A Visit to the Unfathomable Past of Auschwitz

May 08, 2019 · 16 comments
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
The currently second most recommended comment says, "As long as Jewish Americans tacitly support Donald Trump because he panders to Zionism in Israel, they contribute to the strengthening and eventual dominance of Fascism here in the US." The comment's claim bears no relationship to reality. In fact, the overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans have opposed Donald Trump from the first. In 2016 they voted for Clinton more than any other religious group, more than Hispanics, more than 18-29-year olds. For the data, see: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/11/09/how-the-faithful-voted-a-preliminary-2016-analysis/ https://www.people-press.org/2018/08/09/an-examination-of-the-2016-electorate-based-on-validated-voters/ One can't help but wonder at the sources of alleged "information" of those recommending the comment. My guess is that it is simply more of the "reality-by-echo-chamber" syndrome that is so prevalent across the political spectrum these days. The oxymoron, "alternative facts", is not the sole province of just "them."
Tom Sullivan (Encinitas, CA)
The smug little monsters in polo shirts marching with their torches in Charlottesville are either profoundly ignorant or unfathomably evil. Probably both. The same applies to their apologists. All of them.
Greg (Lyon, France)
The Holocaust was human rights nightmare and it is well to have the museum so that there is "never again". Are we now facing a similar human rights situation? Will there be a museum in NY to remember the Palestinian Nakba? As we hear of plans to herd Palestinians into ghettos or "bantoustans" and hear of extremist israeli politicians talking of mass Arab deportations there could be a Nakba 2.0 in the works. This rings too close to home. We need to protect the human rights of ALL peoples/
Mary Ann (Eureka CA)
"In other words, as the author Primo Levi, a camp survivor, famously warned, “It happened, therefore it can happen again.”" The sad truth is it's still happening. Look at what's going on all over Africa, in Myanmar, Iran, Syria. It's never stopped. The number may vary but the killing goes on.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
I am very glad to see that the Times finally is referring to "death camps" rather than "concentration camps." Auschwitz, Treblinka, Dachau, and the rest were not "concentration camps." Manzanar and other places America put Japanese-Americans during World War II were concentration camps. Auschwitz was a highly industrialized death factory. As this excellent article/review by Ralph Blumenthal makes clear, the purpose was to murder and dispose of the remains of masses of people in the most efficient way possible. Calling it a "concentration camp" denies the historical reality of the purpose, nature, and actions of "The Final Solution." Even referring to it as a "death camp" dilutes the described and perceived reality of what it was all about. In no sense was it a camp. It was a factory built for industrialized murder, some immediately, some soon. Words matter, especially at a time when the oxymoron, "alternative facts", is a concept considered not merely possible but one worthy of discussion. Blumenthal's short little piece more effectively imparts a sense of the Holocaust than does most full-length books. It would be a very useful addition to include in high school history books.
Joseph B (Stanford)
Many Trump supporters point to the low unemployment rate ignoring his blatant bigotry, racism, and disregard for the rule of law. In 1939, there was full employment in Germany, how did that turn out? Never, ever sacrifice democracy and human rights for short term economic gain.
NativeSon (Austin, TX)
Just remember... every time you see reference or actions by the KKK, white supremacists, American Nazis, ad nauseam, THIS is who they are, this is the Americanized version of what made Hitler Germany's leader. Never, never give them quarter and never allow them to be normal in this country!
PG (Lost In Amerika)
And today in America, Holocaust deniers harass American Jews in Arkansas. This is beyond shameful. Find a Holocaust denier who is not a Trump supporter. You'll find a unicorn first. That says it all.
Penn Towers (Wausau)
just see it and let it sink in to your thoughts
Jim (California)
An invitation should be mailed to Poland's President Duda & Prime Minister Morawiecki. Despite Auschwitz being on Polish soil, the Polish government has entered the revisionist history business and falsely claims no Poles were involved. The push further this lie, the Polish government remains refusing to repatriate and compensate those Polish citizens and their families the property stolen from them by Poles during WW2. For many Auschwitz is a constant reminder of inhumanity perpetrated by invading forces and by local who hold religiously inspired hatreds. For the Poles it remains something to be swept under the rug and forgotten.
Hannacroix (Cambridge, MA)
As long as Jewish Americans tacitly support Donald Trump because he panders to Zionism in Israel, they contribute to the strengthening and eventual dominance of Fascism here in the US. Hatred & evil of this ilk knows no boundaries -- be it time or space. If it takes hold here, it will happen here.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
@Hannacroix Hannacroix, what makes you say that Jewish Americans support Trump? That simply is not true. In fact, the overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans have opposed Donald Trump from the first. In 2016 they voted for Clinton more than any other religious group, more than Hispanics, more than 18-29-year olds. For the data, see: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/11/09/how-the-faithful-voted-a-preliminary-2016-analysis/ https://www.people-press.org/2018/08/09/an-examination-of-the-2016-electorate-based-on-validated-voters/ One can't help but wonder at the sources of alleged "information" of those recommending your comment. My guess is that it is simply more of the "reality-by-echo-chamber" syndrome that is so prevalent across the political spectrum these days. The oxymoron, "alternative facts", is not the sole province of just "them."
Raul Hernandez (Santa Barbara, California)
Putting millions of human beings, including children, in these boxcars to be sent like animals to mass extermination camps were horrific crimes committed by a lunatic who convinced millions that he had a master plan to save the German nation and campaigned on promises to resurrect and restore white supremacy. One can only imagine the thoughts going through the minds of these poor souls inside these boxcars as they were being taken to these camps.
UESLit (New York)
@Raul Hernandez No need to imagine how the victims of Nazism felt on the trains to the murder camps. Listen to survivors, read their books, speak to their children. The Museum of Jewish Heritage, where this exhibit is located has resources that can allow visitors to learn the facts at first hand. We need to understand that this was not the work of a lunatic, but the result of a pragmatic, highly organized political and business infrastructure. All,of these crimes and atrocities were legal under laws passed by the German government. People who follow laws that require them to take children away from parents without knowing if or when they’ll be reunited repeat the crimes of history.
Tom (Reality)
These horrors are desired by many Americans because they simply have never seen actual horror, and they think that they would be safe when something like this starts in America.
Tim (New York NY)
Must see especially today Note their white nationalist, Alt right media and Fox News who will continue to say the holocaust never happened. Well show up and take a look. Visit the camps in Germany and Poland. Very real history in a world of ‘alternative facts’. Yes, it could happen again, every easily, how about small a children in cages on the southern boarder, they exclusion of anyone with brown skin from American society, strict limitations on refugees based in religion, scapegoating of people based on race or better yet political party or even being part of the ‘republican establishment’. All in the same continuum of Hate.