White House Whistle-Blower Did the Unexpected: She Returned to Work

Apr 01, 2019 · 496 comments
Jaded (Swing State, Florida)
Why were all of these people denied security clearance? Because that was left out of the article. It seems that since January 21st 2017 that every move that Trump has made has been opposed (#resist!) by the "impartial non-partisan career professionals" that the current president vowed to depose during his campaign. If the president wants to hire someone to fix the White House toilet, he will be opposed by a career professional who will then become a whistle blower. No other president has faced this level of resistance at every step. After a while the cry of "wolf" loses its urgency.
Michael B (Croton On Hudson, NY)
Our national security is of no concern to President Trump. His presidency is simply an opportunity for personal enrichment. When that means staffing with cronies, hacks and family members to support personal enrichment, failure to qualify for security clearances commensurate with access to levels of classified material matters not. Congress should take steps to secure Ms. Newbold's welfare, personal safety and earnings. Her record should be cleared of the suspension she received at the WH and her pay should be restored. Of course this area of WH deviance is another example of its failure to faithfully execute our laws.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
The underlying issue largely ignored here and in many other Trump-related controversies is the aggregation of greater and greater power to the Executive Branch of the government through both Republican and Democratic administrations. In general, power is accreted when we like what the Executive Branch and especially the President is doing. But, that power then is there to use when there is an administration we do not like. Congress is as culpable as is their bosses, the American people. Just for one ongoing example: the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war. Nonetheless, we have waged war in Korea, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq, as well as "lesser" conflicts, without Congress ever exercising its most serious and consequential responsibility. It used to be that genuine conservatives and even most Republicans were extremely leery of increased executive power (and increased national debt.) Under (and I do mean under!) Trump, they have totally abandoned their traditional, principled opposition, instead becoming a cowering bunch of cheerleaders.
2x4 (San Diego)
True American hero. Thank you!
Frolicsome (Southeastern US)
Thank you, Ms Newbold.
Susan (San Diego, Ca)
Why do weed need security clearances? On May 10, 2017, during an Oval Office meeting, Trump disclosed classified information to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, providing enough details that the Russians could use to figure out from whom and how it was collected. It was only after the "fake" Washington Post reported the story that Trump denied, then defended the disclosure, saying he had the "absolute right" ("L'etat, c'est moi!") to share this information from Israel with Russia. Several Israeli officials were furious, feeling that this confirmed their worst fears about Trump, and US intelligence had to advise Israel (and, by default, the rest of the world's intelligence community) to be cautious when sharing information with Trump. Many were concerned that Russia would pass the information on to Iran. Maybe we should vet our country's presidential CANDIDATES and refuse them the opportunity of running for president if they don't check out.
Dave (Mass)
Much of Trumps chaotic decision making has been dismissed by those saying he has the authority to do what he wants...except in the case where courts have disagreed. Up until now we have never had a President who so tested the limits of what our country's leader can and cannot do. He plays by no rules and is enabled by those around him and that includes the GOP. Little Rubio,Lyin Ted, ...have now joined the Trump train going nowhere after enduring his insults. How will new laws be drafted to ensure that no President can ever again attempt to become a King. Ivanka and Jared should not be there ...we all know that !! In an interview last night Jared said that when this is all over people will forget the bad and remember the good the Trump Administration achieved in such a short time. When this reign of chaos is over I will remember how foolish so many of us were to vote for an Administration that caused so much damage and made so little positive impact in the US in such a short time !! More whistleblowers should have come forward !!
polymath (British Columbia)
When security is frayed to the breaking point, it's not security.
Peanut (New Jersey)
You are working for the government and not Trump organization. Kudos for your bravery.
Chloe Hilton (NYC)
She is an AMERICAN HERO. Whistleblower laws were established exactly for the kind of inside the office corruption going on in this White House.
writer (New York city)
She did the right thing. I encourage more of the same.
Essar (Berkeley)
If only Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell had a fraction of her courage, America would truly be great again.
Mr. Fedorable (Milwaukee)
The sad, Trumpy thing I read in this report is putting the files out of reach. It's not surprising when the one at the top makes fun of those with disabilities. Ms. Newbold is my new hero and more than able to speak truth to powerful bullies.
Dan G (Washington, DC)
I am amazed at those people commenting who imply (or state out right) that Ms. Newbold was wrong to question the President's decisions to grant the clearance. The system works that there is a standard investigation, FBI in some cases, OPN in others, etc., to determine whether a person is OK for a clearance. This information is given to the supervisor (boss) to make a decision - but the report points out the concerns that the investigation has found (if any). When it is a serious concern the boss will usually deny the clearance. In a large organization like the White House you have professionals like Ms. Newbold making the recommendations to the deciding official. That should be enough for the final decision. Having so many overridden by the President is of great concern, but to many it seems of no great concern that he is compromising our security.
Ken (FLorida)
It hardly seems like a major revelation since the President constitutionally has the authority just like Obama did to overrule, in this case Obama holdovers over security clearance. Doesn't seem near as bad as Hillary having over 30,000 emails on an unsecured server hacked by the Chinese and Russians. The moral indignation seems to stop at the liberal door.
Robert (Out West)
What in the world are you talking about? Because this is about at least 25 new hires who went through the typical checks, and were rejected by the professionals, for reasons from drug abuse to weird foreign connections to financial crimes. And then Trump overruled the pros. By the way, didja notice that trump’s now in the same cat as Hillary—FBI’s saying they’re not exonerating him, but they’re not bringing him to immediate trial. And what about Javanka’s own private server? And is Trump still yapping on a ninsecure iPhone?
RC (New York)
Once again the american public was betrayed by Don the Con. If you truly see Ms. Newbold compremise her duty of office, you are really, really living in a sunglass world. I think a person like her that still a moral compass, should be applauded for her heroic stance to corruption. She was docked two weeks of pay, due to her not bowing down to a adminstrator, for looking the other way. She could have easyly turn a blind eye to the corruption that was happening right in front of her or be true to they self. She knew the danger of her going back to work and be subject to harrassment, they had already demoted her and transfer her out the unit. That is call retalitory actions and open the administration to a E.E.O.C. law suit. Bravo to her.
John D marano (Shrub Oak, NY)
President Trump has the right to grant security clearance to any one he chooses and the right to pardon anyone he chooses. He is using those rights recklessly, however, demonstrating a pattern of corrupt and incompetent governance. Thank God for the people willing to stand up to him.
DaDa (Chicago)
Yet another example of democracy gone off the rails because of laws and policies that were put in place on the assumption that the president wouldn't be a corrupt, ignorant, tyrant-wanna-be.
S K (ga)
Tricia Newbold I salute you. Thank you.
Regards, LC (princeton, new jersey)
Wow...a hero in the White House. Clearly an aberration.
magicisnotreal (earth)
For all you defenders of the WH decision making abilities try this one on https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/woman-with-chinese-passports-malware-arrested-at-trumps-mar-a-lago-resort/2019/04/02/3399e426-5583-11e9-814f-e2f46684196e_story.html A chinese woman with Two passports and a USB with malware on it managed to get into Mara Lago. If she were any good at her job she could have done a lot of damage without anyone knowing.
Bob Hagan (Brooklyn, NY)
Gosh. Why don't we just grant a security clearance to Sergey Kislyak (the Russian Ambassador), Saudi Prince Momammed whatever his name is, Turkish President E.... I forget his name, Bibi..... They've bought their clearances. It would make things so much more "transparent" Security to the highest bidder!!
Robert (Out West)
Are you sure we haven’t?
Jane (Virginia)
The Election proved that our system is flawed because we elected a conman out to enrich himself and his dictator buddies.
Mark (PalmSprings)
While there is a lot of froth criticizing Ms. Newbold's reporting of the actions in overruling the recommendations for security staffers one has to ask; If not her, who? The notion that the President (especially one as proudly ignorant of process as this one) can act without any oversight in the placement of people with security concerns creates a serious problem for the nation. When a parent can be blocked from volunteering at school because of an old marijuana conviction while cronies of the President can roam the White House freely irrespective of their past, the absurdity of any arguments in the administration's defense becomes incandescent.
Tom (Hudson Valley)
Tricia Newbold is more than a "whistle blower"... she is a true Patriot. Since Trump was elected, there have been dozens of top officials in his administration who were fired or resigned. And yet very few of them have spoken up publicly about Trump's lies or the corruption they witnessed. It's always troubled me. Don't these disgruntled officials feel some obligation to enlighten the citizens of this country? I'm grateful for Ms. Newbold's boldness... may she be a role model for others.
D. (Portland, OR)
Ms. Newbold is my new heroine! She epitomizes what a steadfast government employee should be. She deserves a Presidential Medal of Honor at the very least. Thank you Ms. Newbold for putting my tax dollars to good use.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
The underlying issue largely ignored here and in many other Trump-related controversies is the aggregation of greater and greater power to the Executive Branch of the government through both Republican and Democratic administrations. In general, power is accreted when we like what the Executive Branch and especially the President is doing. But, that power then is there to use when there is an administration we do not like. Congress is as culpable as is their bosses, the American people. Just for one ongoing example: the Constitution gives Congress the sole authority to declare war. Nonetheless, we have waged war in Korea, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq, as well as "lesser" conflicts, without Congress ever exercising its most serious and consequential responsibility. It used to be that genuine conservatives and even most Republicans were extremely leery of increased executive power (and increased national debt.) Under (and I do mean under!) Trump, they have totally abandoned their traditional, principled opposition, instead becoming a cowering bunch of cheerleaders.
Matt (California)
Thank you Ms. Newbold. It is good to be reminded that there are many good, honest people working in our government.
RD (Mpls)
Why is the executive branch able to grant security clearances without oversight? Doesn’t that just seem fodder for someone to stack the WH with a bunch of treasonous, corrupt and ill-meaning people? It would basically be the beginning of a coup. I don’t know about everyone else but Trump demanding clearances for people clearly not working in our best interest should give ALL Americans pause.
Metrowest Mom (Massachusetts)
For what it's worth, Ms. Newbold, when, eventually, this sad excuse for an administration is finally sentenced to the ash pile of history, you will be remembered as a sane voice in the maelstrom. Many commenters here will undoubtedly excoriate you for standing up to the liars and the bullies, but stay strong and know that the majority of your fellow citizens are decent people like yourself, and are rooting for you ... and for our country. Let's hope we return to sanity, soon.
J W (Ohio)
I have to say, I admire her pluck. It is refreshing to see government professionals who should be above petty politics do their jobs with integrity and sobriety. If she saw examples of abuse of the security clearance process, she had every right and, indeed, the duty to report it. Bravo, Ms. Newbold.
Frank (Colorado)
Obviously, a “total straight shooter” has no place in the Trump administration. Fortunately, she has a place in our government.
Jacquie (Iowa)
Tricia Newbold is another American just trying to do what is right for her country. It's not the government we respect, it's the American people that go to work each and every day trying to make America a better place to live.
PUAAN (swampland)
“Nevertheless, she persisted.” Well done, Ms. Newbold.
Bernard Bonn (SUDBURY Ma)
Congratulations to Ms. Newbold and thank you for your courage and patriotic action. I hope there is a Daniel Ellsberg type patriot within DOJ who will leak the entire Mueller Report to us. Someone must have a thumb drive with everything on it. I am sure you would find somebody to publish it.
Former Concordia Employee (Westchester)
If only the reality abusive work environments made more noise in the media. From my own experience, and the experience of many friends who wanted to give back to the school we graduated from and loved - Concordia College - New York is one such place. Whistleblowers are not even protected. https://westfaironline.com/112446/fired-mental-health-counselor-says-concordia-college-violated-privacy-rules/
Jane K (Northern California)
After reading the memo regarding Tricia Newbold’s concern for security clearances in this White House, it is clear that she is a patriotic, hard working American. She deserves to be treated with respect for all the work she has done and her willingness to put herself in an uncomfortable spotlight to highlight security concerns in an objective and professional manner. Thank you, Tricia. There are still many of us who appreciate the hard work federal employees do to keep our country safe.
Charles (MD)
If Ms. Newbold needs funds to pay her lawyer a crowd funding website like "GoFundMe" should be established for her.
Aristotle Gluteus Maximus (Louisiana)
@Charles I was going to ask what her lawyer fees were going to be. She will have to pay for them out of her pocket. What do DC lawyers charge for such work, $200 an hour?
Calvin (SEattle)
I agree. I am on a limited retirement income, but I would donate what I could. She is braver than any Republican congressman or woman
N. Smith (New York City)
What's "unexpected" is that after blowing the whistle, Ms. Newbold is actually allowed to go back to work.
Mark F (PA)
I suspect Trump will try to fire her. He will probably do so in a tweet that disparages her small stature. Except her moral stature makes Trump look like an amoeba.
Trish (Riverside)
Finally the “deep state” has a face. It is the beautiful brave face of Ms Newbold. I would posit the “shallow state” also has a face. That face is orange.
Iris Arco (Queens)
Tricia Newbold is a hero of our time.
Anoosh (Sacramento)
thank you for doing your job.
Cindy L (Modesto, CA)
I hope she sues the socks off the White House under the ADA and notes that the violations were retaliatory.
meems (NV)
God Bless her and those like her, who are willing to risk their job for the good of our country! There has NEVER been such an incompetent, corrupt administration!
Victor Mark (Birmingham)
The typical Republican response: Shoot the messenger. How low they can get, tampering with our country's security.
Shirley Breitenstein (Kirkland, WA)
Hooray for Ms. Newbold! Her name speaks for itself!
Takoma (Takoma Prk, MD)
One word: Patriot.
R.S. (New York City)
Retaliation against whistle-blowers is abhorrent and disgusting. The retaliation described against Ms. Newbold are doubly so, in that they are inherently discriminatory as well as disgusting.
Gian Piero (Westchester County)
Next, Ms. Newbold should move to Seattle and go to work for Boeing. It will save a few hundreds of lives.
Terry (America)
I hope this good deed goes unpunished.
pamela (point reyes)
unfortunate that our president does not require a security clearance.. we would finally see his taxes, bankruptcies and overseas shenanigans.. and deutche bank, my god!
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
Tricia Newbold is a true patriot. As an American, my personal thanks to her for being a role model at the price of personal sacrifice.
hen3ry (Westchester, NY)
Good for her. It's sad, to use Trump's favorite word, how the GOP supports Trump no matter what and demonizes anyone who does their job, especially when that job involves saying no to Trump's whims. I want public servants who are competent and who care about my country. Self serving incompetents are not worth anything to us. I hope Ms. Newbold continues her fine service.
Hope (Poughkeepsie)
You are amazing! And brave! Keep doing what you do. At least there is Someone looking out for the American people. The people in charge only care about their own needs and ruthlessly go after these needs in a greedy, uncaring way.
cherrylog754 (Atlanta, GA)
Every once in awhile along comes an individual that reminds us how invaluable our government employees are in upholding and protecting our Constitution. Thank you Tricia Newbold.
