A Place of Solace

Oct 08, 2019 · 42 comments
Kylie Smith, Block 2 (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
The lady in this photo looks so at home in the plants. This reminds me so much of my Nana. She is a living representation of a ‘plant lady’. Everytime I visit her house she takes me out back and shows me all her new plants. All their names go straight over my head. One time she told me that one of her plants' names was Little Henry. I thought she had finally stepped across the line and started naming her plants. Nope, I was wrong, that was the plant's actual name! I love her to death but no matter how many times she explains to me how to take care of a plant, I still have, as I say, a black thumb. I strive to find the feeling she has with her plants in something I care about.
Eliana D (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
My place of solace, like many others I assume, is my room. The highlight of every day for me is just returning to that safe place. I don’t have to put on a mask and be hyper aware of everyone around me. I can blast music without disturbing anyone, wear comfortable clothes without being ridiculed, and access the entire world through a phone screen without actually being present in it. All of that freedom I don’t have in places like school makes it hard to leave the comfort and safety of my own room. Sadly, it often feels like that’s the only place where I belong.
Edwin Rivera (Riverdale High School)
Whenever things are not good at all I either go to my back yard or go to a soccer field and kick the soccer ball everywhere. Sometimes, when things are going bad, I leave the house and say that everything is going to be fine. Two days ago things where bad in my house, and I walked out. It was freezing, but that's the only way I can calm down. There are times I am crying and then laughing because we argue about things that don't make sense.
Matalin Bloomfield (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
I find solace at the ballet barre. Ballet dancers are kind and genuine by nature, but in class I have an opportunity to be selfish for once. In class I can focus on myself and my art form, letting the pressures of the world outside the studio melt away. I can calm my mind and channel my thoughts into purifying the classical technique. Every day I realize how lucky I am to be part of something so pure and beautiful. Ballet classes are free of judgement as every dancer breaks boundaries of their own. Constantly striving to better themselves, starting with the tiniest step, the placement of a finger. When I feel tense, dance is there to massage my knotted shoulders. When I feel stretched, dance encourages me to focus my breath. And when I feel lost, dance makes me feel like royalty, or a coveted piece of art.
Lilah Pate (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
Everyone needs a place where they can catch their breath. A place where they don’t have to worry about the stress of the world and just be present in that moment. A place of solace. When I was little, my place was on the roof of my garage. It went up and down is different triangular shapes and almost resembled a skate park. I loved being up there and feeling the L.A. breeze on my freckled cheeks. I have always struggled with debilitating anxiety that creeps up on me throughout my day. The only place I could feel okay again was on that gray dusty roof I called home. Now that I'm older and don’t live at that house any longer, I have struggled to find a new place. Lately, I have realized my place is a lot bigger than most. My new place is being on the water. The feeling of the wind flowing through your hair and your eyes watering is what can calm me down at any time. I am fortunate to have a boat, so whenever I feel that anxiety creeping up I head for the water to catch my breath.
Josh Gans (Hoggard High School Wilmington, NC)
Whenever I need to get away from something I have two options. One is the classic cliche of hiding away in my room. I usually play loud music and try to block out the outside world. I know I will have to face whatever I'm hiding from but I choose to ignore it for the time being. If i'm mad it gives me time to cool down. It is a good option but not the best one. My favorite option is to paddle out into the ocean and go for a swim. Not only is it fun but it lets me think about my problem, how to face it, and clear my mind. It really is the best option for me whenever I am stressing. I always feel a million times better after I get out of the water.
Grace Ogola (Hoggard High School,Wilmington NC)
The place I go to get away from everything is my best friend's family house because while I am with them ifeel as if the little things don't affect me as much as I believe them to. When I’m at my best friend's house, I tend to forget about all the problems I may have I have fun and not worry about the stuff I may not be able to control I take the two to three days I’m there to relax and not worry about school or any problems at home I tend to stay to myself while at home but at my best friend’s house I am there and I’m not in my bed ignoring everything and everyone.
