Kirstjen Nielsen Resigns as Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary

Apr 07, 2019 · 630 comments
Luis B (Chile)
Resignation of Ms. Nielsen just seems to be a clumsy excuse before such a complex issue as immigration. This infantile obsession of Mr. Trump for his wall and his increasing attack against migrants could no have happier results but resignation of his (loyal) people.
Manuela Bonnet-Buxton (Cornelius, Oregon)
Another Trump appointee bites the dust for daring to stand up to his illegal and air-brained demands. However she was one of the people responsible for the despicable policy of separating children from their parents and her tenure will be remembered for that horrible policy. I say “good riddance!”. Her successor will probably be not much better unfortunately.
Daisy22 (San Francisco)
So, where does she get a job after this? Writing a book about her tenure doesn't seem to be an attractive idea.
ukkelo (Finland)
I'd take a paternal leave for a week or two instead of resigning a safer position to work for a guy, never predicting with who he has he been discussing the previous night.
neomax (Dallas Ga)
Confusion, conflict and diversion is a tactic of this President and what is occurring at DHS is a classic example of how the 'don' is going to steal the 2020 election. Yep, DHS is the agency in charge of cybersecurity presumably including the 2020 elections. What better plan than to destroy agency morale by over-emphasizing immigration, changing leadership, muddying the waters of responsibility making it easy to cover up the predictable screw up. The obvious takeaway is that contributing to the hacking of the election and presumably causing yet another constitutional crisis, Trump will prevail in his theft.
KO (New York, NY)
These problems need to be addressed in Central America. Is anyone doing that? Do we have any diplomats there, or did Trump get rid of them all?
impegleg (NJ)
DT's actions regarding the various security agencies along with his appointing "temporary" heads of agencies does not bode well for this country. Not only talking as an autocrat, he's now acting as one also.
JohnF (Evanston)
I thought Trump was suppose to be such a good judge of people that he would never hire anyone who was not perfect. Such seems his record of hiring/firing contradicts that. It seems the 'boss' not the workers are the problem.
SenDan (Manhattan side)
This woman is an automaton. Trump has no idea what he is doing. He only wants boot-lickers and not morally grounded people to enforce his fascist ideas. Take a look at the unqualified hacks and bullies he wants to plant in the Feds. But this woman takes the cake. Her disgusting involvement in the border debacle and happily installing forced separation, should make her unfit for any office. But I’m sure Fox News will have her. Now Trump the creep will install another stooge to do his dirty deeds. Trump will also put another creep to lead the Secret Service who will undoubtably break ethics and laws to the wishes of the Orange Menace. It’s truly incredible that the Nationalist Republicans and the decrepit Electoral College Elite who installed Trump, have made our country a far worse place than Clinton or Obama ever did. We have to Defeat The Creeps in 2020.
Alan (Queens)
What gets lost in all this is the permanent psychological trauma so many four, five, and six year old children will be tormented by. Just try to imagine being that young and having your parents simply VANISH !!!!!
Bill (Terrace, BC)
Secretary Nielsen did not hate Latino immigrants & asylum seekers enough & still had some regard for the Rule of Law so she had to go.
Clairette Rose (San Francisco)
@KMW An Rx for you, and every other commenter who has also commiserated with Kirstjen Nielsen's struggles to do her job, and complained about the hardship imposed on you by "illegals" flooding in to take "free rein of our country": 1. Seek out the Wizard of Oz, and if you find the Emerald City, ask him to give you a heart, a brain, and some courage 2. Unable or unwilling to travel for treatment? Read "Home" by Warsan Shire
Ebba Jo Sexton (Port Orchard, WA 98366)
POTUS is having another temper tantrum. Those mean old immigrants just keep coming. What to do? What to do? Let's blame the hapless head of Homeland Security, who was unwilling to break Federal law to do his bidding.
Anonymous Bosch (Houston, TX)
A poor blacksmith blames his tools, and it is most telling that President Trump is forcing out his DHS secretary, despite the fact that she has done nothing but faithfully execute his orders and implement his policies. But that being said, I'm not exactly mourning Kirsten Nielsen's departure, since she most certainly WAS a tool.
UpClose (Texas)
The process is mature now, on the supply side - the smugglers, the transports, the logistical support, the legal coaching are in place. On the US side, there is no border patrol, there is simply refugee population record and release. Welcome to the United States. We are looking at at least 1M people crossing the border this year, asking for asylum, and being released in the country. The numbers will increase in the following years. The Democrats and their Propaganda partners still deny the crisis. The Secretary did her job. The fact that Congress is not ready to fix the asylum law or fund more border security shows that it supports what is going on. Both parties have failed in fixing the immigration and asylum laws. Republicans had all the power for two years, and they did not act. Democrats look at fixing immigration as a 'race' issue like everything else, so they will not act. I would say abolish both Border Patrol and ICE, use the savings to settle the refugees in Republican-controlled states. Problem solved.
GRH (New England)
@UpClose, Republicans did not have a filibuster-proof majority in the US Senate and thus could not pass any legislation without Democratic help. Given the extreme partisanship and tribalism of the country now, Democrats were not interested in crossing the aisle to update our over 50 year old immigration law. Regardless of whether everything Trump was supporting, such as Cotton-Perdue RAISE Act, is identical to what African-American, Democratic Congresswoman and civil rights icon Barbara Jordan recommended in 1995 and 1996 (as leader of President Clinton's Bipartisan Commission on Immigration Reform). Aka, chain migration reform; elimination of diversity visa lottery; reduction of legal immigration; and stronger enforcement versus illegal immigration. Democrats supported all of this as recently as 1995 and 1996 but decided to go way to the right on this issue since then. Given how Mitch McConnell and GOP acted toward Obama, can't exactly blame Democrats for doing the same thing and taking their ball and going home. However, at some point, if this failure to work together and compromise for the common good of the country continues, it is going to lead to someone and something worse than Trump. Would have much preferred someone seemingly rational like Bill Clinton to have proceeded with immigration reform in 1996. Unfortunate they chose to keep kicking the can down the road.
RM (Los Gatos, CA)
There are two ways for the Trump administration to deal with our problems at the border. One is to regard it as a serious situation and to mandate the assistance of all elements of the government from ambassadors to Congress. Responses to difficult challenges which have broad support must and can be found. The other response is to play the crisis for votes. As another Times article points out, that ploy worked for the right-wing Polish government for a while. It seems that playing for votes has been chosen regardless of the consequences at the border and for the people of the U.S. .
M Camargo (Portland Or)
Next. Tiny little man’s revolving door of human sacrifice continues. What is difficult to comprehend is why they just keep lining up to be sacrificed.
Peter Imber (Camden, ME)
Question— Has Trump fired any men face to face since he’s been in office? He apparently, doesn’t have a problem firing a woman.
Is_the_audit_over_yet (MD)
All future DHS secretary’s will be judged based on her work, not because she was the best - but because she was the worst. You could call it Nielsen ratings!
MykGee (NY)
Shame on her for not speaking out about the obvious amoral situation Trump has imposed. She is complicit.
Ma (Atl)
Both Congress and the Presidents (Obama and Trump) are responsible for the state at the border. Both parties are responsible, but the Dems are mostly responsible today because of mixed messages their political agenda continues to send to countries south of the border. Mixed because progressives (far left) want open borders, and all Dems want to ridicule Trump and go to the opposite side of any and every policy discussion that takes place. I am an independent that sits pretty much in the middle - did not vote for Trump in the last election. But the immigration policies proposed by Pelosi and 'team' are enough to make me vote for Trump in the next election. Horrors! Dems and Reps, please own up, do your job, and stop encouraging caravans. Fund the asylum courts until that time where you can agree on what constitutes asylum (e.g. wanting a better life, or fleeing domestic abuse do not fall under a proper asylum definition), eliminate the chain migration and birth rights in our immigration laws, and do not allow for greater than 20 days for evaluating whether someone deserves asylum. That way we don't have to banter about separating kids from parents - if 20 days is hit, send them back across the border, together. PS Dems, if you do not reverse your stance on releasing everyone that comes in with a 'kid' you are responsible for child trafficking and for that you will not be forgiven.
Christopher (San Francisco)
@Ma I'm not terribly convinced of your claim to be "independent". Still, it's refreshing to know this is all the fault of Democrats, despite the Republicans having controlled both houses of Congress for the first two years of Trump's maladministration. I was expecting an independent to lay the blame at Mexico's doorstep, to tell the truth, I'm pretty sure Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall, after all. I guess it's always someone else's fault when it's Donald "the buck always stops somewhere else" Trump.
rds (florida)
Nah, you're not a moderate. Not even a good try. Sad.
GRH (New England)
@Christopher, Republicans did not have a filibuster-proof majority in the US Senate. They had 51 or 52 Senate seats so would have needed at least 8 or 9 Democrats to cross the aisle to pass any legislation (or they could have ended the filibuster for legislation but that seems like bad idea). So Republicans could not pass immigration reform without Democrats. And given the extreme tribalism and partisanship of our time, there were no Democrats willing to cross the aisle to support Trump on immigration reform. Even though what he supports is virtually identical to what African-American, Democratic Congresswoman and civil rights icon Barbara Jordan recommended as leader of President Clinton's Bipartisan Commission on Immigration Reform. AKA, chain migration reform, elimination of diversity visa lottery, reduction of legal immigration, and stronger enforcement vs illegal immigration. Jordan Commission also recommended more funding for civil society in Central America (something Trump gets completely wrong now but was not at all threatening to do during the first 2 years). It is weird the Democrats no longer support anything Barbara Jordan recommended. Also, I can believe that "Ma in Atl," the original poster, is moderate independent. Immigration is an issue that does not fall along easy "left-right" labelling. There are strong progressive reasons both for and against current rates of high immigration. Against, for example, hurts labor, wages, the environment, etc.
walt (South Carolina)
it's too bad no one in the administration reads the NYT comments.
Is_the_audit_over_yet (MD)
@walt No one in the current administration reads- period!
SmileyBurnette (Chicago)
Resigned? She was fired!
Kenarmy (Columbia, mo)
Read the article carefully. Trump's supposed "appointment" violates Federal law, which is decisive is the department succession sequence to the Acting Secretary position. The legal basis for this is equivalent to succession to the presidency, if that position falls vacant; its stipulated by law! The legal successor to the position, Claire Grady, is a career Federal employee, not a political appointee. She does not serve at the pleasure of the President. Trump has still not learned the concept of the rule of law, and his limits. This will be interesting, since the appointment will almost certainly be challenged.
Juvenal451 (USA)
Now is the time for Ms. Nielsen to be prosecuted for child abuse and child endangerment; and to note that her draconiam policies turned out not to be draconian enough for Donald Trump.
Debra (Chicago)
Trump tends to replace people he views as traitors due to their past associations and advocates. He hounds them into resigning. Nielsen implemented every part time of Trump's disastrous "no tolerance" policy. Her main incompetence was losing track of the children, and not tracking children and parents as a unit that might be reunited in the future. The child separation policy has to be owned by Trump, and Nielsen was the incompetent administrator of the policy. She appears to agree with Trump that the US should stop granting asylum - they are doing everything in their power to the art their legal responsibilities. Trump doesn't mind chaos - he thrives on border "crises". The next administrator, if history is a guide, will be more comfortable lying and more capable at hiding the situation. Let's be clear that Trump wants to halt all asylum, and his administrator will agree conceptually, and will be more devious at thwarting inquiries into their practices. Trump has turned Bush's Homeland Security into a shameless criminal organization which will have to be rooted out, rebuilt and probably renamed by his successor.
Barton (Arizona)
She will be haunted for the rest of her life for the misery she brought on children and families; but only if she has a soul.
LT (Deep South TX)
@Barton No, it's the soul-less fish-eyed Stephen Miller who will likely take this abomination with him. Not defending Neilson per se, but reports suggested she was holding back this atrocity [separating children] as long as she could, thereby leading Trump to pummel her thoroughly. Both sides talk about the children, but no one asks: where are they now???? So called re-unification? That was never the plan. These children were wanted by the U.S. - by themselves with No protection- and not because they laughably would vote in a decade or so. By then, no one will care what's happened to them, which likely already is horrific. Someone needs to hi-jack Miller before he's taken complete control. Trump's language- the "infestation" of migrants? Likely all penned by Miller. So who is this 33-year-old neophyte Really working for???
As usual when one of his ideas is flushed down the toilet he blames someone else. When will people learn that he will never take accountability for any of his pronouncements or actions. Whoever is at the helm of whichever agency is the one that will go under the bus.
Teresa (California)
Another one bites the dust. Trump administration is a revolving door.
R.Thiesemann MD RN MSC (Hamburg, Germany)
This -your- wonderful country sizes 3.794.100 square miles and is „flooded“ by and „full“ with immigrants ? 1.175.000 new ones -lawful permant visa in 2017. Potus45 is not able to use a calculator. Full is the new empty.
ann (Seattle)
@R.Thiesemann MD RN MSC The states across the plains have occasional droughts and much of the western half of the U.S. is arid. We are already the 3rd most populous country, and lack the resources to add an endless supply of migrants. The U.S. signed an international treaty agreeing to allow foreigners to apply for asylum if they have been persecuted due to their religion or a number of other reasons. Trying to escape an over-populated, undereducated country with general violence, due to few job prospects, does not qualify one for asylum. Central American migrants continue to have many children after moving here, and many do not make education a priority. A web page on fertility in the U.S. titled "Fertility and Birth Rates" on the site Child Trends said, "In 2017, fertility rates were highest among Hispanic women (67.6 per 1,000), followed by rates for non-Hispanic black (63.1 per 1,000), Asian or Pacific Islander (59.3 per 1,000), non-Hispanic white (57.2 per 1,000), and American Indian or Alaska Native women (40.8 per 1,000).” "Among Hispanic women in 2015 (the latest data available by country of origin), Central and South American women had the highest fertility rate, at 93.7 births per 1,000.” In the U.S., Hispanics have the highest rates of school dropouts and teen pregnancies. We should be able to choose new immigrants, as does Canada. Even Germany’s political parties are now saying they would like your country to use a merit-based immigration system.
GRH (New England)
@R.Thiesemann MD RN MSC, much of this land, especially west of Mississippi River, is barren and extremely dry. Not suitable for supporting large numbers of people. As it is right now, even with current 325 million people in America, there are water shortages all over the West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, etc. To the extent that the US government is not meeting its treaty obligations to Native American tribes under the Colorado River Compact. Colorado River ends up turning to tiny trickle in places where it should be a huge river. So it is quite misleading to use square mileage as the measurement. This is like saying Africa does not have enough population growth because there are not that many people in Sahara Desert. In addition, US has most generous legal immigration in the world at over 1 million per year. According to joint Yale-MIT nonpartisan analysis released last year, in addition to high rates of legal immigration, there are an estimated 16.9 million to 28 million illegal aliens in the United States (both people who purposefully broke law by overstaying their visas; and people who purposefully broke law by illegally crossing the border who do not qualify as refugees). The mostly liberal American Bar Association (the national legal group) has recently acknowledged that the immigration laws and system in America are so dysfunctional now that the United States is essentially currently operating with an open border along the Mexico border.
Steve Cohen (Briarcliff Manor, NY)
Maybe if we provided free contraception and didn’t impose abortion restrictions low income women might have fewer babies. Just a thought.
Darrell (CT)
She's got some experience with adults being separated from children so her being separated from Trump being should be nothing new to her.
Karin (Long Island)
Only President No-Accountability could make the exit of this inhumane horrifying woman from the stage seem unfair.
ann (Seattle)
As Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, had to enforce a law which offers asylum to minors who say they have been abused, neglected, or abandoned by one or both of their parents. This is the law under which unaccompanied minors have been getting asylum and a path to citizenship. The law gives the task of deciding if a minor has been abused, neglected, or abandoned to juvenile court judges, not immigration judges. Juvenile court judges have a hard enough time trying to establish if an American minor has been neglected, abused, or abandoned, let alone one from another country and culture. In the case of an American minor, the judge would interview or read statements from the minor's parents, relatives, teachers, principal, neighbors, friends, and other significant people in the minor’s life before making the momentous decision that the minor should, even temporarily, become a ward of the court. In the case of a foreign minor, the court has no source of information other than the minor. Many judges decide they have no choice but to trust what the Central American minors are claiming, and so they make them wards of their courts. The Immigration Service then typically rubber-stamps the judges’ decisions, by giving the minors asylum. Why is Congress giving asylum to virtually any minor who claims to have been abused, neglected, or abandoned by one or both of his parents?
Mahalo (Hawaii)
What a thankless job. She should have known she would have to leave the job and not on her own time table. I get it that she wants a cabinet position but at what price? Falling in line with the boss at the risk of being identified as a toady? While she must support her boss, she can also do the right thing - enforce the law without compromising parameters that will forever be assigned to her. If not, she should have resigned before being forced to.
Elanda (Las Vegas)
This president thinks the oval office is a game show. When will this end? He should have had the decency to pass the baton to someone more qualified to act as POTUS. I think his days are numbered when he is removed from the Oval Office and has to join the rank and file of responsible human beings, which he is also not qualified to do.
Bryan (Brooklyn, NY)
Another bit of evidence that proves Trump, and many of his supporters, have not a lick of an idea why those people are showing up on our door step. This is a problem created by North America. If previous administrations, including this one, would admit it and deal with the faulty, not thought out, foreign policies that North America brought to Central America, including the propping up of murderous dictators, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. You break it, you bought it.
Steve Cochrane (NYC)
I'm curious... if it was Norway, not Mexico, to the south of the US, would they still want to close the border? Asking for a friend.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville, USA)
@Steve Cochrane: absolutely yes.
Angry Bird (New York)
What a relief. But I am sure her replacement is no consolation, either.
Michael (Chicago)
A sad excuse for a "leader" executing a sad plan for imprisoning asylum seekers. Her cruelty is emblematic of the current administration and its supporters. No one but Nielsen is to blame for her soul-killing performance of heart-wrenching policies that dehumanize the weakest among us. Good riddance to her, and hopefully to her cohorts in less than 2 years.
Jon (Murrieta, CA)
"The president called Ms. Nielsen at home early in the mornings to demand that she take action to stop migrants from entering the country, including doing things that were clearly illegal" Each and every time that Trump asked people in his administration to do illegal things, he committed an impeachable offense. If someone tries to rob a bank but is thwarted, they are nonetheless guilty of a crime. The president is supposed to uphold the laws of the United States, not try to violate them.
lcr999 (ny)
"How to ruin your career and reputation , in one easy step".....Join the Trump Administration. It works, 100s of others have succeed by following this simple recipe.
M. P. Prabhakaran (New York City)
It is so surprising that the person who contemplated resigning her job because of her discomfort in implementing Trump's inhuman “zero tolerance” on border policy later became a fierce advocate of that policy. Her discomfort was understandable. Who in the world be comfortable with a policy that expected her to do things that were clearly illegal, “such as blocking all migrants from seeking asylum” and separate children from their parents so the parents could be detained? Watching her performance on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” last week, I couldn’t help wondering whether her staunch advocacy of Trump's "zero tolerance" policy was just a pretense. She came across as a reluctant supporter of that policy. The only surprising thing about her departure is that she lasted this long in the job. However, it is beneath her to take a parting shot at Congress and the courts, as she does in her resignation letter. She knows full well that the laws have not “impeded our ability to fully secure America’s borders.” It’s the scarce resources allocated for the enforcement of the laws that did it. President Trump’s way of securing the border is to build a wall. He has been wasting his energy fighting with Congress to get money for the wall, which will take years to complete even if Congress allocates the money, rather than for hiring more border patrol personnel and buying more equipment to tackle the problem immediately. He doesn't know that shutting down government doesn't secure the border.
ann (Seattle)
It is the job of the president, not that of DHS to work with Congress to change our asylum laws. The president needs to ask Congress to modify or vacate the Special Juvenile Status law which give asylum to minors who say that one or both of their parents neglected, abused, or abandoned them. Even though Hispanic families have a reputation for being family-oriented, the reality is that large numbers of women give birth out-of-wedlock. The fathers of their children may have nothing to do with them. When the children are on the cusp of adulthood, they come to the U.S. to request asylum, saying they have been abandoned by their fathers. Why should our country be giving asylum to anyone who has been abandoned by one of their parents? We cannot be the social service agency for the entire world. Most of the minors are males who claim to be between the ages of 15 and 17. Given that many Central American youth are older than they look, a large number of them could already be in their 20’s. Most have little education and do not speak English. They have little chance of making a living in our modern, information-based economy. Once in the U.S., how many of them are turning to gangs for friendship and to make money? Trump needs to work with Congress to change or vacate the law that awards green cards to any minor who claims to have been neglected, abused, or abandoned by a parent.
Anon9999 (New Orleans)
I am a former asylum officer with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The child separations in 2018, and the subsequent lies about it from Ms. Nielsen and others in the administration, both violated U.S. law and were human rights violations. Everyone who has any legal background or long-term experience in DHS knows that. Ms. Nielsen and Mr. McAleenan, who are attorneys, promulgated these policies that they should have known were illegal. The fact that Ms. Nielsen will replaced for someone who is more of a hardliner is deeply disturbing. Trump will use her departure as an excuse to further militarize the border.
R.Thiesemann MD RN MSC (Hamburg, Germany)
I conclude: The reason for all this is that Potus45 is a coward-unable to have a spoken discursive conflict with argumentation with anybody who has a different opinion than his. It‘s a shame.
peter (ny)
@R.Thiesemann MD RN MSC While I agree its a shame, I find it more alarming that the current POTUS has failed discussion, confrontation and resolution skills learned by most humans by the age of 14. He cannot have a give/take conversation with anyone - from his wives & exs., to those he dealt with in business, straight to those now running the country. Freddie & Liz sure did an exemplary job raising their "Little Donnie".
Gary Wolgang (Manhattan Beach, CA)
Nielsen was/is one of the biggest clowns in Trump’s administration - that’s saying something, given the level of competition, ranging from from downright ineptitude to a bunch of Cabinent positions being headed by by outright crooks. Now we discover that the replacement clown can’t actually be named as Acting Head of DHS - there’s the little matter of following the law, so even with an appointment that’s “temporary” until a successor (who must be confirmed by the Senate) is named, Trump isn’t allowed to do this. Sorry, Trump: you may THINK you’re allowed to rule over this country and do or say anything to appeal to your base, but PART of the “Rule of Law” is that certain rules are not up to you to determine.
Jain (Toronto)
For once, I want to see Karma in action. For those who were responsible for the cruel separations of the poor and vulnerable children.
JB (Ca)
Now she can be appointed the ambassador to Norway.
Claire (D.C.)
KMW: It’s not exactly “illegal” immigration. It is people asking for asylum. The caravans? Where are they? I’ve seen no pictures of caravans crossing the border. No help from the Democrats? Really, you had to go there. For one thing, the president repeatedly said Mexico would pay for the wall. Second, the Republicans were in charge of the White House and Congress for the past 2.5 years. Why didn’t they pass a bill for building the wall? Democrats and Republicans worked together to put something together for the president to approve, and he refused to do so. Don’t blame the Democrats. The Democrats are not okay about laws being broken. They want something that will work. You know 21st century ideas, not a wall.
John Montalvo (Bronx, New York)
So Nielsen finally realized a policy of White Nationalism does not work?
Cattiva (NY)
Trump does not want to fix any problem, nor does he want to offer sane solutions. The fight IS the name of the game. Dehumanizing human beings IS the goal. Creating chaos and blaming others IS the MO.
