real problems in our world-war, poverty, starvation, disease, etc.-political dishonesty seems rather trivial.
Alan C Gregory (Mountain Home, Idaho)
I get the sensation - for whatever it's worth - that Republicans inthis day and era really are full-blown members of the Greedy Old Party (the GOP). They've forgotten what they were elected to do: Serve the American people and "do the right thing" for our heritage. If Republicans, too, have a brand, it also comes under heading of "cheating."
To hear Trump talk, he is either in a different universe or he is trying to talk us into one. From Trump’s narrative, the Bidens are the suspects here, he is the victim of a witch hunt, he is a fighter of corruption, and Republicans haven’t sufficiently fought for him. This would be laughable were the consequences not so dire. But to Trump, the presidency itself is just a continuation of his reality TV career.
Tim Bachmann (San Anselmo)
What are his cult followers getting out of this government? The rich are bettor off now than ever. Why do his followers think he has helped them improve their lives? Yes, the stock market is up - but - in spite of Trump, not because of Trump. It's tragic and sad that so many people buy into the man.
Mary Scott (NY)
What bothered me most about Republican reaction to the facts laid out during the inquiry that Russia absolutely interfered with the 2016 election, not Ukraine was their continued insistence that every witness, our entire intelligence community and the DOD were lying. And even after being warned to stop spreading Russian propaganda in defense of Trump, they continue to do so all the time. Compulsive lying to stay in power is not only a disgraceful character trait but it is also a malevolent act against our national security and safety in the world. And, it's not just Trump. It's every elected Republican at the federal level and the entire RNC. I find their corrupt to the core, relentless spreading of Russian propaganda deplorable but also, extremely frightening. What more will they do for Russia to garner its help to win in 2020? In my opinion, it is whatever Putin demands.
Philip S. Wenz (Corvallis, Oregon)
To @Colbert: Thank you for bringing up Michael Cohen. I was thinking of his hearing, and his warning to the Republicans, as I watched the impeachment hearings and listened, incredulously, to one Republican after another go to absurd lengths to twist the truth — including deliberately repeating Putin’s talking points. Then, within a day after the hearing was over, documents implicate Pompeo and Parnas implicates Nunez for their involvement in the scandal. But you see, they’re just following orders.
Lee Irvine (Scottsdale Arizona)
The Bidens were collecting all that money from Ukraine and Trump thought it ought to be brought to light. Is that illegal? No, it is politics and we will get over it. somehow. We always do.
Ted (NY)
Trump’s re-election is what corporate center-left / center-right, also known as centrism, are fighting to save: the status quo and an opportunity to keep looting the US economy, in spite their causing the 2008 Great Recession. It’s what Bloomberg’s and Deval Patrick campaigns are all about. Their goal is not the WH, which both know will never happen for different reasons, but their goal is the same: wound Senator Warren enough to prevent her victory and with it government restructuring. Trump’s success is due to media support that’s more and more owned by private equity crooks. Like Jefferey Epstein, US economy rapists and looters are meritocrats who the media needs to protect lest “populism” demand socioeconomic restitution. Why pay taxes when you don’t have to. As Leona Helmsley once said: “only the little people pay taxes.” From Facebook to all media platforms, the message is the same: “get over it” - its not only about Fox Cable, Just look at the pundit and key journalist class - all, mainly New Yorkers with a personal agenda interviewing each other and deciding our future - we’re the new occupied territory.
Jp (Michigan)
" Trump is not concerned about truth, protocol, tradition or the sanctity of the Constitution." Sanctity of the Constitution? That includes the Electoral College. Any "sanctity of the Constitution" is under fire from many sides. Don't act so pompous.
Dodgyone2000 (Australia)
If a country is going to regard itself as being a kind of 'rule of law' based democracy, then its various levels of law enforcing officialdom need to do their jobs. Apply the darn laws and apply the sanctions. If the society cannot ensure the laws it creates for all citizens can be applied and enforced when necessary, then it will sink into its soft foundations and disappear. Get your courts busy. If you keep letting the corrupt individuals at the top move the goalposts all the time the cancer spreads, as it has already. Draw a line America.
JQGALT (Philly)
There was a quid pro quo and it was completely justified. Whatever it takes.
Tammy (Arizona)
Whatever it takes to do what?
Robert Johnson (Canada)
How does it feel to have someone mess with your elections and try to sow dissent amongst your citizenry? This is exactly what the US has done for decades through the CIA. This is one of the reasons why so many around the world are cheering while America eats itself. You’ll be the financial leader for a long time but the US is no longer the leader of the free world. Who’s going to trust what comes out of Washington?
dad (or)
What is supremely sad about this entire endeavor is that Trump has been utterly successful at dividing the country in half. One half believes in democracy and truth, and the other half believes the bold lies of a cult leader. This is precisely what Trump was installed into office to accomplish.
pc (Toronto)
I have a friend, an intelligent guy, a Ph.D scientist who retired a few years ago and now spends his time watching right wing conspiracy theories on youtube and facebook. His worldview is totally wrapped now. Just no point in arguing with him. I think if democracy in the US is subverted, google, youtube, facebook and twitter would be the cause of its demise.
