White House Redefines Who Is Essential to Get Parts of Government Moving Again

Jan 16, 2019 · 232 comments
Jean (Holland, Ohio)
Congress: PLEASE pass a law stating that henceforth federal workers cannot be forced to put in their required work shifts, yet not have normal paycheck schedules honored. You would think this was an implied contract, already!!! Or MAYBE their job descriptions and benefits promised to them when hired ALREADY meet a legal standard of a " contract" --work, and timely pay and benefits!!!!
John (Port of Spain)
Forcing people to work without pay? How is this not slavery?
k. francis (laupahoehoe, hawai'i)
grover norquist's dream, realized.
Charlesbalpha (Atlanta)
"the Trump administration is reinterpreting longstanding rules to open the federal government piece by piece, forcing thousands of workers to report to work without pay" In other words, he's reinventing slavery.
It's fascinating to contrast the photograph accompanying the article [all white men] with the special section, featuring the 131 women in the House and Senate, a large number of whom are not white. Unless no female Senators were present for the photo op, the NYT should try to be a bit more inclusive in its 'non-special section' coverage.
Mr. Creosote (New Jersey)
13th amendment anyone?
Bill Scurry (New York, NY)
You can't win against an enemy who will burn his house down with his family in it.
LivingWithInterest (Sacramento)
#Where’s Mitch!
Skip Descant (Sacramento, Calif. )
Ah, so the Trump administration wants folks to work, and maybe pay them later, some undetermined time down the road... A similar approach he has taken with his building contractors. (Oh, and remember the executive order, where he announced no one's getting a raise this year... Nice...;)
htg (Midwest)
You know how people say vote with your wallet? It's getting really close to the point where I call HR and tell them to stop withholding my federal taxes. I'll give them to the state instead. What's the IRS going to do? Come after me?
Lew (San Diego, CA)
At least one of the lawsuits is based on the Antideficiency Act. This law "prohibits Executive Branch officials from obligating or spending money before it is given to them by the Congress... The Act becomes especially significant when the Congress fails to provide appropriations. At that point, government employees are legally prohibited from spending money, because they haven't been given any money to spend. So an agency head cannot authorize a government employee to come to work; that would be incurring a government obligation without having an appropriation..." In a shutdown, workers are categorized as essential or non-essential workers; essential workers must continue working at jobs where "the threat to life or property... [is] "imminent." Air-traffic controllers and meat inspectors can generally keep working. People writing checks or doing maintenance generally cannot." (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/09/the-odd-story-of-the-law-that-dictates-how-government-shutdowns-work/280047/) The specific clause specifying who is essential and who is not (31 U.S. Code § 1342): "An officer or employee of the United States Government or of the District of Columbia government may not accept voluntary services for either government or employ personal services exceeding that authorized by law except for emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection of property." The Trump administration is gaming the system by misinterpreting the law.
Bunny (NC)
Looks like things are going as planned. Government shut down but government employees working for free; divided country; and Senators working to remove sanctions on Russians. He is now bankrupting our country exactly as he has bankrupted his many business ventures, while paying back his loans from Russia. All in plain sight. The Republicans own this. All of them. Those who seek to divide us are the enemy.
Glenn Thomas (Edison, NJ)
Why should the taxpayers pick up the tab on an irresponsible shutdown by the president by providing back-pay to government workers laid off as a result? Gov- ernment workers didn't work, so no pay! Let them follow the procedure to file for unemploy- ment like anyone else. Their fault? No! But why should the taxpayers pick up the entire tab? Its not the fault of the majority of voters. The popular vote (the majority) went to Hillary. Workers who were affected by the shutdown should have begun the process of applying for Unem- ployment Insurance. Everyone who can, should express their displeasure by marching on DC.
William O, Beeman (San José, CA)
Optics, optics, optics. Trump doesn't want to make his "base" angry, so he has decided to engage in forced servitude to make sure his MAGA-heads are not inconvenienced. Poor MAGA-heads. They shouldn't have to suffer because those Democrat-voting Federal workers are out on "vacation." Trump cares for nothing but himself and his shrinking support. He knows the economy is tanking and so is his popularity, so slavery is the answer. Slaves cost nothing and they do all the work. Good deal! You can bet when the government returns to work Trump will try to get them to accept $.50 on the dollar, just like he does with his real-estate contractors. But slavery is something his "base" understands and approves of. Ask David Duke.
Judy (Nassau County NY)
"the Trump administration is reinterpreting longstanding rules to open the federal government piece by piece, forcing thousands of workers to report to work without pay, many of them in sectors that could minimize damage to the president’s base." Stiff the Federal the workforce to spare the pain of core supporters. Sounds good to Trump. Infuriates me.
Sully (Covington, KY)
Trump and his base constantly attack Government services as onerous and unnecessary in our "free" market Capitalism. Now look at them, scrambling to shore up their broad dependencies on government revenue streams and subsidies that, behind the scenes, are their lifeblood.
Chris (Cave Junction)
Maybe the Deep State is important and valued after all, what with the need to bring back career federal employees to do their jobs without pay: they're so important that they must work whether or not they get paid!
peter (ny)
So the administration selectively reopens selective bureaus so they lessen impact of the shutdown on selective groups that generally support the administration, with the intent to bribe those groups into not experiencing the fullest impact of his temper tantrums, all the while forcing those recalled into work, uncompensated, until a TBD date along with all those already furloughed w/o pay for their day to day bills and expenses. Sounds like something a historically disreputable contractor would do to cover his tracks, or am I missing something?
TheUglyTruth (Atlanta)
Tax refunds and farm loans are critical funds, but government workers’ paychecks are not!
Inveterate (Bedford, TX)
One of the many important things that Trump has done as a president is to force people to take actions against him. People coalesce, come up with solutions, find a purpose in life, stop taking their benefits for granted. Restaurants are feeding the workers, organizations distribute funds. This is not too bad. Interestingly such actions arise also during wars and are societal considered benefits of war. So Trump may get get more societal benefits by getting the US embroiled into some war on its soil. Then everyone will enthustastically pitch in some more.
Chris (Cave Junction)
How many times has Trump been accused of stiffing his employees and subcontractors who have worked for him over the years? This forcing workers to the job without pay is just more of that.
Bill (california )
I was surprised when I heard that the federal workers were not allowed to sue for their wages but had to work without pay. It seems to me that it is unconstitutional..... being forced to work without pay is called slavery (involuntary servitude), which violates the 13th amendment. Seems pretty clear cut. I guess the Constitution does not apply to the Federal Government?
dba (nyc)
It really frustrates me that I don't hear the dems remind Trump and the republicans that they offered 25 billion for the wall and security last year in exchange for DACA. But, Trump refused. The dems should be screaming this every day.
Bob (Maine)
Great idea! Now we can see how little government we really need. During their shutdowns, both Clinton and Obama tried to make it as onerous as possible, even putting barriers around monuments in DC and blocking WW2 vets from seeing their monument. Trump is doing the opposite, and more power to him!
Roxanne P (San Diego)
@Bob Yes, Trump's proving that we can have government services without paying for them. All we have to do is not pay government employees. Problem solved. It's how he ran his businesses. Reap the benefits of other people's work and then stiff them!
Rob (NY)
Can the White House also redefine who is nonessential and start with Trump and bill-blocking McConnell?
Prudence Spencer (Portland)
I really hope the president and members of Congress are aware most people will have a limit on how long they can work without pay. George Bush received a lot of flap not not knowing the price of milk ( or something similar ), when will this current crop of politicians receive flap for having so much disrespect for working class Americans. Let’s be honest, the government will re-open with no repercussions to the president or any member of Congress. Just another day in the life of a politician.
tdb (Berkeley, CA)
Making a worker go to work without being paid sounds like forced labor to me. I could understand it in a case of national emergency (like a disaster or war) but not in the current situation or in the way it has been deployed all too often, namely to push (bribe) a bill through Congress to force its passing. It is incomprehensible to me that this kind of maneuver be legal or morally acceptable in a democracy. Retroactive payment is not an answer to the charge of forced labor either since there is an economic chain reaction in not getting your regular check to pay for regular bills that will not wait until your check arrives. Why is the president entitled to use federal workers as pawns for his political designs? This sounds like a remnant of absolute power or misuse of power in a democratic republic.
