Would You Want to Live a Life Without Ever Feeling Pain?

Apr 02, 2019 · 117 comments
Sohaila Rafael (Wydown Middle School)
Being diagnosed with a physical or mental illness can be very challenging. It can alter our lives forever. But living with no pain can be a dream. People with chronic pain disorders don't want to lose their pain. They just want to feel normal. They just want to be able to feel all the feelings that they've always felt. Without the bad feelings, we would no longer appreciate the good feelings. We would start begging for pain by deliberately hitting ourselves or acting out towards someone we love. It almost seems like a form of psychopathic behavior. It would also take away from the feeling of accomplishment and hard work that goes into achieving a goal. I would never want to live my life without experiencing pain. Being able to do so is very dangerous and can lead to many things happening to you. Also, being an athlete with this condition would be very hard to live with since they would not know their leg or arm hurt until they tear a muscle. I would like to live a life without anxiety. I think that would be the opposite of what Jo Cameron's disorder is. I feel like I would still be me in every way but also nothing like myself at the same time.
Aila M (missouri)
At first I think the thought of feeling no pain would be great, but after more thought, It would be boring. Pain is a thing that you need to be able to understand whats hurts and what doesn't. If you lived life without pain you could be doing bad things to yourself without even knowing what they do to you or your body. Life would be so much different. Like in The Giver, they hardly ever feel pain because their life is super safe. Technically, though, they still can feel pain but they take pain relievers, even for the smallest thing. Even though I don’t like it, pain is something we need.
Addilyn Farmer (wydown middle schoo)
I would never want to live in a world without pain because it would be terrible yes I wound get hurt but I still think it would be terrible and not OK. That also means I couldn't feel if someone died and I would want to be able to be able to live free and not bossed around like this but yep..
jaida m (wydown middle school)
I wouldn’t want to live in a world without feeling pain, therefore if you never feel pain you can never experience the moments in life where you should feel pain. For example when you fall down off a bike, I think you would want to feel pain because without that, you wouldn’t feel the pain of, ‘oh, that does hurt but i’m going to get back up again’. Feeling pain is apart of life and you would want to feel it or else the normal wouldn’t be normal. If you couldn’t feel pain, other people wouldn’t know how to feel emotions for other people because they can’t feel pain to feel emotion for someone else, in addition to this, feeling pain is something that you should feel, and live with.
claire w (missouri)
At first thought you might think it would be good to live without pain but i believe that life would be much harder because your body would not have the warning signs that are telling you when something is wrong for example if you touch something you didn't know was hot and you could not feel pain, you would not know that you were hurt and therefore you would do nothing about it making it worse over time. If there is a problem inside your body no one else would be able to warn you about it because it would not be visible.So if you had something wrong such as cancer or a heart disease and did not know about it early on. It would cause lasting damage to your body. Therefore i would not want to live without pain because i believe it would cause damage to my life and my body in the long run.
Johnny Saksa (Saint Louis)
Would you want to live a life without pain? How could having pain help or not help with living a normal life. Let’s say you get shot would you not feel that pain. It is crazy to think about that because God created us to have pain and not having pain wow that would just be crazy!
Aila M (missouri)
I feel like living life without pain would be boring or dull. One of the reasons why I think this is because in The Giver, the people never feel pain, or when they do they immediately take pain relievers, but their life seems very boring and your basically just set up to work your whole life.
Sofia Cousins (Wydown Middle School)
I think that depending on the situation or length of time, you may or may not want to feel any kind of pain. But in my opinion, I would not want to not be able to feel pain. To start off, if you don’t feel pain then you wouldn’t be able to understand or feel empathetic for a person who is feeling pain. If you can’t understand people’s struggles or pain, you won’t have many friends and will become quite lonely, but of course you won’t be able to tell if you are lonely or not. It’s a bit strange, to understand pain you need to feel it, not understanding pain means you haven’t felt that pain yet, or you don’t have the ability to feel it, like this situation. Of course this kind of power of not feeling pain would be cool, but up to a certain point. Even if you don’t feel pain you can still injure yourself, and you might not realize until it’s too late. Say you are running across a track, and have been running for a while. Surprisingly, you do not feel tired or hurt in any way. If you continue to run you could seriously hurt yourself, because you could actually be getting hurt, but do not know of it. “Cuts, burns, fractures — these did not hurt either. In fact, it often took the smell of burning flesh or her husband identifying blood for her to notice something wrong.” Therefore, I think that not feeling pain would not bring any interest to me to have for a lifetime, or even just a long time, because of what you could unconsciously do to yourself and others.
Emily Kaplansky (Ladue High School)
In life we need pain. When you hurt yourself or something is wrong, the pain helps alert us. When those alerts are impared or non-existent, that can have severe damages. As it states in the article the interview was quoted saying “I can feel my body changing, but it didn't hurt me.” The lack of pain could have created an life threatening situation. During childbirth certain types of pain let the mother understand what is happening. With her impairment she was unaware of what was going on. Therefore,this lack of pain can also create barriers for her being empathetic. When she can not understand others pain it creates an emotional disconnect. A major emotional disconnect she talked about in her interview was the fact that although she was always happy, she never had felt an adrenaline rush. She felt isolated, odd, and left out. That adrenaline rush is a form of connection for many people. As she is not able to experience that, that is one of the isolating downsides to her disorder. To conclude, living a life without pain can be seen as a paradise but really can be isolating or dangerous.
Marcey K. (Clayton High School)
I wouldn’t want to live a life without feeling pain, because then I wouldn’t feel empathy and learn from my mistakes. For example I wouldn’t be able to imagine myself in that person’s place that is going through such. In addition, not feeling pain could result in dangerous life situations since the individuals wouldn't feel a signal to save themselves from further injury. Feeling pain is part of being human, therefore we should embrace the pain and deal with it.
Adelyse N (Wydown Middle School)
Living without pain can have a plus side to it, but also a downside. I would want to live a life with pain. Mrs. Cameron says that she cant feel any pain, up to birth and even some emotional pain. I say that this can be really bad because if you also burnt or cut yourself really bad and didn't know it, the scar could get infected and you wont realize how bad it is. If you were also at a funeral and didn’t show any emotion, it will make you look like a bad person. You might not be good at showing emotion most of the time. In conclusion, i would rather have pain in my life so i can go through the normal human cycle instead of getting hurt with no feel. It can be very dangerous to be so numb.
Rachel Harmon (Bryant High School)
I would not want to live a life without pain. I think experiencing life with physical, emotion, and mental pain is what makes us the way we are. I also think feeling pain in whatever magnitude we feel it helps us appreciate are health. Being able to feel pain also protects us. For example, my mom would have never known she had life-threatening cancer if she wouldn’t have experienced pain in her throat. . This could have cost us her life, but given she could feel pain we were able to get it checked out. While people believe that living without the ability to feel pain would be beneficial it has proven to have its drawbacks. Mentioned in the article, Jo Cameron has never felt pain, but her mutation causes forgetfulness and constant losing of her train of thought. Her mutation also puts her at risk for injury, due to the fact that she doesn’t have the ability to gauge her hurt she is. So while we may wish for a pain free life, we need to realize the value of being able to truly feel, and how pain in a way protects us.
gabriella (new york)
Short answer for you: Absolutely not. Here’s the long: I firmly believe that pain and grief is needed to further appreciate the high points, and is needed to learn thousands of valuable lessons on the so-called “journey of life”. Pain has taught me to surround myself with people that are of high quality and have a zest for learning and growth of oneself. To quickly take advantage of the opportunities that I have, because other people may not have the chance like I do. Suffering allows us to see both of the extreme sides of life’s spectrum; the ugly and the beautiful, painful and wonderful, etc. Without it, I wouldn’t show much empathy towards others around me going through rough and painful times, simply because I couldn’t relate. Pain makes us all more human -- without it, it would be better to call our race “alien”.
Erika DiGiovanni (New York)
Pain and all of the feelings associated with pain is what makes life, life. Although it seems like it would be everyone’s dream come true to land in a magical fantasy where pain did not exist, the reality is that without it, we would be unable to experience the harsh emotions that define us as human. Coping with grief, sadness, and heartbreak are what makes love and happiness so worth it. Dealing with the lows, or the painful emotions, makes the highs so much higher because without experiencing darkness, we can’t appreciate the light. Anxiety and adrenaline are the reason that there are a multitude of relaxation practices in order to keep the overall mind and body in a state of well being. On the physical side of things, the inability to feel pain can result in serious health problems that get caught too late; this includes symptoms of heart attacks, broken bones, or even allergic reactions. In the article, the woman’s hip was at a point of complete deterioration by the time she got it replaced. This scenario makes the lack of pain unquestionably dangerous. When people come in contact with a sketchy situation, their gut instinct would typically warn them that they are in a position of trouble, but in a life without pain, the chances of being hurt becomes a likely possibility. Since everyone responds differently to pain, our personalities become shaped based on what we go through—making a life without pain, a life without living.