Charles Tiege (Rochester, MN)
Before Trump, Fox News, and Social Media could take root, something else had to die. It was respect for truth that died, and it started a long time ago, with the advent of television. Visual/verbal media appeal to different parts of our brains than does text. There are no pauses on TV during which viewers can reflect on what they just saw or heard. There are only fleeting impressions that, when viewed over and over, become perceived truth. Trump understands us. Note how he repeats phrases over and over: "No Collusion! No Collusion! No Collusion!" "Fake News! Fake News! Fake News!" The problem isn't that over 40% of us believe things Trump says. The problem is that they like what he says.
Martin USMC (NC)
Charles redefines the word "oxymoron" when he wrote: "honorable Republicans". There is no such thing. He also mistakenly claims that their treason is: "a sad indictment of our country". It's not. The men and women I interact with in the Marines have a strong sense of duty. They recognize Trump's lawless behavior and the cowards in the Republican Party who are too afraid to confront him. Their despicable conduct stands in sharp contrast to the 1.3 million people in the US armed forces. Col Vindman's patriotism was an exemplary model, something Trump, McConnell and Graham will never understand. Assuming our democracy survives till the 2020 election, this rotten cabal will eventually stand trial for their crimes. I'll happily do my duty by locking many of them in the brig.
Mike (UK)
According to one party, 1+1 no longer makes 2; and it would rather see American democracy and America's world standing destroyed than reverse this claim. There's simply too much at stake. Take to the streets, already!
Rima Regas (Southern California)
Everything has been a show for Trump, going back decades. As the decades passed, Americans have become less and less discriminating in their tastes for shows and showmanship and more and more discriminating in their treatment of their fellow human beings. Four years ago, Trump spent an entire year of campaigning lying to his prospective voters. As Martin Luther King told us in 1965, upwards of 60 million Americans chose to listen to that psychological bird and they ate Jim Crow when Trump said things such as this at a Nevada rally: "It’s hard for me to turn down money because that’s what I’ve done in my whole life. I grab and grab and grab. You know I get greedy. I want money, money. I’ll tell you what we’re going to do, right? We get greedy, right? Now we’re going to get greedy for the United States. We’re going to grab and grab and grab. We’re going to bring in so much money and so much everything. We’re going to make America great again, folks, I’m telling you folks, we’re going to make America great again.” Donald J. Trump February 2016 Nevada The media should feed us straight news, all of the news, minus Trump's lies and fake news. For him, it remains free advertising. Focus instead on all of the damage that he and his henchmen have done, whether impeachable or not. Instead of the theater, give America some facts, scale, and a full picture of what it is we lose every day. MLK had Trump down to a-T.
bellicose (Arizona)
Indeed, it is all about conspiracy and conspiracy theories. There is much meat, much imagined, on the theoretical bones, left and right. There is so much here.....the investigating agencies, the covert operations on both sides seeking and inventing incriminating evidence of wrong doing.....the finger pointing.....the divisions. Taking a side is easy. It all depends on your political affiliation.
OldBoatMan (Rochester, MN)
The road to the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump reaches a dead end in the Senate. Neither the Times nor its readers focus on the corruption underlying Trump's Ukraine gambit. Trump tried to bribe or extort (your call) the Ukraine president. In the Trump world the first goal was to get the Ukraine president to launch an investigation. Trump's actions were outed and he failed to get the investigation he sought. The first goal, investigation, was not the end game. If the Ukraine president had launched the investigation, he would have been vulnerable and malleable. Trump's next goal would have been for Giuliani to monitor and direct the investigation, to select the witnesses to be heard, and to edit the investigation's findings. Uncovering truth about the Biden was never at issue. A false finding was better than truth if it supported Trump's campaign. Fox and Sinclair have demonstrated the power to keep fake news that supports Trump on the air 24/7. The tragedy is that we cannot impeach Fox and Sinclair.
Jack Hartman (Holland, Michigan)
And why wouldn't Trump portray the destruction of our country as his greatest show? It's what he promised, remember? What mystifies me is that so many people are with him on this. Either they do not realize that the destruction of our laws will bring about our own destruction as a democracy or they are ignorant of or too lazy to take up their rightful cure for our problems through their vote. Either way, it's a willful slap in the face of the millions of people who have served our government admirably as the witnesses of the past week have shown, in particular those who served in the military and put their lives on the line for our government and our people. Is what we're seeing what so many suffered and died for? I think not. I hope not.
