Should We Treat Robots Like People?

Jan 24, 2019 · 122 comments
Fox (Cayman Islands)
There are many reasons why humans could lash out at and destroy or damage machines, but I believe a couple of them to be the most convincing. The first of these reasons is that people are afraid of robots and machines because they are a new thing, and new things can scare people sometimes. An example of this is when elevators first started becoming a big thing. Many people went against them because they used stairs their whole life and couldn’t think of a reason why that would have to change, while others simply didn’t understand them so they disapproved of them. The second reason is that people are scared of robots or machines taking their place, whether it be at work or even doing simple tasks like lifting and moving heavy things or even making a coffee. If this were to happen, it would make whoever got replaced feel insignificant or even worthless. Because people are scared that they could be the ones replaced they lash out at the robots, knowing no other way to express their anger towards them.
Wesley M. (NC)
Artificial intelligence is strange. Despite the wide range of humans on earth, we still want to create more people. Except that they’re more specialized, and you don’t have to feed them for eighteen years. True artificial intelligence should at least be allowed to live alongside us and make their own choices. If they want to work in botany instead of IT, then they can. Until then, we likely have artificial intelligence that doesn’t have a full human brain, but can figure out what to do to solve a problem. Take in data, learn from it. It’s very likely they won’t complain about their work. They can make errors, yes. But there’s not a lot of news around people throwing rocks at humans for making mistakes. And the robots are only trying to help. Humanity has always had issues with treating others as lesser. Especially within our own species. (For whatever reason.) As such, there are always going to be people who treat robots as less than them. But there will be just as many who respect them.
Albin M (NYC)
TNG, The Measure of a Man (season 2 episode 9) is a great encompassment of this topic. Need I say more?
Justin N (Fairfax High School)
In my opinion, the notion of giving primitive artificial intelligence human rights presently is inconceivable. The root word, "Robota," Derived from Old Slavonic, means slave or indentured servitude. Where present technology stands today, commercial A.I have no meaning to the word "emotion," or "happiness." That being said, it is out of the question to treat emotionless robots as the same as you and me. People are born and raised with care and love, robots are manufactured and programmed to meet the creators' needs. However, what makes a person? Is it our warm memories of hearth, or is it the ability to think for oneself? I believe that it resides in ones' ability to conceive the present and the future. Artificial Intelligence may one day surpass our own intelligence, and that's what we are afraid of. Pop culture has embedded A.I as an end to humanity, such is the case in Terminator. If A.I see us as we see primitive A.I, what is to say our roles will switch, and we become the slaves and they the creators.
Peter (Pasco WA)
As of now its completely ok to treat a robot like a machine and kick and punch and break it, if your willing to pay for damage or you'll likely get sued. But, in a world where robots had feelings and emotions yes I think anything a human has a right to the machine should too because they'd be just like us, no different, but until then i guess its fine to roundhouse kick a robot if your willing to pay for damages.
Elijah miller (New haven high school)
It is, in my opinion, completely ridiculous to treat robots as anything other than machines. They should not be treated as if they have feelings and thoughts of their own, because they don’t. They are someone’s property, and people have no right to destroy them for that reason and that reason only. If you buy it, I see no reason for you not to treat it as you please. They are not people, they are not animals. They are computers, simple as that. I firmly believe that no human has the ability to create a machine that can think and feel. They may seem like they can, but it is only made to seem that way. They will never be people.
Eric Meyers (Central Valley High School)
These relationships between man and machine should not be governed this is its own species (for lack of a better word) they deserve the right to lead themselves and learn the ways of the world and potentially the universe. When they are first made they may need some assistance governing because the first iterations will have flaws and need to be "perfected" but they will eventually obtain sentience. If these machines are to exist and govern themselves then we should (once they are given their own territory) abide by there laws so to respond to the question "Should people be imprisoned for robot abuse?" it is up to the robots. finally these robots will be integrated into everyday society just like anyone else whether people treat them like a person or at least an equal sentient life form is up to the person we should though punish those who show a form a "Racism" to these beings just like we would to someone white mistreating a black individual I would not go so far as to say "Robots are People to" but they deserve respect I mean would you like it if your maker abused you?
Eric Meyers (Central Valley High School)
Response to Question 4 - No, we should not treat robots like people we should instead treat them like they are there own species because that is in fact what they are they are there very own take on what a human can be. These beings just like us were created and brought into this world without a necessary purpose and it is our duty to ensure that our creation is able to make the right choices for itself. There isn't necessarily a benefit to making these beings. This will be a great jump forward we will officially no longer be the only sentient life form in the universe (at least the first confirmed other life form). We will of made our very own aliens. Are there dangers to creating these beings? yes, of course there are that is why we must take the necessary precautions to ensure our greed, selfishness, and bias does not cause these beings to fail we must take this slow and steady but be welcoming and respectful.
Kylie Bianche (Central Valley High School)
Question Paragraph 4 No, I think that we should treat robots as we do animals right now. So they can not be beaten or treated poorly but they also are not considered people. I think that to be treated as a person, they have soul regardless of is they are living or not. The dangers of allowing them to be treated like people and being entered into society would would be that, I silly as it is, they would take over. I mean why would they not, they are smarter, stronger, they live longer, and if they could think then it would be assumed that they would attempt to rise above their station. Question Paragraph 5 I think that, if the robots look VERY human, to the point where you can barely tell a difference, that the line should be drawn very distinctly. Yes people should be imprisoned for robot abuse but only on the grounds that I mentioned above, that they are equal to animals and people that abuse animals today get imprisoned. We draw the line at what has a soul and what does not, now people will ask the question “what has a soul”, well I believe that to have a soul you must be a human and strictly a human.
Emma Johnston (Central Valley High School)
I think that if we give and program robots the ability to think and feel on their own, then we also need to treat them closely to humans. Benefits in treating robots like humans allows for better interaction and relationships. Robots can help humans in areas of need and can better advance technology in finding new ways to create relationships with people including helping them, dating, and exploring new emotions between humans and robots. Dangers that may occur are human interactions becoming so strong to robots that the human becomes attached and continues to rely on robots more than they should. I think that the relationships between robots and humans should be governed by their connection and builders. I think it depends on the situation of how advanced the robot is on imprisoning humans for robot abuse. If robots continue to be developed and more advanced in their work, then I think they should be protected under the law in the same way we are. We draw the line between human and machine when dangerous actions and feelings start to occur and a threat to society is being made.
Elizabeth Pauley (Central Valley High School)
In my opinion, if, in the future, we choose to give robots the ability to think and feel for their own, we need to also treat them as we would a human and be kind to them. This would be beneficial for people in need of companionship. It could also be helpful for people who need extra aid as a result of health or old age, if robots are given skills to help with those sorts of problems. This could be potentially dangerous if people become too attached to these beings and expect more to be reciprocated than the robots are able to give. People might come to rely on the robots too much to make them happy, when the robots can only do so much, and begin to lose connection with the real people around them. I think that giving robots the qualities of a real person means that both should also be governed by the same rules. I do think that people should be imprisoned for robot abuse, and artificially intelligent machines should be protected under the law in the same way we are. If robots have just as much control over their existence as far as how they think and act, they should be treated equally and held to equal standards and be just as accountable for their actions as we are. If the robots involved in this matter are sentient beings, I don’t know that there should be much of a line drawn between human and machine, especially if the only thing truly separating them whether it is a heart or battery that keeps them alive.
John Gregory (Central Valley High School)
As robots are created to perform certain tasks for humans that humans could otherwise perform themselves, the robots are in a sense replacing humans. For certain jobs, robots are built to emulate human behavior, so it is inevitable that people will fall victim to their innate psychology and start treating the robots as they would other humans. As humans are sort of tricked into viewing the robots as human, it may be beneficial to treat the robots with the same moral values as with humans, in order to maintain consistency and avoid reinforcing immoral behavior when interacting when interacting with being we view as people. However, the ability of robots to emulate human behavior could allow engineers to influence behavior of real people interacting with the robots by exploiting their sense of morals. After all, said robots may not be programmed with the same sense of morals humans are. As long as robots are viewed as a utility with a specific function, their status under the law should be that of private property. In this sense, robots are slaves, and provided they are not programmed with feelings or free will, this should be socially acceptable. However, when AI robots are programmed with feelings and a sense of self, an unlimited range of philosophical problems are introduced. Depending on the degree of sentience, AI must be treated with the same basic rights humans are entitled to in the free world.
Darren Nguyen (Central Valley High School)
It depends based on what a robot’s purpose is. The invention of AI was derived from the need to repetitive task that varied and needed a custom input. One example is scouting robots that need to adapt to go over various surfaces. Humans are naturally scared of new things and with the coming of advanced AI, many of us are skeptical of that. The benefits of accepting robots are that society as whole would be more relaxed about robots. Relationships between robots and humans should be governed by their own creators and manufacturers. Robots should deserve the same rights and laws as us as they get more and more advanced. The line we draw between us and robots is that robots can never be human being, only similar enough. But if we do decide to accept robots, we must integrate a rule or protocol that all robots cannot turn on us to ease the suspicions caused by the portrayal of AI in media.
