Pelosi Tells Trump: ‘You Have Come Into My Wheelhouse’

Sep 25, 2019 · 455 comments
Perry Neeumm (NYC)
Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency? - Joseph Welch McCarthy Hearings 1954 “Mr. President you have come into my wheelhouse.” Nancy Pelosi 2019 announcing Trump impeachment inquiry
Casey (Memphis,TN)
The case for impeachment is a slam dunk and foregone conclusion in the House. The failure of the Senate to convict is also a foregone conclusion. That said, it is the correct, moral, and patriotic thing to do for our country. Thank you Democrats ( and a few true Republicans!).
Andrew (Durham NC)
One era called for Eliot Ness; our era, for Nancy Pelosi.
David (Maine)
The key is that the process must be run by experts NOT POLITICIANS. By experts I mean trial lawyers who know how to ask questions, cross examine, and built a coherent case. Politicians have shown they bungle this- its a skill set not possessed by preening politicians . Hopefully Nancy know this as does everyone who watched the Mueller hearing
John Murray (Midland Park, NJ)
All the Americans who were sitting on the fence watching the drama in Washington will now be firmly on the President’s side. These shenanigans must be stopped and the only action decent Americans can take is support President Trump in his time of trial and to vote Republican on November 3, 2020.
Jennie Chien (Nyack, NY)
It takes a woman to do the right thing against a bully while men run away. If Nancy Pelosi is moving for impeachment after very smartly strongly resisting, there is more than a smoking gun. We must get rid of corruption and the place starts right at the top.
artbco (New York CIty)
Kevin McCarthy is a whiner.
Boswell (Connecticut)
This whole thing is already unraveling. DOJ career workers (and not including Barr) determined that there was nothing criminal in Trump’s words. He did not threaten to withhold aid (as Biden had done). Look, I’m for Elizabeth Warren, but some of these democrats need to give up on the white whale of impeachment. It will only add to Trump’s chances of getting re-elected.
D. Smith (Charleston,SC)
@Boswell The inspector general determined that the whistleblower's concerns were legitimate, and the law requires in that case for the concern be relayed to Congress. Should the U.S. presidet be able to ignore the law?
Mark Josephson (Highland Park)
I worked in the tax division of DOJ in the past. Whenever anything with serious political implications came into the office, a political appointee would generally have to sign off on what the agency was going to do. So even if Barr didn’t touch that, there would have been a lower level political appointee that would have seen it. And again, DOJ policy is that the president can’t be indicted, so the fact that DOJ denied this may just be that policy again, not that the claim is baseless.
BlueBird (SF)
@Mark Josephson The DOJ is not supposed to be involved in the whistleblower complaint process. The DNI violated the statute by reaching out to the executive branch, which includes the DOJ, for input on the whistleblower complaint.
kglen (Philadelphia)
Nancy Pelosi's hesitation to proceed with impeachment, despite all the criticism it has received, has more than paid off. Her swift reversal with this latest scandal made the president take notice. And despite all his silly, nasty tweets, he is suddenly complying with least as much as one with no moral core will comply. Trump is now a little less likely to throw our country under the bus because he knows we are watching, and that there may be a personal risk involved. There seems to be no other way to control his lawlessness.
jb (ok)
@kglen, yes. And she waited long enough to make it part of the election scene, to have an unassailable primary cause, and to bring along nearly all factions of a fractious party. She's not one to be driven by the crowd or considerations of popularity--she's steely and focused on the best chances for success. I'm glad she's there.
John Murray (Midland Park, NJ)
After President Trump is re-elected on November 3rd 2020, I believe that congressional democrats will act swiftly to remove Speaker Pelosi from office.
SMB (New York, NY)
We can never again allow a President who refuses to show the American taxpayers his tax returns or be Allowed to run his business interests from that office. The Presidency should not be a means for capitol gains. Nor should his family be allowed to share the office by attending meetings or knowledge of intelligence or include esecutive privileges. Nepotism does not belong any where near the Oval Office or the functions of that office.
Truthbeknown (Texas)
Nervous Nancy jumped the gun on this Ukrainian telephone call; she and the Democrats will, in my view, rue the day that decision was made in or about the second Tuesday of November 2020.
WIMR (Voorhout, Netherlands)
As I understand from the article Pelosi is primarily angry at Trump for withholding the whistle-blower report. Not for his conversation with Zelensky. Yet I find that distinction back in almost none of the comments.
AlNewman (Connecticut)
I can safely say that after years of observing Washington politics, Pelosi is the most trustworthy public figure in politics today, maybe ever. I have full confidence that she’ll handle this process with integrity.
CassandraRusyn (Columbus, Ohio)
And the power that comes with her deep knowledge.
Charles Lee (Oakland, California)
Nancy Pelosi, bless you for your service. The nation owes a huge vote of thanks to you, for all that you’ve done and continue to do, on behalf of all Americans. You are my hero.
Kevin McCarthy says "it's a dark day for the rule of law" about something Pelosi did???? Are these right wingers for real? How is it possible to call ANYTHING lawless anymore amidst Trump and his outrageous acts or lawlessness and anti-democracy. Is this the twilight zone? Are we all being punked?
yves rochette (Quebec,Canada)
Go Madam Speaker, clean the WH in order to make America great and democratic again.Goodspeed
Meg Conway (Asheville NC)
I had not recalled that Speaker Pelosi voted against the Iraq war based on "fact". I continue to be impressed by her judgement. As in this case, now is the time to impeach rump.
Rick Pearson (Austin)
Pelosi know the workings of government many levels deeper han Trump knows are there. He is out of his element and or if his depth. He will tweet insults while she takes him apart. Bring out the popcorn.
Grennan (Green Bay)
If about half of the electorate thinks Speaker Pelosi has acted too quickly, and another half thinks she's been too slow, she's probably set the right pace.
Jeff (New York)
My sense is that the impeachment hearings will pass the House and fail in the Senate. But that is not the point. The point is that enough bad behavior on the part of Trump will blanket the news and the internet to sway swing voters away from the Trump train in the next election. The Democrats can come across as the adults in the room, whereas the Republicans will likely just reinforce their view that Democracy comes second to suppressing the rest of us,
Markus (Tucson)
I do fear that Pelosi has been too even-handed in her interactions with Trump and Republican members of Congress. Magnanimity is a noble trait but it's something the bad guys will take advantage of, always. Hence Trump being inexplicably surprised by Pelosi's decision and making that bizarre statement about her no longer being Speaker. We have some really bad people in Trump and Republican members of Congress. At some point, Democrats will have to get down in the mud. It may as well be now.
Jeanne (New York)
The United States is very fortunate to have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House at this moment in history. She is more than a match for our rogue President. And she will be able to oversee the impeachment process with prowess; and I would not be surprised if her expertise, professionalism and scruples will impress on the Senate Republicans and American people that impeachment of Donald Trump is appropriate and necessary. When I think about Trump President Zelensky in the awkward position of having to commit a corrupt act in order to get the U.S. military aid that was already approved by Congress and is paid with our tax dollars to help him defend his country against Russia, then in public telling him that he hopes Zelensky Putin "get together and can solve your problem." Unbelievable. With all the players in the bizarre situation that has been going on since January 20, 2019, Nancy Pelosi, who will go down in history as one of the nation's outstanding Speakers of the House, is the one who has stood in his way to keep him from running entirely amok. And now history is calling upon her to stop him completely.
ptb (vermont)
As it stands now...In my opinion I could see him slinking through this... in that slinky... weasely way ..he has Given that the phone call 'transcripts' could be assumed to be "cherry picked" ... its like another Barr Explanation... And yes the implications ..of trying to influence another country for ones own political gain...would seem to be enough... But I think that....that alone will not be enough to 'carry the day' lets hear...whats in the actual whistle blowers statements I`ve heard the actual whistler blowers complaint had more substance that this
BK (Boston)
McCarthy should get punished, too.
Brice C. Showell (Philadelphia)
Intelligence may be her "wheelhouse" but dumb luck is Trump's.
Franco51 (Richmond)
Look at the picture. If Joe Biden had been shown grabbing Pelosi that way, imagine the outrage! Imagine the headline!
Gvaltat (From Seattle to Paris)
Even if it was Biden and Obama? What’s the point imagining issues were there are none?
X (Manhattan)
Temper your zeal people ,believe it or not , but right now the next in line is more terrifying , than the wanna be despot we have SADLY !
The Nattering Nabob (Hoosier Heartland)
Trump has trashed the lives of several women in his life. Ironic, is it not, that Pelosi is about to trash Trump at the end part of his life, and that will be his legacy.
PJ Robertson (Morrisburg, Ontario)
Delicious irony: This obnoxious man of overweening arrogance and vanity--"I alone can fix it"-- who can't be bothered with intelligence briefs and treats women as "broads" for the taking, is about to be checkmated by an elegant woman steeped in intelligence.
FXQ (Cincinnati)
Don't expect any competency out of Pelosi, she is way above her head on this one and will absolutely turn this into an utter fiasco.
Dave (Marda Loop)
Why do you think that?
jb (ok)
@FXQ, whistling past the graveyard, I see.
David (NY)
Unfortunately she has been in power too long. Power has corrupted here, understandably. The hypocrisy of the Dems is breathtaking.
Chris Hill (Durham, NC)
@David Power corrupts in all directions, buddy. Republicans are not immune, or have you not noticed the conflicts of interest of Elaine Chao and her husband. How convenient to point a finger outward.
SpeakTruthToPower (Washington)
Pelosi is not gambler. While that doesn't make what she's done not a gamble, it does say that she's sure in her understanding of the facts. She's also a politician with few peers. So I can only hope that this ends for the betterment of our Country. I know with the certainty of having watched this putrid administration, since it's inception, gut America's position in the world, destroy government agencies meant to protect the American people, and work to remove barriers that protect America as a Country, that this "gamble" is worth taking. I can only hope that republican's who have in the past and who continue in the present, to support this travesty, finally wake and understand the damage they have inflicted upon the country. We owe Speaker Pelosi a debt of gratitude. Vote Blue 2020. Blind loyalty is NOT patriotism. It's simply a mask to hide utter stupidity. Think of your children.
Mark McIntyre (Los Angeles)
Republicans like Lindsey Graham are crowing the transcript doesn't show a quid pro quo. One of the things Trump learned from his beloved lawyer Roy Cohn is how to speak in mob-like "code." Michael Cohen testified how Trump uses innuendo to communicate coercion or something shady. He stays away from anything too explicit, but it's clear where he's going with the conversation. Don't have to look very deep into the transcript to see it.
Anita (Montreal)
Impeachment is about getting "the details" as the WH has continuously stonewalled.
Haynannu (Poughkeepsie NY)
"In my wheelhouse"....When Nancy Pelosi steps up to the plate she's not known for striking out.
SBJim (Santa Barbara)
What a strong and experienced woman. Trump better be afraid, very afraid. Her verbal skills and the ability to emasculate him will be interesting to watch although she may never have to reach into that bag so to speak. Trump will likely do enough damage to himself to not require that. What a name calling election this is going to turn out to be. Care to guess who will try to win the bullhorn?
Diana (Wisconsin)
No, Mr. McCarthy. It is actually "the president who demeans the office of the presidency” = since his inauguration.
Hmmmm...SanDiego (San Diego)
Simple. Pelosi still has her chips, Trump is out of them. He has blown them all with his indiscretions. She has carefully conserved them for just such an occasion. Underestimating Pelosi was Trump's blunder.
Common Ground (Washington)
Speaker Pelosi lacks the courage required to challenge Trump . She should resign and allow AOC to lead House Democrats
jb (ok)
@Common Ground, um, that's all over now. Get with the program.
HMI (Brooklyn)
And apparently the Intelligence Inspector General who looked at this so-called 'whistle blower,' who has not an iota of direct information, has already reported that he or she has a political axe to grind against Trump. Of course, that would be of no relevance whatsoever to Pelosi and the rest of her Trump-deranged party still desperately seeking to re-make the 2016 election in their own image. And the Democratic clown car rolls on.
Grennan (Green Bay)
@HMI That did not stop him from assigning the report the level at which it must, by law, be submitted to Congress. Nor would it change whatever Mr. Trump did and whoever else helped him to do.
Thiago (Brooklyn)
A line has to be drawn, we have to explain this moment to the next generation and “it wasn’t a good political tactic” is a sham of an excuse for why we didn’t impeach the liar when we could.
Florence (USA)
Nancy Pelosi. Thank you for your expertise, moderation, and knowing when the "facts" are in place. Obviously our system is broken and our democracy is in jeopardy. But of all the players, your voice and direction should cross the political divide if we listen. Listening here.
RiHo08 (michigan)
Impeachment is a political decision. If the Nation wishes to embrace the political views of New York City, San Francisco and Los Angelos, so be it. Then the Coastal Elites and their media based headquarters dictate the narrative for the whole country. If the deplorable "middle america" is to have any voice in the matters of State, then push-back and consequences need to follow Democrats and their long shadow. Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler:are these the best the Democrats have to offer?
Kelly Grace Smith (syracuse, ny)
Nancy Pelosi, an almost 80 year old woman who still wears the smartest, most mature, levelheaded, wise and reasoned leader in Washington. If this isn't the best endorsement of the positive, productive power - and necessity - of women having a seat at every table...I don't know what is. Signed, A 60-year old Pelosi Fan Girl
Moehoward (The Final Prophet)
"If you don't do the impeachment inquiry after the president essentially says to your face "so what, I totally did that. Like it was fine, why does it matter," then what is the bar?" Ask Lizzie Cheney. I'm sure she'll have a good relevant response.
JJ (California)
Pelosi is playing this just right. Impeachment is politically perilous for the Democrats and they need to be smart and swift. Republicans will attack them and the whistle blower and anyone in between relentlessly. They know what is politically at stake. In my view, any grass root shifts in the red states towards impeaching the President will be momentous. The only reason Romney is troubled because his constituents are troubled.
Moehoward (The Final Prophet)
@JJ Don't expect Myth Romney to do the right thing. This is a man who spent a career as a vulture capitalist and, upon leaving the Massachusetts state house, allowed his entourage to abscond with their computer herd drives, state property, and said "it's not illegal, they reimbursed the state, and there's paper copies of all our emails that were sent to the state archives. Total immoral sleazbag. He exudes a facade of respectability but is really cold and calculated.
Steven Richards (North Carolina)
God Help Us if Mister Pence becomes President if this magical turn of public circumstances opens Mister Trump’s pandora of darkness. What’s to prevent that, and how do we guarantee that Ms. Pelosi serves the balance of the 2016 Presidency?!
Moehoward (The Final Prophet)
@Steven Richards Pence is neutered politically, has no national base, no national appeal, no charisma, no political savvy, in short, little support beyond a small circle. He will, as the hypocritical extreme mondo-christian he is, pardon Trump in a heartbeat. That doesn't scare me, or sadden me, because once Trump escapes this dragnet with the help of Pence, New York state is going to do him in finally.
Stever (North Carolina)
I enjoyed your response, however... I’m very serious about my concern. I truly visualize Mister Trump impeached and actually voted to be removed from office. My concern is what happens NOW. Mister Trump is quite powerful right now. And no one IN THE CURRENT POLITICAL STRUCTURE is able to stand and push him out. Some people are concerned he has control over the legislation. Others are concerned he’ll motivate his base to rebel once he realizes impeachment could succeed (and that is right now). The judicial has not worked as of yet. Who’s to say that some of Trump’s wild cards have yet to be played?! So let’s say that somehow the current LEGAL STRUCTURE is able to impeach him and remove him from office. Do we truly have time to allow Pence to destroy what’s left of Trump’s spoils? Do we have the time to mess around while Trump and uses his power to block any further damage to our democracy? I say, loudly: NO-O!! To me and others this is a true CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS! Laws must be changed immediately and if necessary the courts and Congressional jailer must be engaged to enforce what the Founding Fathers designed and has evolved as our American Constitutional system. I could go on and on, but WE ALL KNOW the devastation that’s already been done. SO MANY aspects of our Democratic System have been damaged that THERE IS NO CHOICE but to besiege this revolt on our government — just as we did when our American shores were attacked in 1941.
