Hanging With Friends

Mar 28, 2019 · 12 comments
Aariyon Harris (Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC)
In this article it's a punk band that discusses how their friend group has impacted their life. They talk about how their parents didn't agree with what they were doing as if they were just playing around and wasn't going to get a real job but the thing was they enjoyed playing together as a band. It helped them to not focus on things that have been stressing them out it made them forget those things. Another thing a band member said Georgeff Becelinof said that when they play together to also hang out with each other as well. In my opinion I think it’s good to have friends that you can hang out with because like in this article friends can sometimes make things better. They can make you not as stressed and you can have a good time spending time with them. Hanging with friends can create good memories you wish to cherish in your life. I really enjoyed reading this article because it showed how friends can impact your life and that they can also have the same hobbies as you too.
Katya Zouzias (Hoggard High School)
Life is good at this very moment. No worries or stress on our minds just each other's company radiating love and happiness. We watch the sun go down pondering where we will adventure to when it is dark. It does not matter where we end up as long as we are with each other, it will be either a good memory or an embarrassing story to laugh about later in life. Some wonder if our friendship will last but all that matters is that our friendship is radiating in this very moment. No matter how many times the sun sets and we are not with each other I will still cherish the moments we shared.
Hannah Jackson (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
The four of them sit together watching the sun set, knowing they'll have to leave each other once it does. These four teens were the best of friends, having ties that made them closer than siblings. It's hard to not become friends with the people you're raised with. I'd been observing these children since their birth, documenting each and every moment of their lives. I know everything about them, from their darkest secrets to their most embarrassing moments. For everything they've done, I was there. Now, I squat behind the edge of the top wall, phone in hand and ready for the perfect moment. As soon as the sun's rays hit the top of the opposite wall, I snap my photo. The sound of my phone taking a picture echoes louder than any siren and I silently curse myself for not checking my ringer. "Who's there?" the boy in white calls. The four of them are standing, their eyes scanning the area for the possessor of the camera. They're looking for me. I have to escape.
Audrey E. (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
We sit with our backs to the street, all four of us. Never in our lives have we gone separate paths...until now. Growing up was tough. I only had my three brothers. There was no one else in our lives. I remember how we would sleep in subways, eat from garbage cans, scavenge around like crows for any source of life. It was our only way we could get by, and not a soul would help us. This was the first time in my entire life I had a doubt that my brothers would leave my side. All three of them, Jack, Thresh, and Adam. I never really thought we would come to this, but here we are. It's our last night together. My brothers sit in a row next to me with me on the far left. They are my heroes, I look up to them as if they were superman himself. I meet eyes with my oldest brother, Jack and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "We have help now, you'll be fine." I stay silent, thinking of the kind foster home that decided to take me in. "How come we're all being separated?" I ask softly. "Because no one wants to keep four kids, Kara." Thresh grumbles. My family feels tense tonight, more tense than usual, probably because in the morning we will all go our own ways. "We'll keep in touch though." Adam says with a grin, the wind ruffling his curly hair. My brothers and I stare up into the setting sky, all lost in our own tragic thoughts. I'm not too worried though. I know my brothers won't really be leaving me, because best friends always stick by your side no matter what.
Emily T. (NJ)
This is a poem I wrote in response to the picture: I still remember those glory soaked days that we call sun down When the first rays of sweet light hit down upon our backs and the world goes still The spectrum boom of white rays of Color and the universe intact, unable to be Stopped by the might of what we call friendship. Laughter filled eras do not cease to fade away as the night wanes on poetry and music echoing long after the stars come up Four friends sit along a dusty highway where puddles and rain wash away days and nights where we can hear the sounds of jokes and fun filled Days of youth and the sunset is complete.