Skyla Madison (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
I cannot personally say that I have experienced a place that has taught me things about life I didn't know or spoke to me in some sort of soulful or spiritual ways. I have had a place that has helped me cope with things in my life, a place to go to when everywhere else has been a mess and chaotic. Which amongst the garden helping her find out that she needed to acknowledge her grief and that it was a normal feeling. That it also served as an escape place. I used to live on a golf course, and along the back 9 on hole 11 I think stood a very large live oak that sat on a small hill overlooking the lake. That's where I went when I feel like things aren't fair or life wasn’t working out my way. Or simply when I had messed up and I knew it would be okay because I would go. That is where I found my special peace of mind and comfort that everything was going to be alright. That place I feel saved me from a few rash decisions in my life and I know it sounds stupid but it gave me a sense of comfort going there too.
Syrea Roland (Hoggard High School in Wilmington NC)
My personal place of Solace is in my room on my bed. I like to think it will change when I get my car though. In my bed I can just chill, and yeah it gets me thinking because I'm alone, but just like in the essay, the girl needed to grief about her mother not keep it inside, and I need to think about it, not push it to the back of my mind. And although it's not a garden representing what my mom loved so much, Its mine. And although I'm basically talking to myself it helps. In any given situation I can run to my bed and, and myself, and I feel like in this essay, it's just about her mom, the garden, and the grief, instead of her going to the garden to write, think about her mom, read, and everything else, it's just about her mom. Maybe she does go for other things, but we don't know because the essay is about one thing. And If we're talking about one thing, I grief over my uncle that passed September 2nd all the time in my room, I did keep it bottled up at first, but that changed.
Natalie Ortega (Nipomo High School)
My place to go when I need to get away from it all is my room or my car. My room tends to be the place where I always go or where I never want to get out of after a tough day. Although it might not be the best place due to the fact that everybody can reach me there or bother me. My car is my second favorite place to be because it's very peaceful nobody knows where I am, so nobody can bother me. I like these places because they're the only places I feel secure. Where I feel like everything is going to be okay. They make me feel 100 times better after everything that can happen in one day. In my car I will usually drive somewhere where there is a view of nature. Where my emotions can just settle down and where I can not bother anyone or vice versa.
Abner (Planet earth)
My personal place of solace is the beach. More specifically the beach at sunset or sunrise. I like to sit on the sand or lay down and enjoy only the voice of the ocean that shuts out any signs of human existence. I like to admire the powerful waves and hear the song of the seagulls. To add even more beauty that the combinations of colors that the sky showcases in a early sunrise and a late sunset, bring a peaceful state that one can find if one gives the skies a second to tell its beauty. Just simply admiring this beauty, that separates me from all human problem or worry, is one that I can't find in any human invention or technology.
Matthew Byrnes (Hoggard Wilmington NC)
Published Oct. 5, 2019 Garden of Solace Comment: The idea of a place so comforting is really interesting as we have created our own special spot to make us feel better anywhere whether that be in your house, in a park, or travelling on the road while listening to music. We all have our one spot that makes us lose track of all our troubles and the smooth bliss carry us away in a sea of numbness. Some people take drugs to feel that special numbness, like in Fahrenheit 451, but my special spot is in my room sitting on my bed playing Xbox with my friends, when I play my Xbox I lose all sense of my worries, time, or even my sense of hunger. Some people require a nice quiet place like in a garden or in a nice warm bath, where they can relax and unpack their thoughts of the day.
Avery Lemley (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
Out to the soccer fields every day of the week. Its where I find my happiness. The flat smooth surface of the clean cut grass. Few imperfections around the goals, but that's the best part; making your mark. After a great day, going out to the fields really tops it all off. And after an aggravating day, it's nice to be able to go out to practice and continuously push yourself until you feel that sense of accomplishment, thinking you did something good today. Being surrounded by my second family, able to cut up with each other and brighten one anothers day. I feel home. These are the people I love spending my time with, doing the things I love.