Not gonna lie: I would love to see a woman take down Trump. Speaker Pelosi shows that women — *older* women — can be incredibly sharp, strategic leaders and heroes. (And I feel like her exceptional leadership disproves this notion that certain Democratic candidates are “too old.” No, Biden’s stumbling and ineptitude has to do with him, not his age. Pelosi is older than he is, and she brings her A+ game every day.)
Robert (Seattle)
Pelosi is a master of the House. Trump still doesn't understand his office or the role it plays in our system of government. Pelosi is a principled public servant. Trump believes public service means that we all serve him. Pelosi knows more and understands more about national intelligence than anybody else in Congress. Trump carelessly gives the Russians classified secrets, agent identities and intelligence capabilities. Pelosi puts the wellbeing of the nation and its democracy first. Trump couldn't care less about the nation and its democracy, and cares only about Individual One. "You have come into my wheelhouse." Indeed.
David MD (NYC)
Instead of tilting at windmills Ms. Pelosi should focus on the lack of affordable housing in her district of San Francisco. The lack of affordable housing is caused by zoning density restrictions which make it very difficult for the working class and middle class to live there. Pelosi and her husband have a combined wealth in excess of $100 million and she has forgotten (if she ever knew) how difficult it is for working class and middle class families to afford housing in her district. These people have to commute excessive distances to work creating preventable amounts of greenhouse gas. Pelosi should focus on federal laws (like those that exist in Japan) that override local zoning laws that create artificial scarcity in land which creates the high cost of housing. Going after Trump will not help the people in her district. Fixing the zoning laws in SF will help the people of her district.
Moehoward (The Final Prophet)
@David MD Why's that? She's a FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVE in Washington DC. Are you telling me there are no state reps / senators in California who can do what you claim she should be doing?
3 cents worth (Pittsburgh)
@David MD please stayed on subject.
Grennan (Green Bay)
@David MD She is one of the officers specified in the constitution. The speaker represents the entire country, as does the president, because s/he is elected by the entire House. Yes, it's been a partisan election for a long time, but that doesn't alter the fact that unlike the majority, minority leaders in both bodies the role is as theoretically nonpartisan as a president's. Also, her direct constituents presumably have a different view of what they want in their representative.
Meg (Brisbane)
Speaker Pelosi has urged nothing but patience and considered thought over instigating impeachment proceedings...and now the time has come. Trump appears to be coated in Teflon and he may well get out of this; but he won't be unscathed. No matter what the base says, Nancy Pelosi et al have restored dignity and faith in the system for now.
Jim (Chicago)
Sad to say but it seems like Pelosi's age caught up with her. Why not wait a single day and actually see the transcript before making the decision? She already knew that the whistleblower complaint was second-hand info. Now that the conversation turned out to be nothing interesting, her whole career will be defined by her jumping the gun to failure.
Moehoward (The Final Prophet)
@Jim The "transcript" was manufactured. And you know it.
Anonymoose (Earth)
Many people write as if this is now a done deal and the nightmare is over. It's far from over. In fact, the Senate will not impeach trump and he will continue running even more out of control than he is now--and don't believe for a second that that is not possible. Next he will want to have term limits removed and any other possible restrictions--will any of the trumpicans (there is no longer a Republican party) in the Senate stand in his way? No. There will be no peaceful end to all of this. Which is not to say that it shouldn't be done--it has to start somewhere. But the outcome is clear--trump is not the cause, he is but a symptom. The disease is in our society and it won't be easily healed--it will take surgery.
Jomo (San Diego)
Many on the right still think Hillary broke the law by pursuing the Steele dossier (after it was initiated by the Rs), because it was authored by a foreigner - a private citizen who was a respected former intelligence agent for our closest ally. He was not acting on behalf of the UK government. The same people see nothing wrong with Trump actively pressuring a foreign head of state to dig up dirt on his opponent, apparently as a condition of receiving aid funds. Basically using money authorized by Congress to pay a bribe.
Ed Watters (San Francisco)
So long as the Times and other liberal media promote the myth of Pelosi's awesome prowess and treat Biden like a serious candidate, the Democratic Party will continue to be dominated by an old guard that is out of touch with the electorate.
o808 (Bay Area)
I'm sorry, but to ascribe ANY morality to Speaker Pelosi's opinions or actions at this point is patently ridiculous. She has rather pointedly rejected ANY action to hold Mr. Trump to account for a litany of impeachable offenses. And currently is asking her committee heads to LIMIT their inquiries to the Ukraine call issue only, despite there being a multitude of open crimes committed by this CIC. I can't take her words on their face any longer. She is more concerned about politics and her own position of power than the security of our nation and the integrity of the Office of the President. This president was de facto convicted of multiple felonies as the director of the crimes that have sent Michael Cohen to prison. And the Mueller Report very clearly outlined Obstruction of Justice cries as well, as hundreds attorneys across donation attested to in an open letter. I'd wish you spent more time on the truth and not on some dream world fabrication about how great Nancy Pelosi is.
Nikhil (NY)
You’re completely wrong in the assessment. What Pelosi is trying to do is to achieve the objective. Muddling up the inquiry with a litany of offenses where we already know opinion is partisan, won’t help to achieve the objective. Focusing on the present offense where republicans are for once focused on putting facts first might get the job done. That is what she is doing. Not acting on emotion. Acting with intent on certain knowledge.
Stever (North Carolina)
I understand this argument. However an MSNBC talking head last night suggested that it only takes ONE Article of Impeachment to pass by the Senate Vote. He suggested that if multiple Articles were presented, that would allow even Republican Congresspersons to vote No-No-No on some Articles, but they would be able to save face my voting to impeach on one Article. Only takes one to pass. Sounds interesting. The suggestion came from Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC host of Hard Ball.
kate (new york)
So the argument for impeachment is that Trump was trying to get info on a Democratic political opponent. When did Biden become a viable opponent...seriously. Who doesn't know Biden would peter out without interference. Such nonsense.
NJlatelifemom (NJRegion)
@kate well apparently, Donald, the self anointed stable genius, was worried enough about Biden as an opponent to kneecap him by violating his own oath of office. That Donald is so smart!
Madeline Farran (Brooklyn, New York)
Kate- Biden being the eventual opponent or not is irrelevant. Trump tried to illegally use the power of the U.S. presidency for his own political advantage. He got caught- this is the “smoking gun”- there are no dots to connect. He’s guilty! That the GOP and Trump himself continue to speak of his running for re-election is just sheer lunacy. A traitor- the man should ultimately serve prison time!
Robert Mac (NYC)
@kate Apparently the current occupant of the WH. Otherwise, why would he bother with asking for dirt on him and his son.
Michele (Seattle)
Speaker Pelosi and the committee chairs need to investigate not only Trump, but also Pence, Barr, Giuliani and Pompeo. The quintfecta of corruption and betrayal.
LivingWithInterest (Sacramento)
“I just watched the speaker yesterday demean the office of the speakership,” Representative Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California and the minority leader, said on Wednesday, calling it “a dark day for the rule of law” and “a dark day for national security.” The real "dark day for the rule of law" and "national security" was the day the GOP enabled trump to break laws without accountability. Rep. McCarthy is in his criminal element.
Moehoward (The Final Prophet)
@LivingWithInterest Lizzy Cheney said the same things. How is this a "dark" day for national security? Republican propaganda and deliberate lies never cease. Trump has damaged national security in more ways than this.
Steve (Westchester)
The most astonishing thing is that many people still believe there is nothing wrong with Trump dealing the country’s integrity, democracy, and tax dollars for his own gain.
Diane L. (Los Angeles, CA)
I applaud the patience and fortitude Nancy Pelosi has shown throughout this process. She played it with the skill of a true master.
EzEddie (Rochester, NY)
I think I see the bus coming it’s raining it’s foggy but I think I see it coming. We will have to guess who the driver of that bus is?
Jim (Chicago)
@Diane L. I know you're trying to be sarcastic as obviously Pelosi jumped the gun on bad info and now will have to deal with the failure to get an impeachment, but this is pretty sad that Pelosi is no longer what she used to be.
Stever (North Carolina)
I think we may be underestimating Nancy Pelosi. Is it possible she already knew the scope and breadth of the Whistleblower complaint? And she chose politically and timed it perfectly. It was very smart to usurp Trump’s “power” at the end of Trump’s 3 days of trampling and blow a hole in his ego. That what caused so many leaders to come forward and support impeachment inquiry and build the magical number of 218 to scare the voice out of Mister Trump.
Steve (Seattle)
Now, at a deeply divisive moment in American politics, the speaker is confronting the president yet again, by drawing on something Mr. Trump does not have: an intimate knowledge of the intelligence community, gleaned from 10 years on the panel and 15 more as an ex officio member, by dint of her position in leadership. I'd say that it is her morality, decency and honor that that trump does not possess. He is no match for Pelosi.
Carter Nicholas (Charlottesville)
This new American government can and must be seen as exploiting today's crude tools of crowd manipulation to destroy a sense of context, from one instant to another, from one contradiction to another. Now: look upon the hectic freshperson Congressmember of your choice with refreshed calm, knowing that in the matter of lies about national security, the Speaker of the House is as nuanced in their vagaries as anyone who has ever served this nation.
Syd (Hamptonia)
@Carter Nicholas : She is indeed an experienced pol. I feel comforted with her at the helm of what is sure to be an exciting ride!
RickyDick (Montreal)
Since trump didn't explicitly state that Ukraine receiving the military aid they were promised was contingent on them finding dirt on Biden, trump and his GOP sycophants (meaning virtually every GOP congressperson) have wiggle room to claim there was no pressure exerted. Unfortunately, Zelensky did trump and the GOP a favor by saying there was no pressure. (He may not even have understood trump's mobspeak; would he understand "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse" is a threat?) Given the above, the Dems will really have to do a thorough investigation: interview absolutely everyone they think they should, compel them to answer (remember Mueller's response to virtually every question of substance: "I'm not going to answer that"?), subpoena any who refuse to not show up, charge any flippant witnesses (remember Lewandowski?). Time to play hardball. Like their friends across the aisle.
Margaret Davenport (Healdsburg, CA)
I support impeachment of Trump. I am shocked that most of the House GOP cannot appreciate the dire necessity to remove a president as dangerous as Trump: dangerous to all of our institutions and to each person in our country. I am worried about the outcome but I will work to mitigate the negative effects. I will not desert the Dems as some pundits who have been complaining about their temerity for months (Frank Bruni) and now are afraid that impeachment goes forward. But why concentrate only on Trump? I realize that the Speaker has engaged all House committees in the process. I hope others will be ensnared as info is shared. I’m thinking of Mitch McConnell and Russian Oligarch money from Oleg Deripaska going to Kentucky to build an aluminum factory. I’m thinking of McConnell’s wife appearing publicly as Transportation Secretary with her Chinese Oligarch father at her side. So, finally, the so called leaders of our capitalistic country have determined that the best they can do for themselves is sell it bit by bit to anyone with money. And what about AG Barr? What is he getting?
RCH (New York)
I am a Republican never-Trumper who is dying to find the Democrat who can beat him. But I have to say that this fiasco has just made me aware of Biden's own strong arming in Ukraine, and Biden's son's board seat would make the Trump kids proud. I'm afraid that Trump is welcoming this fight because of the deep damage it does to the one person who can beat him.
Stever (North Carolina)
I tend to agree with you on Biden. Unfortunately... However there is one person who can, and I believe will, defeat Mister Trump. And that’s Nancy Pelosi. She now has to be smart enough to impeach BOTH Trump and Pence (thus allowing herself to serve out the remaining 2016 presidency), and then allow the Dems to jockey during the Primary for leadership and the nomination in 2020.
Tabula Rasa (Monterey Bay)
There is a time in the halls of Government where the bluster of one branch is trumped by the experience of another. SCOTUS Roberts has some long days and nights ahead.
DB (Chicago)
She’s so awesome and totally denied the credit and accolades due her. A role model for women AND men on how to conduct oneself in a mature and professional manner. Everything the current occupant of the White House is not.
tamchief (San Francisco, CA)
The GOP has been fighting with gloves off for years; time for the Dems to take off the gloves and do some jujitsu. Bring it Pelosi!
Eileen Paroff (Charlotte NC)
The Ambassador to the Ukraine, referred to as “Ivanovich,” was Marie L. Yovanovitch, a career diplomat appointed by President Barack Obama. One of the most repulsive moments in the phone call is when the United States President tells a foreign head of state that our Ambassador to the Ukraine was “bad news,” and the affirmation from the Ukraine President that it was because she supported President Obama, who appointed her. Is this what Trump sees as a “perfect” phone call? Mocking a United States Ambassador and presumably agreeing that she should have sided with a foreign head of state’s agenda rather than that of the United States? Is it customary, let alone acceptable, for a U.S. President to send his personal lawyer to negotiate with a foreign country? Giuliani is clearly no longer capable of a complete sentence that he doesn’t later contradict. Do we now officially send a President’s personal consigliere to a foreign country to try and smear political opponents? Note that in the phone call, Trump was told how grateful the Ukraine President was for the tactics he had learned from Trump to win his election. What more do you need to know? In Trump World, we are no longer allied with Western Europe. Trump realizes he will never be accepted by democratic, free governments so he is paving the way for alliances with non-democratic strongmen governments. The Republicans are creating what used to be their worst nightmare: a global union of fascistic dictators.
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
"Republicans charge that Ms. Pelosi is abusing the impeachment process.". Well, call that karma as McCarthy and the rest of the weak-kneed GOP allow Trump to abuse the powers granted to him by statute and the Constitution. That is why we are where we are today-allowing a president to run roughshod over our government and country.
Hal (Illinois)
What is mind boggling crystal clear is that new laws with zero gray areas need to be put into effect immediately for the executive branch of government. Not a single person in the U.S. should be above the law. Period. And while we are at it the presidential pardons need to be gotten rid of.
rella (VA)
@Hal Your last item would require a constitutional amendment.
Cindy Poulin (Canada)
@rella So what? There have been 27 amendments already. Time for another, and a very good one at that.
Stever (North Carolina)
And I say, “Bring it!!” The constitution is the only instrument worthy of preventing this catastrophic abuse in the future. It must be updated to reflect current times and current knowledge.
John Senetto (South Carolina)
Unfortunately the clown show will proceed as long as McConnell and his flunkies disregard Trump's actions since taking office. So many that I can't remember last week!
Cyndi (Md)
Pelosi and the Dems have now shown how desperate they really are.... They don't know what else to do to knock out their rival in the 2020 election and it's getting late. In fact, this stunt may boost President Trump's chances greatly. :)
Greg Waradzin (Warwick, RI)
Cindi, I believe that the time may have finally arrived where you and a lot of like-minded people will have to wake up and smell the coffee at long last. Benghazi was harassment pure and simple, this is conspiring to influence a US election with a foreign government. President Chump should be worried this time...
Madeline Farran (Brooklyn, New York)
Cyndi- That this crude, cruel, corrupt conman would have the chutzpah to run again is beyond the pale. What will it take for you to see him ( and all the sleaze he has appointed) as the destructive force that he has been these past three years? Man is a crime boss plain and simple- “the Donald” as Ivana called him pulled one caper too many!!!
