Hopes Dim for DACA Deal as Lawmakers Battle Over Trump’s Immigration Remarks (15dc-cong) (15dc-cong)

Jan 14, 2018 · 575 comments
AirMarshalofBloviana (OvertheFruitedPlain)
The congressional democrats will always be remembered by so called dreamers as the hypocrites who screwed them for a higher cause, telling Trump "No way."
Marian (New York, NY)
Immigrants self-select. Their traits will vary with their perception of the chosen country. Immigrants who arrived in the early 1900s saw an America of liberty & unlimited opportunity for all. Immigrants today see a kleptocracy & a welfare state to mollify the masses. Trump's point was economic, not racial or racist. It was about the impact of importing more poverty, not more blacks. What Trump said was essentially true: Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas & one of the poorest in the world. Almost 2/3 live under the US poverty line & 1/4 under the extreme poverty line. Trump's vulgarity & verbal imprecision disturb my sensibilities, but the Ds' racializing of every criticism of anything and anyone black, however valid, disturbs my sensibilities far more. It is because no one was allowed to criticize Obama that the country & the world are today teetering on the brink. The real racism, largely ignored, occurred during a recent vulturine invasion of Haiti. Rich & powerful whites descended on the tiny country & exploited its entrenched poverty & devastation to enrich themselves further, & at the expense of Haiti's poor & devastated. I am referring, of course, to the Clintons' phony fix of earthquake-devastated Haiti. The Clintons enriched themselves & their cronies w/ lucrative contracts. Hillary’s brother, Tony Rodham, received an aptly named gold exploitation permit—the first issued by Haiti in 50 yrs. And then there is Rwanda…
Rosemont (Rosemont, PA)
In a book titled 'The Art of Political Lying' by John Arbuthnot (1667-1735) warned about a common political pitfall of politics. Arbuthnot warned the "heads of parties against believing their own lies." Trump's lies become his truths.
L (CT)
"Mr. Perdue and another Republican senator at the meeting, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, had previously said they did “not recall the president saying these comments specifically.” But by Sunday, their recollections appeared to have sharpened, and Mr. Cotton joined Mr. Perdue in disputing Mr. Durbin’s account." Which is is senators? First you said that you "didn't recall" what the president said, then you claim that Trump didn't say what Senators Durbin and Graham reported to hear. (These two claims contradict each other.) It seems that Senators Perdue and Cotton are the latest victims of Trump Virus. Symptoms include lying to the American people, inexplicable fawning over Donald Trump, and loss of all credibility.
Vernon Tillis (Slingonton, Idaho)
He is a racist. Oprah for president.
RML (Washington D.C.)
No more debate Trump and the Republican Party are racists. Their supporters are racist.
Joe Arena (Stamford, CT)
The anecdotes we heard this weekend from Trump supporters, who are still standing by their man after his racist tirade last week, are an interesting case study into how roughly 40% of this country really could not care less how vile and racist he is....as long as they get their $25 dollar per week tax cut, and as long as Trump continues to blame non-white people and poor people for the problems facing this country.
Avi (Texas)
We all know Trump lies, a lot, with documented evidence. Now we can add two more crooks to the list: David Perdue, and Tom Cotton.
David Gribble (Haymarket, VA)
The perfect leader for the party of lies, racism, and greed.
6strings (North Carolina)
I pray that the millions of us who are going to participate in the 2018 Women's March on January 20th in Washington and elsewhere are safe.
Leigh (Qc)
A proven liar claiming not to be a racist is ipso facto a proven liar who's also a racist.
Zelda (MA)
Trump is a racist!!!! He absolutely said these things.
Didier (Charleston WV)
If one definition of "racist" is "who believes that a particular race is superior to another," no one can judge what is in another's heart, but one can judge another's words and deeds and using the latter as evidence and, for Donald J. Trump, that evidence is beyond any reasonable doubt that he believes whites are superior to non-whites whether they are Haitian, African, Mexican, Salvadoran, or Muslim. Norwegians are good, and Haitians and Africans are bad. There were good people on both sides of a dispute between White Supremacists and those who opposed them. Mexicans coming to this country are rapists bringing drugs and crime to this country. "Oh, you can't use the word Muslim." "Laziness is a trait in blacks." "I would love to be a well-educated black." Haitian immigrants "all have AIDS." "African-Americans, Hispanics are living in hell." "Pocahontas." "My African-American over here." Now, Republicans keep spinning until you're spinning in your graves, but your President is a racist.
DecliningSociety (Baltimore)
Trump is simply refreshingly correct on immigration. The NYT and Democrats are simply desperate to promote their race-centric ideology at every opportunity where minorities come under any negative scrutiny.
Gary Sharp (Seattle)
When's the last time a racist said, "Sure, I guess I am a racist"? They're pretty much known for moral cowardice when confronted with the uncomfortable truth.
CJ (Texas)
"I am not a racist" - Donald Trump "I am not a crook" - Richard Nixon Which one do you believe ? By the way Trump: Release your income tax returns....please
OTB323 (New Jersey)
Yes, yes you are a racist. Your comment reflects a gross level of ignorance. Your comment reflects your racist thoughts because it fails to acknowledge the extreme efforts taken to deprive and steal the abundant natural resources that exist in the African diaspora for economic gain without providing commensurate consideration in exchange for those natural resources. Your comment reflects your racist thoughts because it fails to acknowledge the actions completed by Western nations to prevent nations from the African diaspora from constructing the necessary infrastructure to succeed. Your comments reflects your racist thoughts because it fails to acknowledge the role colonialism still plays in our society. I will continue to pray for Mr. Trump to learn to promote love, compassion, fellowship, and understanding. From all indications, I am not sure he is capable of change, but I will continue to hope and pray.
Pilotmon (Illinois)
And Nixon said “ I am not a crook”, so there you are !
Yeah (Chicago)
"Mr. Cotton said Mr. Durbin 'has a history of misrepresenting what happens'" Really, it's DURBIN who has a history? Leaving out that Lindsay Graham confirmed Durbin, let's do as Cotton asks and judge by based on a history. We would be compelled to believe that Trump said it, that Trump is a racist, that Cotton is lying to protect Trump and short term political gains, and that Durbin and Graham are telling the truth.
nilootero (Pacific Palisades)
President Trump thinks that he is the greatest (fill in the blank) ever. He needs to think like this and is incapable of thinking any other way. Therefore in his own mind he cannot be a racist because being an open racist has become unacceptable in civilized company. Since Trump imagines himself to be the most civilized person ever this confirms for him that he is not a racist. Trump is delusional and a racist.
Brad (Düsseldorf)
“I’m not a racist” said a pathological liar.
jj (California)
Donald Trump lies. About everything. He has proven himself to be a racist, a sexual harasser, and one of the world's greatest liars and he still occupies the White House. Some of the immoral Republicans actually hear the outrageous statements he makes and then back him up when he denies having said them. They are no better than he is. The best of the Republicans are leaving congress as they cannot abide what Trump is doing. I am almost 70 and I have seen many presidents come and go and NEVER have I seen anything like this. Donald Trump is leaving a putrid and possibly indelible stain on the United States of America. I really wonder if our country will survive having such a man as our president.
Think (Wisconsin)
If you feel compelled to declare that "I am not a racist," then you most likely indeed are one.
clayb (Brooklyn)
We didn't need this last vulgar comment to know that Trump is a racist. His campaign rhetoric is proof enough.
Al Pine (NH)
Everyone but the rock headed base does not believe the Draft Dodger no matter what he says. Shame on the Senators who were unable to come out with the truth. I hope they go down with the ship. The swamp has been replaced by an open septic ditch and Senators Cotton and Purdue are playing in it.
MoWeiss22 (New York)
Republicans have shown that they cannot govern and here's why: They can't govern because everything that they've done to get into power is based on lies and deception. They took power back in 2010 by lying about Obamacare. They denied Obama almost any major legislation because of racist, nationalist strategic maneuvering by Mitch McConnell. They stonewalled Obama at every turn because they could. They got a Supreme Court justice positioned because McConnell subverted the Constitution and would not seat Obama's pick; that was plain lawlessness. They refused to allow Obama to fill federal judgeships so that they could get a Republican in those seats. They got Trump elected because of criminal help from the Russians. They're protecting Trump because they know that he is incompetent and incapable of being president. Two Senators, Cotton and Perdue, get on national TV and blatantly lie to conceal the racist behavior of Trump. So, their whole basis for being in power is based on lies and deception. That's why they can't govern. They have no core.
Ruby Lee (Madison)
The president offered a pretty good deal to resolve DACA status, he offered support and GOP buy-in and addressed the Democrats stated first priority. He even brought the Democrats to the table to negotiate. But the Democrats prioritized attacking the president over the fate of 800,000 DACA recipients - the deal is most likely off. The Democrats aren't worried. A bipartisan win isn't as valuable to them as using DACA as a new victim class.
Yankelnevich (Denver)
We need to investigate this. From photographs, Senator Durbin was sitting right next to Trump. Are Perdue and Cotton lying to salvage the Trump presidency? If they are lying, and that can be shown, I think we need to demand their resignations. Of course, Trump should have resigned long ago.
Thomas (Singapore)
Trump has a history, as a politician and as a business person, to break each and every contract, agreement and promise he ever made. He calls it "The Art of the Deal" which is basically a crime called fraud in the making. Why do people still try to make a deal with him? in order to make fraud work you need at least two parties, one that commits fraud and one that is getting defrauded. Once you know that your opponent will commit fraud against you, why bother and still try to make a deal?
Opinioned (NYC)
"I am not a racist." "I am a very stable genius." "No one knows the Bible better than me." "I have the biggest inauguration attendance ever in history." "I hire the best people." "I know all the big words." "There is no collusion." Why does Trump need to declare these things? Is it to convince us? Or to convince himself? To Evangelicals still supporting Trump, here's one for you to ponder on your next Bible study: "By their fruits, you shall know them."
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
If only we could deport Trump. Think of how much grief would be averted.
B Windrip (MO)
Cotton and Perdue have given Trump implausible deniability and themselves ignominy.
LS (Maine)
I hope Tom Cotton's parents are deeply ashamed of him, but somehow I doubt it.
jimsr (san francisco)
so Durbin is outraged over Trumps New York mouth? calling it racist? i think he realized his DACA plan was going nowhere so why not blame Trump
Matthew Tully (Smithtown)
I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how poorly informed or naive those opinions may be. The truth eventually shakes out the lies....
Anne Wilten (Wisconsin)
Clearly, our so-called President is racist. This has been demonstrated repeatedly. He’s an embarrassment to our country. Please, if you can, join the women’s marches this weekend around the country to let the world see on the one year anniversary of last year’s march that this atrocious president doesn’t represent most of us. Strength in numbers!
Liz McDougall (Canada)
Don't take his I'm "not racist" words as fact. Look at his history, behaviour and policy efforts. He is stuck in another era, pre 1960's, where he wants to Make America White Again. This presidency symbolizes a last gasp of the white man. The emperor has no clothes - a reality TV white supremacist - without the white robes or tikki torch.
CdRS (Chicago, IL)
If DACA hopes end it is 100% the fault of Trump and the disgusting Republicans supporting him. There is no other possible reason: supposed racism and a distate for the hard working lower middle class is the reason.
Oscar (Duluth)
Plain and simple Trump has no trust from any reasonable person, to think otherwise is foolish, and that’s a shame because he is supposed to be a role model to many people , and that’s sad too because as I was told when I was growing up the measure of a man is his word, if he has none then he is not a man.
NewsReaper (Colorado)
The entire federal government is a complete joke and a travesty of selective-ignorance.
abigail49 (georgia)
Senators Perdue (R-Ga) and Cotton (R-Ark) got the short straws when the Senate Republicans gathered to decide which two of their colleagues in the room would go on national TV and lie for their lying president and call the only Democrat in the room a liar. Of course, it helped that both are just three years into their six-year terms and represent Deep South red states that voted for Trump. I wonder what they'll get from Trump and big Republican donors for selling their integrity and their souls?
Pat Boice (Idaho Falls, ID)
"I'm not a racist" - reminds me of Nixon saying, "I'm not a crook." Next thing we know Trump will be saying "I'm not a liar."
Tired of Hypocrisy (USA)
"...with the fates of hundreds of thousands of young [aliens] hanging in the balance." And yet some "lawmakers" battle over Trump’s immigration remarks! Really Democrats his remarks are what's keeping you from closing the deal? So you will let hundreds of thousands suffer and quite possibly force the government of the United States to close down over "Trump’s immigration remarks"? This is now the time for the NYT to do a little investigative journalism and bring its readers the real reason the Democrats don't want to close the DACA deal.
JAS Resistance (California)
Right up there with the immortal words of Richard Nixon "I am not a crook." Me thinks he doth protest too much (as usual).
John Doe (Johnstown)
All all day long on MSNBC I’ve heard told Trump is a racist because he’d rather see immigrants from Socialist and economical stable Norway than from undeveloped and Banana Republic countries in Africa. There’s a big house next door to me for sale that will no doubt bring me a new neighbor that I’ll have to live with. I suppose I’m not to care if it’s one or the other, otherwise I’m a bad person.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
His Panics are our future Christian Soldiers. I suggest the Republicans embrace them as allies instead of making them enemies.
Bob Newman (105 West 10th St. NYC NYhhh)
Is Paul Ryan upset about DJT's comments? These coming from the current head of 'the party of Lincoln'? His silence is deafening, but then he may be bow and arrow hunting for moose.
jj (California)
His silence is a means of distancing himself of Trump's outrageous behavior. Ryan wants to be POTUS and he cannot afford to be associated with too closely with Trump if he ever hopes to get to the White House.
Ken McBride (Lynchburg, VA)
Well, looks like a government shut-down, perhaps that is what the GOP wants. Even more chaos and supposedly the U.S. is a superpower but cannot even provide health-care to all American children! It is embarrassing to be an American with Trumpism & Republicans!
Stephen (Austin, TX)
Trump is using DACA to blackmail the Democrats into giving hm money for the "wall" that he promised thousands of times that Mexico was going to pay for said "wall." He is now wanting US taxpayers to pay for it. Are his base okay with now repeating "WE WILL" when he asks who is going to pay for it? I hope the Democrats will attach the DACA bill to the spending bill. If not, they won't have much leverage against Trump because he could care less about protecting those people. His base has bought into his race-baiting and will revolt if he allows protection of "The Dreamers." Unless he gets his wall...and the U.S. taxpayers foot the bill.
bp (nj)
Private citizen Trump financed a trip for medical doctors to go to Haiti to perform cataract surgery in 2015. He opened Mara La Go Club to all races even when Palm Beach was restricted. Oprah Winfrey held a party for Maya Angelo at Mara La Go in the nineties. His has many African American friends. His life shows little evidence of any racism. This racist narrative is not true. It is the politics of division.
Al Pine (NH)
Mr. president Blusters, it's MLK Day, do you have anything to say? "I'm not racist. I'm the least racist person; that, you don't know, let me tell you". That's the sum total of the Draft Dodger's affirmation of the USA's most important civil rights leader.
Jess (CT)
All people who are very close to Trump have to go. They are there for the blank check they will get later. Voters, start making your lists of who those are. I have mine!
Mark (Northern Virginia)
Tom Cotton-in-my-ears.
Roy Jones (St. Petersburg)
I think President Trump just had a Nixon moment: "I'm not a crook, er racist"
jebbie (san francisco)
so, the Praetorian Guard emerged from the shadows to protect their President Octavian ... trouble is, of the two, which one is Agrippa? And, which one is Sejanus? This melodrama gets murkier and murkier ...
How stupid to ask Trump if he's a racist! Yeah, right, he's gonna admit it. Jeesh! Anyone with half a brain recognizes Trump & his family for what they really are, and it is not good or complimentary. The swamp has swallowed the White House & most of Washington.
Ron (Santa Barbara, CA)
Hmmmm, sounds eerily like Nixon's "I am not a crook" comment, doesn't it?
WGS (.)
'... Nixon's "I am not a crook" comment ...' That quote is out of context. Nixon clearly explained what he means: '"I have earned every cent. And in all of my years of public life I have never obstructed justice," Mr. Nixon said. "People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook. I've earned everything I've got."' Nixon Tells Editors, 'I'm Not a Crook' By Carroll Kilpatrick Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, November 18, 1973 www dot washingtonpost dot com/wp-srv/national/longterm/watergate/articles/111873-1.htm
Muddlerminnow (Chicago)
Trump's not a racist? Right, and I am King Tut.
Erik Geiger (Portland)
If you have to utter the words "I'm not a racist", chances are you are a racist. If that happens to be you, the reader, you owe your society some genuine self-examination and soul-searching on this day. Chances are your prejudices and privilege have gone unexamined far too long.
Garth (Vestal, NY)
Trump was raised by a father who marched with the KKK. As a young man he colluded with his father to deny rents to blacks. He may deny it all he wants, but the president of the United States is, or is perceived to be, a racist. On top of this is his attack on the dreamers, young people who are Americans in every respect save their lack of a birth certificate. It is the meanest and most bigoted act by a president since FDR signed executive order 9066 ordering the internment of Japanese-Americans. As a side note, the president who declared to crowds of his adoring base that he would be too busy working to have time to golf, spent MLK day at his Mar-a-Lago resort golfing. This only added to his record setting number of rounds of golf for a first year president. He spends almost as much time on a golf course as he does at work. Lying comes as easily as breathing to Donald.
H E Pettit (Texas & California)
It is a fact, our President is a racist. Another fact is he is a liar. Senators Cotton & Perdue are selling out America, another fact. What are they doing,placing Trump on a pedestal & throwing Americans under the bus. 2018, year of changing Congress.
Peter Henry (Massachusetts)
President Trump, what you are is a proven liar, period. So, for you to claim you are not a racist and you didn’t use the term s-hole countries.....is patently false. You have your GOP lackeys who,claim different, but it took them DAYS to come forth. Your White House communications team is pathetic, as are you.
Marc Castle (New York)
Lying is contagious, and the Republican Party has a massive infection. Donald Trump is a PROVEN pathological liar, two thousand lies in his first year in office. He did say the S-Hole comment. Perdue and Cotton heard it, but they're liars, like their fearless leader. The Republican Party, is a pathological, racist, misogynist, white supremacist, mendacious, organization, a malignant cancer on our democracy. Let's excise them from power in November, please VOTE.
WGS (.)
"Let's excise them [the Republican Party] from power in November, please VOTE." OK, but you should be aware that a lot of people voted for Trump, so those people might vote the way you want them to, despite your name-calling.
WGS (.)
"Let's excise them [the Republican Party] from power in November, please VOTE." After all that name-calling, do you expect Trump supporters to vote the way you want them to?
Snaggle Paws (Home of the Brave)
They don't recall. Oh, now, they DO RECALL that "s#*!hole" was NOT SAID. For Senators Perdue and Cotton, it's just another day of preposterous Republican lying to get all that they want. After 3 MORE Poser's Greatest Hits of "I'll sign any immigration bill", "I probably have a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un”, and "I'm the least racist person you would interview", the President is now tweeting "DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don’t really want it." Are ANY Trump supporters THAT confused? Republicans have the Presidency and both Houses of Congress and Democrats DO REALLY want DACA. Please send clue to President Clueless! I wish Republican Senator Flake would finish his comparison of Trump to Stalin. If the GOP can't investigate and deter Russian meddling, the GOP might as well insult the intelligence of Russia's murderous dictator.
Lilou (Paris)
The fact that leaders around the world readily believed Trump's derogatory language abouut Haiti and Africa ("sh*hole countries"), and his whiny question about why the U.S. can't get more people from places like Norway, only served to validate Trump's long hustory of racist remarks. If it had been the first time, world leaders would have been more shocked. An otherwise temperate, diplomatic president might have even been rushed to the hospital to be checked for a stroke or an aneurism. But world leaders, world populations and international news media readily believed his racist attack, so accustomed are they to Trump's ugly messages. No Republicans at the meeting denied Trump's remarks after the meeting. A couple actively criticized him. It wasn't until Trump's denial of his own comments, two days later, did Republican colleagues start to say things like, "I don't recall him saying that", etc. They must have thought it better to hang on to their "Trump-World" careers, than of doing the job they were elected for. But the man who mocks the handicapped, is proud of grabbing women by their puss*es, the man who called for kneeling football players to be "hauled off the field and fired", the lunatic who tried to provoke a nuclear war with North Korea, this man could of course say sh*thole countries. He and Congress are successfully eliminating themselves from world affairs. Now, new leaders must be elected who respect U.S. law, all Americans, and who support high ideals.
WGS (.)
"He and Congress are successfully eliminating themselves from world affairs." There are 100 US Senators, of which 47 are Democrats and 2 are Independents. Do you mean to include them in your generalization about Congress? Google "Current members of the United States Senate" for a detailed list.
Lilou (Paris)
@WGS--There are 239 Republican representatives, giving them the majority vote in the House.  As you say,  the Republicans hold the majority in the Senate. Add to that the 16 Republican Cabinet members (including the VP), and the 8 Republican Cabinet-level positions.   These people have determined the U.S. course under Trump,  or have acquiesced to him,  or taken advantage of their position for personal financial gain,  e. g., the new tax bill, which benefits all who passed it, and the Cabinet and President,  because they're all wealthy. Perhaps I should have specified the Republican Congress  and Administration have rolled the U.S. off the world stage.   We're out of the climate accord,  while all other signers are moving forward with green technology--even China. We quit the Pacific trade deal and some of NAFTA. Mexico buys Argentinian produce now, not American. We're still part of the Iran nuclear accord,  barely.   The other signatory countries want to continue it, even if the U.S. quits. Trump provokes North Korea toward nuclear war and has managed to insult all our long-term allies. The U.S. has not appointed 72 of 152 diplomatic posts, so our physical presence is diminishing. For these reasons, the world moves on without us. Our government is not viewed as stable and trustworthy anymore.
