Trump’s Former Doctor Says Office Was Raided and Files Seized

May 01, 2018 · 413 comments
Paul-A (St. Lawrence, NY)
I wonder if one of the people who did the raid will match the sketch of the person who threatened Stormy Daniels?
GaviotaGuy (LA)
This is a HIPPA violation, as they must have had to page through a file drawer to find his records.
Edyee (Maine)
It is FRAUD when Trump wrote his own physical assessment and passed it off as the work of his doctor! This is not acceptable! Its criminal.
Michael (Chicago)
Any other drama and alleged acts aside, this makes it pretty clear Dr Bornstein violated professional ethics and (at least in my state) laws protecting the confidentiality of medical records.
gardencat (Texas)
Lord love a duck! How goofy is this story? Trump dictated the healthiest-individual-ever-elected letter himself? Goodness, that's a surprise. Dr. Bornstein disclosed medical information about Trump without permission? Why didn't Trump sue him... or at least report him? Trump's goon squad "raided" the doctor's office, taking patient records without a HIPAA release form? Why didn't the doctor call the police while it was happening? Sending a couple of big guys to remove a president's medical files from his former physician's office is standard procedure? Sarah, dear . . . since when? Learning of Dr. Jackson's inappropriate behavior was the impetus for Dr. Bornstein to speak up about all this? I don't understand how they're related. (Anyone else notice personality similarities between Dr. B. and his former patient?)
John (Boulder, CO)
People are saying the Good Dr. made copies.
Jake (NY)
The doctor's letter as written by ???: I am the personal doctor for Mr. Trump and have been for many years. He is the most healthiest human being on the planet. He is even more healthier than any patient ever recorded in history. His mind is so incredibly sharp and focused, that he can count to a trillion in less than 10 seconds. He has an incredible grasp of advance mathematics, complex biology and physics, including his astounding in-depth knowledge of advance medicine. His understanding of Constitutional Law, of Civil Law, and Criminal Law is breathtaking and surpasses even some of the most brilliant minds in law today. His understanding of the entire government process and how it operates, is simply beyond belief. Such is the brilliance in this man's mind. Physically, he is a model of excellent health which he has maintained for many years. He participates in a strenuous exercise program similar to that used by NASA Astronauts, Elite Navy Seals, and Triathlon Athletes. As his personal physician, not only do I believe he can discharge the duties of a President, but also the duties of the FBI, the CIA, and the State Department simultaneous at an extremely high level of proficiency. His hair is real and his tan is natural. I am honored to be his doctor.
Clyde (Hartford, CT)
Nothing will happen that will in any way cause Trump a problem. He ALWAYS weasels his way out of it. Doubt if either Dr. Bornstein or Dr. Jackson will be ultimately sanctioned. That’s the way things now work in Trump’s America. Trump law prevails. Most everybody else loses. He has made himself above the law and Republicans won’t do anything about it. Simple as that. There’s a slight hope in the 2018 elections, but very slight.
Mr. Indpendent (Weshchester County, NY)
Given the stellar recommendations, and selections, of cabinet level appointees that we've seen come and go, reminiscent of the best plot twists from reality TV, I'm actually more surprised that the good Dr. Bernstein's name isn't being put forward by the Administration to head the CDC, or Veteran's Affairs, or how about Surgeon General.
TheMalteseFalcon (The Left Coast)
“The White House medical unit took possession of the president’s medical records,” Ms. Sanders said. Asked whether the visit was a raid carried out by Mr. Schiller, she replied, “That is not my understanding.” She did not address why Mr. Schiller, who was not a part of the unit, had been present." Mrs. Huckabee Sanders appears to be chronically unable to separate the truth from a lie. Trump's bodyguard, an attorney and unidentified man stealing hardcopy patient files out of Bornstein's office without even a HIPPA authorization from the patient for copies do not constitute a medical unit. And only in Sanders world is this type of thuggery standard operating procedure.
Robert Roth (NYC)
I think they thought the tax records were there. Doctor, accountant. One's the same as the other.
Clyde (Hartford, CT)
Nothing will happen that will in any way cause Trump a problem. He ALWAYS weasels his way out of it. Doubt if either Dr. Bornstein or Dr. Jackson will be ultimately sanctioned by any authority. That’s the way things now work in Trump’s America. Trump law prevails. He is now above the law and the Republicans will not be doing anything about it. There is slight hope in the 2018 elections, but very slight. Much damage will be done by then.
Eric Sargent (Detroit)
Were the records of other patients jeopardized in this event? If so, that's a problem, according to HIPPAA.
Why hasn't the FBI investigated this illegal search and seizure? Has Trump suspended the Constitution? We fought a revolution for stuff like this. This is NOT some minor issue. Smokey Eye Sanders is obviously lying again: standard procedure for obtaining med recs is through fax or email, or CD/DVD. Not through bodyguards and hit men. Who ordered this?
PAM Pedersen (New Hampshire)
It is the only, and no question, most highly publicized case of a doctor and patient BOTH violating HIPPA laws on the same set of medical records, that I have ever heard. Even the least educated and lowest paid in a medical enterprise , and no offense meant toward them, has a better understanding of HIPPA laws than these two parties.
Susan Miller (Pasadena)
Obviously, there is something in the medical records that Trump doesn't want known. Something other than his weight and cholesterol readings, etc. So he sent his bodyguard and another guy to just show up and catch Dr. Bornstein off guard, the element of surprise in their favor. Mission accomplished.
Barbara (SC)
I have no empathy for Dr. Bornstein. He knew what he was getting into when he allowed Trump to dictate his letter regarding Trump's health. On the other hand, does a White House medical unit have legal authority to "raid" a private doctor's office? Any other patient would simply send a release of information for copies of the medical records to be sent to the current physician.
Walter Rhett (Charleston, SC)
I loved the attention to detail. The picture of Trump had to come down from the wall!
cheryl (yorktown)
Maybe all those who thought Michelle Wolf was too cruel might want to rethink that assessment. The Doctor doesn't seem to know confidentiality laws and guidelines; he also willingly signed a false statement. The President doesn't follow rules , and doesn't care about regulations, including those regarding acquiring copies of one's one's medical records. He sent his enforcer to seize them illegally { Try THAT if you have a hard time getting, say, hospital records. You'll end up arrested) The Office of the President isn't "entitled " to the records - Trump had only had only been in office for a month of those 36 years when they raided the office. Presidential Exceptionalism? This sitcom is diverting attention while radical right backers of Trump are trying to set up a scenario comprised of layers of lies and innuendo to justify firing Rosenstein AND getting their hands on the confidential material before the investigation reaches the critical final stages - which directly involve Trump. The point of the Special Prosecutor is to have a thoroughly professional nonpartisan investigation. It will be compromised if there is leaking - which has not happened under Mueller - and if every aspect of the process is challenged. If Mueller stays, and comes down hard on Trump, the House GOP is creating an atmosphere of disdain and distrust for the DOJ in ADVANCE of the conclusion of the work. Sick, not sad. It's designed to create more chaos, and defiance of the legal process.
Marc (NYC)
3rd man is Stormy's parking lot thug
Lynn in DC (um, DC)
How is Trump a "germophobe" when he had (still has?) unprotected sex with multiple people? Maybe he thinks "germophobe" describes his frosty relationship with Chancellor Merkel. .
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
You’ve seen him action? Geeez, is nothing safe from the prying eyes of the Nutsy Police?
Dan (SF)
Impeach Trump, disbar this joke of a Doctor. Problems solved!!
Stuey (Orange County, CA)
Sending the goon squad to just show up to the doc's office and physically take all of the original chart is not SOP. The patient isn't entitled to the original and in fact the doctor has a duty to maintain it for years and can get disciplined by their Med Board if he/she doesn't. Now we know that Trump dictated everything in that letter in 2016 stating that he was the healthiest person who ever lived. Then Trump & his friends at Fox News, The National Inquirer etc. went on a long, systematic attack on Hillary's health and that she wasn't physically capable of the POTUS job. Fox even had doc's on there saying she's likely suffering from brain impairment. Now look what we know about the lengths Trump went to hide his true health facts. And to add even more salt in this cruel irony, when they were making up lies about Hillary's health they knew damn well that she was merely exhausted and fatigued and developed pneumonia from working her tail off as Sec of State. Think about that with what we know about this lazy, fast-food eating con man sitting in the Oval Office. The tragedies of these ironies sometimes seem too much to bear.
Bashh (Philadelphia, Pa)
Oh Please, Hillary Clinton hadn't been Sec'y of State for four years before she ran for president. She wasn't working her tail off at all, she was partying in the Hamptons, not giving press conferences and giving away a lot of the oxygen to Trump by her absence on the campaign trail. The constant Hillary whining is deplorable, but at least don't make stuff up.
Texas Clare (Dallas)
How is this man a licensed physician, or is he? It's just amazing that he claims he felt "raped" because some trump staffers showed up and took records from his office. When will these people just go away?
JFT (Los Angeles, CA)
I'm certain that Tufts doesn't want Bornstein's name on any of its building; I'm equally certain that the NYT isn't going to make a donation in his name. Give me a break.
Joe Moore, MD (Summerville SC)
This idiot Dr. Bornstein brought this on himself by making public comments about a patient's health. Talking about meds a patient takes is a HIPAA privacy violation!!
SR (Bronx, NY)
No, honey, the New York Times didn't ruin your life with "torture for more than a year". Your big mouth did. Next time, Dr. Bornstein, hold your thirsty-for-interview-money tongue—especially about your own patients, awful as that particular one of yours is. Or at least learn when to say "Off the record, though, ..." or "I request anonymity because..."
Don Evans (HUntsville, AL)
Maybe germophobic Trump sought attention for some post-hoc S.T.D. angst after the Stormy Daniels - Russian prostitute adventure. The tests for HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis and Chlamydia, though probably negative, would cast some doubt on his claim that he never "knew" them.
Mike (Santa Clara, CA)
President Trump tends to "swamp" in his wake that work too closely with him. This is the second doctor of President Trump that has ended up in the news. The doctor should count himself as lucky. At lease he isn't under investigation, lost his job in disgrace, been convicted of crimes or facing indictment, a fate that ends up happening to almost all of President Trump's staff.
Stephen Wheeler (Atlanta)
Just another sleazy grifter that was in Trump's long time orbit.
MIMA (heartsny)
Hello HIPAA. Ummm.......privacy? Ah, who cares?
Frank (Menomonie, WI)
The catalytic incident of the Watergate scandal was the burglary of campaign materials. Now it’s been revealed that Trump White House aides stormed into a doctor's office in broad daylight, intimidated a physician, and stole medical records. Watergate pales in comparison.
PogoWasRight (florida)
I see nothing wrong with Trump dictating his own "health letter" simply explains to us, once again, the quality of the person whom we elected.....or did we elect him????? I am no longer sure......
MMac (Philadelphia)
So a doctor who knowingly committed fraud in collusion with a lying, criminal-minded associate feels violated when that criminal's thugs show up in his office to steal the evidence.... is he looking for sympathy or affirmation of how stupid and dishonest he was?
anon. (Detroit)
Trump makes enemies far faster and more thoroughly than he makes friends. that is PART of why, while nearly every other person born to wealth of his generation saw their fortunes increase many times what The Donald's fortune increased. the other parts are his arrogance, stupidity, laziness, dishonesty, and incompetence. Trump had burned through more money in his lifetime than tens of thousands of Americans combined will every make.
For the first hour or so at their meeting Trumph and Kim Jong-un can engage in some small talk about their health before getting down to the serious business of what shape the negotiating table should be - rectangular, square or round.
Fe R (San Diego)
Heavy handed, thuggish, mobster-like tactics casually endorsed by the Press Sec as "standard transition procedure." Wow! We are really in the renaissance period of The Godfather era. And perhaps it is not too unfair to believe that the atypical fawning and glowing so-called medical presentation of Dr. Jackson that fudged Trump's height to make him not obese and failure to explain his calcium score - were it not for Dr. Gupta's follow up question - was also script-written and staged by the President.
Mike Murray MD (Olney, Illinois)
As an Internist I believe that the seizure of the records was justified by the release of private information by Dr. Bornstein.
Mike S. (Portland, OR)
Two wrongs don't make a right, especially when both are illegal.
Eva (NY)
So one illegal act justifies the second?
Jake (NY)
You now have to question the truthfulness of his last checkup by the WH doctor who for all intents and purpose said the same thing Trump wrote in his bogus letter. That is...the President is in excellent physical and mental health. The difference is that Trump is well known for lying and Dr. Jackson is NOT suppose to lie. A man in his 70s with his lifestyle, nutritional habits, and bizarre behavior CANNOT be described as being in excellent health. We can now see what awaited the good doctor in the WH as a reward for this excellent review...being named as VA Secretary. I guess he didn't count on the skeletons in his closet being exposed. What a circus exists in this WH.
