Trump Sees ‘Very Scary Time’ for Men in the #MeToo Era

Oct 02, 2018 · 611 comments
Snake6390 (Northern CA)
I briefly dated a woman that told me she was "raped" and the man was never charged after complaints were filed with the police because of his citizenship status. When I finally heard the story after about a month of dating it basically sounded like sloppy (very) drunken consenual (admitted by woman) sex with some unwanted backdoor play after regular intercourse. While that may be inappopriate or even illegal it's not rape. I broke up with this lady very soon after as she showed major signs of emotional instability. The point here is there may be some "grey area" in the law for not so cut and dry date-rape cases. Men and women who are drinking heavily should be extremely careful to not get in a situation where they find themselves violated or breaking the law. Most likely Kavenaugh like many college students was partaking in heavy drinking fiascos where this "grey area" was reached on a few occasions. Men also need to be careful to probably ask the first time if they want to "have sex" when it's getting close to the act. False rape accusations are nowhere near zero, and even a mere false accusation can derail their professional academic and personal lives so it's recommended men stay as far away from "grey area" zones as possible.
Richard Grayson (Brooklyn)
The mocking of Dr. Blasey is perhaps the most disgusting thing Donald Trump has done at his rallies. But look at the disgusting comments here. What has become of our country? All of you Trump supporters are a million times deplorable than Hillary Clinton said you were. At long last, there is no decency left in the U.S.
Marian (New York, NY)
Cringe-inducing & dumb display by Trump. Undercut case against Ford laid out in Rachel Mitchell's original, unredacted, unedited memorandum: Memo devastating. Includes Ford's inconsistencies, lack of evidence, problems w/ lawyers, legislators, other indicia of trauma, memory past/present, a timeline. In short, Mitchell explains why Ford is not credible. This is why we must see the therapy notes. Ford testified she doesn’t recall if she showed them to WaPo. WaPo says it had them. Ford’s lawyers refuse to hand over the notes. Memory isn’t like playing a movie from a dvd: the process is one of reconstruction, which means recursive editing. This means that memory—over time—is exponentially contaminated. Reliability of a memory factoid varies inversely w/ length of time from event to entry in narrative. Reliability of memories of sexual abuse exposed to psychotherapy: Peer-reviewed studies have induced false memories in as many as 25% of subjects tested & 50% if partial recall is included. Commonly used psychotherapeutic regimes—guided abuse-related imagery, dream interpretation, hypnosis, confronting w/ memories of others—notorious for inducing false memories. Regimes causing false memories extensively discussed (Brainerd & Reyna 2005, Loftus & Ketcham 1994, McNally 2003a,b) FBI must ask Ford if any of these regimes were used in her therapy/must demand all therapy notes/medical records
Barbara (SC)
Every time I think Trump has gone as low as he can, he goes even lower. In what sort of society is it okay to mock a woman who was clearly assaulted? It is normal for victims of sexual assault--and other assaults--to forget some parts of the event, yet Trump finds it fodder for his campaign-style rallies and worse, people laughed at his mockery just as they did when he mocked a disabled reporter. Shame on Trump, though obviously he feels no shame. I can't wait until we take our country back from him and his cronies.
angel98 (nyc)
It's par for the cause for Trump, it's really all about him, again! He is setting the scene, defending himself to the mob in preparation for when the 19 sexual abuse allegations against him catch up with him. The scary time for "young" men, is really a scary time for this old man.
Hortencia (Charlottesville)
In one minute Trump is this, in the next he’s that. This very sick man will say ANYTHING to hear the crowd roar. It’s his drug of choice.
Eck Friauf (Germany)
When I talk with fellow scientists in Europe, most laugh at the situation in the US. This is the greatest country in the world? The most sophisticated, most advanced culture? The hassle reminds us of the panem and circenses sceario in the 1st century AD: decry the selfishness of common people and their neglect of wider concerns. We encounter a population's erosion and ignorance of civic duty. Make a U-turn, please.
Kai (NYC)
I'm a woman, but I'm sure the vast majority of everyday boys and men are even remotely concerned about false accusations because -surprise!- they're usually decent people who don't even dream of assaulting women. And if they're falsely accused, demand justice by requesting a full investigation instead of, you know, a "hearing". That will clear up their name that they care so much about. Simple and easy.
angel98 (nyc)
"scary time for young men"? Give me a break, he means it is scary time for privileged white men including old privileged white men like him, who assault girls/women (boys/men) in that there could well be an expiration date on their get-out-of-jail-fee card. Their position, power and riches may not be enough to keep the good ol' boys club up and running. The visual of the laughing, clapping crowd (and horrifyingly the women too!) reminded me of photos of lynch mobs, thoroughly enjoying themselves with the cruelty, viciousness and bigotry being meted out. The truth is it's (still) a volatile time for women and for everyone who isn't a white, privileged male.
Elly (NC)
When you have a president who brags about being accused by a number of women of being sexually assaulted by him , well that just goes to show you what kind of guy lives in the WH now. What a pitiful shame. Not to mention his record on infidelities during his 3 marriages. But hey, he has all those good evangelicals backing him right?!
rosy dahodi (Chino, USA)
If FBI has not investigated more than 40 credible witnesses suggested by the accused; it means that FBI has no doubt about the deposition of the accused. FBI tried to find out any strong denial from the accuser or his witnesses, and so far did not find any. So finally; FBI is wrapping up the case opining that the case against Kavanaugh is very serious and need more thorough investigation. The bottom line, the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh is almost sunk in to the cesspool. Trump has been informed and he is rushing to nominate his second SC nominee as early as on Friday.
N. Smith (New York City)
@rosy dahodi Is there any reason to think Trump's second SC nominee will be any better than the first?
Gino G (Palm Desert, CA)
I abhor Trump's disgusting statements about Dr. Ford. He should keep his mouth shut, have decency and respect, and, if he is so confident, let the system take its course. But speaking out as he did was reprehensible. I am dismayed, however, that a similar outcry has not ensued from the similarly disrespectful and disgusting skits on Saturday Night Live last weekend. By mocking Judge Kavanaugh, they made a joke out of the entire tragic situation. I'm sure that Dr. Ford, had she watched the program, would not have been amused or comforted. Rather, I suspect that using the proceedings as a butt of jokes, no matter at whose expense, would have just intensified her pain. This whole situation is a tragedy, regardless of the outcome. Mocking or ridicule may satisfy the most savage of our instincts, but it is an absolute disgrace, whether done by our president or SNL. When we accept cruelty simply because it reinforces our allegiances, we devolve into the medieval crowds who cheered when someone was burned at the stake.
Alan from Humboldt County (Makawao, HI)
Donald Trump's inexcusable bashing of Christine Blasey Ford in a campaign rally does nothing to address the problem of sexual assault and harassment. In fact, it sets it back to an era when men of privilege could take advantage of women without consequence. When Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh complain that the "attacks" on Supreme Court nominees will somehow discourage others in the future from putting their names forward for such nominations, what do Trump's words and behavior do to sexual assault victims? Will they be likely to come forward to point their fingers at their assaulters? Of course not, but this is just fine with those who abuse others.
KHawk (CT)
This behavior by Trump is well beyond “kind of appalling.” It is entirely appalling and very dangerous. Not only is it inappropriate for Trump to discuss an issue that is currently under FBI investigation at all, it is shameful to use it as political bait at one of these campaign pep rallies. That he would distort the actual given testimony in mocking terms to attack Dr. Blasey Ford sends a predictable message to all sexual assault victims that their reports are not to be believed. We all know by now that Trump is a grotesque and despicable man. His crassness is not a surprise. What about the people behind him and in the audience at this rally, laughing and cheering? One of the many things we have learned during the last two years is that there are many Americans who are just as vicious and hateful as Trump himself. The only way to put an end to this madness is to vote him and every single Republican enabler out of office and back to a place where no one cares what they think or say.
Marie (Boston)
Where are the charges from the right of Flip Flopping? Lying then or now? that they love to level at others who change their stories? Donald Trump after the hearing: "“I thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me, very fine woman” “It was an incredible moment I think in the history of our country,” he continued. “But certainly [Ford] was a very credible witness. She was very good in many respects.” Donald Trump now: “Thirty-six years ago this happened. I had one beer, right? I had one beer,” said Mr. Trump, channeling his version of Dr. Blasey. His voice dripping with derision, he then imitated her being questioned at the hearing,
Alan (Putnam County NY)
Bruce Olson (Houston)
Per the attorney last night: “Is it any wonder that she was terrified to come forward, and that other sexual assault survivors are as well? She is a remarkable profile in courage. He is a profile in cowardice.” Truer words have not been spoken about this than the quote above, especially the last sentence. Trump is at the end of the day, after being a narcissistic bully, a liar, a snake oil salesman and everything else, a coward. When were those bone spurs a problem in sports? They weren't or he does not know. When were those bone spurs discovered? He does not remember more than the year 1968 or 69? What was the Dr.' who diagnosed them. He does not remember? Where was the diagnosis made? He does not remember? What happened to those bone spurs. They just went away with time. Like when the Draft went away. Does that make him a coward? You decide. But when this Vietnam Vet who was in fact drafted while in college because my feet were not flat enough and my wallet not fat enough, hears him joke about the danger he so bravely risked during those years was the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases it tells me loud and clear: Trump is a coward. A coward who believes his own lies.
Jude (MA)
I'm just so so so upset. I am so upset. So upset.
Petey Tonei (MA)
@Jude, its all happening because Trump's parents totally failed him. He has not grown up since he started to receive $200,000 a year when he was 3 years old. Since then he thinks everyone will shower him with praise money votes loyalty...Becoming President is his ultimate dream in power grabbing, fueling his own sense of inflated ego.
Assay (New York)
Trump's rant proves that his restraint was fake and he is deranged. Another appalling thing that has not been highlighted enough by media is the fact that except Flake, Collins and Markowski, 48 other republicans feel Kavanaugh is clean. They also think Trump's behavior yesterday is acceptable. If these 48 republican senators have an ounce of concern for dignity of women in their families, they should vote against Kavanaugh.
StanC (Texas)
Rick Santorum said today on TV that Trump's comments were "unhelpful". Lindsey Graham said something to the effect that he wished Trump hadn't said what he said. No sign of outrage, no evident concern, no sign of moral or ethical underpinnings. These guys are but a different face of the cheering "base", the sum of which represent the demise of a former political party that at least claimed to have values. I suggest that if Trump's remarks concerning Dr. Blasey Ford didn't bother you, didn't embarrass you, didn't offend your sense of right and wrong, then you are, indeed, a significant part of the problem. The very least you could do is fake it.
Silvio M (San Jose, CA)
President Trump loves to "dish it out" at his rallies and with his tweets. His boorish behavior and endless use of rhetoric, bombasts, and superlatives have become a "standard". It is apparent that unlike any other president since the beginning of the television era, Trump has decided that he will not subject himself to the Q&A's of a press conference. He did it once after two months in office and, of course, it was a disaster (for him). Trumps appears to forget that he is the president of all citizens and residents and not just the minority who support him. How does Trump get away with this boorish and almost childish behavior? More important, what is to be expected from future presidents?
Tontogal (Carefree, Arizona)
I wonder how trump would have acted if it had been Ivanka rather than Dr. Ford who had been assualted and questioned? What will it take for the trump supporters to realize what a sick, uncaring person they elected as our president?
dmckj (Maine)
@Tontogal Self-realization requires an IQ above 70, so I wouldn't hold your breath.
Marie (Boston)
@Tontogal Well, he said he could date his daughter. All the old photographs are of her in his lap - well past childhood. I think we all know why Trump lashes out at women. A proactive defensive move.
Michele LaBounty (Madras oregon)
Kavanaugh is a man who was willing to lie and evade his way through the hearings, to insult committee members who were doing their jobs, to go off the rails in a display of rage and partisan hate. He thought nothing of breaking the law for years with his underage drinking. And now he a judge, charged with upholding the law. Do not put this enabled brat on the Supreme Court.
James Fear (California)
Attention women and descent thoughtful men: if this type of rhetoric from the President of the United States disgust you there is a way for you to counter-act it. In the upcoming Congressional elections support and vote for the democratic candidates, even if you normally lean republican. The Congress has a constitutional duty to be a check on the President that should far outweigh any party loyalty. The republican enablers of Trump in Congress are not willing to carry our their constitutional duties so in this election they need to replaced with someone that will. As George Will has written , the republicans need to suffer a massive defeat in order to be brought to their senses. If that happens then maybe they will return to being the party of Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
beth (Hawaii )
As a woman and a lawyer I have a problem with the lack of any corroboration. none at all has been provided....but Democratic senators showboat and are ruining this man's life on a bald assertion. Each unsupported claim...or false one like Tawanna Brawley or the Duke Lacrosse accuser ruin lives and make the next real claim less believable. Additionally it's a bit hypocritical for colleges like Stanford and Columbia and Harvard and Yale to say "believe the accuser at all costs regardless of lack of corroboration" while they basically throw their female students to the wolves and take no action when they make a claim of rape or abuse against fellow male students. that all said, the president's actions here are disgusting.
James (Savannah)
@beth If, god forbid, you are attacked, with no means of "corroboration," will you not come forward? And if you do, what kind of culture would you prefer to hear your claim: one that is sympathetic to uncorroborated claims, or one that isn't?
dmckj (Maine)
@beth As a lawyer, you should already be aware of the corroboration by many of 'Bart's' childhood acquaintances that he has lied about his past. We all know the legal standard that if someone is demonstrated to be a liar in one thing then their testimony may be held suspect in others. Further, as a lawyer, this should give you considerable pause in ever wanting this guy as a client, let alone someone testifying under oath. Sadly, a federal judge such as Kavanaugh will never go to jail for lying to Congress or the FBI under oath. They should.
KLC (Toronto)
@James Thank you James. Really.
Nevertheless She Persisted (Seattle)
Make no mistake, this, like everything else is about Trump. If he can delegitimize Ford's testimony and create a narrative that men are the victims of false allegations all the time it helps undermine the credibility of his accusers. He doesn’t care about Kavanaugh and is oblivious to how significant it is for a POTUS to mock a sexual assault victim. The man makes me sick.
Luk Brown (Vancouver)
As a guy approximately D. Trump’s age I can easily recall lots and lots of men from high school, college, work, and family members who have been very disrespectful of women; some to the extent that would rise to harassment or assault. They have all pretty much gotten away with it. I know of no man personally who has been falsely accused or suffered as a result of false accusations. The one constant, past and present, is that each allegation must be assessed on its own merits because sweeping generalizations such as “scary time for young men” or “all women must be believed” are simply not true and not helpful. As regards B. Kavanaugh based on the information made public I cannot say with certainty that he has assaulted a woman however I am very confident that he has been disrespectful towards women in his past and that he has lied about it under oath and that is what should concern the President and the Senate.
Elly (NC)
GOP - why did he have to open his mouth and shame her before report was finished? He couldn't keep his big mouth shut. Now we're all going to have to act surprised when our- I mean the FBI report comes out. Makes us look bad. Like he knew we already settled this before it was done. Well he's our Trump and we love him. Let's say we all cheer and go have a beer or 2,3,10.
WPLMMT (New York City)
Let's throw a little sympathy Judge Kavanaugh's way. They do not want him continuing coaching a girl's basketball game nor teaching at Harvard in which he has done for years. He still has not been found guilty of any sexual abuse as charged and yet he is paying the ultimate price. They are taking away his good name and excellent reputation with no proof of any wrongdoing whatsoever. He is the one who I feel sorry for. Everybody is praising Dr. Ford and she still has not proved her case beyond a reasonable doubt. He is guilty before any evidence has been found. This is maddening and should not be happening in America. We still are a democracy but you would not know it by these devious tactics. I strongly believe he is innocent and will be cleared of all these so-called crimes that have been hurled his way. What will they say then. Nothing but try to find more guilt. Judge Kavanaugh must be confirmed by Friday or there will be a huge outcry in America. Those of us who believe he is innocent will not let a good man be condemned. Ever.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
@WPLMMT These are your beliefs, as you said. A judge weighs facts and Kavanaugh is having trouble with facts. That is a dealbreaker for a judge appointment, "outcry" or not.
dmckj (Maine)
@WPLMMT I have no sympathy for a boorish man with a penchant for lying and who served as a political hack with Ken Starr and later as a legal henchman for Bush II. No sympathy. None.
Tony (Poughkeepsie)
Its time... Flake, Collins, Murkowski just say it now, admit you cannot and will not vote for Kavanaugh. Save all the rest of us this endless aggravation, and the country all this $
Beth B (NH)
It's astonishing how many women have told me in the last week that they have been sexually assaulted at least once in their lives. It reinforces the idea that the statistics that one in four women and one in six men have been assaulted at some point are underestimated. We're finally telling our stories and we're voting November 6 and in 2020.
KLC (Canada)
He's not at all making America Great Again. The longer he's in power it's more like: Trump Made America Sadly Embarrassing.
ecbr (Chicago)
Simply appalling to see people clap for these words. They should be ashamed of themselves. I point at them because we already know our president has no shame. I keep wondering when these rallies are going to backfire. The more we see like this, the more we should be rising up against it. NOV 6th!!
Jim Mamer (Modjeska Canyon, CA)
Trump’s mocking of Christine Blasey Ford at a rally in Southaven Mississippi is consistent with his behavior toward women and is reminiscent of his mocking of a physically handicapped reporter during his campaign. Unfortunately, we have all come to expect it. There has been sufficient research on bullies for all of us to understand at least part of what is going on. This excerpt from a 2015 article in Psychology Today is a good summary: “The bully’s attacks are projections of their own shame and feelings of inadequacy that are modified to penetrate a victim’s vulnerability. Attacking others not only halts any inclination to look within themselves, it also can be exciting as it stimulates the physical experience of power. Although bullies diminish others in order to raise themselves up, they are not conscious of how negatively they feel about themselves. Diminishing others keeps their need to elevate themselves out of their conscious awareness.” But while there is little doubt that this president is both bully and coward, what is going on with these crowds? The Times reports “thousands gathered to cheer him on…” Something about them reminds me of the sometimes-massive crowds that would gather to celebrate lynchings. This is something very different from normal political partisanship. This is something very dangerous.
Ron (Oakland CA)
This is terrible. I have ignored his mockery of minorities, of the disabled, of opponents - I wasn't one of them. However, I am an abuse survivor - and I can testify the memories are indeed seared into my brain like they happened yesterday. I can remember every detail, every word. I watched Dr. Ford's testimony and found her exactly the face of abuse as I know it; and I believed her. The mockery we hear in this video is beyond words to call it out, except to say the man who uttered it is very, very small and ugly.
Scratching (US)
---trump continues to employ a by now well-worn (t)rump tactic/strategy. He will say one thing to one audience- "Dr. Ford's testimony seemed credible, she seemed believable, appears to be a good woman"- then, when in front of his base, will say things in direct contradiction to his previous statement, therefore allowing ALL of his followers to..."cherry-pick" the parts they want to believe, or need to hear, to justify their support of him, totally ignoring the hypocrisy and contradictory nature of the statements. As (t)rump would say...and as he does, over and over, using this adjective as if it's the only one in his limited vocabulary..."Incredible"!
Dave Allan (San Jose)
So a credible allegation has been made, the FBI is investigating. Saying anything prior to the FBI report indicates to me that the FBI shouldn't have bothered, as whatever they find will be ignored. The toady class (Kavanaugh, Graham and others) have publically pledged fealty, and Trump is taking that to the bank (a.k.a. his base).... So sick...
Jim (Long Island)
@Dave Allan - Correction - an allegation has been made. Nothing CREDIBLE about it.
N. Smith (New York City)
@Jim And unless you have any proof that we all don't know about -- or your name is 'Cassandra', there's no reason to believe that there's "nothing CREDIBLE about it".
Peter S (Western Canada)
Every time you might think Trump cannot possibly stoop any lower, he manages to do that by an enormous measure. One has to conclude that he is actually trying to do just that--outdo himself for the entertainment of his followers. He is also tempting fate, which is what any narcissistic serial offender and bully would do until they are finally snared in their own words and deeds. Eventually, it will all come tumbling down around him. Beginning in November. After that, the deluge in the courts.
Gary L. (Niantic CT)
Appalling is the best word I can come up with as it relates to Trump's horrific behavior...thank you Senator Flake. The English language is running out of words to describe this awful man. That said, the thought occured to me again last night that this is not just him. The Secretary may have made a strategic mistake during her campaign when she referred to the "basket of deplorables", but she could not have been more correct. Trump's depraved behavior is motivated by the crowds that cheer him and jeer Dr. Ford, the handicapped, respectable and professional journalists, and so many more. This is long since way beyond non-presidential behavior. We have to wonder not only about Trump and what kind of a person he is, but we must also wonder about the ethics and sensibilities of the thousands of people in these rallies that also insult and disrespect good people like Dr. Ford.
REF (Boston, MA)
Even setting aside questions about Brett Kavanaugh's guilt or innocence, his honesty (or lack thereof), his partisanship, and his temperament, the fact he's accepted - indeed, has aggressively solicited through crude mimicry - the support of a twisted creature like the one bellowing and preening in front of an adoring mob in Mississippi should tell anyone with an ounce of decency all he, or she, needs to know.
Tim (The Upper Peninsula)
Those cheering and laughing at Trump's cruelty are worse--they enable this evil man to the point where the world looks on in utter disbelief and sadness. The man and his followers, which includes Mitch McConnell and his soulless minions, have no empathy or shame. And history will judge them accordingly.
treacy46 (Long Beach, CA)
Signs of deepening dementia from this bloviating embarrassment. We are disgusted but no longer surprised. I am most disheartened by the women in the crowd jeering and laughing along with Trump. For shame, sisters.
Bob (Portland)
It's isn't Trump's mocking or statements that is most shocking in this video. His actions are to be expected at this point. What is mosrt shocking is the crowd's reaction. Look at the faces behind him & the cheers. It's called a mob.
Tony (Poughkeepsie)
I resent Hillary for not taking on Trump when she had a chance in the debates. Same the eighteen or so Republicans. I saw Eric Holder last night. He said he's also a Queens guy, and he's ready and able to go after Trump. I hope we get a chance to witness this, it could be special!
