Where’s the Mueller Report? Washington Barely Handled the Anticipation

Mar 22, 2019 · 26 comments
john (Louisiana)
I hope it does not come to this. Citizens of United States Vs William Barr & Donald Trump.
S.Einstein (Jerusalem)
“the Mueller Report?” About…? “The next steps are up to Attorney General Barr…”Steps about what?”Leading where, in a divided nation of diverse people? Views. Beliefs. Facts rendered into fictions and fantasies in unhealthy, unnourishing mass-meals;goulashed-information garbed as understanding and insight. Reigning decreased civility.Minimized mutual trust.Remnants of caring and mutual help.For which THE Report is neither balm nor bomb!“He has to consider the legal matters and rules. I’m confident he’ll make the right call.”And did HE, the Nameless One, creator of… do so THEN? In Sodom of the unnacountables? And their ummenschlich words, deeds. Narrated in the world’s best-seller. Read by so many. As a guide-toBE, in our WE-THEY HERE & NOW? That Biblical Report, unREdacted has been available and accessible to ALL…who choose to… “a report that has enthralled the capital, bedeviled the president and, at times, enticed the nation.” Have the complacent many, together with so many complicit “others,” representing so many human characteristics and choices, “enthralling[ly] supported the daily, violating WE-THEY culture, enabling violating, by words and deeds, created, selected, targeted “the other(s).” Americans, and other,disempowered, marginalized, fellow BE ings.Menschlich values. Norms. Ethics. In the “capitals” of…Both as sites of unaccountable powers and unaccountable moneys associated with diverse “unaccountables.Whose daily unaccountability each of US is unaccountable for?
JANET MICHAEl (Silver Spring)
This administration has set the Olympic record for lying-now that James Mattis is gone there is not one trustworthy official left.There will be no credibility unless the entire report is released .I doubt that Mr.Mueller would have written a report which had to be heavily redacted.He was well aware of the trust the American people put in him and would have submitted a report available to everyone.There are still cases to be tried but they have been assigned to other jurisdictions which already have confidential information.In the end, the American people need to be protected-I hope Mr.Barr keeps that in mind!
Jo Ann (Switzerland)
Americans seem to have turned daily living into a hyped never-ending TV show.
Grunchy (Alberta)
We need someone like Mueller to investigate Canada’s Prime Minister’s Office meddling in the SNC-Lavalin scandal.
JamesDean (US)
What part of supplying election related data to the Communists by the Trump campaign is not COLLUSION?
bruce (Atlanta)
The world awaits the Mueller report, either to be formally-released, or leaked by patriotic whistle-blowers if the target's appointed attorney general attempts to deep-six it. Regardless, the already-public tip of the investigative iceberg is evidence enough: A British cutout for Russians contacts the Trump Organization/Campaign, indicating this foreign government wants to help Trump win the election and offers campaign dirt on his opponent. Such help would be a felony. The Trump response is to host a meeting with Russians (instead of calling the FBI). By itself, that is conspiracy (a.k.a. "collusion") to commit the crime of violating election law. QED.
Ignatz (Upper Ruralia)
Does anyone really think they'd have released it before today's stock market closed? Already a terrible day on Wall Street.Monday should be a real blast.
Susan Fitzwater (Ambler, PA)
"With beating hearts, the dire event they wait-- Anxious and trembling for the birth of fate." The Economist published a piece not too long ago. To the effect: there's not much new to report. An indictment here--a long prison sentence there--this aide hustled off to the big house--that aide "doing a deal" with the prosecution-- --what new stuff CAN there be? I expect, New York Times, you know as well as I do what we're REALLY waiting for. Someone to make sense of it all. Give us a judicial summing up: "YES. The President really IS a crook. Guilty of multifarious wrongdoing." Or: "NO. The President--though guilty of indiscretions and poor judgment--is NOT guilty of treason. Or colluding with an adversary." And here the trouble is: So many of us have (basically) made up our minds. Myself--like the vast majority of your readers, New York Times-- --I think the man is guilty as sin. I think the man is a crook to his tiny, dainty fingertips. Sorry! Couldn't resist. And you see what I mean? I'm sitting here, salivating--waiting for a stentorian voice from Heaven: "GUILTY!" Others--and I gotta be fair!--others hope for something altogether different. "NOT GUILTY!" is the voice the reverberate in their dreams. (That, I imagine, would include Mr. Donald J. Trump.) Poor Mr. Mueller! Caught between a rock and a hard place. Currat lex! "Let the law run its course." I expect it will.