Fadya Shamaan (El Cajon Valley HS, San Diego)
I wouldn't want to live a life without ever feeling pain because, that way, I wouldn't ever experience empathy. For example, I wouldn't be able to imagine myself in a painful situation that another person may have gone through as I have never experienced it myself; I wouldn't know how to make them feel better. In addition, not feeling pain could result in dangerous life situations since the individuals wouldn't feel a signal to save themselves from further injury. Feeling pain is part of being human, therefore we should embrace the pain and deal with it.
Jihoon Kim (Anyang, ROK)
Yes I really love to. Because a planned life is about jail. A planned life doesn't have any fun or exceptions. I don't want to live a boring life..... So I'd prefer a unplanned life.
Hayden H (Hoggard High School Wilmington, NC)
Personally living without pain does not bring an interest to me. Yes the advantages to no physical pain at the beginning would be incredible. With no fear of being hurt I would be able to check of bullet points off my bucket list. The reason that events would be on my bucket list is especially for the “adrenaline rush” and with no emotional feeling I wouldn't be able to experience it. Although a life without anxiety seems unimaginable and perfect emotions make you human. Emotions make you who you are by sharing with you your weaknesses and disadvantages. With having frequent injuries I would appreciate a high pain threshold. Except I don't believe that anyone should go around acting as if their body doesn't mean anything. Throwing themselves in situations that they wouldn't have before. Pain is created for a reason without it I wouldn't be safe.
Logan Pealer (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
I feel like living life without physical pain would be cool or helpful for some situations, but theirs a good number of situations where knowing your in pain is what would keep you alive. This is almost ironic, but I feel like to live life without pain you would have to be more careful than if you could feel pain, considering pain as somewhat of an alert to danger. Luckily Jo probably hasn't had to experience crazy physical pain like breaking a bone, considering she realized about her condition so late in her life. Say your constantly pushing your body physically, what is telling you to not overdo it? Vise Versa, I think you could say the same about psychological pain. Some tough situations might be nice to get through easily, but I feel like self improvement would be very difficult. Without reaping the negative mental effects of doing bad for you, who says you will ever have a reason to stop?
Logan Pealer (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
I feel like living life without physical pain would be cool or helpful for some situations, but theirs a good number of situations where knowing your in pain is what would keep you alive. This is almost ironic, but I feel like to live life without pain you would have to be more careful than if you could feel pain, considering pain as somewhat of an alert to danger. Luckily Jo probably hasn't had to experience crazy physical pain like breaking a bone, considering she realized about her condition so late in her life. Say your constantly pushing your body physically, what is telling you to not overdo it? Vise Versa, I think you could say the same about psychological pain. Some tough situations might be nice to get through easily, but I feel like self improvement would be very difficult. I feel like it would be considerably easy to get addicted to something like drugs or a bad habit, and never stop because of no mental consequences. If you never reap the consequences that feel, like the negative affects on your mental health, how would you ever be able to combat consequences you cant feel, like a shortened lifespan.
Carly DeHart (Winter Park)
I think it would be more of a disadvantage to not feel pain than an advantage. What would happen if you had your hand on the stove but couldn't feel it? There would be more damage to your body if you didn't feel the stoves heat than if you did. You would have to be more cautious when doing activities cause you wouldn't be able to tell when if you get hurt or not.
Zoe Lee (Hoggard, Wilmington, NC)
Our bodies use pain, both mentally and physically, to send us a message. When we hurt, it lets us know that we shouldn't do what inflicts pain. Cameron gave birth without feeling the long, agonizing cost. The pain mothers endure during this time shows just how much they love their child. She won't feel all that she sacrificed for a baby, but instead "a tickle." Without knowing this feeling, from simply discomfort and excruciating levels, how would we know happiness? The lack of comparison could leave us confused, and oblivious to the many aspects of life. Unfortunately, feeling pain is a part of the human experience. If life were easy, it would make our accomplishments and greatest moments worthless. While a painless life would be comfortable, it wouldn't allow for us to overcome what hurts us.
Ethan (MInnesota)
Honestly it wouldn't be as good as it sounds. You feel pain so you dont hurt yourself on purpose. obviously your gonna hurt youself on accident too but its an indication that you need help or need to move.
Riley Pracht (Houston, Tx)
I think that, while not feeling emotional or physical pain would be awesome for a while, I would not want that gift. The lack of physical pain part would be great at first, but what if you were seriously injured and had no way of knowing it? I can definitely see how this would be really appealing and helpful in some cases though. However, I don’t think I would want the emotional part of it at all. Obviously, stress, anxiety, and sadness are awful, but it is also what allows us to make connections to life’s most important things; Art, film, music, literature, and, most importantly, other people. If you can’t feel anything, I would imagine that it’s super isolating, even if you can’t really feel the “isolation” in the traditional sense. I couldn’t imagine never crying while watching a sad movie or feeling empathy for another human being. For those reasons, I think that the loss of connection that would come with not feeling any pain wouldn’t be worth it for me.
Mia (Sewickley, PA)
I think that living life without pain would be bland. Without pain how would you know what happiness truly is. It is that comparison that helps us know what makes us feel good and what we love. A very common saying is that there is no rainbow without rain. I feel that that applies to pain. Without pain, there is no happiness/enjoyment in life.
Ethan (MInnesota)
@Mia Its physical pain not mental pain. Happiness doesn't come from getting hurt and im sure you know that but. Im just stating the fact that you dont get hurt to be happy. I dont think youd be happy if you were sitting in the hospital with a busted leg...
cornelius suttree (arthur morgan school, burnsville, nc)
This is a synthesis of the thoughts of students participating in the Knowledge and Belief course, at the Arthur Morgan School (North Carolina): In theory, losing our sense of pain would allow us to take greater risks, freeing us up to try new experiences. However, we are aware that pain serves as a necessary reminder of our limitations, keeping us from harming ourselves or ignoring the warning signs of physical danger.
Ethan Pardieu (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Sensation is part of what makes us human, good or bad. I think that living a life devoid of all pain would make life feel less risky and therefore affect me physically and mentally. What I mean by this is that without out pain I wouldn’t see any risk to something because I wouldn’t have any sensational repercussions. An example of this is with the 71-year-old woman Jo Cameron, who can’t feel both physical and mental pain. Jo describes certain sensations that would be horribly painful to normal people, like childbirth or burning yourself as if it were nothing but weird feelings. This has negatively impacted her life because she hasn’t developed natural “knee jerk” reactions to things that may cause her pain, like taking her hand off of a hot stove. As seen with Jo, without sensational repercussions people may have never developed certain natural defensive reactions to things that may cause them harm.
Leila Belfadil (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
At times, I find myself wishing for pain to go away whether that is another sprained ankle from lacrosse or fear and worry for a big test. Ms. Cameron has never felt any of these things and that is mind blowing to me. However, in the long run, any of the lows I go through physically and mentally, make the highs even better. The feeling of seeing an A on a test you had been worrying about, the feeling of running again after weeks of it hurting to even walk, the feeling of the first genuine smile after believing depression was that one thing that would always be with you, those are some of the best feelings in the world. We are always improving, bettering ourselves, and learning from the past and I believe that pain is the ultimate lesson. Life is a series of hills and valleys and it would just feel wrong and like I was missing a piece if life was just walking in a straight line.
Eli Meyer (Hoggard High School)
Pain is an essential element in our lives, it protects us from damaging our body in a major way. Every day we experience some level of pain to tell our body to stop doing that, or you will get injured. Also, who would want to live a life without a little excitement or danger. If you feel no pain or fear or adrenaline you won’t have any real fun in your life. Having a pain free life could be extremely dangerous because what if you get get injured and don't know it. You could bleed to death without even knowing it. The pain in our lives is pivotal in ensuring our safety and livelihood. I would not want to live a pain free life
Nathan Peterson (Hoggard High School)
This sounds like a super power, when I believe it does the opposite effect for us. A life without physical pain doesn't make you immortal, and when you don't feel a problem, then that problem is more likely to fester into something bigger and more dangerous. When I was younger, I remember thinking this was the best thing that could happen to a person. I told my parents what I thought about something like this and they told me how dangerous it was. The ability to not know whether or not you're on fire. Sounds like fun. Resistance to psychological damage on the other hand would be a plus in my book. Often, anxiety gets the better of me, and I would love for that to not be a problem of mine. I can also seeing that spiraling out of control as well. If you never know pain, then you won't recognize what pain looks like, and you could greatly injure a friend or loved one through your words.
Ethan Pardieu (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Sensation is part of what makes us human, good or bad. I think that living a life devoid of all pain would make life feel less risky and therefore affect me physically and mentally. What I mean by this is that without out pain I wouldn’t see any risk to something because I wouldn’t have any sensational repercussions. An example of this is with the 71-year-old woman Jo Cameron, who can’t feel both physical and mental pain. Jo describes certain sensations that would be horribly painful to normal people, like childbirth or burning yourself as if it were nothing but weird feelings. This has negatively impacted her life because she hasn’t developed natural “knee jerk” reactions to things that may cause her pain, like taking her hand off of a hot stove. As seen with Jo, without sensational repercussions people may have never developed certain natural defensive reactions to things that may cause them harm.
