Violent Video Was Product of Right-Wing Provocateurs and Trump Allies

Oct 14, 2019 · 80 comments
Karen McGoldrick (Alpharetta Georgia)
I thought Trump said violent video games were the cause if mass shootings,
sgc (Tucson AZ)
Who really believes that DJT has not viewed this vile video? I'm betting he saw it when it was airing at his resort in Florida. He is too vain to have not wanted to see it . . . any publicity is good publicity in his case, methinks. I will not go as far as saying he had a hand in it, but I think he probably gave it a 'thumbs up'.
Nightline (Southern CA)
It's hard to believe statements from the WH that Trump has apparently not viewed the violent video based on the micromanager that Trump is. At the very least he creates a toxic atmosphere that strongly supports his staff and associates to behave in ways they know will 'impress' him. Same could be said about Nixon; he may not have actually ordered the Watergate break-in but his plumbers felt they had Carte-Blanche in their methods to get him re-elected.
Bob (Virginia)
@Nightline How silly. This was not, they report, shown by the organizers of the event, it was shown in a side room by an individual. For all I know he showed it to some people on a cell phone.
PaulB67 (Charlotte NC)
Elsewhere in the Times yesterday and again today, guest columnists from rural Iowa and Indianapolis criticized Democrats for not empathizing with "left behind" voters who support Trump and might give up on him if they would only respect their views and grievances. Then I read about this video, downloaded 200,000 times since Sunday, and I would like to see someone write in the Times about how these kind of aggressive, violent tactics threaten our nation's domestic tranquility. Enough with this constant plea to understand Trump's base. How about exploring the attitudes of people who are shocked, aggrieved and feel threatened by the Trump regime and its right wing extremists?
sgc (Tucson AZ)
@PaulB67 We don't currently have any "domestic tranquility"!
Nightline (Southern CA)
@PaulB67 Paul, I fear we'll see incidents of deranged supported who feel encouraged and obligated to take pot shots at the journalists and lawmakers targeted in this video. Remember that crazy guy in FL last year who mailed pipe bombs to a number of Trump's opponents?
Words matter, especially when coupled with pictures or video. The excuse "just sayin'" (translation: yes, I meant it, but if it bothers you, well, sure, it was just meaningless words), which has been bandied around so broadly in recent times, is no excuse at all for this or any incidence of slander, inciting violence or attempting to curb constitutional rights. Calling it a "spicy meme" is a verbal mask; most people understand that what's behind that mask is a violation of societal norms and the safe practice of freedom of the press. This rancid video proves yet again that there is no bottom too extreme for Trump and his cronies to hit and then break through. I am embarrassed to share a nation with these extremists who have been invited into the halls of power by our astonishingly corrupt Republican members of government.
DJT (Daly City, CA)
The video may only have had 1000 YouTube views before the publicity, but YT isn't the primary venue for this far-right subculture. They would go to Meme World or reddit, or other darker corners of the Web. And yes, the protestations of innocence and ignorance are garbage. There are LOTS of Trumpy meme videos out there. Someone had to curate the selection shown at the Doral. TheGeekzTeam's video was CHOSEN to be featured there, which is absolutely an endorsement. And who would have selected it? Probably Logan "Carpe Donktum" Cook, but I can't believe he didn't seek approval and confirmation from Scavino and Phillips. And since Meme World is "a go-to resource for Mr. Scavino", the chances he hadn't seen that particular year-and-a-half old meme vid are about zero.
BobbNT (Philadelphia, PA)
Revolting ...Trump world issues never end and never stop shocking. But to Mr Logan Cook, a right wing meme distributor/whatever and friend of Donald Trump and visitor to the White House with his family per the article, I'd like to remind him of reality. YES.... words can and do incite violence despite his sycophantic and ignorant comment as quoted here" “As far as I’m concerned, hate speech is a made-up word,” Mr. Cook says in the video. “You can’t cause violence with words.” I wonder WHY THEN it is against the law to yell "fire" in a crowded theater according to the US Supreme Court established ONE CENTURY AGO. A simple online search will help educate him: Here's his lesson: The idea of falsely shouting "fire" in a crowded theater arose from the Supreme Court's 1919 decision in the case Schenck v. United States. The Court ruled unanimously that the First Amendment, though it protects freedom of expression, does not protect dangerous speech.