Jack Connolly (Shamokin, PA)
Trump is not "tough" by any meaning of the word. He has no courage, as evidenced by his five draft deferments during the Vietnam War. He has no grit, no stoicism, no ability to ENDURE, as evidenced by his constant whining about how "unfairly" he's being treated by the media. Thorough scrutiny by the press is part of the job of POTUS. If you can't take the heat, etc., etc. Trump owes his "success" to the insidious power of television. We Americans worship celebrities, simply because we see them on TV. In fact, too many of us believe that people, places, and events are not "real" unless we see them on TV. Therein lies the paradox of television. "The Apprentice" was a game show, tightly scripted from beginning to end, yet it was marketed as "reality television," supposedly raw and unscripted. Trump claimed to be a master negotiator, a real-estate magnate, and a business genius. What proof did he provide? None. People believed him simply because HE SAID SO on TV. They saw him mouthing off at contestants, berating them, belittling them, and from that they concluded, "He's tough." No, he isn't. He's just the schoolyard bully, writ large. I watched his acceptance speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention with horror. "I alone can fix it!" he screamed. He preened onstage, folded his arms, and jutted out his chin like Benito Mussolini reborn. The convention delegates ate it up like ice cream. And the folks watching on TV ate it up, too. God help us all.
Will (CA)
Trump is a clear symptom of our destructive partisan politics and clear voter apathy (at least about reality, facts and issues). Voters care about whether they have to pay more taxes. Mostly. If Democrats running for 2020 were smarter, they would ride the exact same wave he rode in 2016: -hyperbole -mixed messages -meaningless catch phrases -focus on angry white male demographics -tons of pointless promises with no details or follow up Play to the crowd. The crowd isn’t coastal dwelling college-educated liberals. It’s moderates who lost their jobs. Single women who don’t care about unisex bathrooms. Old men who aren’t entirely racist but aren’t exactly nice either. Broaden the net.
Jane (Cambridge)
I can't believe this is happening to this country I love.
furnmtz (Oregon)
1. The House votes to impeach the president 2. The Senate does not convict him 3. The majority of Americans, after discovering who in the Senate wouldn't vote to convict, send massive donations to the opponents of Republican members up for re-election 4. The boycotting of businesses supporting Republicans, Trump and Fox News begins
Ann Anderson (Portland Oregon)
I keep thinking about a line from the animated series, "King of the Hill": "They used show biz on ya!"
stan continople (brooklyn)
The fact that we have evolved from small tribes to mega-cities of 30 million is a miracle in itself, because we are using the same social toolkit we did 10,000 years ago. Within a tribe, trust is essential, as a matter of survival, and free-riders are soon recognized and either punished or exiled. Most of our interactions today are fleeting, free-riders are much more difficult to detect, and given the number of social interactions we have each day with strangers, out of mere expedience, the benefit of the doubt is usually the default. Most people are simply not equipped to deal with an outlier like Donald Trump. Having to sift through the unceasing torrent of lies is exhausting and can easily hijack one's brain. There are three possible approaches the country has adopted: You can assume everything Trump says is a lie, which absolves you of any mental effort, but still left with an unease about where the country is headed; you can scrutinize each statement for validity in an Sisyphean effort to retain your own intellectual integrity, or you can just swallow every whopper with a big dumb grin. The people who choose the last option, Trump's supporters, have lived their whole lives being swindled by politicians, religious leaders, and a warped sense of history, to the point that they lag the country in almost every measure of social well being, so inviting the king of all liars into your life is not a great leap. In fact, they seem to enjoy it immensely.
Expat50 (Montreal)
It was the greatest republican President, Honest Abe Lincoln, who has received credit for concisely framing today’s predicament: ”You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.“ He didn’t note that fooling 40% of the people would create this level of catastrophe.
sohy (Georgia)
Reality tv has infected our politics and is about to destroy our democracy. People are too busy watching the show to realize what's happening behind the curtain.
Jane Russ (England)
Here in Britain we have our own Trump. Our Prime Minister has been caught out in lies, in seriously bad behaviour and in being a constitutional light weight, who goes for the sound bite alone. I for one am praying that on the 12th December, the electorate show him what they think of his morally weak and bullying attitude.
Bradley Bleck (Spokane, WA)
I think the question is whether there are any honorable Republicans.
Steven Dunn (Milwaukee, WI)
As I read this I recalled Trump's awful Inauguration speech in which he declared the he would end "American carnage." In fact, his term has inflicted carnage in his desecration of our international standing, trashing our allies while coddling to his dictator friends in Russia and North Korea, rollback of environmental protections, incessant lying, narcissistic bloviating, and normalization of incivility, not to mention tax cuts for the wealthy that ballooned our deficit (remember when Republicans were concerned about deficits?). All the political punditry about the effects of Impeachment on voting are pure speculation. Impeachment is the morally and constitutionally correct thing to do and I urge the Democrats to move forward with the process. History will stand on the side of doing the right thing, which is impeachment.
Maggilu2 (Phildelphia)
Looking at this disgrace of a presidency and its deleterious effects on our country, I cannot help but think of this quote by Carl Sagan: "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” Instead of a temporary lapse, I fear is the beginning of the end for the United States of America. We are heading down a road that will never lead us home again.