GAO (Gurnee, IL)
Wait a minute! Way too many commentators are taking their eyes off the real issue. WHAT ABOUT HILLARY'S EMAILS There now. Is everyone refocused?
Ms D (Delaware)
Ms. Newbold is a person who can Make America Great again. For real.
sing75 (new haven)
Ms Newbold, thank you for your integrity and courage. Sorry that you've had to put up with the childish, cruel pettiness of certain people you work with and for.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
Suspended without pay for two weeks for producing the wrong kind of PDF. Courageous woman ...
John Mardinly (Chandler, AZ)
My first job after grad school was with Northrop Aircraft Corporation (before the Gumman merger) Metallurgy Research Lab. A few months into the job, I was called into a meeting to plan how to cheat on government research contracts. When I expressed shock, I was told 'everybody does it. Go along or get out of the business.' The next year a major contract fell apart and I was laid off. I can easily understand how Ms. Newbold felt, except for mocking of her height by putting files out of her reach. The trump administration seems to be doing its best to normalize lying.
DMC (Chico, CA)
Am I the only one who is troubled by the apparent fact that the president can arbitrarily confer access to top-secret information without ANY objective standards or checks on the obvious potential for abuse? Why not give clearances to Russian intelligence officers, Mr. President? After all, you do have the power...
Skeexix (Eugene OR)
I wonder if this is a good place to remind people that during his confirmation hearings, concerns were raised about a paid speech John Bolton made in Russia in 2013 at the request of "a Russian oligarch who is very close to Vladimir Putin" (Source: Business Insider, CNN). This man is now - wait for it! - our National Security Advisor. The Republican Party has long been the party of the foxes guarding the henhouse. Especially now, I don't think it possible to repeat that truth long enough or loudly enough.
JK (Los Angeles)
Ms. Newbold is a hero. Whether Trump's overrides are technically illegal is not the point. When experienced, professional, non-partisan staff make recommendations that certain individuals' backgrounds disqualify them for top security clearances and those recommendations are swept aside en masse, that is highly unusual and merits further scrutiny. The fact that the president himself seems to be unable to shake the perception -- based on numerous sources -- that he's somehow in Putin's thrall only underscores the apparent political motives behind the new laxity in awarding of these clearances. We seem to be sacrificing our national security in the service of Trump's insatiable need to act to his own advantage unfettered by those established protocols designed to protect our democracy and, indeed, by anything he considers inconvenient. These protocols seem to have been working well -- until now. The guy is incapable of playing by the rules.
richard wiesner (oregon)
A president can intervene on security matters but this president has said he doesn't get into matters involving security clearances directly. He has a history of influencing others do this sort of fixing. Ms. Newbold is bringing to attention the irregular practices that she has observed in her role as adjudications manager. These irregularities were serious enough for her to bring it forward to proper oversight. Thank-you Ms. Newbold.
kate weiman (nyc)
Thank goodness we have people in government who respect the rule of law. Thank you, Ms. Newbold for your courage and honesty.
Dorothy m. Tate (Georgia)
Bravo. to this brave and ethical woman. they should be made to give her original job back. i feel sure she will be restored to her previous job and job title. there is nothing redeemable about this entire Administration Nothing.
GWB (San Antonio)
Ms. Newbold's provided testimony in a nine hour "closed door" session of the Committee on Oversight and Reform. So, who leaked her testimony? Committee Chairman Elijah E. Cummings. He issued a press release and memorandum with what Republican members claim were "cherry picked" excerpts. For those interested, they might read the Republican memorandum in response at https://republicans-oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2019-04-01-Memo-to-COR-Members-re-WH-Security-Clearance-Transcribed-Interview.pdf Personnel security specialists and adjudication managers are usually highly trained, highly skilled, meticulous people. They need be. As reflected in the Republican memorandum, Ms. Newbold fits that description. Chairman Cummings apparently misused her "closed door" testimony. Back in February NBC News published "What is the White House personnel security office?" The comments of former White House officials fairly well reflect the issues raised by the Republican memorandum. The office lacks final authority to issue or deny security clearances. They do not vet nor do they make decisions. They review FBI background investigations and make recommendations. Final decisions are made by senior staff. Bob Bauer, Obama's White House Counsel, described the office role as logistical. If they have information they pass it along. The Republican memorandum makes rather interesting reading and does not reflect badly upon Ms. Newbold. She was a profession.
Jane K (Northern California)
Her testimony did not need to be leaked. You can read the memo online. It clearly outlines everything in this article.
GWB (San Antonio)
@Jane K "So, who leaked her testimony? Committee Chairman Elijah E. Cummings. He issued a press release and memorandum with what Republican members claim were "cherry picked" excerpts." You can read it online because Cummings violated the intent of a Closed Door hearing. In one respect you are correct. Cummings did not need to leak it. He did it for the usual Democrat lust for a political "gotcha."
AuroraS (Rhode Island)
Ms. Newbold is an American hero in at a time when neither the legislators to the executive office seem to respect the constitution on which this country was formed. She is doing her job and saw unending corruption, thank you Ms. Newbold. Nice to see backbone in DC.
Chip Masarie (Portland, Or)
Not sure why it was important to mention that she had a rare form of dwarfism in this article. Her bravery speaks for itself.
DC Zink (Cincinnati)
@Chip Masarie I thought the same until I read that her supervisor placed files too high for her to reach comfortably.
Sadly Sickened (Pa)
@Chip Masarie I believe it was mentioned as her boss placed files to high for her to reach and for to have access to necessary documents. A horrific form of discrimination against a physically handicapped person.
George (Fla)
Thank you Ms. Newbold for your bravery and courage, we are indebted to you.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
Unfortunately, these "security breaches" are likely to change few, if any, minds. Trump has succeeded brilliantly in hijacking traditional substantive political differences and making everything about him. That is why his approval ratings essentially have stayed the same despite one scandal or policy reversal or disgusting comment or blatant lie after another. America's current reality essentially has no national political parties. The former Republican Party (and conservatives in general) have been replaced by Trump. The Democratic Party (at the national level) has been replaced by a 15-minutes-of-fame, circular firing squad. Tricia Newbold is a true patriot, perhaps even a legitimate heroine. As an American, my personal thanks to her for being a role model at the price of personal sacrifice.
Sun (Paris)
“Ms. Newbold, who has a rare form of dwarfism, also accused Mr. Kline, the former director of personnel security, of retaliating against her when she repeatedly pointed out to him that actions he was taking, including overriding recommendations to issue clearances to two senior officials, were violating protocol.” I understand that the author wanted to point out that she has a rare form of dwarfism for reasons of ‘general interest’ but this construction of a phrase just points out how ridiculous and unnecessary that observation is.
Bernie H (Portland, Maine)
@Sun Her physical condition is highly relevant to the story because of the way it was used to retaliate against her for doing her job - e.g. deliberately putting essential files on high shelves so she can’t reach them. Nice!
Sun (Paris)
@Bernie H Thanks for clarifying!
Galfrido (PA)
I’m assuming that Trump himself never had to be vetted, though it seems hard to believe he would have gotten top security clearances given his foreign business dealings. Maybe we should require all presidential candidates to meet the standards for getting top security clearances before they can run for office.
LAM (Westfield, NJ)
It’s amazing how Trump supporters will rationalize anything he does even if it’s hurting our country.
Good for her! We need people in government (and elsewhere) to take a stand for what is the proper, legal and ethical protocols. In my mind, she is pretty close to a hero.
Elizabeth (Ohio)
Ms. Newbold, you are a (s)hero. Your dedication to doing what is right, what is in the best interest of our nation, will be your legacy. Thank you.
Carol (Michigan)
So where was her concern during Hillary’s SOS and Obama’s Ssecurity spying...
YD (nyc)
@Carol Cherry-picking facts doesn't work when the article is right there to your left. "Ms. Newbold has served under FOUR presidential administrations, beginning with the Clinton White House." That means she also served under George Bush. Clearly, Clinton, Bush, and Obama did not have the egregious security conflicts that Trumps does. Please, read the story, and the testimonials about her qualifications and professionalism and give credit to her willingness to tell the truth.
Jim (H)
Not even close to within her purview.
Rebecca (CA)
@Carol what about...what about...what about... How about nobody is worried about stuff that didn't happen. How about a comment on your president and his blatant refusal to follow rules. Is it okay that he is allowing people to have access to highly classified information when thy have security clearance due to his overriding the security experts?
CKats (Colorado)
Thank you Ms. Newbold. The Republicans have completely forfeited their historical position of being "strong on national security." (Just like they did on family values). Trump is the sum total of what the GOP really stands for, oligarchy.
G G (Boston)
I just wonder if it was the Obama administration that had overridden security clearance denials if this very concerned woman would have come forward; I think not. I also think that there are many in government agencies that do not like Trump and will purposely do anything they can to slow down and impede his efforts, and quite possibly these security clearance denials may have been caused by that. Partisanship behavior is really hurting this country, and I don't see it getting better anytime soon.
New Yorker (New York)
@G G Stop projecting.
Scott Fordin (New Hampshire)
Read the articles about this issue. Ms. Newbold has worked in the White House Personnel Security Office through several administrations, both Democratic and Republican.
Meli (Massachusetts)
@G G But they didn't. That's the point. You should be grateful there is a conscientious public servant watching out for the country's well being, and willing to put her career on the line to report when something is not being done with integrity.
cort (phoenix)
One wonders if the blatant hypocrisy the Republicans show on national security will ever become too much even for them?
Just Saying (New York)
The resistance trudges on.
FritzTOF (ny)
Ms. Newbold, Thank you! It's people like you that have always made America great!
Dan (Denver)
She has successfully served in four administrations and is a "straight shooter". By all accounts, she is very good at her job. No wonder that she ran into problems with this inept group of liars. Imagine the outrage of the GOP if Obama had treated security clearances in this manner.
LM (Piedmont, CA)
Nevertheless she persisted.
j24 (CT)
Now, she's the tallest person in the room!
citybumpkin (Earth)
It's comforting to see there are still civil servants who take their jobs seriously instead of playing lickspittle to an aspiring authoritarian. What happens to Tricia Newbold will have profound impact on the integrity of the US government. If we allow a whistleblower to be crushed by Trump and surrogates - and they will certainly try to tar and feather her with every propaganda trick in the book - there will be no more whistleblowers. All the civil servants will just learn to keep their head down and play along with the corruption.
William Kane (Jupiter Florida)
Thank you Ms. Newbold, you are a true American patriot.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
Kline deliberately moved the files out of her reach? That's all we need to know. He's a creep who doesn't belong on the government payroll.
Skeexix (Eugene OR)
@Occupy Government One might wonder if Mr. Kline would have taken that extra initiative without a little ancillary 'incentive'.
SaK (Minneapolis)
What the naysayers apparently missed. Yes, the President has the final say. However, the underlying vetting process should be fair, thorough and without undue influence, so any override decision can be made based on fact. Not that this administration would care.
Alan Einstoss (Pittsburgh PA)
I'm 5'10" and I use a step ladder every day at work and at home.
John Geek (Left Coast)
@Alan Einstoss if you're under 5 feet, with dis-proportionally short legs, you can't even reach the first step of a normal ladder.
Bj (Washington,dc)
@Alan Einstoss And this is relevant, how? If work files were only moved out of her reach making it difficult to do her job only after she complained, then it is retaliatory action.
Peter (Honolulu)
@Alan Einstoss Assuming you are making a serious point and not throwing shade, many people with dwarfism are also mobility impaired and can't climb ladders.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
I sincerely wish Ms. Newbold the very best because once this hoopla dies down that stink that surrounds her may never come off. I know people who did the right and honorable thing at their work place but in the end, their lives were altered forever and not in a positive or productive way. Windows starting closing, doors were no longer left open, a constant coolness and detachment was felt. More people were aloof and mistrustful. People were afraid of these individuals who made a decision to do the right thing. The environment became ugly, mean, and hateful. I'm not saying her choice was the wrong one - just that ALL decisions have consequences. Some how I think this attention on a national scale may hurt her more than help her in the long run. I sincerely hope I am wrong. May she ALWAYS wear that warming and welcoming smile.
Pat (CT)
@Marge Keller I am sure Ms. Newbold considered all those possibilities before coming forward. That’s the point here. She did the right thing, knowing the potential consequences. “And still she persisted.” Brava!
For me, the most telling (and bizare) element of this story, is when her supervisor moved files to a shelf she couldn't reach. It reflects the quality of the Trump White House staff.
Jeff Alexovich (Indianapolis)
@Eliot absolutely. That is who they are. Make fun of disabled people, bully them, make things difficult for them. Cancel funding for special olympics. That is who Trump is. That is what republicans are becoming, bullies, plain and simple who will hide behind legalese...COWARDS
Barbara (SC)
Bravo for Ms. Newbold. We need many more people in government with her kind of integrity. I can only assume how hard this must be on her, with retaliation from her boss. I experienced similar retaliation when I worked for a state government. It took years for that state agency to acknowledge that I was right and reinstate me. Nonetheless, it's only people of integrity like Ms. Newgold who stand between us and total capitulation to a dictatorial government like the ones Mr. Trump so admires.
Howard Levine (Middletown Twp., PA)
It may take 100 years to clean this mess up. It will get cleaned up. Because of, not in spite of, folks like Ms. Newbold. She may never get a statue or plaque for recognition of her good deeds. This article will forever serve as a record of her patriotic service.
Grove (California)
This woman is a true patriot. Republicans refuse to act in defense of our country because of what they personally hope to gain. The corruption runs deep, and this woman is the embodiment of the principles that America was founded on.
citybumpkin (Earth)
There is no reason she shouldn't return to work. It's other people in the White House, Donald Trump and Jared Kushner among them, who need to go.
Ace (New Jersey)
Was Trump's actions illegal? If not, Ms. Newbold is no whistleblower, she is a disgruntled employee who should not be discussing publicly her work. She clearly believes herself to be a martyr and can't take supervisory oversight. She is an example of the fifth column of Anti-Trumpers inside the government.
@Ace You have your fifth-columnists reversed. Trump is the leader of the group of treasonists inside the US Government, who are undermining our country in favor of their own, personal interests.
LAM (Westfield, NJ)
The oversight responsibility of the Congress REQUIRES it to investigate executive behavior that may be dangerous to our nation. There is a reason for whistleblower laws. This small woman is a giant in a sea of sycophants.
Bj (Washington,dc)
@Ace To the contrary. It sounds as if she was alarmed at the harm to our country's national security by actions giving clearances to individuals who did not meet established clearance processes.
John Doe (Johnstown)
A triumph of the human spirit! Looking forward to this Fall’s release.
Betty Grimmett (Medford, N.J.)