Revelin Labrecque (Hoggard High School, Wilimgton, NC)
I would not want to live my life without ever feeling pain like Ms.Cameron. First of all I think that not being able to feel pain is actually a very dangerous way to live. It is very easy to hurt yourself and not even notice like how Ms.Cameron had to have her husband point out if she was bleeding because she did not notice. I think that it would be very hard to be an athlete with this condition because you would not know your leg hurt or arm hurt until you tear a muscle and physically cant move your leg. I also feel that it would take away from the feeling of working for and attaining something. The harder something is the better it feels to finish it and the harder it is to reach your goal the prouder you are when you reach it. Pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into something would not mean as much if you never experienced the pain and anxiety of working towards your goal. I would like to live my life without anxiety which is the other side of Ms.Cameron's disorder. I think I could still be me but just happier. I don't know exactly why I feel this way but I feel like anxiety is less of an important part of being human and more of an annoyance. I have only had one period in my life where I felt real anxiety all the time and I never want to feel that way again. It made me depressed and unmotivated while at the same time scared because of how unmotivated I was. I would like to let go of anxiety but pain is something I feel I need to keep to be me.
Sydney Stathopoulos (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Part of me envies Ms. Cameron, but part of me doesn’t. I feel like people need emotional pain to understand how other people feel and how the world really is. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for emotional pain. Being emotionally abused by old friends and bullies has taught me that no one deserves emotional pain, but we need it to understand feelings. People that have caused me emotional pain have taught me to always be nice to absolutely everyone. As for physical pain, I do envy Ms. Cameron. I believe it’s needed to make you tough, but life would be a lot easier without it. Breaking a bone without feeling pain would be great. I personally haven’t ever had any serious injuries, but if I ever do I don’t want to feel pain. I really wish pain didn’t exist, but it teaches us to be tough and teaches us that we need to accept that the world is full of it.
Frank Lyons (Hoggard)
No I don't want to live a life without the ability to feel pain. The ability to feel pain in the way that humans do makes us human, it shapes personalities. If you didn't have the ability to feel pain then you would never be able to know your body's limitations. If you couldn't feel psychological pain then you may struggle with social interaction because you can't tell when there is stuff that offends or saddens people because you have never felt that way. I feel like my life would be very different because pain is such a key human feeling/emotion, I would have never felt the pain of scratching my knee the first time I fell on a bike or feeling pain when someone I knew passed away. Pain shapes our personalities and creates responses to situations that shape us into the people we become. As kids I feel like pain shapes all of us, we learn what we can handle and what we cant. It sets limits for us that we learn to not push. I would say that I have a medium level of pain tolerance. When I was younger I wasn't really aware of my surroundings and slammed my head into a cubby in elementary school, busted my head open. At the time it kinda hurt but looking back on it I learned to watch out for my sounding more and be more careful. Pain helps shape our traits which is a very positive thing. I don't support the idea of scientist developing a medication that blocks/prevents pain, pain makes us human.
Kayla Pereira (Hoggard High School)
If I'm honest, I would love to go through life without feeling physical pain. Emotional pain, I would want to keep, even if it's a horrible feeling. Physical pain I wouldn't want to keep just because of childbirth and menstruation periods but emotional pain, in my opinion, is what makes you human. Living life without feeling lost or scared, is not something I'd want because most times when I feel like that, it motivates me to do something about whatever it is.
Mckenzy Martinez (Missouri)
a life without pain is a life without living. yes, he may be happy, but how do you know your truly happy when you haven't experienced anything bad to show you just how happy you can be? i believe that the pain we feel defines who we are. the tragic things that may happen to us may break us down but that's only to build us up for the future. when your in pain it may feel like the whole world is crashing down but you don't have to go through it forever and i think that's an important life lesson that this woman is not getting. the pain we feel is necessary in everyday life. let's say you fall and scrape your knee. next time, you'll know not to do what you did to fall cause it put you in pain. another one would be your dating someone and they repeatedly keep leaving you. the pain your feeling from that will be stopped once you decide you dint want to go through it anymore. pain is a part of life and you need it to thrive.
Icess Tresvik (John T. Hoggard High)
Would I like to live a life without pain? To be honest, I don't I want to. Feeling pain is a way of knowing that your hurt and might need medical attention. Without having the feeling of pain, it would be hard for doctors to tell if something is actually wrong with you. Pain is a type of emotion that can be taken in many ways. For example, a injury, having a hard breakup with a love one, or even someone in your family that had passed. Unlike Jo Cameron, a 71 year old women who came to the conclusion after 4 decades of her life, that she did not experience pain. When she was 65, she had to get a hip replacement. She didn't know she she needed one due to her not feeling any pain. Scientist heard about Jo Cameron not being able to experience pain. They thought it was weird and unusual. They decided to do some research on why she is not feeling pain. After all the research and test they found out that she had a genetic mutation to feeling pain. Personally, I can't imagine myself not feeling pain. Its something I have felt or encountered since I came into this world. I rather experience pain then not because I want to know if i'm hurt or I can even turn my pain into something good like putting it into a book.
Abby Bowker (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
Everyone needs pain in their lives. As human beings we were made to experience everything. Adrenaline, pain, grief, and love. How we react to these things define who we are. I feel like if you missing any of these things in your life, (like pain) you won’t be able to experience everyday sensations, from a paper cut to heartache. Not only are you missing out on key experiences, but it’s also dangerous to not feel pain. “In fact, it often took the smell of burning flesh or her husband identifying blood for her to notice something wrong.” The article states. If you can’t feel pain in your body you won’t be able to self diagnose yourself if something is wrong. You could miss a heart attack, a ruptured spleen, or burst your appendix. It’s dangerous to not feel pain. Feeling pain in any form is awful, but when you don’t feel pain, you’re not experiencing life.
Talia Porzio (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
Whether or not we appreciate it, pain is a natural part of everyone’s life. Pain whether mental or physical can make you a stronger person. Whether or not on a small scale or a large scale pain can help bring more emotions to you, allowing you to feel empathy for those who go through pain like you. I’ve learned over time that pain and sadness must be felt to help you appreciate and understand what being happy is. If you would have never felt pain or sadness then you would be emotionless in the sense that you can’t feel sympathy for those who go through difficult times because you wouldn’t know what it felt like to have that problem. So feeling pain can truly damage a person but once you get through the painful part of an experience it brings you to a happier time. Feeling any emotion is a big part of who we are so if I couldn’t feel any emotion I wouldn’t be who I am today. In the article, Jo Cameron stated that, “.. she’s never felt the “adrenaline rush” that other people talk about.” To not feel adrenaline to me would mean that I would never get out of my comfort zone. When I go on roller coasters I get out of my comfort zone and feel adrenaline and if I wouldn’t feel that then my life would not be as exciting as I want it to be.
Benjamin Blankenship (Hoggard High, Wilmington, NC)
If I had the choice between living a pain free life and living a life where pain isn’t excluded, to me its a simple answer, I want pain to be part of my life. The prospect of not having pain in your life may seem good, however I would beg to differ. Even Though pain, mentally or physically, is hard to deal with it is part of everyday life and it helps build character. Through pain we learn how to comfort other when they hit a rough patch, or we learn to be able to respond to our own pain. However I don't believe that the research being done in the pain management field is useless or a waste of time. Medical Pain management is a slippery slope, mainly because of opioids. Opioids are a highly addictive drugs that have caused thousands to die from overdoses. This is,” yet another reminder that we need less addictive alternatives for chronic pain,” said Dr. Stephen G. Waxman, who is a neurologist at Yale. If we can find a less addictive drug that can lower people anxiety and some parts of pain I support the idea, as long as a society we don’t completely forget what pain is.
Lily Boyer (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Jo Cameron realized “more than four decades later” that she was different than most people in the way she feels pain; she was able to live her whole life like a regular person and the benefits of her gene mutation definitey outweighed the negatives. The main con to having this condition is not being able to tell when something is burning or cutting you, or in her case, she couldn’t tell that her hip was degenerating. I think these would be easier to manage than anxiety or depression because you just have to be aware of any potentially harmful situations or go to frequent doctors appointments just to be safe, whereas, with anxiety and depression, there isn’t much you can do to prevent it from happening. I think I would rather not feel pain at all than feel mental pain constantly. The reason for me saying I would want to live with her condition is more because of the no psychological pain aspect than the no physical pain aspect; physical pain can usually be dealt with pretty easily with medication, but things like anxiety and depression are not so easy to deal with. Without anxiety or depression, I can’t even imagine how much more energy and motivation I would have every day; these illnesses are very draining and have a strong negative impact on my daily life, so I am sure that I would not miss them if they went away.