TLMischler (Muskegon, MI)
Watching this destruction play out in real time is excruciating. Sticking with the Hollywood allegory, it's like watching a movie where you know exactly who the bad guy is and what he's about to do, and the victim ignores every single clue and warning, keeping faith until the bad guy finally shows his true colors, and by then it's too late. We're sitting here in the theater, screaming at the poor soul to wake up and see what's right in front of her face, and ... no, she just keeps on believing. Except this isn't a movie, and there are many, many victims. We can scream all we want, but there they sit, with their smug self righteousness, gobbling up all of the lies that Fox keeps spewing day after day, filled to the brim with certainty and contempt for folks who have given their lives in humble service to their country - because they dared to question their cherished fairy tale. Truth can't hold a candle to a good fantasy like this one. We're doomed.
Carol Robinson (NYC)
This column reminds me of my confusion when Trump claims to be "the most transparent president." He's been fighting since the election to keep his tax returns secret. He avoids being questioned under oath. He refuses to reveal what he and Putin have discussed in private meetings. Even his school records have been hidden away from prying journalists. Meanwhile he attacks anyone who expresses the slightest criticism of his actions, and seethes with vindictive anger against the whistleblower, a "traitor" in his view. It seems to me that this is a president with serious mental and/or emotional secrets, the total opposite of "transparent."
Harold Johnson (Palermo)
Awhile back, some commenter had a whole column about Donald Trump in which he wrote that we do not have a president Trump, we have a man named Donald Trump who is playing in the role of the President of the USA. For Trump it is all a show. A show to demonstrate how great he is at everything, even fooling the American people. He will be the greatest grifter, the greatest liar in world history and he will be the greatest grifter president. If we survive this show, historians will not be kind to those who supported him.
Jan (Cape Cod)
Trump's followers will continue to watch the show, with their eyeballs glued to the screen. This is the way it is. But Democrats have work to do. Every single Democrat who is desperate to change the channel (and remember, "desperate" comes from "despair") need only get up from his/her chair, and act. Do something. Find a candidate you like--local, state or national. Work for him/her. Canvass. Attend your community's Democratic Town Committee meeting. Run for local office! Make calls. Do research on issues you really care about. Every. Single. Democrat. Whatever you do, don't just sit there.
fbraconi (NY, NY)
I don't think the public fully appreciates the significance of Trump's Ukraine caper. He won the presidency in 2016 because just enough people in several pivotal states believed in the phony corruption scandals about Hillary Clinton--the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Pizzagate, and of course "her emails." Trump learned the lesson well and was using our tax dollars to fabricate a similar phony scandal to damage Biden. He has largely succeeded in that-- the Ukraine "scandal" will dog Biden throughout his campaign no matter how many times the press shows that his conduct as Vice President was honorable. If Trump is acquitted by the senate, you can be sure smearing his Democratic opponent will be his primary campaign strategy. You can count on a series of damaging "scandals" tarnishing the Democratic presidential nominee no matter who it is. Trump has already tipped his hand.
Rover (New York)
We all know that the Republicans are now nothing more than the Trump Cult. "How is a democracy supposed to survive when this many people deny a basic common set of facts?" It may not. The American electorate may well be too uninformed, callow, ethically transactional, and incapable to telling reality from their own preferred delusions. Given how the Cult now manipulates the system and colludes with foreign powers can we be at all assured of fair election?
Mark (Boise)
I do agree,Charlie. And I’m so frustrated that there are this many Americans wanting to be in the “ show”... their willing to throw democracy away.
kel (Quincy,CA)
Mr. Blow You are absolutely correct. Impeachment has become a show because the Republican party leadership refuses to do its duty to the country. Orbiting sycophants following Trump in his distortion of the space time reality field, their only quest is to remain in power at all costs. At the end of the show, and all shows come to an end, future generations of Americans will be left to clean up the debris left in this theater. And I, I will be wandering around a dark parking lot trying to remember where I parked my car.
Alan R Brock (Richmond VA)
"The Constitution is being tested." And Republicans have made the calculation that supporting (enabling) the most dangerous, blatantly corrupt and incompetent president in U.S. history is more vital than honoring the oath they swore to defend the Constitution.
Anyoneoutthere? (Earth)
"Honorable Republicans" Starting to sound like an oxymoron, isn't it? Politics in the "Good Ole USA" has evolved into a team sport, played with impromptu rules, enabled by an archaic system, the electoral college!
Bhaskar (Dallas, TX)
Impeachment is a amusement show for the liberal mainstream media. Trump is just playing along. But Trump is a master of ceremonies. Watch for the senate trial, that's the Broadway. The House show was just community theater.
Percy (Ohio)
In the spirit of "thesis -- antithesis -- synthesis," Hegel-fashion, has any of the Democratic candidates homesteaded the values of truth-telling, honesty, openness for their campaign? In contrast to the 1984-ification of Trump and his henchmen? Maybe I missed it.