Harold J. (NE Ohio)
Her obit has already been written: She will go down in history as the U.S. official who implemented a policy to separate children from their parents if they crossed the border illegally. That's her public legacy. Good job.
Birddog (Oregon)
When you work for a megalomaniac like Donald T its hard to ever get things 'Right' in the eyes of your boss. When you attempt to do the job that you're given , in Ms. Nielsen's case- Head of Homeland Security, if you do too good of a job it may look to him or her that you are trying to outshine your supervisor and the guy in the corner office may feel threatened. But if you underplay your job and only do the minimum, you run the risk of failing in your duties and risk getting the ax for making the boss look bad. Ask Jeff Sessions, Rex Tilerson, Niki Haley or John Kelly Kirstjen Nielsen is only one in a long line of hardworking people who came into this Administration thinking they were working for a rational person, whose primary concern as a conservative was going to be to help reform Washington politics and to 'Make America Great Again'. What she and the others who have been through Trump's daisy chain of appointees only realized to late, was that they were going to be primarily used as pawns in Trump's own mad Game of Thrones and then disgraced and disposed of at the whim of a incompetent and fearful fool, whose only agenda is to make himself look powerful and potent. Just ask Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson, Niki Haley or John Kelly.
Gary Wolgang (Manhattan Beach, CA)
@Birddog Please - we don’t need defenses of Nielsen or ANY of Trump’s appointees, with the possible exception of Haley who tried to do her job (Tillerson didn’t come close to being qualified for Sec of State). What Nielsen has in common with Kelly (who she replaced at DHS) and Sessions is that she believed in the policies she promoted, regardless of whether it was in conflict with the law and regardless of the ethics and morality questions those policies raised. As far as who the “boss” is, ALL of these people work for the people of the USA, so no matter how hard you work, it’s immaterial. By my reckoning, there were only 2 meme bears of this Administration who deserve ANY kind of kudos: McMaster, and to a a somewhat lesser degree, Mathis.
LongTimeFirstTime (New York City)
These decisions - DACA, ACA, NAFTA, and more - are driven purely by the math of what works for Trump, i.e., he believes in nothing, other than being and remaining President. This is hardly so remarkable; others have done the same, if no where near on this scale. What's stunning is how few of his advisors and supporters realize this. Today, it's Nielsen (or Sessions or Rex), and tomorrow it's . . . you?
K Yates (The Nation's File Cabinet)
So bring on the next toady! And set the clock, because average time in any Trump Admin position grows shorter and shorter.
Jelly Bean (A Blue State)
In this day and age, I am still unpleasantly surprised at how so many Americans "forget" that they [we] all came from elsewhere. (Excepting, of course, Native Americans) And I must ask myself why our native peoples don't demand their country back? And then reality hits me and I say to myself, why would they want it back?
Cyclist (NYC)
Only the best people...they should all get jail time if there was any real justice.
The Real Mr. Magoo (Virginia)
I wonder if Nielsen thinks it was worth it to throw away her dignity and humiliate herself to enforce Trump's inhumane policy of separating toddlers and suckling infants from their mothers and keeping minors locked up in cages, and whether she can sleep at night, but I bet it wasn't and she can't.
Jon (Murrieta, CA)
"Ms. Nielsen had requested the meeting to plan 'a way forward' at the border, in part thinking she could have a reasoned conversation with Mr. Trump about the role, according to three people familiar with the meeting. She came prepared with a list of things that needed to change to improve the relationship with the president." Why on earth did she think she could "have a reasoned conversation" with Donald Trump? And her list of things that needed to change had to do with her relationship with Trump, not immigration policies? How demented is that? Republicans had their chance with Senate Bill 744 in 2013, the so-called Gang of Eight bill. Boehner wouldn't even bring it up in the House. Why? Because Republicans would rather have the issue to run on - as opposed to, you know, actually addressing the problem.
Southern Hope (Chicago)
Good riddance to the Eva Braun of the Trump administration. And I hope Trump makes Stephen Miller head of the entire organization. No more disguising....let's see this administration in the open sun.
Fausto Alarcón (MX)
It is hard to write anything here that the late great George Carlin has not already said. Fourty percent of Americans support Trump. Almost half of the population. Trump comes from and is the face of the society that put him there. The greedy, sociopathic mad Donald, is us. Where are all the good people coming out to take a political office ? There are none. We will replace the mad hatter with another just like him, maybe not as openly rude. And another after him or her.
alan (san francisco, ca)
The time to resign is BEFORE you have committed unspeakable acts of atrocities. Someone of your intelligence should have known that working with Trump would have negative consequences. At this point, we can only conclude that you are OK with cruelty, but are getting out of town before you are fired. SAD!
BassGuyGG (Melville, NY)
Another name consigned to infamy for having worked for Trump. A lot of names have been dragged through the mudfor having done it. Ask Rex Tillerson. Bet he's sorry he ever left Exxon-Mobil.
Ken McBride (Lynchburg, VA)
Suspect no one is happier than Nielsen! Trump knows nothing about anything in regard to governance and is essentially preforming a TV reality show of chaos. Trump supporters applaud and cheer his ignorance because Trump hates the same people they do and they celebrate their hatred with and through Trump. Trump is unfit, unqualified and is narcissistic sociopath! Trumpism is a kakistocracy, a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified or most unscrupulous citizens, to include Trump. Trumpism was more or less fated to happen. Reagan to the present the pillars of Republicanism have been/are corrupt plutocracy, hypocrisy, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny and racism. Republicanism is coalition of grievances, united by hatred and fear, resulting in the creation of a criminal and corrupt corporate state masquerading as a democracy, an Inverted Totalitarianism. Trump makes Nixon look honest and George W. Bush intelligent. Sinclair Lewis was prescient when he said: “Fascism will come to America wrapped in the Flag and carrying a Cross!” It has arrived!
Daniel (Kinske)
I hope she gets booed and heckled where ever she goes. I hope she has to hire private security out of fear for her life. I hope she gets arrested on anything and thrown into a jail cell with cold floors, no beds, a shared toilet, and a single mylar blanket. And I hope her family is deported.
The F.A.D. (The Sea)
Loyalty to the Devil doesn't mean that you don't get burned.
Hoshiar (Kingston Canada)
Well it is time for Stephen Miller to become Secretary of Homeland Department. Let lawlessness and rein of terror start.
JLT (New Fairfield)
She should have resigned when Trump told her to tear frightened children from their mother's arms.
The Shredder (Earh)
Nothing like responsibility without authority. Nielsen knew this when she accepted the job. How can someone be that unwise? The only other person in DC with authority is Stephen Miller. We need to be extremely careful now.
Austin Al (Austin TX)
Without her powerful mentor, General Kelly, to defend her, Kirstjen's days were numbered. It sounds as though she was pushed to do illegal things to enforce Border policies drafted by the White House. And while she did seem to bend toward the illegal actions, such as the inhumane family separations, apparently she didn't comply sufficiently to meet the extreme demands made on her agency. However, the timing of this "resignation" makes one wonder if it is mainly a distraction from the Mueller Report, as so many people want to see and read the full report.
Jeff (California)
There is a Federal program called "E-Verify." Any employer can go online and quickly verify that a job applicant is not an illegal immigrant. But, the Republicans, not the Democrats, have always opposed making the program mandatory. Trump and the Republicans also refuse to prosecute those employers who hire illegals. Just last week it was revealed that an American business was raided and several hundred illegals were arrested but not one single business executive was arrested nor will they be prosecuted. Anyone who believes that the company executives were not knowingly hiring illegals is a fool. It is not the border that is the problem, is is Trump and the Republicas shielding employers who hire the illegals that are the problem. No jobs equal no illegals.
aoxomoxoa (Berkeley)
@Jeff Yep, it's part of the big con that has been run on this country. And all this is effectively out in the open and widely understood. Keep in mind the odious Devin Nunes of California: his family's dairy is no longer in California, but in a part of solidly Republican Iowa where the undocumented workforce is necessary for these businesses. And let's not forget the recent case of undocumented workers for the Trump organization.
Pajaritomt (New Mexico)
@Jeff >> No jobs equal no illegals.<< That used to be true, but these migrants are running away from gang and government violence. Most of the immigrants are just trying to save their lives. Of course, they will need jobs once they arrive. But even if our government suddenly decided to jail the executives who hired illegals, these immigrants will still be trying to find jobs in order to survive. Anyone who receives asylum should also be granted a green card so they can find jobs.
Kitt Richards (Cambridge, MA)
Suggestions that she was victimized by trump are disingenuous. There are no victims, only volunteers. If she was being asked - or ordered - to do things that were morally wrong, unethical, or illegal, she could have - should have - resigned long ago. I've seen it reported that because of trump, she will forever be known as the "children in cages" Secretary of HLS. It was not because of trump that she will walk through this life with that label. It was because of her. If she wants a better legacy, she should have spoken up/resigned when first pushed to do things that she knew were wrong. And - she would have had a legacy to be proud of if she'd implemented some sort of database to keep track of those poor, poor children.
Tom (San Diego)
Sold her soul hoping she would be different but got the same Trump effect as everyone else who comes into Trump's orbit and left without the soul she sold. Too bad but by now people should be aware of what they are getting into.
Pajaritomt (New Mexico)
@Tom I am sure that the Republican party will find a nice post for Nielsen somewhere -- perhaps in the Enterprise Institute or in some Republican campaign advisory firm. Nielsen has demonstrated her willingness to work hard to follow orders in a miserable environment -- such as Trump's cabinet. Maybe Kellyanne Conway will hire her for her polling firm. The truth is, the Republican party takes care of its own. She will not lack for jobs.
KLC (Great Lakes)
Smart governments will play the short AND the long game with challenges around immigration. Smart governments will figure out border issues AND they will figure out that helping poor countries get back on their feet will reduce migrants. Unfortunately Nielsen got caught up with Trump and gang who are short term everything and who don't believe in thinking at all.
Paul (Kansas)
Comment galore, as usual, about how terrible our immigration policies are. But for those who oppose them, what is your answer? Open borders? Let hundreds of millions of people in without screening? Or let them in and then ask them to kindly show up for a court hearing that few of them bother with? Nation building? Well, that hasn't worked. Sure, Trump has had his chances and hasn't done a great job, but a country without borders and border control is not a country. For some, it seems, that's a great proposition, but it has also been a formula for failure. Don't we have a right to come up with and enforce some sort of control of our own future?
Scaling (Boston)
No kidding. She should have resigned in protest the first time Trump forced her to enact the family separation policy. At least she could have salvaged her reputation and sleep better at night by taking the moral high ground. Look, whether you are liberal or conservative, or are for or against illegal immigrants, our country basically kidnapped their children. They were not ours to take and we cruelly separated them from their parents. I have my own children who have ancestors who endured plenty of trauma in the hands of Americans. They have grandparents who were napalmed and then fled as Boat People from Vietnam. They have great grandparents who were Japanese American (US-born citizens) interned during WWII. They have great, great, great grandparents, fleeing the Irish Potato famine, but were treated poorly and openly discriminated by native-born Americans. Geez, I've read deeply about those histories and even though they happened to my own family, none of it CHOKES ME UP and makes me CRY MORE than reading about how TODAY we are separating little babies and toddlers from their mothers and fathers. It's absolutely morally reprehensible and disgusting. I don't feel sorry for Nielsen or Miller or Trump. They should go down in history as the MONSTERS they are.
Jdweekley (Monterey, C)
This is a crisis completely of Trump's making, with a large helping hand from Secretary Nielsen. Almost everything Trump does makes this situation worse, and replacing Nielsen with a Steven Miller-selected crony is only going to make the situation even worse still. Trump cannot seem to grasp that he's the problem, not the solution. "Only I can fix it!" Uhuh. Riiiight.
RetiredGuy (Georgia)
"Kirstjen Nielsen Resigns as Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary" "..she will forever be known as the person who presided over the cruel, unconscionable family separation policy — and falsely denied there was such a policy." I wonder if people like Nielsen even have a soul. How could a human being rip children from their parents and then make sure that there was no way to link the computer data bases of adults to the data base of children? The children and their parents will be scarred mentally and emotionally for life and people like Nielsen and Trump could care less. Nielsen and Trump are two examples of the ultimate of evil running loose in our Country.
KitMc (San Francisco Bay Area)
My husband provides graphics and exhibits support to the entire USCG enlisted training program. It took months to get a decent photo of Neilsen for the command exhibits and finally finished and mounted them. Last week. In all, he has changed the exhibit three times since 2016! He is now considering creating a shadow silhouette to use instead.
Wade (Bloomington, IN)
When all else fails blame someone else for the problem you have cause to happen. That is the why trump runs the current administration. The buck stops with the other person not him. The is a way to correct this. Give the land that was Mexico back to Mexico. Of course that would mean that most of the southwestern part of the United States would be gone but trump would blame someone else for it.
michjas (Phoenix)
It is common practice to attack immigration policy, whatever it may be. There is little attention given to building effective, humane, affordable policy. We don’t know if a wall would be effective or how much it would cost. We’re outraged by separated children and by children detained along with adults. We want to vet those who arrive or maybe just send them home. We don’t want to hold them for two years while they are vetted. But we don’t want to set them free. We want to be humane, but we don’t want to pay what it costs to process 1000 people a day in a humane manner. When it comes to immigrations on policy, we mostly just know what we don’t want. Heading DHS is about implementing appropriate policy. But there is little agreement on what is appropriate. Here’s a list of every well-liked and we’ll-respected head of DHS:
macbeth (canada)
Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that the number of former Trump White House senior staffers now exceeds the number that are still there from the beginning. If true, it's unprecedented, and says something about what is going on there. The Greeks gave us a word for it: Chaos.
BM (Ny)
This whole situation is a hoax on the American citizen. Ask yourself the question: has the inability of Congress to provide a cohesive strategy on immigration has led to this meltdown? Are we getting our moneys worth out of our representatives? the answer to both is no. We are being fed a diversion tactic every day by both parties. they spend time spinning so they don't have to make decisions. It serves to move meaningful conversations off the front page so now they to are not being addressed i.e aging infrastructure. And not only "we the public" not seeing it but the Press is buying in hook line and sinker. Nielson was not where this failed it landed in her lap. This problem is infinitely solvable by even the most pedestrian mind. None of which exist in Congress.
jonathan (decatur)
The fact Trump either asked for her resignation or agreed to it appears to be a significant reason why Trump's so-called "emergency" is bogus. If this were truly an emergency, no president would be firing the person who runs the department in charge of dealing with that emergency.
barb (miami)
President Trump had the right person on the job two years ago. . John Kelly. Unfortunately, he brought him to Washington. This mess on the border needs to be handled by a military person, along with the military. I defy anyone to enter another county without having to present yourself to a security or a border official, along with getting thoroughly scrutinized if need be. If attempting to run away, I can imagine what the consequences would be. Why should this country be any different? Whatever the "situation" is that these people are fleeing will soon become our "situation". And, then, where will we flee?
Jeff (California)
@barb: Sorry Barb, I grew up in the military. Using the military or a former General in a domestic situation never works out well. Military structure is totalitarian not democratic.
Andrew Wohl (Maryland)
Uh, Barb, they are presenting themselves to border security. That is how they apply for asylum.
Luke Ramundo (New York)
What is happening at the border is not a humanitarian crisis, but one of national sovereignty. A nation that can not control its borders is no longer a nation.
Jeff (California)
@Luke Ramundo The illegal immigration problem is not at the southern border but all out airports. For every single illegal coming over the southern border, there are hundreds legally coming in though our airports and then not going home when their time is up. You can easily verify this by search the Homeland Security website. In any event until employers are prosecuted and jailed for knowingly hiring the illegals, nothing will change.
Why Me (Anywhere But Here)
@Luke Ramundo Wow is this a widely distributed and mandated Fox News talking point? I’ve now seen it repeated almost verbatim quite a number of times in this comments section already. Is it the new mantra?
G. Sears (Johnson City, Tenn.)
Surely there is a bonafide crisis at the US southern border. It stems most fundamentally and significantly from the President himself and his personal and grave incompetency and his unbridled fomenting of utter chaos around the primary issue of the massive flood of migrants from Central America seeking asylum at the border. Those streaming north from the northern triangle of Central America seeking relief from epidemic violent crime, crushing poverty, and rampant corruption see an opportunity in Trump’s full blown chaos, they also know full well that those who come with their children will be more likely to be sympathetically received for processing. There is clearly a national emergency in progress, and its chief architect and dedicated fomenter is the President himself!
Leslie374 (St. Paul, MN)
Ms Nielsen's experience or lack of experience has been a concern for many of Americans concerned about the immigration/border challenges our country needs to effectively deal with. What is of GREATER concern to many Americans though, is the incompetence of our current President. Donald Trump must be defeated in 2020. In fact, many Republican leaders need to be actively working to insure Trump is NOT their candidate in 2020.
Jack Toner (Oakland, CA)
"He repeatedly demanded that she cut off foreign aid to Central American countries even though the funding was the responsibility of the State Department." He hasn't learned even the basics abut how the Federal Government operates. Ms. Nielsen was an utter fool to work for him. She will be remembered for separating young children from their parents and then losing them in the system she controlled. What a legacy.
Blue in Green (Atlanta)
Ah yes, Kirstjen wasn't cruel enough for Stephen Miller's taste. The agony to come will be breathtaking.
RLW (Chicago)
While Emperor Nero Trump is busily trying to build his big beautiful border wall who is keeping out all the real terrorists like the ones responsible for the 9/11 disasters or the ones responsible for all the murders in Parkland and everywhere else where mass murderers have free access to weapons of mass destruction. The real homeland security threat is the NRA and those who oppose sensible gun legislation.
Dick Diamond (Bay City, Oregon)
If you want to make a bet that is a sure bet, abet that POTUS will NEVER take a blame for anything. That's a sure bet. I know people who always blame others. They are bullies, are liars, are afraid of strong people and most of all, are corrupt in all ways. I know people in my family that is that way and for one person, I have banned this person from my home.
Jeff (California)
@Dick Diamond: It was a great Democrat President that had a sign on his desk: "The buck stops here."
RichardHead (Mill Valley ca)
Another victim who tried to please the dear leader. Of course she will be blamed for another disaster. She lied, she was cruel, she tried so hard to please but in the end it was a ill thought out policy, again and Trump refuses to admit any mistakes. Barr will soon realize his lost of his reputation and his career will be next when the mueller report is released.
William Whitaker (Ft. Lauderdale)
All of the experts say everything Trump is doing about the immigration issue is wrong. But Trump will never accept any responsibility for things gone wrong. It will always be up to others to fall on their swords. Kirstjen, I hoped you enjoyed trashing your reputation working for this sleaze ball.
C. Killion (california)
I don't care who trump blames: I blame a feckless McConnell, a cowardly Paul Ryan, as well as the bigoted, fearful "base". Our Constitution is being trampled, civility de"based" by hopeless losers, and global respect lost. Putin and the Murdoch's must be so pleased.
greppers (upstate NY)
I shed no tears of sympathy for Kirstjen Nielsen. She implemented the Trump administration's vile, morally bankrupt, and frequently illegal initiatives to the best of her ability. She lied to Congress and the public with the facile skill of a soulless career political opportunist. Of course she couldn't 'manage' Trump. No one can. He is the howling rage filled chaos which can temporarily be restrained or redirected, but will burst through any barrier in short order to continue wreaking havoc.
James F Traynor (Punta Gorda, FL)
Trump can't tell the difference between The Apprentice and The White House.
Marty (Milwaukee)
I think I may have figured out why the Trump gang is raising all this fuss about border security and such. Since this all came up, has anyone seen the words "Mueller report" on the front page? Have you heard those words on the evening news? I thought not. So the Trump strategy is working. I think we can all remember when a similar plan worked so well for erasing Stormy Daniels from the front page.
John Chastain (Michigan)
Anyone who has ever worked for a toxic, in over his head incompetent boss should feel some compassion for her. I’ve seen the best of people ground down because of bosses like “The Donald”. You don’t have to agree with the policies she was charged with enforcing (I certainly don’t) to appreciate the difficult place she was in nor should we ignore her refusal to do obviously illegal acts just because the twitter in chief ordered her to. Anyone those two clowns Miller and Kushner didn’t like must have had some positive qualities, if only because she frustrated their attempts to make things even worse than they already are.
Jeff (California)
@John Chastain: No compassion here. Everyone who has gone to work for Trump, instead of for the American People has done so knowing what a crook, lier and immoral person Trump is.
James Sterling (Mesa, AZ)
This administration on immigration: no plan; on healthcare: no plan; on education: no plan; on the economy: no plan; on disaster preparedness: no plan; on foreign affairs: no plan; on domestic safety and security: no plan. Rinse, spit, repeat.
Limbo Saliana (Preston, Idaho)
Why would anyone resign after having served under such a great boss?
katies (San Francisco CA)
The tell-all books that will come from those having served in this administration will keep agents, editors, publishers, and book-tour folks in business for years.
Jeff (California)
Another one bites the dust. I'm sure that Trump holds the record as the President with the most cabinet resignations and or firing in the history of the United States. Also with the most criminal investigations and charges. Corruption, Incompetence, Greed and Lies, the cornerstones of the Trump Administration.
Eva Lockhart (Minneapolis)
I wonder, Ms. Nielsen, was it worth it to sell your soul in order to work for Mr. Trump and pursue and foster and enable his heartless policies?
RS (San Mateo, CA)
Why would any self respecting person join this swamp of an administration is beyond me.
Camestegal (USA)
One disgusting person boots out another disgusting one still protesting her loyalty. Well, here’s to Nielsen: “There be fools, I wis ... / So be gone: you are sped.” (The Merchant of Venice, Act II, Scene IX.)
Carl (KS)
As a Kansan, I can assure the Kirstjen Nielsen haters that if our failed gubernatorial candidate, Chris Kobach, replaces her, they are going to wish she was back on the job.
Mari (Left Coast)
Carl, we don’t hate Ms. Nielsen, we hate the evil and heartless policy of separation of families. Right now, Donald J Trump has separated FORTY SEVEN THOUSAND children from their families! This is pure evil. I don’t care who is heading up Homeland Security, anyone obeying Trump’s Policy sells their soul in order to “obey orders.”
Ms. R (The Valley)
From now through eternity Nielsen's soul has been stained. She was the mouthpiece of inhumanity and hatred. She had choices and she made one awful one after another. SHAME
Ken (Washington, DC)
What a pathetic bunch of incompetent, inhumane, vile people. From always-raging Trump on down to his toadie, scared-silly, yes-men/women cabinet and his off-the-wall Fox News and personal advisers. This is what happens when you elect a mental case for president and the party that provided him the platform to become president fails to provide any reasonable or responsible oversight.
ondelette (San Jose)
It's really something to think about that a woman who went all the way to nearly crimes against humanity for her idiot boss is now considered 'not tough enough' by the dainty pair of White House dweebs John Bolton and Stephen Miller. Trump has his own definitions of a whole lot of things. His definition of 'tough' is the strangest.
F1Driver (Los Angeles)
I am thankful for Secretary Nielsen’s service to the country. She was charged with an impossible task. President Trump is correct, without borders there is no country. A transient population across different borders cannot guarantee the rule of law will be observed in any country. There will be no sovereignty in any of the countries. The democrats are hell-bent in open borders without saying it because their goal is to achieve indefinite political power without accountability. Chaos is the perfect carrier for unaccountably. Democrats will accuse anyone opposing their position as racist. Well, I am not a racist and I do believe the country’s border should be secured. For me to be a racist it will require to be racist against myself and my family. I am both a Latino man and a former illegal immigrant.