Can we be honest for a moment about Speaker Pelosi’s much-touted skills and experience? I’ll start. Pelosi has a bachelor’s degree from a college that was regarded (before it closed) as a finishing school for wealthy Catholic women. No legal or policy education at all. No evidence (that I have seen) that she reads or commands any deep knowledge of American or political history. Lots of evidence that she is good at fundraising and playing the game. Her father was mayor of Baltimore. Hanging on for dear life to a senate seat is a sign of tenacity, political shrewdness, a willingness to do just about anything for a vote. In this case it’s also a sign of nepotism and money speaking louder than hard skills. But let’s not pretend Pelosi is a political genius or a saint. One tires of living in an age where education and genuine intelligence matter little.
Nelson (Denver)
Pelosi is the Speaker of the House, not in the Senate.
@Nelson Clever move to go after a mistyped word when one has nothing substantive to say about the argument being made.
musee (Arlington)
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump went forward with the call because of the consequences. Tell everyone you're the best, Nancy!
Bruce Shigeura (Berkeley, CA)
Trump divided the country with his racism, authoritarianism, and misogyny, and Pelosi’s response was to avoid impeachment as further dividing the country, letting Trump roam free breaking laws with impunity. As the Republican Senate will not remove Trump from office, impeachment is not an end in itself but a legal weapon to impose rule of law on him to constrict his abuse of power. Congress has legal authority to enforce citations of contempt of Congress. Subpoena Stephen Miller on the policies of separating children and inhumane conditions in border concentration camps, and Giuliani on the Ukraine affair. When Trump refuses to allow them to testify, charge them with contempt, have the D.C. U.S. Attorney put them before a grand jury, prosecute them, and jail them. Even though Trump will prevent them from spending one day in jail, the House Democrats will have proven they aren’t the fearful, vacillating cowards we thought they were, but have forced Trump and his minions to consider their lawlessness could one day lead to jail time.
Bobb (San Fran)
Did Trump just back track and said he was kidding? a-ha-ha! The guy has no shame, has no class.
John Mullowney (OHIO)
With Trump headed for the exit, and Pence also involved, Nancy could be the best POTUS......
John (Summit)
Kevin McCarthy should be embarrassed for critiquing a seasoned veteran like Pelosi. IOr takes a woman to do a man's job McCarthy.
Dawn Helene (New York, NY)
Well done, Madam Speaker. Wield that gavel!
JCAZ (Arizona)
Once again Mrs. Pelosi is playing three dimensional chess while Mr. Trump plays checkers.
bx (santa fe, nm)
@JCAZ sure. The checkers guy defeated both the rep. and dem. Establishments to win the first election he ever entered. How Bigly is that?
Emma (Northeast)
@bx He did not "defeat" anybody. He lost the popular vote by more than 3 million, and took the electoral college because of fewer than 70,000 votes in three states where Putin had his thumbs on the scales. Please stop repeating RepubliRussky talking points.
Tremolux (MN)
She essentially told Trump the same as Gus McCrae told Pea Eye during a conversation in 'Lonesome Dove', "Pea, you're in over your head."
DR (New England)
Trump wishes he was Pelosi's equal. She has every quality he doesn't and it scares him witless.
say what (NY,NY)
Pelosi vs trump is no contest; it isn't even a 'fair fight.' Before she's done, she will have drained the WH swamp and filleted all the bottom dwellers.
“Mr. President,” she declared, according to a person familiar with the conversation, “you have come into my wheelhouse.” I am sure the President is scared to death!
Jane (Illinois)
Thank you Nancy Pelosi! I think you know how to handle trump. keep focus and don’t get too far ahead of factual information. Waiting to hear from the whistle blower— I do not trust the notes/transcript of the call. I am sure there was much more there.
John Lathrop (Sunrise Beach)
The impeachment bus is rolling. Lets see where it stops between now and next November. I think the Dems are overplaying their hand. They will be called. Their points won't sell with swing voters in next years election and that what this is all about. So Nancy-- bring it on and we will see you down the road a ways.
Blue Zone (USA)
Nancy Pelosi will foul it all up one more time, I guarantee you. She has squandered multiple opportunities to take Trump down because she is basically a failure as a leader of the House and all evidence shows she is scared of Trump. Don't be surprised that at the last minute, she blinks and Trump will prevail. Don't get me wrong, Trump is corrupt to the core and needs to go, but Pelosi is not capable to carry it through. Impeach Pelosi first, then Trump!
Bryan (Washington)
Trump dared Pelosi to impeach him and she finally took the dare. She took it not because she wants to one-up him, but rather for her deep concern about the safety of our nation. Trump has always believed he is smarter than any woman and that Pelosi was just another woman he could control. He lost the dare. Nancy Pelosi is now controlling the narrative and Trump is only going to be able to react. He has lost the narrative as has his submissive supporters like McCarthy. Trump has never been in this position in his life. He is right where Nancy Pelosi wants him to be.
T. Rivers (Thong Lo, Krungteph)
I have no idea what a wheelhouse is, but I’d say this: Trump was totally pwned by Pelosi.
JAM (nyc)
Trump impeached. Pence forced to resign in disgrace. Welcome, President Pelosi! Can a girl dream?
Let me know (Ohio)
@Jam. Of course you can dream but that is all it is!
President Pelosi? Good lord. We really are doomed. Nancy Pelosi is a female Donald Trump with even less work experience and education. An empty (albeit designer) suit.
Dieter Aichernig (Left here)
Ms. Pelosi, thank you so much. You make me believe in the USA again. Highly appreciated.
New World (NYC)
Madam Speaker; I stand at attention, stomach in, chest out, shoes shined, and I salute you.
Jane (New Jersey)
The problem is not that Trump asked the Ukrainian president for dirt. He asked Putin, and nobody cared because he was spending his own cash (or more likely, someone else's). However, this time he's playing with OUR tax money - and if the loan guarantees to Ukraine helped our security, he should not have frozen them; if they did not, he should not have allowed them. Either way, they should not have been used for his personal political gain.
BKLYNJ (Union County)
"Republicans charge that Ms. Pelosi is abusing the impeachment process." Totally. It's not like the guy lied about cheating on his wife or anything.
John Doe (Johnstown)
@BKLYNJ, or cheated on his taxes, which we’ll never know. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to clean up the old messes first before making a new one?
Eraven (NJ)
About time M’s Pelosi teaches Chuck Schumer a thing or two about governance. He has become a back bencher not a leader of senate.
Pleasantly surprised by this turn of events. I’m happy to be wrong about Pelosi, whom I’ve long viewed as an ineffectual moderate Dem more interested in her career (and her donor base) than in good government. Let’s see what happens.
Mr L (NYC)
Just can't understand this - partly lines aside, do none of Republicans really see what Trump did as an issue? Being afraid of him and his voters is one thing, but what happened to principles? What happened to right and wrong? Does everyone in congress only cares about keeping their job?
@Mr L That’s not entirely fair. They care about money, too.
Tom (Naples, fl)
I was never impressed with Speaker Pelosi or Senate leader Harry Reid, but Pelosi has made me to do a complete turnaround. She is awesome. I don't think impeachment is a good idea. Trump always seems to land on his feet, but if Nancy says let's impeach then I'm all for it. You go girl.
Anna T. (New York City)
I always thought that Leader Pelosi knew what she was doing, even when I was losing patience with the "we need to see all the facts" talk and the general thrashing around by Democrats during their various investigations which were methodically stymied by Trump and his cohorts. I feel so much more reassured after seeing her steely determination announcing the start of the impeachment inquiry yesterday and reading this article today. Can anybody who cares about democracy and the rule of law think of anything better than a strong competent woman taking down the most misogynistic, (among all his other awful attributes), of presidents?
Anna T. (New York City)
I always thought that Leader Pelosi knew what she was doing, even when I was losing patience with the "we need to see all the facts" talk and the general thrashing around by Democrats during their various investigations which were methodically stymied by Trump and his cohorts. I feel so much more reassured after seeing her steely determination announcing the start of the impeachment inquiry yesterday and reading this article today. Can anybody who cares about democracy and the rule of law think of anything better than a strong competent woman taking down the most misogynistic, (among all his other awful attributes), of presidents?
Sam e. Colon (DC)
I admire her. She’s A class act. Definitely Role model material
JF (San Diego)
It seems that since the memorandum record of the Trump-Zelensky conversation has been released that there can be no security issue preventing the whistleblower complaint to Congress.
Marshall (California)
Doesn’t the whistleblower deserve protection?
OldNCMan (Raleigh)
Is it possible that Pelosi played her hand impeccably? Trump was always going to try and get away with as much as he could. When Mueller let us down, the Speaker knew there was nothing to be gained by impeachment proceedings. She also may well have figured that the tepid Mueller Report would spur Trump to attempt greater misdeeds in furtherance of his ultimate goal, a second term which would vindicate every misdeed of his first term. Indeed since the reports release Trump has ratcheted up his flouting of his oath of office. Time will tell if the Speaker should have continued to bide time or if now was the right time to pounce. Let's hope for our sake the latter is the correct result.
John McLaughlin (Bernardsville, NJ)
I remain impressed with Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She is smart, tough as nails, and knows that team work is required to solve difficult problems.
Taz (NYC)
Trump has met his Waterloo. The impeachment process will reveal information demonstrating betrayal and/or obstruction. Public sentiment will turn against Trump. Pressure will mount. The day will arrive when Republicans, fearful for their careers, will inform Trump that his time is up, and for the good of party, he ought to resign.
Christine O (Oakland, CA)
I was *just* starting to think that Pelosi wasn't up to the task of reining in this mob boss of a president, but she was waiting until the dots lined up, the opportunity presented itself, and her caucus was in order. The outcome of this is far from assured, but Pelosi's precision and methodical approach have me in awe. I can only hope she is passing her wisdom on to her younger colleagues, they stand to gain a lot if so.
jb (ok)
@Christine O, if they can listen and learn, I know she will.
David DiRoma (Baldwinsville NY)
I have argued against impeachment in these pages, as recently as this past Monday, because I felt that in the absence of a true "smoking gun" all impeachment would do is heighten the sense of the Trump base that he is being persecuted. While I'm still not entirely convinced that the Ukraine connection is the deed that will do Trump in, his gang of loose cannons like Rudy G are adding fuel to the fire (see his performance on FOX today). Pelosi has the smarts and the backbone to bore in on the facts. The Democratic contenders need to keep their focus on issues that people care about - healthcare, the environment, jobs - and not get entangled in the impeachment octopus.
kirk (kentucky)
If I were Trump I would hire a Good lawyer, a Johnny Cochran, not open my mouth again, and pray for a "If the glove don't fit you must acquit ." moment.
Mheneghan (Come From Away)
Good thing Trump is not you; he will do precisely the opposite!
HelgaGiselaMeisterzock (Oklahoma)
Thank you Madame Speaker. Please keep it focused and make it quick. Give the public the facts they need for any reasonable person to draw reasonable conclusions. Give the Senate a clear cut choice between nothing and something (removal or censure).
Mark (Atlanta)
As opposed to the dark day for the country McCarthy believes happened by taking action, it would actually occur if a co-equal branch of government did nothing in this case. McCarthy, like Trump, fails to acknowledge the system of checks and balances, but that the speaker is third in the line to the presidency, not a goldfish in a tank.
te (mi)
It is so very appropriate that a woman will lead the way bringing down trump.
Edwin (New York)
In her move to begin impeachment proceedings Speaker Pelosi has at last been able to muster her troops and demonstrate political will now that the President is alleged to have pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate "a leading political rival." The clear intelligence and national security implications of the latest allegations against Mr. Trump helped "turn the tide," going beyond simply the deep disgust she has expressed for him and his conduct. As opposed to her prior tenure as Speaker, when widespread impassioned calls for the impeachment of George W. Bush over the whole Iraq fiasco did not benefit from sufficient disgust, and real potential criminality like lying the country into war were not sufficient to turn the tide.
kirk (kentucky)
Ms Pelosi's most consequential act as Speaker is, without question, the passage of the Affordable Care Act. If the House votes to impeach it will be up to McConnell to decide whether Trump, a sitting president is more valuable to Republicans in the 2020 elections,or Trump the Martyr, unfairly crucified. Neither Pelosi or Trump will have the final say . It's McConnell's call.
Glenn Thomas (Earth)
Mr. McCarthy, even if your charge against the speaker has even the slightest hint of truth, how much worse has it been with Trump besmirching the presidency? How about exercising some judgment on the most egregious abuses of office?
bkbyers (Reston, Virginia)
Of course, gutless Republicans would try to blame Speaker Pelosi for exerting her authority in calling for an impeachment inquiry. There is no impeachment process yet. The question for McCarthy and other GOP cowards is how they can reconcile the president’s behavior and utterances in his conversation with the Ukrainian president with America’s national security needs. They seem speechless and so must try to condemn the Speaker and draw attention away from the president. They are still fighting the 2016 campaign, still trying to go after Hillary Clinton, ah, er Speaker Pelosi. But she has too much experience and knowledge of intelligence functions of our government – more the Clinton ever had. And she’s not a coward but rather a resolute leader we can be proud of.
Jerry Sturdivant (Las Vegas)
What? We have some Democratic congresspeople that won’t vote for impeachment because they could lose their seat next election? You weren’t vote into office to protect your job; you were voted in to DO your job. What if our military personnel or police or first responders didn’t do their job because they didn’t want to endanger losing their job? Do your job or I’ll vote you out of it.
Hugh Briss (Climax, VA)
I like presidents who don't release "reconstructed" transcriptions of phone calls.
David H (Washington DC)
After reading this story, it is no longer far fetched to surmise that Nancy Pelosi was intimately familiar with the whistleblower complaint prior to announcing the impeachment inquiry.
christina (chicago)
I do not know why I still am surprised by the choice of photos. Two women conspiring. Sneaky. They are not consulting with each other. Right? If so, this is the wrong photo to use. Way back in 2011. The photo undermines the header. I don't think it is political bias, but far worse.
FL Sunshine (Florida)
FYI, the caption says the photo was taken in 2002. You see 2 women doing something 'sneaky' or conspiring. I see 2 women chatting. Maybe Jane Harmon was sharing a recipe with Mrs. Pelosi.
Joe Yoh (Brooklyn)
Biden and various Dem congressman also threatened and cajoled Ukraine - into investigating Trump. dems da facts. CNN, and the Washington Post have written about it. in the interest of balance and intellectual honesty, if Trump's is a crime, so is Biden's and three Dem congressman; they sent an official letter, in their own words. It's publicly available.
ML Frydenborg (17363)
Dear president Trump, If you think you have anybody on your team who is a match for Speaker Pelosi, please bring that person forward to be your champion, because she will make toast of you.
p. McGowan Johnson (Houston Texas)
The “Formidable NDP” has calculated that this is the time. The REP(rehensibles) will bleat but the most powerful woman in politics will have her way. My fellow Americans had best support her with action NOW. TAKE to the streets! CALL your representatives. MAKE your feelings known!! PMJ
VK (São Paulo)
I hope the dirt Pelosi is covering for the Democrat elite is worth the trouble, because she's just handled Trump his reelection.
WL Harper (Chicago, IL)
"“I just watched the speaker yesterday demean the office of the speakership,” Representative Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California and the minority leader." But the repubs have no problem with trump demeaning the office of president by strong arming the Ukraine president to dig up some dirt on his political opponent. Sad.
David H (Washington DC)
Well, if nothing else, this should shut the "squad" up for a while.
JuliaM (New York)
Thank You, Nancy Pelosi. You are phenomenal. Bravo!
