Why Democrats Must Impeach the President

Nov 08, 2018 · 568 comments
Howard Eddy (Quebec)
There is an ancient maxim worth remembering: "If you shoot at a King, be sure to hit your target." The last thing the country needs is a House impeachment followed by a lily-livered Senate vote that dodges its Constitutional duties for pure politics. Do we seriously want a replay of the Clinton fiasco, with all the tear-jerking tunes that would give GOP violinists to play? The case for impeachment has been there for some time. Mr. Steyer is quite right about that. But the political support for it must be sufficiently great that GOP Senators know they will burn in political hell if they fail to do their duty. We are not yet there. Mueller's report, or Trump's actions in days ahead may put us there. He and his lackeys are incapable of compromise or self-restraint, and have a natural bent for arbitrary behaviour. The Democrats need to wait patiently for the Universe to unfold as it will. In the meantime, there is work for House Ways and Means, House Intelligence and House Judiciary -- all of which will further build the case. We live in interesting times.
Lance Brofman (New York)
…. it appears that there is no reasonable prospect that anything Mueller does or says could result in Trump's removal. Trump famously said "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes" . That has now been replaced by "Trump could be caught on videotape handing American military secrets to Russia and still not have any Republican votes for impeachment". Whatever evidence and proof of criminal acts that Mueller could come up with, it is certain that such evidence and proof could not be as powerful an indication of wrongdoing as the evidence in the public record that Bret Kavanaugh was lying in the senate hearings relating to his confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice. Once Ford’s account included three people she said were there AND his calendar had them all at Tim Gaudette’s house on July 1, 1982, AND Ford’s description of the interior of Gaudette’s house in Rockville, MD exactly matches that of the actual house, which still exists: the only way that Kavanaugh was not lying is either: Ford somehow obtained access to his 1982 diary/calendar, or Ford has a time machine or Ford stalked Kavanaugh in 1982 and planned to do this, if and when he was nominated to the Supreme Court..." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4216597
Robert Hunter (Bozeman, MT)
For me, America's predicament is explained here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/understanding-narcissism/201708/the-truth-about-narcissistic-personality-disorder To understand Trump’s Manafort connection to Russia, view the Active Measures documentary: https://www.activemeasures.com/ Here is one of many video clips of Manafort presented in the documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0WudY0RM1I
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
And if you do, Mr. Steyer....it is HELLO PRESIDENT PENCE! Is that better? is that what you want? Do you dream you can impeach BOTH MEN at the same time? So far, I have not heard a single credible claim of criminal behavior by Pence -- he is hated by the left for being "too religious" but that is not (yet) a crime.
KG (Louisville, KY)
As someone commented below, "Millions of people don't think brazen fact-denial is bad." Wow, these words are true!!! And horrific. How is this our reality? Truly, I naively spent most of my life thinking that bald-faced lies were something for which people got in trouble. I just came from a rally this evening (peaceful) - http://moveon.org - in support of protecting Mueller after US AG Sessions' firing. There were a few hecklers on the perimeter, good ol' boys who shouted out third-grader-level "insults," a la Donald J. Trump, and I was reminded of the Trump supporter recently on video saying "I know [Donald Trump] doesn't tell the truth all of the time, but I trust him." What??? As much as I would like this nightmare of a presidency to end, say, next week, I concur with your opinion that impeaching Trump won't end Trumpism. Its pure tribalism. Democrats need some SERIOUS help in the PR and policy strategy departments. We will need charismatic, principled leaders (Beto O'Rourke? Stacy Abrams?) who are backed up by strong policy that can win over hearts and minds in this country. Hopefully 2020 will the dawn of a new and hopeful day for this country. We have two years to get it together. LET"S ROLL!
Marian (New York, NY)
As the saying goes, a democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner. For a party supposedly so concerned about minorities, you'd think the Democrats and Steyer would appreciate the Senate's 2-votes-per-state design that protects against the tyranny of the majority.
Canis Scot (Lost Angeles, ca)
Just to be clear. Nowhere in the Constitution is there any requirement to divest holdings in order to be POTUS. You lie. None of the criminal cases have come close to indicating that Mr. Trump was involved. None of the convictions are related to any campaign activities. The petition to impeach Obama was signed by 12,000 persons. It was as irrelevant as the one to impeach Mr. Trump. The support for impeachment of Nixon was roughly 60% of the voters and nearly 80% of the House. Currently it is 3% of the voters and 6 members of the House. Mr. Mueller has, after over two years of investigation uncovered only one campaign related crime. Committed by Hillary Clinton. With all due respect, your hate for this President and disappointment at the failure of Hillary Clinton to win her rigged election, has caused you and others to suffer from a delusional break with reality. More importantly this last election has proven that the American tax payer rejects your party’s platform.
John (Washington)
The President has the right to fire Sessions and he does't need Congressional approval for that. He also doesn't need Congressional approve to choose a replacement for Sessions who can function as the head of the department of justice until hearings can be held and Congressional approval can be given. Logic tell you this. Lets say the person who is the head of a department either dies or quits ( which is what Sessions really did) if a new head can not be chosen there will be no one to lead and the President would have the right to take his place as the President is the head of the executive branch of government per the Constitution https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_the_United_State Appointing someone to do that for him is just a act of delegating responsibility. Therefore no constitutional crisis The fact if he in deed has quoted the true numbers that the Democrats received 7 percent more votes than the Republican candidates is irrelevant to impeaching the President. Voting for a Democrat was not a vote to impeach and even if it was it is not part of the process to impeach. All I see in this article are bias political reasons that you will want the President removed from office. We do not have parliamentary system of government where a vote of no confidence can lead to a change in government. We have a Constitution which a parliamentary form of government does not have. Personally I believe we should incorporate this into our system of government.
Sandra Curtiss (Trenton)
I think we should wait and see what the Mueller investigation has found before coming to any such conclusion on impeachment. Until and unless we have clear evidence that Trump has actually done something illegal and/or unconstitutional, this is a bad strategy for the Democratic Party in 2020 and beyond, not to mention that it is wrong to put the country through such an ordeal for partisan reasons. It is extremely regrettable that our president is a moron, a serial adulterer and a Putin Lover, but none of these things is against the law or the Constitution.
Mark (LA)
Tom Steyer is just another one of the 1%, like Buffett, the Koch Brothers and so many other. He has a PERSONAL agenda that's all about Tom. That's how he hosed people to make his billions.
alias (the west)
impeach now spineless pols.
Jay Lincoln (NYC)
Libs think Trump is a racist, a bigot, a sexist, a criminal for tax evasion, a high treasonist for colluding with Russia, and a person who is ruining the country. Yet they are afraid to impeach him. They deserve their lot.
Tom (East Coast)
Are all democrats insane? What grounds do you have to impeach a duly elected President? You lost - get over it.
Crossing Overhead (In The Air)
Sure, try impeachment. Standard almost impossible, open a book before spouting off craziness.
Camille Moran (Edinburgh, UK)
Pence is worse
Aaron (Orange County, CA)
Tom- You should have spent all that money to attract younger people to the polls! Again - The 18-26 YO's did not turn out! Your pie in the sky - Don Quixote impeach quest is pointless and it will never happen! I highly recommend you read, "Five Dollars and a Pork Chop Sandwich" by Mary Frances Berry.
pharout (Roanoke, Texas)
Nonononono. A thousand times no. It will take two years and cost the Democrats dearly to appease the small far left element of the party. Investigate yes. Impeach NO. For the record, I didn't vote for Trump.
Lazarus Long (Flushing NY)
No one loathes Trump more than me but the thought of a President Pence I find even scarier.Fascist theocracy anyone?
G Lucas (Los Angeles)
“It’s a trap!” —Admiral Ackbar (1983)
E (Orlando)
Don't impeach -- Indict!
Chris Anderson (Chicago)
You must be out of your mind. I voted for him and he better stay in there until the next election.
W in the Middle (NY State)
Candidly, Tom – you scare the heck out of me... Not your article – your resume... With someone like you gunning for the US presidency – which is what you will hit, if you continue to fire broadsides at the US president – we’re in even more trouble than I’d thought... I think the way to correct things is to convince Michael Bloomberg to run in 2020... But, here’s the thing – actually, several things... 1. If hizzoner declines to run in 2020, and you step in – I’d be inclined to vote for you... Not based on your article – based on your resume... 2. If any of the usual “Progressive” candidates are nominated, I will – even if you back them with your billion or two – vote for Trump again... I’ve grown accustomed to being represented by an arrogant and belligerent billionaire...But if the arrogance and belligerence could just be toned down to analytical and prickly – so much the better... Had enough shills and proxies to last a lifetime... And you’d make one heckuva Treasury Secretary... Not based on your article – based on your resume...
Private citizen (Australia)
Mate... Calm down. The process of impeachment to remove a president must follow due process and evidenced based. I make no comment concerning investigating significant and serious allegations made against Mr Trump apart from saying that one should take care with one's comments as they may compromise a jury in a potential criminal trial. The Mueller Enquiry is crucial and I am confident that it will continue, my bet. After January 3 the House may consider options in the meantime. I make no comment concerning that the Investigation. The chance of impeachment is nought given the current Senate. As a foreigner and an Australian may I remind you that a 100 years ago a vulgar event ended. Americans were young like our boys. They sleep together in perpetuity along with then adversaries Germany and Turkey. They cannot vote but are share common soil mourned by mothers universal. That said enrol to vote and keep reading newspapers. Correction read newspapers and then vote. If my remark if litigated I remember the anniversary of this day in 1938 when mobs of Nazi cretins smashed an evening. I am Catholic and I am not of the Jewish faith. When I look at the stars tonight I see stars of crystals shining. Frankly I have no interest in disparaging anyone. Calm down and trust that Americans can solve problems according the spirit of assiduous rationality reflecting the French Enlightenment the firm hand of British Justice. You take care, A mate
Nreb (La La Land)
Why Must The Democrats Impeach the President? Because They Are Losers and Have Nothing Else!
John Edelmann (Arlington, VA)
He must be impeached to save our country!
ron (memphis)
the great socialist experiment under 8 years of Obama was a total failure. and the liberals like Steyer can't stand it. So all he does is scream "Impeachment"! Trump is president. get over it.
J. Marti (North Carolina)
Need to Impeach - another group funded by the Open Borders Society.
Bruce (Sonoma, CA)
No. Not until the nation has seen the results of the Mueller investigation and any indictments. Impeachment will fan the flames of partisanship and turn it into an inferno. If the facts are there, then yes. If they are not, then 2020 is the answer.
marcy (welk)
agree 100%
Steve (Los Angeles)
Forget Donald Trump, put George W. Bush in jail for incompetence.
BabyBlue (NE)
"Moving too fast" people warn... I disagree; I think we've been far too patient. Impeach now.
Russell Zanca (Chicago)
Mr. Steyer, thanks. I like this idea tactically, just not strategically. Look, Trump should be behind bars, no doubt. Impeachment without all of the Congress on board is a real risk. Sure, I think the stakes are more important than with Clinton, but Clinton become more favorable after impeachment, and the Republican-controlled Congress...not so much. Much to think about. Focus on strategy in defeating Trump and eventually weakening Trumpism.
david (ny)
Impeaching Trump is a waste of time. The Democratic House can with a simple majority impeach Trump but you need 67 Senate votes to convict. You will not get 67 Senate votes. Go after Donald's tax returns.
SCZ (Indpls)
@david First things first.
Malcolm Beifong (Seattle)
Tom, look, we have an election in a couple years. Vote for someone else. Until then, you should calm down. We'll be fine (we survived Obama, after all). And try not to be such a nutjob.
Concerned Valley Denizen (CA)
NYT, please stop giving this man a platform. Thoughtful progressives, as evidenced in these comments, think this is a horrible idea.
Catholic and Conservative (Stamford, Ct.)
This guy, Tom Steyer, is a knucklehead but if he gets enough other knuckleheads to follow him the Republicans should have a great showing in 2020. The senate confirmation hearings are a case in point.
Chris Morris (Idaho)
Not sure why Tom S. is pushing what would be a failed impeachment. Sounds demagogic to me. That would be the big mistake. Note to all Americans; The billionaires will not be the ones to save us or the nation. Not Tom, not Trump. We will have to be the ones to save the ourselves and the nation.
John (Upstate NY)
I have an intense dislike for Trump, but impeachment is a metaphorical highway to the abyss. It's not going to get through the Senate, so spare yourselves the backlash that will come with impeachment, and focus on what you can do. Better to spend your time utilizing your investigative power(without overreaching) to shed light on the corruption and misdeeds of this administration. Maybe, just maybe you'll get a few more people to see what many of us already do, and that will be enough to seal the fate of Trump and his lackeys for 2020. But impeachment? No. Unless there's a smoking gun so blatant that Republican Senators need to jump on board with to preserve their political careers, Democrats will only be damaging themselves by pushing impeachment forward. Democrats consistently do a bad job of playing the long game. Playing the impeachment game would be further evidence of this. Don't fall into the trap.
JBen (Arizona)
Please Mr. Steyer, get the Dems to initiate impeachment immediately. Nothing plays better than politicians carrying out the personal wishes of a billionaire. The added benefit is that while the House spends months going through an impeachment procedure, they will be too busy to be bothering the American people or screw up our current economic growth cycle (can we at least agree that 2% growth ISN'T "the new normal"?). Steyer notes with dismay that only 1/3 of Americans trust the gov't to do what's right .... that number is WAY too high. Nothing will get that number close to the zero it deserves than another Kavanaugh-style prosecution for purely political purposes. And just for shiggles, make sure they go after Kavanaugh after the fact too. That should close the deal to convince the American people that the federal gov't is the last place they should look for anything.
Bill (Huntsville, Al. 35802)
I want to see him impeached and I think there are more than enough good reasons to do that but it has to be fail proof, A failed attempt would stoke the GOP base and solidify Trump. Citizens must come together and generate an agenda that addresses the issues that divide this country then contrive a plan and select leadership that can develop and implement it. Kick out the political crap shooters and elect fair, honest and civil minded individuals who are not in this for their own personal gain. Enough already!
Shar (Atlanta)
No Absolutely not The first order of business for the Democrats is to put forward policies that are good for the people of this country. Address infrastructure issues. Expand the ACA. Address climate change. Make strong and meaningful electoral changes including campaign finance and gerrymandering. Limit influence peddling. Actions must be taken that are not perceived as partisan but positive. Impeaching Trump first crack out of the bag only announces that 'the other side' is after retribution. Yes, subpoena his tax returns immediately. Yes, investigate egregious bad actors like Zinke and DeVoss. Yes, investigate Trump's possible illegality in terms of nepotism and self enrichment. But much more important is to deliver, at least to a resistant Senate, legislation that makes meaningful changes and responds to the citizens' rightful resentment of how the rich and influential own our political process. If the Democrats do that, they won't have to worry about impeachment. Trump will do himself in without dirtying their hands.
RLB (Kentucky)
Whether the president got a majority of the votes is irrelevant; he received enough to get elected under our electoral system. With the Republicans in control of the Senate, any attempt to impeach him would fail. It would only look bad for Democrats. What we really need is a paradigm shift in human thought - worldwide. In the near future, we will program the human mind in the computer based on a "survival" algorithm, which will provide irrefutable proof as to how we trick the mind with our ridiculous beliefs about what is supposed to survive - producing minds programmed de facto for destruction. These minds would see the survival of a particular group of people or a belief as more important than the survival of all. When we understand all this, we will begin the long trek back to reason and sanity. See RevolutionOfReason.com
phil loubere (Murfreesboro TN)
As much as I despise Mitch McConnell and his motivation for bringing this up, he is correct in reminding us of what happened when the Republicans impeached Clinton: His popularity soared to north of 70 percent. The current list of charges against Trump, while valid, won't resonate enough with the public, and the Democrats will come off looking vindictive and mean-spirited. This is why we need Mueller to reveal clear crimes on the level of the Watergate burglary before impeachment will be a good tactical move. Better for the House to pursue investigations of its own into the myriad corrupt practices of the Executive Branch.
David (Seattle)
Mr. Steyer's passion is impressive, but his lack of understanding that the Republican Senate will never go along with impeachment is not.
Bruce Daily (Portland, Oregon)
Fabulous idea. The perfect path forward to reelect the incumbent President of the United States. Democrats: Swallow your perfectly justified outrage and show the country there is one party that wants to govern for the public good, with empathy and intelligence. Don't burn your credibility, energy and capital on battles you cannot win.
Mike N (Rochester)
For the grifter in chief to be impeached, the Vichy GOP would have to have a backbone and a sense of shame. The odds of that happening are so low Vegas won't take the bet. I like to talk about things that will happen instead of trying to bring back unicorns. The time and effort would be better used by trying to protect the Mueller investigation.
MRB1952 (Texas)
If Steyer would use his money to help those in need, i.e. the homeless, Veterans, drug addicts, the hungry, and those who work in but cannot afford to live in his home town of San Francisco, he might actually accomplish something of note. Otherwise he's just he is just tilting at windmills.
Me (My home)
Tom Steyer needs to take his money and go home. People don’t want investigations - they want meaningful legislation. What got the Democrats elected to the House was the historical pattern for the party out of the White House and a commitment to health care. And it want exactly a rousing triumph. The Democrats can fritter away these two years if they like but it won’t be super helpful in 2020.
Regis (Greenville)
As a Libertarian with a Conservative lean I must agree with this strategy. The Constitution allows the angry mob majority in the House to pursue impeachment hearings and they should proceed full steam ahead. Just remember, the privledge of living in the greatest country in the history of the world gives you the liberty and freedom to behave as stupid as you choose. The repercussions of said stupidity will guarantee TRUMP a second term.
AspenTraveler (Conservative California)
As a conservative, it is my greatest hope that the Democrats in the House will pursue the President for any and all perceived "criminality" and impeachable offenses. The polarization set in motion by President Obama will continue to grow, reaching new heights of hystesria. Every Democrat who has yet to realize that Hillary lost and Donald won will look increasingly partisan and stupid in their blind rage at every committee hearing, each and all televised for all the world to see. It will all be for naught, for no other purpose than to provide a formal platform for Democrats to disgust the rational and reasonable folks around the country. I will get the popcorn...
Adam (Arizona)
The polarization wasn’t set in motion by Obama. It was unleashed ON TOP of him by Republicans unwilling to compromise. Seems like you need to do a little reading of what’s actually been going on the past few decades.
D. Weltsch (NYC)
@AspenTraveler So this is a game? I'm curious, how much worse Trump's dishonest behavior has to get before you would get on the impeachment train? Do you need an email from Putin saying "Start the Plan," or to a foreign diplomat threatening them if they don't stay in Trump hotels. Would that be enough? Trump's intimidation of investigators is on record. The Trump family cashing in on the presidency is on the record. Trump's credibility is in the toilet, with many frauds well documented. The rage is not "blind." Upholding the Constitution is not "partisan." This is not a red vs. blue game for our entertainment.
Steven Gabaeff MD (Healdsburg CA)
Tom, it was never a good idea to say impeach until they had the power to. The undercurrent was accountability and if mueller is stalled they will impeach.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
I don't think Mueller needs protective legislation. If Trump were going to fire Mueller, or cut his budget, he'd have done it already. Undoubtedly Trump wishes Mueller would just go away (and I DO think Mueller should stop treating his appointment as a lifetime job), but most Americans would turn strongly and irrevocable against Trump if he interferes with Mueller. Trump knows this; Mueller knows this; we all know this. The Democratic Party would be better off if Trump CAN fire Mueller, since Trump's doing so would turn most of the American public against him. Protective legislation would strike some Americans as unnecessary, and would strike others as preventing Trump from digging his own grave.
batazoid (Cedartown,GA)
Pres. Trump would like nothing better than to stand aside and watch House Democrats make fools of themselves right up until the 2020 elections.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
As Bill Shakespeare might say, there's the rub: "I also dislike President Trump, but I just don’t think he’s yet cleared the bar for impeachment and removal ... This has to be serious stuff." If -- and I emphasize "if" -- someone comes up with an honest-to-goodness example of treason or some other "high crime" or "misdemeanor," most Americans would expect Senators to vote for conviction and punish those who don't. But if the impeachment process is just used as a substitute for an election, most Americans will applaud Senators who vote against conviction. The Democratic Party has largely wasted the last two years. It's no closer to coming up with a winning candidate for 2020 than it was the day after Hillary Clinton lost. Coming up with a winning candidate is easier said than done -- I get that -- but at least the DP should try, not get distracted by an effort to substitute the impeachment process for the electoral process. Bottom line: If Trump has really committed some impeachable offense, he should be impeached. If not, the DP shouldn't be wasting everyone's time (including its own) trying to impeach him. It should do what it can to keep him from being re-elected (which, frankly, is beginning to look like a slam-dunk).
J House (NY,NY)
Perhaps someone can explain what crimes the President has committed in office, or what unconstitutional measures he has taken since he was sworn in office. His assistant AG, along with other members of his Cabinet, have publicly stated that he is mentally fit for office. Should his political opposition impeach him simply because they can't stand him? After all, he was duly elected by 63 million people.
Adam (Arizona)
Numerous articles have been written in this paper and others documenting his crimes. Do a Google search and you’ll see many examples.
Aaron (Cincinnati)
Impeach for what? What crime? If Democrats push to impeach Trump, they will hand him to 2020 election. The Russia Probe and other investigations are a joke over 60% of American laugh at. 18 Months and nothing. Find a good candidate to run against him, don't waste your time on impeachment.
RRD (Chicago)
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS ADVICE! Signed, All the Republican Strategists, Everywhere
Tunder Bar (Canada)
Tom Steyer made literally billions of dollars from Obama's climate change subsidies and loan guarantees. I'm sure he longs for the good old days when he and his Democrat buddies could feed at the public trough with impunity.
John Mardinly (Chandler, AZ)
No Tom, never impeach trump. I don't want pence running as an incumbent. I have an LGBTQ child.
Thomas Brickman (SLC Utah)
As a Trump supporter, I say this: Please Impeach Trump. Nothing in the world would please me more. Please.
gregdn (Los Angeles)
I don't believe that impeachment is what drove the Democratic victory. Exit polls show Healthcare as the number one concern (followed by immigration). Mr. Steyer, use your billions for a more constructive purpose.
Ram (Texas)
As Robert said "impeachment is essentially a political act." A calculated one. Convicting and removing Bill Clinton would have made Al Gore an incumbent. Wrong political move. Only two Presidents in the last eighty years added seats in both houses during the mid-terms. Franklin Roosevelt in his first term during the Great Depression and George W. Bush following 9/11. The rest lost including the shellacking Barack Obama took in 2010 losing both houses with 6 Senate and 63 House seats. Was this the rebuke of Trump the Democrats hoped for? But please, stay focused on Trump. Do not waste the next two years considering the economy, creating jobs for all, bringing industry back to America, leveling the trade imbalance, continuing the war on the terrorist who will strike again, or improving relationships with historical adversaries. Rather, keep Antifa as the face of the “New” Democratic Party. Continue to harass conservatives and their families and refer to anyone not liberal as a racist, Nazi, misogynist, or homophobe. Continue the mantra that liberals really care about choice, immigrants, minorities, diversity and tolerance, (unless you are a conservative) and that it’s not about votes. Discredit everyone from our military, Border Patrol, ICE, and the police who put their lives in jeopardy every day to keep us safe. Then imagine a world with seven conservative justices and hundreds more in the lower courts. How do I write to Adam Schiff to keep him fired up?
Mark (Georgia)
Hahahaha. Even if the newly minted Democrat majority impeaches the President, the Senate will never vote to convict. So enjoy your fantasy, but Trump won't be leaving 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue until January 2025.
marj (Hartford, CT)
As bad as Trump is, we don't want Mike Pence as president.
Carlo (Maryland)
Mr.Steyer - What you need to do is buy Fox News and gradually change their “news” reporting so that Fox will be less of an arm of the Republican party and the President and more of a real impartial news organization.
Dougal E (Texas)
Does this guy ever say anything that is true? Or that is not entirely speculative? Does he think fear-mongering among the snowflakes will win him the presidency in 2020? I encourage the Democrat Party to believe and act upon the supposition that impeachment is the way to achieve victory in 2020. Of course, most Democrats don't think that. It's all just banal, loose talk. Or it's delusional because it makes them feel powerful when all they've got is a meager majority in the House.
JKO (Manhattan)
Beat Comrade Trump in 2020. That is the way to rid America of the Pence as well! If Comrade Trump is forced to resign prior to 2020, The Pernicious Pence takes office. He may well be harder than we think to get rid of in 2020. Better to beat BOTH Comrade Trump, The Pernicious Pence and the corrupt GOP altogether in 2020. Beat them BADLY by VOTING them OUT.
Want2know (MI)
Hard to see now how any articles of impeachment would attract significant GOP support or go anywhere in the senate. No matter what Mr. Mueller's findings and this week's election results, Trump has advantages--political, judicial and other--that Mr. Nixon. and even Bill Clinton, never did. At most, the process, and evidence it produce, might reduce Mr. Trump's appetite for a second term, though even that is far from certain.
Tom (Des Moines, IA)
The founders likely understood that impeachment was both a legal and a political remedy to an official thwarting the rule of law. Whether Trump has broken the law to the point of considering impeachment may be a standard that's been crossed, but whether it is politic to begin impeachment proceedings against him now is more than doubtful. Yes, wait for Mueller's final report, but also look at Matt Whitaker's appointment as acting AG. Trump is looking for whatever leverage he can have at limiting revelations against him, and if he doesn't like where things are headed, he may try to use Whitaker or others to, as Archie Bunker would say, "stifle" them. Better for Mr Steyer than his currrent campaign to impeach is a campaign to remove Mueller's investigation from DOJ.
StevieT (Boca Raton)
The Democrats won what the out party usually wins in an off year election. I won't take anything out of it other than that and the fact that there was helpful judicial redistricting. The expansion of the size of the party is a result of wealthy and connected people like Steyer recognizing the power to be had by coalescing a huge underclass, out there for the taking, for just the illusional benefits they dangle in front of them.
Cemo (Honolulu)
I would prefer the Democrats come up with a coherent, attractive agenda of their own rather than simply respond to Trump. An impeachment process is a bad idea for several reasons: First, without a "smoking gun," it would go nowhere in the Senate and only be diverting and divisive; second, it would place many newly elected Democrats from redder areas in political jeopardy from the get-go, the mandate is for accountability, not revenge; third, it assumes Trump is THE problem rather than a symptom of a deeper malaise that needs to be addressed; and finally, it further politicizes a process, started by Republicans in the 1990s, intended as a safeguard in extreme cases. Real accountability comes first, and that could potentially lead to impeachment or more likely a more informed voter judgment in 2020.
Bob (Portland)
The House Democrats can impeach Trump once a week if they want to, but to no avail. He will need to be tried in the Senate where the GOP will refuse to even bring it to the floor. The current prospect of the Mueller investigation being limited or closed does not help the situation. Trump is in the position of being removed only if STATE BROUGHT charges are filed against him for serious crimes.
M. P. Prabhakaran (New York City)
According to the author, the number of impeachable crimes President Trump has so far committed are “nine and counting.” He has not spelled out all of them. But “obstruction of justice” that he has referred to is certainly an indisputable one. However, no action on that score can be expected from the present Republican-controlled House. It’s true that in the midterm poll, an “overwhelming majority of people" elected Democrats "to hold this president accountable.” But most of them got elected mainly because they were careful not to conflate accountability with impeachment. They knew that the latter is a tricky area to tread. Even if the Democratic majority in the next House impeaches Trump, it won't automatically lead to his punishment and removal from office. The punishment part of the impeachment is the prerogative of the Senate. Two-thirds of that body should approve it, which will be a nonstarter as long as it is Republican-controlled. The wisest thing for Democrats to do at his point is to wait until special counsel Robert Mueller submits his report. If it lays out sufficient grounds for impeachment, they certainly can initiate the proceedings in the House. But side-be-side, they should work toward winning enough number of Republican Senators over to their side. Without their support, the Democrats will only have the ego-satisfaction of having impeached the president, with its ultimate goal unmet. There is no denying that this president is unfit to remain in office.
Stephen (New York)
Hold him to account, pursue public investigations of his corruption, support Mueller as strongly as possible, and skip the entire discussion of impeachment, at least until the Mueller investigation is completed.
cgtwet (los angeles)
It's shocking how many of these comments are against impeachment simply because the GOP Senate will vote against it. The argument for or against impeachment should be solely driven by the facts, not by a fear that the Senate will shirk its duty. If the President broke the law, committed high crimes and misdemeanors, then the House must start impeachment proceedings. Standing up for the law is crucial. It doesn't matter what the Senate does. In fact, every Republican Senator who votes against impeachment will need to explain their vote. Let's not forget that Clinton was impeached by the House but not the Senate and that stain remains forever on his legacy. The House needs to stand up against presidential lawlessness and go on record for posterity's sake, for history's sake. Standing up against presidential criminality is its own reward.