PaulM (Ridgecrest Ca)
I'm bewildered by Trump's complaints about Congress not providing solutions to the immigration "crisis." He owned both the House and the Senate for two years and they spent no time whatsoever on immigration.
Richard Warner (Springfield)
I’m bewildered that Obama did not take care of immigration, climate change, and abortion rights during his first two years in office when he had a super majority in Congress.
Andrew Wohl (Maryland)
Obama and Climate Change: President Obama entered the United States into the Paris Accord.
Andrew Wohl (Maryland)
Obama and abortion rights: President Obama was supposed to do what exactly? Abortion rights are guaranteed under the Constitution. So what further action was required? And, oh yes, just to mention, he also championed marriage rights.
33 (degrees latitude)
It was obvious that she was miserable in the job; she looked like she got up every morning and walked across broken glass to get to her job. She did try to pleas the president, an impossible job, but to her detriment she tried; nothing to be proud of.
Byron Jones (Memphis TN)
@33 She should be hauled to the Hague for crimes against humanity.
aykim002 (Brooklyn, NY)
Kudos NYTimes for somehow softening the ignominy of her tenure and departure. Well done. She was just put between a rock and a hard place but she tried her darnedest and gave it her all;(
tom (pittsburgh)
MS. Nielsen entered the Trump cabinet with good credentials and a history of decent service to our country. She leaves, as all Trump cabinet will, with tarnished reputations. And justifiably so. They all were aware and most even shared his philosophy of greed and selfishness, which included the ability to be an accomplished liar. So shed not tears for her. Shed them for the lives she shredded by separating parents from children. God have Mercy on her soul and those of her evil doers.
Alex (Indiana)
There is a crisis at our southern border, with large numbers of migrants arriving, and abusing the intent of our asylum law. Asylum was not intended as a back door for economic migrants. Large numbers of economic migrants are also using their children as shields, in hopes of facilitating admission to this country. This is also an abuse of our law, which is placing many children in grave danger. President Trump did not create this problem, he inherited it. It is Congress that needs to solve it, and Congress is refusing to do so. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are at fault. Trump owns the government shutdown, but the Democrats are no better - they would rather spend weeks debating whether or not Rep. Omar made an ant-Semitic comment than work to solve this country's pressing problems. Neither DHS nor private charities have the resources to attend to the huge waves of migrants at our border. The photos of migrants and their children are heart wrenching. But the fact is the world is overpopulated with 8 billion people, and no matter how much we want to, we cannot accommodate more than a small fraction of those who wish to immigrate. Governments elsewhere are failing (consider Venezuela), but to a great extent these countries must solve their own problems. Remember the lesson of Iraq. The best we can do is to develop and implement an immigration policy that allows for legal immigration of as many as we can reasonably accommodate. Let's get our act together.
ondelette (San Jose)
@Alex, UNHCR estimates on the proportion of families arriving at the border that are valid asylum seekers are almost identical with that of the unaccompanied minors in 2014 and subsequent years. That should be regarded as an unbiased estimate, the UNHCR has procedures for doing their interviews (similar to the U.S. 'credible fear interview') are accepted worldwide, including by the U.S. While in any system that deals with both valid asylum seekers and people who are essentially economic migrants there will be people trying to game the system, it is not true that the majority of those seeking enter the U.S. and ask for asylum are using an economic migrant 'back door'. The UNHCR number is ~73% of families have valid claims. Normally, the U.S. will accept about half or slightly less than half of those. But that also means that most of the people arriving are not abusing the system, even if they are eventually rejected.
Mari (Left Coast)
Donald’s own government statistics proof that he is lying about the “crisis at the border”’s a lie.
Bobby Gladd (Bay Area CA)
Trump’s unilateral immigration “policy” in three words: “sorry, we’re full.”
Garrett (Alaska)
In liberal America, immigrants can wield their children like battering rams to force access (legally) into the United States. This is absolutely ridiculous. If you are an immigration offical who feels bad about enforcing immigration law, you should find another line or work, maybe interior design
Andrew Wohl (Maryland)
Immigration law allows immigrants to seek asylum. That is the law border agents need to enforce.
Harry (Pennsylvania)
@Garrett. Just because they seek asylum, they do not necessarily get asylum. They have to convince an immigration judge that they truly merit asylum. The "crisis" is we do not have enough immigration judges to handle the case load and not enough facilities to keep the people in custody until their hearings. Catch and release allows these people into the country, under sponsorship, until their hearings. You want to reduce the number of asylum seekers, improve the nature and quantity of aid to their home countries so these people do not feel compelled to run in order to save their families. Increase the number of immigration judges. Work out ways to house, employ, and support these people as their immigration cases work through the legal system. The only crisis we have at the border is one of Trump's making. Get rid of Trump and his hobnailed booted henchmen and we go a long way to solving the border issues.
ondelette (San Jose)
@Andrew Wohl, immigration law allows people on U.S. soil to seek asylum. Those seeking asylum are not immigrants under any known immigration law in any nation. Most of the world outside of the United States refers to them (and others migrating without visas) as 'irregular migrants.'
B. Rothman (NYC)
Golly, what a surprise, another one bites the dust! An incompetent president who can take advice and must have those who are willing to be utterly subservient to him. Another step towards despotism. Are you watching Congress? If he could you all would be out altogether. Only the utter cravenness of McConnell to one Party dominance rather than patriotism allows him to “serve,” otherwise he and The President would probably scarcely talk.
Kilgore.Trout (USA)
Trump should give the job to Geraldo Rivera.
wysiwyg (USA)
@Kilgore.Trout More likely, it would go to Lou Dobbs.
RNS (Piedmont Quebec Canada)
The writing was on the wall when Kirstjen refused to order goose stepping classes for border agents.
Robert (Seattle)
@RNS I hear you. On the other hand, she was willing to carry out the policy of ripping children from their families, among other crimes against humanity. She was, as you know, actually fired. We never did get to learn whether there was anything at all she would not do, on behalf of Mr. Trump.
Jsbliv (San Diego)
She happily led her department’s separation of families, and then expressed confusion, and outrage at the report, when confronted with proof that they ‘lost’ thousands of them in the system. She also made no attempt to investigate the deaths and abuse of these children. This administration is a evil rotting corpse eating the brains of the American people.
Steve (Seattle)
I can hear Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" playing in the background.
John (Denver)
An absolute witch is gone, but don't celebrate. Her succesor and his/her team will make you long for the good old days under Kirstjen.
TDOhio (OH)
Sadly Kristjen Nielsen was not qualified for her position and she handled it accordingly. Neither is Trump qualified for the job he was electorally colleged into. And, he too, has been handled his job to the fullest extent of his incompetence. But, apparently, the reporters on this story are also ill-prepared for their jobs. All this piece does is blast Nielsen like Trump does. No mention of Trump's pressure on her, his absurd and obscene policies. Rather in true Maggie Haberman style, Trump gets a pass on his incompetence, his inarticulate ramblings, and his moral bankruptcy. How sad that the New York Times still has not figured out how to cover this reality show President. Read the same storyline in the Washinton Post to see what real journalism looks like!
Horace (Detroit)
Like all who associate with Trump, Nielsen's integrity, and her reputation, are destroyed. When you lie down with dogs you can't complain about having fleas. No one survives being associated with the Orange Destroyer.
Jacquie (Iowa)
Trump once again listened to Jared's advise to get rid of Ms. Nielsen. Jared always gives poor advice like telling Trump to fire Comey since Democrats would love it. When you surround yourself with clowns that don't know anything no wonder it's always a circus for all the squatters in the White House.
peter (ny)
Welcome to the sausage machine, Ms. Nielson! After all is said and done, was the position: What Mr Kelly said it would be? Worth both your dignity and your credibility? Enjoy your ride to Infamy. Please step to the rear of the bus as there are many more passengers to join on.
BS (Chadds Ford, Pa)
Don’t let the door hit you on the backside as you leave. And watch your front side if our president is near. Hard to feel sorry for you. You chose to touch our stinking Blarney Stone, so you should be surprised the smell that will linger on your fingertips for years to come.
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
The Washington Post is reporting that 2) Trump prefers to surround himself with yes men. This is a major reason that the administration has experienced historically high turnover. Of course it is, because Nielsen is not a man, and evidently had a problem saying yes to Donnie.
Bill (New York)
Let us hope that a very competent new director is appointed to address the border crisis. Congress needs to act by implementing 3 policies: 1) Appropriate funds for stronger border security. Walls, fences, cameras, added personnel — all of these will help. 2) Require use of the e-verify system for employers, to allow easy checks of legal status and discourage anyone from hiring illegal immigrants. 3) Reform asylum laws to limit spurious claims and stop allowing entry until the validity of the claim has been determined. And the executive branch should of course continue to work with foreign governments to discourage illegal immigration and crack down on smugglers.
Entera (Santa Barbara)
I can't seem to find online the answer to this. Is she now entitled to any benefits or perks, such as medical insurance or pension?
Hellen (NJ)
Even the most liberal people I know are fed up with illegal immigration , people overstaying their visas and porous borders. This is a calculated plus for the president. Trump knows he is winning on this issue. and is gearing up for a 2020 showdown. Democrats will lose in their obstructing of cracking down on illegal immigrants. Biden is toast and was the best challenge to Trump. All democrats have left is running on a strong platform but instead they are focused on illegal immigrants or abolishing ICE. A losing strategy.
Sangeet Walla (San Francisco)
@Hellen How does being an utter moral train wreck constitute winning? Children dying in our custody, being separated from their parents at our so called President’s orders is a stain that will live on in history as an object lesson of what it means to be the lowest of the low.
Andrew Wohl (Maryland)
First, the immigrants at the southern border are seeking asylum so they are doing nothing illegal. Second, a wall and a crackdown at the border will do nothing about people who overstay their visa because they entered the country legally through legitimate ports of entry. And a further point; most people here illegally are here because they overstayed their visa, not because they crossed the border illegally.
John Virgone (Pennsylvania)
Another administrative pawn gone. So what! The administrative policies and philosophies remain intact. Next minion, beware; we’ve already seen the consequences suffered by some of those who’ve been blindly dedicated.
wysiwyg (USA)
The takeover of immigration policy by the far-right xenophobic extremist, Stephen Miller, is now complete. He also has John Bolton to back him up as well as the POTUS. Ms. Neilsen's intermittent attempts to obey the law should be recognized, despite all odds against her. The contributions of immigrants since the founding of our republic has created the (former) well-regarded reputation of the U.S. in global leadership. The current administration's negative policies toward our country's allies, coupled the multiple illegalities espoused by this fake Trump/Miller-concocted border "crisis," diminishes our reputation on a daily basis. If Trump's agenda continues along this path, the downward spiral of our country's preeminence in the world will continue unabated until 2020. Hopefully by then, we can elect a rational and truly patriotic leader who can begin to reverse this GOP plague on both our Houses and our people in January 2021.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
She has led poorly by following Trump’s wishes with enthusiasm. She failed to appreciate that Trump was unconcerned about reality only about how it appears on Fox News and that she was going to take the fall if it looked poorly no matter what she tried. Like Sessions, she learns that Trump sees others as expendable persons who he uses and then discards. He has no conscience.
Chrisinauburn (Alabama)
I have no sympathy for Nielsen for the many reasons stated, but anyone in her position was bound to fail with Trump as president. Where has Mike Pompeo been during this "crises? What has the State Department done to mitigate the outflow of refugees from Central America? Why has Trump continually undermined the UN that could play a role? Does he even know about the OAS? This administration is attacking the symptoms while ignoring the disease-poverty, violence, hopelessness, etc. Trump is cutting international aid and while ignoring border security measure that may actually be effective in humanely processing illegal immigrants.
ondelette (San Jose)
@Chrisinauburn, Mike Pompeo, the ex-Tea Party turned diplomat, is off creating foreign policy in line with the Rapture. They're going to put in Ken Cuccinelli, who has certain advantages over Kirstjen Nielsen as far as Trump is concerned, since he can build on her cold hearted cruelty by adding his own vast experience in corruption.
VtSkier (NY)
Her resignation letter is pretty revealing. Not once in it does she mention Trump or thank him for the opportunity of having worked for him, etc etc. It's all about the nation and DHS. I'm sure this annoyed Trump no end. I'm wondering if he'll tap Sheriff Joe or Kris Kobach for the permanent job. Can't get any lower than those two.
Vicki (Boca Raton, Fl)
As long as the US does nothing or does the wrong thing in dealing with the chaos in Guatamala, Honduras and Nicaragua, those people have little choice but to either be killed, join vicious gangs or flee.... US policies are most of the problem. And we are not "full."
L. Howell (Colorado)
The world and the history books are not going to forget this moment in American history, when we forced immigrants seeking safety to cross borders illegally and then ripped their children from their arms, in some cases causing permanent separation. We are inflicting trauma on a generation of people whom we could help. I am deeply ashamed of this country's actions in this moment.
Pine Mountain Man, Esq. (California Dreamer)
Wait, what? We're full? Since when? I watched a documentary Saturday evening showing what went on in the West Wing and State Department during the last year of the Obama administration, what staffers were thinking, saying, and doing for our country, day in, day out. We realized how badly our country has gone off the rails, from responsible guardianship to what looks like fascism. There is absolutely no humanity in the Trump administration. No thoughtfulness, no wisdom, no generosity of spirit, no nuance. For such a self-proclaimed smart person (first sign of danger), Trump is a terribly unfortunate leader for our country. Worst ever, by a country mile.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
One more person learns that no matter how one tries, Trump will never feel any respect for one’s loyalty. Trump has no leadership skills and he is never an effective team member or collaborator. Trump is the guy that will think only about saving himself when things get dangerous. He bullies others because he at his core is always insecure, alone, and afraid.
Armando (Chicago)
Call it a firing, not a resignation. Trump and his advisors, like Stephen Miller who cowardly is always behind the scene, were not satisfied in seeing children separated from their mothers and caged like animals. They wanted more than that, probably even more immoral and cruel. All this in the name of their selfish desire to remain in power.
TheBossToo (Atlanta,GA)
Making room for an "acting" head unauthorized by Congress to put in draconian measures that most likely will be illegal.
JR80304 (California)
With such venomous Republican hatred toward immigrants, it’s easy to forget that the First Lady of the US Moved into the country, brought her family, and now speaks to Americans from the White House with a thick foreign accent. She should be a shining example of the good that immigration has to offer us. Why isn’t the president challenged about his immigrant wife?
Frankly, she came across as scared, clueless and terribly intimidated by the President.
peter (ny)
@RS Scared, clueless & intimidated. Just the way he wants them.....
Is_the_audit_over_yet (MD)
Individual 1 knows “only the best people”.... His words! I wonder when they will show up?
Observor (Backwoods California)
Trump was going to hire 'all the best people.' Well, I guess he fires all the 'best' people, too! Who would want to work for him on immigration, and get undercut everyday by Steven Miller? Seriously. Why?
Bob (Minneapolis)
What we really need, after getting rid of the fool in the White House, is to dismantle the Department of Homeland Security as it is totally at the root of all the divisiveness in this country. It's formation only signaled that our government was sanctioning discrimination and "fear of others." It was a totally regrettable move post 9/11 and the organization is rife with people sympathetic to the white nationalist movement, especially at the top.
Al Pastor (California)
Trump's got his eyes on 2020 and when people bring up family separation he's got to be able to say he blames that on KN and fired her for that and not being tough enough on illegal immigration
Tristan Roy (Montreal, Canada)
Trump want someone who will do a good show on TV, have good ratings and sign any illegal stuff he wants, with a great signature ceremony. He doesnt bother if it will fail in court, no one will watch or remember that. He should pick a total puppet like Pompeo, it would do nicely.
Birdygirl (CA)
Anyone who takes his position after Nielsen's vacancy is doomed to fail. Trrump's border policies, if you can call them that, are unreasonable, unrealistic, and coming from a place of sheer ignorance and hate. You can't treat immigration and border security with a blunt instrument, because if you do, you end up with a bigger mess than when you started. Trump, getting his marching orders from nitwits like Stephen Miller, will continue to hammer away at dumb and cruel solutions that require a much broader approach and understanding.
Is_the_audit_over_yet (MD)
DJT is like an infection. Now Ms. Nielsen is “infected” like manafort, flynn, sessions, barr, kavanaugh, etc. Sunlight (the truth, facts) is the best disinfectant.
Chip Lovitt (NYC)
The Trump administration...where careers and reputations come home to die. He truly is King Midas in reverse. Everything he touches, including your handshake and career turns to uhhh, how do I say this politely...the opposite of gold?...and I don't mean lead. Has there ever been a White House more chaotic and irresponsible than this one? Just asking.
Carla (Brooklyn)
The image of trump walking along MAGA hat in hand against a backdrop of obese "security" people in military uniform, all gathered at the US Mexican border to protect us from terrorized Central American families, is truly pathetic. Go fight ISIS if you are so tough. The notion that these refugees pose a physical or economic threat is truly the epitome of absurdity. What has this nation become? A nation of cowardly bullies led by the biggest one in history; Donald the huckster Trump/
Truthseeker (Planet Earth)
Many comments, even some "NYT Picks" revolves around "she was just following orders". That is no excuse for being incompetent! Something is very off here - there are thousands of children separated from the parents and nobody knows where they are, but while that is being reported it feels like we do not fully grasp the severity of what has happened there. Anyone that has children, try and imagine if it was your daughter, or your son, that was first put in a cage and then sent off to... nobody knows. And this happened in the USA. How is it possible that nobody in the long chain of command, in between Trump and the person who sent the kid away, realized that they could not track them? That the families were probably separated forever and that there was very little guarantee that the kid was sent to a safe place? The incompetence and the disregard for the children's well-being and safety are simply stunning.
Boyd (Gilbert, az)
60,000 kids separated from the parents. Christians wouldn't do this. Christians also wouldn't support a known adulterer. Especially if it was 3 times. Christians won't support a person that claims Mexicans are murderers and rapist. Christians, nowadays, seem to know nothing about Christianity. I'm guessing there's another bible out there from the rev. Andrew Jackson.
Hellen (NJ)
Good, we need someone tougher. Enough with letting people bum rush the border. Time to send in a general and treat this as an invasion and danger to national security.
Robert M. Koretsky (Portland, OR)
A pathological liar hired another dupe to lie for him, so why should we notice her leaving, or demarcate it in some way? Most likely, a harsher, more inhuman policy is coming down from the pathological liar, and he needs a bigger dupe to replace her, to tell bigger lies. I love the picture that accompanies this article: her smile is as fake as Trump.
kat (ne)
Why anyone would go to work for Trump, unless they have a professional death wish, is beyond me.
Tim (Emeryville, CA)
The shame of Our Great National Sham is so vast not even the collaborators, facilitators and apologists can stand it anymore—the stench was so bad it finally overpowered whatever Nielsen was holding to her nose to get through it.
Kenny Herbert (New York)
It's not enough that she should resign: she should be charged for her criminal actions against immigrants and her contempt of court for the past year-plus. We must hold these people accountable for their criminal acts, or they will continue to get worse.
MJ2G (Canada)
“ part thinking she could have a reasoned conversation with Mr. Trump.” Thanks for Today’s Chuckle.
It&#39;s About Time (NYC)
We have " Survivor " on both television and in this White House. Unfortunately, those on television lately appear to have more competence, fortitude, intelligence and integrity than those presently governing us. And then we also have "Swampland" and those exerting their twisted ideologies to damage our democracy: Miller, DeVos, Mulvaney, Perry and all the " Acting's." And all led by the crossover actor, DJT. Hopefully, these truly serious sitcoms will be cancelled very, very soon. We cannot rid ourselves of these C-list actors fast enough.
Jefferson Kee (Houston)
Another one thrown under the bus. Look forward to cancelling this "reality" TV show Autumn of 2020.
Ms. Nielsen, where are the lost children, you know, the ones stolen from their parents during your policy of separating families?
Ella (Florida)
Nielsen knew what she was getting herself into and what kind of person Trump is. Her ego got the best of her and she couldn’t resist the offer of being Secretary of Homeland security. She supported inhumane policies, lied and jumped shipped with a tarnished reputation working for Trump and is like all the other rats that have left. She will get her just desserts!!
Karen (Denver)
@Ella I just can’t help but wonder what she was thinking. Especially if she’s a mother. How can you rationalize it? How could you live with yourself afterward?
CW (Left Coast)
I always hated using the word "Homeland" in a title for a U.S. federal agency. It sounded too much like the Third Reich. And here we are.
dlb (washington, d.c.)
@CW I agree, I've often thought the same, a nationalist concept so close to the "Fatherland."
JW (Colorado)
Frankly, I'm amazed that anyone is stupid enough to work for him. When his "policies" don't work, because there was no thought behind them, he slays his own dragon. Sad. For the rest of us....
Frank (Menomonie, WI)
This would be funny, if thousands of children weren't sitting in cages, destined never to see their parents again.
Elu Appu (San Antonio)
We absolutely have to stop illegal immigration. The departing secretary did what she could do under the difficult circumstances of constant influx of illegal immigrants. This is not a partisan fight. Both parties need to work together to come up with a practical solution.
Boyd (Gilbert, az)
@Elu Appu This is a fear vote for the GOP voter that lives far from the border. The FOX snowflake machine..... Can't say Merry Christmas anymore. Hoards of brown people that murder/rape.. They're coming for your guns....Fear is the only policy they have.
Carla (Brooklyn)
@Elu Appu yes a solution yes. But that does not involve ripping children away from their parents, putting them in iron cages, failing to return them to parents, nor tear gassing families. These are crimes as defined by international law. But trump believes he is above the law.
dlb (washington, d.c.)
@Elu Appu Congress had bipartisan immigration legislation back in 2013 that the Senate approved by a strong majority of votes but the Republican Speaker of the House would not bring it up for a vote because the House tea party members did not approve of it.
magicisnotreal (earth)
What we have is a president who is using racism and fear to keep his people wound up against the poor people south of our border rich Americans like him have always exploited. I say look for the economic benefit to him and his ilk for the reason why. There is definitely the aspect of keeping the taste of blood in the "base" mouths for 2020 aspect here. Maybe that is the only thing driving all this hatred? This resembles nothing so much as it does the campaign of racism and fear mongering that arose in the 20's and 30's. Part of which was the "Repatriation to Mexico" of those called Mexican most of whom were American citizens whose families had been in the SW since before the US was a country. Aside from the obvious racism and Hearst using the opportunity to demonize pot to protect his timber interests (fiber for paper), in my view this was a clearing of the land, which was going to become very valuable in the next few years, of its owners so a lot of white folks could move in and not have to respect the historic presence of those people. The dams being built on the Colorado river supplied water and power in abundance making living there much easier and lucrative. We do not have an "illegal immigration" problem at the border. We have an; Our president and his Administration are racists who do not want to live up to the treaties those who came before them signed in regards to giving Asylum to the needy, problem.
Dennis Martin (Port St Lucie)
Why does the media say that she resigned? It is pretty obvious that she was fired and given the chance to cover it over with a resignation letter. Why go along with another Trump administration lie?
John Murray (Midland Park, NJ)
Secretary Nielsen was forced to resign. It’s not uncommon in the higher levels of any profession.
“An intense backlash ensued, and the Department of Homeland Security was unprepared to deal with separating nearly 3,000 children from their parents.” As your own newspaper has reported since January, the separation policy has impacted thousands more children than the 3,000 that was originally reported. Please don’t underplay the catastrophic impact that this corrupt and immoral administration has had on migrant families. Kirstjen Nielsen’s complicity in enforcing the administration’s cruel and inhumane policies should haunt her for the rest of her life.
