Clinton Says She Should Have Fired Campaign Aide Accused of Sexual Harassment

Jan 30, 2018 · 46 comments
MabelDodge (Chevy Chase MD)
I’m glad to see Hillary respond to the criticism of her actions to an incident 10 years ago. It seems to me that she handled the harassment to the satisfaction of the victim and, hopefully, in a way from which the perpetrator might learn. The shame was that he didn’t. Sometimes people don’t learn but it also seems to me it’s better to try to help people change than not to.
Kim (Santa Fe, NM)
Wow! So many of you seem to delight in hating on Clinton. How interesting that the injured party felt at the time, AND STILL FEELS, that the situation was adjudicated fairly and was satisfied with the outcome. But her opinion doesn't seem to matter to you, as the story just becomes one more convenient vehicle for you to slam Clinton.
Michael (Washington, D.C.)
All the programs in the world, be they characterized as a prevention program or one aimed at awareness are a complete waste of time and resources. The idea that through training a person can "change his behavior and understand why his actions were wrong". Those who believe predation of any sort, but particularly that of a sexual nature that targets a person without power to defend her/himself from such attacks, are part of the problem. Where is the evidence to support the effectiveness of sexual harassment programs? Does anyone believe that those who have committed rape or some other act of power over the powerless will suddenly come to realize why such behavior is wrong if they just receive the right kind of training/counseling?
Linda (Boston, MA)
As Clinton also wrote in her Facebook post: “When The New York Times reported on this incident last week, my first thought was for the young woman involved.... She expressed appreciation that she worked on a campaign where she knew she could come forward without fear. She was glad that her accusations were taken seriously, that there was a clear process in place for dealing with harassment, and that it was followed. Most importantly, she told me that for the remainder of the campaign, she flourished in her new role.” I, for one, was glad to learn that the woman thrived. Hopefully Glenn Thrush will not squander the second chance that the NYT has given him. Clinton’s regret stems from Strider’s subsequent actions. Time will tell whether the NYT will come to regret its decision regarding Thrush.
Color me bemused by the fact that Her continued to use a "faith advisor' whose personal grasp of morality seemed a wee little bit slippery. I guess perhaps because neither of them had any core ethical values? This is right up there with "learning to be more spontaneous." You either gots it or you ain't.
Hmmm (Seattle)
"I'm with her," so, I shut off my brain and lower all my expectations of honesty and integrity; blindly accepting all her excuses and flaws. To not do so would be misogyny.
Frank (Boston)
I will believe her when she divorces Bill and publicly confesses that Juanita told the truth.
Mr Peabody (Brooklyn, NY)
And apologizes to Lewinsky for bashing Monica saying she was some disillusion nut --- when will we ever see that apology? Probably never.
The woman's complaint was addressed, confirmed and appropriate measures were taken. To believe that firing is the only valid response to sexual harassment is wrong. Discipline should reflect what has happened and a belief in correction. No one should be automatically punished for "future crime".
Trollbait (Minnesota)
I'm fine with how she handled it.
Talbot (New York)
I wish she had just said it felt like the right decision at the time. And that if she were making the same decision today, she would do things differently.
What is tricky about all this is how quickly mores change. Her actions which may have seemed reasonable 10 years ago, now seem outrageous. Keep in mind that a few short decades ago, the DSM categorized homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder. I'm not justifying her actions, and am not a particular fan of Clinton's, but I do think context is important.
avrds (Montana)
BHD: As a historian, I agree that it is difficult to hold individuals in the past to what we consider moral or reasonable behaviors or beliefs now. The world changes and, in at least some instances, improves, and that's a good thing. My rule of thumb is to look at those from the time in question to see if "everyone" believed that, or if there were others disagreeing with or protesting those behaviors or beliefs. In this instance, it's clear. Clinton's staffers (other women) investigated and recommended firing the man for his behavior. Clinton overruled them. And by the way, the same could be said about her vote for the invasion of Iraq: She voted for it, even though many of those around her who had actually bothered to read the intelligence voted no. This is not a great record of good decision making. (And that's to even mention the crazy idea of keeping a server for government business in her basement -- if I new then what I know now, etc.)
Uh huh. The story of Her political life has been to *regret* bad choices and wretched decisions years after history has proven them wrong. Remind me. How long did it take for Her to *regret* her vote to authorize the war in Iraq? And some people still continue to proclaim her the most qualified person ever to run for President? Based on what criteria? Her's core foundational values--there is no *there* there.
Mike Ikeda (Canada)
Hillary Clinton has once again proven that she is incapable of making the right decision at the right time. Why would anyone want a leader who keeps apologizing for past mistakes and only when popular opinion has proven her wrong. Its not difficult to see why people chose Trump over her. Clinton and her cronies at the DNC cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination and the Presidency. How embarrassing that anyone is even listening to her today.
orangecat (Valley Forge, PA)
Does she or does she not get it by now? The public is sick and tired of the Clintons playing fast and loose with issues that they, as self-professed states-people, should know better about. Both of them really need to exit public life.
