U.S. Moves to Take ‘High Value’ ISIS Detainees, Including Britons Who Abused Hostages

Oct 09, 2019 · 14 comments
Pat Richards (Canada)
Who or what constitutes a "low value" ISIS man? The one who is going to be allowed to strap bombs to himself and press the detonator while standing in a group or crowd of people ? The US will only be moving "high value" chaps.
Barbara (SC)
So we are saving known brutal killers, but leaving civilian women and children to fend for themselves. So sensible!
Z (Nyc)
Should read: "We are taking small steps to somewhat minimize a catastrophe of our own creation."
RjW (Chicago)
If the House shows weakness here, full autocracy is the penalty. Some things are worth fighting for. This is one. Handing the Middle East over to Putin and Erdogan , releasing 11,000 ISIS prisoners, and handing the Kurds a death sentence must not stand. Anyone that has witnessed Trump’s crimes must now stand and bear witness if they want to sleep at night.
CC Coit (Germany)
As an academic I just do not understand how misinformation can seep into articles without being checked first based on documents. In the article it was stated: "as the Turkish military moved into northern Syria after getting a green light from President Trump". That is not true. He told Turkey not to invade! Pulling out the troops is not a green light to do murder. Or every time parents leave their home does that mean the kids are allowed to fight?
Barbara (SC)
@CC Coit Trump also told Putin not to interfere with our elections, with a wink and a nod. In this case, he told Turkey to invade by pulling out American troops. He has done nothing to stop Turkey.
Pat Richards (Canada)
@CC COIT No one knows what Trump said to the Turkish President. Judging from the Turkish reaction of starting a military offensive within a few days, it might well have been, " O.K. I'll move the troops , please don't knock down my Golden Towers in Istanbul! please !"
Duggy (Canada)
@CC Coit Police pulling out of a gangland would green-light ensuing crime. Yes trump has, likely at Putin's bidding, pulled the cops. I suspect though the Turks will get a bloody nose.
Chris (South Florida)
As with all things Trump touches, I’m pretty sure this operation will devolve into chaos.
CC Coit (Germany)
@Chris Oh, so there wasn't any chaos until Trump touched it? Somehow I thought there has been chaos there for decades and more.
Caryl Towner (Woodstock, NY)
This smells of talking points for Trump rallies. What better way to whip up his base than to show how willing he is to throw lives away and/or execute men HE says are ISIS - men of color, of course. I don't trust him. These two men are American citizens, but they will get no due process. By claiming they are ISIS or terrorists, they will be seen as sub-human and, therefore, not worthy of any rights - reminiscent of the McArthy era. There are 1.5 million completely legal activists on the FBI watchlist as potential "terrorists." These are targets of domestic spying and infiltration of groups, particularly "Black-identified" persons. So instead of being witches or communists, these citizens will be "terrorists," with the hope being that we will then shut down, succumb to their created hysteria, again, and allow them to trigger our fear so that we stop thinking. In the current climate of fear and anger directed at Trump, he will try to shift that away from him and onto "the other." This time let's not let them do it. OK?
Jane B. (California)
One important correction. The article says that the two men being held are British. It never states that they are American citizens.
Brian Hughes (Seattle, WA)
Since this decision was made without consulting the US military, I’m can imagine it triggered an epic scramble to identify which of the detainees they need to take custody of along with where to put them. As crazy as the whole Ukraine business is, the call with Erdogan has resulted in direct and immediate consequences along with volatile long-term risks. A military friend (and staunch Republican) put it succinctly: If we are willing to sell out our allies, soon we won’t have any. Unleashing Erdogan on the Kurds may prove to be the bridge too far for Trump for many military conservatives.
Bigmamou (Port Townsend WA)
"Among those challenges, transfer restrictions Congress imposed to block President Barack Obama from carrying out his plan to close the Guantánamo prison would make it illegal to transfer the men, once at the base, to domestic American soil for an eventual trial before a civilian court". And the republicans chickens continue to come home to roost. After all this is over the repubs will be lucky to get elected as dogcatchers! Their ineptitude and dirty politics will haunt them for years....and deservedly so. The only thing they have accomplished since 2008 is to have positively enhanced Obamas reputation due to their partisanship and racist nonsense. And it will be moscow mitch's head on that pike, his reputation forever sullied for his negative, mean-spirited dealings with an able, smart and good man and his betrayal of his country.