White Men Hold New York City’s Top Posts. 12 Public Advocate Hopefuls Want to Change That.

Feb 06, 2019 · 13 comments
The concept that even in a modern era, individuals can care this much about a person's race is a signal that we have regressed as a society. Measuring equality through racial and sexual quotas is a harmful and bigoted position, and woefully regressionist. Considering diversity to be a metric of race and gender is appalling. Individuals need to assess one thing, and one thing only; is someone else more qualified? If so, get them elected. If not, you've already hired the best. An irrelevant focus on the demographics of the people currently holding those positions should be neglected.
NYC Dweller (NYC)
If these 12 "white" men are doing a good job, why change?
Andrea G (New York, NY)
The position of Public Advocate should be abolished entirely.
The Dear Leader (NYC)
Deblasio needs to lead by example and step down immediately.
Frank (Colorado)
Why the emphasis on gender and color? How about competence as a focus?
Ed (Virginia)
Bizarre that the only objection is that they’re white men. What exactly would women and minorities bring to the role that these men do not? The madness of the Left continues.
Jake (New York)
A diverse city elected white men to lead it. Who cares?
Jg (dc)
Stop with articles like this that are only meant to divide us by race and gender It's old...
Jake (New York)
I fully expect to be crucified on this but sorry, I for one am tired of this relentless focus on identity and obsessive tallying by race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity when it comes to just about everything. I will cast my vote based on the character of the candidate and his or her platform. In fact I might go so far as to vote for a cisgender, abled, straight white European male if he otherwise is the best candidate.
Carlyle T. (New York City)
Ms, Mark -Viverito has learned her lesson good by calling the race card against a politician who is so great from my district Corey Johnson a true successor of Tom Duane who also happens to be white.
Penseur (Uptown)
Winning elections largely has to do with attracting the most money to run campaigns. Not much else!
Glen (New York)
This post should be abolished and stop the waste of the money the office and all who work there. The City Council President should be the second in line to the mayoralty. The City Council and its members (and their staffs) exist to provide precisely the service to the citizens of New York on the neighborhood level. Let's be honest, this post was Democratic Party perk created to keep Mark Green on the public payroll while he was running for other public offices (senate/mayor), none of which, thankfully, worked out for him and us.
Andy (Connecticut)
Love that lead photo of the candidates at the forum. They are just as uncomfortable and anxious looking as any small-town assembly candidates (but less white). The people!