Hochelaga (North )
Mr. Cotton was NOT sitting as near to the President as Mr. Durbin. Mr Durbin was seated RIGHT NEXT to Trump. Cotton was over on the OTHER SIDE of the wide table, quite a way off to Trump's right. (Mr.Perdue was seated about 5 or 6 chairs to Trump's right.) Mr. Cotton is lying : he wasn't ANYWHERE as near to Trump as was Mr. Durbin.
In mourning for (America)
Is there anything that Trump loves? Really loves? What is his purpose in life? What gets him up in the morning? What makes his life worth living? Is there anything of the ineffable in his world? Anything transcendent and beautiful? Something immaterial that underpins his life? I've been looking closely for over a year, as I'm sure others have, and I see nothing but hatred and vitriol. He seems to despise everyone. He complains incessantly. He's paranoid. Never smiles a genuine smile (his smiles are sneers), never seems to laugh at anything that is genuinely funny (laughs at others' expense), and seems to take no pleasure in much of anything other than beating up on people, slinging insults, putting people down, and telling everyone how smart and clever and successful he is. And he doesn't seem to realize that n one cares how smart he is. All everyone wants is for him to be a nice man who can inspire the country to move together to realize our tremendous potential. It's really simple. He could wake up tomorrow and say "Let's do this differently. Let's work together and get something done that works for everyone." One doesn't have to be a genius to be a good president. One just needs a bit of self-knowledge and compassion. And a willingness to put aside the ego and think of others first. Kindness. He must be a desperately lonely misanthrope, a bottomless pit of inexhaustible need. The human equivalent of black hole. How sad for him. How sad for us.
Joe (Iowa)
You all realize the president will win on this deal, right? As has been the case since his campaign began, he is using the media to his advantage. They chase the shiny nickle while he implements his agenda to little press coverage.
Dan (St. Louis, MO)
Trump's style is often to be very critical of people, candidates, and countries. He is prone to exaggeration and hyperbole, vulgarity and various eccentric tendencies. But the reason why he won the election and garnered the many people of this country who are tired of political correctness is exactly this. If Trump criticizes a White person - and especially a conservative - he is Trump being Trump. But when Trump criticizes Blacks - he is racist. That is not the color blindness that MLK is supposedly celebrated for today, but instead is unequivocal racism. Trump will continue to win elections to guard against those in the country who are seeing everything through the politically correct lens of race.
SpikeTheDog (Marblehead)
Trump ran on the ticket of controlling illegal immigration. It's shocking to Democrats to see a president keeping his campaign promises, but Trump is only fulfilling what Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama said they would do. And for that he's called a racist. No surprises here on either side.
Toni (Florida)
The Democrats and their supporters have a dilemma. On the one hand they argue that the "Dreamers" should not be deported to their native countries because...these countries are too dangerous, they offer no economic opportunity, etc, etc. On the other hand, they decry Trump's characterization of these same countries as "s___hole" countries as being racist and completely false. Which is it?
Qcell (Hawaii)
Trying tie his remarks to racism is not helping the dialog. It only serves to polarize the moderate Trump supporters by categorizing and pushing us into the racist camp and will create any incentive for reconciliation.
HANK (Newark, DE)
"I'm not a racist." There would be no need to say this unless actions now or at other times say something else. Sadly, there's ample evidence to support the latter.
F S (Florida )
Those who were present and stay silenced or denied or didn't recall is essentially are enabling 45. Those are practically the same people who stood by him the weekend after Fire and Fury came out to show 45 is capable of running the country. I wonder what's in it for Perdue and Cotton? When 45 knows that you're willing to lie for him, he will use you to his advantage because now he has the upper hand knowing that you lied for him. Think twice before defending someone that's indefensible. 45 doesn't believe that he owes anyone any favors but everyone is supposed to be loyal to him regardless.
dmf (Streamwood, IL)
This not only that DACA is under threat . This is about President Trump 's not very responsible several times a day tweets . Rather there are new questions about the two Senators also present at the meeting on DACA ,if they are covering up with lies ? Why the GOP majority in Congress knowing well POTUS 's un American , unprecedented and pro - Putin / Russia speeches and other messages . Most of them have not yet openly condemned him for thousands of lies and false statements , during one year in Office. Note about the frequency with which these outbursts are happening in public . If this is not a serious issue on the job performance , what would ? The Family and close friends need to intervene , and help him out . What do you think ?
Per a New Yorker’s March 20, 2017 article , Trump’s Mar a Lago seasonal employees tend to come from Haiti and Romania. Good enough as cheap labor but not good for citizenship?
nastyboy (california)
daca and immigration more broadly is such a white-hot issue with trump's base that the dems have absolutely no leverage and will eventually have to cave or accept daca termination and no legislation changing immigration law. expect the trump administration to prevail in daca litigation and more immigration executive orders chipping away at current benefits for all groups of immigrants.
KI (Asia)
Probably Mr. Trump does not know the definition of a racist (me, either). Everybody dislikes somebody. He simply hates non-whites (and cannot control his mind unlike many of former US Presidents), which I feel sort of differs from the definition of a racist.
Josy Will (Mission, KS)
IntheFray (Sarasota, Fl.)
There need to be consequences for vicious, venal liars like Perdue and Cotton. Their evolving stories of denial betray legal consultation with the "I do not not recall" and the parsing dodge of did not hear with regard to specific "individuals". These men are vicious and disgusting and they are enabling a Stalinesque threat to out democracy. No tax cuts or even 3% growth in GDP is worth aiding and abetting a Stalin like attempt to change our government into a totalitarian nightmare. Cotton and Perdue are reprehensible.
cbindc (dc)
Trump is the most racist President the US has ever had. His racism is pure, visceral and authentic. Trump's racisim is the key to his popularity, such as it is.
Donna (Seattle)
He may not be the most racist but he is outwardly the most outspoken about his racism (and I just say this because in the past, the US has been a pretty racially intolerant place). But he probably is one of the least intelligent presidents.
Kathy (Oxford)
Keep talking Mr. Trump, it only adds time to when the Republicans will again be in the majority. Soon, only the racists in our country will be supporters and hopefully those numbers are dwindling. Our country will return to normalcy even as that's being redefined. However, the problem is not Mr. Trump and his remarks. Those are just diversions - it moved the Wolff book off the front page. The problem is this legislature; a more cowardly group cannot be found. They are afraid to speak or to do anything that might target them. They will learn silence has a cost, also. There are Democrats who do more than just be outraged at Mr. Trump's remarks and there's an election coming up. Let Mr. Trump wear out his thumbs, and let the rest of us get down to business.
norcalguy101 (Arcata, CA)
The Democrats only have Senator Durbin to blame. Come March 2nd, if the Democrats refuse to negotiate in good faith, DACA is over. The Democrats do not have a capability to over-ride a veto. If you add the end of DACA to the booming economy (4 percent GDP growth is a reality for 2018), and the realization of tax cuts increasing individual's take-home pay, the Republicans will gain seats in both the House and the Senate come November.
earthgve 21st (Portland,OR)
NOR trump is to blame as he is the one who is ending DACA, Don't watch fox news as it is only confusing your mind and filling it with propaganda. Growth won't be sustainable with tax cuts to the already wealthy. Some one will have to pay for them and which will bring much bigger deficits. I live in Oregon and my taxes will be going up not down and my expenses will be increasing at the same time. trump and republicans only represent the corrupt and wealthy.
Restore Human Sanity (Manhattan)
His gig has been up for a long time but he is incapable of knowing it. The only people he's fooling are his hardcore base, which have been around forever in this country. White racists afraid of their own pants. He is a fool who doesn't know himself at all. He operates on the ongoing delusion that his thoughts are actual reality and that all who see differently are his enemies. And he acts on this, he passes orders on this, he tweets on this. He commands his paid minions on this. The real tragedy are the congressional republicans who lie for him, defend him because they are united in hatred against their comrades who believe differently. And they are out to promote their own agendas, regardless of how insane DT is acting. They will never live down the shame of their cowardice.
Chico (New Hampshire)
Trumpism will be known as the new racism for the 21st country.
Gordon (Canada)
Follow the money, and follow the policy. As long as I can recall, American military spending has been greater than what the next eight or so countries combined spend. The only reason illegal immigrants have had resounding succcess crossing America's southern border has been political disinterest in preventing illegal entry to America. The only reason illegal immigrants have been able to survive in America is because there were no consequences to emplyers who hired and paid emplyees who were either not American citizens or did not have working visa permits. Stertypical, but the largest beneficiaries of illegal immigration are the farming, hospitality, and construction industries. Federal politicians have publicly complained about illegal immigration for decades, but have not taken action to prevent or discourage it because it was good for business. There is no more reliable workforce than one that has no legal rights or protections. Simply stated, illegal workers don't complain to their employers, and can be taken advantage of. There will be sn agreement on DACA now that there is a hsrd deadline, as there should be. America will not bear witness to what would be a months long process of rounding up terrified DACA residents and deporting them. Trump's s hole comment was simply Trump being an ignorant old jerk. The statis quo serves those in power, that is why until now it has been all talk, and no action on immigration reform / DACA in America.
Chico (New Hampshire)
Did Mitch McConnell stick his head out from his shell? Any Republican that stands by those remarks Trump made, and was bragging about at Mar A Lago, will be paint with the same brush for the rest of their lives, history will not judge these cowards kindly. They remind me of the townspeople outside of the concentration camps during WWII in Poland and Germany, when shown what was going on, maintain they didn't know anything.
JC (Dog Watch, CT)
Trump wishes everyone a happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Chico (New Hampshire)
I think it is safe to say that Donald Trump will not only go down in history as the modern day racist president, he will also be the first White Supremacist President, and will be reviled as the worst President in the history of this country.
In mourning for (America)
He's got the last part nailed already. Both parts. Reviled and worst.
ck (nyc)
Calling Trump a racist assumes he has beliefs beyond maintaining the support of his base and the attention of everyone else
brae (upstate NY)
not my american president. heartbreaking
Steve (Seattle)
Trump says he's not a racist, he also says he is not a liar.
Richard (Long Island)
Trump's no racist, no. He's just going to throw out thousands of hard working people, who have spent their lives in this country, to please his bigoted fans.
In mourning for (America)
"I am not a liar." -- Donald J. Trump
Bev (Australia)
When you have to defend yourself from being called a racist you have already lost the debate. Your previous words and actions have already shown what you are.
expat (Japan)
Trump is incapable of honesty; no one but a fool would believe him, much less defend his words. A racist, a liar, a coward and an ceaseless national humiliation.
Leigh R (Alexandria VA)
And yet all the Republicans in that room are defending him one way or the other.
PH (near NYC)
The Seinfeld tv show's George Costanza said it best: "It's not a lie.....if you believe it". The current President of the United States is that shallow. Yes he is.
Daniel Kinske (West Hollywood, CA)
Maybe it the one Senator pulled the Cotton out of his ears and the other the Perdue-doo out of his nose, they would have better fidelity with their five senses.
Michael (NJ)
I believe him as much as I believed another President who insisted, "I'm not a crook."
duncan (San Jose, CA)
So he tells us he is not a racist. Maybe next he'll tell us he isn't white.
sooze (nyc)
Trump a racist? What? You just noticed?
Steve S (Hawaii)
If Christians actually could think about it, if these two Senators that just changed their story were actually knowingly lying, that is 'bearing false witness', a crime of the top ten. There is a big difference to telling a lie to a few people and lying to 325,000,000. That is really Witness. Perjury is punished by 5 years in jail. Shouldn't a lying Senator at least lose support?
Harryo (Wa)
Trump unbalances critical relationships, Congress his second attempt at pushing, not just his vision of those that will lock step, but his illusion of influence for world migration or control. His odd behavior points to juxtaposition, his mandate is to promote internal strife, so far congress has given him a blank check.
Carol (Midwest USA)
Trump is playing games with the lives of good people. I use this word rarely, but he is evil.
freeasabird (Texas)
Nothing will happen as long as the (r)epublicans are in a “Hear no evil and See no evil” posture. Immigration, generally as a legislation, more likely, will not occur under 45.
Lawrence (Chicago)
"But ya are, Blanche...ya are..." - salute and apologies to a classic Bette Davis line....
Kent R (Rural MN)
Of course you're not a racist, all the racist stuff you've done and said is just because you're, like, a genius.
Dean (Sacramento)
The sad fact is that because our Commander in Chief is such disgrace his words about immagration policy have now given cover for the Congress to "Kick the Can" down the road instead of actually coming up with a policy to help these people once again. Neither side of the isle wants compromise. A Federal Judge bailed them all out for now.
Getreal (Colorado)
Putin himself couldn't do a better job of ruining the reputation and influence of America. The disgraces that republicans in the electoral college appointed into the oval office are damaging our Nation as fast as they can, All around the world. Get both of them the hell out of there !!! We did not elect Trump/Pence. They lost by millions of votes.
B Windrip (MO)
We don't know what's in Trump's heart and its probably better we don't but his words and deeds betray a dyed in the wool virulent racist. Now what about his Republican enablers?
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
Trump tells the truth about Haiti, Africa and Norway and liberals go berserk! What if all those decrying Trump's 'racism' needed a life saving operation and were given the choice of Haiti, Africa or Norway where they would select to go for the operatio?????
Bashh (Philadelphia, Pa.)
If I had needed a new heart at one time I would have gone to South Africa. If I had wanted a sex change operation back in the days before were easily had I would have gone to Morocco. Africa is a yuuuuuge continent with various political systems. Today I have read that people go to India for surgery that they can't afford in the US. I have relatives in Central Pa. who have had to go to Cleveland and other cities because they can't get heart surgery or treatment for some cancers in their local hospitals. When they do get treatment they seem to die sooner than expected because they were not diagnosed properly in time to do any good.
B Windrip (MO)
The best Haitian and African doctors are probably in the U.S. but in the future they may be headed elsewhere.
dsbarclay (Toronto)
Here's the dilemma: Impeach and remove Trump, and what do you get? Mike Pence. Not the sharpest pencil in the box. An unthinking 'Yes-Man'. His Preacher tells him; the World was made in 6 days. He nods his head, Yes. His evangelical conservatives say; Evolutionists are liars. He applauds. His Bible-study group says; homosexuals are mentally ill, tools of Satan who will burn forever in a lake of fire. He shakes his head in agreement. The Arms Industry/Military-Industrial Complex tells him: " We need to attack North Korea now, before they become fully Nuclear and attack the US."... What do you think he'll say?
srwdm (Boston)
The Times frequently uses the romanticized term "dreamers" when referring to DACA participants. Or, less romanticized but still euphemized, as "undocumented". Let's be accurate: they are in residence in the United States illegally. That's right, no human is "illegal"—but they were brought into the United States illegally. This is especially important when, in the same article, we call out the disastrous excuse for a president (Trump) for what he actually said, instead of "tough language".
Common cause (Northampton, MA)
If Trump really had not said what he did, if he really was not a racist, he would have stepped forth and told the country why he believes that equal rights under the constitution are due all our citizens and how he would support that. He would have said why Americans have so much to be thankful for the contributions to our society by individuals from all races and all countries and how he supports a vibrant immigration policy. He would have talked about why we are a beacon to the world. He he were not a racist, I don't think that he would have just said, "I am not a racist" and walked away!
ksr/ele (New York)
Donald Trump: "I am not a racist." Richard Nixon: "I am not a crook." Both lies. Equally bad.
It is important to understand that Trump made these statements on Thursday deliberately and in premeditated fashion - they weren't off-the-cuff or accidental. He had made a big mess of his Tuesday meeting on immigration with members of Congress and in front of the press corps by repeatedly and incompetently adopting pro-immigrant positions that are directly opposite his administration's stated policy. He had to clean that up by reassuring his neo-Nazi/KKK/white supremacist base, clearly and loudly, that he has not gone soft and is still the unrepentant racist bigot he has always been. (That is why it has been reported that he called friends and supporters Thursday night to see how well his remarks were playing with his base.) The White House did not want to obscure his racist message, hence the press office's non-denial that Trump had made the remarks and the absurd claims from Senators Purdue and Cotton that they had no recollection of Trump having made them, all of which has now, after four days of winking silence at the base, metamorphosed into their outright denials, which could not possibly be more bogus. And so continues the GOP's ongoing descent into outright white-supremacist authoritarian nationalism.
Purity of (Essence)
Bourgeois liberals just cannot let go of their imported, cheap, foreign labor. The only thing that matters to them is how much their organic avocados (picked by slave laborers) cost at their favorite upscale supermarket chain. Not U.S. employment law, not U.S. labor law, not the minimum wage, not the going wage rate for unskilled labor, not whether their fellow citizens, those who weren't fortunate to go to college (which not everyone ought to do, frankly), can earn a living on an eight hour day. No. The only thing that matters to them is their own, narrow self-interest. They are worse than Trump. No wonder the democratic party can no longer win elections. The working-classes are not "racist" to oppose being transformed into to lumpen, which is what will happen in a world with free movement of labor and free capital transfer. Oh but middle-class consumers will spend less at Target and Whole Foods. Despicable.
Margo (Atlanta)
Getting rid of wage slaves might get better pay and working conditions for workers. Field hands getting breaks even - ever wonder HOW E.Coli gets into lettuce anyway? Improve conditions and food safety. Win - Win. We could all pay a nickle more for romaine that's not poisoned with human waste.
Al Galli (Hobe Sound FL)
The hard truth is that DACA is NOT a law. It was created by an Obama executive order and was in violation of then existing immigration. The executive order had an expiration date. Even some Democratic senators were against it because it was clearly an overreach of Presidential authority. Had Trump done it the press and the Democrats would have howled in protest. Hillary Clinton is on the record as saying the DACA folks need to be sent home. The are the facts.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
You've really got to be sick in the head to kick out people who have only known this nation as their home.
Jack P (Buffalo)
Mexico is a fine country and has agreed to take in any DACA applicants who do not qualify for residency. Frankly, I don't see that much difference between living conditions among Texas, California and Northern Mexico; same climate, same culture, same language.
Jeff (Evanston, IL)
Donald Trump is not a racist. He just talks like one and acts like one.
McGloin (Brooklyn)
A president of the United States has to declare that he is not a racist on MLK weekend? Pathetic. Functionality it doesn't matter is he is a racist. He is willing to ally with racist white supremacists and use them to advance his goals. His base is full of racists: Neo-Confederates, Neo-Nazis, and the KKK, all racist enemies of the United States. Republicans need to decide if they are with Trump or with America. Trump is with the enemy. If they follow Trump he will drag them down a very deep hole. Meanwhile I have no doubt that he did this specifically to kill DACA as a gift to his racist base. This one word killed the negotiations. Which side are you on?
Boston Barry (Framingham, MA)
SCORE for Trump. Everyone is talking about Trump instead of making a deal on DACA. Remember that The Donald started the DACA crises. My guess is that he thought that he could get funding for his idiotic Wall in exchange for treating people living here like human beings. The bipartisan compromise does just that, but the xenophobe and Nazi sympathizer is not satisfied. So much winning!
damon walton (clarksville, tn)
Here is an excerpt from George Yancy who wrote an opinion piece in the NYTIMES titled, "Will America Choose King’s Dream or Trump’s Nightmare?" [We desperately need each other at this moment of moral crisis and malicious racist divisiveness. Will we raise our collective voices against Mr. Trump’s white racism and those who make excuses for it or submit and thereby self-destructively kill any chance of fully becoming our better selves? Dr. King also warned us that “there comes a time when silence is betrayal.” To honor Dr. King, we must not remain silent, we must not betray his legacy.] https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/15/opinion/martin-luther-king-trump-raci...
pete1951 (Rosendale, NY)
Has the Republican party descended to such a level that the meaning of "truth" has left their rapidly declining vocabulary! Shame on them! Enough is enough!
Girish Kotwal (Louisville, KY)
Rev Martin Luther King was the civil rights leader for all times and especially the current times. Rev. King laid down his life for justice, fairness and equality of all humans. If I look around the USA, I feel Rev. kings dream fulfilled in many ways except in the inner cities of America where many African Americans do not have a simple right to live safely without being shot. So many African Americans have been brutally killed or imprisoned just from the beginning of this century well before Trump took office. There were riots and demonstrations during the Obama years against instances of police brutalities. None of that has significantly happened in 2017. I agree with the highly revered Ms Alveida King, niece of Rev. King when she said without hesitation that TRUMP IS NOT A RACIST. To me the real racists are those biased pots from NY Times who call the kettle black and in doing so violating the civil right of Trump to not be unfairly be labeled a racist. Trump has been fair to all Americans irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender or religion. Trump's thriving economy is an equal opportunity for all Americans to thrive and find jobs. Trump has not left African Americans behind in his quest for America first.
Andrew Macdonald (Alexandria, VA)
I have no idea if Trump is a racist in the worst sense of the word, but he is certainly a boor, vulgar pig, and opportunist. We need immigrants to do all sorts of jobs and while we may want to control the numbers better, we should not pick out immigrants by country of origin. Trump is really a horrific president.
citybumpkin (Earth)
If Trump actually cared about the young people whose fate hang on DACA, he would not be using them as a hostages to push his agenda of wasting taxpayer dollars on "The Wall." When Trump says he cares about the young people on DACA, he says it with the same sincerity hostage-takers say "I don't want to hurt anybody, but..."
Kevin (Broomall Pa)
I believe that President Trump said these remarks and I think the Republicans have failed to learn a lesson from the Joe McCarthy period and are encouraging and giving cover to President Trump's racism and lies. It is long past time for the Republican Party to do the right thing and work to remove President Trump from office for being demonstrably unfit for The Office of President. Wait at peril to the United States.
