What’s Going On in This Picture? | Oct. 21, 2019

Oct 20, 2019 · 646 comments
Ava (Illinoi)
It looks like scientists are working on an experiment. I wonder what the machine is in the middle.
Joe Chang (Brooklyn, New York)
I think this is a picture of scientists performing an experiment and based on the machine in the middle of the photo I think the experiment has something to do with electricity the one thing that I do find curious is why the two scientists in the middle aren’t wearing a mask.
anthony s (skhs)
it looks like these people are scientists that are testing something. there lab coats say visitor so its possible they are scientists from another area so i think whatever they are testing is important.
Tony A (SKHS)
I think that these people are either sciencetists or students learning something new. On their lab coat, it says that they are visitors so they probably came to this lab to do an experiment. If you look closer, the people sort of look like nurses but usually nurses would have nurse equipment. In the huge metal bowl, it looks like they are testing something out because of their clipboards.
cody (south dakota)
they look like scientist,that are testing something
Ethan D (SKHS)
@cody I agree, they seem to be students learning/observing a reaction
Karissa G. (SKHS)
I think this is a group of college students that are studying some sort of lab science. I see that their coats say visitor on them which leads me to believe that they do not work at the lab. I think they are studying/learning how to work in this lab because they look very focused and they are taking notes. I see one guy wearing ear muffs which means maybe he is the one doing the actual experiment.
Deakin (portorchard, WA)
i think they are studying something
Emma Davis (skhs)
@Deakin I agree with you because the men are wearing science stuff
Chuy Rosales (DCHS)
The image of these scientists demonstrates how more and more discoveries in scientific fields are continually being made with increased research and experiments. As technology increases and the materials that scientists are able to conduct experiments with improve, it will be much easier for researchers to carry out experiments. With the advent of computers and artificial intelligence, it will also be much easier to track what occurs during the experiment as the results will be able to be recorded and viewed over and over again.
Anna (Port Orchard, WA)
I think that this is a picture of students being shown a lab demonstration by some professional scientists. I think this because some of them have lab coats that say "visitor" on them and some of them are holding note pads and things that they can write down what they see.
Joshua O (SKHS)
@Anna I think they could be students too. as well as thinking trainers that are training a new group of students to become scientist
Karissa G. (SKHS)
@Anna I agree that they are students being taught and shown a demonstration. They all look very focused which could also be an indicator of interest or learning.
Max (SKHS)
@Anna While that is entirely possible I don't think that there are enough people present for them to be students and if they are that would be A very small class.
Ana (Dodge city)
The image of these scientists demonstrates how more and more discoveries in scientific fields are continually being made with increased research and experiments. As technology increases and the materials that scientists are able to conduct experiments with improve, it will be much easier for researchers to carry out experiments. With the advent of computers and artificial intelligence, it will also be much easier to track what occurs during the experiment as the results will be able to be recorded and viewed over and over again.
Shaili B (SKHS)
I think theyre in a lab learning something new because they all have notebooks and are writing and paying close attention.
Anna (Port Orchard, WA)
@Shaili B I agree with you. At first I did not think that they could just be learning something new I thought that they were being shown a demonstration. I like your view on the photo, it has changed my thoughts on the photograph.
Ryan S (SKHS)
scientist doing experiments on something dealing with technology
Sahil Patel (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
Part 2- The image of these scientists demonstrates how more and more discoveries in scientific fields are continually being made with increased research and experiments. As technology increases and the materials that scientists are able to conduct experiments with improve, it will be much easier for researchers to carry out experiments. With the advent of computers and artificial intelligence, it will also be much easier to track what occurs during the experiment as the results will be able to be recorded and viewed over and over again. Experimentation will be turned into a simple process instead of being time consuming and tiring. It is uncertain what the future holds in store for humans. Even though these experiments will have many positive outcomes such as being able to cure different types of cancers and diseases, humans could use these scientific experiments in almost scary ways. For example, in the future, humans could be able to edit certain traits on their children such as deciding whether their kids would have brown or blond hair, basically creating their “ideal” child. The positive part of this is that they would be able to eliminate certain mutations that their child may have. The future of scientific discoveries would be extremely beneficial to humanity, as long as we do not become greedy with the power those discoveries would endow upon us.
Sahil Patel (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
Part 1- There are multiple scientists, dressed in white lab coats, eagerly anticipating the result of some experiment. It is clear that these scientists are testing for something new, perhaps something that has never been tested before. It appears that they have been preparing for this experiment for a long time, and the moment that they have been waiting for has finally arrived. These scientists are taking notes, most likely trying to follow the scientific process and record observations about what is occurring. They could be doctors, chemists, engineers, inventors, or even students The full lab gear they are wearing proves that they must be performing a dangerous or hazardous experiment. Their eyes are all focused intently on the source of experimentation as they await to observe the result.
AlyceB (Sonora,CA)
We think these scientists are in a lab testing something. Maybe a bacteria, maybe an animal? But they are definitely testing something.
Ryan S (SKHS)
@AlyceB i agree with the person BC of the justification and evidence they brought forward to the table
s.d (cicero)
I think there are scientist are testing fire. Three are in the back are watching. They could be experimenting .I also think this because they are wearing coats and writing in note books . Some scientist are visitors , just observing .
Gissel Perez (cicero)
The SCIENTISTS are dong a project. I think they are wearing masks and white jackets They Could be making chocolate. They could be making robots.
Deakin (portorchard, WA)
@Gissel Perez i like how you have two different ideas
Aiden Garcia (cicero)
The scientists are ding a project L think they are scientists . because they are wearing masks and white jackets. They be could making chocolate
Axel (Cicero)
The scientists are writing about their experiment. I know they are scientists because of the white coats. They are experimenting with liquid.
Diego (cicero)
The factory workers are putting something in a bucket. I think they are making something to drink.
angelia (cicero)
the scientists are experimenting using a bucket. They are also wring notes. They are scientists that wear masks
Helen (Clayton)
A few diverse scientists are visiting a lab in the USA. They are observing some machines by visitors as you can see on their coat and they are learning about how the machine works. they are recording data and taking notes.
Project Learn Adult ESL Class (Stow, OH)
we think that the picture shows a lab with 5 men wearing white coats. Some are wearing face mask and latex gloves, they could be scientist or analysts, who are visiting while they are testing or inspecting something. It could be a transformer. It looks like the photo is recent.
yairleon (cicero)
The scientists are making some kind of cheese. I think this because the people are wearing white coats. The scientists could be making cheese for the future.
Luis (cicero)
The scientist look like they are burning wood and metal.The textures in the picture look like wood and metal.They could be mixing them together by burning them.
elijah baum (maryland)
What I’m thinking is happening,is that there is some form of doctors taking notes on someone else’s procedure. I’m coming to this conclusion because I see scientific clothing (lab coats, surgical masks, gloves,) and note taking. I could probably find a surgical procedure going on on the other side of this photo, I’d probably find an IV next the person being worked on, and some surgical tools.
Maison (Canal)
It looks like a high school or college science fair. The students look like they are checking their lab. 😉✌🏽
elijah baum (maryland)
@Maison what makes you think that?
Keaton (Burns)
In this picture, it seems to be a science fair. The men look to be judging the experiments or inventions. I say this because there are lots of projects around the room. The men have a pen and paper in they're writing stuff down about the projects.The men look to be wearing the white suits to protect their cloths.
Osvaldo (sms)
It apears that there are 8 scientists, because they are wearing lab coats . They also look like doctors. All 8 of them seem that they are takeing notes . They could be doing a experement. I think they are at least 20 years old or older. One of my gueses is that they are at a university. I think they are takeing a tour, because there are 2 visiters passes on their lab coats.
Bradley (sms)
There are some scientist looking at something different we cannot see,and They are writing about It. The ,one scientist has a mask and headphones so It might be loud or you cant breathe It in. They look very concerned as they look at the thing in front of them.
Dominiq (sms)
My guess is that they are in a university because they look very young . They are working on a project, and it looks like cardboard. They are in a science classroom. The Teacher is behind them watching what they do. They are writing what´s happening on the cardboard. The one scientist is looking over the other project.
Paradice (SMS)
All these people are scientists, and they are doing an experiment, or they are doctors. The man with the ear protection is testing a new drug. My guess is the men are in a lab, or a store like CVS Pharmacy. They are trying to make a substans of medicine. The guys are learning how to test drugs.
Bella (SMS)
The men are scientists and the guys are doing a experiment. They are in a lab or factory. The man with the headphones is making something. They are mixing some kind of substance. The teachers behind them are looking at something to see if they can stop it.
Isabella (SMS)
I think that they are scientists that are studying something important like a medicine.I predict that because there is a big bucket where all the medicine goes, then they are experimenting with the boxes that are up on the bucket. After that, it goes to the guy with the mask and earphones on,and he puts it in the container. The guy with the note pad is writing all his research and making sure that all the people are doing everything right.
violetta (SMS)
I think that these people are trying to create a new machine for something .They are taking notes from pictures for information.They are trying to find out how to use this machine and for what.
Rafa (Miami)
I think the men doing scientist to the to the big metal pot because i think they found the big metal pot the grass hiding like a treasure chest.They are investigating the big metal pot.In the back of the scientist are picture saying caution i think the scientist to.w
Jair (puerto rico)
I thing they doing electrical generator and in the picture in the wall I see a word said caution they are men and they are 8 person and they have a masks and a laboratory coats and yellow rubber gloves and they doing someting dangerous
Ariela (Mexico)
In this picture there are 5 main people in a laboratory room and two of them are visitors. They are all wearing lab coats, gloves, three of them are wearing mouth covers, two of them are wearing glasses and one person is wearing headphones.. All of them are taking notes and looking at the lab. I think they are scientists that are doing an experiment with substances and are recording the results to analyse them later. The evidence for this is that all of them are wearing lab coats and some other lab materials so they are probably working with substances and they are writing things that probably are observations.
Andrew (Cincinnati, Ohio)
My guess is that it is a college class that is in a science class. Its a college class visiting a laboratory because the man in the middle is older than the rest of the group. Also that it's probably a common laboratory because there's a door open and people behind the main group.
Mrs. G's class (L.A)
I think that they are visitors that want to be scientific.Maddy they are confused about something because they look confused.I also noticed that they are wearing lab coats that say visitors.And one of them is is the only one i see that is wearing a lab coat that dose not say visitor on it
Jake (Cincinnati)
I think that they are doing an experiment and in front of them is a co2 tank and the guy on the far left is the leader of the group and the others are shocked on what's going on and the guy on the far left is operating something because he is looking down and he isn't in shock. I am also not sure why some of them don't have masks on.
Julia (SMS)
I think that these people are either sciencetists or students learning something new. On their lab coat, it says that they are visitors so they probably came to this lab to do an experiment. If you look closer, the people sort of look like nurses but usually nurses would have nurse equipment. In the huge metal bowl, it looks like they are testing something out because of their clipboards.
Simon (Cincinati, OH)
I think they might be at a nuclear lab. All of the men have gloves except for the guy on the far right. All of them seem to be wearing mask instead of two so it might be a cold or just for safety reasons. They might be students at college learning about science.
Mrs Wagner's Class (UK)
There is a group of visitors - maybe other scientists or reporters - taking notes in a lab. They look like they are focused on something that is not in the photo. There are several caution signs hanging in the background.
Josh (Ohio)
I believe the people in this photo are testing something. this could be an experiment of some sort. this could be happening as of part of a collage.
Luke Perry (Moeller High school, Cincinnati, Ohio)
I think there inspectors due to them taking notes. I think its some type of metal due to the metal residue on the machine in front. I think there is some type of nuclear waste due to the nuclear symbol on the trash can poster. This explains the gloves on peoples hand and the masks.
William (Cincinnati)
In this image it look like these men are learning some sort of experiment that includes chemicals and trash. That is because if you zoom into the blue banner in the background i noticed a trashcan with some kind of hazard sign. Also if you zoom into the "Cold Box" sign i noticed what looks like a hazard sign as well as the words "Tail & Product." I noticed that some of the men have Visitor suits and some do not. Also it looks like all of the men with the masks on are the same nationality. It also looks like the man on the far left with the earphones, key card, and pen in his pocket looks like he doesn't have a shirt / dress shirt on which leads me to think that he might me the leader in the group.
Landell c (Cincinnati, Ohio)
I think they're scientist that are experimenting something that is nuclear and i think they're in the middle east
Aiden (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
My guess for what the picture might be is of a university testing some sort of regenerative animal to study it's properties. I think it's a university because of the age of the scientists, and the prevalence of visitors. The reason I believe they are testing some sort of regenerative creature (like a lizard or salamander) is due to the cold-box sign behind the scientists with the caption, "Tails And Product." They also appear to have a poster of an animal behind them. They don't seem to be testing chemicals, as there is no eye-rinsing station and the scientists don't have goggles.
Sofia (Mexico)
I think this picture is showing us a group of scientists observing some huge and important medical experiment. It is quite easy to infer this since first of all there is a cold box on the back and cold boxes are usually used to store biological samples(medical related), so I think they are in a medical science lab and they are observing some medical experiment. Another thing that makes me think this experiment is very important because some of the scientists observing the experiment have the word visitors on their lab coat, so this must be because they really wanted to know the results or observe the experiment. Some other things that I notice is that all of the scientists have notes and you can see that one of them has like a graph, so maybe it is an experiment that requires a lot of data taking and a lot of numbers. The question that I have is what kind of experiment are they conducting?
ana pau gmz (mexico)
In this picture I think that they are a group of scientists however two of them are visitors so I think that they work in another lab and they are there to supervise the experiment. I also think that they are trying to figure out something or observing a reaction in something but that it is very potent because some of them are wearing masks. I also think that they are trying to learn from what they are seeing therefore they are taking notes and writing questions about what they see. The evidence that I see is that the two visitors are observing and taking notes so I think that is why they are supervising. I also think that the other scientists are observing an experiment or seeing its reaction because they are all wearing masks. I also think that they are working with something toxic because on the background there is a toxic sign and a cold box.
Ana Paula (Mexico)
In this picture there are five men, four of them are making observations about an experiment, and the other men looks like he is experimenting. Two of the five students are visitors because their lab coat says it. I think they are doing and observing an experiment because they are all wearing lab coats, and are taking notes of something that is happening. I also see that there is a cold box warning sign which makes me think they are doing some kind of dangerous or extravagant experiment. I also notice in the back there are some chemicals, and we can see another warning sign too. In front of them, we can see a big container that has something on top, we can see that it reflects something and it shows a reddish color that is probably what the visitors and other men are watching. I wonder what type of experiment they are watching?
JDRE (Mexico)
I think that in this picture there are interns looking at a professional doing something. First, I can notice that some of the people that are there have a batch that says visitors so obviously they are not working there maybe is just an intern job or something like that, To add to that, I notice that they are taking notes, and finally some of them look younger. Another detail that I notice is that some of them have a mask and in the background, I notice two things first I notice that there is a sign that says cold box, which I think it is where they keep biological samples, and finally I notice the toxic sign at the end of the room.
Ana Pau (Mexico)
I believe that this is an experiment in which they are using the body of a lizard to create medicine. This is a study made at a University. There are young-looking people who have a batch that says visitor that are the ones taking notes about the making of this new medication. Maybe there is some sort of toxic chemical flying in the air because some people are wearing masks. But not that toxic because some people are not wearing them. Or maybe the smell fo the lizard parts is very strong or unpleasant. In the back, there is a sign that says Tail & Product, so I believe the product is the body because that is what they are using for the medication and the tail can't be used so they have to separate the lizard parts. This will be such a great medication because people's health will improve in every aspect and eventually everyone will become addicted. At the end of the day, we will all take this pill and the lizard people will say, no more. So people will start becoming crazy because they need the pill in their lives. With this, I conclude that the lizard people are coming for us and will take over the world.
Nicole (Mexico)
I think that this picture was taken as mechanical engineering foreign students or interns observed and learned from experiments or projects in a laboratory in an English-speaking country. There are two men wearing lab coats that say visitor on the front, one is Asian and the other one looks like he could be from India. There is a metal structure with something that looks like big screws or bolts. Two of the men are wearing mouth covers, which could indicate that they are in a lab and are exposed to hazardous chemicals. On the walls, there is a poster that says “Cold Box”, which indicates that the lab is probably either in Canada or in the United States. I would like to know what they are writing notes on, or what they are looking at.
Andres (ASFG)
I think that they are doing an experiment on a dead animal. First of all, I know that it is some sort of experiment because I can see that they are in a lab and all six men in the photograph are wearing lab coats. I also see that they are taking notes and most of them are wearing masks. I think that they are experimenting with a dead animal because the bald guy looks kind of disgusted and a bit scared. Also, I can see that it says ‘‘cold box’’ in the back and dead animals need to be preserved in the cold. All of the guys are wearing gloves meaning that they must be experimenting with something out of the ordinary.
Adele (Boston)
@Andres I agree with your analysis of the picture even though I didn't really pick up on the experiment part. But with the way the way men look and the lab coats and the masks and gloves they look like they are learning something. Any thru all look completely interested with the notepads
Valentina Verges (Mexico)
In this picture, they are analyzing and talking notes some scientists about something dangerous since they are wearing some masks and gloves and they are in a safe room. In this picture I see a grey big pot with metallic things in it and maybe it has some dangerous things since the people aside are wearing safety protection. What does the pot contain?
Regina (Mexico)
What I see in this picture are 5 professionals that are visiting a lab and are taking notes on what they are observing is happening. 4 of the 5 professionals have lab coats that say they are visitors and the one at the right with the headphones is not a visitor which means he maybe works there. The one on the back has a disguised face and the one at the right from him also has like a scared face which makes me think the experiment they are observing doesn't look nice or smell nice either since three of the professionals are wearing masks.
Carola Calderon (Mexico)
I think that in this picture scientist are making observations about an experiments. This is because they all have something to write with and they seem to be observing the metal container. Some of the people in the picture which I assume are scientist have a lab coat that has a visitor label seem to be observing the experiment of another group of scientists. I wonder what the experiment is about and what is the purpose of it. I also wonder why one of the scientists has his ears covered and why not all of the scientist have mouth covers.experiments
Eduardo Fernandez (Mexico)
Scientists are looking at a cure for some disease. They are in a cold room taking notes of the experiment. The white coats and glasses make me know that they are doing an experiment. Also, the notebooks they are holding are telking me that they are taking notes on the experiment. I pursue it is a medical thing due to facial expression and how they are all looking in the same direction. I can also find that there are radioactive symbols on the background meaning that they work with radioactivity.telling
Paloma (Guadalajara, Mexico)
I think in this picture there is a scientific experiment going on, I think this because they are all wearing lab coats and there is a metal weird-looking container they have masks on. Also maybe its a foreign place since many of the lab coats have visitors written on them which may mean that scientists are visiting a place to observe and experiment, I also wonder what cold box means and what that gold object on top of the container is.
Julia (Nebraska)
I feel like they are doing an experiment about food. They are in white coats and most of them have face masks on. They are studying an experiment that's going on. Everyone except for the guy with ear muffs is a visitor because it says it on their jackets. The guy in the back looks either disgusted or scared.
nevaeh (plattsmouth high school)
I think that they are watching a scientist test different cleaners. They have visitor on their lab coats. There are different cleaners in the back and they are taking notes and the scientist is wearing a mask.
Madison (USA)
I think that maybe these men are observing a food processing lab or some sort of process because of the sign in the back that says, Cold Box (they could be in a cold room). One guy looks kind of scared which makes me think he is watching something that people wouldn't normally observe.
Eden (PHS)
I think they are visiting a college classroom watching a professor to see how he does things. its vague I know, but with all the pictures around and the door wide open they are obviously not in a professional environment. I think the closest guy with the headset on is maybe the professor doing some work with chemicals since he has a mask on.
Jozlyn (PHS)
I think that they are in some kind of a testing lab. There are two visitors that I think are shadowing two other scientists. They are in America, based on the poster with English writing on it.