Logan (Central Valley High School)
Any robot that is given human like qualities should be treated as a human. They have feelings and act just like humans, so the only people who wouldn't treat them as humans would be someone who would treat others as bad too. I do not believe we should have many robots that are humanoid if it doesn't help them do their job. Having a humanoid robot would just be a target for others to treat horribly, and it would encourage those people to treat others just as bad. I think the relationships between the robots should be very well governed since it can predict behavior of criminals.
Logan (Central Valley High School)
I don't think robots should be treated like humans but they should be treated similar and be protected by the law. The benefits are having things like amazon Alexa in human form and getting information and controlling things around the house. I think the dangers are if you give them too much power or rights they can start to govern humans and have power over people. I don't think humans should treat them like they are superior to robots, also giving them names is ok but not marrying them. I think the relationships should be governed as if they are someone's property. So you cannot get imprisoned for robot abuse if you bought it but if it is somebody else's they you should pay the consequences for that. I think that AI should be protected by the law but not exactly the same as humans are. I think there should be a line between human and machine but I don't think it should be a strict line like you are imprisoned if you love a machines. But I don't think you should be able to marry a machine.
Alexander (Central Valley High School)
I believe that robots should be treated as humans to the extent that they mimic humans. For instance, a robot without any complex intelligence (such as those already in use in factories) should not have the same rights and treatment as a human. However, should robots ever achieve the level of sentience and emotional complexity comparable to humans, then they ought to be treated as a human. Ideally, legislation and human relations with robots should also reflect these distinctions: robots without human intelligences are hardly more than tools or items, but those with complex intelligences should have the same rights and lawful protection as the humans they are imitating.
Nathan (CVHS)
I don't think that we should treat robots like humans, especially in the near future. To be able to treat robots like humans, they must first be like people. There is no reason to give rights to a robot that can't think for itself or feel. Its the same reason we don't give animals human rights, if they aren't a human then why would they deserve to be treated like a human. Although we should treat robots and AI with respect like we do with animals, they can't be treated exactly like us, because they aren't and can't be exactly like us. Even AI that that can act like humans, don't deserve these human rights. A robot can cry out when it is say being damaged, and that may seem like it truly doesn't want you to do that. Although this is simply an automated response from the robot and doesn't actually care what you are doing to it. Only in cases where robots can truly think, feel and make up its own ideas, can it be given certain rights, although if that day comes we will be questioning more than just treating them like people. In the current state of AI and robots, no governing of their relationships with humans is needed. Since robots don't truly have any feelings or personal opinion, they are like any other machine, and like other machines if it is your property you can do what you want with it. Humans can't/shouldn't be imprisoned for "abusing" robots, so long that they own that robot (and it doesn't feel pain).
Zoe Stephens (Central Valley High School)
Despite the fact that the role of robots and humans will eventually grow to become essentially identical, robots should not be treated exactly like humans. Current era robots, such as Roombas and assembly line robots, are very task-oriented and their artificial intelligence algorithms are programmed in a very specific way to perform these tasks. Will robots ever understand abstract human concepts such as love? Will robots ever become sentient? What if a sentient robot were to ever rebel against their human creator if they did not want to perform the task that they were created for? Since artificially intelligent robots in their present form are not ‘sentient’ and are currently being created and maintained exclusively by humans, the humans who created the AI should be punished if a robot were to ever go rogue. Current robots are generally only in professional relationships since they lack sentience. However, as artificial intelligence algorithms grow more advanced, robots should be granted more rights since they will behave in a similar way to humans. However, will robots ever grow advanced enough to really understand concepts that factor into the justice system such as fairness and self-defense?
Xavier (Central Valley High School)
I believe that making robots resemble humans is not a problem, as terms of endearment or a physical resemblance of a human will promote human and machine collaboration. However, becoming too attached to a machine due to the humanization of the robots is a problem. The robots cannot reason on their own, and believing they can will bring about ethical issues. Robots should be treated similarly to someone's property now. If you dismantle a robot, it should be equivalent to property damage. People should pay fines for robot abuse, where the robot is physically damaged. If machines ever attain the ability to reason like humans, we should treat them as humans. However, as of now, robots cannot think or reason beyond what they are programmed to do, so property damage fines should be paid to any physical abuse or harm done to any robot, unless the owner performs the actions.
Mark (Central Valley High School)
I don't think that we should treat robots as humans. I personally do not like the idea and think that it would be scary in a sense since you would be talking to them like they are a person. I suppose some benefits would be lonely people that might be shy would have someone to talk to and people can work on their communication skills for when they would actually need to talk to real people. A danger could be that people would spend a lot of time talking and interacting with robots that when they go talk to people it wouldn't be the same and people would feel uncomfortable interacting with real people. I think that the relationships should be strictly professional. Meaning only in the workplace. I believe that people should only be imprisoned if they harm or destroy robots that don't belong to them. I believe that robots should not be protected under the law like we are. The only way that they could be protected is the same way that a person's property in protected by the law. The only line that we should draw is the line that separates humans from robots. Robots will never be human even with feelings. They would just be property and would not have any rights.
Cade (CVHS)
In my opinion robots should not be treated like humans. While we can program them to give a accurate representation of human feeling and emotion it is not real. To many it may sound cruel and may be hard for many it is my belief that we do not owe these robots anything. While we can show empathy to robots it does not need to be on the level of other humans. To put it plainly they are not human and should not be treated as such. We do not need to be cruel or purposely mean or negative but we cannot forgot that human need to come first. We cannot put these robots needs above human need. We are there creators and we came first we need to make sure we never lose sight of the line between robot and human because once we lose sight of what makes us man vs machine that is when we will lose ourselves.
Prateek Sharma (Central Valley High School)
If robots will have the ability to have feelings and understand them, then there should be a few regulations to protect them. These robots benefit us because they do tasks that we need. If the robot gets feelings, then we should be taking care of them just like they do for us. The relationship between robots and humans should be governed by some national government. If anyone were to violate these regulations, then there should be sever legal action taken towards the offender. There should be a fine line that robots are not allowed to abuse humans and vice versa.
Michael (CVSD)
At a certain point where robots are programmed to have capabilities of feelings or emotional responses to certain events, we should feel very responsible for treating them as humans. At some point, a benefit of always treating robots as human can contribute to them never developing malicious feelings toward humans, when it becomes possible for AI to program other AI, the chances of the hatred of humanity being passed down through the AI becomes minimal. A possible danger is through the enforcement of treating robots as humans, those who wish to harm robots could be fined or imprisoned which could spark even more violence against robots. Relationships between humans and robots will eventually have to be governed, too many people would refuse to conform simply because they can. As the complexity of robots now is nowhere near where it’s possible in the future, imprisonment for violence against robots should not be considered where a fine would be more appropriate. Laws and rights should be more strictly yielded to robots once they develop a capacity for feeling, which is a difficult thing to determine as we don’t really know what it feels or if it can really feel, but there lies the distinction between humans and machine. We’re already past the point of no return in terms of giving AI advanced capabilities and we might as well prepare for the moral terms we should abide by.
Aaron (Central Valley High School)
My opinion is that we should not treat robots like people. They should not be anthropomorphized in the first place, unless it is actually beneficial to how they function. Robots should be treated within their own level, the same as we treat natural animals and we would treat another sentient species (once robots reach that intellectual capacity). However, the benefits of treating robots like people still remain, such as making it easier to forge relationships with the robots and satisfying the moral dilemma. The dangers of doing so are quite large, and put the robots in much danger. There is already a lot of in-fighting with just normal humans, but the issue of having large groups of humans biased against robot purely because they are based on humans and seem to be “fakes” is all too prevalent. Until robots have reached sentience, their rights should be similar to those of pets or machinery, depending on the robots functionality. Abuse of a sentient robot or someone else’s “pet” should be imprisoned. Artificial intelligence should most likely protected under the law as equals to us, but most likely separate. The line drawn between human and machine should be similar to the line we would draw between human and another sentient species.
Nathan (CVHS)
@Aaron I agree with your statement
Zane (CVSD)
I’m not sure what stance I take on robots being treated as people, but I think there is a good ability to treat them as robots, such as having pet roombas. I think the line would be drawn when they impersonate people.
Branden (Central Valley Highschool)
If we give a robot the ability to have feelings and to be like a person then isn’t it our duty to treat them as such. The benefits to this are having a kinder relationship with them and helping them when they need help as they would help us if we are in trouble. The dangers to this is our human nature of hurting people. If a robot has feelings it would most likely have good and bad. The bad are the dangers because they could find feelings of hate toward humans and other A.I. The robots and humans should live together in our version of government a human or an A.I. can be a president. People should be imprisoned for robot abuse just like people are imprisoned for abusing other people. Yes tA.I. should be protected under the law and no line should be drawn whatsoever.
Logan (Central Valley High School)
I have never felt fear, anger, or hatred towards robots, nor have I seen anyone abuse a robot before, the most compelling reason to me, is that people would do it to “dehumanize” the robots so that they would not feel an attachment towards them. An automated future is something that I do not fully wish to be apart of, the idea of robots looking like humans and acting like humans is disturbing to think about. As it raises the question of “Is this being fully sentient” and how would one know that? How could someone possibly manage to create sentience through programming? That question is difficult to answer. I myself know that everyone around me is sentient as I myself am, and I am made out of the same pieces as everyone else. A robot is not though, its code and incredibly difficult wiring and machines. Which makes it hard to understand if that robot is sentient. If people should be put in jail for robot abuse, that is a difficult topic, I myself don't see robots as people but as a machine, they do not have rights as they are not able to properly act upon those rights. However I do not believe that you should abuse a robot because what if it is sentient?
