Trump Veers From Tax Script to Blast Democrats on Immigration

Apr 05, 2018 · 130 comments
Hari Prasad (Washington, D.C.)
Trump is a liar who projects into others all his worst characteristics. He is the one embracing dangerous policies to get his resentful and xenophobic supporters' votes as he stays mired in the investigation of collusion by his campaign with Russia and his own obstruction of justice.
cd (ct)
Should be reported as jibberish and immature. Please stop normalizing this agonizing TV reality show masking as the Executive Branch of the US government.
Clair Bright (San Francisco)
Hmmm.... a crowd of 200 people to meet Trump in West Virginia? There were probably more residents of White Sulphur Springs attending the local AMC matinee showing of Black Panther. While we don't know yet how the Trump reality show ends, you can bet it will not be a Happy Ending.
Soxared, '04, '07, '13 (Boston)
Oh, New York Times! How could you have been taken in so easily? The headline is all wrong. The president went to friendly West Virginia to whine about the Democrats and to—once again—beat the piñata that is Hispanic people. The first clue should have been the “prepared” text of two pages that he gave up on after—what, 20 seconds? Donald Trump went to the coal state for the express purpose of “getting some love” from his ardent, unshakably faithful base. How could you have missed this?
Ava (California)
I’ve been trying to not let my repulsion of Trump under control. It’s not healthy. But I truly despise him. He is the worst person I personally know of. Everyday he lies, demonizes, slanders, name calls, threatens, belittles someone. And almost upsetting is knowing that there are people and politicians who support his behavior. It’s not right.
D.A.Oh (Middle America)
He's always in front of a friendly audience, replete with paid mummers who clap and cheer on cue to lead the crowd. This is the Artifice of the Real.
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
"He also repeated his false claim that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election. “They always like to say, ‘Oh, that’s a conspiracy theory,’” Mr. Trump said. “Not a conspiracy theory, folks." Of course a false claim is not a "conspiracy theory", as you first need a THEORY before you can figure out whether it's a conspiracy theory or not, and a false number isn't a theory, as far as I know ... In the meanwhile, even those who Trump picked to verify his claim have proven him to be wrong. So he simply hopes that his supporters won't fact-check his claims and that he can continue to use them as campaign rhetoric, which then allows him to not talk to them about his real achievements (a $1,5 billion tax cut for the wealthiest people like him, and a "ridiculous" $1,3 billion budget, AND the refusal of a comprehensive immigration bill that strongly increased border security measures, full funding for his wall, and his own DACA proposal). One of his advisers already tried to propose an "alternative term" to designate this kind of blatant lies: "alternative facts". But that notion probably was too much of a "contradictio in terminis" to be officially used. I'd propose "Trumpian facts" instead. A French anthropologist just defined a Trumpian truth as an information that has been proven to be false but that the current US president nevertheless proposes as the official government version of what happened. So no, no conspiracy theory, only Trumpian facts here ...
Trump sees nothing but conspiracies and if he cannot find one on a particular day, he creates his own pandemonium on a favorite topic (immigration). The turmoil he creates daily is deafening and, tiresome. I would want to kick him out just for some peace and quiet. It is virtually impossible for our lawmakers to concentrate on good policy (am I too optimistic about the GOP’s potential?) while dodging Trump’s daily chaos.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
What a horror Trump is, always has been, and will continue to be. Six bankruptcies and Russian oligarch, mob, and moneylaundering support makes him a good businessman and negotiator? Really? Bullying and not paying bills makes him fit to run an economy? Playing footsie with Fox News and letting their interaction run public policy is OK? Lies are truth? Violence is peace? Nope. Making America last, small and mean, making China great. Blaming victims. We reach for the worst in ourselves at our peril.
Chico (New Hampshire)
It's bad enough we have a President that lies with every breath he takes, we have Sarah Huckabee Sanders stand there in the Whitehouse briefing room and lie continuously without shame, this is a country that has hit rock bottom.
JW (Colorado)
Since few of his audience will benefit from Trump's economic policy, Trump was right to throw out the script and go back to blowing his dog whistle. He's cunning, if no genius.
Robert Kennedy (Dallas Texas)
Trump sounds more and more like Mussolini. The danger of Fascism has never been greater in the world - Duterte, Trump, etc. The only thing logical patriotic people can do is vote out the Republican enablers of this disgusting President and try to protect our country. It is looking like a hard sell to about 40% of the U.S. population that continue to eat up these inflammatory statements and lies.
Luke (Massachusetts)
Paul Ryan - Are you not ashamed of yourself? Have you rid of yourself any sense of decent or patriotism?
jalexander (connecticut)
"In many places the same person in California votes many times," Trump said during a roundtable discussion on tax reform in West Virginia. "They always like to say, 'Oh, that's a conspiracy theory.' It's not a conspiracy theory. Millions and millions of people, and it's very hard because the state guards their records." Back in the day, this would have earned The Donald a ticket to Creedmoor, just down the Turnpike.
cheryl (yorktown)
He is sending National Guard troops, who might better be sent to help in Puerto Rico if they need an assignment, to defend us against a handful of people walking towards our Mexican border . . . and folks in West Virginia, who I thought had a healthy distrust of all politicians, are sure this is going to help them in some way? Avoiding repeating what others have said -- I worry that this may result in people - unarmed civilians, wherever they may be from. being shot. They are not trained in this. I doubt that many speak Spanish, and they will be from other parts of the country, so they are not even familiar with culture of the areas where they will be stationed. Heard that in El Paso, arcoss the Rio Grande from Ciudad Juarez, where extended families extend across the border - the mayor asking that his peaceful city be left in peace.
