
Oct 23, 2018 · 27 comments
Tyler Powell (Hoggard HS, Wilmington, NC)
The rollercoaster that is my life has been the journey that has brought me so many amazing memories. Only being a 15 year old kid, I really haven’t experienced much of the world as others might have. Although, it's the experiences that have occured that have created my journey. Snowboarding in the mountains of Key Stone, Colorado. A 3 day cruise to the Bahamas, and other amazing adventures across the Eastern states. My journey has not even really begun though, and there will be so many things to make my journey special. My family and best friends will be the ones to create those memories that will always be cherished.
Jean Kern (Eugene, Oregon)
I've been on many trips but only one journey; life! My journey has taken me through 49 states, addresses in 6; five continents, addresses in Germany and Cabo Verde (West Africa); 27,238 days of daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, educator, motivator, volunteer, leader roles imbued with sweet, bitter-sweet love, learning and loss adventures becoming personal wisdoms. And now very day's journey begins with the accomplishment/adventure of getting out of bed. Travel safe; journey well!
Mikhaela (Providence)
I love adventures and exploring new places because it gives me a sense of new found freedom. I’ve traveled to many places by car, but the most memorable journey I’ve taken so far would be the one I took in the summer of 2017. Every two years my church goes to these conferences, called NAYC, and the location changes for every conference. Last year we drove down to Indianapolis, IN., and the 13-hour trip turned into nearly three days. We started the trip with a surprise stop at Hershey Park and a shopping plaza. When we got to Indianapolis we stood in a really big mansion which the owners had rented out to us. It was an interesting experience because for me it was the biggest house I've ever lived in..before that I've only been in a regular two-story house. This 'house' had a pool room, a huge game room (with mad games), a home theatre, a huge pool... and I could go on!! It was honestly the coolest place I've ever been to... The whole trip was full of weird but memorable memories. For instance, one of my friends was so shocked to see that Walmart had a gas station and I was confused because it’s nothing new to me. I told her it's like stop-n-shop. I’ve never even heard of stop-n-shop until I moved to Providence. But honestly, that’s why I love traveling because you see new things and you learn more about what you thought you already knew…. I also like traveling without my parents because I can pig out on fast food :)
Gabrielle Sherrick (Danvers, MA)
A journey can be very challenging for a person. There are the journeys we have to take and the ones we want to. One of the hardest journeys for me to take was a cross country race two hours away from home. The journey started with waking up at 5 am to get ready and catch the bus at the school on a bitter Saturday morning. The drive on the bus was the next part. It was still pitch black outside meaning of course we should all be asleep, yet the bus seemed to have found every pothole on the road. The pouring rain outside made it hard to determine the time, as the bus finally rolled in to the parking lot for the course. We all stepped out bundled in blankets and scuffed out tired bodies across the wet gravel. We then warmed up and the real nerves of the race kicked in as we lined up at the start with about 150 other girls. The real journey began here. The course was slippery, with parts where you found yourself ankle deep in mud. Then running up a mile hill with gravel and mud in the still pouring rain. It made me and many others want to quit right then and there. Some people did, however i found my legs still moving. Running is a whole journey in itself that doesn't get a lot of credit. It's a mind game as well as a physical one.You have to fight your brain that's telling you your body hurts, you want to quit, you need to stop. At the end of this race after sprinting across the finish, I found it had made me stronger, and prepared me for the running journeys to come.
Ethan K. (Guilderland High School)
I personally don't like vacations or exploring but the most memorable trip for me was going to Hawaii. When my parents told me the news that we were going to Hawaii I was not excited at all and honestly thought that I was gonna hate it but when I got there I was really surprised about how beautiful it was. It was so cool to learn about the hawaiian culture.
Carli R. (Guilderland High School)
My long dark hair blew back as the wind picked up. The weather was beautiful, the air just cool enough and the sun just warm enough. The sun shined so bright it was as if my sunglasses has stopped working. The sound of excited children zipped past and the water splashing against the side of the ferry left me calm. My journey to Martha's Vineyard was an unforgettable trip.
Makayla M (Guilderland Highschool)
I love to explore, when I go somewhere I’m always looking at new things that I see and I’m always wandering off just to go look at new things, like the time I went to a park that I never went to before I ended wandering off and just going into the woods to see things that I never seen before and everytime I go to a new place when I travel I always look at my surroundings and maybe get some new pictures. I went to New Hampshire with my sister 2 summers ago and I had never went before so everywhere we went I was just exploring and looking around and taking new pictures but also I like to take the time to enjoy the new surroundings around me and I just doze off look around me and see what I can see that I’ve never seen before.
Gavin S (Guilderland High School)
I love to explore because every journey that I go on is a different experience even if you go on the same hike the journey is always different. My most memorable hike would have to be going on crane mountain because it has 2 stops, 1 is the lake near the top and the 2nd is the top. The lake at night is so beautiful because the stars glowing off the surface looked like magic and the top had the best view I have seen in a long time and a few times clouds would go through the other peaks near by.
Julia A (Guilderland HS )
I love to explore places. However, today I’m going to be talking about the time I thought I was going to die. It was a sunny afternoon in Philadelphia and me and my family packed up and went to an airport to go all the way to Florida. We gave our tickets and entered the cold plane. We put our suitcases up and sat in our seats patiently, after 10 minutes the pilot said something on the lines of “sorry we’re having technical issues, please wait.” At first, we heard a few groans but everyone else including me and my family was patient. The pilot repeated this over and over again for what felt like hours till finally the plane was ready to take off. While in the plane, I got a bad feeling, I ignored it thinking it was my nerves trying to get the best of me. However, soon I realized I wasn’t wrong. We were going to Tampa, but because of the weather we couldn’t land there, so the pilot tried to go to Orlando, but the weather reached Orlando too, so we couldn’t go there as well. Thunderstorms and rain was evident through the small windows. I started panicking, my throat started closing up, and then the pilot said “We’re low on gas….”