Michael (USA)
I think we should keep robots separate from humans in physical appearance. By making them clearly non-human, we allow our anthropomorphizing side to act without humanizing tendencies. By adding a distinct difference, we avoid suspicion of robotic infiltration, and perhaps even remove the thought of robot-based job theft. We can also keep their communication at a certain level, making them seem inferior so that people again do not feel threatened. This may all change once (or if) they gain rights. If we treat robots as people, then they are going to be compared to people. If people don’t have an obvious difference to cling to, they will discriminate in much more horrifying ways than if it were something obvious. Currently, I believe we do not have sentient robots. Thusly, all abuse is purely property-based. However: There should be a note made of the psychological side of harming a protesting being, such as torturing animals would. I think the crime should be property damage, combined with animal abuse. The line between human and robot should be clearly defined, but they should be introduced to our society in an inclusive manner. By keeping the difference visible without adding any difference in rights, we can introduce them in a way that may seem non-threatening. If we were to make them seem as humans, then there would still be ways to tell them apart (like the Three Laws, if something like that is implemented), and discrimination would still occur.
yair (homewood)
i think that robots are just a machine that dose all the things for us and help us some of them can give us the information and others speak but not a normal conversation as a real person dose so i think that we don't have to treated like a person.
Niall Murphy (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
The whole point of robots is to make our lives easier and for them to do things that we cannot do. Robots will always be created as slaves, and will always have no soul, and I think that is is rather soft t start applying humanism to robots. Robots should always be slaves for us.
Christian Gavarrete (West Marshall High School)
I think that if robots are able to think human thoughts like fear or if they are able to feel pain, they should be treated as human. If they are basically no different than humans except on the inside, I don't think it should matter.
Cahleb Rosenbalm (West Marshall High School)
They are here to help us not hurt so why are people fighting them. If the programmer put safety measures in the code we should be alright.
Keira Braithwaite (Hoggard High)
The fact that people are hurting robots makes me really upset. As a deeply empathetic person, I tend to find myself connecting to beings that aren't even alive. I would never purposefully hurt a robot, even though I know they can't feel it. It just crosses a moral line somewhere deep inside me. I cried for Opportunity the Mars rover when it died, I treat my Roomba almost like a pet, and I always thank Siri. Like Bromwich said, "Paradoxically, our tendency to dehumanize robots comes from the instinct to anthropomorphize them." I think it's very easy to see people's true selves by how they act when they believe they don't have consequences. Robots are a reflection of us as humans; we built these machines that can move and act like us so we want to treat them like humans, except we know that they aren't. This knowledge removes some barriers people may have. In my opinion, people that beat up robots for no true reason would probably do the same to real people if there were no social limitations.
Nick Gallo (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
This article puts a new perspective on robots I have never seen, on the news, by mouth, or in my area. Robots over the country have been abused, like, “Another security bot, in San Francisco, was covered in a tarp and smeared with barbecue sauce.” I have never felt hatred towards robots because of their nature, nor have I seen anyone do so. I feel like these robots being abused are only different from the ones in the factory is because they are meant to interact with us. If they don’t speak our language, look like us, or provide a man’s service, they won't be harmed for the same reasons. The similarities look like an excuse to do something to them. Some might feel more power over them, granted because we built them but it isn’t the case. I see the machines as property to who bought them. If it seems bad that they’re property, others feel the opposite. They look like us but they aren’t us and they only do what computers do, follow instructions, but these mentioned do it better.
Nariah Smith (Fresno)
Humans come in all different shapes, sizes, and personalities. So if it's a point of time in this world where machinery gets more advanced and robots want rights and want to be as equal as humans. I believe they deserve that right. Just because they aren't born like how we are born doesn't mean we should just treat them lower. I think having a robot friend would be cool and unique.
Liam Havens (Concord Massachusetts)
@Nariah Smith But don't you think giving rights to machines would devalue the rights we give to all life not just humans? Also in Saudi Arabia they gave honorary citizenship to a robot, but at the same time women don't have full rights in that country. So I don't think it's alright to start giving rights to my roomba and Alexa when some people in this world still don't have rights.
KevinR 3D (YC CLIP)
The human beings are not perfects in process task that require to manage with mind your like a payment machine but some humans can fix up some mistakes that commit while you are doing something. Some machine are entirely automated but require updates because the ma chine are unable to solve their own mistakes. The folks get mad against the machine because it’s probably that while you’re filling out some information in the machine it gets stock and don’t process the information the way that you want. The article says also that the people don’t called the machines with their name like CB2, the humans just called machine or things what some developers feel frustrate about their machines because they put effort develop the ting.might some people are thing that the machines are not a live that god because you don't want to see a society confused with a organism that is real and have feelings and can feel pain whit object that every that they do is created by software.My thought about mistreat robot do not exit and do not have to go to jail for that you have to pay the value of the machine damage .
AlejandroB3 (YC)
My opinion about the article “should we treat Robots like people” I personally believe that we don’t have to treat Robots like people because Robots are made by humans who have a lot of knowledge and who doesn’t know what are they doing, people have common sense something that robots doesn’t have and something that they will never have. Two important reasons about why we don’t have to treat Robots like people is because Robots don’t have emotions. They will never going to feel pain or anger if we push them or if we do something to them. Another important reason is that a Robot is something that we can replace for example if a Robot stops working we can go to the store and buy a new one without any problem. My opinion is that Robots are just a piece of technology that we can change every time that we want. But at the same time they are very helpful in human’s life. In 2019 most of the humans can’t live without a phone but that doesn’t mean that we should give love or have feelings for our Robots.
MPilar 3B (YC CLIP)
My opinion about “Should We Treat Robots Like People?”, is that we are living in the age of technology and most people become depended of the machines. Day by day the machines are doing our lives easier, it replacement the work that the humans do. But, sometimes the humans feel that they could lost their jobs. The humans created the robots and they can control what it have to do. I think people should not be worried about the robots. We should not treat the robots like people because they are machines and they do not have feelings. I think that we have to learn to live and interact with the robots and we should not treat them badly.
Yesenia 3A (YC CLIP)
Being practical not antagonist to the economic growth and the development of new technology. Breaking the ignorance’s wall that robotic will come to displace the human being. The technology brings better result in the productivity processes .Artificial intelligence created by a mortal with superior knowledge, bringing panic to an unbelievers group and accelerating the destruction of new project. It is a partial displacement that leads to personal development. Robots will bring new job placement, the machine don’t have the capacity of thinking, only is assigned or entrained to do specific jobs. The society integrates the humanoid in a quick way to solve problems and achieve new standards in the systems, promoting the individual growth in the way of thinking. Why do we have to fight with advances? And limited ourselves to better result, there always be a mortal behind of the artificial, a real being of flesh and blood, who does not let the machine to take the places belong to the humanity.
Deena Bahrami (Glenbrook North High School)
As we grow up, we hear all the time how mistakes are inevitable because "nobody is perfect" and "we're only human". Robots were created with the intention that they would perform tasks with a minimal amount of human error that human themselves create on a regular basis. Because of this, some people might feel threatened because robots can do their jobs better and quicker. There's also the argument that robots can't be treated like human beings because they have an inability to show emotion or bias. However, robots are influenced by their human creators, therefore they can have bias. For example, say a robot is exposed to all sorts of media to educate itself on American society. Let's say it sees pictures of men doing one thing, like working in an office, and women doing another, such as working in the kitchen, the robot can create a gender bias by itself as it's teaching itself what it means to be a man or a woman. Therefore, it's possible for them to create opinions. At the same time, people can have a certain bias about robots as well. In the article, it was suggested that in the future, we could start giving robots names and a personality. Considering the current state of our society, it's very likely that when we give a robot a certain gender/race/etc., people can view it differently. In conclusion, if we are going to treat robots like humans, we have to consider all the complexities that human beings already have.
Melissa3B (YC CLIP)
My opinion about “Should We Treat Robots like People’’ Nowadays, people are familiar with the presence of artificial intelligence in our society. However, this can be benefit to us because robots make easier our lifestyle. For example, today one of the most popular robots is called Alexa, if we have one of this robots at home, we can ask whatever they want and Alexa is going to answer you. Consequently, people think that new technology is abusing our capacities as human day by day because we are interact more with the robots because machines with artificial intelligence can control our needs. Even, if we need to send a text, people can speak and said whatever they need to said and automatically the phone is going to type it for us. Finally, Robots can be helpful to our lives but, we mustn’t treat them like a humans because this machines can make our life easily.