Claire S. (Zurich, Switzerland)
It mentally and almost physically hurts to observe how large parts of the American population gets hoodwinked by this demagogue. I remember similar contents and rhethoric in speeches which we had to listen to in history classes about WW II. And we were told "never again".
Trump is fulfilling his campaign promises. Those voters with buyer's remorse can not pretend otherwise or blame a failure of Congress to keep him in check. We are all smeared by his racism, fear mongering and assault on decency.
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
So ... he went to see 200 supporters in the place that loved him most, in order to tout his achievements. But his only big legislative achievements are a tax cut bill that increases the deficit by $1.5 trillion and mainly contains huge tax cuts for people like himself, and a $1.3 trillion budget that doesn't contain any wall (and not even troops to send to the border) and this year alone will add $800 billion to the deficit, AND that he himself called a "ridiculous" bill. So of course he didn't have the courage to tell the truth to people who truly believed in him as a leader. As a consequence, he decided to do as if nothing happened during the last 15 months and to go back to his most popular campaign rhetoric: telling anecdotes about how evil and bad other people are, especially those who weren't born here or who politically disagree with conservative philosophy. As that is EXACTLY the kind of "news" that his supporters get on a daily basis, on today's conservative media, they're happy that he doesn't try to explain how they've been lied to and instead simply imitates the rhetoric that their fake news sources use all day long. In other words, he "tells it like it is". But spreading lies on such a massive scale is actually the worst attack on US democracy for a very long time - and probably much worse than what the Russians did, in terms of impact. It's undermining the very common ground that allows democracies to thrive, and the most anti-patriotic thing to do.
r mackinnon (concord, ma)
WV ? Not sure it was the time or the place for a disjointed stream of consciousness monologue on a border wall 2000miles away. (how many Mexican refugees in WVA anyway?) I bet they wanted to talk jobs. And health care. And education. AND when their drinking water that was trashed by strip mining will get cleaned up. DJT continues to display classic examples of progressive, onset dementia: (inability to follow a plan; aversion to reading; paranoia; agitation; off-the-wall outbursts; etc.) |
Liz watkins (Pensacola fl)
When does he not veer from his script?
William Leptomane (Rock Ridge)
One day it’s Eurasia, the next day it’s Eastasia.
Clint (Walla Walla, WA)
All of the Presidents in my lifetime have had political views that I have both agreed and disagreed with. However, the current resident of the Whitehouse has no redeeming qualities. When is our elected Congress going to grow some courage and show this bad actor the door?
usa999 (Portland, OR)
President Trump notwithstanding I continue to identify as a Republican. But I am not stupid and fully recognize the phony tax cut was a pretext to borrow $1.5 trillion, distributing most of it to the wealthy and corporations while sticking my kids and myself with the burden of paying off $1.5 trillion plus interest. I do not blame Trump for tossing the script because every time he talks about his tax program he reminds some of us of his enormous gift to the top .01 percent at our cost. Instead he blathers about the presumed invasion of Central Americans making its way through Mexico. He does not remind West Virginians of the devastation to their state caused by narcotics flowing through the border. 80 percent of those narcotics come through regular ports of entry, not across empty desert. What accounts for Customs and Border Protection incapacity to stop drugs coming in trucks and trains? He sends the Border Patrol to look for would-be dishwashers and field hands while allowing the drugs through. Sending the National Guard does nothing to address the drug trade battering West Virginia. It is pure theater to distract public attention from the implicit protection extended to the Cartel of the Potomac. This is why Trump does nothing about DACA; he wants to keep immigration as an election issue rather than address Cabinet corruption, tax giveaways, trade wars, moral depravity, or his obligations and subservience to Vladimir Putin. Tax cuts = giveaways to Trump's cronies.
DR (New England)
I'm curious. Why do you still identify as a Republican? I left the party after G.W.'s first term and I'm ashamed that it took me that long.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
usa999...why do you identify as a Republican ? The GOP has left the surly bonds of truth to touch the face of fraud, fantasy, fear and fiction. Get out while we still have a country if you have an ounce of patriotism or integrity left.
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
I can understand that you continue to identify as a conservative, in the sense that conservative political philosophy is one of the most important and interesting political philosophies out there - along with liberal political philosophy, of course. "Philosophy", by definition, refers to a worldview that cannot be proven right or wrong, true or false, but that does help us to orient our political decisions on those issues where science cannot fully predict the outcome. And a democracy vitally needs different political philosophies and real, respectful ongoing debates about them, in order to thrive, and prevent a philosophy from becoming a mere ideology (= a theory claiming to detain the absolute and unique truth). But being a Republican means wanting to identify with the current Republican party. As it has become 100% ideological and anti-science, I truly cannot see how any serious conservative could still consider himself to be a Republican. Serious conservatives today have NO political party representing them. And yes, that's bad for our democracy and the future of this country, whether you're a conservative or a liberal. If serious conservatives don't start creating a new political party or urgently reform the GOP from within, soon the GOP will have sold out the entire country to the world's wealthiest elites, and then America's greatness will be gone forever.