Mary Lamporte (Hoggard High School in Wilmington NC)
My place of solace is the ocean. I feel myself and at home when I am in the water. Surfing is a relaxing and stress free thing that brings me joy and adrenaline rushes. Whether I am having a bad day or an amazing day, the water always works for me. Feeling the sun soak into my skin with the warm rays hitting me, the cool water all around, and my hair sticky from the salt. The thing that sticks out most to me about the ocean is that you can feel everything, all of your five senses are used and you are truly present and involved.
Grace Robertson (Hoggard High School Wilmington, NC)
(Part 1) My grandparents live on the water. They live in a quiet place called Scott’s Hill, an area between the towns of Wilmington and Hampstead that is (rather unfortunately, in my opinion) growing by the day. Their house is green, the property has been theirs for decades, and it’s beautiful. The pier reaching into the channel is faded gray but has survived years of hurricanes. When I was younger, I sprinted down the pier to scare away the birds resting on the handrail; it’s now a favorite spot to watch the sunrise. Their house being on the Intercoastal Waterway, there isn’t really any sand. There are thousands of sand fiddler crabs and clams thriving in the grey mud and tall grass. There’s trees surrounding the property, but there are two trees in particular between the front porch and the water, the perfect distance apart for my hammock.
Grace Robertson (Hoggard High School Wilmington, NC)
(Part 2) Grandmama and Granddaddy may live in a peaceful place, but their house is hardly what you would call a quiet sanctuary. While I think I’m a quiet person, my family is very loud. Their mint green house is a hub for family activity including holidays, birthdays, and random home-cooked family dinners featuring seafood and strawberry cake. Everyone in my family always seems to have something to say (or cheerfully yell), and we are all people of boisterous laughter. Whether it’s something someone recently said or did, the news, or fond memories, the conversation is always lively. Whenever life seems too much, this is the place I most want to go. A place of quiet and a place of loud; a place of routine and a place of chaos; a place of restful alone-time and a place of loving, joyful community; a simple place. Swinging in my hammock with a book in hand, ocean-breeze dancing through the trees and my hair, I feel the tension inside me released. Watching Jeopardy! while eating ice cream with my grandparents, I feel warm and content, as if my heart is a house and the fireplace has smoke rising from it. Laughing at the dinner table with my whole family, my problems become insignificant. My grandparents’ house is my place of solace.
Grace Trimpey-Warhaftig (Hoggard High School in Wilmington NC)
I sit and watch the water rush in the creek while I smell the Pennslyvania air that just hits a little different. Im on the swing rocking back and forth surrounded by the grass way greener then it is in my hometown of Wilmington. As the water flows my thoughts began to wander. I forget about all that's going on at home. The things that are upsetting me: gone. The millions of things that I have to do for school: gone. Instead, I let my imagination run wild. So while the cool breeze blows and the swing squeaks I take a deep breath and take in this precious moment and the peace I feel runs all over me. I wish I could savor this moment. Capture the feeling in a jar and just feel that way whenever I wanted. But I can't. So instead I take advantage of the moment when I can and just enjoy it in the moment.
Laura Arbona (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
Every day after school, when I feel as though one wrong look could set me off, I hide in the solace of my room. It’s a small room, wedged in between my younger sister’s room, which is about twice my room’s size, and my younger brother’s room, which is the same size as mine. I see my bed, with it’s gray colored headboard and light blue and white quilt, tucked into the corner of the room across from where the door is located. A dark blue couch, with a matching blue footrest, is located a few feet away from the top of my bed with my white nightstand separating them. Two bright yellow pillows lay resting on the couch’s armrests. A white dresser, on top of which a small TV and tons of knick knacks and jewelry are placed, is located on the wall opposite of my bed and couch. On either side is a white bookshelf, filled to the brim with books of different widths and heights. Fairy Lights hang from almost every surface, casting a warm, yellow glow. I walk in and lock the door, not wanting to be disturbed by anyone. While I can’t control everything all the time, I can control what happens in my room. I can control who I let in, what its interior looks like, what noises are heard inside, etc. Then, I pick up a book and read, either sprawled out on my couch or hidden under the covers of my bed. Almost instantly, I feel myself decompress and the tension in my shoulders becomes almost nonexistent. My brewing headache subsides and all’s right with the world again.