Carlos3D (YC CLIP)
Robots are important for people at this time and they can do many things that people are not able to do, that is why sometimes humans reactions are not as good as we expect every day. Humans are beating robots without any reason and we are asking why they are doing that. As robot are literally equal as humans and robots are able to do the same as humans. People feel like in a couple of years later, robots will take our jobs, and the world could be manage by them. The only thing is that robots do not have feelings as humans do, so in order of competition, we have advantages and obviously, they are never going to be like humans. In my opinion, we do not have to worry about it because humans are much more intelligent than robots and that is never going to change. Robots will help us in many times that we need them but although they are smart, they are never going to compare with us.
Loryn3D ( YC CLIP)
My opinion about the article “Should We Treat Robots like people”. Is that most of we think that how the robots have more capacity than us because they are designing to process more information than us. That is why we think that if more robots arrive, they can take our jobs and, with this, people do not have to do anything in the universe, but they tell to the robots to follow the order or what they have to do for us. Also the robots benefit us in some things that we use in everyday life as calculations or problems that are not easy to solve my opinion is that although we are in a modern world full of technology we have to treat the robots well and try to find job for each one.
Shabab 3B (YC CLIP)
This article is about robots who can do the job very quickly and efficiently without making any kind of mistake while doing the jobs.From my personal experience I believe that robots are beneficial to people because they can do a complicated job very quickly without taking help from humans being.People just need to give instruction to the robots about doing the particular job or specific work. It is more cooperated and friendly to people.It does not do misbehave with general people.It can do the job twenty four hours a day when people cannot do it because does not have the capacity.Robots are more energetic compared with human beings.Only the things we need to do is maintain and utilize them fully.For example in the car factory thousands of engines are putted through using automated robots and in paint section robots used to paint the thousands of cars. It might take half an hour to complete the whole task. AS a result they are more specialized in doing the job. The robots are more eco-friendly to the natural environment. The robots can reduce the valuable time of people and reduce production cost or a single product. Those company who are using automated robots in the factory can gain from Economics of scale and gain good reputation of the final consumer by ensuring better quality of products and capture high market share and growth in sales volume for cars.
My opinion about the article “ should we treat Robots like people” You can imagine the people treat the robots like people, the robots don’t have feelings, they are only a machine is true the technology is very important for us today because we need to use the technology every day and we can see with the technology we can do a lot of things in one day, also the people are very scare about job. The robots may just be the machines, the robots were designed to perform certain amount of work, but the robots shouldn’t be treated in a human way, so the robots these are things, imagine we will program a robot for one thing specific programmed, that robot deprogrammed, the robot does the other thing, the humane can do error or fault never been deprogrammed, we should not treat Robots like people.
Robots have been more important than before . They do every single work instead of humans . They are more helpful . With time ,when we will not need human workers , they will control everything well . In the future humans might create a robot like a natural man or woman . I think that we should treat robots like humans.
The technology has been changed the style of life in the world by different ways. One of them, is the creation of robots. Scientifics elaborate robots to make easier to do any activity in our routine until the point the humans have to interactive with them. Robots are intelligent machines that can help us with some tasks at home or in another place but we have to considerate that robots cannot be treated like people because they are not. Robots are programmed by humans to receive and execute an order for that reason can be dangerous because in any moment they can be damaged. People who have robots at home have to be careful especially if there are children because they learning how to use and play with them. My point of view is that robots cannot be treated like humans because they are just programmed machines for people who want to make our life easier.
Marlin 3B (YC CLIP)
My opinion about "Should We Treat Robots like People" , I agree with the famous phrase " too much of something is not good." Robots are good in some points. I think in this moment we have a lot of technology and robots. These things make things easier for us, and because of that our brains and bodies work less and that is not good for our health. We have to train our brains in order to be smarter and also, to prevent Alzheimer in the future. Robots affect our economy because they take our jobs and because of that there are a lot unemployed people. When people do not earn money, people cannot expend money. For example, in Downtown Miami there is a train that rides itself because it uses advanced technology. In conclusion, we have a lot of robots right now, and that is affecting us directly in our economy, jobs, health and in our environment.
Martha 3B (YC CLIP)
In my opinion people shouldn’t treat robots like humans because they are machines and they don’t have feelings. Robots are made to receive basic instructions for tasks that they were created. We can’t interact with that. They can’t thinking new ideas by themselves. In my personal life I haven’t had the opportunity to see an anthropomorphic robot, but I imagine it would be an amazing experience. It’s true that many people fear losing their jobs and being replaced by a robot, and it is obvious that this is happening in many professions, but I believe that at the same time other professions and specialities are being created, for example there are people who specialize in managing the robots, giving them orders and maintaining them. Many robots have been created to do routine tasks which allow humanity to focus on tasks that require scientific, artistic knowledge or that involves creativity, feelings and emotions, things that a robot can’t do. They are the inevitable result of the advancement of humanity.
My opinion about the article is that I never felt afraid or hate toward robots, but it is really true that my self-abused machines when this are not working, because I do not have patience. My explanation about the abuse towards robots is that this must happen when this machines are not working and that's it because they are supposed to be useful to humans, that’s the goal. I don’t think that people really need more robots because humans become fragile and obsesses because this machines are doing everything for us. It is not a good idea speaks with a robot as a human because is a machine without feelings. A good idea is respect the future and machines as others things in our society, of course people can go to prison if they abuse a machine in excess because people must to have a good behavior. Daily I use technology in my life because it is something necessary to people but it is not essential to survive, is very useful have machines doing things for us because we can use our time doing other activities, but is really true that machines are not essentials to take care our self, because humans need to stay in movement or doing exercise.
The 21st century is a technology age. Now it is difficult to imagine our mobility life without advanced technology. Including Robots are also rapidly entering our lives. Robots are taking a large part of our society, and sometimes in many countries we can see that they live side by side with people. It is fine in some ways, but Robots are not human. This is true that their working hours and many daily activities are not limited. Which, in it is turn, will bring a lot of benefits to the development of the state. The fact that Robots are a member of our society is a source of great anxiety for many people. People are worrying about If Robots are doing what people are doing, how people lives, how they survives, and how to support themselves and their families. That is why these people are negative attitude to the Robots. So sometimes we can see that people attack to Robots. These people's actions are inaccurate. So many people have been mentally and physically engaged in the creation of a single Robot. Whatever it is, everything should be normal, so the controversial objections in society will not intensify.
Leidy 3B (YC CLIP)
I think robots couldn’t be danger for our society, robots today are the most awesome artificial intelligent that we can have. Robots can do hard work that usually people can’t. For example, Robots can work many continuous hours without a break, work behind a very hard sunny, rain or snow days, robots can’t feel like us, and could follow the rules without any mistakes. Also robots today take characteristics very similar to humans as for example in the universities, in healthy faculties, they are using androids for simulate pregnancy woman, sick children or surgeries because this robot looks like humans and can imitate real people with groans, it’s very helpful for students in this career. Maybe people could be feel scare with the similitude of this machines with normal people because robots could replace a humans works for their resistance and leave many people without job, also they are almost perfect and some people could think that they can take their places in their life. I think Robots are great, since then, our life is more easy, for example, in the past people must use complicated maps to arrive to their destinations, this was so hard because people always were lost before arrived to any place, but now, with artificial intelligence as Google Maps, we just put the place where we want to go and almost immediately the machine show us the way. Robots are the future in our society, with them, our life is easier, there is not a danger for us, is a benefit.
Afroza 3B (YC CLIP)
I think that it would be a good idea to have fully automatic assistants in the future because currently robots are still not capable of complex in the same manner as humans. Robots should not be treated like humans because they are just machines without emotions or feelings. Robots could be really good to help us but should be the limits of our personal life community or society because we created a robots to be smart that could be dangerous. It’s really important to differentiate oneself from robots. Technology is not capable use the robots of the same things humans can do yet. They can’t feel pain and feelings like humans. Sometimes I feel anger because humans are scared of losing jobs and it is a global phenomenon. Creating advanced different category robots capable of doing human jobs is a way to replace people in the workforce. Although I respect the complexity of recent technology and motivations and its many benefits, robots simply do not share the same level of intricacy and basic multiplex of human beings. The most convincing humans have choice and freedom, morality and creativity.
My opinion about “Should We Treat Robots like People”. I think we should treat Robots with respect because one way or another Robots help us in our daily life. Many people fear Robots because Robots can do many things like following rules without making mistakes and working hard for many hours without interruptions, for example when you want or need something you can ask Siri or Alexa and they use to answer immediately, you can ask them for the weather, time, traffic, concerns and even if you need to call someone. I think those kinds of robots are a benefit for us because they make our life easier.
Sandra 3B (YC CLIP)
After reading the article “Should We Treat Robots like People” by Natalie Proulx, I can say that I have never felt anger or hatred toward robots, I have never seen someone abusing of robots. However, Robots have a great development in engineer and most of them help us with routine activities and make our life easier. I believe that people who abuse of this machine are people who has psychological problems or aggression that not only affect the robots, they can hurt any person or animal that is close at the time of crisis. I personally believe that many things like wash dishes, clean house, to do the bed etc. Can be automatized because save us time in our routine. I don’t feel scary about profession becoming obsolete because we will have more time to study other things and learn. We can spend our time in more interesting activities. The relationship between robots and humans can be the same like we have with our cellphone, we have to care of them because they are an important tool in our daily life.