Ashis Gupta (Calgary, Canada)
There is little doubt in many minds that Trump is morally depraved; many of us also believe that Trump's malady is incurable. Yet, those of us who know America first-hand refuse to believe that his cult-like followers are also victims of the same scourge. How do we win them back to a stable moral compass where truth is not 'fake news', and not every source of media is so unabashedly tainted as Fox News. Impeachment may eventually turn out to be an exercise in frustration. But those who acknowledge some divine power over human actions also recognize that divinity itself must be a constant exercise in despair. Yet, the moral compass must prevail.
bluecairn 3.0 (san francisquito creek)
To the extent it has been reduced to a show reflects just how deeply the trump and co. people are without anything of substance to say. Fictions and more fictions and the dis-creditations of any one who proposes to establish facts- this is their- agenda of the all time fictional president, nay human being, who claims to hold power in the U.S.A Calamity? Without doubt. Getting our heads around the facts of this new social/political reality~ a hard task, nonetheless we must. There is a portal ~~which is the next and possibly the last free election. Liberals, sane people, humans who love the earth, humanity, our rights and freedoms, we should put aside the differences that may exist between us- unite and prevail as we should-as we must. The big phony show, coming from the White House, or Fox, we must understand what it is. Propaganda of near zero factual value. Who are these people? They are not friends of our country, our values, our constitution, or any honest , decent thing. A detailed examination of the these entities shall be produced, in time, you can be sure It does not seem possible, but there it is. Intelligence, and our sense of humanity can save us. Serve the common good...If you do your inner guide shall protect you and us. If the majority moves towards the light, events shall follow. Show up !
Phil (WI)
I hope this show and leading man are about to be cancelled!
Didier (Charleston. WV)
The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, 64 Stat. 109, 10 U.S.C. §§ 801–946) is the foundation of military law in the United States. It was established by the United States Congress in accordance with the authority given by the United States Constitution in Article I, Section 8, which provides that "The Congress shall have Power...To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval forces." In another impeachable move in my judgment, this weekend saw the President's effective veto of this 1788 law. If our President can negate the most fundamental laws governing our men and women in uniform and pardon a war criminal, throwing into grave doubt discipline throughout our military, what will prevent him from doing the same relative to civil and criminal laws protecting you and me? Unless Senate Republicans do their constitutional duty, the answer will be nothing. Nothing. And, if you do not think your very liberty will be at risk, you are sadly mistaken.
Al Patrick (Princeton, NJ)
" Trump cares about Trump. Trump cares about the Trump brand and the Trump show. Trump will reduce this country to rubble before he will submit to correction. And, he’ll portray our destruction as his greatest show. " Take heed as to how prophetic these words will be manifested. Blow is EXACTLY right.
Brian (Vancouver BC)
Many (too many) Republican voters buy the ad, not the reality. Years ago a Christmas ad was "May Christmas light your happy heart, and GE light your tree". (False equivalence?) Apparently "Things go better with Coca Cola". Or "Lucky Strike means fine tobacco". So, forget reality, buy the slogan. Behind the jingles, jingoism, and lies, is reality. And what these old, white haired Republican men are bequeathing to their grandchildren a soiled earth, a giant debt, a toxic racial divide, a fear based, lie based culture, corrupted electoral districts, crumbling infrastructure, and an understanding that "civil" debate means shouting down competing voices.
Girish Kotwal (Louisville, KY)
For Schiff and Pelosi and the dem congresspersons impeachment was a show. They voted for it but republican congressperson turned out to be the real stars. Rep Jim Jordan and spunky Rep. Elise Stephanik of NY will be remembered as the super stars of the 2019 impeachment inquiry. The witnesses, all came out as persons who reliably witnessed nothing on their own, but hearsay, presumption, self promotion and worst of ali eavesdropped on a conversation. A couple of the witnesses were just airing grievances for being fired.
Michelle Llyn (Huntington Beach)
A Show? More like a Greek tragedy featuring a red-hatted chorus. How will it end, do you suppose?
RF (Arlington, TX)
Well said, Mr. Blow. I would never support a person as dishonest and corrupt as Donald Trump even if that person agreed with me 100% on policy. I am disappointed that so many Republicans do support this amoral man. It is apparently a sign of the times that a large segment of voters have so little regard for truth and facts. We desperately need someone to lead us back to a more just society, someone who respects the rule of law and who will base decisions on fact and truth.
Tim (Brooklyn)
All shows receive reviews. This one is a dud. A one man litany of lies. The backers will lose their investment when the curtain comes down in November 2020.
