New York Today: The Women’s March Returns

Jan 19, 2018 · 22 comments
Vincenzo (Albuquerque, NM, USA)
Research suggests that the biology of the brain systems and hormones (testosterone/cortisol) regulating restraint or promotion of male aggressive/intrusive behavior are evolutionarily in place. This means that it's likely psycho-social conditioning that programs male brains to either appropriate or anti-social use of this biology. It would imply that socialization through parents, teachers, colleagues and friends is probably crucial. In contrast, I fail to see how "advocating for laws that protect women" can have nearly the impact of such lifelong socialization. Rather, the song "Teach Your Children Well" comes to mind.
kay (new york)
I can't attend, but am there in spirit. The November election is going to be one for the history books.
WPLMMT (New York City)
I will take this movement seriously when they allow all women to march specifically pro-life men and women. Until then they do do not have my respect. They are alienating thousands upon thousands of women like myself because they do not include us. Pro life is pro woman. It has always been and will always be.
Sarah T. (NYC)
Sorry, but history shows that when sage abortion is illegal or unavailable, women die in staggeringly higher rates from unsafe procedures. It’s NOT pro-woman.
njglea (Seattle)
Really? This is a New York today feature? The 2018 Women's March is an international event. Tens of Millions - perhaps hundreds of millions - of Socially Conscious people around the world will show out contempt for The Con Don and his International Mafia Top 1% Global Financial Elite Robber Baron/radical religion Good Old Boys' Cabal who are trying to destroy democracy/governments around the world so they can take it over. Every single American citizen - and average person around the world - who opposes the new world order they want to impose - much like the 5th/15th century models - must Hit The Streets tomorrow and Sunday to send a clear message. NO. WE THE PEOPLE will not stand for this. Not now. Not ever again. My sign for the Women's March tomorrow will say "NO WW3". What will yours say?
Kleav (NYC)
You're saying that because it's an international event it shouldn't have been mentioned in New York Today?
I wish I could support this movement, but it has been taken over by leaders who promote their own personal political agendas under the guise of “intersectionalism.” Leaders who claim to be for women’s rights, but say nothing about the abuses of Sharia Law, forced genital mutilation, protests for freedom in Iran, customs which keep little girls from escaping forced marriages or women from the subjugation of men cannot claim to be a Women’s Movement.
Katie (NYC)
FJM come and be that voice - bring that sign! The Women's March is for everyone - and just like political movements everywhere, sometimes even groups that are aligned have to shout to get their respective agendas noticed. Come out and shout.Come out and represent.
Carla (Brooklyn)
We are making a stand against hate, bigotry, misogyny and war mongering; in short everything trump stands for.
Leon Freilich (Park Slope)
LOSERS “SHE WON 65,844,610, 62,979,636,” a reference to the popular vote. He's quick to label enemies "losers," That's his world view Never conceding for a moment He's one too.
Freddie (New York NY)
Getting here way late today, but still adding this even though you might not see it: This verse is a winner!
Leon Freilich (Park Slope)
Winners always welcome!
NYC Marcher (New York, NY)
The Women’s March New York gathers on *Central Park West* and 71st Street, not on Columbus Avenue. Hope to see many of you there.
Billy from Brooklyn (Hudson Valley, NY)
I'm sorry, but I cannot get my mind past the fact that a majority of women voted for Trump in the 2016 election. I believe that he received 54% of the white female vote, and an overall majority of the total female vote. So the "Woman's March" just does not resonate with me. Perhaps I'm wrong to feel this way, but I get annoyed watching the group organizers taking bows and kudos for their actions--when we know that most female voters supported Trump and are not in the march. People should march and resist---but in mixed gender marches. The female voters in this country have every right to vote for whomever they please--but cannot have it both ways. Most female voters are Trump supporters--that is a fact. The march is trying to have it appear otherwise.
David (Chapel Hill, NC)
Womens' vote was 54% for Clinton, 42% for Trump. If you don't agree, then please show your data.
Concernicus (Hopeless, America)
Billy, please do not omit certain key words in an attempt to confuse an issue. WHITE women supported Trump. Not "women." 53% not 54%. You noted white at the start of your post, but omitted it afterwards. Nonetheless, the gist of your post is accurate. "People should march and resist---but in mixed gender marches." I could not agree more. Imagine the backlash if you and I promoted a "white males against Trump" march. Doubt that would go over real well in today's climate. I would feel a lot better and might even be willing to drive to attend a "people's march." I will pass on a women's march. Trump and his policies are affecting all of us. Not just women.
Concernicus (Hopeless, America)
David...Here you go. Nov. 09, 2016 NYT. Katie Rogers More than half of the white (keyword: white) women who voted in the presidential election cast their ballot for Donald J. Trump, according to exit poll data collected by The New York Times. The data indicate how deeply divided Americans are by race and gender: 94 percent of black women who voted and 68 percent of Hispanic or Latino female voters chose Hillary Clinton, but 53 percent of all white female voters picked Mr. Trump. The data can be broken down further: 51 percent of white women with college degrees voted for Mrs. Clinton, while 62 percent of women without one voted for Mr. Trump, a reflection of his success with working-class whites. Bily's post initially noted "white" women. Later, he omitted white. A very key distinction as your link and my excerpts from a NYT article illustrate.
Brian (Port Hueneme, CA)
Women need more legal protection? The divorce laws and probability of divorce make marriage so dangerous to men that I will never marry under western laws. Many other men are coming to the same conclusion. I will have to reach a retirement income and move to another nation to escape the legal "protections" that women here already have if I want to marry safely. But don't call me a MGTOW, as MGTOWs have given up on women completely. I still hold out hope, but not in this nation.
Beau (New York City)
Brian - Yes. women do need legal protection because I've known too many men who do not support giv emotional and financial support to their children yet they go on to second and third marriages. Maybe you're doing a woman a favor by not marrying - you do sound like a MGTOW - men going their own way. That's your choice but throwing shade on divorce laws to protect women and children is just one man's opinion.
Concernicus (Hopeless, America)
Brian..Guessing you are young. I have been married to the same woman for 30 years. I'm not worried. Don't give up. If you want to get married, get married. If it blows up, it is very unlikely that you can lose more than half your material property. So what? When you get married the concept of "mine" is immediately out the door. Everything is now "ours." If you have to give up half of "ours" because of an unfortunate divorce, that is how it should be. Go enjoy life...and marriage. It's awesome!
rosa (ca)
My sign would say: "ERA NOW". Short and sweet and points out that what we are really fighting for is equal inclusion under Constitutional law. And my heart-felt "THANKS" to the State of Nevada for passing the ERA last March 22, 2017. It's still there and we still care! Well done - now let's go fill the streets! ERA NOW!
Paula Anderson (Delaware)
The Women's March has never left. It's been a strong local and national source of strength and resistance since January 2017. I've rediscovered my identity as a political woman this year and The Women's March is a key element in giving us a positive and strong identity across our formerly narrow lines. This march and all the activities surrounding it are just the next step in moving us away from this dysfunctional horror and toward an even better future for All. "Women Win".