Thank you to magicisnotreal for the operative work, "servant". "Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enrich the lives of individuals, builds better organizations, and ultimately creates a more just and caring world" (quote from Robert Greenleaf). We all win by serving not only ourselves but those around us. Embracing the basics tenants of this approach to leadership would pretty much fix everything, for all of us.
cruciform (new york city)
Peter Klein —Ms. Newbold's former boss & tormentor— is now hiding out in an inner ring of the Pentagon, insulated from the consequences of the dreadfulness of his previous actions. How brave of him /s! How very Trumpian, in fact. At least Joe Biden, for all his travails, continues to move about in public. Quite a contrast to Mr. Klein: I know who I believe to be the more honorable and the more courageous person.
manli (mexico)
and all republicans can do is minimize what she says? instead of being alarmed by what she has said ? how far will they go to help lying trumpy instead of the country??
citybumpkin (Earth)
@manli "how far will they go to help lying trumpy instead of the country??" Always one step farther. Trump is their Dear Leader now. This is why Lindsy Graham pulled a 180 degree on Trump, and pretends to be deaf and blind when Trump insults Graham's supposed good friend John McCain.
BoSox Fan (New Orleans, LA)
Ms Newbold’s return should be greeted with a standing ovation and a lunch for for a hero’s welcome.
Nothing heroic about being a partisan D.C. bureaucrat.
Thomas (Amarillo, TX)
@TL She worked under Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump. She's the definition of non-partisan.
Craigoh (Burlingame, CA)
When did security clearance protocol become a partisan issue, rather than an issue of national security? Hint: When a criminally corrupt administration took office in the White House.
Mark Holbrook (Wisconsin Rapids, WI)
Oh, I see, reporting on activity that is unethical, if not illegal, within the government automatically makes you a partisan hack. No wonder why we have the government we have. Remember the old adage, “Americans don’t have the government they want’ they have the one they deserve.”
Marge Keller (Midwest)
The actions and attitude of Tricia Newbold are seen are heroic and exceptional. Frankly, she was merely doing her job and doing it well and thoroughly and correctly. This scenario isn't about how good an American Ms. Newbold is but rather how un-American and borderline treasonous Trump is via his actions. On one hand, it's a very sad day in the U.S. when an ordinary federal government employee is hailed a hero by simply doing her job by not backing down and taking no for an answer. On the other hand, thank goodness for Ms. Newbold's unwillingness to be bullied, for her to dig her heels deeper into the bureaucratic bromide, and for NOT taking no for an answer. Her toughness is a breath of much needed fresh air.
Barbara (SC)
@Marge Keller Her heroism comes from standing up and speaking out for what is right at likely cost to herself. I've been a whistleblower on a smaller stage. It's not easy. Ms. Newbold will be vilified and ostracized by some. I hope she comes through it unscathed.
Mtnman1963 (MD)
She was suspended 14 days without pay for scanning files into the wrong sort of pdf. It will be interesting to see if she makes it through the next two years.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
@Mtnman1963 That's my main concern - will Ms. Newbold make it through the next two years unscathed? No one is perfect, especially in the work place. Innocent mistakes and errors happen. But are they dischargeable mistakes? Even though she made a tough decision loaded with integrity and tenacity, I worry about the ultimate price she may pay in the end. I worry about what the long tern cost will be to her, professionally and personally.
Jersey John (New Jersey)
Thanks for trying, and for being brave and for being true. However, it is utterly clear to me at this point that Trump will be allowed to do anything and everything his heart desires. This will not matter.
Pedro (Washington, DC)
@Jersey John You are absolutely correct. The Republican-controlled Senate is utterly supine to Trump’s corruption, and the Democratic-controlled House is disorganized and often dithering in its responses to Trump’s daily outrages. The press adopts Trump’s own terminology without question (see, e.g., “caravans”) and often just serves as an echo-chamber for Trump’s unhinged tweets. Our only hope is the 2020 election, and now that they are trying to eat Joe Biden alive for behavior that doesn’t remotely approach Trump’s depravity, I’m quite concerned that we may blow it completely.
Pat (CT)
@Jersey John You miss the point, Jersey. It matters to HER. Doing the right thing matters to HER. For all his courage in battle, John Kelly wasn’t brave enough to stand up to Trump. Ms. Newbold did just that.
Jersey John (New Jersey)
@Pedro I'm right there with you.
Only 25 - come come now my good lady - can't we work something out - they are all very good people.
Neil (Wisconsin)
Why do the Republicans hate America so much that they seem bound and determined to destroy it?
mnc (Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.)
@Neil As a Republican I am asking the same question as you. I have never seen anything like before. No matter what this man in the White House does not one of them will stand up to him unless they plan on not running again.
Mark Holbrook (Wisconsin Rapids, WI)
Because there is soooo much money available to them by cheating.
VJ - FOX 1 (Santa Monica)
@Neil It's the nature of the beast...the Republicans were against Social Security in 1935...against Medicare in 1965...against Civil Rights...against any kind of health care policy that would help many millions like ACA does...this outline is just off the top of my head...the Republicans have always been against 90% of what the Democrats are and were for..... ever since the Civil Rights laws made the Southern Democrats change over to the Republican Party because they did not think Blacks should have Civil Rights. Bottom line? Can you imagine what America would be like if just the Republicans had been running the country all these decades...look what is going on now with Trump and Friends...an yet over 50 million Americans would really like the Republicans to run the country as long as their Dear Leader was the head of the pack. The Democrats are not perfect...but come on...they have a pretty good track record.
jared kushner is the proud 3rd generation scion of meyer lansky's yiddish mafia. governor christie knows the truth about the kushners. this instant security clearance obstruction of justice case is most definitely an IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE!
Marko (Taos)
Thank-you so much Ms.Newbold for having the courage of your convictions and the professionalism to act on them. Your story is an inspiration to millions of women, and men that it is worthwhile to stand up and say what is really going on. You should be rewarded and recognized for your service to our government - which is more than can be said by those that tried to belittle you and shut you down. You are lofty in character and tall in my book! Once again - thanks!
Jim Gallas (San Antonio)
Thank you Ms. Newbold, for knowing the right thing to do, and then having the courage to do it - and at a time when our country needs it the most.
Abenaki (Burke, VA)
Ms. Newbold works at a place where she has to sign not to share information. Yet people on here are saying: She is a hero for doing this. This is a national security risk... She should be in prison...
Joe B. (Center City)
True American patriot hero. Medal of Freedom for Ms Newbold.
Jenny (PA)
@Abenaki She is required to share information with Congress, she hasn't done anything wrong. She brought an unusual and troubling set of circumstances to the attention of the Congressional committee charged with oversight of national security matters. And, by the way, the list of people she believes were improperly granted clearances has NOT been revealed to the public, which would, in fact, be a security risk. She is a courageous and dedicated patriot.
Provo1520 (Miami)
@Abenaki Her testimony was in front of the House Committee - the Committee were the ones that released her testimony and information, not Ms. Newbold -read the article- 'the panel’s Democratic chairman published of her interview, which contained verbatim quotes.
LCG (Brookline, MA)
This is story encapsulates the real scandal of the Trump Administration. This administration (if one can even call it that) contains an unprecedented level of incompetence, bias, self-dealing, and behavior ranging from disgusting to immoral.
Matt Williams (Atlanta, GA)
Ms. Newbold is the embodiment of everything that it is to be a dedicated public servant. I think that is evident by the fact she has been promoted by Republicans and Democrats alike. The discrimination she faced from these repulsive bullies in the Trump administration for trying to protect our country is the embodiment of everything that is corrupt and deplorable about the Trump administration. I'm content in knowing that she was there before this administration, and that she will be there after.
William Case (United States)
A whistleblower is a person who informs on a person or organization engaged in an illicit activity. Tricia Newbold says her supervisors disagreed with her and her colleagues’ recommendations on security clearances more than 25 times. That is not an illicit activity, and Newbold is not a whistleblower. Security specialists in federal agencies and the White House make recommendations on security clearances, but senior official have final authority. Newbold’s memo says White House officials granted security clearances to 25 applicants against the recommendation of security specialists. The White House has about 1,870 full-time employees, all of whom require security clearances. So senior White House officials disagreed with about 1.3 percent of security clearance recommendations.
Susan (Hampton Roads)
@William Case Yes. Secretaries, cooks, housekeeping staff, gardeners, etc., not so-called "presidential advisors".
mrfreeze6 (Seattle, WA)
@William Case, I wouldn't bet my personal nor the nation's safety and security on your confidence in what the Trump administration thinks proper security screening. To anyone paying attention, people are being vetted more harshly at the airport than they are in receiving highly secretive information from government sources. Glad you aren't in charge of these matters.
William Case (United States)
@mrfreeze6 I never said that I have confidence or lack confidence in the Trump administration. However, I worked for 36 years in the federal government. I know heads of federal agencies make final decisions on security clearance, not personal security office employees. This is true in all agencies, not just the White House,
omarhorton19696 (Jonesboro,ar)
I applaud this brave woman. Isn't it a shame, though, that when someone does the right thing (their duty), it is cause for celebration? Shouldn't we all be doing the right thing all the time?
Nancie (San Diego)
OMGosh! "In January, Ms. Newbold was suspended for two weeks without pay after NBC News reported that Mr. Kline had approved a security clearance for Mr. Kushner despite staff objections. The office’s new director, Crede Bailey, said at the time that Ms. Newbold had refused to “support new procedures your supervisor implemented.”" I miss my country.
Jbugko (Pittsburgh, pa)
Trump hires "only the best" incompetent jerks who spend most of their time in office intimidating someone who actually does her job and takes her responsibilities seriously. Because that is what Trump looks for in his employees as well as himself.
Dan (Ames, Iowa)
So glad to see Ms. Newbold pictured as smiling, next to the American flag, with a blue background. The NYT might sometime try to catch Donald Trump outfitted as such.
Mary Melcher (Mesa, AZ)
Were this a Democratic administration the GOP would be apoplectic: gnashing their teeth, shrieking and rending their garments----and preparing the articles of impeachment.
dj (vista)
Thank you Ms Newbold. Stay the course; we support you.
Gary Wolgang (Manhattan Beach, CA)
When historians get around some years from now documenting the entire last few years, I have no doubts that Ms. Newbold will be cited as a true American hero. It took an enormous amount of guts/bravery for her to speak out, as I understand she’s not covered by whistle-blower protections; I also think it took an additional amount of guts to go back to work - under the circumstances, I consider her physical limitations (and the alleged games played by the Administration making it that much harder for her to DO HER JOB) will only add to her stature. Almost universally regarded as the greatest series of speeches ever delivered, Winston Churchill, in a 3-4 week period rallied the people of Great Britain to “hold on” against Nazi Germany, in spite of the military debacle that was Dunkirk and the reality that the US wasn’t going to enter the War for another 1.5 years. In the last of those speeches (the Battle of Britain speech), I think he delivered what I consider to be the most inspirational words to his people ever given - to paraphrase Churchill, a 1000 years in the future, people would look back and say ‘this was their finest hour’ - what he was talking about though was specifically the RAF; outmanned and outgunned these heroes were already being heavily criticized and initially Hitler was simply trying to bomb England into oblivion; the RAF was doing its job. That’s what Ms. Newbold should be remembered for.
Ron Buikema (Chevy Chase, MD)
Why is Ms. Newbold's medical condition mentioned in the article? How is that relevant to the story?
Vgg (NYC)
@Ron Buikema Because of what her boss did to retaliate against -mean, petty stuff like raising the height of shelves for documents etc.
Bo (London)
@Ron Buikema Initially thought the same but pertinent due to in-office issue where some paperwork was maliciously placed high up, out of her reach.
Steve (DC)
@Ron Buikema It's relevant because a superior placed documents "out of her reach" in height on a shelf. Try reading the article and connect the dots.
Thomas Wright (Los Angeles)
It takes a patriot to do right by your country even when it is difficult for you personally.
Kristine (Illinois)
The road to a banana republic keeps getting shorter.
LizB (NY)
Tricia Newbold, you rock!
Kenell Touryan (Colorado)
Better late than never. What Newbold did was overdue. Glad she had the courage to finally blow the whistle. The swamp that Trump promised to clean, has turned into a cesspool!
Independent Thinking (Minneapolis)
Where are the Republicans of honor? "Jesus wept."
Magicwalnuts (New York)
"She wasn't looking for trouble." Sounds like she was. She should probably be fired. Who elected her to decide who gets security clearance and who doesn't? It's for the president to decide and the constitution says he's above the law.
Mike (NYC)
@Magicwalnuts Good God I hope your comment is sarcastic.
Evan Meyers (USA)
@Magicwalnuts Please read the article. She has served under four presidential administrations, and has worked up to "adjudications manager, a job that required her to help make determinations about the security clearances of administration employees." She also tried to raise issues internally for a year without effect.
jmw (raleigh, nc)
@Magicwalnuts Yes, Trump has the authority to make bad decisions, using poor protocols and suspect reasoning. Why would you want to fire someone working against that. I think people willing to try and do the right thing ( = good practices in guarding security clearances ) and willing to speak to power to do it should be rewarded.
Aristotle Gluteus Maximus (Louisiana)
"Mr. Trump has the legal authority to grant a clearance, ..." " and said she had acknowledged that the president had the “authority to grant access to national security information to anyone he chooses.” " Security clearances are a function of the the executive branch of government. Congress has no authority to second guess adjudication decisions on who gets a clearance. They give people clearances on a regular basis to people who have derogatory information in their backgrounds.
Barbara (SC)
@Aristotle Gluteus Maximus Have you read the Constitution and the law? Congress has the authority and duty to review actions of the Executive Branch, including this issue.
Evan Meyers (USA)
@Aristotle Gluteus Maximus She is raising ethical concerns and irregularities. It is in the public's concern if the POTUS is potentially risking national security for his own personal reasons. The United States is not the fiefdom of the executive branch.
Bob (Canada)
@Aristotle Gluteus Maximus Yes, but never to that many, and usually only if they have a unique talent that is required. The fact that there are 25, far more than any other administration, oversight of security clearance at this time is the due diligence America needs. Are the reports of Ivanka and Jared using personal methods to contact foreign entities fake? Jared setting up a back channel to Russia fake? Trump's reaction to a murdered Journalist normal? etc. Even after the Mueller report was delivered to Barr, Trump skipped the Russian interference part and attacked Americans. He keeps saying he doesn't trust American Intelligence agencies, but rather Putin and Russian Intelligence. Oversight is needed to make some sense of this POTUS's and his administrations actions.
Bill (NYC, NY)
In a memo released on Monday, Republicans on the committee said that Ms. Newbold had acknowledged that the president had the “authority to grant access to national security information to anyone he chooses.” Like with the Republican spin on the Mueller investigation findings, the question is not whether Team Trump committed crimes, but whether Trump and his Republican enablers have the best interests of our country at heart, or whether they are utterly self-serving and corrupt. Here we see (a) people getting security clearances who may be subject to foreign coercion, (b) national security rules for vetting candidates being gutted, (c) unqualified people handling the vetting process, and (d) qualified people trying to do their job to protect us suffering retaliation. America, the swamp grows deeper by the day.