Maddy (PCHS)
I think this picture is of people shadowing scientists while they do an experiment of some sort in a college classroom
cruz (yeller)
I thank that these people are testing a chemical or an inventions because they have visitor on their coats
Zeke (Montreal Canada)
As far as I can see, there are 5 men. Most of them are looking at the thing in the middle. The one on the left has headphones on. And 3 out of the 5 men have masks on. It's most likely a lab of some sorts. In the background they have different kinds chemicals. You can clearly see 2 out of the 5 men are wearing visitors lab coats'. The thing in the middle is mostly likely mixing something because it's in a sort of bowl shape. And the man with headphones is doing something interesting because 3 out of the five men are writing in a notebook of some sorts. And all the men are staring at it.
Carol Comet (HHHS)
In the picture we can see some men dressed in white coats watching something. Note that some are visitors, and possibly college students, doing what they are doing research. It does not seem to be complicated or dangerous, as they are not using many safety devices. They seem to be in a small lab that may belong to college. And the older men in the picture may be the teachers.
Shania (Alaska)
In this picture it’s shows seven men in this picture that are looking at a some type of a scientific things. What company are they in. They are taking notes on a science thing. Some of “visitors” have masks on them which makes me think that they are in some type of place with chemicals
Herbert,dowhitt (Ketchikan alaska)
First off it’s an interesting picture and it looks like there makeing a tasty kabob with a college or high school field trip and the ones with the mask are the students and it looks to be in a pot and there attention is on something out of view.
Sophia Mochrik (Massachusetts)
Ah, this is just a bunch of guys having a fun time at a party.
Madison (California)
As far as I can see, there are 5 men. Most of them are looking at the thing in the middle. The one on the left has headphones on. And 3 out of the 5 men have masks on. It's most likely a lab of some sorts. In the background they have different kinds chemicals. You can clearly see 2 out of the 5 men are wearing visitors lab coats'. The thing in the middle is mostly likely mixing something because it's in a sort of bowl shape. And the man with headphones is doing something interesting because 3 out of the five men are writing in a notebook of some sorts. And all the men are staring at it.
Briana (California)
There is about like 6 people that look like scientist. Some of them have a lab coat that says visitor. They are writing some stuff down like possibly data. They aren't looking directly at the pot that has some gold or metal, it looks like they are looking at something different. Some of them have mask to cover their mouths and nose. In the back you can see a sign that says "Cold Box", I don't know if that relates to what they are doing. One of them have headphones probably he is hearing something or they are soundproof headphones because it is probably loud inside the room.
Guadalupe (Hawthorne Math and Science Academy)
There are five men in lab coats and taking down data. I think that there in a college science class working on an experiment. Maybe since there all hovering around the pot maybe this experiment is very important. Also since there covering there face maybe there handling something strong as in a chemical.
Kacey (MA)
@Guadalupe I can totally see this being a college science class now that you pointed it out. Especially since they are all taking down data and their coats say visitor.
Hal C. (CA)
A group of scientists are recording what could be the results of a science experiment. The image does not show the full experiment but it shows a part of it. In addition, we can see some of the scientists wearing covers over their mouths indicating that the experiment may have included chemical science. They would need the covers to prevent dangerous chemicals from entering their lungs. One two scientists, we can also see the label "Visitor". My inference is that this experiment is being conducted in a laboratory and the results are being shared with other scientists or significant people.
Gabriela C. (California)
I believe that there are scientists in the picture because they're wearing a white coat, gloves and goggles. I think the five men are grabbing data and writing the results on paper. I can also analyze from this picture that the one of the five men is looking down and wearing a blue cough mask and wearing ear protectors.
Fernando Herrera (hawthorne)
I think this has to do with some kind of new experiment and the people with coats that say visitor are there to take notes and data from this experiment. most are wearing masks and gloves to protect themselves so maybe this thing they are looking is dangerous. The guy in front also has headphones so maybe it was to do with sound.
Vicente (California)
There are five people in the main part of the photo wearing white lab coats. I can see there are five people from left to right in the photo. I also notice that two of the people are wearing a "visitor" tag and a few of them are taking notes on whatever is inside the pot. The pot looking thing is in the bottom center of the photo. Based on these people taking notes on the components inside the pot, I can infer that these people are safety inspectors. These people are inspecting the safety of this laboratory.
Aixia (California)
I think this picture are scientist touring a lab because on there lab coats it says visitor and they seem to be taking notes with paper and pencil.
Bella (Burlington)
@Aixia I thought the same thing because I also noticed that their lab coats say visitor.
Mora (HMSA)
I notice that there are 5 men staring at something that appears to look like it's metal in the middle of a pot. I also see that two of them have the word "Visitor" on their coats. I think they are in a laboratory taking notes about this thing that they are researching.
Carlos (Area 51)
In this picture there are a group of people in some kind of scientific place that could be used for research or looking at machinery. Looks scientific cause the group of men are wearing white coats and and writing something on paper they have in their hands. Some of the men have visitor on their jacket so they must be an intern studying this field and taking notes on what to do. They could also be part of another group looking to make sure everything is running well which is why they are taking notes on their paper to see if everything is good on the check up. One last thing is this place may have some hazardous elements to it since around the image are triangle signs that usually mean a warning and thus could mean they are studying how to carefully watch the area.
Viviana (Hawthorne Math and Science Academy)
It's 6 scientist doing some science lab and they are observing it by taking notes on their notebook. It seems like they're doing something with chemistry with a pot and some wood. It looks like there must be some type of liquid in the pot that is being heated up.
Hakim Ejinaka (Califonria)
I see a bunch of scientist with their gear witnessing and recording a lab and or an experiment
Jonathan (California)
Based on the room and objects found in what appears to be a laboratory, I believe that these are a group of scientists that conducted some sort of experiment related to magnets, and there is a reporter that is there to report the results of the experiment to either a magazine or just government related institution.
wendy (united states)
There are some mens that are visitors in this picture. They are in a laboratory, some are visualizing objects and others are taking notes. The visitor is watching another man do something meanwhile taking notes.
Tony A (SKHS)
@wendy i do agree they do look like they are in some type of labatory
genesis (california)
I see 5 men that look like they are in some type of lab. They are wearing a white lab coat which makes me believe that.It seems as if they are studying something or observing. Possibly even listening to someone talk or give a lecture of some sort. They have a pen and paper which makes me think they are writing down some notes. Some have their noses and mouths covered which makes me wonder why the others don't.
George Chile (Hawthorne)
The men who appear to be dressed like scientist seem to be distracted by the man in front and by depicting the look on their faces . It must be attention grabbing and a result of lost of focus as well as serious due to the men looking very engrossed.
Anthony (California)
There seems to be five men in lab coats studying some sort of tank or what is in the tank. And only some are wearing pertective asks.
Guillermo (CA)
This photo has three or 5 men with white coats, with some caring surgical masks, and all of them with elastic gloves. The man in glasses is a recording data, based on his actions of looking at an object with a pen and paper pamphlet. They are doing a science experiment since there is a weird science contraption based on the fact that there are 2 sticks of wood that are nailed into a pot. Based on he fact that the man in the middle is asian, the man in front of him is pakistan or hispanic, based on his skin tone, they are doing an experiment in the U.S, who are known for their ethnic diversity.
Brady (Kaye)
I think that there are various scientists at a lab visiting a specific object or project that is being worked on. They might be working on some stuff they might not want to breathe in so possibly toxic fumes are being demonstrated in the procure. They are taking notes so they might be reporters reporting on some kind of new experiment or new invention.
hayley gilson (Alaska)
They are in the back of a restaurant doing an inspection. They are probably worked for the FDA. Or they could be working in a lab they use to train students. They might be researchers also.
Hannah (Ketchikan Alaska)
There are 5 scientists who look like there doing research. A few of them are wearing masks so it is possible they are working with something toxic. They are all huddled around a silver can. The silver can had orange things on top of it that may alter there experiment.
Jocelyn (alaska)
guys in lab coats are observing something like an experiment. They are taking notes and looking at something not pictured. Three of the men are wearing masks, one is wearing headphones. They could be testing something. The coats say visitor on some of them so they could have invited people to look at the experiment.
Eduardo Gomez (Ketchikan,AK)
In this picture I believe that there are a group of students in class in a lab observing something and taking notes. There is one man in the background that could be the professor possibly.
Jamie (United States)
In the picture, I see people wearing lab coats and a mask. I think they are apprentices who are trying to learn from other scientists because they are taking notes. They are gathered beside a metal drum. I also think they are comparing and contrasting other scientists experiments because that's what all scientists do.
Karen (Alaska)
There are four guys who might be scientist or inspectors. They look like they’re testing testing something and putting down observations in their notes.
Riley (Alaska)
The lab coats they have on say “visitor” and they are writing down notes, I think they are students form a school touring a professional lab with real scientists.
Raven G. (Alaska)
What I see are five men surrounding a huge metal can with what looks like a food item. They seem to be studying the item in the middle and writing down observations.
Cashlie (Alaska)
There are 5 men in white lab coats surrounding some sort of pot. I’m not sure what it is they’re looking at but it’s sticking out of the pot. 3 of the five men have on masks that cover their nose and mouth. I think they’re studying whatever is in the pot because they seem very focused on it.
Degan linne (Ketchikan Alaska)
I think that’s they are scientific researchers that are investing something. This people are probably at college learning about some foreign matters. Also it seems to look like they are heating something up.
dylan (Alaska)
there are people in lab coats doing science things. they are looking at something. some of them are taking notes. there is a big pot keg thing in the middle of the photo. I cannot see what is inside the keg thing. they look like they ate smart. A couple of them have a sticker on their chest that says visitor. There is an unknown object in the middle of the picture.
Ross (Alaska)
I think that they are Chemical scientists that are in Asia. It looks like they are making s’mores or something like that. Or they are doing a chemical test on a substance. What they are doing is probably toxic because the mast that wearing. They are also being extremely unsafe because nobody has safety glasses on.
Sara (Alaska)
It’s looks like student scientists studying a project and are taking notes on it.
Ryan B (US)
These could perhaps be health inspectors looking at what appears to be a container for a liquid, alcohol, etc.
Conner (Kayhi)
There are 5 main people in this photo, all of which are culturally diverse, 2 of which are wearing "Visitor" badges, they both appear to be writing something on notepads. the location seems to be somewhere in the middle East, based on the by line, based on the "Cold" sign, they might be working with some frozen substance or something that needs to be kept cold.
Maggie (Alaska)
It appears there are several men in white scientist coats. The white coats say visitor on them. They are writing something down. Some of the men have face mask things on them. A few of them looked shocked. Some are focused.
Kristian (School)
It’s gotta be some soiyentist that are visiting a a place and are studying something. It is kinda hard to tell when what they r looking at because it isn’t on the screen
Dylan (California)
These guys seem to be some sort of inspectors for a food manufacturer or something in relation to the FDA. They all have lab coats on but also have like polo shirts underneath so they are probably inspectors.
Tyler (California)
Some of these scientists are training the other scientists to do... a lab? And, they are watching and taking notes on it.
romi (california)
It looks like some people, possibly students or inspectors or something, are coming into a lab and taking notes on whatever lab is going on
Allan (America)
These guys are obviously guests doing some research, and by the looks of it, it seems as if it's inside a really loud environment. One of them have headphones on.
Sophia (California)
about six people are in a lab, some of whom have "visitor" displayed on their lab coats indicating they don't work there. They're taking notes meaning theyre probably students
Devon (America)
some dudes cooking up some scientific stuff
Jayden Lynch (SKHS)
I have no idea what they are testing but all i know is that people /scientist from all different parts of the world are trying to do what ever they are doing.because of the different races that i see varying from Indian,Caucasian,Asian and maybe middle eastern
Linnea J (skhs)
There are several men in white scientist coats and they seem to be writing something down. One of them looks concentrated and he is wearing ear protection. The others look shocked as they are writing. They are wearing visitor signs which means they probably don't work in that lab. In the front there is a round metal thing. They seem to be in a science lab since they are wearing science coats and there is a cold box in the background. There also is a door that is wide open, and a picture that seems to show a radioactive trashcan.
Mark T (SKHS)
feel like they are some sort or type of engineer and they are collecting data on some type of cooper metal. I see them writing down something. They are all wearing goggles and white robes which makes them look very professional.
Jon G (SKHS)
in this picture they are scientists and they are experiments
Bailey P (SKHS)
I think that they are all scientists testing on something and recording data or taking notes. I say this because they are all wearing lab coats and half of them are wearing surgical masks. I think the one man with the stitching "VISITOR" print on his pocket is sitting in on a demonstration of how to do an experiment. You can also see that one of the scientists has headphones or protective ear gear, but none of the rest of them do.
grace s (SKHS)
i think that there all scientists righting down and collecting data. at some sort of science lab place and the guy with the visitor pass printed on his his coat i think is the head science guy.
Jahnessa H (SKHS)
It looks like an experiment in a lab. I say this because all the men are wearing lab coats with masks. It looks like 2 of them are mentoring because there lab coat says visitor on it. I can also see that they are in a English based area i say this because all the words around them are English
Bradyn M (SKHS)
I see 4 guys in a room watching another guy working on something. The guy whose working is wearing a doctor's mask and headphones which means he could be a doctor teaching others how to do some kind of surgery or something. The other 4 guys have notebooks and pencils and are watching him very closely.
Arelly (Kansas)
I think that they are testing something and they are taking notes and the reason I say that is because I see them with notepads and a pens and they might taking notes I also find that they are wearing white costs and I think they might getting starting on doing something like food or maybe makeup
Absydi J (SKHS)
In this picture there are seven visible scientists, all men. Two of them seem to be doing their own thing. Four of them seem to be watching what the last one is doing. Most of them have masks on, so I think they are probably working with chemicals that they shouldn't be inhaling. They are also all wearing gloves and coats. Only two of the men are wearing coats that say visitor. In from of the main five men, is a bucket with a hole in the side. Inside the the bucket is what looks like copper bolts. This makes me think that they are testing the bolts to be sure they don't break.
Sophie B (SKHS)
They're in some sort of science lab. There are 6 men and they might be conducting an experiment. three of the men are collating data. they're somewhere where it's cold because there's a sine that says "Cold Box" or it might what they're experimenting on.
Laura Sherrill (Alaska)
Their lab coats say ‘visitor’ on them, and they are writing notes down. I think they are visiting from a university or college. These scientists are probably watching a cool science experiment the person on the left is doing. There is a sign in the background that says ‘cold box’. The person on the left is wearing ear protection, and some people are wearing masks over their mouths. Whatever they are doing must be loud and probably not good to inhale.
izzy (Alaska)
The people look like scientists or biologists. Observing something being mixed or created in the big pot. It looks like they are using toxic chemicals maybe, because of the face masks. One of them looks to be taking notes on what going on. There are two people wearing visitor stickers, ones wearing a mask and one is not. Everyone is wearing gloves so they're probably mixing something that can your skin.
Carly B (SKHS)
It looks like they are doing an experiment. There are men in suits and safety wear. They have journals that they are most likely taking notes on. They seem very interested in what is happening. From the background it seem like they are in some kind of lab. Whatever they are working with may be harmful considering they are wearing mouth masks.
Diego Ureña (Mexico)
I think that some scientists from different regions around the world gather up in a research booth or laboratory to analyze something that it is not really clear in the picture because it does not show it. I think the scientists are all over the world because the image makes the research interesting and they are two scientists that have labeled on their lab coats “VISITOR”. As well I can observe an interesting yellowish black triangle that represents nuclear things but I do not think it has a nuclear relevance because they do not have the appropriate equipment, starting with their clothes. So I wonder if what they were analyzing was dangerous or not?
Ana (Dodge city)
We see two men in visitor coats. We see most people with masks, and one man with headphones. We see a big metal pot with cables and maybe a screwdriver. Above the pot are gold blocks, maybe for gold leaf. There is also a cold box and an electrical box. This makes it seem like a science lab or factory.
Laura (SKHS)
a scientific/engineering experiment exposition. Everyone in the picture are wearing kinda protective clothes with gloves and masks; some are not wearing masks, what shows that it isn't like is a really dangerous activity, that's why i consider engineering. Also two of the guys have "visitors" written on their clothes and papers and pens on their hands, what shows that they are there for observation. They're observing something that's not shown in the picture, but probaply it makes a lous noise, since the man that seems to be closer to the object is wearing ear protectors.
Jennifer Solis (Dodge city)
From the picture I am think that they are doing some type of experiment and taking important paper notes about it.
JonteM (SKHS)
It seems to be a group of scientists observing a project of some sort. I say this because they are all wearing lab coats and face masks. I also noticed that some of them are also visitors in the same room.
Montse (ASFG)
Med students are analyzing a medical project and they are taking notes on it. I can say that because they are all dressed in lab coats, they are in a laboratory and they all have eye protection. I also notice that there is a guy with headphones who is not paying much attention and everybody else has visitor tags on them so maybe the guy in headphones owns the project and the visitors are evaluating it.
Mateo (Earth)
The scientist created a mini magnetic field which serves as an observational or experimental study. I can see that there are magnets in the center of the structure that the scientists created. I also see that there are signs that say that there is radiation and there is a sign that says this. Also the scientist are wearing protection. I also notice that the magnets are surrounded by metal or some kind of material.
Julian Masciarelili (GDL)
In the picture we can observe multiple scientists observing something that actually is off the picture, it is something that is in front of the scientist with ear protection. All of the scientists are wearing lab coats and gloves but no all of them have mouth covers and also not all of them are taking notes about what is going on. I can say this because these are all things that are observable in the picture and I am not inferring anything. I question what could they be looking at and taking notes that are outside the picture. I wonder how dangerous it is and how much safety is required.
Serra (Kansas)
I think there’s a couple student scientists are watching an experiment and learning from it. I saw that the majority had glasses/ goggles on and breathing/ face masks. I found that there was a metal thing in front of them that could be used to and/ or in experiments.
Jimena Canez (ASFG)
In this picture, we can see 8 people that are working in a lab and are doing an experiment. The reason we know this is because the people that are working in the experiment ar wearing clothes that scientists would use or that people would use in a lab. Another reason why is because we can see that they are taking notes on a sheet of paper and they are trying to examine it as if it was something really important. Finally, we can also see that this is an experiment of some type because their surroundings have signs that indicate where the things are and also they have to leave their equipment. I also notice that the thing they are working with seems like they are working with students or some group that is not from that lab because some of the lab coats say, VISITOR.
Sri Mahathi Vuddagiri (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico)
This picture contains people who originally belong to the lab or who have access to the lab without any special permissions and people who have come here to observe a science experiment. The evidence which states that a science experiment is going in is people wearing lab coats, face masks and people taking notes while they are looking at a metal container which has something which is made up os metal in it. The evidence which states that some people are visitors who have come to just observe the science experiment is the text which is printed on some lab coats. Some lab coats have a text on their pockets which says ‘visitors’. I am guessing that these visitors are people from a university who have come to this lab for observing the science experiment.
Isabella J (Gdl, Jal, Mex.)
I think that this picture is about an experiment. I am not sure it is very professional or serious since there are students (visitors) watching the experiment, and in very serious tests, visitors are not allowed. Also, I do not think it is so serious since the background doesn't look so professional, I see there are open windows, therefore I believe that the experiment is not about any toxic chemicals. I also notice that there is a scientist that has headphones. I think the headphones are ear protections. I notice that on the back there is a box that says “cold box”, which I do not know what it is but it makes me think that the materials are cold.
Alacyn G (SKHS)
There are scientists in a lab conducting an experiment. The looks on their faces makes it seem like something new and interesting is happening during this experiment.
Kaden E (SKHS)
@Alacyn G I don't believe they are conducted one, i think they are observing a experiment.
Isaiah S (SKHS)
It looks like there's people staring at something and that most of the people are wearing mask so there's probably something to do with the air or some type of chemical. Everyone is wearing gloves and the people not wearing mask is there first day or there just visiting. There's a can that is also filled with something. I see that everyone has gloves and that there writing down data i think.
Paloma (Mexico)
What I think is going on in this picture is that a group of scientists got together to see the new advancements of something. It is clear that is on a science lab because of the guys wearing lab coats and the hazard signs on the walls. It is clear that the scientists are observing something for research because of the notebooks they have on their hands.