Lucas (Sydney, Australia)
A peculiar case Some friends walked home one day when an old gentleman came up to them and asked: “where is the sun?” The friends were very confused for the sun was just setting in front of them. They said this to the gentleman, and he, seeming satisfied, walked away. Later that night when the friends went to a dinner concert, the old gentleman appeared out of nowhere and asked: “where is the moon?” As before, The friends were very confused for the moon was just outside the window. After saying this to the gentleman, he seemed satisfied and walked away. The next day, the friends were in a park when the old gentleman came again and asked: “where is the park” Contrary to before, they called nine one one. However, before the police came, the old gentleman disappeared in a puff of smoke. When the police arrived, they asked, “so he disappeared in a puff of smoke did he?” The friends replied “yes!” The police held them in custody for “distracting police officials.” Now it was the friends’ turn to ask: “where is the old gentleman?” The group of friends convinced to police to contact the CIA. On the phone to contact the CIA, the voice of the reception was identical to the voice the old gentleman owned. So who was the old gentleman?
Megan McCormack (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
I believe this picture says more than it shows. On the surface, we see five teenage friends sitting on what looks like a skate park. Looking in deeper we acknowledge the absence of any sort of technology. We see no school backpacks. All we see is five individuals enjoying each other's company and watching the sun go down. This is rare for friends and family hanging out in today's world. Even with the people we love, we are consumed by our phones or stress over school. We never fully acknowledge each other's presence. This picture gives a sense of hope and stability. It shows that we get true happiness from the presence of the ones we love.
Kyndal Sloan (Hoggard High School)
My friends and I are in a band. Well a small band, we are just trying to make it big. Ever since we were kids all we wanted was to create music. Entertaining was never an issue for us, throwing parties in the neighborhood, being the stars of the moment, oh what a thrill it was just to see people happy with what we did. We even got paid once to perform at some kids birthday party, it seemed like the best day of my life. But ever since then we haven’t done much. The band members all got new lives and started worrying about their futures, thinking the band was never going to be a success. Now after all these years have gone by, all those years we spent trying to make it big, I couldn’t let it go. I called everyone and told them to meet at the coffee shop down the street to talk in the morning, luckley everyone was available. I told them all my feelings about the band, begging them to consider coming back. Then to my surprise everyone agreed, they all missed the glory days just like me. About a year went by, all of us practicing almost everyday till we got good again. Now it’s the day we all have been waiting for. We went to our old neighborhood, the sun was going down, we finally got our first album cover picture.
Bel Monteith (Oxford Middle School)
Based on the picture prompt, "Hanging with Friends," I think that this image is telling the 5 types of friends that you have. The one on the far left is the fake friend that is just there because their mom says that they need more friends. The girl behind the girl in the red shirt is the shy one that doesn't go out much. The girl in the red shirt is the shy one's best friend. The guy in the tank top is in a tank top just to show off and get the girl beside him to be his girlfriend. The girl next to him on the far right is slowly scooting away from tank top guy. In the end they are the perfect friend group no matter what.
Emma Hamilton (Oxford Middle School)
Friends are nice Friends are sweet Some friends will give you something to eat Friends will always be there for you They will do whatever for you So next time your with a friend Try to stick with them till the end That's all I have to say So go find your friend and have a Bubblicous day!!
Anna Patsalos (Hoggard, Wilmington, NC)
This picture shows kids hanging out outside without technology and just having fun. Today, kids are usually on their phone when they hang out or do something inside. When I’m with my friends I try to not be on my phone, but sometimes it’s very difficult. I prefer going outside and doing things with my friends. Sometimes we’ll watch a movie or do something inside, but I’m usually outside with my friends. We go to the beach, pool, mini golf, or do something fun if I’m visiting my friends that live far away. I think the picture is trying to show that kids do things other than play on their phones all day. And not all things on phones are bad, they can provide a lot of information to help kids with school or learning. Many adults think that kids don’t do anything but stare at their phones and this picture shows people that is not an entirely accurate assumption. I think that there is a problem with kids being on their phones too much, but this picture shows how kids do more than just play on their phones.
Molly (hoggard high school)
Pictures like this make me happy. People socializing without technology, without their phones and just with each other. Some of the best stories I have in life come from times where I'm simply hanging out with my friends without our phones and just spending time with each others company. Times like that are the best and most charitable and sure, I have plenty of great memories with my friends when we were on our phones, but the ones worth noting are when it is just us.