Winston (Nashville)
Forcing people back to work seems to be an illegitimate workaround. Not only is the government continuing to essentially spend money despite no budget but they haven’t really shut down. It’s a government shutdown with most services running. The Executive branch is trying to save face by issuing tax refunds and leaving national parks open and it is only employees who suffer the consequences.
Francis (Denver, CO)
This is great. Open the government piecemeal, and also redefine which departments are deemed “essential”. The minimal government will be the default from this point forward. My only quibble is these essential workers should be paid. Perhaps he should pass appropriations to fund these workers piecemeal as well.
Charlesbalpha (Atlanta)
@Francis Of course this is Trump's definition of essential. TSA workers aren't essential, because he has his own jet. Museums aren't essential, because Trump is a low-brow who never goes to one. On the other hand, secret service is probably essential, because Trump doesn't want to get shot.
Roger Holmquist (Sweden)
@Francis Yes, it'a certainly a great example of the WH playing foolish games with public employees as pawns instead of doing something decent.
Syliva (Pacific Northwest)
@Francis So you are comfortable with the Trump administration being the ones to decide what is "essential"? I'm not.
Mike (Wisconsin)
It's sickening to hear right-wingers twist the shutdown into something good. These workers are useless and mediocre federal bureaucrats, they say. And it's so ironic since many of the people working without pay at the moment are those trained and qualified to keep us safe, especially DHS at the southern border. There are plenty of existing barriers, physical and technological, already in place, but being staffed by TrumpShutdown victims whose morale cannot be very good at the moment. Not good for national security, and not fair for the workers.
M H (CA)
@Mike Which is why Nancy Pelosi is right to refuse trump's State of the Union speech. It would require many federal workers to work without pay for a nonessential "special occasion".
Reading Mary (Boston)
We should not be surprised by the Administration's action to reopen portions of the government that benefit the President's base. Trump has demonstrated repeatedly he is not the president of all; he is the president of some. I continue to be ashamed by the treatment of federal workers with whom I have worked for the past 30 years as part of my job. These are dedicated public servants for whom I have a great deal of respect. To expect them to work without pay is a crime. Shame on Mitch McConnell; shame on Mick Mulvaney; and shame on President Trump and administration.
karen (chicago il)
@Reading Mary We must also include Vice President Pence in the cruel treatment of actual dedicated government workers. He is deeply involved in this and all things trump. This game playing of what government departments are essential is the ego saving plot by a conman who has no true business skills. This is just like his back pedalling on full tariffs when they hurt his pals. He did these corporate guys favors and now he owns them. Look at past tapes and you will see he has rarely made a furm decision in his life - just wishy washy false bravados of could bes and maybes. That is irresponsibilty 101.
Deb (Blue Ridge Mtns.)
"And dozens of Interior Department employees will head to the country’s coastline to sell oil and gas leases." So in order to minimize damage to his base, his other base, the ones who got 88% of the tax cut, it's essential to sell off our coastlines and ocean waters to those who will pollute for profit, furthering the demise of this little blue planet. My outrage at this stupid, evil man should be spent by now, but it just keeps on coming. What he's doing to this country and all of us including his deranged base must come to an end. He destroys everything he touches. Because he can and it gives him pleasure. Lock him up.
JayCasey (Tokyo)
This alone, should be grounds for impeachment.
Furloughed Non-governmental (Texas)
JayCasey, you’re right. This definitely should be grounds for impeachment. It’s not only a high crime; it’s a regular low one. Recalling furloughed workers to work without pay is a willful and knowing violation of the Antideficiency Act, punishable by up to two years in prison. The high crime is usurping the power of the legislative branch, which fully fits the definition of coup d’etat.
Pat Murphy (Lee, NH)
History's best liars are those who try to redefine the meaning of words.
B. Rothman (NYC)
Forced work without pay has a name: slavery.
LivingWithInterest (Sacramento)
From public service to servitude all in the name of politics. This is not what our public servants sign-up for. ser·vi·tude. /ˈsərvəˌt(y)o͞od/ noun the state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful. They show up every day and deliver a host of services, sight unseen, to support our country and its constituents. And this is the thanks they get. Disrespectful.
TheraP (Midwest)
Trickle Down Nonsense! The Mad Toddler in the White House imagines he’ll force through his Toy Wall by irrational ploys. All he’s accomplishing is visible in one glance at 538, where it’s clear his poll number are tanking. He’s losing support. He’s gaining disgust. Here’s a link: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/
soap-suds (bok)
Trump treats workers worse than slaves: no pay, no food, no clothing, no shelter, and worse, no transportation to/from work! Meanwhile, the Republicans in Congress sit idly by waiting for the sky to open and deliver them from their nefarious ways.
Roger Holmquist (Sweden)
@soap-suds I believe their crime of inaction will safely deliver then deep down to a dark&hot place ruled by DT in eternity. Amen.
Heidi A (Sacramento, CA)
So, essential workers now include those involved in selling out our public lands to gas & oil companies (republican donors) and those who process (welfare) checks to farmers (republican voters). And FDA inspectors are non-essential because, you know, another e-coli outbreak related to produce would only affect democrats (because "real americans" don't eat lettuce -- unless it's on their big mac). This is crazy-town, fellow NYT readers! We are being "ruled" by an incompetent grifter who Only serves a small slice of our once great country. This so-called governance is not sustainable... and Putin couldn't be happier with all his apprentice has accomplished.
Devanson (Philadelphia)
So, when this president can’t win, he moves the goal posts. The so called art of the deal, like almost everything that comes out of this president mouth, is a lie.
Mary Slaughter (California)
A sea of wealthy white men, holding pictures of mostly white families as human shields while they refuse to actually help the situation. I can't imagine a more disgusting political move.
That's what she said (USA)
Calling bak 80,000 IRS back to work? Joke. How about calling Mitch McConnell back to work? If he did his job, others could too-with pay-LIKE HIM. Where in the World is Mitch McConnell
RJ (Iowa)
Federal workers going on strike is illegal but so was the American Revolution. STRIKE!
B. (Brooklyn )
Obviously, the Republicans believe the Federal government is bloated anyway and would like it to disappear. They don't like giving money to our National Parks and hate clean air, water, and food if it means inconveniencing businesses. Ronald Reagan badly damaged the FAA, the IRS is nonfunctional, the NIH is being muzzled, and Federal protections weakened. Once again Donald Trump is doing Republicans' work for them in his own peculiar way. The Supreme Court is theirs, and family planning choices and marriage equality will vanish, Chief Justice Roberts' comments notwithstanding. America had better wise up. Trump may be a mendacious, crooked narcissist and a lousy businessman, but for the GOP he's pure gold.
VM (upstate ny)
If you can't operate under the rules you change the rules right? POTUS does not understand how the US government works, and he obviously doesn't care. If one of his underlings tries to educate him, "you're fired!" POTUS' understanding of governing is "my way or the highway." What is astounding to me is how many politicians and US citizens go along with this. Don't they teach US history and government is school? or are those classes fake news?
Nature Voter (Knoxville)
Where are the images of all those lost to the war on drugs? Or those to the wrath of oxycontin, fentanyl, or to gun violence as congress has done nothing to curb the pharma or gun lobby influences. Nice try old white Dems but your media attention grab is nothing more than hollow attempts to attract voters and is not working on this individual nor my peers.
Warren (Shelton, Connecticut)
Trump can end the hostage crisis he started any time he wants. He is trying to blackmail the American people. His presidency is a disaster.
Electroman72 (Houston, TX)
Another really bad move to go and lose in court with, causing just more economic damage. And taking demoralized employees and making them angrier. These are not bright people working for Trump, and the critics the Times easily gets to comment are Republicans not in this administration or even were.
John (Machipongo, VA)
Is this what the Republicans meant by "drowning the government in the bathtub?"
J Alfred Prufrock (Portland)
Ny Times: How about a list of the the govt. employees and elected officials who have been getting their paycheck during the shutdown?
Todd (Providence RI)
I for one am very excited about having an IRS employee who is being forced to work without pay - wait, there's a word for that isn't there? - process my tax return this year. I can't see this working out badly at all.
Street Pundit (NYC)
Noam Chomsky once commented that there is essentially no difference between wage slavery and chattel slavery. By recalling Federal employees to work without pay, Trump - in one autocratic, unethical and beyond unacceptable step - has made Chomsky's observation real. Moreover, when will McConnell abandon his despicable Machiavellian stance? When the victims of Trump's totalitarian aspirations lead to homelessness, illness, or death? For his mob approach to goverance and the ever-increasing evidence of his crimes, Trump must be impeached - and indicted - as soon as possible. If McConnell does not abandon his decade long blockage of needed humanitarian and ethical legislation, he must be stripped of his Senatorial leadership.
kkseattle (Seattle)
Does it surprise anyone that the politicians who represent the Confederacy see no problem in forcing others to work for them without pay?