Febr2301 (Camden)
Would you let this man take your blood pressure?
Bill Bartelt (Chicago)
It’s good to remember that when Nixon went down, it all began with a “third rate burglary.”
Chico (New Hampshire)
When you hear the White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders described the visit to the Doctor's Office by Trump Flunkies, to retrieve the records as “standard operating procedure for a new president.”, it makes everything Michelle Wolf said on Saturday Night at the White House Correspondence Dinner well deserved about Trump and his mouthpieces like Sanders and Conway. This is what the Gestapo and SS would do in NAZI Germany, not in the United States.
Mkm (Nyc)
This doctor should loose his license.
al (NJ)
This guy has no credibility, just like his former patient.
AMM (New York)
If you like down with dogs you get up with fleas.
Fintan (Orange County, CA)
What a ridiculous and pathetic man our president is.
James Young (Seattle)
Just to clarify, what happened would be a violation of the federal HIPAA Law (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) in fact in all 50 States your healthcare records belong to the facility where you received or receive treatment. You can have access to them, and you can have copies, but you cannot have the originals. This includes any x-rays, Cat Scans, medical imaging of any kind, including test results. If this Dr office was in fact raided, and original files "stolen" then the people involved with the theft should be arrested for theft, robbery. And if the secret service was involved, then that officer should be fired since it's not the purview of the secret service to go on raids that include theft of private property. If this Doctor was worth his salt as a Dr, he would have digital records as well, and those you cannot delete off the server. With that said, the good doctor may have opened himself up for a lawsuit, and an investigation by the NY Medical board for violation HIPAA by telling the media what medications Trump is taking, and what the medical condition is, which is a very clear violation of HIPAA. I've worked in healthcare for over a decade, we go though compliance training every year for HIPAA rules. Maybe the good doctor is a little angry he didn't get to be the (sorry) POTUS personal Dr. He could have been the next "Theodor Morell". For those who don't know who Dr Morell was, he was Hitlers personal physician.
Rik (Amsterdam)
"He said Mr. Trump, rumored to be a germaphobe, “changes the paper on the table himself” after examinations." Doesn't make sense. If germaphobe, wouldn't he rather change it _before_ examination? Sounds more like he's afraid somebody rummaging through the trash can get hold of his DNA.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
FLASH: There are people in the world that only Donald Trump can make you feel sorry for.
Wendy (Mill Valley, CA)
Discredited doctors for both Trump physicals. Calls into question not only the humorous idea that he only ways 239 pounds and has grown an inch or two, but, more importantly, the cognitive assessment that he allegedly passed. Everyone stopped talking about his obvious mental decline as soon as that was announced. But...
mh12345 (NYC)
I prescribe impeachment for the patient and pulling the doctor's license to practice.
Ellen Freilich (New York City)
OK the doctor is one more crackpot in Trump's pathetic and improbable life, but who is person #3 who allegedly came to the doctor's office to take Trump's medical records? Was he part of an official "transition" unit, or was he the same guy who threatened Stormy Daniels in the parking lot? The style sounds similar.
tom harrison (seattle)
So, this is what we know. The president's last doctor says he did not write the glowing health report. His latest doctor basically just got fired after confirmation hearings fell apart after it was discovered that the doctor is part of our opioid crisis by handing out prescription meds like candy. So the question remains. What kind of health is our president in? Might I suggest a simple health test. Have him appear on Ellen and see if he can do as many pushups as our last First Lady. Surely, the Commander-in-Chief who would rush into a school shooting situation with bare hands can match her results.
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
How is the “latest doctor” worked for two other presidents, including all 8 years of the Obama reign, and was so highly thought of by the latter that he had him promoted? Strange, no? Might even make one wonder about the veracity of Dr. Johnson’s critics....
John Doe (Johnstown)
Trump should at least be grateful to his doctor from his appearances that he took the trouble to make sure the hair growth medicine he prescribed for him worked.
Oceanviewer (Orange County, CA)
It is entirely possible that Dr. Bornstein, like many NYC healthcare providers, has celebrities and politicians in his patient load. Should they be worried that Trump’s Intruders viewed their supposedly private medical records? Could Trump, conceivably, use personal information against them?
Mamie Watts (Denver)
So, if Donald Trump had a serious illness, this Dr. Bornstein would have allowed a cover up by allowing Trump to write the letter and he signed it?? Both of them lied to the American people. Good Lord, what is next from this President of Lies???
ubius (ny)
I was never one to ascribe to the notion that Trump was an illigitimate president. Unless and when we find out otherwise, he didn't break the law to accumulate the electoral votes he needed to win the election. It was no mystery to me at the time that Trump wrote the letter attributed to Bornstein but without proof, there was little one could say about it. Now that we have confirmation that Trump did indeed write the letter, while of little practical value, we can clearly state that Trump is an illegitimate president, that he lied about something that might have been very important to the voters. If the voters knew that instead of being in "astonishingly outstanding" health (or whatever he said), Trump was an obese man who never exercised and had a moderate cardiovascular risk profile, it might have swayed enough voters to turn the election. Again, it is of little practical value and Trump supporters are happier with his lies than anyone else's truth but we should at least recognize that the man won on (many) false premises.
Sheila (3103)
Well, looks like "like meet like" with these two. What doctor on earth allows a patient to write their own letter about their physical? Clearly a power-hungry one. Sorry, doc, no tears for you.
General Noregia (New Jersey)
This "doctor " reminds me of the scientist who is captured br the alien in the movie Independence Day. My guess is that The Donald did not want disclosed that the "doctor "had over prescribed Viagra and Other sexual enhancement drugs for him
Edgar (NM)
I see very similar intimidation Trump tactics used on this physician comparable to the Stormy Daniels case. For someone who portrays himself as an A+ president, it sure looks like he uses F minus force, money, and lies to shut up all who speak about his sex life, hair medications, or ties to nefarious Russian emissaries.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders says raiding the office and removing records is "part of a standard transition procedure." So why does the president object to the standard transition of Michael Cohen? Or is something else going on?
Dry Socket (Illinois)
I would comment on this but Ehrenreich has me chasing my "macrophages"... Very confusing between "macrophages" and luck.
Kate (Toronto)
What a motley crew of "experts", physicians and lawyers Trump has surrounded himself with over the years.
j. von hettlingen (switzerland)
Indeed, the raid short after Bornstein's interview with the NYT in February 2017 just shows that Trump doesn’t forgive people who are disloyal to him. Gone was the Bornstein’s aspiration to become the White House physician. Now he could well be Robert Mueller’s next witness, since he had vouched for Trump’s health twice. He said in December 2015 that Trump forced him to certify that his patient would be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” In September 2016, he once again assured that Trump was “in excellent physical health.” The candidates health was a crucial issue for the 2016 election campaign, because Trump attacked Hillary Clinton for falling ill on during the 9/11 memorial service in New York, weeks before the election.
Jake (New York)
No one connected with Trump has any credibility. But, if this is true, a crime was committed. The episode should be investigated by NYPD and vigorously prosecuted if the doctor's story is believable.
MrWriter (Brooklyn)
Release Trump’s medical records. Like his tax returns, they tell the real story.
And on it goes (USA)
The doctor? Punished for telling The Times that Trump took Propecia to stimulate hair growth. The medicine didn't help: In February, as Trump boarded a plane, we all saw Trump's bald skull and the back of his bald head as the wind blew his air straight up and that white hairless head of a man tanned to the color orange was seen by all. Yep. Huge bald spot and scars easily seen as wind tore apart his elaborate daily hair piecing. Such a narcissist. With really bad karma. His main worry isn't national security. It's the security of that hair piece in the wind.
Mark Johnson (Bay Area)
Can we get a criminal case going on this? It is illegal to take patient information from a doctor's office. (Check out the comments on the raid on Daniel Ellsberg's doctor's office to collect dirt on him.) Trump could have requested a copy of his records to be used by his new doctor's analysis. He could not legally get the originals. Apparently, Trump did not share his medical records with his new doctor, just his inclination to demand a fake report ("live to be 200"). His previous doctor did have an obligation to not disclose Trump's medical information--and he obeyed this with his letter that disclosed Trump's words, not his. However, he did disclose that Trump took Propecia to encourage hair growth, so his record is not clean. Still, is there any doubt that Trump's strong-arming a receptionist at 7:00 AM with 2 thugs and a lawyer, but no signed request for copies, was an illegal act.
G Good (NY)
Only the best and brightest for our Boy! The Trump Train-wreck just keeps rolling on ...
Robert Roth (NYC)
Why is everyone believe the doctor. Each of the people involved is a vindictive, destructive self-serving liar. Which is the only truth that matters.
Horrifed (U.S.)
He seized his medical records because there are things in there he doesn't want the public to know. This way, he alone has his health history.
Gino G (Palm Desert, CA)
This was not a "raid" and it is completely irrespobsible and inflammatory of this paper to use that term in its headline, thereby misleading readers. A ride is when a government law enforcement agency like the FBI charges in unannounced, takes control of a facility, rifles through all records without control, seizes property, all done while the person whose home or office it is stands by helplessly. In this case, none of that occured. First, any patient, whether it's the president or me, is absolutely entitled to copies of their medical records. Often this would be done by written request, but nothing prevents someone from showing up personally. No one took control of the physician's office, and the physician himself retrieved the records to which Mr. Trump was entitled. Normally, copies would be made but in this case the physician did not know how to work the copying machine or it was broken, so Mr. Trump's representatives took the hard copies. The physician had control of his office , his records and his property at all times. Nothing was "seized". Mr. Trump was entitled to his medical records. But, instead of explaining that upfront, this article instead used the ravings of an obviously emotionally upset person about an incident that occurred over a year ago. Thjs is irresponsible journalism.
Mike S. (Portland, OR)
The opriginal records were taken. If what you say is true and the patient can show up in person, it's irrelevant because that isn't what happened. This is completely illegal, and weaselly justifications don't change that. And how would you know the details you're stating? Were you there?
Linny (Michigan)
"Ms. Sanders dismissed Dr. Bornstein’s description of the visit by the three men as a raid. In a briefing with reporters, she said that the files had been removed by the White House medical unit as part of a standard transition procedure." So are some of us still upset about Sarah Sanders treatment at the hands of a comedian, as she continues to lie for her boss and disregard the Constitution? From public servants to personal aids, no one escapes Trump's taint. When all is said and done, Sanders won't either. A strong-arm illegal privately conducted raid in America in 2018. Don't expect it to get better any time soon.This is not ok.
Marc (NY)
This was not a raid. It was a burglary. NY DA's office: get on it.
pbrown68 (Temecula, CA)
Has Trump ever, in his entire life, conducted himself with honesty or integrity, about anything or toward anyone ? The word “Probity” must be total gibberish to him.
JCTeller (Chicago)
While this isn't a crucial story in the whole scheme of all things Trump - reflecting his ignorance and incompetence - it's interesting as a sidebar. Meanwhile, on Fox News, the 2nd story "below the fold" is (I am not making this up): "Surgeons pull 14 roundworms from woman's bile duct." If this goes on, I think we can simply wait for The Onion to begin to publish straight news, because Trumpland is simply getting weirder than the stories normally published there. Except, of course, there's nothing funny about having an incompetent liar as the Leader of the Free World ...
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
A patient taking his medical records is not news.
Carrie (Utah)
The patient didn't take his medical records. People who claimed to be surrogates of the patient took the records. This is illegal unless an official HIPPA form for release of the records is signed by the patient, and the people taking possession are legally given permisson to handle them. His doctor states these forms were not given to him.
Susan (Reynolds County, Missouri)
I have worked in psychiatric settings. Patients have access to their records, not the right to appropriate them. Patients have rights to copies of their letters, but they cannot take possession of the original which remains the property of the service provider.
DR (New England)
What other patient do you know who takes their records by force? Try reading some actual news sometime. You might like it.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood, NM)
And here I was hoping to learn when he was last treated for virulent narcissism.
Honey (San Francisco)
Wondering whether those documents will ever surface in their original form. Neither doctor seems to have been particularly interested in the normal processes for obtaining and maintaining medical records or in the actual health of the president. I'm betting the records originally held information that the patient doesn't want anyone to find out. Doubt if that is still included.
Linda (Oklahoma)
Who has legal oversight of the health field in New York? Whoever it is needs to investigate Dr. Bornstein's claims. Trump apparently sent goons to seize all medical records pertaining to him. If Trump gets away with it, what will stop anybody from raiding a doctor's office and stealing records of themselves, friends, family, or even stealing records to blackmail someone?
