‘The Squad’ Rankles, but Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez Make Peace for Now

Jul 26, 2019 · 170 comments
Jonathan Swift (midwest)
"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Benjamin Franklin. Given that our democracy is facing an existential crisis, we Democrats need to bury the hatchet, and not in each others back.
Kirk Bready (Tennessee)
If the Squad and their allies are smart enough to solicit the mentoring of Speaker Pelosi and her allies, that combination of proven competence and wisdom could sharpen the edge of an idea and an era whose time has come. The Ladies pack the gear. Ms. Pelosi has the subtlety and navigational skills. That might produce a juggernaut to emerge from the mists of misdirection.
Toni (Florida)
It seems that democrats have started to balkanize along racial lines. The Squad now identify themselves as 'women of color" separate and distinct from "women without color" the group of which Ms. Pelosi is an elderly member. Will this voluntary segregation among democrats, along racial, gender and generational lines, impair or even prohibit their ability to cooperate?
Carl Zeitz (Lawrence, N.J.)
One more voice to say that they are causing considerable harm. They seem not to understand what the speaker does: If you ain't got the majority in the House, you have nothing. They need to listen and learn that their opinions don't matter a hoot if there are not 215 other Democrats with them in the House in January 2021. The only vote a legislator casts that truly matters is the one to organize and control the chamber. These four, from very blue districts, are endangering a lot of seats in purple and even red districts where Democrats don't have the leeway to indulge themselves by provoking and judging everyone else on the basis of their provocations. In simplest terms, they need to cut it out or they will find themselves in the minority in the House, unable to advance the causes that serve minorities in the nation. If Democrats lose the House, the four will justly be reviled for their contribution to that result.
Carl (Brisbane)
It’s a real shame that these youthful and energetic congressional members are being pilloried from both sides of the aisle aided and abetted by the ravenous “sugar high” media. For decades our youth were canned for not wanting to get involved in politics and when they finally do, the moribund “old white guy” network break out the rotten tomatoes. Facts are the American people are in desperate need of new (or rebadged old FDR-like) ideas to offset the overwhelming influences (buy a politician Super PACs) of capital on the vision for America. The poor and struggling middle class will remain poor and struggling if the center-left and right have their way pushing their cringing hesitant, short term myopic & election focussed nationalist & popularist regurgitated and recycled proposals like voodoo economics for example. Let’s not rock the boat as a strategy will be the death of us all. The Democrats have no idea the gold that these 4 bring to the party and should be working overtime to leverage their good fortune rather than working to muzzle them.
Magan (Fort Lauderdale)
Why isn't there anything on Mitch turning down bills that would try to secure our elections? This should be the main story...C'mon folks.
Michael (Boston, MA)
Dismiss Chakrabarti? He's the brains behind the whole Justice Democrats operation. They selected all four of the women to run in primaries. Justice Democrats make no secret of their intent to replace Congress with their own brand of far-left socialism. He makes pronouncements as if he's the boss because he's the one pulling the strings.
BobAz (Phoenix AZ)
Better the Squad than the so-called "Freedom Caucus" of Republicans.
Grandma (Midwest)
I don’t agree with those encouraging AOC to behave badly. She is young immature and ill-tempered. She is an inexperienced junior congresswoman who should learn from the more experienced congressmen and women around her and be proud to be among them. Furthermore, as an American she is ethically bound to respect the office of the President if NOT the man in that office. Another thing, adopting the term “socialist democrat,” as some have done here, casts a dark shadow on the Democratic Party and is a misnomer that Republicans are using to demean my Party and frighten voters. My Party is the Democratic Party period.
S Venkatesh (Chennai, India)
Democrats & the Democratic Party need to understand & come to terms with 21st century Democracy. Donald Trump already has - as early as 2015. Even 4 years later, Democrats & Democratic Presidential Candidates are caught up on 40-year old Issues. That is meaningless & a sure shot to the loser’s post. Democrats & Democratic Candidates must come up with National Issues which make a difference to every single American Voter. And they must wrap their Issues in terms which resonate & linger in their Voters’ minds. Candidates pulling each other down is disgusting. The Democratic Debates Must showcase who can BEST present the case for the Democrats before the American people.
cfc (Va)
It could also be that the voters who put these 4 in office, aren't really on-board for the antics that have developed. Politicians who run social media campaigns on themselves 100% of the time, are misguided. This misguidedness looks like a generational problem. Itchy Twitter fingers.
Shailendra Vaidya (Bala Cynwyd, Pa)
Has any one realized that these two ladies’ names are very similar ? A-OC and Pell-OC !!
Kai (Oatey)
"The Squad" is enunciating a sentiment that has taken hold of the universities, lumpen-intelligentisia and much of the media. In this world, the country is choked by white privilege, the horrendous crime in hoods across the country should be ignored, healthcare should be provided to undocumented without there being much concern about disaster of homelessness, islamic terrorism is ignored, heterosexual white men are the Devil and the minimum wage should be $20. This is the sentiment of faux compassion which is used to batter the perceived opponents, of fake news ("concentration camps", really) and of the canny soundbite.
Ziggy (PDX)
How about this? If the young Congresswomen prove they can get voters to the polls, they get a bigger voice in the party?
Subhash (USA)
With all due respect, "Moderate Democrats", IMHO, are moderate republicans and they are always for status quo which is not acceptable for a great majority of American voters. Naturally, they feel threatened and intimidated by the progressive Squad. They ought to be. The Democratic party is itself dominated by these moderate Democrats and that is why it failed to win power or hold on to power over the past 40 years. That is why the Democratic party has failed in 2016. The 2018 midterm elections proved that the voters prefer the progressive candidates who are more like the Squad. More power to the Squad and wish that more Democratic elected representatives become progressive or the party will fail even worse in 2020. Status Quo doesn't excite us the majority.
Richard From Massachusetts (Massachusetts)
I support these young women they were elected by their constituents to represent their interests as full members of the House of Representatives. The fact that they ruffle some feathers of well established special interest groups including groups representing other racial minorities and ethnicities is immaterial to me and will not dampen my support. Furthermore the fact that they complicating Nancy Pelosi's control of legislation and agenda as Speaker of the house is also a very salutary development. They are about the business of Democracy and I applaud them. Isn't it nice to see women fighting for political advantage and their progressive ideal in the halls of congress as members!
Andrew (Forest Hills, NY)
All I have to say, especially as AOC represents part of Queens, is "with great power comes great responsibility". They may, or may not, have asked for this attention and focus, but the spotlight and mic is on them. They have the power to start putting America back on a path forward or doom us to destruction under Trump.
Ramjet (NC)
I really wonder who these folks are who would vote Republican because of the Squad. And, I wonder what message one could send to these voters to vote "no" to Trump. And frankly I'm pretty sure I don't really want these votes anyway. There must be plenty of voters on the flip side. That is, independent voters who will vote Democrat because there are terrible Republican representatives like King and the head of the freedom caucus (what a joke) Meadows. I mean, I sure hope this flip side is stronger. Because we are in trouble if it isn't. We need progressive Democrats who will lead the fight to get our country back for the common good. And that means taking strong stands on important policy issues and defining the values that will improve this country. And will take a strong push from these and other strong leaders to make this happen. Governing/legislating by fear of backlash is a weak position.
