A Critic Sells Books Down by the Seashore

Jun 28, 2018 · 22 comments
Livi Slavin (Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard)
Beautifully written and a welcome respite from today’s news. Thank you.
ms (ca)
This is a great idea....not surprised they are busy until 2021! Someone should replicate this idea elsewhere in the world and I'd go one step further: have a shelf in the place where travelers can donate new or recently new/ lovingly-cared for used books for the local library or just for residents to take. i remembered reading a fictional book about a rural bookseller and how in some parts of the world, there are no bookstores at all or the libraries are not well-funded.
imamn (bklyn)
Like many of many of my generation, I spent one afternoon tending the cigar box register of Shakespeare & Co. George zoomed off on his motor bike to pay his taxes. This was all in reward for sleeping on the bed bugged couches upstairs.
louis hemmings (dublin,ireland)
What a brilliant idea to re-purpose an old bookshop. So "open source" in approach about what each resident bookseller may do! If the house over Carraig Books, in Dublin, hadn't needed to be sold, perhaps the same could have been done there....?? https://kickstartyourheart.wordpress.com/2017/02/16/carraig-books-a-fare...
fast/furious (the new world)
NYT best story of the year!
East of Cicero (Chicago, IL)
I wonder if the guests/temporary proprietors bring fresh stock (books) when they come to stay. I'd imagine readers from around the world each leaving a book or two would make for a very eclectic book shop... or you might just end up with lots of James Patterson.
John Collinge (Bethesda, Md)
Great fun, great article. Takes me back to my book trolling days in London and Oxford during the early 90s. But 8 pounds for two used Arthur Clarke paperbacks and not even particularly good ones at that!
John Ring (Bath, Maine)
As a used/rare/out of print book store owner for 18 years, I appreciate this concept, as I do, at times, get busy with other pursuits like writing, sailing, kayaking, sleeping, so this may be the answer I've been looking for. Coastal Maine is just heavenly anytime of year. Thank You Much, John Ring, Open Door Books, Bath
Gia (New York)
I picked up Diary of a Bookseller on my last trip to Scotland. It's an enchanting and hilarious book. I clicked on this article picturing the shop to look like the one in the book. I was pleasantly surprised to read that Bythell's shop is in the same town! Thanks for this unique piece.
Steve (NYC)
My first job when I moved to NYC over 40 years ago was to work at the late, great Brentano's Bookstore. Over the intervening years, although I've mostly done other jobs for money I have worked in some capacity at a dozen or so bookstores of all types, and there is truly nothing like it.
pealass (toronto)
Sigh. Lucky you. Thank you for the fun words and feeding us dreams.
Jose (Catskills)
Lovely article. Makes me want to go drive on the wrong side of the road.
Peter D (Brooklyn)
Reading this was such a delightful vacation from American politics. Kudos to Mr. Garner and the NYTimes.
William B. (Yakima, WA)
Just gotta love it..! Gives one hope for a better world - and right now we could use a lot of it - hope.....
Tiff H. (Utah)
Just what I needed after reading all the glum political news this morning. What an adventure, and what a charming little book shop! Thanks for sharing and please, share more of these kind of stories. It’s dismal news out there, I love a reminder of a simpler life.
Maggie (Maine)
Thank you for this article and thank you to the bookselllers of Wigtown. I was close to despair reading about the latest madness in our country and it reminded me there is sanity and kindness and gentleness still in the world.
Sherry (Seattle,Wa)
I regularly go to used bookstores. I love them as they opened up vistas in literature. Similar to fishing (I'm a vegan) ...you throw your line in and see what you pull in. Thank you for this wonderful trip to Scotland. It was a pleasure to travel there and I didn't have to pay extra for overweight luggage.
Kathleen george (Pittsburgh, Pa)
Fascinating, especially today as I bump into quotes about words and company keeping the mind active (which I knew!). Did any of those people dropping in buy books? Did you get to read?
steven (oldford)
My wife & I applied for a week's stay @ The Open Book almost two years ago. We will become store managers for the week of August 11, 2019. So looking forward to meeting all the locals & other tourists, and the memories we'll bring home with us.
W.N (New York)
Good article, well written.
Linda Summersea (Vashon WA)
Wait. Did he say that they're BOOKED until 2021? ha.
ves (Austria)
Such a great idea, Scotland is a place to go! Just thinking I might start renting my 'book room' if the potential guests promise to take along when leaving at least of the hunderts -if not thousends - of books stacked on the shells.