Sofia Noonan (Hooggard High School Wilmington, NC)
When I feel as though I need to get away from the realities of life, I find myself asking my dad if we can throw some boards in the back of the truck and head to the beach. The ocean is my place of solace; I reconnect with myself through surfing. After paddling all the way out past the pier to catch waves coming from the outside, everything just feels so serene. The water calmly lapping against my board with my feet dangling off of it, not knowing what is underneath. Whether it is early in the morning, just before the sun rises, or late in the afternoon when the sky is pink and purple, all I have to do is breathe in the salty air and my stress diminishes. My favorite part of surfing is that rush of adrenaline when I see a wave forming on the outside, thinking whether or not I should take it. I paddle and paddle as I feel the water fight against me before standing up. Becoming apart of the wave at that exact moment is the most rewarding and relieving feeling I have ever had. The most amazing thing about the ocean is how powerful it is, and how unaware we are of that power. I think that is beautiful.
Natalia Rivera (Hoggard High School in Wilmington NC)
I find my solace in the presence of decorated canvases on the walls, scratch marks and paint splatters on tables and the lingering scent of Oil pastels and marker fumes. I feel surrounded by stories when I look at the art that decorates a room and I always feel the urge to join them when a paintbrush and an idea is just within arms reach. My mind buzzing with all the things I could create. It’s not just being in an Art classroom or a museum that makes me feel comfortable, but I also feel at ease with the people that reside there. I’ve always been one to become close to my art teachers and see them as a parent figure. I feel confident and assured in the presence of another person where usually I would feel awkward and shy. They are honest, and thoughtful but supportive all the same. But I also don't like to go out much. So I bring that atmosphere, the one of Art classrooms and museums, to my room. Pictures haphazardly taped to the walls and so many stacks of papers and art supplies that I have to squeeze it all into my drawers. And the smell of oil paint lingering the room and the cost of my poor, poor allergies.
Abril Padilla (Imperial Valley, California)
When I want to get away from the daily commotion and quarreling at home, I like to go to the basement, put on my headphones, read, and write. Living with my parents who always get into arguments over the most trivial matters and a younger brother whose favorite hobbie is to drive you crazy until burst out crying and pulling your hair can be very frustrating and exhausting. The dusty, dingy, dark basement is the best escape from the daily hustle and bustle of my life. This is the place where I reach equanimity and my full potential. The boisterous laughter of my family does not filter through the huge walls. I submerge myself in reading and writing for hours. Then, when I feel lonely and miss listening to my family shout at one another and I can see the sun setting down through the small window, I climb up the stairs and go back to my normal life.
Kiana (Providence)
When I want to get away from everything, I sit in my room and read. I love to get lost in the story, it forces me to forget what’s making me feel the need to get away in the first place. Reading is like a getaway for my mind. I usually stick to fiction books because they tend to grab my attention quickly and the faster I read, the deeper I get into the book. Sometimes I even lose track of time. I find myself so captivated, that the only time I really set a foot back into reality is when I hear the page turn. I don’t ever really feel myself do it, it’s kind of like a reflex to me, but the second I finish turning, I snap back into my getaway. Often stuck in a place where the author wants me to be. I guess you can say my place of solace is more of a feeling. The feeling of reading so intensely that you fail to remember what's going on around you. My nose easily gets stuck to each page, regardless of where I am. It’s how I find peace and relaxation and it can always give me a sense of relief.
Tiffanie P (Providence RI)
What’s one room every place, no matter where you go, will have? A bathroom! (Hopefully) Nobody will tell you, you cant use the bathroom. Walking into that room or stall after being yelled at or being anxious or even feeling good, feels like taking a deep breath of clean air. Being able to separate myself from the people im with and recollecting myself is such a beautiful thing. A form of meditation if you will. Sometimes this world moves so fast and can be full of negative and toxic things, you can sometimes forget who you are. You forget how kind and beautiful, how passionate and loving. Its nice to look in the mirror (if there is one) and see that glorious person that you forgot, for a moment, was there. You can wash your face with cold water if you feel hot with anger or use that wonderful smelling soap to wash your hands calm down. After a nice break and breath, you are ready to reenter the space you came from with a better energy.