Brooklyncowgirl (USA)
In a different political system, those of us on the left would be our own party, probably a minority party like the Greens but would have respect and influence as essential parts of the coalition needed to form a government. We don’t have that system of government and so people are pretty much forced onto team red and team blue if they want to make a difference. The Republicans have managed their disparate tribes much better than the Democrats and the Democrats could take a lesson from that. The newly elected congress people have brought in new ideas and new energy to what has become a pretty torpid party establishment. On the other hand the establishment knows the system and can foresee the traps that lie in wait for the unwary. The “Squad” are fresh and energetic but they are also green. I keep thinking of the botched roll out of the Green New Deal. I’d like to see the party leaders take these young women in hand and also work more with the new members from swing districts who have to be re-elected if the party wants to regain control of the House and work with them all. It’s a whole new world out there and the old leaders of the Democratic Party have to adapt or die.
Bob Parker (Easton, MD)
These 4 progressive Dem representatives bring energy to the Dem party but do not represent the majority of the party. To lead, to set the agenda, the Dems need to be in the majority and this requires representation of a broad range of opinions. To be effective in Congress, one must seek and build consensus unlike Trump who seeks to enforce conformity. To be effective in Congress, one must often accept half-a-loaf as being better than no loaf. "Best" at times is the enemy of "better" or even "good". As with all jobs, there is a component of on-the-job training that is required to perfect those skills that got you the job in the first place. Each of these young women is intelligent and committed to making America a better nation. However, this is not enough, they need to learn how to become effective legislators and not merely advertisements for their policies.
merc (east amherst, ny)
Speaker Pelosi's actions are based on a lifetime of experience in the realm of politics, time after time, forced into trenches where one learns how to respond in a cunning, political savy way or suffer defeat. Nancy Pelosi, without a rscist bone in her body, wil continue to fight for what she believes will move the Democratic Party forward and not let stall in midstream due to ithe inexperience or naivete of others. And with that said, never forget, any breach, especially something as superficial as a 'Twitter storm', will be met with a tenacity that comes with the same vigor necessary to raise an iron anchor from the depths of a deep, dark sea. Pelosi's been there, done that, for decades, straining, pulling 'hand over fist', an expression by the way that comes from how I just described Pelosi's raising an anchor from the depths of a sea, straining, pulling 'hand over fist' against a combative, obstructionist Republican Party, And anyone thinking of replacing her? They need to step back and start taking notes.
Buck (Flemington)
The squad needs to exit stage left (back to the floor) now. Their grandstanding to promote a platform of radical change is not embraced by the majority of Americans. It is also built on dubious economic assumptions. They currently represent an inexhaustible supply of fodder for the Trump campaign. Have little in common with Ms. Pelosi but find nearly nothing to nice to say about Mr. Trump. Replacing Trump should be objective #1. And the squad in its current form is an obstacle in this endeavor. They should remember that “the candle that burns twice as bright lasts half as long”. If they want to make progress on achievable change they need to work deliberately and carefully. That takes a little time in our republic.
Kirk Cornwell (Albany)
This is more important to 2020 than, say, Russian shenanigans. If the Democrats can’t come out of next year’s convention behind an inspiring young candidate who can keep this on its proper back burner, we will get a deserved four more years.
Denker Dunsmuir (San Pedro, CA)
Live to fight another day! It's O.K. The marks you have made with your courageous contributions remain in tact, and please know the Country is grateful and the better for it, and you all and each one will have more impact in the future. Now is the time to band together with fellow Democrats to focus upon what is best for the country and winning the 2020 elections! God speed!
Ralph (Philadelphia, PA)
I see AOC as a politician gifted beyond her years. As far as I am concerned, she is on the right side of every issue I can think of.
It’s unfair to the ‘squad’ to give so much weight and focus on their actions and words. Since when did they come to represent the Democratic Party as a whole. I think the media and the people need to back off and give them a break, and listen to other Democrats for a change. The burden should be shared equally amongst all members. We should let the squad focus on their districts and issues and let party leaders like the Speaker hold the burden of representing the party.
Garry (Eugene, Oregon)
@NKM Agree. And is this Squad” label really necessary? Why can’t they just be example of diverse voices in the Democratic Party? The real question: How diverse is the Republican Party and this Republican White House?
Kraig (Seattle)
Pelosi attacked AOC et al because establishment Dems in safe blue Districts fear being primaried by progressives in their Districts--which is happening. Pelosi's attack backfired when Trump picked it up. So she'd more or less expressed regret & called off the attack---for now. If the Dem Party (I am a precinct committeperson & active since age 5) wants to avoid third party challenges (ie Nader), it needs to welcome the left into the tent, including democratic socialists. Primaries are part of the process. Electing progressive Dems in safe blue seats is a legitimate way to expand the window of what's possible to improve the lives of ALL Americans. It's interesting that the establishment Dems and even Trump (at present) aren't belittling Sanders or Warren, whose political positions are similar to AOCs. That's because the political skills of AOC--who is building a mass movement of the young, who are far more progressive than the old---pose a much greater threat in the years to come. If Pelosi and the Dem establishment don't like AOC's outspoken popularity, maybe they should re-examine who their spokespersons are and they should re-examine their messaging and goals. They have full access to the media, control of the House, etc. If they have a BETTER message, why don't they get it out more successfully than AOC?
sm (new york)
@Kraig Sanders and Warren have records , they're not newbies and have taken heat too from Trump . "AOC--building a mass movement of the young, and who are far more progressive than the old" is a rather ageist comment . To be sure , they are the loudest , and do not forget your progressive young are not the majority in this country . If they keep this up , I see them being one term wonders .There is much work to be done if the Democrats are to regain a majority and defeat Trump ; infighting does not accomplish that . They need to buckle down and work together with the"old folks" to accomplish what should be a common goal . Shaking up the house is exactly what the tea party did ; by refusing to be bipartisan , they became the party of no and opened the door for Trump and all the rot . As far as third party challengers are concerned , they have always been around ie; Perot , Nader , Gus Hall , Jill Stein , whom your young progressives voted for in a snit when Bernie (who legitimately did not have the votes to be the nominee ) lost . Raising a ruckus does not get you what you want , it's a big country , you as a precinct committeperson should know that .
Mike (NY)
I’m a member of the party in question and I will not be accused of embracing “the squad” (of nobodies). They are four freshmen with absolutely zero power, and I have just as much interest in them and their self-aggrandizing nonsense.
woofer (Seattle)
Pelosi and the Squad have Trump to thank for their newfound unity. By offering a common enemy, he is bringing the center and left together, forcing them to seek out common ground and avoid publicly airing their differences. It's a nasty and thankless job, but somebody had to do it.
