At Cosmopolitan Magazine, Data Is the New Sex

Apr 05, 2019 · 12 comments
sca (Denver)
Cosmo has never been anything more than vapid nonsense aimed at a young and impressionable demographic, hidden beneath the guise of “rah rah girl power”. But at the end of the day, it’s another tool of oppression - how women should look, sound, behave, all culled from and inspired by the most narcissistic of social media channels and tied together in a neat, inoffensively heteronormative and “feminine” package. Cosmo is too little, too late for those of us who have chosen to leave behind the inane content designed to make us feel as though we are not enough - whether that is funny enough, pretty enough, sexual enough, skinny enough - it never ends for women. Good riddance!
steve (chicago)
Celeb Culture-isn't that alot like military intelligence? there is no culture there just puffed up people with too much plastic surgery and expensive stuff
Angelica (Pennsylvania)
Cosmopolitan is just not relevant unless you are a comedian writing about sex advice.
Jimmy (Jersey City, N J)
Wow, there is not one male in the conference room photo. Would you think they are missing a 'different' perspective? In an era where women are screaming for equality, this goes to the other extreme. Sad.
Mike (Boston)
Soon, the rich will grow tired of the constant-screen-time trend, and it will drift, and then the rest of the consumer tiers will follow. And then what?
jamie (brooklyn)
“Though the magazine’s staff is not strikingly diverse”: It is strikingly NOT diverse. The whole magazine and it’s staff structure is white supremacy for white women.
Rhporter (Virginia)
Interesting and informative thank you
Spike (NYC)
Welcome to the horrible future where we are all just data points to be used to refine the algorithm of SEO garbage infotainment. The future looks bleaker every day. Enjoy this data-driven world where people are treated like dairy cows to be milked for our eyeballs and cash.
aksantacruz (Santa Cruz, CA)
It’s really sad that our young women are spoon fed more Khardashian nonsense and that this is rewarded as talent . Maybe Cosmopolitan should be brave and talk about climate change and the future of our planet.
Ryan (New York)
@aksantacruz They tried this a few years ago (longer stories on political issues, etc) and apparently it didn't trend enough or "go viral," thus the current editorial feedback loop of data-driven whim-following.
Bruce Savin (Montecito)
Cosmo like Playboy are dinosaurs. But then so am I.
Auntie Mame (NYC)
A large dose of some Steve Harvey advice at Cosmo would not be amiss. Many young women have no idea as to how to navigate the dating/mating game and no one to ask... including their same age peers (who may not be the best to give advice). This demographic is not home to watch Uncle Steve -- and probably has never heard him. Sooner or later they will encounter Cosmo. I get a bit annoyed with the constant diet of the same Celeb culture everywhere -- or maybe celebs/achievers from across the spectrum -- from all lines of work, of all races and genders would be interesting.