Dalton (California)
Big and important things sometimes come in small packages.
BoSox Fan (New Orleans, LA)
And in our president’s case. Sometimes big things can be unbelievably empty.
bill (Astoria, NY)
We shouldn't be in a situation where we are congratulating this person. There should be 100's of government employees of any political background that have come forward by now and said THIS IS WRONG. But we are not living in a time where people put their country ahead of themselves. Thank you Tricia Newbold, thank you for caring and speaking up!
Liz McDougall (Canada)
Very disturbing accustions. I commend Ms. Newbold for her integrity and courage. Although Trump ultimately can give people clearance, is America not concerned about national security breeches? I chuckle because I’m sure a Trump, if he were in any other position, would most certainly be denied a security clearance. And herein lies the problem....
Jeff (Falmouth, ME)
What a brave woman!
JM (San Francisco)
Ms Newbold is a true American hero protecting the national security of our nation. Now let's see just how low Trump and his posse of attack dogs will go to discredit this brave woman. Time Magazine cover please
Jack (Cambridge, UK)
Nonpartisan, maintains her integrity, ferocious. Newbold 2020?
Shim (Midwest)
Ms. Tricia Newbold is brave and his not afraid of speaking up about this corrupt administration.
rockfanNYC (NYC)
The sheer cruelty she endured because of her height as an act of retaliation from some of Trump's staff should be made known. I'm tired of my government being run by middle-school bullies. No one should stand for this. She was doing her job like a true patriot, something few in this administration have a clue about what that means.
citizen vox (san francisco)
"As little as I am, I am willing to stand up and fight for what I know to be right...." Ms, Newbold, as you certainly know, it's not physical bigness in leaders that make America great. (After all, Trump is among the biggest in height and girth but demonstrably tiny in his sense of ethics and honest.) It's people with honesty and courage, like you who make America great. I'll bet Trump would not be brave or that stupid to demean you with the epithet "Little Newbold." This is what I'd like Rep Cummings to do: tell the country just what triggered the red flags on those 25 security applications; they may be very similar to what Trump does daily. In other words, would Trump get a security pass if put through the process?
William Rodham (Hope)
Too funny NYT reports story with zero context. Is 25 a lot, normal or low for that office? For example the most obvious context is during the obama administrations eight years how many initial security requests were denied but then with additional information granted? Further context is what percentage of democrats are granted security clearances in democrat administration vs the percentage of republican security clearances granted in republican administrations by the 100% democrat career dc office?
coco (Goleta,CA)
She has proven herself worthy of her job. This is exactly what we should expect of anyone working to assure the security and safety of our nation and society. I only wish more people were as honest and forthright. How do we distill this quality in people? We sorely need it, more than we need fluoride. Oh, p.s., I used to work for an airline in compliance and sadly, was targeted and fired for telling the truth about security fails, not bending to the ego of the GM. There can be no safety without honesty.
BeCivil (USA)
You are a great American Hero. You have put those that shield and defend this Administration for all their wrongdoings to shame. Thank you !
Loretta Marjorie Chardin (San Francisco)
Wonderful - but maybe nothing will come out of this, like so many other Trumpians. I've been a life-long idealist, but rapidly becoming cynical....
Orangelemur (San Francisco)
Honesty? Integrity? Backbone? They didn’t know what hit ‘em.
Barbara (Ca)
When I look back at the day after the election of Nov. 2016, I recall vivid memories of flying into our nation's capital with such a feeling of loss and despair. I remember looking at all the government buildings and the dedicated civil servants that work there and thought how demoralizing it would be for them to keep up a good front, keep their heads down and do their job with what was to come. No one really could have any idea of how bad it was going to be or would become. The thought that kept running through my mind that day was, its not our elected officials that make our country great, its the people in all those buildings that keep the lights on every day of the year that make our country great. Thank you Tricia Newbold for doing your job with integrity, dedication and passion and for being one of those lights.
W (Minneapolis, MN)
Ms. Newbold seems to be realistic about her actions. Many whistle-blowers mistakenly believe that, by doing 'the right thing', they will be praised on the job. Unfortunately, the exact opposite usually happens, and they are fired or forced to resign. In reality, most whistle-blowers are only rewarded by the fact that they can once again look themselves in the mirror every morning, and like what they see.
Hooj (London)
@W In this case I think all honest Americans can look at Ms Newbold and like what they see. True integrity. A willingness to sacrifice herself for the good of the country. A willingness to stand up and be counted for doing her patriotic duty (and her job!) You won't many like that featuring in your news media nowadays.
Mark Hammer (Ottawa, Canada)
@W I concur with your sentiments. Having studied whistleblowing and associated legislation in different jurisdictions, I will say that one of the toughest things they face - and something generally not covered in any whistleblower protection legislation - is often the social shunning on the part of coworkers. Blowing the whistle on coworkers or supervisors tends to force other coworkers to "take a side" for or against whomever has been flagged as having done something wrong, which they'd rather not do. And even if such coworkers take the side of the whistleblower, unless the wrongdoer is removed (and sometimes not even then) they can't appear to take the "wrong" side, lest they damage their own relationships with other staff-members. It can get mighty chilly at work. The Merit Systems Protection Board has published some excellent reports over the years on whistleblowing in the public service, what prevents it, and how the courts have viewed it ( https://www.mspb.gov/studies/browsestudies.htm ). I'm not familiar enough with the existing whistleblower protection legislation to know if it also protects federal employees who work for the White House. I hope it does.
Rebecca (CDM, CA)
We need more Tricia Newbolds to come forward; one in every governmental department. Her courage and conviction are inspiring. If she ever chooses to leave her job, I'm sure she'll have plenty of great new offers come her way.
Patti Bezzo (Seattle)
Thank you, Ms. Newbold! Your choice to be a whistle-blower, in the face of the Trump's appointed staff with whom you work, shows your courage and dedication to our country's safety. Thank you for speaking the truth about the corruption that took place instead of staying silent. Our country needs more people with your moral standards to keep from us from rolling further off the tracks. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
magicisnotreal (earth)
Now that is a Civil Servant! The "elevation" of the Office of the President in social terms is actually based on the earned respect of willingly taking the lowest ranking job in the nation. The president literally works for every other person he sees. It seems that republicans in particular do not quite get this aspect of holding public office. Sure you get paid but the respect comes from choosing to be a servant not from any innate quality the holder of an office possesses. Seems to me it has been 4 decades or more since a republican at any level actually chose to become a servant. They have corrupted the very concept of people's government so that they can enrich themselves by enriching people who do not care about them any more than they do the rest of us.
nf (New York, NY)
It is obvious this President is an iconoclast .Any chance he gets to display power he will, even if he compromises law and justice. He is all about winning regardless of the cost. We need more people in his administration to stand up and reveal the chaos he commits on daily basis. He constitute danger by having his family side with him instead of the people who were assigned as advisors for the benefit of this nation which most of them either resigned or fired.
Sandra (Southold)
Whistle blowers are heroes and heroines. (She is a heroine.) Ms. Newbold watches out for our nation's best interest.
KaneSugar (Mdl Georgia)
As a retired civil servant, thank you Ms Newbold for you integrity, doggedness and bravery. You make us PROUD!!
Chrisinauburn (Alabama)
Let’s greenlight senior officials who are susceptible to blackmail and bribery and foreign influence, said no other presidential administration, ever, until Trump. Just because the president can override professionals assessing security clearances, does not mean he should. It again shows a grave lack of judgement in our chief executive that we’ve sadly come to expect. On the other hand, I look forward to more great things from Ms. Newbold.
nvr (SF)
Maintaining the integrity of the Security Clearance vetting process is an absolute. Consequently, those who skirted the process under this Republican President must be vetted. As for this Whistle-Blower, President Obama prosecuted more so called Whistle-Blowers than all of the previous Presidents combined so when she is also prosecuted please do not rage. The Democrats were silent under the previous Obama administration when many brave and patriotic men and women were jailed or fired for telling the truth.
Jim (H)
The difference is she went through the right channels and to the appropriate government oversight committee, not to the press or Wikileaks.
Jo Williams (Keizer)
There you have it. Republicans stand behind the president’s absolute right to grant access to top security info to whom who/ever he wishes. And what those people do on their private cell phones, internet accounts, in meetings, at the local bar on a Saturday night....not our concern. No credit checks? Not to worry. Drinking, gambling problems, no worries, mate. Do the constituents of these Repub committee members know that their representatives, determined to play one-upmanship with presidential power concerns, realize that perhaps this game is getting out of hand? Absolute power? So, the president can.....sell access...trade it for....his own purposes, withhold it from agency employees he dislikes....use it for blackmail, extortion? Intent, outcome- doesn’t matter?? Legal, legislative limits don’t matter? Should we order the crown, scepter, robe now, or just pay the bill when he receives them. I think we’re already paying on the lay-away plan- for that Repub ‘gotcha’.
Pat Choate (Tucson, Arizona)
The Committee Republicans' defense of lax security procedures in the White House is despicable, particularly since many are the same people who attacked Hillary Clinton for years over the security risks in the way that she used a private email account. More troubling to me is that they keep getting reelected. Do their voters understand the concept of national security and its importance to their well being? Do they understand the concept of personal and political hypocrisy?
ATronetti (Pittsburgh)
Our federal workforce is filled with people like Ms. Newbold. The shame is that the current administration does not appreciate professionalism. These employees realize that they serve the public, and not one particular person or party.
Leslie374 (St. Paul, MN)
Ms. Newbold renewed and strengthened my belief that our country will survive the Trump Travesty. Her courage, integrity and fortitude profoundly inspire me.
Marge Keller (Midwest)
“It’s humiliating to not be able to independently work and do the job that you need.” Getting paid for what the job requires and demands should be possibly challenging and hopefully rewarding, but NEVER humiliating. Thank you Ms. Newbold for your courage, your temerity, your tenacity, and your love for this country in helping keeping it safe. You never give in and you never give up! Your are the REAL "Captain Marvel" in my eyes!!
Sheila (Buffalo)
Hooray for Tricia Newbold! It is refreshing to see someone finally stand up for what is right. How fitting that one individual, small in stature, could show such out-sized integrity. And as for her boss who took advantage of her situation and put files out of her reach? Well, that sounds about right. He fits in with all of the other cartoonishly evil people in this administration. This is exactly why I left the Republican party.
Jeff (Falmouth, ME)
No collusion - sure.
Richard Stanley (San Francisco)
Thank you for your service. Brava, Tricia Newbold! This is what, to me, characterizes public service. This is why we have norms and protocols with courtrooms to back them up. More people need to step up and show integrity in all aspects of their lives.
Truthseeker (Planet Earth)
"who has aides sign nondisclosure agreements" That they cannot leak secret information is one thing, but a signed nondisclosure agreement? How is that compatible with Democracy?
ATronetti (Pittsburgh)
It's not. Non-disclosure agreements are unenforceable for public employees. Government employees serve the public, not Mr. Trump.
J.B. (Salem MA)
@Truthseeker I don't believe that non-disclosure agreements are legal in government. Trump has had everyone who works with him to sign them, but they're not legally binding. Trump does that because, well, he's Trump.
Martha McCabe (Minneapolis)
@Truthseeker As a gov worker they mean nothing.
Mike Schimmel (Dunedin, Florida)
What a profile in courage. I'm inspired! Thank you, Ms Newbold!
Suji44 (Virginia)
Her act of courage gives Americans (including me) hope. We Americans won’t die easily. Justice will ultimately prevail.
richie flay (longboat key, florida)
@Mike Schimmel Ifonly Marina Gross, the Helsinki interpreter, and Rhona Graff, Trump's personal secretary, would have the same courage!
C Reynolds (North America)
Congratulations and thank you to Ms. Newbold on behalf of us all. You are very brave. If this damages Ms. Newbold's career prospects in any way, I hope that law firms or security firms around the country will line up to make her job offers.
KiKi (Miami, FL)
Let's hope when the American people can elect a true president (not a crime boss), with Russia not influencing the outcome, that she will be honored for doing the right thing. Thank you Tricia for being that person, whom we all need so desperately now. Courage is nowhere at present. Politicians look to shine their star above all and the media leads careless slandering -via exaggeration of anomalies and lifting up ANYONE seeking the limelight- to the true detriment of those innocent and w/ ZERO dishonesty or bad intent (Biden, Clintons, Franken). Courage = Ms. Newbold, why does no one in power or influence have this, just one woman? Accusing so many others yet w/ trump, guilty as sin and w/ limitless proof (he BRAGGED about grabbing women), it just filters through! Just because he does all bad and often does not mean you get to ignore it... it all passes through the news cycle like dust! Today on CNN a talking trump head blabbed about how Obamacare is terrible...hmmm, but why? B/c trump gutted it - yet CNN said nothing about that - this is not news reporting. That is dishonest reporting. Honesty.courage.strength.therightstuff, that is what Tricia Newbold represents. Thank you Ms. Newbold for giving us one chance at hope that maybe others w/ information, facts, power, or pull just might do the same. If all did, trump would be gone - think about that media, politicos - you sustain him, it is heartbreaking because he is breaking America. We all deserve more.
Jim Currie (Ohio)
@KiKi We do all deserve more.
asdfj (NY)
@KiKi "B/c trump gutted it" ??? https://www.politifact.com/obama-like-health-care-keep/ "Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan'" Also promised no price hikes Ha, what a comedian
KiKi (Miami, FL)
@asdfj No comedy, it's called wise analysis. Basic math, no mandate = less insureds; less insureds = weak pool; weak pool = higher rates...and downward spiral. I work for FREE, b/c I have a heart and I have Obamacare in the worst state FL - after trump got his dirty mini hands on it, my choices lessened significantly but overall still okay...Obamacare needs the dems there to fix it, when they get the majority soon... Obama is a hero of a man compared to this painted clown flopping around in the Whitehouse with his stooges. President Obama is honest, hard working, reserved, wise, worthy, profound in heart and mind, a great father, a great husband (not a cheater, sadly trump sets the bar so low), and someone that makes all humanity proud. He came from very little in $, worked hard to enrich his mind, soul, and life. He is the American Dream. This trump is the America we are so very ashamed of and it is sad that the world views us so differently now. Will we ever get our reputation back, not sure? Depressing b/c most of us cannot stand him, his family, his cabinet of crooks but via media they see this monster trump. We don't like them b/c they lie and they are immoral. History will judge you all and this is 100% true. Your grandchildren will wonder why you all followed one of the worst, likely after hitler, in terms of a democracy. But Putin elected him so maybe we do not even fit that category anymore.
Mike T (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Ms. Newbold stands tall as profile of workaday courage. Trump couldn't reach the tip of her toes even if he were hoisted by a firetruck ladder.