PeterH (left side of mountain)
well said. Impeaching is the way to go, no more shilly shallying and wavering. Grow a spine Dem leaders! To the posters who say it is futile because the Senate would never convict, I say nonsense. Impeach and press forward and let the record of Senate GOP-ers to be put on record. Impeaching will wound the criminal gang.
kengschwarz (Westchester)
While I would love to see Trump impeached, I fear starting a fight we cannot yet win. I would listen to the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson who said: "When you strike at a king, you must kill him." We are not yet ready to do that. Please be patient; the day will come.
Andrew Trezise (Big Sur, CA)
I couldn't help but read this as though it was written in all caps, as if Tom Steyer was yelling at the top of his lungs.
R.Brookson (Canada)
How about letting Trump hang himself with his own tweets and platform comments, rather than wasting time on anger and impeachment? How about Democrats politically concentrating on what is best for the USA and its 400 million citizens rather than focussing on one man and his bad breath. Much as Trump would like to be a dictator, he can't and won't be allowed to if Democrats set themselves to govern the USA in an adult manner.
JOK (Fairbanks, AK)
Steyer's politics of revenge and vituperation bodes evil tidings. Don't give in to it.
James Murphy (Providence Forge, Virginia)
Wasting time on impeachment won't get us Democrats anywhere. Voting Trump out of office will. That's where we should be headed.
Mary (Peoria)
Most of the commenters here simply don't seem to understand what's at stake. "Wait for the Mueller report to finish" - are you even aware that the Mueller report is in serious jeopardy, as a Trump stooge is now in charge of the investigation and can basically shut it down without any further firings or even notifying Congress? "What about Pence?" So tired of hearing this one. Have you noticed that Pence is currently occupying a powerful place in our government? He gets up and works the people every day while Trump is still in his bathrobe watching TV. Pence chose the whole stinking cabinet. Pence will be damaged by impeachment proceedings and will not last even if he gets to the presidency which I somehow doubt. A serious investigation of the 2018 election will show that Pence is in the Russian conspiracy up to his beady eyeballs. "Trump hasn't done anything bad enough yet to warrant impeachment" - how can you have so little care for professional ethics and your own government? Do you understand what "high crimes and misdemeanors" means? The founders wanted our country to be governed by people of the highest moral character possible, so they wrote into our basic charter a method for removing public officials who do not serve the public interest. Here in Illinois we impeached a recent governor for trying to sell a Senate seat. He's still in jail, and we are all better for it. Corruption in government cannot be allowed to pass.
Andie (Ithaca)
The number one reason that Trump needs to be impeached is that we must prove to children that when a monster really does show up--when the bogey man really is under your bed or in your closet, we don't laugh it off--we adults keep the monster at bay. If we fail, what are we going to tell the children?
AACNY (New York)
@Andie Better off explaining that life doesn't always go the way you like and that you can and will survive this.
Michael (Kentucky)
I'm a Democrat... If the Democratic party doesn't start talking about issues and ideas, and quit making everything about Trump, they, and America, are going to lose to a huge red wave in 2020. Yes, Trump is a crook, a bigot, and a coward. His lackeys, supporters, and appointees are no better. And I realize that he only won in 2016 because he colluded with the Russians to spread fake news against anyone who opposed him from either party, mostly via Facebook. But, if the Democratically controlled House concentrates on taking down Trump and his appointees, instead of trying to work across the aisle to get things done, the backlash will be swift and deadly. Everyone is exhausted with the constant infighting, and the first party that drops it, and gets back to actually working for the American people will win in 2020.
jr (state of shock)
The idea of impeachment may have strong emotional value, but strategically it would be a colossal mistake that would likely backfire on the Democrats in the same way it backfired on the Republicans in 1998. With no chance for conviction in the Senate (barring the discovery by Mueller of some kind of damning criminal evidence), it would be a wasted effort as well as a major distraction. Furthermore, Pence, who is a bona fide right-wing extremist and Christian ideologue, could easily be as bad, or worse, than Trump. And lastly, it would likely spark riots. As much as those of us on the left want to see Trump taken down, we need to curb our taste for blood, and hope that our freshly empowered representatives will do what needs to be done to build a consensus that will defeat him at the polls in two years.
Julie (NY. NY)
Dear Tom Steyer-I know you have a lot of money, but please stop your dangerous the movements to impeach 45th POTUS for Democrat and American. Simply to remove the sitting of Trump needs 287 House and 67 United States Senate to convict, but this is not number game. You should have vividly remembered the miserable processing for only one the judge Kavanaugh by Democrat Judicially Senate. The failed and violent processing has delivered VICTORY for picking four GOP States Senate up. It's crystal clear that Democrat would lose the WH, States Senate, and House Rep in 2020 if your the risky movements to impeach Trump failed. Please go far 2020 in order to hold House, pick up Democrat Senators few more, and the WH instead the dangerous movements.
Louis A. Carliner (Lecanto, FL)
Better than impeachment would be for SCOTUS to anull the election! I’m quite certain that Justice Clarence Thomas, from his Catholic catechism training knows that anullment would be the perfect reverse time machine to execute an almost complete reversal of the almost catastrophic damages that the Trump era has so far wreaked. There is compelling evidence so far that justifies the invalidating the presidential election. Anullment would be able to go far as to provid for reversal of pardons, like those of Scooter Libby and Joe Arpaio, among others, as well of the executive orders that threaten the survival of the earth from unchecked climate change, the hideously crewal actions of the actions of Betsy deVos, and Mike Malvanyand others, the breaking of treaties and trade wars. impeachment, which would have little chance of being enacted by he servile Republican controlled Senate, would do none of the above!
manoflamancha (San Antonio)
Yes 6.2 million folks have signed to impeach President Trump, but the U.S. population is 326+ million.
Steve (Florida)
@manoflamancha --- You do realize that the Man of LaMancha was delusional, don't you?
Mark (Orem)
Mr. Steyer is doing all he can to avoid prosecution for his crimes against humanity. The clock is ticking, Huber is just around the corner. Goodbye Mr. Steyer.
Jeffrey (Syosset, NY)
Dear Tom Steyer-please stop your dangerous the movements to impeach 45th POTUS for Democrats and American. Simply to remove the sitting of Trump needs 287 House and 67 United States Senate to convict, but this is not number game. You should have vividly remembered the miserable processing for only one the judge Kavanaugh by Democrat Judicially Senate. The failed and violent processing has delivered VICTORY for picking four GOP States Senate up. It's crystal clear that Democrat would lose the WH, States Senate, and House Rep in 2020 if your the risky movements failed. Please go far in 2020 in order to hold House, pick up Democrats Senators few more, and the WH instead the dangerous movements.
Texan (Texas)
An attempt to impeach Trump will end the way Bill Clinton’s did. No conviction in the Senate. Better to pass bills which McConnell will ignore to show America how lazy and cowardly the GOP is.
Max Dither (Ilium, NY)
The word "Constitution" doesn't appear in Trump's vocabulary. But the word "emperor" does. Right next to "dictator".
Susan Blubaugh (Morton, Washington)
Impeachment is not an option unless we can also get rid of Mike Pence. We do not want a President Pence!!!
Craig Kaster (Florida)
America has 220 million eligible voters. Half voted in 2018 – a pitiful, but record turnout. Mr. Steyer spent $100M to get 6M of them to sign a petition to impeach the President: 2.7% ($16 per signature), 97.3% of eligible voters did not sign his petition; a fact even a Congressperson can understand. Perhaps if he spent $1 Billion he could have convinced 30% to sign? Or he could spend $1 Billion to pay $1.5M to each of the 66 Senators he needs to vote for impeachment? Or hire volunteers on Election Day to “buy” 1 Million key swing district votes for $1,000? Carnegie built 2,500 Libraries. Jimmy Carter hammers nails on Habitat for Humanity Houses. Rockefeller donated Acadia National Park. Ken Langone just donated another $100M so NYU Medical Students can attend tuition free (Bernie Sanders “free college”?), on top of $200M for their Teaching Hospital. Many of our Silicon Valley and Wall Street “Masters of The Universe” are looking dull, essentially “buying” votes to force average taxpayers to “donate” to their favorite causes.
David (Boston)
Yes, go for it. Then Trump will be reelected in 2020.
Amadeus (Washington DC)
You go to democracy with the electorate you have, not the electorate you wish you had.
Charles Crane (Detroit)
Go for it! and Gauranttee a second term.
Jamila Kisses (Beaverton, OR)
Steyer should be funneling his money into something useful -- like combating voter suppression. Wasting it on a quixotic quest for impeachment is simply emotion-laden lunacy that will simply backfire. It's so sad to see successful people waste their riches when there's so much good they could be doing. Seriously, even if we did impeach him it would just give the Senate the opportunity find him innocent. That's the last thing America needs.
Bob Z. (Naples, FL)
Impeachment, as desirable as it would be, will never reach a conviction in the Senate. So, it would be a waste of time. Better to let him stew for the next 2 years and find a Democratic presidential candidate who will appeal to rural as well as urban and suburban voters to defeat Trump in 2020. Plus, who would want Pense as a President with the possibility of him running twice more? Frustrate Trump for the next 2 years and then get rid of him.
Wim Roffel (Netherlands)
42% support says nothing. What matters is convincing Republicans. And until now very few of them have been convinced that Trump should be impeached. Look at it from the Republican point of view. Yes, Trump is a shady businessman. But so what? He hasn't been convicted. Some Democrat politicians aren't that clean either. Russiagate? The evidence until now is underwhelming. Trump may have been a bit clumsy but that is not treason. What maters is that he implements the policies they want. The last two years the Democrats wasted a lot of time of Russiagate that they could have spending on other issues where they had a lot better chance to succeed. They shouldn't make the same error again. So keep digging in all the murkiness surrounding Trump. But until you find something that could convince Republicans it is better to refrain from big gestures like impeachment.
Robert (Houston)
Please, more of this! If there is anything that will turn people to the Republicans in 2020, it is stupid, futile efforts such as an impeachment. I sometimes wonder if Steyer isn't a Republican in disguise. And don't forget to push Medicare for All. I especially like the draft bill that outlaws private insurance and employer insurance. That is more extreme than even the UK health care system. I'm sure Democrats will find lots of support for that from all of those who now have employer health insurance. Go for it!
Michael L Hays (Las Cruces, NM)
Mr. Steyer is appeal to his "base" and others incapable of emotional restraint and political good sense. The idea is one which cannot be actualized until there is stronger and certain evidence of "high crimes and misdemeanors" which some Democrats, many Independents, and even most Republicans cannot ignore without peril to the rule of law and democracy itself. Mueller's investigation has not ended, and Congressional investigations have not begun. Let us not pre-judge the results against the standard for impeachment. Trump's character as a barbarian, a boor, a narcissist, and much else does not constitute criminal behavior.
mlbex (California)
The Democrats might or might not impeach, but they shouldn't telegraph their moves before they are seated. Let's hope that they have the sense to operate strategically, possibly brandishing impeachment to curtail Trump's excesses and force concessions. It's like good cop/bad cop; the firebrands call for impeachment, the 'adults' urge caution, and the president never knows what will actually happen. At some point they might actually have to do it, especially if Muller finds something particularly egregious. Otherwise there is almost no chance that Trump will be removed through impeachment. However, it could be a huge embarrassment for Trump to have his dirty linen aired in front of the nation. As for Muller, it seems to me that if the attorney general fires him or tries to starve him of resources, the House judicial committee could hire him the next day, and he could continue doing exactly what he is doing now, only he'd be reporting to a new manager.
keevan d. morgan (chicago, illinois)
Typically, this Democratic Party message enunciates zero policies or programs for the United States, but rather merely opines as to what is good for the Democratic Party in obtaining more votes and power in order to someday act on the nothing. Ironically, if filled, the prescription would be fatal to the Democratic Party's 2020 chances at the White House, because nothing could serve Trump's own interests more than for the House to vote to impeach him, since that amounts only to making charges against him. Conviction in the Senate would take 67 votes, however, and the Democrats will muster only about 47. Even if Republicans like Flakes and Cornyn were still in the Senate they would likely not vote to convict, but the Republicans will stand united, and this is not a case where a couple of votes matter anyway. Meanwhile, even a Democratic Senate would give Trump every procedural and substantive set of trial rules he requested in order to appear fair; with a Republican Senate, Trump will write the rules in the Oval Office. Those rules will include calling all the witnesses Trump desires. Bring on Hillary, Bill, Loretta Lynch, Comey, Strozk, Page (Lisa, not Carter, lol), 10 lawyers from Perkins Coie, the entire staff of Fusion GPS, and on and on--all to be questioned by Trump's $200 million legal dream team. Plus, Trump ran the Miss America Pageant and more tv shows. He knows what prop goes where and will direct all from afar, turning the Democratic ship into the Titanic.
ellen luborsky (NY, NY)
It is true that he should not be president. He is dangerous and defies the laws and the foundational institutions of the country. At the same time, the readers comments are well taken - impeachment proceedings will turn into a charade or else give us Pence, who is his own snake in the grass. A 'least common denominator' will be trumpet and oppose every impeachable act, keeping a live narrative for the next election. And to offer a contrasting vision, hopefully soon delivered by someone young, new, fresh, and powerful.
Eric W. (Sacramento, CA)
Enough already, Mr. Steyer! Not only will the Senate block any impeachment proceedings, those efforts will be seen as a colossal waste of time and money. And, this action could actually hurt Democrats in the 2020 elections. Better that the House committees with investigative authority focus on their responsibilities and tie up the Trump White House with legal actions and lawsuits. The President can boast all he wants about going on "a warlike footing" if directly challenged, but, like most bullies, he'll likely cave in when smacked in the teeth by legitimate legal actions.
AACNY (New York)
@Eric W. A bunch of investigations will also play to Trump's strengths. He's already thrown down the gauntlet. He's ready and willing to work with democrats but not if they choose, instead, the endless investigation path. Despite the allure of investigations, it's still the best offer an opposing party has had in decades. Trump will work with anyone. Pelosi knows this and, hopefully, will do so.
Alexander Beal (Lansing, MI)
If a president is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors it is the obligation of Congress to impeach and convict. Not doing so for political reasons would be a violation of their oath to the constitution.
TrumpLiesMatter (Columbus, Ohio)
The arguments will continue, on both sides, as they say. I usually do not advocate getting into a fight you can't win. But if you are continually losing fights you didn't even start, maybe it's time to start one and improve your style. Plus, we are losing fights that are of critical importance to the health of the US. Congress (pre-midterm) wouldn't even stay awake while trump raged about. Isn't it time someone stood in this one-man bullyshow's way? If the House begins impeachment processes, it's playing the game trump plays, and that he doesn't expect anyone else to play. Get him in a corner, put him on the ropes, maybe he'd have to give on something. Anything. The Senate is still acting like the enemy of the people. They never stand up to the egregious acts of this tin despot. McConnell, Graham have completely become moons in his orbit. Maybe the House can get their attention so they actually understand what trump is doing to our country.
Chuck Masterson (Kansas)
After all that, Mister Steyer failed to provide even one factual, proven, or impeachable offense as required by the same US Constitution he claims President Trump has violated. There was no "blue wave". Just barely a "trickle" is all. There was no clear mandate for either party Tuesday. Without the swell of blue, there is no call to continue harassing and assaulting republican lawmakers to include our honorable president Mr. Trump.
John C (MA)
Why not wait until the Mueller investigation is over—or Trump fires him? Until Republican members of each house of Congress join in, impeachment won’t happen anyway. Impeachment as a way of circumventing elections by the party out of power—acting alone—smacks of anti-democratic tactics such as gerrymandering and voter suppression. Tom Steyer means well, but if I had his kind of swag, I’d be using it to train community organizers to register new voters, give rides to the polls and supply food for the people waiting in line. I’d be funding efforts to pass legislation making Election Day a national holiday on a Monday, with voting on the Saturday and Sunday before. I’d Lobby businesses to give their workers Election Day a paid holiday. We need more democracy and less circumvention of it—unless there is a severe Constitutional Crisis such as would occur if trump shuts the investigation down or the investigation truly reveals “high crimes and misdemeanors”.
mikeyh (Poland, OH)
There are many examples of Trump's obstruction of justice: Comey firing, Sessions firing, Whitaker appointment and all the lies in between the Comey firing and the Whitaker appointment. Once impeachment proceedings are started, there will likely be many more lies. The way to move forward is to question people under oath. If anyone lies, then prosecution and resultant jail time should be ordered for all perjury and lying. Just like Watergate. Then concentrate on the usual crimes like money laundering, tax evasion, patterns of corrupt activity, etc. A pattern of corrupt activity is one that reminds you of previous corrupt activity. A few of our local corrupt politicians were convicted solely of "a pattern of corrupt activity" charge filed by the previous attorney general soon to be governor here in Ohio.
Mike Danger (NY)
Democrats need to forget impeachment and focus on winning back the middle/working class. Roughly half the country regards attacks on Trump as an attack on the working class and view the Democrats as the party of the wealthy elite and the very poor.
Mark (NC)
You want Pence? Because this is how you get Pence. And the other commenters have it right: the political will of Republicans in power will prevent a successful impeachment. The best Democrats can do right now is to effectively neuter the president, and continue working on producing quality candidates for every position available, from animal control all the way up to the Oval Office.
Mike Murphy (Ottawa )
The author appears to be saying that in order to beat Trump, you have to act like Trump. That’s not healthy and would be playing into the hands of the narcissist in chief. Unless a smoking gun is uncovered, it’s also a losing proposition. Better to win the battle at the ballot box. Let democracy take its course. And as a Canadian, entreat you....don’t lose.
knewman (Stillwater MN)
No Democrats were elected to appropriately govern this country. They should contain Trump and his worst impulses, but should focus on 2020 and who is going to run for president. The people want ongoing leadership and not a focus on the past bad behavior of Trump. Test will take care of itself if he is not re-elected.
rjon (Mahomet, Ilinois)
Don’t focus on impeachment. Focus on the irrefutable evidence. There’s no doubt in my mind that it will be available soon, Trump’s incompetent acting attorney general nonetheless. It’s that evidence that will destroy Trump’s propaganda machine. That—and the naming of the members of that machine—who are they? what are they doing? what have they done? The free press is our fourth branch of government and the only branch attempting to hold Trump and his propaganda machine accountable. Focus on stopping the machine. Impeachment will only become possible if the machine is stopped. Do you hear that, twitter?
Robert Plautz (New York City)
Impeachment and removal of Trump will result in Mike Pence becoming president. I do not want to run against an incumbent Mike Pence in 2020. There are many on the right who dislike, indeed, hate, Trump; but will easily fall in place once a doctrinaire and safe right winger like Pence takes office. For instance, don't look far. Three died in the wool conservative columnist of the NYT, Bret Stephens, Ross Douthat and David Brooks all regularly write their dislike for Trump and their wish for someone else. To them, Pence would be a godsend and they would write and advocate accordingly. I believe there are millions of voters who feel the same and would also act accordingly in 2020. No, I don't want Pence running as an incumbent in 2020. Consider this, think what would have happened had Bill Clinton been removed (or resigned) from office in 1998. Al Gore running as an incumbent in 2000!
Ben (Ohio)
The problem with this entire piece is that Trump has done nothing impeachable. There are only accusations, there is not evidence. Not liking a politician is not grounds for impeachment. It may be grounds for voting them out of office, but impeachment needs to be taken seriously and not treated like option B when you lose an election. The other point worth considering is that the Democratic platform is not as widely accepted as Democrats think. To many of us, it's absolutely nuts. There is no way we could morally or ethically agree to the things the Democrats espouse. The issue is not a lack of awareness of what Democrats stand for, it's that we know exactly what they desire and it's so blatantly anti-American, that it makes our heads spin. We don't want the America you want. When the Democrats take the Presidency again and when they control both the Senate and the House, they will enact policies that will undermine our economic growth, that will actually limit peoples' prospects to achieve, and will further eliminate the peoples' freedom and liberty. It continues to amaze me how excitedly people are willing to give up all their rights to a government who wants to control them! The answer is NOT more people directing your steps and confining you to a life that they determine is your best bet. The answer is a government that protects your ability to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. What the Democratic Platform desires is to take away all 3 of those things.
Tom Goslin (Philadelphia PA)
Ben, the Democratic platform is widely preferred by a large majority of Americans. We want universal health care, voting rights, clean air and water, gun control, a living wage, a 40 hour work week, public education for all. We also want public roads, libraries, and police and fire departments. What reductions of freedom are you talking about?
afternoonsun (Baltimore)
Sorry but Republicans did not call for the impeachment of President Obama after he lost 63 House Seats, 6 Senate seats and 671 state legislative seats in 2010 and the “national” vote (meaningless) by 16.4 million votes. We are a Democratic Republic and were a civil country until President Obama decided to tear the country apart with identity politics.
AACNY (New York)
@afternoonsun Interestingly, the beloved orator, Obama, was a disaster for his party. The "disastrous" Trump has managed to energize and invigorate his party. (This is usually the part where his supporters are nastily insulted.)
Dan (KCMO)
Yea this is close to the worst idea ever for democrats. What they need to do is things. Actual things, not wasting resources on an impeachment that would never fly in the senate. Help the middle class, the poor, and other people who are hurt by republican policies. The campaign is over. Lock her up didn't happen. Impeachment is just as much of a joke at this point. I just hope people weren't fooled.
Bear Essentials (Seattle)
This would be a total waste of time, money, and political energy. Focus on beating him in 2 years.
Steve (Illinois)
If Mueller issues his report with no finding of obstruction of justice elements against DJT, will Steyer go away? Impeachment is a losing proposition for Dems. Look what happened to Rs in the '90s: they ended up getting Bill Clinton greater majority support.
DEWaldron (New Jersey)
Before Steyer goes further in his railing about impeachment, he might want to consider an old adage. those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Steyer has been lucky thus far, but his ponzi scheme needs t be looked at as well has his high interest loans through Beneficial State Bank.
Lois steinberg (Urbana, IL)
But the Democratic party receives a lot of money because of Trump. Why lose that? I am in favor of impeachment, however, Pence is worse for equality.
Upstater (NYS)
Support Mueller, Investigate Trump and expose his obvious crimes (get those tax returns!) AND inspire the voters with legislation and leadership for 2020. Redeeming the country involves more than problematic impeachment accusations that will fail in the Senate and only reinforce the "white ring". It's only two years, folks. Use them to shine, not whine.
Dan (Colorado)
Please don't. One of the things that really enraged me during the Obama administration is when the Republican House would spin up a vote to end Obamacare just about every week (it seemed). The actual money cost to do that can't be trivial to say nothing of the missed opportunities to actually get something done. When they finally did get all three chambers of government it was painfully evident they had no idea how to govern. Impeachment has absolutely no chance whatsoever in the Senate so please, please, please don't waste time becoming a Democratic mirror image of those useless fools.
Obetwo (Wenatchee)
The democrats gotta know they can't win an impeachment, plus it's best for Trump if the Democrat's try and fail. but, the Democrats will try anyway. The TDS and Hate is just too strong and they won't be able to help themselves.
Andrew (Boston)
Steyer's not thinking this through. Assuming this would actually succeed and do more than polarize the country to a rabid level, do we really want to run against choir boy Pence as an incumbent?
sceptic (Arkansas)
We need to get Trump Jr under oath and ask if he told his father about the Trump tower meeting with the Russians. (Currently, both Jr. and Sr. deny it.) He will lie and say no. Then, if Mueller has witnesses, we can charge Jr. with perjury. Trump Sr. will then fire the entire Justice Dept. or whoever brought charges against Jr. and we can ask the Republican Senate if it is true that no man is above the law or does that rule not apply to the Trump family? They won't answer but we can run against the rampant corruption saturating the Republican party and wipe them out in 2020.
Bill (Arizona)
Spinning wheels in the mud with no chance of going anywhere is what teenagers do when they are bored. Mr Steyer needs to focus on something his billions of dollars can do to help people.
Coley Newcastle (Atlanta)
The democrats care only about gaining power. This is not about "corruption"; it's about taking over by any possible means.
Joan1009 (NYC)
I wish Mr. Steyer had shown all this energy and money into the midterm elections. We might then have a majority in both houses and plenty of time to obsess about impeachment.
bill d (nj)
I wish people would learn basic civics, it is a testament to how bad our school system is that I saw ads in Texas before the election hysterically saying "Don't elect Democrats, they will impeach Trump and Kavenaugh and other conservatives", with the implication that they would have the power to remove them from office..when impeachment is basically just an idictment. To remove someone takes a 2/3rds majority in the Senate, something that has not happened. Ironically, the one SCOTUS judge impeached (but not removed), Samuel Chase, was accused by the jeffersonian republican majority of 'partisan decisions' on the court, of ruling based on his strong federalist beliefs....
Vickie (Cleveland)
Why settle for impeachment when there could be indictments? The Trump family appears to have been knee-deep in corruption for decades. Tax fraud, using inflated figures of condo sales to lure buyers, investing in possible terrorist money laundering fronts (Trump Tower Baku)... and that's just what the press has uncovered. Now it's looking more and more likely with every passing day that the Trump team conspired with a hostile foreign government to defraud the people of the United States of a free and fair presidential election and then participated in a grand cover-up.
Edgar Numrich (Portland, Oregon)
While this country remains in perpetual forms of take-your-pick-not-always-civil wars, Greek proverb and the Bible suggest a leopard can't change its spots. The inability to change human nature in the history of the "not-United" States has well-exampled that maxim -- certainly again with the elements of Trumpism that feed at the inability to change human nature. Breaking up the country by civil means would at least change the political boundaries to align with prejudice. That won't "fix stupid", but we won't be governed by the version with which we are perpetually saddled. A challenge to California, then: Take the lead in secession and form a new country. Others will follow. Stop today's fascism in its tracks.
Rick Beck (Dekalb IL)
If facts warrant reason for impeachment then yes it should be done. It should not be done out of spite or vitriol. Focusing on Trumps foolish divisive hateful and racist mannerisms just for the sake of doing so would make us no better than Trump and his fellow congressional traitors. If Mueller presents verifiable reason or investigations into emoluments etc bring proof of criminality then it would be a severe lapse of duty for dems not to initiate proceedings. Two years is only a short time and I don't believe for a moment that Trump is capable of endearing himself to anyone beyond his ignorant base. If nothing else come 2020 Trump will be handed the absolute most humiliating event in his narcissistic life. Defeat! To go into the history books as maybe the biggest failed experiment in history off democracy.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Whether or not you agree with Steyer, he's sincere: "Nix on impeaching Trump. Pence, a theocrat, would be worse than Trump." I can't speak for Tom Steyer, but I suspect his response to this would be: "I don't like Mike Pence either, but that's not the point. If Trump has committed an impeachable offense, he should be impeached -- regardless of who might replace him." I'm not seeing any impeachable offense here, though I do agree with that thinking in the abstract. What I'm seeing, though, is nothing more than political frustration -- serious frustration, to be sure, but purely political. Everyone (including Trump) was surprised that Trump beat Clinton in 2016. But he did, and the Democratic Party's "remedy" for that is not to threaten impeachment or complain about the Electoral College. The Democratic Party's "remedy" is to whup Trump in 2020, exactly as Pelosi says, and it's high time for the Democratic Party to start preparing for that election (grooming a potential candidate, for example).
d4hmbrown (Oakland, CA)
The author is acting like Trump-insisting on having his way in spite of the facts & history. Impeachment is the nuclear option & as such destructive of our democracy as we know it. Clear evidence & strong public agreement on impeachment is essential. Moreover, we have a man in the White House & his party who do not regard what is best for the nation as having any value. Add a populace with zero regard for the rule of law being upheld by Republicans &..................impeachment is sheer foolishness.
Europe (Europe)
Ilya is spot on:Impeaching Trump also won't end Trumpism, which is the true danger. Millions of people don't think brazen fact-denial is bad. Impeaching Trump won't fix that. What will? That's the question to focus on. De debate should be going especialy about this question: How is it possible that normale in mostly educated christion people are leaving al the morals and guidelines they live for And so easely trown over board by standing by a man who sels them hate and fury in context of make them believe he wil solve there problems. And even he says he will use them they still stand by him. And what is realy scarry is all the people in Washington he is using, draining them and then willingly trown by the garbadge. And stil new man and women stand up and feel the need to stand by him knowing what it's in pad. Even for a politician is that behavoir unbelivble. My question what going on in there minds. Because if you understand whats going on there, maybe you can change for a longer time and hold your country together. I hope you find a way because USA is floting further further away of the land values and believe se stands for. Kind regards, Europe
M (Seattle)
An oversized bank account should not give you oversized influence, Mr. Steyer.