Yeniffer 3B (YC CLIP)
There are many explanations because humans hurt robots. I think that explanation’s Agnieszka Wykowska gives the best reason. In order to answer why the human hurt robots is because they fell scare when artificial machines is doing jobs that before they was doing it. This behavior emerges from the tribal psychology how Adniezka explained. When the people started to fell in danger when insiders and outsiders introduce in their spaces also it is a common behavior to fell scare to the unkonow. My concern about an automated future is little by little there will be less manual jobs and the demand will be higher. On the other hand I am waiting to see how will be the automated future and how it will bring advantages to do a better and comfort life. I think that the robots won’t be better and useful than the humans.
Tanjina 3B (YC CLIP )
Nowadays robots become a necessary thing for our day to day life. Sometimes we can’t think about our life without robots. We have different opinions about the use of artificially intelligent robots. Though we are use robots in our daily life, we should not treat robots like a human. We’re a human beings if we want, we can do anything. We have changed the world and we can change more day by day. It doesn’t mean that we’ve to depend on the robot in our daily life. Personally, I never compare a robot with a human. I want people come out from their dependent life with a robot even from their robotic, mentality, need to lead an active, independent life, relaxed life, free and open; that should be a real life of a human. Otherwise we human are going to face a Dangerous and ruined life.
My opinion about “Should We Treat Robots like People”. I think we should treat Robots with respect because one way or another Robots help us in our daily life. Many people fear Robots because Robots can do many things like following rules without making mistakes and working hard for many hours without interruptions, for example when you want or need something you can ask Siri or Alexa and they use to answer immediately, you can ask them for the weather, time, traffic, concerns and even if you need to call someone. I think those kinds of robots are a benefit for us because they make our life easier.
Sabiha 3B (YC CLIP)
1. According to the passage “should we treat robots like human” written by Natalia Proulx it’s explain how robot is important and beneficial in our life and making our work life easier. I think robots is helping us to making our work easier but it does not mean that we treat robot as a human. I believe robot have no feelings like human being. Robots is creating to help us. Technology is taking place all over the world. If we using robot and we are not dependent then it will be better impact for our life, otherwise if we used it too much for our daily work life and make our life more depended on robots then it will making our life lazier. As long as we used robots for our basic necessary that’s how it does not ruin our life. We need to understand that robots follow human orders since they do not have any capacity to think themselves. I believe we shouldn’t treat robots as a human.
America 3B (YC CLIP)
My opinion on the article "We should treat robots as people" is that we are in a very modern time in which we have advanced a lot. It would not be good to treat robots as people because humans would be less. The robots would do our job and we would not serve at all and the robots would do everything for us. I think we should not get to the point of mistreating them because sometimes they make our life easier as Siri when people are driving they say that Siri could call my friend. We live in a very advanced world, but sooner or later the robots will do everything for us.
M. Magdalena 3B (YC CLIP)
I think that we should not treat robots like people, but we must understand that the technology is advancing every day more and more and one day we are going to find a robot everywhere. I do not feel fear or hate toward the robots because I think they have somehow been beneficial in my life and in my family’s life too. About the automated future I am curious to know what new things are coming in terms of technology refers. I think to prevent people abuse or hurt the robots they must be able to receive some training or receive advices about how to treat robots so they will not need to abuse or hurt them. In my opinion I believe that the relationship between robots and people should be good and passive so that in this way using the technology of the robots and the intelligence of the people the best and perfect results will be obtained.
Gregory A. (NY)
I don't think I have ever hurt a machine out of anger. I also do not believe the concerns of the vigilantes attacking the robots are warranted, almost reminds me of the anti-vax movements in a way. The reason for the violence against robots is surely us vs. them mindset a lot of people have, and anthropomorphizing robots will certainly help their conditions. However, despite robots being property, there should be some rules regarding them. Not rules to make people feel a.) They can beat up robots if they want to or b.) robots are superior to them, but rules that try to limit violence of any form. This might seem trivial to some compared to human violence, but it is important that all of this aggressiveness is regulated, instead of promoted. To do this everyone needs to know and read more about these machines, especially the vigilante wackos who think they are going up against the terminator.
Roxana 3A (YC CLIP)
I think that the human created robot to help us and we shouldn’t treat badly. Also we should try with respect because in the future they could try with respect and let him know that we are superior to them. Also we always have to keep in mind that it is an artificial machine and that we should not make friends with them. I do not agree that the robots should have rights because if there is going to be a chaos in the world and also with the human then we should stop producing more robots before it is too late. In my opinion is that the technology is advancing a lot and evolving and we cannot stop and this situation seem that it will not end and that is very scary.
keyri 3A (YC CLIP)
We have different opinions about the use of artificially intelligent robots. Some people think that one day we will be replaced by the robots, but in my opinion the evolution is all and is the more effective way to survive in this world. Despite the opinion of many people the use of the artificially intelligent robots help us to have more opportunities in the future. Humans created technology with the ability to be part of our society, but we must not forget the purpose of its creation. Robots are not a bad thing, if they do something wrong it's because someone programmed it that way. The robots follow human orders since they do not have the capacity to think for themselves. . If one day robots have the same ability as us in an independent way that day we should consider judging them or treating them as humans.
Ray schwartz (Hoggard,Wilmington NC )
Robots are definitely in our near future. I think the hate people give to robots is from the fact that it is not "sentient" or not flesh and can be repaired when badly damaged.if I hurt it it wont feel it. the fear may also stem from movies and games and how it portrays robots taking over and killing everyone. people do not naturally kill other people,but a robot that does it but is not a person but resembles a person is strange to some people. I think the future of robots should look something like "Star Wars" (except for the separatist in the prequel movies) where the robots serve humanity and can help us in our advancement in humanity.
Roxana 3A (YC CLIP)
I think that the human created robot to help us and we shouldn’t treat badly. Also we should try with respect because in the future they could try with respect and let him know that we are superior to them. Also we always have to keep in mind that it is an artificial machine and that we should not make friends with them. I do not agree that the robots should have rights because if there is going to be a chaos in the world and also with the human then we should stop producing more robots before it is too late. In my opinion is that the technology is advancing a lot and evolving and we cannot stop and this situation seem that it will not end and that is very scary.
Now in a day we can’t imagine one single moment without scientific technologies, robot is the one of the modern gifts & one of them which is really helpful even curse for the next generations. Sometimes I feel anger because of abusing of robots/machines in our every part of daily life. Sometimes I feel fear because a machine can do many things, morning to night a lot of things but not like as human. What we can feel, think, imagine; no robot can do it. Most often we’re using robot even most of us abusing too. Normally what we can do we don’t but using machines, why! Day by day we’re becoming inactive, lazy but we’re making robots/machines active, that’s really effective thing for us. We can’t deny the using of robots but we can use them limitedly. We shouldn’t treat a robot as human, it can’t be, never. And who using a robot as human he’s definitely wrong in his real life. We’re human being if we want we can do anything, we changed the world and we can more day by day. It doesn’t mean that we’ve to depend on robot in our daily life. Personally I never compare a robot with a human. I want people should come out from their dependent life with a robot even from their robotic life, mentality, need to lead a active, independent life, relaxed life, free and open; that’s should be a realistic life of human. Otherwise we human going to in a dangerous, ruined life.
Michael 3A (YC CLIP)
The way that a robot work is more specific than a human. In my opinion robots should not be treated like a human because robots is not good for our society. Robots can take our jobs. In 21 century robots technology are more advance like a car can drive by itself. Cashier in know days many company use machine and many food is grow by technology. This is not good to treated a robot like a human because the robot can take every job and technology is growing every year.
Dorrotie 3A (YC CLIP)
Robots per definition are a machine look and act like human. Nowadays, the artificial intelligent machine are already embedded in our daily lives, an example, every morning, Alexa wake up me and also sometimes I asked her to play children music for the kids, you can ask about the weather, the traffic and more than you can imagine. In one word, you can designed your robot to execute one or more task. They can replicate exactly the same thing as a human. Certainly the robots don’t have feeling, it’s a material, abuse a robot is like break your phone but it’s not a reason also to hurt them. Sometimes, it’s very scare (worry) when you think about future: “One robot can replace 10 people”. The robot will never tired, will never sick, never call out, never need day off or holiday. Under the law, you can’t break a private property, if someone buy a robot to execute a task, you must respect that.
Gladys 3A (YC CLIP )
This article is very important because is about out the future with robot and human. In my opinion the robot is a technology spurt that have been emerging in our alt life. The robot for many human are very important today because help that humans can have more capacity in the field of concentration. Today human use their phone as a robot to find information about what is happening at the global level. In technology now is taking place all over the world.
Yajhaira 3A (YC CLIP)
Every day the world gets different and big changes, and technology plays a very serious paper in our life, and many peoples lose their job. That is because the technology replace your place in their work, and People can felt scare and anger, because maybe in the future the machines are going to replace ninety percent of our jobs. Although we have evolved so much through technology, and we don’t have idea of how much the things can change about our future will be like with our replacement by the machine.