Priti (San Jose)
Lock Trump and the congressional leadership in a room and do not let them come out until they find a way to end the shut down just the way they do when appointing a pope.
PTNYC (Brooklyn, NY)
Perhaps Trump's next step will be to force Democratic government employees to build his wall for free.
JCAZ (Arizona)
Can some of these workers afford the gas / commutation fees to get to work? Once again, the White House shows how tone deaf they are to the issue.
The administration’s calling for the Democrats to negotiate is laugh out loud funny. If one side—in this case Trump—is recalcitrant and refuses to budge on the single item he is demanding—that’s not negotiating in any way shape or form. It’s a demand of “my way or no way.” Trump’s cynical way of recalling “essential workers back without pay defines him as even more deplorable. Who knew that was possible?
Carole (In New Orleans)
How does Congress negotiate with a criminal mind? That playbook hasn't been scripted, however Mitch could do this in his sleep if he so desired. Presently, he's the gatekeeper of a maddening charade of a man.
Thomas Lashby (Atlanta)
Pelosi worried about State of the Union security but not border security. Nancy knows more about what is needed at the border (she never visits) than Border Agents? Smart woman
Jean (Holland, Ohio)
Who says she isn't concerned about security? She just doesn't want multimillions for a wall. She thinks there are modern technologies AND VASTLY MORE IMMIGRATION JUDGES that also need to be part of the mix. And she does not believe the basis for negations is to take 800,000 federal workers, plus federal contractors, hostage! MOST Americans agree with her!!!!
chrismosca (Atlanta, GA)
I've written this before, but it bears repeating ... Why am I being forced to pay taxes into a government that only represents one-third of the people??? Sorry, but us "demoncrats" and city-dwellers are getting tired of this pandering to Mr. Trump's "base." (Not to mention the unfairness of asking government employees to work without pay!)
Cap’n Dan Mathews (Northern California)
If you want a debate on immigration, let’s have one, and walls can be a part. But to punish workers by using them as pawns does not speak well of you, nor your upbringing.
J. Waddell (Columbus, OH)
How is this any different or worse than when Obama did everything he could to make the shutdown under his administration as painful as possible for American citizens? Guess it all depends upon your objective.
WHM (Rochester)
I am a bit surprised that this article did not mention past efforts by Republicans to essentially trim government to their liking by selectively opening popular portions of the government. That included efforts to open NIH (apparently very popular) while keeping closed the IRS (unpopular at times when the deficit is not skyrocketing). I am not suggesting the Trump thought out such a complex plan himself, but he is surrounded by lots of right wing warriors who have tried this before.
Jean (Holland, Ohio)
I want to know if it is legal for those of us going through TSA lines to give gift cards to the unpaid employees? And if so, do we have to be careful to do so AFTER they have " passed" us, so it doesn't look like a bribe? If it is legal, I think many of us need to start passing out grocery card gift cards, etc. Let those employees know we appreciate them!
Broadcastdude (New York)
People need to rethink if they want to take a government job that is labeled "nonessential." If they are nonessential, that means we don't really need them. Those of us who work in the private sector really don't know from one week to the next if we will have a paycheck. I frankly don't have much sympathy for the nonessential government workers who have missed a paycheck. They should have thought about that before taking a nonessential job. And private sector workers don't get compensated for missed paychecks.
northeastsoccermum (northeast )
So working parents who can't pay for child care (because they haven't been paid) now have to show up for work or risk losing their jobs (that aren't paying them).
Bert Woodall (Albuquerque, NM)
Remarkably, abusively, it is illegal for federal employees to strike. Even so, if these federal workers are not being paid, how can they be termed employees? Surely by any rational construct, these workers have been made volunteers, and as such ought to have every right to work only at will. When federal workers were forbidden to strike, they were presumed to be working for pay. That is certainly a reasonable expectation to meet; even in anarchic times, work-for-wages is standard practice.
MPE (SF Bay Area)
The Republicans talk like they are heroes suggesting opening agency by agency. Gee, I remember the Democrats suggesting back in December reopening all agencies with exception of continued negotiation over trump’s wall. And how s base still supports him....
Jay (Randolph Center, VT)
Congress needs to call the administration out on this approach immediately. Either the government is shut down or it isn't. To call back non-essential employees back to work with no pay is obviously politically motivated to ease the pain of reduced government services so there is minimized pressure to negotiate a funding compromise. The only difference now that makes them essential is to keep the administration out of hot water.
If Congress does not statutorily define the term "essential worker during a shutdown", the country will have taken another giant step towards rule by presidential fiat.
The Chief from Cali (Port Hueneme Calif.)
Wonder when those ranchers and farmers will get their checks? The deal maker seems to be stiffing everyday people.
Margo Channing (NY)
@The Chief from Cali This is how he ran his empire. This is nothing new from Bone Spurs.
Leknarfs (Palo Alto)
This is not only maddening but cruel. Trump and the GOP are happy to create indentured servants of the civil service! And the reason we know its a GOP policy of cruelty is because most of the unfunded agency budgets WILL NEVER include wall funding! NASA, USGS, USDA, IRS, FDA, NIH, Education, ..these agencies were created under legislation with specific missions. NONE of these agencies include border security or border wall construction. So however this ends, these agency budgets will NOT include border wall funding. It is pure cruelty to purposely inflict pain, stress, and fear for thousands of civil servants and contractors who work for agencies that will in the end not have anything to do with Trump's border goals.
a (chicago)
I don't understand how trump thinks that making people work for no pay can be viewed as "easing" the plight caused by the shutdown.
Smitty Johnson (Maryland)
The McConnell shutdown has no end in sight, because McConnell as abdicated his constitutional obligations. His job is not to give into every demand of the executive branch (and indeed he's known for obstructing Obama). McConnell could hold a vote on the same bill that passed the senate overwhelming, the same bill recently passed by the House, and open the government, but he won't. McConnell chooses not to allow a vote on a bill to open the government. This is officially the McConnell shutdown.
Larry N (Los Altos, CA)
"The Wall", as Trump talks about it, is just political red meat for Trump's base. Border walls, the adult topic relative to ongoing need to maintain border security, need detailed planning and prioritization including deliberative budgeting decisions, among administrative and congressional experts and leaders. McConnell, and the Republicans in the Senate, have it in their power to impose this latter formulation on the process and rein in the president's mongering while at the same time getting more effective border security. And meantime, letting our government get back to serving ALL the people.
Jean (Holland, Ohio)
The story says:..."forcing thousands of workers to report to work without pay, many of them in sectors that could minimize damage to the president’s base." Will all of Trump's base think it is okay for thousands of federal employees to work without pay while the farm loans and IRS refunds are being processed, and for TSA, FAA and Coast Guard employees to work without pay? I doubt it, because many of the families in his base live check to check, or with modest financial cushions. A gigantic percentage of them will have a family member or church friend suffering financially from the lack of timely paychecks.
John (Woodbury, NJ)
Our National Parks are being despoiled because most rangers are furloughed and Trump won't close the parks because people might complain about the shutdown. Meanwhile, Interior employees who process oil and mining leases are essential workers? Heaven forbid that oil and mining be delayed. Mr. President, if you want to proudly own this shutdown as you stated, then shut the government down and suffer the consequences. Close the National Parks. Delay IRS refunds. No drilling and mining leases during the shutdown. Keep the Farm Service Agency closed. Let's see how long Mitch McConnell has your back if everyday citizens start to notice how much a government shutdown affects their lives. But, I guess you're too scared to do that? Or is the problem that if government services were truly curtailed for the duration of the shutdown, maybe more people would start to realize that the country and the world are too complex for the libertarian and free market nonsense that the right has been spouting as an article of faith for the last fifty years?