Katya Zouzias (Hoggard High School)
Pain is something that can be experienced in many different ways. Throughout your life, you can experience emotional and physical pain. Imagine being able to live your life and never experience pain in any way. At first, that seems like a dream but pain in many ways can be helpful in steering your choices in life. Imagine you hurt your body and going to the hospital is necessary but since you do not have any way of knowing you are hurt you just allow your body to heal on its own. This can cause your body to heal incorrectly and just cause more problems in the future. Also, most emotional pain is not wanted but it helps you grow to become more aware of your surroundings and make better choices. Overall pain is something I need to make myself stronger.
Ainsley Norr (Hoggard High School, NC)
I can’t imagine how nice it would be to live without pain. Without fear, anxiety or depression. Oh how nice it would be to eat one of those Scotch Bonnet chili peppers and only feel a “pleasant glow”. But while reading this article, a song was repeating in my head.“100 Bad Days”, by AJR. I even took a second to bob my head to the chorus, “100 bad days makes 100 good stories…” and I began to think, without pain, can you even have a bad day? And if you never have a bad day, what is your story? Now I think living in a world without pain is like living blind. It’s like how without darkness, you would forget to appreciate the light. And if you get lost in the darkness, you have to find your way out, and from that journey you have to find strength and that struggle makes you who you are.
Marion Williams (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Living life with pain, especially a disorder or illness, can be very hard. Things like depression, arthritis, heartburn, PTSD, or any other mental and physical illness can alter our lives forever. But having no pain? Healthy people would think it's a dream; never having to take pain killers, getting punched by your mean brother wouldn't hurt, sadness wouldn't be a thing, and you could breeze through life without any problems. But despite common belief, people with disorders and illnesses that experience more pain than usual don't want to lose their pain. Yes, everyone wants that quirk to be gone, but losing an emotional or feeling you've lived with forever would be hard. People with setbacks just want to be normal; they want to be able to feel sadness, happiness, pain, pleasure, and all of the above, not just a constant state of sadness, anger, or writhing in their legs. Without the bad feelings, we can't appreciate the good feelings. It would become boring and numb to live in a continuously loop of rainbows and unicorns. Bad experiences and pain teach us life lessons that no one else can teach us, and they mold the people we are today. Over time, we would start begging for pain, either by purposely hitting ourselves, acting out towards someone you love, or always trying to find that rush we can't seem to reach. It almost seems psychopathic in a way; not feeling empathy or pain for others and yourself. So, are you okay with that stubbed toe now?
Erin Johnston (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
If I had the option, I would choose to live a life without pain. Pain- whether it be mental or physical- is the only thing that keeps us from being constantly happy. If you had not felt pain, you would not think you were missing out on anything, and you wouldn’t feel anxiety so it wouldn’t matter. One potential drawback could be injuring yourself and not realizing it. This could become a large problem- you could cut yourself and be bleeding out without even noticing it. I think this could be handled- Jo Cameron’s father had the same mutation and she learned how to handle it from him, and even though she cuts and burns herself often she recovers quickly. Jo Cameron is successful- she has a career, a family, and most importantly, she is happy. She is living proof that life without pain is still life.
Sloane F. (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
The word pain has a negative denotation on its own, but actually experiencing it makes you feel worse than when you hear the word. Of course I would avoid pain if I had the choice, constantly being in a stable state is a luxury, but it only makes me a stronger person and realize that life still goes on even in its faults I encounter. I can recall a recent and emotionally painful experience: I lost one of my closest friends without an explanation. I constantly believed that I could rule the world with him by my side and that I have a purpose in life, and hearing that he didn’t want to be my friend made me feel the opposite: a disappointment and a burden. It’s been almost eleven months since that terrible day and look at me: I have some of the greatest friends, I’ve accomplished so much, and I’m overall very happy with myself. Did I do all that with him? NO. Pain is a constant reminder that you can do anything, even with the worst obstacles in front of you. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to face adversity and be able to adapt to other changes. The marks and the memories all tell a story, and they make you remember that you’ve faced it, you’ve done it, you’ve felt it, and you can still live on.
Lilly Eubanks (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Pain is something almost everyone has experienced at least once in their life. In one way or another. It's just a part of life. All there is to do about it is accept it and find ways to overcome it and move on. I don't know if I would ever want to live life without feeling pain. I think I would chose to not feel physical pain. Psychological pain ids something I face everyday, but I feel that it makes me who I am. There are many advantages to not feeling physical pain. It would make us feel invincible. But this is a double sided coin. We would become comfortable with doing dangerous things. Things that would normally hurt us but no longer would. I think it would make a huge difference in everyone's life if they didn't feel pain. You would be happier because you wouldn't feel sadness or loss. People with depression and anxiety probably wouldn't have symptoms. Daredevils could skydive and jump off waterfalls to their hearts content. People would definitely become a lot more comfortable with doing things that scared them. Seeing how the pain has shaped me as a person, whether it be physical or psychological, I do not think I would chose to not experience. Yes, it's hard to go through the pain. But it feels even better to overcome it, and to be able to say you did.
Ava Walger (Hoggard High School, NC)
Pain is a part of life. All you can do is accept the situation and try working on it. No one can deny that. The more you think of the bad things, the more you feel the pain. A easy suggestion, if you are spending so much time thinking about the wrong things that happened to you and feeling the pain of your life, spend some more time with that pain and think if you don’t want to feel this way what can you do to avoid it or change it and how you can make things look great again. Some things are not meant to be escaped. In fact I think pains and suffering are really important for all of us because you can learn a lot when you suffer. When you are happy you don't get the lessons, pains teaches us many important things which allows us to grow wise and strong.Without pain you cannot understand true meaning of happiness.
Alexis (Caruthers)
Pain is something people have to learn in order to know the dangers of different things. Pain can be very hard but we still have to go through it physically and emotionally in order to grow and learn. I think if I didn't have pain my life would be different because then I wouldn't know the dangers of a lot of stuff and would never learn pain. Also, I think I would kind of be happy if I didn't have pain because then that means I wouldn't get hurt physically and emotionally.
Alfredo (Caruthers)
Pain is a part of life. You can't learn without experience the pain of struggle or fear. In a life without fear, I wouldn't trust myself. There would be nothing holding me back and I wouldn't know when to stop. I would end up in situations that could endanger myself and others. You can't grow without pain.
Maria (Minnesota)
I think when you first hear "Would you want to live a life without feeling pain?" everyone's like "sign me up", "I got pain I don't want to feel." Though they will eventually come to not want it. It sounds good to not be able to feel any pain but that means you end up missing out on a lot of other good emotions too. People think that emotions suck, which I agree with, but I've also come to find that they can be helpful. Our emotions drive us to do a lot like doing something we've never done before, being with people, feeling just overall good. I feel like when we take that away, though it seems like a good thought, we will come to regret it.
Andrei Mistreanu (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Although some people argue that pain and anxiety are important elements to the human nature and the growth of oneself, the answer for me is much simpler. I would love to live without stress and without negative feeling. In my personal opinion, the single most important and dominant pursuit in life is one thing: happiness. Mrs. Cameron has clearly demonstrated this, as “[o]n an anxiety disorder questionnaire, she scored zero out of 21”, showing how happy she really is (Murphy). Really, I could care less if I was the smartest, most attractive, and strongest person on the planet if I was not happy -- after all, these qualities are just methods through which happiness is obtained. What is the importance of “being human” and “growth” if one lives a miserable existence? To me, there is none. It does not make me more human to live in a cage and suffer than to be free. Furthermore, who are we to say Mrs. Cameron is “less human” or “growth-lacking” than the rest of us? She has lived what seems to be a rich life, with two children, a husband, and a career as a primary school teacher. She, from most perspectives, seems like the most ordinary person out of all of us -- an individual who is content with herself and contributes to society. So yes, I would like to live without experiencing emotional and physical pain.
Abigail Cash (Boston)
Even though pain and anxiety can be draining, they teach us lessons that we would not have been able to know with out them. Realizations are made through feeling pain and failure. However, the thought of a long life of happiness and no pain sounds amazing. Although, imagine never knowing when you are experiencing physical pain. For example, if you were sick and had a very high fever, you would not know because you wouldn’t be able to tell that your head was hurting. This could eventually lead to you becoming very sick. Jo Cameron claims she has never experienced adrenaline. The jittering feeling of adrenaline pushes us to succeed. Anxiety and pain allows us to expertise emotional pain as well. Even though anxiety causes us to worry, there are somethings in life that do deserve to have anxiety about. Such as that really hard test you studied for, or something as more difficult like the death of a loved one. Having anxiety about these types of things shows that as humans, we care. Ultimately, I am grateful to be able to experience pain.