Jose Mora (Mexico)
In this picture a team of scientists created a mini-magnetic field which is being visited and observed by another team of scientists. My first piece of evidence are the magnets situated in the center of the metal container. This means that whatever they’re doing requires magnets. My second piece of evidence is that all of them are looking away from the magnets, probably looking at a screen showing or simulating the magnetic field. My third piece of evidence is that in the back of the lab there is a radiation warning, which, if you didn’t know, magnetic fields emit radiation. I wonder what is the “cold box” sign that is in the wall of the lab.
Alexa (Mex)
Based on the visuals of this image, I believe that the group of visitors is analyzing a scientific experiment and taking notes of it. From what I see, I guess there is something involving dangerous chemicals and heavy machinery. I say this because one of the guys in the picture is wearing noise-canceling-headphones which would mean the handle of loud machinery that could potentially damage the ears. Also, I noticed the visitors wearing gloves and mouth covers which could mean the use of dangerous chemical compounds. Likewise, they are also wearing lab coats which would keep the body safe of other substances. Other things I notice are the pot with some type of object that has metal in it. What is that? Why are the scientists taking notes?
Ximena (Guadalajara)
In the following picture, the visitors are seeing how a man is doing some stuff, it seems like an important project. Everyone is taking notes and they are taking precautions by using mouth covers and ear protectors. There is also a precaution sign at the back in the left, it seems like a toxic sign, and there is a machine that seems undone in the front.
Julia (Mexico)
I think that in this picture, the scientists are observing how the item in the cement bucket is affecting or making another object affect. For example, the picture is focusing on a bucket, which means that it is an important factor that influences the scientist research. Another reason to support my evidence is the way that the scientist is looking away from the bucket. They are observing and recording the information that is being produced by the object. The third thing that I believe that the object inside the cement bucket is affecting something. This makes the number of people in the room and the localization of the room have larger importance. I also wonder what is the item inside the bucket, and what are they taking the results about. I think that in this picture, the scientists are observing how the item in the cement bucket is affecting or making another object affect. For example, the picture is focusing on a bucket, which means that it is an important factor that influences the scientist research. Another reason to support my evidence is the way that the scientist is looking away from the bucket. The third thing that I believe the object inside the cement bucket is having, and the effect is the number of people in the room and the localization of the room. I think that the more people in a room, then the more important it becomes. I also wonder what is the item inside the bucket, and what are they taking the results about.
Kaden E (SKHS)
It looks like there are people preforming or observing an experiment, i say this because of their lab coats with masks and ear muffs. Their coats say "visitor" which brings to question they're just observing. The barrel in front of them could be part of the experiment supplying maybe compressed air.
Samuel Moel (ASFG)
I can limit the possibilities of what is going on to a science topic, due to the number of indicators that tell me this is a lab: gloves, masks, lab coat. The combination of radiation in the back poster and the mask helped me realize it must be something dangerous or delicate like some kind of biological advancement. My question is, could it be some kind of radiant experiment with living things? Where does this experiment take place?
Charlie T. (Mexico)
I think that in this picture a group of scientists from different parts of the world or different laboratories are working together and analyzing something really dangerous like a chemical reaction. I think they are scientists from different parts of the world because some lab coats have written in them the word “VISITOR”. They are working with something dangerous because some of the scientists are wearing a mask (mouth cover) and there is a dangerous sign in the wall below where it says “Cold Box”. I have noticed that the scientists are not actually watching the metal thing in the middle, they are seeing to the left. I am wondering what are they actually seeing.
Jaidyn (Alaska)
They look like they are doing a very important experiment, they all look very focused. They also are in a lab of some sort, some of them look confused or concerned like something is about to happen. The scientists are taking notes so they need to know this information or what is happening during this lab.
Alexia Luna (ASFG)
The picture posted on “The New York Times”, l has many clues to what possibly could be going on. It is clear to the viewers that what is happening is that the people in the background are visitors that were invited to observe a medical experiment. Some evidence I found was helpful were The lab coats the people in the picture were wearing have “visitor” printed on them another piece of evidence is that they are taking notes of something they are observing, and the third one is that they are looking very closely at a type of machine or an experiment going on in front of them. Something that was not clear for me is what the machine was doing or making.
Miguel (ASFG)
In this picture, there are five scientists and four of them are taking notes on something that one of the scientists is doing. Two of does five scientists have a coat that says “visitor”. All the scientists have a lab coat. Four of the five scientists are taking notes on something that the other scientist is doing because they have a pen and a notebook so obviously they are writing. Also, the guy who is doing the experiment has a mouth cover and headphones. This is probably because the experiment may be loud and may affect his ears. All of the scientists have gloves and this may be because they are probably going to touch the experiment and the experiment could have something dangerous. A question that I have is, why not everybody has headphones and mouth covers?
angel (alta-aurelia iowa)
I think—they are mostly experimenting on something and taking note on how that something is reacting.my observation is that they are conducting experiment.
Da'vi Guzman- E (SKHS)
I see seven men in a lab room collecting data from a project they must have done together. Most of the men are wearing face mask and two of them are not. Also one of them is wearing earmuffs. There may be multiple different labs that have been finished that they all are going around to see how it turned out and take date to go over it later.
shebenu (mexico)
In this picture, they are trying a new medicine with the help of foreign doctors. I think they are making and or creating a new medicine because they have the close that a doctor would wear, they are in a lab and they also have tools and signs like “cold box” that make you wonder and think medicine.I notice one of the doctors has headphones and maybe the chemical reaction makes some type of noise and since he is the one who is nearer, he is wearing that. The foreign doctors have the doctor suits but there are only two people who have a visitor name tag.
Chuylyr S (skhs)
in this picture it looks like they are a group of some sort of engineers or some one with that sort of profession it looks as though they are observing something. it could be a chemical that could be some one toxic depending on how close you are to it and that is why the closest guy has a face mask on, to prevent him from breathing toxic chemicals.
Amairani (Kansas)
I feel like they are some sort or type of engineer and they are collecting data on some type of cooper metal. I see them writing down something. They are all wearing goggles and white robes which makes them look very professional.
Carly B (SKHS)
@Amairani I also think the suits make then look professional.
Eli (My school in a classroom)
These people are making a new type of alcohol, this new alcohol is a chemical based substance that messes you up by the smell of it and that’s why these “scientists” have in face masks. The guy in the middle back is the taste tester, that’s why he looks zoinked.
Jayden Lynch (SKHS)
@Eli thumbs up
yes (yes)
the sciebtists are finding a cure for ligma
Linnea J (skhs)
@yes I also think they are scientists but what makes you say they were finding a cure for ligma?
Juan Carlos (ASFG)
In this picture there is an experiment happening in which you can see copper nuts screwed or placed on a metal rod, the scientists doing the experiment are also collecting data and are visitors. The evidence to support his is that you can see scientists holding up a notebook in one hand and a notebook on the other. We know that that two scientists are visitors because there is a visitor sign stitched on the lab coats. One question that I have is why does one scientist have headphones?
Da'vi Guzman- E (SKHS)
@Juan Carlos I wonder the same thing Carlos why does one man have earmuffs in and the others don't. Also you can see on the coats that it says visitors so maybe they are doing a lab for college and probably all went to a science lab somewhere.
Alec (Earth)
We can all agree that it's a science lab because of the lab coats and notepads. The scientists wearing masks could be working on whatever is happening in the laboratory and the scientist wearing what looks like ear defenders could be wearing them as a form of communication with other scientists that may be outside the area. The people wearing visitor lab coats could be just checking in on the project. Judging by the "cold box" sign in the background it probably has to do with cold, but what they could be doing doesn't seem vary apparent to me.
wheat (earth)
I believe that they are mostly experimenting on something. And taking note on how that something is reacting. It is possiably serious, and it is taking a lot of the time to figure out what it will do next.
Isaiah S (SKHS)
@wheat Never thought about that but that makes a lot of since.
Sophie B (SKHS)
@wheat Yeah hat's what it looks like.
grace s (SKHS)
@wheat yes i agree it looks like there experimenting something
Grace (Alaska)
It seems like it’s a picture of a scientific experiment involving some sort of metalworking maybe? Because of the metal contraption next to the scientists and their intent focus on the man who seems to be actually doing the experiment. The men are of mixed races so it’s hard to pinpoint exactly where this might be happening. It also might be something medical related because of the masks they wear over their mouths, but the background and surrounding area doesn’t seem like a hospital.
Cordelia (Alaska)
I think that they are testing something. Not sure what but judging by the masks it’s probably dangerous or toxic to breathe in all at once. They seem to be observing it and writing things down so I would assume it’s a test of some sort.
Laura (SKHS)
@Cordelia I'm not sure if it's dangerous or toxic; there're still people that are nos wearing masks, so I think it might be for prevention.
Alex Anderson (Ketchikan Alaska)
I think that the scientists are looking at an experiment that took place and examining very closely of what happened. I think this because it looks very official as if that’s what happened.
Jahnessa H (SKHS)
@Alex Anderson I agree that they are doing something official.
Bonnie B (EARTH)
I think people are studying a science experiment. The man on the left is wearing gloves and a mask, it looks like he is the person interacting with the object. all of the scientists close to the pot with the thing in it are holding legal pads and pens to write observations down. it looks like they are making a large battery or some sort of object they are heating due to the pot.
JonteM (SKHS)
@Bonnie B I agree with the pen and pad observation. They do seem to be writing their views down.
Gabby (Alaska)
In this image it is very clear that they are professional scientists, working in a lab. Taking notes on a procedure they have not seen done before. They are taking notes on a fellow scientists hazordous experiment. They are learning the steps to the procedure, so in the future you can preform the experiment on there own one day.
No (Joe Mama's Pizza)
In the picture, there are scientists. My observation is that they are conducting experiments. They are in a lab and have coats.
paige b (alaska)
It looks like there is bunch of visitors or training scientists in this picture. They are looking at their experiment and taking notes on it. They are in lab coats, a mask covering there nose and mouth, and wearing gloves. Their experiment looks like something in a cauldron.
Emma B (Alaska)
To me it looks like a science lab, but, not a kind of lad with dangerous chemicals but for food. It looks like they are making processed food like twinkies or pudding. I am most likely a 100 miles away from the truth but the metal machine like thing in the photo remindes of something I’ve seen on a food show and the gloves could indicate working with food? Also another possible reason is the people in the back could be interns learning how to make said food.
Kelleigh.N (school)
I think this is a photo of workers/scientist in a factory perhaps. They seem to be studying a metal device. It is definitely some kind of experiment in a lab. They are not using bio technology so that means it is not in a bio lab. It looks like some kind of metal conductor maybe. I think its a science test thing for scientists.
Wileena (Alaska)
I think in this picture people are doing some kinda of experiment. They are somewhere in America because the writing in the background is in English. They look very focused ad if they are taking notes and observing a reaction.
Mike hawk (China)
I think that this could be workers in training for a job in a lab. There are a few men with white lab coats and a few with masks over their face. They appear to be inspecting something or watching something. -mike hawk
Nicholas (School)
This photo looks like a bunch of scientists looking at some stuff in a big vat. Maybe they are doing lab research.
There were a number of details that told us that this was a science lab (science lab coats, scientific equipment, protective gloves worn, masks on some individuals). We wondered if the scientists were doing some research that was related to medical needs, possibly involving nerve cells or DNA. We noticed that some of the individuals had 'Visitor' on their lab coats. We were puzzled that some had masks and some didn't, but the fact that some had them supported our idea that this was for medical research. Perhaps some individuals were at risk of contaminating the experiment. We also noticed that one individual had ear protection. We think the research involves working with equipment that causes very cold temperatures. There's a sign in the background that says 'Cold Box.'
Gabriel C. (south kitsap)
In this picture it looks like there are a group of professional scientists looking at a experiment of something and they are taking notes to see what they can do or make it better. Also the scientists are really focus and they are concentrating really hard. what makes me think that is by their lab coats eye protection and mask they are using and gloves.
Shreya M. (VA)
Visiting scientists or simply visitors are learning and taking notes from what the other scientists have discovered through their experimentation.
LaniO (SKHS)
What I see in this picture, are people in white lab coats and medical masks. On a pocket of one of the visitors lab coats, there is an indication that they might be visitors, being trained for a job. You can see they're using pens and notebooks to take notes. They're looking towards something that is eye opening for them to take notes on. They're focused on something important.
Nicole A. (SKHS)
It looks like there is a group of scientists observing at someone elses lab, I say this because on some of these scientists there is a label on their lab coats saying they are visitors. Other things I can see are they are in a "Cold Box" and they are holding some sort of note taking paper in their hands while watching whatever that thing is.
Dylan C (SKHS)
It looks like they are in a lab and the visitors are testing or doing some sort of safety inspection in a cold lab. They cold like i said earlier be safety inspectors to make sure that ever thing is OK.
Alexia (MA)
@Dylan C I agree that they are visting a lab learning something. I dont think the are safety inspectors. I think they are students learn how to work in the cold lab.
Jon G (SKHS)
@Dylan C good
Evan M. (SKHS)
I think that these are scientists in this picture, probably taking some kind of advanced chemistry class. I can see that there is a sign in the back that says cold box so they might store specimens/bacteria in there to preserve them. I can also see that some of these scientists are wearing a tag that says visitor telling me that they are probably students of some kind. Due to the diversity of the people in the image, there are really no tell-tale things to show us where these people might be but I believe that there are in an advanced, English speaking country.
Abigale D. (SKHS)
In the photo it looks like they’re are multiple scientists working in a lab. How I can tell this is buy how they are all dressed in lab coats with protective gear. Also their seems to be two men who’s lab coats say “Visitor”. They are also holding packets taking down notes of some kind. I can infer from this that they are in the training process for this job. In the background You can see equipment and signs that are usually scene in areas involving science.
Saige H (SKHS)
There are scientists in a lab. When you look closer you can see that they are doing some sort of experiment with a cold box, because that's what the sign on the wall says. All of he scientists are male, and they are all taking notes. 4 of them have masks, but 2 of them don't. One of the guy's lab coat says visitor on it, so he his probably learning about what they do. The experiment is probably on some kind of chemical because of the container.
Marissa J. (SKHS)
This photograph features a hazardous science experiment in a country that speaks English. In the photo, their are numerous people in white lab coats, all of whom appear to be male. Some have on light blue masks over their mouths to protect themselves from the chemicals or other harmful aspects of the project. All of them have expressions of deep concentration. They are holding folding pieces of paper as well as a blue pen for taking notes. Their eyes are observing something on the bottom left of the photo, out of view. None are extremely interested in the large metal cylinder in the front center. I assume it is a device to transport the subject or items to the area their eyes are glancing. What else I can find includes the printed word visitor in English on two of the lab coats of the men. Lastly, another sign, also in English, reads cold box tail and product with a hazard sign. This is further prove that the men are handling hazardous experimentation.
avery y (SKHS)
what i think is going on in this photo is that a group of sciences are doing an experiment and four men are taking data. only 3 of the men are wearing masks and to aren't. in the back theirs a paper that says cold box so i'm guess what there making is being molded or even they might be making some kind of drug.
Kadance L. (SKHS)
This photo looks like people either spectating or preforming an experiment. Their coats say"visitor" which is why i think they could just be spectating. They are also holding pen and paper. They are all looking very intensely at something. In the back their is a poster that says"Cold Box" that could be the name of the room they are in or what they are all staring at. Some of the men are wearing masks so they could be looking at something that admits harmful fumes but not to harmful considering some guys are not wearing them.
Carson N (SKHS)
this looks like a bunch of science vistors doing a lab In the forground there is a pan or bucket with some nuts and bolts probably use for a lab there is a lot of science equipment the background
Katie N (SKHS)
It looks like a bunch of scientists observing a new species or maybe a new bacteria. One guy has headphones on and most of the others have surgical mask on. There is a big metal pot with what looks like 4 large nuts with tin foil wrapped on one of them, or it could be mercury on that nut. The man with glasses and no mask on seems like he could be visiting to see the experiment. I can tell because the guy wears a visitor sticker on his jacket.
Jaden P (SKHS)
Im not entirely sure whats going on looks like they are examining an object. These people could be apprenticed scientists, learning or watching something. This could be why they are holding what looks like a notepad. To an extend they seem concerned. Labeled in the back a sign that says "COLD ROOM' could resemble what it is they are doing.
Evan P (SKHS)
This picture seems to be at a chemical facility where scientist study on the chemicals there working on. They are also taking notes so that they remember what they mixed and what the reaction was.
Justin (SKHS)
it looks like they are in a lab observing something. they could be observing and studying chemicals. then on the back wall there are hazardous signs on the bottles. they are all visitors except for the one person in front.
Deanna D. (SKHS)
it looks like there is about 8 male scientist or engineers observing a project/experiment. it appears that they all have layers of clothes on including a white lab coat. about half of the men are wearing a mask like the ones you wear at a hospital if you are contagious. it doesn't show what they are exactly looking at, but it might be something that needs to be stored cold. there is a white door behind the men with a sign that says, "cold box, tall and product" with what looks like a warning triangle.
Svend T (SKHS)
It looks like some kind of lab I say this because some has masks on and it says visitor on one of them it could look like the Iran nuclear deal. They are also taking notes so it could be some sort of device that has something to do with uranium. I would think that it is measuring the amount of radiation in uranium. In the picture is also see some pictures in the background with some nuclear or hazard logos on them
Wyatt P. (SKHS)
This is most likely a lab testing a new drug because of the cold box sign. They are also most likely doing some sort of science, like chemistry.
marcos (Alta-Aurelia high school)
@Wyatt P. I think it might be a drug too. But what drug would it be
jontae m. (SKHS)
i think that this is a picture of some students observing a experiment i was lead to believe this by only some of there vests saying visitor
Chuylyr S (skhs)
@jontae m. i agree they could be student for an engineering college
cheyenne n. (SKHS)
In this photograph, it looks as though there is a room full of scientists, some of whom already work in this facility, and some of whom are only visiting to take notes and learn the process of their current study. It appears as though this is a very important lab and study, these men all look very serious and into what they're doing. The large metal basin with the two knob like things on the top may be for highly toxic, important or strong chemicals. The man in the glasses, who is a visitor and the bald man in the back who does not have a visitor tag, both appear nervous and very intrigued by whatever the man base of study is. It is hard to tell which country this is in due to the English in the background.
Averi-Jade M (SKHS)
They look like they are in a science lab, i see no females just males there. They look like they are writing down what is happening to what they are working on. Some of them have mask on while the others don't have any on,there is only one guy is is not wearing gloves. One man with no mask had the word "Visitor" on it.
Preston D. (SKHS)
This picture looks like a group of scientists observing an experiment. I think this because the scientists holding notebooks have a lab coat that says "visitor" on it, but the man with a mask over his mouth does not. So i believe that the man with the mask is conducting an experiment while the others observe and take notes. Also there is a big metal bucket with screws in it in the front so I believe whatever that is, is what the experiment is.
Mrs. M-Ps 7th Period (Waldorf, MD)
The scientists are trying to do an experiment in a cold box where the environment is very chilly. It might be a strong chemical or a drug they are making.
LaniO (SKHS)
@Mrs. M-Ps 7th Period I agree with this statement that they're in an environment that is chilly. There is a poster on the left side of the wall in the background of this picture that says, "Cold Box".
ronaldo (Vancouver Washington)
i think they are doing science
jontae m. (SKHS)
@ronaldo nice
Evan M. (SKHS)
@ronaldo yep.
Saige H (SKHS)
@ronaldo Me too.
isaiah (vancover)
i think there doing chemistry or there doing science or cooking
tristan (school)
i think there testing something
joselyn (Wisconsin)
I this picture I see men,notebooks and posters that make me believe experiment is happening I think is necessary to wear glasses and that everyone wears a mask.
Isabella (Wisconsin)
In this picture i think they are taking notes about what they are making, they are learning something and the seen interested in that, also, they are visitors to that place They are wearing white lab coats, and one of them is wearing a ear muff.