Susan (Staten Island )
Even if those countries are a mess, Trump in the role of President, does not reserve the right to air his personal feelings. He personally is not in favor of DACCA, because he does not want foreigners here. So he's holding the program hostage until his "wall" gets built and paid for by Mexico. It'll be a cold day in he'll before that happens. He sees himself as a supreme leader who can charm and bully at will. That, is NOT presidential.
Leigh R (Alexandria VA)
Trump doesn’t want foreigners unless they work at his properties. The Trump company applied for a lot of visas (I forget what the number is) in 2017 to get more temporary foreign workers for Mar A Lago and his other properties. Why won’t his supporters, who hate immigration or guest worker programs, demand he hire Americans?
SpikeTheDog (Marblehead)
Trump doesn't want foreigners who are here illegally. It's hard to understand why "illegal" is such a foreign concept to Democrats.
Wizarat (Moorestown, NJ)
This meeting that Trump called to discuss DACA and the Federal Budget which would run out of money in the next few days pending a deal between the self-aggrandized deal maker and the Democrats looks more about who one can trust, Donald Trump, who we know either do not remember what he says as he may not be listening to himself or is not registering what he is saying/uttering and the Senators who have a completely opposite view of what they know the President said. Trump is a pathological liar as we have on record 100s of his recorded quotes that he keep denying. It is no longer about DACA and the Budget, but about common decency and being truthful to one another - basic good Christian values. If the parties were interested in DACA, they would have not made it conditional to anything the Democrats or the republican’s want, but what the country needs as a clean bill regularizing DACA recipients. It is no wonder that the world is no longer looking up to us but are looking down as if we are in the gutter of civilization as our Senators are refusing to stand up to speak the truth.
Chris (Portland)
Ugh. Moral Panics are so boring. Psychopaths are not! Look people, there is only one way to deal with the Art of War. Build an Army of Care. Let's build resilience, unite through the world views currently dividing us and drive volunteerism while generating a sense of belonging, building our critical thinking skills and resilience. Huh? I know, I know. But here is the thing. There are probably a thousand SFSU graduates who know how. In small circles, like a talking meditation, replicating a college program over 30 years running. It embodies diversity and Marian Wright Edelman's Recipe 4 Healthy Human Development: a safe base through caring relationships, skill building (emotional, physical, mental and social), relatable and attainable expectations, meaningful participation and community involvement. I am confident if we call out to these great people From Pulitzer winning and about to be deported Jose Antonio Vargas' alma mater, they will show up in your local coffee shop and lead the way to creating an Army of Care in our world. Do it for MLK jr.'s family. Bring leadership out of the Drift Forward March. We need more than a march, more than a moment. We need momentum. Let's bring some meaning to our third place to be. Let's drive prosocial volunteering by tapping into the bright minds that come from our country's most diverse urban college campus. Oh yes we can create an Army of Care. We can come together.
Marvinsky (New York)
Pardon me, but does anyone else think that it is 100% weird that we have a president who spends an extraordinary amount of time claiming he 'didn't say something'? We should be obtaining several new Vegas lines due to Trump: 1. when will the GOP come out professing 'shock' at Trump, in order to ease him off the dais? 2. will Putin throw Trump under the bus, and if so when? 3. Is the US able to set aside its addiction to wealth-seeking long enough to drop kick Trump out of the Colosseum?
John Smith (Cherry Hill, NJ)
TRUMP'S ATTITUDES AND STATEMENTS Are the very definition of racism. Beyond that, persons who have studied the court transcripts of some of the 3,500 + suits in which Trump has been engaged show that he has a more-than-40 year pattern of being a vicious racist bigot. A senior senator's admonishment is an anemic condemnation of the Hitlerian, Nazistic direction in which Trump is taking the US. What I find outrageous is the intellectual laziness of the GOPpers in showing no curiosity whatsoever about the contents of court documents and patterns of biased behavior evidenced in therein prior to Trump's being permitted to have his candidacy approved. His entire entry into politics would have been derailed had the GOP been vigilant and even remotely concerned with national security.
DMSartisan (Manhattan)
I have analyzed Trump's statements, and I have found the key to verifying their 'thruthyness.' The key word here is the word 'not.' If for example he says the President Obama was 'not' born in the USA, when everyone knows that he was, including Trump himself, and repeats, and repeats this for years, then we know that the 'opposite' is the truth! So when he says that "I'm NOT a racist," just go to the code decipher and apply the formula, and the truth and nothing but the truth comes out. Voila, he is saying, in no uncertain terms, "I AM a racist." When it comes to statements that do not use the word 'not' then one has to revert to the tried and true method of NOT believing anything he says, no matter what. It works for me!
Ben (San Antonio Texas)
When I prosecuted bar-room homicides, I was always amazed when witnesses told police they saw nothing because they were in the restroom when the shots were fired. These witnesses were fearful of retribution, likewise, Mr. Perdue and Mr. Cotton fear retribution. Someone should tell them that Mr. Trump, while a Putin lover, is not Putin. Mr. Perdue and Mr. Cotton need not fear being thrown out of a fourth floor window for telling the truth. After all, this is the USA, not Russia. Mr. Perdue and Mr. Cotton, have a little courage and a little integrity. No one believes your defense of the Trump.
In mourning for (America)
Perdue and Cotton are afraid of losing all that Koch money lining their pockets and the fortunes they'll make robbing the country blind as lobbyists once they leave office. They're nothing but criminals in expensive suits.
Ernesto (Coto)
Trump's level of cynicism is totally out and in your face. Without a doubt we are living very difficult times right now, this is not supposed to be happening. Proof of that is what went on in Hawaii with the ultra scared alert, I only imagine the sheer horror that went through the people's mind at point. Trump has to go!
Ricardo (Austin)
DACA should not be part of any deal/ negotiation. If Republicans do not want a clean DACA bill, so be it.
Gwen (Cameron Mills, NY)
And yes it will be someone else fault little donnie ran into his room and refused to play nicely about immigration. Gee if they hadn't been honest we would have a DACA bill -- please. If he really wanted to do it it would have happened. Our president is a child
Steve W (Ford)
Why would Durbin share anything President Trump said in a private meeting thus breaking the confidentiality necessary to a negotiation if he did not want to blow up the DACA deal? No one can negotiate a sensitive deal like this if he can't trust the opposition participant to negotiate in good faith which includes maintaining confidentiality? Durbin and the Democrats don't want Trump and the Republicans to get any credit for solving the DACA mess and so he lied, or at the least, broke confidentiality to blow up the deal. Willing accomplices in the media ensured that this would succeed. Democrats don't care about the DACA youth. They only care about scoring political points. No other explanation makes sense.
Floyd Winquist (Cambria CA)
Shades of Tricky Dick: "I am not a Crook, no wait, I meant Racist!! I am not a Racist, that I can tell you". So nice to be reassured...
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Trump: “I am not a racist.” Nixon: “I am not a crook.” Same as it ever was.
ellienyc (New York City)
All this just goes to show what Graydon Carter said about him years ago is true: he is a tiny-fingered vulgarian.
jas2200 (Carlsbad, CA)
And Nixon wasn't a crook.
citybumpkin (Earth)
“I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed, that I can tell you.” The KKK's endorsed candidate for President decides he is both final arbiter and bigly winner for title of "least racist person ever interviewed." In other news, KKK Grand Wizard assures everyone that he does not have single racist bone in his body, "because I know these things."
Richard (Honolulu)
"Racist" and "rapist" used to be very bad words when I was growing up in America. Now, with great thanks to Donald Trump, it's like: "Who cares?"
Bob (San Francisco)
It seems to me that if he's not a racist, his efforts to opportunistically implement a racist agenda in order to gain acceptance with a racist minority, is even more despicable ... except he hasn't proven himself smart enough to think that strategically ... he's just a common, ordinary racist.
Andy (Boston)
"I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed..." = "All of you are more racist than I am." Always the Insulter-in-Chief, no matter how absurd. Pathetic.
John (Boston)
No, sir, you are indeed most definitely a racist. What you are not is honorable. It must be so frustrating for you to have money, position and power but absolutely no class.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Liar, Liar " hair" on fire. Thanks, GOP.
goodeall (Baltimore )
Nixon - "I am not a crook." Trump - "I am not a racist." Hmm!
Billy Baynew (.)
We all know by now that when the Dissembler-in-Chief says one thing, reality is 180 degrees in the opposite direction. “I’m the least racist” means “I’m the most racist” and “believe me” means, well, you get it. Back in the 1970s, the Trump Organization, of which Donald was President, paid a $175 million settlement for racial discrimination in its residential rental business. That’s the equivalent of over $750 million today. No real estate company blithely settles for that amount just to make the investigation go away. They were guilty as sin and were fortunate not to have gone to trial. Look back at his remarks concerning Native Americans when they were looking to open casinos in the late 1980s and his remarks about Judge Curiel more recently. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows the man is a stone cold racist. Also an ignoramus, a sexual molester, a pathological liar, a believer that there are “very fine” Nazis and a lousy president. Though coined in a different context he and his supporters truly are “A Confederacy of Dunces”.
Johannes van der Sluijs (E.U.)
A very powerful 'work of art' of a comment, that has made it worthwhile for me to spend my time here.
Diane (Cypress)
Anyone who must repeatedly say they are not a racist, and, in fact, are probably the least racist person you will ever interview, IS!
Ben (San Antonio Texas)
Absolutely agree! Of course, look at his hiring decisions as POTUS; he has appointed predominately white males, a complete lack of diversity.
Tony (Portland, maine)
I sent this a while ago directed at Trump... Now it's for all the republican cronies. ' The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it,no realsuccess is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Byron Jones (Memphis TN)
Tell big lies and tell them often. When you are accused, turn it around and accuse the one accusing of the same thing. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of his student, DJT.
rocky vermont (vermont)
Trump has zero interest in a realistic DACA deal despite the dog and pony show he had broadcast from the "studio" last week. His filthy and purposeful words were intended to sabotage a DACA deal and sustain his deplorable base. Anyone who thinks he really wanted to protect the 800,000 DACA recipients is stupid HE LIKES TO HURT PEOPLE! Period. End of story.
Leigh R (Alexandria VA)
It’s odd people rarely use this word to describe Trump, but he really is “sadistic” and gets great pleasure in hurting people via his words or deeds.
Dutch (Seattle)
He has been so truthful, this must be yet another of his earnest, honest replies.
Kate (Stamford)
I wish that our representatives in Congress who claim to really want a bi-partisan deal would go ahead and develop legislation to protect the Dreamers and not include the President in the dealmaking. If you were truly proponents to settling this conundrum once and for all, do it! If he vetoes it, you have the power of the override. But so many Republicans are downright scared to death to go against the Preisdent. Your cowardice is so striking. God forbid you follow your constituents wishes without the approval of King Donald.
David (California)
Tragically Cotton and Purdue can't be trusted to tell the truth even about very simple things. Tragic for them. Give them credit for being embarrassed that Trump said those things and lying to cover up for Trump. At least they are embarrassed, or politically embarrassed. It would be even worse if they justified Trump's words.
skier 6 (Vermont)
Trump says racist and divisive things, then when the public perception goes against him, he denies (again) what he said in the first place. Does he really believe that he can just say "I didn't say that" after the fact, and anyone believes him any more? No credibility.
Working woman (Dayton Ohio)
Will this ill-bred racist serving as president ever accept responsibility for anything? And why do the spineless GOP comply and support his lies? Who do they think they are fooling? Shameful.
Buddy B. (Lindenhurst N.Y.)
If it walks like a duck, and does so for 40 years, the defense that it may or may not be a duck is an insult to those being spoken to.
Rogie21 (NJ)
Focusing on words is a waste of time and public discussion. Commenter Pajaritomt posted “Pay attention to his actions not to his words and it’s clear that he is a racist.” Trump’s actions as president provide an answer to the question he posed seeking the votes of African – America during the 2016 campaign” “What do you have to lose?” That answer is “civil rights protections." During the past year there has been a systematic plan to eliminate or weaken (reduced staffing and funding, policy changes to not protect rights) civil rights divisions of federal agencies, including the DOJ, EPA, Labor and Education. Civil rights division staffing also has been reduced at numerous—and select—U.S. Attorney’s offices.
Mobocracy (Minneapolis)
I'm still not sold on why Trump is racist for his crudely worded criticism. Most Americans visiting third world countries would probably agree that they were lacking in sanitation, high in poverty, corruption and many other negative attributes. It's an economic reality that the US cannot just bulk import the poor populations of the third world and that benefits to the US are pretty slim if we were to do so. Trump's language is appalling for a President to use for all kinds of reasons related to diplomacy and decorum, but despite this his questions aren't really wrong.
Erik Rensberger (Maryland)
Because the point of his comment wasn't the countries in question were poor or had troubles. It wasn't really about the places at all. The point was that he didn't value the *people*.
Randy Jones (Raleigh, NC)
Compared to the Norwegians DJT covets, the United States is "lacking in sanitation, high in poverty, corruption and many other negative attributes." We can use all the help we can get from immigrants - skilled and laborers - to rebuild our infrastructures, redistribute income to the working class, and undo decades of governmental malfeasance.
Glevine (MA)
And we’re supposed to believe Trump because he never lies, right?
Henry J (Durham)
How unfortunate that whenever the President speaks we can safely assume he is lying. And Perdue, Cotton, et. al. reaffirm that Republican = Trump. Pass it on and don't let anyone forget.
Ben (Westchester)
"I'm not a racist," said the racist.
Ashwood8 (New York, N.Y.)
As sayeth the proverb of the ancients, wickedness proceedeth from the wicked.
terry brady (new jersey)
Poor Senator Purdue and Senator Cotton slipping into liar maelstrom of Trump world. The clue they missed was Senator Graham who does not lie due to his Military Justice background. No one will ever take these two clowns seriously ever again.
Dee (Los Angeles, CA)
It has already been proven that Donald Trump is a chronic liar... so why should believe ANYTHING that he says or tweets.
rlk (New York)
Dear Mr. Trump: Yes you are a racist. Sincerely, An American
Mac (NorCal)
Seriously, who is he trying to convince? Everyday he exposes himself with Tweets, outburst or a simple speech in front of Boy Scouts or Coast Guard graduates as an ignorant sociopath and racist. We all know this, except Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
WeHadAllBetterPayAttentionNow (Southwest)
Nobody believes Trump. Now nobody believes Perdue or Cotton either. Maybe if they hadn't changed their story from "don't remember" to "didn't say it" after the fact they would be more believable.
dairyfarmersdaughter (WA)
Cotton and Perdue are lying. I saw Cotton's original interview with John Dickerson. What he said if you listen closely is that he denied Trump disparaged any specific individual or person - that is not what Senator Durbin indicated was done. Trump denigrated an entire continent and essentially race of people. The man has shown racist tendencies for years. Unfortunately I think Trump really feels he isn't racist by making these remarks - he doesn't see it that way. That in itself is so distressing. What I find most disturbing about this entire episode though is that the GOP essentially continues to prop up this guy - they are apologists for his racism and bigotry. I don't care how many conservative policies you want to implement - when you support someone who is clearly undermining the core foundations of our democracy and you don't speak up, you do not deserve the respect of the American people. Any GOP Senator who doesn't make it clear that they will not support Trump's racist agenda is a stain on our nation.
alinsydney (Sydney)
I think it's time for Americans to get real or really angry about the lies, half truths and deception being spewed by their political leaders. Looking at this issue from a non American and non partisan view someone is lying or mucking about with the truth is it Durbin, is it Trump is it Cotton? Can someone just hand on heart or sign a declaration that this is my total minute by minute recollection of what happened and what was said.
historyprof (brooklyn)
Did anyone really expect Trump to stand by DACA? His racial and ethnocentric views -- which have been known for a long time -- suggest that he will pursue an immigration policy that privileges white immigrants. This is a man who looks and lives backwards. The only part of him which made it into the 21st century is his Twitter finger. The rest of him resides variously in the 1920s and 50s. Words are important but then so is an individual's history. We all knew what Trump was. He never hid his ideas nor apologized for past hateful actions and the lies which accompanied them. None of what he does should surprise us.
Hudson Smith (Wilmington NC)
it seems that no one will ever learn from how the cycle goes with our current president. Trump says something that is considered offensive by some people. Its on the top story of every news outlet in the country for a week. He says that he never said it or that it isn't what people think it is as we see in this article. Before you know it we are back to square 1 with another billigerant comment. This prevents anything from ever getting done and just enrages more people. This is why President Trumps approval ratings have been falling since the first day he was in office. Many argue however that Trump has made these remarks in regard to National security and how many immigrants that come into the US are either drug traffickers or may commit a crime in the future. It is clear that he needs to consider all the innocent people that are here already and trying to make a living in whatever way they can.
YikeGrymon (Wilmo, DE)
Okay, so he's not a racist. Let's take his words at face value and agree that he's whatever he says he is. And that he isn't whatever he says he's not. What's in a name anyway? Does any of that make him (man, words, deeds) any less offensive, divisive, unhelpful, regressive, or inflammatory?
Duane Bender (Colorado)
The "adult day care center" Sen Bob Corker mentioned seems to extend from one end of Pennsylvania Ave to the other.
Slr (Kansas City)
The optics of deporting all the Dreamers is something neither party wants. This doesn’t mean there won’t be brinkmanship before there is a solution. Maybe they will just kick the can down the road like they do with the budget. The problem is these are real people, real lives. Hubris seems to always get in the way.
dsbarclay (Toronto)
(Other than many US news outlets that for the most part ignore the rest of the world), Today, Trump was Not the Headline in most cases. A day without a new crazy Trump belligerent remark or action was like the first day of spring, the earth renewing itself. It felt like normality had returned. A reminder that he won't be President forever; hope springs eternal.
D.A.Oh (Middle America)
"I did not hear derogatory comments about individuals or persons, no," said Cotton, who thinks he can parse the white Supremacy out of Trump's comments. But since Trump was talking about immigration, his references to certain countries was clearly about the type of people who come out of those countries. Trump and his apologists need to stuff it.
Cwnidog (Central Florida)
"After three days of denunciations from around the world, President Trump declared that he is “not a racist” on Sunday ..." It might be worth pointing out that Donald J. Trump is a liar. So believe this at your own risk, but before you do, ignore his words, look at his actions.
JAC (Los Angeles)
Former UN Rep Andrew Young was wonderfully eloquent on Meet the Press regarding this issue.....Worth a listen
dsbarclay (Toronto)
"the least racist person"... as compared to whom?
Alk (Maryland)
Its quite possible that this POTUS doesn't understand what a racist is. He has shown us time and again how he stereotypes and judges without knowing the facts. And really why would he get it...he was born in a seat of extreme entitlement. And he doesn't seem able or willing to see the world from any other vantage point than his own.
Frea (Melbourne)
I am surprised. I thought he would be 'brave,' as usual, and say he is a racist, to the joy of his base!!
Yuri Pelham (Bronx Ny)
He is the mirror. The white women and men who overwhelmingly voted for him and Alabam Moore... look in the mirror that's us!!
Geoffrey (Thornton)
When you frequently put yourself in the position of having to say...I’m not a racist, I’m not a racist. Well, you’ve likely done something indicating to a large %percentage of folks you are. We are known by our body of work, not what we did in a particular day.
Johannes van der Sluijs (E.U.)
We've come a long way from the short-lived Fata Morgana of a so-called Bipartisan Spring appearing over steaming Chinese food 5 months ago. It´s also quite puzzling and a weird shadow dance we´re seeing performed that the GOP wants to be known for ugly racist policies but not for being ugly racists. Huh? The Democrats should call this GOP admin's bluff and add any proposal they can think of that respects the spirit of reasonable bipartisanship to their list of demands and not budge an inch over it. Trump and the GOP know darn well that it's self-defeating economic humbug to reverse DACA and they can't, not even for the Antichrist of Sadism's sake, afford themselves such disaster as the outcome, they just want Trump's Fake Wall as compensatory trophy exhibit to save their face of being succesful advocates of rampant, ugly inhumanitarianism. The Democrats should proceed according to the motto: we don't compromise or negotiate with terrorists who both go full Monty on racist policies and postulates, and then mysteriously prefer it both ways by covering their abject inhumanity with lies, lies, lies in an effort to save a fake face of empty holiness. The Democrats hold all the trump cards of the democratic process in this battle. The oligarchs, puppet Trump and the rest of the GOP puppets hold only one: martial law. If that's coming they´ve long been planning it anyway so all the Democrats can do is save their own face. I insist: Democrats, do not negotiate with terrorists!
Ed (Atlanta)
Trump says he is the least racist. "Least" racist? There's more..... On immigration "We're rounding 'em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. And they're going to be happy because they want to be legalized. And, by the way, I know it doesn't sound nice. But not everything is nice." On border control "I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words." Campaign launch rally, 15/6/15 On helping women "I will be phenomenal to the women. I mean, I want to help women." Face the Nation, 9/8/15 On race "I have a great relationship with African Americans, as you possibly have heard. I just have great respect for them. And they like me. I like them." Anderson Cooper 360, 23/7/15 On health care "The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA-infected people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great - but must suffer the consequences!" Twitter, 2/9/14 On global warming "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." Twitter, 6/10/12
leaningleft (Fort Lee, N,J.)
I thought I saw an Opinion in the NYT asking the Dems to give Trump his wall to save the DACA folks, I guess it must have been in the NY Post or some other right wing outfit because I can't find it in the Times now.
Lee (California)
Its in the NYT. Makes some good points ie: there won't be an entire literal wall, some wall, some fence, increased reliance on technology. But with negative illegal immigration numbers, who of us tax payers want to fund that? Money's better spent on Health Care and Education.
Racing Trail Six (Alexandria VA)
The Party of Lincoln now has a misogynistic lying racist as its head, and equally dishonorable enablers and bottom-feeders in the other two branches of government. What's the point of democracy if we can't rid ourselves of these poor excuses for human beings sooner than three years from now through a highly Gerrymandered election process?