John Smithson (California)
From reporting like this you would think that what mattered was speeches. Or tweets. Or investigations. Or politicking. No. What matters are actions. And results. And jobs. And lives. Donald Trump has flaws. He makes mistakes. His approach is very bottom up, trial and error. He doesn't always know where he is going or how he is going to get there. But like it or not, that's the only way that works in a complex world. Judge him by results rather than ideas, and Donald Trump doesn't look so bad. Not bad at all.
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
If he really wanted us to judge him by results rather than ideas, then why didn't he have the courage to tout those results and instead decided to take up his campaign rhetoric (which has largely been proven false) about immigration again? And IF he wanted to talk about immigration in terms of results, why didn't he at least try to explain why he just rejected a comprehensive immigration bill that Congress had accepted and that included a LOT of additional border security measures, FULL funding of his wall, and his own DACA proposal ... ? Why did he simply tell stories about evil immigrants and evil political opponents instead? Any ... "idea"?
Angry (The Barricades)
And Mussolini made the trains run on time. Your view of the world is short-sighted and dangerous
JW (Colorado)
Well, I heard ISIS was really good at trash pick up, too. Actions count, but which of his actions have helped any of us common citizens? I don't think he's done one thing to help, but he's done a great deal of harm. He's got the most corrupt and inept Cabinet in modern history, and yet you say what matters are actions, results, jobs, and lives? Where are all these wonders of which you speak, Mr. Smithson, and when you find them, what makes you think they exist because of Trump, instead of in spite of him?
Nathaniel Brown (Edmonds, Washington)
Tirades, lashing out, veering, going off script... Does he ever do anything else? Does he know what he is going to say five minutes before he speaks, or remember what he said five minutes later? Leadership means have a vision of what could be, and the ability to convince others of the validity and desirability of the vision, and the moral strength to absorb criticism. It also require patience and consistency. It does not mean having a gripe about everything and everybody, the ability to pander to the emotions of the lowest denominator, going off the rails whenever criticized, or reversing yourself as soon as you talk to someone else.
Tom (San Diego)
Let me see, this trick worked the last time I was here. Got me applause. Let's try it again. Gee, it works.
Kimberly true (CA)
"included an accusation that Democrats were embracing dangerous policies to secure immigrant votes." Take whatever trump says, turn it 180 degrees and the truth is apparent.....Trump is using the fear-mongering messaging he gleaned from Cambridge Analytics to revel up his hateful, racist base. They don't care if he can actually deliver, but marauding caravans, troops on the border, and fear of non-whites are effective messages that keep him in the hateful hearts of his supporters!
W. Freen (New York City)
I know it's kind of customary to note that Trump is unhinged when he veers off into fantasy, delusion, lies and exaggerations. But, you know, he really is unhinged. I believe he loses all touch with reality in those moments. I can't wait for Trump to be interviewed by Mueller. It's not a question of if he will lie but of how many will he tell.
Hardened Democrat - DO NOT CONGRADULATE (OR)
Every time Failing 45 opens his mouth, the Blue Wave grows!
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
Adolph Hitler held annual Nuremberg Rallies for the Nazi Party in Germany from 1923 to 1938 which were staged Nazi propaganda events for the cheering fascist-loving masses. Donald Trump holds his rallies in West Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma, etc.....the states that were already swirling downward before the Trump Toilet accelerated the flush. Welcome to bottom of the American barrel, where Donald fits right in with intense fear and loathing and good old-fashioned white supremacy.
Southern Boy (Rural Tennessee Rural America)
Let's be clear, President Trump opposes illegal immigration, which most Americans do, wants to reform existing immigration policy and, in the meantime, enforce the law. Thank you.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
Let's be clear, Southern Boy. Daycare Donnie adores the 1% tax evasion that helped build his shady business empire and systematically guts the education, infrastructure, healthcare and common good of 320 million Americans. The vast majority of Americans know that Donald and the 1% are serial tax-dodgers and Donald just signed a massive Christmas gift tax cut for the rich. Why talk about the details when he can just whip up some fresh fear and loathing to the white supremacist masses who adore their plantation owners ? Donald Trump is the deplorable bottom of the American barrel.
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
That's what he says. But what if you'd take a look at what he does? Congress just wrote a bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill, which contained LOTS of additional border security measures, much stricter legal immigration laws, Trump's own proposal for DACA, and full funding of his wall. You'd think that IF he's serious, he'd be very happy to sign something like this into law and finally start fixing some urgent immigration problems. Instead, and after he even told television cameras that he's sign ANY comprehensive immigration bill into law that can get through Congress ... he flip-flops and refuses to sign it. Result? - no wall - no troops at the border - no additional measures to increase border security - no stricter legal immigration laws. In other words: nothing. So either he has been lying to us about immigration from the very beginning, or he's extremely incompetent when it comes to negotiating and actually achieving things, no ... ?
DR (New England)
Who do you think works in Trump's hotels etc.? BTW you don't speak for most Americans.
Action Tank, DC (Charlotte, NC)
I'd like to return to the subject of taxes, and ask three simple questions: 1) Has the IRS finished auditing your 2016 tax return yet? 2) Has the IRS finished auditing your 2016 tax return yet? And finally, 3) Has the IRS finished auditing your 2016 tax return yet?
Howard (Queens)
Homey is a reality TV star who by a wild pitch of history won the presidency. Do you really expect anything better, say presidential? He is not a President but a TV personality playing President. Like Reagan even more so. Reagan followed a script and knew the part cold. Trump is just playing himself and it is not even a joke and is ridiculous but is reality.