Crimes 1: A doctor cannot discuss protected medical information with ANYONE. Crime 2: NO ONE can remove an original medical record from a doctor's office. With a signed release from the patient, a third party is entitled to a COPY of the record. On what planet are these people living?
anon. (Detroit)
we shall see, there should be a police investigation ongoing. I'd this a state crime? cause Trump can't pardon people from those. The minions should be arrested, bet one of them (the muscle) is the same guy who there'd Stormy. People should be arrested, Bornstien should be still least punished and fired for his beach of ethics.
Sheila (3103)
They live in the Trumplandia world, a beautiful and mythical place full of "rugged individualists" and "patriots" who drive SUVs that get 5 mpg and chug out endless plumes of CO2, burn coal for heat, carry their automatic weapons out in the open, and don't have to worry about those pesky PC Liberals and their equal rights, global warming, #metoo movement, or "infringement" to "worship" their prosperity gospel.
Thomas Payne (Cornelius, NC)
Planet Corrupto: Where anything goes.
Mr Writer (BK)
Everything Trump touches dies.
christine maciel (upstate ny)
The worst part, fr me, is that his supporters, who someone has pointedd out like his 'outlaw' behavior, consider it a show of strength is that they seem to no live in the same world where everybody else lives. Don't they like having civil meetings with their co-workers, theiri doctors, their neighbors. DIsrupting is fine so long as it improves the way things works. This kind of treatment of people known to trump is just plain destructive. Nothing good comes off this, you leave people who have done nothing to harm you, feeling hurt. This is only good for those, like the alt-right, who want to destroy our civil society to as to replace it with their own brand, such as Bannon has described. We are 300 million. I don't think they know we will never cave in!
Neal (New York, NY)
"Dr. Harold N. Bornstein, who served as Mr. Trump’s personal doctor for 36 years, told NBC News that the roughly half-hour encounter left him feeling 'raped, frightened and sad.'" Welcome to our world, Doc.
anon. (Detroit)
hard to have sympathy for a Trump sympathizer and enabler.
Jan (Milwaukee)
Unless Harold Bernstein has actually BEEN raped-he might find a different word to describe his feelings. He should be disbarred
Marie (Boston)
Lots of second guessing what Dr. Harold N. Bornstein should have done in the moment. Just like in a rape case it is so easy to judge others from the cold comfort of a Monday morning quarterback's chair in the calm, rational light of day rather than in the moment when you are shocked, taken by surprise, when a supposed friend or someone you know takes advantage of you. Call the cops? Right. You have people going through your office you are going to look away from what they are doing? And these people, as far as you know ARE the law of the land, direct from the President's office. What do you think will happen when the head law enforcement official is the President. "I am the law!"
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
So you can't call the police and watch at the same time? Most people can take and see at the same time.
hammond (San Francisco)
I'm not sure Dr. Bornstein is any more trustworthy than Mr. Trump. What physician discloses the medical details of his or her patients without clear authorization to do so? This guy sounds as nutty and as ego-driven as the president. If he were my physician, I'd fire him and seriously consider removing my medical records from his office in any way possible.
Maturin25 (South Carolina)
He's eccentric. Any physician can read that. Now we know how billionaires live their lives.
Molly Bloom (NJ)
Was Bornstein looking to become the newest "meditainment" phenomenon, a la Dr. Oz or Dr. Phil? Everyone knows you need the blessing of Oprah for that to happen...
Bill Bartelt (Chicago)
I’m waiting for them to seize the records of Donald Trump’s hairdresser!
Mamie Watts (Denver)
LOL !!
J.Sutton (San Francisco)
That letter is a very important part of the story here. As most of us suspected it was a fake letter written or dictated by Trump with a little help from his friends, with the big words. It shows once again that Trump is one big lie.
ThatJulieMiller (Seattle)
I am encouraged that the charlatans, creeps and cronies who've buzzed around Trump on his way up; are starting to muster the courage sting him- he's on the way down.
JY (SoFl)
Is disclosing what drugs the President takes a breach of doctor/patient confidentiality? It may be. Is Trump the "healthiest President to ever hold office?" Highly doubtful. I do also question whether this is yet another distraction to the American public.
Inter nos (Naples Fl)
Both trump’s physicians ( dr. Bornstein and dr. Jackson ) are peculiar in their behavior to please behind any reasonable doubt this president . Both went out of their way to depict a trumpian health status in an absurd way , becoming clairvoyant in addressing an hypothetical health situation spanning many, many decades with an incredible perfect health . Both are innate sycophants. Dr. Bornstein also allowed mr. trump to dictate a ridiculous letter about his “ excellent health “ that was made public document during the 2016 presidential campaign. How can a doctor fall to such a low standard ? It is my belief that both doctors have a problem with professional ethics, behaving like “ prima donna “ in a theater where everything is allowed and where Americans are being fooled or perhaps entertained by these low rated docs.
jmf (NJ)
Although his story is believable, he himself is not someone I would have any interest in believing. A poor excuse for a medical doctor.
Citizen X (New Jersey)
What is Trump hiding? If this is standard procedure, why only took the records after more than a year ??? This is just another pattern in Trump's habit of hiding his dirty laundry ...
Oceanviewer (Orange County, CA)
Knowing that Trump’s Thugs were in his office, Dr. Bornstein himself may have been in violation of HIPAA if he did not protect the records/ names of his other patients from their view.
Oceanviewer (Orange County, CA)
State laws say that medical doctors must keep patients records for a specified period of time. By stealing Trump’s records from Dr. Bornstein’s office, Trump’s Thugs have put him in a potentially compromising position regarding the NYS medical licensing board.
Susan Miller (Pasadena)
I'd be interested to know if Dr. Bornstein had any other patients besides Donald Trump.
Sean Hannity?
JayK (CT)
This is the kind of thing fixers routinely take part in on tv shows like Ray Donovan and Billions. Guess they are not as "far-fetched" as I thought. A "raid" like that must by it's very nature be subject to a myriad of criminal statutes. Will be interesting to see if a case is opened up about it, but I won't hold my breath. The whole thing seems like more of an "intimidation" tactic as opposed to a "reconnaissance" mission to retrieve "sensitive" files. They just wanted to shut the doctor up, and apparently that mission was accomplished, until now.
So what if the president wrote his own health assessment? Better one liar than two. And when it comes to hair restoration it sure looks like Dr. Bornstein is on top of his game.
dj (New York)
Another example of what I see on television when a dishonest boss takes over a 19th century town and makes his own rules to benefit himself. In this case he hired a gunslinger to form a posse to grab his medical records without proper authorization. However, the other side of this coin is that Trump is so unpredictable that he probably has the entire world frightened about what nutty thing he will do next. He might even have the North Koreans scared into peace talks. In his his crazy way he could be both good and bad for the United States.
Larry Leker (Los Angeles)
You see, this is what a warrantless break-in looks like. And they stole the Trump buddy photo off his wall. Heart breaking!
Quandry (LI,NY)
Concededly, Bornstein should have made no comment about any particulars about Trump's health. However, Trump's demanded "healthiest person" letter is just another typical Trump fraud, and added to his multiple lies per day. What remains unanswered is whether Schiller violated HIPPA by seeing other patient's medical records, and further not allowing Bornstein to make copies, so that Bronstein would be able to maintain Trump's original records for HIPPA.
Bashh (Philadelphia, Pa)
If the doctor was so intimidated by Trump,that he allowed Trump to dictate his own medical report for campaign purposes his medical records are most likely useless in giving information to some other doctor that would help in providing a correct diagnosis or treatment. But it doesn't mean that somebody should just come in and take them. Sarah Huckster seems to be trying to pass Trump off as a presidential child prodigy. He is not a new president. He has been in office for too many long months and has had plenty of time to legally acquire copies of his medical records. Wolf was way too easy on her.
Realworld (International)
He should have immediately called the police. Probably too late now. But another example of Trump's MO straight from a Scorcese script.
Rodger Lofton (Paducah, Kentucky)
They took all the records, both large and small. They even took the picture hanging on the wall.
DR (New England)
Thank you for the much needed laugh.
Hendry's Beach (Santa Barbara)
Dr Bornstein, as a licensed physician, should be knowledgeable about HIPAA regulations. He should know that his licensure is contingent upon observation of these laws. So when this 'raid' began, why did he not call the cops? The Trump goons were trespassing / burglarizing his office. Doesn't make sense...
David Russell (Brooklyn, NY)
You don't bite the hand that fed you!
Linda (Oklahoma)
Trump's goons are not above physical assault. They probably would have harmed Bornstein if he objected or called the police. Bornstein was afraid of Trump's mob buddies.
Baba (Ganoush)
This is what sleazeocracy looks like !
Girish Kotwal (Louisville, KY)
Trump's doctor's glory days are over. When I first read the letter signed by Trump's doctor that was read by Dr.Oz on his show that Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, handed to Dr. Oz, I suspected that Trump's doctor was goofy and mentioned that in a post, now it turns out that he is beyond goofy he is unethical and should be prevented from practicing medicine again in NY or anywhere else. He revealed to the public that Trump was on hair loss prevention drug. Not only that, he defended his doing that as no big deal. Whatever happened to the patient doctor confidentiality? Another aspect of this Dr. Bornstein saga is his audacity to think that patient records are his to keep and maybe write a book but that the patient has no rights over them. What is annoying is that doctors, clinics and hospitals in the USA make it very difficult to release patients own records to the patients unless the patient signs off waivers and acquires them sometimes from an office far away from the clinic. On the other hand, recently patient records are made available online to the patient after the doctor has reviewed them and cleared them for the patient to see. It seems like Dr. Bornstein communication and movement was under the control of his wife in a TV interview. It also seems like Comey's wife may have influenced his professional actions. Spousal influence is none of our business unless it is acted upon by the person who is supposed to not be colluding with his or her spouse.
Sofedup (San Francisco, CA)
What was it Nixon said “if the president does it, it’s not illegal” we shall see.
aek (New England)
No one has mentioned whether there are electronic medical records. Bornstein, in the news photos, is shown wearing a lab coat with a NorthShore ID. I hope NorthShore has buttoned down it's patient records, because something suspicious is afoot. There should also be a police record of this, a publicly available complaint to the NY State Dept of Health for a patient data breach (the thugs had access to all of the paper patient records in Bornstein's office), and the NY State Board of Medicine for Bornstein's multiple HIPAA violations. There's a lot of criminality here, and now that the can of worms is opened, we need to see everything that's inside. Bornstein's patients need to get themselves representation, as well, because their privacy has been violated.
Maturin25 (South Carolina)
Felonies. Right and Left.
Mark (Iowa)
I think everything that happened was probably normal text book procedure. This doctor happens to have an almost famous complex, I am famous because I touch the famous man and have his phone number. That is why there was all the media attention. They sent the bodyguard to protect the contents of the records. They went there without a call because the doctor might have wanted to keep a few pieces of the medical history for a souvenir. He certainly sounds like a fan.
Stuey (Orange County, CA)
This is certainly not normal text book procedure. They didn't even call the doc's office to give them a heads up. Dr. Bornstein even described how they physically just barged in past terrified staff and patients. So no its not normal. And there is no Presidential or Trump exception to behaving like mafia goons. It's the opposite. In fact there is not a single state in the country that permits the patient to take the original chart from a health care provider--they're only entitled to a true copy. Part of my job is to obtain patients records from health care providers on a daily basis.
Maturin25 (South Carolina)
I don't think so.
Neal (New York, NY)
Expect a plain brown envelope from Natalya Veselnitskaya, and thanks again.
Ed (Washington DC)
....the good doctor described trump's test results as “astonishingly excellent” for one reason, and one reason only: so he could keep trump's business (assuming trump paid for that transaction). The minute any doctor describes trump's test results, physicals, checkups, etc. as anything other than as “astonishingly excellent” they are shown the door....pronto.
What would have happened if Dr Bornstein had called the NYPD and there was a confrontation between them and Trump's ex NYPD bodyguard, Schiller? Requesting a copy of his medical records is legitimate, but seizing the originals would require a court order since the records themselves are the doctor's property. How can the doctor get his property back now? Perhaps he needs a court order.
Lawrence Imboden (Union, New Jersey)
Call the police. Press charges. Let law enforcement handle things.
wem (Seattle)
What's in those records that makes it so important to acquire them in such a fashion?
Trump's hair is a matter of national security. I'm surprised Devin Nunes wasn't involved.
James Palmer (Burlington, VT)
He shared medical information without the patient's permission. Isn't this a serious professional breach of ethics? The situation does not change just because it concerns the president, or because we want to give back to Trump some of what he like to dish out.