Caitlyn Savage (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
I would never want to live a life without ever feeling pain. I think feeling in general, whether that be physical or psychological, is a distinct quality that connects us to our humanity. Though many might think not feeling pain would be a blessing, pain is a part of life and makes us human. Ms.Coleman discusses her downsides in the article that “One is that she is quite forgetful; prone to losing her keys and her train of thought midsentence. The other is that she’s never felt the “adrenaline rush” that other people talk about.” Also not being able to experience childbirth properly like Ms.Coleman discussed can make people feel disconnected from themselves. There is also the risk of not being able to tell if you are injured or in need of medical attention putting yourself in great risk. Pain is necessary to survive.
Maria (Minnesota)
@Caitlyn Savage I agree. You miss out on a lot of good emotions and experiences because you won't be able to feel what the other person is feeling or how you would feel if you could feel. Pain is a part of life and the pain lets you know that you're alive. Though I know everyone's had a point or points in their life where they've want to not feel pain but then they wouldn't be where they are now. I believe our pain or emotions influences us to act. If we couldn't feel the hurt from what people say to us or feel the affect of others behavior no one would want to change or do anything to change how things are because they simply can't feel.
Maddie Steltenpohl (Homewood High school)
I feel like pain is needed. Mabey not a lot of pain but some. As it said in the article she dose not always know that she is hurt because she can not feel it. I think that it would help a lot of people develop a knew type of deppresion medicine.
Foster S (Alabama)
i feel like if pain was censored it could be very dangerous for whether or not you would live.what if a vital organ was starting to fail you and you had no idea that it didn't work anymore until it gave out and you died because you couldn't feel the things that were happening inside you.
navreet (caruthers la)
I would want to not feel physical pain, but emotional pain is important so you can deal with life's challenges. The reason i don't want physical pain so I wouldn't be afraid to do certain things and win almost any fight. Without emotional pain you couldn't feel anything, good feelings are emotional and you wont experience love if you don't know what it feels like to be hated.
Will Mason (Hoggard High School)
Not feeling a bit of pain would be amazing. I’d definitely use to my advantage and also use it to benefit others most importantly. I would want to be a firefighter or another job where I could benefit from not being able to feel pain. Being able to go into fires and save people and even valuable possessions would make many people happy and grateful. Something else I could do is defend our country, which could actually be kind of dangerous because if I get shot, I’m not sure if I’d feel it and I don’t want to bleed out because in the end, I’m not immortal.
Morgan Brooks (Hoggard High School)
I personally would want to feel pain. If you weren’t able to feel pain, physical or mental, then what’s the point. Yes everyone could be happier, but what would they know what true happiness is if they never felt sadness. You wouldn’t be able to experience the physical pain that makes people stronger. There are certain pains I wouldn’t want to feel, but we need to feel pain. If I didn’t have anxious thought or anything, man, I could conquer the world. I would be able to things that I would never do. But I learn from those things, so, once again, I will keep my pain. Plus I love adrenaline rushes. My most memorable painful things to happen to me are my knee scrapes. When I was younger I got them all the time from being outside and being a kid. Pain isn’t always good, but sometimes it’s there to remind us of certain parts in our lives. Obviously there should be more research done into finding a way to help chronic pain more. It will be the day when my mom doesn’t have to live in pain all the day from her deteriorating back problems. The medication could literally be life saver.
Mia Escalera (Hoggard high school, Wilmington NC)
I think pain ,both mental and physical, is essential to growth as an individual. Without pain you would never truly be able to appreciate the positive feelings. A life without pain would be bland, it would be tasteless and uneventful. Heartbreak and mental toll has been whats shaped me into the person I am. Struggle builds character, and mental strength. Hurt is like a vaccine, immunizing you for future devastation. I truly feel sorry for the woman in the article, a woman that will never get to experience the bittersweet taste of pain.
Thomas D. (J.T. Hoggard High School)
I would not like to live a life without pain. My reasoning is that I believe pain is a necessity to growth as a person. Your reaction (long-term or short-term) to all kinds of pain defines who you are as a person. Your solution to the source of your pain is how you grow as a person. Fundamentally, I believe that growth cannot happen without conflict to inspire that growth. Growth is caused by solutions to problems. For example, if I was unhappy at my current job, but it was the only thing I had the skill set for, I would have two options to grow as a person. The first is to find something about the job that makes me happy, so that I would no longer be unhappy with it. The second option is to acquire a new set of skills that I could use to get hired at a new job that would, presumably, make me much happier. This is why I believe that pain is necessary to live life and to grow as a person.
Winni (Hoggard High School)
Obviously, it would be nice to not be able to feel pain. Whether it’s a fever or the smallest thing as getting a paper cut, it all hurts. But if I had the opportunity to choose between feeling pain and not feeling pain, I would choose to feel pain. There’s a saying that people learn from their own mistakes. If people weren't able to feel pain then they wouldn’t be able to learn from their mistakes. Mistakes are what created what we are today. Another reason why I want feel pain is because I want to be notified when I’m injured or sick. Most disorders or disease, if left untreated can lead to serious problem or maybe even death. Furthermore, babies can’t talk. If they weren’t able to sense pain but got sick, they wouldn’t be able cry to tell their parents that something’s wrong with them.
Amber Small (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
When seeing the title “Would You Want to Live a Life Without Ever Feeling PAin?” the first thought that came to mind was “Heck Yeah!!!!” Why would anyone want to endure pain when you have the choice to live pain free? After I read the article it I changed my mind it states “But though having this mutation may sound like a dream, there are downsides. One is that she is quite forgetful; prone to losing her keys and her train of thought mid sentence. The other is that she’s never felt the “adrenaline rush” that other people talk about, she said.” Finding out having no physical pain also comes with no emotional pain either had me second guess my first thought. Without emotions you would miss out on so much. Yes, no emotions can have many positives it depends on how you view them. When a family member passed, no grief. Moving away from all of you family, no emotions. Heartbreak wouldn't exist. Your quality of life would decrease. What is life without the struggles, these many struggles shape us into the people we are and will become.
Tamsie Black (Hoggard High School)
Absolutely not, I would never not want to feel pain. Not feeling pain may come in handy sometimes like if your giving birth like Jo Cameron from the article and not feeling it or if you break your leg but at the same time if these things were to happen to me I would want to feel them. If I couldn't feel pain when I break my leg or give birth or burn myself it just wouldn't feel real or human. Humans feel pain for a reason it makes our lives make sense and gives us the ability to feel, emotionally and physically, without pain how are you to be aware of an injury or losing you mom, without pain it just wouldn't feel real and and it wouldn't feel as important or true. I want my life to feel real even if its painful.
Ryan Moore (Hoggard High School)
Living a pain free would be great it many ways, but it would also not be good many ways. Feeling pain can hurt very bad but it also help make you stronger. Especially physical pain. It can make you bleed, pass out, and scream. Some advantages to living pain free was never have to feel the pain of a broken bone or a swelled up throbbing hand or ankle, or any place on you. You'd never know how bad that felt which would be great. Some disadvantages to living a life with pain are felling the pain of breaking a bone or scrapping your knee or elbow on the ground.
Vincent Perkins (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
I’ve heard of this condition before and at first I thought, awesome no pain at all? Sign me up! But not feeling pain is actually very dangerous. You may not feel the pain but whatever damage that is being done to your body is still happening but now you don’t even feel it so you don’t even know that damage is being done. For example if I put my hand on a hot stove top I would know to move my hand right away because I would feel the pain but with this condition you can put your hand on that stove top and not feel a thing but you are still being very badly burned. So I would rather not have this condition because it’s not a good thing like it might sound to begin with.
Trey Clucas (Hoggard High School)
Life without pain would be a tough life to live. Pain makes the good moments that much better. And if there is no pain, then is there good? Or is everything just neutral? As much as pain hurts, at least you know that you are real, alive, and can feel something. Pain can also teach you good lessons. It can teach you how to do things and how not to do things. If you feel pain from doing something, then you most likely are doing it the wrong way. And you won't do that again.
Matthew Miller (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
Personally, I would not want to live a life without pain, because without pain, there are no ups and downs. If Ms. Cameron has never felt an adrenaline rush then she probably doesn’t feel the fear and anxiety that people may get when experiencing something really fun like a roller coaster. You might be happy and content, but your life would be very boring. You wouldn’t have experiences like fearing failure but still succeeding. It would seem like you are numb to situations that are full excitement or anxiety. Without such a negative aspect of life, you wouldn’t be able to experience as much of the positives because it is how you always feel.
Tripp Chapman (Birmingham, Alabama)
I think living a life without pain would be cool that way if you fall off your bike or something you wouldn't feel it. If you break your leg you won't feel it and you could keep doing what you were doing just with a broken leg. I do think pain is important because if you hurt yourself and you don't feel it and you can't see it then you can't fix it.
Tribb Chabman (Homewood)
I would like to live a life without pain so I wouldn't be sore after working out like the 6'4 chad I am.
Parker (U.S.)
