Democrats Find Relief in California House Race Results

Jun 06, 2018 · 12 comments
Eddie Brown (NYC)
Relief?? Well that's a nice way to spin the fact that there is a Republican in this show come November. I can already hear the chickens being counted. Will we never learn?
Paul (Brooklyn)
Good now run on a progressive populist campaign democrats, that Trump so successfully demagogued. Don't run on an identity obsessed, never met a war, trade agreement, Wall Street banker I did not like, eastern liberal campaign like Hillary did, otherwise you will lose the House in these crucial purple districts.
Liza (California)
In reply to RLS from PA. San Diego county votes by paper ballot. They are fed into scanners. So yes it is open to some hacking. But we do not vote by computer. We all saw pictures of Ireland voting by paper ballot that was counted by hand last month. But Ireland has less than 5 million people. I personally have watched SAN Diego counting votes by hand, checking each ballot. Perhaps PA should switch to the CA system.
ithejury (calif)
Calif’s supposedly conservative San Joaquin Valley ‘red’ districts – home to Trump ‘red hots’ Devin Nunes and Tom McCarthy among others – are only red because the low income and/or Latino majority of the electorate in these districts typically doesn’t bother to vote. This time around, a serious, well-managed, well-funded effort to ‘get-out-the-vote’ could use ‘anti-Trump’ pro-farming issues such as immigration and environment (water), and ‘anti-Trump’ pro-safety net issues such as national health care, minimum wage and cheap/free public education to appeal to the missing-in-action low income, mid-income and Latino voters, which actually form the majority of the electorate. Where is Tom Steyer now that he is needed in the central valley of California?
ithejury (calif)
The Blue Wave has replaced The Red Menace as the feared bête noire for super loyal rightwing Trumpistas of California’s Central Valley, who form a minority of the electorate but who reliably show up and vote. Given ‘clear and present’ danger of Trump policy for Valley residents (on immigration, health care, trade wars, public education, environment/water, political corruption, ‘crony capitalism’, et al.), the ‘silent’ majority in the Central Valley (who are typically mid-low income and/or Hispanic – and often without health insurance or affordable access to higher education) should: (1) adopt the slogan and spirit of ¡no pasarán! against the dog-loyal Trumpista minority, and (2) erect Three Billboards outside Tulare, California with message: “Buy back your cow Devin Nunes, you’ve milked Tulare County long enough!” It may be impossible to unseat Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield; despite how little McCarthy has ever actually accomplished for California’s 23rd District, there’s probably no way to lure potential voters out of local country & western juke joints long enough to vote him out (unlike local evangelicals who religiously respond to every Republican dog whistle).
Murray Bolesta (Green Valley AZ)
Dems have drifted rightward for decades due to ideological weakness and corporate corruption. As a result Dems have drifted toward losing. Women candidates will reverse that. And trump.
Richard Monckton (San Francisco, CA)
California is what keeps this country from sliding into third world status. As long as California stays attached to the US, Californians will suffer and the primitive Trumpist states will continue to take advantage of all California has to offer - from Google to Hollywood and of course, Twitter. Gaining independence from the US should be every Californian dream, obsession, and determination - because the choice is forever Trumpland.
ithejury (calif)
not to worry -- when the Big Quake comes everything east of the Sierras will probably slide into the Atlantic Ocean.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Congratulations and now for the hard part. November. Just saying.
Capricious Citizen (CT)
It's hard to buy into predictions of a Blue Wave when the Dems seem to be flying by the seat of their pants in competitive parts of California. To think that Dana Rohrabacher (an unsavory character at best) might have even evaded confrontation with a D opponent in November...
“Ms. Jacobs was not ready to concede Wednesday morning, saying ‘it’s important that every vote be counted, and we’re going to allow that process to continue.’” Unfortunately, 99% of the country counts its votes in the darkness of cyberspace. Computer experts from top universities have proven over and over that electronic voting machines can be hacked without leaving a trace. From the HBO Emmy nominated documentary “Hacking Democracy” - The Hack Victoria Collier points out in her article below that Jimmy Carter and James Baker stated in their report for the nonpartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform that “There is no reason to trust insiders in the election industry any more than in other industries.” Harper’s Magazine: How to Rig an Election "As the twentieth century came to a close, a brave new world of election rigging emerged. Two major events have paved the way for this lethal form of election manipulation: the mass adoption of computerized voting technology, and the outsourcing of our elections to a handful of corporations that operate in the shadows with little oversight or accountability. “This privatization of our elections has occurred without public knowledge or consent, leading to one of the most dangerous and least understood crises in the history of American democracy. We have lost the ability to verify election results.” Other democracies count their ballots by hand. It’s the gold standard.
Abby (Pleasant Hill, CA)
The county where I live and vote uses paper ballots.