Pippadogs Master (Texas)
Keep your eye on the prize, removal. Impeach with utmost care to ensure conviction in the senate. Tee it up for them so they cannot avoid action.
Fred P (Charleston)
Require every Presidential nominee have a detailed brain scan that is sealed for 50-100 years. In the case of Trump upon death though it should be now. The man is Looney Tunes.
Zareen (Earth)
“If the president does something dastardly, the impeachment process is available.” — Brett Kavanaugh Since every single thing that DJT does is dastardly, I guess we should follow the learned Justice’s advice, right? And by the way, we can still craft a positive vision for our country. We just have to impeach our criminal president first.
Daveharnik (Glens Falls NY)
The trouble with impeaching Donald Trump you end up with Mike Pence one is as bad as the other.
david (leinweber)
Hey, does anybody remember the Black Lives Matter movement??? Speaking historically, it was an important movement that existed before November 2016. Funny how none of that seems to matter now. It's all about Trump, all the time.
JND (Abilene, Texas)
Must impeach? How much are you paying them to do so?
Valerie (Ely, Minnesota)
I think Trump is a national disgrace. Every move he has made since becoming our president will be judged by history as being morally bankrupt, unwise, racist, and incompetent. Yes! He needs to go..... Having said that, if the Democratic Party spends the next two years bogged down in impeachment proceedings mired in endless investigations— and working for the American people is ONCE AGAIN back-burnered— the American people WILL REVOLT! If the work of the American people can never get done— throw all the bums out (Reps AND Dems), and let’s start a third party that is responsive to the needs of rank and file Americans. Starting with climate change, gun control, and income inequality. Democrats— instead of endless impeachment proceedings, PLEASE prove to all AMERICANS that you really are capable of leading, and that you are working tirelessly for the well being of all Americans. Have patience! Then the second Trump leaves office, nail him with an indictment that lists all of his high crimes and misdemeanors! Give him a long ‘vacation’ in Sing Sing.....
Pogo (33 N 117 W)
Tom You are wasting everybody’s time. Impeachment is not going to happen. The Senate needs to have a 2/3 vote to impeach. You know this. You are wishing that concrete evidence will be miraculously uncovered, but it does not exist. A Hint: DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK!
Craig (Washington state)
Mr. Steyer, your argument is disingenous and would only strengthen Trump's base. Impeachment requires 67 votes in the senate and, unless Mueller releases something that is so damning they can't ignore it conviction will simply not happen. Democrats need to use their new House majority to use their subpoena power and investigate Trump and his family.
Jeremy (Vermont)
Then Malfoy will be Prez...though would keep Drumpf out of 2020, and maybe in prison stripes. I do think it is a dead end, though. Dems need to be the adults in the room and not appear "nutty". Do some solid legislating and get results in the next 24 months and get the jerk voted out of the office he has so sullied.
Michael (Glenelg, MD)
Mr. Slyer exemplies all the negatives adduced by the GOP to denigrate liberals. Fuzzy thinking, all heart and no brain. BTW: I’m a 77 yo lifetime liberal.
Alice's Restaurant (PB San Diego)
Negating an election because the cultural Marxists believe Hillary was entitled to the White House is the epitome of bourgeois self-indulgence, something learned from three decades of university Maoist reeducation camp post-Modern behavior modification. Point of fact--Senate won't let it happen, but will turn out the base for 2020--and support more Waters' Neo-Marxist mob assaults on restaurants and homes of DNC Politburo targeted Republican "deplorables". Next two years will be more of the same deep-swamp madness since Trump took the White House away from the left and stomped on Obama's "legacy".
Joseph M (Sacramento)
Suggesting stripping birth right citizenship of Americans already living and understood to be Americans is treason in my book. Textbook attack on Americans and on our own soil no less. No need for investigations, its a known fact he did it. The other day I was hearing twitter chatter about him mumbling about a 20 million person concentration camp he's building. I was difficult but my friend found the video and we confirmed it. He openly issued a blanket order to all troops so consider civilians throwing rocks to be a rifle - he's clearly giving the green light on them. Is it so hard to stand for the truth and do your duty, solons?
Joe (Paradisio)
Steyer is a billionaire, its the only reason people listen to him, if he weren't he'd be just another whining dem
Robert (Out West)
Run for office, Tom. Stop standing at the back and yelling “CHARGE!”
dmckj (Maine)
And in response the Republican Congress is the sound of one hand clapping......
John (Pittsburgh/Cologne)
As a Trump supporter, I can only ask the House please, please, please throw him into the impeachment briar patch.
AACNY (New York)
@John Those Democratic chairs are a gift to the GOP as well. No surveys have identified the Russian investigation as a priority, and, yet, that is the first thing they mentioned the day after the election. This is about themselves and their political gamesmanship. It's not about the voters. Pelosi is the only one with some sense right now.
Mark Zuercher (Orinda, California )
Please Tom, don’t overreach. Or you will lose the Democratic districts like the one in Kansas that just elected a Native American woman.
John in Laramie (Laramie Wyoming)
He should be voted out- not impeached. Because America must regain its democracy- not further the corporate goals of competing elites in Congress seeking fascist exclusion of the other party and their sick "champion".
Tom Bauer (Cresskill, NJ)
Mr. Steyer, Impeachment is a procedure that needs to work the first time. So, the Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives to initiate the Impeachment. In the Senate, to convict requires at least 67 votes. Currently, Democrats have only 46 seats and the Republicans have 51 Seats. What is the likelihood that any official of the fascist administration will be convicted of an impeachment --let alone Mr. Trump? Odds are slim to none. A failed impeachment attempt, on the other hand, will ***strengthen*** Mr. Trump. The last thing we need is this fascist regime strengthened by an ill-thought out failed impeachment attempt. Also, please, Mr Steyer, disabuse yourself of the notion that the "Republicans" will be shamed into doing the right thing. Their actions, from the Obama Administration to today, should show how much shame the former GOP does not have. The power of the purse, and the investigative powers of the House of Representatives shall have to suffice. I don't like it either, but let's be realistic in our expectations. Amen. sincerely, a former Republican & proud Bernie Sanders partisan.
Dave C (Houston)
Mr Steyner can use the Times as a mouthpiece bacause he's a billionaire supporter of the right party. Democrats don't have the Senate votes to actually remove him from office, so why impeach? So they get camera time on the national news.
Nostradamus Said So (Midwest)
No impeachment is not the answer. In the next two years, trump will continue to deteriorate mentally & will eventually do something that will stick on him like wet pasta. Then he can be voted out, indicted, arrested, & go to prison for the rest of his miserable life. Mr. Steyer should be working to get more democrats in office in 2020 & to get more of the trump base to see trump's crimes against the people. Mr. Steyer could use his money to investigate & expose trump & his family's dirty deals & humiliate & ruin him. Take down kushner. Do something useful. Impeachment will not help at this time. It is too early in the Democratic House.
Kyla (ohio)
Calling for impeachment would be political suicide for Democrats.
Blue Zone (USA)
Of course, impeach ASAP! However, if you think that Mr Trump will go easy, think again. I think he could personally go and bully each and every Democrat in the House and he might weasel himself out of it.
Economy Biscuits (Okay Corral, aka America)
Trump is disgusting and corrupt but he should continue as president. So if he is taken out we get Trump clone, Pence, who may even be worse and the country becomes even more divided. Hey Dems, maybe develop a narrative the voters can latch onto. Start by questioning the US war machine adventures and stop the bootlicking on wall street. Look to Beto, Abrams and Polis for smart and charismatic new leadership. Enough of the same old white guy fraternity to which I belong.
late4dinner (santa cruz ca)
That's really a stupid idea, Steyer. What's the point of impeaching Trump if there is no way he would be convicted in the Senate. Is it to demonstrate our righteous outrage? Our virtuous commitment to ineffective, even counter-productive actions that serve only to proclaim our moral superiority? That's stupid. So either you are stupid, or you have a hidden agenda. Either way you are not helping with the Trump problem and the current political catastrophe that we are undergoing.
I am a democrat and the only thing I can say I can not type here because is too rude just get on with a legislative agenda and stop this stupid impeachment fantasy
HapinOregon (Southwest Corner of Oregon)
And how would Pence be an improvement? An impeachment proceeding would just be another sideshow in an administration of sideshows. Dems need to attack whatever substance Trump and his Republics enablers do, not chase Moby Dick...
Fred Schultz (Santa Fe )
Impeachment is meaningless in this Senate’s math....
L'osservatore (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene)
See, what it is, Tom, is while Democrats representing the lowest common denominators of society have the quantity of voters, the Republicans - y'know, the non-mobs party - enjoy the higher-quality voters. Now, doesn't that make you feel better? As a lifetime registered Democrat, I've seen all the hate-training going back to when even Dan Rather could pretend to be a reporter. We are ALL trained to hate the crazy rich - and yet, here we are being preached to by a rich cuckoo bird. Oh, money's all right if you give enough to the party of Antifa? Thanks for the correction.
Jim D. (NY)
"Our party won, so instead of a legislative agenda, let's have a monomania about the one thing the extreme wing of our party wouldn't shut up about." Two years ago it was "repeal Obamacare." Now Mr. Steyer wants it to be "impeach Trump." Same strategic mistake, same likely outcome. Only the uniforms change.
Mike (New York)
"Impeach! Impeach!" The writer couldn't name any specific charges, though... Just another crazy liberal with Trump Derangement Syndrome, disappointed because his "Blue Wave" didn't happen... Two more years of liberals crying and screaming in the streets, having temper-tantrums because they didn't get what they wanted... The only thing the democrats can do is obstruct. Of course, anytime the government does nothing is a win for the people, since government seems to mess up anything it touches... Yes, democrats, too... LOL
jr (state of shock)
"The only thing Democrats can do is obstruct". Do you realize how utterly hypocritical this is?
Bruce Savin (Montecito)
What are you all talking about ? This president committed treason. Before the world, Trump stood next to Putin on NATIONAL TELEVISION and declared "I...we won the election." This president admitted to Lester Holt on NATIONAL TELEVISION, he fired Comey to stop the Russian investigation. Why are we still rationalizing not to impeach this corrupt mess? Impeachment is first step in bringing hope back to the American people.
Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'.... Certainly is nothing like an element of a party - comatose and near unplugging of life support - to take the low road back in the mire of the swamp in which they find such perpetual comfort. The primary reason for the delay in the Mueller inquisition is; that there will be little to nothing to report ... the indictments handed out thus far have nothing to do with the supposed focal objective of the Mueller donkey gang... they were merely hopeful leverage moves the " get something" on the President. Amazing indeed the you Wackocrats attack elements of which your main Ma Boss Cinton is purely and plainly guilty. Subpoenas at the ready ..... have at it citizen ... you will deeply regret it....
Stephen Gianelli (Crete, Greece)
Good luck with that.
WiseGuy (MA)
Dear Mr. Impeachment, President Trump will not be impeached. You will be disappointed that you wasted your money. P.S. There will be no massive gubmint subsidy for your ventures .. no more than what you are already receiving .. too bad. Try being a free-market capitalist instead of a crony capitalist.
Jay S (South Florida)
As it's obvious that the GOP-controlled Senate would never convict and remove Trump, let's keep our powder dry until there's a reasonable shot at getting 67 senators to vote against Trump. The better shot would be to deny him re-election in 2020 and to make his life a living hell in the House until then. Do not make this the heart of the 2020 campaign, however. Keep on the track of offering voters solid kitchen table benefits expressed through a charismatic candidate. That's the winning formula.
Wah (California)
Mr Steyer is like a poster boy for the Republicans: A billionaire who made his money in venture capital in San Francisco who now wants to impeach a Republican President, based on a shifting set of criteria. First it was Russia, now its Sessions, tomorrow who knows what. Does Mr. Trump deserve impeachment for malfeasance in office? No doubt, though the case for Russian collusion in anything beyond social media, is neither clear cut nor did it swing the 2016 election. But Mr Steyer actually doesn't care about that or anything besides his own moral rectitude, for which he should probably get a colonic, but I digress. It is precisely the opposition to Trump by people like Mr. Steyer that gives Trump's mysterious appeal to his "base," substance. People in middle America hate people like Mr. Steyer and frankly you can see why. Mr Steyer gives money to the environment and to fight climate change and that's nice, but if he really wants to help, he should divest himself of most of his fortune, give it to organizations like Greenpeace, DFA, Bold Progressives, Our Revolution, Move On, and then just butt out.
Anthony (Westchester)
Yep, impeach Trump and give us Pence. I, as a Republican, would be for that. Pence 2020 !!!! Make America Even Greater.
Bob R (18222)
Quite a bit of propaganda being spewed here by Mr. Steyer. The United States is a mostly red country and the blue crowd refuses to admit it. Libs lost again and true Americans get it. Monied phonies, like Mr. Steyer are not to be listened to. Look around at the current state of the country and ask yourself if you are better off under Trump than you were Obama. Simple!!
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Strictly speaking, "impeachment" refers only to what the House does. Both Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached. The second step (the one that really counts) -- conviction in a Senate trial -- has never happened. No President has ever been convicted. (Nixon expected he would be, and resigned before he was even impeached.) The two DP paths aren't mutually exclusive. The House could impeach Trump (as Steyer recommends) AND the DP could try to beat him in the 2020 election (Pelosi's recommendation). The question is whether an impeachment effort would improve or diminish the DPs' electoral odds in 2020. Most Republicans are confident it would hurt the DP. Some Democrats agree (Pelosi); others disagree or insist that its impact on the election is irrelevant (Steyer). On the "plus" side for Democrats, impeachment would force Republican Senators to take a position in the subsequent trial. Not sure that would advance the Democratic ball this time, though, since it's already clear what that position would be (unless a serious "high crime or misdemeanor" by Trump is alleged, which could make it look less "political"). Timing is important here, and cuts against the Democrats. Any Senate trial would probably not happen until 2020, the election year. If the Democratic candidate wins, impeachment will have been unnecessary. Conversely, if the the Democratic candidate loses, impeachment will strike many Americans as "sour grapes," possibly solidifying the Republican majority.
Jo Williams (Keizer, Oregon)
Thank you Mr. Steyers. In my mind, it’s a toss-up; impeachment or forcing a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United, by inaction on any other legislation until we get unregulated money out of our political system. So far, I see little evidence the Democrat Party can walk and chew gum at the same time. But I remain...hopeful.
marriea (Chicago, Ill)
I truly think this president should be impeached and would greatly like to see it happen. However, an impeachment only means to have charges brought against him. As it seems now, even if he is impeached, he wouldn't be convicted, thrown out of office. The GOP controls the Senate. In order for Trump to be convicted, 65 members of the Senate must go along with it. That means about 15 members of the GOP would recognize that Trump is now committing or have committed an impeachable offense. I don't see a GOP member doing that even if he did shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave and even they witnessed it. If as Matthew Whitaker has indicated, the Mueller investigation should possibly be starved to shut it down, I would suggest that House, the true money/pursestrings of our government finances, allot monies to that investigation and have Mueller report directly to them. When and if hard evidence of wrongdoings is reported to them, then use their subpoena power to make him (Trump) testify before Congress. If he refuses, then bring about those impeachment charges.
Matt (NJ)
Impeachment? Maybe yes now that the Democrats control the house. Impeachment doesn't mean removal from office by any stretch of the imagination. It would make for an interesting vote to get the Senate to convict and remove. If you want another 4 years of the President, let the impeachment process begin. Pretty naive concept.
Sheridan Sinclaire-Bell (San Francisco)
The majority already stands against corruption, divisiveness, and hate and stands for the rule of law. The way to move some of Trump’s minority to the majority is fear. Mitch McConnell provided the opening—he wants to obliterate Medicare and Social Security.
Dan (All over)
"We cannot allow this to be an argument about what Republicans will permit — it’s about demanding the truth and protecting the foundations of our free society. Anything less would mean abandoning the Constitution." No, Mr. Steyer. It is not about your view of "truth" and "protecting the foundations...." Instead, it is about winning the next election too. And that means reducing, not enhancing, the focus on Trump and, instead, making the focus be on how Democrats can present a vision of America that gives people hope. Trump loves a fight. Adores it, Is at home when in it. Don't fight with him. Instead, do an end around--let his supporters tell him off at the ballot box. I am tired of this view that what you call a "bland, nonconfrontational and incremental centrism" is not as powerful as impeachment would be. You and others who feel this way do not understand what real power is. It isn't fighting. Real power is having a vision and sticking to it. Fighting (which is what impeachment is) is for weak people, which is why Trump is so good at it. Keep your eye on the ball. Trump is not the ball. The next election is the ball. Impeachment is a feel-good idea for the angry, and nothing more. It takes one's eyes off of the ball.
gratis (Colorado)
Tom Steyer's strategy is just misdirected. There are ways to take back the country, but impeachment is more divisive. The better strategy would be to take Trump' support away from him, which is doable. The better strategy would be to promote an economic difference between Dems and the GOP, as those are the concerns the vast majority of Americans are really concerned about. Better pay, better healthcare, better education, traditional Democratic policies that have a history of actually helping the economics of the majority of Americans. But, no, Dems need to focus on tiny things, ignoring the obvious path of winning first.
Cyclopsina (Seattle)
Justice should not be a whim of any political party. The Trump administration should not be above the law. If Republicans will not stand up for the law, then Democrats must. I voted a straight blue ticket for the first time ever to indicate that I want a strong stand against the Trump administration. I think other voters felt the same way. I want to see Democratic leadership do the right thing for our democracy. I want to see Donald Trump held accountable. Democrats must be smart, principled, and focused.
Hempy (Louisville KY)
Nix on impeaching Trump. Pence, a theocrat, would be worse than Trump. Instead, focus on getting universal health care, promote the progress of science including climate change medical care including covering pre-existing conditions. Tell the FDA to approve the use of stem cells from patient's body to treat a variety of conditions.
Dale (DeWitt, MI)
Consider a few things, Mr. Steyer. 1) President Trump has not been implicated in any high crime or misdemeanor for which the Constitution would permit impeachment. 2) Regarding "Russia," and the other charges you mentioned, the left has failed miserably in providing any evidence of any foreign collusion. Every indictment thus far has been on minor charges unrelated to the investigation Mr. Mueller was supposed to be conducting. and even in these, President Trump's ties are tenuous at best. 3) The House does NOT have impeachment power. While they can create articles of impeachment, it is the senate which ultimately holds that power, and in case you missed it, the GOP picked up three (possibly four) senate seats. Thus, you won't be getting a 2/3s majority for at least two more years without strong evidence of President Trump's alleged crimes. 4) Even if, by some chance, impeachment was successful, Vice President Pence would become the acting president, and he is far more conservative than Trump. Do you really want that, Mr. Steyer? 5) What you call a "blue wave" was nothing more than a trickle of approximately 30 house seats lost, normal for an incumbent party during a first-term midterm. In 2010, Democrats lost 69 house seats under Barack Obama, as well as their senate majority. Bill Clinton lost only slightly fewer in 1992. And neither one picked up senate seats. This was a split decision, not a mandate.
James Constantino (Baltimore, MD)
@Dale To your points... 1. Trump absolutely has been implicated in high crimes and misdemeanors... just one example being: Michael Cohen pled guilty to a election financing FELONY, which he testified that he committed at the direct order of Donald Trump. 2. Still peddling the "no collusion" line? Considering that every single intelligence agency in the country has concluded that Russia was involved in illegal election meddling, and considering that nearly every single member of Trump's campaign had deep ties and financial connections to Russia DURING the campaign, and considering that there were multiple meeting with high-level Russian government operatives by senior members of the Trump campaign that said campaign officials later lied about, and considering that many of those same officials were then convicted on felonies and are currently singing like canaries to Bob Muller, I would say that the "no collusion" meme is a bit stretched. 3. The House absolutely has impeachment power... it is the TRIAL where impeachment is proved. If the House Dems lay out the impeachment charges properly, with corroborating evidence for each charge and a clear narrative of the specific illegalities involved then don't assume that the Senate Republicans will be so quick to throw away their careers to protect Trump... who showed during his post-mid-term speech how much distain he holds them in. 4. Pence was in charge of Trump's campaign... if Trump goes down, so does he.
AACNY (New York)
@Dale The problem for Trump's critics is that they've convinced themselves he's a criminal but don't have anything concrete to back up their allegations. Lots of things they abhor, but that's not quite the same as making a concrete case. Russian collusion is a perfect example
Robert (St Louis)
Like celebrities and their fame, the rich believe that their money gives them a "special" voice that we should all listen to. Soros, Koch, Steyer and Theil, they all throw their wealth around to make themselves heard. Fortunately, they each have exactly one vote and I wish they would just sit down and shut up. Perhaps they should be forced to count their billions, one dollar at a time.
EDH (Dallas)
GOP Lindsey Graham is telling Democrats to not impeaching Trump. Our family and our friends voted because we don't listen to Graham. We voted because want America be AMERICA again. We overturned the House because we do not want the criminal occupant of the White House to continue destroying America. The urgency is here, as we saw the criminal occupant fired Sessions and installed Whitaker the morning when we were still processing all the election results. We voted because we do not want our lives and our children lives forever be destroyed in the Land that we love to call USA. We will make phone calls and we will show up in town hall meetings to make sure that the newly-elected Democrat leaders to do their job that we have elected them to do the right thing.
AACNY (New York)
Just goes to show money doesn't make you right.
Maybe not impeach him right away, since getting the 2/3 majority in the Senate seems like a pipe dream, but DEFINITELY publish his tax returns once and for all! If he is a criminal, guilty of tax fraud, and not just currently violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, THEN impeach him, when it is clear that any senator unwilling to remove him will publicly be defending a criminal. Get the proof, make it iron-clad, and do not hold back.
Anonymot (CT)
This article is a first class example of why the Democrats had a wavelet, not a wave. There's a difference between accountable and impeachable and we've not yet shown solid grounds for impeachability. There's a difference between the Democrats "bland" and the screaming, hysteria that Hillary provoked with her two causes, MeToo and LGBT. Once the hysteria was applied to Putin, Mueller, a lot of famous and/or CEOs, and above all, Kaufman. That uncontrolled, foot-stamping child style was enough to turn off reasonable Democrats and wake up Trump's people. It's called shooting oneself in the foot. THAT is the Democrats expertise. This dreamlike article is a good example. Either the neophyte congresswomen and men rapidly demonstrate a sound, adult attitude or we'll suffer another four years of our race to the bottom and almost unimaginable dictatorship.
Ashutosh (San Francisco, CA)
Impeachment would suck up all of Democrats' energies for the next two years. The Democrats have already squandered their energies since 2016 being the anti-Trump party. As tempting as impeachment is, they should now spend all their efforts going back to their roots and being the party of Truman and FDR, the party of unions and the working class and the middle class. If all Democrats have to offer during the next two years is impeachment, they will almost certainly be defeated again.
Paul (Anchorage)
Why does Tom Steyer merit an op-ed? He can't even get the reasons for the Democrat gains in the House correct! And it needs 2/3 of the Senate to impeach and even if it did that just sets up Pence for 2020. Ask one of the new Democrat House members for their advice.
yves rochette (Quebec,Canada)
Birds of a feather flock together - until the cat comes. The nomination of this new "A-G" , following the firing of Session ,with unconfirmed by the Senate should trigger an impeachment...the whole with a lot of other reasons!
Doug (Nc)
So Mike pence would take over and he thinks like Trump so what's the difference?
Entera (Santa Barbara)
@Doug The difference is that Pence is a True Believer, a 100% real right wing evangelical who wants to obliterate the firewall between church and state and implement a "Christian based" government that will begin by banning abortion, most forms of contraception, the existence of homosexuality will be criminalized and Pence and his type probably would not hesitate to have the ability to lock up people who are "heretics" and execute "blasphemers". Trump just says he's a Christian, when in fact he's simply a megalomaniac who wants to be dictator but knows or believes nothing else.
Chris (SW PA)
The dfl has always feared revolution. They fear confrontation. Many are corporate apologists. And, at the very least, they fear economic downturn that could be blamed on them. They snivel and hope. They want to be passive. They want passive and good conformists among their base and they press policy that is incremental and unoffensive to the masters. They don't believe in democracy but the republic that gives acres of land and corporations more power than the people. Oh my, they say, what will "they" say if we expect the freedoms and rights prescribed to us in the constitution. I hear you Tom, but the people are good conformist slaves, willing to whine and complain, but never to demand, never to be free, always good (as describe by their masters) citizens of the oligarchy.
JBR (Westport, CT)
To impeach this president is a visceral response. We have 803 days left of this bombastic gentleman... the second adjactive being tongue in cheek. Can the country withstand the process of impeachment and would it lead to his unscheduled exit? If one looks at the individual as truely being a narcissist, then the democratically lead congress can play upon this fact and literally manipulate his actions. He wants to be liked, popular, and the best... King Louie comes to mind here. Would it be easier to play him until 2020? Just a thought.
That's what she said (USA)
Impeach-Don't Impeach-whatever it takes-he must be stopped. He's calculating odds in his favor. . He has invoked a "Coup" Presidency-the fact that it's bloodless doesn't make it less of a Coup. No Front Page Pics to startle the masses--but make no mistake--Coup--History will show complacency sank America
Eric Cosh (Phoenix, Arizona)
Remember Clinton? What happened when the Republican Party Impeached him? Need I say more? Nixon was a different story altogether. Right now, Republicans control the Senate. That stops impeachment right in its tracks. What the Democrats need to do now is define what the party stands for so that anyone who’s listening will hear it loud and clear. Nothing works without a strong leader, and right now, the Democratic Party doesn’t have one. You can’t just be AGAINST someone or some thing. For those of you old enough to remember the series Dragnet, the famous line of detective Joe Friday was “Just the facts mama.” To understand the Republican Party (Trumps Party in reality) just look at their mantra “Circle the Wagons.” It’s all about fear. “Don’t let anyone else in.” Progressives are what this country was founded on. How sad that the brave frontiersman (and women) who crossed this land and braved the harshest of conditions in search of freedom should have to witness the cowardly conduct of the so-called Representatives we now have in Congress. Be smart Democrats. Don’t fall for the baiting of Trump and the obsequious sycophants under his wing. The world is watching you now. Show how brave and intelligent men and women can and should do their job in government. Set an example for all to see. That’s how we can now “Make America Great.”
James Constantino (Baltimore, MD)
@Eric Cosh The difference being that the republican's impeachment of Bill Clinton was a complete farce. Consider... o Every single "impeachable" offense listed in the Starr Report concerned Monica Lewinski (who I need remind you was ruled as an immaterial witness by the Judge in the Jones case, a ruling that was never challenged by anyone... meaning that nothing said by or about her had any bearing on any legal case at all). o Not a single statement made by Clinton as part of his interview with Starr have ever been shown to be untrue, much less perjurous (the big complaint I remember from the talking heads at the time was that "parsing Clinton's statements was like nailing jello to the wall"). o Every single article of impeachment written by the House involved Monica Lewinski. o The House impeachment team didn't include any evidence to support ANY of he impeachment articles (ex- when you charge someone with Perjury you are legally required to include the statements you claim are perjurous as part of the charge... the House never included any such statements). When asked by the Clinton defense team to produce the evidence (so they could actually have something real to argue against), they were told that it would be produced during the Senate trial... which it never was. The Clinton impeachment was an evidence-free sham designed to try and force Clinton to resign over a personal affair. The Trump impeachment will be about actual crimes backed up by actual evidence.
AACNY (New York)
@James Constantino Except Bill Clinton perjured himself.
Umesh Patil (Cupertino, CA)
I think with all due respect to your millions of dollars which you have put for Democratic Party; you are confusing lot of things. Before I proceed, let me tell you one thing - I am a Democrat and always voted Dems; including in 2018. Now that the disclaimer is out, let me ask you few things: - Do you have any evidence that Donald Trump as an occupant of Oval Office broken any laws? Which court has indicted him? Can you furnish here any facts? - You are confusing someone else getting more votes than Donald or Republicans to make your case. That is all hogwash. Do you understand our constitution? It never claims to give all levers of powers to someone who gets maximum votes. So please stop all that nonsense. If you really want to make our Republic completely driven by who gets maximum votes, you need to do 2 things: - make constitutional amendments (you know the 'drill' for that) and - ensure that all votes are counted and there is no voter repression. Till then - please do not write such less sensible op-eds, but continue to give your Millions to Dem Party. We Blues like your Dollars, no doubt about that. Thank you.