Not feeling pain is dangerou to your well being. If you cant feel when you're hurt, how will you know you need to get help? If people didn't feel pain they would begin to be careless, and a lot more people would die at a faster rate. No one can feel breaking a bone, stubbing their toe, or even getting a papercut. That's a dangerous ailment to have, if you aren't careful. Being smart would essentially be the only way to keep your body in tact. Not being able to be aware of whats going on inside your body could also be a problem.
Sara Desrocher (Massachusetts)
By just reading the title of this prompt my immediate reaction was of course not. What’s a life worth living if you never experience physical or emotional pain? Sure, it’s understandable to not want to go through the excruciating pain of breaking a bone, or that anxious pit in your stomach right before you give a class presentation. Though I admit to not enjoying either of these scenarios, I do believe they’re important in making a change (as odd as that may seem). If we couldn’t feel pain, there wouldn’t be anything to sacrifice. Anything to stand-up for. I mean Cesar Chavez went on a hunger strike for twenty-five days in order to protest violence against the abuse and injustices that Mexican immigrants faced in America. Chavez knew that the consequences of this hunger strike would come with pain he would have to endure. I mean, nothing would have been gained if Chavez didn’t give up his own health, almost life, in order to suffer through weeks of starvation. The legacy Chavez left -and many others such as Gandhi, Marsha P. Johnson, and Martin Luther King Jr.- shows how powerful and impactful pain can be. If we didn’t have pain, we wouldn’t have anything to live for.
Olivia Britt (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Yes, life pain-free may sound great, but pain plays a very big role in our lives. Experiencing psychological or physical pain throughout our lives helps us grow and become stronger. I think life without pain would be boring because you would always feel happy. You would never be scared, upset, or stressed. You would never understand stress about school work, sports, or anything. You would not be able to experience true failure and having to work hard to succeed. Without physical pain, you would be unaware of detrimental things going on inside your body. You could get injured very often, but not know about it. I think people living a life without pain would value loyalty in a relationship because no matter how bad their friend/loved one could treat them, they would not be hurt by it. You would not understand grief when losing a loved one. As we grow up we learn how to handle pain, and move on from it. I think the pain every individual experiences in their lives can be different, but how we handle the pain is what makes us unique. We learn from pain.
Conor FitzGerald (Danvers)
At first I love the thought of feeling no pain, but after further examination, I would feel empty. Pain is a certain thing that you need to be able to understand whats hurts and what doesn't. If you lived life without pain you could be doing bad things to yourself without even knowing what they do to you or your body. Life would be so much different. You wouldn't be able to help yourself quick because of the lack of pain. If you were sick, you wouldn't know until your body started changing more. Pain and sickness is a part of life. These things tell your body what it needs and if you do not supply your body with them, you will only get worse. As much as I hate to say it, pain is needed.
Mikaela Rappaport (Point Pleasant Borough High School)
No, I would not want to live a life without pain. Pain is just one big learning experience. When I was little, I was taught how to ride a bike. First, I started out with training wheels. I hated them because they made me feel like a little kid compared to my older brother— who already knew how to ride a bike. Eventually, after a while, my dad thought it was time for me to learn how to ride a bike without the training wheels. So, my dad took the training wheels off of my bike and bought me knee pads and elbow pads. I hated them with all of my heart. They were the most embarrassing thing to wear. I had begged my dad to take them off, but he said that they were essential for me to wear, otherwise I would get hurt. Pouting, I got on my bike— unfortunately I was wearing the bright pink knee pads and elbow pads— and my dad gave me a push. I peddled for about two seconds... and then I fell off of the bike and right onto my knees. Despite the knee pads— the ones that were supposed to protect me— one of my knees started gushing blood. It was disgusting and hurt to the point where I started crying. The pain almost kept me from getting back onto the bike. However, I went inside my house, got my knee cleaned up, and jumped right back onto my bike. I kept going despite the pain and I eventually learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. The pain was horrible, but that experience taught me to never give up, even if it hurts. Pain is essential to learn and grow as a person.
Jared Pfeifer (Hoggard Highschool, Wilmignton, NC)
I think that pain is not something you can know you have unless you also have something good to compare it to, so without pain you would never know when you are having a good time. I think pain can be a motivator to do something, and can also be what makes you happy, because when there is no pain that is even something to be grateful for. If I had no pain in my life I think everything would be "risk free" and that you can go and do whatever you want and your emotions and physical being would remain untouched. But at the same time I would just remain neutral forever no good moments none bad, which I don't find worth it. I think in my life pain is something that is just normal and expected so sometimes you have it and you deal with it as best as possible, since a young age I found complain to be pointless, so I just do what needs to be done to fix it and I see no reason to make any extra drama over it. I do agree that pain is a great way to teach a lesson it will keep you away from trying whatever you did again, but you could be doing something good and have an accident then be deterred from trying again. basically I think pain is a great way to know what is a good and bad choice mostly, sometimes it can be wrong. I think pain can motivate as well as make you aware of good times so all in all I believe it to be a good thing.
ehab (m)
A life without pain sounds very appealing at first thought. But after further consideration, I find it difficult to ignore the potential drawbacks of such a life. I have a hard time deciding definitively that this is something I would want mostly because of my fear of the unknown. I struggle to comprehend what I would gain and also what I would lose from being able to feel no pain. Obviously, I would lose the ability to feel pain. But this does not directly correlate to improved health. In fact, I suspect that if I did not feel pain, my health would be negatively impacted. For one, I would likely put myself in harms way more often with the knowledge that I would feel no pain. But also, I find myself thinking that without the experience of pain, I would never instinctively be able to tell myself whether or not I should do something. And like mentioned in the article, I would have a hard time detected any serious physical ailment if I did not have the warning sign of pain. Physical pain aside, I find the thought of feeling no emotional pain very interesting. As for this, my initial reaction was that this would be a tough way to live. Pain is something that I believe to be a crucial human experience. To feel pain and cope with pain and continue on after is something that all humans must learn to do. Without these emotions, it would be difficult to understand yourself and others on an intimate level. I would not want to live a life with no pain.
DeAundre G. (Booker High School)
Pain is a part of life. You can't learn without experience the pain of struggle or fear. In a life without fear, I wouldn't trust myself. There would be nothing holding me back and I wouldn't know when to stop. I would end up in situations that could endanger myself and others. You can't grow without pain.
Kate G (Alabama)
Pain is a huge part of everyone lives. Good and bad things come from it. I believe we grow stronger as a person through our emotional pain, and even when we are physically in pain we can grow as a person through not giving up and knowing you will get better. Life is basically a trial to test how strong you are mentally and physically. I personally would not want to live without pain because everything I go through that causes pain, I come out of it stronger than I was before.
Sommerlyn Jones (Massachusetts)
When a person is going through something painful, physically or emotionally, they wish it away. In the moment, everyone wants pain to stop. No pain sounds nice, right? However, if you think about it, no pain may not be the solution. Physically, you would not be able to sense when something is harming you. For example, if a car rolls over your foot you will not be able to feel it. But, this is harmful because you will not know your foot is crushed. No pain, but now you cannot walk and live peacefully because you never felt it coming. Emotionally, no pain will be especially harmful. If someone hurts you and you do not feel pain, then you are numb. When numb, you will disassociate yourself and disconnect from everyone. Being emotionless is much worse than feeling pain. Without feeling and emotion we would become inhumane almost. Although pain can be hard, it also comes with happiness and joy. Pain is significant and keeps us alive, physically and emotionally.
Soldier Boy (California)
This condition sounds good when your first think about. The reason you might feel good is because you think that nothing can hurt you. Then after you really think about it you wouldn't be able to feel if something is hurting you in the inside. Having the feeling of no pain can be a good thing and also a bad thing.
Blaine (america)
I feel like it would be pretty cool. Sometimes i feel like I would feel detached because if nothing hurt its hard to relate to a lot of things. Overall I think it still would be cool.
Jillian (Glenbard east high school)
I have heard of this condition before and I think that it is crazy. Like how would she know if there was something wrong with her because she won’t be able to feel the pain. I think it is astonishing that she did not feel any pain when she was giving birth to her children.
JW (Oregon)
I had heard about this tragic disorder before, so it is hard for me to believe there are only 2 people who have it. I had heard horror stories about it... Children who would chew their own lips off, or disfigure themselves by doing bodily harm that normal kids would never do because of the pain involved. It bothers me a bit to have it spoken of as "normal" to her... It is truly a terrible condition that demands the utmost attention to safety.
Maddie Montanari (MA)
If I had the chance to live a pain free life, I do not think I would take it. First of all, when it comes to physical pain that pain usually tells us when something we are doing is not good for our body and that we need to stop and slow down. Physical pain protects us from injuries by warning us when we are pushing our bodies too hard or when we are doing something that could endanger our life. When it some to psychological pain, I think that that pain teaches us very valuable lessons and helps us grow as people. If we don’t feel pain then we would think that every action we are doing everyone around us is liking and in support of it. Without feeling psychological pain we do not learn how to fend for ourselves and we don’t learn how to make ourselves happy when we are sad. On the other hand, living life pain free would also be pretty awesome. Living a painless life would give you the freedom to do anything you might want to do because pain is not an issue. Pain would not hold you back from doing things you might want to do. In conclusion I think that living a painless life is not worth all the risks so therefore I would choose to not live a painless life. I would choose to live a life with pain so I can learn from it and make better decisions.