Joe Mama (Gotham city)
Pictures. Pictures tell many stories. Stories that only the people who took them can know what that true story is. In the picture it looks like they are making a new food product or doing a science experiment for the government. The government is a evil place in which they force scientists, like this photo, to do there dirty work. This picture tells of how evil Japanese scientists are making a bomb to get back at Hiroshima.
Nicole A. (SKHS)
@Joe Mama Um I am pretty sure they are not making a bomb because it would be in a much disclosed area. As well as the people would be wearing masks and better protection. And they would not be showing pictures of a bomb in the making.
Wyatt P. (SKHS)
@Joe Mama if they were trying to get back for Hiroshima, why would there be an American with the "visitors"?
Mike Oxsmall (Alaska)
@Joe Mama best response and most accurate response
Alex (Alaska)
what I can see, is that either people are working on a product because they are not looking at the camera but something behind the camera. they could be doing almost anything but it seems like it is something that worth taking notes.
kaydence (ketchikan)
this picture shows scientists working on something. 2 of the 5 men in the picture are visitors, as shown in their uniform. they are taking notes and the guy on the front is doing the presentation and he is way more equipped.
Jesse (ketchikan)
Scientists are investigating an experiment. They are all wearing safety equipment. I think so because they are looking at it and writing things down.
Deanna D. (SKHS)
@Jesse yes it also seems more like an experiment that they are/have to be observing and taking in data, but it looks like they could be worried that something could go wrong.
Braxton (Ketchikan)
They appear to be doctors or scientists. Experimenting or testing some thing new. You can tell because they have face masks and lab coats on. Taking notes on what is happening in front of them. There is also some time of metal machine sitting in front of them. It seems that they’re working in the pot in front of them
Ellie (Alaska)
In this picture there are multiple scientists performing an experiment. I think this because they are observing and recording what is taking place in the pot. Some of the scientists are also wearing masks and earphones so the experiment may be dangerous.
Averi-Jade M (SKHS)
@Ellie I agree with you but if i was an dangerous experiment i think every person in the room would have to wear face mask and gloves and not every one is doing that, and only one person in that room is wearing head phones.
Kadance L. (SKHS)
@Ellie I agree that it may be dangerous because of all the safety equipment.
Jerzey (Alaska)
In this picture it looks like they are doing some type of experiment, maybe something to do with food or perhaps medication. They are heavily protected so it might lean more towards the medication Side. I also see a guy with headphones so maybe it's a little loud in there too.
Marissa J. (SKHS)
I did not notice the headphones. Maybe they are experimenting medication. Although, I am unsure how working with medicine requires ear protection. It is definitely a possibility.
Rava (Alaska)
in the picture it looks like the men there are doing an experiment. i believe they are trying to cause a reaction with looks like metal or/and wood. there are a few people visiting and other that are wearing masks and theres one person with noise canceling headphones. the men in the photo are in white lad coats and there taking notes.
paris (alaska)
This picture looks like these people are scientists who study something important, because they look very serious. It also looks like soap.
Absydi J (SKHS)
@paris what part looks like soap? I'm a bit confused.
Trinity (Alaska)
I agree with Regina G 100% in regards to the alien theory. They allowed reporters to see briefly inside of area 51 so they can watch fake scientists cover up their tracks by pretending to be normal scientists.
Johhnny!! (Alaska)
Theyre probably training students that wants to become or pursuing scientist
Cristobal (Mexico)
In this picture, we can see there is a sort of experiment or investigation going on, and they are taking notes of their results or studying something. I can infer who some of the scientists in the room are training or taking some sort of course or they are training, because of the “visitor” in their lab coats. There are also people with masks on and others are looking at some sort of thing and taking notes at the same time, there is even a guy with noise-canceling headphones. There are clearly in a lab and there is metal bowl/pot with metal inside is covered in aluminum.
Regina G (MEXICO)
Diverse scientist are analyzing some kind of scientific experiment Well, first the persons in the room have lab coats meaning that they are doing an experiment or something that they need to protect themselves. Maby they are from area 51 and they are doing alien experiments because aliens are in cold weather and in the back of the room theirs a poster that says cold box. Also, another thing that proves my theory that they are working with aliens is the giant silver pod theirs some magnets that produce electricity so maybe they are giving the aliens electric shocks. Are they experimenting with aliens? Why do they need lab coats? Does the silver pod create energy?
John (Mexico)
I see some of safe notice back there and almost everyone wears safety glove and mask. In back there is some machine that helps experiment (I guess). I see the some chemical elements that color green and look like mosquito repellent that call IFIX? So I think that place is a chemical experiment lab. Also, I see some scientists are focused on the front and writing something in their notebook. I figure out that one scientist that on front is wear headphones and his scientist coat doesn’t say “visitor”, so I guess he's the one who controls the experiments. I think in this picture all the people in the room is a chemist and they doing experiments about relate to chemical medicine or testing something new chemical elements.
Diego C (Mexico)
This picture shows some scientists visiting a foreign country, in some type of experiment, as these people are seen recording what they see. Also, two of them are wearing visitors badges and one, without the badge, is wearing headphones. The one with the headphones seems like the one whos leading this type of experiment as he is much more equipped than the rest. Also, the setting seems like a cold place, which leads me to believe that it is some type of nitrogen or cold liquid, due to the cold sign on the back. Is it some type of experiment done in the United States, or is it in a foreign country, maybe in Europe?
Emilio (Guadalajara)
In this image, it is clear that there is a bunch of people inside what appears to be a lab conducting an experiment. This is clear to me because some of the men are seen recording their findings in notebooks, and there are others who are using mouth covers to protect themselves. I can infer they are inside a lab as there are signs which state “Cold Box, Tail and Product”. Also, there are multiple industrial gadgets at sight which can also let me know they are conducting an important experiment. Finally, another piece of evidence could be the guys with the coats which say VISITOR, as they are the only ones recording in notebooks, which could also mean it is some sort of inspection.
Pablo (Guadalajara)
In this picture some sort of inspectors are evaluating an educational facilities' scientific installations. On a first note, the people with the visitor tags are taking notes on some sort of presentation or explanation the person with the headphones is giving. Secondly, the posters and images hung on the walls look like those you would see in a high-school lab, also the turquoise bottle in the back looks like some sort of cleaner they use in schools. Finally the door is open and one of the “evaluators” doesn't have gloves on, therefore they are not dealing with anything hazardous.
Stephie S. (Mexico)
In this photo, five scientists are looking at something and four of them were taking observational notes. Also, two of the people seen in the image have a ‘Visitor’ coat. Three of the scientist have mouth covers, one has ear protectors and all of them are wearing latex gloves. Finally, in the background, there is a sign that says ‘Cold Box’. My prediction is that they are doing a test with gas like nitrogen because of the protection they are wearing and the sign.
Ines (Mexico)
We can see a type of lab where there are five guys all of them have a lab coat they are looking at something and taking note taking notes. Two of the scientists have a visitor lab coat. These five guys are very observant and they are taking notes, Probably the experiment has something with sound because one of them has a type of noise-canceling headphones. We can see that it's a lab because of how they dress. What are they looking at?We can see a type of lab where there are five guys all of them have a lab coat they are looking at something and taking note taking notes. Two of the scientists have a visitor lab coat. These five guys are very observant and they are taking notes, Probably the experiment has something with sound because one of them has a type of noise-canceling headphones. We can see that it's a lab because of how they dress. What are they looking at?
In this picture, it is very clear that there some scientists doing an experiment since they are wearing lab coats and gloves. After knowing their scientist we can argue that they are testing an experiment because the one that is wearing headphones looks like he is experimenting and his colleagues are making observations and they are taking notes about what is happening. Also at the back left there is a sign that says tail and produces which follows to the idea that it is an experiment.
Fernanda (Gdl, Mex)
In the picture, it is seen a group of scientists in a lab making observations on what is happening on the silver bucket. Some of them are wearing a visitor’s tag, which can be inferred that the lab wanted multiple points of view for the experiment or they could be trainees. There is also some relationships with sound because of the scientist, the one not taking notes, is wearing headphones.
Adrian (Kansas)
1.There are a couple of men trying to see what type of changes are going on 2. They are writing things down for research 3. A big silver open tank?
Lockport School class 8-3 (Lockport, MB, Canada)
Our class wonders where they are, what company they are working for, and what they're doing. We think they are doing research because they're wearing lab coats, masks, ear protection, and they are writing information down. We notice that there are two visitors. Where did they come from and where are they? We wonder why they are not looking at the steel cylinder. Maybe they are looking at a screen with information on what they are doing. We wonder why only one guy is wearing ear protection and some are only wearing gloves. We wonder why the middle guy is the only one wearing something hanging off of his neck. Lastly, we wonder what that cold box sign if the top left means.
Pia (Mexico)
this picture shows scientists working on something. 2 of the 5 men in the picture are visitors, as shown in their uniform. They are taking notes and the guy on the front is doing the presentation and he is way more equipped. Others look more like students and others more than teachers.
Aubrey Z (SKHS)
In this photo, it is clear that there around seven scientists in the room who are studying a lab. Although I exactly identify where this picture is located, I can infer that this was taken during some sort of training program for young scientists. This is because there are some guys with "visitor" on their lab coats and some without. There's also four people with doctor masks on, and four people taking notes on and evaluating the person on the far left, who is doing the experiment. The guy doing the experiment has a mask on, as well as noise canceling headphones which probably helped stay focused. The background also contributes to this possibility because it looks like they are in a lab room, and there's a poster on the left that says "Cold Box" and underneath it "Tail & Product". From what we can see of the experiment right now, there is a metal bowl/pot with some metal rods, wooden blocks, and tin foil in the middle of the bowl.
Justyne N (SKHS)
I think that in this picture there are scientist working with the new workers. there are multiple people in lab coats which brought me to the conclusion that they are scientists. Some of the people are wearing lab coats that say 'Visitor' which makes me think that they aren't working there yet and they are being trained. They are also taking notes on something in the center of the picture. What I am still confused about why there is a man with ear muffs on the left side.
Alex M. (SKHS)
@Justyne N I like the idea of them being trainees. they could be wearing the visitor tags because they are there to have the rest of the scientists show them around the lab and how things work before getting to work
Katie N (SKHS)
@Justyne N Everything you said is what I thought as well, and the earmuffs is what I never thought about before, but maybe hes conducting an experiment on something to do with sound.
Justin (SKHS)
@Justyne N i agree that they are being trained
Varian F (SKHS)
they are using some sort of gas in a lab they are testing something, the man with the ear muffs on most likely needs the ear muffs to stay focused. they are taking notes but the man to the left with visitor is using a different notebook than the person on the right with visitor on his jacket. three of the men have masks on but two don't this slightly confuses me, for why would three have it and not the other two. there is a sixth person in the background with a mask on he may be monitoring the test but this is unknown. To the left of the bald mans head facing him is a picture of a bio-hazard sign. i believe the sign that says "cold box" is a freezer for something or maybe a code name for some type of project or item the same goes for the text "tail & product". the bucket thing right in front of the camera that is not in focus has two valves on it with some sort of silver foil on it it. Also the container has two screw connectors on it the well of it has tape on it both valves seem to lead to the same place but again this is unknown.
Aubrey Z (SKHS)
@Varian F I agree with that, however, I think that the reason some of them have a mask and some of them don't, is because it was probably optional. You aren't required to use a mask for every experiment, so those specific people probably just didn't want to, or they prefer to discuss without a mask in the way.
Anne .A. (SKHS)
In this picture it looks like there experimenting on something to show the people in the visitor coats. The people in this photo are all wearing lab coats, but only some of them are wearing lab coats that say visitor on their pocket. They are wearing gloves and masks, one of them is wearing ear muffs. They're all looking in the same general direction, except the guy with ear muffs, but we cant really see what hes looking at.
Mrs. Staub's A Bell English Class (Norfolk, VA)
Our class thinks students are visiting a lab to research something about the relationship between temperature and sound. They think this because they see headphones on one of the individuals, they spotted a cold box in the background, and the "Visitors" appear younger than the others. Upon taking a closer look, students noted a picture of a Hazmat trashcan in the background, confirming their beliefs that this is a lab. They also noted that none of the individuals were looking at the vat. Instead, the individuals were all looking at something the man with the headphones was doing.
Varian F (SKHS)
@Mrs. Staub's A Bell English Class your inference seems to be a excellent example ,you noticed details that I had not.
Joanna B. (SKHS)
I believe this is a group of scientists or doctors all studying medicine or some kind of chemical reaction perhaps. They appear to be in some kind of lab and they are all wearing white lab coats and staring at the same thing. A few of them have the word visitor on their lab coats which makes me think that maybe they are only visiting for this very study and do not regularly work in this lab. Race and color varies within the room of people which adds to my idea that maybe they traveled from other places to come and study here. There is a machine in front of them that appears to have a metal base/bowl and two wooden pieces on metal poles that could possibly spin, the wooden pieces also appear to maybe have some kind of tinfoil or metal lining. I'm not sure what something like this would be used for but it could very well, possibly be used for an experiment of some sort.
Audrey G (SKHS)
I think that this picture was taken in some sort of lab with scientists. I think this because in the photo you see men in lab coats and signs in the background that seem to be lab related. one of the men is wearing a visitors coat so he could be observing things taking place in the lab. We also see a pot-like container that could hold chemicals or something of the sort since they are all wearing face masks.
Aubrey M (SKHS)
In this photograph, there are men who appear to be in a "cold box" or a science lab of some sort. They are taking notes and looking at one thing that is out of view. Two of the men are wearing coats that say "visitor" on them so I believe they are on some tour of a lab. This photograph takes place in an English-speaking country as everything is written in that language in the picture. I would also venture to say that whatever they are looking at is unusual and/or interesting as their facial expressions all look to be about the same. Additionally, all of the men appear to be of different races, therefore, this lab or wherever they are at may have invited or attracted aspiring scientists from multiple parts of the world.
Marielle M. (skhs)
In the image it looks like 4 scientists are observing the one scientist in the front do something. It looks like that because the person in the front is is doing something while the 4 people are standing behind him with pen and paper taking notes. I say they look like scientists because they're wearing white lab coats and the stuff around the room like the object closest to the camera and the sign on the wall saying "Cold Box" looks like scientific stuff so they could possibly be in a lab. Only 2 of the 4 scientists taking notes has a "Visitor" tag on them so they could maybe be job shadowing and observing.
Brooklyn W. (SKHS)
@Marielle M. I believe that what you say is true and that you seem to be really smart. and take note that only two of them have the visitor tag on.
Jose Pablo (ASFG)
Visitors went to a lab and looks that they are showing something to them because they are taking notes in their book but they have a lab coat, gloves, and a mouth cover because they are looking for something dangerous. It makes me say that because they have lab coats that say visitors in their chest also have books to take notes, in their hands have gloves and mouth covers because they might be doing or watching dangerous. What are they looking so impressed?-Why visitors are taking notes with lab coats?-Why are they so covered with protection? The visitors are looking at something really impressive or dangerous because they look impressed. They are taking notes probably because it’s so interesting that they wanted to take notes. The visitors have lab coats, gloves, and mouth cover because for protection they might be doing something dangerous.
Brooklyn W. (SKHS)
Two of the men in lab coats seem to be visitors because their lab coats say visitor on them. They all look like there testing an experiment and recording the results, because they are looking at something intensely while there pen seems to be taking note. The background helps us infer that they might be in a lab, because of the equipment ant warning signs and safety equipment their wearing, and one of them looks like hes working on something/turning something on based on the position of his head and hands, he is also wearing sound canceling headphones.
Christenae (SHKS)
In this picture, what i think is happening is that a group of scientists are experimenting on something. In the picture i see 6 men in lab coats and gloves. 4 of them wearing masks. One of the wearing headphones, that are maybe noise cancelling. I can see that most of them have a notepad and writing utensil in hand, and they appear to be looking straight ahead of them to something that is maybe off camera. They all have an expression on their face, as if they are waiting for something to happen or something has just happened and they are just observing it. The picture looks as if it is being taken in some sort of lab, i see all types of equipment that would be used in a lab. I also see science posters around the walls.
Andrew B (SKHS)
It looks like they are scientist that are conducting a experiment. What i see that makes me say this is that they look to be in a lab environment and have lab coats on. They also have notebooks and pens to take notes on and it looks like they are all looking at the same thing. What more you can find or see is they could also be just visitors that are there to see the experiment and not actually do it because it says visitor on there coats and on the guy thats actually doing the experiment does not have the visitor on his coat and has a mask and looks to be headphones that block out sound. some things in the background can say somethings like they are in a lab because they're are other scientist in the lab behind them with mask on and they're are what looks to be lab equipment on the desk right behind them.
Zachary Y (SKHS)
In this picture I see 7 people visiting a lab that I'm aware of that are observing a project or experiment of some sort. There are seven people: two people wearing visitor jackets and three people wearing regular jackets which I'm going to assume are actual scientists along with the two in the back in which I can't see their jackets, looking at a kegarator of some sort as if it was a project. It also appears that they are in a small room and I'm going to assume that they aren't working with something safe since I see four of them with masks on.
Svend T (SKHS)
@Zachary Y I dont really see where you found the 7th guy but i would agree that its some sort of experiment
Alex M. (SKHS)
in this picture, there appears to be some scientists or doctors inside a lab looking at some piece of equipment or medical technology or something behind the camera. 2 of them appear to just be visitors or interns because they are wearing a tag that says "visitor" on it. most of them appear to be taking notes on whatever they are observing. one of the men is also wearing ear muffs, implying it may be a little loud in there. some of them are also wearing the blue masks, so there might be some kind of chemical or gas used in whatever thing they are looking at. in the very back, there are 3 men who seem to be working on something else or are just looking at it from afar, as they are not with the rest of the group.
Andrea (dodge)
1. 5 scientist are discovering/learning something about this “new” technology 2. What I see is something that has to do with new technology and the scientists have notes that they are taking 3. I can find that there is a lot of machinery by them and they have to wear goggles for safety
jonathon d (skhs)
it looks like people are visiting a laboratory you can tell they are visiting because of the visitors tag on the coats you can also see that they are not looking at the object in the front they are looking at an object more to the left
Tiana K (SKHS)
In this picture I see lab workers trying to study something.I think this probably takes place in a lab somewhere in the united states.
Guillermo JAcobo (Guadalajara)
I think their experimenting with electro-magnetics or just magnets in general, will other scientists or visitors are watching the experimentation. I mean the picture shows 2 pieces or bronze like metals which is oily copper, surrounded by cables and also raped around in aluminum foil, which is surrounded by observes that say visitors and taking notes while observing. That there are maybe other experiments because not all of them have visitor labels and not a single on in this picture are watching the electro-magnetics but to another place. What is the reason that their doing this? Why are they looking to another place? Is it more interesting than magnets? Why some have visitor coats and others don't?
Courtland L (SKHS)
It looks like they're doing a test on something in a lab and it looks like there righting down notes because maybe something is going on in the test or they'ye righting down how it reacts. I can infer tat they are in a lab because they are all wearing white lab coats and gloves, and a few of them are wearing masks. i see a signs in the back that says something in highlighted lettering with the top of a yellow triangle in it , possibly meaning that it is dangerous if mishandled. there is also some cans and bottles on the shelf behind the white guy
Hannah T (SKHS)
This looks like they are learning how to make something. I see most of the guys in this picture with books to write in and they are all focused on something past the camera. I see a sign that says "Cold Box - Tail and Product", the badge on the people say visitor, some of the guys are wearing a mask, and I also see a big mixer or bowl in front of all the guys.
Juan Pablo Duran (ASFG)
In this picture, we can see different scientists from around the world that are making an analysis of a chemical investigation. I can see that the scientist is from around the world since you can see they have different ethnicities one looks Asia, one from the middle east and on looks European. I believe that it's a chemical investigation since they are all wearing face masks and in almost every chemical investigation they wear face masks. I am wondering what is the metal object that can be found in the middle it looks important but I can’t determine what it is.
Ms. Green (Cincinnati)
We guess that the people are in the lab watching an experiment. The experiment has to do with something cold because we see the Cold Box sign.