Judith (California)
Here I think of little David, who brought down Goliath.
vera (nyc)
Drain Trump’s swamp!
Roy Hill (Washington State)
Tricia Newbold, you are a great American. Thank you for having integrety. It's been sad to watch integrety evaporate in the modern political arena. Keep up the excellent work!
Suji44 (Virginia)
People who believe in our country should support actively and stand behind a courageous person like this. That’s how we combat the morally bankrupt authoritarianism trump is working on
Veritas vincit (Long Island City, N.Y.)
What this article and the actions of one person illustrate is that Washington DC may not be a swamp after all, and that it was drained in the 1880's when our past legislators passed civil servant laws that protected government employees from politicians' whimsy. And, hate to break the news to some, no, there is no “deep state,” - period. All we have is a bunch of fakers on FOX, in the Senate, and in the WH who don’t believe in a democracy or our government, and go after the messenger rather than argue the merits of their policies.
Paul Robillard (Portland OR)
Tricia Newbold has integrity and courage. A very rare characteristic these days. Her supervisors and all those who attempted to prevent her from doing her job should be identified and dismissed without a pension or any benefits. It is time we rewarded those like Ms. Newbold and penalized the bad actors rather than give them golden parachutes.
Alk (Maryland)
Does this count as being "extremely careless" with "very sensitive, highly classified information?" Or that only applies to Democrats during an election cycle? Now that Republicans are in charge its okay to give clearance to anyone POTUS likes (or is related to) and let them have secret conversations on whats app?
Aristotle Gluteus Maximus (Louisiana)
@Alk What Hillary did was against the law and violated security regulations. What Trump is doing is legal.
Alk (Maryland)
@Aristotle Gluteus Maximus. So you are okay then with Trump bypassing intelligence and doing whatever he wants? Having secret meetings with hostile nations? Blind trust in a man that makes 15 false claims a day, is plagued by mass turnover and has had multiple convictions from his inner circle? Not to mention numerous potential hidden conflicts of interest. This makes me feel way less safe than Hillary's email server.
Jim (H)
Violated State Department regulation not the law. It was also what Secretary Powell did in the same office, and what Mr. Kushner and Ms Trump have continued to do. So your point is? Was it foolish, yes. Illegal, no. As for what Ms Newbold did, that was completely legal and appropriate. When an executive department fails to take concerns seriously, that is where reporting your concerns to the congressional oversight committees is the proper, and very legal, thing to do.
Kenneth Brady (Staten Island)
Oh come on!! A few highly-indebted individuals, a criminal or two, a handful of substance abusers, maybe a couple of spouse-abusers?? In the White House?? These are nothing, NOTHING compared to Hillary's emails.
Jim Currie (Ohio)
@Kenneth Brady Huh?
lynchburglady (Oregon)
@Jim Currie It's called, "sarcasm." Kenneth just left of the /s.
Anon (Midwest)
@Kenneth Brady Hey, Ken, No need for ???? after a "couple of spouse-abusers" as it was documented that Rob Porter and David Sorensen WERE spouse abusers (nice shiner you gave yoru wife, Rob. Make you feel like a real man?"
jdoe212 (Florham Park NJ)
Patriotism anywhere near this White House! A first!
Ed Latimer (Montclair)
God bless you!
BlackJackJacques (Washington DC)
This woman is a hero. Lets see if the OSC & MSPB for once do the right thing when she is targeted for removal.
Feldman (Portland)
Transparency begins with people who will not put up with cheating, misconduct, skulduggery, selfishness, and the mistreatment of fellow humans and animals. Secrecy and democracy are not good cousins; people shielded from the truth are compromised. The human tendency, when in control, to 'protect' the others by hiding the truth, has consequences that are generally [but not always] undesirable.
Blankmisgivings (Massachusetts)
What a wonderful woman, and a reminder that our government works because it really is filled with decent Americans who care about doing a good job and who act with integrity. What a shame the principal resident of the White House isn't like them. The fish rots from the head.
KEF (Lake Oswego, OR)
A. Jubatus (New York City)
Trish Newbold: Superhero. Nuff said.
TMT (Columbus, Ohio)
Finally, a person of integrity ins this White House!
D. Gallagher (Maywood,NJ)
Three cheers for whistleblowers in general and this bravewoman in particular! Sunlight is the best disinfectants--although pres Trump seems to have little regard for public embarrassment.
Sajwert (NH)
“This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." And to be true to herself, she acted with all integrity, moral gravitas and truthfulness. Integrity, moral gravitas, veritas are, in the Trump and GOP congress, words that cam be explained only by "alternate words"
paradocs2 (San Diego)
I know an American hero when I see one.
JABUSSE (los angeles)
The key thing is is that the President has the right to clear anyone he wants cleared. The buck doesn't stop at this girl's desk. My guess is that it no longer even gets there. And rightfully so. When General Groves met Robert Oppenheimer he decided Oppenheimer was the right man to lead the Manhattan Project's bomb development team. Oppenheimer was a past communist with many friends who still were. His wife, Kitty Oppenheimer was born in and had family in Germany and was previously married to a devout communist and she had ties to both Russia and Germany. FDR signed off on Oppenheimer's clearances, which were about as secret as anything we had. Both lived at Los Alamos too. So the previous manager and now clerk's opinion is not very relevant to the people hired. Actually, if she assigned specific vulnerabilities to specific people she violated her duty. She was staff. Not the decision maker ever.
dpeder02 (Nebraska)
@JABUSSE You seem to think the 'clerk' is an employee of the WH when in fact she is an employee of the US Government. It is her job to ensure the US has qualified people who are not compromised and can cripple the US in some way. Oppenheimer is a different case altogether and one instance. Trump consistently brings on highly questionable, inexperienced, unqualified people who are more minion to Trump than servant to the US people. It is time to remove Trump and his minions and take back the US.
MKF (Nashville, TN)
@JABUSSE: interesting attempt to lower her status by first calling her a "girl" and then giving an outrageous example, related to national security and war, to bolster the current president's attempt to staff his White House with various grifters and hangers on. She may be a "girl" to you. To the rest of us who have eyes to see, we see a hero, someone, who, because she has had a different perspective as a dwarf, can call a spade a spade. Just because she is not the decision maker does not mean she is not the person who gives the necessary input for a just and equitable decision.
Hippomania (Orange County)
@JABUSSE For the love of God, Trump's daughter and son-in-law are no Robert Oppenheimer. I can't believe you even made that comparison.
Lydia (Arlington)
I would love to buy her lunch, but I think that violates ethics rules. Maybe instead we can all raise a glass to her after work this friday?
Steve (Seattle)
It is encouraging to know that there are still some dedicated professionals in the administration of our government who have integrity and decency and do not succumb to the pressure from the trump liars club. Thank you Ms. Newbold.
Democracy / Plutocracy (USA)
Yet another demonstration of Trump Incompetence -- Republican Complicity in enabling him. This is just the standard daily news feed..
Nina & Ray Castro (Cincinnati, OH)
This is Nina Castro: What a heroine! It made me think of this: “A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once. It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.” Shakespeare Updated to match the nonsense at hand: "A bully constantly fears a response, but the bullied have already been made miserable by him/her. It seems odd that the bully should even provoke in the first place, knowing that no human being will tolerate that forever."
deb (inoregon)
I went to foxnews to read their account of this incident, and it's extremely one-sided. Nearly all their 'news', it's just sneering at Democrats and whining about Sara Palin's exclusion from McCain's funeral. Anyhoo, they have zero front page news about it; I had to search. They describe Tricia as an 18 year old minor employee. She's actually 40 years old, and has served 4 presidents. After describing her as a lightweight, they pivot to republicans' outrage about the charges. They put scare quotes around "the security of the nation", and start making fun of it! This is a peek into the fake info that fox viewers get. Now they can say the clearance issue really is no big deal, and they won't be actually looking for any truth. trump somehow will convince them that giving clearances to, say, his golf caddie and Ivanka's manicurist is cool.
Tal-Attack (Bronx, NY)
@deb you forgot: "...and very legal." SMH.
Shannon (USA)
@deb You might want to reread the article. It says, Newbold is "an 18-year government employee who oversees the issuance of clearances for some senior White House aides." It never once references her as a minor player. I think, @deb, you might be just as bad as the media at getting your facts straight.
weeping in washington (Washington)
@deb Good for you for checking the Faux News coverage. I get sick to my stomach if I ever go near that propaganda machine, so I almost never do it. Debunking and dis-empowering this evil force in our society must become a priority for progressive political activists. Fighting Fox is not a matter of preventing "free speech" - it's a matter of serving the common good and protecting the integrity of our nation.
Practical Realities (North Of LA)
I add my thanks to Ms. Newbold, for her courageous actions in revealing the extent of the reckless behavior of the Trump administration in it's granting of security clearances. After all, this is the security of our nation that we are talking about. If the Republican representatives such as Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham (just to name a few) had half of her courage for defending this country against the current self-dealing, bullying, lying presidential administration, my faith in this country might be restored.
GWPDA (Arizona)
It's the federal civil service that's going to burst the Trump bubble. From the moment of the 'election' it was evident that holding the line, behaving ethically and being faithful to responsibilities under the Constitution were what was going to save the country from the waves of corruption and self-dealing that could be seen in the future. This is what Tricia Newbold is doing now - holding the line, being faithful and upholding the Constitution.
KJS (Naples, Florida)
Ms. Newbold you deserve a huge thank you from the American public. You have the courage to come forward and expose practices that could put our country at risk. You are acting like a true professional with integrity. Stay strong!
Dr. Girl (Midwest)
They should have serious concerns about leaking her name. No matter how much people claim that they want the truth, value integrity, want to know who is breaking policy/law; it is not the way we really treat whistleblowers. Whistleblowers are considered outsiders, people who will not conform to corrupt cultures or be bullied into silence. I feel bad for this women. She will soon be under attack by Trump’s hound dogs. She will lose her job. They will go after her reputation. They will threaten her. The line between reality and suggestion has already been blurred.
Brannon Perkison (Dallas, TX)
It is so brilliant and so courageous of her to return to work. So, a physically tiny manager in the ranks of the vast bureaucracy had the guts to do what so many millionaires and generals in the cabinet -- I'm thinking Kelly, Cohn, McMasters, Mattis -- could not: testify to what was really going on, refuse to be bullied by the criminals in the White House, keep at your job, and dare them to fire her! I love it. This is truly how you stand up to bullies and criminals: defy them by telling the truth and doing the Right Thing. Thank you, Ms. Newbold, stay the course as a shining example of what government should be. The vast majority of the country is with you.
Lani Mulholland (San Francisco)
I hope she is protected, both personally and in her career. She is an example of integrity and honor, exactly the type of person that the GOP wants to drive out of political power. GOP used to stand for Grand Old Party. Pretty much since Dick Cheney, it now stands for Grease Our Palms.
Mangal Pandey (NYC)
“As little as I am, I’m willing to fight and stand up for what I know is right, .." thank you.
Cheryl Wooley (LA)
My admiration for this woman continues to grow. She is a true patriot.
NavySubmariner (Virginia Beach)
"Mr. Trump has the legal authority to grant a clearance" This is all you need to know. Carry on.
lynchburglady (Oregon)
@NavySubmariner Why is that all we need to know? Has he already become a total dictator or something? Do you actually trust his gut-feelings over the background checks of the FBI? And do you really consider the safety and security of our nation as unimportant?
kamikazikat (Los Angeles)
@NavySubmariner. WITH proper documentation, about why it should NOT be given.
rich (MD)
@NavySubmariner What sub is that? Not a boomer I hope. Your clearance is now in question.
Larry Roth (Ravena, NY)
Good for her. Good for the country. We need more people like her. Every day it seems Trump looks for something to break. He has surrounded himself with people whose only qualification is to say “Yes Mr. Trump.” It’s like that episode of the Twilight Zone with the little boy who terrifies everyone because he can do awful things to them with just a wish. They all keep praising him out of fear of what he might do. Then he does it anyway. How much longer will this nightmare continue? What awful thing will he do next? Who will finally stand up to him?
Abenaki (Burke, VA)
So let me get this right. We are ok with people coming into America with NO background check. We give these same people TS clearance with NO background check. We check people in America way back to a baby foot print.
kamikazikat (Los Angeles)
@Abenaki Huh?!?!
jeffk (Virginia)
@Abenaki what people are you talking about? A non-citizen cannot get a TS clearance and it takes a very long time and a very intensive investigation for a naturalized citizen to get a clearance. Very, very few of those are granted.
A hero for the sick times we live in ..... bravely emerges from the lowly ranks of civil servants to show us the way. It is almost biblical. Ms. Newbold has my support and respect for the brave stance she has taken. Thank you.
Jeff P (Pittsfield, ME)
Sadly, there's a large group of voters who have been brainwashed into thinking that competent professionals like Ms. Newbold are "the Deep State." Trumpism is the pinnacle of this dangerous, conspiracy-addled mindset, but it's roots in mainstream politics go back at least to Reagan-era Republicans incessant demonization of government.
KellyNYC (Midtown)
If only others in this administration would show the same courage and patriotism as Ms. Newbold.
r mackinnon (concord, ma)
Trump IS creating jobs! For whistleblowers
Frank O (texas)
One might point out the irony and hypocrisy of the right-wing media (and Trump himself), who screamed "fire!" and "bloody murder!" over the claimed security risks of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. To borrow a phrase from George Will, one might as well try to embarrass a sofa. The only thing more disturbing is that Trumpites will continue to condemn Sec. Clinton, while giving Trump a free pass for demanding security clearances for anyone he pleases.
Diogenes of NJ (iFairfield, Nj)
Thank you My Newbold for your courage and integrity in the face of bulling and intimidation. You are a breath of fresh air on this ship of fools that is steered to the rocks by this vain, dishonest and gready man who should have never been elected.
Henry's boy (Ottawa, Canada)
Thank you Tricia Newbold. You have turned back the curtain on another truly despicable aspect of this administration, bringing into the light the authoritarian modus operandi lurking under the surface.
Hortencia (Charlottesville)
Bravo Ms. Newbold! You are a national treasure. Now let’s hope she’s set an example for all the other White House insiders who know/who see the corrupt the Trump consigliere and are also willing to be heroes. As Trump would say, sort of, “If you’re listening, White House, spill the beans!!”
drwanda (U.S.)
We need more people like Tricia Newbold! Good on her!
William Thomas (California)
If she gets terminated for any reason I will be happy to contribute to a go fund me account set up in her name.
Mathias (NORCAL)
It’s obvious that republicans are trying to coup the government. They put in bullies, undermine the rule of law and harass and intimidate anyone in authority that doesn’t agree with their agenda. Our highest institutions have been undermined to a level that will take decades to clean up so they can properly function again. Republicans must be removed from office. They are putting the entire world in a position for future wars and suffering on a global scale. Stop them America! Stop normalizing aberrant behavior as acceptable!