Abigail Billings (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Pain is a part of life. You can't learn without experience the pain of struggle or fear. In a life without fear, I wouldn't trust myself. There would be nothing holding me back and I wouldn't know when to stop. I would end up in situations that could endanger myself and others. You can't grow without pain. I'm naturally an anxious person. I get scared easily and I'm in no way brave. In a life without pain, I would find myself taking the leaps I never would have been able to otherwise. Fear and pain helped shape who I am. Its a part of me. There are aspects to my character that I never would have discovered without experiencing fear and pain. I get hurt very easily, some may even say I'm accident prone. A particularly memorable injury happened to me when I was 8. I was at the beach house my whole family had rented when I slipped and hit my chin on the floor. I ended up having to get stitches. I can still remember the burst of pain and fear I felt in that moment. As I was getting stitched up, the nurse commented on how well I was handling it without painkillers. That stuck with me for years. I was able to push past the fear and pain and be brave for just a moment. It helped me see that bravery isn't a character trait, but rather an ability that makes itself known in certain situations. I think scientists should take advantage of the rare opportunity that has presented itself to them. Ms. Cameron could help change the medical world in terms of pain relief.
Elodie Poussard (Massachusetts)
As dreadful as pain and anxiety are in the moment, it teaches us powerful lessons that we can’t learn otherwise. Pain and anxiety is what drives us to persevere through the hard times in life. We would have never been able to walk had we not fallen down and felt the pain of failure. We would have never learned how to ride a bike if we hadn’t fallen and felt the anxiety of getting back up and trying again. We would have never found our true love if it wasn’t for our countless heartbreaks prior. This process repeats itself throughout the entirety of our lives. Pain and failure is what motivates us to be better, and without it we would have no drive to excel. Granted, the thought of lifelong happiness and little anxiety sounds amazing and everyone does have their own personal preference. However, I am grateful for the pain and anxiety I experience everyday because when I fall, it pushes me to get back up and try again and again until I succeed. Additionally, without anxiety, we would never get that rush of adrenaline. The rush that can sometimes cause failure, but other times enable us to achieve what we had deemed unachievable. As well as pain’s emotional effect on our drive and determination, it also affects us physically. Being as clumsy as I am, I injure myself often. However, with the absence of pain, I could end up hurting myself quite badly and fail to realize it. In effect, this would not only cause countless health problems, but I would never learn to be more careful.
Reilly Garvin (Danvers, MA)
Personally, I would not want to live my life without ever feeling any pain. Pain is a huge part of life. It helps humans to connect and grow. I know this may sound strange, but I don’t feel that it is healthy for humans to feel only happiness all the time. Without experiencing feelings such as sadness, anger, or anxiety, people would not be able to empathize with other humans and emotionally connect over hard times or troubles. Also, emotional and physiological pain allows humans to enjoy the happiness even more because they know the difference between sadness and joy.
Vanessa Ellis (Danvers, Massachusetts)
A life without pain is such an alien concept that I really can't imagine it. If you never felt sad, how can you say for sure you felt happy? How would you feel in the wake of tragedy - isn't it necessary to feel upset? On the other hand, I will admit I am an extremely emotional person, and probably wouldn't mind crying a little less. There's also the obvious issue of not noticing injuries. We feel pain so that we are alerted when there's something wrong with our body- whether we're being burnt on a hot stove or have a broken bone. The article's anecdote, in which it's said that Jo Cameron typically carries on without noticing things like bleeding or burning flesh, reminds me of how zombies are represented in pop culture. I'd be terrified of unwittingly walking around in public on a broken leg or with a gaping wound in my arm - but then again, I wouldn't be able to feel anxious over it. Still, there's the obvious concern of a painless person not noticing an injury that should be sending them to the hospital and only worsening their condition. The condition seems to have a solution for this, too, because she apparently heals at a faster rate and without painkillers. In the end, though, I wouldn't want to feel absolutely no pain- that's too big of a risk. I wouldn't mind having her son's condition, though; some insensitivity to pain would be nice.
Allison (MA)
A life without pain is conflicting to me. Part of me wants to say that I would want this, because pain, without a doubt, is terrible. However. Without the bad in life, we never get to see the good, and I feel as though pain makes us stronger in a way, and teaches us a lesson. For instance, as a child, I touched a candle flame once, and it taught me never again to do so. A life without pain seems dangerous, because I would worry that I would get injured and not even notice. I imagine that I would be happier without pain, because what would I have to worry about? However, I may have missed learning not to do things if I couldn't feel it, and I may not have the skills as to be safe in the world. Physical pain has taught me to be strong, and endure through hard times. I believe I have a fairly high pain tolerance, as not much really shakes me, unless it is really really bad. A memorable experience I have with physical pain was not something like breaking a bone, but actually was just running a long race in track. It was very painful and hard to keep going for so long, but it taught me to just keep pushing and to not give up.
Avery Purtell (Danvers MA)
Ms. Cameron explains that she has never felt physical or emotional pain the same way that most people do. She tolerates experiences that are considered to be very painful much better than the average person. A pain-free life does seem enticing. It would mean never having a raging headache, stomach pains, or even the pain of stubbing a toe. Sometimes I get pains that have no apparent cause, and I think to myself that it would be great to never have to experience them. However, pain acts as a warning signal if something is wrong in our body. Without pain, it would be difficult to know if there is a paper cut on your finger, or if you’re sitting in a position that is bad for your back. Also, it would be harder to detect an illness without painful symptoms. For example, strep throat would be less apparent without sore tonsils. I would not enjoy the feeling of being unable to tell when something is wrong. Pain is necessary to enjoy life to the fullest, and experience emotions intensely. In my opinion, the good parts of life would not be as enjoyable if we did not experience pain prior to them. A clear, sunny day is always valued more when it follows a week of rain and gloom. In a similar way, I always feel more appreciative of my good health in the days that I recover from sickness. In life, there will be highs and lows, good and bad. It is important to remember the times of struggle and suffering to value the good and beautiful aspects of life.
Mike Mahoney (MA)
I was completely on board with this until the very last sentence of the article. That adrenaline rush is a huge part of my life. However, I think that losing all pain would be well worth it for me. A painless life would be so much easier. I’d make sure to briefly check my body every night, and thoroughly once a week. That way I could ensure that if anything is wrong I could check in with a doctor. As for emotional pain, that would truly give someone a great life. With no anxiety, every aspect of life becomes easier. No more stressing about, tests, auditions, or performances. Without anxiety, the overwhelming majority of stress would completely diminish. This sounds extremely appealing and I feel that life would be overall much easier. A life without pain would be almost entirely beneficial, and I would definitely take that option if made available.
Ashley Stein (J.T Hoggard)
In my opinion, to be able to be happy, you need to know what it feels like to be in pain emotionally and physically. For example to know what a truly good day is you have to experience a bad one.
Ezra (Lombardi)
A life without pain sounds very appealing at first thought. But after further consideration, I find it difficult to ignore the potential drawbacks of such a life. I have a hard time deciding definitively that this is something I would want mostly because of my fear of the unknown. I struggle to comprehend what I would gain and also what I would lose from being able to feel no pain. Obviously, I would lose the ability to feel pain. But this does not directly correlate to improved health. In fact, I suspect that if I did not feel pain, my health would be negatively impacted. For one, I would likely put myself in harms way more often with the knowledge that I would feel no pain. But also, I find myself thinking that without the experience of pain, I would never instinctively be able to tell myself whether or not I should do something. And like mentioned in the article, I would have a hard time detected any serious physical ailment if I did not have the warning sign of pain. Physical pain aside, I find the thought of feeling no emotional pain very interesting. As for this, my initial reaction was that this would be a tough way to live. Pain is something that I believe to be a crucial human experience. To feel pain and cope with pain and continue on after is something that all humans must learn to do. Without these emotions, it would be difficult to understand yourself and others on an intimate level. I would not want to live a life with no pain.
Macy Morrison (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
It would be awesome not to be able to feel pain. In the article it states that Cameron does not feel pain, and she has felt little anxiety and fear throughout her life. Even though it would be pretty cool to not be able to get hurt or feel pain, we need to feel it in order to be shaped into the person we are today. Another thing to think about is that even if we couldn't feel pain, our bodies could still get hurt. Feeling pain and getting hurt vary in meanings. Ms. Cameron is an exception, but I've always thought it was nearly impossible to not feel pain. It sounds good to not be able to feel pain, but the more you think about it, it doesn't sound so good. Feeling pain is what helps you get through things and build your way back to the person you were before you felt the pain. If there was no pain then I would have to give this up, and that's not something I'm willing to do.