Ryan W (SKHS)
i believe that they are all scientists or doctors except the one guy with the glasses because his lab coat says visitor on it. and i realized they are not looking at the strange metal object in the front they are looking past it at something else i have no idea what. But they are doing some type of experiment or looking at something very interesting?
Heather S. (SKHS)
This looks like a lab experiment. this looks like some type of experiment in a lab. The men seem to be wearing white lab coats and are taking notes. They all are looking in the direction that the man with the blue mask and earphones to cover his ears from a loud noise. the man in te middle seems a little worried or shocked by his facial reaction. i also noticed that two out of five men are not wearing a blue mask. The men are also wearing rubber gloves i think for if anything spills or splashes they have protection. I also noticed in the background there is what looks like a water bottle on its side and another person staring over where everyone else is. Also there is some type of grey and copper tube in the front but i'm not sure if that has to do with what they are looking at.
Caleb S. (SKHS)
In this picture, a bunch of scientists and Visitors are in a lab, possibly somewhere in the U.S. or U.K. due to the English labeling. These people seem to be doing something in a lab, and it must be dangerous due to the people wearing gloves and masks. This could be an operation, but due to the cauldron in the center, i feel this is more of people conducting an experiment. Someone is also wearing ear muffs, which may mean it is a loud machine going off.
Samantha.N. (SKHS)
They appear to be doctors or scientists. Experimenting or testing some thing new. You can tell because they have face masks and lab coats on. Taking notes on what is happening in front of them. There is also some time of metal machine sitting in front of them. In the background there is a cold box for Tail and product.
b (asfg)
I think that people from different parts of the world came to visit a lab considering how two of them have "visitor" badges. Those same two people are seen taking notes of what could be a demonstration of their project of some sorts. I also think that it has something to do with sounds or it's very loud because the guy at the very left is seen with noise cancelling headphones?
Noah T (SKHS)
It looks like scientists are taking notes and observing an experiment of some sort, from the picture I can tell that some of the scientist lab coats says "Visitor" on the pocket, It looks like some people are wearing masks and others aren't, another thing I see is 2 signs in the back saying "Cold Box" and the other sign having what looks like a nuclear waste bin.
Isabella (Mexico)
In this picture there are 5 men, 2 of them are visitors who are looking at a scientist lab/experiment, they are taking notes, observing, and wearing lab coats and masks. You can tell that two of them are visitors because their lab coat say visitor, you can tell they are taking notes because they have clipboard and pens and some of them look like they are writing. Just by looking at the picture you can tell they are wearing coats and masks. I notice that there are more people behind the five men. What else are they looking at? What are they taking notes of?
Antonio Issa (ASFG)
I think that these pictures is about students studying the piece of metal in the center by taking notes and looking closely at it. It looks like the bald men in the back is the teacher or the professional about the topic. It seems they are about to begin a lab since they have lab coats on and a breathing mask. I can prove what I said since it looks they are visitors in a laboratory trying to learn new things. A question that I have is, why is the men in the far left wearing earmuffs and the rest aren’t?
Lukaus P. (SKHS)
We infer that this is in a lab and the scientists are studying medical technology or medicine. The group is a diverse mix of men they have possibly come from different places to study something together. We think this is in the United States.
Brooklyn W. (SKHS)
@Lukaus P. I believe that could be true because it looks like their taking note of something.
Emma W. (SKHS)
So this appears to be in a hospital, or a lab of some sort. Two of the men have the word "visitor" written on their coats, which probably means that they are just there for observation, or they're being taught. They also have notebooks in their hands with pens, they look like they are writing something. The 3 men to the right look like they are staring in the same direction, some with wide-eyes. Must be something really cool that they are observing. One man, to the left, has ear-muffs on. It might be loud. I'm thinking this is a science experiment in a lab.
Avril A (Guadalajara, Mexico)
In the picture, there are 6 or 7 scientists that are in some type of laboratory who are taking notes on an experiment that is being conducted or on a machine or object they’re observing. My reasoning for this is that they all have notepads and are writing in them as they keep their eyes on the object before them so they could be recording data on the experiment or analyzing the machine/object. They are wearing masks and gloves so maybe something about what they are observing shouldn’t be breathed in, or is somewhat toxic. I also see in the ground, there is a silver pot with some sort of mechanical equipment inside of it so they must be working with physics or chemicals of some sort in the experiment.
Connor M. (SKHS)
It looks like a group of scientists working on an experiment of some sort. I can see that everyone is wearing a lab coat and most people are wearing face masks. Also, all of them are taking notes. I can also see that on some of their lab coats it says "visitor", which leads me to believe that they are college students doing a study at a local laboratory for an assignment. I think it is a laboratory because of the white walls and signs.
Ines (Mexico)
In this picture, some scientists are working on a lab experiment. I know this because they are wearing lab coats and carefully observing something. They are also taking notes and all of these things happen during a science experiment. Something strange is that they are not all wearing masks so maybe the thing that they are testing is not too dangerous.
Rodrigo (ASFG)
I think that the people on the image are scientists testing and making observations of an experiment that is being held at the time of capture. It is a scientific experiment since the background looks like a special, cold, closed lab made for these sorts of tests. I think some of the scientists are still in the university because some still look young and the different nationalities tell me they maybe come from the same uni. I infer they are making observations at the time due to everyone holding a notebook and a pen while staring directly at the same thing.
Ian Solares (ASFG)
In this picture, a group of two visitor scientists, maybe college students are watching as a third scientist is doing something on the far left while there’s another two in the center. I believe they are doing some kind of experiment that involves chemicals since some of them are wearing face masks. I also notice that the first one is wearing some kind of noise-canceling headphones, which could mean that the experiment they’re doing could involve loud noises, or maybe he just wants to be as concentrated as possible. I could infer that this thing that they’re doing requires a lot of precision since everyone is watching so closely.
Regina Rdz (Guadalajara, Jalisco)
I think that the people who appear on the picture are analysing and observing a medical or technological medical advances. It seems like an experiment being tested at a university. I think the men are students at the university studying the same subject because they all have the same outfit, safe cloth measures, etc. Also, they are all looking at the same direction and writing things down, making it look like they are observing and learning. I also notice that they are in a laboratory with posters on prevention.
Anne .A. (SKHS)
@Regina Rdz I didn't think about what type of lab work they were doing or where they were, that's good you noticed/thought of those things, I just noticed the posters as i was reading your comment.
Paula (ASFG)
I suppose that they are a group of scientists gathered together to study something. They probably come from different parts of the world. I think this because on their science coat it says visitor and they physically look from different parts of the world. They are wearing breathing masks and are taking observation notes, this might mean that they are doing and experiment. Also one of the men, the one who is closer to the experiment is wearing headphones, I wonder why this is.
jonathon d (skhs)
@Paula i feel like this could be true do to the different skin tones in the picture
Maximiliano Corona Garcia (Guadalajara/Jalisco/Mexico)
October 21, 2019 In this picture scientists are doing an experiment and they have invited others to observe and take notes about it. What I saw that makes me think this is that three scientists are performing and taking notes on the experiment and two visitors are just taking notes. All the scientists are observing something or what could be the experiment. Finally all of them look like they are testing or observing something new. I also notice that all of them, are concentrated taking notes about their observations. Some questions I have is what are they testing? Why did they invite visitors? Does it relate to energy?
Justyne N (SKHS)
@Maximiliano Corona Garcia thats what i was thinking too.
Enrique (GDL)
I infer that they are doing a visiting tour of a medical facility. I think this because there are people from different ethnicities, meaning that most of them probably are visiting and recording the things they see. Also, as seen in their lab coat, most of them are visitors who are observing a weird machine which further proves the point that there is the only tourist in this facility. As suggested, by their blue pens and worksheets, they are probably taking notes on the machine, which is probably radioactive as evidenced at the back, there is a sign in which it has a caution/danger sign.
Damon F. (SKHS)
I believe that this is a group of researchers studying an experiment and writing down any observations that they make. This is shown by how they all seem to be intently focused on something outside of the camera's view while writing down what they see into a notebook. You can tell that they are in a scientific lab by looking into the background. You can clearly see many scientific instruments or chemicals behind them.
Damien W (SKHS)
I think these are doctors or scientists taking field study notes in the lab. There are multiple scientists/doctors that happen to be in a room with a bunch of testing gear, they are all wearing lab coats, some with face masks, and all of them have a pen, taking notes on a book. One has noise blockers on so it could be something loud they are listening to, but they aren't fully covered, so it could be something that's not dangerous.
Evelyn Quintero (Guadalajara, Jalisco)
I think that the people in the picture are doing an experiment that has to do with technology. I think that because they have coats and mouth covers. Also, they are looking at something that looks like metal and taking notes on whatever they are watching. I noticed that in some lab coats say “visitor,” which makes me wonder who are they and why they are there.
Emilio (Mexico)
As it is seen in the picture, there are a couple of scientists and college visitors that are testing chemicals with a cold box suing lab coats. In addition to that, they are testing what is happening and are jotting down notes on a notebook. For instance, the older balding man in the back looks like a professor. This is why I think that the people who are testing this experiment are college students. Also, they could be doing a lab because they have lab coats on. Aside from that, there is a sign in the background that says cold box, meaning that they are probably testing something that has to do with a cold environment. Throughout the time of looking at the image, I noticed a giant metal cylinder having to have bolts and scraps of aluminum. Why are some not wearing masks? How come one scientist has headphones on and the rest don’t?
Ms. Nimeh's Class (Penfield,NY)
We infer that this is in a lab and the scientists are studying medical technology or medicine. The group is a diverse mix of men they have possibly come from different places to study something together. We think this is in the United States.
Tiana K (SKHS)
you guys explained everything so well and gave good details.
Heather S. (SKHS)
@Ms. Nimeh's Class we can infer that it is possibly from the united states sense most of the writing on posters and lab coats are in English. you can also tell the group could be from different areas of the world coming to one area due to the diversity of the group.
Noah T (SKHS)
@Ms. Nimeh's Class I haven't thought of them studying medical tech or medicine but that's a great answer i'm very skeptical on why a nuclear waste bin sign is in the back.
second period r n (alexandria,egypt)
They are possibly trying to make ingredients for a hyro bomb
Damon F. (SKHS)
@second period r n What observations would lead you to believe this? I personally do not see anything that could point towards that conclusion. I believe it is more logical to say that they are studying something or researching something based off of how they are writing down any observations they make.
i think they are making animal products or cleaning suplies.I think this because in the sign behind the guy with the glasses and it says tail products so maybe its for the humans o eat the tail.But i dont thik its either of those
Joanna B. (SKHS)
@TEAGAN PATRICK I like that you inferred that it could possibly be an act of animal testing or the making of animal supplies however, your comment is choppy and doesn't really make sense. You had said that you thought that it was possibly animal testing or them making animal products or cleaning products and then you said you don't think it is either of those things. Also the sign next to/behind the man with glasses says "Tall & Product".
I think that they are at a sience lab and they are juging that peice of work because of there visitor lab coets
Conner (Consentino school)
I think there testing chemicals with a cold box and they see what happens and rite it down on a notebook
Connor M. (SKHS)
@Conner I don't think that they are testing chemicals with a "cold box" per se. I believe that they are looking to the left of the picture while the cold box is behind them. I do agree that they are writing it down in a notebook though.
Christenae (SHKS)
@Conner Yes i also agree with this. Either that or some type of other testing.
joey parisi (sucsess)
I see that 2 people have visitor patches on so I think that this is a scince lab they are showing visitors parts of the lab.
Isaac (Ohio)
Of the five scientist in the picture, two are not wearing masks. Additionally, two of them have "visitor" written on their coats, which might mean that three of the people work there and the other two are volunteer help.
Marielle M. (skhs)
@Isaac I noticed the "visitor" label too on only 2 of their coats so I also thought that maybe they're also job shadowing or just observing what they do to see if that's what they wanna be because they also have a pen and a notebook so they're taking notes and watching the person in the front do something, possibly an experiment.
zamari (egypt)
it looks like there testing something and are taking notes and some of them have visitor on there shirts and one of them has headphones on there probably testing something going on in this picture and it says cold box in the back kinda looks like a scene from breaking bad
Emma W. (SKHS)
@zamari Good observation! I can see what you're thinking about the cold box. I didn't see that before!
Mrs. M-Ps 2nd Period (Waldorf, MD)
Possibly college grad students collecting data in a cold environment. Maybe working with liquid nitrogen or a propane tank.
Alex Comét (HHHS)
It looks like a scene from Breaking Bad. The masks look medical or for drugs. The gloves give the same feeling. The man in the middle without the mask looks terrified so it may also be a black market organ farm. He doesn’t have a mask on so he may be about to vomit. His eyes are very wide and all of the men are paying attention to whatever is going on.
Caleb Comet (Hanover Horton)
WGOITP These visitors are watching what appears to be scientists at work. They appear to be innovating today's tech and making it better. Men in lab coats everywhere very focused on the task at hand. The visitors seem to be very intrigued as to what is happening so I'm assuming the are ready to invest their money into whatever this is.
EmilyComet (HHHS)
I think that these are college students examining a piece of metal. The older balding man in the back looks like a professor. They could be doing a lab because they have lab coats on. I wonder why some of them have masks on and others don’t. Maybe some of them are allergic to something that others are not.
skylar comet (HHHS)
I think this image takes place in a lab where some sort of experiment is taking place, I can tell this by the people in lab coats and some protective gear. The fact that they are not wearing much protective stuff tells me that whatever the experiment is that it can't be too serious. They appear to be taking notes and have the word “visitor” on their lab coat so they could be taking notes or doing a check up on some sort of equipment. The guy in the front who looks like he works there has headphones on along with a face mask. This could be due to the possibility of a chemical explosion or a very loud machine. It is more than likely nothing chemical due to the fact that the rest of them are wearing nothing.
Hannah T (SKHS)
@skylar comet This is a very good observation and I agree with it. I see everything you are saying about this picture.
Zachary Y (SKHS)
@skylar comet Yes, I agree with this except for the part about not being too serious in any lab it should always be serious no matter what i believe its not harmful to skin but to the air you breath since some are wearing masks
Lucas Comet (HHHS)
The picture could take place in a lab of some kind. All the people in the photo are wearing lab coats, disposable masks, and taking notes. Several of them are wearing earmuffs, most likely to protect their hearing from the machine in the center. The machine is very interesting, due to the fact that it looks like a kitchen pot with three bronze rods in the middle.
cayla comet (hanover)
I think in this picture they’re at a lab doing an experiment. I think that the ones taking notes are trying to learn and advance themselves in Chemistry. It looks like the guys who knows what he's doing is talking and teach the other ones. I would think they're doing a lab experiment , The white lab coats and clipboards tip me off to maybe scientists. The visitor patches on some of their lab coats is what made me think they weren't from that laboratory and they’re trying to learn new and other things.
Nick Comet (HHHS)
What I think is happening in this picture is that they are at a place where they test chemicals. In the background it looks like there is different equipment . The men wearing the visitor jackets could be different scientist looking at what they have. I say that because they look to be taking notes on paper while they look at the pot in front on them.
Sydney Comet (HHs)
In the picture all of the people seem to have lab coats on, and some have masks on, this leads me to believe that they are in a lab. I think they might be doing some type of experiment, I don’t believe that it is a dangerous one because some of the lab coats say visitor so not everyone would be a world class scientist. I also noticed that one of the visitors has a fanny pack on and most of the men are taking notes. I also noticed the sign in the back that says cold box. I wonder why not all the men have masks or headphones on.
Sophie, Comet (Hanover Horton)
While looking at this picture, I notice that these people are probably scientists or visiting scientists in a lab. They all seem to be taking notes on what seems to be some type of experiment. I believe that this is what's going on because on their lab coats, some of them say visitor and some say nothing.
KathleenAOSE (Academy of Saint Elizabeth's)
This image is taken in a lab. I think they are preforming some sort of experiment. The people in the picture are also wearing a lab coat that says Visitor, so they are probably not part of this experiment. I think that they may be students because they are visitors. They also appear to be taking notes on the experiment. The man wearing a mask and earphones in the picture does not have the visitor lab coat, instead he has an identification tag. This suggests he works there on a regular basis. I think that this man is giving the rest of the students a tour around a factory or lab of some sort.
Rebecca Comet (HHHS)
I believe that the people in this picture are scientists and they are taking notes on how to do something. What makes me say that is the people are wearing the typical lab coats that scientists usually wear, some of the people have “visitor” tags on their lab coats, and they all have what looks like notebooks and pens.
Arri (JCMS)
In this picture I see 5 men looking at something that is happening. They are in a lab because they all are wearing lab coats and they have papers to take notes on the things that are happening. They are all waiting for this reaction to happen from the items they are using. They are observing to the items used.
Corbin Comet (HHHS)
In the picture it seems they are performing some kind of lab experiment and they are taking notes of what they are seeing. I believe they are scientists because they are wearing lab coats. A couple people there seem to be just visitors. I think they are journalists writing an article on the experiment being performed or they are studying to later be the scientist making his own experiments.
Izumi comet (HHHS)
I guess this place is institute. Because everyone is wearing a lab coat. In addition, some people pat visitor tag on their lab coat. So,I guess a scientist is explaining about his study to other scientists. A scientist is wearing headphone. So the study may connected with sounds.
Zach Comet (HHHS)
The people in this picture look like they’re touring a food factory. It think it looks like that because I toured a doughnut factory and some of the machines in the background look similar. The visitors look very interested in what is going on around them. They’re taking notes about something.
Joe Comet (HHHS)
I think that they are doing a lab experience because all the men are wearing lab coats and they also have a visitor tag on so they might not even work there. It looks as if they are making the product heath because it has the color of peanut butter but looks like the texture of bark. These could be students because one of them is taking notes on what he sees.
Braedon Comet (HHHS)
In this picture what I see is a bunch of scientists that are looking at an experiment that they are doing. First thing that they have a jacket on that say visitors on it. That tells me that they are a bunch of scientists that are coming to a place to a place where they can look at this work that is in front of them. Also how they were writing stuff down on paper is what they would do for a science experiment.
Photo class Villa Maria College (Buffalo, NY)
Definatly a lab with some visitors. Since there are visitors, its not a dangerous place. Everyone is looking past the metal tank to the left at what? A computer screen reading results of some kind? Why is one person wearing ear protection? Everyone is wearing gloves. Not everyone wearing a face mask so maybe its not hazardous. Scientists maybe more exposed to whatever is happening-they don't want it to build up in their bodies. The tank up front looks like it has bolts in it.
Megan Comet (HHHS)
In this picture it looks like the guys are conducting an experiment. However, this experiment is not a high quality. I believe this because the guys are wearing lab jackets while all looking at the same thing taking notes. This might be a lunch box experiment, due to the fact that there is a sign in the back that says “Cold Box.” However these men are most likely doing an internship because their lab coats says “visitor.” All of the men are not wearing eye protection nor hearing protection.
Aubrey M (SKHS)
@Megan Comet I find your assertion that this is an internship interesting as I can see what would make you say that. However, some of the men appear to be older so maybe those men are a part of the experiment and are showing the interns around the lab and they are looking at a specific experiment.
Kaden Comet (HHHS)
From what I can see, scientists are doing chemical reaction, possibly for an energy alternative. They have finished their reaction, some have taken off their masks. They are recording their data and analyzing whatever they’re looking at. Some have “visitor” on their front pocket and others don’t. Whatever they were working with must be somewhat toxic because of their gloves, masks, and earmuffs.
Mrs. M-Ps 1st Period (Waldorf, MD)
They look like they're doing an experiment with chemicals because of their masks. They look like they are observing what's going on because they had pens and paper in hand. They look focused!
AD (Lombard Illinois)
I think that they are trying to do an experiment and they are taking notes. They have all that the scientists need. They look very serious about it.
Annelisse (AOSE)
This image appears to take place in a lab. I believe this because all of the men are in lab coats and they all seem to be very focused on taking notes on something. They all have face masks on (not the kind that makes your skin glow). The man in the far left of the picture is wearing earmuffs, possibly to prevent himself from hearing a loud explosion from a lab experiment. I believe he is the one conducting this experiment because none of the other men are wearing earmuffs and he is looking down at something while everybody else is looking up. However, the others do not seem to be looking in his direction, so maybe he is just assisting. The man with the glasses on the left seems very concerned, so maybe he is scared of the lab experiment because it is dangerous.