Everbody's Auntie (Great Lakes)
This week's episode of Vox's podcast "Impeachment Explained" is titled "What's Wrong With The Republican Party?" I urge NYT readers to listen to it. Impeaching Trump will not change our "asymmetrically polarized" political environment. Democrats are handicapped by structural issues embedded in the Constitution which (R)'s have seized upon in recent decades to gain power advantage in the face of changing demographics and party alignment. It is deeply sobering, beginning at 28 minutes when author and intellectual Thomas Mann is interviewed. I now understand why the Republicans will - and even must - behave in ways that appear unpatriotic and near traitorous.
When the mainstream media, whose narrative used to serve as the basis for reaching a consensus on "truth", is despised by both parties and many Americans get their news from feeds that reinforce their beliefs, we are now living in a world where we get to choose our own facts. The GOP echoes the POTUS's claim that the "lame stream media" spews "Fake News" and the Democrats decry the corporatization of the mainstream media and the Fox-Sinclair axis that now serves as the POTUS' mouthpiece. Meanwhile Facebook, Google, and Apple News send us news feeds based on articles we "like" or click on the most and we all end up getting the news--- and the facts--- we want. In a democracy in the darkest hours we need to have faith that the with a free press the truth will ultimately win out...
oz. (New York City)
Trump is openly in thrall to Russia. Why is he still in the White House? Every day Trump and his family overtly make money on the presidency, violating the Emoluments Clause. Why do we go on permitting this? Reversing the situation, Obama would have been kicked out of the White House ages ago for doing less than half those things. Now imagine that Obama's entire family had actively engaged in the corruption we see with the Trumps. The Republicans would have set the White House on fire! Yet here we are, years into this disgrace of a presidency, playing by the rules, digging up evidence, holding hearings with distinguished civil servants whose testimony risks getting blown away by the winds of treachery and personality cult. Why are we allowing this? The Republican Party is now suicidally willing to engage in deeper lies and fabrications, denying country, denying truth, and denying the future of all Americans yet to be born. Why do we keep thinking this is still business as usual, based on argument and reasoning? Are we also in denial of what's actually happening? It is no less than the daily destruction of the Western Order we've preserved in the world for the last seventy years. oz.
MMaurin (Des Moines)
Trump the entertainer. He will never hear the audience shouting "ENCORE!"
John Santella (Portland, OR)
I remember when friends and I used to make fun of Italy for electing Silvio Berlusconi, a scandal plagued unethical leader seemingly with little intelligence, wisdom, or empathy for others. As an American, I no longer feel as smug as I did then.
Evangelos (Brooklyn)
As author Isaac Asimov put it decades ago: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’”. Trumpism is simply easier than thinking, for millions of our fellow citizens. Putin found and exploited our greatest weakness.
Republicans accuse Democrats of running a circus with impeachment, yet Trump is the only one turning it into one.
Robert (Boston)
Nailed it, Charles. It feeds the gaping maw of his malignant narcissism as nothing else can. One need not be a board-cert psychiatrist to know that Trump never actually broke from reality; instead, he simply created his own and would (and will) do *anything* to maintain it. We are at an inflection point, make no mistake. When Bloomberg called Trump an existential threat he understated the issue. Civil war is fine with Trump if the ratings are to his liking.
T. V. NARAYANAN (North Venice, Florida)
I believe everything Mr. Blow says. The House should vote on articles of impeachment. The senate should hold a trial. Unlike Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, Trump should be allowed to call any witness he wants to including Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower and anybody else. After the trial, I expect the senate to vote to acquit by a vast majority including a few Democrats. The only remaining question is whether Pelosi and Schiff will decide not to vote for impeachment
David in Le Marche (Italy)
My fellow Americans, The arrival of Trump on our political scene was inevitable, written into our cultural DNA. Ours is a nation we prefer to believe is founded on enlightenment philosophy, blessed by a higher being and destined for eternal greatness, but these are just national myths. In fact we are a nation founded on the near extermination of an indigenous population, the enslavement of black Africans and the unholy worship of money. The Civil War was fought in vain, Jim crow is rearing his ugly head yet again, and we are leading the world into an existential environmental disaster of our own making despite our leaders having known about and dismissed this problem since the 1960s. We are rich and narcissistic and reckless, and the chickens, this time, really are coming home to roost. So let's enjoy our great turkey of a president as he exposes every empty myth and willful contradiction we hold dear, even re-elect him if we haven't yet had enough humiliation to satisfy us. Thanks, Mr. Blow, for keeping up the good fight. Happy Thanksgiving, America!
Lulu (Philadelphia)
I was thinking the same earlier. He is a true blue narcissist and any attention is good attention as long as it’s all about him. Think about How much time and energy he takes from all of us. How he troubles the mind and steals our sense of security and what it right and true in this world. He is poison.
Truthiness (New York)
Frankly, I don’t understand why continuously lying to the American people is not an impeachable offense.
Lewis Sternberg (Ottawa, ON.)