Mutt (Australia)
For somebody that screams the word fake whenever contradicted, he certainly has a pathological relationship with that very same state of being. Least racist, most dishonest. Most stable, least moderate. Least articulate, bigly-est smart IQ. Most informed, least educated. I do not care to see into his heart, as I've seen whats in his head, and like the man himself, I am scared of the dark.
RE (Austin, TX)
He cannot be a racist because the next thing he is going to say is "believe me, I am actually black".
KFY (Phoenix, AZ)
Hey, I think you're on his wave length! :)
Glennmr (Planet Earth)
I can see Kelly's staff meetings..."Whose turn is it to watch Trump today?" Followed by the drawing of straws...and trying to keep Trump occupied on something useless. We still have to suffer with this racist Nazi sympathizing destroyer of worlds. Since all Trump ever does is double-down, this is going to get much worse before it ever gets better.
ERB (Seattle)
Really?!? Because there is not (yet discovered) audio tape so it didn't happen? Need I quote the Billy Bush audio tape to point out Trump is an admitted rapist and pedophile? Yet the Trump apologists defy facts and deny none of it ever happened. Short of actual video of Trump beating a non-white person to death, the GOP will continue to deny with their deafening silence, any proof of Trump being the racist, white-supremacist that he blatantly and overtly is.
Racist and toxic.
Mark (RepubliCON Land)
As far as I am concerned, Senators Cotton and Perdue are as much traitors as Trump is because they put their “dear leader” above the interests of the United States when they chose to lie for him.
iago (wisconsin)
“I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed, that I can tell you.” that's ok, then. forget it.
Rhonda (NY)
Yes, you are a racist, Mr. President. And, no, you don't get a wall with a DACA deal. Make Mexico pay for it, or did you not say that too?
David (San Francisco)
One hell of a brew -- vulgarities and lies. Trump is taking us down a peg. It almost seems deliberate, if not calculated. I bet he loathes himself -- and, therefore, craves adoration. Seemingly craving adoration, he gets to feeling desperately abandoned whenever he's not the center of public attention. Then he foments controversy simply to feel alive. But racism is as American as apple pie. Trump is unusual in many ways. One way is this: He's a political office holder who's uninhibitedly racist. But even in that respect, he's hardly unique. This has been going on for many generations.
B. (USA)
All Trump needs to do is tell what he actually said. If he's so offended at the allegations, he should set the record straight. He won't, because he can't, because he's lying. In addition, Trump tweeted that he should record meetings in the future. This only a week after saying no recording devices in the West Wing due to the negative but apparently mostly truthful Fire and Fury book. Trump is a professional liar and whiner and an embarrassment to true Americans.
Anh Tran (Japan)
You say ANYTHING if it serves you. Shameful!
Mark (Northern Virginia)
When Trump characterized the racist, neo-nazi, "blood-and-soil" demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia who had murdered Heather Heyer as including some "very nice people," his racism became branded on his forehead. Heather Heyer is dead; Trump's dog-whistle racism from the White House was an enabling factor in her death. He's despicable, and any Republican in Congress who covers for him is likewise sorrowfully beneath contempt.
Ted (Pennsylvania)
To paraphrase Trump, Cotton and Purdue: No racist, no racist, you're the racist!
William Case (United States)
As the authors point out, “the uproar over his [Trump’s] vulgar remarks on immigration overshadowed critical issues facing the capital, including efforts to protect young undocumented immigrants and avert a government shutdown.” This is a shame. Americans want DACA enrollees to stay, but are reluctant to grant another amnesty because they know open border advocates will work to thwart efforts to stop future illegal immigration. Congress should pass a compromise immigration bill that: • grants DACA enrollees citizenship; • gives unauthorized immigrants with U.S.-born children legal residence status; • makes E-Verify mandatory nationwide; • permits state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws, • empowers states, counties and cities to make it unlawful for illegal immigrants to reside within their jurisdiction; • and denies asylum to anyone who enters the country illegally. As a separate measure, Congress should initiate the process of changing the citizenship clause to grant birthright citizenship only to children born to U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents. If these measures were passed, we wouldn’t need a border wall, but Congress could pacify Trump by naming the existing border fence the “Trump Memorial Border Wall.”
Margo (Atlanta)
My earlier comment has not appeared. You have not considered the effect of granting DACA citizenship: a huge border surge. This has to stop.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
There is no sense in trying to parse this man's assertion that he is not a racist, he has a long and well confirmed habit of lying about his recorded words as well as quoted words, and of his clear meanings. Every honest person understands that perception's are subject to unconscious and conscious beliefs, so even when people might not think that they hold certain attitudes how they see the world can show that they have. But Trump is not an honest person, he is a man who has kept him self from the bad consequences of his own actions by manipulating others into protecting him. He plays on other people's weaknesses and vanities and greed to escape the ends that his actions deserve. Over time, he has lost the trust of most of the most intelligent and rational people with who he has done business, because they have discovered who he is. So we have to take the perspective that when dealing with Trump, what is obvious is what there is, nothing more. He does try to distract and mislead to avoid having to address difficult issues, but the only effective acts that he has executed were not his but those of people unassociated with him. The screw ups are the normal product from his people, and it's because they have no intelligent leadership.
Kurt VanderKoi (California)
The President stated the obvious truth! I vacation in the Dominican Republic not Haiti because Haiti is a “S-H”. Despite their shared possession of Hispaniola a chasm separates Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Each country is home to roughly 10m people, but the Dominican Republic’s GDP is nearly ten times that of Haiti (see chart). The gap in measures of health and education is similarly large. https://www.economist.com/news/americas/21698805-one-about-hold-election...
Doug Broome (Vancouver)
Least racist person ever! Even rented one unit to an African American! Colour blind is us!
Karina (Sydney Australia)
Pure Nazi lies echoing from the bunker. I am looking forward to finding out exactly what what members of the Drumpf/Trump family were up to in Hitler's Germany. We already know that Trump loves torchlight processions.
Ignatius J. Reilly (N.C.)
It was actually suspected by Trump's own brother that the family was, in fact, Jewish and the father, Fred, left for America (twice) because of anti-Jewish sentiment (and maybe dodging German service). He told Jewish members of his fraternity he thought the "Drumpfs" were Jewish. Maybe lapsed or forgotten/hidden over time by some family members. When Fred Drumpf came to America the first time he buddied up with and started a restaurant with a man named "Levin" - a Jewish name/friend. This can all be found on the internet. Sounds like a lot of burying, forgetting and denial in that family (The father was later arrested at a KKK rally- pleaded innocent bystander). Denial can be so strong as to breed hate.
Frank Haydn Esq. (Washington DC)
I am not convinced that Mr. Trump is a racist. That is, I do not believe that he secretly harbors or nurtures hatred for blacks, Jews, Hispanics, or other ethnic or racial minorities. Rather, I think he is, as Rex Tillerson might say, a "moron" who is unable to control over what comes out of his mouth. Mr. Trump is a simple-minded rube who happens to know the construction business and made millions of dollars by being a tough negotiator. And, quite possibly, helping to launder Russian money. Mr. Trump has no class, no dignity, no self control, and acts and reacts based on emotion. But I do not believe for one moment that he would prefer segregated schools and water fountains. Or that he would like to expel all the Jews from the United States. Or that he sees Caucasians as innately superior.
john (washington,dc)
Now that Russian collusion has fallen apart, the media now have something new to focus on.
GWPDA (Arizona)
@John - fallen apart? You didn't get the word that Mr. Mueller will be visiting the White House sometime this next week in order to have a nice chat?
Frank Haydn Esq. (Washington DC)
There is some truth to this. And Mr. Trump provides an endless stream of leads with the nonsense that spews from his pie hole.
Richard (NYC)
And Nixon wasn't a crook.
Honey (San Francisco)
Is it better to be a high-functioning illiterate liar, conman, sexual predator, and obnoxious bully tyrant or a high-functioning illiterate liar, conman, sexual predator and obnoxious bully tyrant who is also a racist?
Vito (Sacramento)
This is who he’s been his whole life, a con man, a racist, a liar and a cheater. Don’t expect the congressional Republicans to confront him they have traded their constitutional duty for a tax cut. No one holds him accountable for his lies and racist remarks. Why won’t someone from the press challenge him when he blatantly lies.
rRussell Manning (San Juan Capistrano, CA)
Trump has been a liar publicly since the 70s. And after a tally reveals 2001 lies in his first year, I have decided to believe nothing he says--and I mean nothing. When he claims, as he did while Rep. Kevin McCarthy who told the truth about the Benghazi hearings as a ploy to lower Hillary's poll numbers but now is a devout Trump puppet and parrot and a stupid one at that, that he, Trump, is the least racist of anyone out there. And, of course, that's a lie. Vincente Fox, Mexico's former president and a bitter foe of Trump's, says, the "the shithole is the mouth that said those words." Well put! I still support a walkout by the Dems at the State of the Union address. Yes, the @meToo women should indeed wear black. But once liar donnie begins, Dems should begin to slowly exit. It's dramatic the Repubs can do nothing about it. Trump can continue his inflated claims about the state of our nation that he is trying to destroy and make America last, as it would be a silent exit. Republicans could boo and hiss but that would cause the TV audience and the gallery of invited sexual assault victims the honor of hearing the liar.
Phil M (New Jersey)
Where are all the living past presidents? I believe they are all in support of immigrants and DACA. They should band together and denounce the moron-racist-in-chief. I'm very disappointed that they are sitting back quietly watching our country being flushed down the toilet by someone who is demeaning the highest office that they once so proudly served.
PB (Northern UT)
When they die, suppose Senators Perdue and Cotton get to St. Peter at the Pearly Gates and find out God is a Democrat.
vishmael (madison, wi)
sick to death of this herd of swine with every breath more asinine
Manderine (Manhattan)
It’s not just Donald who is a racist. It is every single republican who remains silent or worse defends his vile hateful and harmful words. R stands for racist republicans.
Leigh R (Alexandria VA)
The Republican senators and congressmen who never say or do anything opposed to him are Trump enables. And they are also his accomplices (in legal terms) merely by standing by and giving him support by their presence and their quiet nodding in agreement, or defending his statements and reinforcing his lies, making his lies their own.
Louise (USA)
Just read today's NYT article - - https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/15/opinion/leonhardt-trump-r...... It says it all, yes a racist, always has been...
James Jacobi (Norway)
America's image in Norway: A moral and humanitarian cesspool run by blatant liars.
Joe (Redmond, WA)
Years ago,comedian Chris Rock said he wasn't as fearful about Al Qaeda as he was about Al Cracker! The likes of Trump and Perdue and Cotton and Sessions and that other bigot who tried to gain the Senate seat in Alabama - Moore - just prove just how insightful Chris was! There was a time when US Senators actually had some degree of dignity and honesty but these two Southern hucksters Perdue and Cotton are the exemplars of just how morally destitute today's GOP is - what lying hypocrites! They deserve to be thrown out of office by their constituents - if there are any honorable people left in their states who care about their senators lying to them.
Mandrake (New York)
Condemn Trump for using racial slurs by employing a racial slur in your comment. Nice!
rjs7777 (NK)
And if the identities were reversed, how would Chris Rock's joke be perceived? Would it still be funny? Is it considered humorous to lampoon someone's race and poverty? Why or why not? Does being a particular race make a president great? Why or why not?
trk (plano,tx)
but one should albear in mind that he is also a liar which he uses to craft his so-called yuge great deals. and of course any quote that he makes for reporters can and will always be 'taken out of context' or just be labeled fake news. so it really is pointless to even bother with it. since he craves so much attention like any two year old or perhaps a dog maybe a new policy for reporters would be to merely stop reporting him. he is rather rotund with remarkably small hands but that still be possible.
Mark (Aspen)
At this point in his "great" presidency, I cannot imagine there is a person alive who, in good faith, believes a word that comes out of this trump's mouth. Trump has made lying the norm -- "his" party has followed suit and all this shows how trump has denigrated the country and its politics. At this point, trump and party are a keystone cops episode but it's just not as funny.
Leigh R (Alexandria VA)
Sadly, a pretty big part of the Republican Party still believe him or are silently supporting him by not denying the things he’s said, or support him by disputing anything negative he has said or done as “fake media” or a lie. Trump is able to survive because these people have not rejected him and continue to defend and support him. They are his enablers. And there are still tens of millions of them. It’ll take Democrats regaining both houses in November to really change things and stop this toxic administration (including stopping a Pence conservative agenda if he replaced Trump, and everyone else working for Trump’s agenda in the WH and government agencies).
Mclean4 (Washington D.C.)
What DACA means? Democratic Action Comes America (DACA)? Forgive my ignorance. There are so many abbreviations in our news media. As an old person (almost 90) I am trying to catch up as long as I have not lost my memory. I enjoy reading newspapers and make some comments from time to time. I do not believe Trump is a racist just because he has a special and different views on minorities, Everyone is entitled his or her own views even Trump is our president and he is also elected by Americans. We can always defeat him in 2020. This is American democracy.
ejs (Granite City, IL)
“The folks from DACA?” Didn’t that used to be called Myanmar?
Patrick (San Diego)
or a crook? Good when they're on their heels--these heels.
ejs (Granite City, IL)
Trump lies and the Republicans swear to it.
Claudia (CA)
The heartbreaking irony, that on Martin Luther King day, the headlines read that the president of the United States says he's not a racist. How far we've fallen. Shameful.
DecliningSociety (Baltimore)
Its by design as the NYT promotes Democratic identity politics, i.e., all of our opponents are racist if they ever mention anything negative about a minority country.
sam finn (california)
Trump or no Trump, a bad deal is worse than no deal. The Congress needs to pass a clean government funding bill. Continue all programs just as they exist now. A government shutdown will help no one. Continuing operations of government should not be the place to try to make deals about DACA or immigration or anything else. Those deals can come later. And if there is no deal on them, then too bad.
Arnold (Oakland, CA)
What is that orb floating on the right side of trump’s head as he attempts to disclaim his racism? I generally don’t find much meaning in the claims about supernatural or occult phenomena, but could this be photographic evidence that Satan does check in on his minions?
Hugh Wudathunket (Blue Heaven)
When you believe that one's ethnicity defines or impairs one's character, morals, abilities, social standing, rights, intelligence, or behavior, you are a racist. Donald Trump, through your policies, proposals, assumptions, and declarations, you have demonstrated time and again that you are a racist. By a similar token, Mr. Trump, you are also a sexist.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Trump, the self-proclaimed "least racist person" should make good on his claim and he should call a press conference and apologize to Barack Obama for his lies about him, including his rancid Birther hoax. In the meantime, the stench of Trump's attitudes have stunk up the GOP Coward's Congress. They should be ashamed for not censuring this man occupying our presidency.
Jpriestly (Orlando, FL)
Suddenly a lot of people in Congress seem hard of hearing, probably need universal health care. NYT, don't give up on your reporting! What kind of reporting is that Cotton and Perdue's remarked "seemed to be in conflict" with Grahams - were they or weren't they? This is a time for actual news. Align the various comments by Durbin, Cotton, Perdue, Graham and others, and figure out exactly how they vary, and try to get others to come on record.
Turgut Dincer (Chicago)
After hurting millions of people overseas, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya now we are hurting cruelly our own people. Nothing to be proud of for the country of the "braves".
Jefflz (San Francisco)
For the comment review staff as well as readers: What is the point of having a comment review process that dumps literally hundreds of comments at the same time? This is not constructive and is an insult to those that take the time and effort contribute to the process, hoping others will have the opportunity to read what is written without having to scan back through pages and pages of comments. There is no excuse for this treatment.
L'osservatore (Fair Veona, where we lay our scene)
The NY Times isn't getting the word out to today's progressives. While it is easy to sell them Trump-as-racist as we see here today, the great majority of progressive hate-robots don't know essential things like Fusion GPS or the names or money trails associated with it. We have a country divided in every possible way, even with half the voters completely ignorant of everyday news items the other half is well-read about.
Robert (Seattle)
You are correct. Facts and the evidentiary world are liberal Democratic party constructs. Democrats don't know about the essential Trump Fox Republican party stuff--the conspiracy theories, the lies, the dissembling, the rhetorical tricks.
Gerhard Joseph (Fort Lee, New Jersey)
With respect to Perdue and Cotton, Yogi got it right: "I see [and hear] what I believe." Of course, I believe Durbin.
kirk (montana)
Donald Trump is a proud, overt racist. He is supported by a subterranean mass of Republicans who engineered the southern strategy and are occult racists, but racists non-the-less. This is a contagion and there is a significant risk of spread. Niemollers statement, "....Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak up" has well as MLK's quote, paraphrased "in the long run it is not your enemies shouting you will remember but the silence of your friends" has to be taken to heart by the true Americans in order to rid ourselves of this filth that has crept into the GOP.
G (Green)
I do not need this incident proven either way for me to understand the intricate and racist pathology that weaves through this man's scrambled DNA. I can compile a list of publicly-made statements from the last ten years, and combine that with the shameful Obama birth certificate campaign that ran nearly the entirety of his two Presidential terms to show that this man has built his success on breaking the backs of, and crushing the opportunities for anyone who's skin is off-white. His legacy will be a scab on this country, and though it may heal, sadly it will not fade from sight for decades to come. I despair for a sizable portion of this country's electorate. Deplorable through and through.
tom harrison (seattle)
So, our First Lady Ivana has come out and said that Donald is not racist, just confused. Its pretty obvious that the old man is confused. What is sad to me is that his first and third wife continuously have to explain to us what he means when he speaks. Both ladies are immigrants and speak better English than he does. When Melania speaks, I am reminded of Michelle Obama who has a degree from Princeton and Harvard. When Donald speaks, I am never reminded of educated Americans.
W in the Middle (NY State)
Is it taking that long to figure out how to walk back your 85 or so articles that bashed Trump for something that he never actually said... His prior tweets that invoked precisely this vulgarity are listed right there in the Russian Dossier - look in Appendix "S"... What - no Appendix "S" attached in your copy??? There will be, by end-of-day tomorrow...
Martha (Northfield, MA)
Honestly, the argument of whether or not Trump used inflammatory language seems so inane and childish. And does anyone really believe that what Donald Trump says, or what he says that he said, really have any credibility? What is so incredible that so much of the discussion is dominated by expressing shock and disbelief at his vulgar antics. Good God, if he can get away with being elected president after bragging about grabbing women's genitals, among other things, then why would his using racist language, which is nothing new for him, come as such a shock?
Jon (CT)
Hello Martha, A candidate can say and do whatever they want to. Who cares. They are only representing themselves. The president is no longer representing himself, he is representing our country. The language he used makes our country look boorish but it is the sentiment that makes our country look racist and mean. Our citizens (all of them) deserve better representation than that from our president.
Alan (Hawaii)
Day 1: Day 2: “We do not recall the president saying these comments specifically.” Day 3: Day 4: “I’m telling you he did not use that word.” Credibility gaps.
S B (Ventura)
They were waiting to see if an audio recording would surface before they totally committed to the lie. The WH probably has an audio recording of their own, and it is very telling that they have not backed up their claims with it.
William Case (United States)
Senator Durbin said Trump used the vulgar term "not once, but repeatedly." If that were true, everyone present at the meeting would remembered, but no one present except Durbin says they remember. Saying you don't recall something happening and say it didn't happen are not mutually exclusive. When things, don't happen, people don't recall them happening.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
Trump has been campaigning against immigrants long before he was elected. It took him and two Republican Senators to deny it. Did they huddle to get their story straight? Just like the Mafia, they outnumbered the one witness who said he said it. Do the Republicans lie? Does Trump lie? Sheeesh.............
Robert Yarbrough (New York, NY)
"I am not a crook." -- President Richard M. Nixon, November 17, 1973
J Oberst (Oregon)
As we all know by now, the more strongly mr trump pleads a statement ("believe me") the less likely it is to be true. Saying that he is the "least racist person you have ever interviewed" crosses the line into that sort of hyperbole, and leads one to suspect that he is, in fact the MOST racist person ever interviewed. As for two trumpista senators to suddenly deny the comment after many others present, including representatives of the White House, confirmed it... well, I wonder how they can look at themselves in the mirror.
Kiwi Kid (SoHem)
Circle the wagons! Those Republicans have got to be just about at their wit's ends to, once again, finding themselves doing damage control for the guy who brings the fake to fake news! What sort of spell has Don cast on those people? Anyone? Ryan? Graham? C'mon guys, squeak up!
EHanna (Austin TX)
Democrats should take the Senate Judiciary Proposal for Border Patrol personnel and maintenance of existing fencing. Because a lot of Texas Republicans are closet environmentalists, they should slap Environmental Guidelines all over additional fencing and make sure that the Trump name or likeness is NOT anywhere near the Texas Border. DACA are PEOPLE and nobody is asking THEM. Also, since for all intents and purposes, they are Americans; we have invested thousands of dollars of education in them, they should be on a fast track to citizenship. Build a million snowmen or whatever but save DACA youths.
paul s (virginia)
Is Representative Kevin McCarthy the president's new "minder"?. I would suspect that it is not a comfortable position for anyone to be in. The issue is who is the night time -early am minder?
biijii (princeton)
If Trump's death does not come in some sudden fashion he will likely be laying in a bed of some sort as his death approaches. Perhaps he will have a severe illness. Perhaps nature will merely have her way with his body. In those last moments hopefully Trump will have the capacity to reflect back on his words and deeds. He will ask himself, what has been his truth? Was he true to the Constitution and to the American people? Was he true to his wife and family? Was he true to himself? If Trump is able to have this conversation with himself in his final moments, I imagine that he will have a very difficult introduction as he meets his maker.
john f. (cincinnati)
The problem is not with Donald Trump the man, it is with the Republicans as a party.