Juliana Xiong (Providence, RI)
When I need to get away from everything , Oakland beach is my go-to. I can do anything here. Whether it is studying, eating, or just relaxing. The beautiful ocean view when the sun is setting , and the sounds of the water is so breathtaking and so soothing to me. Oakland beach is a place I love. It is such a simple place but to me it is perhaps everything I need if I am ever feeling down or need some time to think. In my car , with the windows down , the feel of the breeze, and the smell of the ocean is just so great and delightful. Most of the time, I go to Oakland to reminisce and reflect and it is a wonderful place to do this. I can sit in silence for hours and feel satisfied .
Manuel (Providence)
I feel like in this reality, the idea of finding solace is a human necessity that not everyone is privileged of. It is one that I need to embrace more these days. Although I have my own room, I've never felt any more privacy from when me and my family all lived in a studio apartment. That forever longing anxiety of a family member bursting through my door as if they were the DEA raiding a drug lab keeps me on guard at all times. Instead, my way of finding solace is far from home. I go to a nonprofit art studio where they have a music room hidden in the corner of the building. Usually, one could hear faint, boundless music from the thick soundproof walls. But when that one day comes where I find me, myself, and I alone inside the walls, I'm stunned by the feeling of peace. That feeling I often get, but always unfamiliar to, where I can collect my thoughts and ideas and flourish through experimentation. We all need our peace these days.
Joshua Esquivel (Classical High School)
My place of solace isn't exactly a location, but a state of mind. When I want to escape a certain emotion or event, I can always listen to my favorite kind of music and my mind and attention wander into a different location without me having to move. Be it Pink Floyd, Ween, or Beatles, I can always count on their songs to help me escape or cope with my problems. I don't exactly know why music makes me feel safe. Maybe it's from how diverse their sound is, or maybe I find their writing to be relatable and feel like I'm not as alone as I think I am.
Leonela Gonzalez (Classical HIgh School, RI)
A place of solace that I can go to has to be somewhere where I could be alone. Many people have a special place where they specifically go to to feel better but for me it is a place where I could be alone with my thoughts. I like being alone in times where I need to think about things clearly, being alone means not having people giving you their intake in situations and cloud your thoughts to the point where you start doubting yourself about whether or not you are doing the right things in life or making the right decision in that moment. To get away from it all you just have to be alone and not worry about what anybody else is doing or feeling. In the time of being "away from it all" you just have to be alone and in peace with YOURSELF.
Marlin Flores (Classical High School)
I seek solace in a place that's warm and isolated, most likely in my home, be it the couch or my bed (or my mother's). I'm the type of person that can be energetic and talkative with friends and family, but quite introverted once I'm home, which leads to me preferring a quiet and calm setting. One would always find me in an oversized hoodie and sweatpants, wrapped in blankets while laying on the couch and wonder if I'm sick, but really this is what I find comfort in. Even though it's not a place, I also find solace in listening to music, which I usually do for hours throughout the day. The combination of being warm and listening to music while laying down helps me the most in finding some kind of comfort whenever I have a bad day or if I'm suddenly feeling down.
Daniel (Classical High School)
My place of solace is my room where I can either lay on my bed and just listen to music or watch videos on my phone. Also when I play video games in my room, it is my time of peace and to escape reality into my own digital world. My place of solace can be anywhere that is peaceful and I have access to technology. But I prefer to be in my own room because that is where my own technology is. I do not know what is about technology that brings peace to me especially racing games because I love racing cars and it feels like I´m the driver.