DO5 (Minneapolis)
Why is everything Trump says considered news? Yes, he is president and what past presidents have said used to be important. Trump has completely trashed that notion. His words, phrases and garbled sentences are more stand up routine than news or the words of bully who wants to meet you in the parking lot after school. What percentage of his statements have come to pass or have not been struck down by the courts? He is a consummate showman who have tricked news media into printing every grunt and belch.
Janni S (Arizona)
In what mathematical universe does 2,000 “barely exceed” 1,200? “The president later told reporters aboard Air Force One that he intended to deploy 2,000 to 4,000 National Guard troops to the border with Mexico. If Mr. Trump sends the low end of his proposal, it would barely exceed the 1,200 sent by President Barack Obama in 2010 to support other border agencies.”
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
In a universe where the president says that he will send troops to the border as proof that he does the exact opposite of what Democrats do on border security, when they control DC. When Obama sent 1,200 and Bush 6,000, then deploying 2,000 isn't extraordinary at all, and certainly not contrary to what Democrats do. You'd expect him to send at least 20,000 troops, if he really believes that troops will solve the problem in a way nobody before him ever even tried to do ...
Robert Yarbrough (New York, NY)
Everything about this article is Orwellian, if not Stalinist. The conviction of the 'leader' that his fact-free hollering is good enough for his audience. The audience's eager, gleeful confirmation of his contempt for it. The hostility for the Other. I'm glad I live in New York.
bkbyers (Reston, Virginia)
While this sounds like good news it is another diversion. The British government has already moved to limit the financial dealings of Russian billionaires. The president went to West Virginia yesterday to talk about tax reform, jobs, coal and steel. Instead, he threw away his prepared notes and began ranting about people trying to make their way through Mexico to our border. He claimed that hundreds of women had been raped, though interviews with women in the "caravan" revealed that none of them had been raped or molested (a better chance of that happening in our own country on Capitol Hill, in government agencies, and in private businesses). He ranted once again about his Wall, as though he wants to seal himself in. So, what was the president's message yesterday? It was one of fear with a racist animus against people with no political power and with very little but the clothes on their backs. They look towards our country and freedom and the possibility to work and build respectable lives. And we who fear these weakest people listen to the siren song of our president when he condemns those who would dare cross our border even to seek asylum and be arrested and detained. His is an old message: fear the Yellow Horde. It's a message, often with anti-Semitic overtones, that swept Europe many times in the past. Meanwhile, the president's inexplicable boosting of Vladimir Putin can only be a deception to hide what Putin may know about him in bygone years.
Ali (Lehigh Valley)
President Trump's immigration by chain migration and lottery: now that they are here are get their mothers and father - you should really look at your home because Melania has done this and she is no Einstein. I can't wait for these 4 painful years to be over to stop hearing spew nonsensical hate speech because the recipients and results of your hateful and prejudiced views are non-white minorities in the US.
Chris (Auburn)
Trump careened off script into a ditch of innuendo, hyperbole, mistruths, half truths, and untruths and then stepped on the gas into blatant falsehoods and lies. Mr. Mueller, please subpoena the president so we can save the republic. Only time will tell if that is hyperbole.
P McGrath (USA)
Why Liberals feel that it is a good thing to have some unknown person(s) run across our border and come into America is beyond me. In the last 2 weeks 11 nationals from Bangladesh were caught trying to sneak in. I am so happy that Mr. Trump is sending troops to the border to protect against illegal immigration.
Margaret (Jacksonville)
Actually that was in India....but whatever.
SteveNYC (NYC)
I will take a few people crossing our border over Russia owning our current President!!!
Greg Nowell (Philadelphia)
This is perfect example of the lies and hatred that Trump produces and his followers blindly echo his intent. They love the idea of sending troops to the border as an emotional backlash to not building the wall that Mexico was suppose to pay for, not USA! Where does this commenter get the idea that Liberals support illegal immigration anyway, but from their ill informed leader, President Trump. Liberals want a an immigration policy that solves the problem on a long term basis, not the emotional and hatred based initiatives that don't solve the problem but end up costing taxpayers huge sums of money to mobilize troops and equipment. Policy is what is needed, not made for TV solutions.
GUANNA (New England)
I suspect he knows the base was not thrilled by the tax package but they do loe the Red Meat the Trump tosses. The guy doesn't have the guts to show up in non choreographed setting, Unless he is guaranteed a base of adoring fans he won't show, I suspect this adds to his foolish delusion that he is popular. West Virginia seems to be baby Trump's favorite pacifier
Russell (Florida)
To paraphrase a leader from the '80s - "MR TRUMP, TEAR DOWN THAT WALL".
DC (Ensenada, Baja CA., Mexico)
“This is what the Democrats are doing to you, and they like it because they think they’re going to vote Democrat,” Mr. Trump said. “They’re doing it for that reason, and other reasons.” Well Mr. Trump you need to take some credit for turning Republicans into Democrats. I've been a registered Republican and voted Republican. No more. You and the Republican Congress have been beyond a huge disappointment and in fact, a threat to our country. I'm hoping for a Dem victory in November.....
