On Politics With Lisa Lerer: The Sexism Shield

Feb 11, 2019 · 10 comments
Owen Glendower (USA)
"Aides and supporters of Senator Kamala Harris argue there is gender bias in the view that her past relationship with Willie Brown, a powerful California politician who was married when the two dated, could be a liability." If she were an office-seeking white Republican woman who had in her history an open affair with a married man who advanced her career, the media would already be condemning her for fornicating her way to the top. The coverage would make the MSM's treatment of Sarah Palin look like a bridal shower.
John (Northampton, PA)
---Senator Kamala Harris...past relationship with Willie Brown, a powerful California politician who was married when the two dated, could be a liability.---> There it is. I was wondering when we'd get to the point. This is battlespace preparation for her ethical lapses.
Brad (DC)
Generally every candidate today, regardless of gender, race or party, share a common problem. They can't get over themselves. Any criticism, disagreement or preference for another candidate can only be due to sexism, racism, agism, partisanship, etc. I suppose it's the voters fault, we seem to prefer hyper inflated egos in our elected leaders even though it negatively affects their ability to work with others and govern effectively.
Red (Cleveland)
Well, this is the first mention of Kamala Harris' "relationship" with Willie Brown that I've seen in the NYT. And Ms. Harris' aides and supporters think its somehow gender bias to question that relationship? How? The facts are that Ms. Harris, then a 22-24 year old student, "dated" a 56 year old, married man who just happened to be the most powerful Democrat is California state politics. He then saw to it that she was appointed to a number of state boards, etc. and otherwise backed her obvious political aspirations. If a 22 year old boy began dating Ms. Harris today and she appointed him to jobs, etc, would that be news or just more "gender bias' against women too? Ms. Harris' aides and supporters should stop the excuse-mongering for her under the guise of confronting "gender bias." Ms. Harris' past actions and motivations with Willie Brown are obvious.
independent (Virginia)
Interesting that the metrics for judging one's leadership ability include how well one eats. I would have thought that an individual's track record leading large teams though complex challenges would be appropriate, or maybe past associations with reputable or disreputable organizations and individuals. But, no; our political systems since maybe Lincoln have always been "beauty contests" with little or no reference to actual leadership ability. The example of Sen. Klobuchar's abusive leadership style should be a deal-breaker in a rational world but as long as any critiques of actual performance are labeled "sexist", we are in for a rough ride.
Vince Hugh (Atlanta)
Its really unfortunate that some people don't vote on the issues versus gender or skin color. Trump won the majority of white women voters over Hillary, and said he'd win the minority women next election. The big mistake that Hillary and democrat party made was assuming that women were like the youth that voted for Obama, which was voting because Obama was 'cool' and charismatic. Women on the other hand are not fickle, they vote based on economics, security, family values and believably. That fitted Trump, and his actions proved they were right. Also, women tend to love their men, their husbands, sons, brothers and fathers and know they're not women haters as the democrats try to imply.
Burningtree (Massachusetts)
Is it sexist to say that Harris was Brown’s mistress in an adulterous affair? They did not “date.”
Troy D (Portland, Oregon)
The president eats pizza with a knife and fork. Enough said.
Bicoastal (LA)
@Troy D. So do I and I’m a native New Yorker, what’s your point?
MRK (Princeton, NJ)
Good grief! Everyone needs to get a grip. So what if Sen. Gillibrand asked about whether to use fingers or forks to eat fried chicken? I seem to recall that Mayors de Blasio and Bloomberg were both ridiculed for using a knife and fork to eat pizza, and years ago Senator George McGovern was laughed at for asking for a glass of milk to go with his corned beef sandwich (or, alternatively according to some sources, a kosher hot dog). But so what? Let our candidates be culinarily adventurous without fear of being mocked! And let the first foolish stone be cast by whoever can tell us how to eat fesenjan!