Mickey McMahon (California)
Trump pollutes everyone and everything he touches. And Nielsen seems to have left a worse person than when she came aboard with Gen.Kelly. Let's remember: People don't change, they just become more of who they are.
Character Counts (USA)
It's true, everything Trump touches dies. Anyone ever associated with this "President" will be forever tarnished. And why do these people sell their soul for Trump, of all people? That's the million dollar question.
Mike (Pensacola)
What Stephen Miller wants, Stephen Miller gets!
Mels (Oakland)
Except hair.
Why Me (Anywhere But Here)
@Mels I gotta say, you just made my day right there.
Bascom Hill (Bay Area)
She joins the Torture Hall of Fame group, led by Dick Cheney and W’s cabinet, for separating families, putting children in cages and then being unable to reunite them due to lack of documentation.
Jefflz (San Francisco)
Kirstjen Nielsen and Trump share their deep-seated racial hatred. He will find someone equally despicable or worse to replace her. Birds of a feather.
NoTeaPlease (Chino Hills, California)
Another sacrificial lamb at the altar of the fake Messiah. When are his minions going to learn that, sooner or later, they're all going to be thrown under the bus?
If the country in FULL and closed (but not too full to chain-migrate FLOTUS’ parents) it is because the White House is EMPTY of everything that matters in public service. All those people “working” in the White House, all the hangers on (Scaramucci, et al), and the WH is an echoing barn, EMPTY of morality, ethics, compassion, curiosity, knowledge, expertise, chesed (loving-kindness), honesty, acceptance of responsibility, true inventiveness and entrepreneurial agility.
Denver7756 (Denver)
She sold her soul for the trump way and it wasn’t enough. On the other hand. Having all these lackey 3rd string temporary secretaries is just like having his kids “run” his business (or his bidding).
Sky Pilot (NY)
What a despicable, soul-less, empty vessel of a human being! She signed up with Trump and lied for him and did his dirty work. She deserves worse punishment than losing just her job.
felixmk (ottawa, on)
Cuccinelli as Homeland Secretary will be a debacle. Maybe he will curry favor by using confederate symbols in Homeland Security lapel pins like he did when he was AG of Virginia?
dgbu (Boston)
Where are the front page articles about the thousands of Americans who have been the victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants? The thousands of Americans who have been killed by illegal immigrants? The Times and other liberal media outlets don't seem to care about them. And neither do the Democrats or the Washington bureaucracy. That's the primary reason Trump got elected. And the reason he'll get elected again. When a political party stops caring about its own people, it no longer deserves to govern.
eheck (Ohio)
@dgbu "Where are the front page articles about the thousands of Americans who have been the victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants? The thousands of Americans who have been killed by illegal immigrants?" Because there aren't that many. Not anywhere close to this many. If you're going to make a claim like this, be prepared to back it up. If you can't, then it will be dismissed as yet another hyperbolic anecdotal FoxNews talking point with little connection to reality. But you're right - since the Republican party stopped caring about the country and its citizens, they no longer deserve to govern. They found this out in 2018; hopefully, the point will be driven home again in 2020.
Why Me (Anywhere But Here)
@dgbu Please do share with us the verified statistics that show how many American men, women, and children have been killed by their fellow American citizens with guns versus how many have been killed by illegal immigrants. One could argue that the current administration is not pro-life when it comes to gun safety.
Iain (Dublin, Pa)
Because they only exist in Fox and Alex Jones world?
Leninzen (New Jersey)
Ms. Nielsen has looked like she is in over her head since she was appointed. Between being in over her head and being bullied by her boss she could do no right - it was painful to watch her try to defend the indefensible Trump immigration policies. Seems like she might have finally said "no" to Trumps demands for more mistreatment of refugees. Good for her.
Daphne (Petaluma, CA)
It is a crisis, even if our Congress doesn't care. There seems to be no actual policy, and Nielsen had no power to create one. Catch and release. Let them come in if they bring a child. Ask them to report for a hearing at some future date and trust that will happen. Hold in detention until facilities are full, then turn them loose along the U.S. border cities. Rant about a wall. New caravans start every month, so how many millions of migrants can we accept, feed, shelter, educate, and provide medical care? We understand why they want to come to the United States, but there are Spanish speaking countries where they could assimilate faster.
S North (Europe)
Trump as usual is blaming everyone but himself, not realizing that it is precisely this insane policy that has people scrambling to get in.
Dave (Nc)
This administration is an abject joke. God forbid we have a true national security crisis that requires effective planning and coordination within the government and between branches of government and the military, transmission of that policy to the public in a cogent manner and, if necessary, enlisting our allies either for physical help or at least political cover. No one trusts these folks, he’s burned almost every bridge except to his hard core supporters and every single time it gets a bit difficult, something as horrific as the child separation policy occurs. Newsflash to his supporters; the Apprentice is not an audition for the Presidency.
Joe (Denver)
So Ms. Nielsen goes home to her family and moves on with her life, but what about the children that she separated from their families? When do they get to go home?
The Trump Circus unfortunately is still in town. When will the citizens quit buying tickets to this lousy rendition?
Greg Hodges (Truro, N.S./ Canada)
" part thinking she could have a reasoned conversation with Mr. Trump about the role," ...Well that was an exercise in utter futility. When will these blind fools realize there is no such thing as a reasoned conversation with this Demagogue about anything. Honestly it is both amusing and infuriating to see so many so called leaders in the G.O.P. prove over and over that reason has nothing to do with Trump. Never was/ Never will be. You are dealing with a man who has no vision and no clue how to solve anything. The ONLY thing Trump has ever cared about in his whole life is what is in it for me! If you can`t. see that by now; you are as clueless as Kirstjen Nielson; and will be just one more sucker he can use and dispose of anytime he wants. Pathetic.
Doremus Jessup (On the move)
This horrible woman should be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity. She's just another example of Trump's "best".
Ceilidth (Boulder, CO)
Like all incompetents Trump blames everyone but himself for the messes he makes. And whenever someone points out that he is doing something against the law, he has another one of his raging toddler fits. The only people who now want to work for him are the lowest of the low--the racist Stephen Miller and the warmonger John Bolton and Trump's dumb and ignorant spawn and their spouses.
Bob Burns (Oregon)
Trump is a sociopath. Period, full stop. We have a disinterested, intellectually barren, soulless nutcase who is incapable of truth telling, in the White House. His Republican minions in the Senate would rather protect him than deal with the reality of a sociopath as their leader. The immigration problem is but one of dozens that go unaddressed. Trump's removal by one means or the other is the only remedy for our present circumstances.
DMH (nc)
Two questions that arise because of Nielsen's "resignation." One: She's under subpoena(s) from Congress; will the Congress pursue this now that she's leaving her position? If not, why not? Two: Nielsen is deemed to be one of the few people around with expertise in cybersecurity; what does her departure portend for this?
Robert THOMAS (London)
I do not agree with their policies and her enforcement of them but I fully respect the job she has done in trying to carry out this administrations policies. Yet, once again, that effort and loyalty is worth nothing as she is yet another member of the administration to be cast aside in a disrespectful way. I fail to comprehend how anyone would want to, or be willing to work for such a terrible boss. Most company boards would have fired him for cause before now. Sadly the board of The President (aka The Senate) is too scared of its own shadow to hold him in check.
Jo Williams (Keizer)
Demanding Ms. Nielsen do things that are clearly illegal. Ignoring the law that names an interim department head rather than the one this president wants. What is it about the Constitutional requirement to ‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed’ that seems to slip past this president’s job description? Congress has not rewritten immigration laws, Congress has not empowered the presidency with the ability to constantly suggest illegal means of governing, And searching with that magnifying glass, I find nothing in the Constitution about a sitting president being immune from any prosecution. What it does say is “....high crimes and misdemeanors”. Misdemeanors. Is demanding illegal actions from subordinates a misdemeanor? For all the recent accolades drummed up for Speaker Pelosi, she is as bad as Senator McConnell- preventing any mention, any action, any hint of impeachment. No, we must play the political games, ask nicely for any information, any testimony leading to...misdemeanors- or worse. Those Republican committee members had it right; lacking that special prosecutor statute, go for impeachment. But not to worry- the president’s family minder, Mr. Kurshner, is stepping into the immigration debacle. With his sterling credentials in this area, I’m sure it will all work out. Homeland Security was supposed to be our premiere, organized bulwark against real threats to our nation. Now it’s a family portfolio. Our National Security Advisor, Lou Dobbs- thanks.
ajbown (rochester, ny)
@Jo Williams Pelosi knows that she would never get the votes for impeachment in the current Congress. She also knows that the only way to get Trump out is to elect him out. In order to win 2020, Dems have to focus on issues that matter to most Americans. Impeachment isn't one of them and focusing on it could backfire. She's a brilliant tactician and is playing the long game.
Jo Williams (Keizer)
Maybe she won’t uncover enough misdemeanors for the Senate- but neither will she ever get through the Senate any legislation on health care, gun safety, DACA, et all. It’s a game for 2020 positioning, while this president laughs at our laws, our legal procedures. We’ve seen this Democrat ‘my way or the highway’ before. Forget worrying about that shrinking Trump base; start worrying about the majority that didn’t vote for him- that you’re going to start losing. Vote to impeach, put out the evidence- it’s what this mockery of a presidency demands. VP Pence is still a Republican- and daily looks better and better.
Richard Ray (Jackson Hole, WY)
I thought the new season of Game of Thrones started *next* week...
BeCivil (USA)
As long as Stephen Miller is dictating his radical policies on how our immigration system needs to work , DHS will always be rocky. You cannot impose anti immigration policies in a country that was made by the immigrants.
MTM (Lakeville, CT)
Kirstjen Nielsen should thank her lucky stars that she's out of the administration. The longer anyone stays, the greater the probability that their reputation will be sullied for a very, very long time. There's no merit in working with an abusive, volatile person heading the government.
Amanda (Colorado)
Well, there goes another one. Can Trump hold on to any of his employees for long?
jhanzel (Glenview)
@Amanda ~ Only the truly incompetent or criminal ones.
susan (nyc)
If Trump had a modicum of intelligence he would form a summit with the countries where these people are coming from and see if they can find ways to resolve this problem. Trump is not qualified to be President. He appointed Nielsen and blames her for everything, He wanted Nielsen to break the law. Trump doesn't even know the law and if he does he does not care. Trump does not take responsibility for the people he appoints. He loves to play the blame game. People with critical thinking skills know what he is. Too bad his base hasn't caught on.
Larry P. (Miami Beach, Florida)
Words matter. Kirstjen Nielsen was not "Trump's" homeland security secretary. For better or worse (I think for worse) she has been the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security for all Americans. The sloppy headline plays right into President Trump's authoritarian view of government - which is that public servants exist to serve him personally, rather than the American people.
Claire (D.C.)
I have no sympathy for Ms. Nielsen and anyone who works in this awful administration. I wish others would follow Tricia Newbold's lead and call out 45* and company while still in office.
Upstate Dave (Albany, NY)
It's amazing how everyone Trump appoints is to blame for the unworkable policies HE demanded. Wasn't he supposed to appoint nothing but the "Best People"? Wasn't that his promise. Someone else is always responsible for his failures. His whole life. It was someone else's fault that illegal Polish immigrants were hired to work on his casino and that they weren't paid what they legally were entitled to and had to sue him. It was someone else's fault that more illegals keep being found to have been and still are working for him. If his judgement is so bad about the people he chooses to rely on, nationally and internationally, shouldn't we all finally admit it and get rid of him?
Ernest Ciambarella (Cincinnati)
Tax returns and Mueller Report please.
Lock Him Up (Columbus, Ohio)
There doesn't seem to be any adults able to stop Trump from dictating, as in being a dictator. Ivanka used to try, John Kelly sometimes had success. Maybe only Putin has been able to change Trump's behavior. But somehow I don't think he's going to help us. Congress..Congress? This president is intent on violating more US laws. He wants to change the laws he doesn't like. You had ALL better stand up to this insanity. His tax bull is ridiculous, and I do not understand how/why he can stop the IRS from releasing his taxes. The law is clear.
David (San Jose)
Wow. To the end, she thought she could have a “reasoned conversation” with Trump? That’s more delusional than most. The reference to Congress and the courts is particularly pathetic, given that the last thing her boss wanted was any compromise on these difficult and complex issues, and doesn’t even recognize the other branches of government as legitimate. Like all Trump appointees, Ms. Nielsen leaves with her reputation permanently ruined, the face of a policy simultaneously mean-spirited and incompetent.
Concerned Veteran (Washington)
I am so sorry that I enjoyed watching “The Apprentice” on television years ago. That enabled 45 to get to where he is today, and that same “you’re fired” mindset is going on throughout his sorry administration. Did I say “fired”? I meant to say we’re all “fried.”
sleeve (New York)
Why isn’t Trump’s demand that Kierstjen do something illegal like stop taking asylum requests enough to get him impeached?
Although I am not fond of how Ms. Nielsen ran her department the real issue is Trump. The problem as always is that Trump does not think, study or listen to advice about anything let a lone immigration issues. This is all about his running for reelection and showing his base and the rest of the republican party that he's tough on illegal immigration which now has morphed into all forms of immigration unless you are immigrating from Europe or Balkan nations. This will only end once Trump is defeated in 2020. The Democrats must cooperate to come up with cohesive messages about healthcare, immigration and the economy. They cannot rely on just healthcare because if they do Trump will be reelected.
Why Me (Anywhere But Here)
You said the key word right there: cooperate.
terry brady (new jersey)
Homeland security was a cakewalk for Beneito Mussolini as machine guns were the favored boarder technology. Maybe the new guy will use Navy Rail Guns instead.
lil50 (USA)
What a shame that she sold her soul to the devil, only to have the devil say, "You're fired!"
Gian Piero (Westchester County)
Why has Trump spent so much time tweeting and playing golf over the last couple years instead of paying attention to matters such as immigration now deemed as “crisis.” What would a real leader had done?
Ponsobny Britt (Frostbite Falls, MN.)
@Robert Sewell: Obama also spent more time doing his job; whether you like it or not, Obama was also far better at his job, than Trump. Face the sad reality, that unasmuch as you apparently didn't care for Obama, at least he wasn't the chowderhead Trump, is. If you think Trump is doing such a bang-up job, you're only fooling yourself.
eheck (Ohio)
@Robert Sewell We are - somebody has to, since Trump and his cult followers apparently couldn't care less about public policy or the United States, except to make sure that the "right people are hurt." This pretty much sums up the worldview of Trump and his supporters - pathetic.
Kip (Scottsdale, Arizona)
Robert’s golf count is no doubt counting Obama’s eight years against Trump’s two years to come up with his conclusion. That reasoning no doubt makes sense to Trump supporters.
Eric S (Philadelphia, PA)
Secretary Nielsen always looked miserable to me, like she had dutifully exchanged her humanity for some bogus platitudes about really being needed there in the job and doing the right thing.. a lot of handshakes and short meetings with men. And then just short meetings. And now nothing but a trail of misery tears.
Dave (Grand Rapids MI)
Hate her that you will; however, when push came to shove, she refused to break the law at the President's request.
T (Blue State)
@Dave Sometimes she did.
Alk (Maryland)
MAGA folks who care about immigration, please realize what this is...Hype to rile you up before an election. If he truly wanted to fix immigration, why did he employ so many illegal immigrants himself (even as he spoke of a wall and being tough). Why did he just double the H2B Visa program which brings in more cheap labor? What he is doing is using innocent children and refugee families as a spectacle to stir up fear and anger, to divide us. We can not allow this kind of tactic to succeed. We must be smarter and stronger.
Travis ` (NYC)
He and this Administration are unfit and frankly they need to be removed. There is no leadership just crimes being committed with tax dollars. She's another byproduct of corruption and ineptitude. We the people cannot aide this any longer.
Chico (New Hampshire)
Why is that Trump can't control the immigration system and migrants coming to the border? This so-called migrant or undocumented immigrant crisis was never this bad under George W. Bush or Barrack Obama, in fact it was at an all time low during President Obama's term; it seems to have skyrocketed under Trump's incompetence. I think Donald trump is panicking and will tryin to use any measure to change the narrative of his own ineptness and incompetence.
Frank J Haydn (Washington DC)
I'd like to see Stephen Miller replace Ms. Nielsen. Mr. Miller I suspect has absolutely no idea of what actually takes place at DHS or at the southern border. Thus far he has hidden in his WH office, acting merely as an aloof eminence grise for this administration's immigration policy. Having to do the grunt work of a cabinet secretary might be a real maturing experience for him. But then again, its difficult to see anyone with any real life experience taking him seriously.
Mr. Montgomery (WA)
@Frank Hayden WA DC . I agree, let’s get Stephan Miller in there to actually step to the front and take responsibility for his thinking and the resultant policies on immigration. Apparently Miller has continued to be active in this situation even though he was not in charge of this department by cherry picking personnel to be fired and replaced by personnel loyal to his anti immigration mind set. It’s time for him to own his policies in a difficult leadership position or leave WA what a weasel.
She lost her job because, as cruel as she was persuaded to become, she wasn’t cruel enough for Trump. As many were the rules of decency and policy from which she was willing to depart, she wasn’t amoral enough for Trump. She enabled the monster and was consumed.
Concerned Veteran (Washington)
Separating children from their parents and putting them in cages, allowing women to be mistreated, as well as the old and infirm —don’t these actions count as “high crimes and misdemeanors?” Isn’t this a possible case for the world court at The Hague to try 45 as a criminal?
Bella (The City Different)
I am not even going to read the story. My day goes better if I don't start off reading about his consistent and ever tiring drama.
Harley Leiber (Portland OR)
The New Colossus "......Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" Emma Lazarus said it best. These words may be inscribed on the Statue of Liberty but they denote a theme that is the foundation of this country. .It is a theme that Nielsen never understood. If she had she would have quit rather than try and enforce Trump's incomprehensible and cruel border policies.
Avatar (NYS)
Mmm bye bye. So they’ll replace her with someone even worse. Need to release the Mueller report. Now!
WITNESS OF OUR TIMES (State of Opinion)
It appears Trump has been firing people for two reasons; to eliminate top knowledge at the top of agencies, and to have the ability to claim malicious intent if those fired testify against him.
Colleen Dougherty Bronstein (Yardley, PA)
I will never understand how she accepted this position, within this administration, and how she decided to stay in the job when children were dying and in cages.
Robert (Los Angeles)
And another one bites the dust... . Living, as we do, in the land of pretend (we have a pretend president, a pretend Secretary of State, a pretend Chief of Staff, etc.) - does it really make any difference? All of these people are so far in over their heads, know so little, and compensate by exhibiting nothing but raw bluster, ignorance, and undiluted venom - this is not even the equivalent of moving wooden figures on a chessboard. They're playing checkers and it's a Loonie Tunes version, at that. When you see the mushroom clouds on the horizon, you'll know that this ill-fated episode in world history has finally come to a close.
Concerned Veteran (Washington)
I agree wholeheartedly… Mushroom clouds, indeed!
Frank J Haydn (Washington DC)
Ms. Nielsen is a good human being who was placed in a politically impossible position. I hope she writes a book.
Concerned VeteranAll those former trump cabinet secretaries should be exposed (Washington)
It would be a public service to tell us what all of those former Trump secretaries and other high-ranking administration individuals are doing now for employment. Many, I suppose, have gone on to work for right-wing think tanks or return to previous jobs. Some who were mired in scandal like the former EPA and Interior chiefs are probably enjoying the fruits of their ill-gotten labor from GOP beneficiaries of their scandalous policies. The outgoing DHS secretary will pick up a job somewhere, collect a severance and then go on to further enrich herself, regardless of the trail of human suffering she left behind. The “swamp” is alive and continues to engulf us all.
Terry (Sylvania, OH)
@Concerned VeteranAll those former trump cabinet secretaries should be exposed Amazing that people thought that a NY Real Estate developer was going to "drain the swamp". He has only brought it to new levels.
Alan Mass (Brooklyn)
With nothing else to show for his two and a quarter years in office but a huge tax cut for the rich and undermining international cooperation between the democracies, Trump has decided to make blocking immigration his top issue for the 2020 campaign. He has persuaded his base that undocumented aliens are pouring into the country although most of them (not a huge number anyway) have been allowed in while their asylum claims are adjudicated. His pals at Fox News and rightwing social media mirror that false claim.
Kirk Bready (Tennessee)
Given the nature and volume of the White house workload, the POTUS' most critical function is selection and guidance of Cabinet executives to ensure competence and stability in government. The scandalous rate of turnover and vacancies in that staff is further aggravated by the reasons which range from disorderly to disgraceful. As with other categories of the POTUS' performance scorecard, the record is an alarming pattern of failures. That is gradually shifting the public's perspective from asking what POTUS has done for us to what it is doing to us.
Chico (New Hampshire)
@Kirk Bready The POTUS's only critical function and workload is washing his golf balls, cleaning his golf spikes, and polishing his golf clubs.
Yet another example that reflects the tone that was set by the infamous businessman. Despite the efforts of the good folks within the administration, there continues to be a growing hostile and negative organizational culture. Why is that?
Cartcomm (Asheville)
While Homeland Security’s focus for the Trump administration has been on immigration, note that this article reminds us the department also is responsible for “everything from protecting the nation from cyberattacks to responding to natural disasters.” What’s being accomplished related to cyberattacks, for example? As for natural disasters, ask Puerto Rico and the Florida Panhandle. This department under Trump is its own disaster.
Meg (Troy, Ohio)
Together Trump and Miller, now that they have forced Nielsen out in their trademark demeaning way, will now find someone to do their bidding to the last detail at the southern border. Just one more step into authoritarianism and away from democracy. And we just stand and watch, weep, and complain...
RickyDick (Montreal)
Kirstjen Nielsen: too draconian for the enlightened; not nearly cruel enough for trump.
Frank J Haydn (Washington DC)
@RickyDick The Times' editorial board writes today that she enacted DHS in accordance with federal law and international obligations, and that this is what infuriated Trump. How is that "too draconian"?
RickyDick (Montreal)
@Frank J Haydn Well, there is the cage thing. Kinda draconian, don'tcha think? But I don't blame her too much; she was tending in the draconian direction at the behest of her truly draconian boss. Still, when you dance with the devil, you don't change the devil: the devil changes you.
Chico (New Hampshire)
Sadly, this is what happens when we have a President who has no idea what he is doing, Trump's incompetence has infected his entire Presidency and worse the entire Republican Party. This country was predicated on opening it's door to the oppressed and poor who are fleeing persecution, or in this case violence and death for a better and safer life for their children; instead Trump is trying to mirror this country into his own narrowminded, bigoted mindset that is the polar opposite of what America has always stood for in my lifetime.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
Under Trump's regime, Kirstjen Nielsen looked and acted like a hostage in pain. I don't remember ever seeing her smile. She did a lot of damage during her tenure, but evidently, not fast enough to please His Highness. Usually Trump assigns someone to a department or position who hates everything and everyone having to do with that department or position. I assume whoever replaces Nielsen hates immigrants and will carry out with gusto whatever evil plan Trump has in store for them,
Paula (East Lansing, MI)
This article almost makes me feel a little sympathy for Ms. Nielsen. But really, is Mr. McAleenan that desperate to be mean to Central Americans that he is willing to see his own reputation and mental health trashed by taking a prominent role in this filthy administration? I guess I am glad that now Ms. Nielsen will be able to enjoy a meal of Mexican food without being heckled out of the restaurant. Maybe Mr. McAleenan will deal with one of the real causes of immigration--employers who hire illegal immigrants because they are cheaper, work harder, and there is not much of a down-side risk.