Rlhob (Philadelphia)
@Umesh Patil. Finally..... A Dem who “gets it!” I can only hope the 26 new Congressional elects get it too and resist the urge for emotional justice while working bi-partisan to find real answers to VERY tough economic questions. Let’s start with a Tax code where Warren Buffett pays a lower real tax % that is LEGALLY correct than his Admin Assistant.
Glenn K (Wisconsin)
Amen! The newly elected democratic house majority must do the right thing and begin impeachment proceedings!
Alex p (It)
This is delusional. Everybody knows that Senate being Republican dominated, an impeachment process initiated by the House would go nowhere. Oh, wait, it will make it clear to voters that people in Washington are there only for activist answer, and that Dems can't really function as a Party of Government. Fascism, so inappropriately invoked, was at its fundamental level the repression of political adversary ( by ousting from parliament an physically to remote places, cutting off not only their political life but their very existantial life) by any means, and primarily by ad personam laws. Think about it straightly.
D (Btown)
Another reminder of "just cause you're rich doesnt mean you're smart."
AhBrightWings (Cleveland)
This thread is rife with the red-herrings, excuses, apologizing and aiding and abetting that brought us to this crisis in the first place. 1) This is not, as dozens of letter writers have tried to maintain, about the election or voters. It's about a man demonstrably unfit to serve. 2) Our founders anticipated the inevitability that one day just such a man would come along. It's why we can impeach. 3) They expressly singled out the Emoluments Clause as one of several impeachable offenses. 4) Presumably they understood that a president taking money from foreign governments was one eminently open to blackmail and manipulation. 5) Hello Putin. 6) This is not and never has been about liberals being "poor sports." It's about safeguarding the country from a man who demonstrates dangerously unhinged behavior. That's called patriotism, a concept foreign to the GOP and its apologists. 7) This is not just about us. Spare a thought for the countries at risk from his misguided, ignorant, and bellicose attentions. 8) This man-- one hundreds of mental health experts have said exhibits classic symptoms of paranoia, sociopathy, and narcissism (the defining traits of every dictator)--has his hands on the nuclear codes. 9) He has his hands on the nuclear codes, and during the campaign bragged repeatedly about the power to wipe out anyone he wanted. 10) He has his hands on the nuclear codes. The world watches dumbfounded as we demonstrate not one ounce of self-preservation.
Fred Armstrong (Seattle WA)
Impeachment is the correct response to the corruption that has occurred. But there is likely much more, there is a good likelihood that treason has occurred. Stand up for what is right, or expect to lose it to a cult of zombie evangelicals
Thomas (SF)
Utterly unrealistic. Requires a 2/3rds senate majority. How do you propose to get that?
James Constantino (Baltimore, MD)
@Thomas If the Republicans insist on voting NO to protect Trump, then you FORCE them to vote NO, one by one, for every crime, misuse of power, and bit of corruption that Trump has committed. Let the Republican party own being the party of lying, criminal conspiracy, obstruction of justice, corruption, and gross incompetency. Make them choke on their vote.
Ashley (Vermont)
We have 330 million people in this country. ~1/3 are eligible voters, so 110 million. 6 million out of 110 million want their representatives to impeach trump so obviously we should listen to less than 6% of voters right? The stupidity of political pundits astounds me always. I bet this writer is *still* shocked that Hillary lost. I hate trump and want him gone too. His whole administration. Impeaching him just puts a fundamentalist “Christian” in power. Let’s make sure the investigations are protected and let them run their course, rather than listen to uneducated people or pundits who think that a petition does anything. FYI you need 2/3 of the REPUBLICAN held senate to impeach. Please live in reality and not a fairy tale, thank you.
Richman (Farmington Hills,MI)
Let's get things straight...Steyer is the Christine Blasey Ford and Jim Acosta of Progressive billionaires. No smear or accusation of Trump is too profane or unbelievable, as long as it damages his reputation and poll numbers. I have watched the Democrat party along with the media veer hard Left in the last ten years and they both have become unrecognizable. Trust me...Michigan is in play for Trump in 2020.
Wakayama  (Tokyo)
“History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”               ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
BP (Alameda, CA)
Impeachment is not enough if justice is to be done - once proven guilty of colluding with Russia, convict and execute Trump for treason.
Glen (Upstate New York)
Please someone help me here. I didn't see the section of the NYT this article was in. Was it in the opinion section? I thought a newspaper was about telling the masses the news without prejudice, am I wrong? I understand there are people that don't like people that didn't vote like them, get over it. We're all Americans, we get to live in THE GREATEST COUNTRY in the World!
2observe2b (VA)
I missed the "high crimes and misdemeanors" that he could actually be impeached for. Perhaps you would be so kind as to list them for the readers who are interested in compliance with the Constitution.
Cass Phoenix (Australia)
Isn't it time Americans learned to ask ONE question: "Is it right?"
AACNY (New York)
@Cass Phoenix And what if it's right for millions of Americans who don't share your definition of "right"? This is the problem with imposing one's personal morality on everyone else. (You know, like pro-lifers are always being accused of doing.)
SenDan (Manhattan side)
First, we need to fire Pelosi and the old guard. Replace them with younger leaders that are faithful to the new moments in this country and within the Democratic party. The same should happen in the senate where the Democratic leadership managed to fail miserably with the minority leader and Senator Van Hollen totally mismanaging the US Senate re-election efforts, coming up short with wins and snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory. Van Hollen alone has come up far short in several elections already and its astounding that this silver spooned fool is handed the jobs he does. Van Hollen is the Worst Democratic senator by far in modern political history! The word is on the streets: Out with the Old and In with the New. We deserve a better, more vibrant generation in charge. We need new leaders who WILL stand up to corruption, the Nationalist Republicans and their fascist leader Trump, and bring our party back to governing with just and fair laws and real prosperity for all the people and not just some of the people. Anything short of that is just a fraud.... a political farce. Trust that the Nationalist Trump is counting on Pelosi, her troops, the minority leader, Van Hollen and even Hillary Clinton to be there from now until 2020 so he and his ilk can maintain power.
Mr. Slater (Brooklyn, NY)
Impeachment is a lame move. How about if Democrats for once just simply tried to outsmart him without making themselves look stupid first?
Lgianchino (KCMO)
The number one issue now is climate change!!
Music City (Nashville)
We are faced with overwhelming evidence of obstruction of justice, by the chief executive, on an ongoing basis, to cover up high crimes. This is what impeachment is for, and it is the moral, ethical, and CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY of the congress to do so in order to preserve the Republic. It's black and white, cut and dry, legal and illegal. There is no middle ground, there is no other way. This criminal must face consequences for his actions, and must be removed from power for our future. The Mueller report will provide all the damning facts required. The oddly high consistency in these comments is rather disturbing, like a united (automated?) front has been unleashed to present an anti-impeachment narrative as public consensus, which it isn't. Comparing this to Clinton is facile; this is Nixon times 10,000. It's not about party and winning anymore, it's about country and whether it survives now.
Eileen Hays (WA state)
You can't ignore Pence!
vacciniumovatum (Seattle)
Before anyone talks about impeachment, just imagine President Pence who is smart enough to keep his mouth shut while he wrecks havoc.
Bunk McNulty (Northampton MA)
Another billionaire with a bright idea. No thanks.
Samm (New Yorka )
More effective than impeachment proceedings: Replace your bland unmemorable advertisements with hard-hitting ads (from a top-level packaged goods ad agency) documenting illegal and immoral acts of POTUS45. Advice: Do not mention his name (what he lives for) but show unflattering stills of him (which drive him nuts) which match the disgraceful misdeeds. At another level get footage of folks who were bilked as contractors, casino bond and stock buyers, and students from his "university" plus buyers of his false promises. For good measure throw in the extra-marital sleaze. In short, SHOW, don't just say. The leading responsible print media have failed in their attempts, despite extended articles documenting his disgraceful behavior. And keep in mind that "reading" and watching "talking heads" is so 1950s.
Andrew (St. Louis)
Steyer has been right since day one. We cannot allow a President who has committed actual crimes to remain President simply because we fear Republican backlash. This is a Cold Civil War. Republicans declared war on the Democrats back in the '80s, but Democrats haven't fought back. They've been suing for peace since it started, and all the while the Republicans win more and more battles which Democrats refuse to fight. This is a political war, and Democrats should use every weapon in the arsenal to win it, even if that means escalating the conflict. This country isn't big enough for Democrats and Republicans both, and that's thanks entirely to the Republican party. Democrats should make their goal the dismantling of the Republican party. That's *their* goal, and they aren't concerned about collateral damage. We *will* lose if we do not fight this.
Saggio (NYC)
Mr. Steyer your views are those of a rich man who has everything money can buy. There are a lot poor people in this country who need help including the dreamers. The best thing the congress can do is to pass an infrastructure bill, a comprehensive immigration bill, and tax reform helping the middle class. Present these bills to the President and if he vetoes them override his veto. This would be better for the country than fighting an impeachment battle that cannot be won.
Reuben Ryder (New York)
I hesitated to read this article, since I do not believe an Impeachment fight is the priority. Putting the cart before the horse is never the right thing to do, and we need to build the evidence, not just feel we think we know. Let's create the facts first and then decide on the course of action. It may warrant criminal charges, rather than political theater. If the Democrats actually had the numbers in the Senate, or there was reason to believe that there were Republican Senators open to evaluating the truth and making a decision against Trump, I would say, Impeachment might be the way to go, but that is so unlikely, it is not even worth thinking about it.
Sequel (Boston)
Richard Ben-Veniste and George Frampton have an op-ed in today's Times that suggests a more direct and less frenetic response to Trump's helter-skelter moves -- let the chief judge overseeing Mueller's grand jury prepare a report to the House Judiciary Committee that contains all evidence. This president has been an active exponent of the claim that any idea in theory is a legitimate basis for unprecedented or even unconstitutional presidential action. There is no reason to assume that Trump sees himself as unable to squelch Mueller by ordering the grand jury to seal all case materials and evidence ... or to turn them over directly to the White House.
Obetwo (Wenatchee)
@Sequel I believe Trump tried to publicly release all the records that weren't needed for national security.
Sequel (Boston)
@Obetwo I can't seem to recall there being a classification level called "not needed for national security." I suspect that that is code for "whatever is advantageous for Trump."
Mary Pernal (Vermont)
Tom Steyer is exactly right. On top of everything mentioned, his apparent ties to Putin, and his conciliatory, even obsequious demeanor toward Putin are cause for deep concern. His doctoring of videos and harassing attitude toward our free press and the right of free speech also goes against the constitution. If Trump has committed crimes, as it certainly appears he has, such as conspiracy, money laundering, obstruction of justice, misuse of campaign funds, and business deals with foreign governments enhancing his family holdings, possibly covering up funding flowing through Putin into the NRA and into Republican campaigns, and the list probably goes on, then he needs to be held accountable. Our democracy is finished if we allow him to get away with this. I have given up on the republican house and senate, and consider them criminally libel. The democrats need to act now.
Robert Pryor (NY)
It is premature to talk about impeachment. Impeachment would be a colossal distraction, and end up being another “Clinton like” impeachment without a conviction. Mr. Steyer should use his resources to target older white men in red states who now significantly support Trump. This segment of the population needs to be reminded that Trump was a failure and was propped up by his father and later by dirty Russian money that needed a good laundry. The goal should to destroy his aggrandized self image. Destroy the “Trump Brand”, and he will vaporize becoming a bad memory. First, this population needs to be reminded weekly until the 2020 election that Trump: evaded the draft and lacked courage to serve during the Vietnam war; is a thief who stole money from the average guy with his Trump University scheme; in an association with his father and other family members cheated on his taxes throughout his lifetime; is a failed businessman who went bankrupt numerous time leaving bond holders and investors with billions of dollars in losses, and his real-estate empire is supported and nurtured by dirty Russian money.
Ed.C (Durham NC)
Do people understand that impeachment is equivalent to indictment, e.g. an accusation, and only leads to a trial in the Senate, where it is highly unlikely the Republican majority will vote to convict/remove Trump.
Son of the American Revolution (USA)
Impeach for what? Trump hasn't done anything illegal. He does things Democrats don't like, but that is politics. What the House should do is to expel Maxine Waters for inciting violence. The Senate should expel Cory Booker for violating confidentiality rules and Diane Feinstein for withholding information from the Committee. (As it turns out, Senate investigators had contact with a man who confessed to being the boy who was on top of Ford, but all but one Democrat completely ignored this fact). Seriously, if the House doesn't expel Waters, they have no credibility.
ronni ashcroft (santa fe new mexico)
To what end? Yes, this brand new, Democrat majority House of Representatives can impeach the president. He will go down in history -- unless historians just omit him entirely -- as impeached. So what? What is the point of impeaching him IF HE IS STILL THERE? Do you think being impeached will humiliate him? He has no shame. He has no guilt, no empathy, no soul. And soon we will learn the scope, the depth and breadth of his egregious crimes. And still he will be there. In office. He needs to be removed from office. Impeachment does not do that. Impeachment by the House of Representatives is something that once would make a man consider taking his own life. Trump will turn it into a product: Impeachment, the Aftershave of Trump. For all the joy we had seeing the House grow by such strong numbers, there was always the Senate which grew as well. It grew redder. And the Senate has the only ticket out of of the Oval and into the great beyond. This Senate will NEVER vote to oust a man they loathe. Because once upon a time in America, the Democrats brought forth the perfect man: a brilliant, eloquent President we and the world could so admire. But that President was black, and to the Republicans, that was the Cardinal sin, proving that ossified white men were frozen in time as much as they were frozen in mind and body. And from then on, these men had scores to settle. Trump was their revenge. We the people meant nothing.
todji (Bryn Mawr)
If we had held Bush responsible for his crimes perhaps we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. Mueller's investigation must be protected and Trump must be held accountable for what it finds.
Roy (Fassel)
The House could "impeach." It would need 2/3rd of the Senate to complete the process. You would need too many Republican Senators in the Senate to vote for impeachment. Waste of time. Let Mueller and the NY State file the charges needed to expose Trump.
David Grass (Mclean Virginia)
This President is clearly unfit for office and is undermining the foundations of our precious government to a level of existential crisis. We have never been here before. I do not buy the argument that America will eventually right itself, as it has done in the past. (Fact is that it’s never really done that anyway). However, impeachment will accomplish nothing beyond a sense of satisfaction. He cannot be convicted by this Senate, and he will remain in office. We need to bring this man down, but Tom I suggest you change the message from Need to Impeach to one of Collective Resistance. We need to take to the streets en mass, and regularly. We need to actively confront the spineless, complicit Republicans in Congress and the Senate and undermine them. We need a new real leader, and Trump has shown us that we don’t need someone currently in government to fulfill that necessity. I fear that what we are likely to see is a war between progressive and central wings of the Democratic Party. I say “a pox on both.” The progressives are becoming as intolerant as their counterparts on the right, with their identity politics agenda and sanctimonious inchoate moralizing. The centrists offer nothing but old and tired ideas. Who will unite this mess? I don’t know, but I suggest we all watch some of William McRaven’s YouTube videos to become inspired.
Matt (Seattle, WA)
Sorry. I'm a lifelong Democrat, but unless Mueller turns up evidence that Trump either was an active participant in Russia's efforts to swing the election towards him and/or owes large sums of money to Kremlin controlled Russian banks, trying to impeach Trump would be both stupid and futile. To start with, there is almost no chance he would be convicted in the Senate given the GOP majority in that chamber. Second, even if he was to be convicted and removed from office, then you end up with Pence, who would arguably be a tougher candidate to run against in 2020. He may be a vile, lazy, and ignorant person, who is disgracing the office of the President on a daily basis, but those are not impeachable offenses.
hawk (New England)
“Nationwide, Democrats received 7 percent more votes than Republicans — about three million” How do you know that? Seriously. In Florida they still can’t figure out how many people voted. Sounds like a talking point based upon false data.
darcy draper (florida)
The Dems will never get anywhere as long as they continue to define themselves as the "anti-Trump"party. Didn't work when he announced his candidacy for the Republican leadership, didn't work in the election and didn't really work in the mid-terms. Note to the Dems: Who are you, and specifically, what do you stand for besides being against Trump?
Joel Fisher (Columbus, Ohio)
Mr. Steyer is correct in insisting that Trump be impeached, but he has left out one important reason: Trump is an outright traitor. After taking the oath of office, in which he swore to defend the Constitution against all enemies, domestic and foreign, he has failed miserably. He can't even bring himself to admit, much less pursue, the undeniable fact that our country was attacked (electronically) by Russia in an assault on the most basic tenet of democracy, the fair election process. What more do we have to see from this un-American monster to say "enough?"
WTK (Louisville, OH)
If Mueller is fired, impeach! Otherwise, keep your powder dry and first advance a Democratic legislative agenda that will reverse Trump's most egregious "accomplishments." There will be time to consider impeachment later, after Mueller completes his task and the GOP Senate is faced with evidence it can no longer ignore.
LongDistance (Texas)
Trump is not under any criminal investigation as per Mueller. Both Manafort and Cohen pleaded guilty for actions unrelated to the Trump campaign. Cohen paid hush money for his client, not campaign money, and that is not a crime. Russians tried to influence the elections through social media, everyone knows now. Russians probably have tried before too. Trump is crude and unpolished - but his actions are not anti-national by any means. The Democrats and many in Media do not like him - is that enough ground to impeach him? There are no mobs rushing to the houses of Democrats. The media has unprecedented access to him. Why not like him? Someone said it is the golden age for journalism. Mr. Steyer seems to have a strong motive. He should accept the 2016 election results and start funding the 2020 Democrats who can fight on issues for a change. That is the best use of his money for this nation. A frivolous movement to impeach would be an insult to all who voted for him. You don't know where it will lead you in 2020.
Magan (Fort Lauderdale)
Democrats must follow the letter of the law because that is the right thing to do. Democrats need to call out lying, cheating, deplorable behavior, greed that leads to income inequality, and bigotry, racism, and intolerance. They need to do this at the drop of a hat when they see it and they need to be dogged in pounding on those who would do such things. Do not let the Trump base off the hook. Those of us on the left need to keep our foot on the neck of those on the right who act in horrific ways, period.
AhBrightWings (Cleveland)
Long before the election I wrote on The Guardian that this nation had better have a plan b that involved impeachment because those rallies were something out of Berlin circa 1935. It was clear that we were about to elect a man with not just thuggish and paranoid tendencies, but one with full-blown criminal ones. We have two crises, both fixable. 1) We allowed a dusty document to override common sense and 2)electing this grotesquely unfit man. The former cannot be allowed to imprison us. If we think the words "high crimes and misdemeanors" trump criminal actions (he was found guilty of at least five crimes before he ran) then we deserve what we get. We have him on those too, but for those who need persuading...forget that langue for a minute. The damage done by pathological lying, sociopathic bullying, and utter ignorance about the job trump treason. I don't pretend to understand the level of either ignorance or collusion that demands that we continue to ignore the havoc being wrecked by this dangerously unhinged man. There are thousands --and that is not hyperbole-- of blunders, manufactured crises, missteps, lies, and crimes to choose among, but let the attack on Jim Acosta stand in for reason. There are other people in history who manipulated film for propaganda,attacked the press, and lied incessantly. They were dictators. This game of one-upmanship is deadly. By the time it's "bad enough" to convince some people; it will be too late for many. Impeach him. Now.
baldinoc (massachusetts)
Impeaching Trump in January would be a nice, symbolic gesture, but it would be worthless. There's no way he would be convicted in the Republican-controlled Senate. It would work against Democrats, just as they shot themselves in the foot with the Kavanaugh hearings. Even if they had succeeded in short-circuiting Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court, Trump would have simply nominated someone worse who had less baggage. If you don't have the votes in the Senate, you're impotent. Unless something comes out against Trump that is so dramatic Republican senators are compelled to vote for his impeachment, a fruitless gesture by the Democratic House is counter-productive.
Tony (New York)
Yes, try to impeach the President. Even if Democrats are successful, the nation gets President Pence, and the Republican Party gets freed of the burden of defending the vulgar barbarian. Impeaching Trump is the best thing that could happen to the Republican Party.
Mike B (Ridgewood, NJ)
Having a majority does not mean you have enough votes.
Len (Pennsylvania)
The Constitution defines impeachable acts to be treason, and/or high crimes and misdemeanors. If one is going to make a case to impeach Donald Trump, I think it would be an argument that he is giving aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States, namely Putin's Russia. Trump's performance when he met with Vladimir Putin was beyond despicable and embarrassing. The president of the United States believed the Russian dictator over his own intelligence agencies. Trump has slowed down or stalled any substantive investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, deflecting again, what all 17 intelligence agencies have reported to him, saying instead that the hacker could have been an overweight person sitting on a bed with a laptop. Donald Trump swore an oath when he became president to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Clearly he has violated that oath. His disdain for the Justice Department, his belief that his AG should be working for him personally, his obstruction of the Mueller probe are all nails in the impeachment coffin.
Garak (Tampa, FL)
Impeachment is a waste of time. The Senate will never, ever muster the 2/3 vote needed to convict. Impeaching without convicting would only feed into the GOP line of political persecution. He was acquitted! It was a witch hunt! But... Oversight hearings can uncover everything impeachment can, and more. Impeachment is limited to the actions of the President. Oversight covers the entire Executive branch. Oversight can educate the public on Tiny Trump's criminality as well as can impeachment. Oversight also makes it harder for the GOP to whine and rant about persecution. The Democratic leadership is correct. Do not provide cover to the GOP by even mentioning impeachment. Go full speed ahead on oversight to show America that Tiny Trump has no clothes.
Smoog (Downunder)
Starting Impeachment proceedings immediately on taking Office would be the absolute worst thing the Democrats could do, and would all but ensure Trumps re-election. Trump loves to yell, bluster and fight. Bringing impeachment proceedings would be manna from heaven to him. It would give him something to fire up his base about in his endless rallies. He would, and quite rightly, claim this showed how bitter, angry and hateful the Democratic Party is; that instead of wanting to maga they just want to attack trump. He would play this out as long as possible, and reference it as much as possible knowing full well that a complacent, toadying Senate will never impeach. It would be win-win for Trump. A better strategy would be to tie him and his family up in investigation after investigation. Air all their dirty laundry for the entire populace to see. Subpoena the lot of them and televise it, so the world can see how they fare under 11 hours of intense grilling. Let them destroy themselves, flailing under the weight of facts and truth under oath. Then, and only then, consider impeachment.
Realist (NYC)
Impeachment is not what voters backed Democrats for in the election. Don't waste energy on divisive strategies against the President, make it a fight for the betterment of the people. Real issues of national medical care for all, reining in guns, enacting good government ethics laws such as withholding pensions and retirement benefits to office holders such as Sheldon Sliver in NY. Reform student loans, curtail Government grants to schools that have huge endowments and don't use it for needy students. Impeachment will suck dry our country's fortitude, it is divisive to our population as a whole, a very expensive and time consuming process and ultimately it follows a script designed straight out of the Kremlin. I voted to have Pols work for me and my family, not waste it on a vendetta agenda.
JPE (Maine)
Let us hope that the D's spend their time in DC focusing on impeaching Trump. That way, they'll not do anything really harmful like raise income taxes.
DEVO (Phiily)
So you basically want impeach him because you don't like him - sounds about right. Your "impeachable" offenses are made up complaints . You really need to get a life and move on. Oh , and if you do manage to get trump impeached and Pence is the new president, the GOP will win again in 2020 as Pence is much more presidential and acceptable to many of the republicans who likely won't vote for trump again. If you want Trump out , you've got 2 years to find someone to beat him - maybe you will come to your senses and not pick a candidate so flawed that they couldn't beat someone as bad as Trump.
SCZ (Indpls)
Will you hold your horses, Tom? FIRST, let Mueller finish his report and get it to Congress and - we hope - made public. At the same time, have the House demand Trump's tax returns. If Trump fights them, let it play out in the courts. Let the emoluments clause violation suit proceed. All Americans need to see the evidence against Trump - and read about how corrupt he is. To move NOW to impeach would be a mistake. Let the evidence be seen and heard. Proceed at a normal pace.
Susan (British Virgin Islands)
Please stop this campaign for impeachment. The Senate will never convict. Even if they did, the result would be Pence, a more horrifying prospect.
klm (Atlanta)
Impeaching Trump would be, quite simply, a waste of time. The Senate would never convict, so why bother? Let's try and undo the damage Trump and his criminal cronies have done instead.
Newell McCarty (Oklahoma)
Pence not only defends Trump--he believes him. He is a true believer. He is ready for the apocalypse. I am not.
Chris (philadelphia)
Yes, please impeach. Another brilliant democratic strategist, only to be outdone by - "Hillary, focus on the inner cities and trotting out celebrities at each event, the presidency is yours!" No wonder Trump continues to win, it's almost unfair
Hero's Journey (santa cruz)
Tom, save your money and follow Bloomberg's example of funding a SuperPac to help Democrats get elected on healthcare, minimum wage, and apprenticeship in the mid-west where the country desperately needs a reason to vote Democrat.
Nicholas (constant traveler)
Build the case against Trump on his illegalities that will eventually be brought to light and can demonstrate criminality beyond doubt. Only then proceed to impeach him, and continue to prosecute until he ends in the can!
Chris (Nyc)
What is the best criminal statue to initiate the impeachment of Trump and what evidence exists to prove that exact charge?
Tiger shark (Morristown)
L The Democrats aren’t going to discover what they stand for by trying to impeach the president, Mr Steyer. Try that and Democrats might find themselves living under martial law with no political power at all. The conservative base has had enough of 100 years of failed Leftist ideas. Amazing that a guy named Donald Trump was elected to communicate that very message to your leadership
Bryan (Kalamazoo, MI)
If Whitaker tries to shut down Mueller's investigation, THEN impeach the president. Without that, it will look completely partisan and personal, like the impeachment voted by the House back in 1998. Remember how THAT turned out?
Allen Polk (San Mateo)
Mr. Steyer should investigate why so many ordinarily logical well-meaning, patriotic people, have been compromised by the current administration. Have they been bribed, blackmailed, threatened? Has the president’s years of secret recording and videos now been exhumed and used against people who would otherwise never kowtow to his agenda?
Astrochimp (Seattle)
Republicans entrapped Bill Clinton into lying about an affair with a consenting adult, then impeached him for it. Donald Trump is violating the Emoluments clause constantly, he's violating the at least three clauses of the First Amendment, he's giving public property away for private profit (though contributions), and violating the US Constitution in many other ways. The Democrats should definitely impeach him.
Daniel Kinske (West Hollywood, CA)
Elect only Democratic veterans--male, female, and trans. They are not cowards, they are not afraid, they maintain their honor and integrity and they--those one percent of our nation who have the guts to serve--will take on the top one-percenters who think they can buy their patriotism and let others die. No more. Time to have veterans take back the country--or we will die trying. I'm not afraid of anyone or anything, so bring it.
Thomas Hughes (Bradenton, FL)
I apologize if I repeat any words from previously published letters, but these are simple truths: The current temporary tenant of the White House is a criminal. His psychological health has rightly been called into question any number of times in forums far and wide. His actions just this week regarding the Attorney General and his behavior in the White House press room if not unconstitutional were grotesque, inexcusable, and unacceptable by the leader of a free nation. He deserves not only impeachment but criminal charges brought after his removal from an office he is not fit to serve. If the new Democratic majority uses its power as "bargaining chips" with an unstable, irrational national leader instead of demanding his expulsion from office, then the weaker-than-expected "Blue Wave" will have been nothing more than a feeble current.
S Norris (London)
Dear Mr. Steyer… The wish to impeach - and punish - Donald Trump, is worthy. Most of us agree that he is a despicable human being, and has done terrible damage to the USA and her people. However, at this moment, he is not directly responsible for the death of even one American, while the NRA is the main harbinger of death in the country, supporting the killing of americans, by americans. Please spend your money and considerable talents to doing something about this...a far worthier cause.
JAWS (New England)
If a Democrat did half of what this Republican has done, the Republicans would have started impeachment years ago. I always ask myself WWRD - What Would Republicans Do - to judge if things are being done fairly.
bmw (hartford, ct)
can we at least wait for the muller report before we decide whether or not to impeach?
Audrey (Norwalk, CT)
Tom, all the power to you and I agree with you. Donald Trump is insane, is destroying the credibility of America, lies, behaves like a spoiled infant, cares nothing for the health of our planet, worships money, seeks adulation for himself like a Narcissist, and tries to obstruct justice in every way he can. I can think of no greater reason to impeach, remove, and "can" this individual from our midst. Trump has brought nothing to the table except mayhem and daily scandal.
Paul (Washington, DC)
As strange as it may seem, ignorance, incompetence, and moral turpitude are not high crimes and misdemeanors. The impeachment is thus not well suited for addressing the heart of the problem. House Democrats must investigate, investigate, investigate. That is the path to the desired result, if there is one.