Andy (Salt Lake City, Utah)
I won't take the bait. To attend a Trump rally in the first place is a form of social degeneracy. The attendees know what to expect from these events. They voluntarily go to cheer a man who will inevitably ramble and say offensive things. This effort somehow forwards the personal values of the audience. It doesn't make sense to me either but I'm not going to get outraged over it. I'll be honest. I mostly feel pity at this point. Who feels compelled to go to these events? It's like going to a pro-wrestling match and trying to convince your friends pro-wrestling is an authentic sport. The exhibition is sad really. We understand why someone is entertained. However, the show is a staged performance. We're confused why anyone takes Trump seriously. He's not even a wrestler. He's a tacky, third-rate wrestling promoter... ruling the world's most powerful nation. He goes out on stage attacking sexual assault victims and the audience cheers. Again, I don't feel outrage. I feel pity.
Butters (Wisconsin)
These were among the most hurtful words ever uttered by our foolish president. When I was a young woman I was attacked. I don't remember his name or how I arrived at that place in the late 1970s. I don't even remember the year. But I remember screaming for help as he dragged me across the kitchen floor, I remember the color of the linoleum, what was on TV, what he was wearing. I remember all of these things as if it was yesterday. And our president mocks this woman publicly to the cheers and jeers of his foolish tribe. Shame on him and all the lemmings who eagerly lap up his ignorant words. Thank God for women like Dr. Ford. She has put everything in perspective for many female voters like myself.
R. E. Branch, M. D. (Dallas)
I liked President Trump’s comments which were right on target. A Mississippi Deplorable
KLC (Toronto)
@R. E. Branch, M. D. Ewww. I can't think of why anyone would want to write what you just did and feel good about it. You think it's nice to pick on women who were sexually assaulted? You think that's fun? Is that the way it is in Mississippi?
Kally (Kettering)
@R. E. Branch, M. D. Yeah, he’s a great guy. Did you also like it when he mocked the disabled journalist and John McCain’s war record? How about that STD Vietnam War he fought?
Renee Ozer (Colorado Springs, CO)
Trump can't keep quiet on this at least until after the Kavanaugh confirmation vote? I wondered whether there's something exceptional about Mississippi that makes it easy to find a crowd who participates in the mockery of a sexual assault victim. I found that there isn't even an explicit law against fondling or groping an adult in Mississippi (unlike 48 other states). Rape is defined under statute as an intentional act to “forcibly ravish any female of previous chaste character."
subscriber (guate)
Now you know exactly how low this man will go.
N. Smith (New York City)
@subscriber To those of us already familiar with him, this was a given.
Spunkie (Los Angeles)
Like others, I don't expect much from Trump. But, I am appalled at the crowds' reaction to his hatred and spite for Dr. Ford and other sexual victims. I think, and it's a horrible thought, that his base is trying to become the "deplorables" that was talked about in the 2016 election. Heaven help them!!
Mack (Charlotte)
Trump, the media, the GOP want us to think that this is just about sex and alcohol. Think back to Clinton. Clinton wasn't impeached because he had "sex with that woman", it's because he said he "didnt have sex with that woman" . As despicable a person as Kavanaugh is, and I personally think he did assault women, what needs to be the focus right here right now, is that he is a liar and a partisan. When the Right whines about "activist judges", show them video of "Bart" Kavanaugh's hysterical temper tantrum meltdown in front of national TV.
Steven Poulin (Kingston, ON)
The highest position in the world held by the lowest form of human being.
Steven of the Rockies ( Colorado)
Indeed, it a terrifying time for spoiled brat boys. Trust fund babies, sports boys, who never held a job until after college, pampered boys whose parents shrugged, looked the other way, or covered up an affair with a 'bad girl'.
Tony Reardon (California)
Wha we have come Down to. . . We are only one little step away now from a shout of "Go get 'em!". And then it will be "Making Lynching Great Again"
LPG (Wake Forest)
Every time I think we have hit a new low, the bar gets lower. When did mocking victims become okay by a sitting President? Also what kind of society do we live in where people are cheering these types of insults? When I was in middle and high school, I was always taught that the three branches of government were meant to be checks and balances. This legislature and judiciary branches are nothing if not longer arms of this executive branch. The GOP is better than this I thought.... Sometimes I can't believe this is the twenty first century.
BD (Sacramento, CA)
I don't know what is more surreal: this performance by the President of the United States (flanked by teleprompters on either side of him) on its own; or the "Women for Trump" signs being waived in reaction. This used to be something you'd see only in a movie, or some performance of satire. Now, it's reality...
Erin McKittrick (Alaska)
What is "very scary" is a world where there are no consequences for sexual assault. I was 15 when I was raped at gunpoint, did report it, went all the way through trial, and then he was acquitted. Doing everything "right" wasn't good enough. Even the jury thought he probably did it, but didn't want to destroy a nice-seeming man's life on the word of two teenage girls. We live in that world, where there are still almost never consequences for sexual assault. Which means we are relying on all of the predators--the man with the gun, the drunk frat guy--to somehow transform on their own. To become good people, without punishment. That is the scary time, which women have been living in forever.
Are there ever any anti-Trump protests at these Trump rallies? We see these cheering crowds, but are there ever any people in these places Trump visits who stage protests? If so, why don't we see and hear some of THEM, too?
N (B)
While, "now" maybe a "very scary time for young men", it has always been a very scary time for young women. Women's lives are left in tatters as the result of sexual abuse and assault. Why do our lives continue to matter less? Isn't it time from women to be free from living in fear of sexual assault and in a culture that is complicate? My mother recently remarked that she, me and my niece represent three generations of sexual abuse and assault survivors. We were all under 15 when it happened to us and none of us ever did anything to "ask for it", accept live in a country that gives men a pass. Teach your sons how to treat women with respect and keep their hands to themselves unless they have consent. And maybe they don't have to "live in a very scary time" or have their lives "in tatters." Times up. There is no place in our culture anymore to condone the bad acts of men.
PS (Vancouver)
It was only a matter of time before the clearly scripted and stage-managed Trump response to Dr. Ford's testimony would give way to his real views . . . . no surprises here. With all his scammed millions, the man still can't buy class.
SLeslie (New Jersey)
Judge Kavanaugh has an opportunity to restore his reputation for judicial temperament if he would disclaim Trump's attack on Dr. Ford and state he welcomes a complete and objective FBI investigation before a Senate vote on his nomination.
He's quite the entertainer, isn't he? I preferred America before it was "great again."
Nicole K (USA)
This is not a trial to find Kavanaugh guilty of a crime with criminal consequences. It is a job interview for one of the most important roles in the country for a LIFETIME. It is the role of the Senate and FBI to assess this man's integrity, behavior, and ability to fulfill his duties on the court. Judge Kavanuagh could have removed himself from being nominated at any point is his life was "wrecked and in tatters." He chose to push forward as more damaging information was uncovered; maybe he overestimated his Yale buddies loyalties to the "bro code". Anyone who watches the Handmaid's Tale and wonders how women voices were silenced can look to this trial. The "wives" of the commanders are easily identified as those who defend Kavanaugh's behaviors and victim blame. Are those worried about their husbands and sons just as worried as what might happen to their daughters and wives?
MCass (Texas)
People write about lost potential of those with true innocence being afraid to run for office or move into high profile positions. I would argue that suppression of women, and men, with credible stories have come of an age to bring forth their stories and want to stem this disease in our society. I would also argue that timidity of us as individuals to challenge the abuse of power is the true fuel behind the behavior of predators. We do not have to look beyond our own White House.
RDAM60 (Washington DC)
Kanavaugh should be voted down and there should be no one to blame but Trump himself. Trump's behavior, his vision for conducting America's business in the public square, should not be rewarded with a SCOTUS nominee added to the bench. Sure Kavanaugh might have gotten a raw deal but he made his deal with Trump (and who knows until the FBI investigation is complete if complete it can be called). Senators should be appalled by the Trump vision and should reject both it and Kavanaugh.
Matt586 (New York)
When Trump use bone spurs to get out of going to Viet Nam, he was asked which foot had the bone spur? I DON'T REMEMBER was Trump's reply.
Cate R (Wiscosnin)
@Matt586 Speaking of Vietnam, that and getting drafted was a scary time for young me. What was Don the Con doing? Umm......
Ed English (New Jersey)
President Trump is far too calculating a politician to so openly embrace the prevailing attitudes of powerful men dismissing abused women. I’m guessing that information connected to the FBI investigation was leaked that there was not enough corroborating evidence for Dr. Ford’s testimony necessitating that he withdraws his nominee, so he launched this hateful smear, once more demonstrating how legal standards, even background checks, can be manipulated for partisan ends.
b fagan (chicago)
Insulated by wealth, insulated by fixers who pay off women, insulated by the kind of self-privileged life that wouldn't fly anymore in the leadership of a publicly-held company, Mr. "Grab-them-by-the", from his life as head of a family business feels deep concern for the men who might no longer get away with, say, walking unannounced into the dressing room of a teen beauty pageant, or who might previously felt their position let them "do anything they want". He worries about the damage to men who can carelessly damage other people - because in his mind, women aren't really "other people".
gordon (Porto)
Some people have poor geographic orientation and memory. My wife remembers everything, but can't remember how to get to a friend's house across town. It's not at all surprising that Dr Ford would not remember how to get to a house she went to only once over 30 years ago. Who would?
jaco (Nevada)
@gordon If someone drove your wife somewhere would she remember that?
Douglas Lowenthal (Reno, NV)
“To discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right, it’s just not right and I wish he had not have done it,” Mr. Flake said early Wednesday on NBC. “It’s kind of appalling.” Flake needs to stop wishing Trump will change and being appalled by Trump and show his displeasure by resisting - stop supporting Trump with your votes.
Albert Ross (Alamosa, CO)
This isn't just deplorable, it's despicable. I don't care what your ideology is, I don't care if you benefit personally from the tax cuts or feel better about border security or if your entire reason for supporting Trump was to defeat Hillary Clinton. You won and had every right to celebrate. But the time to celebrate your victory is over and the time to reflect on the misdeeds of the administration is long overdue. The ends do not justify the means. Mark 8:36
stephen knifton (toronto)
Flake, Murkowski and Collins have every shred of evidence they need to understand (as if they didn't already) that this entire procedure is an embarrassing sham. That there is rock-solid evidence to show that one serial sexual abuser has appointed another to the supreme court. Trump doesn't want or need to clear Kavanaugh's name, because he can't remotely conceive of what there is to clear. ANY senator who votes for Kavanaugh simultaneously surrenders their humanity, their soul, and their integrity. ANY senator who votes for Kavanaugh surrenders the lives of their children: their children, and THEIR children will rightfully be tarred through the ages as offspring of morally-bankrupt jackals who willingly and actively promoted the culture of rape and thuggery in the 21st century. And by God, I don't care if their kids are toddlers or teens --- they need to be shouted down and mocked in the playground by other kids, adults, and teachers .... for the sin of being offspring of political pimps and cretins. Not fair ? Too bad ... it's possibly the only way these imbecilic senators could begin to understand concepts of humanity that most of the rest of the world has embraced .. and the USA has sold up the river. Maybe that way these empty, evil senators will understand the dark cancer they obligingly let out of the bottle. Because the names of anyone and EVERYone who let's this drunken rapist onto the supreme court is going down in history.
Dorothy (Evanston)
Reverting to form
observer (Ca)
Trump wants to cause anger and division. A sex predator, and a person who provokes sexual assault and enables it, is who donald trump is
Steve (New York)
And yet Flake and the GOP will push this inept nominee through. Nov. 6th cannot come soon enough for the party of Pathetic. It must be a blue tsunami to teach these old white lawmakers they must represent the entire country, and not just the white elite.
Jenny (Seattle)
Absolutely disgusting. Seeing the crowd laughing and cheering makes me sick. Oh, a MAN’S life is in tatters? She has much more at stake and nothing to gain here personally. As any woman who has ever been a victim of a powerful, entitled man knows firsthand.
Steve W (Ford)
Very interesting that the NY Times is continueing to misinform it's readers by failing to report that Ms Ford has been caught in a direct lie during her testimony and that the Senate Judiciary committee has evidence of this and has had for days. She lied about never coaching anyone on how to take a polygraph and said she did not know what to expect and so was scared to take the polygraph test. Now known to be a lie.
AG (Calgary, Canada)
Canada is watching, and the world is watching. It's one thing to use derogatory language towards the Canadian Prime Minister, but it's totally loutish to mock a woman who is alleged to be a victim of sexual violence. Does the US president lack even an iota of decency? And to watch his 'base' in Mississippi cheer and applaud his despicable performance .....I can't help but be reminded of the "D" word once again. Pathetic!
bill payne (santa monica, ca)
@AG It is Mississippi.
Jill O (Ann Arbor)
Trump is a bully/predator that thinks he can get away with it. He told the reporter " don't think. You never do" and that's how he views us all. When are we going to put him away?
Dotconnector (New York)
"Kind of appalling"? "Kind of"!!??!! For heaven's sake, Sen. Flake, spare us your customary mealy-mouthed equivocations for a change and simply do your important, even crucial, part to end the abomination of this Kavanaugh nomination. It's called conscience. And patriotism. Also, in your spare time, please reread "Profiles in Courage."
SM (Chicago)
The saddest spectacle is the women laughing behind the joker!
Iain (California)
Exacty nobody should be surprised. Hi is a vile, despicable man. He does not represent Americans. The GOP and their supporters must never be forgiven for their attempt to right all wrongs.
BobMeinetz (Los Angeles)
“Kind of appalling”? As is typical of Republicans in Congress, Flake’s attempt to put a smiley face on his assessment is kind of pathetic.
rumpleSS (Catskills, NY)
Trump has got to be Trump, don't you know?!? Really, is anyone, anyone at all surprised? The white house staff was surprised when he didn't attack Dr. Blasey Ford...initially. However, you should have known that the right wing media such as Fox fake news, Breitbart, the Drudge report, and talk radio were going to trash Dr Blasey Ford...and once they had made that opening, Trump was going to walk through it. Is it unbecoming a president? Of course. But that's not the right question. Is it unbecoming a dictator wannabe? NOPE. Time to wake up and remember to VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS
Truthiness (New York)
Trump plays more golf and has more rallies than any previous American president.
John Briggs (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
He is what many of us want and have become after a long diet of coarse TV, blabbering news headlines, a military corrupted by huge piles of money. He's a low-class grifter. New York at its New York worst.
Son of Bricstan (New Jersey)
Afraid for men? I presume he means white men? Clearly he was not concerned for due process when he called for the death penalty for the central park five!
Adam Stoler (Bronx NY)
Campaign rallies Playing golf When does this fool govern (his job)?
jaco (Nevada)
Given the grievous harm Ford caused Kavanaugh with her lies, perhaps she should give him a percentage of the > $ 500,000 and counting she has received from her go fund me page.
N. Smith (New York City)
@jaco Just to be clear. It is Kavanaugh who has perjured himself with his own lies. Keep up.
Jon Creamer (Groton)
Our President is beyond being vile. But how will Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kellyann Conway spin this? What about Melania? Why hasn't every member of the House of Representatives called out Trump for this attack?
Tinker Twine (Woodstock, NY)
Kavanaugh helped Republicans rob Al Gore of the presidency in 2000. Now he's about to be positioned to absolve Trump of accountability for his financial criminality, abuse of women, the incarceration of migrant children, and yes, treason.
Mack (Charlotte)
People say that comparing the GOP to National Socialists and Trump to Hitler is hysterical or histrionic. Watch a Trump "rally". Watch this rally. If you aren't alarmed, if you think this just a phase or tiny minority of American voters, you are no different than the German industrialists, politicians, and bankers who thought they could "control" Hitler and his minority in 1932. Prudent people should be very worried.
dba (nyc)
We have our present-day McCarthy and Roy Cohn channeled by Trump. Who is our Joseph Welch: "At long last, have you no sense of decency?"
Garin (MN)
The people who bring their kids to these side shows should be ashamed.
Who (Ohio)
How many survivors watched the audience reaction to Trump's mocking of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and found themselves looking into the eyes of the mothers who disbelieved them? This is a time of re-ignited trauma for many of us. And our leaders express pity for whom? For the future of entitled, white men just like them?
Bob (New York)
Donald always keeps it classy!
Independent Thinking (Minneapolis)
And Senator Susan Collins supports this man! Sad And Senator Lisa Murkowski supports this man! Doubly sad. And Senator Joni Ernst supports this man. Understandable-she is from the state that produced Senator Chuck Grassley.
JM (San Francisco, CA)
Vote OUT every Republican running for office in November. We must regain sanity in this country.
Tony (Poughkeepsie)
Really, Could that have sounded any more like a Three Stooges routine? Congrats Trump, you've outdone yourself!
FHamden (Lost In America)
Trump has been recently talking about this being a scary time to be a young man. That a life that can be ruined with an accusation that presumes guilt. While that is a valid hypothetical, I'm hard pressed to name who this has happened to. And I'd counter that with the questions: When hasn't it been a scary time for women? Between between men and women who has the most to fear? According to Department of Justice statistics ~325,000 women report rape or sexual assault on an annual basis; of all violent crimes it is the most underreported @ ~21%. If you do the math that comes out to a little more than 1.5 million incidents per year. They also report that their are ~33k convictions a year - which is 10% of what's reported or 2% of the total incidents. Of all the convictions as it relates to rape alone 10% of the perps are given probation and another 3% are let out with time served. That's every year. But ginning up paranoia has served Trump well and there is no reason that he'll stop or that most of his base will see though it. I've randomly challenged Trump supporters to a hypothetical. "If you could have had the deciding vote in 2016 which would you vote for: A four year term for Hillary Clinton or a lifetime term for Donald Trump?" The silence has been thunderous.
1truenorth (Bronxville, NY 10708)
I agree 100% with President Trump vis a vis Dr. Ford. She is the one who put this in motion. All bets are off. She is fodder for any and all attacks. Isn't that what she did to the Judge?
Sa Ha (Indiana)
@1truenorth, Is the President of the United States a.pathological liar??? 4000 lies and counting qualifies him as unfit to open his mouth in judgement of any woman, man, child, hero, crook, criminal, grandmother, aunt, uncle, mother, father, sum up The POTUS is a pathological liar, never trust a pathological liar when they open their mouth.
G. Sears (Johnson City, Tenn.)
“To discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right, it’s just not right and I wish he had not have done it,” Mr. Flake said early Wednesday on NBC. “It’s kind of appalling.” Kind of appalling?? Jeff, it either is or is not appalling. This kind of equivocation predominates in the face of Trump’s infantile antics and bullying. Our President just could not resist his dominant lesser inclinations given the opportunity presented by someone as exposed and vulnerable as Christine Blasey Ford. And the audience just cheered on and loved it.
GG (New York)
Trump says he fears for young men -- I'm assuming, as a friend said to me, young white men -- who, he says, are under siege. Instead, it is the female of the species that is at a tipping point. #MeToo has engendered the self-pitying backlash that is part of men's shadow side. Why worry about young men? Their lives are shattered by false accusations, Trump says. Fair enough. But how many of those accusations are there? Most women who've been raped don't even report it so how are the men shattered? My aunt used to say, men get up after sex and walk away. The women live with the consequences -- be it violence, shame, fear, disease, poverty and, oh, yes, the resulting children. The only people Trump feels sorry for are himself and anyone who is a reflection of that self. --
MM (Atlanta)
Yes this is a scary time for young men, because young women aren't going to sit quietly and let assaults go unreported. Young men who assault women should be scared. I'm the father of three teenagers- 2 daughters and 1 son. I tell my son not to be afraid but be respectful. I tell my daughters to be mindful who they hang out with. If my daughters claimed they were groped I'd believe them 100%. Guys- let's face it girls gets harassed by guys all the time. It may not be you (or maybe it is/was) but we all know some guy who's done it. You want to know the truth ask your wife, girlfriend, sister, aunt etc. They'll tell you.
Wayne (CA)
Whenever Trump feels bad or faces criticism that he can't shout down or ostrich , he holds a rally. It is disconcerting that he will always find people to cheer him at events which more and more only seem to be missing people offering up some kind of stiff armed salute. Whether one believes the allegations or not why would any reasonable thinking adult feel it all right to make fun of such a thing? This is just one of many recent instances of his lack of class, respect and basic human empathy. He also over past week referred to someone as Pocahontas. Not only disrespectful but tinged w/racism. One wonders had it been someone of another ethnicity and he used a slur would we have allowed ourselves to be as easily distracted by his next outrageous act. The President is the highest office in the nation, he is supposed to represent the best of all of us and someone to both lead & inspire. The nation is currently bogged down in arguing semantics on side issue distractions while weaponizing social media and anything else which could be a potential photo op or opportunity to cast blame. we can only hope to weather the storm and one day again get the leader we deserve.
BassGuyGG (Melville, NY)
25 years from now when history looks back on the Trump presidency, hindsight will show that the real guilt does not lie so much with Donald Trump as with his accomplices. It is clear to anyone paying attention that the President is a completely amoral, heartless man with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. The harshest judgements will fall on those who had the power to rein him in but didn't. Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Paul Ryan, Chuck Grassley and all the other Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee have forever sullied their names. Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins and Jeff Flake have a chance to be real heroes. Let's hope they seize the opportunity!
hammond (San Francisco)
The video of Trump mocking Dr. Ford caused a flashback to a very disturbing scene that occurred when I was in the sixth grade: two boys cruelly bullying a girl. I remember her stony face, trying to ignore their comments. Then the tears. Then her scream as she tried to ward them off. Mostly though, I remember the crowd of kids that gathered around the bullying boys, supporting them, licking their chops, watching the girl twist and writhe and finally scream in searing desperation. The crowd grew. I did not join, but neither did I try to stop them. I've regretted that decision for the last fifty years of my life. We were in the sixth grade. The people around Trump are adults. My God! What have we become as a people?
JaneK (Glen Ridge, NJ)
Is this how he distracts from the investigation into his finances and tax evasion ? Sounds like a typical ploy on his part. As a people, Americans have lost for the next fifty years. This era has been utter ruination for us all.
David (Portland)
I can't wait for Sarah Sanders to spin this. Or maybe this will be the end of press conferences. Or maybe she will decide to resign.
Elly (NC)
She hasn't shown us a moral compass so far. What makes you think this will? She's been a woman, a daughter, a wife, and a mother all through this. Nothing he has done has not been beyond her scope of spinning.