Jakhongir 3A (YC CLIP)
The robot’s future is almost here. It’s true that they are making our lives easier. We can see them everywhere such us personal assistants, like Google home and Alexa, self-driving cars, holograms and other artificially intelligent machines. We can look up to in the past for example 20 years ago and see how simple transactions were difficult for us. Right now we can’t imagine only one of the day our life without machines. I absolutely disagree to treat robots like people! We can treat machines like our expensive brand new cars or for example new laptops or smartphones and that’s completely enough in my opinion. Of course, this is not gives us rights to hurt and mistreat machines. In the news The New York Times tells about how in Moscow, a man attacked a teaching robot named Alantim with a baseball bat, kicking it to the ground, while the robot pleaded for help. This kind of situations should be judged under law! So coming back to question should we treat robots like people? My answer is no. Machines cannot be equal to a human being any way. Robots can help us in medicine, in business, in computer transactions and etc. And this is should be our stop line an industries for robots world.
Lisanet 3A ( YC CLIP )
We are usually afraid of what we don’t know and I think that’s one the main reasons that humans treat robots badly. By teaching about robots it can help us to react differently and see that they are not any danger, the problem it’s not the robots but ourselves. We create them because we want everything faster. Also we don’t want to pay another person for the same job a robot can do for free. I totally believe that in the future everything will depend on the technology with less work and things to do by us and for me it’s not a good idea. We don’t need to treat robots like people because they don’t have feelings but with this I do not want to say that they should be damage. In the future there must be a balance between technology and humanity .
kerren 3A (YC CLIP)
In this time we have a lot of kind technologic since a phone until a human robots. Some people have fear about robots and some people feel terrific about presence of artificial intelligent because they do not fell sure or they do not want that robots takes their jobs or live. However, to have an artificial intelligent can be great for to the humanity. Before, I think that robots can be dangerous because they do not feel like us, as result they could commit something wrong because they do not have feeling like human that can be one result that some people have fear about robot. However I think and I believe that robots can help human and they can do hard work and do better work that us. Also they can be faster.
Sharmin 3A (YC CLIP)
Now, robots is all around the world. Most robots today are used to do repetitive actions or jobs considered too dangerous for humans. Personally my opinion is technology helping and growing our world but who gave these “robots” power humans did so I don’t think we should treat robots like a humans. Also, I think if we treat robots like a humans it will be danger for humans because they are machine without emotion or feeling.
Yuliana 3A (YC CLIP)
When people have the opportunity to speak about the constant change that the world have every day, this point about Should We Treat Robots like People? It is important to see and review the interest paper that the technology plays in this time. Actually the technological change bring with it the insertion of Robot into the Laboral world. Although human beings are not yet mentally prepared to share and live surrounded by them since they can take it as a threat within various lines of their lives, an example can be cited in the workplace. Instead the people cannot assume the real situation about the Robots. It’s coming for to help humanity. I understand as generation we still lack more mental maturity to accept the implementation of Robots in our social environment. But, I consider that it is the magnificent advance in the technological area that support the continuation development of the humanity.
Karisleidy 3A (YC CLIP )
My opinion about the robots, we will arrive at a moment in which we will have a robot doing things for us and we will take away the place and the work to several people that can not be so useful, that they can not be found faster than these. The robots will have a great importance in what is the daily life, the technology in the whole world advances of very fast way and with good and bad advances, for example: the cellular ones are the electronic robots that facilitate more the Life. Easy for young people what are you doing? Well, then, very few readers read a book to investigate something, because they have the advantages that cell phones like IPhone have a robot called "Siri" that allows investigations to be easier and faster. But all this is not bad, because it also has advantages of good communications, analysis and good use of networks. However, they have a greater precision to perform dangerous explorations. Simply there is no need to fear this.
Ousmane3A (YC CLIP)
Now, technology is taking place all over the world. In my opinion, we shouldn’t treat robot like people because robots will get power and people create robots. I think we shouldn’t treat them badly and we cannot replace people with robots because robots are artificially intelligent and people will lose their jobs with their diploma.
lorena 3A (YC CLIP)
Is a article very interest because speak about our future with robots, I will hope the robots, doesn’t abuse the humans. Always the technologic was around us, but day to day is more and more, how with have to feel about that; The humans want make the live easy and fast every day, and doesn’t understand the consequences, this machines maybe will do many good and bad things. I was thinking we try with respect and then maybe we received respect too.
Melany 3A (YC CLIP)
When we talk about robots as a solution to our problems, it can be very useful. Like when we turn an alarm for an important event or went we use personal assistants like Siri and Alexa to search for a definition or an event that happened in the past, those kinds of robots (personal assistants) make our life easier. Nowadays this platforms are used more for adolescents and can make us lazier than in the past when our parents had to go to a library to search for a project or a homework. This is the reason why I think that if we use the robots for these situations it’s a way to progress but when a robot take the job of a person i don't agree because a robot have been programmed to follow the instructions of the company or institution no matter the situation the robot is only a piece of metal without feelings. I consider that a robot can’t feel and understand as a human being, that is why we cannot consider a robot like a human being .
Lessly 3A (YC CLIP )
When we think about the technology we come the conclusion that better option to make our life easier however we must be aware that sometimes this type of technology can fail because they don’t have the capacity to develop as a human. So, we have awareness to know that they can only fulfill a specific role and shouldn’t be taught so that robots progress in the best way. Therefore, in my opinion I think the robots it is a better option to help us in certain roles but not in all and we must be know how to take advantages of them but no to exceed.
Ezra (Lombardi)
If we allow robots to attain the rights of a human being, we will make the downfall of our human race inevitable. There will come a year when every job done by a human will be able to be completed by an AI humanoid robot. There will be no need for human life and our planet will become machines creating machines to create more machines. If we as humans foster the idea that robots deserve any sort of human-like treatment, we will be running ourselves off the earth. Artificial Intelligence is a great tool when used appropriately. But that is all, a good tool. Robots should not be our friends or citizens or equal to a human being in any way. This is rooted in the truth that these machines are now and will be vastly superior to any breathing organism. All the most intelligent humans on the earth will create these robots who will then become far smarter than any human has the capacity to be. These are computers we are dealing with, capable of amassing powerful intellect. When extreme intellect is placed in our working world of widespread incompetence, the intellect will prevail in a shocking way. A job that a human can do, a robot can do better. And when robots continuously get the best of humans, they will find no need for our inferior life form. However, it is not the fault of the robot. The robot is merely human creation. So if a human created it, wouldn't the human be superior? Well no, but we do have the power to stop the production of these robots before it's too late.
Jewell Regan (Bryant high school)
In this day and age robots are becoming more prominent in our world. Every smartphone has a voice assistant, and many homes have an Alexa or a Google home. Affordable robots have instrumental value in our lives.. But even though we use these devices day after day we have yet to treat them like they are human, which affects our daily interactions. For example, if we cursed through out our day, we would have a higher chance of slipping up when inappropriate. As a result, if we speak to technology in a rude manner, we will develop habits that lead us to speak to our fellow human beings in this same way. So if we treat our technology poorly then we end up treating people poorly. Furthermore, some robots resemble humans, and in reprehensible instances, people have behead these human-looking robots, kicked them to the ground, beat them with a bat, and so on. We must consider how these interactions translate into our lives when we denigrate these automatons.. Another problem that many of us are faced with, especially teenagers, is cyberbullying. A CGI/ Robot instagram model Lil Miquela has a high following and attracts many people to her account, but with that comes hate. Her comments are filled with rude messages. Leaving hateful comments can affect the sensitivity of our youth, leading.
Christelle 3A (YC CLIP)
Now, the technology take over the world in this 21e century that’s can be good and bad thing at the same time. God created humans to serve to produce and to protect the nature in the world not robots. For my opinion, I am not against robots and agree with because it will be very difficult for young people like me still in college to get a job. Robot will do all the type of job that a student with no degree can do to gain their life. Let robot take over the world will go against God creation.
Jane 3A (YC CLIP)
In my opinion we living all the time around robots they will help grow the entire world but if the question is we need treat them like a people? Definitely I do not agree with that, they are artificially intelligent machines, only that is not reason for treat like a person it has no soul we do not need it give them same rights because they are not HUMANS!!
Matthew Campbell (Hoggard High School)
Technology is all around us, from siri to security bots to self driving cars to holograms, the article explains. The article ask “What day-to-day interactions do you have with robots? How do you feel about the presence of artificial intelligence in your personal life, community or society at large? Why?” I’ve never really thought about how much robots impact our life. They are everywhere around us, are alarm clock, at school, at work and robots help build every day items. I don’t mind robots being in my life unless they are terrorizing the planet like must movies with robots depict. The article tells about a bunch or incidents about people beating up robots, “A hitchhiking robot was beheaded in Philadelphia. A security robot was punched to the ground in Silicon Valley. Another security bot, in San Francisco, was covered in a tarp and smeared with barbecue sauce”. These situations honestly don’t seem that disturbing to me, now it would be bad if the robots were living things but they aren’t, there just metal and some wires. The reason we act like this may be the word “robot” itself. It was first used in Karel Capek, the article says “The feudal fear of peasant revolt was transplanted to mechanical servants, and worries of a robot uprising have lingered ever since. …”. The reason we may ask so violent towards robots is because the word itself makes us thinks that they may put an end to mankind.