G. (PDX)
With Trump in office there will be no improvement in the immigration situation. He should put an end to his disservice and announce he's not seeking a second term.
Andy (Illinois)
Like Midas of myth. Except everything Trump touches turns to pyrite. Fool's gold.
Daniel Messing (New YORK)
As usual there’s always someone else to be blamed when things don’t work out. This time the disastrous mess at the border is Nielsen’s fault. If she would just have listened to the infallible genius sitting in the Oval Office the immigration problem would have disappeared by now! What a pathetic spectacle.
Donald Green (Reading, Ma)
An ode to Ms. Nielsen and her former boss..... Looking At a Wall I'm wondering...... Are you keeping me in or keeping me out? True walls, not fashioned from an idea, shaped tribal separation, blind coexistence to mold Babel Towers, and myriad tastes..... Introducing strife, hybrids, resentment, a reconfigured mutation, a fragile alloy...... Eroded over millennia, marked as epochs. Restructuring constraints, bulwarks for no known reason, arising from impulse. The Prince's rules, pernicious ambition..... Setbacks haltingly refine metaphysics, stirring more or less yin and yang, until a point is reached, a lasting fusion unveils and dissolves its former limited breadth..... Separations finally broken, whether self or nature made, to envision a reality that fortressed borders defy..... A cohesion that pursues embracing anyone's language..... The unencumbered eye unmasks the cloistered courage to set aside unnatural imposed confinement..... Finally, I have the answer. The wall has two sides.... You are in your cage....... and...... I am in mine.
ws (Briarcliff Manor)
Good Riddance! Ms. Nielsen is the modern day Tin Woman - she has no heart & no womb - heartless woman.
jerry lee (rochester ny)
Reality Check if mexico was doing there part wont be security problem at our border in usa.Concidering mexico has two borders can stop flow of illegals to usa . Its futile to have open border into usa if mexico brings in illegals on its southern border an then allows same people to cross over on mexicos northern border. Usa should just invade mexico all way to panama canel end this once an for all. Its act war by mexico to allow poison herion into usa .
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
So, as I read some of the comments that are clearly biased toward immigrants from Latin American, including those from our close neighbor, Mexico, how "Americans" will celebrate Cinco de Mayo and further demonstrate their hypocrisy?
the dogfather (danville, ca)
@Dan: under this cruel and utterly incompetent Administration, any excuse to drink will be embraced by the populace.
Alk (Maryland)
I will shed no tears for this lady but I wish it were Stephen Miller instead. That guy is pure cold hearted evil and he has the president's ear which should frighten all of us. They think the woman who kidnapped and locked children up in cages is not tough enough? Good god are we ever going in the wrong direction as a country.
Thor (Tustin, CA)
You say that “Mr. Trump has ratcheted up his anti immigration message in recent months”, he is NOT anti immigration, he is anti illegal immigation. This is the subtle brainwashing that you folks on the Left do. This is why so many folks are so distrustful of the elite media.
Brian Bress (Los Angeles)
Trump wants to cut both legal immigration, illegal immigration and refugee attempts to enter the country. How can you possibly say Trump likes legal immigration when he wants to cut those numbers too? Example: Trumps administration has been working quietly behind the scenes to cut back legal immigration too. They’ve implemented new polices like refusing work visas for one typo to curb legal immigration. Previous administrations gave the applicants the opportunity to fix an error. Say what you will about that policy but it does constitute an effort to curb legal immigration. Also refugees seek asylum at the border and surrendering to authorities does constitute legal immigration. So Trump’s push back against it and threat to close the border or attempt to refuse their efforts at applying for legal asylum are indeed anti-immigration. Politi-fact agrees Trump wants to impose new limits on legal immigration during his own words: “We will reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, the forgotten people. Workers. We’re going to take care of our workers.” - - Donald Trump If Trump was serious about protecting American workers he’d focus on the looming issue of automation. A robot is coming for your job, not an immigrant.
rslay (Mid west)
How many Cabinet Level Secretaries are now being run by Temps, without Senate approval? Would these people be in line of Succession if a disaster happen? Trump is getting rid of people who had to pass Senate approval (such as it is, even with this rubber-stamp Senate). Autocrats want total power and trump is well on his way.
Kara Ben Nemsi (On the Orient Express)
The only person who currently counts for line of succession is the Speaker of the House.
rslay (Mid west)
@Kara Ben Nemsi True, however, moving down the line in the event of a catastrophe, Cabinet Members are in the line of succession.
Michael (New York)
Simply stated, Ms. Nielsen’s tenure illustrates how the Trump Administration is turning our laws, procedures and oversight into meaningless endeavors. I vehemently disagree with her point of view on many issues but , in the past, she appeared to have a basic grasp of what is legal and illegal. As most in Trumps’ sphere as of late , Ms. Nielsen appeared to acquiesce to his view of Government ....something to be Manipulated and run like a privately held business. She should have resigned long ago, as many in the Administration have done, in an attempt to show some form of self respect.
Vincentpapa (Boca Ration)
The Central American countries have populations in the range of 60-80 million. Many who live there live a life without a future, education, security or jobs. Climate change is impacting family farms causing many to just walk away. So they decide to come north . Remember Bob Dylan's family's line " when you ain't got nothing you have nothing to lose". They will continue to come north because they can't continue to live where they are. The migration will only get worse. How you stop it I can't figure that out.
Elisabeth (NYC)
"Ms. Nielsen said she planned 'to stay on as secretary through Wednesday' in order “to assist with an orderly transition.” Yes, staying on until Wednesday will certainly make an orderly transition!! Only in the Trump administration do departing agency heads say such ridiculous things!! I'm sure she will pass on her memos as to how to keep track of children separated from their parents (which she failed to do), cover up abuse in the child detention centers (which occurred at alarmingly high rates), and how to keep a straight face while telling lies at press conferences and congressional hearings as to how important all of the cruelty her agency imposed. Good riddance to a woman who endorsed cruelty and help put forward a policy fabricated on xenophobia and fear.
Usok (Houston)
If president Trump is so hard to please, why there are so many people willing and wanting to serve in high positions in the government? NY Times never reports the benefits of working in high positions. The benefits that I can think of is to add prestige in your resume, build networking relationship with private companies, and obtain government retirement benefits. There must be other benefits that I cannot think of. They all sound good. I will work for Mr. Trump if I were picked regardless of his personality.
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
@Usok First, I offer that many of those benefits, particularly retirement, are not available to the appointees given none stay on the job long enough to vest to collect on said retirement or avail themselves of retiree health benefits. Second, I have worked for despotic individuals and the benefits were not worth the stress.
William O, Beeman (San José, CA)
Now we find out that Trump wants even more cruelty at the border. How wonderful for our national reputation! We are becoming the nation of torture (Guantanamo), obstruction (tariffs) and cruelty (border insanity). What a legacy for our next generations. MAGA indeed!
Marge Keller (Midwest)
"Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy along the southwestern border, which initially resulted in the separation of thousands of migrant children from their families." And yet, in spite of Trump's "zero tolerance" policy, thousands of people from various countries continue to rush to America. It boggles the mind why so many immigrants love this country and are willing to sacrifice so much yet so many Americans tend to take this country for granted.
KLC (Great Lakes)
@Marge Keller Think about a country that doesn't care about its poor, that puts leaders in power that do not care about their poor and I mean very very poor, like using newspaper to thicken soup broth poor. Think about a country that promotes religious dogma such as 'go forth and multiply' and discourages birth control. Many people will become desperate over time and some will leave to save their own lives. People who are starving or afraid of violence will leave. Poverty causes this. Irresponsible leadership causes this. Costa Rica is a ringing bell of resilience and creativity. It puts tax $$ into education, health care and environmental health. It is one of the countries in Central America that is doing well. Most people want to stay and live where they are born when their country takes care of them. It is so much easier to stay. People who leave are scared and desperate and see the possibility of a better life in a rich country.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
@KLC I completely agree with your view point. Your closing statement is the bottomline. I just wonder how many Americans truly appreciate and realize just how great and wonderful and how good it is here.
w h mc Gee (New Canaan)
To my mind separating children from their parents is a crime against humanity. How can that woman sleep at night? What does she tell her children?
cec (odenton)
So Trump threatens to close the border again as per his tweet on Sunday, April 7. Sure. China, Russia, N. Korea, Mexico et. al. if your listening, you know that Trump is a bag of wind who can't be trusted. Trump threaten to place a 25% tariff on cars imported from Mexico -- next year. Of course that would be a violation of the trade deal that he negotiated with Mexico. It fits his MO based on all of the contractors that he has stiffed in the past.
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
One more bad actor in the long list of Trump appointees hits the road. Who will our despotic president find in his fetid swamp that will be willing to ignore our laws, the courts and international conventions to further "galvanize his supporters" (something that despots do-find a common enemy) and invoke more racism and nativism on our country. While true the immigration issue needs to be addressed, but, it is apparent that Congress, who enjoyed a two-house majority for the first two years of the Trump nightmare, was unwilling to bend to the wishes of the despot. Lastly, I often ask who in their right mind would go to work for Trump's administration and I find the question answers itself.
Some Tired Old Liberal (Louisiana)
The keyword "weaponize" has replaced "compromise" in our government. I can see many pros and cons to the immigration issue, but we are way past the point of being reasonable. President Trump's only concern is how his actions play out on TV (not to mention the Internet), so that he looks like a superhero. Mind you, I count hundreds of Trump supporters among my friends and acquaintances, and I don't fault them for it. I fault him for it. Whether he is narcissistic or demented or incompetent is completely beside the point. He is power-hungry.
KLC (Great Lakes)
Blatant inequality is a terrible thing. Ignoring poverty and despair in South and Central America will continue to be a problem if summits between the leaders of all the America's, with the intent to figure out how to solve these problems, are not set up and implemented. As for K. Nielsen, she should be tried at in international criminal court for what she has allowed done to children under her watch. She's a criminal.
Lily (Washington DC)
Corporate leaders take note: If you put the woman who separated children from their parents on your board, I personally will come out of retirement to organize a national campaign to boycott your company!
pjswfla (Florida)
Good riddance. Now let's follow her departure with Trump's own, and then and only then will the USA have a chance at surviving as a democratic and decent nation.
Robbie J. (Miami Florida)
'Mr. Kelly later backed Ms. Nielsen to succeed him at the Homeland Security Department, though she was criticized as too inexperienced for the job by Democrats and anti-immigration groups. Mr. Trump, however, said she was “ready on Day 1.” “There will be no on-the-job training for Kirstjen,” Mr. Trump said in October 2017, announcing her nomination for the post.' And that, folks, is what kakistocracy looks like.
EssDee (CA)
Every elected and appointed official takes an oath to "protect and defend the constitution of the United States of America and the nation whose course it directs against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same." By failing to prevent foreign nationals from breaching our border, the secretary failed to defend the nation. If you don't secure the homeland, you shouldn't be the homeland security secretary. Senior officials should be held to the highest standards of performance. The next secretary must secure the homeland.
Kara Ben Nemsi (On the Orient Express)
She hasn’t wavered defending the homeland! I have had to take my shoes off every time I went flying during her tenure. Put the TSA in charge of the Mexican border and crossings will slow to a trickle.
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
@EssDee "To protect and defend...". That also includes compliance to the laws, domestic and international, and court orders. There is no room for "winging it" or ignoring those pesky issues of laws, consent decrees and international conventions.
the dogfather (danville, ca)
... and while we take our eyes of the real Homeland Security ball to focus on this self-generated, largely benign 'crisis,' those who actually mean us harm get the benefit of our distraction. Sooner or later, all this mismanagement and serial incompetence will surely bite the US in the tender reaches. It's Michael Lewis' 'Fifth Risk,' and he's right.
Lisa (NY)
It is pretty scary that Trump hounded her to violate the law.
J F Dulles (Wash DC)
Another one bites the dust. She is just another victim of Trump and his ego mania. Nobody that works for this President and acts with their own judgement and skills can last. If you do and also disagree then you are a target for his abuse. Absolutely the worst manager of people ever. She should be happy because leaving the administration will add years to her life.
Precarious (L.A.)
I guess Kirstjen wasn't mean enough.
signalfire (Points Distant)
No one talks about *why* there's drug violence and political upheaval in the countries the refugees are fleeing - drug BUYING on THIS side of the border. If all the white male (mostly) drug BUYERS in the U.S. were summarily caged, or executed for their part in all this (I'm looking at YOU, Wall Street), the problem would be much less pronounced. But, hey, let's keep snorting that coke and interfering (bribing or worse) in the political affairs of third world countries (looking at YOU, CIA) and pretending we don't, and then claiming the resulting chaos and refugees are not our fault or problem...
Bruce (Australia)
Mr Trump is a sane genius as he has stated. Others are wrong? All folk who contradict him including: The media except Fox News The DoJ The FBI The CIA Generals NATO The Federal Reserve system Democrats The Department of State. Public funded kids tv. Is there a pattern? Crashing fund to the Childrens' TV Network including Big Bird now off screen is really crazy and really grouchy. Sesame Street is not an antiquarian golf course for the rich and a pool of salivating bad golfers. Sesame Street is part of New York where trash cans made everyone welcome. Sesame Street will be remembered globally longer than the ignominious "Trump Tower".
John Doe (Anytown)
Resigned? Really? When my boss told me to clear out my desk and get out, I didn't tell everybody that I "resigned". Listen, since Steven Miller ("Riff Raff") doesn't like the way everybody's been doing the Homeland Security job - why doesn't he just do it himself? He wouldn't need a wall, he could just put up pictures of himself. That would definitely be enough to keep immigrants out.
bes (VA)
We have reached the point where the ignorant inanity of a statement like "Our country is full" can get only passing mention in a bigger story.
Chico (New Hampshire)
Maybe Donald Trump can select Judge Flores as the new Homeland Security Secretary?
Rev. E. M. Camarena, PhD (Hell&#39;s Kitchen)
Gee, I don't think I can possibly overstate the impact this move will have on my daily life... LOL
Rita (California)
Trump fired Nielsen because Trump can’t turn stupid campaign slogans into viable policy. And he needs a scapegoat. Trump’s m.o. is to turn a problem into a crisis so that he can ride in on his horse with the solution. Unfortunately his horse has bone spurs. I hope Ms. Nielsen’s health insurance covers PTSD.
Fred Mueller (Providence)
She was fired ...
William Case (United States)
Kirstjen Nielsen was never to blame for the separation of migrant children from their parents at the border. The Trump administration has never had a policy of separating families or migrant children from their parents. In 2015, Judge Dolly Gee off the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California ruled that accompanied children apprehended along with their parents at the border must be treated the same as unaccompanied children apprehended at the border, They cannot be held in custody with their parents, but must be released to centers operated by the Department of Health and Human Resources. The “child separation policy” is not a Trump administration policy; it is Judge Gee’s policy. Her ruling is the reason—the only reason—migrant children are separated from their parents. You can read the New York Times report on Judge Gee’ ruling at:
Confused (Atlanta)
Thank you for the “truth,” something that frequently eludes us!
kenyalion (Jackson,wyoming)
@WilliamCase- never to blame?!? Keep in mind, she was certainly in a position to stop this from happening and not embrace it. It is a frightening time when a single Judge's decision would be the framework for something so malignant. Actually my takeaway is that Stephen Miller is the architect of this. How do these people sleep at night?
Teresa (Miss NY)
Your comment is inaccurate. You're referring to the Flores settlement in 1997. It wasn't this judge's policy or decision. The Flores settlement states that children can't be held in detention centers for more than 20 days. The settlement was meant to set standards for detention centers which accommodate children and not as justification or a means to separate children from their parents.
rjs7777 (NK)
Working people demand that the border be enforced, to allow middle class people to make a good wage And get access to education and healthcare, rather than our middle class assets being reallocated to third world servants of the rich. See if you get it next time in 2020. I really doubt that you aren’t capable of getting it. In the end, you will forsake democracy (again) and point out thy it is fatally flawed. It favors the common people, not you. The neat part is that you don’t even understand that. It’s beyond you.
Specifically, what are you asserting is beyond whom? If "middle class assets" are being reallocated, they are going to the wealthy upper classes and not low wage earners.
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
@rjs7777 We get it. We understand it. We also are alarmed at the racism, and nativism, practiced by Trump and his adoring supporters. We understand there needs to be a border policy, immigration policy, that is humane. I ask, if the GOP had majority control of both houses during the first two years of Trump, why was nothing done? Can't blame Obama or the Democrats for that little tidbit of information.
batpa (Camp Hill PA)
Kristen Nielsen hoped to have " a reasoned conversation" with Donald Trump regarding the immigration crisis, which his policies accelerated. This shows her limited understanding of the POTUS. Perhaps, she's naive or maybe she is as narcissistic as Trump. Regardless, one feels no sympathy for this woman. She cooperated in taking children from their families She placed them in cages, causing irreparable damage. She joined a number of other cabinet members, who have sold their souls on the altar of Trumpism. The collapse of her career is her just deserves, for what she has done. Despite her letter, her leadership did not move us forward.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
"Mr. Trump, who has repeatedly expressed anger at a rise in migrants at the southwestern border, withdrew his nominee to run Immigration and Customs Enforcement because he wanted the agency to go in a “tougher” direction." A "tougher direction"? Good grief, being an American citizen, I found that choice of words frightening as well as alarming. I see a border war in the not so distant future with this madman in charge.
Confused (Atlanta)
We should welcome with open arms those who have valid reasons for coming to the US but exactly where does it stop? Just where is the breaking point? When does it begin to hurt rather than help? Should the cap be set at a million a year? A billion a year? I am not naive enough to believe that we can continue this indefinitely.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
@Confused I agree completely. It's a difficult situation that is growing out of control with each passing day.
Once again, we see the influence of among others, Jared Kushner. He has no place being involved in anything concerning our government, security or national policy. Ms .Nielsen worked hard at her job despite the limitations which Congress and current immigration laws many of which are working against the sovereignty of the US, our national security, as well as draining our economic and social services agencies and are all paid for by the hard-working American taxpayer. I doubt if Mr. McAleenan or any Homeland Security Secretary will be able to achieve much given our present immigration laws and the desire of many politicians to wield the immigration issue as a voting tool.
He got rid of her because she was cruel enough. Let that sink in.
Michael Kelly (Bellevue, Nebraska)
As America's Teresa May, Nielsen took on an impossible task to try and follow both the law and Trump's demands. Guess Mick Mulvaney was just too swamped to take on another part time job so Trump promoted another Stephen Miller approved stand in. When the overly powerful position was created by Republicans who speak of smaller government but continue to grow it began it called for someone who could handle tough problems. Under Trump no one he appointed could. Incompetent Trump needs to remain in charge and mishandle the power that he has. God help us.
MissyR (Westport, CT)
An increase of migrants at the border is due to Trump’s own failed and regressive immigration policies. Nielsen was a loyal soldier and accomplice who has fallen on the sword, so to speak, for her boss. In a perfect world, Nielsen would be on trial at The Hague for her enforcement of the family separation policy.
Amanda Jones (Chicago)
Another one bites the dust, from the seat of power to becoming a greeter at Walmart---that is your trajectory in the Trump administration.
Anna (NY)
@Amanda Jones: Walmart won’t hire her as a greeter or anything else... Dishwasher in a grungy restaurant kitchen, maybe...
Vjmor (Glencoe)
The Walmart greeters seem to be nice, friendly people who are doing an honest day’s work. Don’t insult them by suggesting a former Trump cabinet member could do their job.
David (Philadelphia)
I don’t believe that Trump’s name will be on the 2020 ballot. We must be alert and aware of whoever takes his place, especially if it’s a Republican. For our own safety, we have to presume that every member of the “Party of Trump” is as toxic as Trump himself.
Maria (NYC)
With the exception of former Governor Bill Weld (Massachusetts) who is smart, knowledgeable, experienced and above all "decent".
D. DeMarco (Baltimore)
Nielsen was a clear example of the cruelty that accompanies any and every Trump action. Thousands of children will never see their parents again due to her, thousands of families torn apart for seeking asylum. Even though whoever follows will be worse, America is still better off without Nielsen. She was part of the same cancer that grows around Stephen Miller and Trump. I hope the lies Kirstjen Nielsen told for Trump have ruined her career. There should be no reward for those who aid Trump.
bnc (Lowell, MA to)
And so departs another apprentice.
KJS (Naples, Florida)
Trump has fired Nielsen and installed McAleenan as her replacement. McAleenan is the one who used tear gas on immigrants trying to cross the boarder. Trump is turning America into a military state. Build a wall and attack women, children and men who are unarmed and looking for asylum. Just when you think Trump can’t go any deeper into the black hole he does.
Gazbo Fernandez (Tel Aviv, IL)
“I only hire the best.” Would someone please tell Trump that this isn’t ‘America’s Got Talent.
Mac (New York)
I guess she finally started feeling guilty about putting children in cages.
Clearwater (Oregon)
Whether you're an anti-immigration type or a moderate immigration type; if you're a "govern by law" and proper procedure type as most good Americans should be, this is no way to enact or change leadership of this nation's top security department. You should be beyond very concerned. The part of the article where it details that the Under Secretary would have to be fired to make way for Stephen Miller's . . er . . ah Trump's pick as acting head of Homeland Security is chilling. This is broken country stuff. When does the GOP kick in and start pressing this president to govern within the laws and age old templates laid out by those in the past that could really run a country?
Maria (NYC)
Beginning to sound more and more like decline of the great Roman Empire.
Rose... (Boston MA)
@Clearwater...the GOP has beeen missing in action for so long that it is doubtful that they exist at all. They have abdicated to fear and self preservation and have no concern for the citizens of the nation, it’s laws and values and have capitulated to the ring master of a circus the likes of which this country has never seen even in its darkest days. Any hope of them “kick”ing in is unrealistic, that ship sailed a long, long time ago sorry to say.
JW (New York)
This is not the first time in history a certain ethnic population was targeted for political reasons. At first they are merely scapegoated but, those in power notice it gets a positive response from their voters. So that ratchet the whole affair up a little more, now they are scapegoated and persecuted a bit. The supporters show their appreciation with loyalty and cheers. But like all things, in order to get a rise again the stakes must go up. Now they are scapegoated, persecuted and imprisoned. Eventually, the only move left is extermination. And this is how genocide happens. Trump is fully capable of such atrocity in particular with Steven Miller whispering in his ear. The irony doesn't escape me, its just overshadowed by the horror.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
She thought she could fix him, so she stayed. But she reminded him too much of his mother, so she got pushed out like the rest of them.
Anne (Chicago)
Democrats have to watch out now. Trump is choosing immigration as his battleground and this has worked for populists across the entire West.
gusii (Columbus OH)
Now, now, everyone be nice to Ms. Nielsen, she tried to resist, but in the end she was just following orders. Where have we heard that before?
jbartelloni (Fairfax VA)
"The president said in a tweet that Kevin McAleenan, the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, would take over as the acting replacement for Ms. Nielsen, who became the sixth secretary to lead the agency in late 2017. But by law, the under secretary for management, Claire Grady, who is currently serving as acting deputy secretary, is next in line to be acting secretary. The White House will have to fire her to make Mr. McAleenan acting secretary, people familiar with the transition said. Ms. Grady has told colleagues that she has no intention of resigning to make way for Mr. McAleenan." Two points here: There is no crisis on the border other than the one Mr. Trump has sought to manufacture. The chaos for which Mr. Trump uses as his m.o. continues.