Peter M (MA)
This is reprehensible. Trump, rallying his base, knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s testing the waters, signaling to Senate Republicans how he truly wants the Kavenaugh nomination to proceed. This behavior represents a dangerous, taunting, disturbed and all too familiar anarchistic pattern of call to his supporters and those of expected loyalty to follow his dreadful lead. We’ve seen this before. Trump did it during the campaign, rallying fear of violence and suppression at the poles. He did it to incite the release of damaging emails. He did it again, in Charleston, equating activists against racism with extreme white nationalist hate groups. All of it intended to divide and destroy our democracy and protect a select, self entitled group of corrupt and fearful individuals. This is not the world we want to live in.
Will McClaren (Santa Fe, NM)
This moron is pathetic. Period.
jeff (nv)
Notice the young boy to Tramps right. This will be his memory of the time he saw the POTUS. And where doe Tramp come off calling anyone a liar, being as he is the Liar in Chief!
nb (las vegas)
Why is anybody surprised by Trump's behavior. This is who he is. He's a not so bright con man that got rich from Daddy's money. He is a womanizer and male chauvinist that believes he is entitled to grab women by the crotch. He's the definition of narcissism. Kavanaugh's accusers are at 4 now, what are the odds that they are all lying? We went through this with Cosby as well, many continued to support Cosby until the numbers kept growing and it became impossible to deny. How do we know this is not the tip of the iceberg for Kavanaugh? What if he is confirmed and a dozen more women come forward? Even if you brush his accusers aside he still lied under oath.
dutchiris (Berkeley, CA)
Why should anyone be surprised that Trump would mock Christine Blasey Ford. He routinely mocked the women who accused him of sexual assault. Worked for him—he got elected president—but that was then, this is now, and except for the chowderheads who laughed at his campaign rally antics, we don't think it's so funny anymore.
Dotconnector (New York)
With each and every day comes a new low for the Trump presidency, with no hope of ever bottoming out. He has bullied us into the abyss.
Abbey Road (DE)
According to statistics that track the "overall health" of a particular state, Mississippi ranks at the bottom. But go right ahead, keep on cheering !! Healthcare - last, Economy - last Wages - last Infrastructure - last Opportunity - last Education - last
Lifesart (RVA)
Maybe all those applauding female Trump supporters have lived a charmed life and have never been subject to a sexual attack? It boggles my mind when I try to understand them.
X Y (California)
If a president mocking a sexual assault victim is not an impeachable offense, then what is?
Elly (NC)
According to republicans- nothing! As long as it's one of them.
Betty Ann MD (AZ)
While the testimony and records indicate that Kavanaugh was an alcoholic and a mean drunk, here is an editorial questioning the accuracy of Prof Ford's memories.
Tim (The Upper Peninsula)
@Betty Ann MD So let's just look the other way and put a mean drunk alcoholic on the Supreme Court? The minute Kavanaugh's true personality roared onto the scene, Professor Ford's accusations became secondary.
N. Smith (New York City)
@Betty Ann MD USA Today? ... really???
Deb (New York, ny)
I guess he needs distraction from the Times investigation of his family tax ploys. Standard Trump Operating Procedure. Another day, another reason to donate to Emily's List.
mkm (NYC)
Now that Dr. Ford Story is falling apart my sorrow for her is growing, not something I would have expected of myself. I was not angry at Republicans or Democrats - Politics, dirty business. I am now extremely angry at the Democrats for playing Dr. Ford. Democrats leaked this women to the world backing her into a corner and now she is looking more and more foolish as further testimony about her comes out. Kavanaugh is about to sail onto the Supreme Court and Dr. Ford is left looking like a fool.
N. Smith (New York City)
@mkm Your reaction is exactly what the G.O.P. attack machine was hoping for ... and it's not Dr. Ford who "is left looking like a fool".
Just Curious (Oregon)
American Sharia. My outrage-meter exploded long ago. I feel almost hollow. Who ARE these people? And will we ever recover? I don’t see how.
Carl (Arlington, VA)
Hillary Clinton was right. They are deplorable. Maybe she was too polite. He's just being what they want.
Nancy (San diego)
To all the commenters bemoaning the "guilty before being proven innocent" risk that men face, I say, "Welcome to our world." This is what women have faced for centuries...blame, distrust and condemnation. What, your crops failed? Burn the old lady in the village because she must be a witch. women have been the victims of the weaponization of cultural, social, political and sexual accusations for centuries. Men have had such a pass for their misdeeds that they are shocked at their exposure. Sure, there will be questionable accusations of predatory behavior against men, but the majority will be real. Indeed, what goes around, comes around, Kavanaugh and the GOP. You will fight back hard and might win some battles, but truth and decency by good men and women will prevail.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
In all honesty, Trump decided to live as a human predator long ago. He has no convictions to constrain him. However, he says what he says to elicit excitement and reciprocal responses from his audiences. If those audiences did not respond, he would stop addressing them as he does. It’s those people who eagerly go to hear his vicious talk that I blame.
lb (az)
Trump is a madman, predictably out of control. It is far more upsetting that crowds of U.S. citizens cheer him on. This is our society and the world is watching. Am I proud to be an American? No I am not. I am ashamed at how my country is treating women, immigrant families, and anyone outside of the "mainstream". Our country is taking on a greater and greater fascist appearance. Elections count. The Supreme Court has great power. I continue to write Jeff Flake daily to vote NO on the Kavanaugh nomination, and I never miss an election. VOTE. It's the least you can do.
tony (undefined)
Senators Blake and Collins have criticized this pig for his behavior. Meanwhile, 49 other GOP senators aren't bothered at all by his behavior.
susan (nyc)
The words to describe Trump and his supporters are not suitable for print. Hint: Google George Carlin's "Seven Words You Can't Say On Television." You get the idea.
Paul Wortman (Providence, RI)
A truly sickening display by a sick man unworthy of the office he holds. Shaming is shameful! Is there any sense of human decency left in the Republican Party? If so, now is the time to stand up against this despicable man and the alcoholic, abusive, angry and equally shameless man he wants to sit in judgment of us all. I, for one, who has since my childhood in a Holocaust family vowed #NeverAgain will engage in public civil disobedience if this man is "shoved through" onto the court by ignoring and disobeying any decision in which he's the deciding vote.
Samantha (Providence, RI)
Trump's comments are truly the comments of an imbecile, in that he unwittingly incriminates himself by his babbling nonsensical defense of innocent young men who are being found guilty of things they never did. One with a guilty conscience exonerates others for crimes one has knowingly committed.
John Salmon (UK)
And the horror of it all is not just the fact Trump is President, but that a sizeable part of the electorate will continue to support him. Many of those being women.
James (Long Island)
If I were assaulted at a party and managed to escape, I would take my friend with me to prevent him from being assaulted too. Wouldn't you?
Tim (The Upper Peninsula)
@James Because you're so thoughtful and empathetic--not to mention so cool and collected, despite having just been sexually assaulted? It must be nice to be so smart that you can predict exactly how you would have behaved if subjected to the terror of a sexual assault. Then again, maybe you're just brilliant, courageous and forward-thinking. Too bad we can't all be just like you, James.
JWinder (New Jersey)
It’s a scary time to be a human being, given the total lack of humanity coming from our nominal head of the country.
Jeff (California)
Trump's base cares about only one thing the protection of white, male power. That is why they voted for him and will continue to support him no matter how crooked he is. If they lose their jobs because of Trump, they will find a non-white woman or immigrant to blame.
C. Austin Hogan (Lafayette, CO)
"Mr. Trump’s portrait of Dr. Blasey was met with cheers and laughter by the crowd of several thousand supporters at the Landers Center in Southaven, Miss." The buried lede of the story, right here.
Make America Sane (NYC)
a boor and a boar Yes-- spelling intentional -- not able to sustain his tongue even when it might benefit him....
Harley Leiber (Portland OR)
With his unrelenting mockery of Dr. Ford Trump has sickened us once again. The feculent vomitus that flows from his mind and his unfiltered mouth debases all of us: those who support him and those who don't. The United States is supposed to project dignity, human decency, democracy and freedom of speech...We look to our leaders to support those elements that form the foundation of our nation. If he is playing to his "base" he should be ashamed. It's another example of his pathological hucksterism...and it's shameful.
itsmildeyes (philadelphia)
How about Senate Republicans throw Dr. Ford into the Potomac River? If she floats she’s guilty. If she sinks she’s innocent. Same for Brett Kavanaugh, though. One way or another, we’re all going down. Shakespearean.
Randall (Portland, OR)
In the last two days, Republicans, the "family values party" have mocked a victim of sexual assault and slut shamed another, different victim of sexual assault. This is who Republicans are. They are not outliers, They are not "extremists." The GOP is fundamentally a party of people who believe that sexual assault is acceptable, so long as it's done by a white man.
PropagandandTreason (uk)
Lindsey Graham's comments are very insulting to women, as he sucks up to Trump and auditions for the job of AD after Sessions is fired. The Republicans seems to be so women hating that it is just sick and psychopathic. The power of women's vote in the Midterm elections will take power away from these GOPers.
Sa Ha (Indiana)
POTUS, Donald J Trump thinks depravity is a virtue. Malignant narcissist, pathological liar, sociapath, grabber of women privates, a man without a soul, has denigrated the high office of the President of the United States to gutter filth.
Mari (Left Coast)
What's MORE disheartening than Donald's crass words are the WOMEN sting there at the rally laughing and agreeing with him! Hitler too, has women who loved him! When an American president choose to BULLY an American citizen, a woman who has the courage to come forward and tell us the nightmarish story of when she was sexually assaulted.....America has lost its SOUL! The only power We, the People have is our VOTE....please vote! We've got to send a strong and united message to the Republicans and to the Liar-n-Bully-n-Chief!
MJM (Newfoundland, Canada )
This is a deliberate distortion. It presupposes that there is no context. Even Trump said Dr. Blasey Ford's testimony was credible directly after listening to her gut-wrenching testimony. Historically, women have not been believed. That is beginning to change and Trump and his ilk don't want it to change. Even just the smallest change is too much for them because it impinges on their sense of entitlement. It is time men became concerned about their gender-historical disrespect and abuse of women.... but they need to understand how and why we have come to this examination of gender and power. Mocking and demeaning a woman who speaks her truth is the instinctual reaction of the guilty desperately deflecting. It is very easy to spot. By their words we know them.
John M (Phoenix AZ)
I'm just curious. As I watch the Senate race in my home state of Arizona. Republican candidate Martha McSally touts her military record and her courage as the first woman pilot to fly in combat. She identifies herself as the victim of a sexual assault. Ms. McSally? Comment please Martha. Your campaign website is silent. Silent. No comment Martha? Where's the courage now?
Sherry (Florida)
I'm livid that my tax dollars pay for these circus events.
Bashh1 (Philadelphia)
Get a Trump lawyer to help you set up something shady so you can avoid paying your taxes. Problem solved.
Ellen Freilich (New York City)
But Judge Kavanaugh, in the midst of his troubles, has stepped up to denounce this behavior. Wait. No?
Granny (Los Angeles)
This event sickens me on so many levels. First, that our so-called president would mock Dr. Ford in such a vile manner. Second, that the audience, including women, would laugh and participate in the debasement of our political discourse. And last, but certainly not least, that none of this will matter to the Senate republicans who, after tsk, tsking about how inappropriate trump's comments were, will probably vote to confirm Kavenaugh anyway. I weep for our republic, and for the future of our nation.
Duane McPherson (Groveland, NY)
This is just Trump throwing another slab of red meat to his base. He's not talking to the rest of us, so why give him your attention? Just get out and vote Democratic on November 6. And send the Republican party packing.
RNS (Piedmont Quebec Canada)
No one should be surprised by the president's words last night. What is surprising is how long it took him to revert to form.
Alexandra Chapman (Roquebrune Cap Martin, France)
Who in this administration will present apologies to Dr.Ford for Trump's vile behavior , mocking her in his usual heartless fashion? Ah, I have it: the devoutly Christian Vice President, Mike Pence. It would give him something to do while he's waiting in the wings.
Steve Mason (Ramsey NJ)
What Trump proves time and time again is that his supporters have no boundaries when it comes to basic human dignity. None.
Lawrence (Washington D.C,)
coming at the next rally, this cheer. Christine Blasey Ford Lock her up. Christine Blasey Ford Lock her up. Lock her up Lock her up.Lock her up. Every day I engage strangers in the street ,and ask them, and to ask their extended networks, to vote. Please consider doing so respectfully.
Carl (Arlington, VA)
With deep apologies to Paul Simon, the theme song at Trump rallies should be it's all happening at the zoo.
Kathy Lollock (Santa Rosa, CA)
I grieve for this country. I grieve for us women. I grieve for those Trump supporters who for many reasons of which I can not comprehend look to this man as their idol, their god who will rescue them from all ideologies not White, christian, nativist, or male dominated. This adulterer and philanderer, cheered on and urged by the masses and his GOP Congress, is determined to march Dr. Ford and metaphorically thousands of other women exploited by men to a new "Salem," with those blinding scarlet letters. Well, you may think you have won the war, folks. But it is just beginning, and justice will prevail...for the so-called "weaker" sex, but indeed the stronger and more noble.
skm (coventry, ny)
It's just disrespectful of another human being. We try to teach our children not to talk like this.
Ellen G (NYC)
She should consider it an honor to be mocked by him. He mocks anyone he feels threatened by, a tactic that works so well with his base and has served him since middle school I'm sure.
BP (Alameda, CA)
Trump doesn't get credit for consistency - he never takes the high road in anything. As even a blind squirrel can find an acorn now and then, even a normally insensitive person can stumble into being gracious every once in a while. The fact that Trump is never, ever gracious or noble is a testament to the man's "character."
jb367 (Nevada)
Trump and his gang of white males keep complaining about how the rules have changed and man's life can be "ruined" by a "made up allegation." The rules haven't changed. "No" has always meant no. Consent means consent and consent cannot be given by an impaired person. What has changed is the consequences of actions taken without consent. Shaming and blaming of the victim no longer prevent disclosure. The Fact that Kavanaugh lied many times about big and small facts in his hearing should disqualify him.
Ying Wang (Arlington VA)
Senators Collins and Murkowski, your president is telling you he can nominate a sexual assaulter for the Supreme Court while destroying his accusers at a political rally, and you will vote for him. Will you? We’re listening.
The Sanity Cruzer (Santa Cruz, CA)
It's a “very scary time for young men in America” Trump said? Well, that is typical of Trump's talk of being a victim and his trying to bring fear to those who really have little to fear. For how many thousands of years has it been a "scary time" to be a woman, or even a young girl in many cultures? This is just another tactic of Trump's to create a sense of fear in those who are the privileged ones, namely men. This is a sick man we have as a president.
cigi (bay area)
Soulless idiot.
Alexander (Boston)
#MeToo does not discriminate against gender. People seem to forget that. I'm not threatened by it because I was taught to treat people with respect and without a sense of entitlement, whether sober, tipsy, drunk, or even "blacked out" back in my college days. In circles of money and power, I've seen a lot of lines get blurred. Hell, there's even a song about it. I went to high school and college with a few Brett Kavanaughs. Everyone knows this type and knows that this type becomes a banker, lawyer, business leader, etc, as part of that old adage that being a jerk gets you farther in life than the nice guys.
harvey perr (los angeles)
Trump has no clue to what sexual trauma is about. He only understands boorish men of privilege with temperaments better suited for wild parties than service on the highest court in the land. And yet his own party never deserts him no matter how ugly he gets. It seems to one observer that what they are doing is running scared.
grjag (colorado)
“To discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right, it’s just not right and I wish he had not have done it,” Mr. Flake said early Wednesday on NBC. “It’s kind of appalling.” Well, some one in the Republican clan is finally waking up. Hey Jeff, do you think there might be about 7,561 OTHER things that you wish he might not have done?
zb (Miami )
With Trump and the Republicans in control of our government it is a scary time to be a human being.
Karen (Michigan)
And only 2 senators have condemned this?
Robert Roth (NYC)
Trump is clearly upset with all the attention Brett has been getting. Being King Creep is not something he will easily give up.
LnM (NY)
Just when you think he can't sink to a new low.
DC (Ensenada, Baja CA., Mexico)
“To discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right, it’s just not right and I wish he had not have done it,” Mr. Flake said early Wednesday on NBC. “It’s kind of appalling.” But then he just described Trump: Appalling! Despicable. Disgusting. All of the above. It boggles my mind how any American can support this horrid man. I KNOW we are better than this. When I read about 'thousands' cheering him on, it makes me want to vomit. How our country has fallen.......
RLW (Chicago)
Women (and Men) of America take note of who is supporting this president and his appointments when you go to the vote in November.
stewarjt (all up in there some where)
This so-called man has absolutely no shame.
MissyR (Westport, CT)
There is no bottom for Trump. How about the GOP?
jim-stacey (Olympia, WA)
What does America expect from the most vile, venal and divisive man to ever hold high office in this country. He has no shame, and no depth is too low for Trump to strive for. The white male Republican senators deserve this low-life but the rest of decent America certainly deserves better than a credibly accused and self-confessed sexual assaulter mocking a very fine woman. It is a chilling message to future witnesses that they will be personally attacked by the POTUS. A sad and appalling day for Americans of character.
Sherry (Boston)
Lower and lower. . .every day.
MDB (Indiana)
Really, Sen. Flake? You found Trump‘s comments “kind of appalling”? This mealy-mouthed denunciation gives validation to Trump’s never ending meanness and misogyny. It demonstrates yet again why women are afraid to speak out about sexual abuse and why many don’t take these allegations seriously. Trump reduced Dr. Ford’s experience to a punchline. No, Sen. Flake, the comments weren’t KIND OF appalling, they WERE appalling. You had the courage to stand up to this man last week — please, sir, find it again.
Steven DN (TN)
Trump isn't fit to run his own ongoing criminal enterprises. The Republican Party's gutless self-serving politicos allowed him to get the nomination, and the people of the United States are to blame for allowing him to be elected. We have failed to be what Jefferson called an educated citizenry. And we have failed to exercise our sovereignty as citizens, instead allowing ourselves to be led around by the nose with hollow promises of prosperity without responsibility.
Unkle John (Manhattan)
Especially in light of The New York Times article today putting the lie to his claims of being a "self-made" man, Trump's moral turpitude continues to grab our attention. Case in point: here, the one occupying the job formerly known as the "Leader of the Free World" espouses his belief that it's a “very scary time for young men in America.” Yet we hear no words admonishing such men not to engage in such inappropriate/illegal behavior towards women. Instead, Number2 panders to his base, bemoaning how "unfair" it all is. Yes, Number2 ... a term for which no Boy Scout needs a dictionary to understand, and is so accurate in more ways than one.
Easy Goer (Louisiana)
As everyone knows, this is typical prepubescent behavior we have all come to expect from the pseudo president we unfortunately have in office, I have a point about something else: Trump was elected and, just as importantly, sworn an oath to uphold the law and fulfill all obligations of his office to the best of his ability. This includes serving the American people. This an office like no other; one which is not only a tremendous privilege to have, but to fulfill, He is either ignorant or simply too stupid as to what those duties are. When does he do his job? All I ever see is him going around the country as if he is a rock star on tour. He is far, far from that. Since he took office, he has basically done two things: he does is one of two things: Fundraisers masquerading as "Town Hall" meetings, and photo-op meet and greets with the United States' enemies. In between, he does his worst; pulling people apart by "Making America Hate Again" (pardon the pun). It is outrageous, and know this: I have always believed in "what comes around, goes around". In other words, he could have a lot of bad karma coming.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
If you were wondering how "good people" could be whipped into behaviors like lynchings, crucifixions, and putting kids in camps look at what Trump does here to offer people a spot in The Club. That he is working up a Mississippi crowd that undoubtedly thinks of itself as "Christian" is the cherry on top for a guy like Trump. He is perverse enough to really enjoy taking the Jesus out of their belief system and replacing him with Donald.
Abigail (Alaska)
How many of the people in that cheering crowd have been sexually abused? Possibly one in four women (or girls) and one in six men (or boys).
Lifesart (RVA)
From my experience of 69 years in this country, I'd say it's over 50% of women and 20% of men.
NotSoCrazy (Massachusetts)
"Basket of deplorables" - true in 2016, more true today, with their morally impaired leader "the dotard" being the greatest and most deplorable of them all.
RLS (California/Mexico/Paris)
Based on the testimony of Ford's one time boyfriend of more than six years, Ford is justly deserving of some level of mockery. She apparently had some issues telling the truth to the Judiciary Committee. Is there a reason the Times isn't mentioning this also?
Vicki (Queens, NY)
I find it very suspect that at the same time Trump attended a rally in Mississippi, a story droped via The New York Post about an undated letter from an “ex-boyfriend” (whose name & signature were redacted & who wishes to remain anonymous) claiming that Dr. Ford lied about coaching anyone taking a polygraph test. For those of us who lived in the NYC area since at least the early 1980s, we all know that Donald Trump used that pooper-scooper tabloid paper to keep his name in the news ad nauseam. So the fact this letter surfaced at the last minute via that tabloid should raise a red flag. How long did Grassley have this letter anyway? Why didn’t he release it earlier? So what if she helped her best friend to be less anxious about taking a polygraph test for an FBI job interview? The polygraph question posed to Ford in her testimony was very broad and a bit confusing as to whether that question applied to her polygraph test or not. Clearly a trap was set by the prosecutor and Grassley knew about the letter then, or she wouldn’t have asked the question. The “boyfriend” said she never mentioned the attack to him, or that it was Kavanaugh. She said she never told anyone for years, so no surprise she didn’t tell him. He said one time they flew around the Hawaiian islands on a plane & she wasn’t afraid. That’s the only feasible way to get around there. They broke up since she was unfaithful to him? Wow, what an EX! The letter is a lame attempt at character assignation. Timing??
KR (Denver)
Toddler, indeed.
michjas (Phoenix )
Matt Damon mocks Kavanaugh and it is a hoot. Trump mocks Blasey Ford and it is a travesty. Blasey Ford is not fragile and does not need the protection of chauvinist men.
(not That) Dolly (Nashville)
@michjas Yes. Matt Damon is an ACTOR performing on a sketch comedy show and Donald Trump is the PRESIDENT of the United States. Capiche?
