California Today: Senators Vent Their Frustration About Guns

Feb 20, 2018 · 21 comments
Norman Meunier (Sarasota, FL)
I give these high schoolers a big HELLO and THANKS for speaking what should be obvious. This is indeed THE time to yell about this killing. KILL THE NRA! Not the people who are members, but the entire organization. There is no reason for these weapons to exist.
Mark Hugh Miller (San Francisco, California)
An assumption by many in the debate over gun control seems to be that military-style firearms are an innate aspect of American life, like weather, and that school shootings are akin to natural disasters which cannot be prevented, only prepared for. This is absurd. A 2016 study by Harvard and Northeastern University puts the total number of privately-owned firearms in the U.S. at 265 million, with more than half - 133 million - owned by just 3% of Americans. These so-called "super owners" possess an average of 17 guns each. This is not normal behavior. Assault weapon owners claim that they're merely exercising their Second Amendment rights. That argument is wearing thin. The Second Amendment is largely a relic from the 1700s; our society is vastly different today from what it was when citizen-soldiers were our first line of community defense against enemies. There is no rational argument that can justify the ownership of automatic firearms specifically designed to kill human beings, to fire ammunition designed to tear apart human flesh. We must outlaw private ownership of assault-style rifles. Nothing less. No loopholes. Let gun fetishists scream about their sacred "rights." Like the kids in Florida, I say B.S. They'd be better served by using the money they spend on firearms and ammo to pay for psychotherapy.
ADOLBE (Silver Spring)
See today article about guns in Israel. That would fit the Second Amendment as it was written
Brigitte Davila (California)
You are correct regarding the Second Amendment as it was written at a time when muskets fired single shots. But, one other issue which bolsters your argument is that the Supreme Court on multiple occasions has seen fit to limit or abridge the freedoms in most of the Bill of Rights. For example, the 4th Amendment limitation on unreasonable (without a warrant) government search and seizure has been much expanded in favor of law enforcement. One of the most notorious examples is the “Terry” search, which allows warrantless searches on those who simply “look” dangerous. Why can’t the 2nd Amendment be similarly interpreted with safety from assault rifles balanced with the essence of this Amendment’s protections?
Sage (California)
These marvelous kids are and will continue to lead the way. Grassroots change always works best. Bring down America's number one Domestic Terrorist Organization, the NRA!
Gina DeShera (Watsonville)
Vote ALL NRA backed politicians OUT. Stop the madness.
Jody (Mid-Atlantic State)
For a dose of sanity, familiarize yourself with Canada's gun laws.
wingate (san francisco)
Harris the new female Obama had a fund as Attorney General to confiscate guns did she spend it NO! Guess what the money .. just disappeared "lost " in the budget or more likely funneled to her campaign coffers another phony life time politician who plans to live off the public for the rest of her life.
Jeffrey Clarkson (Palm Springs, CA)
Why is Harris the new female Obama? Because she's multiracial and part African-American? According to the Los Angeles Times, California Attorney General Harris was criticized for delays in implementing a program to decrease a backlog of gun confiscation from criminals and the mentally ill. However, that backlog was soon after quickly reduced to less than half of the original number. There was also criticism that funds for this purpose were not being used efficiently. Not a great performance, but there is no reporting (or presumably evidence) that any funds were funneled into her Senate campaign. You may have a valid point, but you lost me with the dog-whistle racism and unfounded conjecture. I often find that conservatives could make a cogent argument, but for me and I assume others, their perhaps valid point gets lost in the unnecessary Fox News/Breitbart outrage and, dare I say, fake news.
Daver Dad (Elka Meeno)
Any comprehensive efforts should include penalties for enablers of violence such as the couple interviewed on CBS this morning who took-in the newest young shooter. The degree is stupidity is breathtaking, but not an excuse.
ADOLBE (Silver Spring)
Why blame them?? He was an orphan and mental patient who could legally purchase a WMD
Daver Dad (Elka Meeno)
I quite agree, but if you heard the interview you should also agree they were enablers of the event, and comprehensive gun control should include penalties for such socially irresponsible behavior.
Roald (Orange County, CA)
It may be easy to criticize this family, after the fact, but this is not productive. The bigger picture is our easy access to weapons and ammo along and a socially permissive attitude toward sale of combat weapons. Public policies -- state and federal -- need to be changed. Why not begin by banning the sale of all AR-15 style assault weapons? As a former teacher and school principal, I stand on the side of adopting more reasonable and rational laws that support our children.
Charles D. (Hackensack, NJ)
Stop blaming 'guns' and the NRA. Look at the perpetrators of these heinous acts of violence and ask yourself what's been eating away at them that they'd throw away their own lives -- it's time for the national discussion the media refuses to entertain. People kill people, guns are just tools they use. Sooner we stop ignoring underlying causes, the better we'll address the problem -- the people problem.
elizabeth forrest (takoma park, md)
Our federal senators & congressmen can look at photos of bulletin-ridden, dead children until the cows come home; they will still vote pro-gun because they accept money from the NRA and pro-gun donors. I believe it will take a huge grass-roots movement, such as the 1960s civil rights movement, to enact sensible gun legislation. BTW: wouldn't be nice to see which of our lawmakers is accepting money (& how much) from pro-gun donors ?
ADOLBE (Silver Spring)
No. Today we can just vote out Republicans and elect Democrats
GariRae (Sacramento)
It was Sen Feinstein who introduced the 1995 Federal Assault weapons ban, a ban that the GOP Congress allowed to sunset in 2005. She has been a consistent voice in gun control efforts, but one seems senator can't pass gun regulations, esp when since the 1990s, the Southern Dem legislators have become GOPers in ideology. People forget that it was Sen Feinstein, who in 1978, first found the body of Harvey Milk, shot in the body and head at point-blank range. Now we Senator Harris, who as a prosecutor, saw the dead from gunfire. Californians need some history lessons to see the unique value of both our Senators.
FJS (Monmouth Cty NJ)
Sen.Harris gets an opportunity for making changes in my estimation. Sen.Feinstein has my respect but not the results. Time for new leadership.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
California, PLEASE lead the way. Drain the NRA and GOP swamp. Thank you, Senators.
Chris Kox (San Francisco)
Read the article about Russian meddling and disinformation bots today.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
NRA and GOP, an unholy alliance producing Slaughter. Drain the Gun Swamp. November.