Stephen Marchetta (Monroe Township, NJ)
The large increase in border crossings and asylum seekers is a result of failed diplomacy and poor relations between the U.S., Mexico, and Central America. The border issues can only be solved by a competent State Department and president, of which we have neither, in direct negotiations.
Bethesdalady (Maryland)
seems like she was too intent on keeping her job rather than keeping her dignity. why would ANYONE stay in a job constantly being castigated and belittled by the boss?
Will Eigo (Plano Tx!)
If Trump were a man of mettle, he would call a summit of SIX. US, Canada, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Sit everyone down and have a frank conversation. Anything less is grandstanding for political points and campaign fodder rather than addressing problems in the region. Alas, Trump never was such a person.
Opinioned! (NYC)
Correct. This is the way to go. Except that this will never happen because: • Trump needs the border issue to feed the hatred of his base. • He is a coward who cannot even make the call to his Mexican counterpart to ask for wall funding—must hurt the MAGA base to be reminded on a daily basis that they voted for a coward. Melania the First Lady/Third Wife can even slap his hand in front of other foreign leaders, the US military, and the international press.
There (Here)
This is good news, we need someone a bit tougher for that position, she never seemed able to articulate the strategy and the tactical direction of where the president is going in regard to securing the border.
Rod Sheridan (Toronto)
@There That's because there is no strategy or tactical direction with Trump. He could be replaced with a wind sock.
Coffee Bean (Java)
If you have the nicest house in the neighborhood and, as the homeowner, after a manmade disaster created elsewhere in the neighborhood residents begin walking to your house for aid, comfort and assistance, at what point do you turn off the spigot? Yes, you know it has become a humanitarian crisis in one part of the neighborhood but do you just continue to treat the symptoms or make better use of your money and solve the crisis? This isn't rocket science. simply putting a band-aid on the skin abrasion isn't going to solve the underlying problem.
Mike M (Chapel Hill, NC)
In your scenario I would help my neighbors as much as possible. Especially if my “house” was the wealthiest nation in the history of humanity.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
Block that metaphor!
Will Eigo (Plano Tx!)
Look at where Trump actually lives most of the time when not in WH. It is Mar a Lago. That venue has dues. He has not friends as guests. He has wannabe groupies paying membership fees to parade and fawn about his palace court.
Tom (PA)
In “Trumpworld”, everything is somebody else’s fault. Ever notice that?
Lisa Kelly’s (San Jose, California)
The Statue of Liberty says, “Give me your tired, your poor...” While Donald Trump says, “We’re full.” Horrible words from a horrible, greedy, selfish man.
Jimi (Cincinnati)
A picture of the Wizard of Oz atop his massive wall looking down on a defenseless woman and children yelling "you can't come in here - go away"... comes to mind with Trump & his wall. I really don't fault Ms. Nelson to the degree many folks here are blasting her. My views & politics may differ greatly from what she did - but she made her career serving the government beginning by working in the G.W. Bush Whitehouse. She had the misfortune of working for a tyrant who thinks he should be king and has not an ounce of decency in his heart and lacks any understanding of the values that have made our country a welcoming beacon on the mountain top. She had the misfortune of working in the Trump 3 Ring Hate Circus.
Charles (New Hope)
I'm no fan of Ms. Nielsen, but it's clear the swell in asylum seekers is due to a failure not of border policy but to a failure of foreign policy.
Marianne (Down Under)
I am confused as to what some reader comments are advocating. Regardless of how America was shaped by immigrants,in the past, there are laws. You advocate open borders as was the case in the historical past? You have immigration laws but you don’t want to enforce these? Or you want to enforce the law, but disagree about the methods? Some readers conflate immigrants with refugee status. Refugees are fleeing violence and persecution. Many immigrants are arriving for economic reasons, they are in search of a better life. I fear that if the Democrats do not understand these basic distinctions then America is in for another four years of Trump. If you have immigration laws they must be enforced. The enforcement methods are quite a different story. Every country has immigration laws. Some countries immigration laws are way more draconian than the US.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
Some countries can get a thrill knitting sweaters and sitting still.
Reggie (WA)
Although I support President Trump, I feel badly that Ms. Nielsen has found it necessary to resign in the midst of giving service to her Country. No one in the Trump Administration has has an easy time of it except for President Trump himself. Although I feel sorry that we will no longer have the public services of Ms. Nielsen in the United States Government, I can imagine that she probably feels relived that she does not have to go to work on this Monday morning. Serving America in the early 21st Century is a thankless job in a washed up nation. If Ms. Nielsen decides to write a book about her time in Office, I for one, will purchase it and read it. I wish Ms. Nielsen the best of success in her life from this point forward.
John (Hartford)
@Reggie You recognize he's incompetent and irrational but you support him. Yes that's entirely rational.
William (Massachusetts)
Just another Trumponian person without a clue.
K. OBrien (Kingston, Canada)
Your spell check seems to be broken. I tried mine and it never give "Resigns" as a correction for "Fired". Although just putting "Worked for Trump administration" may not be something you would want on your resume.
Bob in Pennsyltucky (Pennsylvania)
Trump's Cabinet - smaller than a Bread Box???
Albert Donnay (Maryland)
Her parents must be SO proud...
David (Palmer Township, Pa.)
I get it that people want to serve their country. But working for this guy is a losing proposition. He doesn't know how government works. His main concern is keeping his base which would never leave him if he shot someone on 5th Avenue and high noon.......(those are about his only words that I believe). Why humiliate yourself. His place in history is secured. He will be known as a "quirk of the Electoral College," when people wanted an "unconventional" President, conservatives were willing to sell their soul to get their agenda passed, and the ignoramuses all agreed.
James Murphy (Providence Forge, Virginia)
Nielsen was a disaster, but then who isn't a disaster in the Trump camp. He'll probably offer her job to a "tremendous" person like Sean Hannity.
Ed (Oklahoma City)
She did a great job ignoring the Russian and Chinese threats to our Democracy as well as the internal threats from white supremacists, her boss's natural allies. Wisely, she blamed poor Spanish-speaking children and their parents fleeing a life of violence.
David (Philadelphia)
I hope Kirstjen Nielsen and Robert Mueller’s team have a nice long chat about Trump. (Yes, I know that the report has already been completed, but the grand jury is still hard at work.) Her testimony could be almost as damaging to Trump as Stormy Daniels’.
David Binko (Chelsea)
It is sad Trump did not and does not have a coherent policy on immigration and border security. Yet he is constantly flip flopping on his decisions and has no stated overall policy or goals for immigration and border security. He does not properly know the current security system, law, the legal system or U.S. history concerning the border. He says he hires only the best and he knows the best people to put in leadership positions in the administration. And yet he fires the person he himself hired for the DHS Secretary. Nielsen had a thankless job with a boss that could not provide her with constructive leadership. I do not believe the U.S. must accept immigrants, either legal or illegal ones -- it is a choice we should make after understanding the system and the ramifications of changing it. Trump does not understand the situation and therefore has no chance to lead us out of it.
Damian McColl (San Francisco)
Im sure Trump felt very frustrated by someone who reminded him that there were federal and international laws to be followed. Ms Nielsen was tasked with managing thousands but ultimately she could not manage the irrational temperament of one.
Nelson (California)
Trump is very slow in understanding the migrant situation. He has a learning disability (small brain) which makes him very hard to grasp the most simple situations. Just read his tweets but don't laugh; he has been that slow all his life.
c harris (Candler, NC)
The migrant problem at the border needs leadership and knowledge of the history. Trump has neither. Just ignorant noise. Pandering to his supporters prejudices is his policy.
The Falcon (LI, NY)
This now former Secretary of DHS was a person lacking in empathy & civilization. She didn't even attempt to hide it.
Michael (Brooklyn)
One more from the Trump administration to the ICC.
Billy from Brooklyn (Hudson Valley)
Hard to feel sorry for her at all; she sold her soul to the devil to obtain a cabinet position, and the devil turned on her. Unfortunately, people like her always land on their feet. She will write a book, or be hired by a conservative think tank, or at least end up on Dancing with the Stars and Fox news. She is now a "celebrity."
Mark Stephenson (McHenry, Illinois)
I suspect that somewhere there are 101 dalmatian puppies that had better run and hide now that she is looking for new opportunities...
Montier (Hawaii)
Kirstjen Nielsen Quote: “I have determined that it is the right time for me to step aside." Nielsen is way more then a "day late"... in her determination to step down. Although, she is not a dollar short!
Dave Oedel (Macon, Georgia)
Can we hear Secretary Nielson's parting comment? Congress and the courts need to assume their constitutional roles regarding the problems of our day, rather than being tongued-tied (as for Congress) and overly activist (as for the judiciary). Their roles, like the roles of the executive "branch" (trunk?) and the anemic states, are now all mixed up. Let the core constitutional system work, or the nation will fail. Go back and look at what felled the Roman empire. There are some parallels here.
Jan (Florida)
Lots of criticism of Nielsen In the Comments. But it seems that she was one of the few who spoke up to the president about what he was pushing that is against the law and against the Constitution. She stalled on separation of children as long as she had the power to do so, this article points out. And according to the article she had hoped the conversation with the president immediately preceding her resignation would be a rational one based on the realities of law and of effects of trump’s policies. Nielsen is guilty perhaps of naïveté - or of the opposite, an awareness that her leaving would result in appointment of a replacement who would do the president’s bidding without regard to law or the effects of the president’s ittresponible demands. She gambled - and lost. Her resignation is obviously by order of Trump.
Jim (NL)
Her situation proves once again that you cannot bring Trump to respect anything. No respect for rule of law, reason,facts and certainly no respect for human decency. The only power we have is that of the vote. Remember that in 2020
as (New York)
Let us hope the next administration under Kamala Harris opens the border and keeps it open. Harris should understand since her father was Jamaican and her mother Indian. American is the land of hope especially for people in this hemisphere. And the babies torn from their mothers arms as well as the millions of starving babies in Central America and Mexico are the future population of the United States. Our responsibility to a child in Honduras or El Salvador is the same as our responsibility to a Honduran child in Chicago or South Los Angeles. We need to cut the military budget in half and send the money to these countries.
Morris (FL)
The dysfunction of all things related to Trump gives rise to a solution for Puerto Rico. Trump has refused to provide adequate aid for these American citizens. Given that they cannot be denied access to the continental US, we could Crowdfund airplane tickets for all Puerto Rican citizens to the US. Overwhelm our ports of entry which will force Trump to do what he should have done many months ago. Act with decency & compassion.
Deirdre (New Jersey)
Puerto Rican’s are American citizens who are welcomed at the border and provided aid in your cities as they can no longer live in Puerto Rico. Hundreds of thousands have already left and now their votes do count in Florida
Lascaux (Maryland)
This feels like watching a segment of “The Apprentice.” Trump makes up a flurry of ridiculous activities and then fires people. But this is real life and our country is doing horrible things at his command.
Ken calvey (Huntington Beach ca)
She resigned in a similar fashion to Louis the XVI, the difference being, she can sign her five figure book deal in praise of Trump,and be as employable as Sean Spicer.
Alan Sabrosky (New Castle PA)
The only consistent thing about Trump's presidency is that someone else is always responsible for anything that goes wrong. So it is no surprise that people as different as Rex Tillerson and James Mattis despised him.
samp426 (Sarasota)
Working for this administration is a fool’s errand; there is no way to operate on high moral ground amid the vapid nastiness that is the Trump dynamic.
SouthernView (Virginia)
The firing of one of Trump’s most faithful lap dogs because she could not implement his image of a perfect illegal immigration policy has dire implications for democracy and the rule of law in the United States, both for their immediate consequences, and what it will tell us about the bankruptcy of Republican governance. Nielsen’s firing shows that there is no way to accomplish Trump’s goals according to the rule of law and democratic norms. His lies,demagoguery, inhumanity, and refusal to face reality have hit a brick wall. Nielsen’s departure, of course, changes nothing. But we know what it portends: Trump will simply double down on his lawlessness and demagoguery—and he will find lackeys even more willing than Nielsen to follow his whims. Attorney General Barr, given his handling of the Mueller report, will be the first to fall in line. But the most chilling of the likely results: Congressional Republicans,led by the ilk of Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Lindsey Graham, will once more roll over and play dead as Trump roars ahead with his contempt for the rule of law, democracy, and common human decency toward the suffering of innocent human beings. Any semblance of hope that Republicans will finally rise in support of what we used to think of as America’s basic values will go by the boards. Only the Democratic House of Representatives may save us from total degradation. The rest of us can only pray for its success—and the results of the 2020 elections.
Deirdre (New Jersey)
Trump doesn’t want to solve a problem that drives them to the polls. Caravans are great TV - hoards at the boarder - very scary- kids in cages (no one cares anymore (see senate elections 2018). The president doesn’t want to address Immigration- he could work with Mexico or sending countries or add judges. He likes the theater... it scares people and drives them to the polls. We are all pawns in his reality show.
Chalin Smith (ALEXANDRIA, VA)
Exactly! He’d rather have the issue than a solution.
Will Eigo (Plano Tx!)
You cannot run a re-election campaign on problems solved. The rhetoric of fear mongering requires intractable bogey men/women/children. But let’s be fair, most all politicians prefer crises to calm. It is their manna. As Rahm is oft-qouted: Don’t let a good crisis go to waste ( or to the fixed column ).
Lex (Los Angeles)
"The president called Ms. Nielsen at home early in the mornings to demand that she take action to stop migrants from entering the country..." Oh my gosh. With such a boss, how does anyone excel in this job?
David H (Miami Beach)
Think of it as a start up. One must have passion to work in the setting.
Matt (Boston)
Last time I checked, nobody has...
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
In his perfect world. he would only have had to nudge her.
Quilp (White Plains, NY)
Kirstjen Nielsen was a masochistic careerist. She revealed that by demonstrating an inexplicably high comfort level with Trump's recurring circus at the border. Do not be distracted, that circus is designed by ringmasters Trump and Miller to win votes, by continually manipulating our susceptible media and that highly charged product of Washington gridlock, immigration. Trump and Miller repeatedly plow that ground to stir the unimaginative zealotry of down trodden voters from a particular strata of the society. Trump does what Trump knows. He knows reality shows. He was a circus clown before introduction of the deceptively branded 'reality show'. He was a venal snake oil salesman and publicity hound in New York before the proliferation of sanitized terms like 'TV pitchman' and 'political spin doctors'. Examine the company our President keeps and avidly promotes. He reveres WWE creators and performers. He is mesmerised by dressed up, made up, trumped up, vacuous flim flam men and women hawking vitriol and divisiveness while on cable television and across social media. What's left of high minded, establishment Washington is clearly stumped by his corrosive blandishments. Today, we can expect them and the media to react as he planned, by saturating the landscape with blathering chatter about a troubling problem that demands a salutary solution. But we cannot blame Trump for its creation. He is running with a political football gifted to him by the traditional swamp dwellers.
Confucius (new york city)
Had Ms Nielsen been endowed with a modicum of moral fibre, she shouldn't have accepted the position in the first place...or if she was deluded into thinking that she could've made a difference in the Administration's abysmal behavior, she should've resigned a long time ago. On the contrary, as a sycophant she clung on despite Mr Trump's frequent public and private humiliations.
Harold Johnson (Palermo)
Was she under qualified for the job? If so, she was one of a host of appointees in this administration of amateurs. Did she need the protection of Kelly? Absolutely, yes. No one can please Trump and he does not know the laws of the land which led to her giving him advice which infuriated him and led to tongue lashings in front of her peers. She should have resigned long long ago, at least when Kelly left. This is another casualty of the hateful, lawless, ignorant Trump. There will be many more before this charade of a presidency is over.
Bruce Stafford (Sydney NSW)
This article needs to be read as background: "Someone Is Always Trying to Kill You’ The United States cannot erect a wall and expect women to resign themselves to being slaughtered". In fact it should be compulsory homework for the GOP.
mungomunro (Maine)
Neilsen proves you can't serve the nation and Trump at the same time.
And Now This (Atlanta, GA)
Like many past and future Trump administration hacks, Kirstjen Cruella Nielsen was inexperienced and incompetent when she was appointed, and leaves in shame. The only “qualifications” she had were being willing to do whatever the Hater in Chief instructed and complete lack of empathy for the misery of other people, which is number one on the most desired characteristics for members of Trump’s administration.
PABlue (USA)
The fact that she didn't resign in protest as soon as the orders came to separate and cage children, tells you all you need to know about Nielsen.
Pde (Here)
How many “best” people are there in this country anyway? This administration seems to be plowing through them faster than a college football team could devour a mountain of cheeseberders.
toom (somewhere)
Has anyone noticed that every person who serves under Trump ends up diminished, under a dark cloud and with ruined reputations? It is as though Trump has a deal with the devil to survive all of the disasters he causes, by ruining others. Trump is the worst representative of the US in my memory. I can only wonder how anyone chooses to vote for this person.
Indy1 (California)
Good move. Another adult leaves Trump’s circus.
Harold Rosenbaum (The ATL)
As bad of a performance of the first team that were appointed by Trump; the second and third teams are full of con men, snake oil salesmen, tv personalities, political hacks and stooges. He said he only worked with the BEST people?
Ed (Washington DC)
Bullies are a scourge to human life. They remove human dignity, force people to consider themselves less than what they are, and add nothing to the benefit of the world. Bullies should not represent anyone in the U.S. who has a conscience, thinks, and has some sort of moral compass. The world would be so much better off without such people on the planet.
Gripah (Chalfont Pa)
Before Kevin Mcaleenan takes over perhaps he can research how his forefathers settled here. Or were they Native Americans ? Perhaps they came over with the desperate Irish migrants during the potato famine in the coffin ships. Their plight was also desperate with many Irish dying before they arrived. But once they arrived they weren’t separated with no hope of finding their parents again or placed in cages. Good luck Kevin, And find a way to work with a conscience in this administration. The world is watching.
Paul (Greensboro, NC)
Once again, con-man Trump is cornered by his own incompetency and amorality. Everyone and everything he touches becomes toxic. His few remaining defenders try to protect him as the wagons are being circled. Closing in tighter --- are all his false promises that will never be fulfilled. He has no idea how to climb out of the pile of lies he has laid before the American public. No crises. No wall. No honor. No truth. No moral character. He has no clue that you go further in life when you have good honest intentions, rather than purely selfish narcissism which always puts "self" above the good of others. He has created his own mess, and cannot admit he has failed as a leader. He cannot live with the idea that he is considered a loser. He'll need to be dragged out of the oval office kicking and screaming like the child he is.
macktan (tennessee)
As the 2020 election approaches, Trump will re=fuel his flamethrower designed to implant an irrational fury in the minds of his fans who daily express hatred of "border-looking people" and Muslims and, generally, anyone not white. It's a dangerous game to whip up hatred to such an intensity that it becomes boundless and crashes through basic morality and human values. I fear Trump will find his henchman who'll disregard laws & abuse the poor. And he'll continue to propose showy solutions that have nothing to do with the problems at hand. I daily ask myself: how bad must it be there to want to come here?
BobK (World)
One more victim touches Trump, withers, and dies . . . who is left to run the US government but our one man band “The Don”?
David (Portland, OR)
Trump eventually consumes all those who collaborate with him.
Sara Fasy (San Miguel De Allende)
Horrid woman who defended separating babies and children from their parents...not surprising that her resignation letter is hollow platitudes with a paranoid undertone.
William Fang (Alhambra, CA)
If Stephen Miller is the master mind behind all this cruelty, let's have him nominated to be DHS Secretary. Why have someone else do his evil work?
Johninnapa (Napa, Ca)
He sounds like a great boss to work for-moody, demanding and asking employees to do unlawful and unreasonable things like separating children from their families and putting them in cages.. So glad we have such a savvy winning businessman running the country. Most of his departments don't even have deputy tired of winning.
Kim (Redmond, WA)
The caption talks about a record number of migrants illegally entering the country, but the aren't illegal. They are seeking asylum. Why are you playing into Trump's propaganda?
Hornbeam (Boston, MA)
Nielsen: shockingly incompetent, a slave to Trump, but tossed out by him when she couldn't turn day into night. All the Trumpies keep talking about a border wall, but the problem seems to be providing safe and secure accommodations for people who are turning themselves in to the border service, seeking asylum. Why hasn't Trump & co. done anything to address this problem, or the inadequate system for processing asylum claims?
Doctor Woo (Orange, NJ)
It's only going to get worse.
JQGALT (Philly)
I hope President Trump appoints Kris Kobach as her permanent replacement.
L.C. Grant (Syracuse, NY)
She has connections. She'll find a job. A high paying one too. Just like the others that left.
sapere aude (Maryland)
If Trump found her deplorable tenure inadequate I shudder to think what comes next. The 2020 election cannot come soon enough.
sashakl (NYC)
@sapere aude Correction: 652 days to go as of 4/6/19 if he looses the election.
sashakl (NYC)
@sapere aude 852 days to go as of 4/6/19 if he looses the election.
Michele Caccavanoi (NY)
My guess is she was a competent respected government worker before this job.......Now she has ruined her reputation and is left with nothing. Everyone who works for him gets destroyed. She may not realize it yet.....but being fired was the "best day of her life." She will still have to live with the guilt of what she has helped to perpetuate for the rest of her life. If she's smart, she can redeem exposing what happened. but that will take great courage.
PMIGuy (Virginia)
It is time to admit that the hastily conceived and poorly structured Department of Homeland Security needs to go ; it has failed at absolutely everything it is tasked to accomplish because it is too big, too unwieldy and too vague of purpose to successfully accomplish any of its designated tasks form border protection to disaster management to infrastructure protection. It was the still-born child of a knee-jerk reaction to the 9/11 attacks and has never been effective as we have seen countless times from Hurricane Katrina, Irma and Maria, to the chaos at the border. It’s drug interdiction mission is at odds with the DEA and its internal security mission conflicts with the FBI. It’s time to admit failure and start over with a dedicated Migration, Border Protection department dedicated solely to matters related to the flow of foreign people and goods into and out of the United States. The detention centers should be moved to the Bureau of Prisons which is specifically set up to incarcerate and has the scale of capabilities and experience to operate detention centers. A new department stripped of the all of the non-immigration/border tasks could focus on one mission, one purpose and one vision. FEMA should could back to being a separate agency, against with its mission, focus and funding clearly defined to address the many natural and man-made catastrophes befalling our country and it territories and people. Mr. Trump, the time to drain the swamp at DHS is here.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
There's no loyalty in Trumpland.
Robert Mahowald (Boston)
Shocker! The only surprise is that it took a little longer than expected for Trump to understand that Neilson was not quite enough of a doormat to execute his family-separating, border-shutting wishes. No matter - he’ll find the right lackey.
Realworld (International)
Next career stop: CEO of for-profit prison corporation.
Quandry (LI,NY)
Nielsen was never sufficiently equipped for this job, and should never have been appointed to this cabinet position in the first place. The most heinous thing she did was to separate and the children immigrants, and them place them in cages, like animals, which was nothing less than despicable. Further, her Congressional testimony was totally incompetent to respond to Congress' inquiries during her hearings throughout her tenure was abysmal. Undoubtedly, after having several, very competent cabinet secretaries over the decades, since this cabinet was created, she will go down in history as our worst Secretary.
David (Philadelphia)
Don’t forget that it was Trump who originally authorized the separation and caging of immigrant children. Not Obama, not Nielsen. This mass kidnapping of children is ultimately Trump’s crime, no matter who he tries to blame. Trump should be tried and convicted for this, and maybe be fined a million dollars for every family that cannot be reunited thanks to Trump’s failure to keep records of parents and children he separated by force.