Randall (Portland, OR)
GOP Congressman Blake Farenthold said that Obama should be impeached due to conspiracy theories relating to Obama's birth certificate. Hearing Cons claim that Pelosi is abusing the impeachment process by impeaching Trump for open treason is comical.
Joe Yoh (Brooklyn)
on the economy, or virtually anything else, she admits that it is not her wheelhouse. Finally! a breath of fresh air of honesty.
Rex7 (NJ)
@Joe Yoh After 40 years of failed voodoo economics, when will Republicans finally admit that the economy is not their wheelhouse, either?
Joe Yoh (Brooklyn)
@Rex7, clearly you are not an economist
Glenn Nadworny (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Trump: "I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters" Trouble is, he hasn't realized he just shot himself.
tom harrison (seattle)
@Glenn Nadworny - Rudy got a few shots in.
pkbormes (Brookline, MA)
I love Nancy Pelosi. How wise she was to wait until now.
Shake that impeachment inquiry tree, watch more poisoned fruit fall. Good on you, Nancy.
In deed (Lower 48)
Pelosi always makes herself the issue. And her greatness just like Trump. Both sides don’t do this. Jerks do.
Anthony Petraglia (Florida)
What a ridiculous headline. Was this written by Pelosi's press team? Your so-called Master Tactician passed Trump's border budget's with no concessions. Your so-called Master Tactician did nothing while Trump committed impeachable offenses for years. Where is this "Pelosi is a genuis" narrative coming from? I'm asking this in good-faith -- I literally don't understand what you people are seeing that I'm not.
Happy Selznick (Northampton, Ma)
Saddam has WMDs. Right, Nancy?
Tess (NYC)
@Happy Selznick YOur comment is misplaced. Try reading the entire article . "In 2003, when Mr. Bush sought authorization to go to war with Iraq, Ms. Pelosi voted against it, saying repeatedly that she did not believe the intelligence supported Mr. Bush’s contention that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction."
Able Nommer (Bluefin Texas)
"Yuriy Lutsenko, the current prosecutor general, said that neither Hunter Biden nor Burisma were now the focus of an investigation... he was planning to offer details to U.S. Attorney General William Barr about Burisma board payments so American authorities could check whether Hunter Biden [paid US taxes]... Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, has said that Joe Biden had a conflict of interest when he pressed Ukraine’s officials to crack down on corruption. Giuliani said that Biden could have been trying to help his son’s business dealings and that Ukraine needs to investigate." 1. The U.S. President requests dirt on his probable 2020 rival; but, there is no dirt. So, Puppet A.G. Barr will be offered financial info because Ukrainians are trying to please the-more-generous Donald with direct info. 2. The same personal lawyer who said on Fox News that something big was coming-out againt Hillary (2 days later, Comey reopens email investigation) --- is made the Ukraine's Point of Contact for dirt on Biden/son --- by the U.S. President. House Republicans claim that it's Trump's J-O-B. House Republicans would accept the stone-walling by Puppet D.N I. Maguire and would ignore the blocking of Whistleblower Complaint by Puppet A.G. Barr. Americans reject House Republicans' out-of-hand dismissal of ADDITIONAL investigation-worthy activities by Idiot Trump.
dan rather (boston)
Yawn... in the words on Van Jones... its another NothingBurger... this call wouldn't even cause a ripple if it were, say, a trio of Dem Sens asking the Ukraine to investigate Trump...
38-year-old guy (CenturyLink Field)
The fatal flaw in your example that you tell yourself to feel good about your ambivalence is that a trio of Democratic OR Republican senators would NEVER partake in treasonous behavior. I believe they all take their oath of protecting the constitution very seriously.
Zeke27 (NY)
Two things broke the camel's back. One was the refusal of trump to release the whistle blower report as required by law and the other was admitting to soliciting election help from a foreign government. Funny how the phone transcript turns up hours after Speaker Pelosi dropped the hammer on trump. He understands only one thing-power. Fortunately for us, so does Speaker Pelosi. Hopefully the Impeachment Inquiry makes trump and his mob's obstructive tactics unlawful and subject to jail time. Put a few staffers in jail for contempt and watch the dam break. There is also the side benefit of having Barr implicated in trump's crime. He should be impeached as well even if he claims no knowledge of trump's idiocy. Finally, someone stands up to the mentally challenged man posing as president. Thank you.
MauiYankee (Maui)
Divert, Diffuse, Dilute, Delay, Defeat Who's strategy is this? Trump? Nope Pelosi. Rather than focus on the clear shake down by the Head of the Trump Crime Family, Ms. Pelosi is maintaining 6 committee investigations filtering their findings to Addled Nadler as the point of the spear. At this juncture who cares about tax returns? With the clear admission and documentary evidence of Dear Leader using the office of the President to make a foreign nation assist his political campaign, who cares about foreign emoluments? Granted there are still questions left to answer: The contents of the whistle blower complaint; The contents of the phone call to Putin 6 days after the Great Helmsman spoke to Zelly; Instructions to Mick the Knife about holding back $361,000,000.00 in military aid to Ukraine; The Barr-Hagen opinion blocking release of the complaint to the House and Senate; and the explanations for sequestering the funds. But Pelosi seems intent to Delay, Divert, Diffuse, and Dilute.
maryann (austinviaseattle)
Thank you Madam Speaker. This line in the sand has restored my faith in the checks and balances system that our public schools tout as a virtuous and ingenious mechanism of our democracy. We need that faith in our system restored. Trump is clearly a man who doesn't believe he's done anything wrong because by definition if he did, it can't be wrong. Because in Trump's small mind he's never wrong. I just can't believe a sitting US President has asked a foreign nation to dig up dirt on his major political rival in the run up to a free election and he thinks that's okay. And his complacent deplorable Republican constituents in the House and Senate support him even through this detestable act. What a bunch of whipped dogs. Just how many times is Trump going to be allowed to invite foreign interference into our election process until it becomes the new norm? Please stick to your guns on this one Ms Pelosi. And for heaven sake don't place all your faith in a wet blanket like Mueller again.
RG (Massachusetts)
@maryann 10 specific instances of criminal obstruction of justice. Yeah, that’s some wet blanket.
maryann (austinviaseattle)
@RG And no sentencing recommendation. He left that to AJ Barr. So much for the midterm elections and "We're going to protect the Mueller Investigation and Hold Trump Accountable" campaign slogan that the Dem strategists hope no one will remember.
maryann (austinviaseattle)
@Jackson Neither can Trump, but that hasn't hindered him much. I think some of his supporters think it makes him relatable. Hopefully, what's good for the goose will be good for the gander.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
Now, someone -- AG Barr? -- is going to redact the whistleblower complaint before turning it over to Congress. The Justice Department has no role in this matter. When the IG determines the complaint is urgent, then it goes to Congressional intel committees. That's the law. Why does our Justice Department always misinterpret black letter law?
cl (ny)
Kevin McCarthy really is a piece of work! He is a staunch supporter of a man who regularly defies the rule of law. He and his Republican colleagues spent eight years acting like spoiled children because they were not happy about the results of the two previous Presidential Elections, and now he is talking about sore losers and rule of law? Please, spare me your misguided righteousness. The House should welcome the whistleblowe,r who wishes to come forward, with open arms.
Teddy (Condom In France. It Is True Google It!)
She rolls the dice. Doubles down on a grifter.
irene (la calif)
I wish Nancy was running for president, she's better than the whole gang.
S (Boston)
California really needs to get rid of Kevin Mccarthy I cannot believe a state with the best politicians has this dude in the house
TWShe Said (Je suis la France)
Trump on TV now with Ukraine President--Damage Control. Preposterous--What's Done is Done. Do not allow Trump air time.
Lil' Roundtop (Massachusetts)
The best parts of this article are the quotes from Rep. Kevin McCarthy. Nancy Pelosi, he said, "demean[ed] the office of the speakership," leading to "a dark day for the rule of law" and to his feeling "disgusted" by her and the Democrats' decision to open an impeachment inquiry." And the "real" reason they're doing this? They "did not like the outcome of the 2016 election." This from one of the Congressional Republicans who met on Inauguration Day 2009 to devise a strategy for thwarting Barack Obama's legislative agenda and ensuring that he was a single-term president. That meeting and its purpose aren't fake news, or spin, or partisan rhetoric, or revisionist history; they are a fact, documented and corroborated. Do you know why an impeachment inquiry is unlikely to benefit Trump in 2020, or before? Because, at the end of the day, he and supporters like McCarthy aren't just hypocritical, anti-democratic and (yes) deplorable: they're stupid. Bring it on.
sandcanyongal (CA)
The impeachment proceedings will encompass every corrupt day since trump took office. Special counsel Robert Mueller's nearly two-year investigation resulted in seven guilty pleas and charges against 34 individuals and three separate companies. Mueller's final report did not recommend any further indictments. Mueller submitted the report on his findings into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and potential ties between the Russian government and the Trump campaign to Barr on March 23, and Barr released a redacted version of the report to Congress and the public on Thursday, April 18.
John (U.S.)
Pelosi is a frightened old white woman of privilege who has no business holding elected office much less serving as the Speaker of the House … In the last election, the Republican fielded one of the worst candidates in US presidential history, only to have the Democrats Trump them with the worst candidate of all time. Now, when some are astounded at the concept of Trump being re-elected, the Democratic field is being led by a bunch of old white hypocrites and egged on by simpletons like AOC. No surprise the Democratic leader in Congress is stumbling confusedly, searching for her political survival pills.
DR (New England)
@John - Frightened? That's quite amusing.
Mike S (CT)
@John the irony in your screed being, that the language of race that you (clumsily) used to berate Pelosi with is precisely what is going to get Trump another term. Not a Pelosi fan myself, but she is tasked with the same impossible errand that Boehner used to labor under: trying to maintain political order among a caucus of bomb throwers, only her radicals are of the race baiting variety vs Boehner's "drown the federal government in a bathtub" lunatics. But by all means keep dragging "whiteness" into the US political discourse, let's see how that works for you.
Jeffrey Stark (OR)
Pelosi is all in now. Let the games begin!
The Transcript is just the tip of the iceberg, and maybe a a very filtered one at that. The Whistleblower report needs to be released to the Gang of Eight so that speculation can end and legitimate investigation can proceed. I think the Resident is in deep water and we know he's not much of a swimmer....
Derek Martin (Pittsburgh, PA)
To those wondering why Ms. Pelosi decided to pursue impeachment so quickly in this case, consider this. The lead up to the Mueller Report lasted nearly two years. When Mueller's investigation started, Republicans still controlled the House. During that time, Trump took every opportunity possible to try to push his simplistic narrative of "no collusion, no obstruction", "presidential harassment" and "a witch hunt". Considering how few seemed to actually read the Mueller Report, and the fact that Democrats continued to wait on a decision to impeach him for its contents, it would appear that this ploy worked. The Ukraine story is significantly different in the speed with which it has broken and, more importantly, that the Democrats are in control of the House from the outset with this one. Ms. Pelosi seems to have realized that acting quickly is the best way to stymie Trump in establishing a competing narrative. The fact that, thus far, he has resorted to repeating a couple of his catch phrases from the Mueller inquiry would seem to indicate that he does not have a fresh defense ready. The plan may be (and in my opinion, should be) to get Trump on his heels and keep him there. If the facts can become well established in the public's mind before Trump can effectively muddy the waters, even the Senate may have to take this one seriously.
Louisa Glasson (Portwenn)
On a broader note, Speaker Pelosi demonstrates why corporate decisions to toss out experienced older people to make way for younger people is not necessarily wise. Deep institutional knowledge or the lack thereof can make all the difference.
Polly Ester (USA)
Pelosi is a seasoned leader. She knows that impeachment is a lengthy, multi-step process. The House carries out an inquiry; if the evidence merits it, articles of impeachment are drawn up and debated by the House. If passed there, the articles are sent to the Senate. Would McConnell agree to bring those articles to the floor of the Senate? Before Trump's actions re Ukraine, absolutely not. But now, even Moscow Mitch might quail. The Senate voted unanimously to call the whistle-blower to testify. That's not a straw in the wind -- it's a whole bail of straw. Of course we don't know what the future holds. Clinton was found not guilty; Nixon didn't stand trial but instead turned tail and ran. What will Trump do? Try to tough it out, convinced, as he is, that he's the chosen one. Only one thing is certain: there will be blood, and a milkshake will be drunk. Interesting times ahead.
Gatsby (Florida)
The Trump WH mob jumped the shark with Pelosi. He fears her. Trump will resign like Nixon. As Republicans realize he is guilty of enlistong other countries for his own advantage (a carbon copy of 2016) breaching his oath and American trust. Giuliani should be subject to disbarment and Bar must recuse himself even if he did not know Trump mentioned his help. For his own good he should distance himself from Trump who sacrifices everyone around him.
Seattle (Seattle)
@Gatsby What you describe would be nice. But I'm not holding my breath on any of it happening.
Bill Brown (California)
@Gatsby Ultimately this will hurt Biden. There's no way it can't, which is a shame. That goes double if Trump isn't convicted which seems unlikely with the GOP controlling the Senate. I think it's fair to ask (1) How did Hunter Biden get a position on the board of Ukraine's largest private gas company, Burisma? He was reportedly paid up to $50,000 a month. (2)What was his expertise? (3)The question of a possible conflict of interest — with Hunter Biden profiting in a country where his father was actively working with the government is also a fair question. That will be brought up and investigated whether Biden wants it or not. (4) In March 2016, Biden told the country's leaders that they had to get rid of the Ukranian prosecutor Viktor Shokin (who was overseeing an a bungling criminal investigation into Burisma) if they wanted $1 billion in U.S. aid. The optics on this also look terrible. This too will have to be thoroughly investigated. Whether he wants to or not Biden will have to answer a lot of questions on this issue in the comings months. There's no evidence that he did anything wrong. There's no evidence that Hunter did anything wrong. But Biden still will have to explain this. It's going to be very, very, awkward. To some voters, his answers will not make any sense & there will be lingering suspicions. For those sitting on the fence looking for a reason not to vote for Biden, this is it. All of this will benefit Sen. Warren as she is surging in the polls.
Ronald (Lansing Michigan)
@Gatsby I don’t see Trump resigning. He is too proud and mentally ill. A straight jacket or handcuffs will be the ticket.
William Rodham (Hope)
Too funny “wheelhouse Pelosi “ started an impeachment prior to reading the transcript of the Presidents phone call. So far only the Clintons and the bidens have made millions from Russia Ukraine and China Joe Biden actually bragged he with held Ukraine aid until they dropped the investigation into his sons company Trumps “crime” is that he simply asked about it- what happened and why. Very reasonable
MSeanC (Cayman)
@William Rodham "Joe Biden actually bragged he with held Ukraine aid until they dropped the investigation into his sons company" Nope. Try again.
JH (Philadelphia)
@William Rodham Nothing of the sort...come on, be best and read:
Daniel Merchán (Evanston, Illinois)
If the USA is to remain a country ruled by law, and not by strongman politics, then impeachment proceedings have become unavoidable — regardless of their impact on the 2020 elections. Speaker Pelosi is doing the right thing here, legally and morally.
pkbormes (Brookline, MA)
@Daniel Merchán "Speaker Pelosi is doing the right thing here, legally and morally". ...also practically and politically. Pelosi waited till the perfect time.
Jeff (Ann Arbor, MI)
@musee This is the NY Times, not Twitter or Facebook. I'm surprised they even allowed such an incoherent rant. Bring a reasonably clear comment next time. And try to address the subject of this article, and that is Donald Trump and the impeachment hearing.
Carter Nicholas (Charlottesville)
@Daniel Merchán Good to know Evanston, Evanston.
