China’s #MeToo: How a 20-Year-Old Rape Case Became a Rallying Cry

Apr 09, 2018 · 18 comments
Sherry (London)
I applaud Chinese students for increasing awareness of sexual harassment and hope them better luck than their American counterparts. I've heard of professors in Ivy league institutions who were known to sexually harass students and graduate students, but who are still employed in their positions. Covering up sexual harassment reports is not unique to what Americans might like to consider the more male dominated or repressive countries. I'm sure you have not heard of many of the reported cases of harassment in education, even in the wonderfully gender equal and unrepressed democracies like the US (the gymnastic case being an exception that proves the rule more than an anomaly).
Cato (Seoul)
Could this be the beginning of a Long March to a brave new Red China? "Enthusiastic consent" becomes the basis of intergender relations and women take control of desire. Meanwhile Chairman Xi and the CCP gets to seize control of most every other part of the Chinese psyche at will and as it feels the need. And freedom of thought and expression for the masses, outside of what the anointed mandates is reduced to nil. A world of safety, respect and harmonious relations. Truly a socialist paradise!
MidcenturyModernGal (California)
Could you clarify your point?
Ming (New York)
At the late 90th sexual assault was not well recognized by girls as crime in China. Meanwhile anything related with this kind of scandal would put the girl and her whole family into indignity. The authority of teachers and elder people were overwhelmingly strong due to thought of Confusions. I'm glad that nowadays girls from China can understand this is crime and people should stand out.
One Moment (NH)
The importance of the #MeToo movement in a country like China cannot be overestimated. The question of, "How can American women help and support our sisters in even more dysfunctional and repressive societies?"rises to the front of the mind. One tiny answer: Do not assume that nothing is wrong, just because their media doesn't give coverage. In cases like this, no news is Not good news. It is also not enough to send prayers and good wishes, but for now, that's all I've got. Speak your truth, stand together, stay strong-- you all matter!
qiaohan (Phnom Penh)
This is China where it's a man's world like it is in all of Asia. The other reason it's censored is because nothing bad ever happens in China. Criticizing the government for not punishing this guy is the same as China bashing. Just punish the messenger - the women involved in China's #MeToo movement.
JB (Chicago)
It's rare to read a news article about positive social developments in China, but this is one. Hopefully this movement continues to spread throughout the world.
Amy (Boston)
I attended the same university soon after her death. This alleged rapist stayed in his position. I feel chills down my spine, not just because he might have taught my friends, but because I did not hear about this until now. How much more academic exploitations do students have to take to fully justify the #metoo movement there?
Jupiter (None)
Most countries' #Me Too movement is started from entertainment circles, but only China started from university. The government set up their party secretaries in all aspects of society, it like the ancient Chinese "grand coordinators (XunFu)" system, including every levels of the school, and many excellent professors were forced to resign because they were unable to do normal academic or say something contrary to the government . There is a Chinese idiom called "to entrench oneself in a position and do no useful work". They are under almost no supervision or election by anyone, so long as they flatter their superiors. In order not to have a major accident, they will suppress all opposition to protest, from students, teachers or social media like micro-blog(Weibo). I hope the country can get rid of this nightmare soon.
Jupiter (None)
Most countries' #Me Too movement is started from entertainment circles, but only China started from university. The government set up their party secretaries in all aspects of society, like the ancient Chinese "grand coordinators (XunFu)" system, including every level of the school, and many excellent professors were forced to resign because they were unable to do normal academic or say something contrary to the government . There is a Chinese idiom called "to entrench oneself in a position and do no useful work". They are under almost no supervision or election by anyone, so long as they flatter their superiors. In order not to have a major accident, they will suppress all opposition to protest, from students, teachers or social media like micro-blog(Weibo). I hope the country can get rid of this nightmare soon.
lou andrews (Portland Oregon)
I wish the movement luck in China, where the culture of women being second class citizens goes back thousands of years, they will need all the help they can get to achieve equality. Being an authoritarian communist country deosn't help either. Facebook and Youtube are banned and one needs to have a VPN to gain access and to communicate with the outside world. Why have we been dealing with China all of these years, if our country supposedly holds dear above all other things, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness along with freedom of speech, press, religion? Let me guess- cheap foreign consumer goods and of course huge corporate profits. Now i know #metoo has it's work cut for it. Next stop- India. Another basket case for women's equality.
Nikki (Boston, MA)
I agree with a lot of what you're saying. I'd just like to point out, that it can be said of every society including the US, that there is a "culture of women being second class citizens [which] goes back thousands of years." Thanks.
Miss Ley (New York)
Soar high and free, Wild Swan, for you are remembered. Sending deepest sympathy to your parents who love you.
Eternal88 (Happytown)
A teacher's words against a students's. In China, the teacher /parent is always right.
Lilianna (Wilmington, NC)
Why is Mr. Shen still able to teach? Why wasn't the investigation taken more seriously? If its to preserve the male species' ego over addressing the injustice that took a young woman's life then I wish I could say I'm surprised. It is inspiring that the #MeToo movement is taking shape around the world, but women are so ashamed they are killing themselves because they have no choice but to be a silent victim. My mouth dropped when I learned that the #MeToo movement is being approached with caution in China because it could "threaten the country's male-dominated halls of power". Is society still on this "all hail the male" bandwagon? This is disgusting! She had her whole life ahead of her, but her dreams of maybe rising above her male counterparts were crushed by the dictator himself. In education especially students are meant to feel safe, not pressured into uncomfortable, inappropriate situations.
DUFEU (New York)
Do you people really believe the MeTooMovement represent every victim in America? I am not in hiding. Why are my cries not being heard despite all my efforts? Civil and human rights lawyers are running away from me. I have heard all kinds excuses. Even if they do not believe me, I have a right to be heard. By the way, I submitted undisputed facts. I do not know if this concept is universal, "You take the victim as you find it." Former NYC Archie Spigner, the harasser/abuser and much more, NYC, and many other governmental agencies must respond to my complaints and concerns.
Nikki (Boston, MA)
I am really sorry to hear this. Our judicial system needs a massive overhaul as far as sexual assault and rape are concerned. Police and prosecutors have way too much discretion to decide which cases to prosecute and they prosecute almost none. There are also laws that impede victims like statute of limitation laws, and bias against victims for a great number of reasons. Last week I testified in a grand jury hearing and my rapist was indicted on two counts of gross sexual assault (rape) and (rape by force). For every thousand people that are raped only about 11 get to the grand jury process, and then on to a trial or plea bargain against the rapist. Even fewer victims see their perpetrator actually serve jail time. I'm so sorry you are not being heard. One place to find help and direct contact with professionals who can support you is the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN): You can call their hotline or live chat with them. All my best, Nikki
MidcenturyModernGal (California)
I am sorry for your pain. I must ask, though, why you do not sign your name to this comment. #MeToo can only work if we refuse to hide.