Mark C McDonald (Atlanta)
Just one more episode to prove that progressives need to put the Clinton era behind us. They have poisoned our party for two decades, which is a shame for they both have the intelligence and skills to have served us well. Like our boy king, they lack character and judgment. We need to find dynamic new leadership, whose personal value system is equal to their political principles. Someone, please step up.
Hugh (USA)
The expedient politician.
Ericka (New York)
She should have fired the guy but she didn't because she's a cynical and greedy woman. There are lot's and lot's of women just like her with power and money ruining lives for no good reason every day, and there are lots of women who are directly the opposite of that. Can we please leave Ms. Hillary in the dark past and look for a decent, ethical, not so rich, strong, intelligent, able women who can lead us out of the dark and save our future?
Niall Firinne (London)
Really, when you think about Hillary was a weak hypocritical personality imposed on the Democratic Party to be their presidential nominee. She was imposed because her husband wanted or owed her a shot at his old office and Hillary, as a woman was trendy politically correct. If she was plain Hillary Rodham she certainly would never have made it to the Senate much less Secretary of State and Presidential candidate. As a campaigner, she couldn't have been worse. Democrats traditionally speak for the underdogs in society. Did Mrs Clinton do that? Looked like she was more interested in celebrity centered set pieces and not the person on the street. What happens? A Donald J Trump moves in and takes them away from the Democrats! Now to say she "should of fired campaign aide accused of sexual harassment" was pathetically hypocritical after the fact moralizing designed to catch up with her Hollywood set friends. Note to NYT, great picture, having Bill standing behind her on a headline about sexual harassment! The reality is that Hillary has done nothing to advance the cause of a woman president and badly damaged the Democratic Party. She is now irrelevant and should be treated that way by the Party and the media.
Mr Peabody (Brooklyn, NY)
WOW ---- This just goes to show what a poor decision maker Hillary Clinton really is on major items. In almost the exact same words she used on why she had her own private e-mail server in her basement --- Hillary's answer again was If I had to do it again I wound not have. How many times do we need her lame excuse - the same one over and over -- for making bad decisions. So much for the person touted as the most prepared person to seek being president ever.
kitty roedel (miami, fl)
Leave HRC alone! Enough already. Why is it that this woman gets all the comeuppance from the snipers when we have a criminal gang in the WH destroying our country every day? Oh, and she told us so during the campaign. So there! She has a valuable, well earned role to play, and I hope she continues to be involved in our country. This is an all hands on deck time for the US. If only those 77,000 people had pulled the other lever! Now, I am sure, they would vote for HRC without hesitation. Give the woman a break.
Krenshaw (New Yawk)
So Hillary spent 2 years campaigning for President, and with all her experience and brains failed to beat the worst Presidential candidate in the history of the world. Then she spent the last year writing books and making speeches whining how unfairly she's been treated. Has anyone ever heard her explain her plan to govern the country? She claims to be for women's rights but married and enabled a lecherous sexual predator, and refused to fire another sexual predator on her staff. With all the problems America faces now, you'd think smart, educated, highly experienced Hillary would be spending her time articulating solutions, instead she continues her whine tour in perpetuity. When will this stop? Go away Hillary, you were never anything more than a moderate Republican.
JWC (Hudson River Valley)
I still stand with Hillary. Anyone who doesn't can kiss my foot.
Mtnman1963 (MD)
Dear Hillary, We don't care. We don't care that you are trying to split hairs and say what you did "a decade ago" was good enough at the time. We don't care. You did what you always do - preserved your influence and a piece of your power base. You compromised. You weaseled. We don't care. Sit down. Be quiet. Your time is done. We're moving on down the line, and your network will not be a part of it. Signed SO tired of the Clintons.
ace mckellog (new york)
Although I believe that HRH was/is one of the worst things to ever happen to this country, I think that criticism of her 2008 Strider decision is unfair. It seems to me that some critics are just piling on, and others are relieved that they have an excuse to no longer support her.
Peter Scanlon (Woodland Park,CO)
Just disappear Hillary. Your day has come and gone, and you are nothing but a bad dream, recurring and recurring.
Woof (NY)
One reason of many reasons I voted for Sanders: No weasel words.
susan (ma)
MANY reasons why 4 million plus voters voted for HER rather than Sanders. If you took the time to revue her story and the TOTAL of the stances she's taken, you'd see why she is one of the most respected women in the world .
avrds (Montana)
To me this sounds just like Clinton's excuse for supporting the invasion and occupation of Iraq (or her speeches to Wall Street or whatever): It sounded like a good idea at the time, but I really hadn't thought it through. I now regret my vote of support. I am sorry. For a clearly intelligent woman, Clinton appears to have minimal ability to think through her decisions, instead relying on what is popular or convenient or expedient at the time. And in this instance, to continue receiving pithy verses from the Bible to share with supporters on the trail. It's time Clinton step out of the spotlight and let others with better judgment step forward to lead the party. For this voter she has become like salt rubbed in an open wound.