Lawrence (Winchester, MA)
Maybe if Trump knew what a racist is, he would not deny being one. He makes racist remarks, he supports racists (white supremacists), he employs racists (white supremacists), he promotes racist views, he takes racist actions (like excluding blacks and latinos from his apartment buildings), he treats certain races like second-class citizes, he promotes racist stereotypes, and he promotes racist policies. Maybe he thinks he doesn't have racist thoughts, but his words and actions betray his racism.
Andrew S. Bermant (Santa Barbara, CA)
The only way to end this political nightmare is to vote the Republicans out of office in November and thereafter begin impeachment proceedings. Trump will quit and we'll have a split government with Pentz at the helm, but that's far better prospect than the destruction of our Democracy.
The POTUS has three more years to serve. We cannot wait that long for people to focus on DACA and immigration. Congress needs to be pressured, not to confirm what the POTUS did or didn't say, but on these issues which have support in both parties. Some Dems, for political reasons, are insisting that DACA be considered separately from border security and immigration, knowing this won't happen.
areader (us)
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." If only Trump said the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, there would be problem.
SMC (Lexington)
For his first year in office, I'd give Donald Trump an 8 - as in he reduced his golf handicap to 8. He's played a lot of golf this year and one thing I think we can all agree on is that we support him playing a lot more!
Elly (NC)
This "smart genius" doesn't know the definition of the word racist. I believe most of the fine American citizens should tweet him that meaning. And as for fine upstanding GOP members in that meeting for the ones who heard it but down play it go to your church and ask Gods' forgiveness, for those who didn't hear the remarks either you need hearing aides or a better attention span. We the American citizens heard it Loud and Clear and we don't have problems as you do with our hearing or memories. You might want to remember that .
Marge Keller (Midwest)
Actions speak louder than words Mr. President. He can deny all the words he wants, but it's his actions that tell the real and honest story of the man's character and the kind of leader he is.
Me (Boston)
James Baldwin said it best: “I can't believe what you say, because I see what you do.” That Trump is a racist is not a surprise. What is *profoundly* disappointing is to see two of our nation's senators outright lie to support him.
The King (New York)
Not the first time a U.S president makes an off of a chart remark. Kennedy and Nixon both made similar comments regarding Africa and so on. In any case Trump just said what everyone knows and agrees on in private, including the libs who are allegedly upset and whining now!
doe74 (Midtown West, Manhattan)
The President knows his base. He won! He says what will resonate. When it's time to deny it, he does so with a wink, wink to the base. He says he is not a racist; therefore, his voters did not vote for a racist. The man has a hollow core; there are no values. It's all about making money and, or course, there's the women....just locker room stuff.
nnn (Bos)
Most other countries could not have elected a Barack Obama, because most other countries don’t have a mixed race ancestry. We’re not English, nor Chinese, nor Mexican; nor African. We are American. Other countries, elect leaders who are an outgrowth of their heritage. In the US, we can elect leaders who represent an idea. And we did. Donald Trump is the backlash. While he exposed a sizable racist segment in our country, he did not expose a racist country. Far from it. If another nation could somehow have elected Barack Obama, the backlash would likely have been larger and fiercer – probably tearing the country apart. So we must see Trump for what he is and our time for what it is. We are not backsliding. We are moving forward. Donald Trump is exposing the worst in our country, but it’s always been there – and far worse. But the backlash to Trump is building and this is our path forward to a more perfect union.
Ari Backman (Chicago)
Are these senators acting for the best interest of United States and it's citizens? No. Lying publicly to constituents or misleading them should constitute as perjury as well. Cotton and Purdue should be fired from the Senate.
RioConcho (Everett)
This is patent Trump. He denies his actions and sayings. It took a long while for kowtow Cotton to come to his defense!
Benoit Roux (Chicago)
Democrats should refuse to engage in any discussions and negotiations with DJT unless the discussion is being recorded.
JFMACC (Lafayette)
He is only "not a racist" if you define racism as he does--as black people "racist" against his beloved, sacrosanct white people. Why does he persist in this overt and very vocal racism? Because one of his idols did the same as he came to power back in the 30s? Or because he wants his base to get the message that they should feel free to harm, attack, or do evil to people with darker skin? Don't keep saying, it's to appeal to his base, which constitutes a miniscule part of the actual population of the US. He's doing it to incite them to do bad things. He isn't fit to be president, except of the Dylann Roofs of the world. And yes, they are deplorable.
Charles Focht (Loveland, Colorado)
Donald is the least honest man who has ever been interviewed, that I can tell you.
rcthurlow (Alexandria, Va)
Given that Trump is a pathological liar I am absolutely sure he used the crude language that he is quoted as using. All those congressmen be it GOP or Democrat who refuse to call Trump out for his overt racism are racist themselves for being his enablers. And that goes as well for all those evangelical Christians (yeah, right) who stay mum.
Paul Wortman (East Setauket, NY)
It's now up to Congress to show America and the world that they're not racist. Pass the bipartisan immigration reform bill that Sens. Durbin and Graham along with others have agreed upon. To do otherwise, is to support a racist President and his racist immigration comments and actions.
Daniel M Roy (League city TX)
Coton? Would you buy a used car from that guy? Purdue? the worst chicken in trump propaganda scoop.
Kurt VanderKoi (California)
The DACA Program is an Obama Administration Executive Action and is not the law! Federal immigration law determines whether a person is an alien, the rights, duties, and obligations associated with being an alien in the United States, and how aliens gain residence or citizenship within the United States. It also provides the means by which certain aliens can become legally naturalized citizens with full rights of citizenship. Immigration law serves as a gatekeeper for the nation's border, determining who may enter, how long they may stay, and when they must leave. Congress (Legislative Branch) has complete authority over immigration. Presidential (Executive Branch) power does not extend beyond refugee policy. Except for questions regarding aliens' constitutional rights, the courts have generally found the immigration issue as nonjusticiable. Justiciability: Justiciability refers to the types of matters that the federal courts can adjudicate. If a case is "nonjusticiable." a federal Court cannot hear it. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/justiciability
Mal Stone (New York)
Reagan announced his candidacy in Philadelphia, MS, where Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman were killed Nixon had "law and order" George HW Bush had Willie Horton They were all racists but they had good public manners. Trump is a racist and vulgar. If he had better manners there wouldn't be such controversy. America likes to deny its racism
Jeremy Mott (West Hartford, CT)
I bet Senators Perdue and Cotton can remember every word of their meetings with President Obama. My oh my, even MEMORY is partisan these days. Man up, gentlemen! Tell the truth!
Steve (Long Island)
Trump once again has been vindicated. We have two Senators and a President that have effectively called Dick Durbin a liar. I believe them Durbin is a liar. And it is not the first time this Illinois politician has twisted the words of our President to advance his radical agenda. Durbin talks and fake news reports. What happened to vetting.
LEO (Seattle)
Why bother denying it? Being a racist is why his base likes him.
Carol B. Russell (Shelter Island, NY)
Who in Congress say that they trust Trump ?......and why ? Just ask...every single representative...do you trust President Trump ? and if the answer is yes....then as why Never mind equivocal answers.... Then ask specific questions....about whatever Trump says.... Reporters need to get yes or no answers. .... The Fourth Estate needs to be persistent....in order to get the truth.
Ed (Washington DC)
Hopefully Lindsey Graham steps up to the plate and says what's what: Lindsey, what specifically was said in that room? In particular, who is lying, Durbin? ...Or Perdue & Nielsen?
Robert (Seattle)
Senator Graham has already said that Senator Durbin's characterization of the meeting was essentially correct.
Jim Steinberg (Fresno, Calif.)
Nixon: "I am not a crook." (True, but only if you don't consider violating and deliberately sabotaging our U.S. Constitution to be crooked.) Trump, roughly 45 years later: "I am not a racist." False, he is a racist. His defenders might argue reasonably that he doesn't understand his own racism, but that still would leave him a racist.
Elly (NC)
Then that means he's too stupid to understand or look up a simple definition. Very presidential.
edWard (california)
Why must Democrats lower themselves to Trump's level and battle with him on HIS TERMS again and again. It's tantamount to arguing with a two year old child. It will get you nowhere. Our political leaders are ALL, in effect, acting like two year old's. It's time for some of them to grow up and deal with solutions to this nation's problems instead of, apparently, only focusing on speaking to their respective "bases" for possible political gain down the road.
rj1776 (Seatte)
One of this country's major problems is that its president is a racist.
Hanan (New York City)
-Plenty of GOP members, currently senators who were campaigning for the role Trump is now playing stated publicly that Trump did not possess the "temperament" to be President. His nemesis that he cannot keep out of his mouth, Hillary Clinton stated this, too. All of them are right. There is no reset button here. Trump's actions and words as POTUS are no better than that of his former role of businessman for a family enterprise in which he never had a boss or supervised anyone by any other rules than his own. His only supervisor was his Dad. We've never seen his "great grades" from Wharton while his Prof. have said there was nothing standout about him; students said they did not see him-- he was always off working. Perhaps someone wrote his papers presuming he showed up for tests? Trump's mouth is foul just like it was in the Access Hollywood video that he first claimed was "locker room banter" and that he recently claimed was "not his voice." The Apprentice out-take tapes have been claimed to be filled with his outrageous language, especially about women. Time to release them along with his taxes so Americans can really see what a Liar-in-Chief we have in office. Unbelievable how now he & the WH aides have gotten GOP reps in the room that were silent for the 1st 48 hrs to now claim that this was not what he said or that he said something else. First, they claimed they did not hear it. Lying around Trump or for him is contagious. Now he claims there is NO TRUST by Dems? Sad!
George Washington (Boston)
It is bad enough that Trump, the pathological liar, denies what he said; that is perfectly in character for someone whose favorite interjection is "believe me." Of course, that's real-estate-ese for I'm lying, but "trust me." What's even more deplorable is the collusion of Senators Perdue and Cotton, who noticed nothing remarkable (doubtless concurring with Trump's vile language) and therefore memorable. Trump has systematically destroyed the nation's integrity and honor, and he has Republicans who are co-conspirators and collaborators.
Mark (Los Angeles)
Remember when Nixon said he's not a crook? How did that work out.
ERA (New Jersey)
Blacks in America who are not racist themselves have embraced Trump (although they likely can't announce it for fear of reprisal), and are happy to have a President who's policies can raise much of their constituency to higher economic status.
Knucklehead (Charleston SC)
Wow so the 35% who approve of him are not all white. Unbelievable.
Harvey Green (Santa Fe, NM)
Guess you haven't been reading the TImes much recently. Trump got almost no votes from African-Americans, and the small number that supported him is even smaller now. There was a good article on this a few days ago. Check it out.
Steve Cohen (Briarcliff Manor, NY)
Say what!?
DC (Ensenada, Baja CA., Mexico)
The problem with believing anything Trump says is that he lies all the time about everything. How can you pick and choose what to believe? I figure if his mouth is moving, he's lying.
That's what she said (USA)
What a disgrace Trump is. Lying in bed eating his McNuggets or whatever he eats, watching Fox News. He's clueless and stupid and wants nothing better than to keep this country the homogenous profile of his children. I go to college with many of these kids. Try taking computer architecture in a foreign language, working overtime to overcome the language as well as challenging curriculum. These kids do not ask for handouts just a chance to work hard and be productive citizens like everyone else. Let's give them this chance.............
iphigene (qc)
I hear two people gleefully laughing - Putin and Satan.
Tournachonadar (Illiana)
With liars it's necessary to sift their words and hope that one's own interpretation is the proper reading of what may pass for truth. So it is with the insane Trump. He's showing his true colors and it's only a matter of time, one supposes, before he denigrates inner city neighborhoods within the USA in a similar manner as his calling African nations an unprintable--until recently--orifice. Then once the inflammatory words are pronounced, we may look forward to a massive racial conflict on their basis.
nrs (Tulsa)
Can't help feeling ashamed with Pelosi, Schumer, and Durban humbling themselves before DT, something akin to Free French before Herr Hitler. Thank God will still have a free press. With DT actions are everything, and talk nothing!
Every time it looks like something worthwhile might get done, in this case DACA, Trump manages to pull the rug out from under it with his big foul mouth. What a stupid, stupid man. What a disgrace.
Red Sox (Crete, IL From Roxbury, MA)
We all know that the Scatalogist-in-chief is a liar. What currency are we to apply to "I am not a racist?" There was, 45 years ago, a president who, told the nation, unprompted, "I am not a crook." All one has to do is look at the seemingly endless bullet-points and I'll miss a few, but here they are, and in roughly chronological order: 1970's--Donald Trump and his father work assiduously to deny black rental applicants space in their buildings. 1990s--Donald Trump take out full-page ads in New York City's newspapers screaming for the death penalty for the Central Park Five. The Latino and black youths were eventually exonerated by DNA evidence of the beating and rape of the white female jogger. 2011--Donald Trump unfurls his campaign to discredit and de-legitimize the sitting American President, declaring that Mr. Obama was born not in Honolulu but in Kenya. 2016--Donald Trump opens his presidency in New York City by denouncing Mexican immigrants as "rapist" and "criminals." 2016--Donald Trump hesitates to denounce the endorsement of David Duke, the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. When other white nationalist groups and individuals, such as Richard Spencer, applaud his candidacy, he dances away from denial. 2016--"What the hell do you have to lose?"--to black Americans. 2017--Donald Trump compares white supremacists and KKK members at a (deadly) Charlottesville, Virginia gathering as "really nice people." 2018--His comment about African and Haiti. Enough?
arun (zurich)
The least racist ?
THA (arizona)
when you start your statement I'm not racist, you are racist. Just to remind you, the full page ad you took out against the Central Park Five students who were later found not guilty through DNA tests - you have never apologized; your constant claims that the former President was not born in America and continued birthrism to further your candidacy; you saying "look at my african american" at one of your rallies as if you owned him; starting your campaign by saying Muslims should be banned; 2 - that's right two findings against you and your dad for housing discrimination against blacks; saying that "blacks have nothing to lose" as if you are the Savior; - and your final statement about shithole countries. . You are not a class act in any since of the word, being called a racist is the only truism that you can claim as solely yours. Lastly, to your Republican Party members -stop mentioning Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation - you have lost that mantle by following in lock step with Trump, Roy Moore, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, . . all pitiful profiles in courage and out right lies. Congrats, you've gotten this award all by yourselves.
Outer Borough (Rye, NY)
Are Arkansas and Georgia ranked near the top of ‘most literate states’? Best places to live? Net ‘takers’ of tax dollars? Ironic, yes?
William Case (United States)
Tom Cotton was on the editorial staff of the Harvard Crimson at Harvard College, He has a law degrees. David Perdue has an engineering degree from Georgia Tech.
nzierler (new hartford ny)
Donald Trump learned racism from his father, Fred. Trump was 18 when Fred completed construction of Trump Village in the Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn. My grandfather and his African-American partner in an auto repair business both applied for tenancy in Trump Village in 1964. They presented very similar financial information. My grandfather and his wife secured an apartment while his partner and his wife did not. My grandfather was furious. He lodged complaints with the NYC housing division and with the district attorney regarding racial profiling. Nothing was done. It was no accident that a white couple were admitted and a black couple denied. Fred Trump was a racist. The apple fell right under the tree.
Blu (NYC)
That's the first picture I've ever seen of Trump where he looks remotely human.
Cynical Jack (Washington DC)
People are letting outrage over Trump's lies distract them from the fate of the Dreamers. That is tragic. Trump is willing to do a deal on the Dreamers, reneging on a campaign pledge. If you care about the Dreamers, you have to give him some red meat in exchange to show his base. If Democrats aren't willing to do that, they will share moral responsibility for what happens. Yes, Trump is repugnant. That means it's okay to leave the Dreamers to his mercies?
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
You would have been right, IF signing the Dream Act into law would be something only the minority in Congress and only a minority of the American people support. You don't negotiate on issues that 76% of the American people - including 69% of Republicans - want though. In that case, it's the responsibility of the president to represent the American people, and not the small minority (19%) who actually opposes the Dream Act. As to giving some red meat to the Trump base: why would Trump all of a sudden care about his base? Time and again, he told Congress that he would sign into law no matter what bill they pass, and until now that's indeed what he has done, even though those bills do the EXACT opposite of what he promised to do as a candidate. So if Trump wants to use Dreamers as a bargaining chip, let him do so, but then he and he alone will be responsible for the consequences. You can't ask the minority party to start supporting things only a minority in this country supports (such as the wall), and that its own base opposes, only to get in return what everybody wants anyhow ... . That's not how "the art of the deal" works.
where is his deal? its lip service.
human being (USA)
No, it doesn't but what "red meat" would you give?
Jean (Holland, Ohio)
Because he dated a Black woman, because he golfs with Black celebrities, he imagines that makes him "not a racist". How much would he have liked MLK Jr. if still alive?
lizzie (santa cruz ca)
Sure, Mr. Trump, you aren't a racist. And I'm Glinda, the Good Witch of the South and the moon is made of blue cheese.
Fred (Up State New York)
The Democrats are a remarkable group of people. Their mantra is that if you say something often enough you not only believe it yourself but hope others believe it as well. So here is an example of how that works. First you blur the line between illegal entry and immigration and identify every one who enters the country an immigrant. Then as immigrants those that have entered illegally are then given necessary status because of the job they may hold and allowed not only to stay but to take advantage of our social support systems as well. If anyone dares to suggest that people who have broken our immigration laws be deported then they are labeled a racist even though they have only suggested that laws should be enforced. Now the underlining strategy here is to protect as many illegals as possible and hope they will reward the Democratic Party by becoming members. So given this scenario it is no surprise that Senator Durbin would come out of a closed door meeting with President Trump, who he despises, and label him a racist for a description of third world countries which may or may not be accurate. The real sad part about all of this is that none of the reporters, media commentators, or participants in this forum were in the room so it comes back full circle to "if we say it often enough it will be so" Foot note: Given the fact that I have not fallen in line with the Trump naysayers and would even go so far as to defend his Presidency I doubt this commentary will be printed.
Ana Luisa (Belgium)
FYI: we're talking about Dreamers here. That's 7% of the undocumented Americans, and the "crime" they committed was actually committed not by them but by their parents. That's why 69% of Republicans and 84% of Democrats in this country agree that giving them a difficult but not impossible path to permanent residency (over 6 years, and entirely merit-based) is the only human and fair solution. As to Trump being a racist: that's because he regularly says and does racist things. It's racist, for instance, to say or suggest that within a merit-based immigration system, it's more logical to accept Norwegians instead of accepting Africans, because that implies that somehow Africans would inherently lack any serious talent, which of course is false. Racism is not about being an "evil person". It simply means making the mistake of underestimating millions of people based on an inaccurate perception, combined with the false idea that a lot of behavioral characteristics would actually be innate. All of us may have a racist idea, once in a while, because all of us make this kind of mistakes. It's only when you do so on a regular basis, as for instance Trump does, that you're a "racist".
Harvey Green (Santa Fe, NM)
Wrongo, Fred. Here it is, in print. I would think that you might have known that one has to be a citizen to vote.
Angela (Pittsburgh, PA)
I don't believe Trump ever had sincerely planned to support DACA. He never does anything kind for anyone whose last name is not Trump.
Jean (Holland, Ohio)
Okay, Mr. Not A Racist: When are you going to make a visit to several African Nations? And how about getting the power turned back on in Puerto Rico?!
Sari (AZ)
Me thinks he doth protest too much. He lies about not being a racist just as he lies about everything else. He rants and raves as a distraction because he really doesn't want DACA to succeed. If some of those republicans who were at the meeting when "t" made those racist remarks claimed they didn't hear them, they should get their hearing checked. Today was MLK Day and "t" was playing golf....which for the record he has done more often in one year than President Obama in 8 years. I doubt if he knows what MLK stood for.....of course he doesn't. He admires the likes of putin and has aspirations of becoming an authoritarian. Heaven help the USA.
damon walton (clarksville, tn)
He should write a new book called the "Art of the Denial."
Mr. Bantree (USA)
Racist is as racist does...my Momma used to say.
Nota Flores (Texas)
Trump’s narcissistic stupidity makes him hate all poor people, because he thinks being poor is a personal choice; like being black, or sick, or born in Haiti. In his tiny, simple mind all of these things make you poor, and he doesn’t want them in his neighborhood.
Jake (NY)
Sure, sure...you're not a racist, sue. Truth be told, you're the Racist In Chief, a much more lofty racist position. This guy never will stop lying. The truth and facts are unknown to this barren and pathetic excuse for a President.
mja (LA, Calif)
Roy Moore's not a pervert, either.
mjbarr (Murfreesboro,Tennessee)
How far into the toilet is this President going to lead us?
Emily R (Boston)
If you have to say, "I'm not a racist", you probably are.
cb (Houston)
Phony Donny, if you have to claim that you are not a racist. odds are really really high that you actually are. Kind of like when you claim that you are not a liar.
Harry (NE)
I am not a racist. I just don't like black people. That's it. Got it?
Diogenes (Belmont MA)
What can we conclude from this dispute? First, the word "shithole" is striking and not often used in polite circles, even though our public language is continually being coarsened. Still, if the President used this term, it is unlikely that anyone at that relatively small meeting would not have heard it, unless they were day-dreaming or had a hearing problem. If he didn't use that word, what did he say about those countries that he was contrasting with Norway? The most charitable interpretation I can make of the dispute is that prior beliefs often shape sensory perceptions. Second, how do you define the word "racist"? It seems a vague categorization, defined not only by speech but also by actions. In his past, Mr. Trump fought to exclude blacks from renting his apartments. On the other hand, he has appeared in the company of black supporters like boxing promoter, Don King, Sheriff David Clarke, and Dr. Ben Carson. Maybe he is a "racist" in the sense that many white Americans were anti-Semites in the early part of the 20th century, not permitting Jews to join their country clubs, be admitted to their universities, but still conducting business transactions with them, as J.P. Morgan did with Kuhn, Loeb and Co. Third, the term "racist" today has more severe connotations today than it did then.