GS (Brooklyn)
Mr. Phillips says that “truth hurts, deal with it”. This same sycophant will cry presidential harassment about the truth of his president asking a forgiven country to illegally help with his upcoming election. The convoluted world of no standards that describes his base. What Trump Really represents is the dark underbelly of America that doesn’t want to hide its ignorance, that is tired of cloaking its racism. Their weariness of having to acknowledge facts and truths. They crave the freedom to shout their unfounded conspiracy theories that always lead back to a dank place that is on the wrong side of history.
kenneth (nyc)
@GS " the dark underbelly of America that doesn’t want to hide its ignorance..." Dark underbelly? Really? I actually have a much lower opinion of them.
Liz (Ohio)
The intent of the video is to incite violence against Trump’s critics; anyone pretending otherwise is either ignorant or complicit. But Trump and his supporters must consider that today’s liberals embrace self-defense- not turning the other cheek.
sylvia.levy (Washington)
Hate speech is a made up word? So if fake news a made up phrase as well?
kenneth (nyc)
@sylvia.levy huh?
Mike Holloway (NJ)
"allies who defend Mr. Trump with extreme language and images." You've got that wrong. "“Trolls in the White House,” Mr. Cook wrote in a photo" There. They're telling you what they're doing. "Trolling is defined as creating discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community." "right-wing provocateur" is the correct designation, but you're not explaining to the uninitiated what that means. They purposely use threats of violence to provoke emotional responses. They defend this use of violence as a constitutionally protected right, as though promoting violence was what the framers had in mind. The courts have interpreted it differently.
Mary Melcher (Arizona)
I fail to understand how something so ugly, so vile, so disrespectful of the office can be praised and defended. Honestly it looks as though it was made by someone who in fact despises Mr. Trump. Is it possible this was intended to soothe his lifelong feelings of insecurity re his masculinity or bolster his always frail ego? A very ugly and nasty way to accomplish any of that if that was the objective...
kenneth (nyc)
@Mary Melcher "Honestly it looks as though it was made by someone who in fact despises Mr. Trump." Gee, you really think so ?
Mary Melcher (Arizona)
@kenneth would seem so but given where and in what context this was presented, clearly it is Trump operatives who came up with this....are they moles?
Sarah l (Kennebunk)
This violent mashup of a film was showing in a continuous loop on two screens outside of the ballroom at the Doral Conference, but Junior and Huckabee Sanders didn’t see it. They lie as they breathe. Cook, an “extraordinary talent” visits the Oval Office with his “Troll family.” Trump’s people. Please let it end soon.
Donald Nygaard (Edina, Minnesota)
Sadly, someone had the lack of good sense to make the original film. I wonder who gave the travesty box office in the first place? Probably the same clients who’ve an appetite for the updated version. Disgusting all around.
Upstate Dave (Albany, NY)
I think I'll put a huge picture of Kathy Griffin holding up Trumps bloody head in my window as a Halloween decoration and send her $20.
Joe B. (Center City)
The Alt-Right Russian Republicans love violence.
El Guapo (Los Angeles)
This is the fantasy of the diehard right in this country - kill their political opponents. By putting it out there it is hoped that some deranged right winger(s) will act on this and make it reality. Remember pizza gate? Meanwhile...nobody on the left even dreams of this garbage.
Lord of the Dance (Midwest USA)
@El Guapo Remember this? Just because the media won't talk about it anymore doesn't mean it didn't happen.
C Lee (TX)
Tigress (U.S.,A.)
"Be Best" !?!
De (Australia)
America, your president is a disgrace.
Dennis Embry (Tucson)
As a very good scientist with practical research to show how “mere” words can reduce violence and medically coded violent injuries, I would note there is exquisite, classic science showing mere words cause violence. These folks are entitled, aggressive, and dangerous. These are the similar tactics often used in history to terrible events. A good place to begin one’s understanding are the Robber’s Cave experiment, the studies by Nesbitt and the culture of honor, and of course the Milgram study. And if you want to learn about reducing serous aggression, including antisocial personality disorder, then read our Hopkins studies on the Good Behavior Game studies available on Words matter for both peace and war.
Nancy Sellar (New York City)
The goal of this video was said to be “ to stir outrage among his opponents and provoke coverage by the mainstream media, which often helps amplify the messages.” Mission accomplished! The outrage was instantaneous and as the article noted,after the story broke, views went from 1000 on Sunday to 200,000 on Monday. The technique works because it is impossible to ignore the truly dangerous aspect of depicting the killing of journalists, especially in a venue like a church where massacres have previously taken place. Apart from getting rid of (by impeachment or electoral defeat) the president celebrated in such vile media, is there anything that can be done to combat these horrible methods?