Sorry but I am not seeing any High Crimes and Misdemeanors which would be a basis for impeachment. Clinton, on the other hand, actually lied under oath and got away with a hand-slap. So tell us, as far as the job of being president goes, putting aside the nonsense, how's he doing?
D.j.j.k. (south Delaware)
First we need to end the electoral corrupt college. Then look into getting Trumps bank accounts. Then if he has off shore accounts like Mr Manafort with Russian money flowing in it daily he must be impeached. Not to let it happen will show the culture of corruption GOP we are weak and they are still the bullies and incharge . Then we must strengthen the Affordable Health care once and for all with pre existing illnesses.
David U'Prichard (Philadelphia)
I am in complete agreement with Tom Steyer. The pusillanimity and false political calculations of the Dems is why, despite huge importuning, no official Democratic Party organizations got any $ from me during this cycle.
br (san antonio)
Just stop, please. How much energy was wasted on this? How much did it energize the poor dupes who support him? He may well end up in jail but we have to live with what we've allowed to happen.
Ken (New Jersey)
The real reason House Democrats should impeach the president is that they will find the responsibility of controlling the House too hard and will want to go back to minority status in 2020.
Imran Hyder (Islamabad,Pakistan)
As you see historically, impeachment motions against the presidents of USA were always having serious perspectives, whereas referring to President Trump this is not the case. Despite the fact that his acts have not been widely appreciated inside and outside America as well, he still has been at the top level due to a fair and free process of democracy. So therefore any move of impeachment which is not conclusive will send negative vibes and retard the process of internal progress and well being. America is confronted with many other serious issues, which may be focused at the moment. Gun running being one of the cases in point. Similarly the dynamic society and diversity makes the USA stand out in the modern world. Unfortunately it appears that this diversity is at stakes at the moment.The parochial mindset, of some of those in the helms of affairs, is not what America is known for. This mindset need to defeated by a vibrant democratic process for which you have to wait till 2020.God Bless America.
SCZ (Indpls)
Can we all agree now that being a billionaire doesn't mean you're smart?
Rich (California)
Thanks Tom for standing up to the monster. Your time, energy and money are much appreciated by a majority of Americans...Some do not realize how serous this crisis is.
Jeff D (Brooklyn)
Impeachment is fine by me because with Trump, all roads lead to disaster anyway. Let's just get it over with.
Brett (New Haven CT)
I agree that Trump should be impeached for his many high crimes and misdemeanors — including what will be revealed by Mueller and for obstruction of justice. But not before two things happen: 1. We must convince Republicans that it is in their best interest to repudiate this criminal in order to save their party from the cruel judgement of history. 2. We must first build legislative safeguards to prevent this from ever happening again. Pelosi’s near-term agenda to clean up our elections is s useful start. As for the question of Pence — spare me, please. He may be a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Enterprises and a theocratic nutcase, but he is incapable of mass hypnotizing the public the way that Trump has so effectively done. His picture is practically featured in the dictionary under the word “milquetoast”. Most importantly: he would stand no chance of getting re-elected. Trump can! In short, we’re threading s needle here, folks. We must act decisively, with truth and justice on our side, but we must also be patient and lay the groundwork before we rush in. If we fail to remove Trump, we will assure his re-election.
Chip Steiner (Lancaster, PA)
Steyer is wrong. Trump is disgusting and corrupt. His administration is disgusting and corrupt. The extreme right in Congress is disgusting and corrupt (which, sadly, doesn't exonerate the rest of Congress). But: 1. Impeachment, whether successful or not, will only inflame Trump supporters and exaserbate the divisions in this country; 2. Successful impeachment puts Pence in the White House. Pence is a far greater danger to our democracy than Trump. His succession to the White House would almost guarantee eight-to-ten more years of right-wing extremism at the helm of the country and when (if) he leaves office the U.S. would no longer be a democratic republic but a fascist plutocracy; 3. The people of this country should determine whether or not Trump stays in office. The people (or at least the system) put the man in the White House and it is the people who should decide whether to remove him. With a democratic House, we can survive as a nation until 2020. Then, let the people decide.
Jon Wane (The Oh Si)
Is it wise to believe that an old zero-sum dog can learn a new non-zero trick?
Tim (Lakeside, MI)
This gets us nowhere. We must live and learn.
The Observer (Mars)
A better way for the moment would be to publicize all Trump's impeachable offenses as much as possible, but don't pull the trigger on the actual process in the House - yet. Let it hang over Trump's head like Damocles' sword while the pundits keep talking about it, keep debating it, keep the pot simmering. Every day a new story, just like Fox kept the phony Benghazi story alive long past its expiration date. Never let Trump forget his sins; who knows, the constant drip drip drip of negative publicity combined with all that fat may finally finish him off naturally. Of course we don't know, but people say that. Lots of people are saying.... Impeachment is a political action and the electorate has to be more riled up for the politicians to want to get involved. Rile the up, Mr. Steyer!! You know how to do it!!
Paul N M (Michigan)
Mr Steyer: This approach is insane. Even if articles of impeachment were voted in time to complete a trial before November 2020, which *twenty one* Republican Senators would join a unanimous Democratic caucus to vote to convict? (For that matter, would the Democrats be unanimous? Manchin?) What on earth would change the minds of the selfsame "corrupt" Republican Senators who, you say, haven't done their duties to stand up to Trump? The recent electoral triumphs of Flake and Corker, maybe? Most Republican Senators represent states whose population stands strongly with Trump. How many times have we seen the Trumpublicans whine "look at us being victimized by the liberal mob", and succeed? (Kavanaugh hearings?) If the Democrats leap straight to impeachment, it will boomerang hard in their faces. Their leaders know this. If you doubt, then go to the middle of the country, to churches and county fairs, and talk to real people who don't live in the Bay Area. Please, please stop this. Unless you are a secret Trump supporter trying to make sure he gets re-elected, this approach is as wrong as the sky is high. Democrats' correct strategy today is simply: 1) legislate, 2) oversee. Pass bills, e.g. infrastructure or Dreamers or protect ACA. Promote them to the public. Dare the Trumpublicans to oppose; we're watching. Meanwhile, take today as day one. Yes, monitor the executive. Hold hearings. But don't leap to conclusions. Impeachment isn't a toy. One step at a time. Thank you.
Candlewick (Ubiquitous Drive)
Does anyone believe, if this was a Democratic president, the GOP would be clutching its collective pearls worrying about Optics or fretting over pundits saying "Don't do it?" Donald Trump is a disease and you don't treat a disease with hand-wringing.
Jessica (New York)
Mr. Steyer Your ego driven commercials starring you. reminded me a bit of Trump. Instead of wasting tens of millions on a absurd cause you have zero chance of achieving you should have spent every penny getting out the vote. I know you set a up a voter registration group but I am cynical that any group you funded was all that effective. Step back stop trying to make it all about you.
Rob Jach (Bozeman, MT)
First time commenting on a NYT article in a decade, I was so frustrated by this opinion piece. . . . DON'T IMPEACH. Instead pass legislation for education, infrastructure, healthcare, immigration, and climate. Stuff that matters to Jo[s]e Lunchbucket - real people. Let the Republican Senate (and possibly Trump) reject it at their own peril in 2020. If we impeach him, it will only be to allow Democratic Party brass to pat themselves on the back; it will accomplish nothing - the Senate will never remove him. (Besides, do we really want a President Pence?!) The move to impeach will be perceived as political vengeance - and Mr. and Ms. Lunchbucket will have none of it, just like when Republicans impeached Bill Clinton. Want Trump to be re-elected? Want Republicans to take back the House in 2020? Then impeach Trump.
Ted Baker (San Francisco)
The only rational explanation behind Mr. Steyer's motives is that he must be a closet Republican trying to wheel in a Trojan horse. Tom, for such a smart and successful person, it amazes me and many others that you show such an ignorance and lack of vision in spending millions of dollars and wasting so much time on a clearly pointless, fruitless course of action that if put into action will only guarantee the second Trump term.
JohnnyM (Columbus)
As I recall 35% to 40% of Americans wanted to impeach Obama. Of course it went nowhere because those folks did not include publishers, editors, producers and other media elites.
expat (Japan)
Actually, Democrats did not run on that platform, they ran from that platform...
c.crovosnyder (Thetford Vermont)
It seems to me it would be more appropriate and fruitful for Democrats as well as Independents, even Republicans, to FIRST keep our "eyes on the ball" and ACCOMPLISH something in honor of this struggling Democracy which just granted them a House majority, rather than waste energy, time and taxpayer money on the feuding and "politics of getting even" which has characterized Congress in recent years and has so disillusioned many, many citizens. I earnestly hope the newly elected Democratic majority will be "statesmen and women", take the high road, waste no energy, stay focused and engage in collaboration, cooperation, compromise where necessary, and get some work done for a change. Do this first.
Jean (Cleary)
I so not disagree with Mr. Steyer's thoughts. However I think his time and money would be better spent to start a move to rid us of the Electoral College.. The Democrats need to focus on proving they can govern. Mr. Mueller no doubt has all the evidence he needs at this point. And from reading anther column this morning, there is another way to get Mueller's findings out there, if in fact Whittaker fires him. Impeachment is too good for Trump. Jail is the best solution. That includes Cabinet members and family members, not to mention Sarah Huckabee-Sanders for releasing a tape that was doctored to give Trump cover over the CNN fiasco. At the rate everything is going, a new Federal Prison will have to be built to house all the guilty.
jhbev (western NC.)
Impeachment, now, is a hollow gesture. A two thirds majority in the senate is not possible. And with a deadlocked congress, Trump is marginalized. Instead, slow and deliberate proceedings should start some six months before the 2020 election. Not only will that distract from Trump's campaigning, but the evidence used to impeach will go towards the criminal charges that eventually will be brought against him. Nice as it would be to have a relatively sane man in the white house, Pence is no better. Just wears a neater suit.
Stan Carlisle (Nightmare Alley)
Brilliant idea: shoot yourself in the foot as soon as you get the House. "Need to Impeach"?? Gimme a break, Tom.
Anony (Not in NY)
All the NYT Picks argue from a political calculus for which the Democrats have proven themselves utterly inept. I refer to Hillary as the 2016 candidate. So, why not try some apolitical? Like ethics! Impeach him.
Jerry Josephs (California)
Impeach = President Pence
Tom Storm (Antipodes)
Without Senate support, impeachment by the House is meaningless. Yes, many of us would like to see Trump held accountable - but the political make-up of Congress, with a powerful chamber of conservative, wealthy and for the most part, elderly white GOP males - renders that notion moot. We can take some small comfort that Trump's juggernaut sits mired in mud for now - a track has been blown off his tank leaving him to spin in circles. His anger and rage were on full display in his press-conference confrontation with a journalist and his open disparagement of Republicans who failed to 'embrace' his support. How he and his supporters can characterize as a 'win' an election where his party completely lost control of The House of Representatives casts his grasp of reality further into doubt. What is not in doubt is the inevitable petulant and destructive behavior headed our way for the tenure of his Presidency...possibly beginning with a Government shutdown on December 7th.
Martyvan90 (NJ)
People like Mr Steyer should scare Americans in the minority- any minority. He opens his missive stressing the majority of votes his tribe received in the recent election, the number of signatures on his petition, the implication of there are more of us than you. He is correct that impeachment is a political action- we’ve seen shaky charges in both recent article filings. But my major point is to remind Democrats our founders were very thoughtful in designing a representative republic. That and our constitution mean more than there’s more of us than you. Perhaps following Mr Steyer’s desire to clarify requirements for business people assuming the presidency would be a good tact, I suspect we’ll have more business people in the Executive Branch. I hope Congress takes this seriously and doesn’t just structure laws to say- only career politicians or bureaucrats allowed.
DBD (Madison, WI)
Remember the "Saturday Night Live" cold open the weekend after impeachment articles against Pres. Clinton passed in the U.S. House? In perhaps the best of his many great turns as Clinton, Daryl Hammond sauntered to the Rose Garden podium and drawled: "Next time, y'all better bring some kryptonite." As a liberal Democrat and lover of country, I share Mr. Steyer's frustration and sense of urgency. Yet history reminds me that impeachment has never removed a sitting POTUS from office, as Nixon resigned rather than face it and Clinton and Johnson both survived it. So what to do? Personally, I'd rather see Democratic leadership allow Mueller complete his work -- including farming it out to the SDNY and other state jurisdictions preemptively -- so that Pres. Trump: (a) faces the threat of post-presidency indictment and (b) sees his son, daughter, and son-in-law -- who have no presidential protection from indictments -- indicted. (Rudy Giuliani indicated that this was well within the realm of possibility when he slipped and told Fox News that Pres. Trump's legal team advocates throwing at least Jared under the bus). Pres. Trump is a special kind of venial. He should suffer stiffer consequences than articles of impeachment that will have little practical impact beyond galvanizing his base.
Andrea (SF)
Mr. Steyer is correct in his description of Trump's criminality, but the fact is it's a fight we cannot win. There is no chance that anything near a 2/3 majority of the Senate would support impeachment, and any attempt to try it would simply invigorate Trump's base. The goal has to be to make Trump a one-term president and the way to do that is to starve the Republican base of its source of grievance. As much as I'd love to see Trump punished for his lies, I think we even need to stop focusing media attention there - his base doesn't care and the call of "fake news" is too effective. Show people that Democrats can be effective and supportive of the demographics that currently align right. Promote dynamic, young and new Democratic leaders and talent. Resist the urge to go back to the Clintons and their cronies. Trump is a stuffed suit, he only wins if the Democrats fail to offer a viable, acceptable alternative.
Gert (marion, ohio)
@Andrea I agree. Your approach is much more effective than Steyer spending so much money trying to convince people to impeach Trump when so many politically savvy people have said this effort is not productive for Democrats. Who is Steyer trying to persuade? Trump's base or the Republicans? The former is unreachable in their fanatic belief of us versus them, them being the Democrats or anyone else Trump has convinced is a enemy for whatever they understand is their American God Given Rights. There is no longer any responsible person in the Republican Party to provide checks and balances upon Trump's transgressions even the legal ones. They can't even get Trump to produce his tax reports and stood by, apologized and excused Trump when he sold us out to Putin for Trump's protection from his Russian connections, probably financial. Trump will go down in history as the sleaziest fraud to ever occupy the White House. But impeachment without Senate approval will go no where and only strengthen people to protect him.
John Edelmann (Arlington, VA)
@Andrea Just saying Clinton and their cronies shows you have bought much of the Trump and Republican lies. He has taken power by executive fiat and calls it national security. What's next: curfews, military on our streets not just at the border, the closing of media and newspapers, the elimination of the Justice Department? Additionally, we must now as Americans come together to show that we can never have another president like this again. Not just by vote but by rule of law.
Hal Kuhns (Los Gatos)
@Andrea I agree with everything you say and your reasoning is understandable. But it is just to force the senate to debase itself for the record and for history. Force the senate to declare openly in front of the people and the honor of our founders that they endorse this president's behavior. Do not let them go quietly, smugly to their graves. Thanks you Tom.
Anatomically modern human (At large)
Dear Mr. Steyer: Your piece might just as well have been titled "Why Democrats Must Shoot Themselves in the Foot". Everything you say about Trump is true. He's done all that and more, and deserves to be impeached. But impeachment is not justice, it's a political act, and the remedy to a particular political problem: how to remove a corrupt person from office. Removal of the president requires overwhelming consensus in both houses of Congress. In the absence of such consensus, or even the prospect of it, impeachment is seen, and rightly so, as gratuitous, and partisan, and pointless -- as Newt Gingrich and the Republicans found out when the voters slapped them down, following their disgraceful conduct in impeaching president Clinton. No matter how much we might want him removed from office, Trump isn't going anywhere if the majority of Republicans in Congress don't agree. The worst thing the Democrats could do -- to themselves -- is to impeach Trump in the House without any possibility of removing him from office. Instead, they should work toward building a platform, and finding a candidate, that can beat the Republicans in 2020.
Cemo (Honolulu)
A dumb and divisive idea. First, futile since without a smoking gun, it would go nowhere in the Senate. Secondly, it falsely assumes Trump is THE problem rather than a symptom of a deeper malaise, which needs to be addressed. Third, what comes next in Mr. Steyer's mind - impeachment of Mr. Pence? Impeachment has become much politicized since the Clinton episode rather than a tool designed to be able to remove a president for truly serious crimes. Much prefer the Democrats work on a positive and unifying agenda.
wbernard (NYC)
Whoever wrote that is just delusional. There's no evidence to support his allegations and there aren't votes to get it done. I didn't vote for Trump but enough people did to make him the President. The 24/7 drumbeats aren't helping anyone. People are tired are hearing and reading about this stuff. That's why the Democrats didn't far so well in the election. If so many Republicans didn't chose to retire, I think they would have held the House. The Resistance just isn't working...
Mac Lingo (Kensington, CA)
Dumb from my political point of view. We already know that impeaching a president is something that a lot of Americans are afraid to do. And if the Democrats launch immediately into impeachment, that's going to antagonize lots of voters, even Democratic ones. So the Democratic strategy should be first to try to get along with the Republicans. And if that really happens, then we might even get some good bipartisan legislation out of the process. However after House trys to pass some fee-good legislation like the continuation of Obamacare or real gun control and having the Republican Senate quash it, then the Democrats can say that the Republicans can't govern anyway and have a rational for beginning impeachment hearings.
enhierogen (Los Angeles)
I hope Mr. Steyer is reading this comment section. The NYT readership is more highly educated and probably more liberal than most of the electorate. And yet so many of us think we shouldn't use our resources to go down this rabbit hole. I think that if we do, we are playing into Trump's hands for the 2020 election. Dems need to consolidate a vision for what the country needs and work to promote that vision. Pursuing Trump is a waste of resources and is likely to be counterproductive electorally.
Brian (Bay Area)
There is no reality in impeachment. The Senate will never convict him. It is a waste of time and especially political not to mention real dollar capital. There are better ways to hold him and his criminal enterprise called a cabinet accountable. Hold hearings, produce documents. Impeachment would take two years anyway and the Democrats would be seen as wasting time and energy. If Democrats want to get rid of Trump, solidify Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Resuscitate and strengthen ACA and environmental protections. Show the Republican Senate to be obstructionist. Send major bills to the Senate. Force them to act of be obstructionist. Mr. Steyer, you can pay for all of that. Please stop throwing your resources at the lost cause of impeachment. It is a non starter. Give all that money to Planned Parenthood. Rebuild Puerto Rico and North Carolina. Show people the positive impact a wealthy progressive can make. Impeachment is negativity. We all know already that Trump is a petty crook and con man.
John Brews ..✅✅ (Reno NV)
Impeaching Trump ain’t smart and also ain’t possible. And if Trump leaves, for whatever reason, we’ll have Pence — definitely not an improvement. The bigger, harder problem is dismantling the dubious billionaire brainwashing machine that dictates reality for 40% of voters. As long as this 40% is swept up in this blitz of unreality, their sanity will not return and they will simply remain the mob of malcontents that will follow wherever they are pointed.
Michelle (Amsterdam)
This is a moment in American history where all of the prejudices, smallness, selfishness, and meanness that exists in our society is being exposed. (Thanks social media.) As Americans, it's now our opportunity and responsibility to face and address these things, so we can move forward into the future as a *better* society. We see that happening, with candidates like Beto & Abrams and the flipping of many units of government on all levels. We've seen it with the woman's march, with outcries against the inhumanity towards asylum seekers, with pushback against threat to the profoundest American values (think dreamers, #meToo, keystone pipeline, women's march, outrage against separate of children at the border to name just a few). In Hindu philosophy there's a concept of cycles: something emerges, it's sustained, and then it must inevitably be destroyed so there's space for something better can emerge. The destruction phase is the hard bit; it's where we are. But it must happen so we can face our demons properly. Looking in the mirror right now is ugly. Let's do it anyway. Banishing Donald Trump will not solve the problem of our smallness, simply brush it back under the rug. Personally, I want it properly exorcized so we can become better as individuals, as a nation, and as humanity as a whole.
AFJones (New York)
What is the point of impeaching Trump if we can't close the deal? We cannot accomplish this in the Senate - unless all of a sudden Trump decides to support the ACA and expand Medicare, then the Republicans would gladly tie him to a train track. Unless Mueller can prove Trump's campaign colluded with Russia with his knowledge, or Trump fires Mueller, or we get a worthy criminal indictment on tax fraud, I just don't see the value of this anymore. I want to win in 2020 and I'm pretty positive we can beat this fool into the ground. The only other option might be to draft it in committee, spend about half a day voting on the Articles of Impeachment, put it out there with a House majority vote, and let the Senate Republicans vote against it swiftly as a humiliation tactic for these people.
Michael Bush (Arlington)
The whole notion of impeaching Trump is ridiculous. Like it or not, the Dems aren't even close to having the votes in the senate to make impeachment happen. Move on to something that might actually be productive.
Doctor Woo (Orange, NJ)
They should definitely lay the groundwork. But what they really should do is protect Mueller. Pelosi should try to come up with some angle to keep the investigation going no matter what. The house can also open up at least two separate different investigations. I don't expect Sen Useless ( Schumer ) will do much but whine. Maybe another Senator can come up with something. They should wait on Mueller. I suspect he may have a few months more to go. As I have said before, Watergate took 2 1/2 years, and this is way more complicated. And it's not just Trump. It's the whole family and numerous advisers. Rep. Nadler has already stated they will start looking. At his press conference one thing that came across to me is that Trump is scared & worried now with a Dem House. If he shuts down Mueller then it will really be up to the press to do their job and hound this admin. incessantly. Remember that was the real beginning of the end for Nixon, the firing of Archibald Cox. That's when his party and the majority of the country started going against him. By the time Trump gets to 2020 I think he will be badly wounded, one way or another. If he even stays that long.
ExpatAbroad (Switzerland)
I believe there is so much, complex dirt on Trump, it’s taking Muller’s Team this long (too long) to piece it together, unfortunately. In the mean time, Republicans have waged war on the political system (and just about every other system), baiting the American people with Nationalism (under the guise of Patriotism), and negating truth/instigating confusion with ‘false news’ and ‘alternative facts’. Is impeachment the appropriate response to assaults on our judicial system and constitutional infringement? I say it is, and a necessary step to declare that the actions of this president have gone to far and the action (or in-action) in the last 2 years by Congress has been unacceptable. Will he ultimately be impeached (based on the Senate and the new Supreme Court members)? Doubtful, but the message needs to be sent.
Barbara Snider (Huntington Beach, CA)
Everyone has known Trump is crooked for years and years, yet nothing is ever done. I can’t believe there is no evidence of corruption that is current enough to bring charges against him. I’m willing to wait until solid evidence is found. In the meantime, he is getting nuttier and nuttier - look at his last press conference, and the stooge he appointed to head the Justice Department. He’s totally out of his depth. The more he acts up the more of a chance that the Republicans, both on the hill and the voters, will have to admit he isn’t cut out for this job. For impeachment to be successful, bipartisanship is necessary. Just hold on, Trump will provide his own proof, human nature is not kind to people like him. In the meantime, Democrats can just keep pushing and investigating. Important to keep holding his feet to the fire. Keeping him angry is a good strategy for Democrats and it also keeps his blood pressure up, making it harder for him to think - he’s pretty limited in that department as it is. It will all fall together.
Joe (Washington DC)
No. No. No. No. As bad as Trump is -- personally and politically -- the country needs to get into the mode of making change through orderly, reasoned, debated and decision making. We have a do-nothing, know-nothing Congress across the board. If the democrats start their watch with anger and political violence (impeachment) the death spiral will only continue. Democrats need to focus on leading us constructively to a better future.
ALM (Brisbane, CA)
Few have recognized a clever tactic Mr. Trump has been using with great success. Instead of plainly showing his contempt for the first amendment, that guarantees freedom of speech, he has couched his contempt in a new sobriquet -- fake news. Please include in your reasons for impeaching Mr. Trump, his denigration of the first amendment by snubbing freedom of speech as fake news, i. e., fake speech.
Nova yos Galan (California)
It takes the House AND the Senate to impeach and remove a president. We only have the House. Trump is the clown distraction of the ultra rich. Let's not add to the distraction by expending enormous energy on something that won't happen and, even if it were by some miracle to happen, Pence is probably worse. No. We need to concentrate on the important issues. I would like to see the Electoral College revised so that it is more democratic. It's just not right that 60% of Americans are Democratic yet until this past Tuesday Republicans controlled the entire government. Electoral College disenfranchises people in the more populated states. Acerage is NOT more important than people. The historical reasons for the EC no longer exist. It's time to move on. Likewise, I would like to see and end to Gerrymandering. Congressional districts should be drawn by committees independent of Congress. We will never be a real democracy until we stop disenfranchising large numbers of Americans. We can't do this important work if we're bogging ourselves down in a useless fight. Oh, and the campaign for 2020 started yesterday. Mr. Steyer, hold that thought.
Charonne (MA)
I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Steyer. The man in the W.H. has brazenly tried to put himself above the law, ignores the constitution, is co=conspirator to indictments of crimes, has admitted to crimes of sexual harassment - Mr. Steyer has written it in his Op-Ed much better than I can. This cannot go on. Justice must return to our government - this is not a democracy. It is not just Trump, but the whole Republican Party has allowed this. It is a very, very dark time in our country and the hope of the election was to hold him, and the Republicans who have allowed this, accountable.
Vin (NYC)
As absurd as it is to say it, I'm not sure it's politically advantageous for the Democrats to impeach Donald Trump. But if you put politics aside, it is imperative that Donald Trump be impeached. The rampant corruption in the White House is gob-smacking. I'm not even sure if most of the public is aware of the level of grift going on in the administration, and the tremendous financial benefits that the Trump family is accruing as a result of Donald Trump's presidency. Such is the level of dysfunction in our government that what ought to be an enormous scandal gets drowned out by the other calamities.
Mark (New York)
Impeach him, sure. And then what? He won't be convicted by the Senate. So you haven't accomplished anything real. But, you say, it's important for Democrats to stand up for democracy. I get that. But this is not a court of law, it is politics, and the circus that impeachment would create is what Republicans specialize in. They would kill the Democrats. Impeachment proceedings would not remove Trump - they very likely would backfire and guarantee his re-election. Better to fight the Republicans on policy -- why do I never hear about the irresponsible debt they're creating for our kids to pay off, just so a few fat cats can get even fatter?
Brannon Perkison (Dallas, TX)
This isn't about what's good politically, it's about Impeaching a criminal because it's the right thing to do. We're talking about a possible Russian asset and a known tax-fraud and money-launderer, Donald Trump, escaping justice, not some lies about a fling in the Oval Office. It can't even be compared to Clinton's impeachment. If the truth is even half as bad as most rational people suspect, then it will turn the tide of public opinion even further against him, just as it did in the Nixon case.
Sage (California)
I agree with Tom Steyer; Trump must be impeached. Trump is a clear and present danger to the country. He has violated the Constitution, lies with impunity and is unfit for the office of Presidency. I fear for the nation (and the world) if Trump's Presidency continues unabated.
FXQ (Cincinnati)
Yes, let's all get distracted and go kick a hornet's nest by the useless impeachment of Trump. Yes it will feel good, but so will a bottle of 18 year old scotch. And the results will be the same, nothing accomplished and then dealing with a hangover. You know Hillary tried this in the general election, running against something instead of running for something and look where that got her and us. Democrats need to tell their corporate masters that the country is too important to continue to dither and compromise with a party that doesn't have compromise in their vocabulary. Move on. Stand for something and run on something.
Devo (San Francisco)
Trump should be impeached since he has engaged in treason and money laundering with organized Russian criminals. That is what Muller's report will show. What I don't understand is how Mr. Steyer sees a path to removing Trump from office given the Republicans are in control of the Senate. I think the Democrats were correct in not talking about impeachment prior to the midterm elections given there was no path to impeachment. Is there a path now with the Republican Senate?
Russell (Chicago)
Mr. Steyer, I have long admired you and financially supported NextGen, but your recent ramp up in rhetoric is troublesome Yes, Trump is awful and should likely be impeached, but doing so would further divide our nation and is not worth the trouble. Let’s focus our efforts on reaching across the aisle to accomplish meaningful goals that will better America and the world.