Chris from PA (Wayne, PA)
These four seem to be spot-on with what they are saying. Pelosi and her ilk have been feeding at the public trough for far too long now. These career politicians have gotten us to where we are today. Time for some fresh blood and some fresh ideas. People like Pelosi have become too complacent being beholden to their corporate sponsors.
“Like the millennial that she is, she tagged it with a flip one-word caption: Squad.” Can you imagine if a Times journalist wrote such an inflammatory generalization about the Boomers? “Like the baby boomer that she is, Nancy Pelosi refused to retire and clung stubbornly to a job she was no longer fit to do.” It would be decried as ageism and apologies would be issued. Too bad ageism only exists when it’s deployed against the elderly!
Maylan (Texas)
The "squad" is the Democratic Tea Party.
I have to say that I'm surprised to read so many comments from NYT readers to the effect that the "Squad" will lose 2020 to Trump unless blankets are thrown over their cages. But I agree. They're tailor-made for the Sean Hannitys of the world to demonize as "radical socialists," which he does every single night, terming them the driving force in the Democrat party and relegating Pelosi to "speaker in name only." A great many swing voters will be driven into the arms of the GOP by these four.
Jack (Tucson)
@DDNancy Pelosi was the minority leader prior to 2018. I don't think she understands who rode into power on whose coat tails. The squad was elected in large part due to incompetence of "senior" administrators. Obama left the Dem party decimated from top to bottom. The squad was not elected in 2018 to secure healthcare. The mandate in 2018 was to put a halt to this criminal presidency. When given the roadmap and blessing for impeachment from Special Council, she's proven not up to the task. Maybe Pelosi should go. We need a fighter, not willing to compromise our most important norms and traditions. (Like securing for the House, the power of the purse).
Subhash (USA)
@DD Wow! Poor Babes in the woods (great many swing voters) will be driven into the arms of the GOP, by these four? No kidding? Swinging voters are not a reliable lot. They could change their allegiance at any moment and at a whim. So, the nation has to drop everything and pander to these "swing voters"? Btw, how many of these "great many swing voters" have you met and how did you get their mantle? Really, "great many swing voters" in Democrat majority states don't really matter. And those in the Republican majority states don't matter either. So, how many "swing voters" are there in battle field states?
KMW (New York City)
I hope the squad keeps up their attacks on President Trump. The voters will soon tire of these four ladies antics and tune them out. This will no doubt benefit our president and he will easily sweep into office in 2020.
Mark McIntyre (Los Angeles)
People object to The Squad calling Trump a racist, but why? The Donald has a long history of racism. In the 70's he was sued by the Justice Dept. for discrimination against Blacks in his rental properties. When Trump knew he would lose the case, he settled. And that's not all... https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history
John (Boston)
@Mark McIntyre The problem is their willingness to call or to imply that anyone who disagrees with them a racist. AOC implying that Pelosi is one. Her staff calling a native American Democratic congresswoman from Kansas one. Then there was a reference by Ayanna Pressley that democratic black caucus does not represent black people just because they have black faces. So no, allegations of racism is front and center when the squad is involved.
JSBNoWI (Up The North)
Please don’t call yourselves the squad. It’s too middle school. You are capable, thoughtful, energetic, hardworking, progressive Congresswomen intent on saving the country from self-destruction; isn’t that enough?
Norm (Maui, Hawaii)
@JSBNo You are right. Using the word squad makes them an easy target.
Mor (California)
The rift in the Democratic Party is real but it not along gender, race, or age lines. It is ideological. AOC is a socialist. This is not a pejorative label but her own self-definition. Socialism (not Social Democracy) is a poisonous and destructive ideology that has no place in the Democratic Party. Sooner or later, the party will have to decide whether it wants to embraces centrism that will bring it back to power, or make itself irrelevant by identifying with AOC and Sanders.
Matthew O'Brien (San Jose, CA)
I'm generally appalled at the plethora of stories wailing about "discord in the Democratic Party". It is wholly natural that not all Democratic Senators and Congressmen march in absolute accord and agreement. This is the natural way of things. On the Republican side that's not the case, as the party members in essence take orders passed down from Donald Trump. They do march in lockstep, with no deviation. Robots, not representatives. That is the prime difference between the two parties. Democrats are elected nationwide and take their cue from their own constituents. Republicans from the get-go buy into their national propaganda machine and unswervingly echo Donald Trump's latest Twitter rambling.
Foosinando (New Jersey)
The Squad and the Sun King are growing in the same helitropic garden. All over-rated.
Aaron (Brooklyn)
Crazy idea: What if the Squad were to recognize that Pelosi has to maintain a Big Tent liberalism so that as many voters vote Democrat as possible? Crazier idea: What if Pelosi were to take statements and actions from The Squad as what the US's founders intended them to be--suggestions from 4 of 435 deeply informed citizens trying to run the government--instead of mortal insults to her tenure? The Squad has an important voice in Congress. Pelosi has an important role in managing Congress. What would be great if Pelosi were to encourage and amplify The Squad's statements and the goals of the constituencies they represent, and challenge the rest of her caucus to come up with better rebuttals and solutions, if they even can? Consensus building makes for better news than silencing new voices, something Pelosi, AOC, and others in control of this narrative should take heed of. But that's just my two cents on how a participatory democracy should work.
Ed Watters (San Francisco)
The sooner we get new blood in congress that challenges corporate rule, like the Squad does so wonderfully and eloquently, the sooner corporate-owned politicians like Pelosi and Schumer can fade away. Our democracy isn't in danger from the Russians nearly as much as it is from politicians who see no problem with, for instance, sitting on a committee that addresses the climate change issue while taking money from big oil and gas. That isn't democracy - that is corruption.
Patrick. (NYC)
I appreciate their enthusiasm but they are no longer campaigning. They are now legislators and to be successful strategic actions come into play. It appears that lesson needs to learned. As an old white guy, I hope they get that message
gary abramson (goshen ny)
The glaring conceit of the four first-year members of the House is fostered by the press attention as much as by their apparent hunger for unearned attention (as opposed to notoriety in the case of the one from Minnesota whose anti-Semitism is very much worthy noting and condemning). That they are being recognized as leaders of the "liberal left" of their party is inaccurate and a disservice to liberalism. There is nothing "liberal" about boycotting the only country in the middle-East where women have rights and a woman has been Prime Minister. Their barely concealed antipathy toward the House speaker does that long-time advocate for civil rights a great disservice. The Democrats lost in 2016 because they selected a poor candidate. Next year they are likely losers again if the public regards "the squad" as in any way speaking for the party. Some modesty on their part would help the chances of defeating the incumbent. So would ignoring them.
cheerful dramatist (NYC)
@gary abramson Ah do you ask male candidates or elected officials for "modesty" ? And we should all have antipathy towards Nancy. She let down those kids in cages by giving over 4 billion to trump with no safe guards to protect those in concentration camps put there for his base because they love cruety.