G G (Boston)
Unfortunately, violence is now a part of both conservative and democratic parties. The rise of Antifa is as bad as the rise of the Alt Right - both groups do nothing to advance any cause and do much to hurt the associations they claim to represent. If one condemns one, then one should condemn all - but what actually happens is that many turn a blind eye when the violent groups supposedly support their agenda.
We the People. (Port Washington, WI)
@ GG Would you happen to have some proof as to what you are asserting? This sounds like the "both sides have bad people" sentiment espoused by the great and mighty Trump after the Charlottesville killing by a white supremacist, though I could go on enumerating various mass shootings. Is that crickets that I hear?...
Loren Johnson (Highland Park, CA)
This is false equivalency. The Anti-Fascist movements in the US are generally nonviolent. The numbers in news reports prove this time and again. Of course there are a few outliers but no number close to approaching the injuries and deaths caused by violent right wing bigots. Again, the left wing people pushing back are anti fascist. Fascists are violent, right wing and authoritarian. That’s their very nature.
@G G, I disagree with your premise. Antifa exists in small numbers at the farm margins of the far left. The people creating these videos have been invited into the mainstream by our deranged would-be emperor and his cohort. I condemn all gratuitous violence, which is most of it; but most of it in today's politics is factually found on the right, not the left.
MDB (Indiana)
This is the kind of stuff that gets people killed — in real time. It also normalizes and legitimizes political violence, the part and parcel of extremist, authoritarian regimes. Trump’s behavior and rhetoric since the start of his 2016 campaign have made this type of garbage inevitable. I only hope tragedy isn’t its byproduct. (And plausible deniability from the likes of DeSantis and Huckabee Sanders is no excuse, either.)
Joyce (pennsylvania)
How can people vote for this vile individual who now sits in the oval office? I shudder when i listen to some of the things he says to his crowds of worshipers. There is no doubt in my mind that he knows exactly what was shown in this movie at his estate and he probably approved it.
So what is the Secret Services stance on this? Have they been asked to investigate this? This is images of US Congress members and past President being killed along with the press. Would this not be investigated as a threat to those members of our government?
John Senetto (South Carolina)
@JDH excellent point!
r kress (denver)
Trump's transaction morals are on full display. He preposterously claims to have not seen this video as he meekly condemns it. Words, now images incite violence with no recriminations. With a lawless president, guns overrunning the country and no serious monitoring of violent hate groups, this will not end well for the USA. Exactly what Vladimir wants. With the subjects of this hate stream being persons protected by our secret service, are there any laws being broken which can result in action to be taken by the FBI or other law enforcement against the creators and distributors? Is this protected under free speech or would it fall under yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater?
We the People. (Port Washington, WI)
Uh, am I the only one seeing the irony of a group - at least in name - that professes support for free speech showing a video that knocks off purveyors of said freedom??? "It was shown at a meeting of American Priority, a pro-Trump group, celebrating free speech at Trump National Doral Miami, which he owns. More of the crazy "up is down and down is up" in Trumpland...
It is obvious the video was produced because "the GeekzTeam" knew Trump would approve. After all, Trump from day 1 in the 2016 campaign used nasty, provocative rhetoric, and called his opponents out for things (as with Biden in the Ukraine incident) that were far less brazen or plain disgusting & dishonest than he himself has been in his lifetime and continues to be now. And the supporters he has such as "the GeekzTeam" rely on this to make then what kind of corruption is this? This provocative dishonest approach is Trump's forte and a dangerous one as shootings are provoked by this kind of misinformation, but information which supports violence!
David G. (Monroe NY)
As someone who was born during the Eisenhower Administration, I thought I had seen everything, including Richard Nixon. But nothing compares to Trump. There are no adjectives left to describe him. The scariest thing is that I have family and friends who still think he’s the cat’s meow. Or a baby-cat’s meow, if you grab my drift.
Elizabeth (Kansas)
When I heard about this video, I wrote to my Senators and told them that Trump must denounce this and so must they. In case my Senators argued that the video is nothing to be concerned about, I reminded them that earlier this year three Kansans - the Senators constituents - received long prison sentences for their plot to blow up a building used by Somali immigrants. The men were reportedly inspired by politics and, in part, Trump's rhetoric. I asked my Senators to speak out now, before someone gets hurt by a pro-Trump crusader who decides to show his loyalty by going after people Trump dislikes. If Trump won't behave like the leader he is supposed to be, Senators ought to step up and be a role model for the nation. Somebody's got to take the lead.