Retep (San Francisco)
Wrong decision. We need to focus on beating him in 2020. Impeachment will simply result failure in the Senate and Trump through 2024
Shenoa (United States)
Stop this obsessive ‘Trump’ hysteria. Laboring ad nauseam to impeach Trump is a waste of everyone’s time, and a distraction. We need government to focus now on advancing the health and well-being of American citizens. Nothing of value will be accomplished by continuing to indulge these futile impeachment fantasies. Enough already!
damon walton (clarksville, tn)
Whomever becomes the Speaker of the House must follow the old adage of LBJ, if you can't twist arms then you must break them. Let the democrats drop any pretense of bipartisanship with GOP or the illusion of regular order. We must fight fire with fire and give the GOP the taste of their own medicine. And pay them back in spades. Bring Trump to his knees and force him to submit to the Dems will. Offer no mercy, no succor, and no chance to parlay.
William Jambois (Flushing)
Sorry Tom, I profoundly disagree. I, too, detest DJT. But I elected my congressman to act in my best interests- not in the name of Justice or this country. As such, I agree wholeheartedly with Nancy Pelosi's objectives- pass meaningful legislation wherever feasible. Do not give DJT free reign but stay on track until 2020 and then let Nature take its course.
Warren (CT)
Just a heard a report on Steyer and an ad of his accusing Trump, among other things, of bringing us to the "brink of nuclear war." While I have no love for Trump, these kind of over the top accusations along with the almost childish emotional arguments put forth in the piece only serve to hinder the Democratic cause. He's not nice and most people think so is not grounds for impeachment. Likewise for the argument he's all but an unindicted coconspirator and has obstructed justice. Cooler heads need to prevail and wait fo the facts. Until then, Steyer should just shut up - he's not doing the rest of us any favors.
DM (Paterson)
I do not want Trump impeached. This was a difficult realization for me. My reason is that the VP Mike Pence is completely unqualified to be POTUS. I read the article in Harper's about Pence's religious view. Quite frankly his views scare the daylights out of me. Here is a man who thinks that God wants him to be president. In my opinion anyone can believe whatever they want to as long they do force it upon others. It seems that Pence is as close to a religious zealot as one can be & is a heart beat away from the Oval Office. I think that the damage done to our nation's federal government by Trump may never be fixed. He has tarnished the office of president and the reputation of the country internationally. Pence is no different than Trump except that he will not put on a "show" every day. His quietness masks a cunning mind . If Trump were removed from office via impeachment Pence would probably receive a soft glove treatment from the press. In other words the press thinking that the nation has suffered a trauma regarding impeachment has to give Pence the time to "settle" in. Pence will continue the Trump "agenda" but without the theatrics . Therefore Pence may by acting as a mature adult gain enough support to not only win the Republican nomination but also the 2020 election. I would not put it past him for there are very dark forces who would love a Pence administration. It is better to deal with the devil you know then the one waiting in the shadows.
Alan R Brock (Richmond VA)
The threat of impeachment should be viewed as one threat available to House Democrats to stymie the unhinged Trump administration until the madness can be vanquished. Impeachment should not be an end in itself, especially before the Mueller investigation has run its course. Containment now. Restoration of sanity in 2020.
Laycock (Ann Arbor)
Trump is ready for war. Any impeachment attempt will throw this country into chaos. Trump is the ruler of chaos. Can't you hear him screaming in his rallies? Inciting a revolution? Too dangerous. This presidency needs to end by a thousand cuts, or maybe a million. The house has subpoena power now. A more likely scenario is that Trump will start making deals with democrats to protect himself. He has already declared that he will simply blame dems for Washington. Let's put the subpoenas to work, pull in Jr., view the tax returns and go from there.
Rebecca Hogan (Whitewater, WI)
No, no, no! Now that we have a majority in the house we need to get things done, show the positive program of the Democratic party, win over more voters for 2020, and protect important programs. Impeachment is a dead end and won't fly anyway. No one dislikes Trump more than I do, but if we allow ourselves to pursue this useless and backward looking strategy, we will lose all the momentum we have gained.
Chris NYC (NYC)
This is the silliest political argument I've read this week. Mr. Steyer is running a national campaign to impeach Trump and he doesn't even understand how the rules of impeachment work? "Impeaching" just needs a majority vote in the House of Representatives, but it basically doesn't do anything. It only begins a trial in the Senate on whether to remove the person from office, with the Senators as the jury. But then removing the person from office requires a 2/3 majority vote of the Senate, and the Democrats in the Senate don't even have a simple majority there. So what good would it do? Remember how marvelously successful the Republican House was at impeaching Bill Clinton? It passed in the House. but there wasn't a ghost of a chance of getting a 2/3 majority in the Senate, so they couldn't remove him from office and it wound up helping him and hurting the Republicans at the next election. It would be even worse if the Democrats impeached Trump. They'd win their vote of impeachment in the House and the Senate would quickly vote not to remove him from office with all the Republicans voting against it. Then Trump could spend the rest of his term crowing how the Libs tried to impeach him and failed. An impeachment vote in the House might be warranted if Trump fires Mueller, because some Senate Republicans might be so upset they'd vote for it. Otherwise, it's a foolish thing to talk about.
Robert David South (Watertown NY)
Might as well. It's one of the few things the House can do by itself.
Lldemats (Mairipora, Brazil)
As much as I would be happy to see him impeached, it would be too costly to the Democrats because the Senate would simply not convict him. Not only that, but many Americans would see this, as the Republicans say, as undoing the 2016 election. Trump is totally unfit for office, but if there is to be a conviction, his offenses---as gross and unbefitting a president as they are now---must be such that they convince brainwashed and hypocritical Republican senators that his crimes and misdemeanors are so overwhelming that he must be removed.
Excessive Moderation (Little Silver, NJ)
Impeachment...a foolish move. That would leave us with Pence who I regard as much more of a danger. Focus on healthcare, education and infrastructure in whatever order you want.
Syliva (Pacific Northwest)
. "Democrats’ inability to run the table on a Republican Party that depended on lying, race-baiting and suppressing the vote is a sign that the American people do not know what the Democratic Party stands for." While I don't think impeachment is really the wisest move, the quote I've copied in above is the truest thing about the election I have yet heard. " The American people do not know what the Democratic party stands for." That is the fault of the Democratic party, as well as a result of the fact that Republicans are better at creating narratives, branding and taking marching orders and falling into line behind their leaders.
Bruce Shigeura (Berkeley, CA)
Why did Steyer not mention it takes 67 Senators to vote to remove Trump from office? I think Trump would love a trial in the Senate. With McConnell presiding, Trump and Republican Senators would destroy Mueller’s facts with angry lies and distortions, Kavanaugh times ten. Presidential aspirants Warren and Harris would speak out, and Grassley, Graham, and other angry white males would verbally gang assault them into silence. Billionaire Steyer is out of touch with the American middle and working class who are economically precarious, who’s kids have no future, and are seeing their communities fall apart. What is his vision and policies for us?
Mark Jacobsen (Portland, OR)
Yes, start the process! There is no margin in 'playing nice' with Republicans. Democrats should have learned that by now. It matters not that the Senate will not convict him regardless of the evidence. Dems might as well lay the cards on the table and let the American people "read 'em and weep". We, the people, will remember Trump's crimes and how our senators vote on impeachment when we render our own verdict in 2020. Republicans have gotten to where they are by being ruthless and playing hardball. Democrats are gotten to where they are by "going high when they go low". It is beyond time to fight fire with fire. Impeach him.
Kate Welsh (Spain)
Wait for Mueller to deliver his findings. In any event . . . Better the devil we know and I’m thinking of Pence and the fury of the Senate that would ensue. Trump resembles more and more a character out of Brecht (as does Boris Johnson) and it is quit3 possible that like the latter he may self destruct himself if he is given enough time.
HKS (Houston)
If the Democrats had flipped the Senate I would have been all in for The Donald’s impeachment. But now, I think it would not return a positive result. That said, I think that ongoing investigations and mounting pressure on this corrupt administration should be relentlessly applied. Question everything.
Barry (Stone Mountain)
Let me see if I follow your ideas correctly Mr. Steyer. Impeach Trump, so he can be exonerated by the Senate and carry the benefits of unpopular Democratic partisanship through the 2020 election, as history clearly predicts. Unlikely I will spend time reading any more of your essays. Unless I join the Republican Party.
Dr. John (Seattle)
Remaining fixated on impeaching a President for some still unidentified crimes just after he achieved a rare increase in his majority in the Senate and while the economy is providing jobs and growth? What is the most that could really be accomplished? Inflaming an electorate right before the next Presidential election? Watching the economy stall? All for what - revenge?
Jake (Santa Barbara, CA)
I agree, it should have been bigger. Dems should have won about 42 seats. They should have also taken over the Senate. I agree with Steyer's premise however. The Dems are weak - they don't know how to message - they express the same befuddlement I saw on Jeb Bush's face when he was trying to deal with Trump, which is to say, he didn't know how. Now old style DLC types CANNOT give the American People what they need, and arguably have ENABLED the Reactionary and Fascist Right in their ascendancy, and not only that (if that weren't bad enough) THEY DON'T MESSAGE WELL. I have NO FAITH in Nancy Pelosi. She won't do what is necessary; neither will, by and large, the SENATE democrats.
Aurora (Vermont)
This is pointless. Dems would need 67 votes in the Senate to convict Trump and throw him out of office. Far better to use their subpoena powers to investigate the president and find the corruption that can convict him.
Abacus (London)
Democrats need to think of their long term interest. Impeaching Trump , the investigations and the subsequent battles in the senate and the media will play into Trump’s hands and virtually guarantee re-election. From a Republican perspective: go for it !
Cathleen (Virginia)
While I doubt impeachment will happen, I have to ask myself: If a blatantly corrupt and incompetent President like Donald Trump is not impeached, where does that leave the presidency? Do we have NO recourse for constitutionally removing such a President? How low must we go?
hawk (New England)
So more Democrats voted but their vote was suppressed? Yah, that makes sense. The blue wave turned out to be a green wave, the money was obscene. Perhaps, Congress should limit 501(c) contributions and level the playing field. Only then will candidates be free to run on their own merits. Right? Perhaps people like Steyer and Bloomberg can then pay their “fair share” in taxes, or actually run for office themselves on their own nickel? Steyer v. Trump. Now that would be fun!!
AACNY (New York)
@hawk Perhaps Steyer wants Trump out of the way as a threat when he runs for the presidency, which would make this an acknowledgement of Trump's effectiveness. He could never beat Trump, so remove him.
Evan Benjamin (New York)
I believe the President has committed impeachable offenses. I would like to see him gone more than anyone. And yet, given the makeup of the Senate, there is no possibility of him being convicted and removed from office. The only way that might change is if Mueller presents convincing evidence of his foreknowledge of and cooperation with Russia interference in his election. I would like this not to be true, but it is true. If we had a 60 vote majority in the Senate, we’d still need 7 Republicans to join in. And we’re far from that, of course. Therefore, impeachment hearings in the House would simply be a way to fire up his worshippers, much as the Kavanaugh hearings proved to be. I would find it satisfying as well, but that’s not good enough. There are a significant number of people who are on the fence regarding Trump. Our best hope is to persuade those people, and hope they can be peeled away from the hard core “deplorables”, who are beyond rational conversation.
Robert (Seattle)
Impeachment is essentially a political act. That is, the criteria for impeachment is whatever a majority of the House thinks it should be. All the same, Mr. Steyer is correct. Mr. Trump has already given us any number of valid, i.e., unimpeachable, justifications for impeachment. Some will argue that impeachment is improper because it undoes sacred elections. That is silly. Impeachment is a Constitutional process. It is specifically called for and described in that document. Some have argued that impeachment would be tactically or pragmatically wrong. In other words, Democrats would do better by being positive, hopeful and constructive. Even if Democrats do decide to let Mueller drive this process, they can no longer sit idly by and wait. Trump is actively trying to kill the investigation. Mueller needs Congressional protection and he needs it now. Couldn't Democrats thread the needle? Calmly and quietly proceed with oversight, including possibly impeachment--not televised, etc.--but make all of the noise about everything else, e.g., infrastructure, protecting Social Security?
Chuck Masterson (Kansas)
@Robert It has been a year and a half and Mueller has nothing on our president. Let him come forward publicly at this time and provide the American people transparency - what does he have, what leads are he pursuing, is the evidence or potential evidence strong enough to conclude guilt in a trial, and what are the expected charges. Defend himself. Provide us the above, and if President Trump fires him, even the GOP would be hard pressed to not agree to impeachment. Until then, this is just another political witch hunt from our public perspective.
Anthony (Westchester)
@Robert - yep, impeach Trump and give us Pence. I, as a Republican, would be for that. Pence 2020 !!!! Make America Even Greater.
ATWA2011 (USA)
@Robert You can't quietly impeach the POTUS. This is akin to quietly charging someone with a crime. It doesn't happen.
Barking Doggerel (America)
Mr. Steyer's passionate commitment is admirable. An impeachment decision is complex, as many have noted. It would indeed enrage Trump's base. But that doesn't lose elections. His most fervent supporters can get as furious as they wish, but they won't grow in number. I doubt that a decision to impeach by the House would shift many votes in either direction. But, I may be wrong and there is another route to justice. If Mueller has the evidence, and I suspect he does, he should include Trump in the indictments that are surely forthcoming. This would make a clear statement of Trump's malfeasance, even if the "gerrymandered" Supreme Court eventually ruled that a sitting president cannot be tried. The indictment itself would serve as evidence of the unprecedented criminality of Trump's presidency. This would provide Democratic legislators some distance from the effort to remove Trump from office and leave him sufficiently wounded that he would be even more ineffectual, if that's possible. The "base"and the conservative punditry could rail against Mueller and who cares? Mueller certainly would not. This is the best course. The president has arguably committed crimes and should be charged.
JMM (Worcester, MA)
Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Rather than push for "impeachment" there needs to be public, sworn testimony in front of the various House committees to put in the public record the abuse of power and corruption of this administration. Once the totality of Corrupt Donnie is known, even to those who get their news from biased conservative outlets, then the decision to impeach or not can be made. Making that decision prior to putting the corruption on the record will be viewed as a partisan political act, similar to the Clinton process. Getting the facts on the table the process will, if warranted (and it most certainly will be) become a non-partisan, constitutional process.
Jon Harrison (Poultney, VT)
Well said but absolutely the wrong move. Impeachment would lead to a straight party line vote in the Senate, keeping Trump in office. The optics would be worse for the Democrats than for Trump and the Republicans, just as with the Kavanaugh hearings. Impeachment is a feel good move for Mr. Steyer and his supporters, but politically it would backfire.
kay o. (new hampshire)
Many say "this isn't the right time to impeach," an imperfect solution but at least an aspect of solution. When is the right time to stop this man? How much destruction and flouting of the Constitution must we endure before, as with Nixon, the process puts an end to it? Consider what two more years of Trump will do to this country. The onward relentless rollback of progress made over 200 years will look like the Sahara desert of democracy.
Carol S. (Philadelphia)
The chances that Trump will be reelected may be much higher than many of us think. Pence is less likely to be elected in 2020.
DenisPombriant (Boston)
This is too panicked an idea. We don’t have evidence yet to support these actions but Mueller will report findings that will get the ball rolling. Meanwhile the Dems are right to keep their objectivity lest the GOP later accuse them of a pre-ordained agenda. Impeachment on violating the emoluments clauses and similar low hanging fruit will never survive a trial in the Senate. So let’s think about this strategically.
jabarry (maryland)
Impeachment would be an emotional action, not thought-out strategy. It would be political theater with the curtain coming down as the audience boos. Democrats have won control of the House. They need to use the powers of the House to both restrain and attack Trump and his Republican enablers. The House can investigate, subpoena, and use the power of the purse to do much more than bargain with Trump and Republicans. Democrats must be transparent, focused, united and most important, orderly and methodical. (Take a lesson from Mr. Mueller!) Democrats must carefully yet aggressively use the powers of the House to engage the American people in an ongoing dialogue which exposes the serious moral and Constitutional abuses of Trump and Republicans. Only by bringing the majority of Americans along, can Democrats begin to restore America. The impeachment of Trump is justified, but neither practical, nor doable at this time.
Bruce (Ms)
Two years pass like the blink of an eye. Trump has been in office almost two years already. Incredible. Push for Mr. Mueller's findings, and follow them legally to their just conclusion, without prejudice. Their is nothing improper or contemptible about a subpoena of Trump's tax filings. Reviewed privately by Congressional committee, not flaunted publicly, unless they find what we are already quite sure they will find, and then prosecute. But how long will it take to impeach? Two years and Trump is running for reelection, with free publicity and martyrdom uniting his base. Why make it easy for him?
Bill Wilson (Boston)
Money should not have as much power as it does in our culture. Mr. Steyer's self-centered campaign might be on the side of justice but serves no purpose other than exciting further polarity in our political tinder box and satisfying ego. The newly-elected Democrats and their seasoned leaders seem to be focused on the job of beginning a return to decency in our government. Support them but please do not incite them. One of the comments here has - correctly in my view - noted that our fellow Americans elected Trump and we must elect him out of office in 2020, persuading as many of those that voted for him to join us in that process. Of course if Mueller comes up with total proof of crime we have a different ball game, but best for us all is a democratic process that first turns Trump and his allies out of office followed by a legal process to find them guilty for any crimes they have committed. If we can do that and overturn Citizens United we can make steps back to becoming a decent country again. Yes the man, his family, his minions and his business practices are despicable and hurting us all. But we cannot truly win with a tit-for-tat campaign. I wish the money wasted on the vindictive campaigns and the Trump stunts over this last election cycle had been spent on our public schools in the inner cities and the rural spaces of our country where there is so much need.
PegmVA (Virginia)
Well said!
James Jacobs (Washington, DC)
I agree that the Democrats should utilize their newfound power to hold Trump accountable, demand full investigations, see his tax returns etc. I think that would be a better use of their time than try to come up with a big “bipartisan” bill that pretends to do something about infrastructure or prescription drug costs while making sure that any benefits to ordinary Americans are offset by massive giveaways to big corporations. Such a move would help the Republicans far more than it would help anybody else and would just legitimize their trashing of democracy. But we can be sure that many Democrats will fall for Trump’s “bipartisanship”. It’s a trap - like everything else he does, no one will win except him. But of course many Democrats who managed victories in red states will want to look like they’re “reaching across the aisle” to “get something done” even if both are illusions. Meanwhile the Democratic Party will be bitterly split, the side that wants to hold Trump’s feet to the fire will be sidelined - and the criminals currently running the country will go unpunished, nothing useful will get done, and the Democrats will appear to be weakened and chaotic, paving the way for a red wave in 2020. I hope I’m wrong but unless enough people grow spines I won’t be.
David Derbes (Chicago)
I remember Watergate well. Nixon was never tried in the Senate. He resigned, rather than face certain conviction and removal. My perhaps naive belief is that the American voters will overwhelmingly demand Trump's removal, spurring even these Republican Senators to reject him, once Mueller's report is made public, as it will be by the now Democratic House. Trump's departure may prove more akin to Spiro Agnew's than Nixon's, suddenly and rather quietly.
james (portland)
Mr. Steyer is confusing what is morally and ethically constitutionally right with what is politically impossible. Without an honest, ethical, constitutional-supporting GOP in the Senate, we have no chance of getting rid of #45. #45 has committed numerous acts against the Constitution, he has failed his oath of office, and he has acted in self-interest over country interest; however, politics is not judgement, it is a complicated game of competing narratives and realities.
JET III (Portland)
Mr. Steyer has his opinion. Let's hope the Speaker is not guided by the same splenetic impulses. There are many more compelling ways to rein in 45, including daylighting the president's tax records, and many many more important tasks, including stabilizing health care coverage for all Americans, restoring taxes on the hyper-wealthy, and undermining Betsy Devos's predatory approach to education.
Bill Norton (Hyde Park, NY)
I agree with most of the comments. Impeachment isn't the right move…yet. However, I do agree with the overall sentiment, i.e. the Democratic party needs to grow a spine and exercise its (still limited) power to the fullest. It just needs to be done wisely. Right now, the chief aim should be to exposing the rampant corruption of this administration. To start, this means protect Mueller and getting Trump’s tax returns.
Lawrence Bryan (San Jose, CA)
The Guardians Of Privilege are risk takers. With all most every poll agreeing that 2016 would be the start of a Democratic presidency, Majority Leader McConnell risked having a real liberal appointed by the next president to keep President Obama from a third appointment even though many Republicans had no real complaint over the president's selection. The risk paid off. The leadership of the present Democratic Party is loath to take risks like that. Timidity runs in their veins under the current leadership. Which makes one wonder why the leadership hasn't changed after watching the free fall of power since 2010. A football team with that record would have gotten a new coach in 2012. Any political leader who could not see the problem with Senator Clinton in 2016 when in 2008 she could not win the nomination competing with a relatively unknown black junior senator, does not show any aptitude for politics.
ERS (Edinburgh)
The problem with impeachment is it is a statement of charges brought by the House. The real happenings are in The Senate and good luck with that conviction. Impeachment is not the answer unless the House has something undeniable, and so completely shocking, that it could not be ignored by the Senate, but then what? President Pence? That may be a more terrifying option. There is no win win here.
G James (NW Connecticut)
Mr. Steyer May be correct on his charges, but impeachment by the new Democratic House majority would be folly for one reason: the House indicts, the Senate convicts and there are not even 50 Senators that would vote for conviction much less the 67 Senators required. Failing to convict would make Trump more, not less popular, a martyr, and ensure his reelection in 2020. And for good measure, it would tear the country apart. Recall, Bill Clinton emerged from his impeachment by the Gingrich-led House and acquittal by the majority-GOP Senate with a 70% approval rating and Newt Gingrich? Done for.
A S Knisely (London, UK)
"As President Trump continues to accelerate his lawlessness, the new Democratic House majority must initiate impeachment proceedings against him as soon as it takes office in January." More prudent to wait until properly conducted investigations initiated by the House of Representatives have documented so long and horrible a list of crimes that even Republican senators will say, "We'll take Pence, and in rejecting Trump attempt to redeem ourselves before the 2020 election."
Joseph B (Stanford)
It seems to me we need to wait to see the results of the Mueller investigation which could lead to impeachment proceedings or if Trump does anything to interfere with Mueller, then he should be impeached for obstruction of justice.
David Gregory (Blue in the Deep Red South)
And if the House impeached Trump, the trial would be held in the Republican majority Senate. Exactly how many of the Senators unwilling to confront Trump on anything would be willing to remove him from office? Many running this year hugged up to Trump- Marsha Blackburn is a prime example. What would exactly be accomplished if Democrats impeach Trump but fail to convince a Republican Senate to remove him from office? You think the divide between Republicans and Democrats is harsh now, imagine after such a turn of events. Next is the issue of Mike Pence. Should Trump be removed from office he would become President and Mr Pence concerns me more than Trump. Mr Pence is a Christian Dominionist, which is a peculiar belief that essentially wants a theocracy in this country. This country was founded as a secular nation and we should always remain one. There are bigger fish to fry, Mr Steyer. Let the 2020 election cycle take care of Trump and Pence and we can avoid the ugliness of an Impeachment and Senate trial. This election cycle has seen a number of states make improvements that should lessen the Gerrymandering and others like Florida have joined the majority in allowing some felons the right to vote after their sentence is completed. Each and every day sees a steady shift in the voting age population of our nation. The core of the Republican base is aging out and the party will moderate or fade away like the Whigs. The future is not with them. Patience.
damon walton (clarksville, tn)
@David Gregory Indeed, we would win the battle only to lose the war. Pence is far more dangerous than Trump. Pence would enact a similar agenda without the missteps, gaffes, and general chaos that surrounds Trump. Some if not a majority in the GOP led Senate would prefer Pence level headed demeanor than Trump's clownish behavior. Pence is a known quantity whom could twist arms behind the scenes while providing a genial facade to the political base. Pence could present the indefensible as reasonable and present devilish as angelic to an adoring political base. Sometimes it is better to deal with the Devil you know...
Paul (South Africa)
@David Gregory - Neither is it with the Democrats.
Dotconnector (New York)
All that "impeach" means is to "charge," which can be done by a simple (and likely Democratic-only) majority in the House. Then it would go to the Republican-controlled Senate, where the probability of getting the two-thirds needed to convict is zero. Meanwhile, Capitol Hill is in a state of suspended animation, the partisan divide widens further -- to even uglier dimensions -- and the people's business remains undone. Any other scenario is based on wishful thinking -- a triumph of hope over experience. Impeachment may be appealing in theory, but, as the Clinton fiasco showed, is needlessly messy, even counterproductive, in practice. An American horror story. The most effective way to remove Donald Trump from the Oval Office where he is manifestly unfit to serve is through electoral defeat -- meaning conviction in the court of public opinion. Such a repudiation would be based less on politics and more on cumulative outrage stemming from the criminality and abuses of power that, one way or another, the Mueller investigation will ultimately bring to light. Sure, it would take two more years, but a clear-cut outcome would be worth it. Better still would be if this president cut his losses, made a deal with prosecutors to keep himself and the fathers of eight of his grandchildren out of prison, and resigned. Nobody ever imagined that Nixon would resign, either -- after winning not just 30 states, but 49 -- yet he did. Maybe, if we're lucky, history will repeat itself.
Jon (Colorado Springs)
We can't. Senate won't convict, and then it's framed as just another DC partisan battle. Maybe there's even a backlash like there was post Clinton impeachment. Democrats should focus their energy on winning races in rural states.
Wendy (Mill Valley, CA)
I am all in favor of impeaching Trump, and feel that he richly deserves it, but in all honesty, what is the point? Impeachment, as we know from Bill Clinton's, does not remove the president from office. And we also all know that there is no way a Republican-dominated Senate would actually vote to convict Trump.
Casey Penk (NYC)
Mr. Steyer is one of the few principles voices calling for holding trump to task. Would that more than a handful of our elected representative, Republican and even Democratic, had this courage.
Joe Schmoe (Brooklyn)
You might wonder why it's taking so long for Mueller to speed up the glacial pace at which he has proceeded and finally release the report. My prediction: he's taking forever because there is not one scrap of evidence linking Trump to the supposed Russian collusion. Without that there is zero chance of 2/3 of the Senate voting for impeachment.
Ashley (Vermont)
@Joe Schmoe Even with plentiful evidence do you think the ethically challenged republicans of the senate will come up with a 2/3 majority to convict? Extremely doubtful. To paraphrase his own words, trump could kill someone in broad daylight on 5th avenue and the republicans would cheer.
Cecilia (texas)
Seems to me the republicans have become very adept at ignoring obvious impeachable offenses and will most likely continue for the next two years. The number of indictments that have been handed down by numerous former trump supporters have not deterred republicans to take a stand. Personally, I am now convinced that this republican party is incapable of addressing trumps daily assault on the constitution and restoring this country to some kind of normal. This republican party is now trumps. They just want the power and laws, the constitution, and the very fabric of American society to be diminished to support their agenda.
Eatoin Shrdlu (Somewhere On Long Island)
Please read Internal Revenue Code Not-for-Profit Corporations. Specifically Sec 501(C)3 of the Code, then go to the Trump Foundation site and download EVERYTHING, and take all of that to the nearest public law library, and start reading the code, annotated by case law, and any volumes you can get on NFP law. Figure on spending a month at it. Money donated by the public to “help vets and other good causes” was used by Trump alone as a campaign fund, slush fund, ego boosting fund (like having a $24,000 portrait of Himself done to hang in his private golf club.) and worse. The vilest white-collar criminals, in my book, are those deliberately steak from the poor - not the average WC thief who preys on people looking to enrich themselves through quasi-legal means - or flat-out thieves. The ones who ask folks tor all they can spare to help those helpless, damaged get their lives back on track ... then use the cash for themselves. Call it a personality quirk, but I’d like to see these folks imprisoned for life, no parole. That IS a crime Trump committed. He created a foundation with a whole $1 million of his own, and then went soliciting. I’m sure most of the donors were heavy hitters trying to get close to The Man and get a tax deduction at the same time. I bet, though, that the Foundation files are filled with hand-written letters about “this is all I can spare from my pension ... “ I find that worse than your average high crime. And the proof is public. He did it.
cljuniper (denver)
What are "high crimes and misdemeanors?" I believe Trump is corrupt by definition in that he hasn't divested himself and family from their businesses enough while in office. Would the GOP Senators convict on that? I doubt it since the GOP has slid into a miasma of misunderstanding about conflict of interest - not getting it. So while I'm very sympathetic to Steyer's patriotism (thank you) and foresight on issues, I agree that unless there's a pathway to impeachment success, better to use the threat of impeachment hearings to re-establish good governance standards and focus on one-term strategies. Unless something is attempted that a majority of GOP Senators agree is beyond the constitution; Trump needs to understand his limits, and that there are no "bancruptcy" options in government. And Pence likely would be no better.