Bill (Augusta, GA)
Correct. Dr. Bornstein made a serious breach of ethics in discussing details of Trumps health and medications without his consent.
BTO (Somerset, MA)
So it turns out that this doctor lied about the letter he didn't write on Trump's mental and physical health. I'm sure that Jackson also lied about the President's physical under orders from Trump when he said that Trump was in perfect physical and mental health. Trump probably told him that him that he would be transferred to some god forsaken post if he didn't say that he was in perfect health.
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
Boo hoo.... I so wanted to be the White House doc....
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
I don't think that Harold is the right man for VA Secretary, but I think he might be a good choice for Admiral in the Navy. Something different, you know.
Andrew Hidas (Sonoma County, California)
Why is it that stories about Trump and his inner circle always reflect the epitome of professional and personal decorum?
john plotz (hayward, ca)
Isn't it some sort of malpractice or breach of ethics or law for a doctor to allow a patient to write his own medical report?
rolfneu (Aliso Viejo)
Disclosure that Trump dictated his 'Excellent health' letter is just another example of the corruptness of this president. Trump lied repeatedly during the campaign and continues to lie daily. My guess is that Dr. Jackson's glowing description of Trump's health is equally suspect. Jackson's comments about Trump's excellent genes sounds like something Trump scripted himself. The non-fake media fell down and shirked it's responsibility to help vet and expose Trump during the campaign and continues to be less than aggressive in calling out his on going lies.
Es (PA)
Who didn’t know the ‘doctors’ letter’ was fake?
Rosario (Maryland)
Dear Doctor: don't complain, the raid is just Trump's way of thanking you for the glowing letter you signed your name to during the campaign. Like others, you have gotten your recommended dose of Trump's loyalty syrup. You most rightfully earned it for being a party to a ridiculous assessment of Trump's health that surely made you a laughing stock within your professional circles. Sincerely, an Amercian stuck with this cheat, to put it mildly, of a President.
Jay Baglia (Chicago, IL)
Honestly, the time for Dr. Harold Bornstein to pipe up with this claim would have been when Dr. Ronny Jackson made his dubious claim about President Trump's extraordinary health in February. While I'm not an expert on all matters related to medical ethics, I can probably guess that having your patient dictate his or health status for a wider audience is a violation of their guidelines.
Romina Carrillo (New York)
So, has someone asked Ms. Sanders, the logical follow-up question: Where is a copy of the letter sent to Dr. Bornstein requesting DJT's medical files? Also, were similar procedures used when former POTUS Obama or Bush's medical files were retrieved from their family physician? Unbelievable!
Hi Neighbor (Boston)
Another stable genius!
Parkbench (Washington DC)
Incompetence. Trump should have requested the transfer of his medical records immediately after the election or inauguration. Or in lieu of a silly "raid." Are there no adults looking out for the privacy and welfare of the President? Are they all goofballs?
Steve (Seattle)
In spite of Trump's large ego, the doctor violated physician patient confidentiality.
njglea (Seattle)
Does anyone still question whether The Con Don, his Robber Baron friends and their operatives in OUR governments are mobsters? These are mobster tactics. Get them OUT of OUR governments at every level.
Sparky (NYC)
EVERYONE in Trump's orbit eventually finds themselves discarded and/or abused. His lawyer, his doctor, his wives, his cabinet, etc. Why people to stand in line for this is a mystery. I hope some of those who are on the fence about him consider this before they strengthen his hand and vote for a Republican this fall.
ChristopherM (New Hampshire)
"EVERYONE in Trump's orbit eventually finds themselves discarded and/or abused. His lawyer, his doctor, his wives, his cabinet...and finally *all his voters*
Paul Wortman (East Setauket, NY)
And he didn't file a police report? Dr. Bornstein joins with Dr. Jackson as the latest "loyal" medical professionals thrown under the Trump bus. He didn't do anything other than leak to the media because he like Dr, Jackson violated medical ethics, HIPPA privacy regulations, and may have been prescribed drugs improperly. Both should probably lose their licenses to practice medicine from what we already know.
ChristopherM (New Hampshire)
Regarding filing a police report - as a long-time associate of Donald Trump, I'm sure Dr. Bornstein has things of his own to hide.
cece (bloomfield hills)
The good doctor is a perfect illustration for all those who want to wade into the Trump swamp for their own benefit. It's all good until the alligators bite your limbs off. And then we hear the standard "I didn't realize their were alligators in that alligator-ridden swamp."
Ken (St. Louis)
Wouldn't a raid like this constitute obstruction of justice, and therefore warrant charges against Trump and his complicit fellow thieves? (At the very least, Trump's ignoble breach of common decency -- and ethics, and the law -- should constitute obstruction of a doctor's office.)
Oceanviewer (Orange County, CA)
The raid sounds illegal and fraught with HIPAA violations. How many other patient records were compromised by these Trump Intruders?
Trump is entitled to a COPY of his medical records - NOT the originals. That is State Law. It is NOT a HIPPA violation for a patient and HIS records - it IS a violation for Trump to take anyone else's records. More kindling for Mueller.
Oceanviewer (Orange County, CA)
Trump's Intruders DID NOT have a right to possibly view the records, or even names, of other patients. That would have been a clear HIPAA violation. There is also a procedure to follow if one wants a copy of one's own records. Patients cannot raid a doctor's office to obtain them.
James (St. Paul, MN.)
Further evidence that every single person and thing touched by Donald Trump becomes tainted, spoiled, and ultimately thrown to the trash. A more professional doctor would have immediately confirmed that the report was written by Trump and (as is always the case) full of lies. Now this man is simply one of the growing and very disturbing group of formerly professional castaways and detritus that trail Donald J. Trump wherever he goes. How many people can claim to have destroyed the reputations of two medical doctors in less than one month?
roman (Montreal,Canada)
Any physician unable or unwilling to teach a president how to execute a proper handshake should be unequivocally and summarily dismissed.
cece (bloomfield hills)
If Trump is the healthiest president ever, than I'm an olympian. Pass the nachos.
drjillshackford (New England)
The White House MEDICAL UNIT did not request the medical records, if a Hipaa release was not in the exchange. There was nothing official -- or even lawful, for that matter! -- about the acquisition of Mr. Trump's medical records: 'someone came and picked them up?' Instead, it was a heavy-handed raid on an MD's office. Security of medical records is the responsibility of the MD, not the patient. Furthermore, transferring records is never wholesale removal of hard-copy files. Original records are always retained -- and only with proper paperwork -- released as digitized records or paper copy. You can bet the White House Medical Unit NEVER requested a record release without the Hipaa form identifying -- with signature -- who was responsible for preparing and dispatching them, how they were transferred, and who -- with signature -- would receive them: for a Medical Unit, MD's office, clinic, agency, hospital, or other facility. On the other hand, patients never dictate their own reports or make statements about their health signed by their physicians, either. It's difficult to fathom the breadth and depth of entitlement and audacity of any patient -- perhaps especially Mr. Trump -- for whom none of the rules or legalities are relevant to him.
Dave Schabes (Chicago)
Trump's default response is always a thuggish one.
Structural? (Not sure...)
If my doctor leaked private medical information to the press, I would also fire him, get my records, and move on. Wouldn't everyone?
LarryAt27N (north florida)
Really? Would you, too, steal the records?
George Orwell (USA)
The liberal outrage here is hilarious! Liberals have ZERO memory. Where is the outrage over Michael D. Cohen's offices and homes being raided?
MBL (Delaware)
Why would there be outrage over Cohen's office being raided after a federal magistrate judge signed off on a warrant? Completely different situation...good try though.
Native (Texan)
Your comment is typically uniformed. You don't know the difference between a court sanctioned search warrant carried out by a U.S. attorney and some thugs from the Trump operation?
Tom (Vancouver Island, BC)
Even more hilarious is your ZERO critical thinking skills. Cohen's office was raided under a legally executed search warrant, the raid on Bornstein's office appears to have had no legal authority whatsoever. We need to wait until the facts are in, but if what Bornstein claims is true, I fail to see how this seizure could not be a crime.
AreWeThereYet (Pittstown, NJ)
So this reminds me of the "bone spur" Vietnam War draft dodge scam. Did Donald dictate that letter or did his father do it?
PoohBah2 (Oregon)
Pure farce.
Frank F (Santa Monica, CA)
Another sad clown from the Cirque de Trump.
george plant (tucson)
the idiotic letter submitted by trump, ostensibly written by his doctor, was obviously bogus - just another one of the early indicators that he would be a liar-in-chief.
Izzy (NY)
In digging through Bornstein's files to seize all of Trump's records, how many other of the good doctor's patients had their privacy rights violated by these guys pawing through them?
Paul Presnail (Saint Paul)
Now it seems that Mr. Trump is a physician, faking his own medical health letter. All the while disparaging Ms. Clinton regarding her health and stamina. Come on Republicans, this is getting (more) ridiculous.
Hamid Varzi (Tehran)
The Doctor deserves all the ridicule he receives for having allowed Trump to write his own health report. I don't feel the least sorry for "Dr." Bornstein. Those who sleep with dogs, even with those disguised as Presidents, inevitably catch fleas.
Doug Hill (Norman, Oklahoma)
Everyone involved here is creepy.
John Adams (CA)
How many thugs does Trump have out there today burglarizing, bullying and intimidating his "enemies"? How many "enemies" has he shut down just in the days since he became President? Highly doubtful this is an isolated incident.
Prosper Bellizia (New Jersey)
Listening to conservative talk radio they are on the attack against this guy already full guns blazing about how crazy he is one year ago they were praising his abilities
Mae (California)
This man does not seem terribly professional. But, I guess, what can you expect?
Jules (Texas)
As "The Donald" claims, he only hires the best. Yet, by that very claim it begs the key question: Best for what? Best for whom? Obviously, by his careless public statements and self-serving choice in staff, the aim is not for the benefit of the American people.
Mary (Seattle)
The reporting on this never explains whether this is standard procedure for all presidents to take the medical records, and in such a rough manner.
Andrew Santo (New York, NY)
Wait a minute. If these records were removed without Dr. Bornstein's permission--in a manner that one can only term theft--why didn't Bornstein call the police as soon as practicable and report the incident? Then, to complicate things, he waits a year before mentioning it in public. Either the circumstances were not as dire as he is saying (and he in fact didn't object very strongly at the time) or he was threatened with harm if he reported the facts. And if he was threatened why is he unafraid now? Something is deeply screwy here. Like all things involving Trump, the truth will, I fear, run a distant second.
W Saint (Nyc)
Why are people surprised by this? Any of this? This is so low on the food chain. Trump's a carnival showman and we sanctioned the carnival.
Lyndsay (Ohio)
I am very anti-Trump but everything about this article reeks of self-promotion and hypocrisy. I think the NYT realizes this - their tone is carefully neutral, even a little tongue-in-cheek. Dr. Bornstein, with his demands and obvious self-interest, is not a source to take at face-value.
Robert (Venice)
Lay down with dogs and get up with fleas. Anybody with any guts at all would have called 911 and prevented the illegal theft of private records by the equivalent of paid thugs. Dr. Bornstein? Not so much. Instead of, whining after the fact, why doesn't the good doctor pursue legal remedies? It's hard to respect people like that.
Common Ground (Washington)
Ancient history, Time to Move On .
DR (New England)
I don't think you know what ancient means.
Kara (Bryn Mawr PA)
Am I supposed to feel sorry for this guy? Pass.
Alexandra Brockton (Boca Raton)
I doubt that this was always Trump's only physician. Most likely, Dr. Bornstein had been willing to vouch for Trump's perfect heath for many years for the purpose of the Trump Organization obtaining Key Man Life Insurance on Trump. And, in this case, went down the same path with the Trump-dictated perfect health.....during the campaign.
NNI (Peekskill)
No matter what he says now, he is facing revocation of his license by the Medical Licensing Board. Also malpractice with Health Insurance Companies hot on his feet. And jail time. But his worst fear should be Don's goons.
Sofedup (San Francisco, CA)
So the dr was a good little trumpsky soldier and lied. Now he’s “sad” - too late for you dr. You lied and look how you’re repaid for your “loyalty.” Trump has done to you what he’s doing to our country. Truly sad.
KJ (Tennessee)
I'm waiting for one of these quacks to announce that Trump's miraculous increase in height in his old age was not an attempt to avoid a diagnosis of obesity, but rather a tremendous growth spurt by the bone spurs in his heels. Matched only by the tremendous growth spurt on top of his head.