Lisa (CT)
In my opinion, the actual snowflakes are the freaks who create these films. They are so unsure of their ideas they can’t accept any disagreement. The thought that they are raising children who see these films on a regular basis is really scary.
Jean (Holland, Ohio)
It’s been quite a week: Trump handed Putin another huge win as we withdrew from Syria. We found out more of the foul behavior by Giuliani, Trump’s kindred in spirit and personal lawyer. And Trump’s prized property hosts a showing of a despicable far right video that features Trump murdering Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Bernie Sanders and members of the mainstream media.
@Jean, can you imagine how fast the flames of fury would arise from the folks on the right if somebody on the far left were to have made a parallel video about killing Trump or Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh, etc., in a church? (Not that two wrongs would make a right....)
Edith (Irvine, CA)
Does this mean that we can post videos of beating up and shooting Trump and his supporters, as long as we declare them to be satire?
Matthew (NJ)
There’s that old adage. Something about ‘live by the sword...’
Juliana James (Portland, Oregon)
What exactly does zero tolerance for the liberal agenda truly mean? Intolerance. . .refusal to dialogue or trust diplomacy, a rigid aversion to human rights, failure to admit the climate is changing, steamrolling aggressive opposition to others who don’t agree with you, and tragically adopting the intolerant America love it or leave it attitude. Zero tolerance for the liberal agenda means a wall built inside you that encourages you to mock shoot or throw flames at your opponents? While reading about their techniques to amplify their message I felt a scream of horror building inside me, that memes of communicating led some to the gutter of violence, hate and intolerance. Good morning America?
D.j.j.k. (south Delaware)
Conservatism has a violent side. Look at Texas and the NRA murderers . They listened to Trump speak often of invasions and gangs and now they are forever known as the worst mass murder state in America and the free world. How they have religious support is a disgrace. Trump needs to needs to resign and still go to jail for hard labor.
Lulu (Philadelphia)
Look at the casualties of the Gulf war. Yes conservatism has a violent side.
Concerned for the Future (Corpus Christi, Texas)
Trump loves every second of this video. Makes him feel powerful and virile. An egomaniac would of course feel this way. What has this country done to itself?
Matt D (Bronx NY)
You can’t cause violence with words? I don’t think the family of Heather Heyer would agree.
N. Smith (New York City)
@Matt D And yet according to this president, those responsible for her death were "very fine people".
Newman1979 (Florida)
If a 13 year old can be charged with a felony by pointing a "finger" in a shooting motion at fellow students, then this video is a felony also.
wihikr (Wisconsin)
If someone would have made a video where trump is the target of the violence, you can bet that person would be in Secret Service custody and charged with threats against the president. When will civility and respect of others return?
Pat (Somewhere)
@wihikr Not as long as the GOP remains in power, partially due to tactics such as these.
Adams7 (Fairfax)
@wihikr Never.
K.A. Franklin (Butler)
It will begin in November of 2020.
London223 (New York, NY)
He won’t condemn it explicitly because he approves of anything showing love or reverence for himself. It doesn’t matter what that thing is.
r kress (denver)
@London223 Sociopaths should never be granted power anywhere. This 'situation' must be corrected by impeachment, the sooner the better.
Katherine (Salem oregon)
well of course President Trump has not said anything personally about the video. if he did the decent and condemned it, his adoring fans would howl. If he says that he enjoyed it undecided people might not be so quick to give him anymore "benefit of doubt". There is no positive spin for him on this and so, for once, he is doing the smartest thing and shutting up.
Jennifer Hoult, J.D. (New York City)
Inciting violence with words or images is not protected speech under the First Amendment. It is a criminal act.
Mike Holloway (NJ)
@Jennifer Hoult, J.D. And yet, they've convinced half the country otherwise, and there's a well funded movement supporting right wing threats of violence as free speech.
Richard Brudzynski (Dayton)
Political snuff videos should be expected when we have a leader who openly encourages violence at his rallies. Trump has even praised a violent criminal who body-slammed a reporter asking a question. Trump approvingly retweets videos showing him beating up reporters. Persons seeking Trump's approval try to get his attention and a retweet by pushing the envelope of what's acceptable. Unfortunately, with Trump, there is no envelope.
Pat (Somewhere)
The aim of these "right-wing provocateurs" is to produce content that the "base" loves and to provoke overwrought reaction from political opponents that can be ridiculed as overly-sensitive snowflakes. Which the base also loves. Win-win for them. Articles giving this stuff more publicity plays right into their hands. Ignore it.