Ted (Chicago)
Like it or not, we need more on Trump to make this work. Whether that’s Muellers findings, or Trump’s new AG stooge actually trying to stop the investigation, or some other egregious retributive act against the House, the sad reality is that while 3MM more people voted seemingly against Trump, many millions also seemingly voted for him and his policies. You need concrete, definitive proof of illegality - otherwise it’ll backfire.
nzierler (new hartford ny)
Slow down! Retaking 30 seats in the House puts the gavel back in the hands of Adam Schiff. Now his committee will be able to do what his committee was supposed to be doing in the first place - searching for facts and evidence to ascertain if there has been collusion in election tampering and obstruction of justice. But Schiff would be wise to proceed judiciously and wait for Mueller to conclude his investigation. Then, if the case against Trump is airtight, the House can proceed with impeachment and hope that the evidence against Trump is so compelling as to force enough Senate Republicans to vote to convict Trump. Impeachment is only sensible if the probability of conviction is high. If not, Trump could actually be emboldened and his support could spike by once again playing the victim. The Democrats should not make the same mistake as McConnell, who blustered in 2009 that the GOP's sole agenda item was to make Obama a one-term president. They should hold Trump accountable but at the same time present an agenda that includes fighting to keep the Affordable Care Act, pass sweeping legislation to improve our crumbling infrastructure, and correct the tax legislation that is disgracefully skewed toward the mega-rich.
Jacob (Texas)
I don't see a reason for impeachment yet. I think Democrat's should investigate his alleged crimes and then make that decision. Even then, with Republicans in control of the senate I don't see them impeaching Trump, unless the public disavows him.
Lawyermom (Washington DC)
@Jacob The House impeaches. The Senate then conducts a trial. If convicted, the President would then be removed from office. They are 2 separate proceedings.
Mike Schwartz (Boulder, CO)
Much as I'd like to see Trump removed from office, there is zero chance impeachment would succeed because two thirds of the Senate must vote to convict, and the votes just aren't there. And if that happens Trump will loudly proclaim that he was "proven" innocent. We're stuck with this horrific president for two more years. The thing Democrats should do now is focus on building a vision and finding an inspiring candidate who can win in 2020.
Eatoin Shrdlu (Somewhere On Long Island)
Richard Nixon quit out of embarrassment. Trump won’t - but a good public shaming is worth it. W hat did he say the other day “you run CNN, let ME run the government “. Trump doesn’t run the government, he’s at the top of one of 3 divisions which do that job. Three co-equal branches. Let’s see how the would-be Lord High Everything Else comes across during televised hearings - the man who was laughed out if the UN. I’m sure it won’t be a honey trap, even if vile tapes of him”n”hookers exist. With Trump it’ll be a money trap - “hey, I don’t understand this big government thing, but keep the cash coming.” It also may expose his attempts to be King of the US - or a Russia mole running our nation into the ground, to keep some secrets from going public.
I think that impeachment is not wrong and could be exceptionally appropriate; Trump has certainly earned it. But it should not be the first thing. Democrats will assume the House majority in January with some but not overwhelming political capital and will need to build on it. America is telling them, "Show me what you can do." I believe they must lead with legislation: healthcare, infrastructure, a fairer tax plan, and then - or perhaps simultaneously - get a slew of speedy investigations going. The problem with impeachment is that it will run up against - and lose in - a deeper red senate with an even bigger number of Republicans; don't forget that the trumpists survived (re)-election and the anti-trump Republicans mostly lost. Yes, Trump can and must be dumped, but trumpism will recede only when those who blindly espouse it are forced to see a better way. For me, getting good things done quickly is that way. Good luck to us all - and may we survive the lame duck interval well enough for that new congress to be allowed to serve.
Louis (St Louis)
Trump won first by promising to "build a wall." Does that mean we must build it? I hope not.
martin stein (USA)
Sure, it takes a lot of work to impeach. A full 2/3 joint vote would need some strong motivation, especially for the Senate. For Americans, impeachment of a sitting president is also not taken lightly. In the present politics, the support and votes for impeachment are not there. To help me understand the work lying ahead, I am asking: 1: Why impeach? I believe the main reason is to prevent Trump from creating major world catastrophes which will harm us and our children. The catastrophes arising from Trumps's action and words include greater chances of nuclear war, trades disasters for the US, crashing of a global economy, destruction of 242 years of a "democratic republic", loss of world leadership holding the ethical and moral torch for others not so fortunate, billions of people dead as a direct result of unchecked global warming, and more importantly perhaps is destruction of species which may replace us. OK, good enough for me. Next 2. How to Impeach: This is asking how we can persuade at least all eligible voters and the congress to overwhelming demand and vote him out. Here's the work. We were expecting Mueller to be our savoir. Maybe he can be if allowed to disclose his findings to the House and the Public. If not, the I am afraid the 4th Estate is on the firing line and they must be supported. I am not bothering to list the grounds for impeachment, since they are so numerous. 3. Who (what person or group) can coordinate this? Please come forward.
Joe Schmoe (Brooklyn)
@martin stein: Utterly unhinged nonsense. You could make the exact same speculative arguments for impeachment of any president.
blueingreen66 (Minneapolis)
What would be the purpose of impeaching Trump in the House when the only result of that effort would be to leave him in office? One is not held accountable for committing a crime simply by being indicted and tried. One is held accountable by being convicted. That takes 67 votes in the Senate and it will not happen. Mr. Steyer knows this which is probably why he didn't mention it. Impeachment would turn Trump into a martyr in the eyes of his supporters and provide he and his party with the perfect ammunition for his reelection campaign. The best thing for the country by far is to defeat him in 2020.
Len (Duchess County)
I think what we are seeing here is a full-blown case of TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Notice not one actual substantiated claim here, just a lot of high sounding words that add up to nothing. Any actual proof, Tom, that the President is making money from his presidency (and I mean proof, not some odd sounding innuendo)? How about explaining "all but" an unindicted co-conspirator? Constitutional crisis for replacing Sessions? I think you'll find this position, in the end, simply wrong. It is the President's constitutional right to do this, and many have. All of this has the same ring and tone of the far-fetched Mueller "investigation", an investigation in search of a crime.
Tedsams (Fort Lauderdale)
There simply is not enough power to impeach him, in the real sense, as in getting him out of office. What good is sound and fury if it signifies nothing?
Frank McNeil (Boca Raton, Florida)
If the President is impeached, it will not be because of Mr.Steyer but because the President impeaches himself. Put it this way, the House can serve as the constitutional check on our out of control executive envisaged by the Founders, without necessarily impeaching the reckless Mr. Trump. Should the President shut down the Mueller investigation that would be an impeachable offense on the face of it. But if the Senate isn't receptive, it is best to keep Presidential impeachment in reserve. At all events, there will be a case for impeaching Mr. Whitaker for refusing to recuse himself (before Whitaker immolates himself for Trump, he should consult a good lawyer).
Missy (Texas)
Before Trump was president what did he do every time he was upset with someone? He threatened to sue them. So thinking outside the box a little, Mr. Trump won't be president forever, if he slips through without impeachment then I'm sure Mueller has the goods to get him after Trump is done ruining the country. I hope someone is safeguarding that info. This could be even better because then he wouldn't have the protection of being president. First would be treason, well maybe first tax evasion, so many laws possibly broken. Then people could start filing lawsuits, probably better in class action lawsuits for protection, for slander, stress, personally I would like to see one that pays back my tax dollars for paying for around the clock protection at his golf courses and hotels...
B. Windrip (MO)
Trump should be removed from office immediately but the republican controlled Senate will not allow this no matter what evidence is presented unless Trump’s base turns on him. That’s just not going to happen. Impeachment would be an exercise in futility.
Marty (Pacific Northwest)
Without 67 votes in the Senate it's a fool's errand. I would be happy just to see the tax returns, even though that alone will be a fight to the death because they are -- what was it? -- oh, yeah, "under audit."
William Kelly (Scottsdale, Arizona)
NO NO NO! A thousand times NO. Dems in the House will just waste their time with impeachment and demonstrate to the entire country they are nothing but sore (2016) losers who are only interested in never-ending partisan warfare. Better they should spend their time passing actual legislation on a small number of issues (perhaps fixing some Obamacare flaws, shoring up the Social Security Trust Fund by increasing the threshold for Social Security taxes, protecting the environment, funding public education) even if chances of Senate approval or Trump's signature are slim to non-existent. At least then Dems would have a real platform to run on in 2020 because they can show the American people 1) they are serious about governing and 2) they will govern for the benefit of all Americans (everyone who gets sick, gets old, breaths air, drinks water or has children). This strategy may not be as emotionally satisfying as the fool's errand of impeachment but I want to WIN in 2020!
Decency and Democracy (Upstate NY)
T could not agree more with Mr. Steyer. I am a Republican, who believes impeachment should be a priority, not a political bargaining chip. Proceedings should start immediately, before further damage is done. The Republicans have been co- opted by right-wing fringe elements that believe that unapologetic race baiting is a political winner. If given enough time, our country will descend into violence. The President will love to see it happen, as he is always "winning" when fighting his liberal enemies. It is time for the Democrats to grow a spine and confront this situation head-on. Our democracy is at stake. It's time for some grown ups to take the wheel and start steering. One thing is perfectly clear: the Republicans won't.
PHL11 (Copenhagen)
Impeaching Trump doesn't defeat Trumpism. Democrats would do better to turn their attention towards representing their constituents, and earning back the trust and respect of the working class that they cast off in order to chase Pharma and Tech money. Trump is a symptom of a deeper sickness. And if Democrat insist on treating the symptom, but not the underlying ailment, then the country will never get better.
wsheridan (Andover, MA)
An impeachment vote in the Democratic House does not accomplish any practical political goals. Rather, an impeachment vote will alienate many of the swing voters that enabled the Democratic Party to re-take control of the House. These swing voters are predominately suburban women. They have voted for the return of responsible government; not a continuation of irresponsible impractical cat fighting between our elected official. The Democratic House can submit a progressive agenda to the Senate for passage, even if the Senate rejects it. The Democratic House can work with the Senate to enact a major infrastructure program. The Democratic House can use its subpoena power to make the Trump Presidency transparent to voters, as well as make Trump accountable for his persistent reprehensible conduct such as his firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. That is responsible governing and effective governing (given the limitations of power that the Democratic House will face).
ridgeguy (No. CA)
I have mixed feeling about impeaching Trump*. On one hand, I doubt there's been a more impeachment-worthy executive in our government, ever. On the other hand (were the Senate to convict)... Pence. To whatever extent that filing articles of impeachment would enable the House to investigate Trump* with full subpoena power, I'm for it. We need to expose Trump's* criminal activities. And we need a backup to Mr. Mueller's office, whose days may be numbered. My vote for a Democratic House's priority list: 1. Drop a legislative tree across the path of anything Trump* or the Republicans try to do. This obstructionism will hurt Americans less than otherwise. 2. Undo whatever you can of the damage already done. Target Republican House members and beggar their districts unless they repudiate Trump*. Some Republican has a big Army base in his district? Well, consolidate it with one that's in the closest blue district. Etc. Make being a Trump* Republican a non-viable choice. 3. Figure out how to increase Democratic turnout in 2020. Talk to the Americans you represent. Tell them how Republican gerrymandering makes their votes worth little or nothing. Convince them you're in this for the long haul and you really need their support. Impeachment or not, good luck. We're counting on you. - And Mr. Steyer, thank you so much for putting your resources in service to our country. (*) - the asterisk? I think Trump's* name should never again appear without it, for so many reasons.
aragon9 (Maine)
Without the votes in the Senate to plausibly achieve a conviction, it would be meaningless political grandstanding to impeach the president. It will simply create a narrative he can use to rouse his base, claiming that he’s being persecuted. An impeachment attempt that cannot possibly end in conviction would be a waste of time and resources.
Jeff Rozany (Manhattan)
If the Dems do not stand up to this president, he will crush them. Simple as that. IF we get a chance to read Meuller's report, and the evidence of collusion/corruption is overwhelming, then there is no choice.
Joe Schmoe (Brooklyn)
@Jeff Rozany: You really are naive if you think that anything in the upcoming Mueller report would be damning toward Donald Trump. Every scrap of highly indirect collusion has been leaked to the media, and anything directly linking Trump to Russian interference in our elections would have been leaked long ago.
Steve (Washington DC)
For a man that is a billionaire Tom sure does not know how to count too well. Can he count to 65? That is the vote total required to convict in the Senate. Not going to happen now is it? You see a Howard Baker among today's GOP? Not me. So going about impeaching Trump is a waste of time and energy and someone like Tom should know this. Or is he after all the dollars just like a teenager wanting the world and wants it now when it is all said and done? We are where we are and sadly the best thing for the country is to beat Trump in 2020 at the ballot. It will be both a cleansing and show while it was an ugly time the country stands and gets stronger. If only Tom could see his attempts are not in the best interests in the long run. I have my doubts his ego would not allow him this but he would not be the first person of wealth who's ego got in the way.
crimhead (Minneapolis MN)
Come on - the Democrats impeaching the president would accomplish nothing, since it would end at the Senate. It would just fire up all the Trump supporters. I am not and have never been a supporter of Trump, but this would be foolhardy, and Mr. Steyer needs to give it a rest.
Surprat (Mumbai India)
I think the media is against the President and want to throw him out at any cost.If Impeachment had been so easy, would the Democrats need any lesson from the Media to impeach the President?All said and done and inspite of what the author said about Mr Trump,are there enough grounds to impeach him?He has majority in the Senate now and even the House where the Democrats have majority after the Midterm poll everyone does not agree to impeach him.Those who dont want this President will have to wait till 2020 because he is already halfway through his term.
richjacq7 (BC Canada)
It's the right move to Impeach him. He needs to face up to being held accountable. Force exposure of his tax returns for public info. like they should have been from the start; only then will folks learn if he has used the Presidency to advance his OWN business interests or not, at the public expense. Obviously, he has a lot to hide or he would have revealed them from the start. Lets see how honest he really is.
Padfoot (Portland, OR)
Impeachment should be reserved for Trump shutting down the Mueller investigation. If he does, a trial in the Senate become the vehicle to reveal all of his crimes, past and present, and link them. It won't matter if he is convicted because he will be done.
Dick Watson (People’s Republic of Boulder)
Tom Steyer. I love this guy. Nonetheless I think impeachment -- j'accuse -- should be delayed until (a) Mueller delivers his findings; or (b) an attempt by the Trump administration to fire Mueller; or (c) a refusal by the administration to respond to a subpoena, eg of tax returns. Either b or c would be direct obstruction of justice.
bounce33 (West Coast)
It would be irresponsible to not wait for Mueller's report. And certainly the House can begin investigations into cabinet members and such. I think it would be a mistake to jump too quickly into impeachment hearings. Gather evidence and information, build alliances and consensus for perhaps eventua impeachment. But the first order of business should not be impeachment.
Global Charm (On the Western Coast)
Impeachment won’t get Trump out of office by 2020. However, gathering evidence and informing the voters very likely will. So yes, a committee to investigate the possibility of impeachment would be useful and timely.
Carole Goldberg (Northern CA)
There is no point in impeaching the guy when the Senate will not convict. It makes far more sense to pursue beneficial legislation and use over sight committees to expose relevant information so that the electorate can see what has been done.
No labels (Philly)
Were the situation reversed, Republicans would be pursuing impeachment vigorously. Just recall Mitch McConnell’s infamous press conference where he claimed; “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” Their strategy was to wound president Obama even if they were in no position to impeach him so that he couldn’t get any of his legislation through and so that he was less likely to win the next election. I abhor the Republican strategy of obstruction over compromise. But with Trump,the stakes are bigger than they were with Obama. It’s not policy that’s at stake, it is the character of our government and country. To save the character of our country, it is imperative that Democrats pursue Trump’s impeachment vigorously. If nothing else, the process will expose Trump’s crimes along with the inexcusable lack of Congressional oversight by Trump’s partisan colleagues.
yves rochette (Quebec,Canada)
@No labels They have to move following the nomination of this unapproved guy as A-G!
Jack (Las Vegas)
Mr. Steyer is a courageous patriot. He is right, and it's our civic duty to support him. March on, all Americans!
Lona (Iowa)
I agree with Tom Steyr that Trump has committed impeachable offenses, but impeachment is only the first step in the process, the criminal indictment as it were. It's critical that articles of impeachment be followed by conviction in the Senate and removal from office. Right now, the Republican controlled Senate wouldn't vote to convict Trump. Senators won't vote to convict until they are convinced that continuing support and enabling of Trump endangers their own reelections.
Michael (Fort Lauderdale)
Rather than impeach the president, perhaps the new congress could be about the business of actually helping the citizenry of our nation. Work together to improve infrastructure, improve healthcare, reduce the disparity of income, and find a reasonable solution to immigration. Be seen as caring for and doing something about the above issues will get a democrat in the White House in 2020.
L'osservatore (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene)
@Michael While socialists like the President's predecessor ruin the economy of poor workers, the blue collar nation is actually seeing wages rising HIGHER today that the executives. Under Trump, workers can pick and choose between employers, and pay is rising. If we could start to get a handle on the immigration system that lets new arrivals go get lost somewhere, workers would REALLY see their value to emplouers jump.
Michael (Fort Lauderdale)
@L'osservatore With all due respect, your post is patently untrue. And by the way, truth matters. And it is being whittled away against by this president. With adjustments for inflation and the rising costs of healthcare (exacerbated by this president and the current congress) worker wages have declined.
wsheridan (Andover, MA)
@L'osservatore The longest economic recovery started under Obama as a result of Obama's economic policies. This is an Obama recovery; not a Trump recovery.
Chris Morris (Idaho)
Tom S, get a clue. We need a successful impeachment, not a failed impeachment. It would take 67 Senators to agree with the impeachment for it to succeed. Those votes are not there and the failure would hand to Trump what he would call the biggest win in history. Let me be frank; That would be a stupid move on the part of the Democrats.
Linda (V)
Make Trump a martyr by impeaching him and watch his minions with their alternate universe fed by Fox, Infowars, Breitbart etc become more powerful and dangerous. Vote him out of office in 2020 and then prosecute him for tax evasion (remember Al Capone). All of his tawdry, illegal dealings would be brought out before an impartial court of law before a jury of his peers - not persecution by Democrats but simple justice.
Ken (MT Vernon, NH)
Where to start. “He has turned the presidency into a moneymaking enterprise for a family business...” Trump, nor any President, is required to sell all of their assets in order to be elected. Rockefellers and Kennedys and various other wealthy folks were not forced to sell everything and put the cash in a drawer because they were elected to something. His involvement in his businesses has been playing golf and eating at them. “He is all but an unindicted co-conspirator...” Meaning after two years of the fake Trump Russia collusion nonsense fairy tale investigation, Mueller has been unable to find anything. It is just the Democrat corruption of our intelligence agencies and our politics that are being unearthed. Until Democrats can say that they were wrong in attacking an honorable man as Judge Kavanaugh with what have turned out to be complete lies, the next hysterical outburst displaying your fake moral outrage will be completely tuned out.
Ruth Sayer (The United States)
Where to start... You quote the article but then offer no factual bases for your objections. Just taglines and regurgitated vitriol. Literally nothing you say is based in fact. This is what is tearing us apart. Please don’t contribute to it. Anyone’s argument is respectable when they give good reason and reasoning.
Ken (MT Vernon, NH)
@Ruth Sayer “All but an unindicted co-conspirator”. Sounds very nefarious, no? What is an unindicted co-conspirator? It is someone that authorities think were involved, but can’t prove it. All but, in this case, means he is not. He is not even a person authorities suspect might have been involved in something. He is just a random innocent guy. Yet it sounds so sinister to the controlled.
The day trump is above the law, is the day all of us are above the law. Maybe that is what the Republican anarchists want - freedom without responsibility. Bargain with a thief? Meet trump half way and he'll take it all away and more. Allow trump to steal an inch and he will steal miles after miles after miles. We need to offer him a deal he cannot refuse - a lifetime in Guantanamo with his grown up complicit kids. The fake president installs a fake AG that is himself a criminal scamster stealing from American inventors - a true shark tank - a crook leading the nation's law enforcement agency? Really? I signed the Need To Impeach at its inception. Thank you Mr. Steyer. It was all too clear the fraudulent illegitimate president had to be impeached ASAP before he damages such a great country. But given that trump did not steal the election alone, the entire administration and two illegitimate SCOTUS justices need to be impeached and trump tried for treason for selling-out his country to foreign foes and weakening our alliances. Lets show him no mercy - like he has the DACA recipients and the caged women and children. When there are too many of them in camps, does trump have a final solution for these captives too, in order to eliminate the evidence of their existence?
DMSartisan (Manhattan)
@PAN Bravo! You grok it!!
J (Denver)
Yes. To all of this...
AutumLeaff (Manhattan)
He won by promising to lock her up. Do you want to go tit for tat? Or do you want to unify this country? Your choice, but a major newspaper advocating this will only keep us divided.
Lawyermom (Washington DC)
@AutumLeaff This is an opinion piece by Mr. Steyer. The Times gave him a forum. It did not advocate for impeachment.
Trista (California)
I can't believe all of the fearful cautions I'm reading among posters here, treading on eggshells so as not to rile Trump's ferocious base or attract his personal ire. Fear of Trump is behind everything he has been able to destroy and distort since his "election." Mr. Steyer is 100% right in aggressively going after this cynical criminal. Trump relies on his fierce punching back and lashing out to defend himself from rational and needed sanctions. He has been going too far for a couple of years now, and I hope the Democrats in Congress find their courage and commitment. Appeasement didn't work well with Hitler. It never works with bullies anyway. Trump wants free rein of our democracy for his selfish and illegal purposes. We either deny him that control or live with his hegemony and its consequences. The irony is that a well-orchestrated and consistent attack is exactly what will cause his malicious facade to crumble and his fair-weather friends to pluck up the nerve to abandon him. He is a phony through and through, and undernath it all, a puling coward.
Tuco (Surfside, FL)
When spoiled billionaires spend $200 million since 2016 to elect Democrats and don't get what they want, you get ridiculous articles like this one. Hey Tom - Unemployment rate is lowest since 1960's. America is in peacetime. Air & water are clean. Be happy!
Margo (Atlanta)
It's surely more than $200 million.
DMSartisan (Manhattan)
@Tuco, Go drink the tap water in Flint, when you get thirsty. Go breathe the air around the thousands of fracking wells. But, be careful, they're all leaking methane, which you can't really sense. If your eyes water or your throat gets sore, wash your eyes out with water from the drinking wells contaminated with 'fracking fluids.' Ease that soreness with that same water. That should give you a nice pimple or two. And don't fund the EPA to hire more inspectors of those sites. That might hurt the bottom line of investment portfolios. Better yet, get rid of the EPA altogether, or at least appoint the fox to guard the hen house. May the best chicken win. That would be the fastest running with the toughest skin and muscle, and the oldest with the most experience. That should be a nice tasty treat. Low unemployment includes the guy or gal who works three jobs at minimum wage, but they're counted as three (3) jobs not one. It's a numbers trick; the oldest in the world. Learn your math. People use 'average' and 'mean' in disingenuous way. If you Tuco make $1,000,000 and I make $2.00, our 'average' income is $500,001! What does that tell me? Nothing of value in the overall scheme of things. You need more data points and you need to look at the 'median' rather than the 'average' or 'mean' to be fair. You say America is in peacetime, but everyone is either talking or fearing a civil war. The Reds against the Blues. Surfside, FL. will soon be Under-the-Surf, FL!
Lawyermom (Washington DC)
@Tuco 2 servicemen died in Afghanistan less than a week ago. I’m sure their families would disagree with about peacetime.
The Poet McTeagle (California)
Mr. Steyer, this isn't helpful.
Frank (Los Gatos,CA)
Impeach him and his vice president now! I had it with the democrats. Where is your anger, your disgust and fear that our country is speeding towards fascism! Start fighting for our democracy! Keep exposing republicans' dereliction of duty in defense of our constitution. Hold all GOP leaders accountable!
Lawyermom (Washington DC)
@Frank It’s a stretch to say Trump should be impeached now (being loathsome and incompetent is not grounds for impeachment.) Unless you know something that no one else does, suggesting that Pence should be impeached is utterly absurd and irresponsible.
M (Seattle)
@Frank Yes! Impeach him now, so he’ll be re-elected in 2020!
Mass independent (New England)
Nancy Pelosi says impeachment is off the table, for George W. Bush, for Donald J. Trump, or for anyone who wants justice and democracy. Can we impeach Nancy Pelosi?
CF (Florida)
This is nonsense. No one wants this.
NYSkip (Marietta)
Impeachment only leaves us with Pence, dangerous zealot. Let him stay and humiliate him with a devastating defeat in 2020. Then indict, prosecute,convict and jail him and his crooked kids.
Lawyermom (Washington DC)
@NYSkip I’ll take the zealot over The criminally insane.
Mixilplix (Santa Monica )
The Civil War never ended. These comments prove that
Raymond L (NYC)
How in the world does the NYT give this billionaire such a megaphone? are their no more deserving voices? How can someone like Steyer, who flooded the airwaves with his greenmail be given a platform like this? I can't imagine the NYT ever giving a platform like this to Sheldon Anderson or the Koch Bro's, Steyer gives up the game in the first paragraph, I've been tormented by my anxiety of cancelling the times, worried that I would miss out on hard balanced reporting, (I'm quite aware that this is an op-ed but who you allow to use and combined with The NYT Ed Board on the record "Resistance" to all things trump would make A true Newspaper Blush, I have a memo for Steyer the purest election in this country is the election of Senator, no districts, no gerrymandering, no electoral college no Dem or Rep machines its simply 1on one to elect 2 senators per state and guess what those pesky lying, racist, GOP'ers managed to increase their Majority, So go right ahead and Impeach Trump, and by all means have Pelosi and Maxine lead the way, The Networks will love it as the ratings will go through the roof but come 2020 Trump will be victorious and watch the Rep retake the house.. I don't speak a a Rep I speak as a democrat who voted for Hilary and my Dem reps this past election but I'm not deluded nor blinded by partisanship, Sadly I can't say the same as my (formerly beloved) NYT
Nick (Los Angeles)
I think the impeach trump idea should wait until after the Mueller (life long Republican and war hero) investigation concludes. But the Senate is heavily slanted toward rural Republican areas....Wyoming gets the same amount of Senators as California with a tiny fraction of the population. that is why Republicans gained in the Senate. if you look at the overall vote, it favored Democrats by around 8% nationally. so you can either believe your own narrative or come to terms with the reality: more people in this country agree with Democrats over Republicans.
1515732 (Wales,wi)
The comments by Tom Steyer are completely unrealistic and a complete waste of the House's time. Simple fact ..you would need a Democratic Senate to hold a trial on Trump and then vote to oust him. What kinda of left wing dogma is being spouted here! This is "news"? What has happened to this paper over the years is really quite shameful.
Steven McCain (New York)
Really isn't this just stoking a fire that can't be lit? I believe an impeachment trial held in the Senate needs 66 votes to convict. A Senate Majority that held up Obama's confirmation of Judge Garland is going to hold a trial to impeach their Great Leader? I have been a Democrat my entire life and I am sad to say that my party needs a big dose of common sense. The impeachment of Bill Clinton caused the rout of The Right in 1998. Do the math and you will realize you are playing Don Quixote. What planet are we living on if we think almost half of The Senate Republicans are going to vote to can 45? The same Senate Republicans who said nothing when 45 sent the 101 Airborne The Screaming Eagles to our southern border to repel the invasion of Brown People. I guess Wednesday morning of this week The Brown Invaders took a time- out.The Kavaungh hearings turned out to be a clown show and now we want to repeat that spectacle? Those who fail to remember are doomed to repeat.
Paul (Washington)
Uh, no. You do realize you need 2/3rds of the Senate, right? So no dog and pony show just to make you happy.
Prairie Populist (Le Sueur, MN)
I signed Tom Steyer's petition to impeach Trump. Why? Because impeachment is the right thing to do. And yes, I know impeachment will never happen, given the diminished state of our political class.
John Brown (Idaho)
The Democrats received about 4.5 % more of the House of Representative Vote than the Republicans. Hardly a mandate. If you want to impeach Trump then you better have everything lined up to make it stick, because if it does not succeed - - then what ?
Prairie Populist (Le Sueur, MN)
@John Brown Old saying: 'If you set out to kill the king, don't miss."
John Brown (Idaho)
@Prairie Populist Suppose the Democrats fail and somehow Trump is re-elected...