Johnny (Kansas)
I just want somebody to explain to me why this wasn't a National Emergency two years ago when the GOP had control of both houses of Congress? Why now? It's not a new issue, he campaigned on it. Remember how Mexico was going to pay for the wall? I see this is nothing more than a smear attempt by Trump on the newly-elected Democratic controlled US House of representatives
Ken McBride (Lynchburg, VA)
Having people work and not pay them is rather typical of Trump. How can this possibly be legal? Where does it say that government workers are required to work at the dictates of the President? It is time for the IRS, TSA, Air Controllers, etc. to walk off the job! It appears we have made little progress since Pulman and Homestead!
cheerful dramatist (NYC)
I cannot help but think that even appeasing his base in this way might backfire for Trump. As selfish as they may be and anti government as well, It might get through to them that the person processing what ever government business they have is not getting paid and not able to pay their bills and put food on the table, and maybe a smidgen of empathy will rise up. I suppose they will just believe it is the Democrats' fault but you never know when the good old American sense of fair play might kick in. Rough justice they used to call it in the old west. It is an odd thing about these kinds of very frightened closed minded people, they often have very tender hearts if you can reach them. At least that has been my experience.
Stevem (Boston)
This is right out of Trump's private sector playbook: get people to do work for him, then stiff them on being paid.
Lisa K (Berkeley)
Should we stop paying our taxes? If our taxes are used to pay federal workers and contractors, and the government is not paying them, is the deal now off? We all may have way more power than these goofballs think.
Tom Debley (Oakland, CA)
I think the big, underlying issue is a profound moral question. Because federal workers are barred by law from striking, politicians know they can use a shutdown for political reasons while sending certain classes of workers to their jobs without pay checks to provide essential services. Meanwhile, all of those furloughed are living without their paychecks when politicians know they have mortgages, car payments, medical bills, children to feed, etc. These federal workers have absolutely nothing to do with a proposed border wall, yet they are being used as innocent pawns. That, to me, is an utterly immoral use of political power. Yet few people are talking about that political abuse of power. We should demand that federal workers right to strike be restored. That’s probably the only way we can stop politicians from abusing both their power and our federal workers.
Howard Eddy (Quebec)
The government appears willing to engage in unlimited sophistry and quasi-legal posturing in order to deny that the President is interpreting government service in a way that imposes 'involuntary servitude.' I was not aware that accepting government employment was a crime -- the GOP is fast advancing its Nixonian conversion to the party of slavery. Work involuntarily, don't get paid -- when will they introduce the lash? Anybody read the 13th Amendment recently. The GOP dream is a society of 2% kleptocrats and 98% serfs.
peacedevil (DC)
I'd like to see the media reporting more on the impacts that going without pay is having on government employees. There has been some reporting in the DC-area media outlets but I've seen all too little in national outlets. Republican Senators (who have the power to do something about this situation by overriding a presidential veto)- how is this ok that federal employees are reduced to looking for their next meal at food banks? How do you live with yourselves? And by what twisted stretch of the imagination is it acceptable that federal workers have been called back to work without pay to process other people's tax returns? This is a shame upon the whole country.
njglea (Seattle)
Here's another idea. The jerk lurking around OUR white house could open OUR government back up, with back pay, or... WE THE PEOPLE are the only ones who can/will stop he and his Robber Baron brethren inside and outside OUR government and there is an immediate way to do it. The third annual Women's March is this Saturday, January 19, and there are marches planned across America and around the world for people to join together and show The Con Don and his Robber Baron brethren what WE THE PEOPLE think. Any person may join the march - it's not for women only. Every government worker, educator and average American should take part with a sign that promotes the one thing they value most about living in OUR United States of America. The link is below. Scroll to the place on the page for "Sister Marches" and find a march near you. Please, Good People, let's show The Con Don that we hold him in contempt and support Speaker Pelosi and OUR democratic U.S. House/Congress. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD PEOPLE TO COME TO THE AID OF OUR COUNTRY! http://womensmarch.org
EN (D.C.)
"And efforts to mitigate the effect of the shutdown could actually serve to extend it by reducing the political costs of inaction." This is the crux of the problem. We are being played.
njglea (Seattle)
The Con Don never saw a law he thinks he can break. Boy, do WE THE PEOPLE have news for him. This must not stand in OUR United States of America. Why are powerful people in OUR political/legal/military/secret service/ investigative complexes letting him continue to get away with destroying OUR country? Lee Iacocca, the GM CEO who got the first auto bailout for Chrysler from OUR government in the 1980s, famously said, "When you have 80% of the information go with it." WE THE PEOPLE have enough information to know that The Con Don is treasonous. There is a way to show our immediate contempt for The Con Don's antics. The third annual Women's March is this Saturday, January 19, and there are marches planned across America and around the world for people to join together and show The Con Don and his Robber Baron brethren what WE THE PEOPLE think. Any person may join the march - it's not for women only. Every government worker, educator and average American should take part with a sign that promotes the one thing they value most about living in OUR United States of America. The link is below. Scroll to the place on the page for "Sister Marches" and find a march near you. Please, Good People, let's show The Con Don that we hold him in contempt and support Speaker Pelosi and OUR democratic U.S. House/Congress. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD PEOPLE TO COME TO THE AID OF OUR COUNTRY! http://womensmarch.org
Philip S. Wenz (Corvallis, Oregon)
And dozens of Interior Department employees will head to the country’s coastline to sell oil and gas leases. Without pay, no less. To paraphrase Forest Gump, "Evil is as evil does."
Seethegrey (Montana)
There's a twisted cleverness in this for those who bought into the 'government employees don't do anything valuable and are a hindrance to business' propaganda. The shut down, with piecemeal reopening as businesses and favored constituents identify what services they want, is a down & dirty way to eliminate what they will call waste and government bloat without deliberation by Congress.
Erik Schmitt (Berkeley)
Exactly. Let’s not forget that infamous quote from a trump supporter a week ago. “Trump’s hurting the wrong people “. He heard that and is correcting it. Targeting liberals, people who work for agencies deemed irrelevant like the EPA etc.
TM (Dallas)
Let me get this straight. Now President Trump expects government workers to work but not get paid. Are you serious? How are people supposed to pay their bills, heat there homes, buy their food. Is this reasonable? Since when has the government become a charity case? Our government cannot force people to work without pay. That's the definition of indentured servitude. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery. Is this what our country has now become! Obviously our government is broken and can not get up. The only solution is for government workers to go on strike and demand a paycheck for services rendered.
TheraP (Midwest)
@TM Worse! This is SLAVERY! Which is already outlawed in the USA.
Philip S. Wenz (Corvallis, Oregon)
@TM Unfortunately, Ronald Reagan made it illegal for government workers to go on strike. But there are other ways for them to defeat the administrations nefarious purposes.
LaPine (Pacific Northwest)
@TM. I agree. No pay, no play.
Steve (Seattle)
With trump he is always consistent. It's always the other guys fault, the other guy needs to negotiate, the other guy is always stupid. Now that Mueller it tightening the proverbial noose look for more intransigent, erratic behaviour from trump, his aides, lawyers and family. Putin will not come to your rescue. Your days are numbered and the rest of we Americans who represent the majority and are not your base will soon breathe a collective sigh of relief.
J.Sutton (San Francisco)
Work without pay? Isn't that slavery? But it's fitting historically, since the WH was built by slaves, wasn't it.
jeff bunkers (perrysburg ohio)
would someone please explain to me why it makes sense to shutdown the “guvment” because Trump has a temper tantrum when Congress won’t approve “His” wall. The employees of the guvment get back pay so it accomplishes “zilch”. Since Trump stated unequivocally that he “owned the shutdown” I have a very common sense approach to paying the furloughed and the people ordered to work without pay: Liquidate Trumps Empire to see how much we could collect, I doubt much, but what the heck, it would be fun. This classless president reminds me of Nero or Caligula, serving feasts of fast food to the College Football Champion Clemson Tide, an orgy of processed foods loaded with bad cholesterol, fat and salt. Not even Shakespear or the best fiction writers could make this stuff up any better. I’m surprised Trump didn’t demand the cheerleaders to cheer, after all they are from South Carolina, the home of Lindsay Graham and his political base. Can it get any crazier? I believe it will!,,,
MJM (Newfoundland Canada)
When I saw the picture of Trump standing proudly surrounded by his thousands of burgers, all I could think of was "Its all going to be cold by the time anyone gets to eat that stuff." I wish someone had taken a picture afterwards so we could know if they did eat that stuff even when it's cold. Yuck!
Steven (NYC)
Pathetic, after 65 years of life, I could never have thought my country would slide to this level of incompetence and political mediocrity. "Make America great again?" That is to say pull our entire nation, our moral values, and our reputation down to the level of a ignorant, corrupt conman like Trump and his shameless Republican enablers. Vote my friends, this really is pathetic and .... dangerous.