Courtland L (SKHS)
@Annelisse it does makes sense that he is the one doing the experiment because the guy to the left is the one conducting the experiment becaue he is still in glove, coat, mask, and earmuffs
Jose V. (Kansas)
Here we have a couple students writing down notes as they observe an experiment in a professional lab. The experiment itself involves the use of protective gear, a specific container and a certain metal.
Watson Pope (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
These are scientists waiting for the result of something. The significance of this picture is that they could be anticipating the result of a medicine that they spent months perfecting, or anxiously waiting to see if a terrible virus has indeed returned. The beauty of this picture is that we all have those moments where we are anxiously waiting for an answer or a solution to a problem or question that we are asking ourselves. We never know what the outcome will be, and how that outcome will change our perspective. So this photo completely captures that moment right before these scientists have a change in perspective.
Emilia AOSE (AOSE)
In this picture, I think there are scientists, based on their lab coats, doing an experiment with dangerous chemicals. I think it is dangerous because they are wearing gloves and masks over their mouths and noses. They are recording their results with paper and pens. There is a sign in the back that is signifying caution about a cold box, so they may be dealing with that. I am not sure why only one scientist is wearing headphones. They could be dealing with liquid nitrogen because that is used to freeze things, often in a medical way.
Brooke (United States)
I think that the visitors are trying to get information about what they are looking at either for their job or to get the job. I think this because they have pens and books indicating that they are writing some information down. What more you can find is that on their lab coats they have the word visitors written on them which indicates that they are visitors and they don’t work there.
Annelisse (AOSE)
@Brooke Yes, I agree! They all look like they are writing something down intensely, so it would make much sense that they are visitors. The writing on the lab coat was a smart thing to point out.
Nallely Huizar (Dodge City Kansas)
I see men that are visitors taking notes on what seems to be something important because there are people looking at things that are interesting because they are taking notes. It could be a lab on the things of the future. What makes me say that because on the coats there are the names visitors on there lab cotes and they have notepads like they are writing things that seem really important with the look that they have and being very interested on what they are seeing.
Faith (Kansas)
I think that scientists are looking/ observing something. They are taking down notes of what ever it is they are looking or listening to.
Janeth (United States)
There are two visitor scientists. Who got invited to experience a new discovery that was found in this lab, meanwhile taking notes on what they think on this discovery. Soon the visitors will tell Their fellow scientist and will share their opinions.
Annelisse (AOSE)
@Janeth It does make sense that they would be experiencing a new discovery since they are all so interested in what is happening! I never thought of that.
Interagency Academy (Columbia City, Seattle)
They are scientists waiting for a result. They are testing something. It is too loud in the lab which why he is wearing headphones. There are 2 visitors to help them explain the results. They are working with toxins that are dangerous to breath. They are very focused. There is a ladder in the back. Escape ladder?
irving (A-A High School)
I think that those people are working at a factory. And I can see two blocks in the middle. And have big nuts and bolt. There is two visitors who are taking notes.
Alexis (SKHS)
an experiment in a lab
Chelce Gbehart (Dodge City Kansas)
It looks like people doin a science expirement. They are all looking at the machine They could possibly be college kids
Sam M (SKHS)
I think this is a picture of scientist doing an experiment. I think this because everyone in the photo is wearing lab coats and some of them are wearing protective gear on their heads. I think this is being done some where in america because all the writing is in English.
Mystery M (SKHS)
There are visitors in a science lab. They have the word "VISITOR" on their coats. Some of them are wearing masks so maybe they are around something toxic. The man in the back is not wearing a visitors jacket so he could be the head scientist.
Kristoff Cain (Port orchard, Wa)
a demonstration for university students.
Emilia AOSE (AOSE)
@Kristoff Cain why do you think these are university students?
LukeH (SKHS)
Facility guests seeming to be from around the world writing data/observations on what they are seeing.they all have pen and paper, they are diverse, they look focused, they all have guest passes.
Fabian Barajas (Kansas)
I think that they’re scientists that did something wrong, and that’s why they look confused
Emilia AOSE (AOSE)
@Fabian Barajas what makes you think these scientists did something wrong? They could just look confused because they can't figure out the results or something to that effect.
Gavin C (SKHS)
The people in the picture seem to be observing something like an experiment, they seem to be scientist taking notes and it seems this took place recently.
Jenny (Kansas)
4 visitors are observing and one of them is listing to something they are taking notes probably a machine.
Alexis (Dodge City)
1. They’re are scientist who are analyzing data in a factor. 2. They seem to be in a factory and are writing down notes as they view something. There are chemicals in the background, and a yellow caution triangle on the wall. 3. You see that the men in the lab coats have “visitors” on them which helps identify that they are viewing something.
Anne (Dodge City Kansas)
This is a picture of university students on a field trip in a lab. I say this because they are wearing protective clothing. Their coats also say “visitor” on them. I can also see other people in the back and a sign that’s says “cold box”, as well as a second sign that looks like a warning about hazardous waste.
Jeremiah McMoore (SKHS)
I think the people are experimenting, and they are disappointed with the results. I say that because of the expressions on there faces. I also see that they are visitors because I see it on there coats.
Trevor S (SKHS, WA)
i believe this picture is people working on new medicine or treatment of some sort and the two men with visitor badges are from a different lab working on the same thing comparing notes to find potential breakthroughs
Magali (Kansas)
In this picture I see some visitors that look like scientist. They are observing and taking notes of what they see or look like to them.
Ariel L (skhs)
Visiting scientists are observing potentially dangerous machinery. I think this because they are wearing lab coats that say "visitor" and they are wearing masks over their face in order to protect themselves. This photo looks like it was taken very recently.
Faith J (SKHS)
In this picture appears to be a group of visiting scientists taking notes or observing an experiment. I think this because one of the lab coats says visitor on it. The stuff that they are observing might be radioactive because some people are wearing sick masks. It might also be the time of year as well, a lot of people get sick in the winter time. This picture was taken in good quality as well, suggesting a recent time period.
Lily Mendoza (Dodge city)
The picture shows these group of men observing an experiment and writing what they see is happening. I can see their lab equipment on inside of a lab workshop. I can find more equipment in the back that’s not used and many people in the back
Ryan H (SKHS)
there are 5 men who look like they are testing something. it looks like it could possible be a magnet or a generator. two of them have visitor stickers and three of them have masks on. there is lab equipment behind them and warning signs.
Yamileth Guzman (Dodge City)
In here I see a group of men possibly scientists, who are observing something very carefully and even taking notes. They seem concentrated in what they are doing.
James F (SKHS)
I believe that these are multiple scientists from different countries that have gathered at a single location to study the works of those workers or to take notes on a breakthrough. I believe they are from different places because they all have a visitor patch on their lab coats and they seem to have different ethnic backgrounds. The metal cylinder in the middle, which they don't seem to be paying to much attention to, has two cylinders with gold nuts and bolts on them, one of which has tinfoil on it. This could be a mixing machine because the wall on the back also has a sign that says tail and produce.
Ava S (South Kitsap High School)
I think that the men in this picture are maybe from a college doing an experiment in a lab and they're visiting. Maybe working with professionals on the subject of their class. Their lad coats have visitor and some of the other men don't have that on their lab coat.
Ana (Dodge city)
In the picture shows that they are some people in a lab and experiencing a chemical that probably has to with what they are researching and they have to wear a mask because it’s not save to not wear gear.
L. B. (SKHS)
What is going on in this picture? Four visitors are visiting a science lab, taking notes What do you see that makes you say that? There are four men around 25 to 50 who are wearing lab coats, a masks and gloves. In the foreground there is some technical device and they are looking at it and taking notes What more can you find? around them are three men who look like they work there because they are concentrated on what are they doing
Amaya V (SKHS)
I say the people in this photo are scientists or researchers of some kind. I say this because they are all wearing lab coats and gloves. I notice some even have masks on. I notice the guy in glasses is holding a a notebook to maybe take notes on what they are observing off screen. There is also some kind of metal machine in the foreground of the picture so maybe that has something to do with the experiment.
Morgan M. (SKHS)
In this picture, there looks to be 5 or 6 scientists or engineers that are in a classroom or laboratory who are taking notes on an experiment that is being conducted. I say this because they all have pads of note paper and are writing in them as they keep their eyes on the project before them so they could be recording data on he experiment. I also see in the foreground, there is a silver pot with some sort of mechanical equipment inside of it so they must be working with physics or chemicals of some sort in the experiment.
Savanna M (SKHS)
I think that the scientists in this picture are observing something, like an experiment, maybe observing something radioactive. They are all taking notes and appear to be very concentrated on a certain thing. Some of them have face masks on, and a couple have headphones. There are caution signs on the wall. I think this was taken pretty recently, the picture quality seems pretty good and they're dressed more modernly.
Casey M. (SKHS)
In this picture I see people who look like scientists taking notes on an experiment. I think this because the men are wearing lab coats and gloves while holding pens and notepads. I can also see the word 'visitor' on the pockets of their coats which tells me that they aren't usually in this lab, but are rather visiting from some other place.
Dawson M (SKHS)
What I see is 7 men in a lab or since room. 5 of the men are easier to see than the other 2. These 5 men have lab coats with what it looks like a company or business called "Visitor", and some have masks on and all have clipboards. It seems that what they are trying to inspect is very important and detailed orientated.
Kate M. (skhs)
In this picture, I see the works of scientists. I can see that they are doing a science experiment because obviously they are in a lab room, they are wearing basic protection, and lab coats. There are 6 people in the room, some are taking notes on this experiment that they're doing while the one in the front looks like he is doing a demonstration. I also noticed on one of the lab guys coats it says visitor so therefore he possibly could be a student studying to be a scientist.
Rhiannon H. (SKHS)
I think the picture is of visiting scientists in a lab observing an experiment. The white lab coats and clipboards tip me off to maybe scientists. The visitor patches on some of their lab coats is what made me think they weren't from that laboratory, maybe even not from whatever country the scientists without the patches are from. It might be a company's product laboratory, because in the background, there is a sign that says "Cold Box, tail & product" and a spray can in the back as well.
Kale (Dodge City)
It shows students from a university in the science field studying actual scientists in their work. I think this because the 2 in the middle have lab coats that say visitor on them. If it showed a location that I could see, then I could depict where in the country the lab is or where the university is. You can see signs around them that most likely relate to the hazards of the experiment that is being seen.
Anthony (Dodge City)
In this picture, there are students analyzing and recording what is going on in a scientific experiment. What I see that makes me think this is that the people have “visitor” lab coats and are taking notes. I can also see that it’s a presentation that requires focus.
Max (SKHS)
I think that their in a lab of some type, most likely chemical or medical. There are 2 visitors which are writing while studying a container. A first glance i think of dry ice because i've seen in in this type of container but that is unlikely due to the circumstances. This being in the modern era and the fact that this is noteworthy tells me this is something that is relatively new in discovery likely something that has not been fully explored. They have probably discovered something new that has to do with what ever chemical has been explored, on further inspection I think that it is something that has not been explored for a long time meaning that if there was a breakthrough it would likely be a small group of people like this because there is not a lot of attention on thing that have a transparent cap. Meaning that the information is closed but that is is not a dead set close it can be opened upon further inspection. i would also say that it is a chemical that they are working with because the majority of people in the room look to have gloves on as well as masks, one of the scientists even has headphones likely as a protection against sound.
Daniel (Mexico)
The picture depicts university students watching a lab demonstration in a more professional setting, they are in a field trip. We can see that they are in a lab setting as they are wearing lab coats and basic protection. The man on the front is doing the demonstration on behalf of the place where they are visiting; he has a nametag which means he is more official, while the others are taking notes on what he is doing and the younger ones are labeled visitors. They look about university age, while the other one looks older, probably the professor as he is also watching the demonstration and taking his own notes. The guy doing the demonstration has ear defenders and a mouthcap as he is the most exposed. Other details I notice is a sign on the back indicating there is a cold box and an accompanying warning sign, There is something that looks like an aerosol on the back. There are other people in the background.
Rhiannon H. (SKHS)
@Daniel I agree with your observations.
James F (SKHS)
@Daniel good point on the official visit type setting. The observation of what the man in front is wearing makes your thoughts valid. Good job.
Natalie (Mexico)
In this picture, I see some visiting scientists observing and taking notes on a copper-like material in a cold environment. I could infer this since there is a poster in the back stating "cold box". I think that this study has something to do with radioactivity, since there is a poster in the back with a trashcan with a radioactive symbol on it. This trash can may or may not contain buildings or other pollutants.
Ariel L (skhs)
@Natalie I didn't notice the poster until I read your comment, that's a good observation.
Morgan M. (SKHS)
@Natalie, This is a very accurate observation and I agree with your statement and point of view. It does indeed look like a fairly cold environment and the posters in the background lead you to believe that they are working with radioactive materials.
Gom (Mexico)
What I am able to see are people taking notes or observations. They could be a scientist visiting a science school or institution. Probably they are approving a project or invention related to science.
Casey M. (SKHS)
@Gom I agree with your statement about them taking notes. I also agree with them being scientists visiting somewhere.
LukeH (SKHS)
@Gom I like the idea they they might be approving a project of some sort.
Pia (Mexico)
I think that scientists are conducting scientific experiments because they are all taking notes, have white coats and gloves. Furthermore, I think that they are experimenting with metal. In the background, I can see signs that say cold box and a sign of toxic material disposal
Jun Kee (Mexico)
I believe that the people in the picture are looking at something dangerous. They are observing something radioactive because there are various signs in the background warning about radioactivity. They are using masks because they are observing something that might affect them. I also believe that these people are from all over the world looking at an experiment and taking notes so that they can repeat them in the location where they study. I believe this because they have visitor signs in their lab coats.
Fernanda Barragán (Guadalajara)
These people (scientists and interns) are observing the reaction of a vaccine. I can feel comfortable enough to hypothesize that they are scientists because they have white robes and masks. Some might be interns because they have robes that say "visitor", and they are taking notes. I came to the conclusion that they are observing the experimentation of a vaccine because in the background I can see a sign that says "Cold Box" and after researching what they are I found out that they are used to keep vaccines cold during transportation. Meaning that they must use it sometimes, or something related to that. Besides, there is a sign on the door/wall that demonstrates how to get rid of what appears to be toxic materials.
Dany (Mexico)
What I see in this picture is that there are a lot of people making observations over a "metal" cylinder which is in the middle. I believe they are trying to do a medical science observation because of how they are dressed and how their expressions look towards what they are observing. Another thing I can say is that they do not look at all like students, they look older and much more experts and middle aged man.
Faith J (SKHS)
@Dany What do you see that makes it medical?
Natalia Aceves (Mx)
Claim- What I think is going on in this picture is the scientist are in a lab examining a product that contains toxic chemicals. This product is soon to be released (from the can in the back I am encouraged to believe it is some sort of aerosol.) The visitors are possible buyers, safety examiners or interns. Evidence- What makes me think this is what is going on, is the attire and environment. The can in the back as well as the message of "cold box" that seems to have a toxicity sign next to it, makes me think they are in a lab as well as their coats. The question I have, is; Why are they so in shock?
Natalia Abaroa (Mexico)
What appears to be happening in this picture is that various scientists are making an experiment. First, I think they are scientists because they appear to be in a lab and are wearing lab coats. They are taking notes and probably collecting data to analyze it later. The reason for this is that I see they are writing on a notebook while looking at something. Something else that stood out to me is that some of them are wearing head masks and some are not. This is very weird because if there was something they should protect from everyone should be wearing a head mask.
Zyanya (Mexico)
I see ion the picture people who seem to be scientists and they are around toxic or dangerous substances. I believe they are observing something that might be radioactive or very toxic because of all the waring signs that are in the background and how they let you know about precautions you should have. The people are also wearing mouth covers and lab coats. There is also people from all over the world seeing this things and making observations on notebooks they are holding so they could be science students of collage or different scientists from several places.
Camila (Canada)
What I see in this picture is that there are scientists looking at something that is not shown. In the group, there are visitors observing the "something", they seem to be students because two of them look much younger than the other scientists in the room with no visitor badge on their lab coats. I think the room is refrigerated because the outer part of the metal pot kind of looks like it is going through condensation and there are metal fridges behind them.
Paola (-)
I see many things going on in this picture. I think that what is going on is scientists making annotations and observing a toxic or dangerous experiment (maybe nuclear bombs?). I think that this is going on because I can see the white robes that the men are using, the masks and gloves indicate that it could be toxic or dangerous, there is also the toxic triangle on the back. I also found one scientist wearing ear protection, visitor lab coats, and metal (shiny) at the front of the picture.
Isaac Song (sfdaf)
In this picture, it shows some scientists (we can know this because they are wearing a while lab jacket) looking at something that we aren't able to see in a laboratory room. We can also see that they are wearing a mask. This can mean that they are experimenting something toxic because on the post behind, there is a warning sign. Also the people are wearing gloves too. I also think that these people are not from there; they might be working for other companies. I can know this because one man is wearing a lab coat that has a name tag of "visitor".
Eliseo's 6-8th gr Photo Class (Brooklyn Heights Montessori School)
We see what looks like scientists (that are visitors) testing chemicals or inspecting this area. Although there is a big container in the center of the room, it does not seem like anyone is focused on it. All eyes are looking over it. The room looks like a lab and everyone here is taking notes. We are wondering if the room is cold based on the "cold box" sign on the wall on the left side.
Elfriede S (MX)
The details in this image lead me to believe that this is some sort of nuclear site where nuclear energy is produced or where nuclear material is handled, firstly because there are various symbols for chemical waste (a yellow triangle with the nuclear symbol on them), like on the wall behind the man with glasses. Also, the way that the men are dressed (with gloves and other protection) suggests that there are potentially dangerous materials on site. Furthermore, the "Visitor" tags on the men's suggest that the men might be visiting the facility and inspecting it, possibly for a regulating agency that deals with nuclear weapons.
Savanna M (SKHS)
@Elfriede S Why do you think nuclear weapons? While it could very possibly be what they are observing, there is no physical proof or signage showing what is really going on, other than showing that it is a laboratory.
Samantha.N. (SKHS)
@Elfriede S If it was a nuclear site. Then why would they have visitors there taking notes happening? Also it could just be a lab where they are testing some type of chemicals
Isabella (-)
I think that these are students that are in lecture of some sort because of their lab coats. This is because some people have "visitor" on their lab coat and others do so there is a difference of audience in the room. I think maybe this may be a picture from an important scientific presentation.
Amaya V (SKHS)
@Isabella I can see that however I believe they could be just guest researchers. I notice that there are also people far in the back
Sam M (SKHS)
@Isabella Your idea makes a lot of sense because people that work in labs usually do not wear something that says visitor on them.
Maria (-)
Contrary to popular opinion, I am guessing this image describes a nuclear experiment observation because three main reasons. First, there are two images in the back wall that illustrate warning symbols, as well as a cold box, a low temperature compartment with high pressure, and another one with a yellow warning label and something that looks like smoke. The second clue I have is that many of the scientists seen in the image are visitors, which could indicate they are students or analyzers. I doubt that visitors would be involved in a serious medical experiment. The third clue I have is that they have little protection or hygiene measures taken care of such as covering their hair.
Pepe (Guadalajara)
What I see that's going on is like visitors in a lab that are looking at a specific experiment taking place. This by the clothing that they are using: lab coats. Also how one of them is taking notes and there is different elements in the background like the radiation/dangerous sign.
Dawson M (SKHS)
@Pepe I did not notice the radiation sign when I was inspecting it. If I did I would of probably had a different hypothesis
Diego (México)
In this picture we see a group of students going on a field trip to the lab in some sort of demonstration. There are three students, recognized by the "visitor" on their lab coats and them taking notes. The guy on the front left is doing the presentation because he is way more equipped than the rest, having headphones and a nametag, leading me to believe that he actually works there. The bald person seems to be the teacher of the three students because he is significantly older and is not taking notes.