Steve (aird country)
Mr. Steyer is also a hedge fund manager who tried to force Arizona utilities to increase the amount of "renewable" energy sold to 50% by 2030. Seems like an nice laudable goal, who could disagree? However, in the fine print of the initiative it said, if the utility could not produce enough acceptable renewable energy on its own, the utility could purchase renewable energy credits from companies that did produce valid forms of renewable energy. Companies funded by, well, hedge funds. A nice little guaranteed market if you can buy your way into it. Too bad for Tom he lost. Beware of hedge fund managers bearing opinions. Ask yourself, how would Tom make money if Trump was impeached? Sounds like a nice short opportunity.
Peter Wolf (New York City)
On the negative side, attempts at impeachment will let Trump play the victim, which he does very well, and along with riling up his base, it may get him some sympathy from others outside his 40-something percent supporters. On the positive side... nothing. According to Wikipedia, "After his impeachment proceedings in 1998 and 1999, Clinton's ratings reached its highest point at 73% approval." At this point, there is no way the Senate would confirm the impeachment by convicting Trump by a two-thirds majority. He would remain president. Speaking as a progressive, what the House Democrats need to do is gather all the information they now, as the majority, can obtain to fully expose Trump's corruption, involvement with Russian interference, financial criminality, etc. If there is ever a time for impeachment it would be only when and if enough Republicans turn on him. But if he were convicted, we would get Pence- similar policies (if Trump can be said to have policies) from a more competent politician, setting Pence up for a good shot at 2020. If Trumps support among Evangelicals is high, imagine Pence's. Besides, I would rather have a crippled Trump than Mike Pence as an opponent.
Leigh (Qc)
From how eager he appears to be disappointed with the Dems though they've yet to move into the House with their new majority to claim their seats and committee chair gavels, Mr Steyer may well be positioning himself as the next billionaire to make a run as a third party candidate - just the thing to ensure Trump remains in office for a second mandate.
Susan (San Francisco)
I appreciate what Tom Steyer has done to mobilize millions and give hope to those who rebuke the tyrannical President and the corrupt, complicit Congress who are dismantling democracy daily. We have a House Blue Wave and new era of leadership there. We owe it ourselves and to them as newly-elected congress people to hear their leadership and wait for their wisdom to take hold. Think this: what would Obama do? What would Ghandi do? What would Lincoln do? Time is on democracy's side for the next two years. We need to have faith that Congress will uphold the Constitution while holding Trump and his GOP Senate accountable.
Sunlight (Chicago)
Incoming House Judiciary Committee Chairman Nadler has said the right things about impeachment. He has proposed careful, impartial, and thorough hearings on the subject. While on the face of it Trump has seemingly committed impeachable offenses, the House must work through a procedure that both Democrats and Independents can see to be fair. If this were 1974, I'd also hold out for a case that would convince Republican loyalists, but those days are long gone. Jumping at impeachment too early would be a gift for Trump. But if a solid case is actually made, the House must impeach no matter how remote the odds of conviction may be. Failure to pursue a serious case against Trump, after taking due care to get the facts, would make an even greater mockery of the Constitution than we already have. Too often the Democrats have backed away from their principles for fear that these principles can't be enacted. The Republicans, on the other hand, fight hard for everything they believe in, lay down markers for the future, and repay the loyalty of their base. In this way the Republicans have accomplished many things that were once considered right wing pipe dreams because they accept short term losses while playing a determined long game.
LM (Durham, Ontario)
There are few readers who could agree with you more in theory....And I admire your efforts greatly, actually, in terms of not pandering to the Democratic tradition of backing down in the face of bullies, injustice, and the illegitamacy of Trump's presidency. But in practice, I do agree with many commentators here; I think impeachment, without fuller grounds and more proof, will only give more meat to Trump's base, will cause more warfare for the next 2 years, and ultimately, won't even come to fruition due to the current makeup of a very corrupt Senate. That's the clincher; the Senate will not authorize the impeachment in the long run, so it would be a lot of energy wasted when the energy might be spent 1. with smaller investigations into ethics violations--that might lead to impeachment in the long run, and poor standing, too for the Republican party and 2. rebuilding and salvaging whatever we possibly can of our tattered, broken democracy and concentrating on initiatives that curb climate change, focus on health care and the well-being of the poor, working class, and middle class and 3. fixing gerrymandering and voter suppression and making voting easy and transparent while finding a champion for the Democratic and Progressive cause that the majority of the nation can be inspired by....With that said, I cannot thank you enough for your incredible passion and truth-telling and commitment to wanting to rid our country of the worst scourge it has endured since slavery....
EMiller (Kingston, NY)
While I agree with you theoretically Mr. Steyer I must say you seem unaware of Washington, DC, dynamics. Republicans now control the robot Senate. A conviction for impeachment is absolutely impossible. Why waste any political capital on an impossible conviction of impeachment? Such a fundamentally ineffectual move would only serve to engage the Republican radical base. Democrats must ensure that the Trump/radical Republican agenda is thwarted until 2020. Democrats must put all their efforts in maintaining this wave of enthusiasm that put the House, some governships and state legislatures in Democratic control. Please put your money where it is most needed. Please stop screaming about a Trump impeachment. Remember Bill Clinton. Otherwise, you may never again have a good night's sleep.
William Ankenbrandt (Chicago)
Mr. Steyer, Thanks for your enthusiasm. But I respectfully disagree. People voted for Democrats for many reasons, including health care and low wages. Districts that went overwhelmingly for Republicans were populated by rural people left out of the post-recession expansion and by religious conservatives. Newly elected Democrats should be advancing legislation favorable to to the core of this nation: middle class and working class Americans and farmers. Listen to the people who are desperate enough to swallow Trump’s snake oil and come up with something more nutritious. Years ago, as banks were being bailed out and underwater homeowners were deemed small enough to fail, I was disappointed that President Obama didn’t give massive tax cuts to the middle class and tax credits to the poor. Money needed to trickle up, not down. What started under W and continued into Obama’s first term was a bailout of capital. It may have been necessary, but it left out too many people, and it was not as efficient as spreading money around. Democrats deserve to have the support of hard working rural Americans. Everything in the next two years should be focused on this. We urban folks - and most ex-urban and suburban people - are already in the bag. My message to my elected representatives is: Focus on governing. Work on better wages and a more stable health system. Remember that for wages to continue to rise, you need growth. So be good to business.
RM (Vermont)
Any party that champions the candidacy of Bob Menendez has no business impeaching anyone.
Eddie B. (Toronto)
Dear Mr. Steyer; I sincerely think that the reason for some Democrats - especially those in the party's leadership - have been tolerant of Mr. Trump's abuse of power is that they like his approach to foreign policy, in particular to Middle East. They are waiting for him to do what they wanted to do in that region during the last administration. But president Obama did not go along with them, as it was politically too costly. Rest assured, after Mr. Trump starts their favorite war in ME, they will start blocking him in every turn. And, they may even use that very war to impeach him.
Nick Metrowsky (Longmont CO)
The Democrats should hold off on impeachment, until there is absolute certainty they can try and convict Trump for "high crimes and misdemeanors". That is, something akin to Nixon. We know that if Nixon did not resigned, he would have been successfully impeached. Trump is already repeating some of Nixon's crimes. For example, obstruction of justice by asking fro Sessions' resignation and appointing an Attorney General who is a Trump ally, without "advice and consent" of the Senate. If the Mueller investigation is shut down, or interfered with, then it is game over fro Trump. So, for Democrats, patience is the key. If the jump the gun, then they will create another Brett Kavanaugh type political mess. So, to act, Democrats consider impeachment when the evidence is such that even Trump supporters start deserting like rats from a sinking ship.
K. Corbin (Detroit)
The first three paragraphs of this opinion could not be more insightful and appropriate. However, I don't support impeachment as a policy. If the facts support it, by all means do it. But, treating impeachment like a referendum is not productive.
Steve (SW Mich)
Instinctively I would agree with impeachment, but like so many have mentioned here, this would be wasteful, for two reasons: the complicit Senate would never approve, and it would just give Trump momentum into 2020. Fight him at every opportunity, hold investigations into his emoluments, his businesses, his cabinet, etc. He'll bury himself, and we still have two years to see any impacts his policies, tarriffs, etc have.
Jorge (Westport)
Dear Tom Steyer and the other super wealthy Democratic Party/Progressive supporters, The most important thing you could do is to purchase/invest in TV and radio stations in rural America because all that people out there hear/watch is right-wing propaganda being spewed out 24/7. Be creative and make alternatives they might listen/watch that would be entertaining and carry a left-leaning message that is nowhere to be heard in those empty red landscapes. Sure there is NPR but that is "balanced" and SNL but that is just "humor" that glorifies the right-wingers it mocks. Look at Sinclair Broadcast Group--it owns hundreds of TV stations in rural areas and demands a right-wing message making its commentators read scripted propaganda. And then Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, et al are all that's on the radio. That's all they hear so they think that's reality. Yes, there was Air America--really good but needed money to survive. Use your money to subsidize media that gives an alternative message that may influence and sway some minds. Unfortunately, many of those rural minds embrace the right wing media and cannot understand the nuance or humor that comes with thoughtful commentary. But we have to get that message out there anyway and you and others with the resources can underwrite a long-term media plan that shows rural people that there are points of view, a.k.a."reality," that is never on their radios or Sinclair-owned TV stations.
leo LaBranche (port Townsend, wa)
@Jorge Yes! This could begin the changing of America. I submit it would also be the best use of the megaphone (now held by no one) to gently remind those red-staters that there is something besides what they hear which purports itself to be true and patriotic which is in my view totally false and damaging. Maybe a non-profit media group paid for by those who would throw there support behind a lost impeachment. BTW frump needs something much worse then impeachment. He deserves the penalties for treason. Thank you
Jon (San Carlos, CA)
Yes. Do what’s right. Insist on following the law. The politics will tend to follow.
sedanchair (Seattle)
Mr. Steyer, I actually agree with you. What I don't agree with is that you are the messenger, given a platform because of your wealth.
Kenan Porobic (Charlotte, NC)
Shouldn't the Democrats hold the Democratic Party accountable? Before the Democrats grabbed the control of the White House and the Congress in 2008, Donald Trump wasn't even close to the politics. Everything change during their eight years in power. Trump didn't push America right but the Democratic Party! They widely opened the doors for him. Only after they started focusing on the fringe issues they lost the heartland of America!
Anna (NY)
@Kenan Porobic: You have obviously not read the 2016 Democratic Platform.
Kenan Porobic (Charlotte, NC)
@Anna I haven't and you shouldn't believe their empty promises either. You should be making YOUR decisions based on their actions over the last quarter of century. However, if you acted in that way you wouldn't be either a Democrat or a Republican.
Mixilplix (Santa Monica )
We'll try. But thanks to Millenials shrugging and not voting and Latinos barely there, we have headwinds
R Nathan (NY)
Sorry, I am a moderate to liberal but this statement is as cringing as insinuations during the Obama years - a Kenyan by birth etc-, and is not bringing people of the USA together. Get off these extreme statements, it is not even practical as DJT will not be convicted in the Senate. It is a waste of time, resource and country's energy. This idea will certainly keep WH, Congress and all the gains in States for the Republicans in 2020.
E (Seattle)
Unlike a lot of people commenting here, I have come to the conclusion that House should go ahead and draft articles of his impeachment against Mr. Trump. However, there should only be one charge, and it should only be used to make a critically important point to and about a certain group of people. The single charge should be this: Intentional, compulsive and pernicious lying to defenseless children. For all the despicable and criminal acts by this man using the office of the President, the most damaging is the lesson that could be taken away by our school-age kids, i.e., that you can lie, cheat, mislead, deceive, defraud, prevaricate, totally make stuff up, etc., and there are no consequences. What parent wants their kid to be taught that? The man is child; he needs to be disciplined. Draw up the articles and send them to him on Twitter so that he will fully realize -- via the only mode he seems to understand -- that the adults are watching and they are seriously concerned.
Doug (Queens, NY)
As much as I despise Donnie Boy Trump, there's little point in impeaching him as the Republican-held Senate will never convict him and remove him from office. So he'll remain President. Secondly, even if the impossible happened and he was removed from office, we'd wind up the Mike Pence, whose arguably worse. So the best bet, in my opinion, will be to block any onerous legislation that Trump wants passed until he's removed from office by the 2020 election.
DMS (San Diego)
If there is no impeachment, there will be a strong viable 3rd party in America.
M (Seattle)
@DMS That’s a win-win for Republicans! Go for it.
Rex Daley (NY)
Nah. I detest Trump but let’s wait for Mueller’s report to see if there are truly impeachable crimes. Don’t want to impeach Trump just to face a strengthened Pence in 2020.
Shp (Baltimore)
This is just a waste of time and the wrong issue. All the money and effort should be focused on creating term limits. The only representatives that tell the truth are those who are leaving, and not seeking re election. All the congressmen and senators only care about being re elected. Create a movement for a constitutional ammendment to create term limits... 10 years for congressman, 12 years for senate...
ubique (NY)
Thanks, Tom Steyer. Your television commercials obviously didn't make your agenda clear enough. Who would have imagined that billionaires are quite fond of their places as ultra-high net worth individuals? Democrats need to do their jobs. If that means impeachment proceedings, they can figure out their way over that bridge when they come to it.
Concerned Valley Denizen (CA)
No, Tom, that is not what they won on. They largely won on healthcare and issues important to their districts. These are the facts. We (thoughtful progressives) have had enough of your antics. What do you intend to do with all of those email addresses you collected in you "impeachment petition" drives? Your own run for president? The most inspiring campaigns across the country refused PAC money and outside spending. Beto & Lauren Underwood to name a few. We don't need our own version of Charles Koch. Work on policy, Tom. Work on a climate dashboard by country by state that spreads the real facts and trends on climate change. Stop acting like a pseudo pundit/populist and do something that matters.
Avalanche (New Orleans)
Yes. of course, Trump must be impeached. Why? Trump must be impeached to maintain the spiritual morality of the nation. In ancient days, nations were not brought to righteousness until the ruler's blood was sacrificed. I believe that to be true to this very day. Impeach, charge, try, convict and hang on the National Mall. Trump is a traitor to this nation and a traitor to our values -- a traitor to our Constitution.
Red Sox, '04, '07, '13, ‘18 (Boston)
Mr. Steyer, I think you have it backwards. No American citizen dislikes this loathesome man more than I do. But the Tuesday night vote will send people to Washington to provide the oversight on this out-of-control roller coaster, armed with checks and balances that have been conspicuously lacking since he took office. Donald Trump needs to be watched, not turned out of office. We’ll do that in 2020. I hope. Anyway, if you consider this Senate, which added even more hardcore right wing members Tuesday night, how can you expect the upper chamber, even if he were caught with a smoking gun in hand, fingerprints and all, a corpse on Fifth Avenue, to convict him? This Senate would let him walk. Period, and so much for the Right’s respect for law. No; let the fool stay in office where he can be watched—like he isn’t being watched now. You see, if the new Democratic majority in the House makes impeachment its only priority, the awful tactic will backfire and ensure his re-election. Please think about that. His voting bloc will consider that their choice in 2016–like him or not—was hounded and badgered. Their backlash in 2020 will be a tsunami. Let this awful president trip himself up; or, better yet, allow Robert Mueller’s investigation be allowed to continue. “Steady as she goes,” as they say at sea. And we’re at sea with this madman.
Dick (New Hampshire)
No,No, No! To go it alone without any Republican support is self-abuse! It will just continue the internecine warfare and earn liberals a reputation for craziness! Forget the impeachment, and the tax report. Wait until there is some support for something across the aisle. And it may not happen. That's ok. Concentrate on moving ahead!!!
Peter Klein (Naples, FL)
NOT surprised to see what Tom's BIG $ did for Arizona energy vote + Beto, etc.. A House focus on DT or Kavanaugh impeachment plays right into DT's hands, alienates more voters & assures a DT 2nd term. Sends big-time torpedo to Independent voters: 'Dem Party furthered partisanship! When in a hole, stop digging!" Pelosi between rock & hard place for 2 years; 2 options: 1. Continues to lead (with Schumer) the Dem's House members down the anti-DT road like last 21 months; fighting everything, starting up 3-115 investigations, etc.; so, playing into DT's hand for next election; he runs on: (a) his 1st 2 years results across economy & jobs (+ 1-2 other things), and (b) that Dem-controlled House stopped everything, feeding continued partisanship banter big-time ...OR 2. Picks 3-5 areas where they work with Rep's in House to get stuff done; maybe not huge things but evidencing the 'new' bi-partisanship + placating newly elected Dem House reps (not mired in DSC politics of DC)... maybe 1-2 small investigations to keep old-line DC meat-eating folks happy, but not big ones that go on for 3-5+ years + postures Dem Party as the 'good guys who get stuff done'... but: (a) she totally breaks alienates Schumer, who will continue to rant anti-DT daily, and (b) she feeds into a DT alternative strategy by allowing him to say "...look at all the stuff we got done in 4 years, the results, with co-operation of the Dem's in the House , why would voters want to change a good thing?"
jpmcdonough (Oceanside, CA)
Tom, can you count? You need another 20 Senators or impeachment is just another exercise in frustration.
RFSJ (Bloomfield, NJ)
The day the House passes one or more articles of impeachment is the day that Donald Trump is guaranteed victory in 2020.
Alabama (Democrat)
Pelosi is standing in the way of impeachment. That is why she needs to be removed.
M (Seattle)
@Alabama Good luck w that. She’s been bought.
Sheldon (Sitka)
Work on governing. Let Trump impeach himself.
Karen (pa)
All liberals think Trump should be impeached for Making America Great Again. He's doing a great job and I plan on voting for him again in 2020! Democrats who want to open investigations and impeachment proceedings do this because they are devoid of any strategy for bringing prosperity to this country. They'll spend millions and millions of dollars, waste precious time and lose the House in the next election. Oh and they'll take up the mantle for illegal aliens and ignore their own constituency.
M (Seattle)
@Karen Right on!
Steph (Phoenix)
@Karen Don't forget, they'll push hard for the 30k gender confused as well.
C. Spearman (Memphis)
So many of these comments are so well said.
Richard Mitchell-Lowe (New Zealand)
The Democrats need to play a much more strategic game and stop taking their fly swats to a gun fight. The number one issue is to tackle Republican gerrymandering head on at a constitutional, federal and state level. The second issue is to connect with the elements of the Trump base that used to vote Democrat but whom Trump stole. Clinton’s fatal words still resonate half a world away .... the jobs are gone and they are not coming back and Trump voters are deplorables. These defeatist tone deaf comments fail to understand the essence of people. They want hope for their future and they respond to engaged leadership that lifts them towards a hoped for future that is not dominated by Communist China. All Trump did is tell these people lies and offer them someone to blame in the shape of immigrants and then connected immigration with terrorism and the profound clash of cultures that exists between the West and Islam. It’s a play book right out of German National Socialism. It is not leadership for the modern age but people have not changed - they are still as gullible now as in the 1930s and the tools for mass manipulation are now much more sophisticated. The Democrats now have two years to drag Trump and his acolytes across the hot coals of “on the record accountability” and present a real legislative program that serves the common good and which seeks to amend the Constitution to prevent abuse of executive power. Meantime, China is rolling out its 10 and 20 year plans ....
Lawyermom (Washington DC)
@Richard Mitchell-Lowe Given your attitude about the House, I hope you are never on a grand jury. It’s not a strategic game.
James Griffin (Santa Barbara)
The man has no good character traits; I'm in total agreement. Starting impeachment proceeding is a HUGE mistake in my opinion. Spend two years pushing progressive policies, strengthen grassroot involvement, tally up the daily lies but never confront him, ignore him. He's toast in two years time, don't waste those years tilling against windmills. Don't forget what grandma said, "when you wrestle with pigs you end up with pig poo all over you." There is more than one way of making bacon.
otto (rust belt)
No, the Democratic party should be out asking the voters what they want, what they need. The Democratic party should be absolutely transparent in their dealings with the big banks, big donors, big anything. They should propose that they go on social security like most Americans. Close the spas, and gyms, and lunchrooms. Let 'em brown bag, like so many of us do. Show us you are one of us! That will get you votes. That will make America Great again.
Patricia (Ct)
Don’t waste our time trying to impeach him. Instead flood him with bills to help the American middle class. Here is s short list. 1 Scrap the Social Security cap—make the rich pay their fair share 2 Medicare for all — or at the very least start lowering the age at which one can apply 3 Repeal and replace the horrible tax bill with something that makes the rich pay their fair share 4 Make prescription drugs as affordable as they are in Europe and Canada 5 an infrastructure bill — anything at this point is desperately needed 6 Bills to deal with Climate Change. This alone could be dozens of smaller bills 7 Background checks for gun purchases Just keep sending them. Avoid immigration, abortion. Stick with bills you know most of America want.
DMSartisan (Manhattan)
@Patricia, Nice sentiments. The House can do that all be itself? I thought the Senate has a say in all this. Oh, BTW, the GOP just got 3 more seats at the circus. That was this past Tuesday FYI.
Aristotle Gluteus Maximus (Louisiana)
No doubt you were among the many people who were calling for his impeachment the very same day he was inaugurated into office, before he had any chance to commit a crime for which he could be impeached. It is you who is corrupting this government and abusing the Constitution.
Patrick (San Francisco, CA)
Don't overreach the weak Democrats say...let's tolerate another couple of years of democracy destroying lawlessness and hatred erupting from America's White House. Trump should have been arrested before the election based on the evidence available in the public domain.
ACP (Maine)
Not holding my breath.
Nora (New England)
I completely agree.What has trying to understand the trump supporters,giving trump a chance,taking the high road, achieved for the Democrats,or more importantly achieved for our country.Nixon and Watergate looks like small potatoes,compared to this King wannabe,complete with his court of sycophants,and disreputable children.Making money is the most important thing to all of them,dam the environment,public schools,fair voting,well dam the majority of Americans.Time to take a stand,and fight!
mikepsr1 (Massachusetts)
I believe it was Shakespeare ho said, "If you strike at a king you must kill him." It is highly unlikely that this Senate would find him guilty unless there was absolute proof of his wrongdoing. Impeachment, without conviction and removal from office would only serve to strengthen his hold on government.
Rodrian Roadeye (Pottsville,PA)
They don't have to impeach. Trump lies and gets away with it. Though he does try to keep his promises to his base. The Democrats need to concentrate on infrastructure, healthcare, and immigration. If they can do that they deserve to be re elected in the future. You can criticize Trump all you want but he is probably the most active President in History as far as trying to get things done even if we don't agree with them. More so than any Democrat or Republican Congress that just wastes their time on Partisanship moves to block each other. Which we all suffer for. Now we have given Dems a chance to accomplish something. Not waste their time on retaliation.
Dargent (Chicago, Il)
@Rodrian Roadeye "he is probably the most active President in History as far as trying to get things done"...this statement is ludicrous. trump has accomplished nothing legislatively save the tax bill, and that was written by and for billionaires. "in History?" Really? I highly doubt Jefferson or FDR are feeling threatened. Disgusted, perhaps. Oh, and history is not a formal noun.
Rodrian Roadeye (Pottsville,PA)
@DargentTrump does try something just about everyday and has certainly failed a lot but he is very active in attempting things. You missed my point completely. Oh and thanks for correcting my English mistake. I hope English is a formal noun in my usage.
michael (sarasota)
We need a well-known staunch right-wing conservative to come out and publicly declare to all he is FOR strong family values, fiscal responsibility in local, state, and federal government,equatable taxation, universal affordable healthcare, a strong military, reasonable and highly enforced gun laws, freedom from fear, freedom from hate, freedom from want. This rich well-known conservative then spends his millions and proclaims a la Tom Steyer, that Trump must be impeached and this conservative will therefore vote his conscience, Democratic.
Debbie (Santa Cruz, CA)
Well done! Finally a voice of reason! Please Dems- DO YOUR JOBS!!
jbk (boston)
Impeach now. No accountability equals no justice. Right now, there is no justice in the land. Impeach now.
Vexations (New Orleans, LA)
A GOP-controlled Senate would never convict Trump, even if he stood in the middle of 5th Avenue and shot somebody.
SherpaCato (Virginia )
Like many folks on the liberal side, Mr. Steyer forgets that the U.S. Senate exists, has a majority oil f Republicans, & is controlled by the malevolent Mitch McConnell. Impeachment itself does nothing to remove Trump from office. A failed, impotent impeachment would leave Trump more powerful.
jb (Brooklyn)
Why are you, the NYTimes giving this billionaire a voice? That is the last thing we need. Even though I agree with him, another billionaire is the very last thing we need.
ubique (NY)
Equal justice under the law? How obnoxiously pretentious. The Democrats who have been elected to the House of Representatives have a perfectly capable leader, who has a bit more experience at this kind of thing than Tom Steyer.
john palmer (nyc)
I thought only republicans had american oligarchs involved in their business. This rich fool thinks he can buy what he wants. Trump is terrible, we know that. What evidence is there for impeachment? Emoluments? Because after every room rental profit that trickles down to him to makes 20 cents ? Because there is actual proof that he colluded? Just be honest. It's because you hate him. You hate the fact that your chosen candidate, Hilary "it's my turn" Clinton was trounced by him, having won the only way a president can win, by getting more electoral college votes.
Tonjo (Florida)
Why waster time with impeachment when the senate is under the control of republicans that will not convict.
Freebeau (Minneapolis, MN)
So, are going to impeach the president in the House multiple times and get nothing done?
Jay U (Sarasota FL)
Mr Steyer, based on your plan, you should have titled your piece “How to Galvanize Trump and Republicans and Guarantee Another Four Years in 2020”
John Doe (Johnstown)
What Steyer’s billboards lack is a big bosomed woman in a low cut top, I hate to tell him. I can tell the man’s not really serious about this.
susan mccall (old lyme ct.)
Mr.Steyer...you have a big voice.Please use it to get someone,ANYONE to fire Whitaker.He does not have senate approval to be deputy AG and is there illegally.
Ari Weitzner (Nyc)
God I hope they impeach. Impeach him for what, by the way?? For being obnoxious? When mueller found no collusion as of yet after more than a year, and not one single leak? Not one! Impeach him anyway? Why wait for mueller, right? Just impeach him anyway, for MAYBE he colluded? That’s good enough, right? Or, impeach for firing Comey...when every Democrat ALSO called for his firing....before Hillary lost? Sigh. You have to be biggest, stupidest hack to think that impeaching Trump is smart or even has any merit under the law.
SCZ (Indpls)
@Ari Weitzner Come on. YOU don't know what Mueller has found. His office is the only one in DC that doesn't leak. That's a tribute to Mueller. Trump can scream no collusion all he wants, but what really makes him crazy is that he doesn't know what Mueller knows BUT - Trump knows there's a lot of dirt to find on him. No one has ever acted guiltier than Trump. If he isn't hiding a number of things, why is he hopping around like a cat on a hot tin roof? He needs Hannity, Pirro, and three rallies a day just to make it through each 24 hours. If he can't get that fake love, that applause and boot-licking, that blame everyone else but Trump refrain, Trump is on the ledge.
Mike (Annapolis, MD)
I agree wholeheartedly that the Democrats should impeach, however the Democrats don't control the Senate so they can't finish the deal. Much better to obstruct everything, and hold non stop investigations, air all of this joke of an administration's dirty laundry, early and often, start your own Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube channel with the dirtiest highlights from the day. Provide the facts for the 'Angry Left', so we can stay energized, and bring protests with the facts to the Trumpublicans and their Trumpublican Representatives. We need facts for the political ads for 2020 campaign. And most importantly to let the world know that we won't let this country become a fascist oligarchy without a fight.
David (Brisbane)
Impeach? Accountable? For what? Or mere hatred is enough?
Phillip (New York)
How is impeaching one individual going to solve the devisevness and anger we see across the nation. President Trump is not the problem we the people are the problem. He is a symptom of a large group of Americans that believe that they no longer have a voice. Do I agree with them? No I don’t but I do understand that you cannot ignore or attack them and expect to solve the real problem. Like them or not they are not going away and they will continue to fight as long as we choose to wage war against them. Let us be agents of unification and reach across the political abyss and find common ground.
Bill (Charlottesville, VA)
Congress will hold Trump accountable by collecting evidence against him and making it available to state prosecutors when Trump gets shown the door in 2020. They'll hold Republicans accountable by not impeaching Trump and making sure the next Democratic candidate runs against the most beatable Republican candidate possible. Also by not letting Hillary anywhere near a candidacy application form.
Joe (Detroit)
Impeaching Trump is a waste of political capital. Democratic strategy needs to look forward at the 2020 elections; impeachment proceedings have little likelihood of success given the Republicans conscious avoidance of Trump's ethical failings and general idiocy.
Gordon (Baltimore)
Trump will not be impeached. This ad campaign is a waste of time and money. He needs to be forced to resign. If enough people support his resignation, he can be forced out of office by the people for not upholding the Constitution which he is sworn to do.