Steve Legault (Seattle WA)
@Susan Fitzwater Nice, thanks. The only judge is going to be the electorate and they will deliver their verdict the first Tuesday in November of next year. Seems like a long time to wait but...what choice do we have?
CK (Rye)
@Susan Fitzwater - This ostentatious spacing of a post that should have taken two paragraphs is very poor n'etiquette.
Paul Wortman (Providence)
It's like awaiting the last installment of a whodunit or in this case did he or didn't he: Obstruct? Collude? Conspire? It's GOT all right as in Game of Trump.
Mari (Left Coast)
Thanks for the giggle, New York Times! How funny to imagine group of reporters waiting for a the elusive Mr. Mueller! Can’t wait for the report, but I bet we have a wait still. Be patient.
Nan Socolow (West Palm Beach, FL)
Looks like Rudy Giulianis services will be needed at Mar-a-Lago this weekend. Besides, if Mueller doesn't hand over his "report" to the Justice Department till soon, Rudy can play golf all weekend while the president is hard at work tweeting to his base.
njheathen (Ewing, NJ)
Seriously? You're reporting on Giuliani's anticipation of the report? How is that news? You could find this tripe in the National Enquirer.
Dr. Tim (Hallandale, FL)
Hopefully it will be out this weekend!
Jon S (New York)
Robert Mueller is leverage. That’s it. The higher ups in the gop needed some way to keep Trump in line so they put a special counsel in place to make sure Trump didn’t do anything really stupid, like launching WW3 just for better TV ratings. With the election year coming, we’ll see Mueller release his flimsy report no earlier than November this year. Once the primaries start to ramp up, that’s when the gop leadership will feel free to let go of Mueller. And the report will be a big fat zero because getting to the truth was never the objective with the Mueller investigation. The Mueller investigation will basically go down in history somewhere along the same lines as the Warren Commission report, as both investigation were about keeping Americans calm and moving forward. Whether or not Trump’s re-election happens is strictly a deal between Big Oil and the Military Industrial Complex. If these two hidden empires think Trump will fall in line and continue to do as they want, then Trump gets put up for re-election. If not, the two empires will go dig up the real evidence on collusion, leak it to the press and ruin Trump.
jim emerson (Seattle)
Why all the hype? No matter what’s in the “report,” Barr will probably sit on it until after the election so as to avoid widespread panic when the public learns to what extent the president has compromised himself financially with hostile foreign powers. I’ll wait patiently for the indictments from SDNY, DC, Florida, and elsewhere. Trump can’t quash those.
@jim emerson "after the election"? Absolutely not. The public would never stand for that.
Albert Ross (Alamosa, CO)
"also declared victory over the Islamic State" Please just let the report come out before the next time we declare victory over the Islamic State. #MissionAccomplished
Albert Ross (Alamosa, CO)
@Albert Ross That was quick. Now all we have to do is wait to see what Mr. Barr releases. We'll probably defeat IS at least once more between now and that time.
Bob (Pennsylvania)
The news organizations and their minions should be abashed at their juvenile behavior - especially since the vast [unnecessary and terrible English but I'm using it anyway] majority of people could care less about some idiot, non entity, talking head spouting off in an inane and vacuous manner. The thing will be available when it's available!
EGD (California)
If the much-anticipated Mueller Report does not deliver the Russia collusion goods Dems and the media (sorry for repeating myself!) have pushed for two years — and that seems likely — expect the next false narrative out of them to instantly morph into ‘Mueller the Republican whitewashed it.’ Bank on it.
Mari (Left Coast)
Read about Watergate. Mueller’s report is not only about Russia’s attack on our democracy, not only about Trump-Putin collusion it’s....complicated.
Dirk (ny)
@EGD Evidence of conspiracy and collaboration has already been revealed in public court filings. Yes, yes there was collusion and it was very uncool and very illegal.
YReader (Seattle)
@EGD - Or would it be more like "BENGAZI!!" and be a bunch of nothing?