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
As an Independent, I couldn't agree more. A democracy can only thrive when we have at least two serious political parties. "Serious" means recognizing that we're all Americans first, and accepting proven facts as the common ground that makes real, respectful debates between people who adhere to different political philosophies possible and utterly useful for our society as a whole. After two decades of Fox News' fake news and the GOP imitating their lies on a daily basis, the Grand Old Party has become a mere shadow of a serious political party, and corruption on such a massive scale is extremely dangerous, in a democracy. So yes, this anti-patriotic behavior urgently has to stop. And that will only be possible when Congress passes a bill that ends the SC Citizens United ruling, which allowed the GOP's wealthiest donors to literally fabricate people's "news" in such a way that serious debates have become totally impossible. The only way to give the GOP back to its base is to END the influence of Big Money in elections once and for all. And only Democrats (including their wealthiest donors) still care enough about this country to be convinced that this is urgently needed and as a consequent, pass such a law as soon as we elect a Democratic president and House, and 60 Dem Senators. Once that is done, the GOP will be forced to go back to conservative philosophy and real debates again, and conservatives and America will have a conservative political party again.
vishmael (madison, wi)
At now 14-15 months into this regime it becomes tiresome to simply note and critique such repeated displays of dementia, more useful perhaps to find true fault in a nationwide electorate that yet tolerates this farcical travesty of governance. How is it that we of the USA - our elected officials leading - do not display and deploy now the means to correct this all-too-obvious error long before another electoral cycle, by which time only more havoc will be wrought as result of these incoherent rants? On the other hand, the stock market is thriving, so maybe all is unfolding strictly according to plan and order of either God or Grover Norquist and some Koch-Mercer-affiliated band of Machiavellian oligarchs… with all lesser Americans never intended to do more than vote for the designated despot.
historyprof (brooklyn)
Am I the only person tired of Trump's mean spiritedness? Sometimes one wants to be uplifted by a leader, not dragged down by such a dark vision. The world he lives in -- even if rhetorically -- is one of death and doom. Do people sincerely believe that this country is one overrun by the hellish forces he describes? This isn't the country I live in, nor one that I meet in my travels.
PH (Northwest)
"Am I the only person tired of Trump's mean spiritedness? " You're joking, of course. You do read the NYT?
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
But it's the perception of almost 1/3 of the American people, thanks to the fake news that conservative media like Fox News have been spreading for 2 decades now. Just visit Breitbart for a couple of weeks, for instance, and you'll see that the "dark vision" Trump constantly refers to actually corresponds 100% to the worldview you get when these are your "information" sources. So these people feel the exact opposite of what you described: here's FINALLY a president who "tells it like it is", and proposes solutions for the problems that their media constantly talk about. So they actually feel relieved and hopeful, for the first time in years. These are also the people who constantly heard their media tell them what an evil person Obama was, how he hated white Americans, and how he had a very strong passion for destroying everything that is great in America (including people's HC, the economy, jobs, manufacturing, etc.). So THAT is when they were afraid that something really bad might happen if Obama doesn't disappear as soon as possible. The entire, dark and most of all fake worldview that Trump now incarnates with his tweets was built long before he started his campaign. It's for years already what allowed Republicans, who only represent a minority in this country, to time and again win elections. It will take decades before Trump supporters will have been brought back to reality - and only if ordinary citizens inform themselves and engage in real, respectful debates.
ss (Florida)
Immigrants can't vote. It takes years to become a citizen. Every immigrant knows this. It's a very farsighted plot by Democrats.
Franklin Schenk (Fort Worth, Texas)
What Plot? Immigrants vote for either party when they become citizens or did you not know that.
Max Deitenbeck (East Texas)
No plot. You are simply paranoid. Of course, what Republican isn't paranoid?
Robert Roth (NYC)
I think per capita his administration has a shockingly large percentage of sexual assaulters and batterers.
PE (Seattle)
Trump likes to create fear around immigrants. However, the data shows all types of immigration has been in decline for a decade now. There is no "threat". All of it is largely fabricated. Trump is preying on people's latent, primal fears of survival and security. He latches onto the "caravan" story, implies they are dangerous, when in fact they are peaceful people, mostly poor women and children escaping a torturous regime in Honduras. Moreover, this "caravan" will probably dissipate before reaching our border. There is sooo much disinformation around the "caravan" story. It's used as political football to influence the ignorant. Many stories about immigration are distorted to exploit voter's irrational fears. The truth is: we NEED loose immigration. Our economy greatly benefits from people coming here wanting to work.
Robert (Out West)
I take it that our esteemed President a) forgot what he was spozed to be talking about, and b) thinks that Uzbeks come from south of the Border, down Mexico way.
krubin (Long Island)
Trump through out the speech because it was boring – to him. I would have liked to hear how his speechwriter twisted the $1 trillion giveaway to the richest people and corporations as somehow benefitting West Virginians, among the poorest in the country, ranking last in public education, state economy, infrastructure and quality of life and first in opioid deaths (as Howard Levine noted). But it shows that he can’t even focus attention long enough to read a two-minute speech. Whenever he “gives” a speech, it is obvious he is seeing it for the first time – laughable how he comes upon sections that surprise him – “Who knew?” he often says, as if he were just Joe Schmo and not the individual holding the power and responsibility of the Oval Office.
Phil Carson (Denver)
Smart move by Trump. He has serious difficulty reading text and his emotional turmoil, always seeking release, can barely be contained long enough for him to read, or think or reflect.
cheryl (yorktown)
Definitely. And he was pretty sure that the crowd before him doesn't read much either.