Talea (Mexico)
What I see in this image is scientists looking at something that is not a part of this picture. It looks like they are writing down some observational data about an experiment. That can be interpreted by the notebook and pens that the men have in this picture and at the same time, they are all either writing something down or looking at something with a lot of attention. It looks like the experiment might be toxic and they are inside a laboratory.
Sofia Amaro (Mexico)
What i see going on in the image is that a group of scientists (visitors to the lab) are making observations on an experiment. The reason why I think this is whats going on is that the scientist are writing things down on their notepads. I have a feeling they might be experimenting with toxic things because there is a warning sign in the background, they are wearing gloves and masks. In the front of the picture there appears to be a metal bowl that mights have more metals in there. One of the scientists is wearing sound isolating headphones.
Manuel (Mexico)
It seems that in the image there are doctors running a sort of experiment on something or someone. They may be working with toxic components due to the fact that the doctors are wearing coats and they have masks and gloves on. I also noticed that there is a visitor like an intern or a supervisor that is recording details of what is happening.
mike (hawjk)
what i see is seven peeps looking at some concoction. The people appear to be scientists because they have white lab jackets on and many have air filters. They must be evaluating something or doing an experiment because they are taking notes, or maybe recording some type of data.
Sandy (Kansas)
Mrs. Sandy's class believes it is a laboratory room (possibly refrigerated). They are testing medicine for patients.
L. B. (SKHS)
@Sandy Or they test chemicals for radiation. In the picture is no evidence which proofs about what science lab we are talking about.
sally (montana, united states)
What i see that is going on in this photo is that i see some doctors/scientists look at something that the viewer cant see. The scientist also is writing down whatever they are doing. What i see also is that the angle they are shooting at they are focusing on this medium round grey thing and in the back the scientists are looking at something else and not the thing that is focused in front of the photo.
Dustin (Montana)
I think that there are a bunch of scientists that are from other places trying to learn and discover new things in the science world to make things possible for the future. This is only what I think but i know i am wrong so that's what's up.
Joseph (Montana)
I see a group of people all wearing lab coats that are designated as visitors, and some of them are wearing face masks. All of them seem to be examining something and writing in a notebook. In front of the camera is some device that I'm not sure what it is, but it does have what looks like nuts or cogs. Also the guy in the middle looks like an older, disheveled version of Taliesan Jaffe. I'm going to make a guess that this is a food factory or lab of some sorts, and this is a picture of visitors examining something off screen.
Courtney Mitchell (United States)
What I think is going on in this picture is that there are some high school students visiting some college students in a lab, just by looking at their lab coats since they say visitors. The experiment might be going wrong according to the looks on the students faces and an older man that might be the professor or some sort of teacher. The students also look like they are taking notes of what is going on in the lab.
Tom hanks (MT)
I think that they are scientists in a USA laboratory in a test room, and there are visitors, maybe from other county. They are documenting the data from the project because I can see big nuts and bolts in the middle of the object. I can see that they all look different and from different places. you can also see the visitor name tag.
Ryan H (SKHS)
@Tom hanks i think they are visiting from other places as well.
Tristen Teeple (United States)
I see five people who seem to be doctors or scientists looking very interested in something that is happening in front of them. I think they are scientists doing an experiment with a chemical of some sort judging by their doctors masks. The four back people seem to be taking notes while the person in the front doesn't show what he's doing but he could be taking notes or could be performing the experiment. There's also some type of object that is in the front and center of the photo but don't know what it is and their attention isn't focused on that.
Andrew (Alta Aurelia)
I think that they are scientists in a USA labetory in a test room, and there are vsitors, maybe from other countures. They are documenting the data from the project because I can see big nuts and bolts in the middle of the object.
Hyla 8th graders (Bainbridge Island, WA)
We think that in a cheese factory. The visitors are seeing how the cheese is processed. In the background there is a poster that says "cold box" and we think that has something to do with making cheese.
Rylee (sms)
What I see is people that look like scientists, working and looking at something. The object in the center of the people is a metal cylinder with something orange in side it. Metal rods are holding the orange objects. They have papers with them and writing something. Is this an experiment or are they just watching something? I believe it's both.
Courtney Mitchell (United States)
Good observation. I didn't think that the metal cylinder in the middle was what they are looking at though according to where their eyes are.
Nicole (sms)
These men look like they are doing an experiment and are trying to solve a problem with the power of science. And it looks like theyŕe taking notes of whatever seems important to the experiment theyŕe doing. I say theyŕe scientist because they are wearing lab coats. My question is, why are there some men wearing masks and the others are not?
Patricia (SMS)
It looks like scientists are doing some kind of experiment with the big pot looking thing because it looks like they have notebooks taking notes about it.
Vincent (SMS)
There are scientist performing a test with metal and wood. The people look like they are from around the world working on this experiment. Some of the people say visitor on their shirt that are in English so that makes me think this is happening in America.
Ryan (SMS)
I think these scientist are working on a big experiment that could be dangerous.Some are wearing mask so maybe it is a disease.They could be taking notes and samples of the disease, trying not to get it either.
Courtney Mitchell (United States)
I agree. I didn't think about the type of experiment according to the face masks.
Jonathan (sms)
I think they are watching the guy with earmuffs and taking notes because the guy is probably doing a very important experiment. One other thing I noticed is that some of the guys have a lab coat that says visitor on it and I also noticed some guys are wearing masks and some are not one last thing I noticed is that its only men in there. "It looks like a science laboratory!"
Tyler (sms)
I think these scientists are doing an experiment. I think this because of all the people in the lab coats are wearing gloves and some are wearing face masks. There is also a big metal box with something in it.
Hunter (SMS)
In this picture it looks like there are people who are learning how to be a scientist, the reason I say that is because they are holding notepads to take notes, they are looking very closely and paying attention to, maybe a scientist doing an experiment.
lesli (sms)
I think that the visitors that are there are learning from the scientist.The reason why I know they are visitors are because it says it on their lab coat.So I think they are learning from the scientist because you can see them taking notes.
Jaylen (sk)
Scientists are trying to make a substance of some kind to find a cure for a disease. So they are testing different experiments. I think it because it looks like there are different objects in the metal container. And they got maybe mixture items in it.
Mrs. Pierce's Class (Odessa, TX)
Facts: The men are wearing masks, and lab coats. 2 of the lab coats say "Visitor". There are stainless steel shelves in the room. The men were taking notes, and were wearing gloves. They were all studying something. One of the men had noise canceling headphones. There is a metal mechanism in front of the men. There are 7 men in the room. There was a sign that said "Cold Box". Inference: The men are in a laboratory, and the visitors are interns at a medical factory. They are running a machine and the interns are studying the production of the medicine, and the process of how it's made.
Abdulaziz (Ottawa,Canada)
I think what's going on is these are scientists are over the world and they are doing experiments also some of them are wearing face masks. They look concentrated and the scientists have notepads and pens it has something to do with a cold box. I think there in a lab inside a science facility also this room is all men not women. I think they are testing molten chocolate because I see a mixing machine . One of them is a visitor.
Ej (Overland Park)
Scientists can learn from other scientists. I say this because the people marked "visitor" look older than the typical student and seem extremely intent and interested in the material while behind some "scientific-looking" tools/experiments. I also see that 1/2 of the people are wearing masks and some not, which means that there is something being experimented upon that could possibly be toxic.
rm (canterbury)
In this image I think some scientists came in to see how they are doing and how things are going. I think they are watching the guy in the front do an experiment or something, because they are taking notes and watching closely on what he is doing. They also have a lab coat that has the word visitor on it. There are about 7 guys in the room taking notes which leads me to believe that whatever they are doing is very important.
Emilia AOSE (AOSE)
In this picture, I think there are scientists, based on their lab coats, doing an experiment with dangerous chemicals. I think it is dangerous because they are wearing gloves and masks over their mouths and noses. They are recording their results with paper and pens.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
Thank you all for joining us today, both in discussions in your classrooms and here at The Learning Network, @ WGOINTP. We appreciate your participation and invite you to continue looking to see what more you can find. Please revisit the blog this week on Thursday when the image caption and article link will be revealed.
Ben A. (SKHS)
It looks like people working in a factory. I say this because there is three people there with lab coats on that are there regularly and two people there that are seen wearing a visitor lab coats taking notes. More in depth it looks like there is a group of people behind them so it could be more of a walk through or tour of the place and in the back there is a poster talking about a cold box and product so it could be a food production place hence the cold box.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Ben A. You indicate that you have taken a more in depth look at the picture and in so doing, see that perhaps the people have various reasons for being there. Some may work there regularly and some may be taking a tour. What more can you find?
Kennedy I (SKHS)
It looks like they are watching some type of experiment because they are all wearing lab coats and look like they are taking notes on what is happening. On some of the lab coats it also says visitor so maybe they are coming in from a different lab to see what this lab is doing.
Blake J (SKHS)
It looks like groups of visitors are viewing an experiment.Some of them have a visitor patch on their lab coats. Which leads me to believe that groups of possible new people or interns are taking notes on the experiment
Lillyanna G (SKHS)
This picture seems to have been taken of some scientists and maybe some students in a course to learn what is going on. I say this because all of them men are wearing lab coats and gloves but only certain people have the word "visitor" on their coat. Most of them seem to be taking notes as well which is where I get the idea that they're learning or being taught. I can find more in the background because there are more people that are kind of behind giving me the idea that they're observing things as groups.
Haliegh M. (SKHS)
It looks like there are scientists are working on an experiment in possibly America because of the English writing on there name tags and the wall. They look like scientists because they are wearing white lab coats. There also wearing face masks and ear protection and latex gloves.
Reagan M (SKHS)
Scientists taking tests and visitors studying and taking notes
Gerson (Cleveland)
That's not good for your colon!
Eric S. (skhs)
its looks like a group om eight scientice having a experiment taking notes about what they are doing. there is a pot with some kind of metal in it all but two have a mask on they all have a book and a pen. and there all looking at the same thing
OakleyP (SKHS)
What I think is going on in this picture is that a group of scientists is showing some visiting colleagues a biological sample. I say scientists as of the lab coat, safety gear, and tools in the background. two of the main group are visitors by their badges. and as they have masks on and there is a "Cold Box" in the background, I think they are dealing with a biological sample ad would have to be kept cold to preserve it.
Charlotte AOSE (Academy of Saint Elizabeth)
In this picture, we can see several scientists, two of which have visitor tags on their jackets. These two could be college students visiting the lab. The scientists seem to be studying either something off-camera or the metal and copper rods in the cauldron. In the cauldron, it seems that something is being tested with aluminum foil, copper rings, and metal rods. Some of. the scientists are wearing masks, while the one on the far left is wearing noise-canceling headphones, giving the impression that something might be dangerous. All of the men look serious and very involved with their work. It almost seems like they are not pleased by the results, given the central man's face in the back, who looks surprised and upset. I think that these scientists are on the verge of a discovery that involves something potentially dangerous.
Ronan W (Skhs)
It seems that there are a group of scientists working on something in a pot they seem very focused and look like they know what here doing because they are wearing proper lab equipment and it looks like a real lab from the signs and the background. They are also visitors as you can see from the visitor tag on the coats.
Connor H. (SKHS)
I see a number of scientists studying and or observing something. They all have gloves on and most of them are wearing masks so that must mean that what they are studying is pretty serious or could be harmful. They are all very zoned into the task at hand so that shows that whatever they are observing or studying is important to them.
Sebastian A (SKHS)
There is some scientists and a couple of visitors, they are writing some notes down, they are also observing something. They might be somewhere, like a lab that is called "cold box". some of them are also wearing masks, not all.
Tucker T (SKHS)
In this photo I think that the man on the very left is showing all the people on the right (visitors) something that will be used or sold. the fact that they're Waring protective gear is that means the thing they're observing can be dangerous.
Ripley E. (SKHS)
There are 5 middle-aged men, 4 are taking notes while watching the one in headphones work with something. They all seem to be in a lab, somewhere that speaks English, because of the poster in the background. There is a blurry metal pot in the front of the photo, holding some sort of bronze object. I think the men in visitor lab coats are from a different country or lab. The men are probably visiting to compare notes or learning from the same experiment. Only 3 of the 5 surrounding men are wearing face masks, so they're probably not dealing with a dangerous chemical or other item with deadly fumes. The cold box poster in the background shows they have to preserve something in a colder container.
Miram G (SKHS)
I think it is a group of scientists because they are all in white lab coats, have gloves on, and they look like they are writing something down or are taking notes. There is some sort of large machine front and center, but it looks like they are mostly focused on something out of the frame. It appears they are in the US or some other country where English is a main language.
Alexander G (SKHS)
They all seem to be scientists, with some being visitors, as they're all wearing lab coats and gloves. They seem to be observing an experiment being performed by another scientist off screen while writing down their observations, because they're all looking at something outside of the frame while writing down notes. It seems that whatever is being experimented with is hazardous, and possibly reactive in a violent manner, as all of them are wearing gloves, most of them are wearing masks, and the one who seems to be closest is wearing ear protection.
Isaiah F. (SKHS)
There are 5 scientists with masks and visitor passes observing and taking notes on some sort of pot. They might be health inspectors because they have visitor passes on them, they are wearing a white lab coat an, they has masks on them , and they are looking at it and seem to be taking notes with a clipboard. There are more scientists behind them. There is also a sign/ poster on the wall that says "Cold Box, Tail & Product." One of the people with a lab coat is also wearing a pair of head phones so they could be doing something sound related.
Brandon Tidwell (Huntington Beach, California)
I think that they are from different countries and they are not cooking in the pot. 2 people are wearing visitor vests and copper in the pot is a conductor so I think they are mixing energy. The energy is probably nuclear because in the poster in the wall it has a nuclear sign. The pot might be a generator.
Hayden S. (SKHS)
I think they are Scientists working with some sort of sickness or illness. The reason I say that is because in the back there's a sign that says cold box. That it looks like their traveling in groups they also are all taking notes.
Madison Z (SKHS)
it looks some are visitors, and the rest are scientist, it could be that this, is also a internship due to the visitor jackets and the group behind them.
Anna (Tn)
A man doing a chemical test by seeing what it does when it mixes with other products also making it infant prof so if it mixes with the human body what will happen to the body
Natalie J (SKHS)
It appears as if it's scientists, and visitors, working/watching something. It seems to be in a Cold Box, if the sign to the left is any indication. There's people behind this one, as if it's groups taking turns doing an experiment. It can't be something terrible dangerous, as only a few people have on face masks.
Mystery M (SKHS)
@Natalie J i didnt notice the sign to the left, but now that you mention it, I think youre right. Also, I had thought that there had been something dangerous that they were working with until you helped me realize that only a few of the have masks on.
Liberty T (SKHS)
In this image there are multiple people that look to be scientists observing something we cannot see in the photo. Some of them are wearing lab coats that say 'visitor' on them and some people are also wearing face masks and gloves. What we can see in the photo is a pot of some sort holding bronze metal that looks like nuts and a silver metal pole holding up the nuts. I think that these people are observing some sort of metal that could be dangerous or bad for you due to the gloves and masks. They are also all taking notes so I think this must be important or unusual and the have to record the happenings. I also notice more people walking in behind the group pictured, almost as if they are the next group to observe.
Brianna A (SKHS)
i think that this may be a few scientist showing people what there working on in there lab or something because some of the man in the room have a visitor vest on them and theirs a pot like object in the room with them. in the background theirs some posters and theirs also some other plastic objects.
Kelton R. (SKHS)
They appear to be scientists observing something, which I'm guessing is a chemical or something like that because some of them are wearing face masks. They might be observing something in the pot that's in the foreground, but they seem to be looking at something that's not in the picture. I think they are scientists because they are wearing lab coats and taking notes on whatever they are observing.
Jessica B (SKHS)
they are scientists that are studying their own experiment or someone elses. one of the people is a vsitor. there are 6 people and 4 of them are wearing masks. all of them are wearing rubber gloves and and 1 of them is wearing ear protection.
carmenp (skhs yo)
I think this is a science department doing a study on something. There are visitors writing on clipboards. I see metal things and eye glasses.
Skylar (SMS)
It looks like there are scientists observing and studying something that looks dangerous because of the mask that some of them are wearing. They are all taking notes as if something happened that isn't usual. There is a sign in the back that says cold box so these scientists are in some sort of lab.
Blake J (SKHS)
@Skylar If it was dangerous why would the visitor in the front not have a mask on? As well as the man in the very middle of the photograph.
Connor H. (SKHS)
@Skylar I can understand why you think all of that. You can tell by the small details like masks that whatever they're studying or observing is serious. The fact that they're taking notes shows that they may have found out something new. I agree with everything you said.
Reagan M (SKHS)
@Skylar i agree, it shows several people studying what is going on
travis (sms)
I think they are going through testing for a job. And I think they are judging things to see which one will be more effective.
Kennedy I (SKHS)
@travis if they are testing for a job then they might be taking notes on what to do in order to pass the test to get the job and no just judging what is more effective.
Douglas (SmS)
I think the two people with the " visitor " tags are college students or inspectors because they are taking notes in some type of refrigerator or freezer, because it says cold box in the back. They are either inspecting the machinery front of them or inspecting something in front of them because they are writing notes. The workers have face masks on which means that the air in one of the rooms they work in is not okay for them to breath.
Sebastian A (SKHS)
@Douglas I agree with you because they look pretty young and seem to be writing notes.
Natalie J (SKHS)
@Douglas I agree with majority of what you said, however if the air was super dangerous I would think that all of them would be wearing face masks. And I am leaning more towards the student aspect as one of the visitors seems to be writing more on a worksheet than an inspection form.
Eden Ogle (SKHS)
@Douglas If the air is not safe to breathe then all of them would have the masks. Maybe it is not entirely necessary but it can be worn when they are handling things or just used as an extra precaution.
Emma (SMS)
I think that the two people that have a visitor jackets on are from a school/university that are taking a school trip for a science class because of the lab coats and the healt saftey mask also because of the headphones
Emma (SMS)
I think that the two people that have a visitor jackets on are from a school/university that are taking a school trip for a science class because of the lab coats and the healt saftey mask also because of the headphones
Emma (SMS)
I think that the two people that have a visitor jackets on are from a school/university that are taking a school trip for a science class because of the lab coats and the healt saftey mask also because of the headphones
Miguel (SMS)
I think that the scientist found a weird creature. They are trying to find out what it is. They are looking up everything they can do so they don't get confused on other creatures. The creature is probably moving but slowly they are scared of it because they don't what would could happen if the touch it. They are really scared right now
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Miguel You agree with many in this discussion that this picture may have to do with science and you imagine they have found a weird creature and as the people are doing research about it they seem to become scared. What do you see that makes you say they are scared?
Christopher (SMS)
They are in a lab and doing an experiment. I think this because they all seem to be in lab coats, have gloves, and some are covering their mouths for safety. The men also seem to be taking notes which is something that you would do in an experiment.
Brianna A (SKHS)
@Christopher i agree with you about this because the people look mas if they are and the fact that they look confused about whats going on in the project
Ronan W (Skhs)
@Christopher It also looks like some could be visiting because of the tag on there coats so maybe it is a group project where they are collaborating.
Mark (sms)
i think that the doctors are working to stop a disease
Hayden S. (SKHS)
@Mark I disagree because I do not see anything indicating they are doctors.
carmenp (skhs yo)
@Mark yeah that sounds about right
Tucker T (SKHS)
@Mark, In this photo I think that the man on the very left is showing all the people on the right (visitors) something that will be used or sold. the fact that they're Waring protective gear is that means the thing they're observing can be dangerous.
Abby (SMS)
In the image I think some inspectors for this particular job came in to see how they are doing and how well things might be moving along. I think they are inspecting because they are writing down things and are very focused on what the guy is doing. Considering the poster behind the guy says cold box, tail & products I think they might be somewhere where they might make food products because their are also steel shelving in the back and one guy is wearing an apron.
Ripley E. (SKHS)
@Abby Interesting observations. What possibly would they use the metal pot for in this situation? There are also some cleaning products, why would you use those around food if they may contaminate the food?