The Poet McTeagle (California)
Would that we had a few GOP senators with the same courage. These days the current crop only seems to find their patriotism after retirement, or when close to death. Perhaps they believe they have it, in the privacy of their own minds, but that is the coward's way.
GenerationXChick (Indiana)
It's embarrassing that Republicans are more concerned about protecting the WH then protecting Americans (via National Security). P.S. Ms. Newbold's job needs to be reinstated. She also deserves back pay, an apology, and addition $$$ for the pain and suffering unleashed by the evil people.
RLW (Chicago)
Why would any public figure want to hide anything that went on his public office unless he had something to hide.??? How many non-disclosure agreements were signed under Obama's leadership? Trump must have lots that he doesn't want to go public since he has had so many sign non-disclosure agreements. What is he hiding?
Bob (Canada)
Ms. Newbold is the reason most folks in the free world trust America as the most powerful country in the world. Not because of your government, not because of your politicians, because the majority of the American people are decent.
Former NYT Fan (Bx52)
Thin gruel, indeed!
KB (Washington)
@Bob thanks for noticing that close to 70% of the voting populace believe Trumo is ruining our country and destroying our Democracy. Trump will not have a second term. Yes, Trump has the authority to grant a security clearance but there are parameters even he can't go around, altho he tries every day. The difference between the US and Russia is we believe in procedures, rules, and the law and no, Trump is not above the law, no POTUS is and he will find that out in the not too distant future.
Bill (Arlington VA)
@Bob Yes, that is patriotism.
Carole (In New Orleans)
My very wise Godmother once told me,People live up to their names, Ms Newbold, Thank You , 'New Bold' You display courage and bold determination in your work for the American people. She should be awarded a profile in courage for a job well done!
CVP (Brooklyn, NY)
Extraordinary, in these times. Not much moves me these days, but I felt this. I’m placing a photo of her in my workspace. My new symbol of courage. Truly heroic.
JM (San Francisco)
@CVP Time Magazine - Person of the Year!
David N (CT)
Thank you Ms. Newbold for your service, courage and heroism. I am a Vietnam veteran with great admiration and respect for all you have done. You are a deeply beautiful individual.
NavySubmariner (Virginia Beach)
@David N nothing heroism about this. President has authority to grant the final clearance.
Jimmy James (Santa Monica)
@NavySubmariner You are correct. And this directly implicates 45. His administration lowered the bar below acceptable clearance standards because they knew Jared, Ivanka and more would never have been cleared otherwise.
Salix (Sunset Park, Brooklyn)
Now there is a true patriot, standing up for the well-being of the country over her own comfort. Ms. Newbold is a beacon in these dark times!
David (Johnstown Pa)
They finally found someone in the Trump administration with integrity. I'm sure Ivanka will see to it that this woman gets fired. Thank you Ms. Newbold for doing the right thing in an administration filled with wrongdoers
Mathias (NORCAL)
She isn’t part of Trump admin. She’s a true American!
Chac (Grand Junction, Colorado)
And now we'll see the Fox/Limbaugh personal attack boys, led by the biggest bully in the schoolyard, compete to demean a woman who respects the law. If my parents, or my teachers, or my principal, mayor, or governor, acted like the Commander-in-Chief, that would be unheard of. Unacceptable. But because of threats and bribes or just plain greed, the GOP acts as though anti-social predatory behavior is now acceptable. But it isn't.
KellyNYC (Midtown)
@Chac a quick check of foxnews*com shows nothing, yet. But you're right, it is coming.
Javaforce (California)
Our country could use more people like Tricia Newbold. She has shown more courage than Trump’s cabinet and all of the GOP members of Congress combined.
Chris Morris (Idaho)
This is a brave woman, and she needs and deserves some sort of protection from the Trump retrogrades who will be attacking her.
LawyerTom1 (MA)
Smart strategy. The WH types will freak out and try to "get their pound of flesh." Like most Trump types, they will arrogantly overreact, creating new bases for lawsuits against their sorry personas. Go get'em, gal!
JM (San Francisco)
@LawyerTom1 Or... "Bright Shiny Object" over here.... Trump will just close the Mexican border.
mrc06405 (CT)
Typical Trump incompetence and petty vindictiveness.
Elniconickcbr (Nyc)
Finally someone with guts who placed country first!
SheHadaTattooToo (Seattle USA)
Carl Kline, appointed by Trump to become the White House director of security, had a tenure of 1.5 years. NBC News was the first to report about Kline, whose intervention in White House clearances has resulted in granting the special certification to see secret government information to more than 30 individuals. Kline’s predecessor in the job had overruled intelligence agency reviews of White House clearance candidates only once in three years. Just pointing out that contrary to those who say this is "normal", that these incidents of overriding the CIA are actually unprecedented.
Gabbyboy (Colorado)
@SheHadaTattooToo The sickest thing about this is that Kline is still employed (and collecting a tax payer funded paycheck)...by the Defense Dept. no less.
James (Virginia)
Returned to work - guess who will be retaliated against starting immediately. Too bad there is probably a policy that prohibits going viral with this information instead of reporting to internal watchdogs.
GWPDA (Arizona)
@James - There isn't.
Tom Baroli (California)
Bigger more important question: Who saw what?
Hannacroix (Cambridge, MA)
Why hasn't Kelly and/or Hagin come forth with these security violations ? An internal memo trail . . . then resign and be quiet. Kelly is an embarrassment to the Corp. Semper Fi.
JM (San Francisco)
@Hannacroix General Kelly, "Always faithful" means to our Country, not Donald Trump.
Sam Freeman (California)
Sounds like Tricia Newbold does not like being supervised.
Cheryl Wooley (LA)
@Sam Freeman of course... that's the reason she's remained and got promoted over the period of 18 years... Please...
Cassandra (Vancouver)
@Sam Freeman It depends on what you mean by “supervised”, Sam. Have you ever heard of the Nuremberg trials?
R.Will (New York)
@Sam Freeman Her career progression underscores the fact that your comment is nonsense: a person who won't be supervised will only very rarely make it up the ladder. Why does it bother you that the people who make our country LESS safe are being put into the spotlight? Do you support increasing the potential for generating security leaks that these processes will almost inevitably lead to?
George Seely (Boston)
"The office’s new director, Crede Bailey, said at the time that Ms. Newbold had refused to “support new procedures your supervisor implemented.” According to another article the change in procedures was to scan documents as individual files instead of as one single file. My questions: 1. Who would deliberately and intentionally refuse to do something that is so minor and insignificant? 2. How could a mistake - because there is no way this was deliberate - justify a 2 week suspension without pay? It doesn't and can't. This was pure retaliation by her boss to intimidate Ms Newbold.
mjciv (Boston)
@George Seely 1. - Someone who's concerned that some of the now individual documents would "go missing"
HL (Arizona)
It appears that professionals that serve the people through numerous administrations are top notch. The difference is this administration has decided to ignore the professionals in our government. Policy is policy and while I disagree with almost the entire policy of the administration there is no excuse for being operationally sloppy, unprofessional and ignoring common sense. If they were running an oil rig they would spill, an airplane a crash, a ship it would sink, yet we give them enormous power to lead the most powerful military, state department and country in the world. The "people" are having their government and country stolen and run into the ground. Thank you Ms. Newbold for having professional standards and demanding those standards are followed. You are what's right about our government and country.
Earl (Cary, NC)
So many people here are singing Ms. Newbold's praises today. I do hope they will stand by her in the days to come when she is truly retaliated against, for you can be absolutely sure Trump will do that. Don't forget this brave patriot in the days, weeks, and months ahead. We must stand behind her and continue to do so until she is placed in charge of the security office and is safe under a new administration. Only then can we relax about her situation.
Suz (VA)
She is the epitome of of a conscientious and courageous worker.
Roy Greenfield (State Collage Pa)
Make America as great as it was Before Trump became president.
Thomas Murray (NYC)
@Roy Greenfield Right on! (But why not 'shoot' for a future much better than any era of a past when ... and as yet, and despite 'our' many worthy and notable achievements, "the world" ... "despite [our] hopes, dreams, promises and urban renewal" ... "continues to deteriorate." [See National Lampoon, circa 1972 … "Lemmings"? "Radio Dinner"?])
Wimsy (CapeCod)
Why all the surprise when you have a president who invites Russian spies into the Oval Office, and then feeds them Israel's top secrets? Trump hasn't the least idea of national security -- indeed, he holds it in contempt -- and we will spend decades trying to repair the damage he is doing.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
It’s crystal clear that they moved Mr. Klein to the Defense Department to get him out from under the heat created due to his “implementation of new procedures” which consisted of disregarding staff members who denied Trump appointees’ security clearances and Trump’s overruling their decisions. Ms. Newbold is a heroine. She did what she knew was the right thing to do and told the truth despite the personal discrimination and professional retaliation she suffered under Carl Kline and is now paying even a heavier price for it. I fully expect that the hotter this situation becomes; the more Trump will want to interject himself into it. I fully expect Trump to mock Ms. Newbold’s dwarfism. This kind of schoolyard bully retaliation against a whistleblower is right up his alley and there’s no such place as “too low” for him to go. I only hope that we have the same courage displayed by Ms. Newbold to put an end to this blatant corruption and abuse either by supporting Trump’s impeachment or roundly beating him in the 2020 presidential election.
Pat (Colorado)
Ms. Newbold, you are a person of true stature. Thank you for your integrity and concern and for taking such a huge risk and professional beating. To me, this makes you a war hero. If only more of us could behave like you do.
Kristopher (Alberta, Canada)
Is it any surprise that republicans on the committee are defending the way this circus is being run? Everything they touch is dirtier and more corrupt for having been under their influence. The irony is, that while trudging through this daily swamp of political news, we are forced to imagine the way Republicans would, should the roles be reversed, attack these discrepancies with such self righteous, indignant rage. I can picture Lindsey Graham right now giving some impassioned speech about how democrats don’t care about the security of the country, and it’s good hard working citizens. They are an embarrassment and a stain on the entire American ideology.
Roy Greenfield (State Collage Pa)
She couldn’t be a Republican because they feel duty to trump is much more important the duty to the United States. I suspect that trumps ignoring security considerations will lead to many people who have security clearance feeling that they can ignore security rules. One wonders what security lapses are going to follow from the policy that Trump has been following relative to security clearances.
Mathias (NORCAL)
They don’t care about the rule of law. Because if people like Barr and supported by Trump they are above the law. That is the problem.
Keith D. Kulper (Morris Plains, NJ)
Yes. It takes integrity doesn’t it? I hope that you will still be in your job at the White House long after the current administration is just a cautionary tale. You are an inspiration for all of us. Thank you for your persistence, courage and determination to do your job in the way it needs to be done.
@Keith D. Kulper By returning to an unwelcoming workplace, Tricia Newbold has given Commander Bone Spurs yet another lesson in courage and patriotism.
klm (Atlanta)
This woman is a hero, she can't be fired without confirming her story. Even Trumpland can't be that stupid.
Bill Nichols (SC)
@klm Want to bet? }:)
Mathias (NORCAL)
They will attack her in other ways. I hope her coworkers report retaliation against her.
Stephanie (Jill)
Tricia Newbold is a moral upstander!
Ostinato (Düsseldorf)
and courageous to return to what will be a lions den. Good for her!
W in the Middle (NY State)
Sooo... *ttps://www.npr.org/2019/03/01/699407475/what-you-need-to-know-about-security-clearances-inside-and-outside-the-white-hou “...Who investigates people for clearances?... “...The government's Office of Personnel Management, the Defense Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence all have a hand in the process... “...The goal is to help authorities determine whether you might be susceptible to compromise or blackmail or other influence to reveal secret information... OK – time out... 1. What are the “Top 5” skeletons that make folks susceptible to blackmail, and do they include being closeted LGBTQ – and, if so, how many members of our armed forces and federal civil staff have been denied clearances on this basis 2. Presuming contact with foreign actors – including the sort in 1 above – made the list, at what point do the actors or acts become bad enough to deny or yank a clearance 3. Who are the “authorities” who actually decide Continuing... *ttps://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/26/us/politics/kushner-talked-to-russian-envoy-about-creating-secret-channel-with-kremlin.html “...an even bigger red flag...is the back channel Kushner reportedly discussed creating with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak to discuss policy issues including cooperation in Syria... With the wisdom of 2020 foresight – looks like a total setup and scam... And double-standard vs how the Obama administration was both viewed and handled by our Deep Security apparatus...
Stephen (Fort Lauderdale)
@W in the Middle Do you have a point?
Patricia shulman (Florida)
Omg. Another low for the Trump mob.
SkepticaL (Chicago)
“Last fall, Ms. Newbold filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, accusing Mr. Kline of moving office files to a shelf several feet above her, deliberately out of her reach, beginning in December 2017.” So by ddiscovering how high he went, we’ve learned how low Mr. Kline was willing to go.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
Thank you for Making America Great Again, Tricia Newbold. A nation without ethics is a 3rd-world backwater. This is another green shoot of hope and humanity in America.
James Barth (Beach Lake, Pa.)
God bless whistle blowers, and especially those who act as Ms. Newbold has. There is nothing surprising about the Trump Administration and Mr. Trump himself. He surrounds himself with people of low moral character who act primarily in their own interest. He fills his cabinet posts with people who know nothing about the Agency they run, and who are mostly interested in destroying that Agency or at minimum, crippling it. It's a breath of fresh air to be relieved of the spineless, treasonous Republican heads of Committees in Congress such as Nunes. Hopefully, an action with impact will come out of this investigation.
cleo (new jersey)
As a retired career employee, I think she should be fired. There is no way to look at this as anything other than partisanship. She crossed the line.
Mark Bower (West Norriton, PA)
She tried through official channels and they didn’t listen to her. I once mailed documents to a senator to blow the whistle on my agency for wrongdoing and I’d do it again because it was the right thing to do. A retired career employee here as well.
SkepticaL (Chicago)
@cleo So you’re saying that during the time you served as a career employee, you would have just stood there and watched while the office you worked for was being corrupted? If you think Ms. Newbold should be fired, you have the wrong person.
avigail66 (los angeles)
@cleo sounds to me like what you’re calling partisan is someone wanting to take national security seriously. Are people supposed to throw out ethics in favor of blind loyalty or be fired? The only partisan way of looking at this is to suggest that she is partisan for wanting to do her job well.