PGM (Barrington RI)
Doctor sounds as mentally unstable as his patient
T (NC)
It seems like everyone who's ever been associated with Trump is unhinged.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
"It seems like" is not strong enough.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
I can understand the doctor being traumatized and frightened, just like Stormy Daniel was in the parking lot when she was threatened by an "alleged" Trump goon. This could be the start of the White House Autocrat movement. I'm not sure about the law regarding medical records, but isn't coming into someone's home or office and ripping personal pictures off the wall that are the resident's sole and separate property still stealing? Please let me know because this would save me a lot of money in redecorating.
Assay (New York)
"He said Mr. Trump, rumored to be a germaphobe, “changes the paper on the table himself” after examinations" .... But Trump never hesitated sticking his toungue into mouths and grabbing private areas of the women he attacked ... allegedly.
Lyndsay (Ohio)
I dated a germaphobe for quite a while. He had no problem with MY germs because I was known to him, he was reassured by my general health and hygiene, and he was attracted to me. He was, however, terrified of germs from unknown people. As with so many things in life, it's fear of the unknown.
NNI (Peekskill)
Why did'nt Dr. Bornstein report to the law authorities when his office was raided in Feb. 2017? Only Trump's records disappeared. Why now? He continued to be Trump's doctor who explained about Trump's orangeness but when he revealed the drug he prescribed for alopecia, he was fired. I'm sure Dr. Bornstein's other patients would have sued him because their relationship with Dr. Bornstein was very compromised. There could be multiple reasons - fear of Trump, fear of closing down his practice, fear of being exposed for malpractice, fear of his connivance in possible criminality, none of them which could be justified. Just the failure to report his office raid is cause enough for revocation of his medical license to practice, severe malpractice penalties or even jail time. But for all his loyalty he was still thrown out of Trump's orbit. Trump - the Brutus' Caesar!
H. G. (Detroit, MI)
I don't care about the Saturday Night Live Skit of a just endlessly writes itself. I do care about the rule of law and that Trump and his meatheads are held to it. HIPPA violations? Breaking & entering? Forging medical documents? Bring charges and lock them up!
GH (Los Angeles)
White House claims that taking possession of the president’s personal medical records is standard operating procedure. To this I remark probably true, but: - Do they usually send the president’s body guard? Was that for “emphasis”? - Would they not usually make civilized advance arrangements, rather than “raid” the office? - In this modern era, what do they do about taking possession of electronic medical records? As usual, the Trump stench is on this story, including the caricature of the doctor involved.
tom harrison (seattle)
I want to hear from the living presidents if this is standard procedure or not.
Another reader (New York)
And does this also include taking the pictures off the walls, as happened here?
General Noregia (New Jersey)
Yes, using Nazi storm trooper tactics is apparently the norm for this White House according to "hucky boo boo" Sanders. Why didn't they simply ask for them, like duhhhh.
IGUANA (Pennington NJ)
Trump is so healthy it will make your head spin Yours Truly, Trump's Doctor
Stephan (Seattle)
Trump does surround himself with the finest examples of professionals!
Lois Lettini (Arlington, TX)
I have always thought that Trump's prescription drug use included more that what has been stated by his physicians. (Think about the accusations of his latest physician's drug dispensing!!). I think this is why Trump wants to keep him close by in the White House -- at all costs!
momalle3 (arlington va)
How is this not a crime?
jjg (Cooperstown NY)
It is appalling that this narcissistic physician described feeling "raped" by the seizure of medfical records. HIPAA issues aside, this action in no way is the equivalent of a sexual assault; this cavalier attitude towards women's safety is consistent with Trumpian misogyny.
KM (Houston)
Welcome to Trumpland!
I stopped reading at "raped." Find a new metaphor, boys.
Todd (San Fran)
Trump used strong-arm tactics with his own doctor you say? Yet Stormy Daniels is lying about Trump using strong-arm tactics with her, his paid lover?
Jacquie (Iowa)
Why does a body guard need to raid a doctor's office if Trump has nothing to hide in his medical records? It's about more than a drug to promote hair growth!
Carl Hultberg (New Hampshire)
What is it in Trump's medical records that his team doesn't want to be blackmailed over? Pretty sure it isn't hair growing tonic.
Steve (Florida)
Raiding a doctor's office or any other place to take stuff is a crime, even if the stuff "belongs to you". Ask OJ Simpson about that.
Lee M (New York City)
Those men went into that doctor's office not to get his medical records but to frighten the doctor so that he won't say anything else about Trump's health. Medical information is held in many different places. If a claim was made to an insurance company or Medicare, they have information. If lab companies did blood work on Trump, they have information. The doctor was sitting in front of a computer, they didn't take the computer, just the photograph on the wall. Did the doctor get the message?
NNI (Peekskill)
The patient-doctor relationship gets null and void if there is cause that the patient could cause harm to others. Trump is the President of the US and therefore can and is causing a lot of harm. Trump evidently has mental issues. So many psychiatrists all over the country have said so based on Trump's display of signs and symptoms. Dr. Bornstein was removed from Trump's orbit just for revealing about the alopecia drug. So what else is Dr. Bornstein hiding? Obviously no information will be voluntarily forthcoming citing doctor- patient relationship confidentiality. So like Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, Dr. Bornstein's office had to be raided. With the recent revelations about the White House physician, his certification of Trump's fitness to be President is highly suspect and questionable. What ever cerifications or diagnoses coming from a compromised physician is totally invalid. Dr. Bornstein seems to be one of those. The medical fraternity usually revokes license to practice after review, doctor-patient relationship not withstanding. If there is evidence of malpractice and criminality these physicians are subject to the same laws and not allowed to hide behind their white coats.
Nick Metrowsky (Longmont CO)
After seeing this story last night on "NBC Nightly News" ,this situation may help Stormy Daniels. We now have two situation where Trump used hired thugs to deal with what amounts to illegal acts. Daniels being paid off to keep silent; Dr. Bornstein, seizing private medical record and violating HIPAA. The Bernstein situation is a violation of federal law. No private patient files can be released, with written permission of the patient. This is guaranteed under HIPAA. Trump, if he ordered the seizure, violated federal law, even though they are his own medical records. See: If Dr. Bornstein's story can be proven, Trump may have handed Congress "high crimes and misdemeanors".
John (NYS)
Did Dr. Bornstein release private medical information (perscriptions he was taking) on the President with or without consent? What purpose did Dr. Bornstein have in keeping the President's records assuming the transfer had been formally requested via a memo? Do Doctors have a legal right to retain medical records for a patient after a transfer was requested?
Rich (NY)
It's not a legal right, it's a legal requirement. Generally, doctors, hospitals, etc. must keep patient records for 7-10 years. COPIES of records are sent to other doctors or facilities only upon the signed request of the patient or proxy, for which the patient pays a fee.
magicisnotreal (earth)
Medical records are the property of the doctor who must keep them for X years in each state. The patient has a right to a copy of those records if they request them in writing. The doctor has 6 months to reply, not produce copies, but reply. Most doctors just copy the record and send them along inside a few weeks. This raid stole the doctors private property which he is legally mandated to maintain for a certain number of years after El Trumpo left his care.
John Q Dallas (Dallas, TX, USA)
Doctors have a right and responsibility to keep copies of medical records records to defend their actions to Federal and state boards, insurance companies and patient [& heirs] litigation. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) administrative simplification rules require a physician to retain documentation for six years from the date of its creation or the date when it last was in effect, and preempts state law if shorter. []
John Briggs (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
I hope the Trump goons are prosecuted for this office invasion.
george plant (tucson)
wonder if one of the goons is the one who threatened stormy daniels.
Trapper (Baltimore, MD)
Mike (Little Falls, NY)
That's illegal.
Howard Levine (Middletown Twp., PA)
"Excellent physical health." What about his mental health? (Not just the common dementia screening exam - the MONTREAL COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT.)
Lisa Kelly (San Jose, CA)
Classic Trump behavior. Con someone into lying for you, then stab them in the back. Watch out Jared, your turn is coming soon.
atb (Chicago)
But Jared is going to negotiate peace in the Middle East!
LA Lawyer (Los Angeles)
Nothing new. Everything about Donald is a fake.
Mari (Camano Island, WA)
Disturbing to have your office raided by Donald's henchmen! What are you SO afraid of Donald?! Why do you have SO much to hide?!
CS (Florida)
Again, if you lie with dogs you get fleas. Bornstein is a pathetic excuse for a Dr. There is no physician that I go to that would let me or anyone of his or her patients write their own letter and then defend it.
KM (Houston)
Deus (Toronto)
Well, he was Trump's physician for 36 years. If he is a quack, as you put it, it is quite appropriate then that he was the physician for the "Liar in Chief".
LarryAt27N (north florida)
Don Vito Corleone, whom Trump surely admired, had way more class.
I can almost understand why Dr. Bornstein would let the Trump letter go unchallenged, but what about Adm, Jackson's assessment that Trump was in excellent health with a projection of a long life? Did Trump write that also? It appears that nothing, literally nothing, that Trump says can be taken at face value and apparently the same goes for the people that work for him.
AJ (Delaware)
To VMG posting, my comment applies. Trump targets vulnerable dubious people, seduces them, exploits them and discards them after using them. Shame of them for crossing their own ethical rules. It is likely that Dr. Jackson fell on the same deception.
Suzanne (Spencer)
As a physician it is quite unusual to write things like “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” It makes more sense that Trump is the one to demand such nonsensical hyperbole as "healthiest individual" or "could live to 200" in a physicians report. It is hard to imagine any clinician of statue would write such drivel.
Johannes von Galt (Galt's Glitch, USA)
@ VMG, NJ “It appears that nothing, literally nothing, that Trump says can be taken at face value and apparently the same goes for the people that work for him.” After more than 15 months occupying (every sense of the term) our Oval Office – not to mention a year and a half of primary and general campaigns, and a lifetime of sleazy business operations – you’re just figuring this out now?
eliza (california)
The man in the Oval Office got there through fraud, lies, thuggery,intimidation, and conspiracy with a foreign power ( Russia), and the American electorate couldn’t see through it and many still can’t. The Republican Congress went along willingly. And now these same scoundrels want to impeach Mr. Rosenstein for honorable work, throw them out!
joe blaustein (topanga california)
For comic relief, this event rates a special award.
Name (Here)
So now what? Did the doctor report this to the police? Are the police investigating? What happens normally should happen next....
Phyllis Melone (St. Helena, CA)
One question which would be pertinent to know the answer to is how long has Trump been taking the Propecia? Well known side effects include loss of testosterone and memory loss over long- term use resulting in many law suits involving the manufacturers of these products. I can picture Trump testifying in front of Mueller and answering simply " I don't remember" and possibly meaning it literally. Is this the reason Trump so often contradicts himself by doing the opposite of previously stated positions? Is his answer to so many situations "we'll see" because he can't remember what he has decided to do. Also this may account for his seeming acceptance of the last argument he hears to resolve the issue in question. These questions should be carefully examined by medical experts in the field as it may involve our national security. What might he promise at the approaching Kim J Un meeting?
losttosight (Brooklyn)
Why is the Times giving this guy any attention at all? He is an obvious quack and social-climber who is bitter that Trump turned on him (what a surprise). I can't believe this is front-page news. Aren't there bigger fish to fry right now?
atb (Chicago)
Sure, but this is fun. And again, although small potatoes, evidence of how far Trump goes with his corruption.
Deus (Toronto)
Did you already forget the first part that he was Trump's physician for 36 yrs.? If he is a quack then the fact that he was Trump's doctor was quite appropriate.
JSH (Yakima)
Medical offices are required to maintain patient records untila the statue of limitations has passed. Additionally, Electronic Medical Records are essentially mandated. All EMR have off-site backup. Additionally, the physician is not to release patient records without an authorization from the patient. Reports are that Trumps lawyers (?Cohen the enforcer) were present, but there is no specific mentiion of a signed release being hand delivered.
MDB (Indiana)
Wait....what? Why wouid Trump use strongarm tactics to get his hands on such glowingly written medical reports that have him in such astonishingly good health that he has no peer among his predecessors? The whole Trump administration is a cautionary tale as to why honesty is always the best policy. Just like with everything else, this raises more questions and suspicions that will most likely be confirmed in the long run. More oxygen consumed, more time wasted over this paranoiac nonsense.
Sheila (3103)
Meanwhile, over on the Foxlandia website, there's nada about this story.
Javaforce (California)
Our POTUS seems to think the president of the US is not bound to the rule of law. Even though it will be extremely chaotic it looks like Mueller and others will hold the POTUS accountable.
Derek Martin (Pittsburgh, PA)
So who thinks that Trump has "all the best" doctors?
John Terrell (Claremont, CA)
As has been noted often, if this were a movie script it would never get the green light. The response would always be "But this is ridiculous! The American people would never put up with it." We have fallen so far in an incredibly brief period of time. When will we hit bottom?