Kailee Kanawada (Guilderland High School)
I love to explore when I feel like it. I’ve been to this wonderful pool, that was a natural spring. It was beautiful, and the waterfalls were very pretty. We were able to sit under the waterfalls on a small, natural rock platform, and bathe in the waterfall. There was a very high diving board, that was so much fun to jump off of. Me and my brother explored the deep and shallow waters of this pool, we ate a very good lunch, and we had a great time.
Molly D (Guilderland High School)
I love to explore and go outdoors. Exploring to me is a great way to get my mind of of everything. I don't know what i’d do if I never got to go on bike rides or just walk outside in the woods. I love going on bike rides at night. The sun set is very calming, i'm listening to music on my speaker and just relaxing and thinking. My thoughts get so relaxed and I think about everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. I really love the calm cold air and the way it feels when im just gliding over the road.
Angelina Mannarino (Guilderland New York)
I love exploring, not only in Albany but worldwide as well. My favorite thing to do is notice my surroundings when I travel by car, plane, or bus. I do this so I have the opportunity to open my eyes a little bigger.
Camden (Guilderland High School)
One of the greatest adventures I have been on is a hike in Lake Placid. In the fall time my family and I took a hike on a trail, all the nature we observed was really peaceful.
KC AGHANENU (Guilderland High School)
I've never been on any soul changing journeys, it's not something that's ever been really important to me. I not sure if it is because I'm a recluse or boring i just don't enjoy them
Nicaya-Isabella Rios (Guilderland High School)
I like to travel and unearth things seen only by those who need it in the path of their life.
Donald (Guilderland high school)
I drove to Canada and we saw niagara falls and road a boat and got to walk up some of the falls.
Kevin G (Guilderland High School)
My most favorite and coolest place I have explored is my camp in Upstate NY in the Adirondacks. My property is about 200 acres and everytime I go up there with my family we explore and try to find new places and trails on foot and with 4-wheelers.
Nic (Ny)
My favorite trip not by plane was to Asheville, North Carolina. There were several stops on the way down, and I was able to go to new states like Tennessee and North Carolina, and being to see what each state had to offer was refreshing and unique.
Harrison D. (Guilderland High School)
I do like to explore, I explore everywhere I go. I just start wondering some times. Especially on vacations i like to explore because when i'm leaving the state or even the country to some place i've never been before, I like to look around. I even like to explore in the grocery store.
Amelia LaDeaux (Guilderland High School)
The littlest details are things I can’t forget. I remember seeing the fish dart away anytime you got near them and the waves crashing into everything, it was beautiful. It made me really truly love the water; it’s the only place I want to be and I wish I could go back. I’d do everything, I’d play volleyball with strangers on a beach and run around the boat with people I’d just met. It makes you feel like people you’ve only known for a week have been your friends your entire life. You learn to appreciate people and the world. It’s amazing how much you can see in a short amount of time if you really look around. Seeing the ocean late at night with the lights of the boat illuminating it underneath the surface is truly insane.
Christian DeStefano (Albany NY 12203)
i would grab all my friends who lived there at the time and we would set off into the woods and 1 day we discovered a little river with a lot of turtles
Roman (Guilderland High School)
It was a whole abandoned jungle with no one around. the soft sand and palm tree leaves covered the ground and coconuts were scattered everywhere. As looked deeper beyond the jungle setting there were dunes that seemed to last forever almost looking fake like it belongs in Never Land.
Alison Mesick (Guilderland NY)
The most interesting trip I have taken has been to Tampa Florida. We travel all along the country side and look at cows and horses. I love the scenery and great vibes all around.
Jake E (Guilderland)
My trip to Charleston was the most exciting thing I've done in recent times. I got to see many different aspects of the area, and even though it is in the same country, and even the same coast, the culture is much different compared to the North.
Joseph B. (Guilderland High School)
I personally love to explore and go on adventures as much as I can. My favorite or most memorable trip is probably when I went to Niagara falls. Surprisingly out of all the vacations that I have gone, visiting Niagara falls was the best because it was so cool visiting parks in the area and walking around and touristing the falls and seeing how amazing they are. Also as a young kid it was a big deal going out of the country because it was my first time. Even though we only went to the canadian side of the falls and only a mile or so over the border it was still an amazing experience to see one of nature's finest gifts.
Gwen E. (Guilderland High School)
I stare out the spotted window and see the sunrise slowly creep up over the trees, the golden hair dog next to me jumping up, hair flying, everytime we stop at a stop light.
Cody Weimer (Guilderland High School)
The most interesting trip I've been on was probably my trip with my parents between Lake Placid and Potsdam. We were heading to Potsdam for a play that my sibling was a part of at their college and on the way, we stopped by Lake Placid. We looked around a few shops, had a nice lunch, and even looked around a museum that talked about the winter Olympics that was held in Lake Placid years ago. Once we were done looking around, we were back on the road and some of the views of the hills, mountains, and lakes were amazing. Finally, we were in Potsdam. We had time before the show, so we walked through the park, looked into a few more shops and stores and stopped for dinner at a nice Italian restaurant called Sergi's. Eventually, it was 7 pm and we were inside the theater at my siblings college, watching one-act plays. This was probably one of my favorite trips and likely one of the most interesting to me.