Mary (Oklahoma)
Thank you Ms. Newbold, for your integrity and courage. I read the Republican response which alleged the Democrats had "cherry picked" Ms. Newbold's testimony and also stated that only 4-5 of the 25 security clearances were really problematic. Even one problematic security clearance is too many. Republicans have become myopic. They see everything through a partisan lens. The Republican response emphasized that Ms. Newbold acknowledged that the President had the right to grant a security clearance to anyone. It also noted the disciplinary actions against Ms. Newbold and asserted her testimony should be viewed as that of a disgruntled employee. No mention was made that those disciplinary actions came after she objected to the security clearance process of this administration. Republicans can't fathom that anyone would act with integrity in the interest of the country rather than a partisan purpose. After all, that is how they see the world. That is how they act and everyone else must have the same motivation. Right? It isn't just a game of winners and losers. It isn't "to the victors go the spoils." It's our country and both political parties, all of us, should be invested in protecting it from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
George Seely (Boston)
@Mary I don't believe that partisanship even describes what is going on here. It is pure moral corruption. There are national "leaders" who want to turn the nation into country run by a single political party where laws and judicial actions and the executive branch are all servants of that party. I believe that this summarizes the behavior of McConnell, Trump (a tool of McConnell), Paul Ryan, Trump's cabinet, the religious right and the oligarchs such as the Koch brothers who believe that government exists to serve them and only them.
The HouseDog (Seattle)
This American has a job to do and I hope continues to do it with the trust all Americans expect of our civil service. Honorable people doing their important jobs who have taken an oath to the American people should be saluted!
Appreciative (WA)
I want to thank Miss Newbold for her brave and patriotic act. Would that more career personnel working for this administration come out talking soon.
JFT (Los Angeles, CA)
If this were fiction - and sadly it’s not - the author couldn’t give a more fitting name to the brave and daring protagonist: Ms. Newbold.
veh (metro detroit)
Moving files to higher shelves so she can't reach them? That is some grade-A petty bullying. Only the best people...
Mathias (NORCAL)
This is who they are. This is the corruption they have infused at the highest levels.
David Kannas (Seattle, WA)
What is alarming about this is not that it happened and is happening but that it is not surprising. This is the manner in which trump operates. Might means right. Bluster trumps correct. The bullies may have bitten off more than they can chew this time. Good on you, Ms. Newbold.
This administration is so concerned about the security of our Southern border, but could care less about the security of the White House itself. What's wrong with this picture?
Daisy Clampit (Stockholm)
@MS Good point MS! Just check: "couldn't care less".
jrzyleftcoast (nj)
Competence, honesty, and integrity has been uncovered in the White House? We can't have that. You're fired!
Cat (New Orleans)
Ms. Niebold is a true heroine. I admire her tenacity, honesty and integrity, something the Trumpers will never have no matter how much character assassination they pull on her. Trumpers are trying to run our government like a business and we see this kind of thing in business all the time. Stick to your guns Ms. Niebold. They will do everything they can legally and illegally to stop you. You are the kind of person that makes me still want to try everyday to do and be my best.
Blackmamba (Il)
What is " work" in the Trump occupied White House? Tweeting and speaking nicknames and slurs while watching Fox News and playing golf on Trump properties? No wonder she blew the whistle. She must be pretty bored. Outside of " The Celebrity Apprentice" Trump has never been man enough to ever personally fire anyone.
kkm (nyc)
Thank you, Tricia Newbold, for your courage in the face of Trump and his allies who will do their utmost to discredit you at every turn! Do not -in any way- be intimidated by the Bully in the White House. You are a patriot!
flaind (Fort Lauderdale)
As usual, nothing but crickets from Republicans. Imagine if Obama had been accused of this!
Maureen (Franklin MA)
We should be thankful that Ms. Newbold acted with courage and integrity in the WH swamp. It is pathetic that she has been treated with contempt and disrespect while being the voice of the American people.
John Taylor (New York)
Thank you, thank you, thank you Ms. Newbold for your boldness in the face of a Gang Of Perps (GOP) now taking this nation down into their cesspool of incompetence, treachery and with our current president - buffoonery. November 3, 2020 cannot come soon enough and the great hope that the common decent folk of our nation will swamp the “duck dynansty” at the polling places !
SmartAmericansResearchit (USA)
I've been wondering about the silence of career employees for the past 2 years, now. I realize that some who have voiced their concerns to their managers have been suppressed, shifted around the organizations to hide and muffle them, but more need to come out and tell America the truth. Thank you for being so brave, Ms. Newbold. Thank you for your service to this country. A true American patriot.
25 "insiders" who have security clearances that shouldn't - now here is the REAL National Emergency.
Celeste (Baltimore)
Tricia Newbold: I can imagine that your office environment might be even more challenging right now. Please hang in there for the country's sake for as long as you can. A lot of people are pulling for you and colleagues like you.
formerpolitician (Toronto)
Big things come in small packages!
cec (odenton)
Jim Jordan was shocked, shocked I tell you that the D's would engage in partisan, political theater.
eric (kennett square, pa)
It is a bit comforting to know that Tricia Newbold is still there in the otherwise rats' nests of this current administration. It is a bit comforting to know that there are people like her who are brave enough to come forward with the truth about some of the truly despicable elements of the Trump administration. She is a hero in my opinion.
say what (NY,NY)
Tricia Newbold stands head and shoulders above trump's enablers. It is good to know that integrity still exists, if only beyond the orbit of this administration.
P R (Boston)
Ms Newbold: You are a hero. It takes great personal fortitude to stand up to bullies who retaliate and to speak the truth. Thank you for serving America with great strength and integrity.
BTO (Somerset, MA)
I just hope when the time comes that our military commanders have the same type of integrity as Ms. Newbold and by that I mean that she has shown that she works for the people of this country and not just one man. Thank you again Ms. Newbold.
Mathias (NORCAL)
They are proving otherwise by using military funds to militarize the border.
John Antignas (LOS ANGELES)
In a time of vengeful and insensitive political behavior in the extreme, a true profile in courage! Tricia thank ever so much for your service.
Ricky (Texas)
Thank you Ms Newbold, no one should be surprised that trump Is handing out security clearances like "candy" to those who can not earn them , but then when your boss shouldn't have one to begin with, that says it all. Americans should be very concerned that many individuals are being allowed access to very sensitive/classified material and could be easily compromised by foreign governments. These are very scary times for America.
Entera (Santa Barbara)
You know Trump has been busy pondering all night about a new nickname to come up for Ms Newbold. I shudder to think what it will be, but if his cruel mocking of a respected journalist who managed to rise to the top of his position despite a tough disability wasn't enough to put his supporters off, this won't either.
Matthew Murguia (Maryland)
Public service is a public trust. Thank you for honoring your oath.
Power corrupts. Power is found in many places, high and low. If some civil servant declared that my daughter, a person whom I have known, obviously from her birth, was a security risk they could start packing their bags. This story is a pivot from the empty collusion story that has been bandied about for the past two years. Just as Benghazi became an overworked trope for the Republicans. This is what politicians do when the are not addressing problems like illegal immigration by the millions and a healthcare system that is undermanned to meet the demands of self-interest baby boomers consuming every last healthcare dollar. Time to elect a new generations of do-nothings.
Cindy L (Modesto, CA)
We can all be thankful that you appear to be in no position to affect national security.
“As little as I am, I’m willing to fight and stand up for what I know is right, and they’ve always respected that about me,” Ms. Newbold told the House committee last week. " Well Ms. Newbold I applaud you for standing up and having the courage to uphold the integrity of that office. The Donald Dump Admin needs to follow your courageous example of honesty, integrity and commitment to justice. I salute you !
RJ (Brooklyn)
I hope she is the start of a movement, inspiring others to resist by coming forward. And, her revelations made me feel like there are people squatting in my house!
Greg (NYC)
Aren't there federal laws that protect whistle blowers? She cant be fired or punished, can she? Unless I read over it, that point should be discussed in the article.
DF (New York Ny)
Thank you, Ms. Newbold, for doing the right thing. We need more of you to hold this administration accountable.
G. (PDX)
I admire Ms. Newbold's courage, integrity and dedication to service. This story illustrates that Trump will grant a security clearance to anyone he wants regardless of how unfit. Another glaring example of how he has corrupted the nation's highest office.
Chris (Missouri)
Congratulations, Ms. Newbold. It is sad, however, that only a non-partisan civil servant can try to put put civility back into the White House. Can we please eliminate partisan politics from our government? More and more I come to realize that it is really the civil servants that actually get the job done; the same civil servants that are denigrated by certain politicians ever since Reagan and his "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" put-down.
Rick (Louisville)
I can't help but be moved by Ms. Newbold's courage. What would have seemed normal or even taken for granted in past administrations is an excuse for harassment or ridicule in this one. The vulgarian at the top sets the tone, and he showed us exactly what kind of person he is when he mocked a disabled reporter.
David Martin (Paris)
Obama said about Snowden that Snowden should have brought up the issues he saw via legal channels. Not illegal ones. That is what this woman has done. Legal channels, not illegal ones. Everything should be done to protect her.
PJ1304 (Philadelphia Pa)
@David Martin- Snowden says he did tell 2 NSA supervisors about his concerns, though NSA denies this. He also saw how Thomas Drake, William Binney, J. Kirk Wiebe and Edward Loomis were treated by using the internal system as a first line. Ms Newbold is indeed a patriot but most whistle-blowers don't fare as well. I am glad for and proud of her. But don't forget Mark Felt, Chelsea Manning and many others who don't get treated as heroes. Like it or not they get information to the citizens who then must choose our leaders.
JR80304 (California)
It is depressingly predictable that the Republicans would minimize this. But Ms. Newbold needn’t worry about her credibility. The Trump Family’s rap sheet is so long that only doing the right thing would be unbelievable.
Dr. M (New York, NY)
Thank you for your bravery and service, Ms. Newbold. Now, if only others who also worked in this administration would come forward. Where are you Rex Tillerson, John Kelly, General McMaster, James Mattis? Where is your bravery?
Big4alum (Connecticut)
Finally someone besides Comey who has the intestinal fortitude to speak truth to power and do it on the record. Keep it up!
Ron (Florida)
In direct contradiction to Donald Trump's oft expressed view, Ms. Newbold shows that a person's stature is not measured by their physical size.
EGD (California)
The over-the-top comments herein about her heroism, sacrifice, and love of country are absurd. You make her seem like Audie Murphy or John Basilone. (And if you don’t know who they are, Google is your friend). In any event, I had to write what are called ‘letters of compelling need’ on two occasions to get program access for employees who were initially rejected when I was a defense industry manager. It would have been useful, too, if the intrepid reporter gave us info on those who got similar special treatment when the sainted Barack Obama was president. You know, for perspective. (This happens in every admin, folks)
Bill Nichols (SC)
@EGD "happens in every admin" -- To this degree? I think all honest folks would agree that if something like this *had* come up in the previous administration, the GOP & Fox "News" would have been on it like white on rice, yet there was nothing like this then, at all. Less "what about" & more actual concern about genuine national security problems in this administration might serve a little better, no? :)
cbg (cape cod)
@EGD Really? Every admin to this extent? Your daughter and son-in-law? No secret who you voted for. As someone who had a Top Secret clearance for 10 years while in the military I know what kind of digging was done to vet my history. And I know several people who were denied their clearance for minor things....relatives overseas, bad loan history on a used car, failing to list something minor on the application. Ms. Newbold may not be a storied fighter pilot but she has the "right stuff" and is a heroine in my book!
Moira (UK)
@EGD It's called criminal nepotism.
Sue (Massachusetts)
"Yet in the Trump administration the office was filled with people who had little experience in vetting employees in the interest of national security[.]" This is painfully obvious.
Mathias (NORCAL)
Those would be partisans sent to destroy the institution.
ellen luborsky (NY, NY)
Thank you, Ms. Newbold, for your willingness to clear the way for truth. That is exactly what we need in your office. I hope this article prompts the office to restore your back pay and promote you to a higher level, so that your integrity help to restore integrity in an office where it should be an essential.
Avery (San Francisco)
Thank you. I’ve been a whistleblower (in a residential children’s home) and know how difficult it is to continue to try to do one’s job after you’ve reported the problems. You have courage and strength; I’m glad you spoke up for our county.
Shannon (Madison, WI)
Ms. Rodgers, thank you for writing this piece. It was very informative. I'm curious, however, about why you felt it necessary to lead the following sentence with information about Ms. Newbold's diagnosis: "Ms. Newbold, who has a rare form of dwarfism, also accused Mr. Kline, the former director of personnel security, of retaliating against her when she repeatedly pointed out to him that actions he was taking, including overriding recommendations to issue clearances to two senior officials, were violating protocol." Seems inappropriate. An unnecessary piece if information and very much out of context.
@Shannon Although I had the same reaction as soon as I read the sentence, by the end of the paragraph I felt it was to set the groundwork for the fact that her boss was actually discriminating against her by placing files in a location where she could not reach them.
Connie Conway (Woodbury, CT)
@Shannon - The writer pointed out a very relevant fact: files were rearranged to be too high for her to reach – easily done without incurring accusations by other staff that the files were now inordinately high for them (as likely wouldn't have been the case for persons of average height). I believe she stated the fact of Ms Newbold's dwarfism to give us a sense that her complaint was a reasonable one. In stating the full facts here of what she heard from Ms Newbold and what she knew of her is part of any reporter's job. To mention a person's physical out-of-the-norm condition in an important newspaper story is not automatically slanderous or gratuitous.
Bill Nichols (SC)
@Shannon An example of other wrongdoing/unethical conduct in the same office is irrelevant? That sort of behavior is *specifically & explicitly* forbidden in federal employ. If one bad thing is going on at a high level in a particular office, & other forbidden behavior is *also* occurring at the same time by the same individuals, we don't see it as germane to the issue in question? Maybe I'm just an old & out-of-date ethical person, but I'd say it's *extremely* pertinent....
Yolanda Perez (Boston)
Ms Newbold represents the best of public service and duty to country. Thank you. It is sad how standing up for the truth and integrity makes news.
Midwestern Gal (Madtown)
Ms. Newbold is a hero and a true patriot. I thank her for her bravery and her service.
Grey (James island sc)
It’s all noise. Trump has proven that he thinks he’s above the law and no one will call him to account, not even Mueller. This, too, will fade away. It won’t be long before Trump is mocking Ms. Newbold’s dwarfism at his pep rallies and giving her one of his nicknames to the delight of the Mob.
Blackmamba (Il)
@Grey What does her " dwarfism " have to do with anything in this story? She will always be a giant in the Trump family and friends occupied White House.
DavidJ (New Jersey)
@Grey, trump can’t help himself. As my father -in- law used to say of trump’s type. “He never graduated from the gutter.”
Alff (living in Switzerland, voting in NY)
@Blackmamba re her "dwarfism" - the article states "Last fall, Ms. Newbold filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, accusing Mr. Kline of moving office files to a shelf several feet above her, deliberately out of her reach, beginning in December 2017." Shameful - Is there not anything that might be too petty for Trumpsters?
Ken Nyt (Chicago)
I join others in commending and thanking Ms. Newbold for her courageous dedication to her office’s mission and her nation’s security. These episodes of running roughshod over regulations of ethics and security have become standard for Trump and his crew. At the very least they expose just how flimsy these standards are, like pre-9/11 passenger jet cockpit doors. I wonder if we’ll have the intelligence and fortitude to fortify these standards after this act of political terrorism is over.