NYCLAW (Flushing, New York)
For writing a false report, Bornstein is lucky that he did not lose his license. No one should have any sympathy for this man. New York State Office of Professional Medical Conduct should be embarrassed for doing nothing since Bornstein issued that ridiculous letter in 2016.
Name (Here)
Ok, I don't sympathize. It's still a crime to break in and steal stuff, as Nixon learned back when that party wasn't colluding with Russians.
Didier (Charleston WV)
Any physician who mistakenly permits himself or herself to be drawn into the moral black hole that is Donald J. Trump probably took the Hypocritic Oath rather than the Hippocratic Oath.
Deus (Toronto)
Your description of a "moral black hole" would pretty much describe anyone that associates with Donald Trump.
Christy (WA)
The never-ending sitcom is no longer funny. I don't care about Trump's doctors. I don't care about Trump's hair. I'm not even interested in his dalliances with porn stars or potential paternity suits, though I do feel somewhat sorry for Melania and her son. What I really care about the irreparable harm Trump is doing to our country and our image abroad, and how the Republican-led Congress is letting him do it.
Walter McCarthy (Henderson, nv)
If the Dr. only called 911.
Carmela Sanford (Niagara Falls USA)
"Curiouser and curiouser cried Alice" as her adventures in Wonderland began. This raid on a licensed practicing doctor makes Alice's trip down the rabbit hole seem positively normal. What is going on with Donald J. Trump and his increasingly more bizarre administration? And, what information is in those files that were taken? This strange incident points out the problems with Trump's approach to everything. Every time something is withheld or something odd happens, it just piques our curiosity. By not releasing his taxes, he made us think he's not as rich as he claims, or that he rarely pays any. By removing medical files, we now have to imagine what's in them. Some kind of risky sexually transmitted disease, perhaps? Maybe a pattern of drug abuse? Is he really as healthy as a horse, as was claimed? Someone in his administration needs to be the adult in the room and tell the President that the more he acts up, the more he creates issues that must be addressed. And then both he and Sarah Sanders wonder why the press asks so many probing questions.
ClydeMallory (San Diego, CA)
Cohen will probably have copies of Trumps taxes and will no doubt be leaked soon enough.
L (Massachusetts )
Bornstein said he felt “raped, frightened and sad.” Raped? Really?! A "doctor" made that statement after his paper records were confiscated? [Not to mention the issue that it's 2018; why isn't he keeping digitized patient records?] Quack.
Mack (Los Angeles)
The facts as described are sufficient for indictment of all involved for violation of New York’s robbery statutes and in this instance violation of the Hobbs Act, the federal interstate robbery statute. Both of these crimes are federal and state RICO predicate offenses. Where others planned or participated in this crime, case conspiracy and RICO charges may be brought in this action or as part of a larger case. Given what we know, there is no distinction between the crime and the hotel robbery that sent OJ Simpson to prison. The severity of the offense is enhanced because Trump’s security honcho was likely armed. If Robert Morganthau were still in office, it would “Book ‘em, Danno” time.
Upper Left Corner (PNW)
If it quacks like a quack, it’s a quack. HIPPA violations, fraud, poor Ozzie Osborne impression. Sanity has left the building.
concerned citizen (Ohio)
Sounds like these two turkeys (Bornstein and Trump) deserve each other.
But what does President Hannity have to do with any of this?
rudolf (new york)
The doctor of the US President didn't have copies of health statements pertaining to Trump; only originals which were then stolen under his sight. Not a very smart doctor.
Todge (seattle)
Fake health. Sad.
Glen (Texas)
Hard to feel any sympathy for the good doctor. And of course, the very definition of a "good doctor" is one who does what you tell him to do. Trump always did make it clear in any relationship who gives and who gets.
Mr. Fedorable (Milwaukee)
This guy's about as lovable as Trump.
NYCtoMalibu (Malibu, California)
Has any of us ever heard of a patient dictating a letter stating false test results to his physician, and then having the physician sign his name to it? I sincerely doubt it. The daily events in Trump's world and those who populate it are bizarre in every way. And, of course, consistently unethical, if not downright illegal.
Shari (Chicago)
The problem is that his base feels like he's just being a disruptor. They feel like he's cutting through the deep state to pare down all the rules to just those that they like. They don't care that it's illegal or unethical, as long as they believe that he is harming the existing structures. As long as they refuse to consider that he's not disruptive, but illegal, it fuels his desire to be a despot. He knows they love when he does these things, so he feels invincible. To date, rules haven't applied to him, which terrifies all thinking people worried about our democracy.
MN (Michigan)
His base is a minority of the US population.
Independent Thinking (Minneapolis)
The District Attorney should pursue this case and prosecute those involved in the theft. The statue of limitations has not run. Trump's bodyguard knows all.
JLD (California)
I wish I were a screen writer. Each day brings a new twist from this slippery administration. No need to invent a narrative.
Bob Woolcock (California)
If what Bornstein says is true, and it probably is, he should have immediately called security and the police. Or is there a tolerance for thuggish behavior in NYC?
Upstate Dave (Albany, NY)
He sent a bodyguard with the attorney to get the records? So do you all still doubt Stormy Daniels' account of being threatened? It's starting to sound a little more likely to me.
Jennifer wade (MA)
About the article: strange wording to say that Dr. Bornstein wrote the letters. If Trump dictated the letters, then he wrote them. Dr. Bornstein's decision to sign off on the nonsense means he as a physician endorsed it--a huge ethical lapse, which of course was compounded by his initial lying, that he wrote the letter. But Trump--not Bornstein--wrote the letters.
AJ (Delaware)
I am sure everybody understand that under normal circumstances it is the patients' right to request his or her own medical records for various purposes.Agree with various readers. Only paranoid, ignorant, mobster groups and mentalities raid a doctor's office when he is not there, appear intimidating to the secretary, enter the office without legal authorization and in the process go over other patients records in pursue of their goal...when this could have been simply fulfilled through a written request.
Sarah (Chicago)
Can anyone think of a crazy story about Trump that turned out NOT to be true? I guess it's nice to get confirmation that he did in fact dictate that crazy letter himself. And, so Trump-like for comments about hair medication to send him over the edge.
Robin (Chicago)
You just can't make this stuff up!
Rob Dudko (Connecticut)
Obviously, Dr. Bornstein is as nutty as his former patient who now resides in the White House. Cue Mel Brooks ...
Patients may obtain COPIES of medical records, but the originals always stays with the physician who recorded them. That's the law.
PJ1304 (Philadelphia Pa)
I think it depends on the NH says patient owns. Other states don't specify and some say hospital/doctor own
James Young (Seattle)
Just to clarify, what happened would be a violation of the federal HIPAA Law (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) in fact in all 50 States your healthcare records belong to the facility where you received or receive treatment. You can have access to them, and you can have copies, but you cannot have the originals. This includes any x-rays, Cat Scans, medical imaging of any kind, including test results. If this Dr office was in fact raided, and original files "stolen" then the people involved with the theft should be arrested for theft, robbery. And if the secret service was involved, then that officer should be fired since it's not the purview of the secret service to go on raids that include theft of private property. If this Doctor was worth his salt as a Dr, he would have digital records as well, and those you cannot delete off the server. With that said, the good doctor may have opened himself up for a lawsuit, and an investigation by the NY Medical board for violation HIPAA by telling the media what medications Trump is taking, and what the medical condition is, which is a very clear violation of HIPAA. I've worked in healthcare for over a decade, we go though compliance training every year for HIPAA rules. Maybe the good doctor is a little angry he didn't get to be the (sorry) POTUS personal Dr. He could have been the next "Theodor Morell". For those who don't know who Dr Morell was, he was Hitlers personal physician.
Doodle (Oregon, wi)
I do not understand how the Republicans, politician and voters alike, still do not see how flawed in character Donald Trump is. Not just by his own behavior on the campaign trail and in office, but also the kind of people he associated with, embraced and chosen to be in his administration. This latest disaster with his personal doctor is so incredibly bad in so many levels. Not only did his doctor act unethically and violate his professional oath and standard, he could not even carry through the deception. Feeling betrayed and lashing out with anger towards Trump, the doctor foolishly incriminated himself and potentially jeopardize his medical license. These are bad actors who are also incompetent and foolish! In view of all these evidences, I kept bumping into the conclusion that either the Republicans are so thoroughly clueless, fooled, and ignorant; or they are just like Trump. Either scenario scare the hell out of me.
Beezelbulby (Oaklandia)
Because Fox, Breitbart, Alex and Rush don't report on these things. Or if they do, they hint that the raiders had something to do with the Mythical 'Obama Deep State'
true patriot (earth)
It’s not either/or its both
jb (ok)
A man built his house on sand, begins an old parable... And building on as many falsehoods, false testimonies, false boasts as Trump--from his "amazing" health to his "stable genius", and exhaustingly more--is building on sand. Truth endures merely because it is true; falsehood crumbles when its tellers recant, when light is shed on the issue elsewhere, when time slays it as time eventually does. Lies require maintenance, and a sea of lies more maintenance than even a powerful, wealthy man and his allies can manage. That house will fall, President Trump; your house will fall.
Jeffrey (Michgan)
This is now just getting plain weird!
David (NYC)
Only now??
William O. Beeman (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
This sounds like a madcap sit-com plot! It is ridiculous. Everyone is at fault here, but at base, Trump's record-setting vanity and egotism is the centerpiece for everything that is going on. Trump apparently wrote his own health assessment letter. Then his team raided his doctor's office for his health records, then his doctor talked about both that and his prescription for hair growth medicine. Will we never be rid of this joke of a president? He has sullied and made a mockery of his office. Dr. Bornstein is not far behind. He seems to have violated his oath and standards. They can deceive themselves, but it is really the American public that has been cheated and deceived by this fiasco. Now let's look into Ronny Jackson's over-the-top statement about Trump's health.
Eric Lamar (WDC)
A nut and his president.
Gangulee (Philadelphia)
It's the same story of mafia tactic: reward loyalty and punish a betrayal.
Jodi malcom (New York, NY)
Yes, a mafia tactic: And that's why all conspirators should be charged with the RICO law. All their possessions should be taken. They should be jailed. That applies to ANYONE who conspired to do dirty work to get Trump elected, and keep him in office. Including some of our Senators.
Charlie B (USA)
The only person missing from this reality show presidency is O J Simpson. And maybe Homer Simpson. Sleazy people everywhere, defilimg everything they touch.
moosemaps (Vermont)
Huckabee Sanders is as complicit in lies and garbage as the rest of the rotten lot. Burnt facts? Oh yes.
CA Reader (California)
Behold the smoky eye shadow
William Park (LA)
The good doctor appears to be a quack who tried and failed in 2016 to perhaps gain eventual access to the White House by flattering the world's greatest self-flatterer.
Joan In California (California)
In the real world when one changes physicians the new doctor's office sends a request to the previous doctor's office for the records, which are sent. I guess what we need here is a report on how, at the rarified levels of corporate heads and national presidents, this situation is (dare I ask) normally handled?
bob (Santa Barbara)
Didn't Bornstein violate some sort of medical ethics when he let Trump dictate the letter about his health and then let the country believe it was Bornstein's actual medical opinion?
pkbormes (Brookline, MA)
Lies, lies and more lies. What a bunch of thugs!
TN in NC (North Carolina)
Just another little window into Trumpworld that supports Jim Comey's description that the President "is like a mob boss."
Jim (California)
Another Trump 'friend' burnt by Trump. Astonishing how many 'friends' continue on.
Harold (Bellevue WA)
Bornstein's letter on Donald Trump's health said that Trump "would be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency." That sounds very much like Trump himself. And now we know that Bornstein told the press that Trump dictated the letter. Bornstein's letter bears a strong affinity to Dr. Ronny Jackson's remarks at his press conference on Donald Trump's health. "He has a lot, a lot of energy. ... He is very sharp. ... Some people just have great genes." Compare this to Trump's own words. "I have a lot of energy," said to pastors on Nov. 30, 2015. And to "I am very smart, believe me," tweeted on Oct. 27, 2017. And to "I have great genes ...," tweeted on Jan. 2, 2016. Apart from the actual status of Trump's health and mental acumen, Jackson's choice of words suggests he may have heard them first from Trump, and they were on his mind at the press conference. Maybe it is just a coincidence that Jackson makes the same points that Trump made using the same language. With Bornstein's letter in mind, I frankly believe that the coincidental reuse of Trump's words at Jackson's press conference is too "coincidental to be a coincidence." (Thanks to Yogi Berra for the last quote.)
D. Green (MA)
Where does Trump find these people!?
William Park (LA)
In my experience, oddballs of a feather flock together.