Steven DN (TN)
To listen to Trump, one would think he doesn't realize he's actually the president, now.
M.S. Shackley (Albuquerque)
" accused Democrats of embracing dangerous policies to win votes" This is true projection. Trump is nothing but non-content (lies, innuendo) used to garner votes
Ira Cohen (San Francisco)
Trump is like the kid throwing frozen chickens to the allligators in the pond,.He loves the instant reaction tho it has no value other than keeping the alligators fed, Its pretty clear Trump could pretty much say anything as long as he is angry and inflammatory at his campaign stops, what these really are, and the crowd would cheer. Maybe he could set up a meeting like Sadaam Hussein did at the height of his power when he gathered a convention of bathist party members and then chose his victims out of the crowd who were led away to instant execution outside. The whole time, even as their fellow party members were being seized they never stopped cheering,
Mr. Moderate (Cleveland, OH)
" . . . and accused Democrats of embracing dangerous policies to win votes." How could any intelligent person disagree with that?
michael (bay area)
Why isn't the headline: "Trump fabricates falsehoods and repeats more lies at West Virginia speech". Truth in reporting please!
D.S.Barclay (Toronto on)
ON PBS NewsHour last night: According to two former experts working on immigration; illegal entries are at a historic low. National Guard can only play a supportive role, if the State allows them to go. Trump badly needs someone or a minority to pick on to just get through a speech. Instead of doing his real job: focussing on priorities and working with Congress and our Allies on the really big issues.
William Case (United States)
The former experts' claim that illegal entries are at historical loos is out of date. The Border Patrol just released it monthly report. It show the Border Patrol apprehended 37,393 illegal border crossers on the Mexican border in March, a 37 percent increase compared to February, but a 203 percent increase compared to March 2017.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood, NM)
"an accusation that Democrats were embracing dangerous policies to secure immigrant votes."....How immigrants might vote wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that Trump has called Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers, that he ended DACA with an executive order, or that he complained that he couldn't get a fair hearing because the judge in the case had Mexican ancestry. Pandering to bigotry has nothing to do with how immigrants might choose to vote.
susan (nyc)
"Of an audience of about 200...." Big turnout for Trump. Please note sarcasm.
RLW (Chicago)
The Republican Party made Trump their spokesman. They knew what they were getting before he was elected. Now they will have to live with the consequences of their choice. Every action has consequences. Let's see how the True Moral Majority of American's deals with this Party of Deplorables and it's lack of moral leadership, from the top on down.
Tay (Boston)
We love our President Trump and illogical smears will never work to tear him down. You hate him because you can't control him.
jeffk (Virginia)
Tay, did you watch the speech yesterday and hear the multiple verified lies that Trump told? You love him despite this? This is not an illogical smear from me - just pointing out that all of his main points yesterday were easily verified lies. I don't hate him but I definitely do not trust him and believe he should not be leader of the free world.
DR (New England)
Tay - I can't wait to hear how your love endures during the Trump recession.
Jim (WI)
One of the reasons that the job numbers came out low is because all the jobs are going to cheap labor illegals. Illegals don't count in the job numbers. I have been in construction for 40 years. I see whats going on. There are roofing contractors that install a new roof every week and have no employees. But there are a dozen workers on the roof. The contractor pays them in 600 dollar checks so no 1099 has to be sent. The checks are written out to somebody else until there are no more cousins, aunts, or uncles, friends to make out checks to. Then its cash payment but for less money. No taxes paid but a drain on the system. No matter what political party you belong to this is wrong.
Ira Cohen (San Francisco)
Wrong, sorry, Jobs are going begging around the country now, And meat plants,restaurants etc cant get US white citizens to apply,
Robert (Out West)
It's odd that you've repeatedly posted this, but don't seem to have turned anybody in. Really, what you're describing is illegal: call the cops. Weird that they're putting in so many new roofs in Wisconsin, this time of year, though.
winchestereast (usa)
WRONG. In the global financial collapse of 2007 (DUE TO FINANCIAL SHENANIGANS, NOT IMMIGRANTS) 900,000 people left the US building industry. There is a nationwide shortage of skilled construction workers. Read a Colorado/Denver business blog. 96,000 vacancies in the building trades anticipated by 2025. Colorado hopes to fill the gap with Homebuilding Academies, free training, apprenticeships. Florida - major housing industry collapse when DEREGULATION OF FINANCIALS CAUSED AN ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IN 2007 and now a crisis exists in meeting building needs after several natural disasters. GOP LEGISLATORS FORCED AN ECONOMIC COLLAPSE ON THE WORLD. BUILDING TRADES COLLAPSED. PEOPLE LEFT THE INDUSTRY.
furnmtz (Oregon)
Trump has absolutely nothing new to say or offer to the American people, so he dishes up the same old lies and exaggerations about California, immigrants, election results, Democrats, blah, blah, blah... This isn't news. It's just more of the same. News would be hearing that Trump had experienced an epiphany and apologized to all of the people he's lambasted in the press, lied to over the years, and discriminated against. News would be hearing that Trump had decided to forego trips to Florida while he did some serious homework in the White House over the weekends using printed briefs and/or meeting with knowledgable tutors via webinars. News would be Trump having a change of heart and releasing his tax records without a court order. News would be Trump voluntarily giving up his Twitter account so that he could address people and events in a more straightforward manner. And news would be Trump resigning after publicly admitting that he was never cut out to be president and should never have allowed Russian interference in his business affairs or his election. Fat chance.