Hope Heinrichs (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
It stands in my room with pride the white paint full of chips and dents with the dark teal swivel chair that doesn’t quite fit underneath it. It’s full of junk and my favorite books lining the shelves and all of my trinkets that I could never part with in a million years. The one piece of furniture that has survived all of my childhood and still aids me now is my desk. I find that my creative juices flow and that I can always do work there no matter what. I can take a moment to focus on whatever task at hand, whether it may be an English project, studying for math, or even painting a picture of my cat. My desk is always there ready for the stress and pain I unload onto it. The best inspiration can come from sitting there and staring at the empty page in front of me. I love that my desk provides tranquility and calm, mainly because highschool can do the opposite for me.
Ainsley Woodruff (Hoggard High School : Wilmington, NC)
My special place is my closet, well my closet isn’t really that much of a closet anymore. Before a few months ago I didn’t have a place of solace which is what prompted me to turn my closet that place. My closet is all cleaned out and it only holds a few things. I hung lights and decorations and put cozy pillows inside to make it more comfy. I get into my closet turn on my string lights I can separate myself from my crazy hectic life. My Family knows when they cant find me and they see my closet door closed and faint string light peeking through the bottom of my door that I am having my “me time.” I use my closet for many things. I like to do my homework in my closet because my bed is makes me lazy. Some of my favorite thing to do in my solace place is to meditate, self reflection and making jewelry. My closet captivates me in ways you’d never believe. Trust me its crazy what some lights a small space and some pillow can do. I can spend hours in my closet room.
Grace Smith (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
Margo has found solace in an unexpected place at an unexpected time, in a garden. She grieves for her mother and father as they have both passed away. As some people say there's only some things a mother can do. Margo desperately needs the comfort of her mother. She feels alone and isolated with both of her parents dead, her husband working long hours, and her school age children with their own lives in front of them. With all odds seemingly against her she comes across a garden. As Margo walks through the gates of the garden and the garden itself, the garden comes alive. She looks around and she sees vibrant colors, hand carved chairs, a stone girl at the bottom of a pond, but the best part of all to Margo is the decaying house that was built to resemble an abandoned house. She finds the darkest thing in the garden to be her favorite spot of all. She finds comfort in being alike with the darkness of the house. For once shes looking at something else that's so dark, seeing herself or her feelings in the house, maybe realizing that dark is beautiful in its own way. I find that my place of solace is in the car, on a plane, or just outside on my porch early in the morning before the sun has risen. Something about the stillness of the world so early in the morning is calming to me. Some birds may be chirping, maybe not. Crickets are still out and there's dew on the windows or out on the grass. The scene of dawn is so fresh, so calm, so still, it is quite beautiful to me.
Ellen Phillips (Hoggard High School in Wilminton, NC)
This place is not necessarily secluded, however I find a sense of peace when I am there. I go to swim practice. When I am there I am able to be alone when I am swimming but am also able to socialize with my peers. I like to consider myself an extrovert therefore when I am alone it makes me more stressed as if I were to go out. When I jump into the pool the cold water sends a shiver up my spine which feels like a release from all my stress that day. I completely forget what I was stressed about because I am focused on warming myself up. Then comes the sets. They are not particularly easy, they don't necessarily have to be. I focus on my breathing. I try to feel all of the air bubbles come out of my mouth before I take a breath of that chlorine filled oxygen (which I have gotten used to by now.) The way my hands cut through the pool and pull all of the water past me. Every stroke slowly eases me into a stress free mindset. The pool is MY place.
Jackson Bruins (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Summers have always been a time when I can rewind and decompress. I always found the best way to do that was to get away from distractions, which was somewhat difficult due to the fact that I have two siblings my age. After a bit of time, I found just the place to get away while I was living in New York. Now, I know that when I say New York everyone automatically assumes the city, but where I lived was actually more like the opposite. Our home had large, spacious fields bordered by a line of trees. Just past the trees our family built a fort structure made by leaning large branches against a sturdy pine tree, and covered it in pine needles, resembling a tepee. I’m not sure why, but this place immediately because a place of comfort for me. There was something about that place, with the soft chirping of the birds, the rustle of the grass in the wind, and the sunset just over the tree line, sending scattered rays of light dancing along the ground, that made you feel fully at peace. No distractions, no people, and a calming atmosphere kept me there longer than I would have realized. All of your problems become distant, and you can leave feeling satisfied with what you have discovered.