Chip (Sedona)
One year ago I didn't know who Joe Crowley was. Now I really miss the guy. Hey Joe put on some comfortable shoes and hit the streets, remind your constituents how you helped the party and brought home the bacon. (If you haven't already sold out to a lobbying firm)
Peter I Berman (Norwalk, CT)
Imagine if the Squad takes control of the Democratic Party though sheer ineptness of its leadership. Is that how a socialist progressive America is born ? Will anti-Semitism then become a staple of the Democratic platform ? Will the Squad encourage others with limited accomplishments to go down to Washington and point our Republic in “new directions”. Or will the Squad have its moment of glory and then recede into the shadows. One has to look at the studied capabilities of Speaker Pelosi over many decades and the utterances and statements of the Squad to see what’s at stake here. Our nation.
MyjobisinIndianow (New Jersey)
How come every article, every mention of these women must state they are people of color. What does this even mean — everyone has a color. Maybe it’s the only thing actually remarkable about them.
Cody McCall (tacoma)
With the Dems, we get 'The Squad'. With the GOP, you get McConnell. Big, big difference. I'll take 'The Squad' and I think AOC is just terrific. Oh, I'm an old white guy (can't help it, I was born this way!).
Carl (New Yorkish)
The words "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" have never rang truer.
AutumnLeaf (Manhattan)
One of two things had to happen. Mrs Pelosi had to vow to them, making them the defacto leaders of the party. Or the brats had to wake up and realize that they are now the face of the party, and their antics become the image of the Democratic party, their anti Israel tirades are seen across the planet as a changing view that the US no longer backs Israel, putting our ally in danger ever more. Yet, it’s all for show. I am sure AOC is was not making amends, she has never been known to accept any other view point but her own. The two racists who hates Jews are not about to change. They represent the PLO, Hamas and every one else who wish to see Israel gone, just look at their words and actions, they back up a change in the region that means the end of our ally. By contrast, Ms. Pressley seems to be wising up. She declined to join the other three in their anti Israel rant this week. She would be wise to stop calling her self part of this clique and join the grown up table.
@AutumnLeaf There were no antisemitic statements by any of the four Congresswomen. Ms. Omar apologized for tweeting that it’s “all about the Benjamins” — which was a reference to a popular song and her way of calling out the corrupt influence of AIPAC on US governance. It was not an antisemitic comment, but she apologized anyway. I am Jewish and I support these Congresswomen for their willingness to call a spade a spade. Let’s not fall for propaganda the pushed by Fox et al. By doing so, we allow the GOP pundits to define what is “far left” — education, healthcare, and environmental protection are all deemed radical ideas. It’s simply not true.
znlgznlg (New York)
So the top Democrat warmly welcomes two anti-Semites and two hangers-on. The GOP stays silent in the face of Trump's race-baiting and deliberate divisiveness. What's the difference?
EarlyMorningRain (Canada)
My concern with Ocasio-Cortez is that she values self-publicity of any sort more than the collective goal of the party (defeating Trump). She would invite self-publicity which keeps her name in the press even though it arms Trump with ammunition usable in the election.
cheerful dramatist (NYC)
@EarlyMorningRain Wow talk about projection. That is probably what you would do. Not AOC
Jay (Florida)
The "Squad" is vastly inexperienced, naive and generally oblivious to the realities of Washington DC. In other words ignorance and hubris are not a substitute for real working knowledge and productive relationships. I'm most deeply troubled by the Squad's support for the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement. These newbies need to study history and understand how the Nazis used boycotts to denigrate and ultimately destroy the Jewish population of Germany and Europe. Boycotting Jewish business, organizations and institutions was the first part of delegitimatizing the citizenship and rights of the Jewish people of Germany. The Squad needs to square itself with the history of the holocaust and what boycotting a nation, specifically a nation composed mostly of Jews, can lead to. The Squad has placed the Jewish citizens and businesses of the United States in Jeopardy too. Opposing the establishment of settlements in the occupied territories is reasonable. Calling for boycotting and sanctioning of Jews and Jewish business in America is outrageous and very dangerous.
Eileen (Newburgh)
@Jay Thank you for your excellent comment!! I don't understand how the "Squad" can get away with calling Pelosi a racist while at least two of their members have shown blatant anti-Semitism. Pelosi on the other hand has conducted herself admirably.
chair (dontworrywhereiam)
There is only 1 Squad and it's Mod.
Mystery Lits (somewhere)
These House members are poison pills. They damage everything they touch and expose themselves consistently as bigoted and inept all while hiding behind the "women of color" shield provided by identity politics. Together their approval numbers literally cant even top 50%. Illhan Omar has a 9% approval rating and the only way they continue to have a spotlight is that they are COMPLETELY propped up by the Far Left outlets like the NYT.
Barking Doggerel (America)
A woman's byline does not mitigate the use of "strident" to describe the four progressive women. Strident is "harsh, grating, shrill" and typically used to characterize women and diminish their viewpoint. I have heard no such tone from any of them. The Times and Ms. Stolberg can do better.
Been There (U.S. Courts)
It is good that the progressives will be reducing the pressure from the left on Pelosi, who clearly is not capable of coping with principled dissent and fighting Republicans at the same time. Some day in the far distant future, when Democrats have morally strong leadership, progressives can and should demand that the Democratic Party fight for democratic principles. Meanwhile, it is more expedient to help Schumer, Pelosi and Wall Street focus their efforts on defeating the Russian-Republican plot to establish a Fourth Reich. Whatever it takes, the Democrats must stop appearing to be impotent. Americans almost never elect weaklings.
George (benicia ca)
I've asked people, especially San Franciscans, to write their Democratic Representatives, to bridge the gap between Progressives and Moderates. Speaker Pelosi has had a sit-down with Representative Ocasio-Cortez. Let's take the next step. If Progressives identify the first steps to achieve the Green New Deal, Moderates should either sign off, or offer alternatives which do not cave in to the 1%. If we bridge the gap, we win. If we don't we lose in 2020. There's lot both camps can agree on. Here's my shopping list: Health: Federalize Medicaid. Raise family income limits to $100,000/year for CHIP eligibility. Medicare for cancer and other life threatening diseases whose treatment is not otherwise covered by private or other public payments. (follow model of Medicare coverage of dialysis.) Environment: Reforestation, both domestic and international.(would achieve 37% of needed greenhouse gas reductions). Massive expansion of solar, wind and biomass harvesting. Immigration: Increase capacity of bureaucracy to process citizenship applications; reduce wait from ten years to one. Immediate citizenship for DACA recipients and for honorably discharged veterans. Path to citizenship for TPS recipients. Training and Education: to support all these initiatives. Student debt: Immediate cancellation of debt of persons who have met the requirements of the relevant 2008 legislation. Dear Reader, Please contact your Democratic Representatives with your own list.
Ron Gugliotti (New Haven)
The four congressional women at the center of Trump's attacks need to take a step back. They unfortunately played right into the hands of Trump and his right wing supporters by making ill timed statements and promoting programs that do not yet have wide spread public support no matter how right they may be. For every season there is a time and the time now is to depose Trump and take back the Senate by Democrats. This should be the focus of all Democrats including the four Congress women. After defeating Trump and installing a Democratic Senate only then can aggressive policy changes be considered and more level headed discussions can take place. As long as the GOP controls the White House and the Senate the Democrats are at a political disadvantage. The thing to do is mark your time and address the pressing issues facing families, women, the environment and the poor quality of Trump's cabinet appointments. These will produce winning results in 2020.