KLC (Toronto)
@michjas But you see there's difference. Many, many hundreds of thousands of girls and women who see or hear the video of Trump mocking a woman who was sexually assaulted are hurt in the core area of where they have been hurt. They are betrayed yet again, and this time by the president of the USA. What you are comparing does not even in the slightest deserve comparing. Matt Damon was reflecting back to Kavanaugh how he looked, and probably this is a good thing if Kavanaugh hasn't seen how arrogant he appears before. Trump was mocking not just one survivor but in turn hurting every single other survivor out there. And let's not just call it mocking. It is utter betrayal.
N. Smith (New York City)
@michjas There's a big difference between Matt Damon on SNL, and what happens in reality -- or like many Americans, do you mistake Trump's reality-T.V. persona for the real thing?
Joe Barnett (Sacramento)
Which Senators will stand with Mr. Trump, who mocks the victim of a sex assault, and which will vote to do the right thing and reject Kavanaugh as not having the right demeanor for the Supreme Court?
RCJCHC (Corvallis OR)
Why go so far out of your way to discredit a woman? That is the ONLY question that comes to my mind.
Bruce Northwood (Salem, Oregon)
Trump is a very cruel person because he enjoys being a very cruel person.
A. Porter (MI)
There's a name for this: misogyny.
Mari (Left Coast)
PS. Democrats this rally of Donald mocking a sexual assault victim should be a political ad!
Doug Hill (Norman, Oklahoma)
Just when I thought maybe I've been too hard on President Trump he demonstrates how truly vile he really is.
Martha (Northfield, MA)
Just love the way Flakey Jeff said that it just wasn't right for "President Trump" to behave like this and be so disrespectful to this woman. Really, is this kind of behavior anything new? Is anyone surprised by it? Mr. Flake, YOU voted to support the republican agenda and get unfit Kavanough confirmed. Now you're objecting to Trump behaving the way he has always behaved?
Quandry (LI,NY)
As the articles in the Times now prove his financial lies,not only is Trump the most dishonest President we have ever had, he is the most despicable human being, who regularly preys on others who have been hurt and broken, and condones their destruction. No matter what one believes about the hereafter,Trump will be as far as one can get at the bottom.
Vicki (Queens, NY)
@Quandry Yet another reason for the timing of the drop of the “ex-boyfriend” letter. He is trying to divert readers to The New York Post story and deflect the damning evidence unearthed by the bombshell report yesterday in The New York Times. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Nice try. Not falling for it this time.
A. Reader (Ohio)
Now Senator Flake will look very troubled as he pulls the lever for Kavanaugh,
Nan (Tampa)
Trump's taunting is nothing new. It's the women sitting behind him and applauding that are truly repulsive.
J. (Ohio)
Even more disgusting than Trump’s mocking of Dr. Ford were the audience members, especially the women, who cheered and laughed. No doubt a good number of those Southern Bible Belt women go to church every Sunday and tout their Christianity. Unspeakably sad and horrible. No wonder so many women, especially girls and younger women, are afraid to report sexual assault.
Sa Ha (Indiana)
@JI don't believe it. I don't believe true to the heart Christians are behind Trump. People say they are Christians but their lifestyle habits/lifestyle conversations etc. are the litmus test that can be examined. The heart of Christianity is love God, love each other. And not the gooey sappy love definition, but "I love you enough to speak truth, in love".
Mike (Pensacola)
He doesn't past muster as a world leader. Moreover, he doesn't live up to the minimum standards for s US president. This man is an abject failure!
Dennis D. McDonald (Alexandria, Virginia)
Trump shows again why I would never have him over to dine with my family, especially if there were children present.
JS (Framingham MA)
If it were any other high profile person, they would have been fired! How come the top official of the nation can do or say what he wants and still get supporters to cheer! And what kind of behavior is Trump showing to the next generation. Totally disgusting!
MM (Long Island, NY)
This despicable President's brother died related to alcohol abuse. This miscreant President, an admitted teetotaler would call his late brother weak as he was not involved in the family business, could not due to his drinking, depression. So I am thinking this imbecile President had always condoned drinking, now he is making light of just one beer. We know this vile President is living in another world and has no care or concerns for anyone but himself. Lets count the days till he leaves office. It will be a jubilant day.
Every day, every hour, we learn more about Kavanaugh from his friends and his own words that bolster Dr. Ford's story and show his lies. What saddens me most is that Dr. Ford was spared from being raped by a one-piece bathing suit and Kavanaugh's accomplice, Judge, who had a propensity to jump on his friends.
Some Dude (CA Sierra Country)
One wonders how long the Republican party will stick with Trumps antics. Sooner or later the damage to the brand will be permanent, or generational at least. You're turning into the party of Looney Losers. Oh well, enjoy your great fall with Humpty Trumpty.
David (Upstate NY)
Forever apparently
libdemtex (colorado/texas)
spanky is an embarrassment to all sentient beings. How anyone can support him is beyond belief. Perhaps his supporters tell us a lot about what is wrong with this country.
tparker (Albuquerque)
And the GOP will sit on its hands and do nothing. Disgusting.
N. Smith (New York City)
@tparker What do you mean: "the GOP will sit on its hands and do nothing" -- when they're totally gearing up to take Dr. Blasey-Ford down and install Kavanaugh come hell or high water...that's something.
David Godinez (Kansas City, MO)
The President's performance at the rally last night was an attempt to switch the theme on Judge Kavanaugh away from 'temperament' back to what many feel are the baseless allegations against him being used as a tool by the Democrats. Tip-toeing around Dr. Blasey and saying she was 'credible' was simply playing the game of their opponents and the mainstream press, and when they do that, the Republican always lose. The President and the other Republicans need to start affirming what their voters think in order to motivate them to come out in November. In a way, this tactic is throwing Judge Kavanaugh under the (campaign) bus if it really does lose votes for him in the Senate, but that will just energize conservative voters even more, which is what the President and his party need right now, even more than the Judge. Senator Flake is simply displaying the traitorous deportment we've seen in a long line of Republicans who know that they can get approval and publicity from the mainstream press by turning against their own. He and the book that he will inevitably put out can be ignored.
Laura (California)
Yes, this makes me angry. But I comfort myself by imagining all the young and female voters that are being turned away from the Republican party with this kind of talk. Throwing away those votes is becoming a real hobby of theirs. It's my impression that most millennials, have a much better grasp of the meaning of "consent" than previous generations.
Grandma (Midwest)
What happened to Blasey was real. Every woman knows that. The threat of sexual assault is something women live with every day and that includes grannies like me. For many women, especially the young, rape is tantamount to murder and many that age have committed suicide unable to accept the filthy disgusting and often painful invasion of their body. That Trump, a known sexual predator, would harass this renowned professor shows what a vile cad he is.
TenCato (Los Angeles)
Of course we all know that Trump's hillbilly Nuremberg rallies are all about HIM, but these remarks by a serial abuser were ostensibly made in support of a FEMALE Republican Senate candidate. Where is the outrage from her or the six female Republican senators now serving?
Ron Brown (Toronto)
Dear Republican Women Voters: Had enough yet? Is there ANY line he'll cross that'll wake you up to the damage he's doing to your country? Or are you all just frogs in the pot that's slowly coming to a boil? Please enlighten me.
HH (Skokie, IL)
An absolutely disgusting, vile and sickening performance by President Trump, even by his standards. He is an utter disgrace to the office he holds. And the crowd cheering him on? Actions just as disgusting, vile and sickening as Mr. Trump's. People are certainly entitled to their opinions and they have every right to question whether they believe Ms. Ford or not. But do so in a proper and respectful manner. Say President Trump, the next time you venture out to see your adoring public, see if you have the guts to go to a setting where the audience is not stacked in your favor. Your current routine may not be too satisfying for them.
The Lorax (Cincinnati)
If I'm running for President against Trump, my TV ad is going to be a montage of him making fun of the disabled and those who have suffered sexual assault. These people cheering him think they're brave souls rebelling against overreaching PC culture. In actuality, they're idiots embracing indecency and vulgarity. How in the world do people support him? One border, but two nations. I don't get a lot of my fellow Americans. I really don't.
Rod Sheridan (Toronto)
@The Lorax The one thing that has been proven is that Hillary was correct regarding the deplorables.
Anthony (AZ)
Once again, the president is tone deaf. He takes a complex issue and, instead of wisely bringing the country together, he takes sides. His term is nearly half over folks. Take heart. Vote in numbers never seen before!
Wilson Woods (NY)
As Halloween approaches, do you feel like reading a scary story? Read "The Death of Democracy" by Benjamin Carter Hett! The techniques and strategies of Hitler's rise to power in 1920-30's Germany are exquisitely detailed. Many are being slavishly followed right now by President Donald Trump and his supporters!
Indy1 (California)
You also may want to read Sinclair Lewis’ book. I believe the title is “It Can Happen” here.
Jim (California)
Disgusting behavior for even the most vile amongst us, let alone POTUS. There appears to be no boundary to the lowest ebb this troll will take our country.
David DeFilippo (New England)
Remember almost 2 years ago when Hillary Clinton , “said half of Donald J. Trump supporters were in the basket of deplorables- racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic.” Well she got that right folks. So don’t let up on Trump or any of them because Hillary Clinton paid dearly for that comment from the GOP.
Hugh McIsaac (Santa Cruz, CA)
Trump is beyond shame!!!
NM (60402)
Trump, the biggest liar calls someone else a liar. Now, we have seen it all again and again.
Gort (California)
Why are Times commentators required to be civil but Mississippians and their favorite toupee are not?
Zaur (NY)
There's no such requirement. These are manifestations of their respective natural tendencies.
John Adams (CA)
Watching Trump attack Dr. Ford left me with the same sick feeling in my gut that I felt in the days after Charlottesville. A cruel and shameless man disgracing the office of the President of the United States and cheered on by his band of cruel and shameless worshippers. Trump again reminds Americans that he has no sense of decency.
eddie p (minnesota)
Expected from Trump. Nothing is sacred to this man except his money, his family, and his ego. Nothing. To those of you in attendance at this rally, cheering and laughing as he disrespects Dr. Ford (whom he had previously described as a fine person and credible): I can only hope you someday wake up and recognize the genie you have laughingly let out of the bottle. It will not surprise me to see book-burnings staged at Trump rallies.
Larry S. (NY)
Which Republicans will step forward, stand up and speak out against Trump's hatred and vulgarity?
Eric Carey (Arlington, VA)
The captain of the Titanic bashing holes in the lifeboats.
John Covaleskie (Norman, OK)
We should be clear about at least one thing: old white men are not attacked because they are old white men. They are attacked when they act like or defend those who act like misogynist bullies and entitled whiners. I am 71 years old, white, and male; I try not to be a jerk. I wish our president would stop trying to give old white men a bad name....
Tony Reardon (California)
Who would have thought that WW III would be starting INSIDE America
Willy P (Arlington Ma)
These men and women have got to be the most despicable human beings on the planet! And Mr Trump an utterly demonic man has his hands deep into the story. His ability to say what they want to hear is unquestionably disgusting! What have we done to ourselves by giving this LIAR the presidency!! The rest of the senators who vote for Mr Kavanaugh are equally guilty!!!
Dixie (Below Mason Dixon Line)
What a disgrace. These people at these rallys remind me of a lynch mob. The Republican senators are a cleaned up version. Shame.
KLC (Toronto)
Your president just gave the green light for sexual assaulters to relax and go ahead and do what they do, because nobody will believe the victim anyway.
MAS (Boulder, UT)
What else would we expect out of a serial sex abuser and lying misogynist?
ne ne na (New York)
LOCK HIM UP!!!!!!!! Enough of this clown and his audience that adores him.
EAP (Bozeman, MT)
This is so grotesque it almost is beyond commenting on.
Jan Velayas (San Antonio, TX)
Why all the indignation about our president's (small p) behavior at a rally? These are the people who think like him, have elected him and are positioned in an area of the country where he's extremely popular. He's always on that slippery slope in his initial comments on any sensitive issue and then proceeds with a HItler like voice and behavior to denigration. But then maybe, just maybe all of those people are wearing a mask until they get to the voting booth. We can always hope.
Larry M (Minnesota)
The first act of the next president must be an apology to the human race for America having inflicted this horrible person on the world.
Stop and Think (Buffalo, NY)
@Larry M All right, but that doesn't truly represent justice. The new president's next act must be a formal request to the United Nations to investigate if Trump has committed crimes against humanity. (You know, children jailed in hot, stinking cages.) If found in the affirmative, he must be tried at the International Criminal Court at The Hague.
Amy (NJ)
Mr Trump is a child. Plain and simple. And he's the United States pathetic is that?
gmt (tampa)
Lock HIM up
Alicia Peterson (Albuquerque)
Despicable. Foolish. Heinous. Uncouth. Obnoxious. Cruel. Unusual. Flagrant. Craven. Travesty. Trump.
maureen (palm desert ca)
a vicious, vile and soulless man VOTE THEM OUT
TC (San Diego)
No surprise that Trump would say these things, but who are these morons cheering him on? When did sexual assault become a funny topic?
DR (New England)
Anyone who supports this monster is sick and evil and should be ashamed.
earthgve 21st (Portland,OR)
Again so deeply disappointed and disgusted by this male. He just keeps going lower with his cruelty. That people would bemoan the injustice of questioning a mean abusive drunk but wanting to lock a woman who never did anything against the law but is your political opponent is the act of a dictator. The idiocy of these campaign rallies gives people legitimacy in their stupidity. Thanks trump just what America needed.
Vicki (Queens, NY)
I find it very suspect that at the same time Trump attended a rally in Mississippi, a story droped via The New York Post about an undated letter from an “ex-boyfriend” (whose name & signature were redacted & who wishes to remain anonymous) claiming that Dr. Ford lied about coaching anyone taking a polygraph test. For those of us who lived in the NYC area since at least the early 1980s, we all know that Donald Trump used that pooper-scooper tabloid paper to keep his name in the news ad nauseam. So the fact this letter surfaced — at the last minute — via that tabloid should raise a red flag. How long did Grassley have this letter anyway? Why didn’t he release it earlier? So what if she helped her best friend to be less anxious about taking a polygraph test for an FBI job interview? The polygraph question posed to Ford in her testimony was very broad and a bit confusing as to whether that question applied to her polygraph test or not. Clearly a trap was set by the prosecutor and Grassley knew about the letter then, or she wouldn’t have asked the question. The “boyfriend” said she never mentioned the attack to him, or that it was Kavanaugh. She said she never told anyone for years, so no surprise she didn’t tell him. He said one time they flew around the Hawaiian islands on a plane, which is the only feasible way to get around out there. Then they broke up since she was unfaithful to him. This letter is a lame attempt at character assasination. Plus slut shaming too.
Truthiness (New York)
These rallies make me boof
Christine (Michigan)
slap Trump hard!!!
Can't take it anymore (Charlotte, NC)
45, you disgust me. I can't even refer to you by the title usually given to the person occupying the highest office in our country. You don't deserve it. Your whole tenure in that office will be a shameful footnote in history books. Future generations will look back on us and say, "How could they ever have elected him?! Why did they tolerate him?!?" You possess all the vile, disgusting, and repugnant qualities associated (rightly or wrongly, but in your case rightly) with a) men, b) white men, and 3) white men who are used to getting their way all the time. You are nothing more than an immature pubescent boy who bullies his way through life. You throw insults and playground taunts around because you lack any measure of intelligence or maturity or self control. I am SO ashamed. Of you and of those who continue to support you. I don't recognize this country anymore. I don't recognize the Republican party anymore (of which I used to belong). I don't think I have ever hated, truly hated, someone so much in my entire life. I blame you for all the hate and pettiness that are gripping our country right now, and I blame all of our elected officials, Democrats and Republicans, for allowing this disease, that is YOU, to continue unchecked. "Loyalty to country, ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it." Mark Twain And since inference isn't your strong suit, let me be clear. YOU DON'T DESERVE IT.
David (C.)
Are you going to do something about this cretin, Republicans? We're watching you. We're ALL watching you.
Horrifed (U.S.)
What kind of man is Trump? Mocking a woman who says she was sexually assaulted? Is this the value he puts on women? And the crowd roared? I see signs that say "Women For Trump". Every time he gets so disgraceful and disgusting, he then does something even more disgraceful and disgusting. Absolutely sickening - him and his blind followers.
Vwmuvw (.)
Melania must be very proud.
jaco (Nevada)
Nothing to gain huh? Ms. Ford has made over $ .5 Million and climbing on her go fund me page. Lying about a sexual assault has paid big for her.
N. Smith (New York City)
@jaco And we're STILL waiting for Donald Trump's tax returns...
jaco (Nevada)
@N. Smith Trump's tax returns are relevant to this discussion how? As a diversionary tactic?
Nuschler (hopefully on a sailboat)
As a 70 yo professional woman I feel that EVERYONE is missing what is MOST important! Yes many women including myself have been raped and sexually assaulted. This didn’t define my life. I’ll tell you what does: -The woman who shared the Nobel Prize for Physics couldn’t have her own Wikipedia page...but the man who shared the prize did. -My brothers could play golf and tennis at my parent’s Country Club but my twin sister and I couldn’t step on the grounds not even to use a bathroom. We were pariah while my brothers had a great time. -Women are a waste in college as they are just looking for an .MRs degree -Despite a 4.0 gpa in molecular and genetic biology and a 95th percentile on my MCAT the Mormon members of the board for a STATE medical school said “No. I would just be taking the place of a man who needs to support a family.” I got into another med school MUCH later. -Women couldn’t get credit w/o husband’s co-sign EVEN if she had the only job. -Men are angry that women were becoming the head of the household and becoming professionals OTHER than nurse, teacher, librarian, and homemaker. -Christianity esp the Catholic Church states women are inferior. Men control OUR use of birth control and we couldn’t become priests. EVERY DAMN DAY we women run into a brick wall of frustration, anger, and depression of never being able to “Be Best.” Unless we were beautiful we had no chance. Oh gawd I am SO tired of being a second class citizen as I don’t have a..a..PENIS!
Sten Moeller (Hemsedal, Norway)
That audience will laugh and cheer all the way - until their own daughter is raped. Any women laugh and cheer?
mutchens (California)
What an evil man.
Jbugko (Pittsburgh, pa)
Both Trump and Kavanaugh have proven that you don't have to be drunk to be a sloppy, belligerent pig.
observer (Ca)
An underage kavenaugh and his school friends said they would down 100 kegs of beer by the year end. He posed for a photo with a beer keg on his head. He called a party saying ‘we(boys) will welcome the girls with open trouser zips’. Then it went out of control. He got drunk and tried to rape blasey ford. Connecting the dots is easy. Ms ford is 100 percent credible. Kavanaugh is a pack of lies
AndyW (Chicago)
I have lost any and all “understanding” for Trump’s diehard supporters many dozens of rallies ago. The more crudely Trump behaves, the more wildly they applaud. These people really won’t like how they’ll be portrayed by historians a few dozen years from now, but will more than deserve it. The choice to enable all of this was solely theirs.
Sadie (USA)
Presumption of innocence applies only to Republicans. The same voters who make excuses for Trump and chant "lock her up" laugh at a sexual assault victim. When will we ever hit bottom?
FOXNews is reporting that a former boyfriend of Dr. Ford is claiming she knew her way around a polygraph test and didn't mind flying etc. etc. contradicting her testimony. This late revelation is similar to the one that the Judiciary Committee claimed to have gotten from two men right before the hearing last week who thought Dr. Ford mistakenly identified Kavanaugh. This is just enough to muddy the waters and hope something sticks and it's all that's needed to embolden Trump.
I have had it (observing)
Polygraphs are considered pseudoscience for a reason. You might as well use horroscopes.
jaco (Nevada)
@BLH Ford need no more discrediting. As it stands her credibility is less than zero.
N. Smith (New York City)
@jaco If you think Dr. Blasey-Ford's "credibility is less than zero" -- you haven't been keeping up with the court of public opinion.
Patty Quinn (Philadelphia)
Revoltingallday writes: "If she is lying, she is subject to prosecution. And so is he, by the way." If by "he" you mean the so-called president, that's one of the dangers of having Kavanaugh appointed to the Supreme Court. He has written that a sitting president should not be subject to indictment, charges, or prosecution. That's why the GOP and the so-called president are so rabidly determined to have him sit on the Supreme Court. It would shield the so-called president from such actions. He wouldn't be so ferociously intent on acquiring that shield if he were innocent. Neither would Republicans. It's one of many reasons why Kavanaugh is unfit to sit on the Supreme Court.
N. Smith (New York City)
@Patty Quinn Which also brings up the question of why the White House first withheld THOUSANDS of pages of Kavanaugh's previous decisions, only to release a fraction them (abridged and redacted) the night before his hearings began. Still waiting from them on an explanation of that one...
Tom Baroli (California)
All men should spend these days reflecting meaningfully on the various small or major horrors we have inflicted on women in our pasts, and starting to make amends. Because virtually every man has inflicted some horror on women.
Sally L. (NorthEast)
Just when you think Trump can't go any lower, he does. This proves he is a real misogynist. What is also disturbing is how the crowds ate up what he said. It means many people do not believe Ford. It also shows that many people who have never been a victim of sexual assault so they don't understand or don't believe. It is just so disturbing on so many levels. And he is using this as a campaign strategy.
Heartlander (USA)
They’re entitled to believe Dr. Ford or not; it’s the laughing, mocking cruelty that’s beyond the pale.
JMM (Dallas)
What bothers me the most was the crowd laughing. Trump exploiting Dr. Ford - well, we know he is a sick man but women holding their "women for Trump" signs and laughing is incomprehensible. This country's basic decency is gone.
N. Smith (New York City)
There is no reason or excuse for this latest assault. Just when you think this president can sink no lower on the human scale than he has already, he comes up with yet another depth-defying feat. And in his quest for applause and an approving public, little does he realize he's pouring fuel on the fire of Kavanaugh's tear-stained claims of impartiality. Either Mr. Trump believes it's a done deal that his hand-picked nominee will be readily confirmed regardless of the growing opposition on all sides, or he doesn't care as long as he gets good ratings. But then again, who would expect anything less coming from this Misogynist-in-Chief in the first place? There are no winners here -- and least of all our country.
