Donald Trump Jr. Airs Family Grievances (One Book at a Time)

Nov 13, 2019 · 11 comments
BTO (Somerset, MA)
Like his father, he opens his mouth and shows the world how stupid he is. They all say that the impeachment inquiry is trying to undo the 2016 election, history can never be changed and any intelligent person knows that. Their father will always be the 45th president of this country no matter what tomorrow may bring.
jmilovich (Los Angeles County)
A man who's lived in ivory towers all of his life. The “son of a rich white guy living in 2019” who doesn't know how to wash or dry a load of clothes or a car, for that matter. A man who doesn't know what it's like to wake up and wonder how he's going to pay for his health care or groceries for the month. A man who doesn't even know, or care, what's happening on the streets beneath him. Donald Trump, Junior: A man who doesn't know.
RT (nYc)
Proof positive that apples do not fall far from the trees.
Kolleen (Washington DC)
This article flagging and linking to the Amazon best-seller list is the last piece of information I needed to stop buying books on Amazon. The list - with the exception of a few children’s books - makes it clear why we are living in a active dumpster fire.
Rob (Boston)
"'He relays several life lessons his father has taught him: You shouldn’t expect to get anything in life you don’t work for. If you don’t ask for it, don’t expect it. And when someone goes around offering things for free, don’t believe them.'" “'In most cases,'” Mr. Trump writes, “'that person is either a liar or an idiot. Or a leftist, which means they’re both.'” So much to unpack. Hah, like his father, he accuses people of that which he is (a liar). By all published accounts, given the tortured relationship between father and son, including DJT slapping the him to the ground, not likely DJT ever sat down and taught short pants Trump Jr. anything. Jr. likely, however, observed from Daddy how to lie, cheat and steal. Then, order to please Daddy and finally win his love and acceptance, Jr. he became his father's immoral, incompetent clone. Hurt people hurt people.
b fagan (chicago)
"“Throughout the entire Russia investigation, it seemed, the Democrats in Congress had only one reason to exist, and that was to try and make my father and ME cower in a corner, curl up in a ball, and die,” Mr. Trump wrote in one passage. He reserves a special amount of ire for the special counsel investigation, led by Robert S. Mueller III, because, as he puts it, he was No. 2 “on the guy’s kill list for years.”" Great to know that self-absorption is inheritable.
Kai (Chicago)
I would not be surprised if he is buying his own books to drive up his amazon numbers. This is clearly about establishing him as a future contender. That or a way to sell more Trump steaks.
L S Herman (Massachusetts)
Fortunately, most previous first families have children and grandchildren who are great role models. Here, children, is how not to model good behavior.
Ron Brown (Toronto)
President Trump has also weighed in, saying on Twitter last weekend that he had finished his son’s book. Oh sure he did. Right after he finished reading the History of the World.
kevin sullivan (toronto)
this book will soon populate the remainder bins with Bristol Palin's memoir...
Kolleen (Washington DC)
Hahaha Bristol Palin wrote a memoir. Thanks for the laugh.