Mark Josephson (Highland Park)
Speaker Pelosi clearly has the experience to know whether the things Trump was telling the Ukrainian President were egregious or normal. The fact that two intelligence workers referred this to this to DOJ shows that insiders (and likely republican leaning insiders) thought this was wrong. And if this got her to change her time on impeachment, there must be some “there” there. The transcript shows what the Democrats suggested it would show. It’s time to end this clown show.
mark (East coast)
@Mark Josephsonthat would make sense if she was not biased against the president. But that’s not the case. But I do agree with your last sentence. Did you notice that virtually every vote falls according to party lines. Politicians believe what they want to believe.
@Mark Josephson Now the Republican Dog-and-Pony show switches to high gear. I will tell us who in this country is REALLY patriotic and cares about the Country and who is simply interested in power and cares nothing for freedom.
Katherine Cagle (Winston-Salem, NC)
@mark, Pelosi has been reluctant to go to the final step of impeachment. I agreed with her and still have some reluctance, not because I think Trump is innocent, but because I realize the Senate won't convict. I applaud her for that reluctance but it's a lot like dealing with an unruly child. At some point you have to take a stand. Too few elected officials have spoken up. One Republican who did was Bob Corker. He retired from Congress with his reputation intact. The others, not so much.
Gl (Milwaukee)
LIVE: Trump is in a live news interview with the Ukrainian President and has now gone into another anti-Biden rant. Hillary, Comey, etc now back in his sights too.
Alan (Columbus OH)
She cleverly set a trap in which the president felt free to be himself in full view of the entire country.
Jonathan Katz (St. Louis)
What is a wheelhouse? The part of a ship that contains the wheel that turns the rudder? If so, what does that have to do with intelligence, or impeachment?
Charlie (San Francisco)
It’s like Biden’s “record player”...both broken.
PJM (La Grande, OR)
I don't care what committee she was on. All I know is that I am thankful that she is running the show. If anyone can successfully navigate the rules, principles and politics of the next few months it is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
blgreenie (Lawrenceville NJ)
Democrats have suffered since the 2016 election without a prominent leader to respond to Trump. Credit to Nancy Pelosi who sounds like she's taking charge, assuming leadership at this critical time.
PaulB67 (Charlotte NC)
We should all keep firmly in mind that as this drama unfolds, Trump holds two cards that could protect him from any kind of liability. One is Barr, whoas AG is acting as Trump's personal attorney. He seems to relish fighting the legal duties of Congress and as events progress, we should expect stonewalling at every turn. The Second is waiting in the wings: the current Supreme Court.Trump already has four Justices in his pocket (and a fifth, in Chief Justice Roberts) who will never, ever allow Trump to actually be removed from office. Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Alito and Thomas are already clearly on record as supporting a strong Executive with near unlimited powers. Nor do they think a sitting President should even be investigated for perfidy while on office. It's as if Trump were flying a plane with one engine on fire, a wing ready to rip away, and the fuel tank on empty, but with a clear path to a brightly lit runway back to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Unhappy JD (Fly Over Country)
@PaulB67 Thank God the Supreme Court has not succumbed to Trump derangement syndrome. It is really hard to imagine how a president can be impeached for absolutely nothing. This is a matter of style not legal issues. I have been an attorney for 40 years and have been a member of the DC bar a good portion of that time. I think this is insanity. This is a bunch of gaffes and stupidity. But we are entitled in the United States to know if our citizens are abroad committing crimes and especially when one of those citizens is our vice president. It was just so poorly handled that it is blown up into a political scandal of a man’s proportion when it could’ve been handled so easily.
Barry (Boston)
Yes by the resignation of the president. So ez!
Henry Hurt (Houston)
I was a young adult during Watergate. Had a transcript like this been released then, thousands of people would have been in the streets in every city. Instead, those of us who support impeachment are pleased with Ms. Pelosi's move, but will not show our support publicly. Oh, we may send emails to our representatives, or make political donations, but we're not willing to get into the streets. Now, many of us became extremely frustrated about the supposed glacial pace Ms. Pelosi has been taking, in considering impeachment proceedings. We fail to keep in mind that our news media has bombarded us daily with evidence of Trump's felonies (lord knows what still hasn't been disclosed), and yet we sit silent. We kept asking, "What is she waiting for?" Never, "what are we waiting for?" Citizens in other Western democracies wouldn't have been as passive. They wouldn't have been waiting for someone - Mueller? Pelosi? - to rescue them. They would have shown by their numbers that the lawbreaking needs to stop. The French and citizens of Hong Kong have protested in the hundreds of thousands when they saw injustice. And yet here we sit. I'd suggest that we citizens are expecting far too much from this House. The Republican Senate will not remove this "president". But perhaps several hundred thousand of us in the streets weekly would give them pause. They need to see us - to have a visible expression of our disgust of this "president". We owe Dems more than a "strongly worded letter".
Franc’ (LA)
If nothing else the “inquiry “ tells Trump he is not above the law that not turning over various documents, stonewalling subpoenas and other lawful information rightfully necessary for congress to do what they are elected to do is in the best interest of our country, our democracy, our rule of law and the constitutional checks and balances. Again it’s an “inquiry “!
CH (Indianapolis, Indiana)
By proceeding very cautiously on the impeachment inquiry, Nancy Pelosi has acquired credibility that she might not have had if she had rushed into it. As for Kevin McCarthy, I seem to recall he was caught on tape in a secret powwow characterizing Trump as a puppet of Russia. It is not a positive for Republicans that they chose him as their leader.
Zoe (California)
Nancy seems to have put all the pieces into place, as she said they would. The latest stunt by the 45th is just another infraction in a long line of issues that have undermined our Consitution. The fact that withholding millions in appropriated funds to Ukraine aided Russia and had the legislators not demanded the funds be released hard to say how long he would have dangled the monies. McConnell stated that he was not informed of the reasoning behind the funds being held up. Trump acts alone and sets up everyone else in his sphere. How many of his cohorts are serving time, are waiting to learn their fate, or have copped to a deal? What is truly amazing is how many people don't mind falling on the sword for this guy. Now, the GOP is saying, no fair, he just asked Ukraine for a little help on digging up dirt on Biden; just like he told the world he would do! Time to retire 45. Please!
Hopeless American (San Francisco)
It's time to hold djt accountable for his destructive conduct and his betrayal of America. The American voters must vote their conscience in future elections because every vote counts, despite the outdated electoral system.
Walt Sisikin (Juneau, Alaska)
The decision by Nancy Pelosi to start an impeachment investigation is the correct decision. Mr Trump was getting out of hand, he was running this country as if he was the CEO and could do anything. As to the fears that this President may win in 2020, I believe are over estimated. At this jucture, the Republicans support Trump, because they are all afraid that he will do something to them. As the Russians call it, Kompromat. Once hearings start and more salacious morsels start coming out, about what this President did, I believe more Republicans will start supporting impeachment proceedings. These Republicans will not longer be afraid of the President. This is the correct path to take, there was no other alternative. The President must be impeached.
teach (NC)
I thought Speaker Pelosi rose to her moment in the history of our country with grace, gravity and moral force. In contrast to everything that belches out of this administration, her speech was honest, emotionally intelligent and direct. Brava.
Susan B. A. (Resistanceville)
I have only one question for elected officials who still refuse to hold trump accountable for anything, despite clear evidence of continued wrong-doing, including his own televised or tweeted confessions: If YOU won't be faithful to your oath of office - why should he?
LM (Piedmont, CA)
The fact that she was cautious and resistant to impeachment post-Mueller report makes her decision impeach now that much more credible and compelling. Go get him, Speaker Pelosi.
Twg (NV)
Pelosi is a very intelligent, experienced and dedicated leader with a strong moral compass. She knows what she is doing and with 25 years experience with the Intelligence community she knows a rogue and a serious threat when she sees one. (I don't think most people knew she had so much experience with the Intelligence panel.) Pelosi has the experience to be a very fine president – and I think Trump understands that about her. Trump has a respect for Pelosi he never held for Hillary. (The harshest critics for both of these powerful women are men. No surprise there.) Kevin McCarthy is just another Nunes in a different suit. Both men lack ethics and are all too eager to bootlick Trump. This Ukraine incident is just the tip of the iceberg of Trump's brazen malfeasance. No U.S. president has ever trampled on the law or constitution as brazenly as Trump, and no AG has ever been quite so brazen in their effort to reshape the DOJ as an arm that serves an imperial presidency. Trump deserves impeachment. He brought it on himself by viewing the presidency as a platform for self-dealing and Congress as an irritant. If Obama had committed one half of the wrongs Trump has committed, Republicans would have begun impeachment proceedings months ago. The rule of law and the constitution must be upheld and the corruption that literally oozes from the Trump in a Putinesque style must be swept away.
So, here's the gobsmacking part: Trump thinks he hasn't done anything wrong. He actually, sincerely believes acting like a mob boss is how legitimate business is conducted. He really, really believes this. It's literally all he knows. I *almost* wish someone (50 years ago) had taken him under their wing and showed him a different, ethical approach.
DFM (Irvine, CA)
Prediction: Trump and the GOP will spend the next few days claiming that the "transcript" exonerates Trump and demonstrates that the Dems are 'obsessed,' blah, blah, blah. After fleshing out that position over a few news cycles, Trump will then change his tune and refuse to allow the whistle-blower to testify or turn over the complaint to congress. This will be done in the name of 'national security' and to stop the Dems from dragging the country through another 'witch hunt.' Trump knows that the whistleblower could REALLY hurt him. It will then be up to the whistleblower to put him or herself in legal peril, defy Trump, and speak to congress. Courage will be required.
"Republicans charge that Ms. Pelosi is abusing the impeachment process." The party that impeached Bill Clinton for a consensual affair is worried about abusing the impeachment princess? It would be laughable if it wasn't so obscene.
P&L (Cap Ferrat)
I think Pelosi with her experience should be able to get to the bottom of this Biden scandal before the end of the Primary season. I have evey confidence in her.
It would seem that the Stock Market likes the Democrats' decision to Impeach Trump! That say a LOT about the Criminal-in-Chief's support from investors and industry. It's ON! Finally!
Kim (New England)
"He pronounced himself “disgusted by the action of the speaker of the House and the majority party, because they did not like the outcome of the 2016 election.” “She takes very, very seriously the fact that we have a clear statute, that she was involved in drafting or getting passed, that says you shall turn over this whistle-blower complaint,” said Representative Tom Malinowski, Democrat of New Jersey. “That is as clear as day. What I’m hearing is that’s a big factor in the decision that she’s come to.” Hello Republicans.
This is not going to be a fair fight, the line is Trump 21...
Orangecat (Valley Forge, PA)
Go NDP go! You are a role model for many, many young and old women in this country.
EveBreeze (Bay Area)
When Ms. Pelosi was up for selection as Speaker, I was against it. I wanted “new blood” that was younger and had new ideas. How glad I am that I was incorrect! Pelosi is a master tactician. She deserves our full support as she fights for Americans. Make no mistake; that is what this fight is about. Democracy.
Dennis (Plymouth, MI)
@EveBreeze "New blood", "blow it up" change agents, so-called businessmen, TV personalities with celebrity and zero knowledge, and of course, no government experience. Never bought it. I'm tired of it. What took you so long?
38-year-old guy (CenturyLink Field)
I’m glad you could see the error in your thinking! Handing over the position of, in essence, Top Democrat in the nation to a novice is incredibly short-sighted. You won’t find ANY Republican who won’t attest to her shrewdness and skill set; the calls for her to step down we’re only coming from the left.
jb (ok)
@EveBreeze, yes. Experience counts, especially when the crunch comes. (Sully Sullenberger comes to mind.) Pelosi knows every in and out of the House, and politics has been her daily bread for decades, at the highest levels. She knows the people, characters, and processes, too. I've been amazed at her patience with so many people who know far less opining as though they were superior to her in these things, and replete with disrespect and sneers. Part of the national atmosphere, I'm afraid, the hostility and self-conceit, it seems. But I'm relieved today; I'm glad a cool and reasoned, experienced leader is in the "wheelhouse" now.
Jack (Asheville)
A quick browse through the comments reveals just how divisive this process is going to be for our nation. I believe that's what Speaker Pelosi sought to avoid, hoping against hope that Trump would not cross lines that forced her into impeachment proceedings. Those lines have now been crossed for all to see and the battle for the future of the nation is upon us. This will be nothing less than civil war by other means.
irene (fairbanks)
@Jack The woman in the wheelhouse is heading into a hurricane, for sure.
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
We are VERY lucky to have someone as experienced as Pelosi at the helmet in times like these. And the fact that she has waited so long before officially launching an impeachment inquiry, proves that she's not taking this lightly. As to the GOP: they launched an impeachment procedure against a president whose only "crime" was ... to have lied about an extramarital affair. By that standard, Trump would have been impeached multiple times already, today ...
Ian Ellison (Oakland, CA)
I’m disappointed that the New York Times is writing fawning puff pieces on Nancy Pelosi’s background instead of critiquing her strategic decisions to date, and considering whether the country would’ve been better served if she had led on impeachment (as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have done) instead of looking to public polling to determine whether and when one can do the right thing.
38-year-old guy (CenturyLink Field)
If you’re looking for critiques go to the Opinion section! That’s what it’s for; journalists do not ‘critique’. And Warren and Sanders have a markedly different job than Nancy Pelosi, i.e., theirs is to run in a partisan primary and hers is to keep her caucus together and re-elected.
Elle (Kitchen)
@Ian Ellison. My take is she's 3 moves ahead of the trumpties. But it sure is frustrating and infuriating to be waiting for an end to the trump rule.
Ian Ellison (Oakland, CA)
@38-year-old guy Did you actually read this article? Do you regard “Ms. Pelosi has always been a confounding figure for Mr. Trump, as a powerful woman unafraid to confront him to his face, and one of the few people in Washington whom he regards as an equal” as factual reporting, as opposed to, say, obsequious establishment-friendly commentary?
Lance Jencks (Newport Beach, CA)
Three cheers for Nancy Pelosi. Madam Speaker, I am proud to call you my Representative.
Paul Eckert (Switzerland)
Watching Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi et al going after Trump is like seeing Coyote chasing Roadrunner. They always are a step too late and end up at the wrong place at the wrong time. A lot of energy wasted to no avail. Best and faster way to get rid of Trump is for the Dems to concentrate on- and win the next elections.
JH (Philadelphia)
@Paul Eckert What makes you believe Trump, emboldened by yet another successful subterfuge with a foreign government, would not continue down that’s self-destructive path even further? He has been given a very long leash, but you know what happens when an exuberant pet runs full tilt until it reaches the end of that leash, right? Yes, it’s going to hurt but it is his own fault, not Pelosi’s.
aldebaran (new york)
Clean up your crime-ridden home district, and you will have some credibility. Until then, forget about it.
Gardengirl (Down South)
@aldebaran I didn't know that trump actually commented on the *failing*NYTimes. ;-)
Barbara Snider (California)
By not initiating impeachment proceedings sooner, Pelosi has been giving Trump all the rope he needed to entrap himself. She knows human nature very well. It was obvious he would get bolder and bolder as he realized he could get away with even more lawless actions. Personally, I would not have waited, would not have risked the future. We don't know what disastrous actions he's capable of inflicting on our country or another one. I'm glad impeachment investigations are proceeding now. I hope the House Democrats are wise enough to handle the investigations carefully, properly and completely. There has to be no question of Trump's guilt or he will escape facing responsibility for his actions as he has done many times in the past.
KMW (New York City)
The squad of four with their leader, OAC, are largely behind the impeachment inquiry announced by Nancy Pelosi. They are the dominant wing of their party which has veered far to the left. Their influence is hurting the party and will not win voters in 2020. She caved in to these four to the detriment of the Democrat party. This will definitely benefit the Republican Party and put President Trump in the White House in 2020.