Barking Doggerel (America)
Men are the victims. Women are making the world scary for them. This Trump inversion is nothing new. In March 2018, following the massacre at Stoneman Douglas High School, Trump implied that the Obama guidelines were responsible for school violence. He thereafter appointed Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to head a commission reexamining these guidelines. Talk about Fox News guarding the henhouse! The illogic was breathtaking. The Obama guidelines addressed racial disparity in discipline and, of course, most school shooters have been angry young white boys, not students of color. Only in contemporary racist America could a politician contort logic so thoroughly as to blame black boys for the crimes committed by white boys.
Irene Heitsch (Austin, TX)
It's not a scary time for all men. It's time men behaved and it's time parents raised their sons responsibly. Apparently drunken parties with no parents present were quite common in the time frame of the attack that Dr. Blasey Ford reported. Where were the parents? Where was Child Protective Services?
Cecilia (El Cerrito, CA)
As long as the Republican Party manage to push through its agenda, the party will remain silence. We have a man unfit to rule a country! Wake up America!
Judy K. (Winston-Salem, NC)
NOT O.K. It is not O.K. for a president of the United States to mock a victim of sexual violence. Period.
DRS (New York)
An alleged victim. But otherwise I agree.
Stephen (Florida)
Tuesday, the NY Times published its report on Trump’s financial frauds. Around that time, comes this rally, which is getting far more press. Surprised? Trump is a master of deception.
M. Lyon (Seattle and Delray Beach)
Vote on November 6, Vote on November 6, Vote on November 6, Vote on November 6, Vote on November 6, Vote on November 6, Vote on November 6, Vote on November 6, Vote on November 6. Or vote early in states with Early Voting. Bring a friend or neighbor to your polling place . Remind your other friends to vote. 33 days until the Blue Wave.
Radha (BC Canada)
After the abhorrent and despicable mockery that the conman made against Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at last night’s rally and I am now feeling ill. I am ashamed to be an American and I am ashamed of America. When will the complicit GOP stand up to this dangerous conman. This is no longer “funny”. There are NO EXCUSES for the beast occupying the White House. I feel helpless watching as the US democracy is thrown under the bus and the GOP drunk on power sit idly by and do nothing. A total, complete, and utter disgrace. VOTE THEM OUT IN NOVEMBER!
Ron (Berkeley)
and yet chance are, Kavencrap will move forward...
Ron (Berkeley)
@Ron ugh auto correct... "Chances are..."
AdrianB (Mississippi)
Failure Trump is a sad,insecure & pathetic man, motivated by a sense of his own importance and the power we have given him. The audience are sad souls, reminiscent of cult followers. I am so ashamed that people of this country attend his rallies and are carried along by this Failed President’s hateful, disrespectful and sad performance. He has been emboldened by the GOP and their right winged evangelical so called “christians”. How we stop this rot is up to us,resist,protest and vote them out.
Coolhand (Verona, NJ)
Well that was inevitable. The man obviously is guided by whatever urges move him at the time. See: Daniels, Stormy. The most ironic piece of that footage is the women behind him with their so out of touch and ironic, Women For Trump placards waving behind him with inane joy. It encapsulates the fact that so many of his base never really stand to benefit from his actions and/or policies. It's up to Murkowski and Coliins to have the moral courage to stand up for what is right and actually provide a teaching moment to the many women who are still enthralled by his misogyny.
abigail49 (georgia)
Donald Trump, as president, shows us the danger of putting Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Trump brings to his job a long history of sexual assault accusations by women. Only he knows whether they are true or not, but he knows how to deal with them. Put another man accused of sexual assault on the Supreme Court and together, president and Supreme Court justice, they can keep women in their places by force of law.
camorrista (Brooklyn, NY)
And the crowd cheered & laughed.... Any day now, the NYT will publish a story or an op-ed on how the rest of us need to work harder to understand Trump supporters. Trust me: we understand them. If there is any way they are not repellent--morally, spiritually, psychologically--please describe it. They have always been repellent, and they will always be repellent.
Glipster (Jersey)
When I heard Dr. Ford's account, how she didn't tell anyone, how those first few years were horrible and she did poorly in school, how she ended up in therapy years later with her husband because she insisted on a second front door to her home and the assault being discussed in therapy, I knew her story was true. It absolutely reflects my own reaction to a rape in my 20s by an Israeli man and how the only person I revealed it to was my roommate who asked why I was home so early when I had only gone out a short time before, my fear of parking in the dark and not going out at night, my carrying pepper spray all the time, and then 17 years later, when an Israeli company ripped me off at a very bad time in my life, how I broke down and sobbed. Therapy then, and again 8 years later when my kids were teens and I did not want them to go out with friends at night and wanted to cloister them from the world. An assault affects you in so many ways; your entire perception of the world is changed. You are no longer safe. Every low in this presidency convinces us we have hit rock bottom, but he manages to dig deeper. What happened last night was inexcusable, unforgivable, depraved. I pray that the Northeast, the West Coast, and maybe Illinois can petition Canada to become part of their country because this one has a sickness so deep, I do not believe it is fixable.
Chicago Guy (Chicago, Il)
This footage is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. Donald Trump was not mocking Dr. Ford so much as he was mocking all attempted rape victims. And his followers LOVE IT! The lot of them, wallowing in their own moral sewage. What's next? Perhaps Trump can just rape a women on stage? You know, to show them all, "how a pro does it!". The crowd would love it. And, perhaps, they could all join in? Hyperbole? Or a merely a preview of what's next?
jaco (Nevada)
So is it not true that: 1. Ford could not remember how she got to the fictional party? 2. How she got home? 3. Where it was? 4. When it happened? 5. No corroboration from witnesses she identified? 6. She changed her story? 7. She lied about the second door? 8. She lied about fear of flying? 9. Rachel Mitchell believes her story has enough holes to sink a battleship?
Jo (Michigan)
My daughter is terrified of flying but when she had to she got on a plane. You haven't got a clue about sexual assault and I'm guessing you're probably male. Do you know a woman who has been sexually assaulted?
Eric Schneider (Philadelphia)
Dr. Ford's lapses in story are completely consistent with her experience and the amount of time that has elapsed, according to every expert opinion I have read about this. She took a polygraph test. Kavanaugh did not, and it's pretty clear by now that he was a blackout drunk. All of that aside, only a deeply disturbed man like Trump would exploit her pain with the kind of vicious ridicule he used.
Sa Ha (Indiana)
And black out drunks can have no memories.Was Kavanaugh lying when he denied he was a puking drunk referenced in Mark Judges book?? Here's the the glaring, hard spotlight, naked emperor frozen in time moment; a sitting judge of the appellate court HAS LIED. Full stop. HE IS DISQUALIFIED TO SIT IN JUDGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Full stop.
BC (Maine)
Are my tax-payer dollars paying for Trump to fly on Air Force One with his security cohort around the country from rally to rally ( 4 this week, 2 next) to encourage my fellow citizens to mock Christine Blasey Ford, whose testimony about a sexual assault at 15 was credible in spite of some details she didn't remember? Am I unwittingly subsidizing such despicable behavior on the part of a President more interested in fomenting hate at campaign rallies than in governing ? I object to my taxpayer dollars being used to mock Ford or anyone claiming to be a victim of sexual assault or anyone, period. I'd like to see some statistics on how often he is on the campaign trail ( really for himself) and how much it is costing the American taxpayer. Meanwhile, it is time for decent citizens to drown out the disgraceful reactions of his supporters at these rallies with cries of "Have you no shame?"
P Dunbar (CA)
Donald Trump needs to shut up! It is totally inappropriate for a President to try to take out a citizen. Dr Ford was calm and firm. Kavanaugh was out of control! He is not fit for a seat on the highest Court in our land.
Ms. Pea (Seattle)
Far from society becoming unsafe for men, it's actually becoming easier to assault women than ever before. Trump is making sure no woman ever comes forward again. What woman will want to accuse another man and risk being humiliated and called a liar by the President of the United States?
Kristina (Toronto, Canada)
"Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter. The uproarious laughter … and their having fun at my expense.” Unlike the first attack, this vitriolic barrage had many participants, bystanders and witnesses. I still can’t believe what I just saw. What a disgrace.
Heartlander (USA)
You can almost hear him thinking, “Laughter? We’ll show her what laughter is really like!” Despicable.
Smokey The Cat (Washington State)
I cringed when I heard Hillary call some of Trump’s supporters deplorable. I knew she was referring to the white nationalists, aka Nazis, not about Trump supporters in general. But the people at Trump rallies are deplorable for supporting Trump and what he stands for and who he is and what this country is becoming.
N. Smith (New York City)
@Smokey The Cat And I "cringed" because it was true -- which is also why I wasn't surprised at the events that ultimately took place in Charlottesville, Va.
Caterpillar (West Virginia)
This is a man who is not only cruel; he is a man who positively revels in being cruel. There is a moral rot at the center of this human being the likes of which I have have never seen in my fifty years of observing and participating in civic life. The only possible exception is Mitch McConnell, whose unrivaled cynicism and craven lust for power is daily on display. This incident, tragic as it is for all women and particularly for Dr. Blasey Ford, illustrates a moral bankruptcy the residents not only within President Trump, but in all who support this hateful speech or who stand by as he eviscerates the body politic. The stench that emanates from this man’s moral rot clings to all who enable him. I fear for the future of our country, as I have from the moment it became clear that he had won the 2016 election.
Our classy president. And the red state crowd eats it up.
Gloria (Michigan)
I didn't notice Trump putting decades-old male accusers on blast at his rallies when it involved them accusing Catholic priests. His anger toward women is palpable, and his distortion of facts in sexual assault cases is just gross and certainly not presidential to mock in mass rallies where his supporters are influenced just by crowd-speak.
magicisnotreal (earth)
As I begin to write the fact of how this started comes to mind. Newt Gingrich traitor #1. I saw a part of some interview last night I think someone is selling a book or something and he described the day Newt's treason first turned the tables on the people of the USA in congress when he had finally baited Speaker Tip O'Neil into an angry response. Anyway I digress. El Trumpo is doing this to change the focus away from the tax evasion and fraud story. If I were a NYT editor I wouldn't even address this stunt and keep the focus on that tax story.
Allecram (New York, NY)
The expressions on the faces of the people behind him--gleeful, shining, loving a good show, laughing, smiling, ready for the lynching and the Inquisition and the witch burning and the lion eating. Now we know what people looked like through history as they enjoyed the spectacle.
Dan (Laguna Hills)
And, let's find the decent people who might soon have to meet in the catacombs!
Julie (Denver)
Is Jeff Flake going to emerge from this as the only Republican with a moral core?
Nomad (FL)
Is anybody surprised though?
Jan Albers (Oxford, UK)
Trump has denigrated war heroes, Gold Star parents, disabled people, minorities, women reporters, and now a sexual assault victim. What kind of people laugh along to this? They are not my vision of Americans. But this president is my vision of the devil. He is a genuinely evil man.
Dan (Laguna Hills)
As I wrote to a friend: is there no relief here? Are we in hell already? Kudos to you.
Some Dude (CA Sierra Country)
If there is lingering doubt in your mind, this event should kill it off: Trump sits at the head of a cult of personality. Those never end well and this particular cult leader is so toxic that this story is looking worse by the day. Trump supporters - WAKE UP. Stop drinking the cool aid. Take a Fox News break. It's worth it. Life without hate is much better.
Bunbury (Florida)
Senator Flake says of Trumps behavior," It's( kind of) appalling." How close to appalling does he think it is? Or is it only appalling in part? The crowd chants, "Lock her up." Is that also kind of appalling? Disgusting, cruel, vile? "Kind of."? I guess he's not sure.
The man is an abomination. He just gets worse and worse, as do his supporters. America is far overdue for a change to actually make America Great Again - it was just fine before Trump.
Sally McCart (Milwaukee)
how very, very sad . . . that hundreds of people would cheer when someone makes fun of a woman who believes she was sexually assaulted . . . no wonder we ended up with DJT as our so-called president
Suzanne Custer (Venice Florida)
I am a strong 51 year-old woman; in fact, just a few weeks ago I swam my first 8 mile open water race solo. And yet my mind is dissoving, fragmenting into parts as I begin to experience flash backs again. When I was 16 I was institutionalized for the first time. For years I lived inside hospitals or rehabs often grouped with Vietnam Vets because my behavior appeared like those of combat soldiers suffering from PTSD. I shouldn't be here. 15 or so hospitalizations suicide attempts another violent rape as an adult. I was so fragmented by 40 that it seemed impossible that I could recover. But I have. I wanted to live as a whole human being. I had grown accustomed to being strapped down when I began to rage given counteless shots to quell my anger. I see now I was trying to reassemble myself, but not allowed to finish that process. So now here I am, viewing a video of our President mocking Dr. Ford with the crowd laughing and cheering as he spoke. Flash backs are like bombs sir. Do you understand Mr. President, Do you understand citizens from Mississippi, what your words and actions are doing to so many of us? I refuse to go back to the past. But I am angry.
Clare O'Hara (Littleton, CO)
Watch out Trump, watch out Trump supporters, watch out think you’re scared now, wait until November...that’s all that counts.
Vicki (Queens, NY)
@Clare O'Hara We still have October. Time to get your yard signs and get working for your candidate.
Jean (Cleary)
Trump is a vile human being. He is a sexual predator himself and thinks that preying on women is what men do, no big deal. All he does is prove it over and over. But what is worse is that his supporters in Mississippi, men and women, think that his remarks about Professor Blasey-Ford are funny and appropriate. I am beginning to think that the sun in the South bakes brains of anyone who lives there. It is the only explanation I can think of. Because if I cannot come up with this explanation, the horrible truth is that his supporters have proven that they really are "Deplorables". How sad.
Bruce Davidson (Stockton, NJ)
So according to Trump, those who support Dr. Ford are all “evil people” who want to “destroy” others. Gee, the president could find “good people” on “both sides” when white supremacists and neo-nazis murdered someone protesting their hatred and racism, but everyone who gives credence to the compelling testimony regarding a sexual attack is just plain evil and destructive. And people still wonder why so many of us are outraged about the character and consistency of Mr. Trump...
writeon1 (Iowa)
Anyone who asks why the victim of a sexual assault didn't report it can point to Trump's speech. Grassley's release of an ex-boyfriend' s letter trashing another potential witness underlines the message. From the Party of Trump and its leader to women everywhere: "Shut up!"
Willy P (Arlington Ma)
This is the real issue in our country. The indefatigable liar and cheat that we have elected President of our country. Now he has the entire nation at his grip and woe to all of us who happen to be against him. He knows how to "play" the system better than we can "play" it and he is the president.
D.A.Oh (Middle America)
Taking Trump down was never a "witch hunt." It has always been a "wretch hunt." "Prezident" Tumor is a cancer on society.
AT (Simsbury, CT)
I want to urge all Senators not to vote in favor of Brett Cavanaugh. And the reason is simple and not political. We have had President Trump make appalling statements yesterday against Dr. Ford in a political rally. That is not acceptable. Some of the Senators have called out President Trump for making such appalling statements. We need to teach President Trump a lesson. All throughout his life he has got what he wanted; by hook or by crook, legally or illegally. This time he needs to be taught a lesson; let's not give him Brett Cavanaugh. Let's have him nominate someone more acceptable and someone not so vile as Judge Brett Cavanaugh. I feel sorry for Brett Cavanaugh’s family. They had nothing to do with the current problem. These issues were brought upon this nation by two people; Judge Cavanaugh and President Trump.
Patrick Flynn (Ridge, NY)
No, Mr. President. You are innocent until you confess on tape.
John Warnock (Thelma KY)
trump has proven once again that he is a low class thug. It is amazing that he would draw support from any Woman, particularly those who profess to following a religious philosophy. Is a segment of our population suffering from a form of Stockholm Syndrome? Your children are watching folks. Worse yet you bring them to trump's egregious spectacles.
Grandma (Midwest)
More shameful than Trump’s vile remarks about Professor Blasey was the obscene clapping by women in the audience at his rally: brainwashed souls who knew better but who foolishly cave to a brainless patrimony. Among those women were certainly victims who believe women deserve rape because they are as unworthy as many Arab women.
Petey Tonei (MA)
@Grandma, likewise when Trump was taunting an abc female reporter, his white men including mnuchin were guffawing and laughing with him. Remember Mnuchin's wife, she made fun of other women too, it runs in the family -- she has been called modern day Marie Antionette. People laughing at other human being's expense.
eben spinoza (sf)
It's time for the repeal of the Godwin Rule. Red Hats have a lot in common Brown Shirts.
R. Rappa (Baltimore)
Every time I read this my blood boils. This man cannot really be the President of the United States. He is a sham and a disgrace to all of us. He thinks he can demean women anytime he wants. I want my country back. Trump and Mitch need to go. We need Republicans who have dignity and honesty.
Dem in CA (Los Angeles)
Colin Kaepernick made a statement by kneeling Dr Christine Blasey Ford made a statement by testifying YOU can make a statement By VOTING on Tuesday Nov. 6, 2018
William Lazarus (Oakland CA)
For the sake of common decency and guarding our besieged democracy, I pray that Sen. Flake and other Republican senators come to their senses and vote against confirming Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.
KiKi (Miami, FL)
So trumps group of dubious collaborators/associates/family cannot manage to remember meetings with Russians in that last year(s) and he is questioning a teenage victim of sexual assault from a decades-old attack? Scientists would likely deem Session's, trump jr, Kushner, et. al.'s short-term amnesia as legally convenient (avoiding lying under oath)...but Science Supports (in decades of peer-reviewed research) that a victim will remember specific facts over others, esp regarding decades-long time frames. This president is a blemish on our history and shames all of us as Americans. To claim victimization of the ultra-privileged elite, who self-enrich on our country's back is immoral and nothing new from this unethical man. As for many, this is personal as I have also been the victim of physical abuse. My mouth/nose was covered - for daring to speak my opinion - so I feared accidental homicide by a spouse. I got out of his strong grips by twisting my body, after unable to run (a passion) for 6 weeks due to a knee injury. I did not call the police or even go to the doctor but called his cousin - who did not really believe me conveniently and blamed it on tempers. I do not remember the exact day, month (it was in my home) but I do remember every second of the act of violence. trump is encouraging men to attack, abuse, hurt, lie, even kill women. Life is fair in time, he will have to make amends for these crimes against women. I believe the truth will prevail one day.
Chico (New Hampshire)
This is unacceptable behavior on any level by anyone. I can't speak for other peoples integrity or moral compass, but if it were me, my resignation would be on his desk today without any reconsiderations. This has to be the lowest and sleaziest thing I ever heard any public person do, never mind a man who is supposed to be President. This kind of creepy and cruel bullying would not be acceptable for any star, entertainer or public person to do, let alone someone who is supposed to be the leader of our country. This is definialty the lowest point in this vile creepy man's public statements. I hope his tone deaf children and wife are pleased by their, father and husband's behavior. No role model for anyone, other than a sexual predator. I'll bet you have the Bill Cosby's and Harvey Weinstein's of world cheering this creep on.
John (Boulder, CO)
Any comment Presidential Advisor Ivanka Trump?
Naples (Avalon CA)
Remember the pearlclutching on the right when Jimmy Carter said he lusted after women in his mind? Such quaint times.
kat perkins (Silicon Valley)
Mocks and taunts. Toddler President. Feel bad for many reasons, especially the horrible example he sets for his son, Barron,
Howard Kaplan (NYC)
Scoundrel. Trump has no decency . Get him out of there before he does more damage .
Madeleine (Zurich)
Trump continues to prove every day how unsuitable he is to be President. And the people cheering him on in the crowd? They are the reason why the US has become a laughing stock.
Issassi (Atlanta)
Simply unforgivable. The damage this so-called POTUS has done to the Office, to women, minorities, immigrants, healthcare, the environment, our Country, its international reputation, and to global stability is nearly immeasurable. He needs to be removed, with haste.
John Grillo (Edgewater, MD)
Melania, somewhere observing elephants in the bush on her tax-payer funded, lux African vacation: "Donald, before I left you promised me that you would Be Best while I was away! Now you're misbehaving while Mommy's away. Why can't you be a good boy, like Barron. Stop it! This tantrum, and all the Fake News reporting about it, is now interfering with my enjoyment of a special getaway. Don't make Mommy angry! XO, M."
Dear God. Please give this President his just dues, I pray. In Jesus Name AMEN!
Upisdown (Baltimore)
Of course it is perfectly okay for Saturday Night Live to lambast Judge Kavanagh - he is merely the accused white male who is having his life destroyed by baseless accusations of a Trump protester. The woman accuser is above reproach and shall not be cross examined! Oh there is a double standard for everything under the leftie regime.
pkbormes (Brookline, MA)
Trump is his own worst enemy. It's past time for the whole administration to crash, taking with it the entire Republican party. Can't happen soon enough. We need to wake up from this national nightmare.
jeff sacks (danbury, ct)
what is worse, the insensitive and stupid remarks of the snake oil salesman, or the reaction of the crowd he panders to? Enough is enough. I have been active in voter registration drives, and will be also active in "get out & vote" activities in my local area. We can complain about this poor excuse of a human being that currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, or actively work to unseat him and his band of mostly white, older, Merry Men.
An American Abroad (United Kingdom)
Trump laments that people are trying to ruint Kavanaugh's reputation. Why does he attempt ruin Dr. Ford's with his pathetic mockery?
Catalina (Mexico)
The Mocker in Chief.
Anne Petherick (Georgia)
There can be no healing while trump is POTUS. There is NO common ground between decent human beings and the people who support his vile policies and behavior...people who cheer on this despicable monster.
Susan Fitzwater (Ambler, PA)
I am addressing Dr. Blasey. Take heart! It is a badge of honor, Dr. Blasey--it is a mark of distinction-- --to be mocked. Or scorned. Or vilified-- --by such a man as Mr. Donald J. Trump. If he had warmly commended you, Dr. Blasey-- --if he had bestowed extravagant praise upon you and your words before the Senate Judiciary Committee-- --then you'd have had just cause for concern. What have I said or done, you'd have asked yourself-- --to win encomiums from Mr. Donald J. Trump? "The crowd cheered!" As this man--a man WALLOWING in scandals and infamy-- held you up to public scorn. I wish to cast no aspersion upon the people of Mississippi. Or (at any rate) such people as flock to a Trump rally--screaming their slogans and mantras. Or indulging in a few moments of unspeakable merriment. Know this, Dr. Blasey. THE DECENT PEOPLE OF THESE UNITED STATES-- --those people are behind you one hundred percent. I pray God, Dr. Blasey--really! I do-- --that your eye (somehow) may fall upon these words-- --and that they give you comfort and encouragement. "The crowds cheered him." What despicable people we have in these United States! But we're not ALL that way, Dr. Blasey. Not all! Not yet!