The time to resign was the day they started separting the children from their parents. It would have been simple to say, Mr. Preisdent, I know you don't care about these people, but breaking up families makes you look bad, even on Fox. What could be more important than that?
S.Einstein (Jerusalem)
Sec’y Neilson’s resignation is yet an additional marker of ongoing imbalance in divided America’s current policymaking processes and outcomes. She resigns from a position labeled Homeland Security, having been complicit in toxic processes and outcomes of “zero tolerance” of ummenschlich policies promoting “kidnapping” children from their parents, describing this trauma inducing behavior as “separating,” This policy is 100% tolerant to a culture of policymakers operating with personal unaccountability for their words and deeds in our daily enabled WE-THEY violating, dehumanizing, discriminating, excluding and marginalizing culture.
James Wallis Martin (Christchurch, New Zealand)
People seem to forget the recipe to create the current immigration crisis (so for those needing a recap): 1. Start with the Monroe Doctrine and treat everything south of the Rio Grande as something to exploit and control. 2. Add proactive regime changes to ensure the US gets the benefit. 3. Treat them as 'lesser Americans' and give preference to white Europeans for two centuries. 4. Start a failing War on Drugs and send truckloads of weapons to destabilise those nations not willing to play nice with the US and its multi-national corporations. 5. Deport career-hardened criminals in your War on Gangs from the 80's and 90's. This helped start MS-13 and more lethal cartels (especially with the new generations of assault rifles and military grade weapons). 6. Economically enslave the region after natural disasters with debt repayments where the interest exceeds the entire GDP (way to go World Bank!). 7. Turn a blind eye to corruption of law enforcement and the judicial system and you have the perfect toxic stew we see today full of human suffering Is anyone surprised these problems might come back to roost in the US and at the doorstep? You are only as rich as your poorest neighbour. How rich is the US now?
Cardinal Fan (New Orleans)
Where does she live and work after this? Who could love her? Who could employ her? How can she live with herself?
pb (calif)
People who work for Trump, the most hated and amoral man in the world must put aside any integrity they may have and become like him. When they have been trashed by him, many of them are afraid to speak up, showing how weak they were to work for him at all. Vote out the GOP in 2020!
Joe B. (Center City)
Leaving with a burnished alt-right resume which now includes baby kidnapper.
Mark (FL)
Fixated on building a wall when tunnels have been built long ago, literally underneath the nose of our sagacious "immigrant hawks". So very Trump.
Doug Lowenthal (Nevada)
DHS was created to deal with terrorism, not a phony immigration crisis. Who is minding that store? Another government agency Trump has subverted.
Mike Oare (Pittsburgh)
Couple this piece with the weekend article on white nationalist, Murdoch, and you see the cause and effect. No greater reason for finding him persona non grata and throwing him and his offspring out of the country. And before anyone claims their rights are being violated, they have no rights, they are not a US citizens. Until they are gone, the fall of the USA will continue.
scoobydoo (Chicopee, MA USA)
@Mike Oare Rupert Murdoch became a naturalized U.S. citizen on 4 SEP 1985.
Mike Oare (Pittsburgh)
@scoobydoo I stand corrected. He needed to become a US citizen to own certain assets in the US.
Jane (Canada)
The U.S. is in part a cause of Latin American woes. Look to the policies and leaders in Latin America that the U.S. has supported over the years and you can see how the tragic trajectory has come to pass. The U.S. is no innocent bystander and has egregiously interfered in elections in these countries. Dust off your history books (and your mirror) and develop a bit of compassion--admittedly not the expected behavior of your current president.
MJG (Boston)
Why would anyone reasonably intelligent accept a job offered by Trump? The 15 minutes of fame? Disregard of personal integrity?
Robert (Seattle)
No matter how you look at this, it is distressing. Nielsen says, “... fixing the laws which have impeded our ability to fully secure America’s borders ...” The border was already secure, before Trump was elected. Even after being fired, Nielsen is still pushing the Trump immigration lies, racism and fear. "Mr. Trump often blamed Ms. Nielsen for the surge in migrant crossings ..." As reported here, the increases in the number of folks who are arriving are a direct consequence of the administration's own nutty, racist, brutal immigration policies. "The president called ... to demand that she take action ... including doing things that were clearly illegal ..." Trump is looking for somebody who would be willing to do the illegal things, e.g., denying all applicants for asylum--breaking our own laws.
Eatoin Shrdlu (Somewhere On Long Island)
So once again the Department of Fatherland Security will be handed off to someone who has worked as if the greatest problem facing the reich is infiltration by foreigners specifically, in Trumpsylvania, “Islamic terrorists” who, for generations have lived in Latin America. Let’s face it, Homeland Security was a slapdash bill by GW Bush & Associates created after a madman with a hate for the World Trade Center surpassing that of the late Ada Louise Huxtable (NYT Architecture Critic), killing @4,000 or so. Eighteen years ago - meaning, for many voters, a Venerable Historic Institution. The Boomers still hanging on remember when this massive collection of agencies belonged to other members of the Cabinet, who each had less on their plate, but created their own destruction by not allowing, instead of insisting, their agencies talk to other Cabinet agencies. But that would have killed the @375-page bill passed without debate, writ by an administration in office because of nepotism in Florida. The bill had many a sunset provision, but the sun has never set on Homeland Security. If the old system were in place, The Director of Central Intelligence would be telling the President what the 11 agencies that formerly reported to that Cabinet office told Congress a few months ago - the last thing we have to worry about are a few hundred illegals. A grand Chief of the Border will now head up the agency that should be stopping threats to the US, identifiable in one word: Trump.
thegoodeg (Asheville, NC)
She's a hapless casualty in the war between Trump and the House. Oh, and the country isn't faring very well either.
Cmary (Chicago)
Had she resigned when Trump first began harassing her, she would have been a hero. But now, she leaves because she was not sufficiently effective in exacting the cruelty expected of her. Such is the dubious legacy for her professional future, and one not unlike those many others who used to work for Trump.
KL (Plymouth Ma)
Another one of "all the best people" gone. In reality, all the worst people. She actually was okay with separating families, caging kids and creating a situation where some families might never again be united. She deserves jail for crimes against humanity.
Shantanu (Washington DC)
Ken Cuccinelli?! “I have the best people” and all he can find is Ken Cuccinelli. We dodged a bullet in Viriginia when he was defeated in 2013. His ultra conservative views couples with his extreme disdain for women’s rights make him supremely unfit for a role that, whether Trump likes it or not, requires compassion. 2020 can’t come soon enough...
ANetliner (Washington,DC Metro Area)
Glad for Kirstjen that she’s escaped this insanity. Can’t wait for the same to happen for the American people.
Getoffmylawn (CA)
If a President encourages his staff to openly break the law, is that a high crime and misdemeanor?
Vivien Hessel (Sunny Cal)
It was just a matter of time. I wonder if she finally got a conscience.
susana lugana (Maharashtra, India)
Great news. Now, if few dozen others follow her example, maybe we can get somewhere with FAMILY VALUES, as it is coined, and stop destroying others' families in the name of American patriotism. Failing that , some senators should be selelcted to report with their youngest grandchildren to a place where they will be forcably separated from their beloved babies, not knowing where they are for at least a week. It may take draconian measures to instill in these automatons a sense of compassion and empathy. Desparate times cal for desparate measures. We are there!
Chris (South Florida)
So let me wrap my head around this he forces the resignation of a cabinet level secretary who tells him I can't do this or that because it is illegal and 40 percent of the country supports him? This my friends is how a dictatorship starts. Republicans have been heading down this path since Iran Contra, don't like the laws just ignore them. The fact that Bill Barr has a hand in the cover up to protect Bush senior may have something to do with his current position.
George N. Wells (Dover, NJ)
Why are the migrants coming? From what I have been able to learn is that there are massive social media campaigns calling on people in "The Triangle" to head north for an assortment of misleading reasons to outright lies. Who is behind the social media campaign? It looks like our old friends "Fancy Bear" et al. The problem, the real problem, is to be found in "The Triangle" not on the border. The other problem is the people who spread the lies that gullible humans buy-into.
Linda R. Miller (Gaithersburg, MD)
"Multiple White House officials said she had grown deeply paranoid in recent months, after numerous stories about her job being on the line. DEEPLY PARANOID? So, the Old Gray Lady that I used to be so proud to work for now freely labels public officials with severe mental disorders? Note that the mental illness designation is NOT IN QUOTES. Did anybody actually say, verbatim, that Ms. Nielsen was deeply paranoid? The way the paper is now edited, and I use the term very loosely, I doubt it.
Michael Grove (Belgrade Lakes, Maine)
Just remember that evangelicals and pro-lifers love and defend Republican President Donald 'Individual 1' Trump. Never ever forget what he and ALL Republicans have done and are doing to the most innocent and precious on our plant - never forget...
jrsherrard (seattle)
Enforce E-Verify and solve this "crisis". Forget about border walls, concentration camps, and children separated from their parents. Simply, put American employers who break federal law in jail. If they hire undocumented workers, make them pay with prison time. In a matter of days, the vast majority of jobs for illegal immigrants would disappear. Problem solved.
Rocky (Seattle)
Nielsen wasn't meeting Stephen Miller's standards of harshness. We are at risk of descending into the abyss.
tom (oxford)
What is unnerving is that 40 percent of our nation still supports the inhumane and cruel policies of Trump. The terrible things Nielsen did while working for a terrible man like Trump is something only an equally undeveloped sense of morality can countenance. To the people suffering in these concentration camps - words that more accurately define these detention facilities - Trump is a Hitler and Nielsen is one that washed her hands saying, "I was just following orders." But the real problem: how do you infuse a sense of morality into his base? The magnitude of the problem is revealed by the number of Evangelicals who openly dwell in the deep abyss between them and their savior and proudly respond to Trump's ignorant and cruel behavior. The Gospels be damned. As these families gather at the border we have determined, as a nation, to make them suffer. It is a tragedy that we insert suffering into their lives when they reach us. "Suffer the children who come under me" are words to remember and not to, perversely, provide such measures. It is difficult doing the right thing when times are easy but to give the lie to yourself before the difficulties even begin is to give ample room for evil to be done.
Bill (NYC)
If by "Our country is FULL" Trump means the great majority of Americans have had our fill of his cockamamie administration, oh yes, I'm FULL.
Miguel sanchez (Mountain view, ca)
When this chapter is remembered in our history books, we must make sure that that the name "Stephen Miller" is infamously remembered. He has been the architect of most our recent cruel anti immigrant rhetoric and action, Congress has been M.I.A., and, as always, Trump is just the incompetent puppet enabled by others.
sandcanyongal (CA)
It's a classic sign of deep, malignant narcissism that every single event that runs off the rails is "somebody else's fault." I have yet to hear him take responsibility for a single irrational decision he's made, for a allied country he's trashed, for world leaders he's insulted. All that matters to him is that his ego is stoked and fed, and that he "wins." He is immature and uses mockery and insults to achieve humiliating others. He has no respect for others and his only technique of "negotiation" is to bash others over the head with a cudgel. Reality is what's in his bank account, not the real world, or the needs of our country. He still thinks he's emceeing a game show. He doesn't get it that his decisions have consequences, but affect life and death. He is all about himself. He'll end up turning in his own kids to save his own skin. No personal responsibility ever! A more wretched human being I have never seen up close before. He has to go.
Heather (San Diego, CA)
My dream is that everyone in the White House resigns en masse. I'd love to see Trump's face when he has no one left to boss around.
angela koreth (hyderabad, india)
What is even worse than the separation of minors from parents at the border, is the reported lack of a stream lined plan to reunite them at a later date. Are there really kids 'lost' by bureaucratic bungling in the world's 'greatest' country? If so, maybe one should take the President's recent advice and 'become even more paranoid'. Paranoid that this is not mismanagement but a case of deliberate and malign intent?
Ken Nyt (Chicago)
Sorry, but I just cannot possibly ever bring myself to thanking Ms. Nielsen for her service or wishing her well. It would feel like thanking and wishing Adolf Eichmann well. She oversaw and imposed a tremendous amount of unnecessary human misery.
AVR (Va)
Based in the comments, apparently Democrats concede there’s a crisis at the border. Too bad their policies of tacitly supporting and encouraging phony asylum claims and blocking every effort Trump has made to stem this tide of illegal immigrants has led to this disaster.
Collin Rymer (Czech Republic)
Scapegoating and spreading misinformation will not save you from the unfortunate truth that this entire situation was caused solely by the Trump administration's inhumane and disturbing policy towards immigrants passing through our borders (policy pushed through and backed by by Kirstjen Nielsen's Homeland Security Department and Jeff Sessions' Justice Department). The majority of Americans not wanting a wall does not justify taking completely unnecessary and cruel measures like these; nothing justifies these actions, especially not here in the United States. We are not (yet) a fascist dictatorship--so what is our government doing acting like we're one? Border walls, kids in cages, concentration camps? This is not who America is. Is it?
Scot Schy (NYC)
Kirstjen Nielsen oversaw the unconscionable separation of children from their parents. Utterly brutal and unnecessarily cruel. Shed no tears for her: She is a complicit, soulless monster and will have to live with what she has done to destroy thousands of lives for the rest of her life. Sadly, Donald Trump will appoint some other ogre (probably worse) to carry out his hateful policies. Heaven help us—2020 cannot come soon enough.
blackrose (Brooklyn)
Did Nielsen really write her resignation letter or did MAGA? Page 1: she blames Congress and the courts for the border problem and discord in our nation's discourse. Page 2 "We have prevented the disruption of US elections and guarded against foreign interference in our democracy."
Lou (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
As a woman, as a mother, I was revolted by the policy enforced by her to take children away from their parents at the border. The whole world was revolted. America was exposed as the cruel country it really is. We don’t really truly care about human rights, poor people, hungry people or sick people.
FilmMD (New York)
Nielsen could have, like any normal human being, resigned in fury after being asked to detain children in cages. She chose not to. That says everything we need to now about her.
karen (bay area)
A man separating children from moms, I get. I find it horrifying but I understand the motive of an ambitious male. A woman? A mom or even just a female person, wilfully committing crimes against humanity? Wow. In service to a person not really human? This saddens me, and scares me too.
lori (sf)
Nielsen orchestrated a policy that will have severe and long lasting effects on thousands of families with young children. And she did so with callousness and heartlessness and in willing alliance with her immoral boss. Her separation policy was not only immoral but incompetently executed. We can track packages to the minute in this country but young toddlers were lost by her agency without a bit of regard for the sad, deep and lasting consequences. She deserves every bit of disdain heaped upon her and a public shaming befitting her inhumane actions.
Marian (Kansas)
Does anyone think it matters that families are pouring out of countries south of the border that are so dangerous they can no longer see living there with a future? How will walls help? You can bet 99% of them would prefer to stay where they were born in a place they call home.
Well, that solves that. I guess if our country is full, then we wont be hearing any longer from those pro-lifers who want every single pregnancy to result in another addition to our population. Oh, wait, sorry. Trump meant full of NON-WHITE SKIN people. My apologies, I misunderstood.
Sally Peabody (Boston)
Another department leader/key staffer thrown under the bus. Instead of having any substantive conversations about what actually might be done policy-wise and negotiating with Congress, influencing public opinion (positively) and working with Mexico an other countries spewing people out and towards the US, Trump once again tries the minimalist approach. Insult, threaten, fire a professional staff person, bully if you can and see if you can get your way. The problem is, immigration isn't a real estate deal. And the President is not leading change for the better. Maybe like health care this is 'complicated'. I fear that a far more reactionary head of HHS will be appointed and this will begin to resemble a war zone. Pity the families, men, women and children attempting to have a better life.
Swamp Fox (Boston MA)
This is all going to just get so much worse. I am very concerned.
Philip (Scottsdale)
Once again, Trump is blaming someone else for a crisis of his own making, by gutting the State Department and foreign aid in countries that are sending refugees to the border.
Michael Grove (Belgrade Lakes, Maine)
The statement that she is staying on until Wednesday is telling by itself. Compare that to the normal transitions and see what it tells all...
RCJCHC (Corvallis OR)
Nobody wants to keep Trump's mess, safe..Let's find out who the people in the caravan are, and what their needs are and address those problems and needs. If too many guns and drugs are making where they live, unlivable, then we need to address what part America plays in those guns and drugs. Can we change things so the people aren't trying to escape horrible conditions. Do our ignorant policies around global climate change play a part in the conditions these people flee? Let's care about the people. Stop talking about what Trump wants. He only recognizes 1/4 of the country as being who he leads. The rest of us are not HIS base. Three quarters of Americans are not being represented by their president nor the Congress. Just think how the world would change if we just cared about the people and not the money.
Gimme Shelter (123 Happy Street)
Trump is again rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. There are failed states - El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala - whose people face extreme hardship, including death, by staying. Why else undertake the difficult journey of traveling to the U.S., where the possibility of entry is low? Hundreds of billions for Iraq and Afghanistan, but nothing for the failed states that are only a caravan’s travel away? Logic only Stephen Miller understands.
Bos (Boston)
Did she jump or was she pushed? Granted, it was leaked she has threatened to quit before but for some reason didn't. But really, the writing was on the wall when Chief of Staff Kelly - he used to be a general, you know, then he became the DHS head before the CoS, that is the opposite of a riding into the sunset! - was sacked. He was her power base. So, like her former boss, she could have been a hero in some people's eyes. Alas, now she is a zero in everyone's eyes. But don't cry for her, she can still parlay this gig into a lucrative future. Power brokers don't mind collecting has-beens in case they somehow return to power. Perhaps she can cool her heels at some thick tank or university. If not Harvard then Hoover. More than latter than the former. Or something more controversial. But really, can she live with herself though? Maybe she has tried her best. It could have been worse. After all, we are talking about Trump and Steve Miller. Just that alone, maybe the Koch bros would fund her future. So, don't cry for her, but pray for her anyway. A comfortable future, but...
Bodymanno (Santa Cruz, Ca.)
Anybody feeling safe with this chaos at Homeland “Security?” I ‘m not. I’m thinking he’s leaving us open to an attack in the 9/11 range. My advice? Stay away from events with a lot of people at them. Even mass transit may be vulnerable. Be aware. This man is the most dangerous threat we face.
Alice Clark (Winnetka, IL)
“Our Country is FULL!” If it's full, will President Trump veto the increase in the H-1B visa cap from 65,000 to 115,000 for the hi-tech industry? Will he determine that the H-2B visa applications have reached their cap already? Or will he support increasing the cap to allow in more temporary foreign workers? There's a disconnect between Mr. Trump's photo ops and his policies. "You're fired, Kirstjen!" he announces loudly and it makes the front pages. "Now ok, Congress, go ahead and let more foreigner workers in," he whispers and it isn't mentioned. Can we expect a presidential veto to follow the firing?
Mercutio (Marin County, CA)
This is no time to be dwelling on the fact that Mr. Trump is a bottom feeder, ever striving to be just the highest lowest common denominator. Rather, we should be thinking hard about what those of us who are already part of America's tapestry want for immigration policies that best express the United States as a just, compassionate, and welcoming nation, open to and accepting of those newcomers who will strive alongside us to reclaim America's *true* greatness. We are the true American patriots, and after all, and we will all have to make decisions in the 2020 election based in part on which candidate for President best articulates a collective vision of our nation.
Areader (Huntsville)
It does seem that more people are coming across the border than before Trump got elected?
Piotr (Ogorek)
Thank Hod for Donald Trump. He may yet secure the borders and protect the nation. Despite the best efforts of more than half the nation that hate America and by extension themselves.
Frustrated American (California)
If Kirstjen Nielsen hasn't gone far enough for him, that says a lot about the president's agenda at our border. The position is not one of absolute power, but he clearly didn't like being told no, despite it being for legal reasons and checks on that department. Mr. Trump's goal is clearly to be a dictator. How any American can support someone who doesn't believe in the check and balances that are the very foundation of our democracy? They were planned very carefully and strongly emphasised by our founding fathers. Trump would fail America 101, and has no respect for the values that keep democracy alive in this country. Leaders can and should be able to handle being able to compromise. Our president is no more a leader than a child bully with a pocketful of lunch money.
Cameron (California)
I can't fathom how difficult it must be to work for a man who has no knowledge or experience and refuses to listen or learn but has opinions on absolutely everything, grounded not in fact or law, but ego. Yet all these people try. Is it patriotism or proximity to power? Hard to say, but I'm honestly afraid this ends w' Mr Trump/Miller appointing someone who will go along w' shooting immigrants. How else can he get "tougher" after taking kids from their parents and losing them didn't work?
db (nyc)
At the rate DJT is going, he won't need to build a border wall to keep out migrants/immigrants... the country will implode and no one will want to come. Part of the issue I see with DJT is his difficulty managing an organization with more than one decision maker. Also "problematic" is that tweets and outbursts don't establish or implement policy. That requires actually working on it with the various partners. Squelching and refusing to take responsibility for your part will also requires the chances for success. Nielson is just another roadkill from his dysfunctional administration. As a (self-proclaimed) successful business person, I would have thought he understood high staff turnover hinders progress and success (profits).
XLER (West Palm)
It doesn’t matter who holds this position and firing Nielsen won’t make a difference. So long as Democrats control Congress, they will refuse any physical barriers and refuse to change asylum laws, thus encouraging hundreds of thousands more illegal immigrants into the country. The only way to stop Democrats’ disastrous open borders policies is to vote them out of office in 2020.
Jim Brokaw (California)
The "border crisis" is Trump's favorite tool to whip up enthusiasm with his "base"... so despite his incendiary rhetoric, he really doesn't want to 'solve' the problem. While he complains about the 'invasion' of families from Central American countries seeking asylum, his "solution" is to cut off the aid that might improve conditions inside those countries. What does Trump think is going to happen... is making conditions *worse* in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, making conditions even more unsafe at home supposed to encourage these families to not come seeking asylum? Nielsen made the same mistake as so many others... she took a job working for Trump, and, in the end she is pushed out, burned, and blamed, like so many others, for Trump's own failures. Nothing is -ever- Trump's fault... it is always someone else. One of those "very best people" that Trump hires, uses, abuses, and then discards. Truman famously had a "The Buck Stops Here" sign -- Trump's sign says "It's Not My Fault." Trump isn't fooling anyone.
Pam (Colorado)
After living in kind and compassionate Scandinavia, I cannot imagine that Nielsen's ancestors have not disowned her.
Prof (San Diego)
Nielsen had the arrogance to assume that the USA can control who enters the nation, and that those who are here in violation of Federal immigration laws can be detained and deported. All who are seeking safe harbor in our country must be shown compassion and greeted with open arms and benevolence. Anything less is an act inhumanity.
Jim (PA)
@Prof - So do you also support uncontrolled Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory? Or do borders magically begin to matter when your politics demand it? Borders matter or they don’t.
RealityCheck (Portland, Oregon)
Trump should obviously choose Lou Dobbs for border and homeland security chief, as he is an expert. If Dobbs won't take the Homeland Security job, then next in line should be Kushner or Stephen Miller. Trump needs to put their feet to the fire since they are just so, so good at giving advice without suffering any consequences.
Joren Maksho (Hong Kong)
She was obviously weak from the start--and thus a compliant whipping girl for all of his Blame Games. She seemed an ardent supporter of the family-separation program, which only makes one think of the WWII camps. One wishes her well and trusts that she can live a happier life away from her boss. But her role in many of his immigration escapades and her tolerance for the White House s show will be parts of her legacy.
