New York Today: Graduation Advice From City Stars

May 10, 2018 · 11 comments
Rye Country Day School (Westchester County, New York)
Congratulations, Charlie Curnin! All of us at Rye Country Day School are so proud of you.
Leon Freilich (Park Slope)
UMBRELLA FELLA Ten roll-ups, one pearl-handed (My great-grandfather made it), Six canes and thirteen foldups-- You name it, I've mislaid it.
N. Smith (New York City)
Some more advice: Get ready to work several jobs, and well past your retirement age if you ever want to be able to afford a flat in New York City. And ... Good Luck!
MS (Brooklyn)
This might be the weirdest, most depressing advice I have ever heard (to graduates or anyone else): “Track every hour of your day what you’re doing and who you are doing it with. That will form your own personal longitudinal big data record. In 20 years from now, that will also make it easier to train your identical machine intelligence to replace yourself. I’ve built my own record for the past six years and wish I’d have started earlier.” — Mario Schlosser, co-founder and C.E.O. of Oscar Health
Freddie (New York NY)
That's fascinating surprising advice, and an equally fascinating reaction, MS! While not hour by hour, I find that the way AOL has been keeping email has enabled tracking almost day by day on projects for me - forgotten obstacles and successes I'd never noticed as they happened, but when put side by side do give guidance to learn from! Now AOL 's informed us two days ago that it may be "catching up" (actually regressing features) to other email services by dropping the "sort" option that helps make possible this learning from the past so easily! Maybe they're catching down rather than catching up to gmail-dot-com and mac-dot-com. (?)
Ann (MSP)
My sentiments exactly...
Freddie (New York NY)
This advice stood out somehow: “Don’t be afraid to make a decision or a choice. Everybody is afraid to make that wrong choice, but the truth is, no matter what choice it is, if you get behind it 100 percent it becomes the right choice.” This is great advice, and when it works out, it really works. :) But how do you know when to give up? One of my favorite satiric 21st century theater quotes is from Tracy’s mom Edna in “Hairspray”: “If you'd only told me you was going to get on the show I never would have said you couldn't.” Tune of “Make Your Own Kind of Music” (a pessimistic, but I hope fun, take) - tuchus = rear end in Yiddish You gotta explain it Why you’re doing what you’re doing, They can’t entertain it Til you find those words that turn your one to two. So know if you - Make yourself really pushy If you go it alone, You'll be out on your tushy They’ll cut you off each time you text or phone. In other words – Raise your own kind of ruckus If you’re one person strong, You'll be knocked on your tuchus No one cares til someone else tags along. (Still stay strong!)
Billy from Brooklyn (Hudson Valley, NY)
"Gov. Philip D. Murphy of New Jersey signed a bill that would allow undocumented immigrants to be eligible for college financial aid." I agree with the action, but I also cringe whenever actions like this receive wide publicity. So many Americans do not believe that people entering the country illegally should receive benefits, or be allowed to stay. And these beliefs are held by good people, who believe in fair play involving people waiting their turn and entering legally. We should try to understand other views, and not keep passing laws and self-righteously calling ourselves sanctuary cities etc. Meet people halfway.
Dianne Walsh (Miami, FL)
Sometimes people have to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing the right thing. Leaders have to lead not only where we want to go but where we should go. What does "waiting their turn" mean for children who were brought here illegally by their parents? Those children who have grown up here, gone to school side by side with their American- born friends, achieved enough academic success to qualify for college entrance should be denied financial aid until when? It means until never if we go by the desires of the "good people" that you describe. I don't see any way to meet those people halfway on issues like this.
Billy from Brooklyn (Hudson Valley, NY)
Dianne-- Point taken; but how about grandfathering those here....from this time forward new illegal arrivals and their children do not receive citizen benefits? Otherwise why have borders or immigration procedures. Why should anyone apply legally? Past policies have drawn criticism and spawned the Trumps of the world. Let's allow increased immigration--but then enforce the rules?
Joan (New York)
Well yeah--hello DACA!