MN (Michigan)
so glad that this activity has been exposed.
Kathy (Chapel Hill)
Unless and until Trump himself condemns this viscous video, the nation can and should assume he approves of it. Ditto for his cabinet, staff, family, and the GOP generally — they can be presumed to be in favor of it. As respected historians point out, one key step that putative dictators take on the road to totalitarianism, if indeed not fascism, is destruction of a free and open press. That obviously includes silencing honest journalists, by death if necessary or expedient. That is what the Trumpists are threatening. I hope America will wake up, before it is really too late, to stop these types of attacks on free speech and trustworthy journalists.
Dolly Patterson (Silicon Valley)
I hope Twitter, Facebook and all social media will not allow Mr Cook and his cohorts to not be allowed on their sites.
Tony (New York City)
@Dolly Patterson Facebook believes that fake ads, and the Russians re good for Americans. He refuses to take anything down from his site. These right winners hide behind the rights of the constitution as they work to shred it. Stop paying for Facebook and see how fast Mark the little Trump golden liar he changes his tune when it touches their bottom line. Facebook should be the social network for the haters and the red blooded Americans who have the blood of the Kurds on their hands because the GOP refuse to step up and tell Trump that allowing your allies to be slaughtered is not the way to be even a fake president who is controlled by the almighty killer Putin, who presides over a third rate country. Maybe Fake religious Pence who was in the same church with the killing machine Trump he can hold a payer service.
MTM (Lakeville, CT)
This is exactly the type of material that foments violence. "You can't cause violence with words". Really? Maybe these folks should go back to study history. Words count! I am petrified that if Trump is loses this election, the vitriol that drives his supporters will be unleashed and rampant violence will occur and the cries of fraud will be deafening. God help us all.
Tony (New York City)
@MTM Well if Trump and his minions are not in office, I think they will realize that no one is going to protect them, so they might decide to find there thinking caps and become normal human beings again. The religious people cant brother anyone because most women see them as the frauds that they are. The blood of the Kurds is on all of their hands, Trump broke the law and no one is going to listen to fake religious stories especially from Joe Jordan who should of been charged with the sexual escapades at Ohio State . He was part of the college coverup so he needs to keep his mouth closed. He allowed other peoples children on the wrestling team to be abused. Why not make a video of that?
@MTM Yes, if Trump looses he won't go quietly and he will have radical right wing supporters that may cause mayhem all over this country. However, on the other hand, if Trump wins, this barely now democratic Republic will be history and we will live under a dictatorship. Unfortunately most Republican Congressional members are enabling Trump and hence are complicitous with Trump in remaking this country into an autocracy.
N. Smith (New York City)
Don't believe for a moment that Donald Trump is as dismayed about this as he now poses himself as being. Especially since he's been ranting about "fake news" and mainstream media being against him for as long as anyone can remember. The fact that he's depicted as killing and maiming several politicians whom he has insulted and disparaged, and that it was "right wing provocateurs and Trump allies" who saw fit to produce such a violent video already says it all. If anything, this once again proves this is a president is who doesn't take responsibility for his own actions or the use of violent imagery and hate speech. And there's nothing "made-up" about that.
FoxyVil (NY)
Oh, of course! Video games and movie villains, not the proliferation of guns, gun culture, and vigilante gun owners are to blame for the mass shootings epidemic in the US, but violent memes and words don’t cause violence, says the corrupt and immoral alt-right in its great and unmatched wisdom...
Chris Johnson (Saint Louis)
Zero tolerance for people like me. Who is next?
Barking Doggerel (America)
The "Gosh, I didn't know" comments from Huckabee Sanders and Donnie, Jr. are unbelievable, in both meanings of the word.
db2 (Phila)
Only the best of friends.
mike (nola)
is creating images promoting violence really a parody? At the bottom of this article is a quote "In a video posted to Facebook in June, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Cook played down the idea that such content can foment hate and violence. “Hate speech is a made-up word,” Mr. Cook says in the video. “You can’t cause violence with words.” Mr. Phillips said he agreed. “The truth hurts sometimes,” he responds. “Deal with it.”" Cook is wrong, words do incite violence and he knows it. Like all Trumpinistas his mental development is limited and he believes that the First Amendment means there will be no repercussions for his words. he is wrong.
sjs (Bridgeport, CT)
@mike He should remember the words that sent the nut Walsh to a pizza shop with a rapid fire gun to save non-existing children from a non-existing basement where they were held by a non-existing sex ring. He shot the ceiling not people, but next time? Yes, words cause violence.