Lillyanna G (SKHS)
@Abby I agree with your point of view. I didn't think that the visitors could be inspectors of the others and taking notes on how they do things. I like the point of view you had because it was different from everyone else.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Abby you are thinking this event is an inspection and by looking at evidence like written words on a poster and various kinds of materials, suggesting food production may be happening here. What more can you find?
Mrs. Gidden's Class (Odessa, TX)
Facts: There's a sign that says "Cold Box" in the room. They are wearing lab coats, observing something and taking notes. There's a metal container in front of the men observing. There's a tool/instrument in the background, in the room. One of the men was wearing noise canceling headphones. There were men working in the room, in the back. They are all wearing masks and gloves. Two of the men had "Visitor" on their lab coat. There is stainless steel shelving in the room. Inference: The two visitors are college students in a science lab observing mixtures, making a new medicine.
Ben A. (SKHS)
@Mrs. Gidden's Class I completely agree with what you had said because in my own response to this picture I had said almost the same thing.
Gavin C (SKHS)
@Mrs. Gidden's Class I agree, because they do look like college students visiting a science lab or different college and they seem to be taking notes and observing the experiment.
Joshua O (SKHS)
scientist are observing and studying something in front of them and are probably doing a experiment and are going to redo it probably
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Joshua O You have referred to what they are doing as "studying" and suggest they will likely redo the experiment. What do you see that makes you say that?
darius (Vancouver Washington)
I think their doctors or scientists studying or working on a project
maison (washington)
maybe there disecting an animal and found something they shouldn't of found
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@maison Your comment suggests they have discovered something they should not have found. What did you see in the picture that makes you say that?
Eric S. (skhs)
@maison how can you tell if there disecting a animal there are no clues giving it away.
kyle (school)
its mr.bean!
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@kyle Your immediate reaction to this picture is identifying Mr. Bean. What do see that makes you have this recognition?
roberto (la puente)
In this image they are make something to help the people that are sick. The image shows that there are people in a lab. It can be concluded that they are trying to find something to stop the virus and to help the people that are sick. It is clear that the people in the lab are wearing lab coats to be safe from the virus. This supports the claim that the people in the lab are make something to help the people that have the virus.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@roberto You have noted that the people are wearing types of protective clothing and gear and perhaps what they are protecting themselves from is a virus. What more can you find?
Natalie (La Puente,CA)
They are learning how to do an experiment because they are taking notes. In the image it shows that they are taking notes and are wearing gloves. One inference that can be made is that they are learning how to do an experiment because they look focused. In addition, the guys wearing the visitor lab coats are the ones learning how to do the experiment because they are the only ones taking notes. It can be concluded that the guys in the back are the ones learning because they are focused on what the guy in front is doing and they are the ones taking notes, and are the only ones wearing a visitor lab coat.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Natalie You suggest there are multiple inferences that we can make from this picture and one that you make is that they are learning how to do an experiment. Your evidence is that they look focused. What do you see that makes you say they look focused? And what more can you find?
Isaiah F. (SKHS)
@Natalie It would be possible that they are learning how to do something or an experiment.
Jessica B (SKHS)
@Natalie you were very observant and really took your time studying this photo.
Abigail (Jacksonville, NC)
There are people that are visiting a lab, who came to observe other scientist creates other chemicals. I say this because the people that are in the picture has a visitor tag, pens, paper, staring at something that really got their attention. I also see that their in some kind of science lab with machines, and chemicals.
Madison Z (SKHS)
@Abigail do you think that these people could be doing a internship?
Dakota C (SKHS)
@Abigail I agree with what you say because the details are true and you saying there are chemicals you see and science machines and so they are taking notes about it is true.
Alan (la puente)
In this photograph there are people with lab coats and masks and they are doing some sort of experiment. Based on this image I think they are doing an experiment because there are people with lab coats with mask. This validates that they are doing an experiment because they are wearing protective gear they are protecting themselves from the experiment. It is clear that they are in a refrigerated room because of a sign that says cold box. It can be concluded that they are in a cold room because the experiment has to be in cold temperature for safety or because it has to.
Ale (LP CA)
In this photograph I see scientist working on an experiment. I can corroborate that they are doing an experiment because they are writing down notes.They are also watching a guy work on the experiment while they observe and take notes. I can support that they are scientists because they are wearing lab coats and they have something on their mouths so they won’t catch anything while they are doing this experiment.
Charlotte AOSE (Academy of Saint Elizabeth)
@Ale I agree with you, but why do you think that only some of the scientists have protective masks covering their mouths?
Lauren T (SKHS)
In this picture I see that (I infer) that scientists are taking notes at a lab they're visiting because some of their coats say visitor. I infer that they are learning about a lab because they're also looking very carefully in front of them, which we can not see.
Ethan C. (SKHS)
i believe that the scientist are watching an experiment. the people with the visitor pass on their lab coat could be students from a college or a student of the lab itself. the scientist in the middle appears to be very distraught or maybe that's just what he normally looks like. the people with the visitor pass have notepads and pens and appear to be taking notes on the experiment.
Patrick (school)
It looks like this are some type of doctors or scientist are doing some type of experiment or they can be students because in the lab coat it says visitor and they are taking notes in a notebook. an it looks like their are more people coming in to the lab.
Marie Turner (North Carolina, Jacksonville)
It looks like they're doing an experiment of some kind. It looks like a bread. I think they're making a new kind of bread.
OakleyP (SKHS)
@Marie Turner What looks like bread, and why do you think that scientists are making a new kind of bread, instead of some bakers. Also, why would they need the masks, visitors taking notes, and some noise-canceling headphones to make bread?
Haliegh M. (SKHS)
@Marie Turner What makes you say their making a new kind of bread?
Elyana (Jacksonville, NC)
The guy with the glasses is probably a visitor that came to observe because he is taking notes and, he has a visitors tag. the guys with the masks are probably working on an experiment.
Elijah M (SKHS)
I believe that these are scientists looking at some sort of experiment that could potentially be dangerous because most of them are wearing a mask and could also potentially be loud because the guy on the left has headphones on. I believe that they have scientists visiting the lab to help work on the experiment or observe what they have discovered so far in the experiment because they are taking notes about what is going on. it's probably not to dangerous because not everyone is wearing the mask. and in the background it says cold box so that makes me believe whatever they are working on is cold and that's also why they have gloves on, so that they don't burn themselves with how cold it is, or they are dealing with chemicals that are potentially dangerous and they are wearing the gloves and the lab coat for protection. but at the same time they aren't wearing safety glasses/ goggles so I'm not completely sure why they are wearing the gloves but I think that its either a chemical or something that could damage their skin
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Elijah M You are considering a number of different ideas in your comment. Like @Sophia C. who commented that using safety gloves protects against harmful chemicals and @Shiann N. who noted ear muffs protects from sound, you are also considering why the safety equipment is being used. You offer a new idea relating to how extreme cold can "burn" skin. What more can you find?
hunter (st. ignatius, montana)
i think it is some scientists taking notes on a experiment that has to do with chemicals
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@hunter You have concluded that scientists are documenting an experiment. What do you see that makes you say it has to do with chemicals?
Derrick Gibbs (St Ignatius MT.)
There are people in white lab coats watching someone work taking notes. Some of them are wearing masks over their mouths and some are not. In the background are some walls and a doorway and there are some guys walking in the background. I say that because I see that there are men in white uniforms Watching someone work taking notes. I also noticed some of the men's lab coats say visitor on them and some do not. another thing I noticed is that they are all wearing gloves but only the guy on the far left is wearing ear muffs.
irving (heritage)
I see scientists investigating a lab that they visited and they are taking notes about it if the lab is good for them.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@irving What do you see that makes you say they are evaluating whether the lab is good for them?
Renata (Dodge City KS)
I observed five biologist who were possibly identifying a scientific experiment, and were writing notes about it.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Renata Some comments today have identified these people scientists and you have remarked that they could be biologists. What do you see that makes you say they are biologists?
Rudy (st. ignatius, montana)
it looks like the visitors are taking notes on some data base or some chemical reactions and looks like the scientist are researching on some stuff.
anas (texas)
i see scientist looking at a experiment to see if it went well. some of the scientist look worried as if something went wrong they are taking notes.
Victoria C. (SKHS)
In this picture the scientist are debating whether Pepsi or coca-cola is better and the guy in the middle is extremely confused because he cant tell the difference between the two. The guy in the visitor white coat to the left of him thought he would try to smell the difference so he took off his mask and was holding his breath to see if he could differentiate between the to when they took the photo, but then the man on the farthest left explained they are actually the same drink just marketed to give them self competition but either way the get the profits.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Victoria C. You are agreeing with earlier comments about this being a lab where food is being made or experimented with and you have imagined they are exploring what flavor is preferred. What do you see that makes you say the man on the left is explaining?
Blaze.H (SKHS)
looks like there are multiple scientist from different parts of the world visiting to conduct a experiment for maybe a new type of material or something in that nature or taking notes to learn something they didn't know
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Blaze.H Your comment introduces the possibility of the people gathered here being from different parts of the world. What do you see that makes you say they are from various places?
vyuut (uinmk)
in this picture they are scientists doing a lab and my evidence are they are dress like scientists they also have glove lastly their is an object in front of them.
Christopher Malidore (JCMS)
In this picture it looks like they are trying to test something or research an object that is new to them or are finding more factors in the object.
Elizabeth (Dodge City, Ks)
In this picture I see, some scientists examining a lab with concerned and concentrated faces. Since they are wearing “visitor” baggage’s I assume they are visiting the lab. They are taking notes as they observe the lab.
Fartun (gff)
1. some of the people are looking at whats in the tank 2. there are visitors mixed in with whatever is happening.they have visitors bages. 3. scienctist are doing an experiement and someone is taking notes. the notebook is part of the evidence.
Charlotte AOSE (Academy of Saint Elizabeth)
@Fartun What do you think the scientists are observing? What kind of experiment?
Deakin (portorchard, WA)
the second boi on the left looks very very sad and the one on the right of that one looks kinda dead inside maybe saw something he wishes he hadn't seen.
Alycia L (SKHS)
In this picture, I see six men in science-type coats. I also see a poster on the wall saying "cold box." From this I think they are working at some sort of food factory. I also see that some of the men have a visitors coat on so they could be men coming in to the industry and are getting training.
Kailaya H. (skhs)
it seems like they are all talking notes on something that they are studying. on the lab coats, two of them have "visitor" on the so i'm guessing that they could be students that were asked to be apart of this experiment. the guy on the left has noise blockers so it could be loud in the room that they are in.
Ella (SKHS)
student are learning / taking tour in a lab of some sort and some of them look worried about something behind the camera
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Ella Many comments today have stated that we are seeing scientists and many have stated they are students. What do you see that makes you say they are students and that some look worried?
Dc (Dodge city ks)
Scientists are doing an experiment, while visitors are watch and take note.
Lily Z (SKHS)
By observing the "visitor" badges on the men in lab coats, I think that this is some kind of lab or factory. I think the men are either going on a tour of the factory or taking notes of their observations of a lab for scientific reasons.
Sophia C. (SKHS)
I see 5 men all in white lab coats. Some of them are wearing masks and one of them is wearing headphones. two of them have the word "visitor" on their lab coats. Maybe they are science students learning something from the other people and taking note because they have notebooks and pens in their hands. They are also all wearing rubber gloves probably as protection from harmful chemicals as part of any lab safety.
Shiann N. (SKHS)
it looks like there scientists of some sort and maybe there testing something loud because the guy in front has ear muffs,as well as it ,might be cold because in the back on the poster says cold box as well as the people with visitor coats may be students because there taking notes
Shelby B (SKHS)
I think that these people are scientists and that they are studying something, I think the thing that they are studying isn’t in the photo because if you follow where they are looking they seem to be looking past the object. Some of the men have visitor on there coat so maybe they are in some sort of apprenticeship.
Alexyss (Dodge City)
In this picture it looks like the scientists are doing some sort or experiment ane the one on the left seems to be taking notes fo what is going on.But some of them have worried looks on them.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Alexyss You agree with many others that the action we are seeing could be an experiment being conducted along with observers documenting the action. You have also observed that some of the people look worried. What do you see that makes you say they look worried?
Tierra B. (SKHS)
In this picture there are a group of men that seem to be examining an object that is not pictured in the photograph.They are looking to the very left of the camera. They all have lab coats and some have masks, I believe they must work in a medical or scientific job. They look focused, and you can see them writing notes. In the corner of the camera there is a strange bucket looking thing
daedae (skhs)
i think there going to look at like new type of gas or something
Calum C. (SKHS)
I think this is a group of scientists making and selling meth in a lab. The person in the middle was trying to buy the meth, but accidentally ended up working on it with them.
Tierra B. (SKHS)
@Calum C. This is a very detailed guess.
Estrella. R (SKHS)
I belive its that this picture shows some students maybe studying to become a scientist and they are watching an experiment unfold,they are scientists because of the traditional sience lab coat.
Titus (SKHS)
President Trump announced that he would decertify Iran’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement reached with six world powers, including the United States. Inspectors in the Atomic Energy Agency in Iran are trying to verify the importance of this matter.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Titus Your comment references your knowledge of an international nuclear agreement with the country of Iran and you are suggesting a connection with this picture. It seems to be an inspection happening. What do you see that makes you say the inspectors could be from the Atomic Energy Agency?
8th Grade WMS 4th PD (Cairo, GA)
This post includes a number of guesses from the 4th period class. One of our guesses is that Asian manufacturers are trying to figure out why food is not blending. Another guess is that the cosmetic scientists are creating a new product. We believe that the product is being produced overseas. An additional guess is that space scientists are producing a new food products for space.
Ethan D (SKHS)
@8th Grade WMS 4th PD I just noticed the "Cold Box" sign in the background, which helps your theory!
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@8th Grade WMS 4th PD Thank you for contributing a range of ideas to our discussion including possible manufacturing of food or cosmetics. What do you see that makes you say the product is being produced overseas?
umulkhayr (heritage)
I see a lot of scientists in a lab. they are wearing suits, mask, and they have books and pencils.
Sam H. (SKHS)
It looks like the people in the lab suits are inspecting or taking notes on something kind of disturbing or frightening judging by the looks on their faces. It says on their coats that they are visitors, so maybe they aren’t used to inspecting or observing these types of things.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Sam H. You have commented on the facial expressions of the people in this picture. Earlier in our discussion @McKenzie noted they looked shocked and @Emily AOSE and @Uliana AOSE agreed that they look serious. What about their expressions leaves you with the impression that they are seeing something "disturbing or frightening"?
ella (MT)
I see 6 people in this photo. The people in the front look like they are looking at something and taking notes on it. Some people are wearing visitor coats. There's a big metal thing that looks like it is some sort of experiment.
ABC202 (st.paul)
There are scientiset in lab coat looking something. they are looking around to examining an lab experinece. few of them are wearing masks and another are not. They are looking at an animal , maybe a disense animals
Josiah.O (SKHS)
It looks like some visitor scientists and local scientists collaborating on some important project. They all look very focused and prepared to take some notes. It also looks like some of them are very tired, and they may have been working for hours on end.
Shelby B (SKHS)
@Josiah.O yes, i also think they have been working for hours because the guy in the middle looks real sad
Chris M (SKHS)
Its the Iran uranium enrichment nuclear deal. They are looking at the uranium. I can find this was in Iran.
Beau (Montana, USA)
@Chris M that's a cool theorie if you can actually send more info that would be appreciated because I feel it would be a good read.
Beau (Montana, USA)
well what i notice about this photo is that there are 7 people all seeming to be looking at what ever this tank is. Then there seem to be visitors mixed in with the full blow scientist. Then the container that is in the foreground seems to either be a gas container or maybe a liquid container that we can't see the liquid. The 7 men are definitely in a learning environment which seems to be a class room.
Josue (Zapata)
It looks like the scientists are making an experiment and one of them are taking notes. Some of them have some worried or concerning looks.
Sophia C. (SKHS)
@Josue what do you think they are concerned about?
daedae (skhs)
@Josue yeah most likely because they are talking note
Blanca (Dodge City, Ks)
In this picture , I see scientists examining a lab . They’re also wearing lab coats , masks and taking notes.
In this picture these scientists and visitors are examining something. Therefore this is why they are wearing lab coats, writing possibly objectives in what is going on, etc.
Victoria C. (SKHS)
@CG that was a good descriptive of what's happening and I also thought they were in a lab.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
I am excited to jump into the discussion this morning. Thank you all for your observations and ideas. Although there seems to be a consensus around some type of experiment happening, other ideas include this being an inspection, a training, or maybe a reporting of sorts. You are welcome to comment on one another's posts. What more can we find as we continue to explore this image?
Haris (Lugo)
it appears that the scientists are conducting an experiment and taking notes over the what they see happening.
Beau (Montana, USA)
@Haris what do you think they are testing/experimenting on. I was also wondering if you may have notice anything interesting in the photo.
Angelica (Dodge City Ks.)
It appears that they are scientists and some that are visitors in a lab, taking notes , wearing gloves and testing their experiment and wearing masks.
Calum C. (SKHS)
@Angelica interesting ideas, maybe the visitors are from another school, or another world (alien noises).
Dinesa_rbh (south dakota)
to me it looks like collage students that are visting a factory or a lab or whatever they wanna study the stuff they have they have paper to maybe write notes on or base on what they see an witness
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Dinesa_rbh You have noticed that these people may be taking notes on what they are observing. What do you see that makes you say they look like college students?
Alycia L (SKHS)
@Dinesa_rbh (to me it looks like collage students that are visiting a factory or a lab or whatever they wanna study the stuff they have they have paper to maybe write notes on or base on what they see an witness) -I think that is a very possible statement, most college students do get many opportunities to look more into their major.
Elijah M (SKHS)
@Dinesa_rbh Thats good thinking. I didn't think about if they were in college or not but it makes sense because they're age. appear to be older than high school so that makes me believe college as well.
Michel (IL)
I see scientists and visitors , they are taking notes about a function
Kaden (SMS)
I think that the people are doing an experiment. Because they are wearing masks and they have lab clothes on them, and they are taking notes.
Kaden (SMS)
I think that the people are doing an experiment. Because they are wearing masks and they have lab clothes on them, and they are taking notes.
Kailaya H. (skhs)
@Kaden it also seems like they asked two people to guest help with the experiment.
Sonali aose (Academy of Saint Elizabeth)
In this picture there are men all in white lab coats. A few of the men are wearing masks to cover their faces. This could be because they are working with chemicals or something that is not good to breath in. I can concludes by the lab coats that they are scientists. There is one man in the middle who has a visitor pass. The men are all studying a large machine and taking notes. The machine is a silver bowl with something copper inside. The scientist may be conducting an experiment.
Emma K. AOSE (Academy of Saint Elizabeth)
I think that the scientists in this picture are watching an experiment to see how it reacts. To support my thesis, these scientists look as though they are concentrating on watching something, and also, the men are writing their observations on a packet of paper. Also, I can tell that these men are scientists, because of the traditional white lab coats, and the fact that they are all wearing gloves, and some are wearing the "surgical masks". In the back of the room, there is also a warning sign. Lastly, the mens' eyes are not focused on the metal display in front of the camera, instead, I assume they are watching an experiment unfold behind the camera.
VTS Moderator (Sonoma, CA)
@Emma K. AOSE You have observed that the focus of the people pictured is beyond what we can see in the foreground, so perhaps there is more going on than meets the eye. What more can we find?
Estrella. R (SKHS)
@Emma K. AOSE I agree with you they do look as though they are looking afar rather than what ever object is in front of the camera.
Lauren T (SKHS)
@Emma K. AOSE I like that you also saw the warning sign the back too. And you think that they are looking past the camera.
Haley (SMS)
I think the guy in the glasses is a student, that's taking notes because he has a pen and a piece of paper and it also says visitor on his shirt. I also think that all the people (scientist) are doing a trail because on the wall it says "cold box trail and product."
Kelton R. (SKHS)
I didn't notice the visitor tag on the person whose taking notes' shirt, but now that I see it I agree with you on the fact that he might be a student.