J Alfred Prufrock (Portland)
@Steven I'm 70 years old and I agree with you.
Chris (philadelphia)
Originally thought the senators were holding pictures of the 100's of American citizens that are killed each year by illegal immigrants. Stupid me, if that were the case NY times wouldn't have it on their website.
kkseattle (Seattle)
@Chris Which Republican farmers, construction contractors, meatpackers, and golf course owners are illegally paying those illegal immigrants to be here so they can profit from slave labor?
Jo Williams (Keizer, Oregon)
Taking care that the laws be faithfully executed. Protecting and defending the Constitution. These were promises made. Slavery, using power to reward parts of the country that supported him- on top of using regulatory powers to contravene the very basis of the underlying legislation- and we put up with this. We dither, debate, worry about political fallout on any side, sit and.....do nothing. Your companion article today about the “muted” reaction in Mexico to claims of bribery of their last president. Look around. We are become- Mexico.
Margo Channing (NY)
Another Kodak moment for our "esteemed" and "illustrious" political leaders. How much did it cost to make those blow up photos? I'd appreciate them more if they gave up their overblown salaries and put it in an account to help those who are not paid as exorbitantly paid counterparts. Another show for the cameras symbolizing nothing. We've had immigration laws on the books for years the problem is no one wants to follow them, not the Dems nor the repubs. I speak to you Madame Speaker and the MIA McConnell fix the problem now and get back to work.
Mike_F (Westchester)
This is going to be where the civil war starts. Trump has now completely broken our government with his insistence on dictating to Congress which expensive pet projects he wants approved, and now he can selectively decide who will be employed for the honor of working for free. When the federal workers eventually strike, who will remain? Only those loyal to Trumps agenda. And when the wheels of government finally begin to live again, we will have a country where only the loyalists will have employment. This is the very definition of a fascist dictatorship. He must be removed.
Zoltan (SF)
When, exactly, are our Democratic leaders going to learn how to hammer a consistent message about anything? Can they please learn to make a simple and concise sound-byte that the press can repeat? How about “We don’t negotiate with political terrorists” and “The bills are in the Senate, why won’t the Republicans pass them?” Do not let the rest of the party off the hook for this. They all own it, especially McConnell.
TheraP (Midwest)
The Trump Dictatorship Trial Run: First close govt services. Then open up those services that serve his base. By requiring government workers to “work without pay,” Slavery is the first component of the Trump Dictatorship in it’s Trial Run version. What’s next? Perhaps an edict that allows corporations to do the same?
notfooled (US)
Republicans supposedly hate evil Socialism but what else do you call forcing people to work for the State, uncompensated? This is a classic Socialist practice from the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. Not to mention redistribution of wealth in their case from the middle class to the top 1%. Sounds like the GOP has embraced the nastiest aspects of historical Socialism, while throwing away the useful parts.
lynchburglady (Oregon)
@notfooled Uh, no. I call it "Slavery" not any kind of socialism. You're thinking of Communism which is what was practiced in the USSR and Red China. And neither of them ever had a middle class before becoming Communistic.
Milad (Manchester, NH)
This is what you get when you put a bunch of billionaires and corporate fat cats who have never lived a pay check to pay check life in charge without any check and balances. Now in order to protect this president and his parties chances of re election they want hundreds of thousands of Americans to work for free... Plutocracy at its best...
That's what she said (USA)
Who Is Essential to Get Parts of Government Moving Again? Mitch McConnell--And He's GETTING PAID not work--as opposed to the many NOT getting paid to work.............
JES (Lexington, KY)
In order to secure funds for his wall the President has caused a government shutdown and is now demanding that people come to work with no pay to provide government services to his base, many of whom think we don’t need government. On immigration, the President has now said that he is going to allow “the good ones” in because some of these same people who vocally support his wall “need them” to work their farms. Apparently there are not enough workers to harvest the crops. On the other end of the employment/economic spectrum, Trump has promised an easier path to citizenship for workers here with an H1B visa to appease his friends in the tech industry. There are Americans who want these jobs. If he’s going to let almost everyone in anyway, why doesn’t he just admit he hasn’t thought this through and will reassess. Oh. No. If he does that he will “look foolish”.
Kevin Callahan (Greenwich)
Forced to work without pay? I could've sworn that slavery was abolished. Oh well, President Trump's experience with stiffing vendors might prove useful in this instance. If we don't pay government employees to work, it will help offset the cost of tax-cuts for rich folk. Victory over the budget deficit and ISIS in the same week!
dyeus (.)
Given Republicans had control over all branches of government for the first two (2) years of Trump's administration and were unwilling to build a wall unequivocally shows the Republicans know this is “Trump’s Folly”. This has nothing to do with Democrats having to negotiate now that they control the House, but letting them say it is a folly too.
Nicole K (USA)
So essentially these workers are operating as slaves to the Federal government. Isn't this what Republican have dreamed of? A slave labor class? Not surprising as Trump is notorious for not paying those who work for him. These workers should quit and find employment elsewhere in the robust economy. Sad!
Deb (Blue Ridge Mtns.)
Armed forces veteran and triple amputee Brian Kolfage has raised over 20 Million $ on Go Fund Me to privately pay for a border wall, with a goal of raising a billion. His page sports a picture of trump, thumbs up. I suggest he make some of that $$ available to the thousands of federal workers trump is doing serious harm to. The wall is never going to exist. It's nothing more than a demand by an extortionist in service to his insatiable ego, no matter the cost or who it hurts. It's all about him. As for his base, no doubt they are many among them who are or will be adversely affected by the shut down. And trump is, blissful in his ignorance, is hurting them. I hope they realize who is source of their suffering and remember it in 2020.
TheraP (Midwest)
“Who is essential?” = Who can we force to work without pay! What’s happening in the White House is that the Slave Masters are redefining “who is a government slave” - forced to work without pay. This is a Game the White House is playing. A game, which only works to the degree that furloughed government workers are willing to return to work - without pay. Work “without pay!” Is not the American way! The above should be the rallying cry! How in the “heck” is Trump going to convince people that: “Work without pay” Is the MAGA way. It will not “work.”
Glen (Texas)
Why is Trump doing this? Because, like the proverbial dog, he can. It's good to be king.
HumbleTexican (Houston)
There is a dead American family member for every furloughed employee. These people will be made whole. The other side will weep for years not having their mother, father, son or daughter.
Chuck Burton (Steilacoom, WA)
The Trump Administration is cheating? I am stunned.
Eli (Tiny Town)
I have a family member who works for the FDA who's being forced to return next week. She won't be paid for who knows how long and now has to come up at least 40$ a week in gas money to get to her unpaid job. I'm in my last semester of grad school (making 9$ an hour part time) and I'm offering to help this person who is nearly retirement age make ends meet. The mindless orgies of Brave New World sound better than this.
Mike Bonnell (Montreal, Canada)
Pay the rent or feed the kids? The tough choices many American workers will need to make in about 13 days. Here are a few money making suggestions to add to the list that the Coast Guard has suggested: -- Lemonade stand and/or sell bottled water - (but not if you are hispanic or black, 'cause then a neighbour might find you to be contravening some bylaw). -- Shovelling snow / mowing lawns - all depending on your geographic zone. (again, if you are hispanic or black, you might face opposition in some neighbourhoods). -- FastFood - they're always looking for 'team players looking to work in an exciting and stimulating environment'. Oh. No, wait. Forget that. 'Cause with the lawmakers forcing these people to return and work for free, they won't even get the chance to work at a part time job to try to make some extra money. Oh well. But hey, don't fear, 'cause your government cares and is doing all of this for you.
truthatlast (Delaware)
During his campaign, Trump said that he would bring his business experience to run the government. Now we see what he meant: Don't pay employees, stiff contractors, and make decisions based solely on self-interest. It is galling that federal employees are being told to work without pay and that the president is forcing more federal workers to work without pay to placate his political base. This outrage furthers an authoritarian presidency and undermines the power of Congress.