David A (Glen Rock, NJ)
@KMW Completely incorrect.
Kiska (Alaska)
@KMW You're sadly mistaken if you think Ms. Pelosi is bending to the whims of 4 freshmen. Just the same old tired Fox News narrative.
JH (Philadelphia)
@KMW Would be a good explanation were it not so wrong - for actual reasoning behind the speakers beginning impeachment proceedings, read from attached link below:
John Langdon (NY NY)
Where was Pelosi and the democrats during Reagan's failed administration that began the long decline of the American working class ?? Where were they when Papa Bush lied to cover-up Iran gate and afterwards pardoned Weinberger?? Where was Pelosi and the democrats during the evil Bush Cheney admin. In light of the fact that workers' wages have been stagnant since the 80s, it is by no means a stretch to perceive the current actions by Pelosi and the democrats as distractions tailored to divert the attentions of the gullible voters. The insistence of democrats to pursue a path of distractions instead of tackling the real problems that working Americans and the middle class face, has destroyed the democratic party and will lead to 4 more years of Trump.
Gl (Milwaukee)
@John Langdon You blame Democrats for Republican policies?
aoxomoxoa (Berkeley)
@John Langdon Well, among other facts that might be pertinent, she was not in Congress when Reagan was president. Surely that should mean something? You also seem to imagine that members of a political party can simply change the course of a presidential administration. Do you somehow imagine that anyone can do something if a president pardons someone? Impeach?
Cleareye (Hollywood)
Trump has been totally exposed as a common street hustler willing to sell anything to anybody to protect himself. What good can come from The Trump debacle might be that Americans will be more realistic about the presidency. The president is an ordinary person who job is to administrate the laws passed by Congress, not make them. No American is above the law. We are all common Americans.
B-to-the-B (Chicago)
NY times should not hype up this useless exercise. Nothing will come out of it! It will zap the democrats of energy that can be better spent on convincing voters why they offer a better alternative to republicans. The biggest problem with the argument that democrats are making is that the American people already know that past presidents have always dangled qid to foreign leaders to get their way. And the people see only one difference between Trump and other past presidents: Trump does all the dirty work in the open, whereas other presidents were more covert. Thus, they don't see a clear moral line between Trump and other past presidents.
irene (fairbanks)
@B-to-the-B Fact. Witness the $1B 'quid' dangled by VP Biden, quietly at the time but then bragged about when he was no longer in office . . . Yes, it was approved 'quid'. So what ?
joan (nj)
AOC and some of the newbies should be quiet, sit down and take a lesson from Speaker Pelosi in the art of strategy and leadership.
Nancy Rockford (Illinois)
The timing on this is sublime. Should make for a totally devastated GOP come November 2020.
F. Ahmed (New York)
It’s troubling to fathom the idolized subservience of the Republicans to a president seeped in a fraudulence.
Nick (Idaho)
Speaker Pelosi's words, "Mr. President, you have come into my wheelhouse" reminds me of Mary Howitt's classic, 'Will you walk into my parlour?' said the Spider to the Fly. Except in this case it trump who is the vain, seductive manipulator. This is so perfect a poem to showcase his lack of loyalty to anyone but himself.
Manderine (Manhattan)
Thank you Speaker Pelosi. When Ms. Lindsey Graham says... “From my point of view, to impeach any president over a phone call like this would be insane," adding that Ukraine's president "did not feel threatened" and "felt fine with what happened" and that what Trump said was "very appropriate." We need to remind the American people, this is not a PHONE CALL! It’s a conversation involving the president of the USA inviting a foreign leader to interfere with the the 2020 election. We need to be very clear, this bigot thinks he is above the law. We have a constitution that protects us from this. Time to take action.
Steve (New York)
I understand you want a file picture for this, but a picture in which she could seem to be gloating?
VoiceFromDumbo (Brooklyn)
Our founding Fathers may have birthed our democratic Republic, but perhaps our patriotic and politically astute 'Daughters' will be the ones who ensure our democratic future.
William Thomas (California)
I can't think of any political development more satisfying than having Nancy Pelosi crush trump. So fitting.
Rich (Philadelphia)
Trump didn't learn anything from the Mueller Investigation. This phone conversation is exactly the same conduct. He should be impeached for being so stupid to try it again, on a recorded telephone line, and identifying his main lackey, Big Rudy, to help him out now that Cohen - the Fixer- is in jail. It is this brazen intentional disrespect for the law and government that he himself can not see, that everyone else sees so clearly - even the Republicans - that is the basis for Impeachment. He didn't disparage Congress (Andrew Jackson). He didn't lie about sex (Clinton). He won't resign (Nixon). He repeated broke the law for his own personal and political gain (Nixon) that is the basis for Impeachment. I just hope that the Senate Republicans see through the Trump fog or lies and vote for our institution of governance and not for Trump and his re-election.
Susan Beaver (Cincinnati)
Andrew Johnson, not Andrew Jackson.
Democracy / Plutocracy (USA)
Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican "leadership".
Medusa (Cleveland, OH)
If trump and Pence are both found to be guilty, who's next in line for the presidency? I hear it's some lady.
Grove (California)
Trump’s house of cards is highly dependent on no one holding him accountable. The Republicans have been using this very same strategy for years. Mitch McConnell used this strategy with Merrick Garland. The return of adherence to the rule of law is absolutely crucial if America is to survive. Corruption is too pervasive at the present time, and those who would dare to subvert the system for personal gain need to realize that they cannot do so without serious consequences.
Earl (Auburn)
Even if these impeachment inquiries produce solid information that would justify impeachment and conviction in a more rational world, that doesn't mean Pelosi has to bring impeachment up to a formal vote in the House. If it's clear that the votes to convict aren't there in the Senate, I doubt if she would take that step and face sure defeat in the Senate trial. Instead, the inquiry results may serve to further wound Trump politically (among those not in his base) and the non-vote in the House wouldn't necessarily enable Trump to claim vindication. Nancy still has all her options open, yet this step allows for more aggressive investigation in lots of areas while restoring some unity among the Democrats who are arguing about the issue.
K.M (California)
Impeachment was never meant to be used as a political tool, but instead, as a tool for defending the Constitution of the United States of America. In this age of over-politicized rhetoric, Pelosi is a straight arrow, not calling on an impeachment inquiry until the evidence becomes overwhelming. This is an inquiry, not a decision, and having read the transcript of the phone call, even with sections eliminated, the Ukrainian president is being asked to investigate Trump's opponents. Trump either does not understand the rule of law, or chooses to disregard it. At the very least, this is why it is important for a President to have a deep understanding of U.S law and the constitution.
Mary Ann (Massachusetts)
Until this past week, I was opposed to beginning impeachment proceedings. But! This is not just about Trump anymore. It is about the Constitution and the Presidency. It is about the Rule of Law and Accountability. If Congress does not demand Accountability from this President, or ANY President, then we no longer have a Democracy, but an Autocracy. Congress has no choice to protect the Constitution. That's what they pledged to do when they were each sworn in.
Ted Siebert (Chicagoland)
This impeachment needs to move forward regardless if it gets Trump elected again. The GOP needs to go on record after the facts have been prevented. What is often said publicly does not represent what these politicians say privately and in this time of crisis it is important to see where allegiances align. Is Susan Collins going to side with Trump, or Romney or Sasse? We will soon find out.
P2 (NE)
Trump and GOP know only one thing; to steal American money and dream for themselves and their corporate masters. It's time to put country above party, and Dems have just done that. I will vote for any Dem and get at least 10 others around me to same in 2020. - American.
LAM (New Jersey)
Bravo Nancy! You you have timed this perfectly. There will be a number of months spent investigating the president and, hopefully, the Senate will vote and not convict him just before the elections. This will be put many Republican senators on record as supporting this corrupt president. This may well assure that we will get a Democratic Senate.
Leading Edge Boomer (Ever More Arid and Warmer Southwest)
@LAM There will be no Senate vote. If the House impeaches, McConnell will find a way to avoid a Senate trial without any Republican senators having to go on record by voting against it.
rella (VA)
@Leading Edge Boomer But in that case, those senators will constantly be asked, by the media and others, to go on record as either supporting or opposing McConnell's maneuvers.
Eric Peterson (Napa, CA.)
A reality "star" and comedian both get elected president of their respective countries. They have a little conversation about things that are bothering them. One says his country is fighting for its existence, the other says oh that's nothing I am fighting for reelection. He continues, maybe if he can get a little dirt on an opponent he might free up some military aid money that has already been authorized. The conversation is recorded and some intelligent people think something is wrong. Reality "star" president meets reality, perhaps for the first time. Mother Goose or The Brothers Grim might have been able to come up with some very interesting Nursery Rhymes with the story so far. Perhaps it will get even better. And thank you Speaker Pelosi, I am glad He is in Your wheelhouse now.
Liz rynex (Chicago)
It amazes me that we arent just content to say "now THIS is Watergate:.break-in and get info on Dems." seriously, other than a lack of reel-to-reel audio tapes, this is history repeating itself. This is a gambler who plays the odds against a brood of supporters that will never see wrong in what he does. His base will grow, I believe because of this move; but it is essential to anyone who wishes to have the annals of history note that Dems followed law and R's worried about money.
DJK. (Cleveland, OH)
My heart sank when Kevin McCarthy and the Maryland representative Harris trashed Pelosi and tried to turn the focus to a Biden investigation. There is no hope for the present Republican Party. They have drunk the Kool-Aid for their master and now are slowly dying. Let's hope the Party dies soon and something that supports our democracy emerges from its ashes. On the positive side, Pelosi rocks! She understood that she needed a majority of the Democrats and an easy to understand transgression by the president to get the public eventually behind impeachment and her Party fully on-board. She is a brilliant legislator. I hope the newbie progressives learn from this, though, they don't show much sign of learning anything so far.
annberkeley2008 (Toronto)
Pelosi's decision is morally right but may be a wrong political move that, not only rallies die hard Trump supporters, but Never Trumpers as well. Five Thirty Eight is showing an increase in his approval ranking and corresponding decrease in disapproval numbers. I just hope the democrats know what they are doing. It's a shame that outsiders like me are rooting for one US political party over the other but the damage that Trump is doing affects us all. I want to get back to a situation where I don't have to care about your elections.
Dr. Rocco Peters (New York, N.Y.)
@annberkeley2008 A year a bit more with not doing this would make the dems seem weaker and weaker and weaker. This is supposed to move fast, and there is so much more power they now have to get documents and witnesses the WH has only stonewalled.
TMJ (In the meantime)
I had surmised that Speaker Pelosi was waiting for a smoking gun, so that her conversion to being pro-impeachment would have more impact. So I was surprised that she didn't wait for the whistle-blower's report to actually come out, before converting. Bizarre timing, which Trump has already used to deflate. Frankly, I'm very disappointed in the Democratic leadership.
alan (holland pa)
@TMJ i think her response is to the fact that the administration is breaking the law by not presenting the whistle blowers report to congress . Hard to wait for something that the administration claims it will not release despite laws saying it MUST.
Amy R (Pasadena)
@TMJ Did you read the transcript of the call? The smoking gun is there. He asked a foreign government to investigate a US citizen.
TMJ (In the meantime)
@alan It was in the news that the whistleblower wants to talk to the House Intel panel. Yet she created the huge impeachment headlines without simply waiting for that.
Lisa (Chicago)
What a wonderful photo to accompany this wonderful article!
John McLaughlin (Bernardsville, NJ)
Looks like Speaker Pelosi was right to be patient and wait for impeachment until the time was right. The time is right.
Rod Murphy (Portland ,Oregon)
Impeach. If a president abuses the power assigned to the oval office and does not respect the laws set by the judiciary then an impeachment proceeding is really the only option we have to maintain a healthy democracy. The outcome is not as important as the result of presenting the facts before the American public and allowing them to make their decision at election polls. If the facts of wrongdoing are overwhelmingly persuasive and Republicans continue to support and stand behind the president, it will expose them for the charlatans they are.
Colin (Kansas)
Sadly due to the Electoral College my vote will be symbolic but it will be the second most memorable of my life, first being Barrack Obama, also a throw-away but very important vote to a Democrat in a "red" state.
David J (NJ)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy exposes his astounding ignorance when he says that Democrats didn't like the outcome of the 2016. that would hold true for any election where your party failed to win. but this is different: Obstruction of justice, profiteering while in office, Stormy Daniels, Gen. Flynn, Michael Cohen, Chummy relationship with dictators, no records of 5 meetings with Putin. Just a sample of Trump's other side of the law presidency. Feel free to add.
joe (chatham)
@David J Let us not forget Paul Manafort the jailed Ukraine lobbyist.
E Le B (San Francisco)
@David J Yes. Honestly I don’t know why the Times even bothered to repeat such a nonsense quote. Even if a statement is flat-out wrong, repeating it strengthens it in our minds. It’s just how brains work.
Back Up (Black Mount)
Ma Pelosi allowed an impeachment inquiry into Trump’s presidency to save her moderate following from having to vote yes or no on impeachment. She knows it’s not going to happen so this is a way to save face for her party. She blinked... under pressure from AOC and the radicals who have, with the media’s help, taken over control of her role in Congress. The party will be perceived as a party of dunces no matter how this inquiry plays out. The country nor her majority party in Congress is behind her. She loses here...she has become the third stooge along with Nadler and Schiff. Trump wins again.
Ron (Meadville, PA)
@Back Up I am not familiar with facts, behaviors or words that support your conclusions. Care to share? I will say that if "stooges" is accurate, they would not be first through third, the numbering system would have to pick up after about 50 Senators and a host of Congress Persons. My Republicans, I am sorry to admit, are certifiable sycophant's.
John Senetto (South Carolina)
@Back Up are you a US citizen?
Back Up (Black Mount)
@Ron There will be no impeachment vote, Nancy won’t allow it, she will not force Dem members of Congress to commit to an impeachment that will never happen and is seen by many, many voters, Dem and Rep, as nonsense countrywide. Nothing has changed since her announcement yesterday, she only wants to keep alive for another year the anti-Trump psychology, it’s how losers behave...keep screaming even though you’re falling fast. Go downtown in the western Pa town that you live in, look up and down the high street...Democrats did that.
Patrick (Seattle)
This kills me: He (McCarthy) pronounced himself “disgusted by the action of the speaker of the House and the majority party, because they did not like the outcome of the 2016 election.” No, this is because we like the outcome of the 2018 election.
Mark Rabine (San Francisco)
Yes, Nancy Pelosi has served on the intelligence committee. She voted against Bush’s war, but what else did she do? I can think of a few examples such as allowing James Clapper, at the time Director of National Intelligence, to openly lie in a Congressional hearing. It was a boldface lie which he could have corrected but chose not to. Lying to Congress is a felony, but not for Clapper, or Brennan, or Pelosi. They got a free pass. She was also briefed, ostensibly, on the CIA torture program. I can’t remember any hearings on that in the House. I can’t remembr Pelosi screaming for this barbarism to stop. Pelosi defended and protected the CIA in Syria and Libya. She has consistently dfefended and protected the NSA surveillance state under both Bush and Obama. She should not be the face of he opposition.
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
"He pronounced himself 'disgusted by the action of the speaker of the House and the majority party, because they did not like the outcome of the 2016 election.'” No, Mr. McCarthy, you're wrong... and also shameful for your poor attempt to spin the truth to your own convenient (and ludicrous) interpretation. Democrats have been unhappy with the results of many elections (as have Republicans, I'm sure), but impeachment does not automatically follow. There must be grounds. What Democrats ARE unhappy with are this president's continued abuses of power. And those should be contested. It'll be fascinating to see if any Republicans -- not just those up for re-election in 2020 but, one would hope, others capable of assessing the truth -- will cease to grant Trump their unfailing support. Rumor has it his behavior has caused consternation among some in the ranks. Maybe some of them will use this moment to stake out (even if belatedly) a place on the honorable side of history.