DJ (New York )
Just "wow" that he gets to peddle lies and misinformation with little to no consequences.
Carl Lee (Minnetonka, MN)
Two-to-four thousand troops needed for logistical support, if at all? Trump sure likes to play general and waste taxpayer dollars. Remember the $120 million airstrike on the Syrian airstrip and planes were flying the next day? In this case, he's taking people from their jobs and families to play to his base, which you would think were beginning to see through his con's and lies, and realize they are being fear mongered, again. How long do American's have to put up with Putin's poison pill?
William Case (United States)
Illegal border crossings dropped dramatically during the first year of the Trump presidency, but the Trump effect has worn off and illegal border crossings are increasing. The Border Patrol apprehended 37,393 illegal border crossers on the Mexican border in March, a 37 percent increase compared to February, but a 203 percent increase compared to March 2017. The total for Fiscal Year 2018 is 173,599 with the peak volume months still to come. The year-end total will probably surpassed 400,000 apprehensions. The Border Patrol estimates it catches about 50 percent of illegal border crossers, so about 400,000 unauthorized immigrant will elude the Border Patrol this year. This number does not count unauthorized immigrants who arrive legally but overstay their visas; they make up about 50 percent of illegal immigrants.
Robert (Out West)
I like the way you cherrypicked numbers from the last year only of Border Patrol stats to make things look alarming, then cherrypicked a news article which actually says that the Patrol exaggerated its capture rates and that overall, numbers dropped drastically over the last decade or so. Unfortunately, it's way too easy to catch these sorts of lies. And the prob is, you don't care about Trump's lying.
William Case (United States)
I did not cherry pick anything. is based on official estimates. If you have different data on March Border Patrol apprehensions, post it, but I posted the link to the official data on the official site. It shows data for the entire fiscal year. Apprehensions are up dramatically. If you have a Los Angeles Times article that shows Border Patrol rates are higher, post it.
William Case (United States)
You should be careful about calling people liars. The data is not cherrypocked picked. In my comment, I included a link to the Custom and Border Protection website that gives the month-by-month totals for the past several years. It shows what I said it shows.
Kelly Burgess (San Diego)
She choked back tears over bringing home $2,417 more this this year? That's basically $46.50 per week. I don't see a huge kitchen renovation in her future. It's disturbing how people can fawn over him because they received a few crumbs that will be going away in a couple of years.
Sally (New York)
My immediate thought was "a kitchen renovation??" Not paying off a debt or saving for college or getting medical care that they were putting off? Exactly how do these people define "struggling"? No wonder they support Trump, they are as delusional as he is.
NYHUGUENOT (Charlotte, NC)
Perhaps there's no need to pay off a debt? Perhaps she doesn't have children who will go to college? Maybe she and/or her husband have an excellent health insurance policy from their employers? Perhaps her "renovation" is counter tops and a faucet and they're doing the work themselves? You assume too much.
NYHUGUENOT (Charlotte, NC)
$46.50. That's more than Democrats will put in her pocket. In reality not only will Democrats not put anything in her pocket they'll more than likely take money out.
Crow (New York)
In the 18 election the main issue will be migration and immigration issues. And Trump feels it.
ALR (Ohio)
I'm starting to wish the press would take a few days away from reporting on the latest imbecility evinced by the POTUS. As another commentator noted, it's looking as if he'll say, repeat, lie about, etc., whatever will get him news coverage. I was a little encouraged to see video of a Fox newscaster outing the lie about Amazon taking down the U.S. Postal Service. It provides hope that the tide is starting to turn. Also, this article notes he spoke to about 200 people; perhaps his fan base is actually shrinking.
Milton Lewis (Hamilton Ontario)
The unpredictability of Trump has become totally predictable. The au contraire President is challenged by the Constitution, the Congress and by most Americans.His political demise is inevitable.
manfred m (Bolivia)
Trump remains the same brutish beast he was as a candidate. And yer 'we' elected him to the highest office of the land, now a sore remnant of it's prior magnificence, converted into ignominy and the ashes of a burning democracy that used to welcome constructive criticism to prove it's worth. We knew that a democracy always had it's lows, but this low?!!
RLW (Chicago)
So, Trump sees what he imagines and goes on and on about all those rapists and criminals crossing the Mexican border. Yet those unskilled, poorly educated American workers who are out of good jobs are not going to benefit from Trump's policies any more than they did from his predecessors' policies. Those unemployed Trump supporters who blame everyone else but the fact that whole world has "progressed" into the 21st Century while they remain stuck with a 20th Century mind set. They will only improve their lives when they educate themselves to survive in this Brave New World. Trump won't do it, The Republican Party won't do it for them. They will have to do it for themselves. An enlightened government can help them re-educate themselves to thrive in the future. Backward looking conservatism and Trumpian platitudes won't do it. All of the Tariffs and all of the deported immigrants won't help them earn one cent more.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Yet another episode of the Trump Show. " Reality " meets delusion. SAD.
Cone, S (Bowie, MD)
Trump is obsessed with this stupid wall. In terms of importance, it ranks at the bottom. He has applied his epic short attention span to more destructive items; tax breaks for the wealthy, destruction of the EPA, and in general, most items that will help Americas in the 99 percentile. He is no "leader," he is a destroyer and he is getting worse by the day. The speech in West Virginia was borderline insane. What more proof do we need?