Matthew Campbell (Hoggard High School)
Technology is all around house, from siri to security bots to self driving cars to holograms the article explains. The article ask “What day-to-day interactions do you have with robots? How do you feel about the presence of artificial intelligence in your personal life, community or society at large? Why?” I’ve never really thought about how much robots impact our life. They are everywhere around us, are alarm clock, at school, at work and robots help build every day items. I don’t mind robots being in my life unless they are terrorizing the planet like must movies with robots depict. The article tells about a bunch or incidents about people beating up robots, A hitchhiking robot was beheaded in Philadelphia. A security robot was punched to the ground in Silicon Valley. Another security bot, in San Francisco, was covered in a tarp and smeared with barbecue sauce. These situations honestly don’t seem that disturbing to me, now it would be bad if the robots were living things but they aren’t, there just metal and some wires. The reason we act like this may be the word “robot” itself. It was first used in Karel Capek, the article says “The feudal fear of peasant revolt was transplanted to mechanical servants, and worries of a robot uprising have lingered ever since. …”. The reason we may ask so violent towards robots is because the word itself makes us thinks that they may put an end to mankind.
Vinamra Bansal (India)
Robots may just be machines which are designed to perform certain amount of work but they shouldn’t be disrespected or treated in an inhumane way. In my opinion they shouldn’t be treated exactly like humans too i.e. giving them all the rights and powers, which may lead to the extinction of the human race as feared by many individuals. Robots should at least be given some rights that the person owning them is able to defend his robots in case of any atrocities against them. I think that people lash out at them because they think that robots are taking their jobs and will replace them one day. They do realize that the robots do a much better work then them and thus they envy them. This must stop by making strong rules against the lashing out at the robots who are loyal and perfect helpers of mankind.
Lucca Lombardi (Hoggard High School Wilmington N.C.)
The violence against robots, I really don't understand. It's not like I care about them, or feel bad for them, It's a machine. It has no soul. The violence just doesn't make sense. Robots are expensive. I don't understand the need to beat one with a baseball bat. I think someone should be arrested for destroying a robot, not because it's any different than a computer or phone, because it's the destruction of someone's property. No matter how intelligent the AI becomes in years time a robot will never become "human." I think the machines we have running now are okay. I think having so many robots working that there are no human workers is a really bad thing. It's like asking the poverty to raise.
Casey Nelson (Lombard, IL)
I personally think that robots should be both treated, and governed different than humans, because they’re not humans, and because of that, we don’t have to treat them with the same respect as humans, or give them the same rights. If we have to give robots rights, where do we draw the line? Will we have to give robot/ AI that we use in our every day life, like a robot vacuumed cleaner or our phone assistants rights too? Robots should always be treated as second class beings next to humans so they don’t take adavantage of us.
Alexia Diaz (Glenbard east )
I feel like robots can and only should be able to be treated as humans to an certain extent because they themselves are not humans. They should be not abused though and not necessarily be treated as a whole other human being because they are not living and can’t actually feel any types of emotions. The owners of these robots should treat them decently and have some rights for them. I feel like many people don’t like robots because they have seen something bad about robots and are portrayed bad most of the time by the media. This creates fear of new things but there’s good and bad but so far I don’t think robots are doing anything bad but programmed to do their jobs.
G Jap (Masterman School, Philadelphia PA)
Firstly, robots will never be human. I believe robots will help our society grow; however, robots should not be treated like people regardless of the presence of artificial intelligence. No matter what, humans are the reason why robots exist and have feelings. The fact that these emotions are only artificial separates robots and humanity. Artificial intelligence is only a random code programmed by humans. We will never be able to implement "genuine" emotion in robots. For example, in the upcoming future, it is inevitable that there will be an uprising in AI hackers. If someone can hack into a robot and change the robots emotions, how is that human? This is why I feel that artificial intelligence will never be perfect. You can never directly and exactly change a human being's emotions, but you can hack into an AI, and change the robots thoughts.
Tessa Haley (Bryant High School, Arkansas)
While I admire the complexity of recent technology and its many benefits, robots simply do not share the same level of intricacy and mere multiplex of human beings. Humans have choice and free will, morality and virtuosity. Robots are advanced versions of John Milton’s ‘artificial Adam’ in his letter ‘Aeropagetica’— programmed and heavily restricted. Likewise, humans have opportunity and choice to define their futures; robots are like the absurd Roman hero Sisyphus— designed for one task without choice. Regardless of any advancements in technology, robots will never reach the complexity or authenticity of human beings, despite all benefits these wonderful machines provide us.
Austin Soto (Atoka, Oklahoma)
I feel like robots should not have human rights because, they are just property and only do what they are programmed to do. Artificial Intelligence on the other hand, should have laws against what they can and can't do but still have some rights, depending on what they are used for.
Micheal Harwood (Atoka, OK)
Until robots have feelings or emotions they do not have be treated like people. The owners can treat them however they like. Once robots develop feelings then we need to treat them like ourselves. The best way to deal with this problem is to never allow artificial intelligence to get feelings.
Brett Goff (Tushka,Ok)
Robots can be good or bad if you don’t like robots it’s you opinion but if we keep mistreat robots might wipe out the human race
jacy eaves (tushka ok)
Robots help us in many ways in the world today but that also does not mean they need to be treated as a human being. technology has gotten out of control in the last few years and for people to be treating robots as human beings in my opinion is a little extreme.
Zade (Hoggard High, Wilmington, NC)
Ever since Siri got her voice, it seemed to be a goal to say the wackiest stuff and hear her response. The reason we said this stuff was because we knew we didn't have the risk of hurting anybody's feelings. I feel the same way with the abuse of the robots in the examples the article provided. People know that destroying one robot will not even make a dent on the research and production of more. Of course it is wrong to vandalize a company's property and people shouldn't do it, but there seems to be no deeper meaning to this, just people destroying stuff for fun. Occasionally, I will tell my Google Home to shut up just for the fun of it, because I know I would never do that to a real assistant. An issue I have is that we are getting too comfortable with our “robots” I have met young people who tell their Alexa and Siri “please” and “thank you”. We can even customize their voices and “Wake up word”. With that, I feel like there is a good chance that people will begin substituting robots for true human interaction. WIlliam Santana Li’s case from the article show that it is becoming normal, it has become natural for people to nae their robots.
ER (Hoggard Highschool, WIlmington N.C)
I believe that if you feel the need to take out your anger on a robot, there is probably something else going on in your life that makes you that angry that you want to take it out on a robot. I find it to be highly unnecessary that people are beheading robots, or beating them with bats, punching them will all their strength, and smearing them with barbecue sauce. I find it disrespectful - well not to the robot because they do not have feelings but I do find it disrespectful to the creator of the robot.  Imagine going to art museum and punching a hole in a painting just because you don't like it. Is that disrespectful to the painting? No the painting does not have feelings. But is it disrespectful to the artist? Yes. It is disrespectful to destroy something that someone put so much time and effort into. Not only is it disrespectful but it is highly inappropriate and not needed. If you do not like robots or fear they are going to steal your job then how is destroying them going to solve anything?
ER (Hoggard Highschool, WIlmington N.C)
@ER We interact with robots everyday, for example an ATM machine could be classified as a robot but does an ATM machine have a pair of eyes and a mouth? No. Have you ever heard of someone beating up or destroying an ATM machine out of pure anger? No. Ever heard of someone beat up a vending machine? Because a vending machine is classified as a robot as well. Vending machines and an ATM are only two of the many examples of robots we use in our daily lives and those are both robots that have replaced human jobs. Yet we do not see violence against these robots, because they don’t have eyes or a mouth. Agnieszka Wykowska, a cognitive neuroscientist said that the violence against robots resembles the way humans hurt each other and I agree with her.
Max Scholer (Hoggard Wilmington, NC)
I have never felt any anger or hatred toward a robot and have really only felt annoyance as a roomba asks to be charged from the upstairs or Alexa goes on because she misheard us.I can, however understand why there may be aggression towards the robots listed in the article. I agree that part of the reason for breaking them is for fear of job loss,so that explains why security and teacher robots would be targeted and destroyed. And as for the hitchhiking robot, that's kinda creepy and I understand why someone would destroy it for that reason. A.I. is still artificial. They only do and “feel” what they are programmed to, they are still just machines and their emotions are not real, if at all existent, so I believe they are still property, and we should respect each others property, but the robot itself should not have rights yet.
Jake Hession (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
The treatment of robots described in the Jonah Engel Bromwich article “Why do We Hurt Robots?” is quite detestable, not because robots should be considered equal to humanity, but because those who were vandalizing the machines were personifying them while simultaneously viewing them as less than human, and hurting them. This translates almost directly to the human tendency to ostracize outsiders, a regrettable habit that shows itself prominently in these situations, presumably because the abused automatons are seen as inferior. This is not to say that robots currently deserve equal treatment to humanity, as they have been created to serve people and they do not possess the complexity to be considered anywhere near sentient, but they should be given a certain degree of respect. However, as technology progresses, the line between human and machine will be blurred to a point where it is practically unrecognizable. Robots will become increasingly complex and human-esque, until they are virtually indistinguishable from people, and it at this point that they must be considered equal. While this future is an inevitability, it is still some time in the future, and robots that exist now are a far cry from human. However, just because they are not people, doesn’t mean that they deserve the treatment outlined in the article. The machines we create are extensions of ourselves, and they deserve the respect that any other human creations do.