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
"He pronounced himself 'disgusted by the action of the speaker of the House and the majority party, because they did not like the outcome of the 2016 election.'” No, Mr. McCarthy, you're wrong... and also shameful for your poor attempt to spin the truth to your own convenient (and ludicrous) interpretation. Democrats have been unhappy with the results of many elections (as have Republicans, I'm sure), but impeachment does not automatically follow. There must be grounds. What Democrats ARE unhappy with are this president's continued abuses of power. And those should be contested. It'll be fascinating to see if any Republicans -- not just those up for re-election in 2020 but, one would hope, others capable of assessing the truth -- will cease to grant Trump their unfailing support. Rumor has it his behavior has caused consternation among some in the ranks. Maybe some of them will use this moment to stake out (even if belatedly) a place on the honorable side of history.
Jonathan (Northwest)
The Democrats will lose this one--once again. The big loser on this will be Joe Biden for it will come out what President Trump was urging them to look into.
Red Sox, ‘04, ‘07, ‘13, ‘18 (Boston)
As events have unfolded with startling rapidity, we should all be grateful for Speaker Pelosi’s previous caution about pursuing impeachment. It is now apparent that the president has stepped into a trap of his own ignorant devising. He has now enmeshed his Attorney General, William Barr, in an unseemly plot to advance his president’s unlawful pursuit of dirt on a potential rival. He should not be exempt from an impeachable offense. Rudy Giuliani is maybe looking at disbarment. If America, and that hasn’t always included the Trump-heavy Republican Senate, was doubtful that its president was a criminal, the scales have been removed. In a scene out of “The Godfather,” we can see Vito Corleone asking Luca Brasi to find out what (Virgil “The Turk”) Solozzi to “find out what he’s got under his fingernails.” The “wheelhouse” is a baseball term for a hitter’s zone, where he can get the head of the bat out in front of a pitch to drive it. Nancy Pelosi hit a home run. A long one.
silver vibes (Virginia)
@Red Sox, ‘04, ‘07, ‘13, ‘18 -- actually, it's not a wheelhouse as much as it is a spider's web. The brazen bottle fly president buzzed and flapped his wings at Speaker Pelosi, the spider, for almost three years, daring her to ensnare him in her web. He's caught now and even McConnell is watching, from a safe distance, as the bottle fly screams "help me, help me".
jb (ok)
@silver vibes, wish you hadn't said that. I was haunted by that image for a decade of my childhood.
Thomas Payne (Blue North Carolina)
Congressman Schiff just laid it all out in his press conference. Trump is gone and a lot of people have incriminated themselves and have participated in what is already a huge effort to cover it all up. He was also adamant that the whistleblower, whom he rightly noted is an American hero, must be allowed to give a full account without someone sitting beside them controlling what they can and can't say. He also referred to Trump as "mafia." A smart man would resign, but it there's one thing we know about Trump.....
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
"He pronounced himself 'disgusted by the action of the speaker of the House and the majority party, because they did not like the outcome of the 2016 election.'” No, Congressman McCarthy, you're wrong... and also shameful for your poor attempt to spin the truth to your own convenient (and ludicrous) interpretation. Democrats have been unhappy with the results of many elections (as have Republicans, I'm sure), but impeachment does not automatically follow. There must be grounds. What Democrats ARE unhappy with are this president's continued abuses of power. And those should be contested. It'll be fascinating to see if any Republicans -- not just those up for re-election in 2020 but, one would hope, others capable of assessing the truth -- will cease to grant Trump their unfailing support. Rumor has it his behavior has caused consternation among some in the ranks. Maybe some of them will use this moment to stake out (even if belatedly) a place on the honorable side of history.
GCAustin (Austin, TX)
Trump is extorting from the Democrats now. He says no gun law deal if they pursue Impeachment. He’s sunk to the bottom of the barrel.
Liz rynex (Chicago)
@GCAustin I was truly touched by Mr Trumps recent insistence that flavored Vape products be ceased to "save the children" Amazing he feels more strongly about that then the guns that have killed thousands of children. NOTHING he does, from morning till night is not driven by greed, ego, and power. This is a very very sick man.
thevolesrock (mammoth lakes, ca)
Shouldn't Ivanka and Jared have their security clearances revoked immediately pending the impeachment proceedings?
robert (reston, VA)
"....“disgusted by the action of the speaker of the House and the majority party, because they did not like the outcome of the 2016 election.” Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds. Let's just mention Moscow Mitch who promised to make Obama a one-termer and sabotaged SCOTUS. McCarthy must join the ranks of GOP retirees who have been effectively emasculated in 2018. He is hitting the high notes now.
Kimbo (NJ)
"intelligence" and "Pelosi" don't seem like they belong in the same sentence. She should have looked at the transcript before opening her one-sided, non-partisan mouth. She just guaranteed he will get re-elected.
SteveZodiac (New York)
@Kimbo: really? Not only is the bribery attempt there in black and white, your Dear Leader admitted as much on live TV. Maybe you're ok with a lawbreaker using your money to bribe and lean on a foreign leader to do a smear job on a political opponent, but there are still quite a few citizens left who frown on that type of behavior.
Maryanne L (Ft. Worth)
Hopefully, the evidence will be so overwhelming and will involve Pence so we get a "two-fer". Then Pelosi can ascend to President and continue the prosecution & jail Wilbur Ross, McConnell and a host of others. Word has it Guantánamo Bay detention camp has vacancies.
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
Question: How many days in his adult life has President Trump not committed a crime or an immoral act? Answer: Not Many Question: How many times has the President been adequately punished for his crimes? Answer: Not any,
arusso (or)
I sincerely hope that Pelosi can mop the floor with Trump. You just never know what to expect from him and he does astounding obscene things, things that no decent person would even imagine, let alone do. I guess that says it all. Sometimes it feels like watching a six year old randomly move pieces on a chess board and yet somehow beating a grandmaster.
Tom (Antipodes)
Nancy Pelosi v Donald Trump is the equivalent of a heavyweight in the ring with a rookie lightweight. But even tho' she brings heft to the ring, she faces a brawler who doesn't know the rules and who would ignore them even if he did. And this is where I believe the battle will be fought and won...he'll fight dirty because it's all he knows (already the signs are showing - name-calling, unsubstantiated accusations, 'non-verbatim' transcripts, missing patches of dialogue etc.) Pelosi's 'Welcome to my wheelhouse' response is but a light jab to the nose...and next, hopefully, will be a ringing ear, a purpled eye and a mighty right to the solar plexus. We've waited long enough...bring it home Madam.
jayhavens (Washington)
The transcript is NOT DEFINITIVE. The House must get their hands on the actual recording, This President lies and manipulates - he is the product of Roy Cohen. He cannot be believed about anything. If the House Democrats have any sense whatsoever, they must get their hands on that tape recording. Just like Nixon and Watergate, the recordings are definitive, even the missing 20 minutes told you the type of crook you were working with. The American people have a right to the full conversation.
E (Rockville Md)
Dear Representative McCarthy, Speaker Pelosi did not demean the office of Speaker - she honored it by doing her constitutional duty - you have darkened the position of Republican leader with your criticism.
Meg Conway (Asheville NC)
@E No, he just read the script he was given from moscow mitch via rump.
Glen (Texas)
I hope Nancy Pelosi forces Kevin McCarthy and his like-minded compadres into a corner where their only honorable way out is to eat their own words and beg forgiveness from their constituents for their craven cowardice in kneeling and kissing Trump's feet.
Ray Ciaf (East Harlem)
Maybe Pelosi can work with Donny on impeachment in a bipartisan fashion.
Pia (Las Cruces NM)
She's soooo out of his league, it's pitiful.
LauraF (Great White North)
@Pia Have you ever actually listened to Trump speak? Most of his sentences are just garbled word salad. He says nothing, over and over. The only time he is remotely coherent is when he reads off a teleprompter. He is an empty shell; empty of knowledge, empty of meaning, empty of curiosity, lazy to a fault, empty of honour and empathy and everything that makes a human great. Pelosi is a dynamo, exactly his opposite; educated, intelligent, honourable, patriotic, and experienced, above all, experienced.
Pia (Las Cruces NM)
@LauraF I meant that she is superior to him.
George (NYC)
This is beyond funny!!! What an oxymoron intelligence and Pelosi in the same sentence!
Buggsy (USA)
Hey Trump Administration, He who digs a hole for another falls in it himself.
Ash W (New York)
And I'm disgusted by Kevin McCarthy's complete lack of moral compass and political judgement, and his pathetic attempt at fake outrage.
Solar Power (Oregon)
@Ash W Everything about that party had degenerated to "fake."
ReggieM (Florida)
“I just watched the speaker yesterday demean the office of the speakership,” Representative Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California and the minority leader, said." Leave it to shameless Republicans to rally around a Benghazi-style Biden investigation while mobster Trump blows up the Republic.
BC (N. Cal)
The Speaker has held her cards close for all these months and is now making a play. They won't admit it but just the fact that she is moving forward has McConnell, McCarthy and the rest of them sweating bullets. McCarthy in particular is babbling like an idiot. They know better than to play hold-em with Nancy Pelosi. Get your popcorn and place your bets. Game on indeed.
Keith Dow (Folsom Ca)
"Speaker Nancy Pelosi was once the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. She is drawing on that experience as she opens an impeachment inquiry into President Trump." Rubbish. The only reason Trump is in trouble is that he is an idiot who keeps shooting himself in the foot. If he were a semi-competent crook, Pelosi and the United States would have lost.
lieberma (Philadelphia PA)
Nothing in the transcripts worth impeachment. Hunter Biden should be investigated. From day 1 the demos had nothing on their mind but impeachment of the president. And here we go again the failing demos and their endless futile pursuit to impeach the president. Rest assure, they will have at least 5 more years to pursue their pathetic circus of impeachment. It is more comical than pathetic. AOC the squad and the bunch of demo losers working so hard to ensure Trump’s re-election 2020
Richard (NYC)
Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (Michigan)
Is that the same Kevin McCarthy who said, behind closed doors to his Republican colleagues, “I think Putin pays Trump”? Oh, but he was just “joking.” The irony seems to be lost on him.
Solar Power (Oregon)
@Jeffrey M. Wooldridge Yeah, he did SAY that didn't he? But the thing is, he was OKAY with that.
greg (upstate new york)
Trump is bringing his SAT total score of 400 to an intelligence battle with Pelosi who brings a 1600.
Norma (Albuquerque, NM)
@greg trump's score was that high? I don't believe it.
greg (upstate new york)
@Norma I think 200 for each is the least you can get :)
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
The Republican political criminal syndicate that's been rigging America rightward by hook and by crook for decades has thankfully met its match. Good to see a strong ethical woman shredding Grand Old Power, its crooked coup d'etat and its deplorable Don to Constitutional shreds. Three cheers for Nancy Pelosi and her act of American patriotism and leadership.
Rebel in Disguise (TO, Canada)
Funny how Trump's complicit GOP members don't ever respond by stating Trump is obeying the law. It's only the pathetic pivot "The Democrats are upset they lost in 2016". Right, that's why they waited until now. I'm not going to bother saying 'Nice try' because it's juvenile and laughable.
Gwe (Ny)
I am sorry but WHY is Nancy Pelosi not running for President? She is literally the only lawmaker left in whom I trust.
Solar Power (Oregon)
@Gwe There are plenty of good Dems. Oregon's Senator Jeff Merkley was the first to go stand with the refugee children and expose the horrific treatment they have received.
BB (Boston, MA)
Score one to the New York Times for recognizing that in a contest with Speaker Pelosi, the President brings neither intelligence nor experience to the fight.
Cece (Sonoma Ca)
Thank you Madam Pelosi for this gargantuan step. I trust your instincts bc I’ve followed and agreed that your reticence to not initiate impeachment under much pressure was correct at the time. Now, as you say T is in your Wheelhouse.
Joe B (Wilton)
How about that McCarthy fellow mentioning a dark day for national security and the rule of law? We’ve had nothing but dark days in that respect ever since the election of the present White House occupant!
Teresa (Cols OH)
Not even the top of the iceberg...yet..
Rosko (Wisconsin)
McCarthy and others' dissembling still feels causes me dissonance and feels abusive. What is he even talking about at this point?
ss (Boston)
If one thinks that this bruhaha is worth anything, then bye-bye common sense. NYT and the rest of its brothers in arms, which is the left media, is pumping up this matter ludicrously having no interest whatsoever in anything else but trying to kick and harm Trump as hard as possible. Just like every single day in previous 3.5y. But the man is still standing and will win 2020!
Gary (New York)
@ss IF he does win, our country is s e r I o u s l y in trouble. He is toxic and corrupt.
Terry (California)
Now these clowns will learn that institutional history & knowledge, combined with 25 years of intelligence expertise trumps false bravado, lies & threats.
Steve of Albany (Albany, NY)
wait a minute ... this simply an inquiry into impeachment ... it has not yet been recommended to impeach ...
TWShe Said (Je suis la France)
Eliot Ness vs Al Capone
Kathy Lollock (Santa Rosa, CA)
I have followed Nancy Pelosi for years. We Dems in the Bay Area exclaim with pride, “That’s our girl!” Think about it, her experience, her wisdom, her intelligence, and, yes, her ethics and morality. This mother and grandmother with more than a half century of marriage to her partner for life, has become one of the most influential of women in recent history. Who says that we are not ready for a woman president? She has helped bring to politics and mentored by her very existence Elizabeth, Kamala, and Amy. I have also followed Kevin McCarthy, not by choice but rather because of geography. Yes, he has his MAGA supporters, and they have rights as Californians and Americans, of course. But I have chosen to be in the Pelosi camp. And it is there that I will remain.
Erik (California)
I don't always agree with her course of action. But she deserves and commands paramount respect and I'm thankful that she is in her position. I have learned to hold my criticism and wait and observe and rethink. And I still don't always agree. Her nuanced and complex intelligence and wisdom can teach us all some things.
steve (CT)
“The remark was a reference to Ms. Pelosi’s quarter-century of experience with intelligence matters in Congress, an aspect of her biography that played a central role in her decision on Tuesday to open a formal impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump.” And why didn’t Pelosi push for impeachment of Bush, Cheney and crew for war crimes? Was it because Pelosi could also be impeached for her being knowledgable about torture at Gitmo and their surveillance programs. What Trump has done is bad but certainly not as bad as starting a war based on lies killing hundreds of thousands of people. But also what about Hunter Biden accepting a Board of Directors job at $50,000/month at an Oligarch owned Ukraine gas corporation, four months after being discharged from the Naval Reserves for cocaine use, and two months after Biden accepting the role as overseeing the Ukraine. And also Joe Bidens role in having an Ukraine prosecutor dismissed who was looking into corruption of Hunters corporation. Will the impeachment of Trump now be looking into the Bidens role in the Ukraine also?
Agnate (Canada)
@steve I don't believe it was Hunter's corporation in any real sense of those words.
Olan (Dallas)
For all I disagree with Nancy Pelosi on, I'm also thankful for her fearless leadership throughout this very tumultuous time. Thank you, Nancy.
Barking Doggerel (America)
Speaker Pelosi already knows more about this issue than the media. She would not have taken this step until and unless she had reliable information about the entire call, not just a 4 minute summary of a 30 minute conversation. And, as the whistleblower has made clear, this is only part of the urgent and credible report.