Shelley (Ithaca, NY)
Thank you for your service and honesty. It is a core value that if everyone had it, the world would be a better place. I know from personal experience how difficult it is to speak the truth. There are always unintended consequences. But, be brave, be strong and know they are millions of Americans here to support you.
old soldier (US)
Thank you Ms. Newbold for your service to our Country. Unlike Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy and all the other people in Congress who put self and party before Country you have demonstrated courage in the face of, perhaps, the greatest threat to our Nation since the civil war. Hopefully, when the madness has passed, you will be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold medal for your meritorious contribution to the security of our Nation.
DavidJ (New Jersey)
Ahhh, a moment of courage in the house of the cowardly president.
SR (Bronx, NY)
No, I need to correct that: "the house [containing] the cowardly [occupant]". Let's not yield our real estate or jobs to someone who has yet to earn either. The White House is OUR HOUSE, and heroes like Newbold who help us deal with the burglars and squatters who infest it are more than welcome in it.
Louis (RegoPark)
Ms. Newbold is a profile in courage amidst a sea of sycophants.
trillo (Massachusetts)
Thank you, Ms Newbold!
Dave MD (USA)
Thank you for your service.
bj (nj)
We will need Popeye arms to read the Book of Trump Administration Corruption.
Norwester (Seattle)
Tricia Newbold shames Republican Senators who shield the corrupt Trump administration from scrutiny despite ample evidence of unethical and even criminal behavior. She is a hero who has risked her job and reputation for her country.
Gustav Aschenbach (Venice)
A public servant serving the American public's interests; what's so hard about that? Instead, Republicans shamelessly choose to serve the interests of an entitled little man who would be king.
Catherine Nellis (Barrington RI)
I am moved to tears by Ms. Newbold’s bravery - not only for coming forward with this outrageous pattern of behavior but also for having the fortitude to return to her job. We have found a genuine hero in Ms. Newbold. This article will be required reading for my 11- and 13-year old boys, as as an example of committed, principled action in a time of exceptionally warped values. I can only hope that they - and I - can achieve the high bar Ms. Newbold has set.
asdfj (NY)
@Catherine Nellis Yeah, it's so brave to go to work and do your job. Exactly as brave as the other couple hundred million people who do the same thing every day without public fanfare.
M. Dorothy (FL)
@asdfj I think you're forgetting the part about going back to a job that she has already been given a leave from for speaking up within the ranks. How many of the millions would actually speak up at work when something like this goes on? She didn't do it just once. She kept going until someone listened. She didn't stay home looking to get on the news and write a tell-all book - she went back to work where she knew she could continue to be a lookout for corruption within our government. Not everyone does that everyday.
Thomas Zaslavsky (Binghamton, N.Y.)
@asdfj No personal application, but your comment reminds me that to a small mind a large action is incomprehensible.
Sal (New York)
As Americans we should all be grateful to truly honest and brave people like Ms. Newbold. Because ultimately all that stands between a society of laws and tribal chaos is the integrity which we uphold within ourselves. Many thanks to Ms. Newbold and other brave patriotic Americans who still stand for truth and justice.
Anne Tomlin (CNY)
Absolutely. Those much maligned civil servants are the backbone that support this great nation, plowing ahead, doing the jobs they were hired for with diligence and integrity. As the saying goes, not all heroes wear capes.
Blackmamba (Il)
@Sal Since when did doing your federal job completely and honestly deserve so much praise and honor?
Bill Nichols (SC)
@Blackmamba I'd say since the time when doing your job properly would earn you wrath & retribution from the dishonest in charge. I agree; she was just doing her job. The question becomes, if you knew it was going to get you fired by a volatile loose cannon who was in charge & could fire you even though his actions were supposedly illegal, would *you* do the same? And remember, this is *not* an arena where the Scrupulously Honest are in command. ;)
KK In NC (North Carolina)
Thank you Tricia Newbold. Each individual has a choice to use their conscience and the law to guide them. It is these individuals who will get us through this lawless period in our history. I wish we had more people like her.
heysus (Mount Vernon)
@KK In NC Ah, and apparently the GOP does not have a conscience and they ignore the law to guide them, along with their leader.
John Jones (Cherry Hill NJ)
TRICIA NEWBOLD, manager in the Personnel Security Office, has accused the office of "rampant mismanagement of the security clearings of at least 25 White House employees." She has been characterized by, "Daniel Jacobson, a former associate counsel in the Obama White House, called Ms. Newbold a “serious security professional” and a “total straight shooter” in a tweet on Monday." Now THAT'S A Tweet I'm glad to read! Elijah Cummings has begun inquiries related to evidence of disregard (make that utter contempt) for national security due to Trump's abuse of power and complete disregard for laws, regulations and practices in clearing allegedly unqualified persons for the highest levels of security clearance. We're talking about nepotism on a global scale, with Ivanka and Jared allegedly conducting affairs of state that Trump is unable AND unwilling to oversee and articulate. Trump is too busy watching Fox News and dictating Tweets to an assistant. He calls that "Executive Activities!?" That's like calling a 7 year old's hours of video games and attempts at written compositions the fulfillment of the presidential oath of office, to Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States against all foes, domestic or foreign.
John (Hartford)
And Republicans are supposed to be concerned about national security.
Mathias (NORCAL)
Only to rally their base.
Laurence Bachmann (New York)
Wow! Honesty and courage. I didn't think those qualities were permitted in Washington DC. Thank you Ms Newbold.
lecourt... (Canada)
Steps like this take real courage and conviction in the first place, then to go back to work with the risk of being harassed close behind is truly impressive. Notwithstanding, the Country is better off as a result if this declaration if given the attention and support it deserves. The vast majority of those who need and deserve access to such sensitive material have gone through the most exhaustive examinations and reviews. When privilege and raw power are the tools of the overrule trade, there is a diminution of the office and increase in associated risk of adverse consequences for those who need its shelter in the first place.
Mike Dyer (Essex, MA)
The meanness and pre-adolescent pettiness of the Trump era in a nutshell: Kline placing files in shelves out of the reach of a person with dwarfism.
Tim Long (Virginia)
@Mike Dyer That's not the only thing. She was reportedly suspended for two weeks because she was saving pdf files as multiple pages instead of saving them a single page at a time. Talk about petty vindictiveness.
Alecfinn (Brooklyn NY)
@Tim Long The way she was saving them makes them harder to edit and change? I think so... And she's right.
Alecfinn (Brooklyn NY)
@Mike Dyer That's petty and mean it smacks of discrimination. It's a deliberate comment on her size and an implied comment on her as a person. Disgusting!!!
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
A brave move to expose abuse of power; we need more of it, so to hold our current corrupt governmental administration accountable, especially the current ugky American occupying the Oval Office, convinced he is above the law. Enough is enough. Besides, giving security clearance to individuals suspected of ulterior motives is a very dangerous proposition. It seems as though our checks and balance are out of sync...or awol.
Lee (Virginia)
The times we are living through have brought forth another hero: Tricial Newbold! Thank you Ms. Newbold for keeping your professionalism and honor in a White House that values neither.
Nancy (Winchester)
I can just imagine the names that trump has been thinking up to call her.
MassBear (Boston, MA)
There are all kinds of courage - the kind where people brave bullets to execute the mission, and where others have to brave the attacks of those who would ruin them professionally and personally to protect the corrupt and self-interested. As this is the most corrupt administration in modern times, willing to sell the country out to whichever foreign power can compliment and enrich Trump and his clan, we have to appreciate federal employees like Ms. Newbold.
Dave (Philadelphia)
But I thought Trump said he would hire the best people?
mi (Boston)
Sad that not one Republican Senator has demonstrated this type of courage. Thank you Ms. Newbold.
Bob81+3 (Reston, Va.)
As a former recipient of a top secret clearance, I'm familiar with the procedure acquiring one. The page after page of information required, the long period of investigators researching that information, followed by a polygraph.. Once scrubbed clean you have a clearance. Strange how 25 people can be given this clearance at the whim of a president, while members of the US congress who have access and can be trusted to the most sensitive, top secret information concerning this nation will have a redacted Mueller investigation report passed on to them for their review. AG Barr will be judge and jury to what the congress can see in the report. Subpoena any and all by this congress to reach the truth to end this raging insanity.
Paul (Ithaca)
If “cherry-picked excerpts” include facts that truly disqualify a candidate for a security clearance, why would the Repubs want them omitted? Those are precisely the facts that demand attention! The GOP has abandoned all rational sense of national security, and instead regard refugees from Central America are our greatest threat. Meanwhile, easily corrupted officials at the highest level are running the country. Horrifying!
Big4alum (Connecticut)
@Paul Because cherry picking is their new defense If an affadavit or testimony says "I personally witnessed the suspect take out his shiny 9 millimeter gun and kill an innocent man standing on the corner of 42nd and Park at 11:42 AM on Saturday the 11th" they would call that cherry picking
Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching. I applaud and thank you for your integrity Ms Newbold. Maybe enough voters will do the right thing and vote this embarrassing and dangerous party out of office in 2020.
CVP (Brooklyn, NY)
Another component of integrity is, doing the right thing even if you may/will be disadvantaged by it. Tricia Newbold is integrity personified.
moondoggie (Southern California)
@RIT 3 million more wasn't enough in the first place. The EC is anti-democratic.
Chac (Grand Junction, Colorado)
@RIT Ms Newbold acted even more valorously when she did the right thing publicly. We need people who stand up to bullies in the defense of our republic.
John (LINY)
Thank Goodness for an American Hero.
SDL (Mexico)
Thank you Ms. Newbold. Simply put, you are truly a hero who put the interests of our country above your own.
Monica C (NJ)
And the GOP continues to march in step , following their leader. Congressman Jim Jordan of GA was irate at the "reckless behavior"of the Oversight Committee. Congrats to the GOP, which somehow has the flexibility to both bury its head in the sand AND drink the Koolaid at the same time. This may be explained by the fact they have no spines.
Joy (Georgia)
@Monica C Georgia's leadership in the House and Senate is bad enough without adding Jim Jordan to our roster. He's from Ohio.
Rasika (Shepherdstown, WV)
@Monica C I agree. Just so that Jim Jordan will call you out, just change his state to Ohio (not Georgia).
Monica C (NJ)
@Monica C Thanks for pointing out my mistake, I try to be accurate in my comments ; appreciate your input
Patricia Sears (Ottawa, Canada)
Her boss moving files out of her reach from spite, malice or duplicity is so unsurprising in this administration.
Bulldoggie (Boondocks)
I applaud you, Ms Newbold! You are an exceptional employee and every person who cares about the security of our country should be thankful that you have come forward. So...THANK YOU!
Mossbird (UK)
If Ms Newbold loses her job over this (which is highly likely as US Government employees do not benefit from protection when whistleblowing and we ALL know how petty and vindictive her employer is) then I do hope that she can be offered a job elsewhere.
Beantownah (Boston)
Why is this shocking, or really news? POTUS is the Commander in Chief and ultimately responsible for security clearances. He can override what he wants. More significantly, the security clearance and document classification “system” has been an opaque, broken mess for some time. Documents have been arbitrarily over classified en masse by armies of low-level classification contractors (yes, private contractors can make that decision) for decades. Top security clearances have been granted to droves of troubled people you wouldn’t trust with your Netflix password. It’s head scratching that anyone could now be shocked, shocked to discover there might be a problem. It’s a big problem. Good luck getting Congress to agree on if or how to fix it.
Gustav Aschenbach (Venice)
@Beantownah The office of the president is the highest public servant in the U.S., not the king. Public servants work for the public, not themselves, not their own interests, not the interests of their business partners foreign and domestic. Thus, oversight. It seems that one of the greatness conflicts between this "president" and his voters versus the majority of the country, is understanding that distinction.
Robert (Out West)
I liked the way you smushed together two totally different issues (and offices), and offered not one whit of proof for the attempt at blaming Obama.
Moira (UK)
@Beantownah Nonsense.
Carey (Brooklyn NY)
It's unfortunate that the voices and opinions of those that are not in lock step with the administration are ground into infective silence. Ms.Newbold may be a small pebble in the executive office shoe, but it doesn't seem to go away. Our nation needs more dedicated employees in the administration and less political hacks.
Captain Krapola (Canada)
Seems absurd that we are now at a point where an honest, dedicated employee like Ms. Newbold is best described as courageous.
David B (New York)
I am filled with admiration for the courageous Ms Newbold. If only the Oval Office was run by a person of such integrity
Clif Schneider (Wellesley Island, NY)
Great story of a public servant standing tall to serve and protect our interests and security.
Mark Marks (New Rochelle, NY)
This incident alone would have driven Republicans into a frenzy had it occurred under Pres Obama yet it is one of many of which we could say the same thing. The avalanche of incompetence and malfeasance along with Trump’s successful attempt to immunize himself with constant claims of the existence of the deep state, the media being liars and Dems being deranged have given him a pass from things that would have brought other Presidents down. Quite an accomplishment to be sure, but hardly good for anyone other than Mr Trump.
John B (Fort Myers, FL)
The only reason that DJT has a security clearance is that he is president. Otherwise, I'm sure he could not be granted one.
Bob Wessner (Ann Arbor, MI)
@John B I've never felt as "insecure" as I now feel under this WH occupant and I've lived through many previous administrations, some of which made me queasy.
Holden Caulfield (Central Virginia)
Exactly! That’s the ultimate irony of this whole security clearance fiasco! Thank you Tricia Newbold for being a competent and dedicated public servant, which in these crazy times qualifies you as a hero!
@John B When the security clearance issue first came up, I wondered how the president also could qualify for a clearance. Surprised to find out the US President doesn't actually have one; anyone who becomes president does not need to have a security clearance - they are automatically granted access to ANY level of classified information on a "need to know" basis once elected to the presidency. IMHO, Congress should enact legislation that forces anyone who enters the presidential race to be able to pass a Security Clearance background check. It just seems so counter intuitive that this is not done. I believe trump would never have been granted a clearance based on his foreign connections, his debt, and who knows what else.
misterdangerpants (arlington, mass)
Thanks Ms. Newbold for being a true patriot.
Skutch (New Jersey)
And courageous. Thank you. Bless you.
Joanne (Michigan)
Thank you Tricia Newbold for being an honest American. You are greatly appreciated. Thank you, Thank you. Thank you.
R. Law (Texas)
Ms. Newbold is a paragon; thanks to her for her intestinal fortitude, as well as her faith in the system: that if she tells her story to those charged with oversight, things will get corrected, and she will be protected. Brava !
Simon Potter (Montreal)
Congressional oversight and concern about the nation’s secrets and interests could ground a demand to know, and a demand that the public should know, which people in the Executive Branch have clearances which the experts believed they should not receive. The argument that such a list would just show adversaries who are the likely weak links is precisely the point.