Running a Marathon With My Mom

Nov 09, 2019 · 14 comments
Jennifer Lavoie (RI)
What a beautiful story. Kudos to your mom for becoming a serious runner as a senior. It was wonderful to read your thoughtful tale of the day.
Jill M. (NJ)
I am exhausted reading this story but enjoyed it immensely.
Lynne (Maplewood NJ)
I saw you both on 59th just before I crossed into the park! I remember seeing your shirts - and I was moved as I think I saw a one armed hug as I passed. At age 50 myself, I can’t imagine doing this with my mom...but maybe with my own daughter in a few years ;)
KNice (AmercanSouth)
Wonderful...I’ve enjoyed following your training and delighted that you both crossed the finish line. Well done to both of you...Team Miller, you rocked it!
Vinay (Mannam)
Thank you so much sharing. I was cheering for both of you in spirit. Congratulations to mom and you. There is no other sport that allows you to cheer and participate at the same time.
Ellen Tabor (New York City)
i love this too! I'm showing it to my son...! Congratulations to you both. My marathon coach told me how much he respects the slower runners, of which I was most definitely one, because he said that it's much harder to keep your head in the game after four hours or so. You are both inspirations, surely to each other, definitely to my family and I'm sure to everyone who read this. Have a second slice of cake! You earned it!!
Joseph (New York)
Very nice story, congrats to both of you.
Midwesterner (Illinois)
great tee-shirts!
eli (chicago)
In 2011, when I was 62 years old, I ran the NYC marathon. My running daughter met me at mile 19, where I had hit the wall. She joined me on the course, gave me a good slug of Coca Cola, and shepherded me into Central Park, where I happily crossed the finish line. What a wonderful thing you did, helping your mom do something amazing, much like years ago, when you went through the birth experience together! Congratulations to mom and daughter, doing well!
Lori (USA)
Congratulations to you both! I've been waiting this week to hear how things went! Apple cake for all!
This whole story just so rocks! Congrats to both you and your mom Jen!!!
Marjana Ababovic (Rochester NY)
Congratulations! Well done!
Congrats on your marathon win(s) and your inspiring relationship!
Shelley (Washington, DC)
Jen what a heart-warming article. Congratulations to your mother on the wonderful accomplishment and to you for your continued support of her on this dream come-true! When we have support we have the means to do what at one point might have felt impossible. Lucky mom, and lucky daughter! I ran my first marathon to celebrate my 40th birthday but I now want to someday run one with my daughter and daughters-in-law!