MassBear (Boston, MA)
I admit I had mixed feelings about Ms. Pelosi taking on the reins of Speakership; however, since she has, she has demonstrated a strategic perspective, insight and wisdom as well as an ability to wield power with effect, all within a context of lawfulness. So I'm confident that when she decided to move forward with impeachment investigations, she knew what she was doing and it was based upon a solid understanding of facts and law. I also think she will lead the House to where the facts drive the case for impeachment, not based upon partisanship and political preference as Trump will assert. She's been in the job long enough to know how the people will treat an apparent bid for power via impeachment proceedings. My real disgust is for the GOP (per Mr. McCarthy's statement), especially in the Senate. I imagine Trump could have been caught selling nuclear launch codes to the Chinese and the GOP would find a way to rationalize it. Does the supposedly patriotic GOP "Base" care? we'll find out.
Bob Smith (Atlanta)
The whole whistleblower story appears to be a Trump trap carefully laid out by the President's strategists to steer the democrats to embark on the impeachment inquiry while his administration is confident that nothing will come out of it. What will surely come out of this, is the voters attention and awareness about the Biden dealings with Ukraine, probably enough to topple the democrat's front runner status which is the result that the President is hoping for. It is rather surprising that speaker Pelosi (with all her acumen, judgement and intelligence) has succumbed to the AOC caucus banter in opening the impeachment inquiry.
OCIndependent (Mission Viejo)
@Bob Smith You ignore the fact that an investigation was done and nothing was shown to be wrong about Biden's son's actions, and you "make up" that this is a Trump trap. again ignoring how scared he and the Republicans are about impeachment because of what will come out in the investigation. I mark you as another apologist and co-conspirator with Trump and Guliani and the Republicans who defend him so shamelessly.
@Bob Smith Right, and the Sandy Hook Massacre was a hoax, and Trump's inaugural crowd size was huge, and we didn't really land a man on the moon. Methinks thou thinks too much.
Liz rynex (Chicago)
@Bob Smith as much as I hate to admit it, I have the same feeling. The sad part is how easily, yet again the Dems are falling for it.
Dan (Stowe, VT)
As someone who wanted to see change in the speaker role in the 2016 win of the house. I can say now I’m glad I was wrong. She is the best suited for this fight.
Greenfish (New Jersey)
Pelosi's credibility is all the more enhanced by the fact that she did not vote for the Iraq war because the evidence wasn't there. We are so lucky that she is the Speaker.
Glenn (Arizona)
I remember well Richard M Nixon and those who finally brought him and his co-conspirators down. I hope Ms Pelosi completes her task and that Mr Trump and HIS co-conspirators are likewise forced from office.
David H (Washington DC)
Thank you for this excellent reporting. I was completely unaware of Nancy Pelosi‘s intelligence experience. In my previous comments about the impeachment issue, I wondered whether she understood the subtleties involved in managing classified information and particularly in the context of the whistleblowers yet to be revealed report. I hereby extend my apologies to Speaker Pelosi. 
Miss Dovey (Oregon Coast)
@David H It takes a real man to admit when he was wrong! Well done.
B.C. (N.C.)
I find my self wondering: If Trump were to be impeached, would he run again in 2020? Nothing seems beyond the pale for him, and his base seems to view him with such dogmatic adoration that he could find enough support to hang around through much of the Republican nomination process.
Norma (Albuquerque, NM)
@B.C. Hopefully, by this point enough senate repubs have found their moral compass, or decided trump will hasten their own defeat, and will do the right thing.
TCA (Florida)
The Speaker waited cautiously for this moment. Yesterday, when she made her announcement, and the President was boasting that the call was nothing and he would release the transcript, I thought it might be a misstep on her part. Today, I don't think so.
Emma (Northeast)
@TCA I doubt the old wise woman (affectionately referred to as "Grandma" in our house) ever makes a serious misstep. She certainly was sure-footed when the idiocracy were trying to vote her out of the Speakership in recent memory.
Ronald J Kantor (Charlotte, NC)
Please G-d, give Nancy Pelosi and her team of octogenarian committee leaders the physical strength, perseverance and intellectual fortitude to bring down Trump and his evil administration and all they have implemented in the past few years.
OnlyinAmerica (DC)
@Ronald J Kantor Not personally the praying type, but if you need comfort google Doug Letter. About as much 'intellectual fortitude' as any one person can possess.
Salix (Sunset Park, Brooklyn)
@Ronald J Kantor I wouldn't worry about the stamina of the committee members. They know the stakes and have nothing to gain by selling out their country.
jrinsc (South Carolina)
For President Trump to understand the work of our intelligence agencies assumes intelligence to begin with.
Dom M (New York area)
But keep on letting the individual with the least amount of intelligence in the room keep on talking to prove that he is smarter than everyone else in the room. Let him make Congress's job easier.
Always trust a woman's instinct and her judgement.
Solar Power (Oregon)
@ALN I don't know about ANY woman, but certainly Pelosi has shown extraordinary patience giving this career criminal all the lead he's needed to incriminate himself thoroughly.
@Solar Power, I'd say most women.
@AACNY, most of us tend of focus on the content of the speech not so much on how it is spoken.
Beth (Indiana)
I'm an academic who teaches organizational leadership. This story about Pelosi made me recall a student who came to me asking to do a project on what the leadership textbooks LEAVE OUT. Her argument was based on the fact that a leading textbook on leadership theory -- by Northouse -- is very male-focused. Essentially, this means that most of what we are researching and teaching on leadership theory has a bias, and leaves out essential qualities of female leadership, as well as what women bring who have studied and learned from male leadership styles, but developed their own hybrid styles. This is all a long-winded way of saying that we all have a lot to learn from the Pelosis of the world, and I hope she has the opportunity to write even more about how she gets the job done.
Sam (Gilbert, AZ)
Pelosi embodies strength through humility married with experience. Just as she knows the intent of the whistle-blower law, her intelligence experience guides understanding the intent Trump's call given the facts surrounding it. She is now appropriately "cashing in" on her prior caution on impeachment inquiry. Despite the many coming political spins sure to come, let's hope that Americans have the strength and wisdom to look at the facts and make their own logical conclusions.
David (Atlantic Beach, NY)
Know your power! Thank you, Speaker Pelosi. Truth is power, not the other way around.
Thomas Payne (Blue North Carolina)
Thank you Speaker Pelosi. Let's put an end to this American tragedy. It's events like these where our national heroes rise to the occasion. We've got your back.
Ned M. (Brooklyn)
Thank you, Speaker Pelosi. I'm sure you will also be looking into why Barr withheld the info from Congress. And if Giuliani was breaking the law. Again, thanks.
CollegeBored (Lalaland)
"“Mr. President,” she declared, according to a person familiar with the conversation, “you have come into my wheelhouse.”" The game is on.
Farqel (London)
@CollegeBored What "wheelhouse". She and her democratic imbeciles have done NOTHING of value the past two years. No fix on the border, no new legislation solving any problems. Nothing. What wheelhouse? Gibberish.
Bonniwell (Virginia)
@Farqel Where have you been the past three years? The Senate has stonewalled everything the House has tried to do.
DD (Florida)
@CollegeBored I wish people would stop saying game on. Preserving our constitution and democracy is not a game.
Sane citizen (Ny)
America needs to thank God we have Nancy Pelosi in our Leadership. She has the best chance or returning us to the rule of law and forever banishing Trump and all his lawless, reckless associates who've infiltrated our democratic institutions. Speaker Pelosi needs our support... our American experiment in democracy is at risk and depends on her success.
Publius Prime (Atlantic Coast)
@Sane citizen If we're going to attribute Pelosi's leadership position to God, mustn't we likewise attribute Trump's? After all, omnipotent means omnipotent, not kinda-sorta-sometimes-potent.
jb (ok)
@Publius Prime, God isn't in charge of this old world, just evening up things a little sometimes. That's why it's "thy kingdom come" rather than "gee it's nice here in heaven." This place is mainly us, for good or ill. That's some people's theology anyway.
Cindy (MA)
What dirt does Trump have on McCarthy that he is willing to squander what little of a decent reputation he has? First the talking point was “we need the facts” now it’s “there was no quid pro quo” what is it about Trump that so many on the right are willing to sacrifice decency, good morals and ethics? Or are they just so craven for power that they will sit idly by at ge latest desecration of our nation by Trump and his goons. Barr needs to recuse himself The WHOLE report needs to be released. We would be dumb to trust Barr and to believe that the reports released by him is 100% the truth. Remember, this is the “man” who twisted and watered down the Mueller report:”; Barr’s version set the stage for the perceptions and coverage.
Nina (H)
@Cindy Before coming to the house, Kevin McCarthy ran a deli so he is certainly qualified when it comes to experience.
RG (Massachusetts)
@Cindy You had it right with they are TOTALLY craven. They would sell their mommies to the devil if they needed to.
Charles Focht (Lost in America)
@Nina So McCarthy (Kevin? Eugene?) has a lot of experience dishing out baloney.
Paul Bertorelli (Sarasota)
Love to have been a fly on the wall for that Pelosi/Trump conversation.
Dr. Rocco Peters (New York, N.Y.)
@Paul Bertorelli Oh yes, that must have been one of the greatest moments in her triumphant career, and it was also very funny. She is now back proving that she has no fear of Trump (most do cower even if they disregard him) as she did with SOTU, but was no so vain as to try to assume that role before she 100% had the bull by the horns. She could not have waited another week, or it would have been finished, although yesterday was a surprise last-minute annoucement, which I got wind of soon enough to catch it live. It was an incredible moment, a moving moment, and secondarily, she proved once again to be one of the most elegant women in the world. All that toughness and that lovely light voice. I'm a man, but she's in the Top 3 of role models for me. She's just a political genius and a great person.
Rick Gage (Mt Dora)
A good rundown of Speaker Pelosi's strengths. Her experience , her knowledge, cunning, connections, strategic mind, political acumen and her understanding of the intelligence community point to a formidable foe. You leave out her most potent weapon though, her opponent is a childlike, undisciplined idiot and that will not change as impeachment progresses. Indeed, he's as likely to self-impeach before she can collect all the relevant materials. As my ex-detective uncle always said "It's not that I'm a brilliant detective, it's that the criminals are so dumb.".
Larry N (Los Altos, CA)
@Rick Gage Caveat: this is a political process, and it seems to me that Trump's supporters share many of his childlike, undisciplined qualities, and are encouraged by the demagoguery of FOX shills and right-wing radio talkers.
jb (ok)
@Larry N, yep. But that's got to be stopped by reason, integrity, and maturity. More idiocy certainly won't help. Pelodi's political draw will not be to Trump fans ever, anyway. The rest of us need to unify with her. And vote them out.
Sara (Amherst Ma)
It takes a woman, apparently. A woman with a conscience. Despite all the power of the presidency and his lunatic party behind him, she has thoughtfully chosen to proceed. If anyone can do it, it is Nancy Pelosi. And though she probably can't actually do it, she'll go down in history for her nobility here.
Solar Power (Oregon)
@Sara If Democrats stand as one, she can. Truth will out. After such a nonstop torrent of mud-slinging smears and lies over the past three years, it will feel as if the world has taken a nice cleansing shower. Then we can see to reuniting all the kidnapped refugee children with their families.
N. Smith (New York City)
Donald Trump will live to rue the day he ever messed with Nancy Pelosi.
Jackson (Virginia)
@N. Smith. Yeah, right.
Solar Power (Oregon)
@N. Smith Let's hope so! Our Constitution has never taken a relentless bashing like this corrupt administration.
N. Smith (New York City)
@Jackson I suggest you read the article again -- or her resume.
Mannley (FL)
Pull up a chair, grab a stiff drink and some popcorn. This is getting good.
Wang An Shih (Savannah)
Bravo Nancy!
george eliot (annapolis, md)
Following up on that metaphor, I hope she puts him in the brig or throws him overboard.
Norma (Albuquerque, NM)
@george eliot Hopefully, enough republican senators will be willing to put country over party and support a convict and remove vote. mitch will do everything he can to keep them from doing that.
American girl (Santa Barbara)
Nancy Pelosi is a brilliant tactician with the wisdom that only experience brings and most importantly she is a Patriot. Thank you Madam Speaker for safeguarding our Country, it’s citizens and our Democracy.
Norma (Albuquerque, NM)
@AACNY Pelosi and team.
Steve (Seattle)
@AACNY They can only win because McConnell has a stranglehold on the senate regardless of fact and truth. But in the end we the people still win as trump finally has to confront his accusers and the Republican party will be weakened. The majority will eventually win out, the GOP cannot stem that tide which will eventually be a tsunami. They sacrifice short term gain for decades of irrelevance.
N. Smith (New York City)
@AACNY So do I. Come Election Day -- the U.S. Constitution and American People!
tartz (Philadelphia,PA)
Okay, the "president" may be the current locus of (impeachment) attention, but hopefully Speaker Pelosi also keeps other complicit members of the Administration and Congress in her field of view, for future legal accountability.
Nina (H)
@tartz Barr
Norma (Albuquerque, NM)
@tartz mitch mcconald comes to mind. I'd like to see her and mcconald in a debate.
Grove (California)
Return of the rule of law is welcomed and overdue. Too many have been getting away with this in a big way for about forty years. Maybe now we can really make America great.
AusTex (Austin Texas)
Obstruction of Justice is a recurring crime in this administration and while the GOP would paint this in shades of grey it is not. Interference is obstruction and the Presidents cohorts and henchmen may "see" it differently that does not make it so. If the end result of this abuse of power is further restrictions on the power of the Presidency, then so be it. What I find confounding is that the three branches were designed to keep each in check but instead we see them enabling the excesses of the other as if the Commandments were instructions to instead of prohibitions against.
Cal Prof (Berkeley, USA)
It’s too early in the process to say anything definitive about the impeachment of 45. But does anyone share my hope that we once again have the right person with the right vision and experience in the right position at an absolutely pivotal historical moment in our nation’s history? Maybe the spirit of Washington, Lincoln, FDR etc. is still alive after all ....
maryann (austinviaseattle)
@Cal Prof I hope to high heaven you are not talking about Trump.
Cal Prof (Berkeley, USA)
@maryann: Ha, no; Rep. Pelosi of course.
Emile (New York)
Knowing full well that starting impeachment hearings may or may not help Democrats running for Congress, or help Democrats regain the the White House, Nancy Pelosi chose principle over politics. Republicans will sling arrows at her for starting impeachment hearings, but history will treat Nancy Pelosi as the great American hero of the moment. For months she held back, using her political skills to persuade her more restless Democratic colleagues to follow her. Until now, when Trump crossed the Rubicon. Thank you forever to Ms. Pelosi for everything she is doing for America.
Farqel (London)
@Emile Got it. And Hillary Clinton was the "best-prepared, most capable candidate" in 2016. Keep dreaming. "Crossed the Rubicon" You might want to look that up for historical meaning.
Eric W (Ohio)
@Emile Well said, but don't forget the whistle-blower, who likely knew full well (s)he would bevrisking their career over this "anonymous" complaint. True Patriots, both of them.
Emile (New York)
@Farqel You're talking to the wrong person. I read Latin, I know my Roman history, and I of course know full well what the implications were when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon. You seem to not get it that using the phrase today means--to quote, but really go look it up yourself in any dictionary--"to take a decisive, irrevocable step"; the example offered in is, "Our entry into the war made us cross the Rubicon and abandon isolationism forever."
Suzanne Moniz (Providence)
Thank you Speaker Pelosi. While Republican leadership shirks their responsibility in holding the executive branch accountable, we need a person with experience, procedural knowledge, political and legal acumen so that we can move forward.