The liet-motif of Trump’s life is to prove to the world that ‘Trump doesn’t lose’. Time & time again throughout his private & business life he’s exposed himself to the possibility of failure only to escape the consequences of his behaviour by the ‘skin of his teeth’ all to prove to himself that ‘Trump doesn’t lose’. His coming articles of impeachment & subsequent Senate trial will be the cap-stone of his life. Once again he won’t lose and a popular minority of Americans will think it a grand reality t.v. show.
Sharon (Philadelphia)
So true. So disheartening.
JD (Elko)
So if I decided that I don’t have to pay taxes because the numbers are fake numbers and I just don’t believe in them anymore is that ok? Or if a kid in the service decided he didn’t want to go overseas because he didn’t feel like it is that ok? Where is the idiocy going to end? Are marshals or police going to start being gunned down by anyone not wanting to play by the rules? Can it be that we are just done with the experiment that started in 1776. It sure seems like we are really close
McDiddle (San Francisco)
Why Democrats continue to focus on 45 and his lackeys is beyond me. If he's turning Washington into Hollywood, why isn't Hollywood fighting back? Where is the Sorkin feature film? Where are the Netflix documentaries distilling the information into a neat 90 minute streamable documentary? Why is the left so incapable of communicating effectively to the people who remain mesmerized by the side show? As much as I agree with Mr. Blow, I'm also fed up by the whining and lack of action to counter this nonsense effectively.
The Observer (Mars)
The current occupant of the White House is certainly an example of the influence of wealth in America today.  His whole life is a story of acquiring and spending money.  The spending aspect is pretty obvious - someone who plays golf and watches television as much as he does must have a secure source of income. What is the source of that income?  Numerous failures in business, bankruptcies galore, where does the money he spends so freely come from?  Real estate developers are notorious for skimming off a generous payment to themselves (or complicit family members) before a shovel ever breaks ground for their project.  But there has to be a lender, and DJT was known in banking circles as 'the king of the deadbeats' - he couldn't get a loan to pay a parking meter. Until he found Russia.  His son Erick let it slip that "Most of our money comes from Russia", a statement that caused repeated denials (the more they repeat the denial the more sure you can be they're lying).  But money from Russia has strings attached. Willing or not, the man who occupies the position of Chief Executive of the United States is working on behalf of Russia.  Until he proves otherwise no other conclusion is possible.  And now, the GOP is an accessory to this treason. The American People did not vote for that. Not true?  Prove it.  Show us the the tax returns, the hidden evidence that will expose the lies, and illuminate the hold Russia has on the Chief Executive of the United States.
The Dude (Spokane, WA)
Trump supporters believe him because they want to believe him. They have given up on democracy and are willing to accept a would-be dictator if their political goals can be met via this person. They know Trump is guilty of impeachable offenses, but their desire to make abortion illegal, their denial of climate change, and their desire to make the United States a white homeland are stronger than their commitment to democracy.
Danielle Davidson (Canada and USA)
I always smile when I hear that Trump wanted dirt on his rival. As if Biden is a rival, please! And as if Biden and son are beyond corruption. We should know right, as all the media said so. Well according to witnesses on the impeachment inquiry (read Volker etc.) there was enough worries and the appearance of possible corruption on that matter at the State department. And what about Yovanovitch who upon her appointment, was told to refer inquiries to higher authorities. Yes, it’s a show all right.
The North (North)
Mr. Blow, I read your column regularly. You are a man of strong conviction, which you voice with strong persuasive language. Were you to have travelled across the USA by car 50 years ago (I note you are too young to have done so), you would have found the talk on the one or two AM radio stations you could pick up outside major cities and in the hinterlands ‘remarkable’. As in, ‘so far out of one’s way of looking at the USA as to merit comment.’ So when you write, “And yet, it is still remarkable to see the way partisans are choosing to behave in this moment. It is still remarkable to see the disinformation coming from conservative media. It is still remarkable to see just how many fellow citizens have bought into deception”, I would have to disagree. It is not remarkable. After 50 years of it, it is not remarkable at all. Nor is it remarkable that words, fact, evidence and truth itself cannot penetrate the partisans minds. Not after 50 years of it. What is remarkable - in fact, well beyond remarkable - is the realisation that it isn’t only the sane people in the USA, but the entire population of the earth and the Earth itself that is held hostage by the aforementioned partisans. This is not hyperbole. Let it sink in. If ever we needed your strong persuasive language, this is that time.
Guitar M (New York, NY)
Only when Trump turns on McConnell, and the spineless criminal from Kentucky fears for his own hide, will we make any progress. Until then, it’s still a logjam. What can we all do? VOTE. 11/3/20. VOTE. VOTE. VOTE.
Ralph (CO)
The nation can go up in a great conflagration as long as Trump gets his face beamed out from all the 24 hour news outlets, and, of course, his smiling face on the front page of all the newspapers and magazines. There is really no difference in Trump’s America between fame and infamy?