D. Lieberson (MA)
It was (or should have been) obvious to anyone who has worked in health care (and to many people who have not), that Dr. Bornstein’s Dec. 4, 2015 letter was almost certainly not written by the “good” doctor. Normal exams do not show “positive results” and in 35 years of clinical work I have never heard a provider describe test results as “astonishingly excellent”. And, unless Dr. Bornstein is clairvoyant, an “unequivocal” assertion that an overweight, junk food eating Mr. Trump “will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency” is nonsensical. Superlatives, absolutes, distortions, exaggerations. I wonder who could have written that letter.
AJ (Delaware)
This doctor not only broke a few ethical rules, one of which the use of his name for an invented clear bill of health composed by Trump, in Trump's narcissistic language and unacceptable under good medical guidelines and ethics. This doctor, much like many other people in the White House and Congress, and whom likely carried his own preexisting burden of personality and behaviors, fell under the malignant spell of a malignant personality who seduced with his purported power, exploited him and tossed him away once he was used. This doctor may be under the group of people who narcissistic malignant personalities know how to target , manipulate and exploit. This group either realize on time and quit, or if they do not acquiesce they are fired, or driven by their own unmeasured ambition go too far and break the law and ethical rules. This seems to be just but one pitiful example.
Sparky (NYC)
What's astonishing is that after all these decades of lying, Trump is still so bad at it.
Neal (New York, NY)
"Superlatives, absolutes, distortions, exaggerations. I wonder who could have written that letter." You must track down a fantastic Cole Porter song called "The Physician" and enjoy a good laugh.
T (OC)
What doctor still uses paper charts??!?!?
left coast finch (L.A.)
Many and often the older, most experienced doctors. Just because they may still use some form of paper doesn't mean they're not qualified. You may want to look at background, education, membership in professional societies, and admission privileges at local hospitals in evaluating a doctor's skill. Using paper charts has zero importance in that area.
magicisnotreal (earth)
Normal Good doctors.
Dr. Ricardo Garres Valdez (Austin, Texas)
Harold Bornstein has been the doctor of a guy that behaves as a gangster, now in the presidency.
David (California)
Using non-government employees to physically seize medical files without notice is not routine practice. It is a crime and should be investigated as such. Huckabee is full of it.
Henry's boy (Ottawa, Canada)
Quick, show him the sketch of the guy who threatened Stormy Daniels. Maybe the third man is the same guy!
dawn (Stockton, NJ)
Who is scripting this crazy TV show? Whoever she is, get her an Emmy, stat!-
William Park (LA)
I'd rather the show be canceled.
s parson (new jersey)
More importantly: why are we still watching?
dressmaker (USA)
Still watching because it is the only channel.
Shim (Midwest)
After the raid of his doctor's office, this give more credibility that one of his goons threatened Ms. Daniels in the parking lot.
James (Maryland)
We are now a banana republic.
tbs (detroit)
A Watergateian break-in to a Doctor's office, the hits just keep on coming. Also heard that Bornstein said that the statement in Trump's medical records to the effect that Trump was in "better physical shape than everyone", was dictated by Trump! Sounds right!
Jane (Clarks Summit)
Though it's hard to find Dr. Bornstein credible about anything after that obviously bogus letter, clearly ghost-written by Trump , attesting to the president's health, I can imagine Trump sending a crew of goons to confiscate Trump's medical records. Why? It's so like this administration to flaut the law and stupidly resort to strong-arm tactics, rather than just go by the book, send a signed HIPAA form, and request copies of Trump's medical records. What I don't understand is why Bornstein would not call the police, since the seizure was illegal. This would have protected him from violating state regulations, and from possibly having his license suspended, which is exactly what should happen now. ....or why he would wait such a suspiciously long time before bringing this farce to light. Schiller, Garten, and the unnamed third person also should be investigated and sanctioned for their illegal act, as should whoever ordered this caper in the first place.
s parson (new jersey)
Requesting copies wouldn't get rid of the evidence. Always get the negatives... as every film noir dick ever said.
In the future, when people say, "Hey, remember Trump's wacky doctor?" you'll have to say, "Which one?"
Andy (Salt Lake City, Utah)
This is an odd situation. I don't just mean Dr. Bornstein either. He was already odd. If I'm understanding the basic outline of the story though, we definitely have a HIPPA violation and probably larceny as well. Maybe conspiracy too. I'm guessing Mr. Schiller didn't arrive at Mr. Bornstein's office with a Trump bodyguard out of the goodness of his heart. Someone told him to go collect the records. Whoever sent them could therefore be implicated in conspiracy to commit crime. I won't speculate on the criminal stuff too much. We don't really have enough details yet. There was most definitely a HIPPA violation though. Even if the note from Jackson had a HIPPA request attached, Trump's associates still aren't allowed to remove the documents from Bornstein's office. They are entitled to a copy of all records, not the records themselves. Those belong to the doctor, not Trump. If they were taken without permission, you have a criminal act in addition to the HIPPA violation. Hence, larceny. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is something though. As Michelle Wolf said, "Every time Sarah steps up to the podium, I get excited, because I’m not really sure what we’re going to get." I'll say she never fails to disappoint.
Bonnie Rudner (Newton, Ma)
In Angels in America (now back on Broadway) Roy Cohen threatens his doctor of 30 years if he tells the truth- that Roy has AIDS. He was Trump's role model- No one who has any relationship with Trump (except possibly Ivanka, and I am not even sure of that) should expect anything different.
Jennene Colky (Montana)
Gee, when medical records need to be shared among professionals, you usually just sign a form at the provider's office and your PCP sends them over in a day or two. I did this just yesterday for PT services. Easy-peasy, no raid needed. Wonder why this wasn't an option for DJT?
Rick (Louisville)
Probably would have been, but it appears that Trump's people insisted on the originals.
VH (Corvallis, OR)
While Dr. Bornstein sounds a bit mentally unstable himself, Sarah Sanders pretty much validates that Keith Schiller and his posse strong-armed Trump's medical files from his office. Is she really going to act like that is 'standard transition procedure' You send a body guard to transition medical records? Only in this mob-mentality administration would this be considered standard and this action, if it actually happened that way, should alarm the entire nation. This is not how law-abiding citizens behave.
magicisnotreal (earth)
What they did is exactly what OJ did in Vegas. Except it wasn't their property they were recovering. The doctor gets to keep all the original records he only has to provide a copy of them to the patient after written request he has 6 months to comply.
mt (Portland OR)
And yet CNN has a person who is being interviewed state trump et al is entitled to this information and did nothing wrong, and Cooper and CNN don't rebut him. The usual false equivalency.
Tom (Hudson Valley)
It will only "alarm the nation" if it is effectively brought to their attention. How will that be done? And if it's not done, it is yet ANOTHER instance where Trump gets away without punishment.
lesdmd (Middleton Wisconsin)
In his own words Dr. Bornstein said, in an interview published in "Tufts Medicine": "Privacy and confidentiality are guaranteed." He seems to have forgotten that pledge as well as his obligation to maintain the original versions of his medical records. In the strange "Trump World" in which we now live, I can only think that Dr. Bornstein and the President deserve one another.
Mary (Brooklyn)
Possibly because this was in effect a "raid" and not a "transition" the originals were taken by force.
Steve (New York)
Really, "part of a standard transition procedure." It would be easy to disprove this by asking physicians who cared for other presidents before they ascended to the office. I'll bet that while all gave copies of their records to the White House physician, none had their original records seized. And if Dr. Bornstein is claiming that he misstated the truth, to use a polite term, in a letter he sent on behalf of a patient regarding that patient's health, I would assume that he will face action by the NY state medical board. What is the difference between this and a patient having his doc write an untrue report about a patient's health so that patient can collect on an insurance claim or a lawsuit? I would expect that that would be grounds for loss of license.
Jennifer wade (MA)
He has or had privileges at my former hospital, where I worked as an RN manager. I never knew or worked with him. Just to say here that the hospital now belongs to a large consortium which has a national reputation for quality, and ethical practice. Certain behaviors simply weren't tolerated; physician leaders rode herd on docs behaving badly. On a few occasions as a nurse leader I was expected to--and did-notify physicians' bosses for inappropriate behavior. Since stringent standards of behavior now prevail it's hard to believe that Dr. Bornstein's ethical lapses have not been addressed. It's quite possible that his continued hospital privileges have either been subject to final warning, or, possibly, revoked.
Tony Costa (Bronx)
No surprise here. This merely adds more evidence that we have a mobster in the White House. Every week -if not every day - American voters get confirmation on how Trump was, is, and will always be "unfit" and dangerous to serve as the most powerful person in the world.
And on it goes (USA)
Who's surprised the deeply flawed Donald J. Trump lied about his medical exams and actually dictated his own report? And had the doctor's office raided by Sopranos mob types. Continuing to tarnish America's image, Trump's averaged 6.5 lies per day since taking office. Fact checkers caught 3001 lies or false claims and misleading statements in his first 466 days. Trump's also the guy who gave away classified information to the Russians right in the Oval Office, which ended up destroying an intelligence operation in Israel. And bragged about firing the FBI Director to take away the pressure of Trump-Russia investigations. As always, there's no consequence to any of this for Mr. Trump, who runs the White House as if it's a syndicate--- boss, underboss & consiglieres. Raiding a private business to steal property and strong-arming those present is organized crime!
John F. Harrington (Out West)
Weirder by the minute.
Hddvt (Vermont)
Isn't that theft?
Muriel510 (Atlanta, Georgia)
I keep a bag of popcorn at my office desk, and every morning before opening the NYT on my computer, I pour myself a bowl. Too bad, too sad this isn't a movie but our dear America being played out in reality fashion.
Jackie (USA)
So why did the doctor not call the police? There is no police record. Other outlets (CNN) are reporting that witnesses say it was a peaceful handover of medical records. Somehow the Times fails to report this.
JMWB (Montana)
Dr. Bornstein clearly has violated HIPPA by talking publicly about a patient. It does not matter that the patient was Donald Trump.
Beth B (NH)
I can't stand Trump but I'm a nurse and I agree with you. Patient confidentiality applies to everyone. This guy sounds like a sketchy doctor. "The healthiest man ever elected president?" I doubt it.
SridharC (New York)
He spoke after Trump asked him to - that is not a violation. Trump asked him to tell the world how fit he was.
eve (san francisco)
If the patient gave permission it isn't. And it's HIPAA not HIPPA.
KJ (Tennessee)
My first thought was that there is evidence of Trump being infected by his "personal Vietnam" in those files. To him, that going public would be worse than all his bankruptcies put together.
JWMathews (Sarasota, FL)
Why is it that whenever I look at this guy, I think that if I saw him in the subway, I try to change cars at the first opportunity?
Bathsheba Robie (Lucketts, VA)
To borrow Comey’s Cosa Nostra metaphor, Schiller was acting as a Trump enforcer when he muscled the doc into turning over 36 years of Trump’s medical records. The mob doesn’t need any HIPPAA forms. I bet someone is filling out and back dating the appropriate form for Trump’s signature as this is being written.
SA (01066)
This article provides an important lead on how to reduce President Trump's erratic, overly aggressive and irrational behaviors. The hair growth drug Trump takes, finasteride, is known to increase the level of testosterone in the blood. TV doctor Oz (in)famously complimented candidate Trump on a medical report showing an unusually high level of testosterone for a man Trump's age. So while we wait for Special Counsel Mueller to uncover the truth about Russia, the Trump campaign, and the 2016 election, we can protect the health of American democracy by cutting off the President's prescription for and supply of finasteride, aka Propecia.
DR (New England)
So you're saying Trump is "hair brained?"
Jane (Washington state)
Changing the paper himself on the exam table AFTER his exam isn’t evidence of being a germaphobe, but rather suggests that he is paranoid about someone collecting his DNA or other personal physical data after he leaves the exam room. If he was concerned about other people’s germs, he would change the paper before the exam, not after.
Jacquie (Iowa)
He would also not have unprotected sex with a porn star.
Jeffrey Waingrow (Sheffield, MA)
So far, we've encountered two of Trump's personal doctors. Do I dare say that one is loonier than the other? Both sound unmoored from the normal world of medicine, each seemingly intent on becoming a reality star. I wouldn't let either of them near even a hangnail.
David (WPB)
Yes! Am I the only one who found Dr. Jackson's eyes just a little too bright and his smile just a little too stretched? Donald Trump's choice of physicians is unsettling. But then again, so are his other choices.
Like the rest of this presidency and administration - it is ALL based on fraud. No different than trumps business fraud empire.