Andrew (Australia)
Putting male Trump supporters to one side for a moment, who on earth are these women who support Trump, and CHEER these comments? With the greatest respect, how stupid can these people possibly get?
jaco (Nevada)
@Andrew The women who have a brain and can recognize fraudulent allegations when they see them.
Doug Ablitt (Canada)
Outside of America Trump is viewed as a disgusting person let alone a president He has brought America to the bottom of the cesspool and his comments the other night about Ford show just how much a low life he has become
matt shelley (california)
not very decent of the man. not very christian of the man. not very presidential either... trump is the very embodiment of deplorable. his followers will be left behind, poisoned, robbed, and forgotten... but hey, he REALLY stuck it to them lib-ruls huh?
inquiring minds (ut)
This is NOT okay. This is abnormal behavior. This madness needs to be stopped. Women deserve to be safe from men like Trump and Kavanaugh.
Larry (Oakland, CA)
Emperor Trump can say anything, because isn't he the emperor and not subject to the poor and meager standards of propriety that apply to everyone who is not him? Can he match Caligula's appointing a horse to the senate by appointing a horse to the Supreme Court? After all, he can then make the claim that at least one fine member there will then have the horse sense to gallop through complicated legal matters and trample all precedent, taking the emperor where he wants to go without being reined in by those silly and useless standards that apply to us poor peons.
Indy1 (California)
I think you just insulted Caligula.
Six Minutes Remaining (Before Midnight)
Remember: your vote counts as much as every screaming, uncritical member of that audience. How anyone can cheer on such gross misogyny is absolutely beyond me. Your vote counts as much as this President*'s. Together, we can count a lot more, and remove this toxic excuse for 'leadership' in our country. VOTE.
aphroditebloise (Philadelphia, PA)
Donald trump's father had Alzheimers in his old age. Has Donald begun to show signs of the disease? Yes.
D. Healy (Paris, France)
When in the entire history of our country did a "President" ever call out and blame one citizen a brave sexual assault survivor no less, in front of a jeering crowd? This crowd applauded assault along with this fraudster? America Is a pale reflection of its former greatness a cruel and callous land lead by a mountebank! Until you rid yourselves of this infestation nothing will be honest or real. As it turns out this is pure Trumpery. Trumpery, Deceit, fraud, imposture, trickery, something of less value than it seems; Hence something of no value. this man Trump is appropriately named! The Oxford Dictionary Everything about him is fake. He is a deceiver, and you in America have been trumped. VOTE !
Debbie L. (FLorida)
So, here we are again.......and people wonder why sex abuse isn't reported. The man in the White House who at some point said Dr. Blasey was believable now prods his supporters at a campaign rally to view her as an idiot with no memory; could this be because he too is a sexual abuser? Since this man's election our country has digressed into a free for all. I can only hope when he's gone we are able to repair the psychological damage and our reputation around the world. I have faith in my country urge everyone to stay focused.
Joseph King (New York)
“His voice dripping with derision” is blatant editorializing and shouldn’t be in a news article.
Some Dude (CA Sierra Country)
@Joseph King Pitch me a better description. Seems pretty accurate.
Michelle (Boston)
@Joseph King. I watched it. It is a very accurate description, perhaps going too easy on the despicable man baby.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
@Joseph King Well listen to it. There is a video. Trump is a gross deviation, a perversion.
Kevin (Red Bank N.J.)
Really, how can anyone vote for this disgrace of a president. His ego still has not recovered from losing the election by 3 million votes. All he preaches is hate of anyone who is not white. He is dismissive of women and their rights. All he does is lie, everyday and very often every day. He loves a Korean dictator but hates Canada. He preaches his complaints about many countries at his U.N. appearance. However there was one he did not mention. One with whom he has no complaints, Russia. Yes, Russia and Putin, he can never say any thing but good things about them. This country is coming apart at the seems and all he can do is mock a women who ruined her life by coming forward. Like I said he is a lair a bully and a disgrace as a president.
rslay (Mid west)
The most disgusting spectacle at the rally were the women who cheered when he was mocking Dr. Ford. Are these women so dominated and self loathing that they can't see how pathetic they are? Another great moment of idiocy from our Neanderthal President was when he said to NBC News: "Women are doing just fine". How about that ladies? Doing complaints...making as much as a man for the same job?
Mark R. (Littleton, CO)
As I watch once again in disbelief, I keep asking myself - "Are MY taxes helping pay for these rallies?"
@Mark R. Yeah. That is what I want to know. Who is paying for these rallies? And why isn't the President back at the White House working. Your're fired!
M (Seattle)
It’s a scary time for all men. There are many women who believe all men are rapists. We’re in the midst of a new Puritanism, oddly coming from the left this time.
Jan Albers (Oxford, UK)
Standing up for yourself in the face of sexual abuse does not make you a Puritan. I know many abuse victims, myself included, who love men, and do not think they are “all rapists.” You are being sold a bill of goods by people who want to keep misogynists on top.
JSBNoWI (Up The North)
Not true that women believe all men are rapists. I, however, believe that many men have sexually assaulted, abused, or demeaned a woman or some women in their lives. I also believe they didn’t even know it, because it was such standard behavior. I believe that most women have had sexually abusive and/or demeaning things said to them. It’s not imagination; it’s our lives, and it sucks.
earthgve 21st (Portland,OR)
@M That is what you took from trump being cruel to a woman who was scarred by being attacked as a young girl? Maybe we should be scared of you. What do you consider assault because Kavanaugh didn’t think his assault was assault. Those who date rape usually don’t.
Walter McCarthy (Henderson, nv)
One thing is for sure, this President will never be forgotten.
PT (New Haven, CT)
This is the one that crosses every line there is: Mocking a woman who has provided the country with a credible allegation of sex abuse? Even some of Kavanaugh's supporters stated publicly that even if Ms Ford is mistaken in her ID of the Judge as the perpetrator i, it is clear that she had been attacked and is indeed a victim of sexual abuse. I am horrified about the suffering this will add to Ms Ford's experience.... . As a society, we have fallen back on our old tried and untrue strategies for handling conflicts. In this case, blame the victim. That works especially well when the alleged perpetrator is privileged and wealthy and powerful. Once again, Trump has hauled out his dog whistle and blown it loudly. In one blow, he has trashed the GOP’s attempt to portray objectivity and fair play in their handling of these allegations against Kavanaugh.. I am just as upset that this behavior mitigates against the very slim chance that we Americans will actually engage in a serious discussion about best practices in reacting to allegations of this kind. I call on every single woman and man in these Untied States to rise up in horror and repudiate the President's abysmal behavior. Besides adding to MS Ford’s and other victims’ pain, he has mitigated against Americans’ flawed ability to provide justice and healing to all involved. Call, Text. Email. Demonstrate. But NO SILENCE PLEASE.
Vicki (Queens, NY)
@PT Columbus Day weekend coming up. Weather still nice. Time to march
Chris Morris (Idaho)
My actual thoughts can't be shared, but I will say he is a disgusting slug, and leave it at that. One must wonder in what distorted sense of reality he and his supporters exist. Additionally, Trump sees a path to a fascist dictatorship in America and he is striding down it, and his supporters in the GOP-Cong and in his base are urging him on.
Marie (Canada)
People who take time to attend political rallies are people who will make time to vote. Donald Trump knows this and has made these rallies a continual feature of his presidency. It seemed odd at first, but as time goes on one can see the method in the madness. Keep them alert, keep them with you, stir them up, be their friend, keep them informed of what a wonderful job you are doing as president. Be relentless with your message and show that you are on top of your game and always will be. You are The Best President there has ever been. Do you think this will get him re-elected? Yes. This is terrifying but true.
Barrie Grenell (San Francisco)
Are attendees paid to be there? Are they directed when to yell and carry on? When to wave their signs?
JSBNoWI (Up The North)
Don’t any of his followers question him, even in light of his proven penchant for lying? What are they hoping for? Concentration camps and ovens to dispose of liberals? Obviously, strangling education to death will create more ignorance; is that where his crowd of believers are grown?
LaRaine Montgomery (Savannah GA)
Once again, Mr. Trump voices his ignorance and misogyny to a crowd of Mississipians who mirror and reflect the same, in order to distract from the shattering NYT article that reveals and lays bare his utter deceit and fraud of where his wealth came from. This crowd does not read the NYT. This crowd feeds off the drivel and garbage of the opinions of fox news hosts such as Hannity and Ingraham. The world is watching the utter degradation of the United States. It is sickening.
TDee (TX)
1 Emotion after reading our so-called "leader's" (note no cap on l) mocking words: Sick 1 Word for the "leader of this country": Filthy 1 Emotion now for this country: Sad
Mulberryshoots (Worcester, MA)
WHY did Trump mock Dr. Ford at a rally? Didn't he just say she was a "fine person," and that her testimony was "compelling?" Whose vote is he after by doing this? Not so-called "undecided" Republicans in the Kavanaugh battle. Not most women who are voting in November. Or is he projecting from his own experience, having paid off Stormy Daniels and Karen MacDougal? Actually, this helps the anti-Kavanaugh vote. Let's hope it succeeds.
Dennis Hinkamp (Logan UT)
As the "Fear" book exposed the president cannot control himself or be controlled by staff. Just from a purely strategic standpoint, the mocking before the FBI report is in makes the whole process suspect.
Sally (California)
Today Senator Flake and Senator Collins criticized the president's remarks at the rally in Mississippi last evening saying "this is just plain wrong." These shameful displays by the president are dividing the country along gender, political, racial, and economic lines and it is unacceptable. He would not be getting away with this except that so many Republicans are keeping quiet. Remember this when we all vote next month. We all need to VOTE for those candidates who stand up for what is fair and decent, wise leadership, transparency, and most of all accountability.
JTS (New York)
We are trying desperately to normalize a man who has deep mental illnesses. This has not so far and will never work. There is no "fixing" the problem or trying to find a level of "shock" that he will respond to and change his behavior. The only remedy is impeachment or voting him out of office ... hopefully before anything bad happens to all of us.
Beth Bastasch (Aptos CA)
He can’t learn. How can he lead?
David (Rochester, NY)
I cannot wrap my head around making fun of a victim for laughs. Even if she's wrong about who did it, or when -- something happened to her. You can see it in her eyes. And you know what, something happened to me too, Sometimes I can't remember what I did a week ago, but I will never forget what happened to me in vivid detail. I live with it every day, and guess what, it was 39 years ago. So, all you pseudo-psychologists with your inane opinions about what victimhood is like, and how it manifests itself --- even you actual victims who are standing up and saying, "well, I remember all the details, blah blah blah." Please, for the love of humanness and loving one another, and EMPATHY, understand that each case is different. Each case is gray. And each case might not be YOUR understanding. But, please don't mock us. It lessens our country, our community, our humanity. Just look at the bearded guy in white behind Trump elbow his buddy as if to say, "Awesome, now he's giving it to her." To me, that image is now part of my trauma. Deeper than Trump's mocking -- because I have inured myself to him. But that guy, that guy is everything wrong with that image. Please, don't mock us.
James (Long Island)
We should all mock Chrsitine Ford, because this entire episode has nothing to do with sexual assault and everything to do with preventing Trump from picking another Supreme Court justice. As proof of the obvious, I won't repeat the obvious facts that support my conclusion. We all have heard them, but will make a prediction. The FBI investigation will turn up nothing of substance to support Ford's claims. So the Democrats will insist that the FBI investigation be extended. Once again, not to get at the truth, but to deny Trump a Supreme Court pick. On the other hand, Karen Monahan, has documentary evidence and a witness of recent abuse at the hands of Keith Ellison. Let's see if this prevents him from being seated as Minnesota's next AG. Let's hope that she presses charges and is treated fairly. She came forward at the right time.
Jan Albers (Oxford, UK)
So you believe Ellison’s accuser and think Ford is a political setup? This is obviously just politics to you. Both of these women’s claims deserve to be heard and evaluated objectively. If they can’t be “proved,” but seem credible, we should err on the side of believing them. There are other fine candidates for both of these jobs.
James (Long Island)
@Jan Albers Aren't there obvious differences? timing? corroboration? the attention and handling of each? I think any rational fair-minded person could have safely predicted a sexual allegation against Kavanaugh. The entire purpose of her allegation is to deny Trump a Supreme Court pick. If they delay his appointment, they may have control of the Senate and achieve that goal. Picking another candidate would serve that purpose
SMac (Bend, Or)
Are my tax dollars paying for these "rallies"? If they are, how is that even legal?
Blaine Selkirk (Waterloo Canada)
GOP senators can stop with the rightious indignation. They're going to vote for him anyway.
Dutch (Seattle)
Of course, Trump can only hold these rallies in certain states, those with a disproportionate amount of credulous #MAGA Muppets
Robert F (Seattle)
Does anyone, all those people who have been making excuses for Trump's followers, still manage to find it within themselves to defend these people? How can you defend that blatantly obnoxious behavior?
eric (kennett square, pa)
Why should any of us be surprised by what this misogynist, this mendacious, this racist, this... occupier of the Oval Office says at these so-called rallies where the people in the background have been hand-picked to make it seem as if this tyrant has a lot of support. How, one wonders, could any woman anywhere in this country possibly be able to hold up a sign that reads "Women for Trump." Unfortunately there are far too many of them. We keep sinking more and more into a swamp.
my2sense2018 (San Diego, CA)
I am an 83 years old this month. I only hope I live long enough to see this despircable disgrace of a man get his just desserts and disappear from our TV screen and our lives!
SLeslie (New Jersey)
To Senators Colin's, Murkowski, Flake and Manchin, That Kavanaugh needs the jeering, mocking support of A Trump base crowd, that's all you need to know about the quality of his candidacy. Think of it in the context of Trump's brag that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and his base would not care.... I guess certain guys can commit sexual assault and the base would not care. Same narrative? Access Hollywood? Stormy Daniels? And by the way, looks like Kavanaugh drinks and lies a lot.
FiddlerPhoebe (SoCal)
What's next? Taunting victims of childhood abuse by priests? Tsunami victims? Does the man have no shame? Apparently not.
Sally (New Orleans)
Trump, just stop posturing. You believed her. Most (that's a way big measurement, sir) women don't report sexual assaults. Most (bigly again) don't report rapes. By comparison, miniscule (think itty bitty) numbers of fake accusations are lodged against men. In your heart of hearts (is it itty bitty?), you know sons aren't under threat. Daughters, as sure as there are stars in the sky, are. Kavanaugh disqualified himself. He lied under oath. Multiple times. He ranted and deflected. He demonstrated that he couldn't handle stress. His showed the world that he lacks the temperament to be a Supreme Court justice. Kavanaugh's confirmation would well serve your interests, not the interests of justice, not the interests of people of the United States of America. No. Kavanaugh must not be confirmed. Blame him.
Rebecca (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
Just when we thought Trump couldn't get any lower than the gutter he's now in the sewage system. This is what you get when you elect a man with no moral or ethical code, no self-control, and literally no knowledge about the world. He should be sued for defamation - add long list of law suits by women against him. The orange jumpsuit will clash with his hair but it's really what he should be wearing every day, What a despicable, disgusting person. Even the work "person" doesn't apply to Trump. Truly, truly awful. I hope Dr. Blasey Ford knows the pathetic group of supporters who will laugh and cheer at any sad emission from their leader is not representative of the vast majority of women and men and kids who believe, support and applaud her and her strength.
Northern Perspective (Manhattan, KS)
Mocking Dr. Ford, as callous and unpresidential as it is, is Trump playing Trump. He's shifting our eyes and ears from yesterday's NYT bombshell article.
DW (Philly)
@Northern Perspective You give him too much credit. He's just spewing as he always does.
Mike (California)
A woman comes forward to report an alleged sexual assault and THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MOCKS HER AND HIS SUPPORTERS CHEER HIM ON. I will say it again. The Free World is being led by a man with no conscience, no guilt, no soul. I'll leave it to others to decide what this says about his supporters.
Doc (New York)
All of this, and the hand-wringing it has produced on the part of Trump &Co., could have been avoided if Kavanaugh had been more forthcoming. He could have admitted that he was young and stupid and sometimes had too much to drink and didn't necessarily remember what he had done from time to time, and, while we would not have been happy about it necessarily, we would have believed him and accepted the idea that he may have learned how to be a better person. Since there is no supporting evidence for these old allegations, the "lawyer thing" for him to do is simply keep denying them. Then both sides pile on. In the meantime, members of the current administration are, among other things, weakening restrictions on mercury in the environment and allowing for "small doses" of radiation to not merit remediation. While everyone's arguing about "sex wars," the Reps are rolling back environmental and worker protections. It's not that the former issue isn't important, but it's also the stuff being perpetrated on us while the Bloviator in Chief is making everyone mad.
Upisdown (Baltimore)
But it is perfectly okay to say BK looked "angry and mean" as he delivered an emotional response to this nonsense. And make sure you cherry pick and publish a still photograph that makes him look really mean and scary and publish it on every major MSM source.
kostja (seattle)
@Upisdown...but he did look ugly and mean, did he not?
Irene Heitsch (Austin, TX)
@Upisdown watch his entire testimony for yourself.
Michael W (Seattle)
The word 'APPALING ' doesn't even come close to what I think of his actions. Signed, White Male Human
Avis Boulter (Florida)
The article states that Trump said this is a "very scary time for young men in America." Not if you are innocent. Don't sexually harass, assault, or rape women. And if you are guilty, you probably will refuse a FBI investigation or a lie detector test for they will reveal the truth about you.
Ms. Pea (Seattle)
So, women are being told to come forward to report sexual assault, but when one does the President of the United States ridicules her and insults her and calls her a liar. What do you people want?
Irene Heitsch (Austin, TX)
@Ms. Pea to humiliate
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Talk Show Host Trump is an empty bag. No secure American man needs to hold up people to mock- they just don't. That Trump needs to debase others for laughs is the issue here- he reveals his pitiful and chronic needs in front of this crowd. He *doesnt drink* but this need is as alcoholic as it gets. "Weak" in every way.
Dan Raemer (Brookline, MA)
He viciously mocks the disabled, women of any sort, public servants, veterans, war heroes, athletes, minorities, and the media. Then he shamelessly denies it in spite of video, audio, twitter, and direct observation. If you are any of the above and still support him, you have my sympathy. Please get professional help.
Mo Better (New York, N.Y.)
Revolting. He defines what we commonly know as a "bully." He's an embarrassment to our country, but what else is new?
Carlyle T. (New York City)
If after this display of adolescent taunting by a head of State does it not tell anyone that this man is unhinged. He has never left his reality TV show and yes this behavior is getting disgusting now not just as he loves so loves to do, hit the shock button.
Dan (SF)
A sexual assaulter defending a sexual assaulter: Today’s GOP.
Sara G. (New York)
Vile Trump claims "guilty before proven innocent", a specious claim in this particular situation. In the Central Park Five case, five black men accused of assaulting and raping a white woman in Central Park, he called for the death penalty. Again, at that point they were only accused (and later exonerated, after years of jail time, thanks to DNA). He also spent $85,000 in full-page ads in the four daily papers in New York City, calling for the return of the death penalty. Mocking a women who claims sexual assault. Calling for the death penalty before trial and conviction (and later exoneration). This grotesque man is a hideous, lying, misogynistic hypocrite as are a good portion of the Republican party. VOTE THEM OUT.
Ginger Walters (Chesapeake, VA)
Once again Trump shows his very ugly colors and the sycophants cheer. How sad for our country to have this horrible man in the WH, mocking a woman who's been sexually assaulted. Frankly, if DT didn't have a fan club, where would he be? What kind of people cheer on this kind of disgusting rhetoric? They are definitely not people I'd care to associate with and am quite ashamed to even call them American. Hillary Clinton was right when she referred to them as despicable.
Sofedup (San Francisco, CA)
Simply disgusting and shows there is no "low" that he can go. Just when you think he can't go any lower, he proves you wrong. What a pathetic, tragic situation for our country and the members of the gop are complicit.
Maria Rodriguez (Texas)
It is disgusting enough that this creature is president of the U.S., but even more disheartening that Americans cheer and applaud him for his vileness. I always wonder, when looking back at photographs from the civil rights era, if those photographed with hateful grimaces on their faces ever look back at themselves and cringe. The obvious answer is that the spirit of those folks are still here at Trump rallies, without an ounce of shame. The same people that berated a small child as she walked into a school that was to be integrated, are the same people cheering at a presidents mocking someone who was traumatized. I can see them staring that child down, yelling obscenities at her. These are the same people who profess to respect our troops, but who cheer for a man who disrespected a prisoner of war, McCain. Does the shoe fit at being called deplorable? Their president is a force of divisiveness; they inhale the same helium as he does.
Milady (CT)
The Mob In The Coliseum To those who roared with delight at trump's mocking Dr. Ford's decades long pain - we know you now. Turns out we have always known you, but during times of Decency we try to forget you exist - or have pretended you don't. When children and babies were ripped from their parents arms at our border, only to be locked away in atrocious conditions - you were there cheering. When black men were lynched, and black homes burned - you were there cheering. When Native American women, children and men were slaughtered, starved and mocked - you were there cheering. When women were burned alive, drowned, put in stocks for "not knowing their place" in Salem - you were there cheering. When women were beaten, jailed and force-fed for daring to demand taxation *with*representation - you were there cheering. When women were chattel to be owned, beaten and raped by fathers and husbands - you were there cheering. When people were publicly hung or flogged for crimes as minor as stealing bread to feed a starving family - you were there cheering. When people were tortured and burned alive by the many, many inquisitions over the centuries - you were at each of them cheering. When gladiator slaves fought to the death for your amusement - you were there cheering. And cheered loudest of all when Christians were thrown to the lions. We know you now, down to our bones. And this time, in our time and our children's time, we will never forget you.
gc (chicago)
I'm sad for Mississippi... and all the support that we send them to help during disasters .... I'm surprised they accept that "blue" money they receive....