Feldman (Portland)
The real question is -- what sort of person would accept a position in the Trump Regime? Seriously -- is it not very strange to expect a competent, honest, moral, focused American with love for this country to be able to do Trump's bidding? How many people have to feel his axe's bit before qualified people reject Trump's offers? What sort of person will join with him -- and of those who do, what sort of results is it reasonable to expect? I am referring to everyone from his cabinet tto his toadies in Congress to all of the appointees. Every single person who works for Trump shares the guilt of his folly in "office".
Allsop (UK)
Another temporary appointment has been made to avoid or postpone confirmation hearings! Does anyone else see here a pattern?
Georgia M (Canada)
The Republicans could have won the congress in the midterms. But they lost. Why? Because of their cruel and vengeful actions against innocent children. As a non American I have friends and family who are Americans. Some are even conservatives but they are deeply saddened by the way this has played out and they know they must right this wrong, I hope and pray that your next election for Congress and the Senate are a repudiation of the past 3 years.
Jam77 (New York City)
Trump is the greatest. Nielson was not getting the job done for the American people, and Trump is not afraid to fire her. That’s why we love him. We loved Trump on the apprentice because he fires people when they don’t get the job done. He doesn’t care about protocol and political correctness. He is not a politician. He wants results for the American people because he answers to them just like a CEO answers to the investors of a company. Please keep doing what you’re doing Mr. Trump, and ignore all the haters. You are a very different President than any that came before you except George Washington.
common sense advocate (CT)
You know that feeling, when you've left a piece of work unfinished - and it bothers you, but it has to wait til morning so it keeps you up at night? Nielsen is leaving a job, and leaving thousands of children kidnapped from their parents - it will take years to put them back together, and they will never be made whole from the mental and physical trauma. I can't even fathom the pain she's responsible for - how can she sleep at night knowing she can't even try to fix what she's broken? Then again, in her mind, perhaps it's not broken - it was strictly by design.
J (Philadelphia)
I am no fan of hers, but I hope she takes a solid vacation on some remote island for a solid 4 weeks, and she collects herself on her purpose in life, and comes out of it as a force for good at any scale.
RRI (Ocean Beach, CA)
Perhaps, if one believes in such things, she can secure some comfort in her future "special place" by looking down and thinking, "At least I'm not Stephen Miller."
Why Me (Anywhere But Here)
In a country that desperately needs common sense bi-partisan solutions to create a hopeful future for its citizens, Trump continues to create straw men external threats and throw out untruths at an escalating pace. In life as in the movies, the “bad guys” never play by the rules, so the “good guys” should not keep expecting them to do so.
Hold It! (USA)
It's inappropriate and unfair to castigate Ms. Nielsen. What about the parents' resonsibility to control their breeding? So many of the mothers had their first child at 15 or 16. And what about the responsibility of the women's governments to provide access to birth control? Our asylum laws must be changed to prevent the impossible situation Ms. Nielson faced, even if the U.S. has to pull out of international amnesty agreements, which are only being gamed and abused. American taxpayers are being taken for a grand ride, and the longer the ride is allowed to continue, the more severe the backlash is bound to be. It's past time to implement a new system of application for asylum.
JBR (West Coast)
Humanitarian impulses are laudable, but if the US continues to be dumping ground for Central America, it will turn into Central America. That has not worked out well for Central America, and won't work out well for us, either. These people are not seeking asylum from genocide or systematic oppression - they are fleeing failed states in search of the good life here. We have no duty to further strain our overstretched natural, economic, and social resources to accept millions of people who can contribute only manual labor, in a country where automation is rapidly eliminating those jobs, while undermining our own less-skilled citizens. We do have a moral duty to pressure and help Central American governments attain a Western level civic safety, function, and honesty, so that their own citizens have no need to flee.
Bayou Houma (Houma, Louisiana)
Wake up Mr. President! Former Homeland Security Secretary Ms Nielsen never had the military authority to address the source of the immigration problem in the home countries of the immigrant caravans. Neither did Mexico. The humanitarian crisis has a source and it has never been along our Rio Grande border. Neither has the solution been there. Former Presidents have understood that a humanitarian crisis in a foreign country is not nor ought to be a crisis for us, but one for the source of the humanitarian crisis. We need to solve our border problem in Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala before it reaches our border.
Norbert Voelkel (Denver)
I feel sorry for Kirstjen, but she was a bit naive thinking that she could do the undoable task.Immigration has been-- continues to be a mighty mess and will have to be solved by a consortium of wise people that can see the big picture as well the root cause of Trump's base -directed polemics. The Apprentice show continues as the "Wall" becomes Trump's Waterloo.
annpatricia23 (Rockland)
She was a nobody in this disgraceful mess. She did end up in front of committee and the public, and lying (and looking completely unfazed and untroubled) but I think others in the background did the dirty decision work and implementation. Where is Stephen Miller ?
Vivien Hessel (Sunny Cal)
And like all the others, her "public service" career is over. Bye bye Kristen
George (Florida)
Nielsen is not the one to blame. The policies are trump and miller's forcing Nielsen to implement. Hold them accountable! trump is the President after all and miller his migration sidekick.
Doug Thomson (British Columbia)
Well, yes, but nobody was forcing her now were they? That seems the defence used by so many people charged with crimes against humanity. Just following orders. She was free to leave at any time.
Elena Rose (Detroit)
Indeed. She chose to conspire with Trump and Miller. Chose being the operative word.
Rachel Alexandria (Palo Alto)
No, she gave them power, she could have protected families but she didn’t. She deserves all the mental anguish for being the person to sign the document.
Mark Keller (Portland, Oregon)
There will be many books written by and about Trump administration officials who will try to make the case that they were motivated by patriotism while diligently providing "guard rails" for their ignorant, dangerous and anger-driven boss. Kirstjen Nielsen may eventually join that chorus, but no amount of spin will be able to provide one ounce of moral justification for her role in taking children from their parents. If these had been families of European origin this policy would not have happened. For Donald Trump, European countries and Mexico might as well be from different planets. Just two of Mr. Trump's observations on Mexico: "They are not our friends, believe me..." and "they're not sending their best... ...They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people," In the shadow of her boss, Secretary Nielsen was a coward.
Allsop (UK)
And do not forget that Trump also said that they are "animals".
Frank W Smith (Key West, FL)
Another public servant wannabe racked up on the wheel of the Trump Kleptocracy. Ms. Nielsen is a competent bureaucrat, but who will ever hire this person after she has been sullied by Trump.
Bob Bunsen (Portland, Oregon)
On the contrary. She has a bright future ahead of her in the right-wing talking head bubble. That she worked for Cadet Bone Spurs and put children in cages will be remembered, since those are positive accomplishments in Trump World; that she failed and was fired will be forgotten.
Bodymanno (Santa Cruz, Ca.)
I’m thinking not getting along with her looney boss will look good on her resume. The ones that do get along with him are his partners in treason and should be viewed with an abundance of suspicion.
me (AZ, unfortunately)
"Mr. Trump eventually moved to halt the family separations, though the government struggled in some cases to reunite those it had already separated." Where are the NYT editors? "some cases"? There are still several thousand children whom the Trump administration has not reunited with their families after forced separations.
kenneth (nyc)
@me Yes, I think that's just what the writer means. There are lots of cases out there, and the government is involved in some of them.
David Platt (Boston MA)
Kirstjen Nielsen signed the order to separate childern from parents at the border. I really don't care if she resigned, or die tomorrow from other natural ilness. This human being is just bad and should not be part of government because we all pay her salary.
kenneth (nyc)
@David Platt But that's just what the reporters reported: She's not "part of government" as of today.
Ash. (Kentucky)
Incompetency resigning to an incompetent boss... what’s the surprise. Just another day in DT regime.
Steve (NY)
Did she get tired of putting kids in cages?
GUANNA (New England)
Any sign of disloyalty, you are out. Competence not required or even wanted, absolute fawning loyalty is a must. The carnage is about to become a whole lot worse folks. Donald will take American down with him.
J c (Ma)
Another immoral weakling gone. Is there no end to the people that sacrifice thier honor and humanity to get close to power. There is no moral way to serve this president.
mtrav (AP)
Now they should store her in one of those cages she loves so much for young children.
Pam (Tempe, AZ)
Ms. Nielsen did exactly what the president wanted her to do. She is therefore now the fall guy.
Shack (Oswego)
Cruella de Vil just wasn't cutting it. What a wonderful administration.
M (US)
Today Trump blames a woman for perceived failure. Who will he blame when facts come out about ISIS?
kenneth (nyc)
@M He has always blamed the woman for his failure ! It's just happening more now that he's getting older.
sub (new york)
This presidency looks like a circus expecting clones of Trump in every position. If you fail too many times appointing right persons for important positions, the failure is at the top and the top should resign.
Mr. Montgomery (WA)
Interesting how Stephen Miller hides in all of this. His name with His policies should come up again and again.
Kodali (VA)
There is plenty of room in this country. There are too many empty states such as Wyoming, Dakotas and Montana to mention a few. We can easily swallow countries like El Salvador and Honduras. The only problem is they are brown. May be they should get their faces painted as white similar to white folks got their faces painted black. As per Kirstjen Nielsen, she might have felt that she could reason with Trump with John Kelley as chief of staff. She should have resigned when Kelley resigned. I do not know why she hung on to the job until she got kicked out. It shows, she is incompetent and deserved firing. How in the world being a woman she allowed to rip away the children from their mothers. Would god ever forgive these people? The recent surge in illegal immigration is primarily because they are afraid that there will be a wall and they won’t be able to enter either illegally or legally. So, those who are on the fence decided to enter the country before the wall is erected. We should take control of our borders and stop illegal immigration, but there must be a better way to solve this problem.
Vivien Hessel (Sunny Cal)
I think because she has none of her own, and if she did they would be very white.
AJ (trump towers basement)
Kushner as not just Mideast, but immigration czar! I was nauseous for no good reason. Whew! Maybe he'll just send illegal aliens to Jerusalem? Where's that Wailing Wall?
kenneth (nyc)
@AJ How did Kushner get into this story?
craig80st (Columbus,Ohio)
Problem: House is on fire. Family flees the house looking for safety. Solution: 1) Send the family back to the burning house. 2) Send the parents back to the burning house and send the children to parts unknown. 3) Remove support for the 1st responders and let the fires burn. 4) Welcome and offer comfort to the tired, weary, and fearful migrants. What did Secretary Kirstjen Nielson and 45 choose? Between compassion and cruelty, what did they choose? "When an alien resides with you in your land, you must not oppress them. They are to be treated as a native born among you. Love them as yourself, because you were aliens in Egypt. I am YHWH your God." Leviticus 19. 33, 34
Skeexix (Eugene OR)
Last week I finally heard Trump use the word "democracy" in a sentence. Now I have a word I'd like to hear him stop using when it comes to our border issue: Tough. I don't expect to hear the word "compassion" ever pass through his lips. But it would be helpful for him to do something smart. Donald Trump has had a lot of practice at backtracking lately. Maybe he could walk back his unbelievably counter-productive move of cutting US aid to the Northern Triangle. That would be smart.
Merlin (Atlanta GA)
" the following spring, Ms. Nielsen was telling associates she was miserable in the job...". Yet you persisted on the job with increasing cruelty to children. Let's hope it was your conscience eating at you for crafting and implementing the cruel policy of separating babies from their mothers.
RickK (NYC)
I don’t know her history prior to Trump; But I do know the General Law of Trump still stands: if you come in contact with Trump, you are forever disgraced.
wobbly (Rochester, NY)
@RickK Article says she was "special assistant to G.W. Bush on natural disaster response". If that means she "assisted" in the Hurricane Katrina aftermath debacle, little wonder her job performance under Trump has been a disaster.
Dr. Morris (CA)
Trump's sheer & unmistakeable incompetence becomes ever more obvious every single day. That our only hope is that our nation will survive until the 2020 election, is horrific. Why in God's name does 62% of the country stand idly by allowing this crude, incompetent man to hold the most important position on planet earth?
Tullymd (Bloomington Vt)
That’s the most important question of the day. It may mean that we no longer deserve our status. We should disappear from the world stage.
kenneth (nyc)
@Dr. Morris Well, there was this election, see, and the trump fellow got more votes; so they sort of had to let him into the Oval Office. But, if you can round up enough like-minded people for your team, you might be able to reverse things in a couple of years. Get to work.
Morris Gould (Brooklyn, NY)
@kenneth he did not get more votes. We all know that.
Holly Tibbles (San Luis Obispo, Ca)
This woman will never wash the stink of Trump off of herself. I would fear the day I meet my Maker and answer for myself, if I were her. She sold her soul... to Donald Trump. Boy, that’s low.
wlm (pa)
"(Trump) took aim again Sunday night after announcing Ms. Nielsen’s departure, tweeting, “Our Country is FULL!” " You called that one right, Boss! Full of, that is, complete & utter insanity that you compulsively spread & magnify. Time for a replacement America that's enthusiastically unite in common purpose to do right for ALL.
Opinioned! (NYC)
You know your management style is the best ever in the history of the world when the turnover rate puts to shame Mickey D’s during the tail end of summer. Another hint is when it is everyone’s fault but yours.
Sparky (Brookline)
Secretary Nielsen will forever be associated with separation of families at the border, and now not even the Trump Republicans will have anything to do with her. By being Trump’s tool in implementing one of the more inhumane U.S. policies ever at just 46 years of age, this may very well end her career in government. Seriously, where does she go from here?
Griz (Columbia, NJ)
Infant-in-Chief Trump should follow Nielsen out the door and save US from the exercise of showing him the door in 2020.
The Fact Remains (USA)
The fact remains: We have a crisis on our southern border, and our laws regarding asylum urgently require change. Ms. Nielsen is not to blame for the thoroughly dysfunctional, impractical "system" currently in place.
Martini (Temple-Beaudry, CA)
What a joke. The crisis is not here. The crisis is in the southern triad. Do you think these people want to risk their lives and leave their family and friends? How about we try and treat the disease instead of the symptom. It’s not as flashy and will take time and money. Less then we’re spending now. Less then the cost of a giant mid evil across our entire southern border.
Elena Rose (Detroit)
We do no have a crisis on our border. I go to the border every year. The real crisis is the utter destruction of wildlife habitat from the god forsaken wall and the spirit of ill will towards others.
Arthur (San Jose)
Tough to deal with a crazed bull in the china shop. Wonder she lasted this long.
Ray Barrett (Pelham Manor, NY)
What makes me think Sheriff Joe Arpaio might be on the short list to succeed her?
Benito (Deep fried in Texas)
I think the best person to fix this mess as well as stand up to Trump is Russell Honore' , a retired US Army General who Bush 43 brought in to clean up the mess of Hurricane Katrina. Bush had appointed incapable people at DHS as well but somehow Honore had the knowledge and authority to help the good people of New Orleans and got that crisis fixed. This guy is tough and capable and has already criticized Trump on his inept handling of the hurricane and snafus in Puerto Rico. I think if Trump could rein in his ego and put this General in charge a lot of positive things would happen. Ben Brown
That is an incredibly implausible “if.”
Benito (Deep fried in Texas)
@KW Strange things can happen if things go bad fast enough. Are you familiar with the General's achievements ?
James (Arizona)
I spent two weeks in Baja, Mexico last month traveling by car and hanging out with the locals (got as far south as Loreta, about 750 miles south of the U.S./California border). Guess what? Things are pretty darned mellow down there. A Mexican man asked what I thought about the wall, and wondered why the U.S. sees it as necessary. I could give him no good reason why a wall is necessary. Most Americans see Mexico as this dark, dangerous place. It is not at all. Sure, there is crime, but the headlines we read are of the drug cartel turf war violence. I feel far safer in most parts of Mexico as I do in the United States. We are ignorant of Mexico, and this is because we have been taught to be afraid of that country. It is a real shame that we treat our neighboring country they way we do. Kindness and Respect go a long way.
Jim (PA)
@James - If you felt safer in Mexico than in the US, that was based on perception not fact. Mexico has a murder rate nearly 400% higher than the US (19 per 100,000 vs. 5 per 100,000). Honduras’ murder rate is TWELVE times higher than ours. It isn’t racist to point out that these are semi-failed narco-states fighting for their lives. We should be increasing our assistance to counties like Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras in this fight if we really wanted to decease illegal immigration.
Considering our country is “FULL,” according to Trump, can Americans sell their citizenship to foreigners, and for what cost? We knew Trump was an autocrat, a Fascist, a staunch anti-immigration megalomaniac, but who knew he was so horribly evil? It will take this country a century to recover from the damage he has done in nearly 27 months in the Oval Office. I have grave doubts about our system of Constitutional check and balances putting a stop to Trump’s scorched earth policies of hatred and retribution. We need outside help — either from NATO, or some other international entity — to help get American back on its footing after this disaster known as the Trump administration.
Steven McCain (New York)
I wish all of the incompetent people Trump has hired and then fired would tell the world how it is to work for someone more incompetent than them. The loyalty of the people like Tillerson, Kelly, and Session to Trump is mind-boggling. Trump has no boundaries in who he denigrates living or dead so their loyalty is unrequited. if these people collectively told Americans who Trump really is I believe it could wing enough voters to evict Trump in 2020.
rab (Upstate NY)
The human wrecking ball strikes again. Trump is leaving an unprecedented trail of human, political, and environmental carnage in his wake. And all of it made possible because he was looking for the world's greatest infomercial.
Margaret (Illinois)
This is what happens when an employee refuses to break the laws for Trump. The law requires us to accept those accepting asylum, Trump ordered her not to. So she's to blame for everything now, and she's fired.
Javaforce (California)
People including young children died needlessly on Nielsen's watch. Nielsen may have just been implementing Trump's or maybe they were Stephen Miller's policies but in any case Nielsen did not do the right thing. Nielsen's attempts to justify putting human beings especially young children in cages is way beyond the pale. The saddest thing to me is that Trump, Jared, Mulvaney, Stephen Miller and possibly others will try to put an even worse person than Nielsen in the position.
Vivien Hessel (Sunny Cal)
Well that is de rigeur.
Perle Besserman (Honolulu)
Her punishment ought to be a mandatory term of a year of service as a child care provider in residence in the border cages for every year each child has been separated from her/his family.
Mary O (Boston)
It astonishes me that anyone would still want to work for this craven man. You get spattered with his filth, and you’ll never get the stink off. You try to do his bidding, failing to accomplish anything, because his ideas are nonsense. Then he’ll throw you under the bus and blame you for his failures. “Drain the swamp.” What a sorry joke.
Richard (San Diego)
Living here in San Diego, I have seen the ruthless behavior of ICE up close and listened to the lies she has routinely spouted. She would have been worthy of a position in Germany when the Socialist Workers Party (not socialist and not for workers) took over in the early 1930's and with lies like hers (and others at the behest of the leader) and became the infamous Nazi Party- built on all the sames kinds of lies. Then it was the dangers from without and within of Jews. Today it is Mexicans and other Latinos. Those of us who know history are not fooled and will not be party to a blindness about which the American philosopher George Santayana warned us... "Those who fail to lean from the past as condemned to repeat it!"
Me (Ger)
And yet here we are..... Every time I read one of the Trumpists say 'I was just following orders' a chill runs down my spine.
lex (Albany)
it seems like the writer wants us to feel bad for ms. nielson.
Kathy (Chapel Hill)
She served Trump’s amoral policies to the best of her ability—apparently that wasn’t enough to salvage either her job or her reputation. One could only hope that she is can find her way to repentance, for all the pain and misery she caused or condoned. It’s called atonement, but I wouldn’t hold my breath expecting anything from the likes of her. The worst is yet to come: if Trump could fire such a lackey, imagine what comes next!!!!
BBB (Australia)
The Trump Wisperer, Steven Miller, needs to be monitored by Interpol and up for crimes against humanity when they finally nab him. This dispicable person is not getting enough publicity for all the reasons he is so dispicable. Trump is just the empty vessel. Miller is always hovering in the background. I hope he gets to play himself when the movie starts filming. They can nab him in Cannes.
Diogenes (Belmont MA)
The Department of Homeland Security should be abolished.
Lucifer’s phalanx of sycophants is thinning by the day
Étienne Guérin (Astoria, NY)
Book deal?
Robert Roth (NYC)
Just because people do horrible things, lock children in cages, share deep ignorance and are all filled up with themselves doesn't meant they will get along.
Michele (Seattle)
So was selling your soul worth it for this, Ms. Nielsen? You'll have plenty of time to contemplate that question now.
Andrew (Australia)
Good riddance. I have no idea how Nielsen sleeps at night. She is a blatant liar and an instrument of evil. She has much to answer for and I hope she is held to account for her actions in due course. There is not a respectable person in Trump’s cabinet. Anyone with a modicum of decency would never debase themselves like Nielsen has.
Say what (New York)
Another staffer at the White House gets off the Trumpy Titanic. The turnover is so rapid at the White House and Trumpy needs to be called out on how he mismanages his staff on a daily basis and reminded this is NOT the Apprentice. When will Stephen Miller be fired and golf caddy Dan Scavino?
Andrew (New York)
The wonder is she took the job and then didn’t realize her error and resign long ago. But she did, and then she didn’t, which should haunt her for the rest of her life. As to the occupant of the White House, his accelerating need for scapegoats, and what he might do when that is no longer effective, is beyond frightening.
Richard Pontone (Queens, New York)
Trump is "blowing up" the Immigration issue to build a narrative that will allow the US Supreme Court to back his "National Emergency" declaration when it goes there. Trump is now going to install a replacement that will ignore all current US laws permitting asylum seeking and all other immigration laws. Nielsen's attempts to tell Trump he could not run "rough shod" only infuriated him, his chief Inquisitor, Stephen Miller and the backbone of his Congressional support, the Freedom Caucus. Trump wants to show his Base that no US laws nor any US Court can stop it. Also, he needs a Scapegoat for this Border mess as he can never afford to blame himself. His Base would never accept that.
apparatchick (Kennesaw GA)
Trump wants an hermetically sealed border which is impossible, so he blames everyone but himself. He said he was the only one who could fix it. So, fix it, genius. The woman practically begged for her job every time she was on TV. She abased herself for that thing in the White House. She may have perjured herself before Congress. I wonder if she thinks it was worth it. Even Fox won't have her.
BBB (Australia)
The positive: Another hateful, inept, and corrupt person in the Trump orbit will be pushed forward out of the shadows and into the sunlight and nominated for the position. Trump is draining American society of all the hateful, inept, and corrupt people straight into his administration. Flood the White House switchboard if you can help out and nominate someone that Trump has overlooked.
Hugh Briss (Climax, VA)
Trump fired Nielsen because there was only one Mexican country when she took over at DHS and now Fox & Friends says there are three.
Kathryn Thomas (Springfield, Va.)
Ms. Nielsen wanted to have a reasoned conversation with Donald Trump, she still believed that was possible? Actually I can believe that, but I also know the chance of a reasoned conversation with Donald Trump is less then zero. I imagine he was quite nasty during that thirty minutes too. Whatever hold this man has on so many must be ripped up, root and branch, (as the G.O.P. says of the Affordable Health Care Act) by some with courage. It can’t just be democrats either. Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to the United States of America.
Doris2001 (Fairfax, VA)
Ms. Nielsen was a career federal employee who sold her soul to become Secretary of Homeland Security under Trump. She oversaw one of the worst humanitarian policy decisions in our lifetime and still was forced out because she wasn't despicable enough for the despicable man in the Oval Office. Wonder if she thinks ruining her reputation was worth it for a couple of years working for Trump.