Margo (Atlanta)
Well, in the light of public opinion the Clinton camp claims it would have done something differently. And announced it immediately prior to the State of the Union Address. Because, if there is a wagon that can be jumped on, #metoo this time, it just can't go by without trying to get some credit. Old habits, I guess. Yawn. When will the posturing and attempts at maintaining some political relevance end?
Son of liberty (Fly Over Country)
Hillary has so much industry, intelligence, education and life experience. Yet she shows us time and again that she lacks the fundamental capacity of wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to formulate good decisions. While in most endeavors, it sure helps to have industry, intelligence, education and life experience, these are just not enough. From her secretive healthcare planning and trashing of Bill’s accusers in the 90’s, to her supporting of the Iraq war as a senator, to her bizarre Russian “reset” and her handling of Benghazi as Secretary of State, to her secret email server and astonishing “deplorables” speech, and that she took Wisconsin for granted, Hillary’s history is littered with self-defeating poor choices and unforced errors. We are fortunate she never gained a position where she could do real damage to us, not just herself.
Pierre Dejean (Brewster, NY)
Hillary: "I’ve been grappling with this and thinking about how best to share my thoughts". Her tendency to hesitate in order to prepare a politically correct response to a poor decision/action rather than respond from the core of her convictions is why she is not president today. She is simply so disingenuous and untrustworthy.
sherry (Virginia)
What it would have been good to learn from the experience is that "faith advisers" have a tendency toward using their power and position inappropriately.
gm (syracuse area)
In and of itself I dont have a problem with her rather judicious approach that unfortunately did not have the desired effect. However in the context of her history of demonizing her husbands accusers and dismissing Lewinski as mentally deranged whilei ignoring her husbands culpability; probably for political expediency; I cant help but think she inadvertantly enables such boorish behaviors.
Sara M (NY)
It was a tactical decision made in the course of her prez campaign. It would have consumed more time she didn't have to explain why she fired the offender and she then would have been accused of hypocrisy stemming from the matter the boat anchor she is married to was involved in.
Anthony (beacon)
But does she regret dismissing all of her husband accusers and treating them the way Harvey Weinstein dealt with his accusers. She is a day late and a dollar short
Michael C (Chicago)
Too little, too late.
James (Maryland)
No one running for office needs a "faith advisor", mistake number one.
Teresa Fischer (New York, NY)
What about Rep 45's religious advisors? Do they rate your scorn as well?
Margo (Atlanta)
What is ambiguous about "no one"?
James (Maryland)
D.A.Oh (Middle America)
How many thousands of women has Hillary worked with, and how many millions of women has she fought for and helped. But this one guy wasn't handled severely enough 8 years ago, so boy are we lucky we dodged the Hillary bullet and elected Trump! Thanks for letting Hillary respond to the recent article needlessly attacking her -- again -- but really you should not have printed that first article. Move on from nit-picking Hillary, please!
Tom ,Retired Florida Junkman (Florida)
Each and every time Hillary Clinton faced the moment where she needed to make a fundamental, moral choice, she folded. Bill Clinton, a rascal of a husband embarresed her on multiple occasions and still she stood with Bill. Not only did she stand at his side she inferred directly and indirectly that these moral decisions that she must make must take a back seat to the political aspirations of this team of master manipulators. Again when Hillary faced another moral decision to make she punted. Burns Strider, the senior advisor for the Hillary Clinton Campaign for Faith Based Relations, (ha) had been accused of harrasement from another female employee. This woman took her complaint to another woman in the campaign, she took the complaint to Hillary and she recommended that Hillary fire ole frisky Burnsey Boy. Hillary, instead of acting in a forceful way chose to move the woman's position else where ( thus to accomodate the harasser ) , dock Ole Burns Strider a couple of weeks pay and have him attend chuch two Sundays in a row ( thats a joke : he was sent for sensitivity training ) then they would all be one big happy family again. Hillarry Clinton, Champion of Women, not.
Janet (Salt Lake City, UT)
The key point in this report: "Mrs. Clinton said that the woman told her in a call on Friday that she felt pleased with how the situation was adjudicated at the time and that she felt as if she had been heard." This young woman would not agree with you judgment that Clinton is not a champion of women. And the position the woman received after this event was not "else where." She became direct assistant to the deputy campaign manager, a benefit to her, not her harasser. But what can I say. You hate Mrs. Clinton. Nothing she says or does will please you.
Tom ,Retired Florida Junkman (Florida)
Janet I do not know Mrs Clinton, therfore my personal feelings are not relevant. What I do dislike is hypocrisy wrapped in feminism.