Snow Day (Lehigh Valley, PA)
How is that Be Best campaign going?
Have we hit rock bottom yet?
David Parsons (San Francisco)
Trump is well practiced at assassinating the characters of women (19) who have accused him of being a sexual predator. He does this even as his own words (Access Hollywood) and actions (invading dressing rooms of young girl’s changing at pageants) convict him. Don’t believe your lying eyes and ears or reason, listen to the Father of Lies instead. America could see for themselves that Kavanaugh was angry, bitter and partisan even while sober, and he repeatedly lied to Congress about issues large and small. He is unfit for any court, much less the Supreme Court. His testimony was often incoherent, even when he wasn’t yelling, crying, lying or exclaiming his love of beer. With that performance, the only job interview he would pass would be for an Alex Jones sidekick.
John S (11735)
Looks like Blasey Ford was a flat-out lying on several questions. This investigation will point this out in a sensitive way I’m sure, but this lady is not to be believed. Where is the times story regarding the leaked letter from Blasey’s boyfriend?
Irene Heitsch (Austin, TX)
@John S the anonymous ex-boyfriend reported on Fox you men? He has his 15 minutes of infamy. Let's focus on children in detention, tax evasion and a very compromised judicial nominee, shall we?
J Alfred Prufrock (Portland)
This will be my last comment about this buffoon's behavior. SHAME on any woman who votes for him in 2020.
EH (San Francisco)
And why not Shame on any man who votes for him?! You think women are solely responsible for fixing this and men are excused? Your comment truly is indefensible.
J Alfred Prufrock (Portland)
@EHShame on any man or woman who votes for him. Please do not put words into my mouth. I never said or advocated for your interpretation. My wife fully understood my comment when I ran it by her.
Jim (Placitas)
So, the new normal, as written by Donald Trump and his Republican enablers... Men are falsely accused of sexual assault. Therefore, ipso facto, no woman has ever been sexually assaulted. Written statements from the lawyers of potential witnesses are adequate for conducting an investigation. Therefore, we no longer need the FBI; we can just get people to send in their statements. The ends always justify the means. Therefore, character and demeanor in a judicial nominee are irrelevant. What matters is how he will rule on conservative cultural issues. Bipartisan cooperation means agreeing to do the things Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump want done. Therefore, if you oppose them you are an obstructionist running a con game. Just because I support his nominees and vote for his policies strictly along party lines doesn't mean I support him as president. Therefore, I can have it both ways: I can both claim to be disappointed and distressed by his behavior, while still supporting everything he stands for. When I laugh and cheer for him at his rallies where he insults and denigrates and mocks people he disagrees with, it is not because I think he is funny and I agree with his morals, it is because I am angry and alienated. Therefore, I am a good person, not a supporter of a hostile, racist, misogynist.
Robert Roth (NYC)
Of course Stormy Daniels gave time place and vivid details which he can recite at the next rally.
Just a Sophomore (nj)
Mr. Trump, sir, I see you as an uncaring human being devoid of the least compassion. You have no understanding of what it means to be sexually attacked. Nor have I. I am a 73-year old man who luckily escaped any sort of abuse as a child. However, I listen to people who have been through such an experience. My dear wife of 31 years has. She was raped 50 years ago when she was 18 years old, being left to fend for herself in an undeveloped part of the state of Florida. Her rapist, after doing his deed, paid her $50 (apparently he had a modicum of guilt) and left her to find her way home in the middle of nowhere. She made it back home, but she says to this day she doesn't remember at all how she did it. It's first-hand accounts like hers and Dr. Blasey's that have convinced me most women go on autopilot for some time after enduring the trauma of unexpected sexual assault from an overpowering man. Their pain is too intense for them to remember much of anything other than the event itself. Shame on you, sir, for belittling the horror that Dr. Blasey endured that summer night 36 years ago. And double shame on you and your sorry need for approval in pandering to our worst collective nature, rousing an adoring crowd who thinks that you are the best thing since sliced bread. I weep for the state of our nation for the plight of abused women, and for the many uncaring men who have no idea of the pain they cause another human being when they bodily assault them.
Fe R (San Diego)
This is reminiscent of another presidential rally event when he mocked a disabled man. The crowd likewise cheered, laughed and applauded. In a democracy, the power lies in the people. There was a time when I looked down on Hillary Clinton's use of "Deplorables" but I now realize that she was accurate in her characterization. There is a deplorable segment in our society and they are empowering and enabling this so-called President. Trump's supporters who applaud and cheer him on whenever he does vile and appalling acts are complicit. They also deserve public condemnation. This is an indictment not only on him but of them. It takes two to tango.
Of course he mocked her... This is the same man who a day or two ago called her testemony "credible". The real question is whether he can spell the word 'schizophrenia'
Diane B (The Dalles, OR)
Hey--it's always a scary time for women in this country!
publius (new hampshire)
A president without shame. Emotionally a 10 year old, Trump jeers at women, assaults them sexually and taunts his victims. But we must also remember the crowds he churns up and licenses do more of the same. The moral stain spread by this man contaminates our country.
kostja (seattle) someone raising a 9 and a 10-year old boy, I beg to differ. Our sons would never behave like this...they know right from wrong.
Excelsior (New York)
This attack upon Dr. Ford (deplorable as it is) is a distraction from the real story. The WH claims that the FBI has "free rein" in its inquiry, provided its completed by the end of the week. This is obviously not true. The WH will not permit BK to be interviewed. His private lawyers would sensibly want him to invoke the privilege against self-incrimination, given the allegations of lying to Congress. That would end his nomination. The WH would not want to exacerbate the situation by putting him in the position of speaking with the FBI, see Martha Stewart case, which, if it goes as badly as his testimony last Thursday, could end his tenure on the DC Circuit and possibly as a member of the bar. And New York Times, thank you for creating another distraction with the ancient tale of real estate practices. This could not have waited until next week?
Gary (Taipei, Taiwan)
Trump joins Kavanaugh and Mark Judge... Looking down at her, laughing, as she's pinned to the bed pleading for the abuse to stop. Trump can't stop himself from belittling decent people, especially if they are women.
Michael (Brooklyn)
This is the moment where we find out whether we are a civilized nation. Either we reject Trump's antics or we normalize them and encourage the same for future generations.
Jessica (Evanston, IL)
Very unfortunate that Trump made these comments, but not surprising. The evidence and lack thereof will speak for itself--no need to disparage anyone. Most outlets are now reporting that Dr. Ford's testimony about a number of things is being very credibly challenged by a former boyfriend. I'm sure Trump knew about the boyfriend's letter when he made these comments. Which is no excuse, but as a populist President, it makes sense that he would feel emboldened by the letter.
Irene Heitsch (Austin, TX)
@Jessica anonymous ex-boyfriend. Very credible
LG Smith (UK)
We are all making the same mistake as we did before the 2016 election. The polls are going in Kavanaugh's favor because of media overkill in favor of attacking Kavanaugh come what may. Joe Scarborough made this point very well this morning. Thats why Trump has changed tact. he knows he is on a winner.
TDee (TX)
Top 10 Safest Countries for Women as reported by New World Wealth noted below. All words in quotes are directly extracted from the report. "The rankings are based on the percentage of each country's female population that has been a victim of a serious crimes over the past year." I query whether the U.S. will even make the top 10 after 2018? Wouldn't we feel more pride to have respect for women? I tell my friends don't boast about how many you've conquered because hook-ups are very easy. Brag about how long you've protected a true relationship. Direct from the report: "Australia is the world's safest country for a woman, according to analysis by consultancy New World Wealth in its 2018 Global Wealth Migration Review." "The report mainly looks at the movement of high net worth individuals (HNWI) across the world. However, part of that analysis involves reviewing the safest countries for women." "Woman safety is one of the best ways to gauge a country's long term wealth growth potential, with a correlation of 92% between historic wealth growth and woman safety levels," the report says. "This means that wealth growth is boosted by strong levels of woman safety in a country." "Australia is among the best performing wealth markets in the world. Over ten years, wealth in Australia has grown by 83%." "The 10 safest countries for women in 2017 were: Australia Malta Iceland New Zealand Canada Poland Monaco Israel USA South Korea
Glen (Texas)
Sometimes Trump's behavior leaves one stunned and at a loss for words. This is one of those times.
Nicole (Texas)
when will this end?
jak (ny)
What else would you expect from a vicious, vile soulless man but a vicious, vile souless attack? What is unexpected is how many Americans feel comfortable supporting and applauding this, as he would put it "low-life."
VM (upstate ny)
if i had any doubts about the lack of decorum in the white house, they're gone now. new Yorkers have known for a long time what kind of person DJT is.....but I cant understand why the WH staff doesn't regulate his language and impulsivity.... personal gain over country is the ethic if today I guess....
DavidJ (New Jersey)
Trump and what George Will called Pence, “The most repulsive politician.” This is what we all are contending with and a nation of ignorant citizens.
kat perkins (Silicon Valley)
My nightmares now occur in the morning when I read the news that I live in a country where millions of Trump supporters applaud while their leader mocks sexual violence. Many of them church-going Christians? And not a Republican backbone in sight. These are the values our military is fighting for?
Almost Can’t Take It (Southern California)
The qualifier “kinda” shows no strength. Be the leader, Senator Flake, that you will say you are in a future election, and use the word “definitely”!
Kristin Ames (Houston, TX)
Sure it is. It's a scary time for American men, as Trump mocks the experiences of a woman who describes a violent sexual assault. Very scary.
JGar (Connecticut)
I wonder how many of the people at that rally were really from Mississippi?
mrtrc (new york, ny)
This poor excuse for a man, (and I use that noun lightly) is soulless, as Dr. Ford's lawyer described him. He has conned many people over the decades, lied consistently, degraded so many and truly thinks he is god's gift to the world. Every day I worry what will be next...he is ruining and dividing this country to an extent I really didn't think possible. I only hope that we can survive this aberration for future generations and restore true bipartisanship and democracy to our world.
Hans (Gruber)
"Mocking" is a value judgement based on the observer's impressions. It would be useful to see video of this "mocking" to allow the NYT's readers to make up their own minds. The actual description of his comments sound more like role-playing combined with an expression of his opinions. I hate Trump, but let's get some serious journalism going here.
Dianne (Vermont)
Hans Gruber, look for the NYT’s story online. The video of this president ‘s comments begin the story. This is complete journalistic coverage, and undeniable presidential mocking of Blasey Ford’s testimony. The Times’ characterization of the Tuesday night rally comments are highly accurate. Trump’s most current intemperate comments display not just his meanness, but his ignorance. In mocking the gaps in Dr. Blasey Ford’s memory, he disregards or can’t comprehend common knowledge of how trauma affects memory in survivors.
Chico (New Hampshire)
Donald Trump is acting just like Bill Cosby did after he was publicly accused, trying to go and do his act by attacking and deflecting. There is something really vile and creepy about seeing a 71 year old man acting in this way......really creepy.
Turgid (Minneapolis)
How sad for the women standing next to their cheering husbands in that audience. What kind of life is that?
RNS (Piedmont Quebec Canada)
Does Mississippi represent what 'make america great again' will look like?
Candlewick (Ubiquitous Drive)
“To discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right, it’s just not right and I wish he had not have done it,” Mr. Flake said early Wednesday on NBC. “It’s kind of appalling.” "It's kind of appalling" that this is the best- offered by any Republican.
Sharon (Miami Beach)
The president's actions are not very presidential. We have fallen pretty far. That said, the #metoo movement is this generation's McCarthyism. If I had sons, I would outfit them with a bodycam and leave it running 24/7 so they could never be on the wrong end of a "he said / she said", "believe all women" nightmare.
Dominic (Astoria, NY)
It's not a campaign rally, it's a cult meeting. This man disgusts me to my core. Kavanaugh must not be confirmed - under any circumstances. He is an emotional mess, an arrogant liar, a rank partisan, and would be a deeply flawed and tarnished Justice.
Margo Channing (NYC)
@Dominic I think his brain is damaged due to his high alcohol consumption since he was a teen. He is as unhinged as 45. Both of these bottom feeders make me sick.
Chico (New Hampshire)
This is unacceptable behavior on any level by anyone. I can't speak for other peoples integrity or moral compass, but if it were me, my resignation would be on his desk today without any reconsiderations. This has to be the lowest and sleaziest thing I ever heard any public person do, never mind a man who is supposed to be President. This kind of creepy and cruel bullying would not be acceptable for any star, entertainer or public person to do, let alone someone who is supposed to be the leader of our country. This is definialty the lowest point in this vile creepy man's public statements. I hope his tone deaf children and wife are pleased by their, father and husband's behavior. No role model for anyone, other than a sexual predator.
D. Knight (Canada)
How any woman could vote for Trump after this totally baffles me. His behaviour is vile and despicable, he treats women like dirt, he mocks them constantly, he has personally set the whole conversation on rape and consent back twenty years or more. So, lady Trump fans, please explain - why?
Margo Channing (NYC)
@D. Knight I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for an answer from those who are devoted to this man. So long as the economy is going strong they don't care. And to top it off the demographic are well-educated women. I pity them if they have children especially girls and boys. The man is crass, arrogant, a liar and dangerous. By all means get out and Vote in November.
Wade (Bloomington, IN)
How can you think that it is okay to belittle a person in public? And to think the person leading this is the president of the United States. Shameful!
SK (Ca)
What scary is most of the people in the rally cheering and clapping when Trump mocked Dr. Ford. The country is surely lost the America ideal and decency.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
Trump has a gift for drawing out the worst in other people. It’s the spirit of the mob, the destructiveness and the urge to prey on others like ignorant beasts. He mocks a human and dehumanizes that person to his mob who are then ready to destroy that person. The ability of people to descend into madness as a part of crowds is one of the strangest characteristics of humans. Only a person without any heart would play with people to cause that to emerge from others. That even one or two Republicans in the Senate have stood up to Trump is proof of some nobility in mankind but that the rest let themselves be drawn into his evil behavior is appalling. I guess it’s never the case that people have any limits to how low they will go.
Prof (Pennsylvania)
Gender war? Trade war? Culture war? With US and Chinese warships playing chicken in the South China Sea and master diplomat Kay Bailey Hutchison talking like we're about to launch against Russian missile emplacements these are soon going to be the good old days.
Thinking, thinking... (Minneapolis)
I hope we can vote our way into civilization again soon. This behavior is so boorish. I hope Dr. Blasey knows that he's not speaking for most of us. Shame on the people who laughed. Horrible.
Suzanne Victor (Southampton, PA)
I won’t even go into how vile this man and the followers at his rallies are. It is sickening to watch. But, please New York Times, do a story on who is paying for these rallies. Just four being done in this week alone. Is this being paid for by the taxpayers? Who covers the costs for Air Force One? The arenas? is there any security beyond the Secret Service? Given that the man is most happy at rallies, talking about himself and that they have never deserves attention.
susie (florida)
Amazing. Just when the GOP has been somewhat successful in promoting the narrative that Kavanaugh’s main problem is the terrible, dishonst, evil Democratic machine, Trump draws it all back and makes personal attacks on the victim. He would have gotten the same crowd reaction if all he talked about was those terrible Democrats. He may have even swayed the minds of people who are on the fence about the allegations. But no, he can't help himself.
Nat Ehrlich (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
As pointed out many times over the past three years, Donald Trump is frequently verbally aggressive. At times he has suggested that he would like to punch someone in the face, or asked a crowd to be violent to a protester, or suggested that police not be so nice to a prisoner. I would be surprised if there was even one occasion when he was physically aggressive towards a man. His verbal bullying is meant to cover his terror of being a loser. He's OK with groping women, and even - if Ivana is to be believed - of rape.
swilliams (Connecticut)
“They destroy people. They want to destroy people. These are really evil people.” Why does it seem to me that so many of Trumps condemning statements are projections of his own behavior onto his intended victims? Just saying....
Paul (sf)
The only thing scarier that Trump on his tirade are the people cheering him on.
Laticia Argenti (Florida)
Watch the showman, President Trump, recount a narrative of facts, particularly, facts of someone who has been victimized with exaggerated antics. Amoral and narcissistic, it should no longer be shocking, but we should acknowledge our pain. For Trump, his antics empowers him & his audience. Yet, how can they be just as insensitive and amoral as the Amoral Showman-In-Chief? Each perpetuate their fears (masked by a cloak of ridicule of others) of being discovered that they might have to come to terms with change around them that threatens their expectation of or actual status quo. Self-reflection & understanding that they hold beliefs tightly wound around closed systems of thought of “me-isms” versus “them-isms” founded on patriarchic principles and institutions is threatening. It takes a strong person to face this discovery. The voting youth seems to be more immune from these beliefs, perhaps due to boundless social media capabilities that, in many respects, is altering the ego concept and expanding boundaries. It is this voting population, if so motivated, that will be the most significant challenge to President Trump and everyone else holding power in fear and retrospect. Rise Up!
Hopefully, Senators Flake, Murkowski, Collins, Manchin, McCaskill, Donnelly, and Heitkamp will hold the line against this Kavanaugh In-Justice to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice will destroy any vestige of honor in the Court. I have been disheartened by the baseless attacks on white males -- this is not one of them. Kavanaugh feels he is privileged to do what wants, and say what he wants. He, like Trump is a shameless liar.
DBR (Los Angeles)
The man is out of his mind.
Lona (Iowa)
Trump and those who cheered his mockery of a sexual predator's victim are lower than low. If more was needed to show Trump's venality, this was it.
William O, Beeman (San José, CA)
How dare he! First he makes positive comments about Dr. Ford's testimony, I suspect under close staff scrutiny. Then once on his own he totally reverts to type, denigrating and mocking her. If this doesn't dislodge at least a few MAGA-heads from their zombie support of Trump, I don't know what will. He may have tanked Kavanaugh, and likely the midterms with his disgusting behavior.
Milton Lewis (Hamilton Ontario)
Trump never ceases to amaze with his truly outrageous behavior. He mocks a courageous sexual survivor before an adoring audience. During the nomination campaign he physically mocked a NYT reporter who had a physical disability. And he mocked John McCain’s remarkable courage while a POW during the Vietnam war. A war that Trump avoided on a flimsy medical claim. It is no wonder that he has made a mockery of the office of the president of the USA. America deserves better.
Leslie (Oakland)
Of course. That’s perfect. Now women’s vulnerability is thrown out as the red meat. From the profound lessons we’ve all been witness to this week,among them the life-long trauma of assault, drump distilled the message that it’s a “very scary time” for men and the “women are doing just fine”. It’s really too disgusting to comment on further.
Charlemagne (Montclair, New Jersey)
Is the real problem Trump's offensive parody, or is it the crowd in Mississippi (and crowds elsewhere) that cheer this behavior? As a woman - but really as a human being - I am furious at the dismissive, derisive way Trump and his fellow GOP cronies characterize women who have been sexually assaulted, and shocked by the cheers and applause of other women at this same behavior. We're collectively being violated, repeatedly. This is not something to cheer about.
gc (AZ)
Thank you, Mr. Trump for one more revelation of your character.
al (NJ)
trumps base was low class an uneducated after all. Appalling.
Margo Channing (NYC)
@al No they aren't I know college educated people both men and women smart people who love the guy keep it up with the stereotypes and you'll give this man another 4 years. Didn't you learn last time?
Kally (Kettering)
@Margo Channing Yes, agree and I know lots and they are also quite well to do. However, the people I know don’t like this kind of behavior at all. They would never be at a rally.
Tom (Hudson Valley)
His disrespect is shocking, but we all know he is a disgraceful human being. What upsets me more are the smiling faces behind him in the crowd. How do we get through to these people?
Ellen Freilich (New York City)
@Tom You don't. They're dead to anything that we think of as humanity.
Jane (Sierra foothills)
@Tom I have concluded that I cannot get through to them. Might as well try to instill kindness & reason into a lump of mashed potatoes. I am therefore trying to live by example; I concentrate daily on providing children & everyone I encounter a steady example of courtesy, thoughtfulness, compassion & reason. Well, I'm trying. I am not a saint. alas. But I'm trying. And you can be darn certain I am going to vote.
Henry K. (NJ)
Is anybody going to step back and stop this madness? Whatever happens to this nomination, there has to be a bi-partisan reckoning and agreement on a future process. For starters: 1) support Schummer's proposal that a 60-vote rule be reinstated. 2) All information on nominees to be submitted 48hrs before the start of hearings. NO new information, unless pertinent to something that happened after the deadline, will be considered. 3) Exclude anything before 18yr of age, unless there is a criminal record at that time (unrelated, kids should not be tried as adults).
Eugenia (Germany)
What a bunch of sickening idiots.
Charlie (San Francisco’)
As a gay male high school teacher I have to agree with President Trump. Even the slightest glance in the wrong direction could ruin your reputation beyond repair. I beg all teachers to demand assistants to lend credence to your virulent protests. Another unbiased set of eyes or a favorable opinion could protect your family from prejudice, destitution, and homelessness.
Anthony (AZ)
@Charlie I'm not at all sure what you mean by "I beg all teachers to demand assistants to lend credence to your virulent protests." Do you mean assistance? "Another set of unbiased eyes"? What do you mean, in real terms?
Boggle (Here)
@Charlie So you agree with him making fun of a victim of sexual assault?! Everyone found her testimony "very credible." Even if you think Kavanaugh is blameless, why would you be ok with someone mocking her? Our "president?" Pretty sure in high school we would call that bullying.
Jane (Sierra foothills)
@Charlie Then vote for Trump if this is how you feel. After all, it's obvious he supports gay males way way way more than he cares about any woman. Just think of all the times he has shown powerful advocacy for the LGBT community!!! I mean, think about it. Who is more likely to defend the rights of the LGBT community, including the rights of gay male teachers - Trump & Kavanaugh, or some hysterical females?(And all women are stupid & untrustworthy as you know, and Trump agrees). Friend, Trump's goal - indeed the goal of the entire Republican party - is to worsen divisiveness & alienate those who could be strong allies & support each other. For pity's sake sir - have you not figured this out by now?