Erik (California)
@Ron Gugliotti So said every white moderate to Martin Luther King and the rest of the civil rights movement. “Wait till next year for justice.”
cheerful dramatist (NYC)
@Ron Gugliotti Well I hope then never listen to you. They are speaking truth to power and the American public is sick of the corrupt Democrats, 80 percent. We all know, except for mainstream media, that they take bribes from corporations and the wealthy to do what they want and think they need and it is never in favor of the rest of us. Or else we would have a livable minimum wage and health care for all and equal rights and good public schools and free state colleges. But we have allowed ourselves to be trained to think we cannot have those things by the rich and their bought politicians. So I am so glad those women are doing thei job they were hired to do which is represent the voters. An oxymoron in DC. You will never hear mainstream media ever admit this corruption, take a guess why
Tonjo (Florida)
The so-called squad did not make Democrats into the majority in the house. In my opinion, they are getting a free ride but they want all the attention while not offering much. If all four disappear next November 2020, the moderates in my party can concentrate on health care, climate change on other important issues.
Been There (U.S. Courts)
@Tonjo The moderates lost to Trump in 2016. Even if the moderates defeat Trump, the moderates have virtually no chance of regaining control of the Senate in 2020. If the moderates continue to be craven and weak, they may not even hold onto the House. You are correct, though, that the progressives are a minority of the Democratic Party. Indeed, that may explain why the Democrats keep losing and no long accomplish much that lasts longer than the next Republican administration.
V. Whippo (Danville, IL)
@Tonjo How do you know they want all the attention? None of us is inside their heads. As for "not offering much," they seem to be working as hard as most of their fellow representatives -- harder than mine -- and certainly harder than Trump.
Erik (California)
@Tonjo No moderates in your party have ever concentrated on climate change or even given it much of a thought. You have progressives like the squad, and only progressives, to thank for the fact that it is even in the national discussion or on a list of important issues
Marvin (New York)
The Democratic contenders and the Democrats in Congress are participating in one of their favorite activities- the circular firing squad. Woe into us.
Been There (U.S. Courts)
@Marvin Are you blaming the Democrats for the success of Republican racism and fascism?
Marvin (New York)
@ Been there Absolutely not. It is their failure to recognize that defeating Trump is far more important than their own desires for office.
DemVoter (Your State)
"The Squad" Jeez how I and others hate that name, and the fact that they gave it to themselves. Regardless of whether I agree with their policy positions, that name is at once disrespectful and full of unflattering hubris. What, they are the self-proclaimed enforcers, there to police the House of Representatives? For one thing, one might think, or hope, that, coming from communities, or parts of communities that are often over-policed (and in awful ways also sometimes underserved by law enforcement), they would be clever enough, if not sensitive enough, to pick a name that wouldn't be experienced as so domineering and, for some they serve, triggering. But, as the adult children of the "Me Generation" they seem to be following their progenitors very well. Remember: "Don't trust anyone over 30!"
V. Whippo (Danville, IL)
@DemVoter Was it their idea to splash that appellation all over the media? Has anyone bothered to ask?
Ghost Dansing (New York)
The Democrats will learn to avoid their own circular firing squads, or, frankly, America is lost. They have to prevail over the desecration that is the modern Republican Party.
Bian (Arizona)
Trump is Trump we know and at the moment we can not do anything about it. Next election we can( an impeachment in the house and no conviction in the senate a la Clinton also gets us nowhere). But, calling Trump a demagogue is only half the story. The squad is lauded by the NYT but they are part of the problem. Ms. Omar is the most extreme and the NYT gives her a forum and did again today. She deals in ant-semitism disguised as being anti- Israel. Trump did not invent the squad, but they are a boon for him. If Pelosi et al do not control the squad, Trump will ride the squad to re-election. AOC's meeting with Ms. Pelosi today will stifle AOC only momentarily. She will be back at it, and Trump will be cheering.
Kurt Pickard (Murfreesboro, TN)
The truth be told all freshmen Congressmen have no power, cannot introduce bills and are relegated the lesser important committees. They're pretty much relegated to the keep your head down, mouth shut and do as you're told class. Play by the rules and you'll begin to work your way up the Congressional ladder. The squad doesn't see things that way and are blazing their own trail which is fine until re-election time rolls around and the squad looks to the DNC for campaign funds. If people see the Democrats as the party of the infighters, without a platform and no political accomplishments, they're less likely to open their wallets. For the good of the party they need to bury the hatchet and show some solidarity. Easier said than done.
Mike k (Chicagoland)
@Kurt Pickard The DNC didn't give AOC a dime in the primaries. I'm sure you'll be happy voting for the best Dems that money can buy. I want better.
James Smith (Austin To)
Pelosi and centrist Democrats are part of the reason why we are where we are with a fascist president. The polices of Reagan that they have essentially acquiesced to have degraded the prospects of the working class to the point that racial and xenophobic tensions have inflamed, and the younger generation, though smarter than their white identity counterparts in this economic disaster, have also be left in the lurch and will not vote centrist. It may take a few election cycles, but all the "crazy" Bernie ideas are going to get tried because there are no others, and the status quo is not good, not at all.
John (CT)
Direct quotes from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "That is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps" "This is not just about the immigrant communities being held in concentration camps" "A presidency that creates concentration camps is fascist, and it’s very difficult to say that" "The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the home of the free is extraordinarily disturbing" https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/06/18/ocasio-cortez_trump_administration_is_running_concentration_camps_on_the_souther_border.html The absudity of the above statements by AOC is stunning. Any credibility she once had is 100% gone.
chair (dontworrywhereiam)
@John Sorry, I fail to see the absurdity that you apparently do. Look up the definition of concentration camp and I think you would have to agree with her statements. The fascist comment is just a given in my book.
V. Whippo (Danville, IL)
A lot of us agree with her. I'm 72 by the way.
Carol (Queens)
@John - Many historians, experts in genocide, the Holocaust and other such events, agree that the term "concentration camp" IS accurate. It's not a term only associated with "the Holocaust" - or with "death camps", there are, and have been, many concentration camps. Outrage about AOC's use of that the term, rather than outrage about about the actual thing, existing here and now in the US, is the real problem. Surely human rights are more important than politics and semantics. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a27813648/concentration-camps-southern-border-migrant-detention-facilities-trump/
stuart (glen arbor, mi)
"Strident"? Now where have I heard that before? This is pretty much a nothingburger article about a nothingburger ginned up media story. There have always been disagreements within the Democratic party. Why all the attention on 4 women of color now? Too strident?
Carol (Queens)
@stuart Yes! Use of the term "strident" bothered me too. Very dismissive and insulting. These women are doing amazing work, and as usual - being held to standards that no man is ever held to. #TheyDoEverythingTheMenDoButBackwardsAndInHeels !