Glen (Texas)
Being forced to work without receiving any compensation is one of the basic definitions of slavery, is it not? Even slaves and prisoners of war were provided rudimentary housing and food. Now, with government workers falling behind on mortgage payments and rent, facing repossession and eviction, unable to buy groceries, and still they are being forced into labor in order to keep Trump from being discomfited, what, exactly is that? Is the next step to march those who refuse to perform up the edge of an open trench?
dcaryhart (SOBE)
The President of the United States is, in effect, asking the citizens to make a $5+ billion campaign contribution. Slave labor? What happens when people are ordered to report for work without pay and they cannot afford the commutation expenses?
just Robert (North Carolina)
Who is to say that FDA workers or any number of services deemed not essential to our lives should remain shut down? but beyond this as others have said no workers should ever be made to work without pay. People have lives that include basic things like bills and denying this denies their humanity, but to Republicans intent on political gain Humane treatment of workers has no place just as they have fostered income inequality with their every action. We need twenty republican senators aware of the constitutional role of the Congress to slap down the tyrants McConnell and Trump and reopen the government. The wall has been an on going subject of debate for the past two years and not approved. Why should it be allowed to shut down our government when FOX News sways the views of our 'president' like a feather in a wind storm.
Marianne (Class M Planet)
Federal workers are often resented for the stability and benefits of their tax-funded jobs. So I don’t expect any sympathy for them from Trump’s resentful supporters. But people can’t work without pay indefinitely. Something’s gotta give. Meanwhile, the economic contraction from those lost wages ripples out even as “essential” workers are required to return to duty. This whole mess is unsustainable.
DBman (Portland, OR)
This proposal should be met by lawsuits from the federal workers.
Jordan (Chicago)
It seems media broadly needs a new name for what's going on because "shutdown" is clearly no longer an accurate description. Basically, it seems like most government services are - eventually - going to be up and running again with the possible exception of the people who process payroll of government employees. What would you call that?
ABierce (West Coast)
Would YOU work for free? Unfortunately, Federal workers are not legally allowed to strike. Still, a massive one day walkout/sick day by Federal workers would throw the country into chaos and cause Trump the real political pain he is so determined to avoid by having people work for free. Absent that, showing up to the office and sitting quietly for eight hours is a less dramatic option that might lead to similar effects. Civil service regulations make disciplinary actions, much less termination, a very lengthy and difficult process. Time for Federal workers to rise up and just say no to work without pay.
sid (oakland)
Thoughtful of the President to think about his supporters. Unfortunate for the demographics that did not vote for him.
kz (Detroit)
The most important part of the article was quietly inserted near the end: "In the meantime, the president signed legislation on Wednesday promising that workers would be repaid." All this fuss and, it turns out, they will be getting paid.
Mindy (CA)
Yeah, after these federal workers lose their houses!
SGSurf (East Hampton, NY)
On December 11th of last year Donald said "I am proud to shut down the government for border security". I think that was another miscalculation in a long line of them if, in fact, he is capable of calculation.
EMiller (Kingston, NY)
If I worked for the IRS I would start looking for another job. With my skills and knowledge of the new tax law I could probably find something fairly soon. Same for all other unpaid federal workers. Maybe Trump is calculating that some farmers and oil men will have their papers vetted but his incompetent advisors fail to recognize that millions of people are not making any money now because of this shut down, not only federal employees. The few large corporations his strategy is helping will not turn into votes. Nor will the tax refunds for people who have no income now.
Boweezo (San Jose, CA)
As we enter the fourth week of the shutdown, the intransigent Republicans managed to effectively pass a resolution to lift the sanctions on Derepaska and his companies, meanwhile the rest of us suffer. An insufficient number of R-senators crossed the line to affect the outcome. Who is Trump working for? Not us. And BTW, carrying out all campaign promises, is not a requirement to govern. Obama promised to close Guantanamo, and it didn't happen in 8 years. He didn't threaten to shut down the Government over it.
LT (Chicago)
I think have this straight now: Non elected government workers can be forced to work without pay. McConnell gets paid but can't be forced to work. Trump ignores the emoluments clause to get pay he doesn't deserve for work he shouldn't be doing. And all Americans are paying the price for those in the electorate who didn't take the work of citzenship seriously and stayed home on election day voted for a man who never did an honest day of work in his life.
lulu roche (ct.)
As the COUP continues, trump, an unfortunate personality, employs what appears to be a hundred attorneys to twist laws to appease his uninformed voters. As a man who has made a life of shunning noncriminal behavior, he employs the same thuggery running our country as he uses for his corrupt real estate business. No grudge or perceived slight is too small not to deserve a craven retaliation. He will reopen parts of the government that are convenient for him and his long history of non payment to employees is his signature so why try something different here. As a person who has worked hard, paid bills and employees, who thinks that people of all colors are equal and who has helped many old folks across the street, I feel deep sadness each day that this debacle continues. We must now put down the phones, rise up and DEMAND action before what's left of our country slips into an oil soaked river of corruption. And to those suffering from the shutdown, I send you my heartfelt sympathy and a hope for something better for you. I don't know what else to do.
rino (midwest)
Essential, during a government shutdown, should mean people die if you aren't there. Forcing people to work without pay to appease your base is NOT essential.
John M (Portland ME)
I'm sorry, but there is no moral, legal or ethical code on earth that justifies forcibly ordering someone to work without pay. We fought a very costly and bloody Civil War over this very moral principle.
melan1e (north carolina)
We are a nation that was built on slave labor and the conservatives of this nation continue to see this as a possibility. If the govt is closed, it's closed. Forcing free labor should not be allowed, it enables the politicians to not be pressured to change course
Betsy (The US)
Right now, this shutdown belongs to Trump and Mitch McConnell. If McConnell would allow a vote on the bills in the Senate on funding the government, this would be over. But he's too afraid of a veto-proof majority proving Trump to be the tantrum-throwing toddler he is.
Rob D (Oregon)
The DJT administration shutdown shenanigans, calling federal workers back without pay, sending tax refunds etc., will not stop unless and until Republican senators and house members believe they will lose their next election. For example, to date Senator McConnell has waved his "get out of jail" card. Only Kentucky voters can take it away from him. Likewise Florida (Rubio), Texas (Cruz), Iowa (Grassley)... The 2020 election is a long way off but to sharpen the minds of Republican senators and House members they have to be convinced what happens in the next few days will dictate election results.
DBman (Portland, OR)
Having people do work for him, and then not paying them, is one area in which Donald Trump is an expert.
Seth Shaw (CT)
So he is reviving slavery and using unpaid federal workers to minimize the pain among his supporters. How can this be legal or tolerated?
Mjxs (Springfield, VA)
The Feds have to report to work. They don’t have to work. Time for a Federal work stoppage, both paid and unpaid, in solidarity. If not for the active diligence of thousands of Federal employees, the antiquated and shambolic IT systems alone would collapse of their own accord and EVERYBODY is going to feel it.
Old Guy (O.C., SoCal)
What we are seeing here is the reality that our federal government is little more than a bunch of children fighting in a sandbox with no concern for anything outside that sandbox. That's both sides of the aisle. A little frighteningly, the president has been rising as the adult in the room. Almost daily reaching out to try to discuss a solution. Holding the opposition to task by requiring negotiation...the now infamous walkout when the speaker told him she has no intention of negotiating border security... There is a compromise in this. Everyone knows it. We just need the kids to quit bickering and get after it...
Mark (Vermont)
@Old Guy Let's get this straight: the walkout occurred after the president offered no compromise at all. He asked if the speaker would agree to give him everything he asked for, while offering nothing in return other than reopening the government quickly (which any president would obviously do anyway). If that's the adult approach or compromise, I've been doing it all wrong for decades now, but apparently had it right when I was five.
Reva Cooper (Nyc)
You’re not seeing the bigger picture. $5 billion isn’t paying for any wall. It’s Trump’s fantasy, which his base will believe. In reality, it would take many years to build and many more billions and court tie- ups with private landowners fighting it. A total disaster, which many border officials saying it wouldn’t work anyway.
veh (metro detroit)
@Old Guy Discuss a solution?? His only "solution" is to make the Democrats do exactly what he wants.
Matt (Brooklyn)
The White House keeps asking Democrats to come to the table to negotiate. Trump has so far shot every olive branch down proposed by Democrats and Republicans alike. This wouldn't be a negotiation, more like a hostage situation. Americans can have the country back if you give me my wall. Call your senator today because Congress has the ability to override a presidential veto. The real pressure should be on McConnell who refuses to bring up unanimous bipartisan legislation all because it would undermine the President.