Sydney Pugh (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
I’m an introvert. This means I often need alone time away from people, stress, and everything else that’s been dragging me down. I need time to relax, and be myself when no one’s around to judge me. Alone time means not having to worry if standing this way is weird, or holding a book like that is awkward. I can take a deep breath and truly live. Although this ‘alone time’ is sparse now with my hectic schedule, I always make the best out of it whenever I have the chance. My favorite place to be when I have this ‘alone time’ is at the handmade swing in my backyard. A hammock folded in half, strung by a sturdy rope tied to a forty-foot tree. The swing spins in circles and circles which ever way you decide to spin it, and you can see all of the leaves above you jumble together when you look up. It’s childlike, sure, but when I’m sitting on the swing it’s like I’m meditating. I’m in my own little bubble with just me and my thought as we spin around and around, dozing in and out of what’s actually real.
Lilly Northwest (Germantown)
My place of solace is my home. I feel at peace, and I am with people I love. In my bedroom, I can read and make anything freely. The kitchen table is my workbench. I paint, glue, and draw there. Not to mention eat there, too. The basement is home to old secrets and distant memories just waiting to be discovered. And all over the house, are books and artwork, things just waiting to inspire.
Name (germantown)
More than ever, the volleyball court has become my place of solace. Whenever I feel overwhelmed with academics or any other situation, going to volleyball practice after school allows me to release and work out all of the thoughts clogged in my head. The sport of playing volleyball is exciting and brings me joy, and working together with my teammates is always enjoyable. From the hard spikes to the satisfying digs as a libero, volleyball evokes a unique feeling of euphoria that has given me a place to express myself and feel comforted. My teammates always make me feel at home and supports me both on and off the court.
Ada B. (New York)
My place of solace is in my bedroom. In my bedroom I can control everything that has to do with it, it's a safe place. A place I can go when I'm sad and just want to be alone, or when I just want to relax. A judgment free zone where I can just be myself. I don't have to worry about anything at all in there, it's just me and my bed.
Ethan B (BHBL High School)
If I ever want to get away from it all, I go to my room and listen to music. I will turn on my speaker and connect my phone. I sit down on my desk chair and relax as I listen to my favorite songs. I love having a place to go to relax and I value having that place very much. I hope that everyone has a place that they feel comfortable and are able to relax in.
Kalia (Burnt Hills, New York)
My place of solace is my hammock in the backyard. When I lay there I get to just relax outside. My hammock has a bug net on it so I don't have to worry about mosquitos and flies attacking me. When I lay there I get to listen to the sound of nature, the trees rustling to the wind, the sound of leafs and grass being brushed through by squirrels and chipmunks, and the sound of wind and bugs whistling. The two large pine trees that hang over the hammock help the sun from reaching it so I don't worry about getting blinded from the sun's rays. I sometimes bring my speaker out too to play music. My family doesn't usually go in the hammock because they are usually preoccupied with something else. This is the time I get to be alone, only with myself, and nature. My "Happy Place".
Sam B (High School)
My place of solace is nothing special. It is just my bedroom but it does the job. When anything stressful is happening at my house all I have to do is go to my room, put on some music and relax. I also found that it is a great way to get away from my pesky brothers. By hiding in my room, they aren't allowed in and it gives me a chance to get away. Even though it is just a bedroom, it is the most relaxing room in the house for me.
margaret d (new york)
my place of solace is my bedroom. upstairs there's my brothers separate rooms, then there's mine and a bathroom. the thing about my room is that it's behind another room which was previously my room which now serves as an office. the room i'm in now was the attic, but it's a lot bigger than my old room and with carpet. my room has two bookshelves lined with my favorite books and i'll read them when all is quiet. when i shut the door everything is silent except for the low hum of my fan, and i feel comfortable. it feels good to get away from everything downstairs, or when i just want to be alone.