Charles (NYC)
1 - Medical records are property of the physician, not the patient (see link below). Patients are legally entitled to COPIES of medical records. If this story is true, Mr. Trump's representatives may have broken the law. 2 - Whatever characterizations may be made of Dr. Bornstein, what does Mr. Trump's choosing Dr. Bornstein tell us about Mr. Trump?!! Would YOU have chosen Bornstein as YOUR physician?
Steve (New York)
I think you may be judging Dr. Bornstein on his looks which I admit are odd but don't necessarily correlate with the quality of a physician. I'm old enough to remember, and no doubt it still exists, when many white patients refused to be cared for by black physicians because they considered them to be, due to their skin color, of lesser competence. And many men considered female physicians to be similarly so. Dr. Bornstein may be a quack or an outstanding physician; you can't tell by just looking at him.
Charles (NYC)
He allowed his patient to dictate a health record report. He failed to report the theft of his personal property. Yes. his looks should be irrelevant. His actions and behavior shouldn't be,
Ms. Pea (Seattle)
It make perfect sense that Trump would send a thug to get his records. He would never do what normal people do, which is to sign a release and request to have his medical records transferred to another doctor. Trump takes every opportunity to act like a tough guy and never misses a chance to intimidate and settle a score. He was obviously miffed that Dr. Bornstein said too much about the results of his examination. Dr. Bornstein certainly seems eccentric and a little publicity-hungry, but that's no reason to bully him.
true patriot (earth)
the spurned courtier, fear him. also, take away his license to practice medicine for putting his signature on a fraudulent medical statement. finally, is it that trump absolutely destroys all in his orbit, is it that those who come into his orbit are already corrupt and broken, or both? the data says both.
Dr. Bornstein should be demanding the apology from trump and his associates. After all trump has a pile of cash from donations that can be used to send to Tufts. Forget HIPAA - now any gang of lawyers can barge into a doctor's office, clinic or hospital and steal medical records. As if lawyer client confidentiality were any better. The real press should stop asking lying Huckabee Sanders questions that will result in FOX and National Enquirer level intellect fraudulent responses. It is their way to insult all of our intelligence and still get paid from our taxes. Would Dr. Bornstein have been more believable than Dr. Jackson's medical summary report? Maybe trump dictated Jackson's speech too? I'd change the paper on the table after trump too! I would hate to be infected with "the trump" - an obviously highly infectious condition. Just look at the exponential spread to his administration, Republicans and base.
Jerry S (Chelsea)
Besides not being able to take a joke, Huckabee Sanders demonstrated once again she is willing to lie about anything and everything. It just cannot be standard procedure to send goons to seize medical records, which certainly would show that Trump is not as healthy as he says. We all can see this with our own eyes.
EricR (Tucson)
Au contraire. Vinny Goombatz and Tommy Knuckles will, for a fee, obtain all your medical records, day or night, from any source. They do so in concert with your lawyer of choice (unless he's totally Fugazy), paid with your own campaign funds, to sort of kinda make it privileged stuff, y'know? This is standard operating procedure, and if you disagree, fugetaboutit! Capisce?
Tony (New York City)
In different presidential administrations, the medical exam was a big deal. The talking heads always made reference to the fact that President Kennedy had a serious disease and no one knew about it. Fast forward we now have and independent President who is writing his own medical press releases , raiding the doctors office to destroy his own records, nothing Trump does is normal. There must have been some damaging information in his medical records. Maye his mental health was questioned 30 years ago because he disrespected his doctor for 35 years so something is there. I wonder why these professionals put up with Trump, he doesn't seem like a person anyone would want to have in there orbit. He is not nice and he never tells the truth about anything. In New York City there are plenty of rich normal people to have in your circle of friends without putting up with a user. Midterms are coming and I am so glad to see that Apple is having a buyback program for there shareholders worth millions, so much for the little man getting more than five dollars with this tax cut.
Jena (NC)
When Trump rants about the deep state is he actually describing his own administration? Breaking into a Dr's office and having administration lying about it are the classic actions of a mobster who believes he is above the law. After this incident the NY A.G. has the opportunity to open a full investigation on what occurred and bring criminal charges against Mr. Schiller, Mr. Garten and even Dr. Bornstein.
HighPlainsScribe (Cheyenne WY)
Borenstein seems to be auditioning for the inevitable 'Trump movie.' Would be a great character, much like the Brent Spiner mad scientist character in Independence Day. Trump's escapades around his health, where he pressured Borenstein to put his name to that hyperbolic letter, along with that Dr. Oz sham, make it clear that trump is hiding something about his health, whatever that may be. Trump is the guy that tells cops "There's nothing in the trunk!" Borenstein had no business disclosing anything about trump's health, but what Schiller and company did was nothing less than strong-armed robbery in an absolute legal sense. Those records were Borenstein's property. Any patient has a right to COPIES of his/her records, not the originals, which the provider is required by law and ethics to keep. Kieth Schiller is likely to spend the rest of his life in the legal system for any number of illegal acts committed for trump, and this should be one of them. Huckabee-Sanders then adds insult to injury by claiming that this is all "standard operating procedure." We really need to decide if we're going to be a nation governed by the Rule of Law. Trump erodes that principle on an hourly basis.
cgg (NY)
The only surprising thing about Trump having written his own letter vouching for his "astonishingly excellent" health is the fact that he didn't sign it John Barron, MD.
John Q Dallas (Dallas, TX, USA)
So Dr Bornstein did get a letter authorizing the release of Trump's medical files. The doctor needs to be reported to his state association and HHS for violating patient confidentiality and HIPAA regulations. The NYT and other also probably violated HIPAA regulations by publishing patient information they knew was protected under the law. The irresponsibility, hypocrisy, and unprofessionalism in this Country in previously respected institutions and professions is appalling.
One of Many (Hoosier Heartland)
I’m not sure I believe the good doctor but I’m really sure I don’t believe anything the Trump Administration says. I’m assuming the truth, laughable as that word is in Trumpworld, lies somewhere in between.
coale johnson (5000 horseshoe meadow road)
just wow..... this man was trump's hipster doctor for 36 years. no longer in the "circle of trust". huckabee telling lies to cover for what i am sure happened just as the doctor said. trump's creepiness knows no bounds.
EricR (Tucson)
I think he's actually Brent Spiner reprising his role as Dr. Brakish Okun in "Independence Day".
deb (ct)
This is the latest reminder that trump gets to play by different rules than any other politician. Upon learning of this revelation, any and every other politician would be well underway toward impeachment.
Suzanne Moniz (Providence)
The incredible gall of Huckabee Sanders to implicate the Secret Service in this act should have repercussions. However, with Trump in charge, the only repercussion would be getting a promotion. Burnt facts indeed.
JB (Marin, CA)
One notes that Sarah didn’t wear her famous ‘smokey eye’ at yesterday’s press briefing. Michelle Wolf made her consider her lies!!
Gertrudesdottir (Across the street)
I noticed that lack of shadow, too
M Eng (China)
No matter how you view Trump, this doctor is just terrible and unethical. But somehow they both got what they deserved.
Beatrice (Lloyd Harbor, NY)
Another in the most bizarre cast of characters in Trump's life.
Jane (Sparks NV)
Yes. He is thoroughly typical of all Trump associates we have had the misfortune to meet. Sickeningly typical, including his demand that the Times apologize & pay money because of something he himself (Bornstein) is responsible for - his own answer to an interview question (!)
This "cast of characters" reminds me of the criminal characters in a Dick Tracy comic book with names like Screwball and Itchy. I don't know much about how a White House is supposed to run or how a President is supposed to interact with Congress or with foreign leaders, but I repeatedly hear on political talk shows the phrase "this is not normal." Now I read about Trump's interaction with doctors and I can judge it on my turf: stupid, criminal, bizarre, not normal.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
You really couldn't make this "stuff" up, not for a book or movie. Unbelievable.
G.E. Morris (Bi-Hudson)
Trump's daily lies, he even lies about weight and height, demands that we replace norms with regulations.. every VP and POTUS candidate needs to: 1. undergo physical and cognitive testing done by a team of doctors prior to the first primary 2. show the same financial docs required by Medicaid nursing home patients, 5 yrs of bank docs, valuations of all assets and liabilities, complete copies of tax returns even if in audit process. 3.all live campaign events, interviews, debates, etc should be on a delay so that lies can be highlighted. We currently erase curses from TV broadcasts. I would much preder to be cursed at than lied to constantly.
ScrantonScreamer (Scranton, Pa)
4. Must undergo an FBI background check and be approved to hold the top-secret security clearance. 5. Must divest from all businesses and place assets in a blind trust.
coale johnson (5000 horseshoe meadow road)
very good. i am sure we can come up with a few more. public trust in what used to be the honor system has completely dissolved.
magicisnotreal (earth)
Coale, get rid of all republicans (& Clinton's who are DINO) and the only honesty factor we'd have to worry about is how much money they are steering to their friends. We would no longer have to worry about the intentional undermining of the very design of our system.
The Buddy (Astoria, NY)
Clearly, this echoes the situation related to our dear friend Mr. Nixon. Slow burn, then it's showtime!
dyeus (.)
Complicity isn’t an issue for those trying to gain under Trump, until they’re thrown under the bus. And that’s been happening ever more frequently as his narcissism grows. This will not end well.
JR (California)
Why is this man surprised? If you look at Trump's personal record, it's pretty easy to conclude that those that demand the most loyalty (i.e. Trump) are typically the least loyal.
DWS (Dallas, TX)
And this raid does not constitute an illegal search and seizure by agents directed by Donald?
coale johnson (5000 horseshoe meadow road)
"if the president does it it is not illegal"
DMC (Chico, CA)
More like a robbery. Under New York law, the records appear to be the property of the medical office, with the patients entitled to inspect and copy. If they were taken, removed, by force or threat of force, that's robbery.
Angie.B (Toronto)
None of the players comes off well here. Who knows what happened with the raid, but Bornstein should be investigated by his state medical board, both for breaching a patient's confidentiality and for knowingly signing a false document. And it goes without saying that Jackson should be investigated as well, for the allegations raised by the WH medical staff, for also possibly making false statements (i.e., Trump's examination), and for any role he played in this so-called raid. What a mess.
Steve (New York)
Writing an untrue letter is no doubt actionable but as Trump asked him to comment on his health he then can't restrict what he has to say. Sadly, doctors have covered up for their political patients in the past. When Paul Tsongas was running for the 1992 Democratic nomination for president, his doctors hid the truth about his cancer and when Jacob Javits ran for re-election for senator from NY in the 1980s, his doctors hid that he was suffering from ALS that would have prevented him from serving a full term. Fortunately it seems we've been getting away from these deceptions and expect the truth although I guess when it comes to The Donald, this is something we should never, ever expect.
Clyde (Hartford, CT)
Nothing will happen that will in any way cause Trump a problem. He ALWAYS weasels his way out of it. Doubt if either Dr. Bornstein or Jackson will be ultimately sanctioned. That’s the way things now work in Trump’s nation. Trump law prevails.
Donald Green (Reading, Ma)
NY Law: "Although the original medical record IS the property of the physician's office who created it (as stated above), the patient is allowed to "inspect, review and receive a copy of his or her own medical records and billing records" held by health plans and healthcare providers covered by the HIPAA Privacy Rule.Jan 14, 2015" If no permission was given, this doctor's work product was stolen. DJT has always conducted a shadow government. Laws that govern us don't apply to this man.
wolf201 (Prescott, Arizona)
Exactly. Note the word "copy".
Nelson (Minnesota)
Lock'em up! He ordered this or one of his stooges ordered this.
John Xavier III (Manhattan)
Wrong. Bornstein had signed a letter authorizing access to Trump's files - they were waiting for them to arrive, when they heard Bornstein was disclosing Trump's private medical records (hair growth medicine). After that, they went in. Second, they tried to copy the files but Bornstein did not know how to operate the copier, so they took the files to copy them. The facts are out there if you care to look. I guess none of you care to look.
Look Ahead (WA)
"He said Mr. Trump, rumored to be a germaphobe, “changes the paper on the table himself” after examinations." Changing the paper AFTER the examination sounds more like a guy who doesn't want to leave DNA samples around, perhaps concerned about paternity suits? I wonder if he sweeps up after his hair cuts as well? Only his hair dresser knows for sure!
Brian (california)
Yep, that's what i was thinking, doesn't want any DNA traces left behind, doesn't trust anyone, not even his doctor. Then again, Dr. Bornstein looks a little shady to me, no?
coale johnson (5000 horseshoe meadow road)
the image of trump sweeping up at a supercuts made my day!
Steve (New York)
Good point! Perhaps there is a caring side of Trump which we've never seen that cares about his fellow man and therefore wishes the patient following him to have clean paper down. Nah!