Rocky L. R. (NY)
Dear Donny: Nobody cares. Go back to sleep.
cricket (nashville, Tenn)
Lets see if I get this right. First the two senators in question (abject Trump supporters first and foremost) state that they cannot recall him saying s...hole countries. Then they state they heard the statement but it was something else, THE they amazingly enough suddenly remember that they didn't hear anything derogatory and that the Democrats (oh and one of their own Republican collegues) are lying about the pres. who by his own admission, (and no one else's) is not a racist and furthermore is the least racist person on earth. It doesn't take much to know who is the liar here. How do they sleep at night?
William Case (United States)
There is a legitimate debate over whether Trump used the vulgar phrase “shithole countries.” The New York Times should not refer to Trump’s “vulgar remarks” as if he actually made vulgar remarks. It should refer to “vulgar remarks President Trump allegedly made.” Senator Dick Durbin not only accused President Trump of calling dysfunctional African countries “shitholes,” he said Trump used the vulgarity “not just once, but repeatedly. Senator Tom Cotton and Senator David Perdue, who attended the meeting, say Trump did not use the vulgarity. Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen, who also attended, says she did not recall Trump using the vulgarity. (It is highly unlikely that anyone would forget a president repeatedly using such an ugly term, so if Nielsen doesn’t recall, it probably because Trump did not say it.) Sen. Tim Scott did not attend the meeting, but says Sen. Lindsey Graham, who did attend, told him that news media reports are "basically accurate." If Senator Graham said what Senator Scott says he said, it is not a confirmation that Trump used the vulgarity. So three people who were in attendance say Trump did not make the vulgar remark Senator Durbin attributed to him, and no one who attended has come forward to back up Senator Durbin.
damon walton (clarksville, tn)
Because the other three were lying to protect their political careers among Trump's base. Its called being a lackey.
ejs (Granite City, IL)
Oh, come on. Of course Trump made the comments. He didn’t deny it until he saw how unacceptable the comments actually were with the general public.
William Case (United States)
Trump denied it. He tweeted "that was not the language used."
Jack (Las Vegas)
If you talk and act like a racist, you are not a duck, you are just a racist, pure and simple!
Occupy Government (Oakland)
We all are on that emotional roller coaster. Trump sucks up all the oxygen in the country with one absurd statement after another -- sometimes, several a day. He spent the weekend bragging about how his base would appreciate his comments before he denied making them. We must recognize that people who support Donald Trump -- including those in Congress -- are either bigots themselves or they don't mind that he is.
itsmildeyes (philadelphia)
"are either bigots themselves or they don't mind that he is." Let's just say he's useful.
Marek Edelman (Los Angeles)
Notice there are ZERO people of Color at that table. This is the most blatantly open Racist White Supremacist KKK Nazi Sympathizer this country has ever had as a leader . Absolutely Treasonous & Un-American
Rick Brown (Kiowa, Colorado)
Breaking news: Racist pathological liar says he's not a racist.
Abby (Tucson)
Hate is such a filthy mess. Fred Trump's dislike of Irish Catholics got him caught up in the KKK riot opposing their fascist movement, but as soon as Hitler adopted that schtick, what you wanna bet Fred picked up on it? Trump claims he slapped his teacher in the face, a disgrace Hitler liked to brag about, too. I suspect Trump is just lying, but he hoped to emulate Hitler by claiming so.
Teacher (Washington state)
Trump is a liar. Add that to being incompentent, racist and a narcissist.
Liberty Apples (Providence)
No, Little Donnie, you are a racist. And a liar. David Duke never made it to the Oval Office. But you are a great comfort to him and his racist followers.
Shar (Atlanta)
"My" senator, Perdue, has debased himself and humiliated the state of Georgia by telling this transparent, obsequious lie to provide cover to the vulgar, racist incompetent currently infesting the White House. Perdue is a businessman, having made his very large wad by selling low quality goods to poor people as CEO of Dollar General. While there, he employed lots and lots of undocumented people, changed company policy to buy as much as possible from off shore suppliers to the detriment of American workers, and hid a large proportion of his giant bonuses in off shore accounts. He has never been in public life before and has no knowledge of or interest in listening to constituents or representing us. He will not hold town hall, does not respond to demands that he explain his use of our power in making votes that harm us, and follows the 'manage upwards' practice that got him the corporate top spot by licking the boots of the guy ahead of him and ignoring those behind. Both he and Trump are trying to run the country as a corporation that they are in charge of. Their egos demand it. But they're wrong. Perdue is a public servant now, not a boot licking butt wipe. If he can't grapple with the difference, we'll be more than happy to put him back behind the gates of his Sea Island mansion and find someone else who can.
GWPDA (Arizona)
800,000 working DACA recipients about to lose work permits. 2,000,000 civil servants about to be out of work. Because the moron in chief wants to preen and strut in front of his "base". I can't even start asking 'what's next' because I only have so much adrenaline to waste on a creature who is so obviously impaired and a tool. I was asked the other day how far could we go before the harm this creature has done becomes irreparable. I think we're already there.
Doug Hein (Salt Lake City)
There's a special place in hell for GOP legislators who betray their constituents and the American people by supporting Trump's lies. It might be prudent to check their e-mail and phone records regarding conversations with the White House during the couple of days they changed their tune.
Cleo Torus (Shandaken NY)
So I'm just spit-ballin' here but how much of this brouhaha is cover for Trump's 6-figure hush money to the porn actress?
Thomas Payne (Cornelius, NC)
He's not a racist and Sessions ain't a "peckerwood."
NVFisherman (Las Vegas,Nevada)
The bill that the dishonest Dick Durbin proposed was a real joke. The Democrats were throwing a bone to the Republicans. Do you honestly expected Trump to go for it. Durbin and his buddies pretty much ruined the State of Illinois and should have know better than to negotiate with Mr. Trump.
Donald Ambrose (Florida)
Everyone who defends this racist mendacoius (if you do not know that word, lying, untruthful, dishonest, deceitful, false, dissembling, insincere, disingenuous, hypocritical, fraudulent, double-dealing, two-faced, Janus-faced, two-timing, duplicitous, perjured) lowlife should be hung in th court of public opinion and removed from office.
Eugene Ralph (Colchester, CT)
There is only one solution that will not further divide the country. President Trump resigns the office. He can declare victory, walk away and come up with any reason that suits his view of himself. To assist, it would useful to have a national referendum, a petition, which citizens could sign, electronically or otherwise, that simply asks him to resign. There is no need to explain or count the reasons. Impeachment might actually militarize his supporters and would open us up to a true constitutional crisis if he were to chain himself to the oval office desk in protest. There is a snowball's chance in hell that 25th Amendment would be attractive to enough folks involved in implementing it. Of course, the pressures of the office could become so great that President Trump suffers a significant break with anything remotely normal, something that even Sarah H Sanders is utterly incapable of explaining or spinning into something remotely normal, that the 25th Amendment is necessary for national security. It could be very dangerous to have a completely unhinged executive as the Congress and his Cabinet debate and scramble. I would not wish this on America. So, resignation is the best option and it would be interesting to see how many other folks in America have the same opinion.
george eliot (annapolis, md)
What's next from these two reprobates, Cotton and Perdue, denial of the Holocaust or that the U.S. engaged slavery?
JTBence (Las Vegas, NV)
OK Mr. Trump, you are not a racist. You just play one in the oval office.
Mari (Camano Island, WA)
Donald and the Trumpublicans are despicable people! Devoid of heart, no compassion in that group whatsoever! PLEASE Trumpulicans do not claim to follow Christ...you are faux Christians!
bjk527 (Saint Louis, MO)
Said every racist ever.
Hugo (SF)
Not racist and yet POTUS and his base followers cannot explain his lust for McCarthyist chief counsel and race-soldier “[where’s my] Roy Cohn.”
Naomi (New England)
If you need to declare, "I am not a racist"...you are probably a racist. If you don't want to be called a racist, then don't act and talk like you are. It's really not that hard. And if you want to act and talk like a racist, then have the fortitude to claim your allegiance.
Welcome Canada (Canada)
A racist in denial... Worst kind.
Walter (Lake Worth, Fl)
Racists, Liars, Deniers. We have no one to blame but ourselves. The whole world looked to as at one time for leadership and moral fiber. Now look to where we have wandered off. We are lost in The Swamp.
tbs (detroit)
If Charlottesville didn't conclusively establish it for you, then you were not paying attention. Beyond being racist, he's also a Russian operative beholden to Putin's group.
Bruce (Denver CO)
Our Liar In Chief says [whatever]. Given that about the only thing know of him is that he is a liar, no ifs, ands, or buts, who would believe him? Not me. Congress needs to ignore this twit and do its own job. Pass a fair and reasonable bill. If our Liar In Chief vetoes it, then Congress needs to override the veto. Congress: get off YOUR duffs and do YOUR job.
Don (New York)
Here's a thought, Trump can publicily apologize to President Obama and his family, explain why for 10 years he continued to propagate the birther lie, stop tweeting about Obama, and then donate all profits from his Mar A-Lago resort for the duration of his presidency to the United Negro College Fund. That won't prove he's not a racist, but I will shatter his thin skinned white supremacist ego.
Phil Greene (Houston, texas)
Mr. Trump's statement about Haiti is fair and accurate. Blacks talk about race all the time, but for others Race is the Elephant in the room, and any comment on race subjects its author to chants that he is a racist.
j. von hettlingen (switzerland)
Which is more despicable, Trump's lack of courage to stand by his outrageous statement or spineless Republicans like Tom Cotton and David Perdue seeking to protect him with a cover-up? “I’m not a racist,” Trump said in Florida. It's typical of him to look down on some countries in Africa, Central America and the Caribbean, that are economically weak, and he has no qualms about trampling on their national feelings. It reminds of his travel ban on six Muslim countries. He didn't target those, in which his business empire has financial dealings. This man has no sense of humanity. He and many Republicans are focused on myopic policies, that allow them to cash in on short-term gains.
Outer Borough (Rye, NY)
We know Trump is a lying real estate salesman. A Glengarry Glenn Ross salesman the big bosses would be proud of. What’s disturbing and very very scary are the senators who heretofore had a thread of respectability but now are in league with the con. They know it yet allow themselves to be drug into it. Serving ‘the people’, my foot. Serving their masters and themselves. Traitors.
Joe (Iowa)
So if I say Haiti is not a desirable place to live makes me a racist? Whatever.
Simon Magus (wshington. dc)
Trump: "I'm not a racist" "I'm not insane" "I'm actually a 'genius"' !
BKC (Southern CA)
Is this like Nixon who said 'if the president says it it is not a lie. It's not as if it was the only time he demonstrated his outrageous racism but it's been over and over and over. Perhaps he needs a tutor. This is so bad. According to Trump he never does anything wrong when in fact almost everything he does is wrong. The man is obviously crazy or very very stupid. Everyone in the country should now write him that he is indeed a racist. Is it possible for him to learn anything new. He and his father refused to rent to Black families way back when. He should be thrown out of office with all his lying, hurting the country, cruelty to immigrants and children and the sick. Sorry, We are not going to accept your false statements. The world is watching and can see how bad he is. Okay mr. Trump. Now prove to us you are not a racist. How so you think you won the election? By being an obvious racist of course. Why are we putting up with this nonsense? why do we let this monster pull us down to his level. Enough, enough already.
jaco (Nevada)
I believe Perdue and Cotton, democrats are simply not known for their honesty.
BW (Manhattan)
Last time I checked, Lindsey Graham was not a Democrat.
CF (Massachusetts)
BW--Trump supporters are not so good on details. But, they try, poor dears.
LF (SwanHill)
Whereas Trump is George Washington come again. The most honest man ever to walk the earth. That’s why his inauguration was the largest in history. Did you see those three million people? It’s why Jesus stopped the rain as soon as Trump stepped up to the podium. Whereas the lying Democrat party and the crooked media are always making things up. Fake facts, like “atmospheric carbon traps heat” and “most welfare recipients are white.” You can’t trust them. They’re not even real Americans. I think we can all see that. You can just tell who the good guys are. The pure white skin of the Republicans mirrors their pure, white hearts, is what I say! Anyway, I’m a Bible believing Christian, and I can see that God has blessed the Republican leadership with wealth, which is all I need to know about who Jesus loves.
Make America Sane (NYC)
Thank God for the discourse.. We did get the president we need and deserve. Time to really scrutinize Congress -- all those members who so cleverly gave Obama a hard time over every bill and helped bring about plethora of presidential orders that can be overturned. Trump is correct in that it is up to Congress to pass laws... and CONGRESS can pass a clean DACA act without presidential approval... so go to it boyz and gals... It's not just OWM (old white men) who were responsible for Trump-- plenty of women and people of identified minority populations who also vote Repug.... Hillary was not only the wrong candidate (even tho she won) she ran a dreadful campaign preferring to hang at fund raisers rather than street rallies in S. Ohio (e.g -- always very Repug) and Michigan... and Pennsylvania. It's not over til it's over editors. Cheer up.. The Judge gave all the DACA applicants two extra years... and there's an election coming up... but NYT your job is only to report... not to predict... I do not like your headline... Trump's Remarks Stymie the DACA Process.. Non-emotional, neutral.. One can throw in a word of hop -- temporarilly or if you need more words, use for the moment. Things change...
Bottles (Southbury, CT 06488)
It is entirely appropriate for the nation to discuss today, MLK Jnr. day, not the color of the President's skin, but the content of his character.
Jack T (Alabama)
racist speech is just the tip. trump is a foul conman (proven) and all around cad. his very existence fouls this nation. people tolerated him for decades and "respect" the office even though it is filled his presence. quit "respecting" jerks, cads, conmen and conwomen. never help them. never forgive them.
Nelson (California)
I’m Not a Racist,’ Trump and Henry Himmler say. What a coincidence!
Richard Iverson (Camarillo, CA)
I think it was "Heinrich Himmler".
Nelson (California)
I know!
L'osservatore (Fair Veona, where we lay our scene)
You can't employ that many people around the world and be a racist. With his determination to divide the United States along racial lines, we can safely assume that Barack Obama was FAR more racist than Donald Trump. Democrat presidents have been the racism leaders, but none compare to Woodrow Wilson for striving to put the black American back into subjection. Then, there's this: ''I really believe that if my uncle were here today, he would encourage us to find solutions to the problems, even women's problems, and all problems, without having to do violence to babies in the womb.'' —Alveda King
Chicago Guy (Chicago, Il)
For my money, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the single greatest American of the 20th century. And Trump is his exact opposite. You simply can't get any lower. And his supporters and apologists are on the same level. Racism is the hallmark of those who live in constant fear of their own inferiority. And the greater their sense of inferiority the more vehement their racism. I think subconsciously, deep down, Trump knows he's a complete failure as a human being. So, just as does to everyone else, he lies to himself - constantly. Racism is self-loathing cloaked in self-delusion. It must be something to go through your entire life with absolutely no sense of who and what you are. To have no sense of yourself. "I am not a racist", says Trump. His self-delusion so complete, he actually believes this to be true. In a way I guess I pity him. Pity being the highest from of disgust.
Alice Radev (New York)
I was reading the previous, the first article and could not comment before closing and now I read here and the comments and I wonder. Why do you think the brightest and smartest would easily find a job? Do you have an idea how many qualified American-born are competing for the spots for the brightest and smartest? I work in the higher education field and I can tell you that there are plenty of American-born for these jobs. It is actually the low and lower level jobs that American born don't want to undertake. If you think the smartest and brightest are also vying to come to USA of all countries, especially now, you are fooling yourself. And we do need the low level jobs done by someone. It is sad but those not so well educated people who are seeking refuge are most likely to work in those very hard and not very prestigious jobs. Get real. The economy is not driven by the smartest and the brightest mostly. It is driven by hard workers at ALL levels.
Iain (California)
What the president meant to say was: I don't understand DACA, as I don't truly understand any issue beyond my opinion.
macktan (tennessee)
What do you expect from a guy who, for 8 years, promoted the lie that Obama was not an American or was perhaps (even worse, in his eyes) a "Muslim." My conclusions about Trump were formed a long time ago and his actions as president have only confirmed those conclusions. What saddens me is that few question his actions. Would the lease racist person in the world put together a nearly all white and male administration? How many minorities has he appointed as judges. When the bar is so low that he can appoint white guys who have never tried cases and aren't familiar with common points of federal law, then it's obvious that a personal preference is in play, not merit. Bottom line: It is insulting that Trump and other Elected Ones in govt believe that the American people are stupid.
SParker (Brooklyn)
Not insulting--it's justified. The American electorate voted these leaders in.
Carlton (Brooklyn, N.Y.)
"His comments, while extraordinary coming from a president" As much as I dislike the guy and his policies, this is beyond politics and hits at the soul of the country. There's a verse in the book of Daniel that says," Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting" which applies to trump and the sordid dishonest people who enable him.
Eben Espinoza (SF)
I get the idea that Norway with its high levels of income and income is a more comfortable place to live. But that's not the issue. For some reason, Trump cites these vile socialists with their foreign Scandinavian welfare state and "free" education for moochers, as more desirable immigrants that Haitians. For some reason, he doesn't suggest that, say, Chinese immigration should be increased with their strong family and educational values who are fleeing Communist oppression. I wonder why?
janye (Metairie LA)
"I am not a crook" Richard Nixon "I am not a racist" Donald Trump
cf (new england)
I am curious. Why do so many want millions of illegal immigrants entering into our country? And staying? How does this at all benefit the average American?
Diego (Forestville)
Most of us don’t. This is a false choice you’ve presented. What we do want is for sensible solutions that don’t involve midnight raids, parents being divided from children, and that also lead to economic and community instability. We don’t want policies and actions that are based on false claims about immigrants, the kind that if you dig deeper are founded on bigoted and prejudiced notions.
Ken (Michigan)
No, there are not many who want millions of illegal immigrants to enter into our country and stay. However, there have been many legal immigrants (and Dreamers) who have come here, and you have benefited from their contributions in the medical field, service world, business community, and more. You may be curious, but you are not paying attention.
Laura (Florida)
To answer honestly, for me it is simply fairness. My ancestors came here with few skills only a little over a hundred years ago. Why should my family get a chance to thrive here and others do not? I believe Americans can accept many immigrants from diverse countries and be better for it.
uncleDflorida (orlando)
If it acts like a Racist and talks like a Racist,it is probably a Racist.
saquireminder (Paris)
How utterly bizarre...aren't these meetings taped anyway? Or do we have to wait a certain number of years to listen to them? This President is such an inveterate liar that his word is worth nothing. That anyone's hearing could be so ideologically influenced is troubling indeed, what does this imply for the teaching of the English language? Even less seriously, it would seem Perdue is well named and maybe Cotton had himself in his ears...how else to explain such an auditory hallucination?
Tamar (Nevada)
And past presidents have never, ever used any salty language. Please refer to LBJ and his use of the N-word repeatedly.
Peter Gonzalez (Greenwich Village, NY)
And “I am not a crook”, said Nixon.
Warren Eustace (California)
“I’m not a racist.” But I am a liar...
Margo (Atlanta)
Seriously, I don't care anymore. But I do want proper border enforcement and proper visa tracking and enforcement in place before pandering to the illegal immigrants who are already here. Anything less than good immigration enforcement at our borders is simply going to make the problem worse over time. Because of the poor education of our illegal immigrants from the south, we cannot expect them to understand the concept of visas - but we can expect them to understand the concept of a border wall. We must haves wall. Don't quibble about this - the participants the Obama border "surges" happily grabbed their "permisos" and departed to the interior of the US with the result of fewer than 10% appearing at their immigration hearings. Whether they truly believed they were granted authority to stay or wilfully misunderstood the "permiso", I can't say. We must have a definite, clear border.
F In Arlington (DFW)
Does it matter what phrase is used to express racism? Trump doesn’t know facts and these views he is expressing are equal parts ignorance and racism. Trump is really putting a cloud over an otherwise Hopeful weekend.
ann (Seattle)
I love the Canadians who post self-righteous comments instructing us to accept all undocumented migrants when their own country has managed, over the years, to keep out all but a couple hundred thousand of them. And now that rumors are swirling about Canada opening its border to migrants who are now living without documents in the U.S. (e.g. Quebec is accepting some from the Francophone African countries and from Haiti), the Canadian immigration authorities have come here to say the chances of an undocumented person being accepted in Canada is small. They are trying to discourage migrants from moving on to Canada. Instead of lecturing us on what to do about undocumented migrants, the Canadian posters should talk to their own government representatives.
MrK (MD)
Donald Trump as a candidate and as a President had views that America is for white people from Europe and only other people from the World as a cheap productive labor. Some how it looks like he getting support for these views , this is no good for the future of the Democratic Nation.
Margo (Atlanta)
There are general guidelines used to recognize refugee status. The Canadian government apparently agrees with the US assessments.
Majortrout (Montreal)
The word lexicon according to trump - the master elocutionist Examples: 1. Shithole 2. Fake News 3. Sneaky Diane Feinstein 4. Sloppy Bannon Who would have known that trump was such a genius at introducing us to a whole new language ?
RNS (Piedmont Quebec Canada)
That certainly was a short shelf live for the Bill of Love. Remember we heard that line during the President's 'I am not insane' televised meeting with both sides. Also how he was confident both parties could come up with something that he would sign. Also he was prepared to take the heat from all sides. Do you think he even remembers what he said at that meeting?