Jersey Girl (Monmouth County)
@Matt You are correct about pressuring Mitch McConnell. I have been saying this ever since the shutdown started. If McConnell would do his job, which is to bring appropriation bills passed by the House to a vote, this impasse would probably end. Let the president veto the bill if he so desires. Congress can then vote to override the veto or sustain it. At least we would know then who is really responsible for causing such pain to so many people. Please, everyone who reads these comments, ask your representatives to put pressure on McConnell to put the House bill up for a vote.
EN (D.C.)
@Matt Must put pressure on McConnell.
Hans Rupp (Germany)
Is there no independent legal system in the USA? I am employed by a local German state agency. We maintain important IT systems for the government. It would be unthinkable that the government could force anyone to work a single hour without pay. Any court would strike that down. Besides government shutdown would be unthinkable. Even when we expericienced a very prolonged forming of government after the last elections everything functioned smoothly.
Suzanne O'Neill (Colorado)
Oh, what a relief it is to hear that "dozens of Interior Department employees will head to the country’s coastline to sell oil and gas leases." It appears to be essential to continue the degradation of the environment.
TheraP (Midwest)
@Suzanne O'Neill MAGA: Make America Grovel Again
mk (philly pa)
Trump requires workers and contractors to have to work and not to get paid? Sounds like his usual modus operandi as a "successful businessman," doesn't it?
Brian (california)
@mk Right! Is anybody surprised that Trump is stiffing workers? Also, more like an Emperor, hmm....
John (FL)
The firm I work with is suspending work on all of their federal contracts effective as of noon today. They've gone over 60 days - at the end of January it will be 90 days - without payment. No more "free" work and the lawyers are looking at all those lovely new collection avenues the GOP passed in the 90's to appease their base.
Elizabeth (Roslyn, NY)
So it's all about the base. See what you can help them with and forget about the rest of America. Trump digs in his heels for the only people who might help HIM. Trump's tunnel vision for his base serves only his needs. Trump remains clueless to the realities of the shutdown. It's not about the wall. It's all about Trump's cult of followers. If he can't hear them chanting 'build the wall' he will wither away. We can only hope.
Chili Parma (New York)
Consider for a moment, that it's now entirely possible that he's not going to end this shutdown until permanent and dire damage to this economy (and country) has occurred, not because he is stubborn or throwing a tantrum, but because Putin is telling him not to end it. Trump is the wrench that Vladimir Putin is throwing into the gears of our democracy and economy.
HumbleTexican (Houston)
@Chili Parma Where's your evidence?
stan continople (brooklyn)
@Chili Parma I remember reading a science fiction story when I was a kid. The conclusion of the tale was that the simplest explanation of our ever more poisonous atmosphere was not as the result of careless polluters but of aliens, disguised as human industrial leaders, who were "terraforming" Earth to suit their own biology, in anticipation of an invasion. If everything Trump does seems to come from Putin's playbook, then chances are good they do.
John (Intellectual Wasteland, USA)
@HumbleTexican In the same file cabinet as the PizzaGate evidence.
gardencat (Texas)
Call your representatives and the House and Senate leaders *every day* until this ends.
Jack Hott (Portland, OR)
@gardencat Since the House passed a spending bill (the same bill the Senate passed last session in fact) I think we should concentrate of the Senate. They can end this, but they refuse to take a stand.
HSM (New Jersey)
As we move from absurdity to absurdity on a national scale the question in my mind shifts from those regarding the President, to those regarding the Republicans and the Democrats, and finally to The People. How long will The People tolerate an across the board dysfunctional government before they revolt? How long can people "play by the rules" when the rule makers are clearly making them up as they go- it's legal to imprison children indefinitely for example. How long before The People spontaneously walk out in a nationwide General Strike. My guess is that the government would be back in business pretty quickly if The People ever came around to realizing they have some leverage to exercise themselves.
Agree with your comment. Have we become too complacent to mobilize as a resistance movement? Have we no formidable advocate like MLK to organize a nationwide walkout or a massive march on Washington? If millions of women were able to do so on a cold January day, why is it not possible today? They created a movement and more importantly an enduring change in society. Perhaps those who spearheaded the demonstrations can offer their advice or just ask the Parkland students who mobilized a half a million people to rally in DC in little over a month. We the people cannot stand by any longer as this nation slides into authoritarianism. Passive letters and calls to elected officials and unending complaining to one another have become fruitless and only serve as cathartic remedies to our angst. Civil discontent when displayed en masse in the public domain is powerful and cannot be as easily ignored as sending a citizen's concern to voice mail.
Wendi (Chico ca)
Do you know what it's time for? it's time for Donald Trump to open the government pay these people and then have an adult conversation about immigration and stop throwing Tantrums
MonkeyMan (Houston)
@Wendi really it's time to end the bloated feds and fire more non essential morons, thankfully our state just picked up all services the feds were providing , as far as the TSA , IRS, FDA etc.. who needs them? Has this shutdown affected you? Not me, I have clear (private company) I walked through airport security in Houston in 10 minutes. Just provide a military that's it.
Margo Channing (NY)
@Wendi The problem is you are not dealing with a rational functioning adult. A man/boy who has never fully developed and was never told "NO" apparently now has to act like an adult in an adult situation. Never going to happen. This is how he does business, and putting people, hard working people out of business.
Blackmamba (Il)
Neither the President nor the Vice President nor the Cabinet nor the White House staff are essential to the government. The 800,000 Americans who are furloughed or working without pay are as essential to the government operations as were the 4 million enslaved Africans on the eve of the Civil War.
glork (Montclair, NJ )
"Senators held images of furloughed federal workers on the steps of the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday." Boy, those senators sure fixed his wagon, didn't they ?
Pete (CA)
What's new? The Republicans have weaponized everything else: religion, culture, etc. Weaponized Government is just their latest.
How is this legal?
J (Denver)
“It’s time for the Democrats to negotiate,” --- No. This is extortion. If we negotiate, it will be akin to negotiating where we want the bullet to go into us. It's not a refusal to negotiate when what your opposition insists on is deemed harmful, wasteful, or immoral... this is all three. It's third grade stuff. I shouldn't have to type this into a national newspaper comment section.
Betsy Groth (CT)
NYT, please refer to this consistently as the “Trump-ordered government shutdown “. Slavery and hostage taking are thriving under his regime.
Jim (Long Island)
@Betsy Groth It will be the President's responsibility when he actually signs or vetos legislation sent to him by both houses of Congress. Until that point, the responsibility remains within Congress.
Butterfly (NYC)
@Betsy Groth Besr in mind he does mot care. He's insulated by his money.. He does whatever he wants. Since he was a child. Too bad he never grew up emotionally. Arrested development stoppi g at about 8.
Ravi Srivastava (Connecticut)
Mexico will pay for the wall transformed in to: Force government employees work without pay until US taxpayers pay for the stupid wall. This is Trump’s shakedown of American taxpayers by being cruel to the people they control.
cec (odenton)
The "shutdown"-- as per Trump, McConnell, and the R's. All workers to report for work and will not get paid. Customers receive the services and workers get stiffed -- Trypical Trump ploy.
Mk (Brooklyn)
Government workers who before were not essential until now that there might be harm to our economy. Now they have involuntary servitude to contend with. Meanwhile that they are performing essential work, who is paying their bills. Who is paying for them to commute to work. Will those who are working off their credit cards be allowed to pay back their debts in the same manner trump paid off his creditors in his kingdom. I thought there was an amendment against slavery? How is putting these workers back to work different. Trumps constabulary has forced this to keep the promises to his backer-voters in his camp. If they don't feel the pain they will back his entitled family to keep them in office. Are your elected official been serving you or his cohorts? Middle America wake up and alert your representatives that they can revolt and work for our citizens again.
charlie kendall (Maine)
As reported yesterday by the Guardian the Trump lackies have been helping oil and gas companies invade public lands by processing the lease paperwork and permits It appears raping the land is essential
MIMA (Heartsny)
Oh, how sweet. Donald Trump dictating who can make their house payment and who can’t. This country has never, ever seen this cruelty. Let’s hope it never sees it again. Get rid of those seedy Republicans that fear the bully in charge and do nothing to stop him - at anything. For shame!
JBnID (Remote Idaho)
Solve it all, build the wall. Secure the border NOW. Workers on deferred payment, either do your job or get fired.
B. Rothman (NYC)
@JBnID. I guess up there in Idaho, all alone in high country you have no need for community and no need for government, which is the be-all and end-all, literally the bottom line for Trump’s base: elimination of all government but the military. And out there alone on the prairie you don’t need the military either.