@stuart OMG strident women of color. What shall we do? Will they never learn their place?
Madbee (Colorado)
They were put in by the Justice Democrats and they follow their agenda. AOC auditioned for them. They run candidates in primaries against Democrats--many very liberal democrats like the one Pressley beat. They are running candidates against Democrats in the next primary. Familiar-- split the party and help elect Republicans. Link to list of their activity last election: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_Democrats
Alice's Restaurant (PB San Diego)
Better tag: Cuba 1959
Rebecca (Stephentown)
This quartet of quarrelsome queen bees is the gift that keeps on giving. To we deplorables, we the rabid base, we the low information voters, or whatever hoped-for diminutive du jour the progressive jihadis employ. Linda Blair will be jealous when she witnesses the head-spinning our electoral vote landslide will cause in the precincts of the would-be Madame DeFarges. Et apres cela, le deluge! A 7-2 SCOTUS, a sealed border, an indicted FBI, and eight years of President Nikki Haley. The squad? Tossing tacos and mixing drinks. Oh. At minimum wage, no tipping.
frankly 32 (by the sea)
As an old white guy I haven't heard much from the squad that wasn't refreshingly spot on. But I do think the squad and party needs to prioritize, in message and programs, American citizens, not immigrants, if it is to prevail in 2020. Get clean water to Flint and every other community facing that problem. And all democratic factions need to remember -- morning, noon and night -- that we have a clear and present danger who is our common enemy: Donald Trump.
Judy (New York)
@frankly 32 Thanks for sharing your wisdom, and so well said!
Corbin (Minneapolis)
They’re bigger than The Beatles, and that is a particularly sore spot for the “me” generation. Millennials are the largest potential voter bloc now. So there are only 4 representatives that are unapologetic in representing the younger generation? It’s been a long time coming...
Boswell (Connecticut)
@Corbin Bigger than The Beatles?!?! I don’t think so. Exactly what have they accomplished? Now think about what The Beatles accomplished.
Dave Hartley (Ocala, Fl)
Love me some NYT, but stop creating drama. Mueller wasn’t exciting enough, and now there is still tension. Makes a better story, but give us more really important information.
andres moreno (Minneapolis)
@Dave Hartley The NYTimes started the brouhaha through Maureen Dowd. In a very real sense, this is their story! Folks are blaming the squad for being strident but Dowd and Speaker Pelosi poked them in the eye.
Eye by the Sea (California)
@andres moreno One would hope that these young politicians could deal with being "poked in the eye" without losing their composure. Someday they may have to deal with the Kim Jong Uns and Putins of the world, where such a reaction would be foolish.
Chris Rasmussen (Highland Park, NJ)
No surrender, no peace!
Leigh (Qc)
Whatever their convictions over a whole range of issues these young women unfailingly conduct themselves in a manner that is a credit to their upbringing, their constituents, and their country.
Peter I Berman (Norwalk, CT)
@Leigh Including their anti-Semitic comments that have been sharply criticized by Speaker Pelosi and numerous Jewish organizations who have no doubts about what constitutes anti-Semitism ? Credit to our nation ? Lets hope not. Hard to recall any group of 4 new Congressman with thin credentials causing such raucous behaviors.
Mike k (Chicagoland)
@Peter I Berman God forbid anyone criticize Israel. Talk about a sacred cow. Yes. Israel is perfect. No problems there.
R. Howe (Doylestown, PA)
“In a family you have your differences, but you’re still family,” Ms. Pelosi told reporters. I think it was M. Scott Peck who said, A community without conflict is a pretend community, a pseudo-community. How do we make inevitable conflict work for progressives?
Craig G (Long Island)
It seems to me that the Squad throws a lot of punches, but they can't take one. Trump is Trump, so when he says something, who cares? He has his 40%. I think the Squad showed what they are made of when they accused Nancy Pelosi or attacking women of color. These four women aren't victims. They are elected U.S. Members of Congress. They are in the game now. They will be metaphorically punched. They can need to be able to take it without almost destroying the Democrat Majority. They got lucky that Trump saved them last week. If not for that, the media would have obssessed over the Squad-Pelosi feud. ** Please note that all references to punches are purely metaphorical and not meant to be or imply actual punches. **
Texas Duck (Dallas)
@Craig G Great post. I may agree with many positions taken by the "squad", but many are out of touch with the majority of Democrats or simply too expensive at this time. The behavior of AOC attacking solid Dems who oppose them is absurd and immature and playing right into Trump's hands. I for one cannot wait until both Trump and AOC are no longer on the public stage.
Paul Wortman (Providence)
This is the definition of "the big tent." BUT attacking one another as Speaker Pelosi did to the "squad" was the inspiration for Donald Trump to pile on and promote their divisions and distract attention from his criminality. Similarly, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has to rein in her chief of staff and his personal attacks on other Democrats. If the Democrats once again remain divided as they did in 2016, it will lower turnout and lead to another Trump term. The focus must be unity within and unity without in attacking Donald Trump. But there a major division over whether or not to open an impeachment inquiry is dividing the party. Ms. Pelosi's refusal to attack Trump after all the crimes revealed by Special Counselor Robert Mueller in order to protect her moderate members from Republican districts is short-sighted, and with Russia once again poised to interfere, perhaps more directly (if they didn't in 2016), is laying the ground for a rigged election. Protecting our election and attacking Trump are two sides of the same coin and can be best achieved through an impeachment inquiry. As Mueller noted, accepting campaign aid from a foreign entity is a "crime."
Wisdom (World)
@Prof Wortman Don't you think devoting resources to the fight to repel Russian and other foreign interference with our democratic processes is a top priority? Country before party? Don't you think that a President Pence would do a Gerry Ford by immediately pardoning Mr. t? That is, of course, if the current Senate had the guts, and therefore the votes, to convict Mr. t. Without the Senate's conviction (double entendre intended), Mr. t will remain in office. And with the support of the likes of Eric Prince (Sect. DeVos' brother and founder of Blackwater -- remember them?), Mr. t may have a private intelligence agency and militia at his beck and call, and try to remain in office despite (and perhaps to spite) an order by the Senate to leave office or the result of a national election, which he no doubt will claim was tampered with -- but only if he loses.
Texas Duck (Dallas)
@Paul Wortman Paul, Nancy had to criticize AOC, just as she has to make clear that impeachment is not an option. There are simply too many voters who are in the middle who cannot stand AOC and who want real issues, such as health care, dealt with. Pelosi understands a winning strategy. AOC is frankly lost and needs to press the mute button for awhile. She appears to be all about herself and not the broader needs of the country.
Marvin (New York)
The Democrats had best get their act together- and fast. One thing, and one thing alone, matters and that is making sure that Trump is not re-elected. Trump’s re-election will result the end of our democracy and the institution of an authoritarian form of government. He could be the last democratically elected president. One need only observe what has happened in Hungary and Poland. Those who believe it can’t happen here guarantee that it will.
Edward Snider (Austin, Tx)
“Strident?” Give me a break...