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
...Mr. Trump said of Mr. Manchin, a centrist who is known for seeking compromises with Republicans. “But he votes against everything, and he voted against our tax cuts.” OMG, did Fauxtus slip and tell an accidental truth?! He and the GOP were selling their bill as tax "reform" -- but yesterday, it seems, he admitted they're just cuts. Maybe he should stick to his script a little more and not concern himself with always trying to put on a show...
Student (Nu Yawk)
Trump is good at what he does - mobilizing the torches and pitchforks behind him. Stoking fear and hate. This is the secret to his power.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
The " stable genius " is neither. I'm embarrassed FOR our Country.
Scott C (Philadelphia)
He is not only a “very stable genius” but also “like really smart,” which, if taken literally, means that he isn’t actually really smart but is similar to it. As he is a genius, President Trump knows the value of each of the words he choses. He knows that using the word “like” means that he isn’t really smart but something else, we’re not sure what.
James (Hartford)
What better way to make America great than by literally making the country bigger? Peacefully annexing Mexico would give the country a broader manufacturing base to go toe-to-toe with China. It would allow the president to know who is in the country, which is a major complaint of his, because everyone would be on the census. I doubt Mexico would say no. And it might even contribute funds for a wall, at the southern border with Guatemala.
Mr. SeaMonkey (Indiana)
Trump veers from tax script... You mean he had a script? That's news right there.
ACJ (Chicago)
Let's be candid, Trump's base are not what we would term informed voters. All this talk of tariffs, tax cuts, supply side economics---come on that kind of talk is just plain boring---let's turn the channel to Fox where we can talk rape, and walls, and caravans, and murder, and gangs, and good guys shooting bad guys--so shut off the fake news of PBS and get the real deal from the Donald.
New to NC (Hendersonville NC)
He was entertaining for a while, now he’s just revolting.
Chris (Dallas)
Pitiful. Don't know what else to say.
Kris (Chicago)
He s got a point
Howard Levine (Middletown Twp., PA)
West Virginia is ground zero for Trump support West Virginia: Leads the country in opiod deaths Last in the country in public school education Last in the country in state economy Last in the country in infrastructure Ranks near the bottom in quality of life Trump delivers one non-fact after another. The small gathering of rabid mountaineers can't get enough. They love it. Trump and West Virginia a perfect match.
dgm (Princeton, NJ)
Almost heaven ... and yet not close enough.
MPF (Hong Kong)
"The other countries, they're laughing at us!" well, NOW we are.
lftash USA (USA)
When is #45 going to stop being a comedian and start to be a real POTUSA? Don't want the job? Resign!!
John (Chicag0)
The verbs denoting confusion, impulsivity and obfuscation are at full flower in the headlines with this administration. "Veers, blindsides, backtracks, stuns, confuses, derails...." note that "governs, reads, studies, prepares, analyzes..." are never associated with his daily stumbling through life...and we tolerate this empty man...why???
walkman (LA county)
Trump’s job and so main focus is to rally Republican voters and distract everyone else, all in coordination with the right wing propaganda machine, including Fox News, while policy is handled by others. He just received a message from Ann Coulter to amp up focus on immigration, so that’s what he did at this conference.
Blackcat66 (NJ)
That's not really his job but he thinks it is.
Paul (Cape Cod)
Tossing paper towels to the homeless in Puerto Rico, tossing worthless sheets of paper to the poor in West Virginia - who says that Trump is not an egalitarian?
Suzanne Moniz (Providence)
Trump is entirely reckless. He rants and raves with no concern for truth and sells his base on lies and vile rhetoric. Republicans demand no accountability and just use the few extra dollars the base will see as something to distract from reality. Republican Congresspeople are entirely responsible for the descent into chaos our country is experiencing.
Once again, Trump throws red meat to his base, which wolfs it down with fawning praise. Meanwhile, policy (even if misguided) gets literally thrown to the wind. And for yet another day, the hairball of information, disinformation and just plain noise chokes on itself, clogs the national discourse - and nothing gets done. Trump rants, rails, accuses and disrupts; the majority of Americans gets more frustrated; and Republicans in Congress continue to do nothing (to be fair, sort of, they are on vacation this week as opposed to the usual voluntary abdication of their responsibilities). When will this insanity end? I know how - badly - but sooner would be better than later.
jules (Seattle)
When he tossed his fake script in the air, all I could think of was the movie Idiocracy. Except that movie was meant to be a comedy, not a documentary.
Carl Lee (Minnetonka, MN)
Trump is simply returning to his fear-mongering to redirect from all the other crises he and his administration are inflicting on America, including his tax cuts. He needs to provide ammunition to the FOX/Sinclair propaganda effort on his behalf.
donald surr (Pennsylvania)
Trump says what he knows the gullible press will print with his name attached on the front page. That is how he got elected. This article is a perfect example.
Majortrout (Montreal)
Point a finger at someone, and three are pointing back to you. That's it, now blame the problem on the Democrats. Didn't the Republicans impede President Obama at every opportunity during his 2 terms in office? I'd say something else, but I would not get published! This vile, low-class, amoral, and inane president is a disgusting human being, and an American.
Counter Measures (Old Borough Park, NY)
Thanks Montreal! We look forward to your vote in November!