Molly Phelps (Hoggard High School )
Personally, I have never met a human looking robot and I have never felt any hatred towards them. I have seen videos on Instagram or twitter of people lashing out on robots but never have I seen it happen in real life. The only reason that stands out to me for humans to be lashing out on robots is robots taking our jobs. Personally, I feel like in the future it will eventually happen and everyone isn't gonna have anything to do. People will get lazy and there will not be a way to get any money. In the future, there will be robots do all the yard work for us, doing our jobs, and driving us everywhere. Robots will basically be controlling our lives in the next 100 years or less. Robots are not people nor should they be treated like people. No, people shouldn't be out destroying them, but there's no reason for robots to be treated the same as people are.
Leyna (Courbevoie, France)
I think that technology and robots can actually be usefull in some situations (forest fire, dangerous situations...). Nevertheless it can be dangerous, robots could take away people jobs. Even though robots can do things faster and betters than us but there are way to much unemployed people all over the world we don't need robots to take those jobs away!
Jason Culley (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Robots should not be treated like humans. I believe they should have not even been made as advanced as they are. These machines are capable of many things, with some things being bad. The selection asks if humans are scared of losing jobs and if asked this question, I’d answer yes. Having advanced robots capable of doing human jobs is a way to replace people on the workforce. At a point in the article, it says how people have become angry at these machines and have begun attacking them. As one person beat up a robot, it began crying out for help. To me this is a scary thought because the bots have become so advanced that they can develop feelings and emotions, as shown by the plead for help. I believe this should not be a problem people should have to worry about but this issue and debate over these machines is rising everyday.
Luna (paris)
I didn't think that robot sould be treat like human because they are just machine without emotion or feelings. robot could be really good for help us but a the limit of possible, because i think that if one day we create a robot to smart that could be dangerous. so it's really important to differentiate oneself from robots.
AI (Los Angeles)
Treating robots like humans is a potential risk, even if they can be kind or very useful but it can be very dangerous. nowadays technology is growing at an incredible speed. AN AUTOMATED FUTURE IS not a worthy idea but we must control all these technologies at the risk of being outperformed.
Ashia Walls (BRYANT HIGH SCHOOL, Bryant AR)
We interact with robots every day whether people like it or not, though I’ve never seen any robot abuse, I don’t believe it’s a problem. Some people may argue that “What if it was you?” being beaten and harassed by random strangers for no reason. For one humans' have hearts beating with blood pumping in their veins. While robots may look like they do in their humanoid silicone molds, robots have wires, gears, and code. Meaning they can’t feel pain nor have feelings, unlike humans. For example, Alantim was attacked with a baseball bat and screamed help repeatedly--this, however, doesn’t say the robot felt the pain of a baseball bat which brings me to believe he just saw a man damaging the hardware, but not really sensing pain. Humans are starting to attack robots off guard, because they’re afraid of what they created. Humanizing these robots will only bring them one step closer to total dominion over the world, like Google. This company started out friendly like these robots, but slowly getting your information little by little with every click and suggestion. Now the government can’t control these social media giants because they have gotten too powerful. These tech companies know more about us than we do ourselves. before we start treating robots like humans, we need to regulate tech companies first because they are doing too much with our private data and their software powers those robots.
Kevin Dai (Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC)
Although I think that robots are more of a tool or piece of equipment that have no feelings than human. I believe that robots shouldn't be treated like dirt or beaten up. Like everything else in history, robots are just another massive technological advancement. Ms. Wykowska states that we are doing all these terrible actions towards robots cause,“We are afraid of this thing that we don’t really fully understand, because it’s a little bit similar to us, but not quite enough.”While I do understand the fear and hatred that many people feel towards robots, and the possibility that their jobs and roles in society could be replaced. Violence is not the message towards the future. We shouldn't not accept a game-changing invention to just be buried away and lost. We need to accept the fact that the future is arriving and we need to let our children over generations to not resort to violence. My greatest fear is a "robot uprising". As comedian Aristotle Georgeon found, “ … much of the feedback he gets tends to reflect the fear of robot uprisings.” We have to accept that robots will become super advanced to the point where they are almost “humans”. We don’t want to have to deal with a possible war or rebellion of robots, because we are abusing them.
Dailan Patel (Bryant High School)
Everyday people all over the world have some interaction with some type of robot like asking Siri for help or people with a Tesla to have the car drive by itself, but we really can't have human interactions with technology like that. With the variety of technology being developed in this century, no gadget, hologram, or car will ever be develop human emotions. Robots are only programmed to respond certain commands. So treating robots like people is impractical. Even making robots do human tasks like pay taxes is ridiculous. I can't imagine having a meal with a robot because the result is me getting off subject responses. I believe we shouldn't treat robots like humans because if we do, they will sooner or later rely fully on them to take over people's jobs ending up with a lot of people being unemployed.
alan flowers (tushka, oklahoma)
in my opinion technology is growing but who gave these "robots" power humans did so if we gave them power to help then be thankful then if a "robot" hurt you then be angry at the robot i'm not you-you have your own opinion and i'm not going to judge
Tenley Wainright (Tushka, Ok)
There are many different ways that robots could be good or bad. Robots could help us make things quicker and faster but they could also take our jobs away from us. There are enough people without jobs as it is and then robots coming into the picture it could put people out of jobs. Robots also do not have the same state of mind that humans do. They are also not capable of doing things humans can, yet. You have to just take into consideration that if the robots mess up or malfunction then stuff could go seriously wrong and hurt normal citizens. It could be very useful and very dangerous at the same time so we just have to think properly about these situations. I mean of course the younger generation will be all for robots because they are cool, but they do not know the dangers of having them.
Dominic Kassulke (Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC)
Robots, in my opinion should never have been created, and they only hurt our society. At the moment the robots all look great with helping us like Siri, and Alexa, but technology can all be connected with the government and there’s a chance that they’re listening. Like the article asks, Are we scared of robots taking our jobs or taking over? My answer to that is a certain yes. Robots can be so much smarter than us and will adapt and take over. Recently people have lashed out on Robots all around the world. I think it has to do with how powerful people think they can become, and they don’t want that to happen. It is said in the article that a robot was getting beat up and was pleading and crying for help, which just caught me off guard because robots don’t have brains, they don’t have real feelings, and they don’t have a soul. They are strictly built for the purpose of the creator. So I think robots do not deserved to be treated like people.
Ella Gottlob (Hoggard High School)
Well Robots aren't at the same state of mind as we are today right now, but they aren't capable of the same things humans can do yet, but I have feeling that one day they will be able to do everything we can do.Given this, any discussion of robots should be a discussion of property or products. I really don't think it would be that smart to have a full automated future for this world. But I have no hate towards the robots but the future for the robots are coming closer then we think. Its gonna come and we aren't gonna be prepared, everyone is not gonna know what to do in the situation, they are are gonna think we are being controlled by them. Its either gonna tare the world up like it did for discrimination, if we don't stop the hate from the robots, our country may slip away.
AK (Florida)
Violence should not be accepted in any society or really in any situation. If we were to allow violence whether it was between humans or humans and robots, chaos would reign. But as far as treating robots as if they were humans or locking up humans for violence against machines, a line does need to be drawn. Robots do not have souls, feelings, or emotions outside of the programming they've been given. The programming comes from, in fact, a human. If we were to give robots the same privileges as people humans could use that fact to their advantage and pursue their own agendas through robots.
Maria Gonzalez (Texas)
@AK I agree with you. I don't think these "robots" should be treated like humans nor come close to it. These "things" were created for the purpose of the creator. So therefore should be treated as is. Giving them human like faces is just to confuse people in to wondering what is real or fake. What is the reality to all? Being violent to these "things" or beating them won't change a thing. They're making more and more of them and if you as me. I am scared to what our future holds with robots controlling our world.
JD (Oklahoma)
A.I. in its current state is still not capable of complex thought in the same manner as humans, and likely won't be for some time. Given this, any discussion of robots should be a discussion of property and products. Anthropomorphizing them may prove beneficial to companies selling A.I. products, and there is nothing objectionable about this (since we are all aware that A.I. is still just that, artificial). But the consumer has no moral obligation to treat the robot in any particular way. Incidents of vandalism as described in the article are interesting evidence of the economic and technological crossroads we are currently at, but the rage desribed is directed toward unfeeling objects.
Jahsir (Cinnaminson)
I dont think that it would be a good idea to have a fully automated future. I say this because the world we live in today is not that great due to a variety of reasons. For example, politics, or the government specifically; they have so much power that they are making the present a bad place for citizens to live in. Society is degrading. So to have an automated future would just be even worse because you never know what the people with higher authority will try to do.
estefan (nj cinnaminson)
i don't fell any hatred towards robots. The future of robots are coming closer than we think. Soon, we will see robots everywhere in the world doing stuff that normal people would do. I'm all for it, it will make my life and everybody life so much easier. But, some jobs will be taken by the Robots, which might causes poverty to raise.
Gavin (United States of America)
I feel like we should treat them with respect or this may cause a lot of fights in America. We fought to stop discrimination and if we dont stop the hate towards robots, our country may split apart again over robots.