Keeli Diaz (Alabama)
If we could live without pain It would be a whole different experience of the world and life. The reason I say this is because if we didn't have pain we would be more happier and the things that made us sad or cause depression would of been a different thing with a greater situation. There would also not be so much suicide or overdose people going on. Many people go through things and it just depends in your situation but pain could make you be better in stronger if you fight through it and understand your pain"
Lorna Da Prato (Homewood high school)
On the one hand it would be good not to feel any pain, but I think that feeling pain is a way of realizing that something is wrong, and by not feeling pain, there is less chance of noticing if something is wrong. I would not like to have a life without pain, I would not like to be able to feel adrenaline. On the one hand it has its good things not to feel pain, not sufris, in any sense, but its bad side is that you would not realize what is wrong . I think I would live better with less pain, but not without any kind of pain. Once two years ago, I hurt myself playing soccer with friends, my foot hurt a lot, and thanks to that pain I knew I needed a doctor because my foot was sprained, the positive thing of that experience was that thanks to my injured foot I did not physical education for two weeks :).
Evan (place)
Living a life without pain does not seem to be half bad by the way it's described. Sure they say she's forgetful, and can never feel an adrenaline rush, but that just seems like a few downsides to her condition. In my opinion the positives outweigh the negatives. A life without pain wouldn't be half bad.
Juan (Alabama)
I would want to live life without feeling pain. Some of the advantages of life without pain would be amazing. Not only that but no psychological pain would be amazing with anxiety and depression. If I lived life without pain my life would 100% be different. I would be so much happier than I am right now. I would be doing so much other stuff than just the usual stuff that I do. I would for sure choose pain free over adrenaline rush in my life.
Brode Susce (Homewood, AL)
There are many "types" of pain, like a hurt elbow or knee, but the ones that most people would like to go away are the stressed pain, anxiety, and other mental pains that go on everyday and someone's life. Pain can teach people how to overcome things in life or teach them how to prevent physical or mental pain. I think pain helps people find out who they are and it also lets the world know.
Thomas (Homewood)
Not feeling anxiety can be a good thing or a bad thing. Not feeling stress is what a lot of people desire. stress and pain are bad feelings and not being able to feel that is a good thing. but not feeling those emotions can be really bad things. hurting people and not feeling emotional pain from it isn't desirable, people need to feel it when they did something bad and carry it with them.
Marissa Patellaro (homewood high school)
Not feeling pain sounds like a pretty good life, but I don't think I would want it. I feel as though you need to feel pain in life in order to get stronger. Sometimes it's good to be scared or have anxiety. It can also be fun being scared like when you're on a roller coaster or going through a haunted house. I would definitely be happy if some of my pain in life was relieved, but pain only helps me in the end. Personally I wouldn't want to live a life without pain. Pain is a part of life and I want to experience life at its fullest.
Ebony Williams (homewood high school)
The idea of not feeling pain sounds pretty interesting and like something a lot of people would like to do. Especially if you have a very painful or dangerous profession. But actually not being able to feel pain could be very dangerous.You could be seriously hurt and not even know it, because you can't feel anything. It most definitely has it benefits though, like when she said giving childbirth didn't hurt. I'd beat a lot of women would love that. But at the end of the day feeling pain is just part of being human and living life, and i wouldn't take that opportunity away.
Sarah Wright (Bryant, Arkansas)
Pain is innate for a reason; From the moment we are born to the moment we die, we are capable of feeling pain. Pain is so integral to human growth that it is cruel to take that opportunity away. In an article from Berkeley’s Greater Good Magazine, Christine Carter discusses the importance of psychological pain for children. Using her own research as a crux, she discusses how the difficulties wrought happiness from children who were from lower income households compared to children in higher income households who overall didn't face much adversity. Whether or not parents raise children to deal with challenges and the positive feeling of growth has been reflected over generations. Psychologist Jean Twenge has also noticed this unfortunate trend. In her book, Generation Me, Twenge has noticed that current generation kids tend to view their lives as controlled by outside forces rather than by their own efforts. That lack of growth brought on by a parent's neglect in teaching their children to deal with obstacles has led to a lack of coping skills. Twenge says that children who haven’t struggled are connected to poor stress management, decreased self-control and depression. Attempts to save a child from dealing with problems and preserve their innocence only end up hurting their ability to grow. Although there are obvious benefits to being without physical pain; Psychological pain, on the other hand is completely necessary for the development of a child to deal with failure.
Stella Wilkins (Oxford Middle School)
After reading the article, "Would You Want to Live a Life Without Ever Feeling Pain?", I definitely wouldn't. In some cases, it would be beneficial. For example, in the video, she talked about how childbirth wasn't painful. That would be a plus, but if you hurt yourself, you wouldn't know. You feel pain so that you know either to stop doing something because it could hurt you, or that you already are hurt. So she could hurt herself, not know, possibly continue to do it, and then seriously cause harm to herself. On top of that, she can't feel emotional pain. At first, that sounds good, but you wouldn't ever be able to people. It would give you an incredible lack of empathy. Overall, there could be benefits such as being happy and not in pain, but despite that, I wouldn't choose a life without pain.
Justin Pfeifer (Hoggard Highschool Wilmington, NC)
The article says that Cameron does not feel pain, heals quickly, and has limited anxiety. At face value, this seems terrific, and though I agree healing quickly and not having anxiety certainly is good, there is a reason virtually every animal feels some version of... well... pain. Just because you can't feel pain does not mean your body cant' get hurt. For example, say you accidentally rest your hand on a stove. Most people will instinctively pull their hand away, but if you can't feel pain, you will leave your hand there to burn and burn. Perhaps only realizing what is going on when you smell burning flesh and glance down at your red-hot hand. Things like that can have permanent affects. So, no, I wouldn't want to be unable to feel pain. The other two seem rather nice though.
Adilenne (alabama)
I would not want to live a life without ever feeling pain. Without pain we wouldnt know if something was wrong with our bodies. We feel pain and we automatically know something isn't right. But if we couldn't feel pain we wouldnt be aware of it. Even though it would be nice to not feel pain in some situations it still isnt the best choice. Not feeling pain has many advantages. For example the scars we get or when we fall down and we break a leg it would be great to not feel the pain.
Sincere (Homewood)
Life without pain might sound like a cool superpower simply because without pain you feel invincible and nothing can hurt you but, there are serious threats to your body that could be present and you would never know. Lets say you were cooking and watching tv, and you lean on the counter, after a few minutes you notice that you have a 3rd degree burn. Listen, pain is an excellent teacher, it helps us learn and adapt to our surroundings, and plus feeling anything is one of our primary senses. Pain is necessary.
Micah (AL)
I would want to not feel physical pain, but emotional pain is important so you can deal with life's challenges. The reason i don't want physical pain so I wouldn't be afraid to do certain things and win almost any fight. Without emotional pain you couldn't feel anything, good feelings are emotional and you wont experience love if you don't know what it feels like to be hated.
Ellie (Alabama)
I would not want to live a life without pain. If we never got hurt we would not learn not to do certain things. I feel as a human we should feel physical and emotional pain. If we did not feel emotional pain we would be a robot, emotionless and just follows the motions of life. Pain is something everyone experiences and in some cases it is how people relate to others. Yes getting your feelings hurt or scraping your knee is no fun but its apart of life so we must experience it.
ethan (alabama)
i meannnn, living life without pain would be pretty cool but idk if i want to live that life pains pretty cool it tells you if u hurt urself or not ya know
Eva Childers (Oxford, MS)
After reading the article, "Would you want to live a life without ever feeling pain?" I think that a life without hardships is almost meaningless. Both emotional and physical pain are very important in one's growth and maturity. Yes it would be nice to be able to do whatever you want knowing you wouldn't get hurt in the end but pain is essential to human sympathy and teaches you things that would otherwise be unknown to you. In conclusion, I don't believe that a life without pain or sadness in it could truly be a happy one.
jp (homewood al)
I would not want to live a life without pain because pain indicates when something is wrong . You could break your leg and not notice until it gets way worse. I feel like losing mental pain would take away something that makes you normal and it would make you like a robot almost unable to express feelings.
John Hall (Homewood, Al)
I would not wanna live a life without pain. I feel like it would be even more dangerous to not feel pain. If you get hit by something or trip and fall, then you don't know if it's dangerous or not. It could be fatal or it could just be a scrape. You don't ever know what would happen. It also takes away some truth from life. If you never learn pain, then there are no lessons learned from the pain that you experience.
alan m (Earth)
i would not prefer to life this staggering life. Felling physically and mentally hurt is a piece of what makes us humans living organisms. without the feeling of pain, we would not be able to know if we are in danger or hazard.
jonah kamowski (Alabama)
I wouldn't like to not experience pain because it's how you know you are in danger. if you get seriously injured there's no way of knowing unless you actually see it. I wouldn't want to live without emotional pain either because then I just wouldn't be a human.