Whatever (New Orleans)
The Rocky Squad:Some young people get ‘too late smart.’ How much can you teach youth and how much must they learn in the school of hard knocks? There are millions of cliches for their individual and collective behavior. It’s dangerous, however , to have President Trump rise victorious in Nov. 2020 because of The Squad’s inexperience which gives Trump party labeling advantage,etc. Can they hold their fire as Democrats until a new president is inaugurated? Or are they naively too enraptured by their power in the moment? Let’s hear them in Dec 2020 when we begin anew!
Corbin (Minneapolis)
@Whatever Trump, who has never worked an honest day in his life, is less inexperienced than these hardworking young congresswomen! Where did all this “inexperienced” nonsense come from?
Kiska (Alaska)
I wish she and the rest of the squad would back off. A freshman's job is to listen and learn, not change the world and certainly not interfere with their party's desperate effort to make sure Trump is defeated in 2020. She reminds me of the smart little girl in the room who thinks she's so special.
Emilie (Paris)
@Kiska Politics is dissent, it is debate, it would be childish and undemocratic if it weren't. Their constituents did not vote for them to "listen and learn" and become professional politicians. They were elected to change as much as they could in one term, and change has started. Republicans do not seem to know dissent in this presidency, they are listening and learning a lot from Trump, none of them seem to think they are special enough to dare to disagree...
Grad Student (Anytown, USA)
@Kiska “She reminds me of the smart little girl in the room who thinks she’s so special.” She is a 30 year old woman who was elected to Congress. I’d say she’s pretty smart and yes, probably special. How sad that you are threatened by the success of a young woman.
Sparky (Earth)
Dems can't help but eat their own. This is going to be such a gong show next year when they implode entirely. Can't wait!
John (Boston)
I don't understand how Pelosi can forgive them after the insinuation that she is a racist from AOC. Such an accusation should rankle any progressive who does not have a racist bone in her body. I have seen accusations like this thrown at people for disagreeing with someone and it I dislike people who do that and I can't see how it would be any different for someone like Pelosi.
Corbin (Minneapolis)
@John Observation: People who claim “not to have a racist bone in their body” often act extremely racist in their deeds. People who take offense to being called racist...grow up! If you’re not, your not, it’s easy to prove. Just don’t act racist.
Mike k (Chicagoland)
@John in a racist Society,We are all Racist. let's change that.
Me (Sacramento)
@Corbin Exactlly. Pelosi let it go because she's an adult and because there would be no point in giving it more attention than it deserved. Her record speaks for itself, and her job is to bring the party together, not perpetuate infighting.
Grandma (Midwest)
I am disappointed with AOC. Her hot tempered, know all the answers attitude were destructive to the Democratic Party. I am sorry she was elected. Too bad. She is a very intelligent politician but she should wait her turn.
Corbin (Minneapolis)
@Grandma “Wait you’re turn.” Wasn’t that the slogan the suffragettes used to win their right to vote? No. It was not.
Gordon Saunders (Santa Fe, NM)
@Grandma, you used "were" instead of "are," so it sounds as though you think the Democratic Party is in the past tense. If they keep squabbling, you may yet be proven correct.
Not 99pct (NY, NY)
The Squad is going to get Trump re-elected.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood, NM)
@Not 99pct...The squad represents less than 2% of the Democrats in the House of Representatives. Bigot Trump is the face of the Republican party. Yes I know, among other things deplorables can't count.
ML (Boston)
Would the writer use the word "strident" when reporting on male lawmakers?
Curt (Denver)
How very SOAP OPERA of us democrats to have stopped cat fighting long enough to take on reality show republicans. Isn't identity politics fun!
Nightwood (MI)
The squad are nothing but four brats who have yet to learn and that takes a year or two, to think and observe before jumping in.
Cold Eye (Kenwood CA)
The squad, like Trump, drew attention to themselves by bucking the party. AOC was the first to throw down the race card with Pelosi, a Trumpian tactic. And now they will do anything to solidify their media based fame to become the voice of the Democratic Party. Just like Trump wants them to.
Joe B. (Center City)
Never heard the Tea Party described as “strident” by the Times. #Sad
Grandma (Midwest)
Well I am relieved greatly that AOC has made a sort of peace with Pelosi. Why did this minor inexperienced upstart think she had a right to assail the Democratic Party in the first place? Pretty Egocentric I thought. I have lost all respect for her.
Corbin (Minneapolis)
@Grandma Why did the millionaire from San Francisco think she was a tougher cookie than the New York bartender. I believe in hard work. My money is on the bartender!
cherrylog754 (Atlanta,GA)
Why are so many worried about these 4 Patriots and their "wild" ideas i.e., clean up the environment, improve the lives of millions, do away with the persecution of those seeking asylum, raising the minimum wage. For goodness sake we should be embracing them. Trump's a despot, the Republicans go along with him, and these four young women are doing their level best to mitigate this hell we've been living through for over 2 years. Let them loose for God's sake, we need voices like there's, it's about hope.
CMR (Florida)
“On Friday morning, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez was holed up in the speaker’s office, trying to make amends.” That’s laughable phrasing - it makes Ocasio-Cortez sound like a supplicant. She has clearly demonstrated that she is nobody’s stooge. If it was otherwise, the centrist Democratic establishment wouldn’t feel so threatened by her.
George S (New York, NY)
Very disappointed that Speaker Pelosi isn’t taking a firmer stance against the arrogance and recklessness of AOC, who, together with the ridiculously named “Squad”, will contribute to the Democrats loss of the WH in 2020.
Corbin (Minneapolis)
@George S Any attacking of “the squad” that blames them prematurely for a potential 2020 loss, kind of smacks of Russian meddling. You really want Trump so bad?
George S (New York, NY)
@Corbin Of course not, but making them the “face” of the party is a bad mistake. We must be honest about that.
Jim Dennis (Houston, Texas)
The Squad makes up less than 1% of Congress. They should be given an equivalent amount of media attention.
Mathias (NORCAL)
@Jim Dennis And what network gives them the most air time in biased words and opinions? Who targeted them day 1? As soon as this network ceases to focus on them they will fade into the background. But they won’t let that happen will they.
Maxman (Seattle)
This is good for the Democrats and hurts Trump's reelection chances. And it is good for the country. The Democrats need to show a united front. They should remember that whatever their differences they share on common goal: denying Trump a second term.
Harry (Olympia Wa)
Dear NYT, Please consider the possibility that congresspeople of the same party can strongly disagree over policy and priorities without being at war. Or another way to look at it: A peaceful caucus could well be a group of people avoiding hard questions. Watch what they do, not what they say.
Manny L (Florida)
Like the Republican members of the senate and the house, amongst whom there is no scintilla of dissent. Their voices are muted as the president savages the Constitution and mutilates American norms of decency.
Jim (Mill Valley, California)
"She (AOC) tagged it with a flip one-word – Squad." This sentence summed up thing nicely for me; a catchphrase and an attitude that attempted to elevate and usurp the members of OAC's own party. Then there was the dancing outside AOC's Congressional office. At first glance, I liked Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's energy and willingness to accentuate her hipness and break with the old guard. I don't feel that way anymore. I fear that the Squad might be the fuel Trump needs to, once again, divert every swing voter's attention. I hope that these four bright, ambitious and capable women see the bigger picture.