Etienne (Los Angeles)
"Mr. Trump’s portrait of Dr. Blasey was met with cheers and laughter by the crowd of several thousand supporters at the Landers Center in Southaven, Miss. And it mirrored the increasingly sharp attacks against her by conservative news media,..." Led by a "leader" that increasingly defies adequate description, this is the Trump base: a small, but significant, section of America that reveals to us all how little moral character they have.
Garry Taylor (Lewes, United Kingdom)
Looking at this from the UK I can only say that it makes the US look terrible; a real descent from decency and understanding. I don't know how many US citizens those baying for blood at his rallies represent, but visceral polarisation is now evident in the US. I predict that it won't be long now before this spills over into some major acts of lethal violence between 'right' and 'left'. The US is a nation of civilians armed to the teeth, not because the Taliban are massed on the Mexican border, or because ISIS is about to parachute in an invasion force, but because so many US citizens distrust and fear their fellow citizens. If Trump keeps on stoking fear and division, instead of uniting the nation as he promised in his inauguration speech, I fear that something is going to break with dire consequences.
Gene Cass (Morristown NJ)
@Garry Taylor You are correct. Trump is doing what every demagogue resorts to, dividing and conquering. In this scenario Trump is dividing America. He thrives there. He lives there. He loves being there. I fear that Trump's ego is much bigger and more important to him than any concern for America. He uses his 'tribe' to his best advantage, feeding the lower class tribe with hate and fear of certain groups, and he feeds his rich tribe with money.... huge tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals. In this way he gets all of his tribe to follow him dutifully.
Shame. Shame on the woman holding up a Women for Trump sign and cheering as Trump trues to demean and degrade Dr Blasey Ford. Shame on the man in the light colored Stetson hat who cheered DJT. Shame on the man in the suit and tie and his female companion who cheered DJT on. Shame on the young man in the plaid shirt who cheered DJT on. Shame on every one of the adoring fans who backgrounded the video clip, and who cheered on his appalling attack on Dr Blasey Ford. Shame.
jaco (Nevada)
@MDR Shame on folk supporting a dishonest and unethical process where vile false allegations are hidden from Kavanaugh during confirmation hearings and ambushed with them just prior to the confirmation vote. Shame on a woman who lies and attempts to destroy a man's life and family. Shame on women who discredit a movement designed to protect other women - #metoo. Shame
The Arc Of Moral Progress Is Long (Pittsburgh, PA)
I mean, if he wants to make absolutely sure I go and vote against every fabric of his being, this is a great way to do it.
Al (NJ)
I take comfort in knowing this: Come November, decent, intelligent women and men will begin the process of disassembling this vile mess of an "administration". When we are finished, Brett Kavanaugh will not be the only entitled white male with a life in tatters!
Paulie (Earth)
With the publishing of the financial story yesterday about the trumps, it seems it’s a very scary time for Donnie.
Gene Cass (Morristown NJ)
@Paulie Teflon Don will slip through the law on this as well.
Tom (Bluffton SC)
This is FINALLY, FINALLY Jeff Flake's chance to stand up and be a MAN against Donald Trump. Too often he speaks against him obliquely then votes with him, but now he has a last chance to grow a backbone and say enough with this person. He should say to ALL members of Congress Republicans and Democrats - STAND UP against this criminal sexual assaulter and DENY this nominee a Supreme Court appointment.
J.B. Stamm (West Hebron)
Don’t bank on it, Tom. Flake considers the attack only “kind of appalling.” What does he have to lose by standing up to this bully? I’m not impressed with Flake. When will enough finally be enough?
B (Minnesota)
I am so disgusted by the Country's leadership - I can barely stand it. It isn't just the blatant lack of respect for women, the obstacle Trump encourages for any woman to speak out against abuse, or his encouragement to men to "be careful" - It is that the politicians we voted into office sit back and support his rhetoric AND allow him to knowingly try to influence opinion while the Kavanaugh investigation is going on! "T's" lack of morals is a given. He is clearly under-educated - but the evil the man spews is more than this country should take. The fact that power means more than Country to our representatives needs to be addressed this election
WesternMass (Western Massachusetts)
I don’t know what revolts me more - Trump or his horrible fan base that would cheer such a thing. We have fallen so far as a country that I’ve become convinced we will never recover from it.
StanC (Texas)
This episode raises a question: Does this sort of so-called presidential conduct somehow comport with the Oath of Office?
KLC (Toronto)
My sister is a Trump supporter. Since the election we have had words, not conflict, just stating our opinions that differ quite a lot. She is an evangelical Christian, goes down to the US to attend conferences occasionally, believes her pastor's words are sanctified by holy text and that the placement of Trump into power is a chess game. I am so shocked and angry at Trump and anyone who supports him and continues to support him, that I honestly cannot imagine a way back to ever being close to these people again. I just want them to stay away from me, as I live my life with people who are decent.
DR (New England)
@KLC - I will never speak to some of my siblings again. Enabling this monster is unforgiveable.
KLC (Toronto)
@DR I'm sorry. I know how hard that is. My 79 year old mother finally ended her friendship with her Trump supporting sister too. How many of us have lost the dearest things to us directly because of this I don't know. But it is terrible.
Tonyp152 (Boston, MA)
Of course the people who attended that rally should be ashamed of themselves, but having Trump in charge is all fun and games for them so I'm sure they aren't. I would like to believe they don't represent a majority of Mississippians. Trump will be impeached by the summer of 2019 but the ugliness he's unleashed in some of the populace, albeit a minority, will be hanging over decent Americans for a long time after he goes on his merry way.
michjas (Phoenix )
I often adopt the minority view. So be it. A woman who comes forward, purportedly for the benefit of all, cannot reasonably expect to be above reproach. Those who support Kavanaugh have the right to do so. And those who believe Blasey Ford should be handled with kid gloves are overprotective. She has already shown that she is a big girl plenty able to stand up for herself.
Katherine (Heartfield)
@michjas Wow I hope you are never in that position having to testify against your rapist. Sad. Big girl or not this woman didn't deserve the mockery. Why don't you stand up for humanity and dignity instead of wallowing in the gutter with the likes of Donald J. Trump.
Joanna (Athens GA)
As a Christian woman, I am depressed and sickened by what our Nation has become. Events that have transpired since that fateful election day in November 2016 have far exceeded our collective worst nightmares. It is inconceivable to me how anyone, Democrat OR Republican, can continue to support this man as LEADER of OUR country. Dr. Blasey Ford is a profile in courage and should be regarded with the utmost respect for coming forward. She knew she was putting herself in harm's way by doing so, yet she realized civic duty outweighed personal comfort. I BELIEVE HER EVERY WORD. Our federal government with its current two-party system is broken, and has been for a long time. Will our children and their children live to see the day when honesty, moral character and integrity are restored in Washington? Sadly, I doubt that we will.
Hey Joe (Somewhere In Wisconsin)
Sadly, I’m not surprised by this “soulless” behavior from Trump. What shocked me this time we’re the men and women applauding his performance. This is America. We don’t do this to our fellow citizens, especially those who are suffering. Quite the opposite. We help them. Have we no decency at all? I hope women like Dr. Ford, victims of sexual assault and harassment, can remain strong in spite of this small man. We need their voices to be heard. Please don’t be afraid to speak up. You may save the next victim.
Grace Giorgio (Atwood Illinois)
Strikes me Trump has not been temperate and restrained in his response to this new disruption to his cause. Seems to me he holds off long enough to get his base, the mob, riled up, anxious for his then “righteous” outburst so the mob can let off steam and be rewarded once again. It’s a pattern. This is really scary.
Tricia (California)
The Supreme Court will lose all respect, as has the Congress and the Presidency. A trifecta that has led to the complete demise of the USA. We were never guaranteed.
WesternMass (Western Massachusetts)
Over the millennia empires, civilizations and powerful nations rise - and then they fall. The Greeks, the Romans, Egypt, Carthage, even The British Empire. Sadly I believe we are witnessing the beginning of the end of our own.
JR80304 (California)
The people standing behind Mr. Trump are not actors--they're real people with families and jobs and churches that they go to. Can anyone identify them? Can we ask them what, exactly, they were applauding for? Yes, we can!
Better4All (Virginia)
With deep Mississippi roots, some of our family watched Trump's rally with dismay and disgust. His dysfucntion and indifference to women on full display, the crowd's amplification of his behavior reflected America's diminished sense of right and wrong. To even the most casual observer its clear Trump is dragging America down and backward. That's got to stop. We are much better than that. The Nov. 6 elections are critical to getting America back on track. Please elect women and those who will lift us up again. America's future depends on us doing so.
Rick (Denver)
I don’t remember this ever being an issue amongst Obama or either of the Bush’s. Obviously this has less to do with powerful men and gender and more to do with personal responsibility and past behavior. Those with suspect behavior seem to be the most defensive about this topic.
Clark Landrum (Near the swamp.)
Presumption of innocence is a criminal standard and has nothing to do with this matter. If anything, the civil standard of preponderance of the evidence would apply. That way it looks like Trump loses.
WPLMMT (New York City)
I voted for Donald Trump and I am more than glad that I gave him my vote. Do I always like his behavior. Certainly not. But he promised the country that he would make America great again and he is delivering. President Trump should not have said negative things about Dr. Ford but I think this is in response to the unfair and cruel way that Judge Kavanaugh has been treated by the Democrats and liberal media. He has not been found guilty and yet they have been crucifying him daily. This is just not right. Innocent until proven guilt is the law of the land. But not for those who hate him and treat him like the enemy. They have already found him guilty in the court of public option when the evidence proves otherwise. A fine and honorable man and his family are being tortured and it is abominable. Would you want this to happen to your husband, son or father. I am sure you would be outraged and livid if this occurred when your family member had done nothing wrong and had led an exemplary life for 35 years. Think about it and put yourself in Judge Kavanaugh's place and his family's. Please show some compassion and mercy for a truly wonderful man who does deserve to be on the Supreme Court.
WPLMMT (New York City)
Correction: They have already found him guilty in the court of public OPINION when the evidence proves otherwise.
Would you want this to happen to your daughter, your sister, your wife? Kavanaugh, at the very least, has proved to be a liar & perjured himself in front of Congress. His nomination should be rejected on that basis alone. Trump has not made this country great again, he has debased us and has sullied our name throughout the world. Take the blinders off.
DR (New England)
@WPLMMT - My son, husband, father, brothers etc. don't treat women the way Trump and his cronies treat them so they have absolutely nothing to fear. Shame on you for supporting sex offenders and rapists.
Peter Cee (New york)
Just when you think it can't get any worse...
Wry And Dry (NYC)
It always does. The bar has lowered so many times it’s somewhere in Middle Earth at this point.
Stop and Think (Buffalo, NY)
Between golf, Nuremburg-style rallies, speaking to his sons about his private company, evading taxes, and watching TV, does Trump do any real work? On the other hand, that may be a good thing. And another good thing.....Last night's Nuremburg rally in Southhaven, MS, may have sunk Brett Kavanaugh's supreme court nomination.
PJM (La Grande, OR)
Folks, seriously, the sort of derision that trump displayed in Mississippi is what got him was elected. Every single article that takes umbrage at this kind of talk reaffirms that trump voters made a good choice. When his speech is characterized in articles like this as outlandish, vulgar, dismissive trump votes say "Yep, perfect." They wanted someone different that would upset the status quo and articles like this tell them that he is still at it...trump being trump. I think that there is an alternative. Focus on how this language hurts his, and by default trump voters, cause. When a trump nominee or policy goes down in flames, trump's behavior should be held responsible, and that will only happen if it is tied tightly to the failure--trump is making it hard for Republicans to vote for the man. trump as failure rather than upsetter of the wretched status quo.
kathy (SF Bay Area)
How sad to have a president who brings out the worst in people.
Horrifed (U.S.)
@kathy And delights in doing so.
Kathy S (Boston, MA)
Well, Mr. Trump, I looked up "Patrick Leahy slash drink" on the internet. The majority of the articles were about your accusation. What does that say about you?
Diogenes (Belmont MA)
After Trump's vicious tirade, I can't imagine any woman senator, let alone Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, voting to approve Judge K.
Ken (Portland)
During his 2015 deposition in the suit over the so-called "Trump University," Donald Trump replied "I don't remember" 35 times. In a 2012 suit arising from the same scam, he repeated "I don't remember" 24 times. He didn't remember who he hired to run the course. He didn't remember how much he charged. He didn't remember making promises to students. He didn't remember where classes were held. Given his testimony, it appears that he remembered little more than his name. And this is the man to mocks a sexual assault victim for not remembering every detail.
Birdygirl (CA)
This isn't surprising. Trump will pander to a crowd for the attention. A friend's mother is a rabid Trump supporter, echoing his bases's sentiments about Christine Blasey Ford as "that woman." Trump, with his lack of decency and divisiveness, is playing his base, but the tide is turning against him on this matter---with his approval rating at al all time low, he is treading on thin ice.
M Carpet (NorCal)
To vote to confirm Kavanaugh is to agree with, and be complicit with this little "man." Shame.
John P (Seattle, WA)
I'm going with Secretary Clinton: deplorable.
susan smith (state college, pa)
If Jeff Flake finds that the president's words were "appalling," then he must vote against Kavanaugh. Any senator who still pretends to have any sense of decency must vote against this Neanderthal's nominee. A vote for Kavanaugh is a vote for Trump.
greeneyedlady (Annapolis, MD)
Even for Mr. Trump, this attack was beyond the pale! After saying she was credible, to do this? For what end? Is a nomination of someone who will have a cloud forever around him if he is approved to ascend to the Supreme Court worth this kind of appalling bellicosity? And if the good people of Mississippi believe him, shame on them as well ... they haven't progressed beyond the 1950s!
Aidan Walker (UK)
Oh my good Lord. Can a President of the United States of America actually behave like this? Is he allowed? Chilling in the extreme.
Ken (St. Louis)
Throwing Trump's shameful and false mockery of Christine Blasey Ford aside, here's a true assessment of the word: Trump makes an utter mockery of the U.S. presidency.
Armando (Chicago)
I guess that among the cheering crowd many women were present, applauding the usual vulgarity coming out from Trump’s mouth. Eventually I feel more indignation for those women than for Trump who is well known for his low moral and ethical standards.
Question: Has the United States ever had a president that was worse than Trump? Answer: No, never.
John (Boston)
And the women in background holding signs that say "Women got Trump"? Statistically, anyone who knows a reasonable amount of people knows someone who has been sexually assaulted. What are all the people laughing in the background saying to their friends and loved ones who have been assaulted?
Karen (StL)
Trump always delights in making fun of the weak. Again.
Carolina (Jacksonville)
I think I understand the mindset of this people. If your daughter is raped marry her with the rapist and end of the story. That is why the minor marriages with parents consent didn't end yet in many states.
S B (Ventura)
Dr. Blasey recollection of Kavanaugh triying to rape her is a very serious allegation, not a political play by anyone. For trump make fun of Dr. Blasey for coming forward to describe her assault is a vulgar affront to all women. It is very troubling and saddening that people would cheer and laugh at these crass and offensive remarks - This is a barometer for how far we have sunk as a nation.
EMiller (Kingston, NY)
Has Trump ever mocked the adults who accused Catholic priests of molesting them as children? There was no independent witness corroboration in most of these cases, simply many people, primarily men, who accused individual priests of the same type of abuse. How is this situation any different? Well, for one thing, it involves a woman. For another it involves Democratic politicians who have been criticizing Trump's pick for months and who are less than human in Trump's view. Lastly, Trump's personal stake in the outcome is tantamount. The hypocrisy, cruelty and self-aggrandizement of this so-called leader of ours disgusts me.
Kevin C (Long Island)
The difference is that the Catholic Priest cases were corroborated and substantiated by tons of evidence. Credible testimony consists of a narrative that the fact finder can connect each of the dots without having to make blind leaps or assumptions of fact to complete the timeline from beginning to end. The testimony of this woman was not credible because it is filled with uncorroborated holes that requires all of us to assume being truthful just because she says so. That isn’t how things work and you should know better.
Irene Heitsch (Austin, TX)
@Kevin C Uncorroborated because there is no real investigation. How do you justify that? How do you justify Kavanaugh's alcoholic tempter tantrum or his obvious easily refutable lies? One of them is trying for a seat on the Supreme Court. Are there no better candidates? Or none that consider the president above the law?
Momo (Berkeley)
The bar was lowered again by the lowest form of life. As Kavanaugh said in his angry speech, "what goes around comes around." We have five more weeks to endure. Vote, everyone! Vote!!
Sterling (Brooklyn, NY)
And to think he’s the Leader of the Christian Family Values Party. And yet Christians wonder why their churches are empty and young people want nothing to do with it.
Jack (London)
Vote CAPONE ! Is he still available?
JR80304 (California)
Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, John Kelly, et al are failing miserably to properly babysit their disastrous choice of a leader. The GOP has become a sickening mockery of partisanship. How embarrassing for normal Republicans...
zinn21 (hayward, Ca.)
"Taunts"? "Mocks"? Everything he stated is fact and he, anyone has the right to push back on the matter. A clear cut example of media bias and demonization..
James (Savannah)
@zinn21 The paper is reporting what happened at the rally, clearly depicted in the video. You choose not to demonize that behavior by a president, it’s your choice.
So Presidential to ‘push back’ on a scared woman simply trying to voice her trauma. Not sure what you look for in a leader but attacking the powerless doesn’t do it for me.
zinn21 (hayward, Ca.)
@James The terms "mock" and "taunts" are clearly demonization of Trump. They infer a negative act delivered with malice. He stated previous mentioned in front of a large crowd in an oratorical manner pointing out large holes in her account of the alleged incident that would not get past the smell test by any prosecutor in the nation..
June (Brooklyn)
Look at the poor children in that video behind him. Looking around at their “role models” to see if they need to clap and looking confused at why people are clapping at all.
DR (New England)
@June - This is the insult to the injury, those same children are having their air and water poisoned and their schools underfunded.
Indy1 (California)
Absolutely sickening to use the presidential rostrum in this way.
James (Savannah)
Trump doesn’t feel anything, one way or the other, about Blasey’s testimony. He’s been told by McConnell and his handlers to stir up the base to make it easier for Kavanaugh to be confirmed so, obedient little boy that he is - that’s why daddy gave him more money than his siblings - he’s doing so.
poslug (Cambridge)
Don't forget some men NEED to hurt women, well beyond pursuing sex without permission/rape and entitlement. Trump just endorsed victim blaming as an out for sexual violence and also the violent. Winking at violent crime by the President ought to be grounds for Impeachment. Trump is a crime boss. The GOP are his enforcers it appears.
Billy Baynew (.)
Ivanka must be so proud of her father.
RLB (Kentucky)
The die has been cast. The Rubicon has been crossed. It's a done deal. Now, it's all sound and fury, signifying nothing. Kavanaugh will be confirmed, and America will begin 30 years of backward evolution, headed for a second Dark Age. But there's hope. In the near future, we will program the human mind in the computer, and this will be based on a "survival" algorithm. This model will provide irrefutable proof of how we have tricked the mind with our ridiculous beliefs about exactly what is supposed to survive - creating minds programmed de facto for destruction. When we do this, we will begin the long trek back to reason and sanity. See
DR (New England)
@RLB - Kavanaugh can be impeached. Vote in November.
JCX (Reality, USA)
...And the evangelical Christians (Romans, Republicans) roared with approval.
Dick (Albuquerque, NM)
Trump's taunting of Dr. Blasey Ford last night during his speech in Philadelphia was the cruelest and most vile tirade I have ever heard in a public speech. I feel terrible for her to have to put up with this virtual, verbal sexual assault, again. The president owes the American people, and especially Dr. Blasey, an apology, but I guess that's too much to ask of the MONSTER in the White House. God help us.
jaco (Nevada)
@Dick Your comment makes the unlikely assumption that Ford experienced a sexual assault in the first place. That is appearing less and less likely. She either had a dream, or just flat out lied.
Marshall (Narberth, PA)
All this hand wringing over innocent men being falsely accused. Do you honestly believe that it costs women nothing to tell the truth? There’s a reason Dr. Ford asked for anonymity. She’s in hiding with her family after receiving death threats. The price that victims pay to tell the truth will always be high because you will always have men like President Donald J. Trump around to shame them.
PropagandandTreason (uk)
This silly little man insults women who have been sexually assaulted. Why? Because he has sexually assaulted women. Why does the media still peddle the so called "Trump base" in reality it's the GOP base. Start concentrating on the 75% of Americans who reject this man who is a racist and sexist - stop believing in his cons. #Stop believing in Trump's cons.
Ignatz (Upper Ruralia)
I think this is part of Trump's "plan". He mocks Ford. THe crowd goes wild. Flake, Collins, Murkowski and Manchin DON"T vote for Kavanaugh, and he doesn't make it in. NOW, Trump can bray nationwide that there's this hyuuuugggeee plot against him. And his "base" will lap it up. I think Trump is getting it that K. will probably NOT make it in to the Supreme Court, and rather than face ANOTHER story about how his "best and brightest"pick ( think the VA Doc pick earlier this year) are really just a bunch of hacks., he has to set up an "excuse" to cover his poor choice.... Flake, Collins, Murkowski and Manchin....ARE YOU LISTENING???? I knew yesterday afternoon when the "Failing NY TIMES" released the tax article that Trump would lose it at the rally.
Cartcomm (Asheville)
The obvious takeaway from this article and the attendant comments are that Trump is truly despicable. But to go further, why do the American taxpayers foot the bill for these “campaign rallies” that provide this moron the stage for this kind of language and behavior. These events have nothing to do with his job and responsibilities. They have nothing to do with policy and informing the citizenry. They are strictly to feed one man’s outsized ego. And the media could do everyone a favor by ceasing to provide wall-to-wall coverage of the lunacy meant only to “feed the base.”
Paul Wortman (Providence, RI)
Disgusting, disgraceful and dishonest! Shame on Donald Trump, a man who knows no shame. Shame on those who applaud the mockery of a woman who had the courage to do her "civic duty" and reveal the trauma that has forever shaped her life. Shame on what is, to paraphrase Clarence Thomas, "a hi-tech gang rape of justice in America" by the Republican Senate. As Joseph Welch asked of another callous, heartless Republican, ""Until this moment,..., I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness." ... "Let us not assassinate this [woman] further ... . You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?" Are you listening Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, and Lisa Murkowski?