The Shed Opens at Hudson Yards

Apr 05, 2019 · 14 comments
Freddie (New York NY)
“Is Mayor de Blasio running for President? He’s doing all the things politicians do before announcing a run.” It’s tough getting in the mood for a workout when the gym’s not in Brooklyn. So maybe a cardio old-reliable tune can help the Mayor when he’s on the road? Tune of “Da Doo Ron Ron” Talking with Al Sharpton and Al praised his skill (Will you run run run, will you run run?) Some of us wondered: Huh, Al can’t mean Bill. (Will you run run run, will you run run?) Hey, Al praised his skill. Hey, can Al mean Bill? Still, is this thing a go? (Will you run run run, will you run run?) Dinner was delicious, just five grand a plate (Will you run run run, will you run run?) Thrown by a tycoon who’s big in real estate (Will you run run run, will you run run?) Mmm, the food was great Mmm, five thou a plate. And what we want to know: (Will you run run run, will you run run?)
Butterfield8 (nyc)
@Freddie, you are a (brilliant) riot! Thank you.
Smorgasburg - Well,"the Woodstock of Eating" sounds quite unappetizing! Why would I want to eat something I *don't* want, while I do "laps" around the place to find food I *do* want? And all while hoping the Instagram-nuts are not the ones holding up the line infinitely? Not gonna happen! There are so many people who seem to NEED to Instagram themselves and/or their food to validate their existence. I'm always left wondering what kind of personality disorder they have.
Freddie (New York NY)
Re "so many people who seem to NEED to Instagram themselves and/or their food to validate their existence. " Doesn't it seem like an extension of pre-internet when all us had relatives for whom the point of a vacation was more about getting the best photos of the family being there (Paris, London, D.C., Disney)? (Cue Hamilton music for "I am not gonna miss this shot.") Having your friends respond right away must make that impulse more enticing, feeding what made Carrie Fisher quip that for some people, "instant gratification takes too long." I remember an episode of "I Love Lucy" where the half-hour was about Lucy and Ricky "entertaining" Fred and Ethel with slides, and Fred and Ethel were so bored they just left. (Hilarity ensued, and their friendship was Ok by the end of the episode, so the series could go on.) That need to show people your photos must have been relatable even in the 1950s.
@Freddie: I take your point, but back in the day, people (at least the ones I knew) didn't consider that they had to photograph every MEAL they ate, or (as one sees at Broadway shows), they didn't need to take a photo of the stage AND then a selfie of themselves with the stage in the background to "prove" they'd seen the show!! I guess the only improvement Instagram brings is that one can ignore someone's Instagram page entirely, as opposed to being held captive for a boring "vacation slides" show after dinner!
Freddie (New York NY)
@L - regarding "take a photo of the stage AND then a selfie of themselves with the stage in the background to "prove" they'd seen the show!!" At "Moulin Rouge" in its Boston tryout, they tried something I'd never seen nor heard of before - actually encouraged the audience to take photos or video for stuff before the actual curtain rising for the actual show, then at intermission, all the photos and video we wanted. I wasn't sure if they saw this as a way to get lots of stuff online by fans in the 10 months between Boston and Broadway, so only for Boston, or if they'll keep this going for New York this June. (But it did get people noticeably satisfied by the end of intermission and dutifully turning off their chock-full phones before the second act.)
J K P (Western New York State)
At The Sanders reminds me of Saturday afternoons in the old Roslyn movie theater in the 1950s. I would guess maybe 150 kids---and not a parent in sight!
Bob Castro (NYC)
Re Saturday Afternoons at the Local Movie: In my neighborhood, Sunset Park, we had the Paradise Theater on 4th Avenue and 28th Street. The boys had to sit on the right side of the center aisle and the girls sat on the left. The zaftig matron in her white uniform patrolled the aisles with her flashlight and threatened to throw out any of the boys who got too rowdy. As long as a cowboy or monster movie was on we were pretty well behaved and paid attention to what was happening on screen. It was when they played one of those yucky love stories that things got out of hand. For a photo of the Paradise, aka The Itch, click on
Sabine Farm (Nantucket , Ma.)
" The Vessel"- entered and climbed, "The Stairs to Nowhere." Don't bother.Will be on no one's bucket list
N. Smith (New York City)
Thanks for the link to 'The City' -- it looks good. And that story about the Language school suddenly closing is nothing, if not bizarre. Hope they get to the bottom of what's happening. And I have no suggestions about what to name their pigeon... Except maybe Rudy?
Billy from Brooklyn (Hudson Valley)
"I loved Chuckles, Turkish Taffy and Mason Mints". You go girl! You are the first movie-goer I can recall who has not fondly recalled Goobers and Raisenettes, as if they were/are the only candy sold. I have not thought of Mason Mints in years-that white box with those very small, soft, chocolate covered mints. We used to hold the open box up to our mouth, then tap the back to have the mints fall forward onto our tongue.
Butterfield8 (nyc)
Hi Billy from Brooklyn. Were Mason Mints a strictly Brooklyn thing? In Manhattan, we had- and still have- Junior Mints.
Billy from Brooklyn (Hudson Valley)
"I loved Chuckles, Turkish Taffy and Mason Mints." You go girl! You are the first movie-goer I can recall who has not fondly recalled Goobers and Raisenettes, as if they were/are the only candy sold. I have not thought of Mason Mints in years---that white box with those very small, soft, chocolate covered mints! We used to hold the box up to our mouth, then tap the back to have the mints fall forward.
Jessica (NYC)
Thank you Mr. Kiffin. That’s a true New Yorker. Made my day.