BB (Florida)
@Jim Yeah, because Trump has never used boring milquetoast moderates as fuel for his rhetoric before. These women are doing great.
mag2 (usa)
they're doing great with the help of the media that has for some time fallen down on the job when it comes to the real substantive issues beginning with Iraq. Following Trump around only gives him more publicity for his reality show. The squad so called by the media has not proposed anything new. Pelosi knows groupie politics doesn't work in the long run.
Corbin (Minneapolis)
@Jim It’s 2019, the only swing voters are people who can’t decide if they are racist or not. Are they really the best we can do?
Andy (NYC)
Democrats running as traditional New Deal progressives rather than the establishment’s preferred ‘Clinton-Republican-light’ model. No wonder so many pearls are being clutched, they might actually knock some sense into the caucus!
mag2 (usa)
they have no sense. this government wasn't set up to allow hot heads to suceed in the long run. savy politics takes time.
Charlie B (USA)
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” goes the old saw. But it ain’t necessarily so. Trump’s plan is to elevate the importance of the Squad so he can run against them and their radical ideas rather than the actual nominee. Pelosi and the leadership should be wary of this trap. I applaud the election of these minority women, but they’re not the thought leaders of the Democratic Party. If they’re seen as that, Trump wins.
BB (Florida)
@Charlie B They actually ARE the thought leaders of my party. They're the people that have REAL energy behind them. You say these kinds of things as if Trump didn't, just 3 years ago, beat a boring milquetoast moderate (in the unjust Electoral College, at least... either way...)
Mathias (NORCAL)
@Charlie B If Trump wins republicans lose.
Eric Blair (London)
@BB consider the idea that “Boring milquetoast moderates” might have serious, executive, governing skills. Exciting and visible doesn’t necessarily equate with getting anything done and knowing how to govern. The squad is a distraction to the main task which is voting out Trump with a resounding rejection of everything he stands for.
Sunny Garner (Seattle WA)
We are fortunate to allow such discussion in our political party. Both sides of the party have strong points to their arguments. We need to take the best from every Democrat and put it together. No doubt, Nancy Pelosi would like to impeach Trump, but she is trying to look at what that entails for the country and the two parties. While I think Trump deserves to be impeached and may need to be for the legal good of the country and curtailment of future Presidents, Nancy is trying to decide if it is worth it with the next election coming up. I don't know what is best but I am glad that lots of options are being discussed, unlike what happens in the Republican Party.
C. Whiting (OR)
We have never needed a more fierce and passionate defense of our democracy. Make peace with that.
Don (Wisconsin)
It’s pretty funny when Trump claims the squad “hates” America. Quite to the contrary: they are true patriots who love their country and show it by fighting for what they think is right. Contrast the squad with Trump, whom Mueller the other day testified had behaved in an “unpatriotic” manner when welcoming and co-opting Russian interference on his behalf, and who was motivated by “greed.” But really, we didn’t need to be told this by Mueller. Trump has publicly displayed a lack of patriotism throughout his presidency, such as when he sided with Putin over US intelligence and US citizens in Helsinki.
Pragmatic Liberal (Philadelphia)
I am not sure I agree. I despise Trump and don’t think he is particularly fond of America or at least does not act like it. But, from their comments and the negativity emanating from the Squad, I’m unconvinced of their patriotism.
KFC (Cutchogue, NY)
I love AOC’s spirit and spunk but would really like to see her and the Squad rein it in a bit and focus.
PeteH (MelbourneAU)
Yes, because their antics are a sure-fire way to frighten-off the electoral college voters in the swing states, you know, the ones that are needed to do the most important job of all - get Trump out of the White House. That should be; MUST be; the absolutely priority of the entire Democratic Party. Bicker about your policy differences later. Trump out first!
MS (nj)
@KFC Good luck reining them in....They can't help talk up and Trump will push the right buttons. Good luck if you think this truce will hold thru elections.
NNI (Peekskill)
The four freshmen Congresswomen are going to fight real hard like they have nothing to lose. But they will lose everything if their zeal leads to a Democratic Party loss. I hope they remember that.
Thomas Smith (Texas)
That’s really great. Now Nancy has embraced the Squad thus making it appear she is onboard with some of their extreme proposals. Maybe someone should remind this group with such high intelligence that most people are centrists. If this keeps up we can just sit back and enjoy 4 more years of Trump and Repub majorities in the House and Senate. Keep up the mediocre work Nancy.
Mathias (NORCAL)
@Thomas Smith And I will remind you that the majority shares their agenda but are painted as extreme by people such as yourself. Why? Ending the corruption is supported by 90% of the population. That includes ending citizens united and finding ways to have all our voices heard and actual representative democracy. Climate is over 60% with independents and liberals. Health care is also 50% and people want solutions not more insurance scams. Fair wages and reigning in corporate corruption also rates over 50%. Education is their weakest which hovers under 50%. And Crowley was a corrupt democrat that needed to go. We should be thanking progressives for driving the issues that they continually fail to offer any solutions beyond shaking hands with republicans. AOC points out allowable/legal corruption in Federal Politics of the USA Today https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4779400/aoc-points-allowablelegal-corruption-federal-politics-usa-today
William Lippens (Camano island)
@Thomas Smith - What extreme proposals are those? Health care for all? Getting us off polluting fossil fuels. Recognizing the urgent need to fight climate change? Treating immigrants as human beings? I would really like to know which of her proposals you find extreme.
JS27 (Philadelphia)
The Squad's detractors act as if the Squad themselves purposely "thrust" themselves "into the middle of a debate about the heart and soul of this country", as centrist Rep. Malinowski puts it. But it is the Republicans, the centrists, and the media that has positioned them in this way. They simply showed up to do their job. Given that the vast majority knows little about these women's policy positions and have not spent much time listening to their actual words (except little sound bites taken out of context), the Squad is literally being demonized because of their race(s) and gender. It is as if they were grabbed by their collars, held up in the air, as someone asked the public, "what do you think?" This is racism (and probably misogyny) pure and simple. I ask you to listen to Ocasio-Cortez' recent interview on the New Yorker Radio Hour - https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-new-yorker-interview/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-on-the-2020-presidential-race-and-trumps-crisis-at-the-border If you actually listen to the interview, and still think she's forcing some discussion on "the heart and soul of the country", in a negative, threatening way, I feel sorry for you. People can reasonably disagree. But stop treating these women as extremists or as a threat.
Thomas Smith (Texas)
@JS27. Frankly, I don’t give a rats rear end about their race, gender, or religious leanings. What I dislike is their pushing their leftest agenda. Yes, I have read up on their positions and they are, for the most part, to far left to support a general election.
@Thomas Smith Right on brother!
Mathias (NORCAL)
@Thomas Smith You prefer Crowley? Maybe he is more centrist for you.