Stephen Colbert Thinks Trump has al-Baghdadi Issues

Oct 29, 2019 · 14 comments
P&L (Cap Ferrat)
“You don’t have to pretend that Colbert is a bigger get than Carson. First of all, it’s childish. Secondly, he’s not. All right? Carson changed the entire world forever.” — TREVOR NOAH
Clare (Virginia)
“Usually to get booed that much at a sporting event in Washington, D.C., you have to play for the Redskins.” — JIMMY KIMMEL No, you have to own the Washington football team, Daniel Snyder.
Kathryn (NY, NY)
Kimmel’s mash-up of Obama’s gravitas compared with Trump’s preening and exaggerating was hilarious and painful at the same time. Remember when the leader of our country was dignified? How far we have fallen.
Linda (OK)
Oh my, the Jimmy Kimmel mash-up. I miss Obama so much. I wish we had an adult in the White House and not Trump.
Easy Goer (Louisiana)
Although Mr. Trump watched this raid live on TV (typical for any important covert event), you would think he led the "invasion". Everyone said "al Baghdadi was a coward". No way. Now he was a very bad man. & our enemy. For 1 second, put yourself in his shoes. 50 heavily armed Special Forces are attacking your home; their sole intent is to kill you (& you know this). Next, imagine how you would feel & react. Most likely, not well. He blew himself up; not the best way to go out, but not the worst. I watched "The CBS Evening News". The "Breaking News" lead story was "The Brave Dog Who Is A Hero". It could be the name of a Disney film. Propaganda; the entire lot.
DR (New England)
Does anyone believe this liar? He had no idea who this guy was.
jimi99 (Englewood CO)
How do you butt-dial someone and then leave a long message?
TFPLD (Pittsburgh)
These clips are the "release valve" for all of us "Never Trumpers".. thank you NYTimes.
JMac (Portland, OR)
It is interesting to me that these few responses are all from areas of the US that don't qualify as MAGA territory. I'll go out on a limb and assume most readers of the NYT do not support President Trump. I would really appreciate-enjoy reading comments from my fellow Americans in AL, MS, or any of the southern states. Solid MAGA territory. I'm confident many Trump supporters found the President's comments enlightening. I would just like to know WHY. The DNC should ask that question, and put together a plan to send Trump back to Queens vs. the endless in-fighting the debates chronical.
Barbara Elovic (Brooklyn, NY)
Major League Baseball filtering out the boos on the World Series broadcast should at least be mentioned. I watched the game at home and and saw the president, but I didn't hear anyone booing.
Jerome (VT)
I wish late-night would become a-political again and turn to actual comedy for all.
Lissa (Virginia)
Why? If you watched the 40-minute speech and didn’t cringe, you weren’t paying attention or being honest with yourself. If you can’t watch this and laugh out loud, you’re doing both.
Fe R (San Diego)
@Jerome the nation needs to laugh amid its current painful polarized state brought about by this President. What better thing for the cause than for it to provide comic relief! So late-night TV hosts, keep them coming.
David DiRoma (Baldwinsville NY)
@Jerome Bob Hope used to do political humor in his act. Of course the only difference was back then, it was satire. Now, it's actual commentary on events.