Practical Thoughts (East Coast)
This article lays bare where we are and how close to a totalitarian future we are. With all that is at risk, and the capitulation of 63 million right wing Americans to tyranny, makes it all the more imperative to find a Democratic candidate that can win. Mr. Blow is part of the revolutionary Democrats that thinks a progressive should be nominated. In normal times, sure, go for what you believe. But in these dark times, as the essay points out in clear language, the consequences of a loss to Trump and his proto-fascist supporters is the end of freedom as we know it. A reintroduction of “back of the bus” or “back to the kitchen or “back in the closet” for the grand children and great grand children of the people who toiled and sacrificed to come out of the shadows. Democrats better take off the rose colored glasses and get serious. Find a candidate that will stop this unfolding dystopian nightmare in the making from coming true. Find a candidate that will win the battleground states. Now is not the time for big, bold ideas. Now is the time to just win.
Tom B (Ft Myers, FL)
To @Mike, Republic of Texas. @Mike While you do not stoop to the character assassination and rumor mongering that proliferates on Fox news, you do try to sell decontextualized talking points as if they were a) news and b) a valid argument. a) The Bidens and Burisma involvement are not news. There is no shred of new evidence here, so there cannot be a "revelation " nor a "new investigation". New investigations are based upon EVIDENCE, not new versions of a story made up by conspiracy theorists. This is a rehash of something that happened five and half years ago. For nearly 2000 days straight this was a non-issue until Trump started bringing it up. And now this is an issue because...? b) The logical reasoning of your argument is fundamentally flawed. You equate "versions' of a story on the Bidens to be a valid reason to investigate, but consider multiple testimonies by credible witnesses corroborating events as unworthy "beliefs" and as part of an investigation deemed a waste of time. And while your argument fails miserably, there is a nugget of truth in your words. your general talking point about people in washington making money from position and power--the failure of the enforcement of the Emoluments Clause-- is front and center of this entire affair. Every voter from both sides of the aisle should be telling congress to enact legislation that will make this noble idea and law enforceable. Without enforcement, our democracy may be doomed.
Mike (Republic Of Texas)
@Tom B There is no shred of new evidence here, so there cannot be a "revelation " nor a "new investigation". So the video of Biden recounting his negotiating strategy, with the previous Ukrainian administration isn't new? Except, it didn't get any coverage until Trump was President. Biden's own words, "You have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor or you don't get the billion dollars. Well, ding dang darn, what do you know, he fired him." Now, that is quid pro quo. And, extortion. I think Trump investigating Burisma and Biden is warranted and would be a dereliction of duty, if Biden was not investigated. The upside is, Biden's not getting the nom and after he drops out, there will be no follow through. The reason yet to be decided. My guess, his health. "Without enforcement, our democracy may be doomed." You are right again.
What is complicating things is that being a political rival and doing things that are unethical and worthy of investigation are not mutually exclusive. For those of us who are obsessively interest in these things much of Hunter Biden's adult life has been about cashing in on his fathers position. No surprise there, but Joe Biden should have made sure this didn't happen. Its the benefits and cost of public life particularly at the highest levels. Sure Trump has done much much worse but its a slippery slope to say Joe stole a sandwich for his kid because he was hungry and Trump stole a big screen TV for his. Out of the white house none of the kids should go shopping.....its the cost of the job. When CNN takes the stand that nothing happened with Hunter Biden, well that feeds the fake news debate and is non necessary. Something did happen and just explain it.
Susanna (United States)
The impeachment hearings are meant to serve as a distraction from the indictments that AG Barr will likely rain down upon the entire cast of characters who’ve been attempting to unseat Trump by any means necessary since 2016. (No. I’m not a Republican and I didn’t vote for Trump). Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
David (California)
Unfortunately no political party has a monopoly on corruption. Hillary and Bill had a plethora of issues. as much as I would like to agree that the Bidens did nothing wrong, Hunter pulling down that huge remuneration from a Ukraine company while his father was VP of the USA, is not precisely not doing anything wrong. It was at best extremely poor judgement. Every indication is that Trump takes impeachment very personally and is devastated by it. It will have political consequences and Trump does not take it as show. It is a disaster for Trump and he knows it.
Jeff (Chicago, IL)
And yet, those of us who despise everything Trump stands continue to be reprimanded by some pundits for not trying to reach out to and understand those voters who venerate Trump and perpetuate his hate and lies. No amount of empathy for whatever compels these people to jettison reality, civility, ethics and the US Constitution, will change their minds, so why bother. Besides, no one seems to be asking the Trump faithful to reach out to those of us who live in a fact-based world who covet civility, ethics and lawfulness. So, polarization of tribal politics seems to be the new normal well into the distant future.
GW (Myrtle Beach)
The Republicans in question don't move against Trump out of fear. One or two playground bully tweets from him could inflict serious damage on their careers, which to them are more important than our country. A few might talk tough, but none are doing anything about the debacle that has gone on for far too long in DC. It's all swamp, and DT is the ultimate Croc.
MIMA (heartsny)
If we could only just change the channels and make the show vanish!