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
With all due respect to your mother... "My mother always told me that if you have to proclaim you "are something" it means you're not what you say you are..." I'd kind of like to turn to another question: What "deal," if any was proposed at the meeting? Was there some proposed compromise reached on the four issues – DACA, wall funding, chain migration, visa lottery? Or not? To be honest, I don't really care whether Trump said the bad word attributed to him. It sounds like something he could have said even if he didn't. What I really care about, though, is whether some compromise "plan" was proposed on some or all of those four issues. I've heard that there was, and that Trump didn't like it (surprise, surprise), but I haven't actually heard what "it" was. Can the Times digress just a minute or so from Trump's foul mouth to tell us a bit about that plan?
Abby (Tucson)
Just so we know those GOP goobers are not grapes. By admitting to those racist statements during their negotiations, the entire event is corrupted by discriminatory thought. No American court will support law written under racist guidelines. So Cotton and Perdue will have to lie or watch the entire negotiation die. Funny.
henry Gottlieb (Guilford Ct)
for his followers... now, the scared ones deny it (but their followers know)
Ben Luk (Australia)
Trump saying he's not a racist is like the Pope saying he's not a catholic.
David Law (Los Angeles)
Don ... sweetheart ... you’re the boss now so you get to say when gets done. But you do have to do something and stick with it ... not this oily strategy of sluffing responsibility off to someone else — in this case Congress — and then later taking credit for it if it’s successful or demonizing the decision makers if it’s not. Don’t forget, Congress couldn’t solve DACA then, so Obama was a man and stood up and made a policy decision. Now you have to do the same. Either ratify it or kill it, but do something. Not just stand there with your ... tie ... in your hand and sleaze the decision off to someone else. Be a man, really.
Diane L. (Los Angeles, CA)
There is more than enough shame to pass around. Dr. MLK said he looked forward to the day when people would be judged by the content of their souls. It may be a great day for our president and the majority of Republicans to reflect on that..
expat from L.A. (Los Angeles, CA)
Time to shut the government down... don't vote to continue it, Democrats. It's either People Power now, or the GOP coup d'etat is already happening, with the broad support of elected GOP officials, by November it will be too late. Stark, scary, and sad, but true, considering the support Trump is getting from the GOP.
rdog13 (WI)
As I recall MOTUS ignited this mess by ending the program and for what purpose? A campaign pledge to his "base", of course despite high approval for the program in general. Perhaps he had a long game in mind with respect to his desire to construct his wall. Speaking of which, the logic he employed in discussing same during his WSJ is literally laughable. My 3 yr old granddaughter is able to articulate a point more clearly.
John Archer (Irvine, CA)
Living in SoCal provides a different perspective for evaluating the latest plot changes in the now year long daily soap opera/reality show that is the executive branch of the US government. There are a lot of characters but these days most are not really "advancing the plot." Let's see: Trump is a racist. Well, yeah... His dissemblers long ago made up a Greek chorus, including the Speaker of the House, the Leader of the Senate, and numerous other Republican congressional worthies. But now two more have joined the group; the first, Sen. David Perdue of Georgia is someone it seems we rarely hear from. But, Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas is often on TV and has seemed a reasonable spokesman for Tea Party positions that probably don't have a lot of appeal to most readers of the Times, but he always seemed honest (good acting?) That's now over. If he Sen. Cotton says he didn't recall, but then has recovered memory, I would trust this about as much as earlier prosecutions based on recovered memory prosecutions in the 90s. Sen. Cotton is no longer a "serious man" in my book. Join the Greek chorus.
Stephen (Phoenix, AZ)
Immigration reform is stalling because Trump racist? Trump is racist, but that’s not why we’re here. Immigration reform efforts have failed for almost 20 years, including when Democrats held the Presidency and Congress. Trump ran as an immigration hardliner so it’s priced into his approval. Government shutdown in the name of Trump’s racism and his failure to support amnesty for non-citizen illegal immigrants, no matter how sympathetic the constituency, is crazy talk. Paring DACA with the border wall is good policy. Democrats voted for the fence in 2008, and two wall designs are partial fences anyway. There’s a deal to be had if both sides would stop the virtue signaling. But I’m not optimistic. Congress loves talking bi-partisan legislation. But not actually legislating.
Grace Sbrissa (La Grange, IL)
Let's recognize this whole conversation for what it... a diversion from the real issue at hand which the "Pres" wants to "go away, namely DACA. I't's a commonly used tactic lately! Cause a diversion, and maybe the real, more important issue will disappear form the public's mind! NOT SO, dear Pres!
Right now, USA is grappling with 800,000 undocumented young adults who were brought in to the country illegally by an adult.A DACA deal will empower this group to remain in the USA.Now, lets also look at the other side of things.Right now, people from all over the world are trying to get in to USA while trying to flee war, poverty, famine, etc. It is estimated that almost 100,000 people from India are waiting in Central America and Haiti, trying to cross over to USA. Many of them are children.Besides, almost 250,000 minors from central and south America are waiting to get to the USA.Can USA keep on absorbing these massive numbers ?One DACA deal may be okay.But it may well open the floodgates of illegal immigration by minors.
angel98 (nyc)
If built this wall will be the biggest and most expensive architectural folly in the world. So, which company and tied to which super donors, friends, relatives, Senate, Congress members or is it a foreign company, is getting the contract(s). Follow the money and the ego's.
Barbara (SC)
I don't care what exact words Trump said. It's clear from his speeches and offhand remarks over the past several years, to say nothing of his "birther" nonsense, that he is a racist. More important at the moment than his words about other countries are the words he's used to express his position on DACA. First it was "I'll sign anything you come up with." Now it's "I won't sign that." As usual he is playing games with people's lives. This is morally reprehensible.
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
You cannot prove a negative. Absurd to say it didn't happen.. just trust me .. I didn't hear it therefore it did not happen. Who really thinks he did not say that hideous thing especially when there is so much precedent. It is also possible to make the skin crawl even by saying the beautiful words in the Lord's Prayer. I am talking about him getting poor Melania to say the Lord's Prayer at the post election rally at the start of this fiasco. I don't blame the poor woman- but who really thinks that Trump gives a salvation about the Good Samaritan or about forgiving people who trespass against him? The foul word choice of sad Donald is not the problem. The problem is the lying and hypocrisy after the disgusting scatological utterances- not just from him. Where was the reaction after the vulgarities expressed in the GOP primaries? There is nothing new about this- yet many evangelicals still support him even invoking the Lord and thanking Our Saviour for his presidency. And all that I have said has not referred to the flagrant ethnocentricity displayed. I suggest that people use the word ethnocentricity when addressing racists. "Racist" is a little confronting for the poor snowflakey dears. Say "ethnocentric". It stops them in their tracks as they reach for their deplorably untouched dictionaries.
RR (Wisconsin)
All this talk about Trump being a racist misses the real issue. Trump won the US Presidency running as an unapologetic racist, hiding nothing. Whether he is racist or not is almost beside the point: MANY Americans voted for Trump either because of, or despite, his overtly racist character. Attacks-from-the-left on Trump's racist character probably will only solidify Trump's support among these Americans. In other words, Mr. Trump is NOT our biggest problem here. (But he'd be a good place to start fixing things.)
Ricky (Texas)
this "so-called" must have been really neglected as a kid growing up, to have to keep using phrases such as "I am the least racist person"; guess if being a racist was actually a good thing, then he would say "I am the most racist" just in his DNA. the question is why, what's wrong with him. this talking about one self the way he does is not normal. can even his base not see the negatives to this behavior.
Andy (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Why did Trump make such a big deal over DACA in the first place? We're talking about 800,000 law abiding foreign nationals living in a country of 320 million people. Do the math. That's 0.25% of the US population. A quarter of one percent. Give Democrats DACA, they sign the budget, and the government stays open for another week. But no! Trump has to stick his publicity addicted finger into the middle of the functional governance pie. With racial slurs no less. Can someone one please gag him, tie him up, and stick him in the broom closet for the next three years? He can be released earlier when served subpoenas and indictments.
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
Summary: Trump tells the truth about Haiti and Africa and Noway. Main stream media goes berserk.
Robert F (Seattle)
Recently, a historian noted that when interviewing those who experienced the Nazi holocaust that he learned that those who acted bravely during the crisis had little to say about themselves. On the other hand, he came to suspect that those who went out of their way to proclaim their innocence, "I'm the least racist person you ever met" were likely complicit.
jp (boulder, colorado)
Does the logic of granting to some 800,000 dreamers green cards -- and a probable path to U.S. citizenship -- not also have to apply to future groups of young dreamers? The process will very probably repeat every few decades, for the same criteria for present dreamers would apply to future ones: brought as youths without authorization but at no fault of their own, growing up in U.S. culture, possibly neither familiar with the culture nor fluent in the language of their birth countries, contributing to U.S. society, and other factors.
george (coastline)
Beware of Republican plans to limit immigration from poor countries and favor educated immigrants. A merit based immigration system is just another attack on hard working, well-educated middle class Americans-- like the tax bill Trump just signed making it impossible to itemize deductions. Merit based immigration is designed to keep down salaries of engineers, scientists and other trained professionals by letting in immigrants who can do their jobs for lower pay. Republicans are the party of Walmart workers and the 1% of campaign donners who pay for the media propaganda to keep them in office. Only untrained, uneducated workers compete with immigrants now. If you want a job in a restaurant kitchen, you should support merit-based immigration. If you want your kids to grow up, go to school, and get a Silicon Valley job making $100k, then look out and don't be fooled
Joe Gilkey (Seattle)
The establishment media has been at war with this candidate, and president for over 15 months now, at the expense of far more vital issues being ignored that need to be addressed. It is obvious by now this is a personality that pays little attention to conventual wisdom, and at his age is not about to make any changes in this regard. His remarks were no slip of the tongue by any means as they were repeated several times, a calculated ploy that will ultimately garner even more support from his base. For the record his language was unacceptable but his words echoed some of our deepest sentiments concerning immigration policy. That Haiti was singled out by Trump was a calculated move considering its history of the bloody sugar cane workers revolt, a horrendous massacre of the French overseers in the country. The international community has not forgotten nor forgiven the brutality of these actions, evident in how this country has been treated concerning economic and emergency aid ever since. The Trump presidency is an embarrassment for the country and the world, yet the problems with the political establishment that led to his being elected are not being addressed. Instead they are being covered up with this daily distraction that attempts to persuade our people their only problem is Trump, when in reality he is only the outward symptom of a far deeper malady.
Neighbor2 (Brooklyn)
As much as I dislike this President, I do have reservations about revealing what he said in this meeting 1) It’s difficult to negotiate if the conversations are made public. And yes I realize that Trump has no problem with selectively voice his version of reality. 2) More importantly, it seems that the Democrats are willing to give up any fleeting hope of saving DACA in order to further enrage their base, humiliate/shame Trump/the GOP (they may be beyond shame) and seemingly endure a big win in 2018. Maybe the ends justify the means, but cutting off your nose to spite your face seems counterproductive.
Abby (Tucson)
Any of us who have ever sought clarity have learned about the cognitive traps that bind us into our own realities. Using words to extremes suggests a severe departure from reality. If everything is either a disaster or the best in the world, you best put some space between yourself and their grasp. He's never gonna last four years.
Rick (Berkeley, CA)
The only thing Trump says more frequently than "I'm not a racist" is "There was absolutely no collusion." The fellow doth protest too much, methinks.
bohemewarbler (st. louis)
Why aren't others, especially Democrats, who were at the meeting confirming what Durbin claims Trump said, referring to African countries as "shitholes"? According to this article, only Durbin's name is mentioned as one claiming Trump's vulgarity while others are claiming otherwise. If Trump said it, it confounds me why others, at least Democrats, who were also present at the meeting are leaving Durbin out to dry?
Long Island Dave (Long Island)
Denying and misrepresenting the truth to this degree - it is becoming the default behavior for not only the president but also his congressional cronies. The public is really getting used to it as the new norm. This is a very, very dangerous threshold to cross, as we may soon find ourselves helpless. It could spell the beginning of the end of the United States of America as we know it.
rjs7777 (NK)
Its not about DACA. It is about taking the country back by overriding the election, so we, the rich urbanites / law school set, can lord over the puny again. No one can stop our insatiable lust for unelected power.
coldspring88 (VA)
If it were truly the case the Trump did not say these words, these men would have come out with their repudiations of Durbin within minutes or hours of what Durbin revealed. The fact that it's taken days to voice these denials makes them extremely dubious.
John (Washington, D.C.)
They had to get their lying Republican talking points lined up for the Sunday talk shows and Trump had to consult with Faux to see what to say. It takes time.
IWaverly (Falls Church, VA)
It's encouraging to learn that there are many others, including Senators Perdue and Tom Cotton, with a level of equal or higher moral and intellectual honesty than our most trustworthy president. Wow, with so many honest Abes in the present Congressional make-up of the Republican party, it would take more than a gust of lazy wind to remove them from the temple of democracy. Well done, senators. You are a shining beacon of light for the country and I suppose for your children also.
angel98 (nyc)
Trump's problem (and increasingly the Republicans problem, with their myriad interpretations of what Trump 'meant to say', what he 'meant to refer to', 'what point he meant to make' – in essence an attempt to rewrite the record ) is that he has lied so many times, has shown such disdain for truth and fact, has tried to undermine, diminish and denigrate freedom of the press, even denying recorded evidence that he and the Republicans have become the poster children for Cry Wolf. Even if he didn't do something he is accused of, with his rap sheet it is taken with a huge pinch of salt and incontrovertible evidence is needed as solid proof because there is no longer any trust. He has only himself to blame for that along with his chief enablers, the Republicans and his mouthpiece the Press Secretary. He inexpertly fashioned his weapon of attack 'fake news' as a boomerang. What to believe of proven fact has become a political choice for many and that is dangerous for the country and for America's reputation and relationships in the world with both allies and foes alike.
Steve (Kansas City)
In public view Trump said he trusts the people negotiating and would sign whatever they sent him. Then in a private meeting he interjected his criticism of negotiations and poisoned the process. You can't negotiate with this genius.
Steve Kennedy (Deer Park, Texas)
Mr. Trump seems to think his dog whistle approach gives him wiggle room. As long as he avoids the "N word", he's OK. Wrong, most people will see through his game. But being racist is just one of many reasons Mr. Trump is unfit to be POTUS. Narcissistic and histrionic personality disorders, more than 2,000 lies since inauguration, birtherism, a phony voter fraud commission, and on and on. His "accomplishments" - a conservative SC judge and tax "reform" - were partisan abuses of power, by Mr. McConnell who denied President Obama's nominee a hearing with nearly a year left in President Obama's term, and by secretive Republicans in Congress who did not allow the usual hearings, public input, expert testimony, etc. No wonder Mr. Trump admires foreign autocrats like Putin, Duterte, etc. And no wonder Republicans in Congress are resigning rather than face an election with Mr. Trump hanging around their necks.
Al M (Norfolk)
Donald Trump is the antithesis of Martin Luther King. It goes beyond his racist attitudes to his general view of other people -- and especially those not male, white and wealthy -- as commodities to exploit and discard for his own gain.
Colleen Dunn (Bethlehem, PA)
We seem to be living in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, where those in charge obfuscate the truth by denying that what happened actually happened in their selfish attempts to gain power.
Victor (Santa Monica)
We didn't need the incident to know the man is a racist and liar. But the incident has added to our Republican senatorial dictionary: A "gross misrepresentation" means an inconvenient truth.
Richard Zemanek (Blackfalds, Alberta, Canada)
Has the time arrived yet to take out a bar of soap and have Donald Trump chow down on it to wash his mouth clean of profanities? It’s a universal cure I learned as a child. And my siblings also enjoyed a good chew on soap, served up by mother, whenever we used “potty-mouth” expressions. Our youngest brother had his first taste of soap when my other brother and I taught him to say the dreaded “F” word. What we weren’t banking on was the tyke repeating the word to our parents while they were enjoying a pleasant chat in the kitchen over a cup of tea. The two of us got the belt while our youngest brother got the soap. Now back to Mr. Trump. If the President continues to deny he used that “S” word to describe African countries, there’s not a bar of soap on this planet strong enough to cleanse his potty mouth. Instead, a trip to the psychiatrist is in order to cleanse him of delusional behavior. Spencer Woolley Kimball, the 12th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, once said: “Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly.” And the brilliant journalist Michael Moore, of “Bowling For Columbine” fame, sent an open letter over the Internet pleading with Trump’s daughter Ivanka, prior to the election, to seek medical help for her father. Say this Ivanka, Moore coached: “Dad, I hate to say this, but you’re making me scared, you’re making my friends scared, and you’re scaring the entire nation.” Us Canadians are also scared.
Physicist (Plainsboro, NJ)
Immigration policy must be consistent with financial constraints. Government expenditures per resident of any country can be calculated using two sites https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_government_budget https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/population-by-country/ For the United States the annual expenditures per resident is $20,200, which is slightly higher than that in the much smaller countries, Australia and Canada. The expenditure required by government for a person who enters the US illegally may be only a little higher than $20,200. But, can America take as much responsibility for the welfare of the other the 3.3 billion persons in the world as for its own citizens—even its most vulnerable? Much of the world’s population faces conditions that Americans consider unfit for any human. Nevertheless, to be sustainable, tax revenues must go up in proportion to the number of residents. There are over two times as many American residents as individual tax returns or workers—only the very rich pay more in taxes than the proportionate government expenditures. Major immigration decisions should be based on a sustainable and a coherent policy rather than on fallacious ad hominem argumentation. What ever crude statements Trump may have made, can neither the NY Times nor the Democratic party formulate an immigration policy that is as sustainable and coherent as President Trump’s? https://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/immigration/
rich (new york)
Our thin-skinned narcissist in chief will do anything to protect himself from any negative impression that may come creeping into his consciousness that questions his competence or abilities and now he has senator's lying to protect him from the truth of who and what he really is. Once again it's time for someone to ask the question, "Have you no shame sirs?"
Psst (overhere)
I knew trump was a racist years ago, I want to know who in the room is lying and why.
James Mazzarella (Phnom Penh)
Shades of Nixon's, "I am not a crook!" I think the Eagles said it best a long time ago: "You can't hide your lyin' eyes And your smile is a thin disguise I thought by now you'd realize There ain't no way to hide your lyin eyes."
Angel (NYC)
It's time for Trump to step down.
William Case (United States)
There is a legitimate debate over whether President Trump actually made a vulgar remark about African countries. The New York Times should be reporting that President Trump “allegedly” used a vulgar remark. Instead, it has been reported he actually made the vulgar remark. Senator Dick Durbin alleges Trump call some African nations “shitholes” “not just once, but repeatedly.” Senator Tom Cotton and Senator .David Perdue, who attended the meeting, say Trump did not use the vulgarity. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who attended the meeting, says she does not recall Trump using the word. However, the only reason she would not remember a president using such a shocking vulgarity “repeatedly” is that he didn’t say it. Senator Tim Scott did not attend the meeting, but he says Senator Lindsey Graham, who did attend, told him news media report “are basically correct.” That is not confirmation that Trump said what Senator Durbin alleges he said.
Steve (Long Island)
It is sad. But the DACA kids must go. If you are a democrat DACA kid, call Chuck Schumer. It is on him. No wall. No Daca. Sorry. (PS That was on the ballot.)
Winston Smith (Bay Area)
'there are fine people on both sides'-don trump about a neo Nazi rally in which one protestor was killed by a far right wing maniac who killed her- he rammed his car over her..a real brave guy and a fine person huh? whenever don trump utters words like "I am the least racist person." Check out his body language and look at his eyes. He's on the attack (like Roy Cohen told him to) and he's lying!
Truthiness (New York)
Yep, he’s not a racist, Or a liar, or a cheat, or a bully, or a misogynist, or a buffoon. Except he is.
pneaman (New York)
Let’s just take one example—just one out of thousands. Of Barack Obama, Editor of the Harvard Law Review (likely the most prestigious student attainment in any law school in America, if not the world): “Obama is a terrible student, terrible.” From the failing Meryl Streep, to the failing New York Times, Donald Trump’s evaluations and pronouncements truly defy the physical laws of ignorance and stupidity. As harbingers of what is to come, they are no more operationally meaningful than the cawing of crows. His facial expression is telling, Mussolini look-alike, he makes endless unqualified, completely unsubstantiated, often outright racist statements that he blithely assures are common public knowledge which—astoundingly—no one appears to question in any way. They just sit there like cow pies, attracting flies. Here, then, is the ultimate question: why does anyone pay even the slightest attention at all? After a year of more than 2,000 easily confirmable lies, it’s over time to recognize—and act upon—the premise that his position as President doesn’t redemm his absurdity and often mean-spiritedness at all. For those with eyes that can see, he *is* and should consistently be publicly known as nothing more than “Little Donald Blowhard.
SCZ (Indpls)
This is Charlottesville all over again. Giving cover to racists, dog whistle comments - it’s all racism = hatred.
The Cosmic Mind (Florida)
Trump, you claimed you are “the least racist person” and of course, by your own admission, that puts you in the racist list, thus, confirming you are a racist. Thanks Trump for clarifying that to me. Things said by you and accumulated by D. Leonhardt and I. P. Philbrick and posted in the NYT, 1/15/2018, such as, just to mention a few: Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.” In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he argued they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them. He began his 2016 presidential campaign with a speech disparaging Mexican immigrants as criminals and “rapists.” In June 2017, Trump said 15,000 recent immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS” and that 40,000 Nigerians, once seeing the United States, would never “go back to their huts” in Africa. He called Puerto Ricans who criticized his administration’s response to Hurricane Maria “politically motivated ingrates.” Think about this for a second: You stand in a corner of any mayor city in the USA and shout out any of Trumps racial remarks. What would happen to you?
rn (nyc)
when is the last time a racist admitted to being a racist.. when was the last time a colluder said he colluded when was the last time bully said he is a bully... get the point ! Yes he is a bigoted racist
Andy (Chicago)
Trump is a racist. Either Trump really thinks he not a racist or he is lying again. We all know Trump is a compulsive (if not pathological) liar, so we can only expect that he would lie about this as well. He has multiple instances of racist incidents from his rental policies to his accounting personnel statements, to his backing of racists in white supremacist rallies, and on and on....... He is a racist. Unfortunately, the cancer is spreading when guys like Senators David Perdue and Tom Cotton again put the blinders on and openly facilitate his racist behavior.
