Craft Distillers, Facing Lower Taxes, Invest in Themselves

Apr 23, 2018 · 19 comments
Robert House (El Nido CA)
In California, the investment in distilled spirits is likely a minuscule fraction of that invested in cannabis.
Lee (Northfield, MN)
Oh that’s just wonderful! After all, US “alcohol-caused death”s are only 88,000 a year, that’s not counting the 880,000 (or anybody’s guess) alcohol-related deaths, societal ills of all manner, murders, and mayhem for alcohol is to blame. The CDC won’t worry though; they’re too busy ensuring the torture of chronic pain-patients.
cheryl (yorktown)
For small brewers this does make it possible to invest in equipment to create a stable business. No so sure big distillers need any breaks on their first 100,000 proof gallons -- the new rules allowing taking - is it 20%? - off the top, along with the business write-offs should be quite enough.
BillSwan (Seattle)
You may come to regret this quote: "distillers flooding Capitol Hill once more." Depending on what they are flooding it with.
Paul Shindler (NH)
Just coincidence I'm sure - Trump is in the wine business.
cheryl (yorktown)
Unless there is another provision for it in the law, wine isn't considered a distilled spirit.
Lenny-t (Vermont)
“I was surprised by how accessible senators and congressmen are,” he said. They sure are if they think you’ll be forking over some ready cash when they want it. Try seeing Schumer or Gillibrand as an ordinary citizen. It ain’t gonna happen.
Himsahimsa (fl)
Right "Alcohol, Tobacco, and Fire-Arms" the three pillars of a moral society. Right. How the west was won and how it is kept.
John (NH NH)
Fabulous! More American jobs making American booze to replace boatloads of premium priced foreign hooch. Smart move, Donald, thanks for a small step in the right direction.
PeterC (BearTerritory)
Good strategy. Keep everyone drunk.
Douglas Levene (Greenville, Maine)
We live in a golden age of craft distillers. Praise be! Thank you to Congress for keeping the party going.
Bunk McNulty (Northampton MA)
Nice for "craft" distillers, I'll bet it is extra nice for MGP, owners of the largest distillery in the country, located in Lawrenceburg Indiana. From their website: "Today, the Company is a leading supplier of premium distilled spirits and specialty wheat proteins and starches. MGP’s beverage alcohol is the source of some of the finest vodkas, gins, bourbons and whiskeys in the world. These outstanding products benefit from decades of experience and are produced through a combination of art and science. They include many proprietary formulas tailored to customers’ exact specifications." The "many proprietary formulas" includes a lot of "craft" distilleries.
Steven (Astoria, NY)
I am confused: That's right. Cut that tax Mr. chu-I mean trump. Makes it worth it for Mr. Katz which is awesome and becomes more affordable for me the consumer, even more awesome. Love that stuff, that "Navy Strength" stuff! Mr. Katz is doing an amazing job. Invest right back into yourself, grow roots, maintain quality. Stay craft size please? Confusing, its job security for gastroenterologists, re-hab treatment clinics, domestic violence clinics, emergency rooms and of course drug companies. Status quo for the America that is great again?
JDSept (06029)
Remember when they say entitlements, like SS and Medicare, must be cut because of the huge deficit. This cut in revenue adds to the deficit. Will anymore alcohol be bought because of this reduced tax? I doubt it. Will the cost of my premium bourbon go down at the liquor store? I doubt it.
Mary (Maine)
Alcohol is cherished in this country despite the many problems it causes.
Desmo88 (Los Angeles)
And California state and local taxes for cannabis are 36.88% in LA. Go figure who’s bought the pols.
Bob Gefvert (Sonoma Co)
Marijuana costs $320 an ounce at dispensaries in Sonoma Co what with all the taxes - back in the day when it was a felony it was $10 a lid (an ounce). Cannabis needs some “good ole boy” warm/ fuzzy NYT articles like this - distilled spirits are a curse that wreck lives. It’s a drug far worse than pot.
John (NH NH)
Let Donald straighten out the over tsxed, anti consumer mess Brown and the Cali Legislature made of the dope business? Maybe invite him politely out to Sacramento to drain the Cali swamp?
cheryl (yorktown)
I had no idea it was that expensive: it sounds as if owning a marijuana dispensary beats owing a liquor store hands down. $320 an oz? Talk about inflation! There definitely should be allowances for home growers, just as there are fro home brewers.