Eugene Pearson (San Francisco)
And the next time either party want something bad enough, they can just shut down the government and throw a temper tantrum until they get what they want… The precedent this sets Will cripple the nation time and time again for generations to come if Congress capitulates to Trump. Again, short-term gain for long-term, lasting damage to our institutions and democracy.
Mike (Wisconsin)
@JBnID GOP had two years with full control of the House and Senate to solve it all and build the wall. What happened to that 2016 enthusiasm for the wall? I thought it was a top priority...
Chrisie (North Carolina)
If I understand this correctly, Trump is forcing certain Federal employees to work for free to serve his base, which is feeling the pinch of not having the government services that they have become accustomed to. It's astonishing how he is treating these people. It's as if government workers are pawns that he's willing to sacrifice to win the game. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the terrible treatment of one group of people in order to appease another group of people. They're all people. The ick-factor on this is really high. I don't currently belong in either group, and yet I also feel like I've been slimed. Maybe it's because we are all human, and none of us should be subjected to such terrible treatment. When will Congress wake up and pass a budget with a veto-proof majority?
B. Rothman (NYC)
@Chrisie It isn’t “government workers” alone for whom he has contempt. It is for us: those who didn’t vote for him. And he has a Senate led by a man who thinks exactly the same way, whose contempt for compromise and discussion always comes along with his violation of the Constitution and his oath of office. As long as McConnell’s Kentucky voters continue to get their government checks and the state gets supported by the money from Blue states, they will keep sending this bully with the weak chin back to DC where his even weaker chinned Republican legislators will be silent while the rest of the nation gets beaten up.
Ann (Boston)
@Chrisie But why are you astonished? It's trump's life story.
@Chrisie - I actually thought thi was called slavery.
TH (California)
Unbelievable. How many jail cells do we have available to hold the people who refuse to be forced to work free at the whim of a vicious New York real estate agent?
W.H. (California)
We just need one jail cell for this complete fraud and charlatan Trump.
Reva Cooper (Nyc)
They won’t keep working for free. Expect mass resignations.
Paul Smith (Austin, Texas)
We need a few more for Jared, Ivanka, Don Jr, and Eric!
NA Wilson (Massachusetts )
The Trumpers just keep making up the rules as they go, don’t they? So much for a constitution, and the checks and balances prescribed therein. And who is this federal judge who refused to issue an injunction, waiting until the end of the month to hear arguments? A Trumper, methinks. Also, notice that these administration lawyers arguing their case for recalling IRS staff just couldn’t resist making the claim that they’d handled matters better than Obama officials back in 2013. Is there no end to the rot in the Trump administration and their zombified GOP supporters and enablers? It’s like the country is being taken over by the Night King and Whitewalkers on GOT.
Jim (Long Island)
@NA Wilson The rules are that the President can sign or veto legislation sent to him once passed by both houses of Congress. That step of the process (required by the rules called the Constitution) hasn't been completed yet.
Kathy (Salem Oregon)
@Jim. There was the last budget that President Trump vetoed. Both the House and Senate was behind that one. Override the veto that got us here.
RCJCHC (Corvallis OR)
They already had decided who was essential and that is why we have the limited government we have. Can we get rid of the President and the Congress??? I'm not sure they are "essential". If we weren't already working with an "essential" base of workers, then what were we doing???????? Everyone I know who works a government job does the work of 3 people. This is sick.
e w (IL, elsewhere)
This fits nicely with what appears to be the GOP view of government: little to no intervention*. *Except in your bedroom, your marriage, small business loans and farm payments that are invisible to many people, our defense contractor friends, or any government office helping our base that we don't want to inconvenience.
KLS (New York)
The Trump strategy does not allow the many Federal workers who are put into economic distress from lack of a paycheck to replace their paycheck through temporarily expedient work. I do not decry the decrease in Uber drivers. I am outraged that a person works,, and is expected to then work again at night to support a family or just themselves. For those who are less well paid, and who already rely upon constant supplemental economic activity, this robs them. Lower paid Federal workers are not highly paid. Many do rely upon regular paychecks for economic stability. There should be a hefty bonus for their suffering, but even that would not make them whole. I guess the calculation is that Federal workers of a certain paygrade largely vote Democratic. I surmise that Federal workers are more intelligent than Trump supporters, or at least more in tune with familial economic stability and indeed with sanity.
Bruce Frykman (Hot Springs Village)
@KLS In the real world employees who actually have to "produce" in order to keep their jobs are routinely laid off or simply let go if they are not essential to the continued profitability of the enterprise that employs them. Without profits enterprise cannot to exist in the face of its competition. This is something government employees can't understand. They believe that as long as they follow their little rule books, their continued employment should be guaranteed by the productive sector. This is how the growing armies of nonessential government employees are parasitic in nature and will destroy their host if not firmly plucked from the taxpayers teat. MAGA.
aem (Oregon)
@Bruce Frykman Epic fail. These employees are being recalled precisely because their work is essential to the workings of their “corporation”: ie., the Federal Government. They are not being paid because DJT and the GOP are so spiteful and callous that they find it better to abuse and harass their fellow Americans than to upset their base - who, indeed, need and profit from the work these employees do.
John (PA)
“Although in 2011 the Office of Management and Budget directed the I.R.S. not to pay funds during a lapse,” the letter read, “O.M.B. has reviewed the relevant law at Treasury’s request and concluded that the I.R.S. may pay tax refunds during a lapse.” - the capriciousness and total lack of empathy of Trump's strategy is vile. 50,000 at risk Coast Guards receive no pay. 4000 FDA workers forced back w/o pay so they can process "welfare checks" to farmers. Federal Workers in food lines. Are there no honorable Congresspeople to end this madness?
KKnorp (Michigan)
And 40,000 IRS employees forced to work without pay... Cause those tax cuts for the wealthy aren’t going to process themselves folks!
Kat (CO)
@John Are there no honorable Presidents to end this madness?
Bob (Hillsboro, WV)
@John "Are there no honorable Congresspeople to end this madness?" The Democrats in the House of Representatives have put numerous bills forward to "end this madness". It is the Republicans (Mitch McConnell/ Donald Trump)who stand in the way. We must have a nationwide work stoppage by all Federal workers now.
Tom (<br/>)
This is anything but a 'negotiation'. It's out and out hostage taking with a ransom demand. Here's the hostage - and here's the price...where's the 'negotiation'?
Jim (Long Island)
@Tom Excellent point. It's tough to negotiate when some of the parties are on vacation of on a lobbyist boondoggle in Puerto Rico.
Sara (NYC)
Make no mistake: This is immoral and unethical. If the Dems are smart, this is the messaging they will use.
lulu roche (ct.)
@Sara send that to @TeamPelosi and @LuLuRoche for Its. Thank you, Sara
Sara (NYC)
@lulu roche Sorry, Lulu. I'm not on Twitter (or FB, for that matter). Feel free to tweet this at Nancy P. on my behalf, though!
tbs (detroit)
For the people in the ever growing group of White House defined "essential" personnel when does the 13th Amendment kick in?
Chris (NJ)
"Shortly after, in a list of talking points the White House circulated to supporters, officials wrote that the administration was “expanding the use of funds not appropriated through annual appropriations” to provide services to farmers, and framed the I.R.S. recall as a success compared with the Obama administration." What did people expect? Nothing new here. Success for Trump has always been defined as stiffing the people who work for you. A whole bunch of people are finding out their their just the next guy who got conned.
proffexpert (Los Angeles)
So, if Trump has the power tomdecide who must work without pay, why is he blaming the Democrats for the shutdown? Can’t he just “decide” all federal workers should return to work and receive pay? And where is feckless Mitch McConnell? Is he working at all?
Doug (US)
had no idea that our senators have compassions for ordinary Janes and Joes.
Disgusting. Those in Congress and the Senate who have any backbone should also walk out in support of these workers. You can afford to do it, they cannot.
Chris F-S (Baltimore )
Time to strike.
unclejake (fort lauderdale, fl.)
I thought the 13th amendment does not allow involuntary servitude. Oh , it does . I guess Trump hasn’t read past Article 1. Thanks, Nancy
James (MA)
This is ridiculous. I'm so sick of politicians using any means at their disposal to get what they want. It's embarrassing that we don't have a functioning government. It's also damaging to the country as a whole.