Ralphie (CT)
Whether Trump used the term s...hole or not is irrelevant. He was talking about a country -- Haiti -- that is by any definition a failed state as are most of the countries in Africa. He is perfectly correct in pointing out that it is misguided on our part to not show a preference for people coming from more advanced countries. Other than being able to bask in the glow of "proving" that your aren't racist like the rest of us by being outraged by whatever it was Trump said, why would anyone (even progs) doubt the importance of getting the best people from the best countries. Sure, there are wonderful people in Haiti -- Trump was talking about the country not individuals. But how do we identify which are the ones we want to allow in from poor failing countries? And certainly, bringing in large numbers of people from failing states with poor educational systems, broken economies, etc., isn't a great idea -- or if it is a great idea would someone, instead of simply throwing the word racist out, explain why?
Lou Kline (St Louis)
The comment came in a discussion about immigration. Of course he was talking about the people. Countries don't immigrate. People do.
Matthew (The Rose Garden)
Comrade Trump is a RACIST, and a LIAR. Now, the entire world knows it. He did America a favor by outing himself, and the cowards of the GOP: Purdue & Cotton amongst others who continue to protect Comrade Trump in their feeble, and completely transparent attempt to advance themselves politically. Comrade Trump is wailing & moaning for his long dead traitorous mentor, Roy Cohn. Well, the devil is having his due, as he always does, Comrade Trump. Thank you to Senator Durbin. You are a man of integrity, decency, and courage. America, and the world are proud of you!
Theopolis (Decatur ga)
So Cotton & Perdue don't know what they heard but know what they didn't hear or or know what they didn't hear but know what they heard . I'm confused . It looks like the Drumpts lying is as contagious as this years flu .
Amber Stanfield (North Carolina)
“I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed, that I can tell you.” Scary words indeed... Amber S. | www.thesuburbansocialite.com
Sherr29 (New Jersey)
Of course he's a liar and a racist and a misanthrope and a misogynist and a xenophobe and a white-supremacist and wanna-be-dictator. It's been obvious from long before the campaign. The justice department fines levied on him and his abysmal father for keeping black people out of their apartments in NY were the beginning and then his campaign of lies and racism directed at President Obama in regard to the ridiculous birth certificate ruse with which he fomented hatred and doubt toward the president. Even more troubling than the obvious stupidity and racism of Trump is having two senators, Cotton and Perdue lying for him and defending the indefensible while casting aspersions at Dick Durbin. Those two are as despicable as he is and shows how deeply the racism is imbedded in the Congress and other branches of government including the justice department headed by the known racist Jeff Sessions. The rot in our government is widespread as is the treason that invited the Russians to interfere in our election and will occur again because these traitors will not do anything to stop it.
"I'm not a racist" "I'm not a crook" We've heard it before from a past and criminal President made to look like an altar boy by this one. The statement I really want to hear from the current buffoon is "I'm not a President"
Jay David (NM)
Joseph Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent..." Not that Trump is smart enough to emulate a plan as complex at Hitler's. Hitler had a twisted mind. But Hitler was not a man-child like Trump living in a tower. Hitler was hatred with brains. Trump is hatred. Period. No brains.
johnw (pa)
"...least racist..." maybe among his administration & cabinet.
magicisnotreal (earth)
For the maroons that like to promote the racist lie that some ridiculous percentage of illegals are collecting welfare etc you are going to have to show me how that is possible when the process for getting it is so humiliating and extensive American Born citizens have a hard time coming up with the documentation necessary.
DSS (Ottawa)
If Trump is not a racist, for sure he is a pimple on the face of America that needs to squeezed out of office ASAP. Come on Republicans grow a backbone and call this what it is, a disgrace to the party of Lincoln and American ideals.
Chicago Guy (Chicago, Il)
For my money, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the single greatest American of the 20th century. And Trump is his exact opposite. You simply can't get any lower. And his supporters and apologists are on the same level. Racism is the hallmark of those who live in constant fear of their own inferiority. And the greater their sense of inferiority the more vehement their racism. I think that subconsciously, deep down, Trump knows he's a completely pathetic loser and an idiot to boot. So, just as does to everyone else, he lies to himself - constantly. Racism is self-loathing cloaked in self-delusion. It must be something to go through your entire life with absolutely no sense of who and what you are. To have no sense of yourself. "I am not a racist", says Trump. His self-delusion so complete, he probably believes this to be true. In a way I guess I pity him. Pity being the highest from of disgust.
BMEL47 (Düsseldorf)
To be fair and just to the two senators who could not hear, maybe wearing their hoods thru out the meeting impaired their hearing.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
If is quacks and waddles like a duck, it's a duck! Other than the dumbest among us, how many people actually doubt that Trump is both a crook and a racist? We've have so much information into his business dealings, bankruptcies, and dealings with the Russians. I'm getting really sick of this ongoing reality show. It's time to change the channel and get our country back on track again.
John (Boulder, CO)
Sure Donald, and thats your real hair too!
Jesse Silver (Los Angeles)
Well, shucks, this is a pickle. Let me ask you, does it really matter if reports are accurate? Is this language something that you could envision Trump using? Republicans saying that Democrats are lying and Democrats saying that Republicans are lying isn't exactly telling, as they all lie constantly. Both parties are filled with corrupt liars. So's your office and your neighborhood. So what? Just ask yourself, based on Trump's behavior over the years, is this something you can picture him saying. It didn't matter that he's a self admitted crotch grabbing sexual predator. People voted him into office so clearly Americans approve of crotch grabbing sexual predators. Who knew! Partay in the Midwest! So what if he's a racist, or more to the point, an elitist who only favors people with a lot of money. Get over it. He's America's choice. So being a racist, elitist, sexual predator IS America, because Americans elected him to the Oval Office. And if you sat out the last election, shut up. You had your chance and you couldn't be bothered.
William Plumpe (Redford, MI)
I bet Trump has lots of black and Hispanic friends too. They all work at his golf courses and hotels. They have got to be his friends or else.
Jacksonian Democrat (Seattle)
I honestly don’t think the President is a racist. Mind you, I’m not a fan, far from it. I believe he is psychologically and mentally unfit to hold the presidency. I just believe he’s insensitive and stupid. He’s a narcissist who will not admit to any mistake and just rolls merrily along in his "alternate universe" aided by a majority of the Republican Party who only care about the party and not the country. I also think he’s aided by Democrats who keep screeching about impeachment. So in summation, racist, no, stupid, you betcha.
daniel r potter (san jose california)
the "crook" of Nixon meets the "racist" of trump. well what do you know, if left without capital letters spell check doesn't even correct trump. hmmm
William (Hammondsport NY)
Purdue and Cotten: Have these two clowns no integrity? If they were being tried before a jury, they would be convicted of lying after about two minutes of deliberation. SHAMEFUL!!
buskat (columbia, mo)
trump is worse than a racist. first on the long list of certifiable flaws is the fact that he is a pathological liar. nothing from his mouth even approaches truth. and now we have senators who are the same. there has to be a way to get this monster out of our white house. i would even settle for pence, the foremost bigot in the country. he is a mere one step over trump. people of the united states, wake up, do something to right this abject wrong.
beaujames (Portland, OR)
Not only is he a racist, he is a boor. And instead of being ashamed to have him in the White House, the Republican Party kowtows to his every boorish statement. That makes the Republican Party not only racist, but boorish, and, for that matter, obscene. For shame.
socal60 (california)
His remarks over this aren't what identified him as a racist: His choice of advisors, several known racists including Bannon, Gorka, Miller, et. al. His continued exhibition of racist language and actions (walls, muslim bans, etc.). Than man is an incompetent, juvenile failure. The only thing worse are GOP congress who won't impeach him and get him out (not to mention supporting all his craptastic moves thus far).
Iced Teaparty (NY)
"I am not a crook," Richard Nixon "I am not a racist," Donald Trump
bl (rochester)
He's as much a racist as he is (take your pick): i) sexist pig; ii) sexual predator; iii) thorough ignoramus and proud of it; iv) 8 year old playground bully who never grew beyond being an 8 year old mr. tough guy; v) permanently misunderstood narcissist who is always right, never needs to apologize for anything since the other person is always wrong, and is always a victim; vi) extremely shrewd media manipulator who specializes in attracting attention; vii) skilled acolyte of joseph goebbels; viii) leader of the white nativist xenophobic and deeply, as well as proudly, ignorant segment of American society (whose members have sworn a blood oath of permanent allegiance); ix) unfortunately, the most powerful person on the planet.
Hjalmer (Nebraska)
Boy, the Russians are getting their money's worth out of this Republican traitor in the White House. I hope that the guppies that voted for this lunatic are happy. Apparently the goal was to make us hate each other. Mission accomplished. I hate them.
KHW (Seattle)
The comments made by The Dolt are indefensible! He is a pathological liar. In the picture included in this story, I see Sen. Dick Durben sitting right next to The Dolt which tells me that someone in the room is lying. I would place my money on The Dolt as “Liar in Chief”.
John Conroy (Los Angeles)
Trump: "I'm not a racist. I just play one on TV."
Norman (Kingston)
"We still seek no wider war." LBJ "I am not a crook." RMN "Read my lips; no new taxes." GHWB "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." WJC And now, to add to this list of Presidential quotes that will, ahem, "live in infamy," I respectfully submit: "I am not a racist." DJT Thank you, Mr. Trump: you've just given newspapers columnists around the world a pithy quotation for your presidential obituary. You will be remembered for your desperate, grasping denial of your racism. Quite a legacy.
Chico (New Hampshire)
Trump asking us to believe he is the least racist person on earth is like asking us to believe he is the smartest person ever, or knows more than all the generals, or scientist or a kindergartener.......not happening!
Abby (Tucson)
Why are Cotton and Perdue lying? Because, if the president used racist language during this policy discussion and they heard it, this taints their whole policy effort as racist, thus unconstitutional, so the whole effort is upended by any judge who's heard him or read his twits. Almost seems like obstruction on the part of Cotton and Perdue to protect the president from killing his own racist policy objectives. There is a reason racists pretend to be tolerant while politicians. Can't make racist law and expect it to hang around for long. Judges have the final word.
John (Washington, D.C.)
Why are Cotton and Perdue lying? It's a good question.
Greg (Seattle)
All I can say is that it is a good thing Trump and his fellow Republicans in the room remembered to take off their white robes and hoods before the cameras started to roll.
So two white men, one from Georgia and one from Arkansas did not hear 45 say the expletive. One of them is rumored to be in line for a major appointment in this Administration. First the White House did not deny the statements and now there is 45 claiming he is not only a stable genius but the least racist (as opposed to not racist) person. Considering the large number of proven falsehoods that he has uttered, who is one supposed to believe? In this picture at least, Durbin is sitting next to the "Least Racist" person. So perhaps Durbin heard things a little better?
Cliff (Philadelphia)
"I am not a racist." Yes, we know Mr. President. And we also know that you are a "very stable genius."
Andrew L (New York)
Build a wall, deport them all
gdurt (Los Angeles CA)
The Republicans are the Murderer's Row of liars and Trump is Babe Ruth.
Dennis Mega (Garden City)
Trump lies that he didn't make the disgraceful racist statement and then the cowardly Republican stooges fall into line to support him. What a shameful disgusting time we are experiencing.
Lou Good (Page, AZ)
How do you know a Republican is lying? Their lips are moving.
James Demers (Brooklyn)
Trump and his toadies are shameles liars, believed only by fools who are increasingly desperate to believe them. This is cult-like behavior, and it cannot end well; one has to wonder how long Republican politicans can remain in denial.
RS (New York, NY)
More hypocrisy from the left, the sainted SNL insulted Haiti long before it became racist: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/bad-idea-jeans/n9937?snl=1
treabeton (new hartford, ny)
Memo to Senator Perdue: Take the Cotton out of your ears.
Hank (Kansas)
Not to dash ice water on your cloistered delusions, lefties, but the vast majority of Americans out here in the places that feed you, keep you from freezing to death and provide the natural resources for pretty much everything you consume, well, we don't much care what Trump calls those foul hellholes. And as for DACA? We aren't particularly worried about those illegals being given preference, either. But you keep dancing, hear?!
John (Washington, D.C.)
Don't you need to go back to working on that fine Kansas budget?
Tony C (Portland Oregon)
I think the American people hear what you're putting out Trump. Let me see if I've got this straight: You're a welcoming, stable, definitely-not-racist genius, awash with humility who overwhelming won the popular vote because Hillary's a crook (that's been proven), and 3 million people voted illegally for her because the fake news media is in cahoots with Obama who should have never been elected POTUS in the first place because he is Kenyan and therefore hates American values. Also, just a heads up, you've got a 2 o'clock meeting in the War Room today, Mr. Trump, with the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.
Robert Roth (NYC)
Cotton and Perdue The far right means to the far right ends
robert west (melbourne,fl)
Trump thought MLK was his caddy!
George Orwell (USA)
Congratulations Mr. Trump! When the Democrats resort to calling you a racist, it means you have won. They have nothing else to offer other than childish name calling.
John P (Seattle, WA)
Truth isn't childish. And it's not name-calling it it's true.
RBZ (New York, NY)
Just as Fran Leibowitz famously said about Trump, "He's a poor person's idea of a rich person" we must now say, "He's a racist's idea of an anti-racist president."
pmbrig (Massachusetts)
Typical Trump. First meet with the bipartisan group hammering out a compromise and promise that he will sign what they come up with and won't nit-pick their proposal, then within 2 days backpedal and refuse to support the draft, while using racist language, then deny that he said what he said and get 2 senators to lie to back him up, and finally accuse the Democrats of being the ones sabotaging a solution. To paraphrase one of his earlier remarks, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue in broad daylight and then deny that he did it, claim the man was just a ghetto punk anyway ("but I'm not a racist!"), then question if the guy was really dead after all and accuse the FBI of a cover up.
Valerie (California)
What was it they said on The Simpsons? Oh, right. “Not racist, but #1 with racists.”
M.E. (Northern Ohio)
Another day, another lie.
Ilan Bloom (Seattle, WA)
Ah, yes you are a racist Mr. (wish you were not) President. And a bigot too. You are either in denial, unaware (I think you un-earned that benefit of the doubt a long time ago), or engaging in your charlatan craft. Whatever it is, you have done so much, so much, damage to this country, and the whole world in the process. make no mistake, history has already been written. You, and your (way) over privileged family, will forever be remembered as racially divisive to a fault. For this new year, I wish us all that we rid of you, your family, and your nation-destroying appointees, in most democratic way possible.
Ron (Nicholasville, Ky)
The "Republican leaders say they want to address DACA as well, but separately from funding the \\.;xlo ef [243tui\0-2v. Why are the Democrats letting the GOP held a government shutdown gun to their heads? Democrats should ask for and get a satisfactory DACA deal before Friday or withhold their votes on government fundi
de Tuinsma (Los Angeles)
Now he's our very stable, non-racist, genius president. The self-described accolades keep piling up.
Djanga (Dallas, Tx)
This is like one of those brain-teasers where you have to identify the liar - oh wait, no it isn't. Dollars to doughnuts, the lovely gift to the United States from Vadimir Putin said what he's reported to have said, in to appeal to his so-called base.
robert (phoenix)
Denying that you are a racist is just like denying you have tiny hands. The only people who are compelled to deny they have tiny hands are those with tiny hands.
pjswfla (Florida)
"I a m not a racist." Just one more lie. What he is is the king of the 'I's" - immature, idiotic, insane, inept, infantile, ignorant, illiterate, inane, irresponsible - those come immediately to mind. There must be others.
pjswfla (Florida)
I forgot to add: imbecile
mja (LA, Calif)
Technically, calling him a racist is overlooking the fact that he is also a pathological liar, a corrupt traitor, a moron, and an arrogant, loudmouthed buffoon. So, yes, simply calling him a racist, while true,is inaccurate in that it does not present the entire picture.
NOLA GIRL (New Orleans)
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
In 1973 Trump was cited and fined for discriminating against blacks in his rental housing. In 1989 Trump published full page ads calling for the death penalty for 5 kids (1 black, 4 Hispanic) who were incorrectly convicted of the Central Park rape (and were later exonerated and paid tens of millions in restitution). In 2011 Trump was the Birther-in-Chief as regards the place of President Obama's birth (and kept lying until as recently as 2016 about that issue). In 2016 Trump openly insulted Muslims, Mexicans, a US judge, the family of Lt. Humayun Khan (who died protecting his troops in Iraq), immigrants in general, and others. In his short tenure in office, his administration has taken numerous actions that can be seen as racist. Is he a racist, you ask? What could possibly give you such an idea? Next, you will be asking: "Is the Pope Catholic?"
It’s what he does not what he says. He is after all the liar in chief.
Ed (Silicon Valley)
I guess he would rather have everyone think he's a racist than a traitor to his country. He will always have his deplorable base as a racist. But everyone, EVERYONE, hates a traitor. Nice try distracting. Still not working.
Blackmamba (Il)
Trump's claim to be "the least racist person" does not deny his color aka race bigotry. Instead it puts him on a "racist" scale that needs context, perspective and contrast to make an apt comparison. Compared to a Nazi, Klansmen, slave owner, Confederate, white American majority, Republican Party. Tea Party or white evangelical Christians?
kate (graham, nc)
Remember when Joe Wilson yelled "You Lie!" at Obama? Just saying...
CF (Massachusetts)
Thanks for bringing that up. I went back to review that dark episode in our politics, and was distressed by how much worse the Republicans have become. At least Joe Wilson apologized. I'm sure he wouldn't today. Much worse language and behavior get a routine pass from the Republicans today. Sad.
paul (White Plains, NY)
In the America of the Democrat party today, you are labeled a racist for speaking the truth. Politics and society have morphed into what the far left has previously detested; free speech and telling truth to liberal power are rejected as falsehoods simply because they do not fit the model of society that they themselves have created as acceptable. But Democrats will be called to account; they will eventually be forced to tell the American people why they openly welcome and advocate for illegal immigrants. And why they demand that the rest of us are forced to pay taxes that go to social services, welfare and emergency room care for people who are not even citizens. The truth is now an endangered species. Build the wall. Deport all illegal aliens. End chain migration now.
Jpkelly (Oregon)
Yeah, ok Trump, you're not a racist. And I suppose you would want us to believe that these two fine upstanding US senators are not liars ?
DbB (Sacramento)
"I'm not a racist." DJT "I'm not a crook." RMN.
Curtis Hinsley (Sedona, AZ)
Perdue is a chicken.
mja (LA, Calif)
Interesting how much of this non-racist's support comes from neo-Nazis, the KKK< and the Aryan Brotherhood.
Fam (Tx)
Nixon “ I am not a crook” Clinton “ I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Trump “ I am not a racist” or words to that effect Actions speak the TRUTH
Electroman70 (Houston, TX)
Because if you say your not a racist in front of everyone and your entire cabinet, it means you’re not a racist. However, if one of them had the courage to speak out he would be fired on the spot. Making a big show of things is exactly what all great tyrants do: Kim in North Korea with his parades, Stalin’s Soviet parades, Hitler’s mass and orderly speeches (with all soldiers perfectly in line), etc. The bigger the ego, the bigger the public proclamation and denial.
robert s (Marrakech)
Even his hair is a lie.
Susan (Reynolds County, Missouri)
The neo-Nazi's and the white supremacists believe he said it and, rather than disabusing them of that notion, he continues to be glad to have their support.
freelance (Cambridge, MA)
Let me guess, like Roy Moore's wife denying Moore is anti-semitic, he can say, "One of my attorney's is a black."
DecliningSociety (Baltimore)
What a sad thought that on MLK day in 2018, the NYT practices the exact opposite principal of MLKs dream, by weaponizing the term *racism* to smear a white President who was simply honest and critical of a non-white country.
RLW (Chicago)
The Art of the Deal comes out of the Playbook of Black Arts.
Eric (New York)
Famous presidential lies: "I am not a crook" (said the crook). "I am not a racist" (said the racist).
Paul Wortman (East Setauket, NY)
How do yoy define racism? Is it having a father who was a Ku Klux Klan member? Is it refusing to rent your apartments to African-Americans and being fined for it? Is it denigrating African-American professional football players? Is calling the African-American Gold Star widow a "liar'? Is it calling Hispanic immigrants "rapists" and then deporting them and their DACA children? Is it ignoring the plight of Hispanic-American citizens in Puerto Rico? There are awful worda, but these are terrible deeds. And they speak quite loudly and unmistakably. Racist.
E-Llo (Chicago)
The malignancy in the white house backed up by his cowardly racist toadys in the senate and house will pay for their sins come November. Trumpturd, anti-Americans all, with no morals or ethics, led by a spawn of the devil are a disgraceful product of humanity. with shrivelled up souls. They appeal to a base that displays the same qualities. These shitholes, to coin a phrase, from our liar-in-chief reside not overseas, but here in the republican party and administration.
Carol B. Russell (Shelter Island, NY)
The 'Trump Brand'.......has stuck to every Republican in Congress.....and... the 'stench' in this GOP Trumpian Swampland is overwhelmingly noxious.... so ....those in the GOP in DC....are going to stink to high heaven.....long before as well as after their demise.
Dr. Glenn King (Fulton, MD)
So the two senatorial prostitutes contradict their colleague while supporting the chronic liar and racist. Never mind senatorial courtesy; how about senatorial honesty?